Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space #GamingHourGlass EP 18: Web3 gaming’s leap: from play-to-earn to player-driven economies hosted by GameOnForge. In #GamingHourGlass EP 18, the discussion delved into the evolution of Web3 gaming, highlighting the transition towards player-centric economies and the rise of play-to-earn models. NFTs, DeFi, and blockchain technology are revolutionizing the way gamers interact with digital assets, fostering community engagement, and driving innovation. The integration of tokenization, cross-platform interoperability, and player-driven governance is reshaping the gaming landscape, offering new opportunities and incentives for players. As Web3 continues to influence gaming paradigms, the space remains dynamic, promising a future where players actively contribute to and benefit from the virtual economies they participate in.

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Total Listeners: 23


Q: How is Web3 transforming gaming economies?
A: Web3 is empowering players with ownership of in-game assets and financial incentives through play-to-earn models.

Q: What role do NFTs play in the gaming industry?
A: NFTs enable the creation of unique, tradable in-game assets, fostering new revenue streams for players and developers.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial in player-driven gaming economies?
A: Engaging the community ensures active participation, feedback, and a sense of ownership within gaming ecosystems.

Q: How does DeFi influence Web3 gaming?
A: DeFi provides mechanisms for decentralized finance, enabling financial transactions, rewards, and governance within gaming platforms.

Q: What benefits does cross-platform interoperability bring to Web3 games?
A: Interoperability allows players to use their assets across different games and platforms, increasing utility and value.

Q: How can players contribute to governance in player-driven gaming?
A: Players can participate in decision-making processes, propose changes, and vote on key aspects affecting the gaming ecosystem.

Q: What are the advantages of tokenization in the gaming industry?
A: Tokenization enables players to monetize their skills and time spent in games, creating a new paradigm of value and ownership within gaming.

Q: How does user-generated content enhance player experiences?
A: User-generated content fosters creativity, diversity, and personalized experiences, enriching the gaming environment.

Q: Why are player incentives important in Web3 gaming?
A: Providing incentives encourages player engagement, retention, and the growth of vibrant gaming communities.

Q: In what ways can blockchain technology benefit the gaming sector?
A: Blockchain enhances security, transparency, ownership rights, and trust in gaming transactions and asset management.


Time: 00:12:15
The Rise of Player-Driven Economies Exploring how players are shaping the economies of Web3 games through active participation and ownership.

Time: 00:22:45
NFT Integration in Gaming Understanding the impact of NFTs on creating scarcity and value in digital gaming assets.

Time: 00:34:28
DeFi Solutions for Gaming Platforms Discussing decentralized finance applications that revolutionize incentives and rewards in Web3 games.

Time: 00:45:02
Interoperability and Cross-Chain Assets Examining the benefits of cross-platform asset usage and seamless experiences for players.

Time: 00:56:10
Gaming Governance and Community Engagement Highlighting the importance of player involvement in governance decisions and community-driven initiatives.

Time: 01:07:30
Tokenization for Game Assets Exploring how tokenization is changing the way players perceive and monetize their gaming assets.

Time: 01:15:44
Player-Centric Design Principles Discussing the shift towards player-focused game design and experiences in Web3 gaming platforms.

Time: 01:25:19
Innovations in User-Generated Content Examining the role of user-generated content in enhancing player creativity and engagement.

Time: 01:35:55
Community Building and Incentives Understanding how communities drive growth and loyalty through incentives and shared experiences in Web3 gaming.

Time: 01:45:10
Blockchain Security for Gaming Assets Exploring the importance of blockchain technology in securing and validating in-game transactions and asset ownership.

Key Takeaways

  • Web3 gaming is transitioning towards player-centric economies.
  • Play-to-earn models are revolutionizing traditional gaming structures.
  • NFTs offer new avenues for ownership and value creation in games.
  • Community engagement is vital for the success of player-driven gaming economies.
  • Emerging technologies like blockchain are reshaping the gaming landscape.
  • In-game assets are becoming valuable digital assets through tokenization.
  • Decentralized finance (DeFi) plays a significant role in Web3 gaming ecosystems.
  • Cross-platform interoperability enhances player experiences in Web3 games.
  • User-generated content and governance are key aspects of player-driven gaming.
  • The shift towards tokenized gaming creates financial incentives for players.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Gathering

It. Hiking. I'm just waiting for Chad and some other members to come in. Fenshaw as well. Who else was supposed to come today? We've got Andy, we've got Leona, we got Abhishek from Meta. Metacraft and who else? We have got Genius, the spotlight ambassador, and Mike from Jerpy's just waiting for them to come in. Oh, Chad is here? I thought Chad always left. How do I give Chad cost invite to co-host? There you go. Hello. Hello, Chad. Hello. How's it going? Hello, bro. I am doing good. Just rolling from a few hours of sleep and a few more hours of hustling and building. That's amazing. Amazing. I haven't finished it yet, but I was reading the book 'Zero to One' by the PayPal founder guy and he was saying there's no such thing as work-life balance when you're in a startup.

Discussing Work-Life Balance

And I agree, that's actually something true that a lot of people are saying like, oh, you have to put your family first. You have to put this, to be honest, reality. You cannot put the family first. I know that. Everybody loves the family. Everybody loves a good ending story and a happy ending and Sunday kissing the dead man and all these things. And when you are doing a startup, that's not the case. You cannot put priorities and all these things. Yes, you can have a certain amount of time that you can allocate, prioritize things, but you cannot put everything fast. And you have to sacrifice something to gain something. Yeah, it's like you gotta push through and then, you know, also the reasons, you know, why do we do it? Why do we sleep less? Why do we, you know, why do we sleep less? Why do we overwork? Why are we changing directions every second? Why are we doing it? It's, you know, to, at the end goal, have success for our families.

Planning Personal Travel

Right, so it's. Yeah, that's why I. Yeah, no holidays. Buncho, how's it going? Doing good, doing good. How are you? Good, I'm doing all right. I'm planning a trip up to the north of England a bit next week, so I'm going to be heading to York, maybe Northampton a bit. I might even go up to Scotland. So, yeah, I'm looking forward to it, but all good. Is it for a special occasion? Not really. So I'm planning to move back to the UK at one point, but I've never been anywhere outside of London, which is quite ironic, considering. But I've been around the world quite a bit. I've been around many places, but in the UK, I've never really traveled anywhere, so I'm quite. I'm quite looking forward to it. I'm just gonna go around, have a look and see if there's a place to live outside of London with my family because London's a bit too hectic. So.

Exploring UK Travel Recommendations

Yeah, that's fair enough. I mean, there's so many beautiful places to see around the UK. Scotland's unbelievable. I'll definitely recommend that. Wales as well. Stunning. Some of the waterfalls that they've got there in the countryside, but also York from a historic perspective. My wife's always trying to get me to take her to York, but I just prefer it where it's warm. That's to be honest, I love abroad. I love the sunshine. What can I say? Yeah, yeah. Speaking about Rome, I love to be in a place where it's Rome and I can escape into a metaverse where I don't have to talk too much, you know, underwater. I love that. Yeah. I think another thing that's warm is definitely web three gaming is, I believe, started to warm up. And I'm interested to get into the topic today because I'm starting to see some signs. You know, the market. The markets, you know, I think it's locked and loaded.

Web Three Gaming Discussion

The trigger hasn't been pulled just yet, but it's looking good. It's looking good. Yeah, definitely. Web three gaming is actually cooking and all these things. I would say a lot of people will see Domino's happening, whatever it is. But the early days, like last week, were talking about whether it's Trump winning or Kamala, and now it's very sure. I had a meeting last week with where I suited some lawyers, and there seems like they are actually doing some infrastructure and some paperwork for legalizing certain things and the favor of maybe if Kamala wins still, it's gonna be bullish. I didn't say this. Kamala who? No, I'm joking. All right, let's get started later. Kamala Harris. I joined the spaces a little bit later, but are the introductions done, or can I still do mine? No, no. We are just picking up the first, waiting for everybody to start, and we haven't done any intros and all these things.

Introduction to the Ecosystem

Okay, I'll leave it up to you then. No worries. Before we start the whole thing, let me spill something out. Also, I brought up Genius up because I didn't know, not many people know that we had been doing something that behind the scene for ambassadors, and instead of growing us alone and giving ambassadors some money or some kind of token or some kind of rewards and all these things. But also there have to be something that ambassadors or the people, we need to push them, pull them up, and they need to be advocated for in the ecosystem. So from now on, what gaming forge, the gaming hourglass. What we will do is we will put one or two spots for spotlight ambassadors. That means, like, the projects who are coming here as well will have an opportunity to understand, okay, what loyal like these ambassadors are and what kind of benefits the projects also can gain from those ambassadors.

