Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space FRIDAY FIX WITH @PiQSuite AND @AlphaPicks Join AlphaPicks and PiQ for your roundup of the week. hosted by PiQSuite. Stay updated on market trends and insights with @PiQSuite and @AlphaPicks in the FRIDAY FIX space, offering interactive sessions focused on financial intelligence and industry partnerships. Attendees benefit from customizable information platforms, partnership highlights with @PepperstoneFX, and engaging discussions on market strategies. The space caters to individuals seeking comprehensive financial analysis tools, networking opportunities, and valuable decision-making insights for staying informed and making strategic financial choices.

For more spaces, visit the Alpha Group page.

Space Statistics

For more stats visit the full Live report

Total Listeners: 24


Q: What is the primary focus of the FRIDAY FIX space?
A: The space concentrates on delivering intelligent market news and financial insights.

Q: How do PiQSuite and AlphaPicks differentiate their information platform?
A: They stand out by providing a customizable and free-to-access information aggregation tool.

Q: Why is the partnership with @PepperstoneFX significant?
A: It brings forth financial expertise and valuable industry insights to the space.

Q: What benefits do attendees gain from engaging with PiQSuite and AlphaPicks?
A: Access to updated market information, networking opportunities, and comprehensive analysis.

Q: How can the space help individuals in making informed financial decisions?
A: By offering insights, trends, tools, and strategies for better decision-making in the market.


Time: 00:15:42
Introduction to Intelligent Market News Explore the concept of intelligent market news and its significance in the financial landscape.

Time: 00:25:11
Customizable Information Platform by PiQSuite and AlphaPicks Learn about the features and benefits of the free-to-access information aggregation platform.

Time: 00:35:29
Partnership Spotlight: @PepperstoneFX Discover the key insights and expertise brought by the partnership with @PepperstoneFX.

Time: 00:45:18
Market Roundup Updates and Trends Stay informed with the latest market updates and trends discussed during the session.

Time: 00:55:07
Interactive Engagement and Audience Participation Engage interactively with PiQSuite and AlphaPicks for a deeper understanding of market insights.

Time: 01:05:36
Networking Opportunities with Industry Experts Connect with financial experts and industry professionals for networking and knowledge sharing.

Time: 01:15:44
Comprehensive Financial Analysis Tools and Trends Access tools and insights for comprehensive financial analysis and decision-making.

Time: 01:25:21
Insightful Discussions on Market Strategies Delve into discussions on market strategies and trends for informed decision-making in the financial sector.

Time: 01:35:50
Valuable Financial Information for Decision-Making Obtain valuable financial information to make informed decisions and stay ahead in the market.

Time: 01:45:29
Market Trends and Decision-Making Insights Gain insights into current market trends and receive guidance for effective decision-making strategies.

Key Takeaways

  • The space presents intelligent market news and discusses financial insights.
  • PiQSuite and AlphaPicks offer a customizable information aggregation platform.
  • Partnership with @PepperstoneFX is highlighted for financial expertise.
  • The discussion provides valuable market roundup updates for audiences.
  • Insights focus on financial trends, strategies, and tools for informed decisions.
  • Interactive engagement with PiQSuite and AlphaPicks enhances market understanding.
  • The space emphasizes the significance of up-to-date financial information.
  • Attendees gain access to a variety of financial news and insights for decision-making.
  • Networking opportunities with industry experts like @PiQSuite and @AlphaPicks are available.
  • Audiences can leverage the space for comprehensive market analysis and trends.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Live Discussion

Alright guys, we are live in about 1 minute. We are going to begin this space in about 1 minute. All right guys, we are slowly getting started here. Hope everyone is having a great day. Welcome to level up web three gaming episode three with Dejunheim. Dejan is our guest and Milan is probably behind the Dejenheim profile. Milan, how are you?

Greetings and Opening Remarks

Hey. Greetings. Hi. Happy to be here. Doing pretty well. How about you? I'm great, dude. It's been a while since we talked. I remember. I don't know if you remember quite some time. Yes, it is a couple of years now, I think. Years already? I think so. I'm not, I. I'm not quite sure exactly how long, but I. It is definitely might be. I'm probably the most in lost in time dude ever. Like my conception of time, worst shit, right?

