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Behind The Mic

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Gaming HourGlass EP 6 – Empowering User – Generated Content in Gaming: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities

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Space Summary

This space delved into the realm of user-generated content in marketing strategies, emphasizing the significance of NFT communities, influencer collaborations, and product quality. Discussions revolved around leveraging user-generated content to build communities, attract larger audiences, and drive user retention. Insights focused on the interplay between user engagement, influencer partnerships, and product excellence in successful marketing campaigns. Overall, the space highlighted the importance of strategic content creation, community engagement, and influencer relationships in the marketing landscape.


Q: How can user-generated content benefit marketers?
A: User-generated content can be a powerful tool for marketers, driving authenticity, engagement, and community building.

Q: What role do NFT communities play in content distribution?
A: NFT communities can assist in distributing content, fostering engagement, and building communities around shared interests.

Q: How does user-generated content contribute to community building and retention?
A: User-generated content helps in building communities by encouraging participation, sharing experiences, and fostering a sense of belonging.

Q: Why is working with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and amplifiers important in marketing?
A: Collaborating with KOLs and amplifiers can amplify brand reach, credibility, and influence on target audiences.

Q: Why is the quality of the product crucial for success?
A: Product quality is essential as it determines customer satisfaction, brand reputation, and long-term success in the market.

Q: How can influencers impact the success of a product?
A: Influencers can significantly impact a product’s success by increasing brand visibility, credibility, and influencing consumer behavior.

Q: What factors should be considered when selecting influencers for collaborations?
A: Factors such as audience relevance, engagement metrics, authenticity, and brand alignment are critical when choosing influencers for collaborations.

Q: What are the benefits of building hype around a product through influencers?
A: Building hype through influencers can create buzz, drive product awareness, attract new audiences, and generate excitement for the brand.

Q: How can community engagement and content creation drive long-term success?
A: Engaging with the community and creating valuable content fosters brand loyalty, strengthens relationships, and sustains long-term success.


Time: 00:10:49
Social Media Engagement Emphasis, Emphasizing the importance of social media engagement.

Time: 00:21:29
Introduction of Head of Community at KZNA, Introduction of the head of community at KZNA and future plans for outbound spaces.

Time: 00:31:43
Discussion on User-Generated Content (UGC) Consistency, Exploring user-generated content (UGC) and its recent consistency as a narrative.

Time: 00:47:12
Impact of UGC on Community Building, Exploring the impact of UGC on community building and marketing.

Time: 00:59:11
UGC Contribution to Community and Marketing, Insights into how UGC helps build both community and marketing for projects.

Time: 01:06:01
Double-Edged Nature of Content Creators, Exploration of the double-edged sword nature of content creators.

Time: 01:29:09
Selecting KOLs and Content Creators for Acquisition, Discussion on selecting the right KOLs and content creators for user acquisition.

Time: 01:49:11
Importance of Step-by-Step Plan for UGC Integration, Importance of having a step-by-step plan for integrating UGC.

Time: 01:57:25
Influencers’ Responsibility in Creating Authentic Content, The need for influencers to create responsible and authentic content.

Time: 02:00:01
Final Thoughts and Emphasis on Relationship Building, Final thoughts and wrap-up, emphasizing relationship building and future engagements.

Key Takeaways

  • User-generated content is a potent tool for marketers.
  • NFT communities can assist in content distribution and community building.
  • Community building around user-generated content enhances user retention.
  • Collaborating with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and amplifiers aids in project promotion.
  • Product quality is vital for success regardless of influencer involvement.
  • User involvement and feedback significantly impact product success.
  • Choosing the right influencers is crucial for effective marketing strategies.
  • Generating hype around a product through influencers attracts a wider audience.
  • Engaging with the community and creating valuable content leads to long-term success.
  • A solid product forms the foundation for successful marketing and promotion efforts.

