Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space FYI: Ep 1, FYI with Ben & Doom hosted by CryptoVonDoom. In the FYI Twitter space episode featuring Ben & Doom, valuable insights were shared regarding the Alpha Group dynamics, emphasizing the significance of innovation, collaboration, and understanding future industry trends. The discussion shed light on operational strategies, the role of partnerships, and the necessity of staying ahead in the industry. Overall, the space provided a glimpse into the world of Alpha Group and its drive towards innovation and success within the industry.

For more spaces, visit the Alpha Group page.


Q: What were some key insights into Alpha Group dynamics?
A: The space provided valuable insights into the strategies and operational methods of Alpha Group.

Q: Why is innovation crucial for industry growth?
A: Innovation is a catalyst for differentiation, competitiveness, and sustainability within the industry.

Q: How do collaborations benefit Alpha Group?
A: Collaborations bring diverse expertise, resources, and new perspectives to enhance Alpha Group's impact.

Q: What is the importance of understanding future industry trends?
A: Anticipating trends helps Alpha Group stay ahead, adapt, and capitalize on emerging opportunities.


Time: 00:12:30
Alpha Group Strategies Unveiled Insights into the operational strategies and approaches of Alpha Group.

Time: 00:18:45
Driving Growth Through Innovation Discussion on how innovation drives competitiveness and growth within the industry.

Time: 00:25:15
Power of Collaborations in Industry Success Exploring how partnerships and collaborations fuel success in Alpha Group.

Time: 00:30:20
Future Industry Trends and Opportunities An overview of upcoming trends and opportunities crucial for industry advancement.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on Alpha Group dynamics and strategies were shared.
  • The importance of innovation in driving industry growth was emphasized.
  • Collaboration and partnerships play a key role in the success of Alpha Group.
  • Understanding the future trends and opportunities within the industry is crucial for advancement.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Greetings

Hello there, co host. It's happening. Doom. Hello. How you doing, man? I'm well. How are you? Cosmic. Cosmic is good. We just launched myriad as rogue radio, which has been a long time in the works. I know you've been up on it a little bit recently. I have been, yeah. I'm excited. Very, very exciting stuff. Okay, so I have just pinned this post to the top. If you could all give it a repost, that would be wonderful. Will do. And we'll wait for a few more folks to join us. I'm gonna add it to a couple of group chats.

Weekend Experiences

How was your weekend, Mandy? My weekend was okay. I had a. I had a bad falafel incident, and I think it destroyed my stomach. Oh, no. So I watched a lot of Netflix. Okay. Yeah. Bad falafel is not. It was a bad year. It was a bad door dash decision that I made that I truly regret. I'm better now, though. I'm glad to hear it. I'm glad. I. My stomach was not feeling good at all.

Discussion on Terminator Zero

But I didn't watch all of terminator zero. Okay. I haven't seen it yet. What's it like? Dude, it is amazing. Seriously, it is the best terminator anything in decades. Really? Yeah. It's so good. Since, what? Like, t two? Yeah. Wow. Yeah. It's that good? Yeah, I was shocked. I mean, I guess it's from the same animation house that did ghost in the shell. So obviously, like, okay, you've got pedigree then. Pretty fair amount of street cred just right there alone. But this is like, it was. It was mental.

The Appeal of Terminator

Like, they just. They did it. You know, it's eight episodes or like 25 minutes apiece. Just epic. So good. Yeah. Unbelievable. You gotta watch it. Amazing. I will watch it. Yeah, I will. Highly recommend. I was such like a t two head. Like, oh, dude. Yeah. That, for me, was like my film. That thing was crazy. Yeah, I mean, they. Well, then they pushed, like, so much, you know? That was like the first time that tech was ever even shown, you know? Yeah, it was crazy.

Nostalgia and Film Analysis

Yeah. That was actually thinking about it, like the. The animation around, like, the. I can't remember what he was called, but the. Obviously the shape of the. Yeah, yeah, that was crazy. I mean, now you look at it's almost kind of funny if you watch it again. Right. I watched it, like, maybe two years ago, and it was like, oh, my God, this actually looks kind of terrible. But also, I hate it when they don't age well. I watched Lord of the Rings recently. The trilogy that has not aged well at all. I really thought it would hold up a bit better than that.

Impact of Technology in Movies

Yeah, not so much, huh? Nice. There you go. It's also funny when you go back to other, like, movies that are from, you know, even though, like, the early two thousands or the nineties and you're like, the cell phone totally makes this movie irrelevant now. Right? That's a lot of movies. It's like, oh, this you could problem. Like, even like, superbad. Right. Which is a classic. Like, if they could have just called an Uber. Yeah, I know. The whole time.

Reflections on Superbad

The whole time. And his piece of shit phone and all the rest of it. Yeah, that shitty phone and all that. I mean, it would have been a thousand times easier. Oh, man. That is a film. That's a classic. Should we just call FYI off and just make a film club spaces and not bother kind of down? I mean, we could talk about that, too. I mean, I guess we could pretty much do whatever we want, right? We can. Yeah. Well, look, we're a few minutes in.

Initiating the Discussion

Why don't we kick? We got bored. Elon in the house. Let's go. Yeah, I saw that. And my man, cheese. And Laura. Rod. My Laura. What's up, Laura? Yeah, it's already a good crew. Good to have some people here. This is our first episode, so welcome to FYI with Ben and Doom. Let's go. Yeah, this was a funny one. So I reached out to doom a couple of weeks ago and was like, dude, you should. You should do more spaces.

Creating Events and Engagement

Like, you should do your own spaces. And you were like, well, yeah, probably. I've. Wonderful. I'm like, I need to do it with a buddy. I don't want to do it by myself. It'd be too lonely. So I was like, well, I'll do that. And you know what? It's been a while since I've done spaces now, so I got really into it. Last year. I hosted a series. I did one a week for, like, 30 weeks. And I know that Jesus in the crowd there is going to laugh his ass off at me when he says, I want a week.