Conception of Time in Professional Life

I genuinely like, sometimes I meet with people I know and I'm like, yeah, it was last time we spoke about it and someone told me, tells me like this was like three weeks ago. And I was like, no, it was like last week. No, three weeks if not a month. And I'm like, goddamn. So, yeah, might be you're right. Is it. Is it damage control or damage from your work? You think you're programming and head down too much building that you lose sight of time? Pretty much.

Dedication to Craft

If you're like a heads down and hands down person and your sole focus is to create the best version of your project, which you can, instead of like, oh, no. Trying to fuck over your competition and stuff like that, then yes, that is what happens. It's just like, when a lot of people ask me, have you seen what this project is? I'm like, no. It's like, I hope they did something awesome and I hope they're doing well, but I have no fucking idea.

Recognition for Public Speaking

Hey, and I listened to your little thing in Barcelona, your talk. That was great. That was great. Thank you. Yeah, it was a great honor because it was. I don't know if you're familiar, but Unity game engine is basically the biggest game engine in the world. Yes. People think Unreal is bigger, but by far, unity surpasses them. I think Unity alone has like 60% of the whole market.

Unity Event Keynote Experience

And, and yeah, when you look at the stage, it was basically the main keynote. It's like, that is the gaming event for all Unity game developers like them. And being on the main stage with such huge names, like when you look at the panel and there was like v rising, huge game, right? Marvel snap huge. Also subway surfers like all fucking legends. Even shortly before us it was like ten chambers with Den of Wolves, which is their new game.

Small Studio with Big Opportunities

And then the studio will behind heist payday and payday two, all huge games. Right? So it was like a big honor, especially since like a small indie studio from Slovakia, were the first ever to be there. So meant a lot. Yeah, congrats. And just to give people some context, you know, this is, as you guys have heard, pretty big forum to be able to showcase your game to a great audience with great guests.

The Strawberry Suit

And Milan here shows up in a strawberry suit. Yes, well, it's not that strange to people here in this space, right? Because I've been using it for quite some while. Give us the why. Why are you. Because you've had that profile picture for years. What's the backstory? And why are you keeping it? No. Why not?

Origin of the Strawberry Costume

Yeah, the back story at the after party, at the event, I got molested with this question. Like sometimes I was explaining it to a group of people and I just turned around and there were like three more people. It's like, what's the story behind the strawberry? And they were just like chain jumping me with this question. But actually the answer is that I was given this costume because it was my very first development job.

Halloween Stories

And the colleagues, I was like, what did you do for Halloween? And I was like, I put on a huge pink glittery rainbow unicorn costume and went clubbing. And people were like, because I was developer and usually developers are super like introverted and so on. And everybody at the company was like, bullshit. And I was, no, here, look at this. And I just like showed them photos from the night and we're like, fucked.

Birthday Gift and the Strawberry Costume

Fuck. No, actually did. And so when it came for my birthday, my colleagues gave me a huge costume of a flamingo. And when they actually have seen how happy I was, a few days after, a colleague of mine came and she gave me the strawberries, was like, I used it for a Halloween party of my son, but I have no more use for it. Take it and better put some good use to it.

Embracing the Costume in Professional Settings

And I told her like, one day I will. And so I built Diegenheim in it. And everywhere I go in it. Like, I was in it in Prague, in Dubai, here in Barcelona. At first they wanted to be like, no, it's too much. And then I just like, a few days before the event, I just got an email. No text, just the headline.

Key Right Before the Event

And it was like one line, bring the strawberry. I was like, let's go. Yes, I love it. No, dude, I definitely keep doing that. It's working. It's a brand. You know, you're branding yourself. It's good, it's good. It makes you super easy to find. Like at the after party, everybody knew I was who I was.

Memorable Branding Strategy

And sometimes even when I put it up, and you're a strawberry guy and it's like nobody remembered the name. The strawberry guy, right? But yeah, definitely memorable. Works for. Works for branding. Yes. And even a developer from Unity told me, like, dude, I gotta get a pizza costume for next year.

