Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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This space is hosted by FullSpendMining

Space Summary

The Twitter space centered around a variety of discussions with a primary focus on Development Agency, featuring insights on sustainability, bug updates, rewards, and mining. Participants engaged in a diverse range of topics, with a significant announcement about a launch and rewards claim being live. The space emphasized audience involvement and inclusivity, fostering a collaborative atmosphere for meaningful connections. The engagement was impactful, showcasing strong community support and diversifying discussions among participants.


Q: What was the main focus of the space?
A: The main focus was on Development Agency.

Q: What announcement was made during the space?
A: A significant announcement about postponement was shared.

Q: How did the space encourage audience participation?
A: Opportunities were provided for live audience interactions.

Q: What atmosphere was fostered during the discussions?
A: A collaborative and inclusive atmosphere was encouraged.

Q: What role did audience interaction play?
A: Audience interaction played a pivotal role in the discussions.

Q: What insights were shared by the participants?
A: Informative and valuable insights were shared during the space.

Q: What kind of engagement was observed?
A: Impactful communication and engagement were observed.

Q: What key element highlighted in the space?
A: Community involvement and support were prominently highlighted.


Time: 00:03:47
Start of Project Updates: Introduction to the week's project updates.

Time: 00:10:15
Diversification Discussion: Importance of diversifying investments.

Time: 00:14:06
Community Engagement: Encouragement for community participation and feedback.

Time: 00:23:28
Market Sentiments: Discussing the impact of market sentiments on project decisions.

Time: 00:30:03
Resource Allocation: Insights into effective resource allocation.

Time: 00:39:51
Transparency and Bugs: Importance of transparency and addressing technical issues before implementing changes.

Time: 00:48:55
Community Impact: Emphasis on the significant impact of community participation.

Time: 00:52:01
Wrap-Up: Summarizing the key points and encouraging ongoing community engagement.

Key Takeaways

  • Varied discussions were held with engaging updates.
  • Big announcement shared regarding postponement.
  • Opportunity given for live audience participation.
  • Exciting topics discussed during the space.
  • Interaction with the audience played a pivotal role.
  • Collaborative and inclusive atmosphere fostered.
  • Informative insights shared by participants.
  • Impactful communication and engagement observed.
  • Valuable connections established through the space.
  • Community involvement and support highlighted.

