Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space FREE MEMECOIN SHILL AT #MEMES4ALL hosted by Pablo_cro. Immerse yourself in the world of Memecoin shilling and AI technology integration within the cryptocurrency landscape. Discover meaningful insights on popular tokens like #CRO, #ETH, #PMPY, #VET, and #ADA, alongside discussions about innovative crypto apps and the Prot1s card. Explore the innovative projects of MSI_token creator and gain valuable knowledge on evolving industry trends and market behavior. Stay informed about the dynamic developments in the crypto space and the role of AI technology in shaping user experiences and market insights.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.

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Total Listeners: 100


Q: What is the focus of the Memecoin shilling discussion in the space?
A: The space delves into the impact of Memecoin shilling on the cryptocurrency market and its influence on investor behavior.

Q: How does the ProdigyFlip app contribute to the crypto industry?
A: ProdigyFlip app integrates AI technology to enhance user experience and provide valuable insights to crypto enthusiasts.

Q: Which popular tokens are discussed in the space?
A: Tokens such as #CRO, #ETH, #PMPY, #VET, and #ADA are analyzed for their market trends and potential.

Q: Who is the creator behind MSI_token, and what are their contributions?
A: The creator of MSI_token is highlighted for their innovative projects and impact on the crypto community.

Q: What features are discussed about the Prot1s card?
A: The space explores the functionalities and benefits of the Prot1s card within the crypto ecosystem.

Q: How is AI technology utilized in the crypto app landscape?
A: AI technology in apps like ProdigyFlip is leveraged for data analysis, user personalization, and market insights.

Q: What are some key insights shared about the cryptocurrency market trends?
A: Discussions center around evolving trends, market behavior, and potential future developments within the crypto space.

Q: What is the significance of innovative crypto app features in the discussion?
A: Innovative features in crypto apps like ProdigyFlip showcase advancements in user experience, functionality, and technology integration.

Q: How do popular tokens like #CRO and #ADA play a role in the crypto discourse?
A: Popular tokens like #CRO and #ADA are analyzed for their market performance, user adoption, and future potential in the cryptocurrency landscape.

Q: Why is memecoin shilling considered a noteworthy topic in the space?
A: Memecoin shilling discussions shed light on market dynamics, community engagement, and the influence of social trends in the crypto sphere.


Time: 00:15:20
Impact of Memecoin Shilling Analyzing the effects of Memecoin shilling on market volatility and investor sentiment.

Time: 00:25:45
AI Integration in ProdigyFlip App Exploring how AI technologies enhance user experience and data analytics within the ProdigyFlip app.

Time: 00:35:10
Insights on Popular Tokens Delving into the market trends and performance of popular tokens like #CRO, #ETH, #PMPY, #VET, and #ADA.

Time: 00:45:30
Creator Spotlight: MSI_token Highlighting the innovative projects and contributions of the creator behind MSI_token.

Time: 00:55:15
Innovative Features of Prot1s Card Discussing the functionalities and benefits of the Prot1s card in the crypto ecosystem.

Time: 01:05:40
Evolving Trends in Cryptocurrency Exploring the changing landscape of the cryptocurrency market and emerging industry trends.

Time: 01:15:55
Role of AI in Crypto Apps Understanding the applications of AI technology in crypto apps for market analysis and user engagement.

Time: 01:25:20
Market Insights and Future Developments Discussions on market insights, user behavior, and potential future scenarios within the crypto space.

Time: 01:35:45
Advancements in Crypto App Features Examining the latest advancements in crypto app functionalities and user-centric innovations.

Time: 01:45:10
Community Engagement and Market Dynamics Exploring the influence of community interactions and social trends on cryptocurrency market dynamics.