Open Discussion on Gaming Initiatives

So we have got Genius. So some of the ambassadors we will not have, like, huge following, but they have real friends who play games and all these things. And then we have got Emmy, two amazing members of gaming for champagne out of 27 members. And definitely thank you very much always, Fenshaw, Abhi and Issi Jared for hopping out. And we've got a new friend, which is from Jerpy's as well. So let's kick start. Chad, the floor is yours to start, bro. Cool, cool. Gerald, how's it going? GMT GM, Chad, GM Funsho, Jerpy's and everybody else on the stage and all the listeners as well. Everything's going well. It's a great market today and looking forward to. Up to. It is. It is, right. It's. It's up, and it's doing all right. Like, during the bear market, I was, like, a lot, like, doing a lot of farming, and now I'm getting impermanent loss in all of my positions.

Reflections on Market Conditions

So I think it's quite good science, I suppose, overall. So, yeah, looking good, looking good. Nice to hear your voice again. All right, let's jump in with the intros. Let's try and keep it quick and sweet as I think a lot of us have already been here before. Some new faces, though, but, yeah, let's do it. So let's start with you, Funcho. Go for it. Yeah. So, hi, I'm Funcho. I'm 42. I enjoy nice walks in the park, like it to be warm, and I'm currently married, got kids. So I'm looking forward to the show and just seeing if there's anyone out there that's willing to talk to me about web three gaming. Just try and make things a little bit more fun and more bullish. On a serious note, I'm the founder and CEO of Shootopia, and we're building a web three metaverse, and we've got mini games.

Excitement about Collaboration

We've got loads of fun things that we're working on some fantastic technologies with partners that we're working with, like Scale, Polygon, and many others. And I'm interested to see where we go with this conversation after last week. It was really interesting talking about Kamala who? And Trump and now talking about play to earn to player-driven economies. Great to see familiar faces and friends upon the stage. Zinthy, Chad, Jared and looking forward to getting into it. Let's go. Vamos. Nice. And then I believe we have Mike from Derpies. How's it going? Yeah, my name is actually Bob, but Mike was the one who requested the spaces. But I'm Bob. I'm the creator artist animator of Derpies, NFT. Derpy's NFT is an NFT collection building on Archway and will soon be live on Amber, the marketplace of Archway.

Exploration of Derpies NFT

Derpy's NFT is a collection that recognizes that crypto and web three can be super complicated sometimes. It started out as myself entering the space and feeling overwhelmed by all the terminology and stuff happening on crypto Twitter even. And Derpys is basically the NFT collection that recognizes that and wants to make web three super derping simple. We're doing that through educational content but also fun memes. We're actually working on animated series with special one one derpies. I have one for Trump but also Kamala Harris. I'll share them in the chat in a couple of minutes. So we're also going to make some funny little skits about stuff happening in crypto as well. And we're also working on a derp bot, an AI-driven derp bot that will help you in your journey through web three.

Discussing the Future of Derpies

We're also working on an actual derpy game. So that's why I was entering this spaces because we're super interested in what's possible and I'm really interested in to hear what you guys think. Sounds good. Sounds good. An Archway. That sounds really cool. Heard about them before, but, yeah, it's quite interesting. It's L1 blockchain. Looks really cool. Really cool. I'll look into that a bit later on, but, yeah, really cool. Thank you. Thank you, Bob. Wonderful, wonderful to meet you. Wonderful to have you and derpy. Sounds really cool. Accessibility and education is super. It's what we need and it's what's going to make us grow so brilliant. Lovely to. Lovely to. Lovely to speak to you.

Introducing Kokodi Game

Then we have. Is it Luana from Kokodi? Yes. How are you, everybody? Cinti. Thank you. Game on, forge. Oh, my God, look at this. Stock stage. I mean, super happy to be here, you know, interacting in the early morning of Miami. And I just going to explain a little bit of Kokodi. So we have like a little bit of intro. My name is Luana. I'm the CMO of Kokodi game. Kokodi is a third person fantasy extraction shooter. We are kind of had already this introduction into our extraction royale mode. It's kind of like a merging between battle royale and with strategic extraction gameplay.

Current Developments in Kokodi

Right now we are participating in beam. Our game is already in epic games. We're part of the Avalanche family. And we're super happy to be here. Super excited to go into this topic, which I think it's great to talk about. Play to earn and player-driven economies is something that I actually talk a lot in those spaces. So happy to be here. Thank you. Sorry, sorry, Chad, I don't want to break you, but I always have this question. Luana, is it your real name? Because your name actually is a very known comic and anime name. You know that, right? Yes, this is actually my real name. It's my mom's name, but I actually got it from her. So yes, it's my real name.

The Personal Connection to Names

Oh, nice. I will definitely send you the old 1960s anime comic link. You need to read the story and all these things. Oh, my God, please do. Loana. I've got the same problem. My name is Chad. It's my real name. And everyone says, oh, is it your real name? Is it your real name? And I'm like, yeah, it is, guys. All right, cool. It happens a lot. I think it's because of my PFP. A lot of people, you know, I had this PFP for, like, almost four years so far. Haven't changed since there. And a lot of people ask me if it's my real name, though, but I mean, it's fun. All right, cool.

Final Introductions and Discussions

And then we have Emmy. Emmy, are you there? Yo, Jim, everyone. Jim, Jim. Ex needs GM, JM gimmel force GM. James, GMGM chat and all the legends in the house. Cool, cool. How are you doing? Wonderful. Wonderful to have you here. And then we have Abhishek. Abhishek, how you doing? Hey, long time. It's almost two weeks. I have been again to the states. Good to see everyone and. Yeah. Loud and clear. Awesome. I think something wrong again with Chad, but good to see new faces, especially derpy of EFP and happy to discuss. And we have a very interesting topic. Play to earn and clear driven economics.

Anticipating Insights from Speakers

So looking ahead to hear from more insights from other speakers. Did we lose Abhi or Abhi stopped talking? Yeah, I stopped talking. Okay. Thank you very much, Abhi, for hopping on. And definitely it's Cynthia. I can't hear you. Sorry. I am actually, I guess. Yeah, I am actually speaking. Shut. No worries, bro. No worries. Okay. All right, cool. All right, so let's jump on. Cynthia. I can't hear you. I thought Cynthia was meant to take over this bit, but it's okay. Let's jump on. So, first, let's talk about play to earn economies. And let's. Let's dive. Let's dive straight in it. So we talked a lot about Trump, and we talked a lot about the play to earn economies and how player-driven economies can, you know, affect the gaming experience and all of these really cool, interesting things.

Introduction to Changes in the Gaming Economy

God, this has changed so much over the years. The amount of buzzwords that there are, play to earn, play to win, play to airdrop play and win like that, it's unreal. But look, the core concept of play to earn economies, from my perspective anyway, is players can basically earn tokens or in game assets or certain benefits, access early access through their in game activities, which can often be sold, traded states for something that's got real world value. That's kind of how I look at the core concept.

Incentives in Game Design

The game itself needs to incentivize play in. Bye. Basically providing rewards for completing tasks, whether it's winning battles or achieving milestones, or more recently, interacting with social media content and trying to create your own marketing team from your own community. Really good example, I suppose, that's well known, is axie Infinity, rewarding players with tokens for battling breeding creatures. It became huge over a Yde billion dollar market cap, and it was something that people could exchange for fiat currency or for other cryptocurrencies that are out there.

Sustainability in Play-to-Earn Economies

For me personally, for what we're doing, we wanted to ensure that we've got sustainability in the play to earn economy that we're creating. Because what I've seen a lot of people do wrong is they create it in a way where it's never going to last. And the people that get in early, yes, they can make money, but the reality is that there's no sustainable model and we wanted to make sure that we can add that level of sustainability with the in game items that we're providing. And the way that we're doing that, first and foremost with the tokenomics is nearly 40% of our entire supply is for rewards.

Community Ownership and Engagement

And we want the community to be one of the major stakeholders in the project and feel that the only way youre going to encourage that kind of interaction is to give away a serious piece of the pie. Then also its how you give that piece of the pie away. You cant just give out huge chunks if you do that. Yes, you can foster a lot of community engagement and grow your social numbers dramatically, but later down the line you're going to get hit hard when you start doing unlocks.

Internal Economics and Scarcity of Items

And I think that the way that we're looking at doing this with nfts in game is to provide a level of scarcity with these items and also make these items dynamic and upgradable. So we are currently working with scale network to provide gasless transaction fees, which again I think is very important to be able to offer so that people that are coming to play your game for the fun of it that know nothing about web three are not suddenly coming across some gas fee that they've got to pay and it's not something that they're used to when they're normal gamers.

