Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space FUNtastic Friday w/@FunApes_NFT hosted by FunApes_NFT. FUNtastic Friday with @FunApes_NFT brought together a vibrant community to explore the creative world of NFTs inspired by candy themes. From the importance of storytelling and community engagement to the impact of collaborations and authenticity, the space highlighted key strategies for NFT project success. Through interactive experiences and innovative concepts, participants delved into market insights, future trends, and the significance of building authentic, transparent communities. The event provided valuable insights for NFT creators looking to differentiate themselves in a competitive market.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How important is community engagement for NFT projects?
A: Community engagement is crucial for fostering loyalty, support, and sustainability within the NFT space.

Q: What role does creativity play in the success of NFT projects?
A: Creativity is a key differentiator that helps NFT projects stand out, attract collectors, and drive value.

Q: Why is storytelling essential for NFT projects?
A: Storytelling creates emotional connections, adds depth to projects, and enhances their overall appeal.

Q: How do collaborations impact the NFT community?
A: Collaborations spark innovation, expand reach, and bring fresh perspectives to NFT projects.

Q: Why should NFT projects focus on authenticity?
A: Authenticity builds trust, credibility, and long-term relationships with the NFT audience.

Q: What strategies can NFT projects use to stay relevant?
A: Staying updated on market trends, embracing innovation, and engaging with the community are crucial strategies for NFT projects.

Q: How can NFT projects leverage interactive concepts effectively?
A: Interactive elements enhance user experience, increase engagement, and make NFT projects more memorable.

Q: Why is unique concept exploration important in the NFT market?
A: Exploring unique themes sets NFT projects apart, attracts a diverse audience, and sparks interest in collectors.

Q: What are the benefits of building a strong NFT community?
A: A strong community provides support, feedback, and an organic marketing channel for NFT projects.

Q: How can transparency contribute to the success of NFT projects?
A: Transparency builds credibility, fosters trust, and creates a positive reputation for NFT projects.


Time: 00:13:45
Candy-Inspired NFT Projects Exploring the trend of candy-themed NFT projects and their appeal to collectors.

Time: 00:25:12
Community Collaboration Success Stories Highlighting successful NFT collaborations within the community and their impact.

Time: 00:37:58
Interactive NFT Experiences Discussing the importance of interactive elements in NFT projects for user engagement.

Time: 00:45:21
Innovative Storytelling in NFTs Showcasing how storytelling enhances the narrative and value of NFT projects.

Time: 00:55:09
Market Insights for NFT Creators Insights into current market trends and strategies for NFT project sustainability.

Time: 01:05:34
Building Authentic NFT Communities Exploring the significance of authenticity and transparency in nurturing loyal NFT communities.

Time: 01:17:42
Differentiation Through Creativity Examining how creative concepts set NFT projects apart and attract collectors.

Time: 01:25:19
Transparency's Impact on NFT Credibility Delving into the role of transparency in establishing credibility and trust in NFT projects.

Time: 01:35:57
Future Trends in NFT Innovation Predictions on upcoming trends and innovations shaping the NFT landscape.

Time: 01:45:28
Community Engagement Strategies Strategies for effective community engagement and building lasting relationships in the NFT space.

Key Takeaways

  • NFT projects can find inspiration in various themes like candy.
  • Community engagement is vital for the success of NFT projects.
  • Exploring unique concepts can set NFT projects apart in a saturated market.
  • Storytelling and creativity are crucial for NFT project differentiation.
  • The NFT space thrives on innovation and out-of-the-box ideas.
  • Building a strong community around an NFT project enhances its longevity.
  • Collaborations within the NFT community can lead to exciting new creations.
  • Interactive and engaging NFT concepts resonate well with audiences.
  • Transparency and authenticity play a significant role in NFT project credibility.
  • Understanding market trends is essential for the sustainability of NFT projects.

Behind the Mic

Fun with Funape NFT

Let's have some fun with it I'm going done with it. Funny, funny, funny. This is for the funape nft yeah let's have some fun with it I'm going down with it yeah I'm the one giving my boys to paint the vision of the funape Nft this is for the funape nft okay, so let me tell you this, the artwork really dope. Shout out to coop and if they add me to the team, I'm never going just watch us take over the scene, you know this ain't a joke no kiss John hit me said yo had some fun and really flow drop the ethy in my meta I said say no more beating on my chest with all my vote independent hit the web and drop them on the low off the streaming cause the block is where I'm gonna slow yeah okay, wait.

Independent Journey

Told y'all I ain't come to collect everything I spit is flame they all notice ain'ta kid twitter jumping I don't really care for instagram discord popping you can find me where they play my jams John been supporting from the jump, he been a fan. More like family. We locked in working on our plans. They can't stop me. Tweet at Marcus and I'm showing love I'm too real to have them play me up inside the club I'm not selling out, I'm buildings from the mud. Funny going minute coming. Have some fun, have some fun let's have some fun with it I'm going dumb with it, yeah, I'm the one giving my voice to paint the vision of the fun ape. Nft.

Introduction and Adventures

Fun ape. This is for the fun ape. Nft. Okay. One day, Doctor Bon tried his prototype, taking flight out the solar system to find out the life forms. Where's he going? Fun apes have something else for him. Not so boring plot. And knowing purely for from what they doing. Took the candy, put it in the generator, it went boom. I'm yelling, upset, crying, screaming. That isn't the fuel. It took months to get the stock of it. Now, chocolate, cotton candy raining out the boosters of the rocket, the doctor said.

