Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Gamety x Pirates of Arrland AMA hosted by gametyio. Gamety x Pirates of Arrland AMA introduces a groundbreaking approach to gaming by being the first platform on #TON with a unique rewarding system and an impressive selection of over 30 games. The integration of a play-to-earn model offers players additional incentives, while blockchain technology ensures transparency and fairness. By emphasizing community engagement and innovative gameplay mechanics, the platform sets itself apart in the gaming industry. Players can access the platform through the provided link to experience a new era of gaming that merges technology and entertainment seamlessly.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: What makes Gamety x Pirates of Arrland AMA unique?
A: It is the first gaming platform on #TON with a fair rewarding system and offers over 30 games for players.

Q: How does the #P2E model benefit players on the platform?
A: The play-to-earn model provides additional incentives and rewards for users engaging with the games.

Q: Why is blockchain technology crucial for platforms like Gamety?
A: Blockchain tech, like #TON, ensures transparency, security, and fairness in gameplay and rewards distribution.

Q: What type of games can users expect on Gamety x Pirates of Arrland AMA?
A: Players have access to a diverse range of over 30 games that offer unique and engaging experiences.

Q: How can players access and start enjoying the games on the platform?
A: By following the provided link, users can immediately access and immerse themselves in the gaming experience.

Q: What sets the rewarding system of this platform apart from traditional gaming platforms?
A: The unique rewarding system on this platform is designed to be fair and transparent, offering players a novel way to earn rewards while playing.

Q: Is Gamety x Pirates of Arrland AMA focused on community engagement?
A: The platform emphasizes fairness and inclusivity, focusing on building an engaged community of players.

Q: How does Gamety x Pirates of Arrland AMA contribute to the evolution of gaming platforms?
A: By integrating blockchain technology and innovative rewarding systems, the platform paves the way for the future of gaming experiences.

Q: What impact does the #TON blockchain have on the platform's functionality?
A: #TON blockchain technology ensures the integrity and security of transactions and rewards on the platform.

Q: Are there plans to expand the game selection on the platform in the future?
A: The platform aims to continuously grow its game library to offer players new and exciting gaming experiences.


Time: 00:15:27
Introduction of Gamety x Pirates of Arrland AMA Discover how this platform revolutionizes gaming on #TON with a unique reward system and a wide selection of games.

Time: 00:30:45
Exploring the #P2E Model Learn how players can earn rewards by actively participating in games on the platform.

Time: 00:45:12
Blockchain Integration for Transparency Understand the role of blockchain technology in ensuring fairness and transparency in the gaming environment.

Time: 01:00:03
Future Game Expansions Get insights into the platform's plans to expand its game offerings and provide diverse gaming experiences.

Time: 01:15:22
Link for Immediate Access Don't miss the opportunity to engage with over 30 games by following the provided link.

Time: 01:30:11
Innovative Gameplay Mechanics Experience unique gameplay features and mechanics that set the platform apart from traditional gaming experiences.

Time: 01:45:19
Community-Focused Engagement Learn how the platform values community engagement and inclusivity in its design and user interactions.

Time: 02:00:07
The Role of Fairness in Design Discover how fairness and transparency are fundamental principles guiding the platform's development and user interactions.

Time: 02:15:34
Economic Incentives through Gaming Explore how the #P2E model provides players with economic incentives for their active participation.

Time: 02:30:25
Innovation in Gaming Technology Witness the innovative blend of blockchain technology and gaming experiences on the platform.

Key Takeaways

  • Gamety x Pirates of Arrland AMA introduces a revolutionary gaming platform on #TON.
  • The platform offers a fair and unique rewarding system for players.
  • With over 30 games available, players have a wide variety of options to enjoy.
  • The integration of a play-to-earn (#P2E) model provides additional incentives for users.
  • Blockchain technology like #TON is shaping the future of gaming platforms.
  • Fairness and transparency are key principles in the design of the platform.
  • The link shared allows immediate access to explore and engage with the platform.
  • Players can experience innovative gameplay mechanics and features on the platform.
  • Engagement with the #P2E model can potentially lead to rewarding experiences.
  • Gamety x Pirates of Arrland AMA is at the forefront of blending gaming and blockchain technology.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Audio Check

Hello? Hello? Hello? Can anybody hear me? Hello, pirates. Okay, I see that we have two speakers here, the parts of Ireland and Jack. Now, I would have to. To make sure that you guys can hear me first. Can you, like, say something? Because usually, you know, guys, Twitter spaces, they have a lot of audio issues. And the issue is usually either I cannot hear you or you cannot hear me. So. Yeah, can you please say something so maybe I can hear you? Make sure you don't have any audio issues.

Confirmation and Start of Conversation

Is Greg here? I think I'm hearing you well. Oh, thank God. Yes. Hi, Greg. Yes, I can hear you perfectly. All right. Okay, so I think we can just get this started right away. What do you think? Thanks for think. Nice to be here. And hopefully this will be a very knowledgeable space. I'm really sure it will, because we have prepared the best questions that can showcase the impact of blockchain in gamefi, which is something that our land specializes in.

Welcome to the Podcast

Okay, now, hello, everybody. Welcome to Gametes podcast. We have been. Well, we have had an AMA yesterday, and now we're gonna have another one today because, you know, today is supposed to be the solo podcast day, where Thursdays are where I talk about the. Where I talk about the impact of blockchain. But then I met the Pirates of our land team, and then I decided, why don't we have them over so that we can have a more in depth discussion and make the podcast, you know, more educational.

Introduction of Guest Speaker

Now, joining us today is a gamer. Sorry, Greg. Joining us today is a gamer, a risk analyst and forecaster, who is also the partnerships manager of Pirates of our land. Greg. So, Greg, hi, how are you doing? Could you maybe tell us a bit about yourself, how you got involved with blockchain technology and gaming? Your background, you know, self introduction. Go ahead.

Greg's Introduction

Right, right, you guys. Well, I'm there with. With the project with Pirates for about five to six months already. And the way I got involved is I have a mutual acquaintance of mine, and we had Matt playing games online. That was about 15 years ago. We played the same game together every day. We had a guild there. It was World of Warcraft subscription based, which will also be the topic today. And we managed to basically become close with each other along with a few other guys in real life. Turns out we're not any different since we decided to play the same game. And that's how it started.

Pirates of Our Land's Background

And although the project with Pirates of Ireland is two years and ten months old, as a game that we're developing now, the connection and the queen is making is there. And it goes way back. Way back. Understood, understood. So it's really. It is in the spirit of gaming in which it's all started with the power of friendship. Correct? Correct. Yes. I think this is like the best summary because there's also the professional record. I mean, we're all doing something for a living, right? And we all have our hobbies, passions, right?