Balancing Responsibilities

But that was a lot for me at the time, and I haven't really hosted or done one since, like, November. I went to work rug in January and really kind of, like, just took a backseat when it came to creating stuff myself and my role at rug radio, for anyone that doesn't know, is vp of creator strategy, really. It's kind of based on galvanizing a group, kind of cohort of creators that operate work release content under the rug, radio banner and, yeah, like, bringing opportunities to them, trying to help them level up their content, trying to get them to network, create content together, focus on commercial partnerships, all kinds of things like that.

Introduction and Project Overview

I'm actually good. Yeah, I'm actually good. My name is Rus and I'm co founder of Onme Project. And right now I'm in Brazil and I was just a little bit shocked when I go into my x application on iPhone and. Yeah. And there is no working, you know, and I'm check news. I saw that they have that Elon Musk have some troubles with brazilian. Yeah, they banned X people in Brazil. Yeah. Yeah. You're lucky we didn't do this last week or it cost you like 80 grand or something. And a fine. Yeah, there's a big. There was a lot of fines being given out for people using VPN waited. Yeah. And I'm feeling like a hustler, like a gangster. And I'm a space from Omni team with the honor. We are very. I'm very grateful that you invited us to share the project. You are doing some really crazy stuff, so I want to definitely unpack that a bit. Yeah, yeah. And actually I'm here. I'm ready to answer the question if you will give me like five minutes to make an intro and to figure out what is on me and why we decided to do it in a so difficult times.

Discussion of Current Situation

Yeah. Well, based on the fact that you're in Brazil, why don't we. Why don't we let you and we'll run the AMA side of it first and then we come back and we can do the other thing. I don't want you to. I don't want the SwAt to come in. Right. Brazilian swat goes hard. We gotta protect him. Yeah. So. Okay, well, look, great. It's fantastic to have you here. Why don't you introduce yourself again and just give us a quick overview of Omni and what's going on there with the project that you guys are launching right now. Mid launch, right? Yeah, we are in the launch and we work as a product company, not only like company who has a very big sales department. Like, it's all the time in crypto and all projects that. I know, but I want to start from the last research from NFT evening. Maybe you saw this. Like 96% of NFTs, of all NFTs will die in 2024 and we saw it. All right. You saw it? Yeah. Yes, carry on. Sorry, sir. Yeah, it's really crazy.

Future of NFTs and Project Vision

And we saw that a lot of projects have a very short lifespan. Like it's almost one year. And the most tokens that we know they live more than two and a half years. And for us it was very important to use NFT as a format, as a concept, as a thing that will help other people understand better what we do, really. And for us, in the same moment, for us it was very important to change our vision of this thing. And as I already told you, our team is oriented on the product. That's why we have guys from Blizzard, from Netflix, from Plary on Playrix. Our unity team lead is from. From niantic and we trying to build application of the future. But it's right now could be your iPhone or Android. And we are available on both stores. And it's very important that you can not only hear my voice and feel the vibe. Why we be the next big company, why we will be next AR provider in the future years. You can download it. And the idea is very simple. We saw that there is a big problem after Covid and after pandemic, that people are lonely and we want to fight with loneliness.

Engagement and Gameplay Mechanics

And we decided to fight with it through the cities exploring and through the crazy walks with your friends. And omni app stimulates different walks, stimulates exploring the city through the addictive and different mechanics. All of them are focused on geospatial functions and AR functions. We create a really crazy user experience. Really crazy Ui it will be, I thought, in some teaching books of design. And it's really interesting how we do it and how to play. How to play on me. You need to go to our chats, to our discord or Twitter or Instagram anywhere, try to check the latest comments and try to find your code. It will be very helpful to register with the code because you will receive some bonuses, some things that will be very helpful at the start of the game. Then you need to download application, then you need to invite your friends, then you need to play like eight or ten times and craft and fully equip your Omi. Omi is avatar in our game. It's very important to fully keep them. And then you need to go to Magic Eden or our website and you need to find your own Omi Nft on me.

Tokenomics and Game Mechanics

Omi founders node and I thought that in the next two months, if you will have, if you will play, if you will choose your great gaming strategy, it will be very easy to collect more than I thought more than like 100,000 and 100,020 o and m tokens. Our right now, their prices 0.004 USD and what it should be on ido. I can't share with you this information, but. Okay, so let me stop you a moment. So you are essentially launching a platform that is built to tackle loneliness. You're doing this through AR technology, which is amazing. And essentially you're in the middle right now of launching the platform and also the nfts that people can go and pick up from Magic Eden as a launchpad. And essentially these tokens, not only do they provide you with the gateway to this game, but they also are yielding a token which you can claim over a period of time, which is worth not a bad price at the moment. Is that what you're saying? Yeah. It's very important that only our mission is to erase the borders and we are going to that mission through two things.

Creative Collaborations

First of all, it's who we invited to creatively work on a project. It's Nina Kravitz and she worked for Cyberpunk 2077, one of my favorite games of all time. Yeah, mine too. Yeah. Thank you very much. And Nina creates soundtrack. Nina create radio. And she has own NPC in that game. Maybe you meet her in a game. Yeah. And for way many hours. Yeah, yeah. And the second game with whom Nina decided to work, it's on me. She record soundtrack for us. She record all sound design in our application for us. And of course we create her own NPC in the game which you can meet at 10th level. And if you will rightly request answer on all her tasks in a game, on all her quests, you will have opportunity to receive NFT that will allow you to visit any of her shows for free on a backstage in the world. Yeah. And it's dope.

Integration with Fashion and Real-World Incentives

And the second thing is that we work with a crazy designer. This crazy brand, it's Abra, it's spanish brand that we introduced used two years ago at Paris Fashion Week. And we created our collection. It's like real world cassette. You could craft it in a game for your Omi and then if you are lucky and if you are in the right place in drop table, you could burn this NFT and receive the real t shirt from Abraham. Abraham is a designer or shoes designer who worked with Balenciaga, Givenchy, Wittmo for many years. And his brand, Abra is quietly cool and very hype. And I thought that we are maybe the first mobile game who working with these size of designers and who work not only in marketing, you know, we are cool, we are fucking with that guys or something like that. We are working real stuff. Like you could exchange your digital asset to a real world asset.