Doctor's Chaos

Apes laughing, choking gases for oxygen while demolishing all the sweet delectable treats. Bickering, hollering, hooting and booting. All of their doc's equipment too. It's incredibly foolish. They prank him endlessly and boot they having fun. But what is fun if everyone isn't including they're just some apes having fun like they your elementary students pranking, ruthless, acting stupid and I. Ooh. And banging on their chest and bellowing too. Welcome to fun. Let's have some fun with it. I'm going done with it. Yeah. I'm the one giving my voice to paint the vision of the funny.

Happy Thursday and Family Updates

Nft. Funny. This is for the funny. Nft. Well, happy Friday, everybody. What's going on? Sorry for the late start. This whole day got screwed up. It was space, I think was supposed to start at five. My kid was in their grandpa. Okay, here we go. My kid was at her grandparents house yesterday. Summer's over. This is the last week. School starts again on Monday. So she was over there on last night. She spent Wednesday and Thursday night there and then was coming back today.

Family Gathering and Child's Accident

And I was supposed to get her earlier today, but they whole thing about the fair, they were going to, so they had to take her to the fair. What, today? They did it today. And then I had to push back the time I was getting her, and then. So I was like, all right, I'll make the space. I'll push the space back to 630. That should give me plenty of time, because I'm picking her up. I said, 515. I'll pick her up at 515. Well, like, I get there. 513. I got there. And at, like, 05:09. At 05:09.

Injury Tales

She's had, like, the worst scooter accident that she's ever had. Like, she went. She scorpioned it off the scooter onto the concrete, and then their grandparents, right? So, like, this is, like, the biggest thing that's ever happened. Don't cry about it, crystal, she's fine. She's gonna live this. But to them, it was, like, the worst thing that had ever happened. Like, her grandmother. This is my ex's parents, okay? This isn't my parents. This is my ex's parents.

Practical Parenting

They were sitting in a chair. They're like, icing her up with peas. The grandfather's, like, doing, like, interrogating me about what I have at the house. Do you have peas? Do you have frozen peas? Do you have band aids? Do you have children's tylenol? Do you have. And then the mom, the grandmother is, like, giving her, like, an exam. She's just like, okay. She's holding her finger. She's like, squeeze my fingers. She's like, can you squeeze? She's like, okay, now open.

The Grandparent's Concerns

She's, like, feeling her glands and shit. And she's like, swallow open. Say, Put up. I'm like, what the hell is going on here? Did you just watch an episode of scrubs or something. Like, I don't know. Like, I'm like, Brooklyn, can you move your hands? And she's like. And I'm like, can you stand? And she's like, you're good. Got a little road rash. You know what I mean? I mean, she effed herself up pretty good, but whatever.

Experience Sharing

Anyway, cryptic. How are you today, sir? Good times. Anyway, the bottom line of that story, my daughter was. She's fine. I mean, it's a little banged up, but it's just the differences in how the situations are being handled. They're definitely handling that situation a lot different than what I am, but I. Well, we'll say hello to you first, Jenna. How are you? Happy Friday.

Parenting Challenges

Okay. Yeah, that's how my ex was too. My son would fall, and he'll be like, can you follow my finger? Can you. Can you sit down? Can you move? Can you move it? Should we take him to the ER? I'm like, I think he's okay. He's good. He don't need the emergency. Dude, right? The grandma, her grandmother's like. Like, open your mouth, like, healing her glands and shit. And she's like, okay, everything.

Medical Assessment

Her jaw seems to be aligned. I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about? Like, I mean, thank you. Thank you for helping, you know? Absolutely. I am grateful for that. I appreciate that. Absolutely. you know, but things are gonna happen. And then the grandfather. Oh, man, the grand. The grandfather frickin fell too.

Grandparents in Action

He fell chasing her ass, like, she fell, and then he tumbled behind. Dude, you should see the size of the knot he's got on his arm. I was like, damn, are you okay? And he's like, yeah. Mario's like, dude, this thing was almost like. It was like a wiffle ball. I don't know, I. Quite a baseball, but a wiffle ball, like, just swallowed up on his forearm. I was like, dude. Oh, wow.

Caregiving Dynamics

Did grandma check on him? Yeah. No, no, she didn't. She's like, frank, can you help him wrap that up while I'm taking care of the kid over here? I'm like, I mean, I feel like vice versa. The role is here, but I mean, whatever. Like, all right, grandpa, sit down. Icing his knee up with peas and shit. I'm like, all right. And then. And then they're telling me how to, like, I mean, their grandparents, what do you do?

Advice and Experience

But, yeah, they're telling me how to operate after that. Like, all right, well, what you want to do, okay, you want to keep it I'm pretty aware. Like, Joel, I've myself up my entire life, you know, so I know how to fix it, kind of. Right? I mean, kids are gonna be accident. They're gonna have accidents, for one thing, you know? And look, it's not like, I don't know, something we did back then when were young, but kids are gonna fall.

Shared Experiences

They're gonna have bumps and bruises. So, you know, as long as they're not bleeding, internal organs are not spewing out. I mean, yeah, I mean, there's some blood, but nothing internal. I don't. I don't think. You know, don't. Doesn't seem to be they. Well, the inside of the lips, I think she. I think she bit down on the inshore when she fell to the ground, which makes sense, but that's kind of a hard spot to fix.

Childhood Injuries

It's just kind of. Kind of worked itself out. Cryptic. What are you doing over there? What the hell are you doing? Me? What do you mean? I don't know. What are you doing? What's up? The hell are you rocking with that picture? What do you got going on? What are you doing? It's a little buns. A little ones. Little ones. Little ones.


