Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space delved into a legal discussion on property rights, bankruptcy challenges, and the future of an exchange, focusing on topics such as FTX Bankruptcy Q&A, latest objections, preparing for the vote, and plan deficiencies. It highlighted the complexities surrounding property rights within bankruptcy, uncertainties in the judge's ruling on property issues, objections to the disclosure statement, efforts to distribute contested property, involvement of various parties in the proceedings, challenges in preserving value and asset recovery, the value of an owner-operated exchange, ongoing fight for the exchange's future, and promising strategies for asset recovery. The discussion also touched on court hearings, examiner reports, and creditor coordination, showcasing the multifaceted nature of the legal issues at hand.


Q: What was the core issue discussed regarding property rights and bankruptcy?
A: The core issue revolved around property rights within a bankruptcy case.

Q: How likely is it that the judge will rule on property rights soon?
A: There is uncertainty about the judge's imminent ruling on property rights and its plan impact.

Q: What are the objections to the disclosure statement in the plan?
A: Objections stemmed from unresolved property issues within the disclosure statement.

Q: How is the plan trying to distribute potentially disputed property?
A: The plan aims to distribute contested property through a consensual settlement.

Q: What were the outcomes of past attempts to address property rights in bankruptcy hearings?
A: Past attempts at addressing property rights issues in bankruptcy hearings were reviewed.

Q: Who are the key parties in the bankruptcy proceedings?
A: Various parties are involved in the bankruptcy proceedings.

Q: What challenges were highlighted in preserving value and asset recovery through the exchange?
A: Challenges in preserving value and recovering assets through the exchange were emphasized.

Q: What is valued in an owner-operated exchange?
A: The value and uniqueness of an owner-operated exchange were recognized.

Q: What efforts are underway to secure the exchange's future?
A: Continual efforts are being made to fight for the future of the exchange.

Q: What recent developments show promise in asset recovery through the exchange?
A: Recent developments have unveiled promising strategies for recovering assets through the exchange.


Time: 00:06:35
Current Status Overview, An overview of the current status of the case and the upcoming steps.

Time: 00:08:40
Concerns About Aggressive Timeline, Discussion on why the proposed timeline might be too optimistic.

Time: 00:10:14
Significance of Upcoming Hearing, Explanation of the importance of the critical hearing scheduled on the 25th.

Time: 00:13:09
Issues with Disclosure Statement Information, Detailed discussion on the inadequacies of the current disclosure statement.

Time: 00:36:04
Expected Modifications to Disclosure Statement, Insight into the anticipated modifications to the disclosure statement over the next 30 days.

Time: 00:57:01
Critical Pre-Hearing Steps, Key issues that need to be addressed before the upcoming hearing.

Time: 01:01:14
Importance of Examiner Report Timing, Information on the timing and significance of the upcoming examiner report.

Time: 01:20:08
Discussion on Legal Ramifications, Conversation about the legal consequences of the objections to the plan.

Time: 03:34:13
Emphasis on Community Coordination, Highlighting the importance of creditor coordination and staying informed.

Key Takeaways

  • Legal implications of property rights in a bankruptcy case were explored.
  • Uncertainty surrounds the judge's ruling on property rights and its impact on the plan.
  • Core objections were raised regarding the disclosure statement in the plan due to unresolved property issues.
  • Efforts were made to distribute potentially contested property through a consensual settlement.
  • Previous attempts to address property rights in bankruptcy hearings were reviewed.
  • Various parties are involved in the bankruptcy proceedings.
  • Challenges in preserving value and recovering assets through the exchange were highlighted.
  • An owner-operated exchange's value and uniqueness were acknowledged.
  • Persistent efforts are being made to secure the future of the exchange.
  • Recent developments have shown promising recovery strategies.