Narrative and World-Building

And it's really interesting and in on me. It's all about storyline. Through first ten levels you will make meetings with different NPC's Aria, Kylo, Nina and it's more than six different characters and they will share with you a story in which there are no more governments, the world ruled by corporations. It's just a little bit similar to what happening right now. And it's a really. It's really interesting project. It's a really interesting game. And it's made not only about, you know like Ponzi scheme or something about making money. It's a concept that we need to provide through our reality for the next ten years in this concept model. And I we are very honored to introduce to you onmi and you said that we are on a halfway of launching but no. We launched our iPhone version of application in April.

Current Users and Future Plans

2 months later we released version for Android and right now we released PvP game mode. Inside we introduced zero collection foreign game crafting and we already have more than 50k users and that's amazing. Yeah, 50k users and more than. More than like in my Slack analytics account I saw that yesterday, for example, more than twenty seven k of users are playing the game and we already shared with them more than 100 million tokens. 100 million tokens. And I thought that it will be a really good community backed game. Community backed ecosystem. And of course the game, this game in which you could pvp in which you could collect, in which you could explore your city in crazy modes. It is really interesting quests. It's not only about game because in our future we are really interested in creating AR provider that will be very intelligent and very smooth with your brain, with your visible area.

Technological Innovations and User Interaction

Because two years ago I was in Tokyo at conference and I saw lens that you use like a regular lens that my mom who have minus seven but with induction power subtly from your earth and with a very weird display like 120 pixels to 120 pixels. But it was two years ago and you know that technology is growing and they are going follow. If I follow that or I didn't follow that, it will grow. And we feel that in ten years it will be the regular thing and people will use cities and people will communicate with each other in offline, but with this AR layer, you know. And our mission. Absolutely. Yeah. And our mission is to. Our mission is to create the platform for this layer. Of course we use an RDK lightship, of course we use Golang as the main language for our server side.

Further Development and Use of Technology

We use Nakama for driven our economics and of course we researched all that ETH online do in their life for game economy. And you know that they are working with asian professor from Gavard to create their economy and be inspired by that projects in terms of that. But the mix of all technologies and all team members that we create in Onme, it's truly unique. And I thought that, yeah, and I thought that the main thing that you need to do right now, it's download the application. It's the only one call to action that I have right now in my soul. And second thing is that we sell only 2500 nfts and it will be our bakers, it will be our investors and they will receive 1% of all mine tokens.

Community Engagement and Future Utilities

And of course only these 2500 guys will have option to share invite codes. We will grow through invite codes model and invite codes. They have referral economic model and only this part of our gamers will have this option. And of course we have more than six utilities that could blow your mind. But I will be very briefly and I thought that these two is most interesting and most important if we will go briefly through the project. It's the first global ARPG with storyline. It's more than 50k monthly exif users. It's 1 million emails registered on the whitelist site. It's more than 100 million tokens already mined in the game. It's Nina Kravitz Abra its exit festival, its team in which are guys from Blizzard, Valve, niantic and Playrix and we try to invite you to join all these parts of the project and only 2500 real project founders will be mentioned in this magic event campaign.

Closing Remarks and Future Prospects

Amazing. Yeah. So I have pinned a post up to the top, people can follow you guys. It's a really interesting concept. I don't know von Doom if you've had much to do with like AR. But yeah, we've messed with some AR. I mean, and obviously like unity. I mean we definitely are like an unreal shop when it comes down to it. But like unity for AR is the obvious choice. And I mean if you've got, you know, someone or from Niantic on the team, for those of you that don't know, Niantic is kind of like the mother of all things. They are for the public because they drop Pokemon Go years ago, right. Which took place, but please interact with our aR, because we use the latest library. Yeah, we use the latest libraries. Of course, it's 120 FPS. It's next level.

Integration with Unity and Future Collaboration

We have our own libraries for unity and naintic company use our library to imitate a scroll and to swipe in the unity applications, you know, and it's where it was very interesting when we saw that they are using our libraries, you know, and it's quite popular on Unity library store and it was very interesting for us that it works like all worlds are working on the different things, but they are opened. We are from everywhere from the world, they are from Los Angeles. And for us it was very interesting that we could not only receive updates from them, but they could receive something from our small team. We are only 25 members who are in house work on this project and I thought that it's a good result for that pirate, for that resources.

Community Interaction and Appreciation

That's awesome, man. Oh, what's up board? Hey, thanks for the. Thanks for the invite up. I. I missed the entire Apple conversation, so I figured you guys could fill me in and not repeat yourselves. You already did that. But good to be here and congrats on episode one. Thanks, nice to see you. Thanks for that. Yeah, we've just been speaking with the team from on me there and talking about AR and the kind of the future of augmented reality when it comes to real world application. And I love the fact that this whole project was kind of like thought of and conceived via the need to help solve the problem of loneliness. I think that's a really nice thing.

Future Applications of AR

And I was speaking, I remember I speak to someone at NFT Paris last year, friend, and he was saying like, in the future, he can absolutely see a world where based on the things that you collect, maybe the things that you hold in your wallet, or the things that you have connected to and interact with. If everyone is wearing like, you know, and we've seen what the meta ray bans are doing, but if everyone is wearing like an AR connected device, like a lens, you could be walking down the road and literally know if the other person has shared their permissions that someone that you're about to walk past is, you know, into the same things as you, has gotten a companion based on the same game as you appreciate, or is wearing the same piece of digital fashion that you also collected because you attended the same gig or things like that. And I think that is.

Building Connections Through Past Experiences

Yeah. Benjamin. You really feel that. And you know, like one year ago we make a first collaboration with the biggest festival in Eastern Europe, its exit festival, it was born in Serbia, like the moment of unity of serbian or Balkanian of Bosnia. Gertze Gavinia of all that guys of Kosovo guys and they created festival. Students create a festival and Solomon for example was born from that festival. And last year it was like 24th generation of that festival and it was more than 2000, 50,000, 250,000 people in the same place in petrovaardian fortress. And we made with only we make the first afterparty, first day after party. And Nina Kravitz plays with romanian DJ's and it was legendary.

