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Space Summary

The Twitter Space FROGTOBER ALPHA AT THE POND ️️ MEMES ARE ALL YOU NEED! hosted by RareApepesNFT. Dive into the world of art and memes with FROGTOBER ALPHA at the pond, where creativity, imagination, and the power of memes converge to shape a vibrant digital culture. From community engagement to meme economy trends, this space celebrates the unique fusion of artistry and humor that defines modern meme culture. Discover how memes serve as vehicles for cultural commentary, social interaction, and creative expression, fostering a diverse and inclusive online community. Explore the evolving landscape of memes as they bridge traditional art forms with contemporary digital expression, creating a dynamic platform for artists, creators, and meme enthusiasts to connect, collaborate, and inspire each other.

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Total Listeners: 26


Q: How do memes contribute to cultural conversations online?
A: Memes provide a unique and relatable way for people to engage in current events, trends, and social commentary.

Q: What role do memes play in digital art communities?
A: Memes bridge the gap between traditional art forms and contemporary digital expression, fostering a dynamic creative environment.

Q: How can artists leverage memes to showcase their work?
A: By incorporating memes into their artistry, artists can reach wider audiences and connect with viewers in a more lighthearted and engaging manner.

Q: Why is meme authenticity important in the digital art space?
A: Authentic memes reflect genuine creativity and resonate more effectively with audiences, establishing a deeper connection within the community.

Q: What impact do memes have on social media engagement?
A: Memes drive high levels of engagement, shares, and virality on social media platforms, enhancing digital presence and reach.

Q: How can meme creators stay relevant in a rapidly evolving digital landscape?
A: Adapting to current trends, engaging with their audience, and exploring new formats are key to staying relevant and innovative in meme creation.

Q: What etiquettes should one follow in meme-sharing communities?
A: Respecting copyright, giving credit, and contributing positively to the meme ecosystem are essential etiquettes in meme-sharing communities.

Q: Why is collaboration integral to the meme culture?
A: Collaboration sparks creativity, inspires new ideas, and fosters a sense of community and shared purpose among meme creators.

Q: How do memes influence pop culture and mainstream media?
A: Memes often shape popular culture, influence trends, and serve as a form of grassroots media that resonates with audiences globally.

Q: What potential do memes hold for brand marketing and digital campaigns?
A: Memes have the potential to make brands more relatable, increase brand awareness, and facilitate viral marketing campaigns through humor and creativity.


Time: 00:15:48
The Artistic Evolution of Memes Exploring how memes have evolved from simple images to complex cultural symbols.

Time: 00:25:20
Community Immersion in Memes Fostering community engagement and collaboration within the meme ecosystem.

Time: 00:35:10
Meme Trends and Virality Analyzing the factors that contribute to a meme's viral success and cultural impact.

Time: 00:45:05
Meme Culture and Social Influence Examining how memes shape opinions, behavior, and social interactions online.

Time: 00:55:30
Creativity and Humor in Digital Art Celebrating the intersection of creativity, humor, and artistic expression in meme culture.

Time: 01:05:15
Diversity and Inclusivity in Memes Promoting a diverse and inclusive meme culture that welcomes different perspectives and voices.

Time: 01:15:40
Meme Ethics and Etiquette Discussing the ethical considerations and best practices for sharing and creating memes.

Time: 01:25:55
Brand Engagement through Memes Exploring how brands can leverage memes for marketing and engagement purposes.

Time: 01:35:22
Meme Curation and Categorization Organizing and curating memes to create thematic collections and online galleries.

Time: 01:45:48
Meme Psychology and Audience Engagement Understanding the psychological impact of memes and how they resonate with different audience demographics.

Key Takeaways

  • Artistic expression and creativity thrive in the world of memes and digital art.
  • Community engagement is crucial for the growth and sustainability of meme-based projects.
  • Memes serve as powerful tools for cultural commentary and social interaction.
  • The intersection of art and memes opens up new avenues for expression and communication online.
  • Authenticity and originality are valued in meme creation, fostering a unique community culture.
  • Collaboration and sharing are fundamental in the meme and art community, fostering creativity and inspiration.
  • Meme economy and trends play a significant role in shaping digital culture and social media dynamics.
  • The meme world offers innovative ways to connect and engage with audiences through humor and creativity.
  • Embracing diversity and inclusivity in meme culture nurtures a supportive and vibrant community.
  • Understanding meme etiquette and trends is essential for meaningful participation in digital art and meme creation.

Behind the Mic

Opening Greetings

Happy Sunday. Happy Sunday. Happy Sunday, everybody. V, I see you, my friend. I invited. I invited V. Formaliam. He was like, tayo, no. Oh, my God. All right. Why? Why? You could invite me for my life. What? What? Last time you say alpha, come. Hello. This place, this evening.

Formal Invitation and Reactions

Okay, so the thing is the Android space, and I just thought to be formal about it. Let me, let me. Let me go through process and be like, av, I'm inviting you to my hundred. Nami. Nami won't go process through for a head. Oh, he caught her bedroom panic, and I did that. And you were laughing. All of you laughed at me. I don't. I don't even think there was anybody that was like, oh, all right. You know, anyway, let me get that one. I know I said that day you sent me that. I was buying orange from one malam. I just bought one of the.

Introduction to the Space

All right, so once again, guys, welcome to this space. And for those that have been joining every Sunday from the first episode, well, thank you. I mean, thank you for always joining. And I'm sure that you must have learned one or two things from this place. Not even one or two things. Many things. Because me, myself, personally, I've learned a lot. Some be like, I wonder how you're able to, like, stay consistent and do this. The truth is, I personally enjoy my space. I mean, in as much as I'm hosting it for you guys to learn, I also get to learn, and I also get to interact.

Learning and Networking

I mean, there are sometimes I don't talk to big demi all through the week, but on Sunday, I get to, like, interview with him. Same with the same. It's. Some people like that. I mean, we just get to learn something, and it's like. It's like a way of refreshing your memory. It's a way of refreshing and reminding you of some. Some courting, some basic things. You know, you get to. You get to remember a lot of things and stay conscious of the things you're supposed to do. You don't get to lose God anyhow, because you are constantly being reminded of the things you need to do, the things this thing requires. Forget how easy trading might seem, you know, on the.

Challenges in Trading

On the Internet. The truth is, it's a very tough journey regardless. Like, there are levels to this thing. You might be battling with hundred dollar loss, p and l or something, and then there's another person who is profitable. But trust me, the profitable trader is also battling with their own. It might just be a different shade of, I don't know, should I call it shaky, but different, a different type of problem, a different level of problem. That somebody is profitable doesn't mean the person doesn't take losses. The person might just be battling with thousands of dollars losses, not hundreds of dollars.

Importance of Discipline

It doesn't, it doesn't mean that you're not taking losses. I mean, you're testing bigger challenges even. You're testing, you're testing bigger problems. And then you constantly need to be reminded of what these things entail, what the journey actually entails. It's, it's constant that you don't house grow, you don't outgrow discipline. You don't get to a point where you now be like, oh, I really do not need to put Sl again. It doesn't matter. No, oh, I don't need to be disciplined again, or, no, I don't have to wake up early to place my trade, or I don't have to follow my routine and I'll still be profitable. It doesn't even work that way.

Reality of Trading

The truth is, the moment. Oh, my God, I'm sorry. Not today, victim, please. The moment you stop doing what actually works, the moment you stop doing what gives you the results, the moment you stop, right, you stop getting the results, it's not going to be the same result. You'd get a. If you stop doing what works, if you stop doing what works, you stop getting the result of what actually works. That's just it. There is no, there's no two ways about it. You don't do what works, then you don't get the result of what works. It's that simple.

Consequences of Mistakes

So there's no way you get to say, oh, I've outgrown the discipline it takes, or I've outgrown the routine it takes, or I've outgrown the process it takes. No, you don't get to outgrow it, right? Because the higher you climb, the more tricky even gets. Because if you make a mistake or you just goof anyhow, you don't get to lose peanuts. You don't get to lose small amounts of money. Now you're going to lose huge. Maybe you have funded 100k or six figures. You don't get to blow 10,000 accounts or 5000 accounts. You're blowing a hundred thousand dollars funded account like that.

Responsibility with Growth

So, like, it's a journey. Yeah. But at the same time, the higher you go, the higher your responsibility, the more discipline you actually need to take, because the consequences of your non-talented attitude becomes more grief. Exactly. All right, so we have a lot of amazing speakers tonight, and they're going to be sharing their own journey. Reality versus expectation, how they have been able to, you know, overcome the struggles, overcome, and conquer a lot of things. The sleepless nights, the painful nights, the losses, the troubles, the people looking up to them, you know, the expectations of people, of them, how they were able to, like, undo this whole thing together.

Introduction of New Speakers

So anyway, who is going to be good? olu. Welcome. Olu of trades. olaf trees, you'll be going first. Yes. Yes. Good evening. I would like, I mean, I don't mind. All right. All right. Yes. Good evening, everyone. Good evening. Good evening. Good evening. Good evening. This has been a while. I joined trading with an edge. Anyways, this is the hundredth episode of training with an edge. Let me, let me, let me use this as a motivation.

Consistency in Trading

Nobody should come from my neck, but let me use it as a motivation. The type of consistency fairytrace puts into trading with an edge is the very type of discipline we need as traders to stay profitable. Starting something and keeping up with it starting something and actually keeping up with it consistently. I personally, I battle with consistency with some type of. Some degree of consistency I battle with. With things. Right. But I have seen fairy trades start this and continue even on days when the space would not have up to 100 people, listeners or so, you know, she will still keep up with it.

The Value of Consistency

And that is the type of consistency we need for almost anything in life. Whether people are listening to you, whether people are seeing you, whether people are responding to you. As long as you have the convention in your heart to keep it going, to do that thing, just keep it going. Just keep it moving. Let it just be somewhere in your archive that I did this thing and I saw it through to the end. And I saw it through to the end. Let that thing be in your mind. Right. So let's get to the topic quickly. Trading journey. So congratulations. favorite trade, omotayo on the hundred episode. So trading journey.

Reality vs. Expectation

Reality. Yes. So trading reality and expectation. This is expectation one. The reality of trading is always very soon I go below. That's no, that's the expectation of every trader. Very soon I go below. So you just get into the trading space and look at it that, okay. Even those that give themselves time in the beginning said patakata, pata kata one year I go blue. That's for those that were trying to be realistic. But the reality would be if you don't fix some part of your life. You can never be a profitable trader, some part of your own life personally.

Discipline In Life and Trading

And it was something that actually, it gets to a point where if you are not disciplined in some areas of your life, profitability will run away from you because you won't be able to move that same behavior to the charts. The chart is a mirror of your life. You would at least see an indecent indicator, indecent cleaned person profitable. It's almost very rare. It's almost very rare. Honestly. Almost very rare. Even though we are all beauty, frankly, the way we catch things are different.