Yeah. Little buns. Thought you were hitting on me. So how's your Friday going? What's going on? it's going okay. Going okay. Going okay? Yeah. No Scooter. No scooter accidents for you know? Yeah, I'm good. Although that's funny. I mean. Yeah, dude, it's part of being a kid, right? Like, let's put it this way.

Narratives of Youth

If you. If you went through your childhood and didn't get any road rash at all, ever go throw yourself in the street, because you're missing out. All right, I. You gotta do it. Yeah. I agree with you, Frank. Because when were kids, my brothers and my sister were horrible. But if you didn't get shot by a bb gun or, like, my sister, she had an accident where my brother was pushing her on this little go kart, and she turned too quickly around the car, which were on our car.

Sibling Adventures

There was, like, a metal sticking out, and she opened up her knee, and then my brother just like, okay, you can't say anything. You have to be quiet. We're gonna pat you up and send you right off. And my parents had no idea that happened to her. Like, literally, her skin was like, lift it up. Until, like, years later, when my sister finally said, like, you know, I got this scar from so and so. And my mom was like, what?

Secrets of a Childhood

And you never told us? We're like, no. We thought were going to get in trouble, so we hit that. Good times. Good times. Hey, you know, I got a. I got a nice scar on my leg from some. It wasn't really road rash, but it pretty much the same thing. I remember it was playing baseball and I slid into second base. But, I grew up kind of in the hood, so, I mean, our.

Growing Up

Our fields weren't that good. It wasn't really that great of dirt. It was more like gravel. So, like, I got this nice little, rash mark. That's from when I was a kid. I remember it to this day. I remember that, like, the bag came up, the spike went into my. Yeah. Oh, good times. it wasn't that bad of an injury, but, you know, gotta walk it off.

Navigating Childhood Injuries

You gotta walk it off. Pour the dirt or the water on it to get the dirt off. And of course, just like a. You know, just like any other child in existence, like, peroxide is the devil. And it's like, pray it's not gonna do anything. It's just cold. No, it's like, look, it's really not that bad. Like, it's not what? You know, any kind of liquid on an open wound. I'm not throwing alcohol on it to you, kiddo.

Childhood Perceptions

You know, relax. Yeah, but to a kid, that's. That's like throwing alcohol on it. It's not. Dude, there's a. I beg to differ. There's a huge difference at that age. You don't know, but it feels like. It, I think, because it fizzes up and they're like, what the hell? Yeah, I hated my cars getting cleaned, the fizzing. I'm an adult and I don't like it.

Perspective on Healing

I feel like it's gonna hurt, but, you know, being an adult, I didn't know this. People gargle that shit. Did you know people gargle peroxide? I had no idea. Yeah. Yeah, I did hear that. Right? I mean, not quite. I don't think. I mean. But I mean. Have you tried it, though? I haven't, but I'm saying, have you tried it? Why would you gargle peroxide?

Peroxide Discussions

Peroxide burns as well. Doesn't know. No, it doesn't burn. It just. It helps to disinfect. So, like, if you got a cuddle on the inside of your mouth or your sore throat. Some people do. I don't. I like. Because it helps to cut down the infection, but it's not something that I've done or would do. That's stupid.

Medical Advice

I mean, I don't know. I don't know. Maybe I should go back and ask my kid's grandmother. She's apparently a doctor today, knows all about this shit, so, you know, I mean, at the same time as their grandchild. So it's different from, like, when, like, were growing up? No, I mean, I agree with that. But, you know, I mean, we never got that. Well, I'm gonna say, like, years.

Generational Differences

Never got that treatment growing up. I don't. I didn't get that treatment growing up. Like, should we take her to the hospital? She just fell. She might have a broken arm. Right? I mean, when I fell, if I fell and got road rash and came in the house crying.

Initial Conversation

Pussy? You know, just, like, cleaned up. Okay. You can go back if you want. Or suck it up or you just stay inside and. Of course we don't want to stay inside. We're gonna go back home. Yeah. Right. Yeah, exactly. I mean, so we'll see how. Yeah, that leads to a good point. I wonder if she's gonna be a little skittish going to get back on that scooter the next time. We'll see. And it's bound to happen, because, see, you guys haven't seen it.

Scooter Riding Experiences

I've seen the way she rides that thing, and, I mean, I've tried numerous times to show her how to work the brake and where the brake is, so, I mean, it worked. She could have just hit a stone. I don't know. I wasn't there for the fall, but she's pretty reckless. Is that an electric scooter? No, no, that's not an electric scooter. It's just a. It's a regular one. It's got that little. That little thing on the heel, like, on the back where you just push. It with, really, this help put him on skills. Yeah, I mean, I guess it's good to have Louis always.

Recklessness on the Scooter

Like I said, she's a little reckless with it going a little fast. Like, you try to use the break. It doesn't help that much, but enough. Okay, then I'm pretty sure she'll be fine, because my son had the accident on his bike, and he's. I don't want to say it reckless, but he likes going pretty fast on it, so he still gets back on it and whatnot. He doesn't have any fear about not getting back on it. You know, she'll still be as reckless. Probably. Maybe a little more.

Building Character Through Experiences

So. She just built some character, you know? Yeah. Was that chat like, look, you're a beast. You know those marks, mark of the beast. There we go. Is it, you know, she scarred up now? She's good. Little road rash. Yeah. It's just like I lived through this, that I can do something like this again and not die. It'll be fine. Hopefully. Right. That's always the hope to not die on the next one either, you know.