Behind the Mic

Good evening everyone. Good evening. I want to preface this first, just welcome everyone to the Tokio Marine HCC International's High Conviction 2021. I want to preface this by saying we are in an auditorium. We're in this room together, so if you want to give a sign or like clap or anything, please feel free. Even without this mask, it's my pleasure to welcome you here. You all who have decided to come live, and those who have decided to watch through the magic of technology. You know it's really great to see you here. So you know what? We're a little bit different because we are going to be asking you to have a lot of participation tonight and as you can see here to my right is where you could vote. If you have any thoughts or opinions. Since we're doing everything off of work apps, our friends who are joining at home can vote too. The great beauty of this evening is that we could ask questions later on, discuss with everyone, and take a deep dive the next day if you believe it's worth it. So we'll get started and kind of give a lay of the land. First, I need to a little bit go through a little bit of background just to share some of our preferences for investment. We've had a pretty strong year. We've had a lot of growth, and I'm sure many of you have seen the same. Our diversification strategy is pivotal, and this year the questions that come through and the strategies that come through it, they are hands down built to withstand and at the same time they run off of the basis that while diversification is good and it should serve a purpose in itself, at the end of the day conviction is needed. And so many of the ideas you're going to hear today have conviction at the forefront. We know that you know that our investors do not, you have a lot more preferences, but we promise you you're going to hear some things that are probably tested and we conducted a survey to everyone who is in your seat in the past to date in July 2019. So it's ideas, challenges, gated things, benefits. I mean I am sure you can talk about one we've heard about bitcoin. You know, if you're a social media guy, you've seen the news every single day. People have some sort of commentary and they dance around whether they love it or hate it. It has definitely been a rollercoaster. If you've been paying attention to it, the scrutiny it's under is very understandable. In just this week, we saw it break into new records and adopt some assumptions. We assume it to be more vulnerable if nothing else. These are long plays to hold long-lasting value. So lets get into the details of what you're going to hear about today. We have four great talks coming up: 1. Investment Strategies of Emerging Markets 2. Tech Focus: Software as a Service 3. Green Energy Innovations: Look at Wind Energy 4. Diversification: Why it’s Needed and its Impacts Each talk is going to address their main selling points, the rationale behind them and, interestingly, what they think they are going to face in terms of issues and challenges. So, we got quite a bit to get through this year and I want to pass it on to Hevin, who's going to talk an overview of where we are and where we go next. Thank you Steve. So, well, first of all good evening everyone. We are, as you know, hosting this in a unique way this year. With this hybrid format we can reach more participants, that's certainly an advantage. This gives us the opportunity to engage with a broader audience, not bound by geography. You see the benefit already? With the climate of internet meetings now, a lot more voices can be included. Before we dive into the sessions, I want to highlight something Steve mentioned that was really crucial. The point is, diversification is essential, but equally, making high conviction investments by understanding both the markets and the world's current challenges is paramount. Our latest survey in July reflected a considerable interest in high conviction ideas within various fields, and the key plays continue to be technology-driven sectors, areas such as AI, blockchain, and, as we see growing, software services. The perception and reality as we all know have been volatile and I’m sure that every single person in this room maybe has a stance or an opinion on Bitcoin that it cannot be overstated. It's pervasive nature in media, market reactions, they literally frame tomorrow’s headlines. Just in this past week, records have been set, and concerns have arisen so it's likely something you'll resonate with. Investment strategies need to be armed with defensive structures yet have a bold approach. We have to value long holds but be prepared to scrutinize promptly when necessary. Tonight’s speakers will share varying angles on these very topics. So first, let's dive into 'Investment Strategies of Emerging Markets'. Our speaker has tirelessly worked to bring firsthand insight from regions across the globe where growing markets meet dense populations providing rich grounds for thriving investments. So without further ado, please welcome Lisa Brown. Thank you Hevin. And today, 'Investment Strategies of Emerging Markets', we want to dive right into the core. When we consider emerging markets, we talk about economies that are not yet fully developed but are on their way to be significant contributors to global growth. Countries like India, Brazil, Nigeria. They are brimming with potential but also come with inherent risks. I'm excited to share with you the best strategies we've identified to mitigate these risks while maximizing growth. Part of our strategy includes understanding the local regulations, the political atmosphere, socioeconomic factors, and of course, the technological adoption rate. By being intimately familiar with these elements, we are better positioned to make informed decisions. Now, let me give you a real-world example. Last year, despite the pandemic, we identified a promising company in India that is revolutionizing agricultural technology. Using AI and machine learning, they have significantly improved crop yields, allowing farmers to better predict and mitigate adverse conditions. Our early investment in this company has seen incredible returns. So you see, the potential is huge if you know where to look and how to navigate the challenges. You know the countryside in India, small villages, embracing tech in a manner which merges the age-old practices with modern efficiency, that's the kind of innovation we are pinpointing. Absolutely Lisa, it's fascinating. Consider the stories coming from Brazil. Renewable energy is another spotlight there isn’t it? Exactly Hevin. Brazil, as you know, boasts an impressive array of natural resources ideal for green energy projects. Wind energy has particularly caught our attention. The government's favorable policies and the sustainable push have made it a fertile ground for significant investments. How we've approached such investments? By partners from within the country, understanding both the immense potential but equally the local operative landscape. Speaking about tech-focused investments… Oh that's right Lisa. Hevin mentioned earlier our growing interest in tech, particularly software services. Indeed. A prevalent avenue. One area emerging stronger than ever is Software as a Service, SaaS. Think of companies like Shopify, Salesforce, or smaller niche startups that get into CRM solutions tailored for specific industries. The subscription model provides a near-constant stream of revenue along with customer loyalty. I've always found SaaS particularly interesting because it literally transforms how businesses operate. It's not merely an enhancement, it’s redefining the game. Exactly Hevin. The adaptability and lower upfront costs mean faster client engagement and scalability. However, as always, market saturation and continual innovation are hurdles to stay ahead. The never-ending arms race. That's right. Now let's talk about diversification. Why it’s necessary and its impacts. Well Lisa, I can tell you why diversification in my view so crucial. It essentially minimizes risks while allowing exposure to a wide range of asset classes. Let's say company stocks. If you only invest in tech and the sector faces a downturn, your portfolio suffers a significant blow right? But combine that with other sectors like health, infrastructure, your investments balance out potentially cushioning impacts from market swings. On point Hevin. Diversification isn't just about spreading investments but crafting them strategically. Asset allocation, as crucially including emerging markets and tech innovations, constitutes a resilient portfolio. Ladies and Gentlemen, hope you’ve found this evening insightful. We'll be diving into these topics interactively now. Can I get online question from the app? We have a question here about renewable energy prospects in Africa. What sort of growth and investment opportunities do you foresee? Great question. Africa indeed presents a largely untapped potential, particularly in solar energy. Strategic investments there, especially partnering with local companies that understand the environmental intricacies, have shown promising returns. That's true Lisa. One more, touching on tech. Someone here asks, How can we stay ahead of the tech innovation curve when market saturation occurs so quickly? Excellent question. Besides continuous market research, actively engaging startup ecosystems, fostering innovation through incubators, and of course, staying adaptable in your strategy are key. Well, time's up. I want to thank all our speakers, Hevin, Lisa. Amazing insights we got today, and thank you everyone participating live and online. Your interactive engagement made it very rewarding. Absolutely. Looking forward to seeing where these ideas take us. Have a great evening, everyone. Take care. Stay safe, and thank you. Thank you. Good night. Good night.

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