Behind the Mic

“Welcome everybody.”, “Thanks for joining us on the partner call this afternoon.”, “I don’t know if we’re going to have other partners join in or not, but it’s a day after Labor Day here in the U.S.”, “So, having said that, let’s get moving.”, “I’ll pass it to you Kwasi, for a bit of an introduction, then we’ll let Stephen do a bit of an introduction, and then we’ll get rolling.”, “Fantastic.”, “Well guys, thanks for this.”, “Great to be on this call with you.”, “Yeah.”, “So, for those of you who I’ve yet to meet, my name is Kwasi Asare. I’m a co-founder and CEO of Feharmi with Stephen.”, “Stephen and I have been working on this product for now, what is nearing four years.”, “And yeah, it’s been an extremely exciting journey thus far.”, “Prior to this, I worked with marketing at Walt Disney, Sony and NBC Universal for more than ten years.”, “I was at Showtime Networks before that.”, “Yeah, we’re really excited to have this conversation with you all, and really, really, really excited to be working with Kevin on this product.”, “Yeah. So, Stephen, do you want to just give them a bit of a background?”, “Sure. Fantastic.”, “I’m trying to start video.”, “It’s asking for access to my camera.”, “For some reason, it’s not working.”, “So, I’ll go without it.”, “Can everyone hear me okay?”, “Great. Fantastic.”, “So just looking over, I see some familiar faces.”, “Kwasi and I started this journey years ago.”, “We decided that there was a significant problem we needed to solve.”, “Kwasi comes from marketing and doing customer retention work, and we both agreed that pre-empting customer challenges and making customer journeys journey more seamless was something that was critical.”, “We partnered on this to solve this particular problem four years ago.”, “We started building a technology that could facilitate customer engagement without the customer having to download an additional app.”, “We understand that adding additional apps to your phone can be cumbersome.”, “Particularly in mobile-first markets.”, “What we built is an SDK that could sit inside mobile apps and mimic entire experiences on top of it.”, “In the instance of Feharmi, think about when you have to call in, as a customer service agent, talk to someone from your airline, telco, bank or credit card company and you’re having issues with your product or service, instead of you having to call in or speak with someone that doesn’t necessarily have all the information on hand.”, “What we are building is an experience where that particular platform already has context of what your needs are and can switch seamlessly through conversations inside that particular channel without human intervention.”, “It allows for a more frictionless additive process thus decreasing churn.”, “That’s what we’re looking to do, that’s the high level of our product Kwasi and I have been working on.”, “Very excited to be joined today by Kevin.”, “Kevin needs no introduction.”, “Who has an extremely well-documented response in everything from investments to just name it.”, “I also see on this call, and I’m sure a couple more people will join in, that together with Stephen and Kwasi, we’re going to talk about what we’ve built and how we think this particular tool can be very useful in developing customer journeys for large enterprises.”, “Excellent.”, “Thanks so much, Stephen, and Kwasi for that, and providing an overview.”, “I mean, customer retention, customer experiences, is so monumental in today’s time.”, “Competition is fierce.”, “Customers have options.”, “One bad experience and typically, you may never get them back.”, “There’s a plethora of options to choose from.”, “Building good customer experiences that feel organic and get the answers they need without the hassle of jumping through hoops is monumental in terms of having customer retention.”, “Hopefully, we’ll be able to show folks some of the specific tenets that you’re building into the solution that will make that much easier for them.”, “For you guys that are also on the call, I know a number of you in here, you’ve worked with us on a number of different initiatives.”, “We’re extremely excited.”, “We are actually speaking to variety of enterprise clients.”, “We all have similar challenges.”, “Journey mapping, understanding what goes right, what goes wrong, how can we pre-empt things, how can we truly get you to usage and adoption as fast and as frictionless as possible.”, “That’s the solution that Kwasi and Stephen have been working on.”, “Great Stephen, can you maybe highlight some of the use cases you’re seeing, how you’re solving them, and then kind of like what the end journey is, right?”, “What is the impact on the client that they’re working with when they invest and bring your solution in?”, “Absolutely.”, “I’d be happy to.”, “So, starting off right at the top, when Kwasi and I first started working together, one of the first things that we noticed was that a lot of customer engagement specifically for telecos and airlines, these journeys were fragmented and customers had to jump through a lot of hoops.”, “And every time we speak to a particular enterprise client, those challenges always come through.”, “It always came through in the narrative that they were happy to be working with us because it was something they noticed was a major pain point.”, “So, starting with telecos, starting with large digital service providers, we started to see how they could use our solution to plug in, for example, customer engagement journeys.”, “Let’s start with something really basic