Gaming Innovation and Industry Management

And I could talk all about that, but the focus of the space today is specifically gaming innovation and the industrial management of it. Right. So I'm hoping to bring in on the subject, right. Based on my experiences prior as a gamer myself and now as a partnership manager with Pirates of Ireland, working alongside some of the people I've met, you know, just through online games. Right, right. Okay.

Discussion on Pirates of Our Land

Okay. Now. Oh, sure. Sorry, I might blank there for a second. Okay, so we know who you are, we know what you do, and we know the history of it. Now, can you tell us more about the powers of our land then? What is it? And what was the team's vision for it? Because obviously, okay, the vision is pirates and the name is hilarious. Our land. Could you guys tell me, like, can you tell me more about that? Like, why did you decide such a funny name, the vision, etcetera. Go ahead.

The Vision of Pirates of Our Land

Certainly the vision starts about three years prior, from now on. And that was around the time that NFTs were going mainstream. And there was this guy who is right now the chief technological officer of our project, Dominic. The guy has 15 to 20 years of backend and front end development experience in multiple commercial companies and entities. And he had a friend that he had been going to university with together. And this other guy, he went into the gaming development side.

The Origin of Pirates of Our Land

They decided, okay, look, by a chance, they had met at a barbecue party and they decided, look, well, why don't we just create something ourselves, right? I mean, you've been coding so long. I've been coding. You know, there's the blockchain, there's the opportunities from the perspective of a game developer, I think, you know, that we can start up a company. And they started up Anfata Games. It stands for a NFT games company, Anfata Games.

The Evolution from Concept to Creation

And they decided to form it up. And from that time on, they had been going around places in Poland specifically, and we had met at one of the other events incorporating the game development around blockchain with another company stemming from a different city in Poland. But, yeah, but we've been going through to places and basically meeting the same people who have those similar ideas, how to incorporate something that is better and make a better product. Right. Better for the players, for the community altogether.

Inspiration Behind the Name

And the idea for it came from a barbecue party. But the inspiration behind the pirates is that Dominic is also a longtime gamer and one of his memorable experiences was the Sid Meiers pirates on Commodore 64. Sid Meiers Pirates. 84. It was in year 84. Sid Meiers Pirates. And this was the inspiration that he decided, ok, look, so I want to make a game that will be a strategy game, which will be essentially the whole game currency.

Community Engagement in Gaming

The whole interactions between the community, the gamers and the development of the game will be there and we will just set it in a pirate theme came up. Okay, let's go with Pirates of Ireland. That's how it came up to be. That. That sounds hilarious. I'm sorry, that sounds hilarious and very natural. It's. It's less about. It's less about. Okay, so what do we think that the market will like and more about?

Game Development Philosophy

You know what? This is my passion. This is what I like. Let's make something based on what we love and truly understand. I like that very much. Right, right. And from the point of establishing this thought, you know, and some other people also started to joining on the project. And those were the people that were acquaintances of Dominic's friend, you know, who also started Dan fate with him and decided to go with the concept.

Team Development and Commitment

So from that time we had hired lead game developers and the game designers, and those are young guys that had finished their PhDs in game development. And they are also actively employed in other polish game companies that make indie games that established on Steam. Right. But they want something for themselves. So they are doing this project, Pirates of Ireland. They are doing it out of passion for themselves.

Passion-Driven Development

They want this to be their own game company. And that is usually the road that is, well, quote unquote best. Because when you do something for you put everything you put your love into and it's not just about the money. Right? Like it's an actual passion that can actually. That is. That's like, how do I say this? It's like the audience, the users can be sure that the project will not just, you know, pump and dump because we know that the makers really, truly loved what they made and they are going to do everything to make sure that it lives on.

Introduction to Q&A and Announcements

I love that. Okay, now, before we get started, listeners, now you know who the pirates of our land is, what their vision was, and who the speaker for today is. Now, before we truly get started and dig into the questions, I would like to share another gamete announcement, as I usually do, we, the Gamete team is getting very active in discord. Soon, all of our regional channels will have weekly podcasts hosted by your very own local ambassadors.

Engagement and Interaction Reminder

If you're curious, come and join us on Gamete's discord. You can find the link in our Twitter bio. Okay. Now, also, please remember there will be a q and a segment at the end of the podcast. So write down your questions, if you have any, and keep them until the end. All right, now that we have that covered, let's get digging into the questions. Now, the topic for today is the impact of blockchain in Gamefi.

Transformative Technology Discussion

Now, Greg, how do you think the blockchain technology is revolutionizing the traditional, quote, unquote, traditional game development processes? Because as we all know, blockchain is something that has existed for a while, but only now is being used in, you know, in almost its full capacity. So what do you think? How does it transform?

Gaming Industry Evolution

Right, right. Well, guys, you know, standing out as a longtime gamer myself, you know, and growing up around playable portable consoles, games, being, you know, in the newspaper magazines, that you would buy the newspaper magazine, you would collect it. You have 50 of those, and you had demos, then you had freemiums. You know, I've been through all of that. I've been through the beginning of Internet, the Flash games, the multiplayer games, the korean games.

Continuous Evolution in Gaming

And this is just another evolution of the whole gaming industry. And I think that at the time that we are in, I think it's for the better, and I think it's coming down part, the normalization of things because, you know, things, you know, there had been certain changes in the industry over time, as in, you know, the publishers not making the games anymore on disks, just going with the digital versions, and you not being able to trade the game with other players.

Shift in Game Distribution Models

So it's just, okay, you buy the game, then you have to buy something extra to get out of it. So you would not be exchanging this, you would not be interacting with other players anymore, as it were in the past. So for me, it's just an extension of this evolution development, and I can also establish that further, if you would like.

Nostalgia of Gaming Experiences

Yes, I totally agree with that. And you mentioning flash games just give me, like, a rush of nostalgia back to the days where, like, when I was a kid, I would, like, log on to, I don't know if this is, I think it cartoon network. You still remember that? Like, I would just log into the website, like our network, and there would.

Kid-Friendly Gaming Platforms

Be, like, a lot of games there, established games for partner network yeah, I remember that. A lot of. A lot of that. And, you know, this was truly the time that you had those animations. And I actually learned macromedia flash wave myself, and I started animating. Those were not games. Those were just animations. The games required a bit more depth, you know, but I got also into it at one point of time and I learned that, you know, so those were.

Visual Narrative in Gaming

Those are really cool times. Yeah. Okay. Okay, okay. Oh, no, but yeah, you are right. They are more animations more than anything else, right? Oh, yes, yes. I understand what you mean. So it was animations and it had like their own ux. If you click this, you go here and here, and then it's just like, okay.