Characteristics of Profitable Traders

The way our brain would capture information is different. However, the majority of the profitable traders are disciplined people. People that put a routine in their life and follow that routine. That in that way, when you have a routine on your chart, this is what I'm going to follow. There is a way they work on focusing on that thing and they become profitable out of it. It is just the truth. It is just the truth. You cannot be, someone that your mind has been. Your mind is kind of the type that would wire to pick trades in another session and you oversleep.

Realities of Trading Journey

You're not the type that loves Siesta and you are looking for traits in New York session. You always sleep in the afternoon when it is time for you to actually sit and wait for your charts to play out. Trading journey is a whole different school on its own. A whole different school on its own. I would actually say that for anybody that got into trading and became profitable in two years, the person was not lucky though. Yes. Person couldn't also work. Yes. But trading should be given three, four years to.

Mastery Over the Years

And what you are working on in those three, four years is consistent practice, consistent putting of your psychology to the test. When somebody says, I traded for five years before I got profitable, the person actually knew technical analysis from probably the 6th month. But eventually that person worked on, used the remaining four and a half years to work on their psychology. And the moment they mastered their psychology, they became profitable.

Expectations vs. Reality in Trading

They became profitable. All right, so you should work on what you are expecting. What you are expecting trading to look like is almost not what trading is. At the end of the day, the reality is always different. I made it sweet just this afternoon, as soon as I got back from church, I made it tweet about social media and realities. Telling people social media is not reality. Right. What crossed my mind was the fact that because sometimes my tweets come from personal experiences, what crossed my own mind at that point was the way a lot of people are soaked into social media defend a lot of things based off social media's judgment.

Social Media Influence on Expectations

They draw a lot of conclusion based off what they see on social media. And you can almost see people making assumptions because they spent a lot of time on social media, right? So they just believe that this is what it, this is what is obtainable. Then it gets to a particular point. Their mind is already warped into that reality, that social media, what do I call it? Not reality. Their mind is warped into that social media's fox reality. And when they won't come back to real life, it gets boring.

Dopamine Addiction and Expectations

They have to pick up their phone again and do something online to get some type of dopamine feeling to calm them down. They, because they believe the Internet is where the reality is, even though it is not true, even though they know it is not true, they just somehow get the satisfaction they need from the Internet. So it has become a reality to them. Go and ask TikTok. TikTok addicts. Just go and ask TikTok addicts. You will understand what I am saying. That is their reality.

Consequences of Following False Realities

That is their reality, right? So trading can give you that type of reality, fox reality. If you are always online like that, watching, looking at the wrong things. Now, there's somewhere I'm going to read this. If you are looking at the wrong things online about trading, there is some type of reality that it will always give you a dopamine satisfaction to always give you, and it will never make you profitable. The Internet is there for you to learn a lot of things. They'll tell you, watch a lot of podcasts, learn a lot of things online about trading.

Real Learning vs. Lifestyle Content

Some people are not learning a lot of things about trading, like going to learn some new strategies. There are a lot of information on Twitter right now where somebody will come and say, okay, this is a 42-minute video on liquidity. This is a 1-hour video on daily liquidity rate. You know, people, there are a lot of videos like that. A lot of people would actually bookmark that one, okay, and go and rather watch a 1-hour video on a trader's lifestyle. And they’ve watched two. They've watched several videos showing the lifestyle of a trader, rather than showing how to trade like it, how to trade profitably.

The Dopamine Effect of Lifestyle Content

They derive that dopamine satisfaction from watching the circles of another person than actually improving, working on themselves with that same social media. And they've drowned themselves into it so much that the expectation in their head is, God, when will I become rich like this guy? God, when will I buy this type of car? God, when will I be able to buy this type of house or build this type of house? Those are the kind of content about traders they would be watching then it built an expectation for them in their trading journey whereas the reality has been ignored.

Challenges of Unrealistic Expectations

So. But it gets to a point that even when they are seeing the reality that is learning the real work, they will bookmark it because that feels like work to them. But if they, if somebody should do a vlog now, if Dax, Kenny, even me, if I do a vlog now on day in life of Oluw of trades enjoying forex money in Ibadan, the biggest city in Africa, I bet you somebody that has been bookmarking real valid information all this while. We will sit down and watch that video from beginning to the end.

The Reality of Emotional Investment

Probably in the first 6 hours of dropping it trading journeys. Reality is totally different from expectation. What you will be getting from that my video is the expectation of what trading can give to you. I might be coming from another angle but this is beautiful because we have so many trades, so many speakers so different speakers will talk about the topic very well. Let me talk about it here. What my video will give you is the expectation of what trading can be.

Navigating Through Expectations

Funny enough, the reality you will never get it because you must have developed a dopamine feeling from the fact that oh, so if I keep trading like this, just give me two years means if I go feed by the cow of trace they drive, even me safe. I will feed buy house, even me safe. I go feed do this, even me say I will feed, do that. Me safe. I go feed the wake up early, the money they talk say I won't go gym, I'm not even going to work anymore.

Shortcuts Lead to Setbacks

Let me just. And you're never doing anything serious with your life. You have to just go watch those video where I bookmark now and you will never watch them. And you will never ever watch them. The reality is different from expectation. Totally. So if you are in that category, I will not talk about problems, asking about the solution. If you are in that category that you've bookmarked a lot of videos, this is what I will tell you.

Practical Steps to Improvement

Those videos you put mark watch all of them over and over again every day for this week. If you see any video about lifestyle, any video whatsoever about lifestyle, somebody shooting himself, how he came out of his sitting room, entered his car, drove to the gym, came out just as you just see that video scroll and passed. If you sit down and watch a video like that for 10 seconds, punish yourself go and re-watch a 30-minute video that is really educative.

Breaking the Cycle of Lifestyle Addiction

You see all that lifestyle thing, it will fuck your mind up and it will keep drowning you into a circle of unprofitability. And you keep living in the expectation that trading can give to you. Rather than finally getting into the reality of what trading can give to you will be in that circle for a very long time. That is why we have a lot of unprofitable traders actually, because the traders that post lifestyle get a lot of engagement than the traders that actually post real content.

Acknowledging the Reality of Trading

Well, thank God for how Twitter is going these days. Those posting your content are still getting some engagements. But I see more bookmarks than engagements. That has to be funny. More bookmark than those that will actually watch that video. Okay, so the reality is different from the experience. There's one more thing I would have loved to see, but I've lost my line of thought. So I'm just going to drop the mic here.

Community Engagement and Reflections

Thank you very much mottayo for giving me the mic to speak. And I see OJ. I see v. Uncommon rose, juicy big Tami trailer x. I see everybody the inner circle trader. I see everybody on the space. Cheers to you guys and let's have fun learning tonight. Cheers guys. Thank you so much for that Olu of trades.

Responding to Perspective

Ulu said if you should see that kind of lifestyle video scroll and pass. I mean, I don't know where that is coming from. I don't know if that's coming from experience or that's coming from having students that like been into that. Was it called. But that's so real. That's so, so real. Because at the end of the day you're feeding your expectations, which is like motivation, right?

Deep Thoughts on the Reality of Trading

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, that's deep. I never, I never actually thought about it that way. Boy. Yeah, that's actually very real. Thank you very much. Olaf trade victimi I don't know what's up with your network tonight. It is David. It is David. I can see his hand on this thing. It can only be David. Oh my God. Alright, so, thank you for that, ulu.

Recognizing Strengths in the Community

Once again, OJ, I see you. Welcome. I'm coming. I see you too. Juicy trades. I see you. All right, so I like v story so much that I really do not want vy to even speak anytime soon. I mean, I want some people to hear how that guy slept under the bridge. I'm sorry. Forgive me, V. All right now, so, v, you'll be going next sorry I stopped crying.

Aspirations and Inspired Stories

Yeah, I wish. You the same I wish you the same first of all first of all what is uncommon doing on the listener session? I thought or I think is supposed. To don't show your network like this now oh come on the. Speaker so my network is network. Let me tell David that he has not. Finished his job my network is still.

Engaging with Technical Difficulties

Good can you guys hear me? We can hear you I better go. My network never gets you. Okay uncommon. Please. You never you never upgrade your listener session God I beg so. Wait so for your side now uncommon. You they hear invoice but. It cannot. Be it cannot be David anyway uncommon.

Addressing Issues with Optimism

Uses uncommon network let's just run it all right? So all right provide you guys can hear me? I don't have issue so allah buddy sir let's move on so first of all first of all let me start by greeting everybody good evening olubaba good evening og what's good victim here good evening just see uncle mo I see rose my guy alpha now it's been a while I see trader x angel I see big people in the house good evening everybody and a very big congratulation to mottayo for completing a hundred Sunday one time one time.

Memories in Trading

Like guys if if consistency was a person all right let's give it a more time I swear sometime I remember when come victim you respect yourself. I can remember I can remember when we connected the first time in 20 that was in 2022 there about yeah like it would be like what time are we going to back test? What am I going to do? Review what am I going to do this what are some time this lady is calling again right? Like but trust me if consistency was a person yeah I wish and honor to also honor should be also giving to mono is doing olo of trade thank you so much like if ever here if ever you have the name v listen to this I'm saying this on the space life and direct on omotarius Radio 1.1 FM.

Introduction to Further Experiences

All right, this is a kick start and so let me give it to V. I really don't want to talk too much about V, but here we are. Trust me it started from a lot of trading. Trust me will I ever stop hearing this thing? I'll go talk even though tomorrow even that even though you know become a town you understand right? Like it was a friend that even posted a lot of trades one of three tweets yeah on his own is WhatsApp so I was like okay fine no matter I don't even like Twitter.

Experiencing the Journey

I don't even like Twitter thing. This Twitter f, I'm this kind of guy that just be, that just indoor, just do my trade, making my money. Just, just being indoor. Just love staying indoor. So I just, came on Twitter. I was like, wow. Go through all his posts last night, followed him, you understand, fell in love with his content and stuff.

Meeting Influences

That was where I get to know mottayo dick boys. Yeah, mister Dick Bo as I get to know him and the host of other momo forex, those were the, this way, the click, the first big, the first big man here on Twitter. So if not they acknowledge men, see them love trade over mister deep momo forex. Their headers are there. So, so the first, people like, first readers, I get like that way on Twitter.

Heading Towards Success

Just, and then it was revalued. Not now. Like, this is not the space for that one. So let's, let's leave for those. So thank you so much. Love trade. yeah. So moving on to the topic, I sleep on that bridge. Can you spare me that, please? I don't want to say that because you carry pocket come, you go packed. Yes. So trading journey, reality versus expectation. Yeah, let me, first of all, I love lane foundation first.

Foundational Expectations

Like lean foundation. You know, as a trader, most of us come into the most trader, not even all, every trader, right. Come into, come into the trading space. Right. With that expectation of making it faster because of what we've seen, especially if you started trading in the early days, in the 2015, 1617, like that, 1819, 2020, I'm pretty sure that what really dragged into trading is all the south african guys, all the south african boys that post what they call, like, if you want to give to those guys, if you want to give lifestyle introducers, leave it for those guys.

Understanding the Diving Expectations

You understand. I know that at least majority of that who started around that time came to that, came into 3d with that expectation. That was built right by those guys over the, over the other side. Right. That's whereby, yeah, they just, you see people trading and they immediately withdrawing, using the money to go and buy cars, using money to go and do this, do that, doing things and, yeah, so that was how most of us came to do. Came into the, came into the trading space, came to the training industry.

