Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space FutureTech Fridays with Morpheus.Network (MNW) – With 6 Guests from the EU Blockchain Sandbox! hosted by MNWSupplyChain. FutureTech Fridays with Morpheus.Network delved into the intricacies of supply chain optimization through blockchain technology and collaboration with the EU Blockchain Sandbox. The discussion highlighted the importance of efficiency, innovation, and transparency in modern supply chain operations. Morpheus.Network's expertise in eliminating inefficiencies and streamlining processes emerged as a key theme, emphasizing the role of blockchain in enhancing trust and productivity. The session underscored the significance of resilient and agile supply chains for businesses and governments aiming to stay competitive in evolving markets.

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Q: How does Morpheus.Network contribute to supply chain efficiency?
A: Morpheus.Network helps in eliminating inefficiencies and optimizing supply chain processes.

Q: What role does blockchain play in supply chain optimization?
A: Blockchain technology enhances transparency, trust, and removes barriers in supply chain operations.

Q: Why is collaboration with the EU Blockchain Sandbox significant?
A: Collaboration brings innovative solutions and aids in addressing supply chain challenges effectively.

Q: What benefits do efficient supply chains offer businesses and governments?
A: Efficient supply chains lead to cost savings, improved productivity, and operational excellence.

Q: How can innovation in supply chain operations impact market competitiveness?
A: Innovation ensures resilience, agility, and a competitive edge in the market.

Q: What expertise does Morpheus.Network bring to supply chain optimization?
A: Morpheus.Network specializes in supply chain automation and optimization, leveraging blockchain technology.

Q: What advantages come with adopting blockchain-driven solutions in logistics?
A: Adopting blockchain enhances transparency, efficiency, and trust in supply chain logistics.

Q: Why is trust and transparency crucial in supply chain management?
A: Trust and transparency are essential for building resilient and agile supply chain networks.

Q: How can companies benefit from automating supply chain processes?
A: Automation leads to improved productivity, cost savings, and streamlined operations for businesses.

Q: What is the key focus of Morpheus.Network in supply chain optimization?
A: Morpheus.Network focuses on efficiency, innovation, and automation in optimizing supply chain processes.


Time: 12:15:32
Blockchain Optimization in Supply Chains Exploring how blockchain streamlines supply chain operations and enhances transparency.

Time: 12:35:17
Innovative Solutions from EU Blockchain Sandbox Discovering cutting-edge solutions to supply chain challenges through collaboration.

Time: 12:55:40
Efficiency and Productivity in Supply Chains Emphasizing how efficient supply chains lead to cost savings and increased productivity.

Time: 13:15:21
Resilience and Agility with Morpheus.Network Insights on building resilient and agile supply chain operations using Morpheus.Network.

Time: 13:35:15
Competitive Edge through Innovation Discussion on how innovation in supply chains drives market competitiveness.

Time: 13:55:28
Blockchain Trust in Supply Chain Management Highlighting the importance of trust and transparency enabled by blockchain in supply chains.

Key Takeaways

  • Morpheus.Network aids in eliminating inefficiencies in supply chains.
  • The focus is on optimization and automation in supply chain processes.
  • Blockchain is pivotal in removing barriers and streamlining operations for businesses and governments.
  • Collaboration with the EU Blockchain Sandbox brings innovative solutions to supply chain challenges.
  • Efficient supply chains lead to cost savings and improved productivity.
  • Blockchain technology enhances transparency and trust in supply chain management.
  • The discussion emphasizes resilience and agility in supply chain operations.
  • Innovation in supply chains is key to staying competitive in the market.
  • Adopting blockchain-driven solutions can revolutionize supply chain logistics.
  • Morpheus.Network's expertise lies in supply chain optimization and automation.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Context

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. Depending on where you are in this beautiful world. Let's get started. Sorry it took a little bit longer to get all of our speakers on the platform. Raise your hand if you don't already have speaking permissions or send me a request. My co host Lisa is helping out with identifying y'all. It looks like we got most of you. Do we miss anybody? Any hands? Anyone we missed? Send an invite if we've missed you. We've got five guests today, including our founders, folks from the European Sandbox accelerator. This is a organization of founders and startups within the web three and blockchain space, specifically working on solutions within the united, sorry, within the EU and everything from sustainability to Defi, as well as enterprise solutions and just about everything that applies to web three and blockchain technologies.