Exclusive Access for Onmi Users

And only on me users and only Onmi users have got access to that festival. Only people who were in our community to this part of this, of the festival, it was a very small amount, more than less than 400 people. And of course maybe some of the people joined us only for that opportunity. But it was our first step, you know, of merging the soul bound NFTs. Because this NfT in all my application, this soul bound NFT only shares the info about the place where you be. You know, you could lie to someone but not to on me. And I thought that in future years maybe some little children will show the profiles of their parents in Onmi and they will say, wow, our parents were in the same festival, you know, we are cool, let's do it again.

Connecting Through Experiences

Yeah. That idea of connectivity by that is amazing. Doom. You were speaking. Sorry, man. Oh, no, I was laughing because it was. I was. I thought what he said was cool. Yeah, I agree. I just, I guess for the team at Omni, I got one other question, which is like where you see this going in like the next two years, you've spoken about like your dream for it long term, like and what it might mean in the very long future, but like short term, like collaborations, additional accessories that you're going to add to the application on top of like the treasure map, things that you've been building right now, like what's coming in the next.

Plans for the Immediate Future

I think 24 months is a decent like midterm outlook. What's, what's coming up in the immediate future. Yeah. Thank you for the question, Benjamin. I will be happy to share our plans and our strategy in a personal dialogue because you know that I have something to show you. I have something to not only described by my very bad english, but of course the first thing that is very important for us, it's releasing of zero collection and the foreign game crafting and we already do that. We just trying to fit it in the game's. Economy and it's very interesting. We already getting the first 10,000 users in the game. It was our goal for that quarter.

Future Expansions and Player Profits

We launched PvP games. We released our first NFT collection and it's already on Magic Eden and timer is working all good. We are the right way. Of course this collection will expand the game functionality and we plan to launch only city notes. It will be option for high profile investors. You could buy some cities and you will receive a passive income percentage from all Orbs that were catched in this city. For example, you could buy Rio, you could buy New York, you could buy Jakarta and you will receive with that NFT some profit from the players who play in this city. And of course you could share some promo orbs, you know promo orbs with aD.

Marketing and Strategic Partnerships

You could partner with some marketing agencies in that region and sell ad through that orbital option. It will be very interesting too. We plan to be listed on various exchanges. We talked with them and I thought it will happen very soon. We plan to host a global Hunters games tournament. It will be the thing in which in twelve cities we will have a zone like 1 km zone in which you can come in at like 27 December and at 05:00 and Omni will send you push notification and invites you to buy access pass ticket to this tournament. And it will be like different ranges, different points of ranges on the map.

Competitive Gaming Experience

You could come to them and then your phone will vibrate and vibration will be different like metal detector. And when you will come closer to the point it will and it will be very interesting tournament. We prepare this tournament with a very interesting YouTube blogger and it will be like a show like in three cities and like 200 players will try to catch as more they can in 1 hour and other players will have the leaderboard and they could make stakes on them and it will be like a show like a hundred games in real time. And I thought that it's a very interesting feature because crypto games was never so attractive and was never so as show, you know, as big and interesting show.

Long-Term Goals and Developments

And by the end of 2024 we aiming to reach 100,000 monthly exec users and we want to launch Omni sports in 2025. It will be places for enhanced player interactions in real cities and it will be the best moment. I thought 2025 will be the best moment for omnicreators program because we will invite a lot of third party content creation guys and they could create city quests. We already prepared four of them for Sydney, for Tokyo, for Rome and for Paris, for example. For Rome, we created it with Leo. It's operator director of Oscar winning movie with Shia Labat. And he is really cool and real big expert in Rome with.

Collaborative Efforts in City-Specific Projects

For Tokyo, it will be with a very famous artist, with a very famous painter who is cool in Tokyo too. And it will be the preparations for launching omnicreators program. And through this program, people could monetize and could make their knowledge about city and their vision of how to spend the best time in this city profitable. And they could make O and M token with that. And I thought it's a very important thing. And from the second part of 2024, we will try to incorporate Omi with a wearable AR devices. And we will enhance some gameplay things with customizable orbs.

Enhancing Gameplay with AR Technology

And it will be a lot of AR features like sculpting. You could have option to make cities look through on me in your approach. Of course it will cost a lot of O and M, but it will be different zones, like green zone, very expensive, yellow zone, less expensive, and red zone for free. And you could make your own AR sculptures and make these buildings like. Like a crazy things through our AR lens on me. And after that we plan to make this game. Yeah, after that we plan to make this game more. Yeah, I hear me.

Final Thoughts and Future Aspirations

Do. Oh, yeah, sorry. Yeah, sorry. Yeah, I thought. That's all I thought that I don't need to be like a young girl who is trying to attract men with a lot of things that she do in her life. But of course it will be very interesting. Visit our site onme IO. And there is a very. There is a very interesting approach how to research. All that we do right now have. Been incredibly comprehensive and thorough and it feels like you've got so much going on. I would recommend to anyone in the crowd who is interested in what Omni is building from an AR perspective in terms of like, joining a community where based on their location, they can interact with other people that are doing the same thing, where they can effectively earn via mining the token, via the ownership of the NFT.

Wrapping Up and Appreciation

Sounds like the application of so many different bits of the tech that we're all working with right now. So good for you guys. I hope we get to see where this lands in a little while. And I want to really thank you for spending the time with us today and coming up and giving us a review of what you're doing. You have an amazing amount of things in the pipeline. Mucho gracias. Abrigado. Thank you very much. Abregado. And be really safe, man. In Brazil. Please try not to join that x too much.

Twitter Concerns

Don't get a twitter. Fine. I don't want you to get arrested down there, man. But thank you so much. We have pinned that spaces to the top and yeah, we look forward to seeing how that goes. Whoo. How you doing? Doom episode one. I'm good, I'm good. That's that. There's so much there. That is crazy. That's amazing. I got to download it. Yeah, I'll take a look myself as well and we'll see what's up there.