Inspiration from the Costume

Like, fuck it. And I was like, you do that. You do that. Everybody asks you for your backstory. Tell them a dude in a strawberry costume made you do it. Yes, yes. This is great. So, you know, to jump a little bit into the topics here, Milan, you know, we've been, you know, since we talked last till now.

Discussion on Web Three Gaming

You know, DD nine is one thing, and I do want you to talk a little bit about that. But, you know, look at the space that we are working in and like, how it has developed. Would you say that, you know, the way that you defined the category of web three gaming when you started versus now, has it changed or has it not? Well, definitely, dude.

Reflections on Web Three Gaming Evolution

Like what web three gaming was back when we started, you got to realize it was brands going ballistic. Two types of brands, right? One where basically brands which already had a game. God, somehow axie Infinity, right? Huge success, tremendous amounts of money, but unsustainable, right? There was one vertical, the other group was basically people promising games, launching tokens.

The Distinction of Products and Promises

I won't point any fingers, so I don't make any specific enemies and either never delivering the game or just building something which anyone from the gaming industry just looks at and is like, this is straight bullshit, or this won't be sustainable and so on. And then there were some people who actually tried to build something that is reasonable, right? Then how it actually changed is somewhat to the better and somewhat to the worst, right?

Matured Space and Elevated Standards

To the better is that the space matured. They kinda, at least to some extent, got sick of people promising like, stellar stuff and then not doing shit, which is good because it forces projects to do better and to have a higher standards because you have like less scams and more actual projects. But the downside is it actually takes a long time to build.

Challenges in Merging Web Two and Web Three

Especially when you do the web three part, right? Because there's so many obstacles to go around. Like for example, even us. If you were to only build the web two part, never considering the web three part, you have long done by now, right, but when you gotta. Gotta merge these two worlds together in some way where you want to look to a scenario where, okay, it accommodates web three people, but it doesn't disqualify the web two people and vice versa.

Balancing Competitive Elements

Also, because, for example, imagine if you make web three items extremely powerful, instantly pay to win, and since you have, like, limited quantity, the people who own them are gonna shit on every web two player, for example. Right, which. Which inherently causes you to lose players, especially from the west, right, because the whole west would be like, yeah, no, fuck this game.

Conclusion: The Road Ahead

Some crypto guy fucking beat me. And not because it's.

Discussion on Game Development and Market Sentiment

He's better, but just because he has a few items and he just decimates me. So. And then going around all the other stuff and so on, so definitely changed. And you see also that the market kinda is much calmer. You have much less, let's say, buzzing names, I'd say. And even the big names kind of calm down. But it's, I think. I think it's good because actually, at the end of the day, and at the end of the day, only those who actually wanted to ship something proper will be the ones who prevail.

Reflections on Past Expectations in Gaming

Yeah. Yeah. And it's not with the, with this, like, crazy high expectation and extremely high pace, you know, back in 21, 22 or beginning of 20. Yeah, yeah, 22, I would say, you know, there were so many games that came out and everyone had these, like, insane expectations to what this would become. And. And weren't even. I don't think were even, like, aware of the obstacles that we are very much aware of today when it comes to developing a game with web three. So, yeah, I can think of so many games, but we probably shouldn't name them.

The Motivations Behind Web Three Features

But why, you know, with the, with all of these obstacles, why still push web three features? What's your motivation? Why do you still want to do that? What's so important with it, in your opinion? You want to keep the promise, right? Imagine if, like, I would feel I cheated people if I didn't, right? That's one thing. And then the other thing is you want to explore the possibilities.

Challenges of Merging Web Two and Web Three Gaming

Like, it's. It's kind of hard because we're in a very hard spot when it comes to web two and web three gaming fusion, right? You tell web two gamers something about web three and they instantly disregard something and they don't even care. They'll be like, no, fuck this shit. Right? It's a crypto. Fuck it. And. And that's kind of sad, because I always viewed web three as a technology, right? That should enable people, it shouldn't force you to do something like if somehow crypto is involved in a game, make it voluntary.