Memories of Danger

Exciting day. She went to the fucking air. She wrote some rides, touch wood. I've never broke any bones, but I do remember one time I was coming down a road and it's like a main road. I was on the curb and like, this was a hill. And you can get up to like, I don't know, 30 by 40 miles an hour on a bike. On a bike. Bicycle. And like, I was too close to the edge and there was bushes and, you know, the bill bars that you used to get on bikes were like, they've been on to the side of the bars, the edge of the bars, and, well, the bushes caught that and pulled the bike and I kept going.

Physical Risks and Lessons

And I've done like three somersaults on the ground and basically only had little scratches. And I was going like 34, 35, like 40 miles an hour. Wasn't fun of the thing, but I can remember that. Dude. Yeah, I remember. see, and you got to be careful. But I love bikes, though. Bikes are so much fun. Yeah, I went like, I don't know, 15ft off the bike. I used to live in this apartment complex when I was a kid and they had huge piles of mulch that they would pile up getting ready for spring when they would, you know, redo the plants and stuff around the apartment buildings.

Childhood Adventures

And there was this hill that went down and it would just kind of lined up with these mulch pills, right? And I just remember being like, you know what? I'm a ride up one of these mulch hills and I remember going down this hill, dude, I was freaking flying, right? I was a kid, so, I mean, I might only be going like 8 mph, but it seemed real fast when I was young. I'm flying down this hill, right? And I started going up this mulch thing and I lose momentum about halfway through and just come all the way back down backwards. And I busted my shit.

Injuries and Parental Concerns

I flipped over backwards like three times. Yeah. Speaking of, like, you know, getting injured, like, I remember I used to hide most of my injuries. I wouldn't want to go home and tell my parents what happened because they would be like, what were you doing? And then probably punish me for doing the stupid shit that I was doing. So it's like I just had to suck it up, you know? But, yeah, I absolutely remember that story now. Vaguely.

Reflections on Childhood activities

I absolutely remember that story of going up the mulch hill and then going back down to backwards. Good times. Good times. Yeah. Never met. Every. Every year they did that. They did that. And I would try and do it and. I don't know. As if I ever conquered that, bro. For a couple of years. I just did not. I used to love riding a bike, though. I mean, it could be worse. At least you've done that to yourself.

Building Jumps and Thrills

We used to, like, we used to build jumps and then, like, get people to lay down behind the jumps and, like, we would jump over them. I think we got up to, like, twelve people at once. You guys are doing freaking evil Knievel type shit. Like, yeah, crazy. And, like, jump over, like six people without the jump. Just like bunny hopping a bike. And people. But your people was shipping our ass. They lay down.

Fear and Trust Issues

I wasn't one of the only things that was the bay. I was one of the bakers. I don't think anybody would trust me. I mean, not that I was bad on my bike, but I told you guys I was a chubby kid growing up. I wouldn't chug my ass fat growing up. So, like, they weren't trusting no fat kid on a Jonah ramp going, people, dude, I'm gonna tell you that right now. No. Can I ask you a question? Absolutely.

Biking Skills and Accidents

Anything. You try to jump the bike, did the handlebars come up without the bike? Like, did they come up or. Yeah, up. Same thing. Sometimes they would come out. There are times where, like, they would come out of the thing completely. And that's what I'm talking about. Yeah, yeah. I've had that happen before. It definitely had that happened fucking always. Damn. You would like. I remember the very first time I tried to do an endo.

In-Depth Stories of Biking

If anybody doesn't know what an endo is on a bike, it's where you just go up to a curb relatively slowly, and you put the front tire against it and you pull the back tire up. That's. That's an endo. That's an endo. You should not do that quickly. How I learned the very first. No, the very first time I tried, I was like, oh, I watched somebody do it, too. And I was like, I'm gonna do that. And I just decided I wanted to get up a little bit more speed.

Mistakes and Consequences

Like I. Like I was the professional and I'm not. I was not. And I proved that day. Dude, I went flying over that curb. I remember is the same apartment complex. Yeah, man, this apartment complex really beat my ass when I was a kid. Same apartment complex. And I went over the curb. I went over the curb, over the sidewalk, and into the door of the apartment complex. I went flying. They probably want 15ft like you, but maybe a good eight.

Childhood Dares

Dude, what. You trying to do? Can I ask you a personal question? Don't take offense to it. Were you a stupid kid? No, it wasn't stupid. Just fat, bro. Maybe the fat made me stupid. I was just reckless, dude. No, wait. Wait a minute. I thought you meant you went into the curb too fast and you put the bike up and it went right over and you landed at the other side of the curb. That's what I thought you meant.

Understanding Childhood Mishaps

But you were going that fast into the curb that you went over it. You just said, yeah, that's it. Where does the mask come in? Of speed and velocity versus nothing stopping you. Dude, I thought you went over the handlebars, bro. That was this movie. There was a movie called Rad when I was a kid, right? I used to watch Rad and I used to want to be like, in rad. So if anybody knows what that's about, that's why I went so fast.

Influences on Behaviors

It doesn't answer the question as to why did it try to do it endo. But. I mean, like, I used to do endos. Like, you drive up to the curb. Slowly. Slowly. Because you're going to be pushing the bike forward anyway with the momentum. Then you go up and then you push yourself backwards and cycle backwards. You balance the bike. That's what I thought you meant you were going to say. I mean, textbook on paper.

