Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space GameSwift x Kroma #AMA hosted by GameSwift_io. Explore how GameSwift and Kroma are revolutionizing the gaming industry with a Layer 2 modular blockchain and the $GSWIFT gas token. The integration of AI technology is paving the way for enhanced user experiences in Web3 gaming environments. By prioritizing scalability, security, and community engagement, GameSwift aims to create a thriving ecosystem for diverse gaming projects, DeFi integration, and NFT support. The platform's commitment to innovation and partnership collaborations underscores its vision for the future of gaming.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: How does GameSwift utilize a Layer 2 modular blockchain for gaming efficiency?
A: GameSwift optimizes transaction speed and reduces costs through its Layer 2 infrastructure.

Q: What is the function of the $GSWIFT gas token in the gaming ecosystem?
A: $GSWIFT facilitates seamless transactions and interactions within the GameSwift platform.

Q: Why is AI integration essential for driving mass adoption in Web3 gaming?
A: AI enhances user experiences, scalability, and overall efficiency in the gaming ecosystem.

Q: How does GameSwift prioritize security within its decentralized infrastructure?
A: GameSwift implements robust security measures to ensure user data protection and system integrity.

Q: What are the key benefits of community engagement for GameSwift's success?
A: Community involvement fosters growth, feedback, and partnerships crucial for the platform's development.

Q: In what ways does GameSwift explore unique gaming projects and collaborations?
A: GameSwift seeks innovative collaborations and projects to expand its gaming ecosystem and offerings.

Q: How do DeFi principles support the gaming economy within GameSwift?
A: DeFi mechanisms enhance liquidity, incentivization, and financial interactions within the gaming platform.

Q: What strategies does GameSwift employ to integrate NFTs and enhance user ownership?
A: GameSwift focuses on incorporating NFTs to empower users with asset ownership and unique in-game experiences.

Q: What role does scalability play in the design of GameSwift's Layer 2 blockchain?
A: Scalability ensures that GameSwift can handle increased transaction loads efficiently, supporting a seamless gaming experience.

Q: How does GameSwift aim to enhance user experiences through technological innovation?
A: The development team continuously explores new technologies to improve gameplay, interaction, and overall user satisfaction.


Time: 00:15:42
Layer 2 Efficiency in Gaming Exploring how GameSwift's Layer 2 blockchain enhances gaming performance.

Time: 00:25:18
The Role of $GSWIFT Gas Token Understanding the significance of $GSWIFT in facilitating transactions within GameSwift.

Time: 00:35:29
AI Integration for Web3 Gaming Insights on leveraging AI for improved user experiences in Web3 gaming environments.

Time: 00:45:17
Community Engagement and Partnerships Discussing the importance of community involvement and collaborations for GameSwift's growth.

Time: 00:55:40
DeFi Principles in Gaming Economy Exploring how DeFi concepts enhance financial interactions and incentives within the gaming ecosystem of GameSwift.

Time: 01:05:12
NFT Integration Strategies Strategies for incorporating NFTs to offer users ownership and unique assets in the GameSwift gaming platform.

Time: 01:15:29
Technological Innovation for User Experience The focus on utilizing technological advancements to elevate user interactions and gameplay within GameSwift.

Time: 01:25:17
Security Measures and Decentralization Ensuring user data protection and system integrity through robust security protocols in GameSwift.

Time: 01:35:40
Scalability and Efficiency in Blockchain Design Highlighting the importance of scalability in supporting a seamless gaming experience within GameSwift.

Time: 01:45:22
Exploring Unique Collaborations Delving into the expansion of the GameSwift ecosystem through innovative partnerships and projects.