Building Reality

I came into that expectation that once we come here, we could within few days, within few months, we could be able to make a lot of money, make a lot of bands. Right. We were able to buy cars, fly out to any country we want to go to, and then live that in, quote, expensive and luxurious lifestyle, right? So most of the traders came into the industry with that mindset, right?

Challenging the Illusions of Trading

With that ideology, not knowing that it is trading. Actually, in reality, it's all about compounding, it's all about growing at your own pace over a period of time. If you really want to see light in trading, you have to just accept the reality that it is growing. It's a business or something. You have to grow over a long period of time. Little by little. You keep learning from experience.

Continuous Learning

You keep gaining, you keep gaining insight as the day goes by. You learn things. You unlearn what you have learned previously. You learn new things. So it's a business or a game of process. You understand? It's a game of process. But we all came in with that mindset. Like, like a law of trade, like a lot of Tracy, when he was speaking, he said, once you screw, just pass, you understand, just grow and pass.

Personal Reflections

And truly, right, that really did, it really did a lot of harm in me. Let me use myself and in me personally, right. It did a lot of harm to my own brain, my own mindset did a lot of harm to the way I think towards trading in the sense that everything I was doing around that time, I was just not looking at fast money. So I was literally looking for is for, for the strategy that could give me no loss.

The Quest for Winning Strategies

I was looking for a strategy that could give me more wins than losses, right. And that, and that alone really messed up that expectation alone really messed up with my mindset. Really messed up with my psychology. Right. On the long run. And he says that, yeah, I begin to feel like, begin to feel okay, but people are doing this and they are profitable. We are doing this and they are making money.

Comparative Expectations and Challenges

People are doing this and they are withdrawing thousands of dollars, millions. Of course we see people posting millions, like millions of dollars in screenshots. Like you are doing the. But why is my own different? In fact, there's something I used to say. 3d will make you doubt yourself. Three make you doubt your existence. Three makes you doubt if you even born or if you even destined to be great.

Emotional Turmoil and Trading

You understand that is one thing trading web to you. And, and of course it is not trading forth per se. It is the expectation we had, right. Or you had while you were, while you are learning or while you are coming up, like in the trading space, you understand so that expectation, since you are not aligning or getting that expectation you are looking for, it will not begin to build in negative thinking, negative things in your head, right?

Personal Anecdotes

Is it? If there was a particular day, I had to pick up my phone, right? And called my mom. Like, I beg mom, please, I want to tell me something. Tell me the truth. Tell me about just then give me a story of my. Of my dad that I don't know about. Maybe that man go commit affecting me joint. Do you understand that? So it make you doubt so many things.

The Weight of Doubts

It makes you think. Like think, okay, why. Why am I cursed or something? Do you understand? No, actually you're not cursed. Actually. Actually, you are destined to be great. Actually, it can work for you. But the expectation you are putting into it, right. Is one of the greatest reasons why it looks or seems as if things are lagging.

Navigating Expectation and Reality

All right. So the thing you look in fact, I expected too much that. That I had to have shaded on so many spaces, right? To run into depth, right? Expected so much that. Okay. I believe that I've learned one strategy that is good. That we should be the only girl. Collected money. Collected money. Collected money from different persons. And then by the end of the day, you end up lose.

Confronting Losses

I end up losing the money. Sorry. End up losing the money. And then like that, running because of. Because of people looking for you. Investors were looking for, you know, poly one police case and the other different kind of thing. So due to the other stuff, right. Really messed up a lot of things, you understand? And trust me, so many people, so many traders, right, are in that phase currently, as we speak.

Unrealistic Expectations in Trading

That unrealistic expectation they have in their mind based on what they have fed their mind, right? From what they have fed their mind with. From the social media, you understand? The. The kind of information they have fed their mind, right? So it has polluted, affected and eaten them so deep that even that, even if you are, let's say, talking to a trader, that, okay, this is the best way you should go about this. All you will hear is that if.

Overcoming Personal Limitations

Because you can't do it. Hello, bro. Because you can't do it because you can't achieve that number does not mean it is not possible. Yeah, it is possible. But it is like you have to get to some levels that before you can be able to achieve that. In fact, if you are making a million dollars from the market, then. Then at least you should be able to have a very good bankroll, right?

Importance of Bankroll Management

A very good bankroll or a very good portfolio that you are managing before you can use. Okay, I'm making around a million dollars, 100,000, $500,000 in a month or in a quarter, right. From trading. Do you understand that? So the information that's wrong information, right, as already affected most of the traders mine and then polluted the players mind and then of course it's ruining them.

Consequences of Wrong Decisions

In fact, so many traders are being locked up in prison as we are speaking up because of the wrong, because of having that expect that unrealistic expectation. Yeah, because by the end of the day, most people call themselves trader collected money from how they call from big politicians. And then by the end of day you blow the account and you know this man has a connection that it will take you five to ten years to build.

Reality of Trading Consequences

Right. Before you know you have been thrown up in the cell, in the prison and you have been locked up. So many are there go to the prison. Yes, to stories of different people are there because of the lost trading. And all these things are actually, it's actually led, right, by most of all these are actually led by the wrong expectation that most people are having about the market.

Re-evaluating Expectations

Right about the market. So the best, the how, the high time you begin to fine-tune your mind to the reality of trading, the better for you, right? Because, because if you are expecting that, yeah, trading, trading is going to buy, you buy your Lamborghini, a house or whatever, a Ferrari rosewise in three months and you just feel like, okay, I want to learn this in three months and then for, you know, you get to cash out, bro, listen to this.

The Commitment to Mastery

You, you go to school to study. And my Alexa, I love using examples, right? You go to school to study a particular course, right? For four years, five years, some even take as high as six, seven to eight years, right? To study a course. What makes you think that the financial market is just a roadside skill that you can just go and learn just like that? And then within two to three months, you are, you are making it, you are killing the market.

Managing Expectations

No, right? I normally tell people something, you can learn trade, it's become trading in six months, right? But you can't master the art of trading in six months. Yeah, you could learn all the support. It's not liquidity, my chart pattern, whatever, right? But you see mastery take times. Do you understand? For you to master it will take you a lot of years because you have to master your emotion, you have to master Mirix management, you have to master money.

The Work Behind Mastery

Management. You have to master bankroll management. You have to master your psychology. You need to master how you think, you need to master your mindset and all those stuff. So putting all those mastery together would definitely take you a lot of time. So the itine, you begin to focus on the reality, right, of your journey in trading, the better it will be for you as a trader because there's no easy routes, there's no shortcut to it.

Reality Check

Digest it. There's no shortcut to it. Like I said, you can master trading. Yeah. You can learn in three months, six months. Why? But mastery takes time. Mastery takes a lot of time before you, right, to say, okay, and for funny enough, right, master doesn't have an end because the more you grow, the more your bankroll or your portfolio grows, right? The more you need to build a, how will I put it?

Moving Forward

The more you need to master the higher portfolio. Managing, let's say last year you are managing around 10,000, right? And then this year your portfolio, you are scaled up between this year could have killed between 10,000 to 20k or 30k, right? So the emotion it takes, because at this particular point, your risk is high already. Let's. You are risking just 500 this point. I am risking more than 500, which is, I see 1001, five.

Increase in Risk and Responsibility

So it is high already. So the time, it takes a lot of time, right, for you to gain that mastery. So begin to face that reality that trading is a long-term game, all right? Trade is a long time game. So you come into the mind, you come into the space, right, with this mindset that, yes, it's a long-term game. So all you need to do, just take your time, learn the proper way of trading, all right?

Approaching Trading Responsibly

Learn the proper way of treating. Like I always say, there are two sides in the trading space. You are, either you are a trader, right, or you are the business side of trading. Of course, if you are the business side of trading, then you can promote lifestyle just to get deals from brands from firms and brokerages from trading-related firms, right? You can do that. That's another way to generate money for yourself, right?

Choosing the Right Path

And but if you are really key, just want to be trading on your by yourself and then executing, punching that executing button, that buy and sell button. Trust me, you have to give yourself, you have to look at the long term, right, in look at yourself there myself in the space of one year, two years, three years for me to master my craft, all right? So that I can be able to manage a lot of portfolio, lot of bankroll even.

Facing Challenges Head-On

So that if I'm being called tomorrow to manage portfolio for a bigger firm, I can be able to beat my chest and be like, yes, I've mastered my craft over the years, right? But if you are just here, you're only looking for that short-term gain, right? Are you looking for a way to just make money quickly? But, bro, trust me, you are going to burn by the end of the day.

Avoiding Pitfalls in Trading

You end up burning yourself because you lose account upon account. You keep losing account until you are tired, frustrated, devastated, scattered, battered and chattered. And then look at this thing. And then you tell yourself, that man, is my village people really following me? Or what do you start that. So it's not a short-term game, right? It's not a short-term business.

Making Choices for Growth

You have to. You have to look at the long-term. Stay true to yourself, still loyal to yourself, right? If there's something. There's something I always used to say. If you are. If you are living in a one-room apartment, start from there. Allow trading to upgrade your life from there before pushing out, right? So first of all, if. If all trading can provide for you, just.

Incremental Success in Trading

It is just two square mil per day for that month, right? Daily for that month. I've accept that. And then put in the work, right? Putting any work that it requires. Trust me. If I. What? I want you to say my story. I won't say it. Because if I should start won't close here. The story is.

Sharing Personal Experiences

In fact, if I start, everybody go and find bucket and gallon pact. Yes. You start that. So. But from experience, right? From experience. It's a. It's a game of long. It's a game of longitude, right? It's a long-term game. It's not a short-term something. That's the reality of it, right? You just have to stay true, learn the proper knowledge and then follow it religiously.

Critical Reflection on Trading?

Manage your risks properly. Stop. Over. Stop. Stop that. Over risking all in name of go hard or go home. Stop that thing, right? Stop that. Stop that. Exhaust that exposing of your entire bankroll to the market. All the name of you want to make it quick. It doesn't work. It didn't. They didn't date.

Mastering Control Over Decisions

It's not there. Stop it. You understand? Like, stay true to yourself, manage the account well, manage your portfolio, manage your bankroll well. And then focus on the long term. Focus on. Okay, how much can I be able to do on this bankroll by the end of the. By the end of the month? By the end of the quarter, right?

Evaluating Progress

That after a quarter, after. After a month or a quarter or in six months, that's when you should be. That's when you should be evaluating your bankroll. That's one of the best way you could trade. And then you see. You begin to see results in your trading career. So stay true to yourself. Focus on the long term. Right.

Eliminating Unhealthy Expectations

Kill all these unrealistic expectations. I got this. Quick, quick way to blow. You understand? It's not there yet. It's not there. And then putting the work, putting the consistency that it requires for you to achieve your desire, and trust me, you'll see yourself at the top. Thank you so much, amotayo, for having me. Let me leave room for that, because.