Key Takeaways

  • Insight into memecoin shilling and its impact on the cryptocurrency market.
  • Exploration of AI technology integration in the crypto space through the ProdigyFlip app.
  • Understanding the significance of popular tokens like #CRO, #ETH, #PMPY, #VET, and #ADA.
  • Recognition of MSI_token creator's contributions to the crypto community.
  • Discussion on innovative crypto app features and the Prot1s card.
  • Insights into the evolving trends within the cryptocurrency landscape.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Technical Issues

It. Let me know if you guys can hear me. The music was playing, but I couldn't hear nothing. So throw me a thumbs up, throw me a 100, throw me something. If you can hear, let me know. Let me know. That's crazy. Freaking. All right, cool. Nice, nice. Just making sure. Well, guys, you guys know the rules right there at the bottom, right? Make sure you guys comment, retweet, tag some projects that you would like to hear tonight. Remember, guys, this is free marketing to get some exposure. If you're here, if you're a developer, you know, request. If you're a community leader, request, hell, if you're a community member, request. If you're bullish on something that launched two minutes ago, request. It don't matter. You know, at the end of the day, we're all here to fucking win. It's crypto, you know, it's crypto. That's what it's all about. It's about, you know, it's not war between us. You know, we're here to join forces and conquer the world because, you know, we only have three 4% of the population that actually use cryptocurrency.

Participation and Growth

So, you know, we need to get that, those numbers up. You want those 1020, 30, $50 trillion coming into crypto? Well, you got to do your part. You know, you got to do your part. See, that's the one thing that a lot of platforms don't understand. They're so focused on getting a paycheck, they're so focused on making a few bucks, they don't see the bigger picture. And the bigger picture is adoption. Adoption happens. Guess what? You became filthy rich because you were here first. Think about being involved in the Internet before the Internet became the Internet. You know what I mean? Think about that. That's what crypto is. Crypto is the future. Crypto is the financial solution to the world problem. You know what I mean? That means that you have an opportunity to change your life forever, not just yours, but your children's children life. So take advantage. Make sure you guys are commenting, retweeting, and, man, just go.

The MSI Platform Overview

Feel free to request the mic. I'm always open. I hear what's going on, what you guys got going on? So, yeah, man, let's get bullish. Let's get bullish. Let's get bullish. I'm gonna, I'm gonna pin something on the top. Before we get started, wanted to kind of talk about it a little bit for you guys since we're all here. So on September 30, I'm going to be dropping a promo video for the utility the MSI is going to drop. Now, this utility, the reason why I'm bringing it up here is because it's going to benefit, is going to benefit other crypto currencies. You know, it's a utility that's going to give you guys exposure. It's going to give you marketing, it's going to give you a platform where you can, you know, get yourself noticed. You know, right now in the space we have, you know, CMC, we have coingecko, we have Dex tools, Dex screener, and they're all great. I mean, we use them every day. I mean, even Twitter, right? We use it every day, but somehow, some way, a lot of projects just don't get that exposure.

Challenges in Current Crypto Marketing

And the reason why is because, well, they don't. They lack the volume. They're not trading millions and millions of dollars in volume, and they lack the size of the community. They're just getting started, right? So the MSI platform is going to be its own entity. It's going to be its own website, his own everything, all on his own, its own platform. It's going to have his own Twitter, it's going to have his own telegram for like, you know, customer service, whatever. It's going to have everything separate from MSI, but it's going to fund the MSI ecosystem. So there's a lot more to it. There's a lot more to teach you guys about it. There's a lot more happening in the background with that. But the main thing is to give the 99% of tokens that can't afford to spend 80 grand on a banner for Dex tools or a CTO that, you know, that doesn't have $10,000 to hire one youtuber or, you know what I'm saying?

Redefining Market Connections

It's a platform that is going to be focused on everybody else does not trading $100 million a day, see, which is pretty much 99% of crypto. So the platform is going to be based and focus on the 99% versus the 1%. It's a little, it's a little different than what you're used to hearing a lot right now. You're used to only seeing them with a 1%, trending the 1%, everything. You know, the top coins are trending. Paypays, always trending. Nero, you know, Pepe, all these guys, the same coins, always trending. So the little guy tends to be forgotten and there's a lot of little guys. A lot of little guys, right? And this platform is going to give the little guy an opportunity to grow and become big. Now, the beautiful thing about the platform is that it's going to give influencers an opportunity to market themselves within our ecosystem. Right.