Community Interaction

Okay, well, look bored. Nice to see you as well. Thank you for coming up and. And being a speaker up here. If anyone else wants to come up and speak, by the way, like, feel free to hang. This is not a. This is not us reading the news. The idea here is that people can come up and give us a flavor of what's been going on. One of the things that has definitely been going on in the last 24 hours is a platform. I if I'm going to be perfectly honest with you, doom, I've forgotten about a bit, but it's friend tech. Yeah. What? Fuck. What am I reading this morning? They rugged, right?

Discussion About Friend Tech

They're done. Now they tell me explain what happened then. It looks like they reset the contracts and nobody. I don't even know if it's working. I saw somebody poster. What does that mean? What does that mean? I think they pulled the plug. They're not paying for the servers anymore. Right. And I saw another post this morning. They made at least $40 million. Okay. So they've done all right then. Yeah, they did great. It's just anybody that didn't actually, like claim and dump that is still paying attention to the platform. That sucks. I mean, I remember guys.

Networking and Engagement

Excuse me. Thank you. Thank you for invitation. I will go see you. I hope to see you on mega session, if you will be. It will be really legendary because we will try to start the sales in the same moment when we will do that, Amae and I thought it will be very impressive. Yeah, thank you very much. We will be downloading it for sure. I was. I was happy to make you fun and I was really happy to spend this time with you guys. Yeah. Thank you for hanging out in Brazil. For sure. Bye bye.

Reflecting on Friend Tech Participation

Thank you. Thank you. yeah, so did you spend a great deal. I know, bored. Did. Did you spend a great deal of time on Friendtech? Yeah, I mean, I spent a chunk of time. I mean, I definitely. I made some money on it, which was good. I definitely, like, sold my tokens about twelve minutes after, 12 seconds after I claimed them, because I just felt like it was gonna, I mean, they took so long to do that, you know what I mean? And it felt like I was surprised that they even actually followed through with it, but I had a feeling that was like, kind of like the next kind of, like, exit scam from these guys.

Skepticism in the Industry

They would just, they would do that, then they would bounce. Right, right. And it is what it is. I mean, they kind of started the whole social fi movement, and it kind of moved the way it was the. First mover, right, yeah, they were the first. And they definitely, like, grew the most. They definitely, like, made the most money, without question. But, I mean, I don't think anybody that, like, anybody that's skeptical kind of saw it coming, you know. Borg, were you on there a lot? I can't remember.

Personal Perspectives on Social Networks

No. I mean, not to add my boomer take, but I, like, for months. It'll go along with our boomer takes. No, I was one of those people who saw from the beginning that it wouldn't. I remember. And didn't touch it. Yeah, that was the irony and what I was saying. I remember Borg. Yeah. Very vocal, being like, I love experimenting. With new social networks. Like, I've been, you know, playing with Farcaster and stuff like that. I think bit clout for me, was the first example of social fi, you know, that burned up for a variety of reasons.

Future of Social Media

I think friendsec took a very similar approach. I agree. And, you know, it's hard to spin up a new social network at this point if you're going to do it. The fundamental reasons have to sort of be that it changes the model or adds value to how people use social media. But the thing that I just, I knew would blow up in their face was the deep focus on monetizing content and the incentives that get created when you do that. And so for short periods of time, something like that can be really interesting, but, you know, eventually it no longer becomes an interesting place for people to spend time, and they have to want to do it for free, not because they're being paid.

New Approaches to Social Networking

And so we saw that all play out. So, I mean, I'm sad that, you know, some people put too much money into it and lost it, but, yeah, I was out there warning people not to do that. Do you think we're at a stage where, and this is entirely possible? I know some people would be like, oh, no, there's always room for a new platform. There's always something will die and something will come and replace it, etcetera. But do you think at the moment where we are right now, the key to kind of amplifying content and to creating a spin that could be more social fire led is to actually go to the content where it is, as opposed to bringing the creators to you.

Emergence of New Platforms

Yeah, I think that's smart. Like to build layers on top of the infrastructure that's already out there, like a layer on top of Twitter or whatever. I mean, you have the rare occasions where a social network can emerge. TikTok ten years ago was nothing, so it's not impossible, but you really have to have a behemoth of money to make something like that happen. So if I were building something like a friendtech, I would absolutely do it on top of Twitter or something similar. And I think there are a bunch of companies who are going to try to do that.

Prediction Market Dynamics

So I think in the next three to six months, you're going to see a bunch of versions of that and I would maybe play with that because it doesn't ruin the Twitter experience, for example, people who don't want to be involved with that, it's just like an extra layer you can. It's like fantasy football. Like, you're not going to ruinous me watching the football game by betting on it, but if you want to bet on it, cool. That's your thing.

Myriad Launch and Features

The reason I asked that question is because obviously I work with rug radio and today we launched myriad, which is. A brilliant segue, by the way. Do you like that? Do you like where I did it? Yeah, that was so, look, myriad is. And I've just pinned the video that was up at the top there. There's also an article that's just been published on decrypted, but it's well worth going and having a look because essentially what it's doing is rewarding participants and creators of content for participation.

Innovative Browser Extension

But it's like, it's a browser extension, right, and it injects HTML code into various sites like Decrypt or X or YouTube, so that when you are consuming the content, where you consume it, you're able to interact with and collect points via the browser extension, like a metamask wallet or whatever. And so what it's doing is it's creating quests and it's encouraging people to kind of like, behave in particular way with certain creators and doing the whole social fi thing.

User Experience Insights

But it's not asking you to go to this platform all the time, it's actually saying hey, if you're consuming your content, wherever you're consuming it, like, you can still participate in what we're building because they've built the tech on top as opposed to trying to just drive droves and droves of traffic, which must be like a thankless task if you're part of the team doing it. And sometimes you'll feel like you're making progress and other times you'll think, why the fuck are we doing this? It must just be a wild thing, like launching a new platform like that and stuff.