Confusion and Realization

That's exactly how you're supposed to do it. Are you? Yeah. Yeah. Not fast cycling speed, though. I don't know what I was thinking. I really don't. I don't know what I was thinking. The more you tell. I'm telling you, the more you tell stories. Well, see, I've done some. Yeah, no, I like. I don't. I don't take offense to that.

Reflections on Stupidity in Youth

And I don't find my. I don't think I'm a stupid person. Really don't. But I've definitely done some really stupid shit. I've definitely done some really stupid shit. Wait, how old were you when you did that, Frank? I was some. I want to say maybe somewhere between, like, seven and ten years old. That was fairly new to bikes. Okay. So, yeah, I did the same thing, but, like, I didn't hit a curb.

Comparing Childhood Experiences

I went up the hill from where we used to live, and it was like you go up the hill and you just, like, pedal downhill. But after a while, like, I would take my feet off the pedals and just let it glide. But this one time, I did it, and I happened to be going too fast, and I didn't have brakes at the time. Those bikes didn't have brakes, so the only breaks we had was putting our feet on the ground.

Childhood Mishaps on Bikes

And, well, mine stood. I didn't have brakes. What? Yeah. And, okay. On you go. On you go. And then when I did it, I was wearing flip flops at the time, so that was another thing. So my flip flops got caught in the chain, so it, like, started weaving the bike back and forth, and then I eventually hit the curb, and I fell. Scraped up my knee, my leg, my toe.

More Reflections on Stupidity

Okay, don't take offense to this. I was seven or eight. Cryptic. Leave me alone. Yeah, same. Don't take offense to this. I think you were also stupid when you were small on bikes. Why would you? I mean, I had brothers, and they would do it all the time, so thinking. Well, not the. That's what I'm saying. Why would you do that? Because I was young, cryptic.

Adventures of Youth

Just stupid things. Right, right, Jenna. That's all I'm saying. Exactly, exactly stupid things. Okay, but going back to you saying the only way, this was before you said you had flip flops on when we never had brakes. What we would do is we used to, like, put the middle of our foot in. In the back wheel. So. So the frame would, like, stop our foot, but the.

Creative Stopping Mechanisms

The sole part would be on the wheel, and it would, like, slow down, just, like, just jam it in there. It ruined our shoes. But I. That's what we used to do. But this was before you said you had flip flops on, because who wears flip flops on a bike? Disco wears the flaps in Texas. Okay. I mean, yeah, I don't know where to go with the flip flops.

Life Decisions and Regrets

I can't get down with flip flops, but I can't get down with making stupid decisions, and my life is full of them. Did anybody see. Off subject here. We'll switch it up a little bit that the engager has been reset. Did we see that? Yeah. Jenna won the ape as well.

Raffle Winners and Fun

And there was something I was supposed to tell you. I know that. Let's see. Who was it? Crypto Optimus primate won themselves a fun ape. Let me go to Coral, send out some fun apes. I was driving and I was like, oh, I didn't win. Nothing. Nothing. Where's Gorg's message?

Message Recap

See? Freaky Fernandez, one. K prince, one Djan, one crypto optimist primate, one. You can get the wallets. Yeah, I like reading the messages allowed, but, yeah, and he sent his out that whomever won there. So I'll send out. I'll send freaky's, K princes, DJ's, and copes out after the space. I'll get those done.

More Raffle Updates

I didn't win. Yet again. Yet again. Yep, same. more raffles, will to put everybody in here. More raffles while we get in tomorrow. And criminal prizes. There was something else I was supposed to tell you, Jenna. What was I supposed to tell? Points or no points?

Points Discussion

I don't know. No, no points. Okay, I wasn't listening then. I know that additional creamy bonuses were added. So anybody with a companion. Yes, the pairing. I'm Parry. Yep, that's what it was. Make sure, make sure to head and to. Sorry.

Encouragement to Revisit Pairings

One go into the discord. And there's been a few things added, so make sure you go in and unpair your pairings and then pair them back up because there was a few stuff added. Sorry, man. Honeycomb. No, you're good. No, I was getting there. I was getting. Okay, my one.


Well, she put in. Let's see. Did she put it. Let's see. Yeah, the new multipliers. It was plus one per day for a companion, plus two for a kiddo, plus two for you. And it says, pair your fun apes and fun days. But, yeah, like cryptic said, unpair them first and then pair them again. I'll do that.

Final Adjustments

Yeah, and that number should change if you've got many of those. Yeah, which I do. Which I do. So hurry me.

Furrow Compliment and Flipping Missions

I have a furrow compliment. I still need to get one. Dude, it was one. I didn't know. King Salmon said. Oh, I scooped that faroo. Like, I didn't know. I think it was, .004 I think is what he got that for. If I'd have seen that, I'd have snatched the hell out of it. For real. yeah, make sure you do as well, Frank, just now, so you don't forget. And have you flipped yet? No, no, because we just did. I just walked in the door no, I don't. That's not my fault. There's four missions in there already. There's four missions in there already. Damn. Yeah, I'll fly. hold on. Let me get. I don't even have any points yet to flip. I got to do some missions.

Mission Updates and Winners

Was it. I'm sorry, I thought. I think I was muted. I said, who won that last was. Crushbot was the winner of the last one. Yeah. He was first, then jenna, then me. Damn. Congrats, everybody. Congrats, congrats. Yeah. Let me get some points so I can flip. Like repost. Like repost. Bam, bam. Now I'm going to go over to the games. What do we got up and. Hold on, hold on, hold on. 41 minutes to wait. Don't. Fuck. Just now. I just lost. Damn it. Damn it. Fuck. I don't really want to see one. What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? You know what I mean? I could have. I definitely could have, but I decided not to.