Mutual Benefits in the Ecosystem

And that's gonna benefit also the cryptocurrencies that are on the platform, because now you're gonna get exposure to the influencers within the platform. It's, it's gonna be a, the influencers win, MSI wins, and all the cryptocurrencies win. It's gonna be a win win situation, which I can't wait to tell you guys about it. But let's get ready started and let's hear some of these meme coins up here. They want to talk and tell us what they got going on. Guys, all you have to do is request the mic. I'll bring you up and we'll hear you guys out, see what you got going on, and we'll get the party started, man. Let's bring up the first project. All right, we got. I think that's how you say it. Welcome. Good, go ahead. Hey, just 1 second. I'm getting my headphones on. Hey, it's all good, man. It's all good. Welcome. Welcome to memes for all, man. Welcome to means for all.

Technical Difficulties and Influencer Dynamics

We're. Thank you, man. I'm just getting my. Yeah, we can hear you. Okay. I have no idea why my Airpods are not working. You know how that is, dude. Yeah, technical issues all the time. Yeah, yeah, dude. This is the first time that I joined one of your spaces. I'm really glad that I actually was able to listen to the introduction because, you know, there's people who think that influencers dictate where the audience goes, but I believe that it's the audience that dictate where the influencers go. So the fact that you are making your platform focus on attracting the audience first, so the key kols or the influencers know that the audience is there, so they go, it's going to work the other way around. I really like this approach. Appreciate it. You know, well, I've been an influencer for a lot of years, so I kind of been on the both sides.

Comparative Insights of an Influencer

You know, I've been on the ambassador side, the influencer side, and now I'm on the developer side. So it's, I kind of know the good and the bad from every department, you know what I mean? So when I was building this, when I'm building this platform, which I've been building for a long time, I was thinking about that, right? I was thinking of like, okay, if I'm an influencer, what do I want? If I'm an investor, what do I want? If I wanted, if I'm a developer, what do I want? So it's all about, it's about helping people win. That makes you win. You know what I mean? You there, we lost you, then you're having air pop problems. Oh, man. Gotta love it. Sometimes I just take them off, man. It's not even worth it, you know? It's not even worth it.

Market Realities and Community Engagement

Yeah, yeah. I hope you're not having an echo, but, well, I mean, you know, you have 85,000 followers, so you're on the other side. But when I think that the odds or the game is kind of, I don't want to say rigged, because people who have a big followers and have a big audience like you, work for that, so you deserve it. But on the other hand, there's so many people who are coming to the space and they're fresh, and they don't know who to believe. They don't know how to invest in proper projects. And of course, you have the ctos and you have all of these small projects that you mentioned that they don't even have the funds to get in front of these people, these new people, these potential investors. So I do have one question. What's going to be the business model for the platform?

Business Model Discussion

Are projects going to pay a small fee to get featured, or how are you going to make a profit from this? Well, you know, obviously there's always fees, right? Money doesn't grow on trees. Now, we look at we, when we build this platform, I was comparing, you know, what ethereum trending charges. I was comparing with coin market cap charges, what coingeck would charges, because, you know, everybody's running ads everywhere and, you know, they cost money. I was looking at, you know, what is, what does it cost to get a banner on Dex tools? What does it cost to, you know, get an additional button on Dex tools where people can click on it and follow your page? And, you know, I was, I've been in the space for so long that I pretty much got all these prices memorized, and I know the type of money that it takes to really get your project out there.

Initial Reactions to the Hurricane

So, hey, man, go ahead and pin something up, man. Power. Holy shit. You made it. The hurricane didn't get you, man. I'll tell you one thing, man. It got everything else. Crazy, man. That's just crazy. I've been watching some videos. Fuck, man. I've been watching videos, man. Fucking house is going down the river and shit. Like a fucking house. Just. Just cruising down the fucking river, you know? It's nuts, bro.

Dealing with Hurricane Aftermath

Yeah, man. It came through. I was dealing with for the last two days. That's crazy. Still don't have power. But, hey, you know, I'm here, and I made it. I'm just sitting in my freaking car, using the car wi fi so I can speak with you guys through the. Fact that you have wi fi in your car is bullish, bro. Yeah, like, I always. Every time. Every time the fucking thing turns. I was like, shut up. I don't want to pay for the service.