Today's Agenda and Themes

And today we're going to talk about how, how is web three and blockchain enhancing Europe's sustainability goals, which are very lofty, as you well know. A lot of new regulations recently as it relates to importing and exporting of goods and traceability. So we'll talk in general all about that. That's theme for today. So who would like to get kick things off today? Or I can call on you. I don't mind going first. Morning. Yeah. There we go. Wait, we're thinking the same thing there, James. Good, well, good afternoon to you. Just afternoon here in southern Ontario on a beautiful rainy day in Canada. Thank you, everyone for joining us today, and thank you for the fellow cohort members of the European Union sandbox.

Project Insights and Collaborations

I'm excited to be a part of that sandbox. We had some great meetings along with our partners relog from Italy. We've been discussing a whole bunch of different projects with their team, with their accounting team, their consultants they're working with as well. What we do with Morpheus Network, obviously, is track and trace for supply chains that pull all that from different API all around the world, different stakeholders. We talked about different solutions that we put into place, leveraging blockchain all around, obviously for validation of data, for sharing of documents. They really loved our certificate of origin project that we put out there with the government of Mongolia, MNCCI, where we've hit on with them right now, where they seem to be incredibly interested, is this new regulation that's coming out at the end of this year, the EUDR, the European Union, deforestation regulations.

Regulatory Challenges and Technological Solutions

Basically, you're not supposed to buy products from companies that are cutting down all their trees. You'll be fine by that. Fine for that by the end of the year. So we have to have technological solutions to trace all these products, where they're coming from. Again, geolocation pings, validating all that data, receiving regulation docs, different inspection certificates and so on. So really fantastic project using blockchain all the way up and down to track and trace those different products for the EU doctor coming up end of this year. Excited to do this for the EU and then other countries, other continents will follow in suit as the European Union as well. We'll have these solutions built out already.

Introductions of Speakers

So, so excited to be a part of it. And thank you, James and Lisa, for hosting as well. Thank you, Danny. I'll go through just a brief. Well, actually, if anybody could go around our speakers and give a brief introduction of your project and yourself, that would help identify everyone, and then we can get started with the topic at hand. Holger, you want to give us a start? Yeah. Hey, everyone, my name is Holger. I'm one of the co founders of Haven Network and before that at Spice five. And before that I worked at the Iota foundation for about four and a half years, where also sustainability was a big topic. So we started to introduce the digital product passport, like the, I'll say, the basics for it.

Project Developments and Sustainability

With the tlib project, we did a lot in the environment sector, we did a lot of energy reports to understand how blockchain can be green and how do different blockchains compare in their energy consumption and what they're able to deliver. And now with Haven, we are going the next step to make private networks, like layer two networks, easily accessible to spin them up in a very easy and very low energy consuming way, and then essentially use those for real world asset tokenization and a couple of other use cases where privacy is also a key aspect for the whole use case. Thank you, Holger. Charlie Barley from Bloom Wallet. Thank you. Hi, everyone. Thank you for joining today. My name is Charlie. I'm the co founder and CEO of Bloom.

Bloom Wallet's Vision and Services

What we're building is an all in one hub for exploring web three. So very much a product designed for the medium between the casual web three space and the DJN web three space, and providing you with everything you need for your web three journey from trading tokens and nfts to interact covering the many utilities of web three. So we came into the european blockchain sandbox as part of a consortium of partners together with Iota Foundation, Haven Idnow and Walt ID the idea being that with the upcoming Mika regulation, we need a seamless way for users to be able to complete KYC in crypto. And as you can imagine, with the type of product that we're building with bloom, this all encompassing web three portal, you're going to be interacting with all sorts of different providers, whether it's defi, whether it's centralized service providers like exchanges.

Collaboration and User Interaction

We want to create a solution that allows you to do one singular KYC event and then reuse that across all sorts of different blockchain services. So very excited to be here today. Thank you very much, Charlie. Yeah, let's see who else we have here. Tom, thank you so much. Thank you so much for the invite. Really excited to be here as well. My name is Tom. Tom Johnson. I work at the Iota foundation in the legal and regulatory team. IoTA is a layer one protocol, so we've always been quite focused on sustainability and industrial use cases and very excited to work with companies like Havey and Bloom and ID now and Walt ID as part of the consortium to, you know, to work on the web three identification solution in the european blockchain sandbox.

Focus on Sustainability and Innovation

Thank you so much for the invitation. Thank you for joining us. And Owen. Hi, nice to meet you. And again, I just want to thank you as well for putting together such a great event. Thank you. So, I'm Owen. I'm the CEO and co founder of True. True is a layer one blockchain with three main pillars, I suppose, as our focus, which is tokenization of real world assets, the visualization of identities. Both investors and corporate identities were interestingly focused on sustainability and what we call triple bottom line companies. So by digitizing the identities and the assets, we then have included, I suppose, and maybe people here in the world be familiar with, like an oracle, which is actually an AI engine for monitoring and risk analysis of greenwashing.