Key Takeaways

  • GameSwift leverages a Layer 2 modular blockchain for gaming efficiency.
  • The $GSWIFT gas token powers transactions and interactions within the gaming ecosystem.
  • AI integration plays a pivotal role in driving Web3 gaming mass adoption.
  • Scalability and efficiency are prioritized through the Layer 2 blockchain design.
  • Community engagement and partnerships are crucial for the success of GameSwift.
  • The development team focuses on enhancing user experience through innovative technologies.
  • Security measures and decentralization are key aspects of GameSwift's infrastructure.
  • Exploration of unique gaming projects and collaborations to expand the ecosystem.
  • The role of DeFi principles in supporting the gaming economy of GameSwift.
  • Strategies for integrating NFTs and enhancing user ownership in the gaming landscape.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the AMA

Hello, hello. Hello everyone on the spaces right now. We are still waiting for the couple of you to join up. Waiting up for the speakers to warm up. To get ready today's discussion, the spaces will be held as an AMA, so if you have any questions during the spaces, please feel free to ask. Ask them in our chat. We'll try to cover as many of them as possible. We have some questions prepared from the community, so we will probably start by going over them right now. But in the meantime, if you find anything interesting in particular, please join the discussion in our chat in discord, in telegram, basically everywhere. But for now, we will be focusing on the chat in these very spaces. I would love to introduce our two main guests of today, games with CEO pan paragraph. You know this guy very well. But also on the side of Chroma. The CEO Derek will be joining us. Welcome. Welcome, guys. Welcome.

Participants Sharing Enthusiasm

Nice. Nice to see so many of you during the summertime and I can't wait for a very fruitful ama. Hello everyone. Thanks for having me. I'll give you a little bit of a brief introduction myself in a minute, but thanks for having me. All right, I guess we'll wait like one more minute to wait for more people joining in. We've just started, so hopefully the notifications are working and everybody will be joining here. There is no misery about the partnership with Gainslift and Chroma. We have started our campaign on the Galaxy website. Feel free to join the campaign. We'll last for like one more week. There is still some time to finish the task to get your reward, to get to know Chroma, basically, because you probably already know game Switch.

Discussing the Integration with Chroma

You know, what we are doing, what we are preparing in the next upcoming days or weeks. But Chroma is yet another chain in the super chain ecosystem and we are really excited to be working together. So I guess we could start with some basic questions just to warm up and to talk a little bit about the partnership between game Swift and Chroma. And the one question I caught during the discussion, I don't remember if it was Discord or Telegram. What can the community expect from this partnership? So maybe pan or Derek, you would love to take on this. Yeah. Yeah. So first of all, I believe Chroma has built a very superior position in the Asian web free gaming market while Gameswift is in a similar position in the European gaming zone.

Marking the Occasion of Partnership

And I believe that the cooperation between two projects is a perfect opportunity to basically enchant gaming communities on this super chain. This is also opportunity for a lot of marketing initiatives together. We basically aim to provide a big brand, scalable, user friendly ecosystem and I believe that in web free gaming, since we are still very early in its development, it's very important to take care of the community. There are a couple of web three gaming ecosystem overall and we need to cooperate together in order to make web three gaming great. Maybe not again, but for the first time. Yes, what can we expect? The community expects several exciting development from this partnership. I think the first will both have enhanced the gaming community on the super chain and it creates a more connected and engaging environment for both of us.

Goals for Future Connectivity

We can also plan to streamline the onboarding process, making it easier for the new users to join and participate in both spaces and in addition, we can launch targeted marketing initiatives to raise awareness and attract more gamers onto both chains and together. Our goal is to provide, as mentioned by Penn, to provide a vibrant and scalable and user friendly ecosystem for the next generation of gamers and the developers and the user in the future. That's all great to hear that we are trying to work together to make web free gaming great. Right now we are not in the best state of the market, but trust me, we are still trying to develop some cool stuff. Chroma already has its chain and it's already working.

Super Chain Ecosystem Rationale

You can go on there and check out the stuff that is currently live. As for Gamesweep, we do have some games, maybe more than a few, but still trying to get ready for more things to come. And the thing is that we are all working on the super chain ecosystem. So maybe quickly and briefly you guys could explain why did we choose the super chain ecosystem? Why do we think that it's superior and it's the best way to develop. Yes, I'll start. We're making layer two. So we wanted to solve the Ethereum, the scalability issues, as everyone knows, and ultimately achieve the mass adoption of web three.

Collaboration to Address Challenges

However, we realize that creating our own layer two solution will be very inefficient given the excellent solution that already exists, which is an op stack. We are drawn to the optimism's mission and vision of building a unified ecosystem together with many teams. And by joining the super chain, we aim to collaborate, collaborating with other outstanding global teams such as team Swift to address the contribute to solving the various challenges the web three spaces face and thereby creating a larger and more robust ecosystem altogether. And that is why we joined superchain ecosystem. Yes. So Rafael, like you said, Gainswave is currently in the Testnet phase for building our super chain up on Opstack, that was a very significant pivot as we've been building our ZK EVM chain for the last year, and we decided to pivot into Optimus super chain.