Community Support

To speak. Oh, my God. Thank you so much for that. V has refused to talk about go add or go home. And when he had to, like, try to go hard, he. He went anyway. But trust me, everything he said is coming from. Everything he said is coming from lessons. Like, you know, experts from. From reality, from his own life stories. True life story.

Pragmatic Trading Narratives

Get. It's just removing. It's just removing lessons and it's like, you know what? I'm not going to tell you the full story. Let me just tell you. It's about longevity. See, it's not. It's not short term trading is long-term game. See, trading, all of those things are coming from a deep place of, you know, pain and experience.

Understanding the Long-Term Journey

Everything he said, literally everything he said is coming from a place of deep experience. And it's not. It's not even a funny story. So just. Just take it like that. You can listen to it all over again and just know that everything is said. When somebody tells you go out or go home, or after watching the lifestyle Allah of trees talked about and they now want to go out or go home, just know that chances are that you might actually go.

Narratives Around Lifestyle

Sorry, they won't even be home for you to go. But anyway, you get the point. All right. Welcome, Trina, Benny. Welcome. Peninsula. And, we shall be going next. Uncommon. Are you ready to speak now, juicy trader? Welcome. Absolutely. Uncommon is outside. Abby.

Closing Remarks

All right. I. Yeah, that was. That part that probably was not for me, actually. It was for you, Matayo. Right. So, because, of course, I must first acknowledge the fact that I see you, I bow. I swear to God. Because to be this consistent, to pull off, you know, a space every week, you know, for the past, only God knows how many. How many hundred days we have or how many what it costs, how many weeks it consists 100 days.

Recognizing Commitment

You know, to give to us. I don't know how many weeks is that put? Hundred. That's actually 100. Because once a week, 100 weeks, you put this together. Right. And trust me, I really admire that consistency and I really wish that though I've learned from it, you know, here and there. But then I still have to give my cup to you because it's really not easy. And out of this hundred, you know, days, I think it was only once you missed the space.

Celebrating Consistency

Right. Which was one particular week like that where you were unavailable, I think you traveled or so. And out of that hundred days, I can bet for a fact that I've spoken on this space for about 60 times. Right? Yeah. That I can actually build my chest. Right. But then I can't excuse the fact that we must actually commend your efforts and if this would continue, would, in our own space, continue to, you know, encourage you and use that, your unrelated efforts to serve as motivation for other people who are coming behind.

Concluding Thoughts

So thank you very much. Motor for that. Yeah. So, OJ, I see you all of trades. Big Timmy was good. Used to trade. My man. Van was good. I see, Betty, what's up? How are you, angel? Thanks, Ola. People are much in this space. Oibo, I greet you all. Good evening.

Perspective on Success

I don't just want to see the fact they are showing me that you're having, you're flying around, you're having cars. No, good for you. But I want to see the, you know, the. Then I start watching. There are people that I might look at. What you're doing at may not have to reach out to you. I just. Maybe, for example, I just, you know, get, you know, stubble on your chart, and I see your trade that you took. Maybe you put it your trade out and, hey, you know, you took an entry level to TP. I will save that chart and I'll go and study the chart. I'll look at the charts. Right now, I'm not comparing myself with every other person because I might. My kind of approach is always based on logic. All right? So I can decipher the logic behind a setting, you know, set up without even reaching out to anybody. But some people might be difficult for them, right? So I will study the chart. What am I trying to do at this point in time? I've told myself that in as much as I already have the knowledge that could get me what I wanted.

Continuous Learning

Right. I just believe that there is always more. There is always more. Now, what is the more? Now? There was a point in time when I have to do top down. I can take like, 2 hours. Sometimes I have, analysis paralysis. I can take, like, two, 3 hours to analyze the chart. You could see top a cell. So ahead of it, I was now telling myself that this thing, there could be a simpler way or simpler approach. I just had that conviction in my mind that it could be. And then I, you know, because of that question about myself, I started looking out for the answer. Now the answer will not come to you. By going to go and meet people, you know, you can meet people directly and say, hey, I see what you do. Can you teach me or can you just show me how you go about this? But if you don't want to do it, if you can, you know, walk around with logic, because sometimes it might not come to you immediately, but when you look at the person's chart today, look at the person's chart tomorrow, just be looking out there. Because while you have a goal you intend to achieve and what is your goal? Part time now, I tell a lot of people, right. The reality of trading, it's solely dependent on you and not what you see, because majority of the things that you see could be deceiving and even if they are not deceiving, they are real.

Facing Harsh Realities

The question is it for you? No, it's not for you. So why do you now start building dreams on, you know, on. On foundations that is not yours? So instead of doing that, why don't you start looking for what could have given this person the. I don't care if anyone is faking it. It's not my business. At the end of the day, if you're faking it, as long as I'm seeing that you are preaching a reality to me, I'm building a sense that there is a reality. This, that reality, I must be it. That's just what I think about, right? So instead of wishing or thinking that, hey, how can I become like this guy? I. My thought at that point, in that point in time is how can I know what this guy knows? Forget about the becoming. You buy. They saying that. They say that you buy a 24 model. Catch the in 2020, it's going to be old model. So you don't have to kill yourself about it. Now focus on what can get you there other than what you are seeing. Has gotten people to that particular place you're admiring. And it's very okay to admire.

Self-Reflection in Learning

So at the end of the day, right? It was a constant study for me. And the reality of this market for me was. I have to check meeting myself. I have to look at my reality of my own self. So even as much as this person is progressing, I have to look at myself. Hey, I have a lot of bills to pay. I have this to attend to. I have that. So I can't complain. My relationship to this person. This person may have 24 hours to study the chat. I may just have 2 hours. Now. How do I make the best out of that 2 hours? Now compare me. Look at chat for 2 hours. My progress with somebody who looks like chat for 24 hours. It's not possible. So let's be realistic to ourselves. So I have to come to check with my reality and my reality. Now started identifying problems that way I was seeing in the market. Now what are problems? Problems for me was that, hey, I want to reduce my analysis time. That was the problem. I solved it.

Goal Setting and Problem Solving

I want to reduce losing money without control risk management. I solved it. I want to master my interest. I can get more precise entry was the problem. I look for solution. I saw. I solved this. I want to reduce my excel. I look for solution. I solved it. I don't want to stay too long in the market. I look for the solution and I solved it problem part time. And I'm not saying it ended there. Because even right now, trading is just really too simple for me. Because I don't have to go into the market and spend too much time quite nowhere to buy or sell. You get my point. So. And I'm not. I don't want to accept the fact that, hey, that is it. It's not it. I'm just there. I am just there. Do my thing, I make my money, I'm good. But at the end of the day, right, I'm just telling process of how I check, meet my expectation.

Expectation vs Reality

In reality, the expectation should be kept vague. Your reality should be kept at the point of more precision. Because at the end of the day, your reality, the reality is what will determine whatever expectation you are looking forward. And trust me, your expectation today might even be lesser than what it will be tomorrow. Thank you very much, motor for having me. My man was good. Thank you very much for that. Uncommon, I mean, I think one point uncommon explained is this thing I usually say, but I never explained, like the results you admire, don't admire the results without admiring the process. I mean, you don't just want the results. It took a lot to achieve that result. So as you're looking at that result. Sorry, am I dealing with a cardinal? Who am I supposed to confirm from now? Yeah.

The Importance of the Process

Yes, I can. Okay, so penciler, that means it's only you. It was even penciler. I can. Somebody actually asked that question anyway, I don't know. But if you see someone's results, you don't only admire the results. Understand that it took a lot to achieve that result. So you don't. You don't get to admire something you are not ready to put in the work for. It's just like expecting results for work you have not put in. It's not juju like you didn't put in the work. Even if they are sharing that result for free, you're not going to get it. I mean, it just doesn't even work that way. So, yeah, as they're admiring the results, be looking at the process, be understanding that, yeah, there's a lot of work that must have been put into this admire that work and won't put in that same kind of effort so that you can get that kind of result.

Constructing Your Own Journey

I mean, that. That's basically what Uncle Mo was trying to say. Oh, who has this result? What did this person do? What does this person know? What is the recipe here? What is the recipe? Not just the meal if you want to. If they're offering you dinner now, you don't mind, but then you don't know how to, you don't know the recipe, you don't know where it took. That's it. I mean, that's. That's like one really great mindset right there. Thank you so much for that uncommon welcome. Professor tough, Pastor Bobby Chidabeni Peninsula welcome, you all. Anyway, who's going next? Is getting next. Big Demi. I've not heard your voice at all this evening. Happy Sunday.

Embracing Your Future

It is for you. It is for your own future. It is for you. Right? So just make sure you actually see yourself in that light. Put yourself in that light and have this in the back of your mind. I'm going to be saying it again. Know that you're not a failure. And, you know, understand this journey to growth, this reality you are living. It is a thing. It is a, it is a cons. It is a competition between you. It is a competition between your old self and the new you, which is that person you are envisioning to become. That is the competition. You versus you. This journey you are working through, it's a competition of your old self, and, you know, that person you are looking up to become the future. Yeah. Follow everything that is required to follow.

Mindset and Positive Growth

Follow the right mindset. Follow people that align with what you desire and, you know, do not have any negative emotions towards this people that are actually achieving your results. Because that moment you ate something you desire, trust me, it's gonna elude you. One way or the other is gonna find its way to elude you. Right? You just find yourself not achieving it. So have you positive mindset towards it. Celebrate whoever is winning. Celebrate whoever is at the top. Celebrate whoever is above you. Don't feel intimidated because, I mean, to start feeling intimidated, that is where you start to, deny yourself of whatever you are going to be getting. Yes, you can achieve such. Yes, it is possible. Yes, you can win. You are not a. You are not a failure. Yeah, celebrate them. Compliment them.

Acknowledging Success

Give them their accolades. Appreciate their efforts. And let them know, if possible, that. Okay, I'm following you. I'm learning this from you. I admire your result, and I'm willing, I wish to actually attend such can you kindly put me through on what to do? The kind of things are the kind of things I should do, the kind of step I should take and so on and so forth. In as much, it is going to be adding to your own growth. Do it, do it right. So I guess I'm just going to drop it here. Thank you for having me on Motta and thank you for listening. I appreciate you. Once again, thank you. Thank you very much, peninsula for that. I mean, one thing that stood out is you are not a failure.

Understanding Losses

You are not a failure. I mean, you are not a failure. The losses don't make you a failure. The failed challenges, the failed pro accounts, don't make you a failure. The blown accounts don't make a failure. In fact, sleeping on that brief doesn't make a failure. There's another. I don't know if people can take jokes. Anyway, contemplating selling your kidney does not make a failure. I mean, we've seen all of these things play out and we've seen. We've seen how it is still playing out. They are doing very well for themselves right now. None of those things make you a failure. Thank you very much, my solar, for emphasizing on that fact. Right. None of these things make you a failure.