here.”, “So for example, customer on-boarding, customer KYC.”, “KYC can be very, very tedious.”, “Customers often have to go into brick and mortar stores, line up, show their passport, show all these different things, get photocopies, get sign-ups, do all of these things relatively quickly.”, “However, the one thing that stood out to us was how do we formalize this without having to have that problem?”, “So we came up with some form of revolutionary aspect to it.”, “What we’ve been able to do is ensure that the telco or the bank can automatically record the customer KYC.”, “What this means is that the customer doesn’t have to go into a store.”, “They don’t have to worry.”, “We recognize their faces through some form of facial recognition and we can grab all the details that we need to plug into the KYC process.”, “That therefore allows the customer to have a seamless and faster journey.”, “They can activate their SIM cards, open bank accounts, get the new services, enrich those services.”, “And then we started looking into how do they facilitate customer engagement after activating the services.”, “Previously, a lot of customer engagement in digital service providers usually went through issues of post-sales, a lot of post-sales support.”, “So for example, they would get phone calls, customer call centers would be flooded, customer reps would never be able to respond to all the questions that people had and then this led to a significant amount of churn.”, “So, we decided to help them solve that particular problem.”, “One of the ways we helped them solve it was by helping them build communities.”, “We introduced the MVP community approach whereby customers who were invoked in terms of engaging on a particular basis with the telcos or with the digital service providers, they were able to get direct accesses to a lot of these agents who were directly involved in problem solving.”, “That means the customer didn’t have to wait.”, “They could then engage publicly via WhatsApp group or through other digital mediums and get responses directly and they could solve their problems.”, “So, one of the things that we’ve been very successful at is decreasing churn at the beginning and post-sales and ensuring customers experience a delightening journey.”, “And we’ve done that time over again and we’re looking to continue to do that.”, “Some of the clients I can’t mention right now, but we can speak to some American banks that we are in our pipeline soon to be announced.”, “Very large telecos across West Africa.”, “And yeah, I’m extremely excited about that.”, “What we’re seeing is the initial onboarding is always the biggest pain point but as you continue to engage the customer through the period, one month period or three months or two month period, solving their tickets and doing it at the speed at which the customer expects it to be solved has helped us decrease churn and build stronger retention.”, “Fantastic.”, “Thanks so much for that Stephen.”, “We do have a couple more folks joining in.”, “So, Ashwin, are you ready to speak?”, “I know you have presented metric ton reports and metrics ton regarding how this has impacted the entire region globally as well, right? “, “Yes, thanks, Kevin.”, “Also, thanks Stephen and Kwasi for joining in today.”, “When Stephen and I spoke earlier, we touched base on how particularly the entire African and emerging markets are cognitive of primitive manual driven processes.”, “One of the reason because there’s lack of automation in their tech landscape.”, “And to increase the ability for the customers to engage with their end users needs more seamless, easier tools that can come into play and bridge gaps.”, “Of course, Kwasi and Stephen touch-based in particular on communities, and also focused particularly on places where the Infrastructure Investments are not necessary.”, “So a solution like Thingami becomes more relevant.”, “We’re looking to partner on a couple of initiatives in West Africa and Africa.”, “And of course Kwasi and Stephen mentioned, we have large partnerships going on. Media houses, digital service providers, telecos.”, “You can imagine how the process of onboarding and customer retention, how critical that is.”, “One of the hardest is how they will remain competitive and continue to innovate.”, “For example, to give you a quick onboard, Nigeria, Africa, one of the largest teleco markets, emerged from a 51% growth to 70% penetration.”, “And okay, so innovation has to come into play to decrease churn.”, “To deepen the ability for these people to get more customers through the onboard service.”, “Now, back to Stephen mentioned earlier, this process is very intensive.”, “So you have to do face-to-face KYC.”, “Some of these folks might have to wait for weeks to get KYC validated, increasing the efficiency of the process.”, “And at Feharmi we are looking to partner on an initiative whereby all this process is handled by APIs, AI algorithms and of course the content created and channels engaging these users, ensuring they get onboarded swiftly and efficiently.”, “Fantastic, Ashwin.”, “So for you, working with Stephen and Kwasi on something like Feharmi, how critical do you think the ease of processing will be?”, “And what do you think the penetration—I mean the ease of processing—in terms of the traditional processes of face-to-face customer onboarding?”, “So, basically speaking, being able to do that at speed and improve the adoption rate within the African and Asia-centric regions?”, “Yeah, thanks for that Kevin for bringing that up.”, “Stephen made