Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The discussed Twitter Space revolves around a high-stakes gaming scenario where players engage in strategic maneuvers and decision-making. A significant event occurs when a sniper is identified on a rooftop, prompting immediate and urgent responses from participants. The conversation highlights the importance of effective communication, collaboration, and precise timing. Throughout the segment, rapid-fire decisions and the mentions of specific locations provide a vivid context to the gaming environment. Overall, the space delivers insights into tactical gameplay, emphasizing real-time strategizing and action to achieve crucial objectives.


Q: What was spotted on the roof?
A: A sniper.

Q: Where is the sniper located?
A: On top of the roof.

Q: How much time passed during this segment?
A: Four seconds.

Q: What was the response to spotting the sniper?
A: Tactical decisions were made.

Q: Why is the roof significant?
A: It provides a vantage point for the sniper.

Q: What indicates urgency in the scenario?
A: The quick succession of events and decisions.

Q: What is crucial for the participants?
A: Effective communication and collaboration.

Q: What type of scenario is likely depicted?
A: A high-stakes, possibly military or strategic situation.

Q: What provides context to the environment?
A: Mention of the locations like the roof.

Q: How does the timing affect the actions?
A: Precise timing is critical for successful outcomes.


Time: 00:00:43
00:47: Identification of a sniper on the roof and immediate strategic considerations.

Key Takeaways

  • The conversation involves tactical maneuvers.
  • There’s a mention of a sniper
  • indicating a military or strategic scenario.
  • The rooftop is a significant location
  • suggesting it’s part of a larger area of engagement.
  • The timing of events is crucial
  • as illustrated by the start and end times of key actions.
  • Collaboration and communication seem essential for successful outcomes.
  • Decisions are being made quickly.
  • There is a sense of urgency in the responses.
  • Likely
  • the scenario is part of a high-stakes situation.
  • The mentions of locations (like the roof) provide context to the environment.
  • Stakeholders are actively engaging in real-time.

Behind the Mic

[ “Hi everyone!”, “We’ll start in a couple of minutes, so please stay tuned.”, “Hey guys!”, “I’m just gonna wait a couple more minutes for everyone to join.”, “Alright, that, I’m gonna press on with the Dooks on distribution. Um we’ve got roughly roundabout, oh 97% done.”, “There’s roughly maybe a thousand to fifteen hundred addresses left.”, “What’s happening is someone has supplied an address which doesn’t belong to any anyone in the Dook Dans fam,”, “So Tammy’s contacting them.”, “I suspect it’s more of a misplaced error.”, “I don’t think it’s anything like mischievous, anything like that.”, “But regardless, around 1% is left to distribute.”, “1% is being issued on the Binance network…”, “And we’ve gone and done 98% on the new Ethereum network,”, “which includes all that 1% that we’re issuing from Binance, to the new user as well,”, “on top of the manual cap.”, “So I’ll give it maybe a maximum of 30 minutes.”, “We should have it all distributed by then,”, “And guys, you know, double check pools till Sunday.”, “And if you haven’t received any, it might just be that we’ve got your uh address for Ethereum instead of Binance.”, “But yeah, I think 2.5% air drops was a massive success, a huge massive success.”, “Everyone seemed to be happy.”, “Even those individuals that you know, collected a bit too much, were just rays of sunshine.”, “Yeah, massive thank you to Jalen and Thomas for, for making it happen and it’s more about where we go from this point onwards.”, “Just a word of warning, I think DexTools is still playing up slightly.”, “Take care with that.”, “I think the price fluctuated from $2 to $4.”, “Again, be careful guys.”, “Don’t speculate, trade safely.”, “And I am always gonna be in the telegram if you need to speak to me.”, “So, what else is new?”, “Okay, let’s talk about the NFTs.”, “Tammy, would you mind taking the stage to cover this one for us?”, “Yeah, no worries, guys.”, “So the NFTs on the new website, basically you can go onto the new website and you can interact with the NFTs.”, “And I know there’s been a lot of discussion about this today, so let me just clarify.”, “How it works is if you want one NFT, you need to interact with Dooks100 tokens.”, “Okay, if you want two NFTs, you need to have at least held Dooks500.”, “and then three NFTs would be Dooks1000 and so on and so forth.”, “Of course, the dog tag NFTs are extremely limited.”, “So guys, make sure you’re following all the instructions and basically get your wallets ready.”, “Yeah, you’re ready to go.”, “Now again, it doesn’t mean you’ll definitely get an NFT, just an increased chance.”, “It’d be fantastic if you guys could have a look so as to understand the mechanism.”, “and just make sure to interact with it correctly and just make sure you’re on the right channels.”, “Um, Brad, anything else you want to add to that?”, “No, that sounds pretty good. Have they tried fixing those issues for the cross-chain, do you know?”, “Yeah, yeah, we’re actually looking at that now.”, “So we’ve actually successfully deployed the code.”, “We’re running tests on it now.”, “I’d say we’re 95% to 99% good to go.”, “That 1%, 2% is just one of these minor tweaks.”, “I reckon if the tests all pass, which they should, we should be able to launch.”, “I’d say hopefully by the end of this week.”, “That’s the target anyways.”, “Okay, on that note, any other key points anyone wants to bring up?”, “I think we covered a lot, would you say?”, “That’s pretty much it I guess.”, “Cool, sounds good to me.”, “Oh, uh, one more thing,”, “Does anyone have any concerns or questions about the ETH bridge?”, “I know it’s not always brought up often, trying to keep everyone in the loop.”, “Hey, just quick one, Brad.”, “If you could just give us a little bit of, you know, background about that?”, “Oh yeah, sorry!”, “So the ETH bridge, that is a defi, decentralized finance platform where users can bridge their assets from one chain to another.”, “And basically it’s a safe and secure way to move your assets across multiple blockchains.”, “It should be pretty straightforward and user-friendly.”, “Excellent, thanks a lot for that Brad.”, “No worries.”, “Alright.”, “We’ll end it here,”, “Great to see everyone, and be sure to keep up with all the latest updates.”, “Okay, I think that’s it for today.”, “See you in Telegram, cheers!”, “Bye everyone!”, “Goodbye!”, “Thanks everyone!”, “Take care!”, “Bye bye!” ]

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