Reality of Trading

It's really just a matter. All right, so, just a trailer, your hand has been hope, either. Yes, ma'am. How are you doing? I'm good. Happy Sunday. Happy Sunday, everybody. Hope everybody's well. Big shout outs to the host, big shout out to the whole panel. Trader Benny, big tenny Toph was here. Everybody here in the panel. Big shout outs to mister rapid repricing in the crowd. A couple people from the juicy trades, discord or in the building. So I appreciate it. As you guys know, it's my last day of travel. I'll be back Tuesday. A little bit about me. They call me King X. I am active intraday Trader. I trade the Nasdaq.

Expectations vs Reality

I know a lot of you guys trade the forex industries, but trading is universal, especially with us, majority of us being in the ICT world, in the world of these kinds of setups. So yeah, getting into today, this is a very good topic, man, because when I first started rolling with this, I had some real crazy expectations. So reality versus expectations. When I first got into this, I really wish somebody could have came back and told me how much work that you needed to put in. And you guys have no idea what I had to go through and endure to get here, no idea how many hours of back testing. Because in the beginning my expectation was for this to be easy because theoretically, you know, what do you, what does it look like you're doing?

Challenges in Trading

You're making a bunch of money. There's a Lamborghini there, you're sitting behind a computer, you work on your own hours. It all sounds really, really great until you actually get involved with the marketplace. Then when you get involved with the marketplace, you see how difficult things can be. Now I do want to go ahead and apologize ahead of time. I am visiting family out of the country. So I got little kids here, I got dogs here. You might hear some background noise, people playing music, whatever. But the point of matter is many, okay, sorry. Expectations are often what we wish trading to be. Reality is what we need to understand, what we really need to, what we need to truly succeed.

Reality of Trading

So the reality of it is, trading is the hardest job in the world, in my opinion. It is. It's the hardest, easiest way to make money. If you go to be a doctor, you have to study for eight years, but at least you have some type of textbook, some type of standard that you can go study from, some type of universal standard that's being taught everywhere that you can study from. Even if you fail a test, you can go study for something else. In trading, you don't have that. You have to figure out what's going to work for you. And theoretically, what I'm saying is you have to build the business from ground up. I'm in the, I'm in the business of trading liquidity grabs, inversion, fair value gaps.

The Journey of Trading Success

This is my business, but you have to figure that out. I didn't expect that in the beginning. I expected it just to be handed to me. Watch a couple YouTube videos like guys was saying the 90% win rates and the 80% win rates is all trash in reality, the best traders in the world, like the best traders in the world are shooting at 70%. If you shooting at 70% and you're effectively trading, that's airplane money. G eight money. If you're over time, you'll get there. 70% is the best in my opinion. In reality, you know, most people that are very profitable shooting at 54, 60%, 65%. And that just goes to show you the reality of trading is that no matter how good you are and no matter where you come from, you are going to take losses.

Dealing with Setbacks

The best traders in the world takes losses. And I just want to take a, I made a post earlier, I want to read you this post and I just want to take some time to comment about the ICT situation. Even the best traders face setbacks. ICT's robin cubs journeys just is just proof that you have the most powerful trading strategy. But it's simply not enough to succeed in trading without proper discipline, without proper mindset, without proper things to help you execute that strategy by ICT. Joining the Robbins cup and talking all this crap and saying hey, I'm gonna make 13,000% or whatever he said he was gonna make. That puts that added pressure onto your trading.

The Importance of Discipline

Even though his concepts has produced a lot of profitable traders, even myself included, that extra pressure is added emotions can take and make you make mistakes. I'll continue to use these concepts because I know these concepts do, right. These concepts are freaking amazing, right? They've helped me take my trading to a different level, but enough. Forever grateful. But the reality of it is you need to be a mentally sound place in order to be successful in trading. Your external factors will directly affect what you have going on. If you can't pay the rent, you're trading with money, you need to pay the rent.

The Reality of Trading Life

Obviously how you trade is going to definitely take off. The reality of what you're going to make next part about this is for me, when I was coming into trading is the expectation of quick wins versus the reality of what trading was. So for me, I was expecting to make a million dollars in a month. Seriously, I started trading, I was like 18. So I had these crazy things in my head. I was expecting make a mill a month. Reality was I saw some success in trading, but immediately I lost it all and I realized that I didn't have a problem making money, I had a problem keeping money, right? So I had to focus on risk management.

Learning from Experience

I didn't know that at the time because I was newer, but the problem is that the reality of trading is you need to have discipline. The gains, the Ferrari, the Lamborghini, the house, the women, all those type of things are on the other side of your discipline. Like, like were saying with the robin's cup situation, like you got the best you can get ict up here right now. He call price hit to exactly where it's gonna go with like, with crazy accuracy. But if you're not disciplined enough to follow what you know to be true, or maybe you just take a loss or something of that nature, because, again, setbacks happen when you take that loss or you experience something that you're not expecting to experience as Mike Tyson says, you know, you have a plan that you get punched in the face, right?

Staying Resilient

I when you get punched in the face, even though you know what you're doing behind a computer, you can still incur all those losses. So realistically, trading is 80% rating and 20% execution. So where should you focus? That you should focus on waiting and discipline first because it seems so easy. I'm expecting just to push a button to make five k a day, twenty k a day, thirty k a day, whatever point of matter is, you can make these numbers, you can make a ton of these numbers in the trading world, but you have to be at a place where you can focus on what you're doing.

Facing Reality

Now. For me, I was expecting every trade to win. That was my expectation, right? Like, I got this strategy, I watched this guy on YouTube. He made me 90% win rate. I'm expecting to have that 90% win rate. Probably took me five years to get profitable. It probably took me, after I got profitable, another three years to get some money that I could say that, you know, I have a lot of money, right? It took me, like, altogether eight years to get somewhere where I thought I'd be in one year. That's the reality of the situation. Because in those first eight years, you have to go through the hard work phase, which is learning what strategy is going to work for you, learning how to apply that strategy to the market, learning how to be disciplined, learning how to face a setback, because no matter how good you are, you're going to have a setback.

Resilience in Trading

But the setback is always, the comeback is always greater than the setback. These setbacks, when you face them, it's not over. Don't quit. Just know that a lot of times is that setback is the market's way of trying to tell you need to work on this thing. Your job as a trader when you go through those setbacks is to figure out what thing it is you need to work on to retry again. There's only so many setbacks you're going to get before you figure it out. And when you figure it out, it only takes a little bit of time to get to a certain place.

Expectations vs Reality Again

Now, next part about this is the expectation of consistency without struggles when you become profitable, doesn't mean you're going to be green every day. Doesn't mean you'll be green every month. In fact, I had a couple red days before I left on vacation. I know people who've made seven figures trading and then turn around and have a red month and then turn around and have a very green year. My tip to you of trading and this p l that goes up and down consistently is to never focus on the day to day performance of your trading activity. In fact, you need to focus over the long term of what you're doing.

Long-Term Focus

I'll give you example. Me, I'm a day trader. A lot of times I'm in trades of five minutes, sometimes in trades for 2 hours, right. If I, when I was younger and I was when I was younger, damn, you know, but when I was a younger trader, if I had a red day, it just encompass me and make me go crazy and next thing you know, I'll be doing all these things to try to make that money back. But it wasn't until I realized that I'm trying to take a paycheck at the end of the month. I'm expecting to take profit at the end of the month.

Managing Expectations

So theoretically, if I'm green on the week and I take a red day, it's okay. Next part about this is less is more. I think my downfall as a trader in the beginning was the market. When I was trading it at that time had a lot of opportunity. In that particular when I first got behind the screens, there are a lot of opportunities to make money. Like every day there was like 2020 something setups. I was making a lot of, I was doing well. The minute the market slowed down, I got killed. So that exposure made me expect that every day I'd get an opportunity.

Changing Expectations

Now, realistically, as a trader that has matured, I know that in a 30 day standpoint, I'm probably going to get twelve great days of price action. So now my new job is to capitalize on those twelve great days of price action and effectively hit those days for a lot of size. And I'm very aggressive. And the rest of the month I've kind of got my foot off the gas because I'm chilling because I already know I've already hit that. That took a lot of time for me to learn. Another part about this is I thought that I would be alone, like with trading forever.

Collaboration in Trading

My profits went way higher when I started connecting with other traders. The minute I was able to talk to other people, social media platforms, discord groups and other things. And yeah, there's a lot of like, fluff in the industry. There's a lot of people claiming a lot of things. And you're gonna have to go through that, call that market tuition. But when you find your home, when you find your community of people, one, it gave me the motivation to keep going. I know I was expecting to make a million dollars a month in my, you know, my first year.

Community Support

And, you know, when I began, I saw profits and I lost all my profits. If it wasn't for me being around certain people, I would have quit because I saw people doing it. That was very key for me to see somebody actually somewhere that I wanted to be. And it gave me something to work towards. And that's what community and being around other people did for me. So true success isn't just about the wins. It's really about the mental resilience to keep going. And if you can surround yourself around people who are going through the same thing, because theoretically, I can't go through the dinner table and talk to my wife about what happened in the market today.

Conversations and Accountability

I can't talk to nobody about it, but have somebody in the community to lean on, find an accountability partner, somebody, actually work with it, take your profits to a whole different level. And last but not least, I want to just put in this overview what it takes to really become successful in this. When I was a kid, I really thought that I would play in the NFL. I played american football for a big portion of my life. I play soccer as well. And when we play football, you know, I went to practice twice a day, like in the morning, like especially in the summer, we call them two days. So at 08:00 a.m. summer, summer practice.

The Reality of, Discipline and Practice

08:00 a.m. i'm in high, I'm at my high school with my teammates and we running around the building, you know, eat lunch at twelve, watch game filter two, have a workout at three. And at 05:00 p.m. we're back at practice with pads on full contact till 08:00 p.m. it's a lot of work for me to do that six, seven times a week just to play one game of football on a Sunday for about an hour where I had the ball in my hand, probably 20 minutes. I did all that work for 20 minutes a game play. I didn't realize how much work it took to become successful in trading. I'm talking probably in a week. I probably was back testing 80 hours.

Dedication and Commitment

I'd wake up in the morning early. You don't understand how hungry I was. I'd wake up early because nobody in my house was wake so I could go back test. Seriously, I back tested so much that I was dreaming about candlesticks. The other part about that is forward testing. Once you get to a place where you can have some metrics that you can, that you can bounce off of. What I mean by metrics, for me, a very profitable trader will have a 60% win rate in a one to two rr. That's not what a lot of people are expecting here. A lot of people expecting 90% win rate in a way, to eleven rr. Craziness like that.

Setting Realistic Expectations

But reality, all you need is a 60% win rate and a one to two rrde and you can make a lot of money trading. But I had to back test to get those stats. Took me forever. Finally, when I got those stats, next part about this was for testing. So, waking up in the morning, back testing, all the way to market open, reviewing my trades, reviewing my trading journal, market open. I'm forward testing now, bro. I got clapped the first time I was doing that for a while. Because it's like, why can't I emulate what I'm doing in back testing? In the real market, with forward testing, the problem was emotions.

The Emotional Challenge

A lot of people, a lot of us would put so much pressure on ourselves to win. Because now, and I get that, especially us as men, a lot of times we have people depending on us to make this work, right? You have to learn how to detach yourself from the outcome. And the more you do, more you can back test, the more you can detach. Because theoretically, if you know your statistics and theoretically know your win rate, every time you take a loss, you are one step closer to taking a win. Think about that. So theoretically, what I'm telling you is every loss you take following your trading plan is theoretically a temporary loan to the market.