a point about streamlining the process.”, “Doing face-to-face KYC streamlines the process notably, increased adoption rates.”, “We have a couple of metrics. Adoption rates have gone up 23%.”, “With particular products, we’ve seen collaboration, engagement go up by 58%.”, “And of course a lot of initiatives underway to make things easier and faster.”, “Fantastic.”, “Great Stephen, thanks for that as well.”, “I think there are going to be a couple more folks that will hop on as well after their day activities.”, “But critical to touch-base and understand what this is.”, “And I think we’ll be able to showcase sample product marketing strategies, customer retention Improved experience journeys.”, “People can take back and use all of these as roles of productivity especially when it pertains to larger markets with primitive digital landscapes where they do face-to-face and manual processes.”, “They have to increase speed and automate the process.”, “So what you’re speaking about Stephen having built real-time journeys The ability for customers not to wait for weeks to get onboarded and activated.”, “60% growth is significant.”, “That’s something…”, “Yeah, no absolutely Kevin. We discovered that there’s a massive gap right now in terms of how to quickly digitize.”, “It has never been more evident up until recent times.”, “So we’re trying to make things more immersive and getting customers to use product and engage with the product.”, “What we’re seeing and clients have shown us and I’ll be happy to share.”, “For example, large clients in East Africa, digital service providers, customers leveraging our technology speaking to the ability to automate everything, have reduced user churn by 7%.”, “The key metric which I find particularly interesting is customer retention rate increased by 45%.”, “The funny thing is customer challenges haven’t necessarily decreased.”, “What has actually decreased now is speed response time.”, “With digital channels, people are focused on solving problems.”, “Channels like WhatsApp groups tools are increasing productivity and making things happen.”, “What seems to me as an amazing opportunity now is expanding this across the board.”, “Getting to full AI automation.”, “Without a call center, without a product impacting customer and customers’ futures.”, “That’s something we are looking forward to and I’m extremely excited about.”, “Thanks for that, you touched base on the particular pain point about automation which is a real focus as well.”, “For local partners on the call as well, being able to digitize is one thing.”, “How do we build processes?”, “More local partners should share their views on it.”, “What I will say, and maybe these partners can take it from here.”, “Ghana has come on board significantly.”, “Large digital service providers and tech startups are taking advantage.”, “We have one of our partners, Kwame, on the call.”, “Hi Kwame, I’m not sure if you’re ready, But if so.”, “Hi. Thank you for the introduction and the insights guys.”, “I co-founded a growth strategy company where we are working with diverse partners in specific sectors Oil, telecoms, media, tech.”, “Our initiatives increased mobile penetration of 60% year on year.”, “Apart from focusing on face-to-face engagement influencing customer onboarding retention, AI products have integrated nicely.”, “We’ve had successes in Ghana and looking to expand to Nigeria, West Africa, featuring AI integration and enabling conversations without human interaction.”, “What is exciting now is the ecosystem gets into higher notch.”, “Digit-geared solutions have taken us up another 45%.”, “People coming in, using AI, digital wallets, chosen the next level.”, “Thank you again. And it’s bridging not just Africa, but the world.”, “Fantastic.”, “I wanted to touch base on exemplification in terms of impact, Kwasi and Stephen metric noted, primarily with local partners, adaptive tech strategies about retention, onboarding increased digital portals.”, “Now customers traditionally come in with tech knowledge gaps quickly addressed.”, “What Stephen earlier highlighted about how particular channels integrate technology solving efficiency and ease.”, “Pretty pleased to share examples whether you Kwasi or local partners share user growth enhancement?”, “Absolutely, Kevin.”, “As our colleague just shared about digital integration, the way partners’ strategies leverage tech into local markets is substantial.”, “Retention stories particularly where customers, through new channels increased exponential because digital channels have democratized accessibility.”, “For example onboarding AI process decreasing churn, friction has gone by 35%.”, “Particularly financial services segments, increased, banking users direct seamlessly through API layers.”, “Kwame’s team increased banking onboarding rate 45% year on year.”, “Reducing manual processes tremendously, saving time enhancing user experience.”, “Comprehensive customer engagement vital financial landscape, substantial growth, leads cultivating vast tech advancements emerging markets.”, “Simplifying tech integration frameworks most critical detail sustainably scaling.”, “Phenomenal Kwasi! Touching Stephen’s metric earlier onboarding through APIs AI technology especially where hurdles circumvented manually.”, “Immensely impactful, I think for partners seeing effects particularly Africa enhancements, amazing opportunities ahead.”, “Terrific. Thank you both particularly exciting avenues partnerships opportunities. “

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