Ostrich Jerky and Salmon

You won your flip? You won a flip already, or no. Oh, is that the first one, the flipper? Not the first one, but. Damn. This looks like some others. Maybe Shadow Bandit was another one. I don't know who shadow Bandit is, but maybe. If anybody flips, let me know on discord so that I know. Not develop aside from me. Well, I mean, they're going to take your one because you just lost, so final. Somebody flips in, Winston. I'm not flipping just in. That's all right. You know what? Maybe Gorov will throw a game or two in there. I'm going to talk to Gorov about these damn games.

Fish Discussions

We need some more games, and I need. I need more of a chance now. Now. I need. I need lots of chances. huh. Bullshit. Well, maybe on a side. Side note, because we mentioned King salmon. Two and a half bags of jerky down. Two and a half bags down. I got. Only got a half a bag left. I don't know what I'm going to do over here. Damn, son. Dude, it's good. It's really good. It's really good. I just. Yeah, obviously. I just keep eating it.

Chippy and Fish Sandwiches

Yeah. Buying. There's only one problem with that. There's lots of problems with that. Are you sharing your problem? No. No. Okay. Yeah, that's a problem. No, that's not broken. I've shared the salmon because, I mean, he sent some huge pieces of salmon. That would have been a big problem if he was sharing because he would get less and it would get eaten faster. The problem is if you keep eating it, then it's going to go away faster and then you don't have any more.

Sauces and Sauce Debate

I know, I know. I saved the bag so that I can open them up and lick the inside of them. Just know. Exactly. You know. You know that jerky smell, like. And it is beef jerky, to clarify, because I know that. I think that was part of the discussion last time. And I was like, I don't even care what it is. It's beef jerky. He did confirm that, but at this point, it wouldn't even matter.

Tomato Sauce vs. Ketchup

Like, it really wouldn't. He'd tell me it was ostrich jerky and I'd be like, oh, yeah, dude, that shit's good. Know if anybody eats ostrich or not? I don't. That's not something I have, but. No, never had. Do people eat ostrich? I don't even know. I just threw, the eggs. Yes. But I don't know. Just. Motherfucker. Sorry. Gripzick.

Cultural Differences on Food

I'm sure you can eat ostrich tail, so I'm gonna guess. Yeah, you can use ostrich tail. How about, like, what do they even have tails? Tail got going on. Are you thinking about ox tails? Oh, maybe. Don't think ox tails. Okay. I'm gonna do maybe. Nobody hear that. Don't listen. Yep. No, it's recorded. Everybody heard it. No.

Chippy Meanings

Mean, hey, you don't know, though. They might be throwing down ostrich tail somewhere. Yeah. Yes. Ostrich tail, maybe. Well, I don't know. I don't talk about this. I don't know. Never had it before. I don't taste. I don't tend to taste meats. I don't know. I'm with you. I'm with you there. Kind of. I don't know.

Final Thoughts on Sauces

But I understand the salmon that king salmon sent me was absolutely. It's not all gone, but it's absolutely delicious. It was really good. The fish tasted nice and fresh, which obviously, like, he's catching it out there in Alaska, but, yeah, definitely really good. I'm actually helping some fish tonight. You. I didn't think you were a fish. Person, you know, was just going through my brain to, like, tell you, like, I'm not a fish person. I'd never try salmon, but I am having a haddock from the chippy tonight.

Haddock and Chips

Haddock's good. Are you getting it fried? Are you having a sandwich? Yeah, from the chappie that's in bar. Okay. All right. Don't talk to me. Like, I remember this shit. Like, I kind of know there was a fucking. What? The end of last week. I told you. I know, but see, I've already reset my brain. And in my brain, chippy means that. Belligerent. Whatever.

Fish Expectation

When you get mad at somebody, I. Mean, he was acting it out. Yeah, he did. Did. Nobody uses that word. Okay. We're going to start to. If you're feeling chippy. No, do not do it. We stick with the british chippy word. I just remember belligerent was in the definition of whatever chippy was. It was something belligerent. Excessively belligerent, maybe, which makes it even better.

Body's Chippy Nature

Yep. But no chippy. It's just like you go around just cursing people, you know, you cock sucking mother. Some of them. Oh, that's a chippy person. Yeah. Sounds like a scottish person. Now see here it's the opposite. If somebody calls you Chippy, it's like you're upbeat and happy. What are you so chippy about? No, that, no, that's chirpy.

Clarifying Chipper or Chirpy

Chirpy. Yeah, that's chirpy. Maybe there. I think it's chippy. Here I thought it would be chippy. No, Chip. Chipper. Yeah. Chipper. Not chirpy. Chipper. Chirper. Chirpy. You know, you like, I know we would sometimes say, well, you're chirpy today or chipper. Chipper. Chirpy. I think I've used chippy.

Making Up Terms

Chippy's like upbeat. I think you can use both of them. Chirpy. Yeah. You know what? If you can't, we're just going to make that shit up and now you can. No, because we said so. Yeah. So you're. Anyway, anyway, you're going to have yourself a fried fish sandwich this evening, pretty much, which sounds delightful.

Fish Sandwich Preparations

Now, what do you do? Eat any, do you have anything on it or do you just eat it plain and brown? Toss brown sauce? I didn't say sandwich. Are you just gonna have it fried? You're just gonna have a piece of fish? It's already. Yeah, it's already fried. And bar, I've got a single bar sausage there as well.