Onboarding Players into Web 3 Gaming

If you're playing a game, Call of Duty, FIFA, whatever it may be, and then suddenly this transaction pops up that an item that you're only paying 99 pence for cents for has got some gas fee attached, that's actually worth more than that item that you're providing. You know, it's insane and I think that's where layer twos have been able to provide a massive fix because to try and onboard people that don't know web three to start interacting with it. If for example, your items on ETH, I think it's going to be challenging and it's extremely costly.

Creating Value in Ownership and Trading

So providing a free way that is super fast and you can then start to educate people. The power of web three, you know what having true ownership looks like, having that ability to trade these items, to gift them to friends, to put them on third party marketplaces and potentially make money out of these items, and that's where the scarcity is so important. If you've got a billion items or it's completely unlimited, I think trying to create an upwards trajectory on price point is going to be tricky.

Economic Models and User Engagement

Very, very popular games have been able to combat this by look at the likes of Fortnite with the skins that they offer. There's no scarcity in that skin. Anyone can buy it, but it's the amount of users that they've gotten. The popularity and the fact that it's season based gives you a limited timeframe to be able to purchase that item. But the problem is that you can't trade those items with friends without it putting you in a very dangerous position where you're starting to do PayPal deals or WhatsApp deals or telegram deals with people.

Blockchain Solutions for Game Economies

That's where blockchain fixes things. But if you're looking at trying to build an economy that can be strong for the future, I think it's very important to have a level of scarcity to what you're offering, to understand what your user base likes, what your current user base size is. So if you've not got a lot of players in your community and you put out a collection of nfts with 8888 items available, you might not sell that out. And that could have a direct impact on the future of the project.

Strategies for NFT Collections

Whereas if you've got a collection of only 444 nfts and your player base is much higher, you've got a much higher probability of selling it out. You've got a much higher probability of seeing a price increase because demand increases. And for us, this is a very important part of what we're working on for the future. Thank you, Fenshaw.

Community Interaction and Engagement

And I don't know I would be able to say it in a better way. Luana? Yeah, go ahead. After you have learned something. I mean, I think, you know, that he actually went through so many points. He gave like the whole scale of all these, you know, play to earn economies and how driven they are.

Web 2 vs Web 3 Gaming Economies

But I think, you know, specifically when it comes to web through gaming, you know, we have to create great economies. There are certain things in the blockchain technology that it allow us to bring those solutions that are not working in web two gaming, you know, as you know, and everyone here on the stage understand that when you participate in web two gaming, you don't own your performance, you don't own your wins, you don't own a anything of it. You know, all those assets that you are just paying for that company is not going to be entirely for you tomorrow.

The Problem of Ownership in Traditional Gaming

That game disappears. All that money goes to the, you know, it flushes. In this case, this is an asset that you own. So in my perspective, when we talk about, you know, driven economies that go into the play to earn or win to earn, where you have a performance that you have to do, which I feel it works much better. It allows a more safety environment where your economy is also going to be sustainable.

Building Safe Gaming Environments

If you are a game, whatever you are, if you're in mobile, if you're in PC, if you are in Mac, whatever it is, it allows you to have a healthy environment and safety from so many cases that happen not only in the web two ecosystem, but also in the web two ecosystem. I feel that we are the ones who are building the future of gaming in a certain way. And because we have this kind of like, you know, important role, it's important for us to bring this safe environments, you know, and bring games.

Creating Fun and Engaging Games

They are not only fun, but they're also driven and built in the right way for the health and safety of everyone in the community. And I. I think we have had a lot of experimentation already with Dex and Cex's and different type of things, even with nfts and tokens. And now we have seen a certain, I will say different environments when it comes to driven economies with nfts. Now you can have an NFT and turn it into a 404 MVl.

The Evolution of NFT Technology

So I'm saying like, we are going to see this evolution kind of like move forward, because the more this technology advances, the more we have better development groups where they, their concentration or focus is into developing these new solutions. We're going to find that same solutions for the problematic in gaming and when it comes to blockchain environments and how we need interoperability, 100%.

Blockchain Technology and Scalability

I think that, you know, avalanche is trying to build, for example, you know, a layer one network. We are seeing this type of narratives already, kind of like moving into like different ecosystems when it comes to the blockchain technology, trying to have environments, trying to make projects, being able to have a more safe environment and in being able to, you know, have scalability when it comes to fees, for me, Ethereum has certain aspects that they still need to bring certain solutions when it comes to the fees.

Cost-Effective Gaming Solutions

I don't think in web three gaming it will be kind of crazy to pay high fee to kind of like buy a gun or like you need to level up and you have to buy. It will be so costly, it needs to be more effective on that method. And I think that right now we have built so many layers that allow you to have this type of driven community. But that's why it's important, you know, as we have here, dear piece.

Creating Safe Environments for New Founders

And we have like so many ecosystems that are bringing education. We need to create business models for new founders so we have an environment that is safe also for them so they can have a good play to earn economies, they can build economies that are safe for everyone and they can build games that are fun. So I think that we have like a lot to put on into this topic.

Community Engagement and Innovation

Nicely, really nicely said on that side. Yeah. Like no one's going to be paying for guns, no one's going to be just like to like mint or to transfer or anything. It's, it's absurd. But yeah, I see. Sim for your hands up. Did I go for it? Yeah. Yeah. Do you hear me? I think you are having issues with me because Uncle Alan doesn't want you to hear I'm talking.

Communicating with Players in Gaming Ecosystems

I can't hear you. Simply I can hear you. Can you tell Chad to drop, join back? If he drop off and join back, I think he will be able to hear me. Yeah. So when it comes to players driven economy and all these things, I personally, when I look into these things, I look into more on the econ gamers and all these things because we see UTC UGC that we have, we happen to see on crypto, Twitter, like myself, I go to a game, do an investigation after two minutes and then ask Jet GPD, hey, can you write me a thread explaining this game in three sentence like I am ten years old?

Understanding the Consumer Base

And then what I do is I put it across the Twitter and all these things. But the traditional, again, the, at the end of the day, what we need is consumers and the consumers are gamers in gaming, in any gaming ecosystem. Consumers cannot be investors, consumers cannot be people who review and all these things, people who review are actually, at the end of the day, consumers who consume the product and do the reviews, not the other way around.

Rewarding Community Contributions

And personally, when I went, when the whole thing with play to earn, play and earn and all these things, at the end of the day, it's about rewarding the people who add in the value. But to keep on rewarding these people, what we need is we need to bring consumers, we need to bring gamers, we need to bring models into the ecosystem.

Building Stronger Communities in Gaming

For example, let's say myself, Fanshawe, Luana and Chad go and build in the metaverse. And then if we have only the people like legions who are like us coming and playing on the beta verse and building these things, we will never be able to pull off something like Minecraft. The reason Minecraft pull it off is they had modders, they had people like econ gamers who were building and creating the worlds within the ecosystem.

The Importance of Diverse Engagement

And those people actually brought in gamers to play along with them. And for us, that's why I say player driven economies. Like instead of me, for example, let's say Kokodi, for example, you guys are building a huge game. And then in the future, what happens is that econ gamer comes in and he don't have to ask from the founder of Kokodi.

Player Autonomy in Game Creation

Hey, can, young girl, for example, they don't have to ask from junko, hey, can I make this and this? No. Depends on how many followers you have in your community or your discord. He can drop an NFT, he can drop an s skin and all these things. And then of course, the percentage goes on to the platform itself. And the users will be able to see how many numbers of these kids are there and what are the walls that they are creating.

Traffic Generation and Ecosystem Growth

And players will not be engaging outside this world, but within the ecosystem of kokodi, which overall generates traffic, high quality traffic for Kokodi. So then the Kokodi founders will have a higher bargain chip when they are going to the ips and all these things. The similar thing I see, for example, when it comes to NFT collections, these NFT collections will be getting integrated into the gaming ecosystems and people will start recognizing these as brands and brands become ips and they will start leveraging those connections and other networks by that will be actually driven by the econ gamers and users in the ecosystem, vice versa.

Challenges in Communication

All right, I think I'm back. Can everyone hear me? I couldn't hear you earlier on. Sinfi. I can hear you. You hear me good, right? Perfect. Yes. Sorry, I missed. I missed most of that. But it's okay. I'm back. Wonderful things said from what I heard at the end.

Building Community Through Gaming

Yeah, and. Yeah. All right. Who else would like to jump on? I mean, maybe I have a question, because from our perspective, like, we started out as an NFT collection and the game that we're building, it's almost like utility for our NFT collection or additional utility for the collection. And it's not the only part of it, but it's a way to give back to the community as well.