The Market's Response to Sustainable Game Development

If you want to participate in it, you want to dabble with it, you want to do something cool. If you don't, just don't force it down someone's throat because then you're going to lose those web two people, for example. And also if you look at web three people, depends. Do you want people who are in there just for the profit? And this was one of the harshest realizations I had during web three space because I always consider is just like a startup, you want to build something that is legit and that should be lasting for a period of time, or ideally like for a long period of time.

The Reality of Markets in Game Development

But I kind of found out that the market isn't there for it, right. The market doesn't reward those who actually build something that is sustainable. The market rewards those who build something that is short term and they just jump from one thing to another. And that's probably the hardest part because games actually have the opposite cycle there. You actually want to have a game which is a huge success for a long period of time, or at least a mediocre success, which you can sustain itself. Right.

Sustainable Success in the Gaming Industry

The biggest games are the sustainable ones, not the ones that are just like, oh, boom, and in two weeks they're dead. No. Right. And, and that kinda isn't the case in the web three space, which kinda is, is a hard part to do properly. Like just the thought process and game design on how to do this properly, it takes months. People don't realize. It's like, oh, but why wasn't something better sooner? It's like, dude, even like, thinking of this properly takes you like three, four months of a whole team just like exchanging ideas, going back and forth, then developing, then going back to the drawing board.

The Complexity of Web Three Game Development

And this is huge. If you're a web two game, this complexity completely falls away. Boom. You just save four months of their time. That's a lot of money, that's a lot of time for a whole team and so on. So, yeah, it's kind of, it's a tricky place currently to be in some way to the better and in some way to the worse. Right. Would you talked about, you know, this being or web three gaming to be a voluntary feature or something that people can choose to use in a game or not.

The Evolution of Web Three Gaming Definitions

But what we, you know, I'm still struggling with the whole idea of the category web three gaming. Because in the past it seemed like what web three gaming was a fully on chain game. Like an F O C G. That was a web three game. You know what I mean? Like where the game was running on chain, every action was on chain. But now we're seeing a shift from that because people thought that would work, but that didn't. And now we're seeing a shift into the supplementary part of it, you know, can we still call it a web three game?

Critique of Fully On-Chain Games

And I don't know. Did you ever try any focgs, any fully on chain games? Not really. I observed mainly, but I kind of wasn't any how hyped by having a game fully on chain. Because it was, in my opinion, and I don't want to shame anyone who is at least technic, remotely, technologically and especially like when it comes to computing power and architecture and so on, knowledgeable, will tell you in an instant. Then having a fully on chain game is borderline retarded.

Analogies to Understand On-Chain Limitations

Let me, let me put this into a, analogy to anyone, right? Imagine you have a chain. Pick any chain you want, right? Even the most, like performant fast chain has its limits, right? It's a. Imagine it as a highway which has fixed lanes, whether it's six or eight or twelve or how many it is fixed, right? And when you're alone on the lane or on the highway, cool. You can go as fast as you want, nobody's blocking you.

Infrastructure Flexibility in Game Development

Everything is cool, everything is cheap. No, nobody is like competing with each other. Everything is fine. Right? Sooner or later it gets congested. Right? If it's a less performant network, it gets congested sooner. If it's a more performant network, it gets congested later and then it gets more expensive and da da da. Now compare it to having your own infrastructure, which is on a cloud or through some services and so on. It's like building your own highway which adds or removes lanes as you need.

Dynamic Scalability in Game Architecture

Oh, the highway is congested. Two more lanes. Congested again. Two more lanes. We need these lanes suddenly. Not on the us market, but in Asia. Let's deploy ten lanes in Asia and rest, right? And this is the difference between like having something fully on chain and having something on a only scalable architecture. Because on chain this is not possible. Yeah. Right.

Final Considerations on Web Three Technology

Maybe if you do some also the ZK roll ups and so on, and layer twos and so on, which is fine, but then you go into like the bridging of assets that are security and all the troublesome ux nobody loves, right? Even our community, right? When there's like, oh, which chain RDS is going to be on? Is it going to be this one on this one? And I was like, oh, yeah, I've been hunted by, I don't know, immutable eggs for two years.