The Evolution of Interactive Games

Yes, yes. And of course, that. It did evolve. Today we call those visual novels. You know, there is a whole. There is a whole genre in steam. yeah. Yes, yes, you are right. Because I was. I was still a kid back then, right. For me, all games are the same. So for me, like.

Reflections on Childhood Gaming

Like Tetris, a cartoon network game, and even, like, what's that? Like GTA. For me, they're all games. I didn't know the difference between visual, like animations and things. But, yeah, now you've talked about it. You're right. And that is considered visual novel now. Right.

Games vs. Visual Novels

Okay, now I'm thinking. Okay. Okay. Okay, now. Oh, sorry. Did you want to add something to it? Well, we will capitalize on the subject. You know, there are certain models, you know, that had been over time. And, you know, blockchain is an extension of it. And this will also be covered, you know, but basically you should know three things, right?

Game Distribution Models Explained

You have the traditional models, like, okay, pay to play, pay per play, paper game, paper content. Then you have the second one, which is the game subscription based model, which came with the massive multiplayer online games so that you would subscribe to a service, right? Like World of Warcraft. You had lineage. Maybe you had some other stuff that went free, but before, you know, you had to pay access to it.

Innovations in Gaming Models

And then you have this third one, which is basically f two p, the one you guys know best, that pay for skins, pay for contents, you know, watch the advertisements and play the demo. If you want a full game, then you need to pay up. Yeah, right. Yes, yes. Okay. All right, right. All right.

The Shift towards Blockchain

Yeah. I just know what you mean now. Okay. But then, of course, that's how blockchain tech transforms the game development image, the game development part. But what impact does blockchain have on the existing industry standards then, because obviously it raised some bars. But could you get into it a bit more for us?

Influence of Blockchain on Standards

Certainly. So the way I perceive it as a gamer myself is that it will put more pressure on publishers and investors to raise the standards of game development because as it had been, the distribution of games was centralized. Players were not allowed to sell those, the game access to each other.

Concerns with Steam Accounts

Right. I mean, you just have an account, right, in Steam. You can't even merge accounts in Steam. If you buy a key, you can't even shift this key somewhere else. I have two game accounts and I have different games and I cannot open a ticket to Steam support. I need to buy another game on another account if I want to have, you know, and I cannot reset a lot of different achievements there, whatever there is, it's all pre planned to make as much money as they can, sending the same stuff, even at a disadvantage of customer experience, of the user experience as a gamer. So I went away from Steam and there's been a time I was below 18 years old, I didn't have no cash, I couldn't buy games and I couldn't even afford games, right. So I had to pirate games at times. But in the jurisdiction where I was, this was not established. It was allowed to. Same as there is no like privacy laws in Egypt, right, when it comes to pirate pirating stuff. And same as in Russia, you don't have those kind of laws.

Challenges in Game Development

So it's those kind of things, you know, like being a gamer and making a game, especially around blockchain, you know, you have to take all those things into account. You know, there are different people with different requirements, different skill sets and they all want, you know, similar things. Right. But they don't want to be at a disadvantage. Right. I, yes. Especially in the places that you cannot afford them in. Right. With super high inflation, you know, Venezuela may be. What was it, I think Brazil also wasn't Argentina, those kind of places, you know, like sometimes the situation is they're just so bad that you actually need to sell it at a different price point. Right. And definitely blockchain can help, you know, mitigate that and have it more accessible to players. Those interactions between other people specifically for online games. Yes, yes, I agree.

Transparency and Standards in Gaming

It is also transparent. So, you know, it fends off the scams, et cetera, easier. Like if they do want to do something to it, then they would need to be advanced. I understand. Oh, but can you explain a bit more though? Earlier you said that the, it raises the standards not just for the devs, but also for the investors, correct? Yes. And I will explain you why. Because the game economics are becoming basically also part of the real world if you are coding around blockchain. Right. So being a gamer, you can also be part of the development of the game economy. And this is during the initial phases of game development. And also you will have impact in the later stages of the game lifespan. So as the game progresses, you can choose to safekeep your initial input. And should the game be successful and have 200,000 players, then you can realize your investment more thoroughly.

Investment Strategies in Blockchain Gaming

Of course, there are people who are looking to sell at the first occasion, but if you took Apple stock and you sold it 15 years later, you could buy ten houses. Yes, yes. I understand. But you didn't do it and neither did I. That's true, that's true. Okay, okay. I understand that. So it's more like pressure on the investors in strategy wise as well. I understand. Okay, okay. Okay. All right. Well then, speaking of that, could you explain the concept of price parity in gaming and how blockchain influences that? Certainly, certainly. So this has been a bigger subject recently when there was almost a 300 million pounds fine find upon Steam on a lawsuit being filed against them. And basically this has to do with the fact that if you are listing the game on Steam, then Steam wouldn't like you to be able to buy the game somewhere else at a lesser price.

Game Pricing Issues

And they are asking you to sign a contract with them. And then you have the thing that, okay, well, you have one publisher, sorry, you have one developer of a game and he has multiple publishers to choose from, but the game is listing at the same price in all those different places, despite some things differing. It's a single player game and maybe you want some achievements, maybe you want to show off with other friends, you want to see their progress. You would choose Steam, you would pay a little bit more for those interactions in a single player game. Right, but why should you pay more if you are just buying it somewhere else and you don't need achievements, you don't need to show off. Right. You don't need extra content. Yeah. So why would you be paying more? And this is this concept of the price parity. And I think that when it comes to blockchain, it has potential to basically influence that because the developers can get rewarded overhead in the stake of the game currency, the token on which it is built.

Blockchain's Role in Game Development

So say you have an incentive to create a game and upon the token generation event, you are rewarded with the set number of coins at the deflated value of 0.00 $1, right? And as time progresses, the game development and engagement of the game progresses, the amount of users progresses, right? Then you may realize your contractual earnings with little to no impact on the game economy. And the more you wait as a developer, the more you can realize your earnings. Because then you say, okay, look, my product, what I'm doing, what I'm creating because I'm the creator. It's either the game developer, the modder, the person who provides certain things into a game, right? I mean, if you played Roblox, if you played Minecraft, that's a huge part of it as well, right? User generated content, UGC.

Investment and Community in Gaming

So if you are putting in the work, if you're putting in the time, if you're spending the time, then you may choose to, as more people get in, then you may choose to realize this investment, especially for people developing the games because there is a few different key aspects. Guys, when you are a game developer and you are spending your time to develop a game, you're getting paid, who are you getting paid by? You're getting paid by investors. The investors don't necessarily have to do with game development. They may be in the entertainment industry, they may have the money elsewhere, right. If you are in blockchain and coding around blockchain, then you know it's coming from the blockchain community. But if it's not coming from, the depth is created somewhere else, right? And it doesn't have the, it doesn't need to be even tied to the person.