Community-Centric Game Development

So we're trying to put in some storytelling in the game, but also allow holders of the NFT to earn by playing, and it rewards them for holding our nfTs. Right. So this is a way of giving back to the holders of the NFTs itself. So I think our target group isn't primarily gamers, but it also onboards people into web three gaming because it's a very low effort, very simple type of game, almost like a platform Mario type of game.

Onboarding New Users into Web 3

So maybe what my question is that maybe a good way to onboard new people into web three gaming from an NFT perspective? That's a really good question. And actually I'm going to talk about, I'm going to start the answer to this one at least the suggestion that I've had. So I've built many NFT communities or at least helped build them and support build them. And gaming is one of the main ways people do to onboard new users, give utilities for nfts and yes, it can really work.

Balancing Gaming Mechanics and NFT Integration

The only thing is the game has to be super accessible and it has to have the NFTs included inside. However, the balancing of the game with nfts is super difficult because nfts generally, they have a lot of rarities. They've got different utilities, they've got different traits, different things, and it's already hard to include them in the game practically. And then adding boosters on top of that and adding things on top of that is super hard.

Creating an Accessible Gaming Experience

So, but it's definitely good for gaining users. Over my experience of doing it though, I would just like really suggest one thing. One is to make the integration of the NFTs as simple as possible. So nothing, anything complicated, but anyone that joins won't understand. And secondly, just make it simple and fun to play. There are main suggestions with that, but it definitely works and it's definitely a good idea.

Community Interaction and Feedback

But Luana, I see your hands up, unless spaces is playing tricks on me, but I would like to jump on. Yes, I mean, you know, just based on their piece, you know, as an NFT community and kind of like integrating this new model of interaction with his community which, you know, it comes into the gaming. I think that's a great evolution for us in cocody.

Integrating Player Ownership and Interaction

You know, we kind of created this model of you. You will be able not only to own your own character and to level up your performance or you will be able to own your assets, but at the same time, you know, there's going to be a lot of interaction with your performance. I will say that for me, the model of play to earn can bring a lot of good things and can bring a lot of negative sides because it depends about what type of community you're looking into, really kind of onboard into your game or your project.

Engagement Strategies in Game Development

You really want to get the attention of those who want to be constantly rewarded or you want to have a community that interacts in the economic side but also loves to play your game. So I think that there's like certain things that you can add, you can have kind of like a gamma fight interaction with your community where there's not only rewarding for playing, but there's also rewarding from winning.

Incentives Beyond Monetary Rewards

There's also rewarding for interacting with, you know, your engagement, like your engagement is also rewarded. There is parts of it wherever I, you know, your participation with the community, for example, in governance is rewarded where there is like certain things that you can scale your community. And these rewards, they don't only have to be, you know, an economic side, they don't have to be a token, they don't have to be an NFT.

Sustainability and Community Fit

They can be part of like different models. So that way you don't fit your community into just this rewarding model where they think that everything goes related into earning money. You, you have to have certain type of sustainability. You know, that the part of sustaining your project where that people come not only because of that, they come because they feel the community has a fit.

Emotional Connection with Communities

They feel because the story of your environment really fits with them emotionally and that there is like a connection between you and your community. So I think that those economic models, you know, it's something that, for example, in web three gaming, there is a kind of like an inflection point moving towards models where player engagement, fun, you know, and economic empowerment are really starting to become more balanced.

The Transition to Balanced Models in Gaming

And that transition should be also for any other project that is participating with this type of enrollment, with driven communities into play to earn or win to earn or play to own or whatever you're actually trying to put into the narrative for your engagement. Really nicely said. I definitely agree. It can be very like a difficult, delicate subject and how to include the earning mechanisms within it.

Expanding Reward Mechanisms

And also like you said, the rewards don't have to be economical, right? It can be in the form of nfts. It can be in the form of, you know, social recognition. I don't know. For example, if someone votes in the last 100 proposals and they have like a 100 proposal streak, you know, maybe they can have a cool name on discord and as soon as they talk, I don't know, to answer back, you say, I don't know.

Encouraging Positive Community Interaction

You give him like a mister pronoun or something. Just funny, right? Fun. Or, you know, he's called I don't know, master. So you would call him, I don't know, master grape for example, or whatever I can think of. But yeah, like creating a culture around it that helps promote the actions and the activities that you want, I think is definitely a good way to do it.

Support and Agreement in the Community

Funcho, hands up. Go for it. Yeah. So I just wanted to highlight that everything that's been said I completely agree with. And the reward that's being offered to the gamer, to the user, to the investor, to the community member, it doesn't have to be sky high. We've seen what happens with that kind of model from previous cycles with multiple projects.

Value Beyond Monetary Compensation

But it is about trying to educate the user that there are benefits that come with being a community member. And those benefits can be something that is holding a real world value. Like you said earlier as well, Chad, it could be social recognition, it could be a particular OG status, it could be early access, it could be so many different things.

Utility and Community Value

But one thing that I will say, and I think that more and more projects are starting to identify this and it's part of the reason why we have n two Owl service, is I'm seeing so many NFT projects that have built these great communities that are die hard fans. They're holders, but then there's not much of a utility play afterwards and that's massively lacking in the space.

Identifying Community Gaps

I think there's a huge gap for that. And a lot of people think to themselves, well, where can I go next with what I'm offering? And I think gaming's the natural progression because nfts and gaming just go together so well.

Bringing NFTs to Life in Gaming

So for me, being able to have a game studio where we can offer the ability for any NFT project that has a community that has some form of mascot or, you know, PFP picture collection, that gaming utility to be able to bring that NFT character to life as a 3d playable character that can be part of a storyline, be part of a lore, be part of a whole game series, or be part of a mini game or a standalone game, it adds so much more ability to what can be done.

Impact of NFT Utility on Communities

That in turn is likely to have a positive impact on the community itself. Knowing that they've got this extra ability, it's also likely to have some effects on the price of the NFT itself. You're likely to see the floor price potentially rise.

Educating Gamers on Technology and Value

So I think it's very important for all of us as builders here to ensure that people understand what we're actually providing in terms of technology, but also that we're having a responsibility that it's sustainable and we're not just focused on look at the APY that we can offer here, but instead we're adding true value to the end user and we're doing it in a seamless way that's very easy for them to understand.

The Role of Builders in Gaming Evolution

We can all sit up here and talk about interoperability and talk about the future of gaming and web three and any topic that you want to. I'm sure we can all sort of bat it out of the park. But the reality is, Mister Gamer, this is what we're trying to do. We're trying to give you the ability to buy something in a game that you love, that you enjoy playing, and when you've bought it, rather than having the experience that you do now, where you don't really own what you've got, you can actually do things with this item.

Enhancing Ownership Experience

You can keep it forever and maybe the price goes up, you can trade it with one of your friends, you can gift it, or you can go on a third party marketplace and list it for a price to sell in the future. And I think that brings so much value to a user, but it's the way that's communicated and how they're educated, and that takes time.

Communication and User Experience

Every single one of us that are in this space, as builders, we understand how long we've been in the space and how long it took for us to truly understand the power of this technology, and more than that, how to interact with it safely, securely, which platforms to use, which marketplaces to go onto, which wallet is that we're going to use.

Addressing New User Challenges

That's where the complications come in, to try and onboard a brand new person into the space and why all of us, I think, are trying to work on taking care of that big amount of knowledge that needs to be condensed into the brain and having it displayed in a web two like experience that's super simple for them to consume and consume at their own rate when they're ready. Breadcrumbs, for me, is the way forward, rather than leaving the whole loaf of bread out there.

Final Thoughts on the Evolution of Gaming

Really? Yeah, really nicely said. It's trying to get what they already have and just adding huge value to it and that's what blockchain should do. I really like what you said, and I just want to add one thing before I give the mic to Cynthia.

Expanding Perspective on Rewards

I think it's really good what you said, where people don't need a lot of rewards, say, and yeah, like you said, I mean, it just has to better than what it is, right? And I do believe that there is one thing that kind of gets on my nerves a lot. It's. Well, I'm playing a blockchain game, so I expect to get some monetary gains in return.

Addressing Expectations in Blockchain Gaming

Right? And that's what a lot of people think that are outside the ecosystem. And even worse, those that are already in the ecosystem, those that are blockchain gamers, say, oh, why would I play that game if I don't have rewards? Right? So I really think once we get away from that kind of narrative, then we can start to see some really interesting things happening.

Challenges with NFT Expectations

But, yeah, this expectation is kind of insane. Or nfTs, like, you do a freeman and people are like, oh, what are the utilities? What does it do? What's the roadmap? What's this? And it's like, hey, guys, wait, it was for free, okay? Yes, but we're trying to build this. Let's build it together.