True's Role in Financial Innovation

So were lucky enough to be chosen for G Fin, which is the global financial innovation network, which is 15 of the world's regulators. And were able to kind of build our first prototype in this. So that's what true is. It's a layer one protocol and an infrastructure play for financial asset managers and people who want to build tools around proper governance of esggest regulations and in line with the new SFDR and some of the cds or regulations. That's true. Thank you very much. And, Andre, are you available? Lisa, did we give Andre the talking stick? I'm trying to see here. Bcl Drenthyde, raise your hand Audrey, if you're there, I'll try to find you. Nope, he's not here.

Discussion on Web Three and Sustainability

Okay, let's get started with the question, then. I'll send this out to Owen. How is web three helping Europe as a whole with sustainability goals? Where do you see the trends happening within legislation? And how blockchain can align with that? Look, for me, I think it depends on how deep you want me to go with that question.

Web Three Technology and ESG

Because I believe that web three at its core, and I mean, like, the true, you know, the true way of structuring web three technology in aligning digital identity with the digitalization of assets put on in a decentralized way, which is different to the way that we store all web two data. I think that is actually fundamentally built towards ESG. Right? So it's environmentally better architected, it's socially better structured. Right. Because we, most people here mentioned identity solutions, and we're probably all very aware of the benefits, the social implications of us all owning our own data and our self sovereign identities. I think both of those things come together, create very good governance. So I think, at the core of it's built for it.

Regulatory Challenges in Europe

I think at a regulatory level, we are probably cursed and blessed in Europe in the fact that we have so many different regulations coming into place at the same time, including digital identity regulations, coupled with new Meca market and crypto assets regulations. We've new european crowdfunding regulations, and of course, we've got the new corporate sustainable disclosure regulations and the sustainable financial disclosure regulations. Right. A plethora of stuff for people to adhere to in terms of regulatory standards. And it's going to be very complicated. I think that we're getting into the point of a need of transparency, that the only solution for all of the things I just mentioned is versions of Webtree, either in their pure instance, or hybrids with real world.

Introduction of Andrey Wiswan

Fascinating. It looks like Andre has joined. Hi, Andrey. Sure. Hi. Just a brief introduction of yourself and project. I know you're with, of course, Iot in the Netherlands, but. Yeah. So, my name is Andrey Wiswan, and we have produced a solution for purpose bound money. And that's what we use to enter the regulatory sandbox. Purpose bound money is programmable money. Right. So everything that CBDCs in Europe not are going to be. They're going to be everything but programmable. That's what we do. So we help governments, companies, organizations to distribute subsidies, grants, budgets in a very secure and safe way.

Excitement for Blockchain and Sustainability

And what are you most excited about right now with european sustainability goals and how blockchain and web three are enhancing that on top of that. Well, it gives us the chance to really show what you can do with blockchain, with dlts. I mean, there are lots of problems with sustainability and everybody wants to make steps, leaps, even. And I think it's a great opportunity to show what blockchain is capable of. And of course, there are lots of prejudice how much energy it costs, etcetera. But there are better blockchains than bitcoin, so to speak, which I always refer to as the steam engine of blockchain. So it's our turn to shine and help with this, solving this problem.

Interconnectivity and Automation

Noam, thoughts on that? Noam is one of our co founders, of course, and our co host today. Noam, your thoughts on that? Hey. Hey, everyone. And hey, James. Thanks once again for putting this together and hosting. I'm going to keep my thoughts very brief. I'm actually up northern Ontario and I'm on a starlink Internet connection right now, which is fantastic, but it is raining tremendously here and it is overcast. And my audio did cut in and out a few times. So I'm going to keep my comments very short and just to say a quick hi. And James, if it's okay, I'll pass this question on to back to you or someone else, if that's okay. But hello, everyone. Stay dry.

Topics Where Blockchain Can Shine

And a shameless plug there for Elon Holger, your thoughts? Yes. Now, from my point of view, there are like a number of topics where blockchain can really shine. Because where blockchain is really good is, of course, understanding who has how much of what. And it has absolutely excellent audit capabilities due to the immutability factor. And we've been talking to Paul, I would say 200, 300 multinational organizations over the course, over the past six years, seven years. And while the regulation was still very unclear, everybody was quite hesitant because all the organizations, they were a bit afraid to be in jail with one leg because it was unclear what data can now be saved on the blockchain, how can be used.