Community Reactions to Technological Choices

And da da had some talks. They made amazing progress. I had to give them credit. They made amazing progress. But then I just, like, mentioned it to the community, and, like, a small army of people, like, oh, God, no. Please, please, no. Immediately, one guy was like, that shit is dead. The other one, like, the UX is still trash. And people just went on with this, and. And then you're fucked, right?

The Dichotomy Between Technology and User Experience

So it's like, okay, something allows us to do something technologically, but people hate it. Can you use it or can you not? And. And this kind also, like, contradicts how technology works. Like, if I were to ask you, like, do you know where League of Legends has servers? Do they use own servers? Do they have aws? Do they have Google cloud? Tell me.

User Indifference Towards Technology Choices

You would never know. And you also would never care. And that is how it should work. Like, if you want to do web three gaming or web whatever gaming, you do it properly, and you want to do it in such a way that you. You don't even care, and you'll never know. And you'd be like, press play, and I'm going to fucking enjoy the game. That should be the experience.

Contradictions in Web Three Gaming

And the web three part is kind of contrary to this. What do you think would be, why do you think web three has turned contrary to what you're saying? Why has it been like that? You think, like, being slandered by people? Yes. Or why, as I said, with off chain solutions and people not caring where the servers are, people carrying a ton in web three, is it because of the financial incentive or the financial.

Underlying Issues in the Web Three Space

You know, people hating Cardano, people hating eth or whatever, and all the tribalism and the financial motivation behind the assets? Well, I think it's a combination of a lot of things. First of all, the general public still thinks crypto is a bubble.

Scams and Media Influence

It's a scam. It's a web for suspicious transactions and whatsoever, right? Then you have the media, which also don't shine the brightest light on it, and then you have the scams, right? Then you have projects which came to the market and extracted $100 million for a fucking mint promising something. And then they just like, be like, okay, we're not delivering that. We have your money. Fuck off. Or you have some FTX stuff or so whatsoever, which then comes back to the media, right? It's heavily medialized. And imagine you're the common normie, and everything you hear is like, crypto fucking fell down. This dude stole 100 million. This dude stole 70 million. This. This dude fucking cheated all of us and just, like, stole a shit ton of money. And then, like, what would you think of it, right?

Gamers' Critique on Industry Trends

And then you have gamers by themselves, which are very critical. Gamers have become extremely critical. And one thing is they hate change. And the other thing is the feedback they give sometimes doesn't correspond to their actions. Such as, go ask any gamer about microtransactions. Everybody is like, no, no, I want to pay for the game and I want to play it, and then just leave me the fuck alone. Guess which games are making the most money. The ones with microtransactions. Right. See, so it's like, one side, you slender them. On the other hand, you. You finance them with their money. So. Well, then you cannot expect companies which want to make money not to make these choices. I remember when Riot Games and League of Legends first came out and the incredible criticism that was that followed them because they were so about making it free.

Development Journey of Degenheim

I don't know if. I don't know. I don't know the story fully, but I'm pretty sure they were one of the first big studios that were actually developing a game that was free to play back in their day. And look at them now. I don't know if it's the highest grossing game in the world, but one of them probably Fortnite is probably higher, but, well, Milan, so if, you know, talk a little bit about Dejenheim. I remember back in 22 when we discussed Dejenheim last, it was a vision. And you guys had some lore and you had some characters or heroes or whatever you call that, and tell me a little bit, give us the quick Tldr of Degenheim and how far you guys have gotten. Oh, well, we had some game basics back then, but since we had different plans with the brand and so on before and kind of noticed how the Djinn vibe in the market kind of died down, it stopped making sense, right. And when we kind of saw it, like, okay, this doesn't make sense anymore in the web three side.