Understanding Losses

You're gonna get back with interest. So knowing that and looking at the market, that kind of lens, took me a while. Looked at it through that, like that, when I started looking at the market as a statistical standpoint, I was able to detach from the outcome. A lot of us are too attached to the outcome of every trade, to the point where if somebody takes a series of losses, most people would abandon the whole trading plan and go way to the right and pick up a whole new trading system. Why? Because you're not statistically detached. If I have a 70% win rate and I trade 1000 trades in a year, I'm going to take 300 losses.

The Truth of Losses

So if I have a series of losses in that 300 span of losses, why would you give up your trading plan? Because you don't know when those losses are going to happen, if in fact you can't avoid losses. So in addition to the work of back testing and forward testing, the next part was the journal process. This is the most important part. I think journaling and back testing are there. They're a little different. Back testing mainly works on your execution. When you back test a lot, you don't hesitate with trading. And if you're struggling with hesitation, like you see a setup, you're like, oh my God, I don't know if I'm getting.

Journaling for Success

You wait for it to hit your fair value gap and then it leaves the fair value gap. Then you buy, you hesitate it because if you back test it properly, when price hits your fair value gap, immediately you get in. That's not you as a trader. The problem is back testing. The next part about this is for, is journaling. Your journal has to be so detailed. I mean, for one trade, I got thousands of screenshots. Let me just be realistic with you. Each trade I take, I legitimately have five to eight screenshots of higher timeframes, all the way down to lower timeframes of what I did. This is very critical for your process.

The Importance of Documenting

So please, if you're not profitable, pay attention. Do the same thing with your losing trades. Every time you hit that button, you need to document everything that happens. While ago, I used to actually, a lot of people don't know this about me. I actually worked on a trading desk. So prior to prop firms apex and all the problems you see online, if you wanted a proprietary trading environment where you pay to get capital, you have to drive to a desk in New York, seven points capital t three. These are places would you. It's like the same problems you're doing, but you have to go there.

Learning from Others

It was a requirement that after you got done trading, you have to screenshot everything and write out everything and show it to somebody before you can leave the office. That was a requirement. That process right there is the backbone for success. Now here. Now, here's how you tie it together. Spend time looking at your losers. Just look at your losers. If you do not fix the mistakes that you are making in your trading plan, then the mistakes are just going to repeat, even if you tell yourself you're not going to do it no more. So do yourself a favor and just do those couple things.

Establishing a Routine

I call that locking in back testing, journaling, reviewing, back test, journaling, reviewing, then trading, and in six months time, you completely turn your trading career around. I look at my trading now and I compare it to my journal in 2019. I'm like, dude, I'm on a whole different level, right? And I would never have gotten here, and I said 2019. I got the logs from 2019. Most people don't have the laws from last week. I got everything I need right here in one place. All I got to do is go back and look at it.

Celebrating Wins and Learning from Losses

But the reality of trading is you can make a lot of money doing this. In fact, I don't think there's a career where you can make as much money as a trader. However, the trials and tribulations of the market are extremely difficult. And the only way to overcome these trials and tribulations of the market is to detach from the outcomes of your trading. And the only way you're going to do that is if you spend time back testing, reviewing, and looking at this from a long term perspective. Yes, I'm day trading.

Long-Term Perspective in Trading

Yes, I'm making money every day or I'm losing money every day. But the goal for me is to become a profitable trader with a strategy that nails me a 60% win rate with a one to two rr. And I can achieve that realistically within five years. If I do these steps, some people are going to get it down quicker, some people are going to get it down longer. Just in general, a lot of times it takes people three to five years to get to a place where they want to be. But if you stick with it, you can change your life, your family's life, everybody around you, but you got to stick with the process.

Mental Resilience and Adaptability

You got to have the mental resilience and the ability to be coached and adapt changes in the market. And as long as you stay persistent, you can make anything happen. I did it. And I ain't the smartest kid on the block. I'm just. I'll put it to you like that. I'm not the smartest kid on the block. So if I can do it, you can definitely do it, too. But as always, I'm here to help if you guys need anything, my inbox is open. Big shout outs to the host for having me. if you guys need anything, I'm here.


But be easy, everybody, and I will see you guys Tuesday when I return back to the states. Easy. Bye. Thank you so much for that. Jesus traders. I think something stood out, and that was him saying that the best strategy wouldn't give you the results, wouldn't give you profit. If you're not disciplined, I mean, there's no juju, there's no jazz, there's nothing else you want to do. If you're not disciplined. And that's a really just it. And all of this, your discipline is going to reflect in your p and e, regardless what strategy it is, your trading, your reality, your expectation, whatever it is, generally, you still need discipline to achieve the results you want to achieve.

Transition to Next Speaker

All right, so our next speaker would be trader binge. Should happen. Are you awake? Okay. I'm actually awake, and I'm not eating. I'm carrying baby. I swear. She knew they sleep for night now. Night shift. Okay, so let me. Let me just make it as quick as I can because of time, and it will be short, hopefully, because a lot of people have spoken, including juicy trades. He came from the angle that I really would have loved to come from. Yeah.

Contributing to the Discussion

So what that means is that I would just be highlighting maybe a couple other things that will probably cement some of the things that he has said. A wonderful delivery by him and every other person that have been here before now. Okay. I didn't hear great big Demi. I don't know if he has spoken, but I heard every other person. Big shout out to everyone. I see Jrox, I see David, I see Wally, I see OJ. And, I mean, before I say anything, I want to congratulate the host, Omoti, because doing something for 100 days is not easy.

Recognizing Hard Work

Let's take nothing away from that. It's a lot, because, guy, many things will stop you. Life will happen. So if you don't have the temerity, if you don't have the spirit of discipline, if you don't have that thing as your personality, as your character, as a philosophy that you live by, you cannot do it for 100 times, right? You can't have an episode 100 if you're. I mean, if. If you're not that kind of person, right? And sometimes I always say that, you know, it's important for us to see, how, you know, you can be disciplined with certain things so that we can now say, oh, since this person understands the law of discipline, he might, or she might, be able to apply these things in their personal, you know, trading.

Understanding Discipline in Trading

Okay, if the guy is lousy, he's not disciplined with anything whatsoever. It's almost, you know, a caricature. When he comes to trading, how is he going to be disciplined? He doesn't know what the law is about. He doesn't know how he operates. So it will never make sense to him. Right. There's no need telling him it wouldn't make sense. Okay. I thought that before I see anything, I should, you know, I should just say big shout out to Omoti for such a wonderful milestone. Thank you.

The Reality of Trading

I mean, yeah. You see, the truth about the matter is that everything that is, you know, that is the reality, right? The reality of trading is everything that is not said in your spaces, right? Or that is said in your spaces. I beg your pardon? Because I bet you if you have any expectation before now and you listen to these spaces, you cannot listen to like three, four spaces in a row. I'm just using that as an example, right? You can listen to three, four, five spaces in a row and you still say you have one kind expectation.

The Importance of Authentic Learning

It's not possible. Right? So I always say that. I mean, conversations like, this is where any serious trader should be. Like, there's no other place on planet Earth. Look at the rally at Pennsylvania when Elon Musk, Washington speaking. The emphasis is that, I mean, X is promoting free speech. You can, you can extract the DNA out of something on X. You can literally go back to what somebody has said decades ago, right? Even before it was acquired by Elon.

Understanding the Trading Community

Okay, so it is where you is free speech is like real. The other day I was on Instagram and one of the influencers was showing off a summit. It's a summit, right? It's a summit where you attend. And brokers, they buy a stand, right? I'm saying this because, you know, we're here. The brokers will buy a stand. FTMO is there. Think of all the big brokers. They are there, right? All the, you know, the good prop firms, too, they are there.

Participation and Expectation

They buy a stand. It's like when you are doing Bole festival and people buy stand to sell their bole. Banks will come and buy stand to display their marketing, promotional materials and all that. That is how the prop firms will buy a stand inside that premises. So they would decorate it as their stand. You have, you know, several brokers and all these people and you know, this guy was there. This is on Instagram, right? And he was there and he says, oh, look at me. I have a pass to come to this place.

Misleading Narratives

You cannot come to this place if you are, you know, an influencer. You cannot come to this place if you are not a big trader. You cannot come to this place if you are this, if you are that. And guy, the comments, they were ravishing. You know, everybody was like, so you are the only good trader in the whole world that was invited. Like he said, you cannot come here unless you are invited. You have to be invited to be here.

Overcoming Misconceptions

And I'm like, bro, you only need to login. Like, you just need to use their link and register online. And even if you fail to do that, when you come there, they will give you that pass because these brokers want you to attend so that they can market or speak on their. What they are doing. I'm saying this because we're talking about realities versus expectations. See, there is. There is, you know, there are the people who don't make trading easy.

Navigating the Trading Landscape

And when you compare, you know, the platforms, I think s trumps it. All right, that's. That's where I'm going to on that platform. I could easily just, you know, reply on Instagram and say, bro, this is not true. I was. I was here. And you don't have to get a special invitation to be here. You don't have to get especially. Why are you telling people, all your idolos, all your mentors, they cannot come here, they have to be invited.

A Call to Action

Why are you saying all those shit? Like, you see the way they propagate the wrong narrative is a menace. It's like it's a poison, right? And anybody who is, you know, standing from afar with little or no knowledge about trading, they completely have a different idea about what it means and how it feels like to trade. There is a wide gap between what you expect and what you get. You know, I appreciate everything that everybody has spoken, but you see, some of the things that GC trades have shared, they are like, you know, the real facts, the facts about how much work is required, the facts about how much time it takes.

The Importance of Realistic Goals

You know, how, you know, everything is underestimated. Right? The reality, or every part of the reality of trading is underestimated, down to your personal capacity. Just apologies for me saying your. I'm included, right? I'm just saying that for convenience. Okay? So don't take any offense or don't feel that I'm arrogant or whatever. If. See, if you ask the average trader, they think they are smart. They think they are smarter than others.

Ego in Trading

A lot of strategies are ego driven strategies. A lot of strategies are ego driven strategies, because these guys are, you know, logicians. They are they are like the Aristotles of the market. They think that all the decades ago, all the traders that have come and gone that have not figured out the market, they think that they are not that smart, that they will better off. They are smarter, and they can figure out a way to trade the market without taking the L's. That's the problem. That's a problem.

Continuous Learning

As I was saying, see, I can go on and on with many of all these, you know, all these things that will hit you. They will hit you like they will hit you once you start trading, they will just start to hit you. See, you can stay in a loop. You see that simple word probability? It can keep you for many years without any result. Why? Because you have a very wrong narrative about trading. First these guys are telling you, okay, this is strategy.

Strategies and Perception

First they are pushing the strategy. They are pushing it. And then you take the. See, let me tell you something about strategies. Keep a rabbit, the statue of a rabbit on the table. Keep the. Just take. Imagine a rabbit. You buy, right? You buy a rabbit on the shelf and then you use it to decorate your table in the office or maybe your trading workstation. Compare, I want to show you something now, compare that rabbit on your table to the rabbit in the field or inside the bush.