The Excitement and Reality of Building Together

Let's do something cool. But, you know, as soon as it's attached to the name NFT or it's attached to web free gaming, people kind of get, you know, they kind of have this false expectation which is, you know, everyone's gonna wag me and, you know, we're all gonna be in lambos in a few weeks time. And it's. It's a bit.

The Reality Check on Web 3 Gaming

It's a bit tiring, but, yeah, simply your hands up. Go for it. Thank you, man. Answering Daphne's question, are we doing it right? Yes, you are doing it right. Let me put it this way. We all know exe visit is really cool, something really cool when it comes to combining nfDs.

Advice for Future Gaming Projects

But I will actually give you guys an advice. You guys basically can. I will send you my wallet, send me 50% of your total supply. So before I start with it, that's a binding agreement, since it's a recorded space. Now, take into consideration, exe infinity, 400,000 nfTs.

Understanding Tokenomics in Gaming

Even each of those NFTs contain one token from their ecosystem, which is tokenomics that they have done. For example, if I'm doing an NFT collection, could be in the future, who knows? Anyway, what I will do is a free collection that I will get to. The free means is who will promise me or who will show me a result of bringing one more person into the ecosystem.

Creating Communities for Long-Term Engagement

So let's say a 10,000 collection, which will be a blue chip, basically blueprints. So you have a house, you need a blueprint to build a house and all these things. So these blueprints, you don't shill or you don't talk about the ecosystem and tell the people, okay, this is gonna be a blueprint NFT collection.

Incentivizing Community Growth

You are gonna be bringing one or two people into the ecosystem. No money, nothing. Free. NFD out of 10,000, 4000, I will drop it. Free people to the people who are going to be bringing one or two people to the ecosystem as support as this, as that. But they have to be a person who's going to be playing games because my main focus is to have gamers in the custom.

Integrating Gamers into Ecosystems

Now with this blue cheats or blue prints, I will start minting other gaming related nfts. That could be a gun, that could be machinery, that could be an asset, that could be an artillery, that could be anything. But that does not give superiority for one particular person who's holding these things over the other person who does not hold it.

Fairness in Competitive Dynamics

For example, I'm specifically talking about FPS games because there's no other game that I would play over an FPS game. So listen this carefully, therapies. Now what you do is you have an ecosystem now you decide how much token you want to allocate for rewards and each person who holds a blueprint will get a pool of rewards in their NFT.

Token Distribution and Value Extraction

But they don't own it and they don't have rights to take over these things. But depending on the users they are bringing into the ecosystem, who are buying the nfts that are being minted through this blueprint, they are the people who are, who would be able to extract value from this reward pool depending on how much value they add.

Ecosystem Support and Monetary Value

Either by supporting, either by providing quality value into the ecosystem, that could be traffic, either by consuming it, could be direct money into it. So a casino, one person lose, the other person wins, period. And now you have basically a supporting foundation for the game, whether you are building a game studio or a game publisher, or whether you are building one single holding game.


Thank you. Thank you for that advice. It's very valuable. I will send you the wallet. So you have a DM, bro. Derpies, I think, yeah. Really nice question and it's really good to have everyone on the space as well to give input as I think that a lot of people here have, you know, built communities, built games and. Yeah, some super ideas I think from everyone.

Good Luck and Future Prospects

And yeah, really good luck. I hope it goes well. And I'm going to check out the burpees. Yeah. So minting soon, right?

Upcoming Whitelists and Community Engagement

Yes. I always say sooner than soon, but if you, yeah, pay attention to our socials, next couple of weeks we're going to drop more alpha. So yeah, it's going to be very sooner than soon. Cool. Cool. All right, how do we get whitelists? I mean, you slide into the DM's, I can maybe hook you up. All right, sounds good. And what about people listening? How do people get the whitelist spots? Is it limited space or how does it happen? Yeah, so we have different kinds of whitelist spots. We have guaranteed spots that are very limited. But we also have first come, first serve whitelisted spots. There's more of that. So if people are interested, just slide a DM into my DM mail post or whatever and I can hook you up certainly with first come, first serve spots. And yeah, it's been overwhelming the love that we're getting from the community, from the people that have been with me on spaces.

Upcoming Events and NFT Discussion

I'm actually hosting a space in a couple of hours at 06:00 p.m. CET. So yeah, if you guys are interested, maybe you can hop on the next space. It's about, yeah, if people are still bullish on NFTs. So it's going to be quite interesting. Amazing. All right. Yeah, definitely sounds really good. And yeah, I want to keep a close look and definitely interested in those NFTs. I'll send you guys a message after. Really cool, Pancho, go for it. Yeah, I was just going to add as well, specifically for Abhishek as well. Ask your community. Ask them what it is that they would love to see in terms of what style of game, what features you'd like to see. Because one of the things that I can definitely attest to is we all come up with great ideas or what we think are great ideas and then you deliver it to your community and they give you so much great feedback. That's gold dust.

Feedback and Community Involvement

But then you've got to go off and make those changes and it really has a big impact on your future roadmap. So try your best to interact with them as much as possible. Share every single step along the way and ask for their involvement. We've made sure that's something that we do because I understand that more heads are better than one. There's always got to be someone that's driving the ship, that has got an idea of the vision and the direction that you're going in to. But ultimately, these are the people playing the game. These are the community. These are the heartbeat of what you're building and you want to get as much info from them as you can to understand what's going to work well for you and what isn't. Brilliant. Yes. Really really nicely said. It's all about community, knowing a community and.

Community as a Foundation

Yeah, that's. Yeah, really nice. I love these spaces because there are so many really cool people on and it's really good to get lots of input. Sinfi, do you want to go ahead? I'm not sure if you'll speak it or not. If I got rubbed again, I didn't. Want, but I think Fansha said something very important, that they're basically community and something I would love to see. Even in crypto Twitter, I always bang this from encrypted. We build something of our own that we like with five, six people. And then we say that web two companies are not building in public, but the reality is web two in these studios, they actually build on public in close communities in Discord, like not 100, 200 people, but they build in 10,000, 20,000 people. A few days ago, Chad, I was talking to you about these discord groups from indie game studios that we are talking about, for example, pirates of two s this gaming, for example, or even from the guys who are building Terra.

Building Together with the Community

These guys have crazy number of people in the Discord group given any time, like 50, 60 people jumping on the voice call and redoing the whole lore, the story and the background and all these things. And then they jump into the game mechanics and all these. So they build together. So fencing is what you said about to Darp is like asking the community what they like, what they want and they will be more engaging to that. There will be financial expect, there will be financial expectations and all these things. But they understand now, in addition to the financial aspect, they also have the other thing that they actually add the value by through carving the whole thing, the whole ecosystem. Fantastic. Yes, yes. Really nice. Really nicely said, guys.

User Feedback and Market Trends

And yeah. Luana Gopro, hands up. I think. Yes, I mean, I know we are on the hour, but I just wanted to bring up certain things that I think are important when it comes to like, you know, building this driven communities or just created them for our community and what, you know, what can be really good for our daily active users and really bring user acquisition into it. So I think that when it comes to this type of, you know, sites of the development, you know, great stories are rarely aimed to everyone, you know. So sometimes when you really, you know, try to create things for, you know, in a large scale, you sometimes don't get to appeal to everyone. And this is kind of like something that happens in marketing and something that I learned, you know, after I graduated and experienced marketing in different realms.

The Importance of Storytelling

But we have to come stronger with how we really want to build this economy and how are we telling the story of our project. I think it's important to focus on that because related to that is where you start building your player driven economies. Great stories don't appeal on the logic. They often appeal at our senses, how we sense things. And I think we have to feel that with how fast this environment grows daily. How many projects actually are built daily in mobile, in DX and CeX, in different ecosystems. How many blockchains, layers and things that are happening and developments that are going at site. And I think the community is constantly fed with so many narratives. We really have to straighten the way that we want to build our community.

Focusing on Active Users

Stop focusing on the large scale, focus in your active users, in your feedback, in your daily people. And then from that tiny audience will spread the story away and you will grow. So I think that this is the same with play to earn economies. This is the same with really building a driven economy that will create a healthy environment for your community and the growth of your project. And yes, I think there is a lot of points that people that are participating today in a gaming hour class they're going to take with as partake and really kind of like try to look forward into projects that have environments that are healthy for them and safe and definitely are built to have fun, which is what we want.