Evaluating Technical Solutions

I believe that was a very good decision. And when you ask me why, it is mostly due to the fact that I believe that Ziki solutions are still early in its development. They are not that scalable like optimistic solutions. What's more, Optimist is having a very good bd team, probably the best in the crypto sphere right now. A lot of friends from the projects that I used to cooperate in the past, they moved into the Optimis. And what's more, since Optimus is cooperating very closely with Coinbase, it is providing the possibility for all super chain participants for easy on ramp, for easy off ramp, basically access to the Coinbase liquidity.

Incentives for Developer Engagement

That's a crucial thing and the crucial advantage of being part of the super chain ecosystem. What's more, optimist is incentivizing those super chains with the opt op tokens in the form of retrospective airdrops. So there's a very big incentive for developers to be active. And this is not a one time initiative like it was the case on the other chains, which basically start with the testnet, then distribute their airdrop.

Optimism Strategy and Airdrops

And that's over optimism strategy is a little bit different. They rely on the continuous airdrops that they have, like a lot of them in the pool. So still a lot of ammunition to be distributed amongst developers, amongst the users using those super chains. And that's another the reason why we decided to cooperate with optimism. That's all great to hear, and I do believe we all understand the reason behind it, because we all value the best technology and the best solutions for now, because we want to provide you basically the best things we could get.

Transition to Super Chain

And moving into the super chain as just pan paragraph described was the best decision at the time to use their technology and to join this ecosystem that hopefully will grow and grow. We have some questions in the chat right now regarding this matter. Michal Navrotsky asked, what specific benefits does the EVM equivalence and optimized roll ups provided by Chroma bring to the ecosystem and actually bring to game swift as well? So maybe, Derek, if you would like to answer this question, feel free to do so.

Benefits of EVM Equivalent Rollups

Were you asking if what's the benefits of having the equivalent easy roll up, even equivalent optimistic roll up? I think it's became a standard for all the game or game developers to have using the solidity that's even covalent to the Ethereum itself. So it's very easy for the game developers to move from one change to the other so they don't have to rebuild the whole thing when they're moving to different spaces. There are a bunch of l two s out there. There are a bunch of layers out there as well.

Layer Advantages and Market Strategies

Each layer will have different advantages when it comes to competing against one another and when it comes to go to market strategies. We ourselves are, like pen mentioned, are have strong ground in Asia. Most of the team are based in South Korea, and we're super connected with the korean gaming community and as well. And we are actually backed by a company called Remade. Remade is a gaming company listed in korean stock exchange, making games more than 20 years and things like that.

Importance of EVM Equivalent Optimistic Roller

So having the EVM equivalent optimistic roller is very important to have more games to even easily build on and have those games to be onboarded right away if they've been building the games for a while in the blockchain space. All right, that's great to hear. And strong partnerships are making everything easier. Your partnerships and our partnership together, game six and Chroma are really looking forward to something spectacular in the future.

Current Campaign and Successful Testnet Phase

As Pan Paraglev just said, we are currently on the Testnet phase and our campaign turned out to be a huge success, gathering thousands of participants fighting for not only the prizes, but actually to help us develop our testnet chain to provide enough data of coin transfers and nfts and everything. So hopefully soon we will be at the same level as the Chroma chain is right now. We have some questions also regarding the partnership and the campaign itself, because many people here might not know that the campaign is still ongoing on the galaxy website.

Community Engagement and Benefits

I do believe one of our ambassadors, Monika, just posted a link to this very campaign. Thank you very much, Monica. So the basic question coming from the community obviously, is what can we get out of it? What can we win in this campaign? Would you like to describe it briefly? Yes. Chroma and gamestifts are currently collaborating on the campaign under the name Supergame, coming from the super chain as part of the super Chain initiative.