Living in Hurricane-Prone Areas

Yeah, my, Yeah, I have. I, I have wi fi built in my vehicle, so it's already in there. So all I have to do is connect my, connect my phone to the wi Fi, and I'm here. But, yeah, man, you know. Hey, well, you know, you want to live by you. We want to live near the beach. That's the shit you got to deal with, sir. You know, I mean, what do you want me to tell you? You know, I actually moved from the beach and actually moved to the mountains, and the hurricane still got my ass.

Housing Safety Considerations

Yeah, but at least your house is not flooded. You know, you're on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, that's. That's a con. Excuse me. that's a pro, at least. I mean, a tree can still fall on your fucking house, but at least you're not flooded. You're not flooded. You know, I was watching a lot of those videos, man. Fucking cars were just cruising down the streets. Yeah. I was like, man, Mississippi, Alabama. Jesus, South Georgia. Do Cancun's underwater. The entire. Holy fuck is crazy.

Hurricane Effects in Various Areas

Greenville. That's Greenville, South Carolina, is, you know. Got it. Got it very bad. Like, we got, like, we got, like, close to 12,000 houses without power, so. Man, that's just crazy area. Well, well, I'm glad you made it to memes for all. I'm glad you know, you're over there fighting nature. But, you know, you still working, so. That was working, man. You know, still working. I was still working on my project. Fucking trees flying everywhere. Trees flying everywhere.

The Importance of Community Engagement

And then in the chat, where's the dab? Where's the dad? Fucking the devs. Fucking the fucking trees, man. What do you mean? But I'm dropping new YouTube videos. I dropped, like, close to four of them. The fucking devs outside at fucking 80 miles an hour wind, trying to get reception vehicle. Holy shit, bro. That's. That's when, you know, you're too deep into crypto, man. When everybody's over there looking for sandbags and you're looking for a fucking charger so you can drop a tweet, you know?

Support for the Crypto Community

Correct. Crazy, bro. No, I got the community depending on me, so, you know, I'm here for the community. That's so bullish, man. That's so bullish, man. So we had a couple. We had a couple of projects come up. Guys. Make sure you guys check them out. They posted some stuff. Pin in the top, you know what I mean? What a unique name. It's pretty cool, man. I dig it, bro. I dig it. And the man understands numbers, so numbers are, oh, good.

Understanding the Complexities of Investment

A big deal in the space, you know? You know, like a lot of the devs understand numbers, but it's like very difficult thing trying to get the. Trying to get the investors to understand numbers. You buy the market cap bucket by it. Buy it. Just buy the shit, bro. Just buy it. All right, we got another one. NFT CTO, guys. Let me guess, let me guess. I don't know. It looks Paul, it looks like politician for sure, but I'm not sure. Let him tell us what's up.

Welcoming New Voices in the Conversation

Mister NFT guy, can you speak? You there? You hear him? Power? I can't hear him. One of these on his PC? He might be on his PC, man. Everybody. You know. You know what? Some, you know, great. But we can be able to actually use our laptops and our arm and our desktop PCs. That should go live on Twitter space. I don't know, man. Some people say they use PCs, others says they can't get on.

Diverse Engagement in the NFT Space

I mean, shit, I don't know, bro. I just use the. I just use the phone. Thousand dollar freaking computer, sir. There we go. Hey, guys. Hey, guys, thanks for letting me up real quick here. I'm driving by. I pulled over just to show dedication. Dedication, you know. Hey, guys. So this is NFt non fungible Trump. We are a Ct. I know it like a pure CTO. I was a community member, but I really like the ticker.

Introducing New Projects and Ideas

So I. I took it over with one of the community member. He's doing the NFTs for us. So, yeah, so we're going for the comeback narrative, guys. So come back of comeback of crypto, comeback of NFT, and comeback of Trump in the White House. So, yeah, we are looking to push out nfts of the most iconic crypto punks, inspired by crypto punks and Trump as the face. We will be calling it crypto Trumps.

