Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Episode 4: G-FI Fest, Fun Time & Giveaways 🦍🌴 Join Us ✨

This space is hosted by CryptoEmpressX

Space Summary

The Twitter space unfolded with high energy, lively discussions, and engaging interactions, creating a vibrant and positive atmosphere. The speaker’s presence was notable, exuding enthusiasm and active engagement, while the audience participated eagerly, contributing to the lively vibes. A raffle event added excitement, further involving participants in the community-driven space. Throughout the event, a mix of entertainment and community engagement was evident, emphasizing the importance of interactive communication and energetic participation. Overall, the space was a fun and interactive experience, showcasing the vitality and spirit of the Lifestyle niche. Within the space, discussions also touched on topics related to crypto, competition, collectible items, building a strong community, exploring marketplaces, and the significance of education in the Lifestyle niche.


Q: What characterized the discussions in the Twitter space?
A: Lively and vibrant energy with active audience engagement.

Q: What special event was organized for the audience?
A: A raffle event to excite and involve the participants.

Q: How would you describe the overall atmosphere of the space?
A: Positive vibes and a strong sense of community.

Q: What stood out about the speaker’s presence during the space?
A: Notable energy and engagement.

Q: What was the audience’s level of participation like?
A: Active involvement and excitement demonstrated by the audience.

Q: What elements contributed to the high-energy interactions?
A: Energetic communication and enthusiastic participation.

Q: What was the overall theme of the space event?
A: A mix of entertainment and community engagement.

Q: How would you describe the audience’s role in the space?
A: Participants showed enthusiasm and active engagement.

Q: What opportunity was provided for participants during the event?
A: An interactive session allowing individuals to join and participate.

Q: What was emphasized as essential for effective communication in the space?
A: The importance of maintaining energetic and engaging communication.


Time: 01:15
Call to Action: Encouraging participants to retweet and engage more people in the space.

Time: 05:04
Welcome Message: Officially welcoming everyone and outlining the structure of the space.

Time: 10:12
Project Updates: Benji provides updates on the team’s progress and future plans.

Time: 11:25
Community Goals: Discussion on the goals of building a strong, engaged community.

Time: 14:30
Discord Features: Explanation of the various sections and planned features for their Discord server.

Time: 17:10
User Experience: Emphasis on improving user experience and interface for the community.

Time: 23:30
Building Connections: Insights on the importance of being presentable and authentic to grow connections.

Time: 28:55
Web3 Integration: Discussion on integrating blockchain and DeFi into mainstream applications.

Time: 33:21
Market Trends: Insights on market adoption and legislative developments.

Time: 37:20
Inclusivity in Web3: Emphasis on making Web3 and DeFi inclusive and different from traditional corporate structures.

Key Takeaways

  • Discussions were lively with a vibrant energy.
  • Audience engagement was high
  • creating a lively atmosphere.
  • A raffle event was conducted to excite and involve participants.
  • Positive vibes and a strong sense of community were evident.
  • High-energy interactions and enthusiastic participation characterized the space.
  • The speaker’s energy and engagement were notable during the space.
  • The audience showed active involvement and excitement.
  • The event featured a mix of entertainment and community engagement.
  • A fun and interactive session where participants could join and participate.
  • The space highlighted the importance of energetic and engaging communication.