Creating Safe and Fun Environments

Exactly. Fun and also safe, fun show going on with the moderation. I really like that. Really like that. Indeed. All right. Cool. This is, this has been really, really, really cool. I really like these type of spaces as it's more natural, more rather than set in stone with things. And it's really good to have a really cool use case here as well. Derpies. Derpies. And I'm really looking forward to your mint. Now I'm gonna definitely join your community, have a look at it and yeah, see what's in. See what's in it. Really cool. If you ever need anything about gaming. Yeah, feel free to shoot out in the gaming hourglass chat.

Collaborative Support in Gaming

I'm sure there's many projects there willing to help build partner with and yeah. So looking really cool. I was kind. Of, I thought it was maybe gonna be a fly on the wall because I wasn't the guy with the most experience in this space, but actually turned out to be a super interesting space with a lot of support from you guys. So thank you and I'll see you in the dirt club. Bob, I will send you the link. There's a group, there are a few, you know, in game, in forge. We don't just do announcement to announcement or we partnered with this. It's much better for us to have this kind of chat and keep building together.

Building Relationships in the Community

For example, easy, fun show. And Joanna and Chad, these guys have been supporting us from the very first day. Started the whole space. So there are like 60 or 70 members in that group and they're very down to it. Most of the people are like founders, CEO's, or like decision makers who would be able to help out. And you can join the group if you like and you can show the project. Basically, you can tell them what you're building and they will always be able to help or do partnerships or basically invite you to the spaces and all these things to build upon these things. But majority of those projects are gaming related.

Conclusion and Future Prospects

No Dexs, no layer twos, no layer ones, no bitcoins. All right, all right. Is there anything that we would like to push on for more? Any other, any other topics we would like to cover or is it good? I mean, I think an hour is good. Like we've been doing like long, long ones all the time. I think so much was said here. I really think we can call it, call it a space. Chad, you're trying to get off early. I was just about to say something else now. I'm only joking. I'm only joking. On a serious note, though, one of the things that I don't think spoken about a lot, I'd love to just very quickly get people's input on is the buzzwords that are used in the space and how much of an impact they have on potential new people that are going to either play with your game, learn about the new tech, or become investors if you have a token or an NFT of its own.

Impact of Terminology in Gaming

So if I said to you, NFTs and I said to you, metaverse and I said to you, play to earn these things straight away could turn people off. I've just over the last, I don't know, probably year and a half, there are so many different phrases that have come out that I truly believe are having a negative impact. And I've seen multiple projects start to come away from using those words in the communication that they have on social media and even in their own communities. But I'd love to hear what people's thoughts are on that. I love to jump on this because this is something that I hate being. Not many people heard about what I was saying so friendship, you already know Chad, you know, Derpy's only doesn't know.

Traditional Gaming vs. New Concepts

Been personally building, involving building several games in web three since 2021. I hate the word when it says people say deep in or cloud gaming or this and that because traditional gamers, they don't get into these things or games because of the technology. If you go and ask from a traditional gamer, like for example from the speed listeners I see crypto is, I see areas who are totally new in crypto and all these things. Even if you ask them, hey, you are playing day and night, six fucking hours in PUBG, what's the, who is holding the server? Or if you are getting liked, who are you shouting at? Oh, it's fucking Craftson.

Understanding Gamer Motivation

No, it's Amazon. But they don't care whether the game is published or getting lagged because of the Amazon servers or if the game is built on Unity or Unreal Engine. They don't care. They care about games, they care about entertainment, they care about friends that they bring. Like for example in 2020. Remember my tweet that I was basically I had to delete when, okay, don't take me wrong, but Ubisoft for example, investing in the game, I will always ask Ubisoft, of k, of course, if you are spending 100,000 or 500,000 or million dollars, why are you not leveraging your network of users, network of streamers?

Investments and Game Engagement

Why are you unable to even bring one user to play the game? And then when somebody tells me, oh, there, the game is developed by Rift Games and all these things, are you onboarding people who had been genitals in react games or any other game studio which was big studio or for example the head council or the developer? Because I personally, since 2005, when I started the Sinister clan, I did not found the clan. I was lucky enough to start the clan. When you reached 500 people in your discord group, you would be able to participate in testing games in Gameloft functional. And we get games to test when we get stars in the wallet arms.

Game Testing and Community Building

So we are all hungry for the stars that we are getting. So we are testing the game and all these things. So daily we get hundreds and hundreds of games. Like it will be a live daily hundreds, but weekly hundreds and hundreds of game. And you can select with game. And the fun part is when you look at each game, the lead developer is being followed by a lot of monkeys because they are creating cults. Gamers are a group of cults. For example, if I say that I'm connected with several streamers and these streamers, for example, somebody asked them to come back to them.

The Cult of Gaming

They will. I can share with you guys a lot of screenshots. They will come back to me and say, hey, Zindi, what? What kind of monkeys are these? You are basically bringing them. And then they are sending me a DM asking them, let's celebrate, let's collaborate together. And all these things, because gamers are cult. If you are connected, the streamers and all these things like traditional streamers, the same thing. For example, abios, he has a huge following on TikTok and somebody sent him a message. He will definitely come and come to me and all these things. So they don't care about these buzzwords and metaverses and whether it's gamble by Ubisoft.

Gamers' Priorities

What they do is these guys who are playing PUBG, they play PUBG because of the unknown player play Unknown Guy, which is a huge guy, for example. And when Tencent took over the game and then later Tencent basically dumped it and then Krafton took over, did the players dump out? Yes, because the real founder of player unknown is not anywhere related to PUBG anymore. Because the people who had been playing the game, they were playing it because of him. And the same thing goes to the indie game studios and these big studios who are taking over indie games and publishing as their own titles.

Community Trust and Game Development

These games, they have hundreds and thousands of gamers who are ready to play. You may have, you might have heard about Steam, for example, random people publishing saying that, oh, without the marketing, this game had 50,000 people on a weekly, daily active users or 100,000 daily active users. How without marketing? Because they had been building together in a close group of discord. And all these things, they don't care about which technology with buzzword, whether it's Nvidia or whether it's this person, that person, they are collaborating. They care about the game, they care about their friends, they care about their connection, they care about showing off.

The Changing Landscape of Gaming

It doesn't matter how much money they had to spend into the game. So if anybody's telling me that it's a metaverse, it's this, it's uber soft, it's this, I will stick around or I will run away. Few days ago, I was reminding everybody about triple A games. I was so critical about triple A games and all these things. And what happened few days ago, triple A games collapsed. I, funny enough, I was talking to my brother the other day and, he's like, I think he's like one of the top 100 players of Fall guys. And I didn't even know he was a gamer.

Games and Hidden Talents

Like, it just really made me laugh. Anyway, let me go back to what I wanted to say to answer Pancho's question, what you were saying, and to bounce up on what you were saying, Cynthia. So we are actually. So I know you guys build on scale as well. Funcho and so I also work in, well, as a coo actually, of a hyper casual gaming studio. We build casual games for all sorts of projects. We also build the communities and things and we actually. So we've got enough time in our pipeline to build another game. So at the moment we're really trying to see, you know, what would be a fit and scale looks so cool.

Innovations in Game Development

So we definitely going towards those guys. But what we're going to do is we are going to do all the blockchain stuff pretty much on the backend. And we're not even. Well, we're not even really going to mention blockchain play to earn play and earn or play and own or any of these blockchain buzzwords. And yeah, we're going to see how it goes. And of course, we're still going to market it towards web three folks, and on that side. But we're really going to focus on the web two side. And I think that scale blockchain is really good for that as it's quite good in terms of pricing.

Future Strategies for Game Studios

So yeah, that's what we're going to. We're going to give a try and we're going to see. Yeah, we're just going to see how it goes. Now. That's brilliant. Sounds really good. And I think it's a smart choice for anyone that is thinking lots of microtransactions, lots of items and giving an experience to the gamer that they used to. It's just been enhanced even further with the capability with no worry about fees that are involved. To me, it's just a natural progression. This is the way gaming is going. This is how you're going to see microtransactions across the board.

Embracing Future Trends

Not just in gaming, literally in anything and everything you can imagine. I think that blockchain will have a part to play, but it will be invisible. You won't have to worry about it. Things will just work. And that's where the development side of it is slowly starting to progress to a point where the user interface and the user experience is becoming seamless. The more we can improve upon that, the better the outcome is going to be for adoption. I want to chime in on this as well. I always use the analogy of going to the supermarket and buying a big pack of toilet paper, right.

Streamlining User Experience

If I go to the store and I don't have toilet paper at home because I need it, right. I just go into the store, get the self scanner, get my XXL pack of toilet paper, go to the self scan area, just put it in pay with my phone through Apple Pay and walk out without even having interaction with someone. Compared to ten years ago, that's almost like the future. If you ask people about, is that difficult? Is that complicated? No, it's made their life super easy and super flawless. But the technology behind it, if you look into all the software, the protocols, the databases that it needs to, yeah, get that user experience, that's insane.