Early Access Feedback and Community Engagement

Like, it's going to be much harder to make this make. Make sense in the web two side as well. So you kind of had to scrap a lot of stuff away. Like, we scrapped fucking months of work and it was a painful moment, but I think to the better because currently the game basically in 2023, in December, we launched the early access and the support was awesome, right? We let in a couple hundred of players in multiple batches from our community in, and they were incredible. I have to thank a lot of them because some of them, like, gang raped us with feedback and like, this. I mean, this term not as an understatement. Like, there were people who were like, in two days, one guy reported like 36 issues. And it's a good thing because that dude, he was like, he was purposefully trying to break the game. And he was like, I can get stuck in here.

Development Challenges and Progress

I can get stuck in here. Here's a blind spot in the map. Da da da da. And I was like, dude, you're doing God's work, right? And I never expected this much support, which was super awesome. And people actually loved it. Most of the people who actually played it were like, this is. This is a web three game. Like, what the fuck? Like, this is probably one of the best, if not the best I have played when it comes to gameplay. And since that, we have come an extremely long way in three weeks, I think it is. Let me check the calendar. Yes, it's going to be Steams next festival, and we'll be launching the whole multiplayer of our game. So by that time, Degenheim will be multiplayer, which we wanted to have sooner, but it took a bit longer because, like, multiplayer is just like, it's horrendous to develop, like, so much more complexity.

Multiplayer Features and Game Scaling

Like, everything that was working before, like, suddenly stopped. Dude, like, you. You wouldn't imagine how many, like, absurd errors you suddenly get with stuff that was working. But the time before we spend. We basically spend like three quarters of a year testing the majority of content. Like, players have tested out. We have a total of 20 playable characters, roughly 70, 80 enemies, bosses and mini bosses, over 120 different environments, fully playable, and over 100 unique abilities. And all of them we tested with ourselves and players, like, there are thousands of hours put in with players, actual players into testing and balancing thousands. And I was quite surprised. There's a lot of players who have. When you look at it like it's an early access gated game which is not fully complete. And we have community members which have 120 hours plus in, and most of them have, like, well over 30, 60 plus hours, which is amazing for an indie game, right?

Player Engagement and Content

I myself, let me check on steam. Have 3326 hours in the game, right? I. Yeah. And that's like just me and. And it's good. And I think. And I think people will love it also. The response at unite was like, people are like, oh, God damn, this looks good. And it was like, yeah, it's basically co op Hades, you know, like, fuck yeah, I always wanted a co op Hades. And I think it's a good thing because if you like roguelikes and if you like playing with your friends, there's not that many games you can enjoy yourselves in the genre. Does like wizard of Legend and currently wizard of Legend two will be coming out, which is a huge title. You have Ravenswatch, you have risk of rain and that's it. Yeah, I don't know. Right. There's not that many.

Game Mechanics and Future Plans

And like, we have a lot of content, especially for like an early game. Like, we have tremendous amounts of content. We'll be adding it continuously because when we're switching to multiplayer, we have to debug everything thoroughly, which takes a lot of time. But yeah, that's basically it. There's going to be ten chapters in the game which you can play in either solo or up to a party of four. And there's going to be also some late game mechanics if you want torture yourself to near infinite amounts of self imposed doom. But the rewards will be worth it because as we told players, we have been tracking everything, like, thoroughly because we wanted to reward people for being there with us, especially being early.

Leaderboard and Reward System

And when it comes to that, we plan on actually implementing a leaderboard because as we know, web three gamers are there not in just for the game, but also for like the rewarding system. And we actually devised a. Give me a second. Yeah, sorry, my dog just went ballistic on someone outside. Yeah. So we actually devised a leaderboard system which will actually reward you for playing with your friends and purposefully making the game harder for yourself, which scales and then just like, being better than others. Like if you're. If, for example, you want to reap the most amounts of like, rewards from dj nine, you ideally want to have a good squad of people and to make the game as hard as possible and then beat it as efficient and as fast as possible.

Exploration and Engagement in Gameplay

So the further you go in the game, the faster you go with your friends and the harder it is, the better. And you get to explore and a very derailed story with some very randomized characters and nothing with some very good gameplay. That's basically it. And how do you integrate or what features web three features, functions. Do you guys plan to integrate in the game first or you know. Yes. Well, so first and foremost, we have some already available assets, right? And we want to integrate those into the game. And we kind of also actually devised a strategy of how to do so, right, because web two platforms, especially steam and so on, are not that friendly when it comes to web three, right?