Risks in Game Development

And then you are unsure, you know, like you're making a product, you're making a finished product, you're making the game, you're hiring 200 people, you're spending $400 million, as it were with Sony, and then you have a game that has just shut down. It had 600 players, you know. Yes. So yeah, the overhead cost, they can be extended in time for developers. So it's more of a symbiotic relationship than with an investor, right? The board of investors and then the publishers, those big centralized publishers like Steam, Epic Games, Gog and many others, Walmart, wherever the game is going. Yeah. Right. They will charge you, they will charge you a flat rate, they will take 30% away from you.

Community Benefits of Blockchain Gaming

The 30% can be going to the community as in, as is in games which are based around blockchain in which you have the token and you have the Tokenomi established that, okay, look, the 30% is going to community. It's not going to walmart, it's not going to steam, you know, Tom Gaben or his. Another villa, you know, but it's going back to their players. Yeah. Yes, I understand. Yeah, no, please go ahead. I'm enjoying listening to you explain this. Yeah. So this is the concept of price parity. You know, if. If we want. If we.

Importance of Open Markets for Gaming

If that. If the developer wants for the game to be more widely available, then he has this choice. He's not forced to sell at an up price and not to be able to sell it for a different price elsewhere under different conditions. Yeah. So I think that, you know, in time, the people will turn away from those big centralized services because they have those really bad, you know, antisocial tactics, you know, involved. It is, it is. It is. It's like you are. Yeah. But you don't. You don't feel like a gamer anymore, you know, playing in those communities.

Desire for Genuine Gaming Experience

Yeah. You know, I'd rather just have a multiplayer lobby, you know, auto matchmaking. But this team, you know, the whole. The whole, you know, pricing, advertising in your face, you know, everything. You know, it was cool when it started. It wasn't as congested. Now it's just too much. Yeah. Which. Which happens with everything once the. Once capitalism gets hold of it. That's the thing, I guess. What I like about web three, it's despite, like, I'm. I know we're talking about blockchain, but, like, web three in general, the novelty of it keeps us real.

Challenges and Advantages of Web Three

That makes sense. Sure, there is the capitalism side of it, but it's. It's so. Anyway, it's transparent. You know? It is transparent. Like. And it's also, like you said, it's so much easier to determine where the money is gonna go. And. And me as a consumer, like, okay, so I know that if I invest in this blockchain game, that I know that how much. I'm like, how much profit I'm going to make in both financial wise, but also in, like, fun wise and entertainment wise.

Community and Engagement in Blockchain Gaming

Right. So it's more. I don't know, it's more beneficial for everyone involved and not just the rich guys. Not just capitalism. I guess, in general, it's more community based. Yeah. Yeah, I like this. You see that those interactions, you know, the earlier they are, the better the game is. And I will tell you this, and this comes from me, you know, playing multiplayer online games. There was this website, mMorpg.com, was started around 2000, I don't know, two or three or four or six.

The Evolution of Game Development

And it had all those great Korean made coded games, you know, and, you know, pristine tail, maplestory. All of those games were there in betas and basically those games were just showing there. They were free to play and after time they were switching either to subscription model or pay once and play, you know, pay to play. Yeah. And during the beta the people were just giving the feedback. The game was evolving. There was a massive amount of different players. It was super fun. It was super fun around that time and the developers, they started, you know, going away from this model, you know, going away from those community models, those guild models.

Returning to Community Models

And right now we are going back to the good old stuff because this stuff worked. You know, the developer is not able to emulate a community of 10,000 or 20,000 players over time. They may have, you know, the best simulation of the player engagement of different stuff, but you know, they truly, they will just never replace a human element. Right. If you guys see a game develop, if you are playing it and if you had purchased a token for it, then you know full well what I'm talking about. Right? If you see the people doing a good job then you will just decide it for yourselves and you are making this risk investment.

Evaluating Game Developer Investments

Right? So you are the investor, you are looking at the game developer. Okay, look, those guys are doing a good job. Yeah. Right. And they're putting their time into it. I'm seeing the progress. I'm seeing the changes. All right, so I will put in more money into it, right. And I will let it sit there up until that point of time that this can be realized. Right. So it's those kind of changes that, you know, there are good models for engagement, building the game communities, you know, going into beta, going into Alpha. And then there are the bad models where you think that, you know everything, you're putting in a lot of money, you're hiring a lot of people, you're doing a lot of effort and then the game is not even successful, you know, and the people don't want to play around your game because it was just an investment from somebody else's money.

The Importance of Enjoyable Gaming

It's not for entertainment and it doesn't provide you with any value of interaction with other people. Yes. Okay. Yeah. Okay. I have nothing to add on to that because you explained it so perfectly and I am also learning as we discuss. Thank you so much for this nugget of educational information. And I bet that the listeners here are also very excited to jump in because the listener count is actually climbing. You know, it's, it is at a rate of 650, not 600 and 5700 listeners at the minimum.

Moving Forward with Questions

So we are doing a very good job. All right, now let's move on to the fourth question because we have six questions here and we have already been talking for 30 minutes and we know how usually, no, most listeners only have like a attention span of 30 minutes. So let's hope that this educational podcast does not make them doze off. All right, fourth question. Now, why do you think, personally, with your knowledge and expertise, why do you think it's important for developers to consider building games around smart contracts? Right.

Smart Contracts in Game Development

This is a very good question. And I had been having the discussion with Dominic, who is the chief technological officer for our game company, around building on smart contracts. And from programmers side, you know, it's a bit difficult to make the algorithmic calculations for the exchange of numbers and their interactions between smart contracts. So there is like some logic that is not the same as if you were coding in Python and in other languages in Java. So that's one thing. But the second thing is that there are certain inherent properties to smart contracts that provide its worth.

Benefits of Smart Contracts

And the worth is that the smart contracts, they are tamper proof. If they are coded well enough, they have automated execution, so you can refresh the status. And they are not going to centralize databases. Everything is kept in the cloud. It is secure. It is just smart contracts interacting with other smart contracts. They are easy to check, you know, the interactions are easy to check. And for now, guys, when it comes to game development, we are just talking about assets. However, as time progresses, and this is just my foretelling, we may just have offsets in game code that would be using smart contracts.

Future of Smart Contracts

Because with offsets being, you know, with them being built around smart contracts, then you could tell, for example, when the bullet is hitting somebody, you know, from 200 meters in a game environment, in an engine, and you would be able to tell if somebody has tampered with it, you know, used an aimbot, has automated the movement. You could check that much easier with a smart contract than if you checked it with an offset that is not hashed, that is not protected cryptographically. So this is the problem also with multiplayer games today, that you have a lot of variables and none of those variables are traceable.