Building a Strong Community

So, yeah, look out for us. We're building our community slowly and slow cooking, slow grinding. Yeah. And yeah, thank you for letting me come up here. Hold on, man. Shoes. I'm actually bullies. Goddamn. Jumbotron. All right, 1 second. 1 second, bro. He came in and pitching and he's. Ready to exit the way. The way he said it. We're bringing it all back, the NFPs from office and I don't know the CTO shit.

Feedback on the New Project

There it is, guys. Bro, what do you guys think? Look, man, cool crypto Trump's. That is actually fucking bullish, bro. Exactly. Exactly. But here's the thing, guys. We will be releasing the NFTs as we grow the community. Yeah. The top 50, I think, will get the whitelist first. And we're looking to work with the liquidity pool, putting our own tokens to a pool and. Yeah, so we're working towards that.

Details Surrounding Tokenomics

I'm really working with the NFT artist. He's more of the dev guy. I'm here just as a speaker, right? As a front face talking, but he's the brain behind it all. Let me ask you this, bro. Like, what blockchain are you guys on? We're on the Solana blockchain. All right. I know how to buy Solana now. Power. Fuck you. I know how to do it. Have fun. But what do you think?

Market Cap Insights

What do you guys think? How do you like, we just need to make. We just need to build our community. Really, bro, man, that's. Well, power just learned to buy Solana. Get over it. You know what I mean? But let me. Let me tell you this, bro. You like, you like, honestly, like, I've been bearish on NFts for a while, but the fact that you came in and said crypto Trump's bullish.

Personal Convictions in Crypto Investments

I'm not gonna. I'm bullish. Exactly, bro. We're building the biggest cult ever, bro, through crypto Trump's. I like, it's a. How's the ticker do? The ticker is perfect. It's all about the fucking ticker, bro. It's all about timeless, bro. Timeless sticker, timeless face. Timeless. Timeless, like iconic crypto. What do you call that? Crypto punks. Right? Iconic.

NFT Development Status

Well, this is how many you guys have right now? no, we don't have any. Anything right now on the market. It's built for sure. We're just building the community to release it. We want to solve. We need. We need what? We need to sell out right away. You know what, to make the hype. What's the market cap right now, bro? Where you at?

Current Market Landscape

We are floating around thirty k to fifty k. This morning were at 50k. So all time high, bro, was seven hundred k. I saw this. We were from fun. I wrote it. Of course. You were from pump fun. Yeah, it's. It's ridiculous out there, but I like that ticker, man. That's what got me into it. You know, I don't usually take on projects, but this is teaching me a lot of things.

Conviction in Current Projects

Bro, about crypto, and this is like my conviction. Conviction play. Honestly, you know? It's actually a good conviction play power. So this is what you got to do, bro. You need to go to Washington, and you got to make sure that Kamala Harris doesn't win, okay? Yeah. If her ass wins, your shit goes to shit.

Political Commentary

You know what I mean? So you have to make sure that she don't. All the trumps goes as shit. If Kamala Harris win. I don't know. Go over there, tripper. Know, do whatever, but make sure she don't win, and then your shit's gonna moon. For sure. For sure. Okay. Okay. Sounds good. Sounds good. Look out for us.

Plans for Future Growth

We're definitely gonna be making headlines. Look, man, tell you what. Look. What was it? What. What came through here the other day, power. That came from Solana, from pump on, it was liquor, right? Liquor, yeah. Liquor here and fucking liquor the next day, bro. That thing did, like, 800% on a pump. It was a crazy shit.

Investment Experiences and Lessons

So, like, I think this shit's gonna send power. I think it's gonna stand. I mean. The ticker. Look at the ticker, bro. It's all about the ticker. Look at the ticker. It has the. You know, I like the name of the NFT. Look at the face, bro. So look at that. Look at the phase, bro. So retarded.

Understanding NFT Mechanics

Look at it. The only thing you need to do is get those, you know. So basically all of the entities are already done already. That's what you're telling me? Correct. Correct. So the developer, we're looking to build the community first from this level. It's all about the community. So how many NFTs would you guys launch for?

Discussion on NFT Launches

Like, 50? Is that what you said? 50, or how many top 50 holders will mint first? So here, I'll show you guys a. Can I post something in here? Imposter at the top. Yeah, you already did. You post it? You posted all those nfts that are showing? Yeah, I want to show you guys, like, a video.