Challenges in Technology Development

Really expensive user acquisition. Yeah, that too. That too. And software is expensive. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. So board could probably talk about that a bit. Imagine. But yeah. So look, the keyword for people who are here from reach is myriad. Myriad. And it's all capitals and so we're yelling it. Exactly. Myriad. It's actually just because the logo is all capitalized.

Future Potential of Myriad

Makes sense. I like it. Yeah, it's a really interesting thing. Like I've obviously been working with the team on the build out of it and the testing and then today we've just rolled out and it's in a closed beta or beta depending on where you're from in the world phase right. Now we have beta out here. You say beta, I say beta. We're in closed beta at the moment. So basically a whole group of people applied to join it. I think there's a couple of thousand of them or something.

Invitations to New Participants

And in a moment they're all going to be invited to come and join it on top of the creators who have already been invited, which included you. Doom. I got pretty of it early. It's yeah, it's very impressive. It's amazing the layers and layers that you can, you know, that you can do with it and yeah, we'll be using some of it here. Yeah. Well what's really exciting with it is then on top of the kind of the questing and the earning by participation, theres also a prediction market thats been integrated into the platform.

Integrating Market Features

And so as well as earning by consuming the content that you like, you also have the opportunity to then go and bet on the outcome of that subject. So say for example someones hosting a spaces on, I don't know, the Formula One race that's going to happen this weekend. And as well as having an audience of people who are obviously Formula One enthusiasts, those enthusiasts can also earn by participating and joining in and consuming that content.

Engaging the Audience

But then there's also a market for them to go and say who's going to win the race, who's going to win the constructions championship this year? Who's going to win the drivers championship this year? And obviously, those people are all kind of, like, focused on that subject material. And then the really exciting bit is when that liquidity pool is kind of, like, settled, the content creators who drove traffic towards that liquidity pool will actually earn some of the revenue that was generated.

Revenue for Content Creators

So creators can actually earn by driving people towards a predictions market that's completely in line with the content they're creating. And the audience that's going over there will hopefully because they're listening to that content, actually be interested in the subject material of the prediction market. Yeah. Really interesting. And we can. And so let me ask you a couple questions. Yeah.

Creating Custom Predictions

So I could go in and create a prediction for literally anything, right? Yeah. So we can do one for, like, the debates coming up in America. We could do. Oh, my God, they're the biggest ones. Yeah, sure. Yeah, sure. Like, and you mean anyone who's been playing with polymarket in the previous weeks, Will and Ferro particularly, has been laughing because there's been a lot of, like, what's Trump gonna say in the next 30 minutes during his speech?

Engaging in Political Predictions

I love those. Those are hysterical, too. Yeah, baroque. Landed tampon twice. And he really. Yeah, he was high five in. He was like, come on. He said tamponse. So, like, there's just some, there are some very. So there's funny moments there. And then obviously, like, how many times. Is he gonna say kami? Right. How many times?

Bringing Attention to Issues

Exactly. How many times? How many times is he gonna say bitcoin? You know, he went through a phase of saying it a lot. Yeah. And then what? China. He'll say China a few times. Oh, China. He says a lot. Yeah. And then he'll talk. He'll also talk about, sorry, no, there are also prediction markets based on, like, who will win a, the overall presidency, but then who will win it by state as well?

Granularity of Predictions

Yes. It really breaks it down to, like, the atomic particle level. Oh, yeah. Can get very granular. And also you can do things like if you're hosting a spaces or you've written an article about dogwith hat as an example, like, you can absolutely pull. The browser extension is also built in a way where it will actually absorb the content that's being written and then all spoken about and via an AI and then actually project a prediction market that's appropriate.

AI-Driven Predictions

So that might be like, will with, be worth more by the end of September than it was at the end of August? Or will bitcoin be at $100,000 by Christmas or whatever it might be? Right there are all of these pools. And actually the subject matter of the conversation or the article or the tweet or whatever it is will link up to that appropriate prediction market. So it's a really interesting development.

Launch Activities

It went live about 2 hours ago and a whole bunch of people are about to be invited. And then very soon there are going to be referral links for people to be able to join in. And then there'll be this big, long like campaign where people get to do it and to earn their points and to participate in these prediction markets, which will be stacks of fun. It's amazing.

Response to Myriad Launch

It's going to kill it. It's definitely the most fully baked thing I've ever seen, culminating a whole lot of different, I don't know, individual categories right where you're like, okay, cool. This is awesome because it stacks everything and it has that true web three ethos. So I'm excited. It's going to be dope. We're going to use it here. Me too.

Conclusion on Market Discussions

In a moment. Let's just quickly talk about the market. And I think you're better placed than me to do that. But before we do it, I'm just going to remind everyone that they can win dollar 500 in Solana, which has been provided to us by the good people at shitcoin. It's like we're on. What's that thing on Rick and Morty where you got like the interdimensional cable?

Humorous References

Right, right. Where it's like, oh, it's $500 for the Solana from shit coin people. Exactly. What the fuck are they, what the. Fuck are they on about? Exactly. But yeah, so I want to hear. From board a little bit about his platform as well, since we got him here. Yeah, Edison, me too. So I want to talk about Edison for a little bit.

Introduction to Edison

World board does that. So anyone who hasn't entered, you need to go down, you need to retweet the space. And then when board has finished speaking about Edison, I'm going to ask him to give me two numbers. And those two numbers will define who has won the $500 and providing you have retweeted, reposted this space. So please go in and do that right now.

Participation Reminder

And you're here. You gotta be here. You gotta be present to win. Oh, yeah. And you have to be here. Yeah. Is the shitcoin thing real? Is that joke? No. Real. I know, that's obvious. It's what is there?

Further Clarification

Handle. Hold on. At shitcoin. Oh, yeah, it's. They literally have it. Shitcoin. How do you do that? I know. Wow. I'm guessing they bought that from someone, but that's fucking. It's a great handle, right? Yeah, it's a great handle. I'm gonna pin. I'm gonna pin.

Final Thoughts

Oops. Looks like I pinned it. I pinned it at the top. It's about. I think it was the second one in. Oh, good job. Yeah, perfect. All right, cool, cool. I pinned a shitcoin post just to, just so people don't buy the wrong one because I've seen like 30 duplicates. Copycat. Yeah.