Web3 Integration Strategies

So we kind of did it in a different way instead of, and also like doing a very good onboarding procedure. And ux, you don't want to be like jumping in out of the game, signing transactions, da da, doing this, doing that. You like, I jump to the game, I want to get immersed, I want to have fun, right? We did all of this on the backend. We create a separate dapp, which you can then shortly access through a website of ours. You just like connect there, you'll be like, this is my player id, this is me, these are my wallets. Bam, bam, bam. You connect wallets all gasless. You do it once, like within two, five minutes and then that's it.

Gasless Transactions and User Experience

Every time you boot up, it basically looks into your wallet and be like, these items, boom. It drops the items into the game and you have them available. There will be a separate content area for web three items which you can customize. They give you extra steps and maybe help you out and so on, and that's it. And it gets done forever for you. Guessless on the Ethereum mainnet with Ethereum security without you having to bridge shit and having to deal with other stuff. And that's it. This is great. One of the biggest obstacles that we are facing and trying to solve is the UX or the UI UX, if you will.

User-Friendly Features for Asset Management

And it definitely sounds like you guys have with what you guys want to roll out. It sounds smooth to me, but if I was, if I wanted to transact or transfer assets to another wallet, would that be possible with the DF? Now you can do it wherever. Like you could send your shit from one wallet to another. You don't have to do it through us, right? For years people have been talking web three like power to the people, true ownership. And then imagine someone is like, no, no, you can only do it on our platform. It's like, then why the fuck even do it like this? Like, you don't need web three then, right? This way you actually give ownership because like if it's platform bound, you don't own the items, you just have some limited use on some platform on it.

Game Mechanism and User Interaction

This way it basically, this way it facilitates a lot of stuff, right? For example, you cannot use one wallet for multiple accounts, so you cannot be like, oh, someone is going to use my items and we're going to like, cheat the game because I have my items and my friend has my items and so on. No, no. If you transfer them, they automatically disappear. So, for example, you had some assets, you sold them, you boot into the game, you don't have them suddenly. That's it, right? And this gives you absolute freedom. Also extreme luxury when it comes to interaction because you don't have to do it through our app and learn another app. No, dude, use whatever you want and whatever you are already used to and, you know, and everything gets handled for you on the back end, like no strings attached and zero effort. And it also kind of prevents, like, let's say, not really cheating, like, let's say exploiting. Right, with items and so on and whatever. If you were to do some shenanigans, you can't.

Challenges in Game Development

This is, this is great, Milan. So lastly, what is one of the biggest obstacles that you guys have faced as a team building this game that you have overcome. Multiplayer? Like, especially, like, yeah, it's pretty hard. It's one thing because we, in the past, we worked on scaling games which are already multiple. We weren't the ones who actually developed the multiplayer part and doing it for the first time, a huge experience, painful, but worth it, right? And. But you learn a lot and also kind of the bear market, right? We already minted kinda in the bear market already. Then the bloody bear and then the fall off, then how people got a lot of toxicity into them, especially during the bear, right? I. All the good vibes were gone. Suddenly you saw like, okay, you have a fraction of actual supporters. How many people were there just for a quick flip and never cared about what you're doing.

Web Three Market Realizations

And also the kind of the fact that we always want to do things properly and honestly and create something actual and tangible and realizing that the web three market kinda doesn't care about that. They just care about quick profits. Like, people would much rather have quick profits from a meme coin than support an actual project. And you also see it in, like, royalties, right? People. People would rather opt out of royalties for creators, but still pay royalties for the marketplaces. And then it's like, yeah, where is all the empowering for the creator is gone suddenly? And those are kind of like harsh realizations that kind of like, hurt because you wanted to do something good and then you got slandered for it. But it's all part of the game. That's probably that. I think it's all like, growing pains.