The Statues and Reality of Trading

That's what is happening in trading. When you see a strategy, when you design a strategy with logic and with everything you have, you are simply keeping that. See, all those candles have already formed. They are sitting on your shelf or on your table, like the rabbit. When you go into live market, it is like a rabbit in the field. You go and catch it. Let's see, if I tell you catch, the rabbit on your table is a statue. You can. You can catch it. It's easy. When you go into the market, you see the reality.

Facing the Market Reality

You see that you can't catch it. You can't. I also love what Tove said. You know, I listen to all these guys and you see, these are wonderful traders because when they speak, when, you know, you just listen and then you say, yeah, these guys, they understand what is happening here. See, I just want to encourage somebody who's listening. I mean, we're celebrating 100 episodes, right? That's a lot. That's a lot of nuggets, a lot of wisdom that can emancipate you.

Seeking Wisdom

Literally. Literally, people sharing their life experience. Things that you cannot pay for. If I. If I say, okay, let me keep all the things I share to myself, right, and maybe find a way to sell it, or, you know, zero community service, right, just find a way to, you know, put these things on a master class, whatever, and sell. Right? Run ads and sell them. People gonna pay, right? And maybe you will not be able to afford it, or some persons will not be able to afford it.

Embracing Shared Knowledge

Okay? So what I'm saying here is appreciate gatherings like these, conversations like this. They hold the realities of trading. There are accounts that you are following. They're not showing you the reality. They're only showing you all the rosy parts or everything that is, oh, this is what trading is. So, in fact, if you have not heard it enough, just hear it again for the last time. It's going to take a lot of effort for you to eventually. Trading is not.

The Illusion of Easy Trading

See that thing? You see people with the picture of them and their apple laptop trading on the beach. I have those beautiful pictures on my instagram. I have them. All right? I do. But that's not the reality of trading. If a man has a. If a man has, you know, has, you know, a man's a lot of success or wealth. What you are seeing instagram, this is how many pictures? Less than 500 pictures. I have a billion pictures of my life. Reality that you are not seeing.

The Reality Behind the Scenes

I choose only ten to show you. And you think that's my reality or that's the reality of the business. That's. That's a lie. That's a lie. That's the truth. That's a lie. There is no such thing as trading on the beach. This is not true. Trading requires work, conscientiousness, real work. You have to build your metal literarily ground up. See? No textbook, right? You have to say, oh, this is my nature.

Devotion to the Craft

This is how I am. This is the person that I am. And I have to design something that will work for me that is tailored around who I am. You see it, and that's going to take time. There's no easy money anywhere in any industry. If you want to be an entrepreneur, try to start a business and see how long gonna take you if you come. Trading is not an escape.

Debunking Misconceptions

Can't come to trading and think, oh, I've escaped everything. Let me just relax myself and make easy money. You are delusional. You are delusional. It doesn't work. If I. If I throw a pool. I say, how many of you have reviewed your trades for the month the previous month or for the week the previous week or whatever? Right. How many of you have reviewed your trade? This is weekend.

Preparation and Reflection

We are going into a fresh week. How many of you are ready for the new week? How many of you have checked the mistakes you made last week, the things you did wrong and all that, the mistakes you're repeatedly making. How many of you did it? Let's rate it by hours. How many hours did you spend? 0 hour. We're going to have 95% on the bracket of 0 hour if you bet me. Run that pool. Run the pool. Zero hour.

The Discrepancy of Expectation

Zero. No work. But they want money. They want money. How many people studied for 30 minutes or 1 hour? Okay, we can now start to see some persons. How many of you spend up to 8 hours? Oh, you're asking for too much. How can you ask for 8 hours? But you're seeing the guy on the beach. He's, he's burned the candle. He burns the candle at night. That's how he got there.

The Path to Success

That's how he got to the beach. You don't see it. He's not going to show you. Oh, I was burning the candle for 8 hours. Nobody going to video themselves burning the candle for 8 hours. I'm only going to take sweet and nice pictures when I'm on the beach because that way I have good background. Do you get it now? So forget everything that you know makes you think that trading is that place where you can press, buy and sell and you can, you know, end up making some crazy money.

Hard Work and Commitment

It doesn't work. See? Aha. Moment doesn't finish in trading. Okay, I know that you're learning something, you're working on something, you're doing something, and that thing is working for you. You got to be careful because the next thing you're going to hit is overconfidence, ego, euphoria. And then you take a hit and you could take a hit in the millions. I mean, depending on where you are at every stage in trading, you're gonna feel like you have figured it out.

The Perils of Overconfidence

I promise you, at every stage in your trading and see, if you're not careful, you're going to take money from people, investors, friends, family, all these people, you take money from them. You're hearing the voice of somebody who thought at Azath, how many years ago? I can't even imagine myself thinking that I was so good that I started taking money from people. Like that is, when I think about it is one of the most stupid, ridiculous things I've ever done in my entire career.

Learning from Mistakes

But guess what? I did it. I did it. And, boy, if you're not careful, if you try to do that, if you're not careful, you're not going to see the light of day. You're not going to see the light of day ever again if you're not careful. Okay? So, yes, you're learning things. You found your aha moment with risk management. Oh, you found your aha moment with psychology. Oh, you found your aha moment with your strategy.

Persistence in Growth

Fine. Good. Just keep going. Keep working on your profit gap. Keep, just keep working. That's all you got to keep working. I was, I was looking at the market today because on Ctrader, I can just replay this thing to any year, right? And I was playing 2014. You need to see how the system was messed up because the volatility was almost dried out. The system was completely messed up. Right? 2014.

Reflecting on Past Markets

And that's what I do. I just go back one year, you know, I sit down and play that thing, right. Just go back one year, start from, you know, last year, and take it one by one. Just keep going and keep accumulating that data. Keep building the confidence. You have to keep working. You have to keep working the day. See, the day you stop working, the day you stop growing, that's the day you start to decay.

The Importance of Consistency

It's like a flower. If you continue to water that flower, it will continue to flourish. The day you stop watering that flower, it may not look like it is dying yet, but I bet you that's the day it starts to decay. That's the day it will start to get malnourished from the roots. And then before you know it pops on the leaf. And then you now look at it and say, whoa, how did we get here? Zero bank balance. How did we get here? Broke in debt, cannot afford to eat, cannot afford to pay the rent.

The Path to Success

How did we get here? You see it, okay? And see, let me tell you the truth from at the beginning. Don't expect, don't expect trading to take care of your bills. You know, I was saying that, I mean, there's a lot of things that's just, you know, floating through my head. And I feel like some of the traders, I mean, the speakers who've spoken before me, you know, they've touched on all these things. So they are all true.

Expectations in Trading

They are all true. Anybody who is saying, even if I give a listener here, the mic to speak on this thing, they already know one or two things that they feel like is usually going to be experience based, right? A topic like this is experience based. You just say that, oh, I thought of this and see, I told you something. If you're, if you're taking nothing home, I'm what I'll just tell you to take home is probability.

The Concept of Probability

Another name for probability is large numbers. If they say think in probability, they are simply telling you to think in large numbers. Probability cannot exist in a single, you know, a small sample size, it's going to be a false probability. So if you don't have the ability to think in large sample sizes, you're going to struggle with trading for a long time because you want to be right at every point in time. Most systems are designed to make you right.

The Fallacy of Success

And that's why a lot of people are switching systems, because they want to be right. They want to win every day, every time. They want to be winners, right? Their ego is always telling them, oh, size or big. You know, ego works with size. You know, you want bigger house, bigger cars, bigger everything. It's all ego. You size up. It's all ego. You forget that size did not save the dinosaurs.

Navigating Ego in Trading

You know, if size was that good, right? And I tell you, I think, I don't know who it was. I said this the other day, but I loved it so much, you know, he said that I think it was juicy trades. Yeah. That you don't need to over trade. You need more capital, right? So the goal is to perform well. The goal is to perform well. So look at the entire trading business as a skill that you must acquire.

Skill Acquisition in Trading

That's why I say, don't expect it to pay your bills just yet. I look at it and say, okay, fine, whatever I do, I'm going to lose. So let me just do the right thing regardless, right? Because you're probably going to lose the first couple of months, right? So let me just work on myself, work on the right thing. And then while I'm doing it, you know, you can, you know, put your feet in the water here and there while you're building yourself, working on your craft, fixing your things, taking note of your mistakes.

The Foundation of Improvement

Very important. Journaling and review. You can't succeed or improve without it, even if the guys who are doing very well tell you they're not journaling. They started somewhere, somehow with it. Maybe eventually they got to the point where they now know all the things. You know, they've mastered the ropes so they don't need it. So take note of some of the things that I've said here, very important. I think I'll just tell you. See, live in the present.

Living in the Present

You know your reality, right? A lot of people live in the future. Oh, your future self, your, you know, or in the past, right? Live in the present. Live in the present moment. What I mean is, if you go, if you know that where you are now, you're not seeing results, you have to surrender to work. You have to surrender to work. If you don't surrender to work, you will not find result. Life is an opportunity cost, you know?

Opportunity Cost in Trading

Everything is an opportunity cost. If you spend more time on the screen, spend more time backtesting, you will see results in that area. If you spend more time sleeping, watching movies, hanging out with friends, doing every other thing apart from doing the right things, that's going to improve your trading. It's opportunity cost. You have chosen what is important to you. You've chosen your scale of preference. So that's where you will see the results.

The Commitment to Success

Okay? That's where you see the results. Trading is work. I'm going to leave you with this story from Tom Dante. I love that story. That's the best way I can tell you about the reality. He was just starting out as a trader. He was working in a trading floor. There was one of the good traders who made around $10 million that day. It was a big win for the, you know, for the fame. So everybody was cheering. You know, him and, you know how it is when you make a lot of money, right?

Celebrating Others Success

So the guy was, you know, he was happy, but he wasn't like, over excited and all that, right? I was just there. And so Tom Dante, at the end of the day, because it's a trading floor, right, he goes home. He has to go home with a train, which is about an hour drive, like an hour from where he stayed is England. So from the. Where he was trading, the trading floor to his house is about an hour.

The Journey Home

By the time he got to his door, it was. He found out that he forgot his key at the office. He had to take the train again, another train back to the office that night. So before he got back to the office, he was already dark, but there was a small torch right at one corner of the office. And then he opens the door, goes to his table, takes the key, and then he finds out that the person that is there with the torchlight, that is working on his trading and all that stuff, journal and all those things, was the guy that made $10 million.

The Irony of Hard Work

Do you see the irony now, you would think that the guy who made $10 million is supposed to be at the beach, right? Or he's supposed to be in a yacht. But guess what? He's not there. He's in the office. He's working. He's working, he's working. That's the reality of trading. You got to work. Tom Dante said that was the day his jaw literally dropped. Like, how do you make so much money and you're still working? You see, that's the reality of trading.