Supergame Campaign Details

This campaign, which started on August 6 a while back, involves a token swap where each platform, meaning us and the game shift, has committed 100,000 token airdrops of Crow, which is a native token of Chroma and G shift, I believe is a native token of the gameshift tokens to their respective user basis. It's important to note that this AirDrop features actual Crow token and the GCF tokens for both users, not just nfts. Phase one is now live on Galaxy by Gameshift.

Participation and Rewards

Thanks for that. Offering Crow token as a reward. Anyone can participate. And for those who have been active on KCU, the on chain task will be very easy, very easy. And participants can earn NFT tickets on Galaxy which can be used in KCU's lucky scratch for a chance to receive the Crow token airdrop in the future. And the phase two will be hosted by Chroma on intract, starting when phase one concludes with GSUf tokens as rewards.

Opportunities for Airdrops

This phrase will also be simple to participate, providing everyone with a great opportunity to receive airdrops. So be sure to participate. So far, over 60 of the participants has already joined a user who completed all the tasks. Phase one will be awarded with scratch card entities like I mentioned, and this can be used in chroma scratch raffles in the future. Oh yeah, so like Jericho just said, phase one of this campaign is already on.

Encouragement for Participation

Please go on, check it out. It's super easy to complete and it will award you with an NFT the scratch card NFT that will be later used in the second phase of the campaign on the Chroma side alongside with the Kro tokens and G suite tokens and so much more. Cool stuff. Because with these assets you will have a head start over the other users when it comes to onboarding on both chains, using both tokens to playing games to, I don't know, taking on many more activities in the future.

Future Phases and Activities

Right now the company still going on, I highly recommend you go on and check it out. It's just the phase one. We will be later on going into the phase two, so stay tuned for it. And do you guys have right now in mind any particular upcoming activities from the site of game sleep or from the site of Chroma, if you please? I would love to share some alpha info to our listeners. Do so right now.

Major Milestones and Mainnet Preparation

Yes, so basically we are finishing our testing campaign and that's our major milestone that I'm really proud to announce that it's slowly coming to the end. From the technical point of view, it looks like we are ready for the Mainnet and most probably what you can expect is the major campaign around the Gainesvift Mainnet. A lot of projects, a lot of initiatives, a lot of incentives for you to be active during that time.

Launch Expectations

And obviously I don't want to reveal exact details as I don't want anyone to front run it, but brace yourself because Gainswift Mainnet is probably coming soon. The only thing which is probably stopping us from going Mainnet is a little bit bearish market condition. Most of the projects are delaying their marketing activities for this summer time, which is kind of the cucumber season by the way.

Community Appreciation

Shout out guys to you because I see that there is nearly 200 of you on the AMA. This is super impressive. It is a summertime, it is 11:00 a.m. polished european central zone. That's really impressive that you keep supporting us. Big shout outs to you and I believe that we are not going to disappoint you.

Future Development Goals

My goal from the business development of view is basically to focus on the incubation. So basically we want to bring big titles to the gain swift chain. We want to we are targeting big tv series. I hope that will come to the point where we will manage to sign first of them. What's more, we want to also diversify to not only rely on web free gaming activities, we want to develop also defi and RWA activities up on gainsive chain.

Future Yield Opportunities

And one of the probably biggest alpha is that I believe that will be able to offer the biggest yield for stablecoins upon any other chain.

Stablecoins and TVL Attraction

And when I mean biggest APy on stable coins, I mean API in native stablecoins, not some form of USDC or incentivized by extra token rewards. I mean 100% native yield, 100% native rewards, stable ones. And that's something which is probably going to attract a lot of TVL. But for this moment, that's everything that I can reveal with disregard. What's more, we are one step closer to the big announcement upon GeForce AI, which is our AI engagement for the Gainswift platform and Gainswift launcher. Soon we will be able to announce a very big partner who is going to support our efforts to make Gainsafe launcher a superior AI tool for computing power. That's for the alpha that you are probably waiting for.

Potential Announcements and Gaming Ecosystem

All right, that's really great to hear actually that Gameswift is planning on doing some really big stuff in the future. As Pan paragraph just said, we are really close to some big announcements, so please stay tuned and follow and wait for them because there might be some big things coming up. I read some questions in the meantime regarding the goals in the short time and the partnerships. Please just visit the games with X profile and you have basically everything. We have recently partnered with some really strong AI companies that are helping us develop the GeForce AI tool to use your computing power to actually get some of the revenue stream to yourself. We are still currently developing it, working on it. It's not ready yet, but I can assure you it is really close.