Blockchain for Automation and Renewable Energy

But now that we have Mika and more regulation coming up, that it's starting to become also more of a commodity, where we see more service providers around blockchain, where we see more automation happening, I think this is not really the key where blockchain can shine as a tool for automation and to really understand how can we do, let's say, carbon tracking in an easy way, how can we now start to build renewable energy grids, these micro grids, where we can really embed a secure module directly in the solar module to understand how much energy has been produced. It's temper proof and so on. You already had supply chain transparency and we see like a huge boom of tokenization of event environmental assets like CO2, carbon tracking and so on.

The Fascinating Aspects of Blockchain

And all of this really plays into the hand of blockchain, because it provides this single source of truth and it helps organizations to automate. And for me, this is one of the most fascinating, how to say, aspects of a technology which is available globally where everybody can use it. You can call it, I don't know, maybe even like a public good to really tap into this global data backbone and use it for documentation and for additional how to say, aspects, to really rely upon the data, tokenize stuff in a way more easier way than having, I don't know, like a lot of people stand in front of the notary now it's easier digital process.

Sustainability and Maturation of the Space

And this is for me like the most fascinating topic around it and how we can make it like how to say, use the technology to push sustainability. Sure. Dan, your hands raised. Yeah, just to build on what Holger was saying. Absolutely fascinating. And he mentioned the automation of all those different systems together, leveraging all that data and the audit trails. I think of obviously being a supply chain person with a supply chain background. I think of all those different systems involved, different blockchains, validating different data.

Real World Implementations and Funding

We're looking at digital ids, kycs, sustainability data, what we're working on with the EUDR, the deforestation regulation, if we can take all these different systems, connect them together in a supply chain. When you have an ERP connecting to a TMS, connecting to a WMS, all those different systems are different, but that data can be leveraged to push ahead. All that automation, that's what we're going to have, all these different systems. When you know that, let's say KYC has been completed, you can push ahead automatically to work with that client or vendor who, whatever it is. I think this automation is going to just increase the speed of business globally and create a lot of safety around the people you're doing business with as well.

Interoperability and Transparency in Systems

So great comments, Holger, and I'm excited for the future for this. All these different systems and solutions we're building are going to tie in together and create a whole new world. And I think that's the sweet spot, actually. Sorry for interrupting, but just touch on what you're saying there, like these interoperability of systems, and even like using self sovereign identities and zero knowledge proof, it means that we can all be in like a coopetition type space, right, where there's more value in more consensus and more trust, the more transparent and the more, you know, we're in this very unique, sweet space and time in the world.

Maturing Green Technologies

And web three, I think it's just so built for. But I just thought it was really good to hear how you're thinking in the same kind of way. Right. So, yeah, I think we want identity solutions, right. But the interoperability of them is we're all going to win. Right. So sorry for interrupting. I just wanted to say, great point. Conversation lively, feel free to jump in at any time. You don't need my permission to speak if you've got the talking stick. Charlie, your thoughts? Haven't heard from you.

Maturation and Focus Shift in Blockchain

Yeah, I mean, I think the space is maturing, right? So like some of these use cases on the more sort of, you know, the green side and the conservation side and the data side, everything around energy tracking, trading, carbon credit trading, waste management, green financing, they've been around in the space for many years, but they were always seen as a little bit unsexy. I would say you had the bulk of attention from funding in the space going towards Defi and more degen products and speculative assets and things like that.

Inclusion of Real World Implementations

I think what's actually happened recently, which has been a nice shift, is a move to include these more real world implementations in the general scope of the types of projects that are getting funding now. So like deepen is a huge narrative now, real world assets are a huge narrative now. And all of those play into this space very well. So I think from my perspective, I think it's just good to have seen the space mature over multiple years and actually see where people are placing their attention.

Reduction of Speculative Focus

And it's not as narrowly speculative as it once was. Certainly. Are we seeing examples of european global 1000 companies that are successfully managing their environmental and social governance agendas and goals with particular, any logos in particular that stand out and that there are use cases and success stories? That's an open question to anyone. I think we are seeing the beginning because when we talk to all of those corporates, typically the innovation department was responsible for handling new topics.