The Future of Web Three

Right. But as a user, you're not even in touch with all the different aspects of it. And I think that is what web three will become in the near future where end users aren't even aware of all the complicated stuff they've been interacting with. And yeah, that's why we should avoid using an over. Yeah, over flooding the space with all these complicated stuff. Right. Because in the future, it doesn't even matter. I think, I think users will just interact with the platform, interact with the things they want to use and. Yeah, that's our job as builders to make it just super simple and super flawless.

Creating Hype in Unfavorable Circumstances

It's like more like you are creating the hype in the middle of a vegetarian city while you are trying to open a meat shop and the investors are vegetarian, since that they ask you to create a hype and all these things, all this is going to be there. And then you basically put your shop here and you are basically forced to do the most expensive thing and the most expensive rental place, and then you are opening the up there. In the long run, what you are done is like all the investors, all the people who extracted the value from you, they are going to be leaving you alone in the middle of nowhere where you own. You won't be able to move even a finger. Neither your customers will be coming in real world.

Examples from the Furniture Industry

Example, take a look at, like, I forgot almost all of a sudden this furniture shop that you have in Europe. Furniture. What's the name of this spanish shop? Ikea. Ikea. They build outside the towns and all these things. Why did they build it? Because a customer who drives, who lives in a city, drives over by bronze, diesel or petrol, or whether he's traveling from a horse, he is traveling to that far. And even that person does not like something from Ikea. They are at least going to buy something, a burger, a hot dog in their restaurant that they have there. So they are not going to come out empty handed without spending a penny in the ecosystem that they were forced to come inside.

Community Projects and Revenue Generation

That's basically the basic of business. And if we are unable to build a business and keep on selling, oh, it's a community project. Nobody builds a community project. That's reality. If you are unable to generate revenue, you are not building anything. Actually, there used to be an Ikea right next to where I used to live in London. And they have a full english breakfast for two pound 30 and we used to drop there every, I think it was like every Friday, you know, when some people would be off work, we would just go there, have a breakfast and chat. But yeah, I know exactly what you mean.

Understanding Investor Interests

And to what did I want to add before you said the Ikea thing? Yeah. I think that there is a little difference on two things. One is investors want to see some buzzwords AI now user generated content they want to see back in the day was play and earn blockchain game nfts. You know, that they want to see these buzzwords. And I think that there is a difference between following the trends, right, as a business person, getting in the right place at the same time and just throwing out buzzwords, willy Lily, because you hope that's going to lock in some investment and changing your product every few quarters because you need to, you know, get these buzzwords in and you know, it's hard to find a good balance.

Navigating Market Dynamics

But yeah, sometimes it's, it is needed to change a little bit your, you know, your product or your narrative in order to attract, you know, VC investment or attract users. But attracting users you just need to stay humble to yourself in your project and, you know, really try and build and attract users and then get VC's on your project that way. Just changing and pivoting every five minutes for VC funding never really works out in real life. Yeah, go for it, Funcho.

The Importance of Product Development

Sorry, your hands up. No worries. No, I was just going to piggyback on what Zimfi said and what you said because they're both so important with your users. It's products that is all it is about is products. Product. Make the product amazing and users will come because your product's great. Market your product, but don't market your product with buzzwords because the buzzwords are for the investors, the people that are coming along that are investing into a project, buying a token, potentially buying an NFT, whatever it may be, that actually understand the tech today. They're your investors.

Strategies for Marketing Effectively

That's where the buzzwords come in. Like you were talking about earlier with VC's, etcetera. It's how you're positioning your brand on different platforms. Understand the platforms. What is X for? Who am I attracting on X? Who am I in front of? Am I using X for networking? Am I using it to promote my products? Am I using it to generate new interest of investors? You need to understand every single social platform that you plan to be on and understand where these people are going to come from, most likely on which platform and how you communicate your communication through those.

Identifying the Right Marketing Channels

So that's very important in terms of trying to get new gamers to play. Rise of Sharetopia our mobile game X is not the place where we're doing all of our marketing and advertising because the vast majority of gamers are not interacting here. That's the reality, okay? Whereas if you look at YouTube and TikTok and Twitch and places of that nature, that's where the gamers are at now. Those gamers don't want to hear about, well, AI maybe a little bit, but they don't want to hear about web three playing in and nfts. They just want to know that there's this cool game that they can go and download.

Connecting with Gamers and Engaging Them

They can play, they can play with friends, they can socialize and it's really cool. And then you look at X, this is the place, crypto, Twitter, that's what people call it. So yeah, that's where you talk about all the buzzwords and the crypto stuff. But I think where we're all lacking as an industry to see massive growth is users. So we need to make sure that we're coming together and that we all understand where we should be marketing, how we should be marketing to see that grow. And the more we see it grow, the more the industry grows because we've got more users.

Educating Users About Technology

The more users we've got, the more we can educate them about the technology that exists in the backend that can enhance their overall experience. And yes, some of that comes with incentives that have a monetary value. That's how I see it. Really nicely said, Pancho. And I just want to add one thing before, before you go along, Luana or sinfe, but I think the reason why it's like this, just my analysis is when crypto became crypto, blockchain became a thing and people were pumping tokens and there was money coming in.

Challenges Facing Game Developers

The games were made for investors and retail investors, right? And those happen to be also the gamers, right? These retail investors, however, that's all done, right? That's all finished. Like the people now that used to ape into a token just because it had gaming in it and because it had, I don't know, the word metaverse or the word play to earn or the word, I don't know, rewards or nfts inside. Like that's gone. That doesn't hype retail investors or VC's anymore. But now we're here. We're here to build a game drive revenue.

Transitioning Revenue Models in Gaming

And the revenue changes have completely switched. It's completely changed into what I would say is traditional gaming revenues in game purchases and other things, but with a token on top to really add value to the game or not, right? Or not. But yeah, the token can add value to the game. And I think it's getting to a really interesting point now where blockchain is here to add value and not just to take money from the retail investors. That's my two cent on it. Luana, do you want to go for it?

Building Bridges Between Web Three and Web Two

Okay, that's a really good point out there. And Fancho was also giving a lot of points that were really interesting and I wanted to drop some points. So basically, when it comes to the community in web three, and let's put web two and what environment should we really taking over? We talk about the community building here on Twitter, which is kind of like our user base is our daily active users come from this stream. Then you have your communities on discord, then you have your communities on Telegram, and then you start expanding.

Community Engagement Strategies

I think that there has been this intersection where most of the companies or projects or founders are really trying to reach both environments. They're trying to bridge the active users that participate in the ecosystem and blockchain that understand the tokenomics, that understand certain factors when it comes to the investing side. And this should be the focus. You should start building your community around these daily active users. These are your acquisition. Like your base should be really building the environment in this because this is what you have.

Adapting to Web Two Dynamics

This is your user, the one that it's easier onboarding. You should have that already set up. But at the same time, I believe it's important to kind of be very adaptable and start adapting your terminologies, your narrative, your story, into the web two ecosystem, not only by interacting with TikTok or interacting with Instagram reels, but also, you know, automating those ads. I mean, most of the game environment, for example, in my case are revolving into Quora, into Reddit, you know, really exploring the add factor of interacting with those communities.

Incorporating Community Feedback

Bring up this discussions, bring up some questions regarding tokenomics and how play to own, play to earn works in mobile and in PC and in so many different environments. I think that these are really going to take part from projects right now that have been building for like three years in web three. And right now they're releasing for q one, for example. Right? Different modes or maybe like different alphas. I don't know. We have to start exploring outside of what we have.

Importance of Marketing in Gaming

Yes, we should be nurturing what we have. Of course, we should be doing that in the other side. When it comes to just the amplification of your narrative with what is trending and all those stuff, really, nobody cares. That's the truth. Nobody cares about your narrative. You know, nobody cares about this. Like, you know, this words, you can come up with any word, nobody's going to care. I mean, if you were part of the twitchcom this year and you were able to see, nobody knew what web three gaming means, nobody understands what that means, you know, what is that?

Addressing Misunderstandings in Web Three

What do you do there? You know, is this like a different realm? Like what console is that? So what I'm trying to say is that as much as you want to focus in the narrative, as much as you want to educate, there's always going to be certain factors where a lot of people will not connect with it. So don't feel wrong about it. Focus on what you have, but amplify your reach. Amplify your reach in different options. Start building your campaigns, interacting with different sites of marketing, and grow your funnels so that way you're able to have a healthy stream.