Behind the Mic

You guys are on fire, you know, before I usually had started this space a little bit quiet dj was warming up the the the vibes and everything like that, all of a sudden I saw I saw “, “Lets go”, “You guys are on fire today and its only right before the space started”, “Im like whoa they already started so you know.”, “We, we need that energy because today we have something special that I want to definitely address and definitely start the conversation of because it is important and there’s a lot of things changing, you know while everything is happening”, “I see that there’s a lot of energy everybody is excited and this is good and I just want to say I’m proud of everyone I’m proud of everyone because we are crushing it”, “We are doing a good job and you know you guys being here shows consistency and I see the same Pfp’s I see the same users and that makes me happy because that means that you guys care you know?”, “And uh so let’s start the space so last friday spaces how did you guys like it?”, “If you were here on friday, type 1 in the chat.”, “Let me, let me engage real quick with you guys, type one in the chat.”, “If you were here on friday, if you liked last friday spaces, because you know I had a lot of fun, you know, I had a lot of fun and I think everyone else had a lot of fun and it really did set the tone for the for the weekend because.”, “We talked about something meaningful and talking about content creators and giving credit where credit is due is it’s It’s I think it’s important for everyone to acknowledge that because the space is important for creators.”, “The space is important for the builders for the ones that create culture, create a movement and that’s something that we need to protect you know and I see it consistently and this is just from my experience in this space I see consistently the tools are usually built, the money is usually raised, but the creators and the community are usually the last ones to Eat and I wanted to address that because I want to reverse that I want to change that you’re, probably wondering like why, like? Why would you change that like? What sort of logic and I’m going to get into all of that? Because it’s important and we’re, we’re sort of seeing it right now happening right in front of our eyes where everything was being funded, everything was being. I don’t know like just everybody was the space was was just investing and creating all these things, but the creators in the community they’re not being supported as much as they should and it’s actually the creators in the community that made a lot of this possible.”, “So let’s talk about it, you know because yeah, it’s all good vibes, everything is good, but we know that there’s an ugly side of things and I want to make sure that I address both sides, so we’re going to talk a little bit about that today.”, “And um I see more people tuning in welcome if you can do me a favor,”, “If you see somebody is not here, that’s usually here.”, “Let them know we’re live. Let them know we’re addressing these points and it’s important to be here.”, “So before I continue I’m going to bring real quick crystal to the stage”, “Give me a second here so I can see”, “Because, you know, something about these changes they’re a little.”, “I don’t know the the spaces are a little bit weird sometimes so here I’m going to bring crystal to the stage because we got a round of applause because it’s back so happy to see you back crystal uh.”, “I think you were in I don’t know where you went, but it’s good to see you, how are you hello?”, “Hello dude I’m on my way to the airport. Still traveling I I I was just a Vegas. I was just in Vegas now. I’m flying to Connecticut so traveling ok.”, “Well, you know we’re used to that we’re used to crystal moving around the nation and maybe the world”, “So you know um, but yeah how?, How did you feel about last friday’s spaces because I feel like it not only set the tone, but I think it addressed something important and um a lot of the dms that I got were very positive and they really appreciated the space.”, “So what’s your feeling that was a very unique and great space.”, “Thank you for providing so much value to the community.”, “I think what you said was on point.”, “I agree content creators put a lot of work and time into their content and should get rewarded and their community should get acknowledged for sure and thank you ben.”, “Thank you yeah um.”, “That that was very very eye opening and I hope all see a go to the shift change something that’s very important as this space goes on.”, “I see a lot of new people tuning in so guys today we are um discussing.”, “Oh somebody’s trying to come up.”, “Give me a second alright um.”, “Okay, I see you all right uh, let me bring you up here um.”, “I think we have because I’m telling you that when I saw the numbers, when I saw everything it was it was huge.”, “So I want to bring benji up real quick.”, “Benji are you here buddy?”, “Are you? Are you ready? Because I told people that you had a lot to say and um.”, “I want to make sure we start the conversation right.”, “So let me bring benji up here real quick and um.”, “Let’s get it moving.”, “Let’s get it moving because this is important. So um.”, “Here we go, thousand hundred thousand trackers platform and there’s a lot of people interacting.”, “I think we were trending yesterday correct me if I’m wrong.”, “I think we’re trending and it’s funny because whenever um, whenever we trend both Crystal gets a message that said, um, we have removed your post for whatever reason, but while whenever, whenever we hit like the the algo, there’s that’s always their response. So you know, you’re doing something right when that happens, but um, I’m waiting for benji to connect.”, “Um, I think he’s on fire today.”, “Last night he posted the song that he was he was Go and Listen comments to a lot of comments and uh I know we is here.”, “Um, you’re the chat is on fire. The comments are on fire.”, “And it’s important to see just the positivity the community is giving and providing.”, “Um, I think benjis wi fi is not connecting benji buddy.”, “Um, let’s see maybe.”, “Oh, I know what’s happening. Your bring break Tyson’s break spaces and then.”, “Bring benji up because invited yup.”, “I’m clicking okay.”, “I got crystal up um that’s okay so oh we’re on yeah we’re yo okay we’re on fire today so I woke up nice and early because Chris was just talking about how he travels right well was actually in um las vegas too so uh I same same time frame.”, “And watching this ll and then it hopped on the checklist back to miami so I wasn’t supposed to go flights at 6:00 a.m.. I’m on here.”, “Um, my computers are going off um so.”, “I’m I’m lit today how’s it going but when you find that”, “Oh, because you were in vegas too.”, “Okay, so for for the miami folks maybe I’ll see you maybe friday.”, “, Um, I’m looking forward to that but anyway um, what’s happening because I saw your messages yesterday and you had something great to share with us today.”, “And um, I don’t know maybe you can set the tone because this is important today we come in uh um go in on what’s happening behind the scenes, you know everybody’s doing the work.”, “Everybody’s the grind, but you have some important points to bring and um, I’m just gonna let you let it out you know.”, “Thank you man, good man.”, “Uh I first off I want to also, say Chris you were saying um, have a good amount of community members too.”, “I’ve been seeing a couple spaces beings being including being the Tarzan in