Chroma's Ecosystem Commitment

Derek, could you please share some insight info with us about the nearest Chromas features and partnerships and developments right now? Because I see that the audience is waiting for some additional info. Yes, we are super committed to having a vibrant ecosystem on Chroma, our main days alive. So we work to have a lot of more gamings on top of us. We started with the game focused, but we don't stop there. We would like to have more web two users actually coming to the web three spaces in order to bloom the ecosystem as a whole. In order to do so, we need to work on easing things up. I call it the easing things up in blockchain space so that rather inexperienced web two people can enjoy the web three technology.

Technological Advancements in Chroma

So that's why we're working on a tech called Native Account extraction and we call it Native AA. It enables the easy guest subsidy, social logins and gas subscription and so on in the future to have it more like a web two like experience in the web three world. And that is one of the texts that I'm the current I personally am waiting to have on Chroma. One of the next news we have is that our TG is very close. It's going to come in third quarter of this year. I understand the market is not as favorable as it should be, but we like to have it as soon as possible as we promised the community that we're going to have a TGE as soon as possible.

Updates and Future Events

So that's that. So in order to be eligible for any airdrops in the future, please come enjoy the chroma's ecosystem. Also participate in the event that we're holding with the game shift. Yeah. And if you please stay tuned for the future news coming from the Chroma about the TGE on Chroma.net work. Thank you. All right, thank you very much for that. In the meantime, I found a question from Jweb three. Can you share insights into the partnerships and collaborations of your crypto projects and how these alliances contribute to the project's overall mission and success? I do believe that Pan paragraph has already answered the question.

Partnerships and AI Integration

Before you ask it, Jay, because we do have some strong partnerships with AI partner that are helping us. Yeah, I'm reading your mind guys. Yeah, yeah, that's right. The G's AI force is coming and our strong partners and partnerships are helping us develop it faster and better for the future use. All right, while I'm still trying to go through the questions and cherry pick the most interesting ones, there is a one topic really close to me I would love to go on to.

Focus on Gaming in the Ecosystem

It's the games because we are building our ecosystem, the game sift ecosystem, and we really want to build a superior, dominant web free gaming chain and we are highly focusing on the gaming story itself. So the basic question coming from the community, what are the most popular and the strongest games on the game? Swift launcher. So Pan, would you like to take on this one? Because I've seen you playing some of those games. Yes, obviously.

Top Games in the Ecosystem

So according to my statistics, like the top five most played games are currently obviously star heroes. That was one of the most anticipated debut for our launcher this year and according to the user feedback, I think it was source of a very big activity. What's more, the second place goes to rage effect, which is a AAA FPS shooter on Solana. Also looking really promising. One of the recent games that came as a surprise for me and really high quality is Oxya origin. That's, that's another title which people really like to play. Probably medieval empires is another game for those who really like the strategic games.

Gamers' Preferences and New Additions

I'm personally a big fan of strategic games. The first game that I played is probably Roma total war. So obviously I'm also keeping my fingers crossed for medieval empires. But also we've got couple of new games on the launcher, which I believe could attract a major traffic. First of them is the Wilder world and the second one is Citizen conflict. The founders of both of those games have been our guests on games with town hall recently. So our committee. So basically if you missed those streams, you can check our YouTube gamesift YouTube channel and learn more about those amazing games.

Chroma's Game Development Strategy

All right, basically this is pretty much the same question coming towards Derek. What is the approach of Chroma towards developing games? Because right now we can see KCU trying to be a huge success right now, onboarding participants pretty much every day. So the question is what's next? What's the approach of Chroma towards the games and developing them? Yes, there's a lot of competition in the gaming scene, in the web three, there are a lot of games developers as well on trying to reach out to the new community every day.

Building Community and Collaboration

What we have towards the gaming developers is that we have a pretty huge community already within the ecosystem. We also have remades on our back. Like I mentioned, we made the Korea gaming company. They're known for their ecosystem and their token called wimics. It helps out with reaching out to the gamer community in Korea specifically.