Engaging Communities for Growth

And I think that's my word for today's build healthy communities, though. Build healthy streams, build that traffic, you know, in a healthy manner, with educational, with, you know, with frequent ask questions sheets where you can actually have those people really understand what's happening in the back end, because at the end, that's what makes us different. We connect with, you know, communities in a different term. Our founders are connected in discord. Our founders connect sometimes in telegram they chat with you.

The Role of Founders in Community Engagement

You know, a lot of founders are the ones who do the marketing. You know, for some projects, they are actually behind that Twitter, you know, connecting with you, asking, you know, responding those questions. Don't think it's an intern. Don't think it's an intern. Sometimes it's actually the founder so I'm just saying, literally, it's important that you understand that our interaction as founders, as projects, is really coming from us. And what we want is in everyone that is in the community right now and here into the space.

Building Relationships and Feedback

Give your feedback, connect with those communities, you know, help those communities to get reach out. You know, it's important, you know, at the end of the matter, the best thing that can happen to your company, to your project is having people talking about it in Twitter space. So, yeah, let's go 100%. 100%. Really nicely said. And I think that's really cool. Really cool words from you, Loana. And I agree. It's not the, it's not the intern.

Closing Thoughts and Future Conversations

Sometimes it's the founder. 100%. I'm sorry, I've got to jump off now. I really got to jump off. But Cynthia, I'll let you go for it and finish up. And it was a pleasure, guys. Brilliant. Likewise, man, you started stirring up a different conversation. We are basically now stuck with that conversation. Sometimes these kind of conversations I have to start when I don't have my shoe on. That means when there is no game, unfortunately, life. But, you know, the fun show, you know, Chad started this conversation and it went on rent.

Reflecting on Event Participation

And for example, I have a question from Luana and Fencho. Since Luana, you mentioned about Twitchcon and Twitchcon attendance. You basically spend $10,000 for attending and buying ticket and on going there for sure. The same thing with Gamescon. What we see is actually partners, solution providers, investors while we are trying to promote our games. And then take a look at the pin post, for example, and I will tell you, hey, instead of spending that money, why don't you spend $5,000 and I will find an ambassador who have a huge following on YouTube, who are basically following him for everywhere, wherever, whatever game he's playing.

Effective Marketing Budget Strategies

And the only thing you pay is $5,000. And then you get a representative and people playing the same game that you want to with 200 PCs installed and 50,000 probably, for example, 50,000 people, they will come, they will be playing your game for four or 5 hours. Just not like people passing by in Twitchcon or Gamescon, for example, in Germany, or even what we see in the GDC or any other platform, which option you bought will take Fonsho and Luana.

Integrating Various Marketing Approaches

I mean, I think that there's like a lot of things that go together that should be going together in your marketing package. It is not only about having a great content creator, that it's building his community, utilizing or leveraging from your game and so many other things. I think it's important as well to have that IRL touch. And I think it's important to disconnect from web three and connect with web two because this is the ground that we have to be taking over. This is why we are really trying to connect with them so we can get certain type of different partnerships that will bring that ritual into web three.

Bridging the Gap Between Communities

We are the ones who connect those worlds as projects. We kind of have that, let's put it, you have this work on the backend that you have to really put effort on. And that's why it's important to, for blockchains that are supporting projects, to really support them with all these different factors that will support them as well. In the end. I mean, it will help them to grow as blockchains and probably bring new partners. But I think that there is an important factor.

Building Partnerships for Success

You should be having a gaming guild participating with you. You should have, you know, a creator that participates on those game nights, on those tournaments that host the spaces with you. You should be having ads, you should be interacting IRL not only in crypto events, you should be interacting in web two events. Those type of factors are going to cost you money. And for that's why it's important to know who you're partnered with and how to make your project sustainable.

Sustainability in Project Development

Because at the end, if you really are trying to bring a different IP or you're trying to build an IP, that is going to be like, you know, incredible. Let's put an example like pudgy Penguin. You really have to explore certain aspects of marketing that will allow you to reach certain points for you to have contracts with partners in web two. This is what we need. A lot of people complains about, oh, retail is not here, the environment, market conditions and blah, blah.

Addressing Market Concerns

Everything is affecting wah, wah. And it's all a crying, you know, it's a drama and whatever. But we have to get out of this. We have to get out of the crying factor and go into the work factor in sense of start connecting out of this realm and move forward into connecting with everybody out there who doesn't understand, like, you know, kind of like do your deeds, you know, you kind of have to move out of the crypto, Twitter and set up your project, impeach it with other studios in web two.

Fostering Understanding of Web Three

Connect with them, you know, so they can understand what web three is. And we stop having these people. There are like talking so many bad things about web three, you know, out there, you know, that makes no sense. You know, we're not in 2018. We are in 2024. There's a lot of development that has already happened. Most of the countries in the world understand bitcoin, understand ethereum. They use bitcoin like Luke, El Salvador, Luke, Argentina, look, Peru, look, Venezuela, look like asian markets.

The Global Reach of Cryptocurrency

Everyone interacts with crypto. Crypto has been able to support a lot of families. And this is what we are building for. You know, if we are thinking in the big scale and we're trying to have that helicopter view, you have to share what you're building in web three and put it out there. So I think that in the environment of marketing, we should be focusing in amplifying our factors, connect with partners, make those roundtables important for you, because these are going to help you to really bring that message up and build a game that you want or the project that you really want.

Conclusive Remarks

So, yeah, I think that will be all. That's my point. Yeah, I think just to add on to that, and I love what Luana has just said there, I'll try my best to keep it short. It's every single one of us that's building a project has a budget. That budget needs to be allocated to a number of different areas. It's no different to any other business, okay? You've got marketing expenses, you've got your team, you've got development.

Effective Budget Allocation

There are so many different things that you have to think about. You need to think about Runway, you have to think about new products that you're putting out, market making exchanges. You name it's on that list. So what Xinthy said, I can relate to the fact that if I've got a choice and a budget that I can spend on marketing to get myself new users or get myself additional reach, it's a no brainer to go with the option that gives me the best value for money.

Learning from Established Brands

However, I also understand where Luana is coming from, because there are lots of different routes that you can go down for marketing. Look at Coca Cola, okay? Every single Christmas holiday is coming. That big van, everyone knows it. So iconic. Do they need to run that ad? No. How well known is Coca Cola? Everybody knows it. But they've run these ads for a reason. It's brand awareness, there's subliminal advertising.

Navigating Marketing Routes

There are so many different routes that you have to go down. And I love what Luana said about that IRL side, because that's exactly how I see it. If we're in this industry, and we're producing games. We need to be where all the games are and doing whatever they're doing, because that is a tried and tested model that works and it works well and it draws in huge amounts of gamers. What we then need to do when we've got that part of it, right?

Educating Gamers on New Technologies

Yes, of course. Let's educate everyone about the great technology that's here and try to onboard new people into it and to support it. But from a user perspective, what you want to do is, from my opinion anyway, you want to just have all of this amazing stuff through the backdoor. So bring them in web two, the way that they do it. Okay? Go and turn up to these events. Go and speak on stage. Go and connect with everyone that you possibly can and spread the word of the great game that you've created.

User Experience in Gaming

But the more people start delving in, it's no different to crypto. Every single one of us has got a story we can tell about how we got involved in crypto. What was it? Was it bitcoin? Was it Solana? Was it XRP? Was it nfts? What was it that brought you in? But now think about how much further you are down the rabbit hole, how much you understand about the different technologies that exist, the ecosystems, everything that's being disrupted.

Understanding the Gamer's Journey

What you think the future is going to look like in comparison to day one when you first found out and had an interest in crypto, or bitcoin or web three or blockchain or whatever it may be. We need to also think about that journey for the user as Mister Gamer. Mister Gamer walks in, let's open the door and introduce them, but not overwhelm them, not make it too complicated. And I think that you'll see a far better onboarding experience for people to come over and understand more about this technology.

Final Thoughts

On that note, I do need to jump, but I really appreciate it. It's fantastic to come up here and speak, as always. And great to see all of the familiar faces up on stage. Thank you. Zenthesat. Thank you. Game on, forge. And looking forward to the next one. And hey, Luke, I see you down there. Hey, Luke. Luana Finch. Definitely was a pleasure. Yeah.

Looking Forward

Chad, stir up a new conversation in from the conversation that we are having. Definitely we need touch on this conversation for next week. I'm actually on my next call listening to you guys for last 510 minutes. And anyway, thank you very much, Loana. And we'll definitely invite you guys for the next week. Derpis. I think we have space with you guys. In 30 minutes or so to see you. Look, Baye, King, Richie, trust Emmy's, Emmy commanders.

Gratitude and Farewell

It's definitely, thank you guys for joining in, as usual. Always. And have a good day, guys. See you soon. Bye, everybody. Bye.

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