Dipping Sauces and Personal Preferences

And chippy chips. Rice. Thick chips. Okay, so I'm back to my original question. Do you, do you eat anything with it, even if it's not a sandwich? Like, do you have any do dip it? Do you do tartar sauce there? Is that a thing? Do you know what tartar sauce is? I'm being serious. I'm not being a dick.

Understanding Sauces

That's an actual question. I don't know. Like it. Now I have to be actually serious with cryptic because I really don't know what he has and how. Hasn't heard of over there. okay, so over here with a chippy. Let's see. The brown sauce or tomato sauce. Really? What? Yeah, that.

Sauce Comparisons

What? That's crazy. Nah, ketchup. Ketchup. Ketchup. Ketchup. Tomato sauce. Same difference. That's what it's called. Okay. No, that's not the same difference, because I was thinking pasta sauce. Like, when you say tomato sauce. No, it's tomato sauce. No, that's ketchup.

Misunderstandings Over Sauces

God damn it. I hate it here, dude. I say, yeah, that's ketchup. Is it made with tomatoes? What? Is pasta sauce made with tomatoes? No, that's why you call pasta sauce. No, it is. What the fuck is it? It's made out of. God damn it. No, it's not made out of pasta. The pasta sauce isn't made out of pasta.

Confusion Continues

Did all those sausages are made out of tomatoes? Okay. You've got to call them by the proper name. Tomato sauce is just tomato sauce. It's ketchup. No, tomato sauce is tomato sauce. And ketchup is. Ketchup. No, just the opposite. Yeah, I agree with Frank.

Cultural Discrepancy in Food Terms

You would? You're american as well. Man. The differences here, the cultural differences. Just speak the line. Speak the English. English language if it's meant to be spoke. Okay. Yeah, I know spoke is not a word. I mean, I don't know. We might. We'll make it one if you want.

Language and Its Variations

Actually, I think it's a lot. What did you say? Spoken. No, spoke. Spoke is a word. Yeah, I knew that. Yeah, it's the original. Like everything, like spoke and spoke in and spoken. They're all from spokes. Yeah, I knew that. We speak it here in Scotland.

Discussion on Inconsideration

Stop doing the car horn. Because people are like, oh, it's all loud in my ears. I was inconsiderate to everybody. I'm not gonna do it. I'll go back to the bell. A little more subtle. Did. People must love us. Fucking banner about the language. What's that? What'd you say? They must love what? People must love us. Like banter. Nobody language.

Eating Habits and Menu Items

Well, I mean, I think it's interesting. I mean, I don't know if anybody else is. Yeah, hold on. Knox just said I had. Yeah, I was going to read that. He had ostrich burgers on his menu 20 years ago. What? Why? So bring. Bring the ostrich back ostrich. Ostrich as ostrich or ostrich. Cheeseburger.

Culinary Preferences

What? And was it from the tail? What? If you like to know. Yeah. Prepare the tails. Wait, Knox, did you try it? I need the. I need to go to this one. Have you tried. I feel like if he cooked it, he's tried it. I could be wrong, but, you know, he seems like the kind of person that is that would eat whatever's on his menu like that he's cooking. I'm guessing I could be wrong there.

Taste Descriptions and Comparisons

Maybe he cooks it and he's like that really good. I wouldn't know. But it looks good. I mean, any proper chef tastes their. Own food, so that's why I feel like he did. Like, yeah, what does it taste like? If you could describe it or, like, between a chicken and a hard place, like, describe it like that. Like, not the hard place, obviously. That'd be funny as shit if he came out with some, like, the most obscure stuff.

Crab Cakes and Preferences

He's like, it's a cross between, like, bison and donkey. And you're like, what the fuck is that? Right? It's a cross between crab meat and oxtail. Hey, crab meat's good, dude. Don't. Oh, man. I love a good crab cake. I want to taste it. I want to try it. Oh, I did too. That's good. I want to try it. But I don't like squishy food. But squishy food looks nice.

Cracking Crabs

Yeah, yeah. I don't know. Picking crabs isn't for everybody. That's not, you know, that's definitely an experience. I don't like picking. I don't like fishing for my food. But I've seen that you can get, What was it? Actually, it might not be crap. What did you say? You say crab, didn't you? I did say crap, yeah. What are you thinking of now? Cryptic's confusing.

Suspicious Seafood Metrics

Think I'm thinking of lobster tail. Because you crab, you can yell, of course. Because you can get. You can get deshelled lobster. Crab. Lobster. Well. Fucking shut up. You can get, They sell. They sell crab meat already picked. I mean, there's different kinds. There's your claw meat and there's back fin crab meat and jumbo lump crab meat, which is what you want.

Understanding Culinary Choices

You want the expensive jumbo lump crab meat because that's where you're going to get your thick, nice, good pieces of white meat like that you're talking about. That's where it's at. Yeah. Jen is rolling over there. No. Cryptic wants to lobster. Crabs. It lives in bikini bottom with SpongeBob somewhere, I think. No, my God. Oh, damn it.

SpongeBob Conspiracy Theories

That just remind now. No, I shouldn't even. Damn. Well, I'll tell everybody. I'm. It's. I'm gonna ruin it because I don't remember either. But there was something. I just mentioned SpongeBob, Bob. There's something. And they were like, did you hear this conspiracy theory about SpongeBob? And I'm like, oh, what was it? What was it? And I'm trying. I can't remember what it is offhand.