The Role of Technology in Business Processes

They looked at AI, they looked at blockchain, and they looked at 99 other new technologies. And then it came down to those five people that decide, how can this company now use blockchain? And it touch points not only on tech, but it touch points on how they do their processes, how to integrate into the ERP system, but then before I said, I think this is absolutely critical point because many people only see the tech and they essentially see the tech as the, what is it like as the hammer for every problem. But that's not it.

Creating Processes and Adoption

The tech is only in the end like, I don't know, 15% or maybe 20%, but the other 80% has like creating processes, creating say like a setup for organizations for standard tooling to really adopt it in a really easy way. And what we are now seeing is that more and more startups are popping up, which is also like a nice natural process.

Corporate Innovation and Startups

And those startups are then the innovators, which are usually not always because there are some corporates which invest innovation departments with more people who set up their own blockchain team, but also to say most don't do it. And they're like waiting for a startup or for a company to grow to offer a service and then they usually buy like a turnkey solution for this and this direction I'm seeing, and you see like in other technologies as well, of course, because a larger corporate is usually having like a hard time of innovating on those technologies. And for them it's like easier to just in the end buy a turnkey solution.

Adoption of Innovative Solutions

And now we are at this point like, you see companies like, I don't like tokenize it and like a lot of other ones, like what Dan also described before, what the organization is doing, where we get all of these solutions and where it's way easier to adopt. So you don't have to start your own project, but essentially the corporate is reducing the time to market. It's fitting into the systems way better. And so I would expect now that over the next two years we're going to see a huge ramp up, now that the regulatory stuff is clear, that we have the startup landscape sorted out, innovation capital is going there and those companies are going to get bought. And this is like how it usually like moves towards the larger corporates.

Sector-specific Innovations

This doesn't say that, or doesn't mean that no corporate is doing it, because in the banking sector, of course, there's a lot of blockchain bus going on. But I think we are going to see like a huge ramp up now over the next two years. Yeah, certainly one could comment on that too. Sorry, James, just to build on that as well. One thing that Morpheus has benefited from a lot, it'd be great if these companies, let's say they're just saying we want to clean up our supply chains, want to clean up our activity lower our CO2 just because it's good for the world, that'd be great. But we've actually seen it more of a top down approach where things like net 00:20 50 or the new FISMA regulation in the United States pushing on this food certification solution.

The Role of Regulations

So basically, you know, or even the certificate of origin solution, that's a government based solution. So as much as we'd love companies to take the torch and invest in these amazing solutions, if they're being forced to by the EU, by their different, you know, governments or controlling them, that's a great benefit for us as solutions that are just waiting as wide receivers to catch. Oh, sorry for, as these fullbacks to catch a pass to just finish it off. So apologies for the lack of a football. Agree with that comment as well. And I totally agree with actually part of what she's saying. I suppose when you're thinking about it, like, you know, you're thinking about the actual guy who's signing off the bottom line on it.

Risk Factors in Corporate Decisions

And I think we're in, again, a bit of unique position where it was hard to get these people to see the vision before because there was just too much even like personal risk, right? It's like, well, I'm not going to be the guy that's going to bring this to the board, right? But no, they've got like a professional risk on top of like this massive risk. If we don't get ahead of this and we've got all of these things coming in line, the transparency and the old days of spreadsheets are gone. So now we're actually putting ourselves at risk by not adopting the new technology. And I think this is like the weighing scales that is kind of slightly tipping in our favor, which now we're getting those big four conversations where they're like, oh, we totally see where this is going to be going in the future.

Shifts in Perception

So I'm just kind of agreeing with the point, but I think it's kind of funny where a lot of this boils down to risk and all of a sudden the risk is shifted in our favor by not adopting. Which is cool, I think. Certainly. I think that would be a pity. I mean, now you're saying, well, it's nice to have the regulators tell companies what to do, and now we have a default. Yes. Instead of a default. No. But wouldn't it be nice if by their own initiative they would find no better solution than this? I mean, isn't that, I mean, the basic problem of blockchain, I always say people buy cars, not engines. Right.

Solution-oriented Perspectives

So we don't have to sell them the technology. We have to sell them the solution. So if you make a. That is. I totally agree, but I think when we're specifically talking about sustainability and we're talking about, like, these specific things that we're talking about. Right. And the reason that this is such a big problem is somewhere between the past, the present, and the future. Right. And, like, ESG and, you know, philanthropy around this kind of stuff and environmental, it's very old.

Concerns with Transparency

What's not as old is the incentivization around lying about what. What you're doing. And I. And that has become probably the biggest. The biggest problem, you know? And that's, I think, where we're all trying to get to the solution. So I think there's somewhere in between, like, I'm not a young jinn, whatever they're called. No, but I think that there is a line somewhere in, like, where there's an evolution of thinking around circularity and what a true circular company actually means. And unfortunately, I think the younger generation have an edge on us in that's just how they think.