Collaboration with Gaming Communities

And we also joined the hands with w three Gg and Abga. W three GG is the gaming community in southeast asian market and AbgA is the ancient blockchain gaming alliance for the further collaboration in the southeast asian market as a whole. That's that. Of course we help. We're not into developing games ourselves. We are. We're here to help and support the game developers to develop their games on Chroma. So we give them marketing supports to help out with the tokenomics and helping out with the tech support and integration and things like that.

KCU and Chroman Ecosystem

And for the KCU part, KCU will be developed to be more of the membership and the community program. For Chroman, it's Chroman is the people who are participating in the Chroma ecosystem. We call them chromanous. We have not disclosed more about the KCU's futures yet. You can definitely come and check it out on the chroma.net, work for KCU and definitely enjoy the cute characters and of course the small games that we have within the webpage. So please wait for the bigger announcement that will be made in a short amount of time.

Airdrop Discussions

All right, thank you very much for it, Derek. I'm trying to scout through the questions right now. I do believe you guys have answered pretty much most of them. There are still some questions about the airdrop coming from the site of Chroma. So maybe the last questions towards you. Derek, would you like to address this topic of an airdrop? Do you have any plans right now to do so or would you love to keep it low key? Yes. Thanks for all the interest. Of course, Airdrop is definitely a hot keyword for every project out there. The market isn't doing so well, so I understand that people are very impatient in terms of waiting for the TGE and airdrops.

Engagement and Airdrop Participation

Of course, all the activities you guys done so far and all the activities you'll be doing in the future with the chroma ecosystem will be related to the airdrops of CRO. The crow is the native token of Chroma. So please be patient and please be the participant of any activities that we do, including of course the game shift and chroma marketing support marketing activities that we that's core currently going on right now. So the eligibility webpage, I think the portion of that has been released, more detailed one, will be released in near future. So please stay tuned for more information.

Closing Remarks and Acknowledgments

Okay, thank you very much Derek for this insight info. And by the way, thank to you. Thanks to you guys, each and every one of you for attending this amazing, huge numbers when it comes to these spaces. I couldn't even read the chat because you're asking so many questions. Once again, thank you very much. And as a reminder, we will select ten lucky winners and distribute some prizes for you just for attending these spaces and asking some questions. Make we will make sure to do it probably today and announce everything on our x so stay tuned for those prices.

Future Engagements and Town Halls

And hey, good luck to you all for now. I do believe we used enough of the precious time of both panparagraph and Derek. We will have a town hall tomorrow so if you have some questions regarding the matter of game Swift or any other topics, feel free to join tomorrow's town hall and ask paragraph about some topics that you are so desperately waiting to get answer to right now. Let's get on and continue with our usual daily business. Big congratulations and big shout outs to you and to lucky winners. Big shout outs to chroma pan paragraph and Derek for joining these spaces.

Governance and Community Involvement

Thank you very much all of you. Thank you guys. And maybe one final word as we are currently preparing for the very pivotal voting on our governance. Basically, Gainsib is fully committee decentralized oriented project and we are preparing for the record breaking bearing of one part of the whole g swift total supply. This is the whole campaign, which is like affecting a lot of elements of our tokenomics to make it much more better. And we need your votes. We need your quorum now, it's kind of the cucumber season, so during the previous voting, we missed a little bit the quorum in order to burn those tokens, we want that.

Tokenomics and Future Plans

You want them to be burned. So please, if you have your GCF tokens staked, please prepare for the voting because we are going to make our tokenomics much more interesting, much more appealing for the investors. But we need your approval upon this. Thank you very much and let's keep in touch. All right, thank you very much. Derek, do you have any last words for these spaces? Do you want to announce anything? The stage is all yours. I think I've said enough, but thank you so much for having me.

Closing Statements by Derek

Thank you so much for this great opportunity to express what we are doing right now and amazing collaboration that we have with gameshift. Thank you. Like to come back if there's a chance. Please call me back anytime you guys want us back. Thank you all and have a good day. All right. So once again, thank you, everybody, for attending these spaces. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And hopefully see you around at yet another spaces or a town hall or any other activity that we are planning on doing.

Final Announcements

Stay tuned. Join the galaxy campaign and wait for this phase two campaign coming from the site of Chroma. For now, for today, this is all. We will announce the ten lucky winners later on, so get ready to claim your rewards. Thank you and goodbye.

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