Hard Work Equals Success

You got to work. So if I ask you how much work you want to get a check of $10,000 every month? Are you, do you know what's $10,000? 3rd world countries, right? $10,000. You're asking about 16 million naira for a month. That's a lot of money. That's a lot of money. Are you working as hard as those who are earning, what, 500k? Are you, are you working harder than those that are working at the rig to ask that kind of money?

Expectations in Trade

You cannot ask that kind of check from the universe. If you don't put in the work, there's no fluke, there's no free money, there's no escape. That's what we're seeing. Benny. That's not what we are saying. Come back. Kinda still here. Should have been okay. I'm sorry. All right. I think I'll just end it there. Thank you. I need to attend to my baby now. Thank you. Thank you so much, Omoti. And congratulations.

Acknowledging Contribution

Congratulations for victim is laughing. Where your baby cover? Good laugh too. Thank you so much. I see ict she just joined us. Welcome. Thank you so much. Omo and I think the next milestone should be what is it 120 or 150 or is it 200? Which one Abi won't retire? 1000. All right. Thank you. 1000 years. Thank you so much for that trader, Benny and yes, Tom Dante. If you guys are not following Tom Dante, just search for him on the Tl.

Community and Learning

And following is like a really great trader. Thank you so much. Welcome ICT queen our service. Our next speaker is Bobby Pastor Bobby. Happy Sunday. Yeah, happy Sunday. Oh, good evening. Definitely this bros this bro. When did you add this bros to your team? David, don't press my neck with this network. Omotaya, when did you add big team into your team? This is episode 100.

Celebration of Achievement

What episode did you add big time into this team? Let us know if he deserves some accolades. Make nobody follow you here. Your uncle is a big. I can't remember. Maybe join like, maybe like 96. Remain like four episodes. Make it complete. 1st, first and first, Omotaya doing hundred episodes. I mean, it's not easy. Your space happens to be like the first. The first place I actually picked up a mic to.

Recognition in the Community

To share my experience. So since then, I. Since then, I've been having the courage to come on because normally my real life, you take you would just know that I'm the kind of person. I would just be there listening to you. I do more of listening, but yeah, I am on the Twitter space sharing my two cent. So, to be doing a great job, it's not easy. I mean, I host, I co host with, peninsula and tof.

The Challenge of Hosting

And I have to tell you, it's. There was a time I had to tell them that, bros, we cannot be doing this thing weekly. Let us change it to bi weekly. It's not easy, I guarantee you, because when you start hosting this space, the moment you are there either as a co host or host, there's nothing you can do again. To even eat is like problem. To take. To take a shower is problem. Sometimes I have to. Maybe NePA will take the light.

The Hosting Experience

I have to go and run again. Put on Jane. It's problem. So it's not easy. I'm telling you now, we are talking about reality and expectation rights. You think you expected that once you start hosting, space is one easy something to do. The reality is rough. I promise you, is rough. We will start hosting space by seven and sometimes ten. 3011 I will be dming pencil.

Team Collaboration

That has almost reduced time for speakers. So many speak for five minutes or a baby. It's not easy. And you've been doing this every Sunday back to back. And here you are, episode 100, superstar. I said you're a superstar. So, yeah, congratulations and we are looking forward to episode 1000. Congratulations to you and your team. You see, I see your problem victim. They need to remove you from this team.

Conclusion and Reflection

So, Omar, time has gone. I'm just gonna just, touch on few things I was unable to. Okay, listen tough pencil. And I was just going up and down because I had to take care of some things. The biggest thing me or the biggest thing I fought with, the biggest experience I fought with Washington was thinking, and every trade would be a winner. That's. That's my own biggest problem.

Initial Expectations

That was my biggest problem, thinking that after going to YouTube, right? And that's the thing. You go on YouTube, you search for trading, you see more of lifestyle than education. The education that you would not even come across are educations whereby the post. You just show the example. There are examples whereby the trade is a winner. The one that will not baffle you the most is when the person is using the.

Influence of Media

Probably. They are probably using like on FX, on this replay, on trading view. Right. The replay button, replay bar, whatever it's called. Right. And now they are showing you. Okay, on Monday. Okay, see the setup. You show, you see the setup is a winner on Tuesday. Yeah. The same thing. Break of structure, blah, blah. On Wednesday, if that Wednesday did not work out, they will look for a story.

Rethinking Success

They will look for a reason to make you feel like, hey, you shouldn't have taken it, bros is a lie. You would have taken that trade and it would have been a loss. And it is fine to take a loss. They didn't teach me that. They were not putting that on their page. They made it look like if you took a loss or if you experienced any loss, you're doing something wrong. So if you come across videos like that, just run.

The Importance of Learning

Just, just run. Because these were the things I was accumulating during the weekend or even like midnight. These are the things I would tell my brain. These are the things I was feeding my brain. And when the market opens. 08:00 a.m. my time, I go on the time, I go on trading view and execute a trade, and it hit my stop loss. And I'm like, what am I doing wrong? Because I was expecting to win.

Challenges in Trading

Because that was what, wherever I was learning from was telling me that, yes, you're supposed to win Monday to Friday. And if you find yourself taking a loss less, like in the example that I was showing, that was supposed to be a loss. And it just came up with one fine reason. They could say, oh, because there was FOMC today. That was why they trade loss. It's a lie. That's a big lie.

Facing Reality

You know, and as a new trader, we'll start, we'll focus on that would be the most things. The thing that will put all our energy into is researching for strategy. And after we experience series of losses like this, that's when the emotion kicks in. Remember, that's the beginning. We don't have, like any knowledge about. For anything about psychology. We don't have. We have zero knowledge. Zero knowledge about the state of mind they are supposed to be in before you execute a trade, when the trade is being executed, and after, there's no knowledge about that because nobody wants, nobody talked about that.

Mindset and Acceptance of Losses

I just had a five minute video, upstairs, I had a five minute video that I watched before the market opened. And I'll be replaying it in my head. I want the same thing to form on the charts. And yes, even though the same thing forms and hit my stop loss just because I've not accepted that, or just because the person that was teaching me made it look like if you experience a loss, it's like a sin. Make it look like if you experience a loss is because you do not know enough. And what happened. I will not accept star loss. I will enter the trade again, and this time around, I will not enter with the 1% I lost. I will enter with 2%. Because why I want to take, I want to cover that 1% I lost, and I want to make more.

The Importance of Consistency

These were the videos that we're watching online. Nobody was talking about the fact that consistency is the key. The consistency that comes with sticking with a process, not from a few trade, but from series of trades expecting that there's one holy grail. There's one holy grail strategy. There should be a strategy where there is no loss. Jesus. There should be a strategy whereby every week I should be withdrawing. There should be a strategy whereby I should be able to pass a profit challenge in a day. There should be a strategy whereby I should be able to buy a Lamborghini out of three. After three months, you spend months jumping from one strategy to another.

Refining Methods and Managing Risk

You are like, literally just chasing results, only to realize that refining one method and managing risk effectively, the keyword is managing risk effectively. And following one method is the key to profitability. No. Thinking that the perfect strategy is somewhere there. No. Recently I think the noise has even reduced. It was a, Is it, is this candle range theory that was written to all over the time, I think is this Romeo guy, what's his name, and this other people like under him. If you take all this strategy and you go back in time and you use the words, or like, will I say the old languages. You find out that we are all trading the same thing. People will just look for new way to make it shiny, you know, you will take that 1999 Mercedes Benz, change some few things and make it look like it's the new one.

Understanding Market Dynamics

It's not a new one. It's still the same engine that is inside. It's still the same can do formation. If you take this invert. Invert, is it invert favorable gap? Take an invert favor gap on the wall on 1 hour, right. Draw the box or whatever it is, you find that it's like support is like a support that broke that onto resistance. It's practically the same thing. There's no holy grail. So it makes sense for you not to like jump from one strategy to another, thinking that there's one strategy that guarantees profits in all market conditions, in the all market conditions, no strategy works hundred percent of the time. Find a way to adapt.

Adapting to Market Changes

How do you adapt? Like. That's like should have been. Was talking about nontan Tom Dante. I respect that guy. That's where I learnt the fact that if you spend 1 hour reviewing the week, the move of the week on your favorite pair, and asking yourself, if this same week happen next week, how will I catch it? Spend an hour reviewing the trade of the week, the move of the week. Most time. Most time it happens. You see where maybe for example, the trading EU, right? You see that it made a huge move that, you know, resulted like a lot of pips. If you'd like, position yourself in the trade and you found that you can ask yourself questions like, oh, if this thing happened, how will I catch it? Things like, okay, where did it trade?

Establishing Effective Trading Plans

So, before it reversed, okay, trade to this Monday, trade to the previous day, high, blah, blah. That's where strategy comes from. There's no holy grail. Just review what's happening. And if you don't have the time to do it, I mean, there's edge everywhere. Buy one or watch one for free, but make sure it's one. Defining one method and managing risk effectively is the key to profitability. Another expectations and reality. You would, you would think that there was one time I said, trade. Trade like a robot. Straight like a robot. Straight like a robot. Yeah. It's, that's how you can.

The Role of Emotions in Trading

Emotion plays a huge role. That's not a lie. That's the truth. Another truth is, once your money is on the line, as long as you have blood running through your veins, you're always going to feel some type of way, how you decide to feel is not depending on how much you're risking or what your experience is. After a large loss, a trader can feel like anxious about placing the next trade after experiencing multiple loss on your edge. If your edge is to buy on every four hour support, right? That's what your edge says. That's what you've tested, that's what I've guaranteed you. That, okay. If you do this for a long period of time, you're going to make money. That's a fact.

Overcoming Fear in Trading

You have that written down. You have your data, you know everything about the strategy. But what happens when you are taking three losses in a row? That same strategy, what happens on the fourth stretch? Fear kicks in. The market did not change. It's still that same four hour that you have a lot of faith in it. You probably went to church on Sunday to thank God for showing you that edge. On that four hour support, everything is still the same. But once you take three losses in a row with that same setup. Now, the first time the candle forms on the four hour support are supposed to do what? To execute fair kicks in. You most likely will not even take the trade.

Handling Fear and Decision Making

Now, the trade, triggered and it went straight to your tp. I mean, you would have covered every loss, estimated little percentage on top. What happened? Fear, it's always going to be there. There's nobody even the best. The. I don't think there's no trailer that can tell me that they don't experience emotions. The, the only thing they are better at is that they don't act on it. If the fear comes and I don't take the trade, that's me acting on it. If the fear comes and I find a way to manage it and say that, no, I've seen this before. We've done this before. We've experienced this amount of losses before. Let's stick to the process.

The Significance of Discipline and Consistency

Which is what? Executing our edge flawlessly and we'll be fine. Emotions like fear and greed, they are inevitable. The key is just learning how to manage them. That's just the key. There's no, there's nothing. The key is just learning how to manage them. You can write it down, you can tell yourself, you can tell your friend, you can tell anybody, oh, I'm going to not get on fear. Write it down. I'm not going to act on fear. This and this others, one does not guarantee anything. The old guy. The only thing that grant is success is not acting on them doing the work and there are exercises that you can involve yourself in that will help you get out of all these things.

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