Discussions on Edison

Let's talk about Edison for a few. Yeah, bo, tell us about Edison. Yeah, so we just wrapped up a game event that we had going on. It was called Summer Crush. It was very Minecraft esque, but for anybody who hasn't heard of Edison, we build massive multiplayer events so similar to other side, built on the same rails, can support tens of thousands of people at the same time.

Multiplayer Experiences

Our approach is to have sort of a combination of these big events with lots of people playing at the same time and then also persistent worlds where people can play solo, a couple of friends at a time. And so we're about six months old. We've been releasing games slowly, testing out different modes. It's all playable in browser, so you don't have to download anything.

Excitement for Launching on Steam

You can just try it inside of chrome. Have fun. But I am excited to say that we're actually going to be launching on Steam very soon. So anybody who's a PC gamer who uses steam, we should be live in the next 60 days. That's huge. Until they kick us out, we don't necessarily have any hardcore web three elements yet. We're trying to build up a player based product market fit, roll out web three elements slowly, but you can connect your wallet. You can play in our games as like a bored ape or a forgotten ruins wizard. So I think Steam will be okay with us for a while, but we will take advantage of being up there until the day we can't and then we'll figure out a solution. But like, you know, the reality is it's the biggest marketplace for PC games. You can't ignore it. So, yeah, we're excited to beyond there soon. Is it.

Using Improbable for Backend

Are you using improbable? Yeah. So M squared or is the back end vic? I really see them as like the Amazon web services of the Metaverse. So I think you're going to see a lot of companies building on top of their stack. I mean, major league Baseball is doing stuff with them. There's some k pop groups that are building. So yeah, they're great. They. Yeah, they figured, they really figured it out. I mean, we've experimented with basically all of them and I'm not going to names because there's a lot of them I don't want to give shout outs to, but improbable and M squared is like, they definitely have all the elements that you need. And so I can go on Chrome or brave or Safari and this will run, right? It will, yeah. It works on your phone too.

Challenges with Game Controls

I mean, the biggest issue is honestly just controls, like certain games built for tapping on screen. It only worked on Chrome, but recently Nvidia updated their stuff. So yeah, brave works, safari works. It's pretty great. If you have a good, decent Internet speed, it's better to. We are going to try to push people slowly, like after they try it on the web to download the client or use steam just because it does cost money. Like you pay Nvidia to stream games from their server. So it's good. It ain't cheap. Yeah, but it's a good way to get somebody to try something once or twice and then once they trust you, then you can actually ask them to download something on their machine. Yeah, yeah.

Market Observations and Future Predictions

I mean, ultimately the streaming side of this is going to just get less and less expensive, you know, as GPU's get cheaper and cheaper. And yeah, it should get down to, you know, probably a little bit more than what aws would charge you just to run regular, you know, regular busy server kind of a thing, I would think over the next four or five years. But by the way, shout out to Laura in the audience, one of our angel investors. I thought she was listening in. So big shout out to her and supporting. Let's go, Laura. Laura's the best. Love that, love that. Thank you so much for sharing that with us. Board. You should come up another time and maybe take us through it in a bit more detail. And one of the things I'd love to down the line is maybe a bit of streaming or whatever, so it'd be really cool to showcase.

Discussion about Future Streaming Event

Yeah, I would love to just do a deep dive, man, and get like, get some. Let's do it inside. We could stream it on sprint and spaces and then have it, you know, happening inside of Edison as well. And if anybody wants to play with us, they can. We'd love that, dude, let's do it. We're doing it. I need to get on your calendar anyway because we need to chat about the platform because I want to start doing some stuff over there as well. Awesome. Okay, so board. While I've got you. I would like you to give me a number between one and how many rows will we have? If we've got at the moment, 121. And that's divided by four. Okay. So give me a number between one and 30, please.

Number Selection and Interaction

21. Okay. And then give me a number between one and four. 2910 1112. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Okay, so I have got here, John. Rick Oreke. So j o h n r E K E. Reck of the nineties. If you could please give me back a follow. And did he retweet the space, though. Or is he just here? I'm just. I'm just checking him now. Let me have a look. Let me have a look. Yeah, yeah. He's reposted the space. He's in the room. That's good. And check. There you go.

Final Remarks and Thank You's

So that's an alt account of mine and I just awarded myself. That would have been impressive. You would have earned it that way, man. Yeah, but, yeah, so, yeah, John, the recce, if you want to just drop me a DM. I've just given you a follow and we will hook you up with that $500 from the good people at shitcoin. We love them. We love them. We do love them. Okay, well, look, doom. That's an hour. Oh, my God. That went quick, didn't it? It really did. Anything else you want to cover? I mean, were going to talk about the markets. We do that for a few. Yeah. What are you seeing right now? What you'd like? What you. What are you enjoying at the moment?

Current Market Sentiments

I mean, I'm enjoying green candles right now because this weekend was. It was. It was looking like we might end up below 50 for about 15 minutes there on. It was bleak, right? Yeah, it wasn't looking good. It wasn't looking good. I think they're going to be. I think we're going to be in this, like, ranging waters until after the election. I just. I don't see any other way around it, really. I think until there's, like, regulatory clarity and until we know, you know, is it going to be, you know, the blue side say they're going to be crypto friendly, but they dropped their platform and there's no mention of it at all. And you still got Elizabeth Warren talking the whole space.

Political Concerns Regarding Cryptocurrency

Because we're all. We're all fucking criminals according to her, basically. Right? And then you've got, you know, Gary sells a job for some reason. So it's like, prove it by making the woman in Massachusetts stop shit talking and firing the little tyrant bastard in Washington that used to be pro crypto when he was at MIT, but now he's not, right, because Elizabeth Warren basically gave him the job. And it's like, come on. And you know. Yeah. And then, you know, so I think until we know, yeah, we got an administration that's going to be friendly to this technology. I think this is just what we're in for to November and it's fucking boring. Yeah. I hate it.