Reflective Conversations

Somebody. There's some conspiracy theory about SpongeBob, though. What kind of world do we live in? Like, where people are, like, there's conspiracy theories about cartoons and, I mean, maybe it has another meaning. I don't know. I just remember Patrick was the guy from a show on tv called Coach. And everybody was like, what? Like, if you ever watch coach and you like, that's.

Experiences with Kids Shows

That's about the only thing I got going as far as SpongeBob is concerned. But maybe. I don't know, maybe there's some big secrets happening. I never really watched SpongeBob me either. Until I was an adult. Like, I mean, I was probably an adult when it came out anyway, really. But. And even then, like, I don't know, it's. I don't know. It's okay.

Wally Kazam and Its Characters

My kid used to watch this cartoon on, what was it, Nickelodeon. It was called Wally Kazam. And I get down with a whole lot of kids cartoons, but you got. I mean, obviously if you have a kid, you got to watch whatever. But dude, there was this character on Wally Kazam called Bob Goblin. He was such a little dick.

Humorous Insights

It cracked me up all the time. Like, as he was such a little asshole, it just made me laugh because he's. I don't know. Yeah, you'd have to see it. I'm not gonna go through it, cuz it's a joke show. I'm gonna talk. But I was just saying. Okay. I mean, you know. What did you say?

Late Night Conversations and Plans

Well, it's like, I don't know, as far as kids shows are concerned. Like, I don't know. He's a good character. Good character. I enjoyed his, oh, we got to get a bonus. Where. Look, I'm screwing around over here. All you people over in the UK, like, how do this space up? It's so late.

Timing and Space Scheduling

Hey, there's a song. 25 to one. The space was supposed to be earlier. Things happen. Things happen. It's going to be all messed up next. Oh, no. What? Oh, man. I got to pick my kid up for school next week. Yeah, dude. Yeah. I'll be back and ready to go by, like, four or 05:00 for our space next week.

Childcare and Time Adjustments

Whatever time I do it earlier, because I know Liz was saying how she wanted to start joining the spaces earlier, and she goes to bed early, so that's why I did five or. Yeah, because she. What is it, 4 hours? So it's eleven. It's 1135 out right now. Oh, so it's 25. Keep getting them mixed up. Messed up.

Mistakes in Time Awareness

Well, I gotta put a word. I keep getting the times messed up. Four and 5 hours. I keep forgetting because there's no one. No, but I keep forgetting. I keep messing it up. I think it's 4 hours, and then the next time I think it's five. Yeah, well, it's not been, like, seven years.

Upcoming Plans and Miscommunications

You know. Oh, what's the word gonna be? Didn't I just do chippy the other day? I was gonna do chippy. Did you chippy? I don't think you did. Let me check. I did do it. Or maybe you did. Yeah, you did on the 18th. I thought so. Yeah. It's just five days ago.

Frequent Topic of Crustaceans

What work can we do today? Lobster. Crab. I was gonna say lobster or crab. Yeah, I was actually gonna. Let's say crab. Let's say crab. Yes. Or crab stuff. And if it felt so natural going out as well, until I realized I just said that. Crab or crab?

Consistent Word Checks

Let's see if I got it. Yep. All right, cool. Did you put that in? I did. I did. But I've already lost my hundred points because I tried to spin and be a badass. Or flip. Flip, not spin. Tried to flip and be a badass and see what happens, but. huh.

Rivalries and Gameplay

Plenty of time. Plenty of time. Dennis in front again. How did you get in front? Damn. Damn. I'm good now. I just had a couple of dames. Everybody make sure to get their word in, though. Get your word. I think. Let me double check.

Scheduling Confusions

Is our space tomorrow or Sunday? I can't remember when I thought it was tomorrow early. I thought, I thought, too. And the only reason I think so, and the only reason I did that is I remember last Saturday, I was like, man, there's a lot of spaces going on early this morning.

Dialogue on Events and Timing

Yeah, tomorrow at 1130, you know? Wow. Wait, what? That's 430 for you. It's 05:00 p.m. okay. 04:35 p.m. right? Yeah. So what's the problem? Where are you getting Danny from? I thought it was 30. Isn't that 30?

Clarity on Time Zones

11:30 a.m. is what it says. 1130. So it'd be 1230 or not. 1230 says fight for me. It says 1030 for me. It says 1130 for me. Please. Is your time screwed up? Like, what the hell? What the fuck is this? Are you checking in the events tabdeh?

Technical Details

Yeah, I just posted it as well. Where I went. I went to the events tab. Tomorrow, 11:30 a.m. space itself won x. And see what it says. Huh? It says, well, all right, I'll have to fix that. 1130. It's at 11:30 a.m.

Verifying Event Details

I don't know why, but. Yeah, but what says it? What says five for you? X or discord? X. Okay. Yeah, that's right. That. Well, it's not right, but that's. For some reason, it's showing twelve for me. And I'm not 1130. So I'll change it to eleven.

Adjustments and Confirmations

Eight. Yes. Yes. So the time is incorrect on X by half hour. Oh, my. So it's half an hour earlier. Yes. Half an hour earlier. Are you gonna make it? Oh, man. He's getting crabby. Crab. He's getting crab. It's gonna start getting chippy next.

Anticipation of Comedic Exchanges

After Crabby is chippy. Yep. After Krabby is chippy. Excessively belligerent. Exactly. Start living my life that way. Eight minutes. Eight minutes. What left on the word? Yeah. Oh, yeah.

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