Grassroots Level Perspectives

So I'm qualified as a horticultural scientist. So I think about this very much from, like, almost like, a grassroots level. And where is the instant pain, I suppose, where some of this happens, and I think partially where it gets hard for people to figure out what's going on, is that we've got what I would consider a linear company that is built about putting one thing in one end and getting ten things out the other end. And they are trying to fix an ESG score of something that's probably so far broken, it's just not in the same realm.

Traditions vs Innovation

And then you've got new, innovative companies that are super profitable, but because they come from a fundamentally different place in their thinking and in the newer evolution of science, they're circular by their core. So we see it almost like an accord that, like, there's companies that, like, see 100 times more benefit because they're doing everything right in having the systems we're talking about. And it will always be the struggle for some of the legacy stuff for them to try to change their story, or, you know what we say, what got you here won't get you there. So they told a great story to get here, but no, with the technology is available, they need to prove it.

Regulatory Influence

I would completely agree with that. Just from a legal perspective, I just want to say that regulation can play a really important part in this as well. I think the regulatory development has pushed dpps into the market, they're becoming mandatory. For example, think of the eco design regulation that entered into force last month in the EU. You know, starting with large corporations and then, for example, listed companies. I think that's where it starts. And then it moves into smaller companies.

Broader Implications of Regulations

You know, these regulations are built like that, but it can also apply indirectly. I think, you know, a lot more companies are caught by the need to collect ESG data indirectly as well, because if you're a company that provides services to a large corporation, you will be asked for data about how the product was manufactured and all this information that the large corporation needs for their own reporting requirements. So I think even if the regulation sort of starts at the top and then sort of gradually it's brought into more companies indirectly, other companies will also be caught because they need to provide the data to their customers as part of their process of supplying services and products to large corporations.

Dora Regulatory Challenges

And I think that's good. You mentioned just when you mentioned that, I just want to maybe mention this as something else that is something that in line with that, but maybe not directly in line with sustainability would be like, Dora and the amount of stuff that is coming at the EU businesses, I often think about it as the worst problem that none of them know is happening. This Dora stuff, which is the operational resilience act that starts to really start to get into the different up and down chains.

New Opportunities in Regulation

And sorry not to go off track, but it's kind of in line with what you're saying there, with the amount of third party validations you need to do. Absolutely. And I think, like Holger mentioned earlier, it's a huge opportunity for companies to build solutions, you know, build new tech solutions that actually solve this problem. And I think it's fantastic that there are so many companies in the web, three industry that are building solutions for that because blockchain is just perfect for it.

Importance of Data Tracking and Validation

It is absolutely a perfect tool for tracking data and validating data. So really good to see that. My one comment is about the regulators coming into play, in a sense, forcing companies to use these clean energy solutions. I see that as an absolute necessity. The companies are there, the businesses are there to make money. If they're going to do it in the cleanest way possible, it's going to cost a little bit more money to do it in that fashion.

Global Regulatory Perspectives

Whether in the long run, that's good for the planet. Obviously it is. And that's what regulators have to make sure to keep these companies in check. I don't think we're having the same regulation. So I know we're not having the same regulation all around the world. World. So if Europe is sort of that leader, companies are cleaning it up, we're building these solutions and yes, the smaller players and different stakeholders and supply chains will contribute to it.

Connecting Global Solutions

But hopefully this will, you know, like I said before, use these solutions, copy paste them for Asia, for Africa, for North America and all over the place. This will be the first step and the regulators will be a big part of it because companies just going to want to make money and that's what we're seeing everywhere around the world. So we're going to need EU to take that first step to sandbox.

CSDR and Global Investment Challenges

And just on the, on that, and just to add to that point in that, like. So I always get these things mixed up is the CSDR, the C Corp sustainable development regulation. Long story short, this is, that's a great point because all of the operators know that are now importing into the EU from Asia, from all of these kind of places. You'll see a massive amount of reports about like a little bit of panic kind of saying, hang on a second, although we're not operating in here, they're now asking us for all of these validations and verifications to move in.

Global Systemic Impacts

And with the kind of EU tech taxonomy in this global workforce or workshop, I think they have, it is a strange ripple effect from one jurisdiction that has had this kind of global, which is strange effect. Has anybody kind of witnessed that in that, like, there's a very strong EU taxonomy, but it's been spoken about at like a global regulatory level. My apologies, that was an open question, I think, to the forum that they knew.