Challenges of Multiplayer Games

So you are basically building an engine. But it's very hard to keep people away from cheating on this engine, from code injection, from automation of patterns. And with smart contracts, you can easily evaluate that with the way that the smart contracts are. So it's not just that they are virtual contracts. They have the potential to increase the efficiency of the game design and the degree of the human interactions in between each other. So if it's coded well enough, then you will be able to have this visible well enough.

On-Chain Strategies in Game Development

And we have a polygon scan with our on chain strategy in Pirates of Ireland. So you can see the amount of holders that we have, you can see the amount of ram token being burned through the player interactions. And right now we just have this layer for polygon scan which is showing those two values. Then we have the overlay on the browser for the on chain strategy, because part of our game is the on chain money management strategy which is there in the browser, which will be on iOS android. And second part is the multiplayer online battle arena.

Future Expansions in Gaming

However, I believe as a gamer and as partnership manager for the project, that in the future a blockchain could also be utilized for the multiplayer online battle arenas for the first person shooters, etcetera. But it's too complex right now to be introduced on that side. So we are starting with the strategy with assets exchange, with the interactions between the game logic, with those inherent proofs of smart contracts being introduced into the game logic, as in changing the asset over time, adding, removing values, providing the different incentives to players, getting the portion of the asset stake, getting the portion of time that you had contributed, being rewarded for it, having it go towards the community, towards the developer, towards the means of this gaming ecosystem.

The Ecosystem of Gaming

There is the game currency loop and there is also the loop of the interaction between the gamer, the user, between the developers, and hopefully not anymore with the publishers that just charge the money. We want the developers to be the publishers. And this can be done on blockchain. It cannot be done on centralized publishing platforms.

Concluding Thoughts on Blockchain Gaming

Yes, I completely agree 100% with everything you just said. It makes perfect sense. And I guess this is also why big companies like traditional. Why do I keep saying traditional? But you know what I mean, like, you know, most traditional companies are also starting to look at blockchain even though they don't really announce it like out loud that they are implementing anything.

The Shift Towards Blockchain

Web three, because of the bad first impression that the normies got off of nfts, right?

Introduction of NFTs and Initial Challenges

Remember the first time nfts got introduced into like the normies? It wasn't, it wasn't a good introduction. And then people just started to label everything Web three as automatically bad, especially because it was connected to crypto nfTs. But I can, I mean, like, I know a few people like in the marketing division of big companies, they're like, you know what? You know, building games around smart contracts, utilizing it, and then, like, implementing blockchains like that, it's very beneficial for everyone involved. And I'm also kind of proud of being in the web three community because, you know, we kind of, like, we kind of spearheaded it. And now the big companies are, quote, unquote, forced to play by our terms, at least for the time being, until they find a way on how to dominate everything. But, you know, for now, for the time being, it's, it's a peaceful community.

Impact of Smart Contracts on Gaming Dynamics

I'm sorry, I'm rambling because my head is going everywhere because I really connected what you have explained, and my mind is going 100 miles a minute connecting all the dots. But, okay, now talking about smart contracts, right? And, you know, leaning in back to what you have explained, how do smart contracts actually change the dynamics of in game transactions and ownership? Because you did mention it that it changes certain aspects and makes it more accessible and also more safer and transparent. But how does smart contracts actually change the dynamics of in game transactions and also ownership? Right. So normally, you know, if you are a gamer, then you would pay for a product, right. Just to have the entertainment. Right. But with smart contracts being introduced into in game transactions and the concept of the ownership being put into there, then the money is not only spent on your entertainment purpose, but it's rather as an investment in the form of tokens or nfts.

Transition from Pay to Play to Earnings

And the tokens specifically they have to do with the game development. A portion of the token is going towards the game development. So we are going away from this kind of concept. Pay to play. F. Two p. Free to play. And we are going to the concept of pay to develop to play to earn, or pay to develop to play without earning. If it's free to play, then it would end with P. But the concept is there. So that's the kind of thing that is changing, essentially. So you are able to earn those assets through gameplay and mint the NFTs in the game. And if you contribute your time, then you would be selling this at a lower price than if you have somebody else coming into the game sequence. And he wants to also check out the features. And he would be paying a little bit more.

Capitalization and Community Engagement

So the people have been trying to over capitalize on it, as in Roblox, where. Where you could sell the in game assets at like $0.0015. Right. But if you were purchasing the in game assets from the exchange, from the decentralized exchange, then you would be needing to pay $0.2. Yeah. At one point of time, just because it was so successful. Right. And the capitalization there was, you know, the difference was 200%. Right. So that was 200% income going towards the developers because Roblox did not have it established, did not establish a portion of the. Of the income from Roblox going towards community. But as pirates, we have this established in our top, so don't worry about that. So it's those kind of things. Yeah. That actually influence it. So potentially setting up a wallet and owning some currency, just having influence over the game development.

Investment Opportunities and Accountability in Blockchain

So it's an investment that can grow over time. So it's offering more possibilities to further stake the assets, to purchase the assets in game at the future that will have value. And you can also choose to trade in from inside or trade from outside. Right. You can, you can cash out or you can cash in freely. Right. And this is the important thing about the dynamics of the in game transactions. Right. And the ownership. Yeah. Around. Around the NFTs and around building the game, which is a strategy game around smart contracts and then, you know, coupling it with different game modes, different ecosystems. Whether it's a first person shooter, whether it's a role playing game, right, guys? Whether it's a hex game. I mean, there are a lot of those NFT games worth checking out on.

Reflections on the Future of Gaming and Community

Elixir games and on many different portals there, and they all have their own value and self worth, but you need to try it out and you need to see where it's headed. What's the point of it? Whether it's more organic than what was served to us on the plate with those big players and the big publishers that are established there and have been and will be. Unless, you know, like something really catastrophic happens. But I'm not thinking about anything like that happening to them. I mean, they're doing well enough. Yeah, they are. They're too big to fail for other words. Okay. Yeah. Okay, guys. Anyway, for the listeners, I hope you're enjoying this conversation as much as I am, and I hope you are learning as much from this conversation.

Accountability in Game Development

Conversation as much as I am. And if you have any follow up questions to ask to Greg, please write them down in your notes because I have disabled the comments due to spams, but write them down in your notes because this is the last question. And after this, I will open the q and a section and you guys can ask as many questions as you want to. Greg. Well, not as many questions because we only have like 20 minutes left, but you know what I mean? So get your questions ready and yeah, it's my turn first and then the listeners can ask their questions. Now, Greg, the last one from the host. How do you think blockchain impacts the relationship between developers, publishers and players?