Behind the Mic

rafted, structured, and the end of the day gives the debtors unilateral authority to decide what to do with that. Okay, we've been going out this for 3 hours, three and a half hours. Look, unless someone else wants to speak, we got Gucci man here. This is a real person. What, what you got to say? Gucci, man? Gucci. You're muted. Yeah, hi, sorry, I just tuned in, so forgive me my, this question probably was answered before. What if as a creditorian you haven't done anything, you haven't filed anything, you're not part of any of petitions signed or by you or anything. What should that person do? Okay. The first thing you need to do is go to ftx vote.com and register so you're in the loop with all of us. Okay. Also join our telegram group, which is the FTX 2.0 coalition. The links are all there on ftxvote.com. we also have a community, we also have an FTX 2.0 community on Twitter on X, which is. I don't know how to link to that actually. Oh, yeah. If you go to the, if you go to the chat link on this spaces. Right, the comments link, I've posted it there. Could you please just dm it to me, if you don't mind? Yeah. Thank you so much. All right. Now you want to stay in touch through all these channels. We're keeping everybody informed of what to do and what not to do. The bankruptcy. You don't have to file anything manually with the court right now. Yeah, we'll let you know when you need to vote. That's probably the next thing to do. Yeah. On the, on the admin side, if you didn't go through the whole process of filing a claim, you would still have a scheduled claim. Obviously it's too late to dispute that. If somehow the numbers were off in terms of petition date value, obviously the petition date value question still remains. The other outlet you would have, if you're an international customer, would be the bar date for the Bahamas is still open, so you could also file your claim in the Bahamas that will probably remain open until what would appear to be the end of July at this rate. But the problem, the other outlet for general claim disputes will probably be closed in Delaware at this point. So at least you got something going on there. Obviously they don't align perfectly, but if it gets, you know, if you have some issue or discrepancy on your end. Cool. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Okay, thank you. Gucci man. Okay. Good. Gucci man and all. Yep. What's up? Are they going to post this recording somewhere on the website? No I see your, you have a theory, you think they recorded this on their end. We'll record it on otter, but usually, you know, it's hard to post there. Yeah, I know on bhc or, Sorry. I know Becker was recording it. Oh, OK. Good. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, we should have a recording posted but, you know, realistically it's going to be cleaned up a bit. All comments, there's just a lot of static and there's a lag issue, so between the two, we'll have one with a transcript up and a full online. Cool. Thank you. Yeah, we'll try to clean it up because we're still working on our, I'll be honest, we're still working on our otter usage in a systematic way in terms of recorded action so, it was actually a pretty big deal for us to get this done. And this other side, yeah, one of our key ones like google docs, you can, people adding comments like even celsius or not. So between those things we'll figure out what we can prioritize for community, we got a playlist up. But in the hit play song, it'll rotate through and give you updates from all those spaces. So, before I go, is there any indication how long it's going to take before we get real answers on the bonus rebate, the questions we asked? Why the restart business before we get real answers or if there's any feedback on that in general. So that's a good question. The first part is a little bit clearer. In the latest update available, the elections will be, this will be happening on the 25th, I believe. So, during that, we should get a better indication of what options would be final, some things that are defined. Also, latest meetings and key addresses from group teams aimed at keeping, you know, leaders keeping community members on the same page by maintaining communication channels. Is it correct? If there are any changes? No, that's correct. We're targeting something that's the current version to be final no matter what because there's always going to be minor tweaks. At a minimum, if the hearing on the 25th rules against the debtors and with the objectors, there could be material changes to the plan by the time it's final. So, so there, it's going to kind of be like a roller coaster ride here for the next month in terms of what the plan actually says and does. And optimally for creditors, the roller coaster becomes more clear as opposed to remaining the same, which is not very clear at all. Thank you so much. So we'll tune in on a weekly basis, certainly in three weeks time after the hearing on the 25th, there will probably be a lot to discuss, assuming that hearing even finishes in a day or two. But definitely leading up through the voting, we'll hold these regularly. So tune in and we'll keep you updated because this is when a lot of the things start to change more on a week to week basis as opposed to a month to month basis. Bankruptcy is very slow, as everyone, I'm sure, already has figured out. But as you get closer to a planned vote, there's kind of a flurry of activity, and then it settles down for the plan confirmation, and then the plan becomes effective. That doesn't mean that everything's over, just as we've seen in celsius, unfortunately. But those are the periods where it then becomes this kind of more stable and administrative type of a bankruptcy procedure, as opposed to right now, where it's trying to get to a settlement that ultimately is voted on plan with a yes vote. All right. This was a resounding success. I'm calling it now. 4 hours. Yeah, 4 hours. Yeah, exactly. To the minute, almost. So let's do it again next Monday. Thank you, everyone, for turning up and let's keep growing this community. Please try and share, comment on Twitter, you know, quote, tweet when we come out with stuff. Spread the word, and we will. Or share each other's additional recovery for fighting. Okay, so cool. Keep fighting, guys. Bye. Take care, everyone. Bye.

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