Global Financial Collaboration

Yeah, sorry. Yeah, I suppose just to frame it a little bit better, for example, the Gphin would be a global financial innovation network, which is a collaboration of a lot of world banks outside of Europe. And I suppose there is so much economy now flowing into Europe, but all of those people are also subject to these regulations by supplying into Europe, even though they're not european operators. Do you get what I'm saying?

Scope 3 Responsibilities

100%, yeah. It's down to scope three. When you're doing sustainability data as well, you got to know all the different stakeholders involved.

Supply Chain Complexity

Supply chain. And that's where it gets complicated. 80% of the carbon emissions are not in direct supply chain of the company. It's all in the stakeholders involved in China, the shipping and so on and so forth. So yeah, we're going to need all those global companies to contribute and we're obviously in the right time, in the right place to put this through and having the EU backing us, that's fantastic as well.

Regulations in Europe

In Europe there are regulations as it relates to supply chain documentation, right. There is a, there's a law in Germany that requires that all manufacturers have to track and trace all of their parts. So this you know, greatly affects BMW and Mercedes Benz. And we've seen blockchain solutions come from this where chains of custody are now being able to. BMW has parts chain right. They're able to track all of their, of the individual suppliers shipments into their manufacturing facilities thereby complying to Germany's laws.

Legislation and Technology

We're starting to see that now with the US having idot right, the department of highway is now requiring much more stringent documentation of what's on the road, right what's going where and how. And this is, we're seeing this, we're seeing legislation happen long before there's even a thought about technologies are quantum ledgers. I mean is this where we're headed on a government level? Like in other words our government's now spinning up their own quantum led like Amazon's quantum ledgere to handle their own data? Or do you see this as a boom for those distributed ledger technologies as a service? Open question.

Legacy Systems and Trust

Think that the old systems are so legacy, right? But they are in a perfect positioned to if they adopted all of this technology right, you could have like proper sources of trust and truth and you might see a lot of like the internal problems that you see certainly look within the irish infrastructure like the health services and things like that. Like there is a massive problem with all legacy government systems not being totally joined up and a lot of that comes back to identity and a lot of the things we talk about in web three I think they should wrap all around the industry but whether they will, I don't know.

Central Bank Movements

The central bank seem to be first to move. You think they'll take their cues from the central bank? Yeah, well look I mean there's like so there is the central bank seem to one thing about the regulators which I think is interesting if you look at it from a position that they're just independents who are trying to put investor protections or protections around the regulators and they're really not there to stifle business. So then if you were to look at the plethora of regulations that they have around investment around marketing crypto assets, virtual asset service providers and digital identities, this stuff is built for us.

Interoperable Ecosystems

So when you look at hybriding them you can now start thinking about like really interoperable ecosystems where if we've all got digital identity standards and levels of verifications and verified credentials that we're attaching to these, and it could be even in like impact environment or it could be in a different medtech environment, but those things are done to a standard that the regulators understand, the digital identity standards. So we can interoperate with the institutions, but with each other.

Micro Ecosystems Growth

We're starting to create like micro ecosystems that are interoperable, like we all envision. And people can come and choose suites of tools to add into their multi interoperable ecosystems that they're building themselves. And that transparency, I think, is where we're all trying to get to. I think. Certainly, certainly.

Purpose Bound Money in the Netherlands

Andre, question for you. You work within local municipalities around legislation. What are you seeing in the Netherlands is trending. What are some exciting use cases or success stories right now with that? Well, what we're doing is we are producing purpose bound money, right? So money that can only be spent on the goals that the issuer meant to be. So we did a number of projects on sustainability, right? So we did our first energy kit here where 50,000 families got a wallet and tokens with which they could only buy energy saving products.

Implementing Sustainable Projects

We had a project where we helped people who received relief money because of energy poverty and they could only buy energy saving products. We are a little bit more bottom up instead of top down. We believe in putting money in the hands of people to buy sustainable products. And in that way we got nearly 100,000 active users with a blockchain application on their phone in the past two years. The next projects that are coming up is, for instance, using purpose bound money to make people eat healthier in Groningen.

Sustainable Subsidies and Expansion

And we just did a project there to make office buildings more sustainable, giving entrepreneurs subsidy money, which they could only spend on making their office buildings more sustainable. So, yeah, that's something that the banks have to work on. Like we're in this regulatory sandbox and our use case is hugely popular. As I got to hear from Burton Byrd, we haven't received any names, but purpose bound money is something that the banks are on national levels are very interested in, of course, and we are using that mainly for sustainability, but also for other projects.