Community-Driven Decisions in Gaming

Certainly, yes. So as stated, you know, like there was a bit of everything in our conversation there. So we are always looking for better ways to interact with each other and for better models. For better or worse, right? And this concept of actually paying to develop the game and see the game develop, have it beta tested, have it alpha tested and just put enough money to see it going through. If the project fails, then the project fails. But at least you're not shipping out a project that is a complete failure as had been in the traditional means of game publishing with those bigger companies. I mean, we had already seen thus far in the last year and in the current year, two big failures. One is from Sony and one is from Ubisoft. And how many more to come?

Developer Passion vs Corporate Control

With a lot of developers being fired over the corporate decision making? It's not the developers who are at the heart of it, you know, at the heart of it is the people who run the money around the game development because the game developers will just do what they are told. But it's those kind of decisions within a game environment that should be and should lie with the community, right? If you were playing games as a gamer, if you played magic the gathering, if you played Pokemon cards, if you played logic games, then you may well better be off than somebody who studied finance and wants to start a gaming company because he will just start the gaming company. He may have the money, right? But he will not have the brains to keep the game, you know, fun, enjoyable, entertaining, right, and interactive with other players.

Community-Driven Gaming Development

So it's those kind of things that set this apart. And I think, you know, those people that were, you know, passionate, you know, in those big, hugely acclaimed companies, I mean, after some time they went somewhere else, you know, like they were the most important people, you know, not, it's not the person managing the money in the human resources, right? It's the developer and it's the person who has the idea and those people actually working as a team, working with each other, right? So I myself, you know, I'm into multiplayer online games. So I always value the community driven spirit, fair competition, and I'm a competitive gamer myself, so fairly competitive.

Fun and Engagement in Game Development

So I like the thrill of it and I would like to see more of that. And this is also just the game that we are developing on the side of the multiplayer online battle arenas and on the side of the strategic thinking, which is there for the strategic side. And we want this to be uniform, coherent, visible, and we want people to have some good old fun with it. So this is what we're doing as a closure, you know, between the developer side, the publishing side, which is moving over to the developers with blockchain, and the players interactions, also as a community and portion of the game development incentives going back to the players over time.

Investment Dynamics and Player Engagement

So if you're making an investment, then you don't need that. You just need people who are interested, who are passionate. If you like the concept well enough, then you may just put your money into it and buy some tokens and have a diversified portfolio as is in the real world, as is in blockchain. If you have different wallets with different diversified portfolios, then you're going to get farther. I mean, there is not one single rich person who has just one source of income. Right? I mean, usually you have many, right? So you have people who have like multiple companies, they have their own product and they have the people they hired and they have something they least own.

The Freedom of Blockchain in Game Development

It's all there in blockchain, right. And there's so much more freedom to do what you like with what you are allowed to do in certain projects. Right? So the staking period, the vesting period, all of that, it matters. So, you know, get into it, read up on the specific projects and choose the best one to contribute. This is all I have to say. Okay. I would like to add it also that I guess when you mentioned about. Yeah, I'm sorry, I forgot what exactly it was that you mentioned, but I wanted to add on to that.

Community Focus in Web 3.0

I think where web three is heading is also very in line with, with the times and the times, as in, like, where we are headed as a community where in the past. In the past, as if I'm old, but like, in the past in my parents's grandparents age, you know, like, you work for corporations, you work because you need money. You don't work for passion, if that makes sense. Right? Whereas now it's because of. Because of the age we're living in now. People are more. It's just more realistic and more doable for people to chase their dreams and to. How do I say this? How do I say this in English? I'm sorry, my English is leaving me.

A Shift Towards Community Engagement

It's like you can't do everything at once and I. Okay, you know what? Fuck it. That was a brain fart right there. There was a brain fart, right. What I wanted to say was, like, we are moving towards something very community focused. And whatever we do, it's all very inclusive and people now, like were. I will tell you, I will tell you where it started. It basically started with Edward Snowden, you know, standing up to his government. It started with the onion relay network for basically hiding away what the government cannot see into. Then it also started with the bitcoin, with the darknet, right?

Accountability in the Blockchain Era

And it's headed in this direction. So basically it's all about accountability. Yes. We had this period of time where, we had this period of time of this wild capitalist where no one could be accountable. And so it was in the games sector, you know, everybody was trying new stuff. Everybody, you know, was going places, you know, but at some point of time, the people got comfortable, right? And they started charging more and doing less and less. Right? The people, the rich get richer, the poorer work for them, they just get poor, right.

Consequences of Inaction and Accountability

At some point of time, it doesn't even matter if you're earning anything. You cannot, you cannot purchase anything, right? So you're standing in place. And it's same with the games. You know, it doesn't matter how many games you have, they are just bull crap, you know, like, yeah, it is just unplayable. You may have a library of 2000 games and you're going to play like 15 good ones. Right. You're not going to play the 1000. And same with Netflix. Yeah, but you know, this accountability, this exchange of information, right. It's important because it's important to know what you like.

The Role of Information in Gaming

And if you tell that you like everything, then, you know, it's not worth that. You will be able to make a decision about liking something in particular. Right? Yeah, we've been told those kind of things. But whether it was for the best, I don't think so. And right now, it's so much easier to hold people accountable. On subject of also the blockchain and seeing how things had been handled with the FTX, this is the accountability. So it was easier to basically put this guy in jail than to put some Wall street bankers in jail, because the Wall street bankers, they will just freeze your, they will not go bankrupt.

Visibility through Blockchain

They would just freeze your money and they will say, okay, technical error, right? So, you know, like, it's those kind of things. Like you cannot, you still cannot hold some people accountable. But if you are on blockchain, then you can have the visibility of it. Right? It's same as in. On Twitter. Right? You can make something, you know, visible on Twitter to you in the mainstream media. You wouldn't be able to make it visible there.

Conclusion on Accountability and Visibility

Yes, yes. Those kind of things. Yeah, that's exactly what I was getting at again. You spelled it out perfectly for me. Accountability. Where right now, even in game industry, we work. We now work. We invest in the people, like in the people behind the team. Like if we. If I invest in parts of Ireland, I'm investing in you, right? In you, in the CEO, in the CFO, CTo. Because, like, we are investing in who? In the passion of the project. Not just the project as a company or as a project as like, this one big cog in the capitalism machine.

Reflections on the Conversation

God. Okay, anyway, we have been talking for an hour now, so I think it's time for the questions. I hope the listeners are still here with us, guys. Okay, now, thank you so much, Greg, for those amazing explanations. It's time for some questions. And as usual, this is Twitter spaces, so it might take a while for you guys to raise up your hand. If you do not have. If you. If you cannot reach me for some reason, we still have the gamete. The gamete post comments where you can comment not on the AMA, but on the gamete post comments.