Observations from Market Transitions

As this web three baby is growing, we get all these, like, growing pains and stuff. Hopefully we will grow out of in some years. But yeah, it definitely seems like the financial incentive of people being in web three is way too great in terms of what we're ahead, the value of what were building in the back end. People are way too. Yeah. Can't see in front of their nose. Well, not everyone, obviously, but. But a lot of people. It was so easy to see through the last bear market, too. That was a very. Going from the last bull into the bear and seeing that conversion and seeing the contrasts was pretty interesting. It was a lot of people that suddenly disappeared and got very toxic all of a sudden.

Game Accessibility and Progression

Milan, thank you so much for your time. Is it possible for people to play the game now, or will there be some other ways to get into playing this game soon? What's the plan? Yes, both. Kinda like the game has been playable for almost a year, right? Everybody who has any of our pieces was eligible for a key and still is, right. If anyone wants to play, we have. We have quite. Quite a keys. Quite like a reserve of keys. So if anyone wants to play, just let me know, I'll drop you a key. Beware. It's just the single player version for now, but all those who played will actually have an advantage because. Because when we go into, like, the full release, we plan on transferring players progress into the full release, which automatically puts a lot of players ahead.

Game Development Team and Concept

Especially if you're in for some rewards. Right? You have quite the advantage. Yeah. So if anyone wants to play, just hit me up through any means, or just go into our discord and somehow hit us up, ask for a key and we'll give it to you. That's no problem. Other than that the multiplayer demo, which will have a fraction of the content because it has to be a demo, will be featured on Steams Next Fest, which is October 14, for a whole week. And shortly after, we want to go into like, a full early access release to the public so everyone will be able to play and then basically continuously add all the content we have tested in the single player version into the multiplayer version and much more because the single player version, we didn't publish all of the content.

Character Design and Team Collaboration

Like, there's a lot more. I love it. I just. I want people to go into the DJ nine website, DJ nine.com, and look at their characters too, because I don't know who is the creative behind the characters. Milan, is it you or is it someone else? It's like a mixture of people, right? It's when it comes to game design of the characters and somehow like a rough concept, it's usually me. Some of the concepts were from the head of our artists, but sometimes it's just like, I kind of envision this character. It will work like this. I need some art for this. And then people. People do something. Sometimes it's more specific, sometimes more of a free hand.

Character Styles and Inspiration

But when it comes to, like, mechanics, the concept, the gameplay and the numbers and so on, that's usually me. And if I were to show you the scribbles, like we have a figma file and there's like lines and arrows and circles and shit of how things work with texts for the developers, art from the artists and so on. So it's like a mixture. It goes through many people, then it goes to go through some. Some 3d people who actually model it, animated and so on. So it's teamwork. It's not just like it's my work or. No, no. It's mostly I just. I just want to say the techno Viking is the most hilarious character you guys have.

Character Backstory and Game Mechanics

And do you know where that is from? Yes, that's why it's so fucking hilarious. If you guys Google and Google techno viking. Hilarious. Yeah. And there's actually going to be way more like we have. There's also like. I think it's. She's public on the website. Yes, she is the second last. Yes, that one. Right. And actually she's probably one of my top three characters because she's like very swift, very, very suitable for aggressive gameplay, which. Which is very, like my style of these games. Like, I don't like to, like, get chased by my enemies. I chase. I chase them down. Right.

Final Thoughts and Gratitude

And she's very suitable for. She's like. She's like many dashes, high mobility, high. High damage output. Totally, totally like that. Yeah. Is it kind of that the way that you see Taylor Swift in real life too? She's chasing down her enemies. Aggressive woman kind of thing. I don't know. Since you look at it, each of her album was like, dedicated to a wrong choice of man. Is it chasing enemies or is it chasing albums? Right, right. I love it. Well, guys, check. Go into their discord and ask for a key and you guys can already play. Test the game, the single player game right now. Milan, again, thank you so much for your time.

Invitation for Future Engagement

Thank you for having us. Yeah. And excited for. For the future and the sit down talks that we're going to have in the future. Cool. Cool. I'll be happy to. Whenever you'd want. Awesome. Thank you so much and have a blessed weekend, everyone. Thanks for coming in and good luck to you, Milan and the team. Thank you very much. Bye. Have a nice day.

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