Long-Term Views on Cryptocurrency

Yeah, I know. You know? Yeah, it's like, okay, cool. And it's like, okay, well, I mean, when you look at it like big picture, it's like, okay, well, we're still way up for the year, right? Which is good because when you think about like, you know, a year ago this time, it was, I mean, what was it a year ago this time? Oh, man, it was bleak. It was like, it was in the thirties. I'm going to pull it up right now. Yeah, it was just on its way back. Yeah, yeah. So I had a gig about, yeah. A year ago now. A year ago September. It was. It was 30K.

Reflections on Past Experiences

Yeah, I had a gig a year ago. Right. That paid me in Eth. And it paid me decent money in Eth. Right. Did you hold. I did hold a lot of it. Good job. But this is the funny thing. He and I agreed to go our separate ways just because of the market and what was going on. On like the 5 January. You look at what fucking happened to eat between the 5 January and like the 20 February. It was absolutely incredible. So, yeah, it was face melting movements there and then. And I mean, really the reality is, and I tweeted the other day because I've heard it so many times, it's the whole selling may go away thing.

The Market's Volatility

And it's like if you. And I think it was like wizard of Soho or function or one of those guys posted, like, if we would have sold in May, right. I think it was Wiz because, you know, he was just in Mykonos and he, you know, he's always in the hamptons and doing his thing. And he said something about, like, if we would have sold in May, we would have been able to buy all that EtH back and still had, and still paid for an entire summer debauchery, basically. And it's true. It's like, jesus Christ, like, it's 23 32 right now. You know, we hit. I don't know. Did we hit 4k again? I think we hit 4k for a minute and.

Market Recovery A Year Ago

Yeah, it hit 4k. Literally a minute. Yeah, for a minute. And then when. Then went down, but then it was, you know, it was in the high threes, in the mid threes for a. While, so it was ranging for a while. Yeah. And I just, I'm so bad at that, you know, like, I've round tripped so many bags. Like I should have an airline named after me at this point. I've just got to the point where I've got a good friend and he and I talk on the reggae. We basically, like, keep each other going. And he'll always say to me, like, how you feeling? And I'm like, I just keep saying to myself, will it be worth more in six months?

Long-Term Mindset in Market

Months? And he's like, yeah, of course it'll be worth more in six months. I'm like, well, fuck it, then. Let's just not look at the chart for six months. Yeah, then let's just leave it alone and not look at it. Yeah. It's crazy when you think about it. I do think it'll go up. I mean, I think when you look at the whole, the macro, over the micro side of things, right, when you look at the global economy and you look at the dollar and you look at the amount of debt this country's in and you look at the spending and it's like, I don't see how, you know, and let. I mean, there's, you know, there's literally, there's two roads, right?

Cryptocurrency's Future Predictions

They're going to criminalize it or bitcoin's going to be $2 million. Mm mm. I don't, I don't. There's literally, like, there's no dividing it. Yeah. It's one of the other. It's, it's a fucking coin toss at this point in my mind, you know? Oh, no, I think it's a bit more certain than that. But I'm with you. I'm with you. Yeah, I think it's. I just think it's about how long it takes. Yeah, I think it. Yeah, I think. I think it's definitely about how long it takes. And you think about. They've definitely weaponized the dollar.

Global Economic Factors on Cryptocurrency

You've got the BricS nations really coming together, and the sanctions haven't worked. The russian economy is booming a bit, and they're pulling a lot of countries in that don't want to trade in the dollar. That's going to hurt the dollar and it's going to increase the price of crypto. Unless countries get defensive of their currency or unless things even out a bit, which I think we all hope they do, then we'll see the asset rising. And when you got Blackrock and you've got all the infidelity and Merrell and Chase and everybody else actually adding the assets to people's portfolios, I do think it's up only. But it's a matter of when is.

Discussion on Economic Insights

It up only completely? Well, I would love to go in deep on that. I really would because like I don't do economics a great deal and I feel like it would be cool within the show to FYI, people like a little bit more like more broadly about what all of these macro and micro factors mean. Not give financial advice but just kind of give people a. I read a really interesting article the other day that spoke about the last 13 years and the average of like by month. Whats the average? That the price goes up per month and down. And September on average the price of bitcoin drops 5.5% every September.

Seasonal Trends in Bitcoin Prices

September has been nasty with bitcoin from. The beginning and November has been but its skewed by 2013. But November is like the biggest lift. And so yeah, these things are really interesting. I'd like to look into them a little bit more with you. But yeah, I think we need to bounce my guy because it is 08:00 p.m. here where I am and I know that you've got more meetings. This has been fun. This is the first episode and we're. Doing this again on Thursday. Yeah. At 11:00 a.m.

Looking Forward to Future Episodes

pacific. And what time is that for you? 07:00 p.m. for me. So it's not bad. No, it's nice. It's a nice time. It's under bed. It's all good. Wreck a of the nineties, John Reck has, as requested as DM'd me his soul wallet and said thank you very much. So over to you in a bit. Yeah, send it over to me. I'll send it over the shit guys. And John will get. John will get this his channel, get his soul or his USDC on soul, whatever they send him.

Closing Remarks

I don't what they're doing. We got you covered, bro. Yeah, we'll get it taken care of. Thank you to everyone for coming out and supporting us on our first episode. Thanks for hanging out. Thank you to the people on me for coming and being so thorough. Shout out to my friend Logic, who's in the audience. I haven't seen him in a while. Logic's a good friend. Yeah, I with Logic a lot. In Miami at Basel in 22. It was awesome. Nice. One of the most solid dudes ever and an incredible artist.

Appreciation for Guests and Friends

Beyond. Beyond compare. Yeah. Bored. Thank you for coming up and speaks. We look forward to having you on. What's up, Josh? Yeah, yeah, bored. Let's. Let's sidebar and get you up. And. I mean, obviously stop by any time, but. But I would love to do an edit today, an episode with you. Nice. Thanks for having me. And congrats again on episode one. It's a big thanks, man. Nice one. Thanks, guys. Doom, have a good evening, my man. You too.

Final Goodbyes

Yeah, that's a wrap. We'll see you guys. Take care soon.

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