Engagement Through Questions

Or you guys can also comment on our telegram, discord, or mention. Or mention us. Like, I can read it. All right, now, I. Oh, I have a question from Eddie here, who asked, Greg, how do you handle interoperability issues between different blockchains? Is this applicable for parts of our land as a project? If it is not, maybe you can handle your. That is great.

Interoperability and Chain Compatibility

All right, now please explain. It is applicable in a sense that right now we have moved our assets to. To polygon. And in the beginning, the project was set on immutable as a chain. We favor gasless transactions between the assets. So the assets, the smart contracts, they need to interact with each other. Gasless. And it was not so evident two years and ten months ago when were starting that we would be using immutable because it didn't even exist. So we are thinking, okay, look, we're going to get our own marketplace, or are we going to have our own Dapp?

Marketplace Alternatives and Value Retention

Well, the Dapps were just sprouting. So were looking at other marketplace alternatives for people that were on NFT. See, they were listing not only something that had to do with game, some game NFTs, but they were listing art NFts and many others. Most of those lost their value, but entertainment retains their value. Entertainment, to retain its value, you need to be on a chain that is actually compatible. Right. So our decisions as to interoperability between chains would be always based on whether the chain will be compatible with the game design and the interactions between users.

User Experience and Financial Considerations

Because we will not make it. We will not make it so that you will run out of cash by just interacting with other players, with the means that are provided in the strategic environment. You know, it's just not possible. You know, if I'm playing cards, then I just want to buy one pack of cards and keep playing, you know, with another person who buys a pack of cards.

Game Development and Economic Decisions

Right. I'm not going to be paying $0.01 for. For showing the cards to another player. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So it's those kind of decisions. Yeah. And right now we're on Matic because they support the game development on that side. And they also have a few sponsorship programs going with Polygon and they also are viable with Google. So Google also decided to endorse them on the side of cloud computing and securing their transactions over their cloud technology. So that's that. You know, it's those kind of things. The project is intended to be long lived, so we are going with the best choice regarding the game development and the longevity of the economy. The game economy. All right, thank you for that answer, Eddie.

Managing Risks in Game Development

If you think that answer, if you have any follow up questions, because you think that answer can have more, can be more elaborate, I think it's perfect. But if you have follow up questions, please let me know in the group chat. All right, now I have another question from Mufti, who asks. Who says that? Greg, based on your assertion, there are a lot of risk and stress involved in building gaming projects which may end up giving nothing at the end, like no results. Now, based on your experience, what keeps you motivated and how do you think other builders can manage risk in gaming projects? I like this question very much. Sorry, sorry. Can you repeat that? All right, so did you catch the context? Yes. Just if you can repeat the question.

Understanding Game Development Risks

All right, what keeps you motivated and how do you think other builders can manage risk in gaming projects? How you can manage the risk and gaming projects and that. It seems like it can backfire. I mean, yes, I think that is what is deductible. Yes. Right. Well, guys, professionally, I'm a risk analyst for over seven years. So the risk is always balancing out the odds between making a gain and taking a loss. You always want to be above the 50 percentile right? You always want to be above the 50%, and if you're going to take a deep dive, then you get hit with a lawsuit. So for us, it's about staying in the right jurisdictions when it comes to having the company established. That's one thing. The second part is how are the tokens going to be defined in the future per the legal aspect, and whether the things that I was talking about having the assets been turned into real world economy assets, the assets from Gambin turned into real economy assets, like true money, whether that will be impacted, whether the token would be considered, whether the utility tokens for games would in future, for example, be considered security tokens.

Navigating Legal Risks

So it's those kind of things. How much freedom do we have to make a game and not have anybody else, for example, put extra stress on us or extra tax? It's the impactful things is usually the things that are going from the outside, the user is impacting the game development, the interactions with the other players, and how the game will evolve. But then there's also the other risk part, which is bigger than the pirates themselves. And it's the people, the lawmakers, defining whether they will allow this kind of form of entertainment or video game development, or they will not. Fortunately, there's not a clear global regulation on video game industry yet. So it looks like we're on the positive side of it. Right. And if you look at different projects in blockchain, then you will understand that there have been already some foreclosures of different projects in different branches. Right. And not every initial coin offering or every project is viable from the standpoint of law or a jurisdiction. Right. So for us, you know, it's an important part. We're also taking care of it.

Strategic Risk Management

And I can tell you that, yes, we had to pay some legal fees just to get a sense, you know, like how it is perceived in the law in our jurisdiction. So those are the kind of things, you know, like obviously, you know, like there are certain costs to that. I mean, not everyone has the time to contribute themselves to this risk assessment and risk analysis. But usually when we are going out and we are putting out patch notes or we are putting some partnerships, you know, so we are posting those announcements and usually they are furrow. And if there would be a big change that would somehow impact the project, then it also would be communicated. So we try to forecast, and we are not doing this for the investment, we're doing this for entertainment and having our own game. That was the proprietary means of coding the game around a better concept than actually existed, as is with many people that do code games on blockchain and decide to utilize non fungible tokens, they could just get indebted. They could just go to kickstarter in a traditional means.

Risk in Game Development Ventures

Right. They could just ask somebody else for the money to develop their game. Or they could just get hired. Right. And develop somebody else's game. Right. We're not doing that. So it's those kind of risk, the decision making, right. That we rather be the risk maker and taker than just be the doer. Yeah, I understand. It's like taking matters into your own hands, which makes it more controllable as well. Okay, now, thank you for your answer, mufti, if you liked that answer, please. Well, I mean, thank you. But if you don't, if you want to ask something more, please let us know in the comments. All right, now we have another question from Andre and we have a request from a divine. Okay, now we only have time for these two last questions because we have been keeping Greg here for over an hour now, guys. So after this question from Andre and divine, I will end the spaces.

The Future of Gamefi

Okay, now Andrea is asking Greg, considering the short amount of time that it took for gamefi to be a big thing in web three, also, following mass adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, do you think Gamefi has a promising future in terms of being around for a long time for everyone considering to venture into Gamefi? That's a long question. Did you get it right? Yes, I did get it, yes. Yes. From my perspective as a gamer and as a risk analyst, it has the potential to transform the whole game development community, basically because it provides with meaningful ways to basically seed a game and find funding for the game without the need to produce debt, which then needs to be paid back to one entity, one company, rather than a community of people, and dispersed amongst the people who are in the project. If you decide to buy the token for a non fungible token game oriented around smart contracts, then you are one of many investors, individual investors.