the team and uh, and uh, yeah, I’ve also been busy the same way with a couple of other folks.”, “Um, when I’ve been out here too, so first of the same man like what has been discussed about that and all the stuff being built so um always good to see.”, “But but today we got something um really important so we were talking about um acknowledging our creators right.”, “And I wanted to get into something that’s pretty fucking cool.”, “Actually, yesterday I spoke with something fraud because I do believe that the first one in their kind that is going to change the game is is spt right?”, “I think that’s the only one that’s gonna happen for the ever right, mm-hmm and so um, last night uh.”, “I received some information that the ai is going to make the space to be like I can’t explain it like actually, I have been using something similar.”, “And basically the best way I can explain, you know, how we were talking before that yeah all the money raised all the stuff that was in developers now the difference what developers building the company.”, “Well, what’s happening is the ai now doing that, right, so it’s generating code builders, the product and all of a sudden.”, “These these these automatic like I’m talking about.”, “Everything’s done in a second right up for us forever so that came to me like wow light bulb benji and you guys know about that, right like you know benji uh tell them to hold because if you in a platform like sandman um you just exactly what I’m talking about and benji.”, “So this gonna be ai introduction generating automated developer clubs or even like cool, not just be coding but not not just even yeah not just it’s coding, it’s business it’s the marketing it’s the it’s the form of product like faster better.’, there’s no bugs it’s more efficient connecting and um like I’m going to put a case study and say um yeah yeah right this ai art that’s been out for a while but it’s going to be in everything imagine what game this is going to change.”, “Yeah, I think thank you so much for bringing that up because I talked to the team when I cancel I think you cancel you always bring the good ones.”, “But uh go ahead because I’m I’m I’m interested because a lot has a lot has been developed.”, “0: congratulations to you,” Benji doesn all fire today you know uh from versa to re. But but like yeah like just just anything like everybody excited we we see the gap, it was so feel like they the community was more aware of what’s happening.”, “Right and now look, it’s all happening because so much attention about that community that authors people that are because now once you can do all that stuff it’s it’s gonna be changing the game, so like you say you know ben thank you crystal.”, “I’m flying out of here if I don’t get picked up, I’m going to be here too.”, “But but like the suite let’s bring some right right you said the culture like talked about you know have to tip like you have everything building now now it’s building community to build better culture.’, um I didn’t see. that one”, “So yeah, thank you for bringing that Real Estate doing, building something awesome still you know marketing but once you generate that culture then it kinda supports something like even right even I imagine to programming coding right now’, You just say something “, “It brings something good that um”, “You know? Yeah, that’s That’s something that we’re working on and it just it’s It’s what we’ve been talking about, right?”, “Because whenever the platform we create or whenever the whenever we have people involved in what we make now is the time to impact and generate those.cool.”, because of it. Then what you’re doing is there the more supporting and we’re making monetize build up that makes our creators that makes everything boom right.”, “, So I’m going to suggest something today benji. Benji.”, “How about this?”, “After this space I want to go back go do some working through platform and for first period an hour”, “Generate that see where we’re with developers, but what happens they do. Updates you know they could bring,”, “It’s first uh, it’s about to hit so hit us up after.”, “It’s this filter ready you know we’ll do updates, but like let’s see like from companies, but everybody making keeping accountable right building accountable code ai they’re only being streamed now to automate too.”, “It’s crazy yeah man.”, “It’s like what is happening in front.”, “Um, but um but you’re bringing something good crystal.”, “Thanks again benji, thank you so much perfect.”, “Uh crystal there also like uh barlow we’re talking about right.”, “Um that think we’re trending um there’s this thing?”, “Yeah, legit like hey guys we’re trending again and we fiat masters being delisted on the morning space stuff right because that’s how you know you’re making noise.”, “Um, you’re trending that’s they, they see know what happening.”, “But everyone you know saying it simple.”, “It’s not really like something good something huge.”, “I I know we we always get into those details we we don’t update some timelines right but you know building up culture.That that brings in music can partnerships,”, “Not only creators wanting to be with us but they see creators already partnership now bringing it, and everyone’s working yes.”, “It’s yes exactly exactly we’re now seeing developers. Now doing what?”, “If you see trending and trending partners because we’re we’re making noise you know I’m I’m tuning in and checking those posts.”, “I hear the word really checking like you know. Yup, absolutely.”, “Alright for sure so thank you guys I think we’re good on the time but benji just one more thing I know you keep mentioning like and yeah you keep bringing it all the time so you think yesterday so what time was launched?”, “So everybody knows because I’m seeing a lot of comments and I think just people known do you wanna address that?”, “When got some working?”, “Yeah so alert because the timeline is what you said? Right.”,”Today’s the day so first 8 hours, so thinking sometime it will launch.”, “Let’s go first period awesome.”, “Thanks for that benji crystal.”, “You’re awesome um. Thank you so much,” Benji”, “0: wow all computers noisesismic perfect everybody know what’s happening.”, accepted loud and clearly um okay like yay benji”, “Oh by the way crystal so like versus there’s something happening because this to partner developers is big.”, “Yes important for them they they just see like more people’s ads being creator what cool ai there was website this morning, it’s like huge you know”, “Yes so um guys follow we keep updates and every moment is big.”, “Yes, yes follow we just hate master”, “So yeah guys follow and then provide updates. Okay benji back team like always.”, “It’s important bring highlight.”, like what brought highlight something like”, “Exactly exactly the other day you bring like it say trefinger um hey buddy who speaks trolling.”,”, yeah troll is important if you ask master when partners developers highlight see pipi those already see improve because you check algo back URL. Right versus highlight”, “That’s all partnership means okay um thank you guys so benji.”, “Crystal thank so I’m happy because checked timeline it’s happening it’s working so developers can creators work with”, “Yes thanks updates teams excited guys.”, “Yo we’re making noise that see algo okay algo back post because like this is it after people just trolls master will support them tools alright sure ben and everybody checked because follow checkpoint’s algo.

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