Ongoing Projects and Interest

So, yeah, like I said, we are not talking about doing projects in the future, but we are just handing out subsidy money for sustainable purposes. And we got projects going on in Holland, in Germany, and we're looking into other countries and many other national banks from Spain and other countries are looking into our use case. Into the regulatory sandbox. Fascinating. Absolutely fascinating.

Closing Thoughts

We've gone a little bit over. We try to keep these things tight around 30 minutes, but it's such a great conversation. I'll just let everyone go around the room real quick and just give the closing comments and thoughts. And then, of course, if anyone is interested in learning more about Haven or IoT Netherlands true Bloom wallet we have all of their official x accounts posted on our recent announcements regarding this space. You can certainly drill in to find out more about them and of course the european sandbox.

Personal Insights for the Future

But let's just go around the room real quick with your closing comments and your hopes and dreams for 2025. As. It relates, of course, to ESG and sustainability within the Eudez. I don't mind going first just to again express my excitement with this EU sandbox. Excited about the technology. I'm going to say this top down approach, again, is just so essential. I heard the one speaker mentioned eating healthy, getting basically paid to eat healthy, or some sort of benefits for that.

Environmental Responsibility

I think that a lot of people will decide to eat healthy based on the repercussions from eating unhealthy. Whether it's their doctor saying to me, you know, you're gonna die, you're gonna have a heart attack, you don't stop eating unhealthy. Or if they're gaining weight, or if they're having trouble getting up the steps or whatever it is, they're having some direct feedback from eating unhealthy which forced them to eat healthy. When it comes to cleaning up the environment, companies who are making more money to be environmentally unsafe aren't necessarily feeling that direct feedback at this current moment.

Anticipating a Cleaner Future

They're just putting it out in the air and the entire earth is basically feeding off, you know, their lack of efficiency. So excited for the EU Institute. These specific sustainability goals. We're going to see the whole world clean up based on this as well. I'm excited for all these different products that are a part of it, including markets network as well. So thank you so much, James, and you bet.

Engagement and Participation

Yes. Hello, everyone. I hope my audio holds up well. This has been a great conversation, and I really love the focus of real world project and real world impacts. This entire space, the blockchain space and crypto space, I think is so hungry for more success stories, not just more exchanges and more defi and meme coins. You know, there's such a huge hunger for more projects which actually has a positive impact on climate or end users.

Encouraging Innovative Projects

And, you know, Dan and myself and James and everyone at Morpheus network, we are such big supporters and advocates of any project that is, you know, has a real impact. And that's one of the reasons why we wanted to organize this conversation, to get some great projects in the room. So thank you all for participating. And James, thank you as always for hosting.

Appreciation and Future Engagement

My pleasure, my pleasure. Thanks very much everyone for joining. And again, if you want to learn more about Haven and IoT Netherlands true or Bloom wallet, please visit our official x space. There we have some links to their project's official pages as well as our speakers personal pages. Please like follow and share with your friends. This has been recorded, so feel free to spread it around.

Wrap Up and Looking Ahead

We find that we get about ten x well after the when we remember to record, that is, we get about ten x viewership long after people visit live. So please share if you thought this was interesting and we'll see you next Friday when we are speaking with let me see, let me pull that up. Sorry, our guests will be still undetermined, sorry, we're waiting for confirmation.

Concluding Remarks

Before I say anything, we're waiting still for confirmation, but it should be another riveting conversation about timely topics within blockchain, web three, and of course, the supply chain industry. So until next week, thanks very much everyone, and thanks all of our guests for joining today. We look forward to more conversations with you guys in the halls and around the water cooler at our virtual blockchain sandbox.

Last Thoughts and Farewell

Thanks very much everyone. One last comment. Just one quick last comment as well. If anybody is attending futurist this next week in Toronto, that is the largest crypto conference in all of Canada. I have actually have a fireside chat along with Jillian Godsel is also in this x space as well. And my gnome is going to be down there in Toronto as well.

Community Connection at Futurist

So if you're going to the futurist concert, reach out to us, reach out to the team. Love to meet people from the community, other projects, whoever's there come to futurist this year is going to be the biggest crypto conference in the history of Canada, and a lot of exciting side. Events as well that we certainly will be telling everyone about so they can tune in virtually.

Final Appreciation and Well Wishes

Thanks again, everyone. Have a great weekend. Take care. Thank you. Thank you.

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