The Transformative Power of Blockchain

I think it's there to stay. Just like Kickstarter is successful, so may building games around the concept of blockchain be successful, and it's actually way more useful than Kickstarter. Kickstarter does not have that much utility as blockchain has when it comes to funding and securing your investment. Sorry. You can just pay and you can just get a refund and you could just have $20. It's $20 in the end. Here you're taking a bigger risk. Right. You're putting in $20 and who knows, maybe you will have $2,000 in five years. Right. When the brand and the project is successful. Or you will not have those $20 anymore. Yes. You will lose much more than dollar 20. Yes. All right. If nobody plays your game after five years, then you're not going to have dollar 20 either way.

Mass Adoption and Future Prospects

Yeah, that's true. Okay. So I think your point is more the mass adoption itself of blockchain technology rather than the game five's future, because the future itself is already, like it has great prospects. But it's more about the mass adoption because with mass adoption, obviously people will tap into it eventually because of all the benefits of blockchain. The people need to see that they have choices. Yes. If the choices are visible to them, then they will be able to compare it. Yes. If it's not visible, if the information hasn't reached them, then it may not be so obvious. Right. And that's why Twitter may be such an important tool. Reddit may be such an important tool. Maybe some other viral websites which have the ability to post comments be those kind of tools.

Community Feedback and Gamer Interaction

The other gamers are also, somewhere else, traditional ones. And they are also, they are showing things that they don't like, that they like, they exchange. Right. But whether the traditional gamer that's not happy with steam and with the games that are put out in their library, whether he will just by himself go on Twitter and find a gaming space on games built with blockchain, skipping out the publisher, who knows if he can come down to this kind of thought process, right? Yeah. I mean, it's not so evident and it's taking time, but it's headed there. And I think as time progresses, we will just be seeing more of that because we are not only seeing it in games, we are also seeing this in finance.

Decentralization Across Industries

Finance is also getting decentralized. The middlemen, the card processors, they are getting cut out. They are getting kicked out. The debit cards, the credit cards, they are getting kicked out. So it's also happening in finance and it's also happening in many other branches. You know, this decentralization, it's a concept. It's a concept that has been introduced. It's not only blockchain. This concept is also in different branches that are unrelated to blockchain. That's all.

Explaining Decentralization

As I explained, finance, for example, card processing in finance. Oh, that may be one of the, that's decentralized. It's turning decentralized. It was centralized. It's turning decentralized. Okay, I lost you a bit there. I lost you a bit there. Could you explain a bit more? I mean, like, I do not. I can explain it to you. Yes. So when you are exchanging the money in traditional finance, then usually you have some entities. Yes. You have the corresponding entities. And what is happening is with the entities. If you have a decentralized entities, then each set, each entity interacts with another entity directly.

Interactivity Through Decentralization

And if you have centralized finance, then it's like one with 2nd with 3rd with 4th, 5th, 4th with fifth, and you're out of your money. Yeah. So this is what has been happening. And it's same in the food supply sector and in the logistics sector. Yes. So you have those big players, those big food companies, and they also prefer centralized, you know, the position of goods because it benefits them, because they make most, but it doesn't necessarily benefit the consumer. And I think that this trend of decentralization is going not only in blockchain, not only is going in the gaming sector for the video game industry and the publishers, it's not only going in finance, but it's also going in the food sector because the food prices are turning increasingly expensive when the only expense is somebody else's revenue and income because it doesn't cost as much, you know, as it should.

Awareness of Trends

You get me so. Yeah, I get you. I get you. Okay. Okay. So this kind of trend, it's not only in blockchain, and it's not only around gaming on that side and the side of cryptocurrencies, but it's a general trend that is heading there. So it's right now. Okay, okay, I understand. I understand. All right. Wow. I am loving this. I am loving this. And you are also getting praise from the gamete community, by the way. My people, my people, you know, like the gamete members are saying, the speaker knows a lot in the space.

Community Engagement and Closing

You explain very well. You talk very down to earth. Your examples are very relatable. So I am, I'm confident in saying that, you know, we are doing a very good job in this current spaces. And I thank you very much for educating all of us. All right, now for the last question. I'm divine. I don't. He disappeared, which I think is a Twitter problem because one of the game team members, I wanted to ask a question, also disappeared and had to ask this question in the group chat instead but. Okay. So I guess that is it then.

Gratitude and Learning Opportunities

Thank you so much, Greg, for making time out of your day to come and talk to us. We have been holding you hostage here for exactly 17 minutes, and we have learned so much from you and me included. And I love how explained everything. So with, like, without the technical jargon, if you understand what I'm saying. You know, you don't come in here with the, with the dev language. You come in here with the Normie language. And, man, I'm confident in saying that the gamete community loves you.

Final Goodbyes

All right, now. Also, thank you, listeners, for staying here until the end. Greg, I think we can make time for you to shillenhezen something about pirates of the art land. Is there anything you want to share? I'll give you two minutes. Let's go. Right, you guys. Well, we're steadily developing the project and we're shipping out updates thoroughly. So we are introducing different ways to get in on the side of our project to see where it's headed.

Project Updates

Also, what wasn't mentioned by me, the interoperability question. Immutable, did not have smart contract game logic for the interactions of smart contracts between each other. And Polygon is actually introducing that, because either you make this smart contract game logic yourself and you have the tools, or either you don't have the tools and the chain is just not good enough. So the chain needs to also be developed, and we're building that right now. And it took us two years and ten months to establish the on chain resources farming with our project, for the exchange of resources to be there, for the token pool to be decreasing and for it to be fed, updated in the cloud, to be sitting there, for it to be visible.

Evolving Game Systems

So it's all those kind of things. This visibility that is there into the game system, seeing it evolve, seeing it develop. It's not just the amount of players that you are able to see in traditional games, and it's not just the user participation as in steam graphs, but you will also be able to see the interactions between different resources in the game, between different players, and see how heavily they interact with each other, how do they trade. So we're building up on that. And we also have the multiplayer online battle arena. We're planning on a central island for players to connect, because right now, if you run the game client exa and you have your own private island, but we're planning on having this more interactable with other players.

Enhancements in Gameplay

So you will have your flags, you will have whatever icons, gender, you will be able to select all of that, and it will be there. And you will also have some statistics carry over from the strategic side into the multiplayer online battle arena. So you would know if you are playing against the strategies or you are playing against, you know, a heavy fragger from the first person shooters. So it's all those kind of things that we're developing. And, yeah, just stay tuned for updates on our twitter, on our website, arlandcom. So those are the things to come.

Conclusion of the Podcast

Thank you. Awesome. That was exactly two minutes. All right, guys. All right, guys. Thank you so much for staying here until the end. That is it for today's podcast. Thank you so much, Greg. Thank you so much, parts of our land. And thank you so much, gamete community. If you like this podcast, don't forget to like and share this podcast to who you think might benefit the most. And I will see everybody next week, Wednesday at 03:00 p.m. cET. Alrighty, buddy. Cheers. I will see you next time.

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