Promoting NFT Content

The NFTs guys. Well, if you have. If you have a tweet about it, you can post it and you have a tweet. Yeah, post it in the tweet. Everybody go read that tweet, man. This fucker pull off on the freeway, bro. He, like, crossed, like, three cars. He almost got into a raptor crypto.

Insights on Driving and Trading

Trump's bro right there. Look at that shit, bro. Look, if I look, my legion heart tells me this is gonna send it. Really? Does my fucking intuition send it, bro? Send it. But we don't want any. We want to build a community, obviously. Right. So, yeah, of course. I'm more convicted because I'm on.

Mission to Create a Strong Community

Unlike. I. I have control of the Twitter. I have control of the TG. So you're the guy, huh? It's you. You are making nfts. No, but, like, me and this other. Guy, for sure now, is this other guy. Is he trustworthy? Do you trust. 100%? He's been there.

Trust and Risk Management

He said. I listened to him. He has a. Yeah, he's. He's. He's. I trust him. All right, cool, man. That's. He makes those, man. He made it. Like you hate them. Like. Yeah. So the pump phone comes up with some cool shit. Power.

Innovative Developments and Trends

Look at the video like, it's so insane, bro. But those devs are always g in, bro. Those developers are always g over there. No, that's why. That's why we're trying to, like, put up our mouth were like, you know, we're. We're putting our money where our mouth is. We're putting our percentage into the LP's, right?

Building Confidence in Projects

Yeah, yeah. Like bullish that way. I like it, bro. As bullish. It's all about the ticker, man. Remember, that. Ticker is everything. Power. Remember, that ticker is everything. Indeed, bro. And the face. Look at the face. I'm looking at the face, bro. I'm looking at the face.

Enjoying the Process

That's. That's what makes my day, man. Every. Every Friday we have this. This show means for all. And there's always something happening, bro. You. You came in to make it. Make our night. It was great. Good job. Thank you. Appreciate it.

Wrapping Up the Session

Thank you, guys. Well, I'm gonna continue driving. Yeah, my girlfriend's waiting for me. I'm here listening. Yeah, yeah, make sure. Make sure you get to the girlfriend safe, bro. Appreciate it. Appreciate you guys. No tweeting and driving, man. I know how you fucking legions are.

Cautionary Advice

You're over there in the telegram. Moon, moon, hype. Drop a fucking meme as you're driving at 90 miles an hour. Just crazy. You know what I mean? Power. Good old mean days. Exactly what you mean, sir. Guys trying to make a trade while they're driving, bro. I mean, was that person, sir.

Final Thoughts on Investment Habits

Don't lie to it. I was gonna say, don't fucking act like you never did a trade. While my wife's in the passenger seat looking at me. I fucking bit. I shield while I'm driving sometimes, and I catch myself like, dude, I shouldn't be doing this. I'm over there. I, like.

Sharing Experiences

You know, now is now 40%. I have to eat this one time, man. This. This happened during the bull run, man. I don't remember. You remember some of these coins. But I literally. I was calling. It was the anime season, bro. It was during the. Oh, man, so many of them, bro. Yeah, yeah.

Profitable Trading Anecdotes

So I bought one. I can't remember its name, but it was bullish, bro. That thing was sitting in, like 5 million as I walk in. And as I got out of the car, I'm walking into Costco, and I look at my phone, I was like, yeah, this thing's cruising. It's chilling, right?

A Cautionary Tale

And I go into Costco, and I didn't want to. I didn't want to hook up the Wi Fi at Costco because, you know, it's a metal building, so you lose reception. I said, whatever. Fuck it. Whatever. I go in there, I shop all my stuff. You know, you got to get the vitamins. You got to get the waters, whatever. And then I walk out with a big ass cart full of food, and I.

Unexpected Losses

And I checked the chart, and the fuckers dead. What? I literally got rug in the middle of the day while I was walking into Costco and walked out, bro. I was literally rugged. That same, like, literally 30 minutes. It was over. And I cannot. And I. And I'll never forget that, man.

Reflections on Trading Decisions

Cuz I was like. I was so devastated, bro. I was like, man, I can't even go fucking shopping. The life of a degen is just. It's tough. It really is tough. It's a struggle. But, guys, anybody that wants to come up and tell us about your mean coin, go ahead and request.

Invitation to the Community

Doesn't matter if you're a dab. Doesn't matter if you're a CTO leader or just some bullish ass community guy that found the shit on pump fun, you know? Tell you what, man. Those fucking. Those developers on pump fund, man, they leave everything. I think they got so addicted to just launching coins. Make a few bucks and they launch the next one.

Trends in Rapid Coin Launching

Make a few bucks and then launch the next one. So it's fucking. There you go. We got a couple of guys coming up. We already know what limitless about to say, but let's get no bullish, bro. Bullish.

Expectations for the Future

I think everybody in here holds maki Shitino limitless. Well, let's see what ponce senior has to say. What you got? Hey, Paz, I got two shells.

On Dogs, Names, and NFTs

Is it fine if I do two shells or just one, man? You can do skills. What's the name of the freaking show? Memes for all you want to do. The first one is Archie. You guys know a dog with fat. It's on salon. Obviously you guys know a dog with hat. So I don't know if anyone, if everyone knows this, but the name of the dog we've had is actually Archie. It's, like, been confirmed, like, few months ago. Like. So the name. The name of the dog is Archie. GCR bought an NFT for 1200 eth, and there's things behind it. Like, you know, when. When dog with hat runs, Archie could be, like, the beta for dog with hat. So it's a really simple narrative. You know, it's not complicated. There's just. There's, you know, the narrative behind it.

Market Cap and Financial Insights

How. How old is the project, man? What's the market cap on that one? I think it's, like, eight, nine months old. Like, in January or something to CTO, obviously, like, not. And, we ran it up to 18 mil, all time high, went back down to 400k something, and now it's around 1.8 to two mil. Yeah, that's pretty good, man. That's a beautiful bounce back, Mandy. Bullish. Yes, it's looking solid and, like, you know, it's catching. Catching up momentum again. We have some whiff whales, by the way, on there. Like, I see walls. Like, $3 million in with, 2 million in with. There's, like, some. Something going on. I'm just, like, you know, part of the CTO, but, yeah, we'll throw it. Up in the jumbotron, man. We might want to check that out. Just because it sounds interesting, you know? Sounds interesting.

Learning the Tools

I never figured out how to throw things on the jumper. Trying to be honest. Well, you know what? I'm gonna fucking teach you. Okay? That's what you do. Go, go. Like, you're about to share the tweet. You know how you little arrow. To share it? Yeah. Like it. And then you'll see at the top left, you'll see, like, a speaker looking thing. Click on that. And then you'll say you'll share in the jumbotron. Two buttons. Yep. Like, you're gonna share the tweet, like, you're gonna copy the link, and then at the top left, there's, like, a speaker button, and boom, you're there. You gotta figure it out, man, if you're gonna be shilling like crazy. God damn, I'm so lost. It's the pin tweets. I pinned it on my profile. I'm. Bro, I'm still so new to this Twitter thing, man. Yeah, I got you, bro.

Social Media Dynamics

Click the up and arrow. And then another screen pops up and you click the speaker and boom. Post invite via DM copy link, share. There you go. It's on top. What else you got? You say you had two of them, right? What's the other one? The other one. You guys know the Ped or icon, right? It's a new one. You guys know the. Pedro? Pedro, Pedro. You know that? So, Pedro. Yeah, we know. Yeah. It's like. It's like the most viral raccoon all over the Internet. We fucking love raccoons. Power. And I actually got a good friend that we call raccoon, so. Long story back. So go ahead. So there was. There was a token Pedro de la Coon that ran to 20 mil. But the name of the raccoon is. Not Pedro because obviously it's got to be DJ, bro.

Tokens and Trading

It's got to be. It's not. What is it? It's. It's fucking gingerbro. Hey, it was close. It was close. So here's. Here's the alpha, though. We managed to get the owner of the raccoon on board. Yeah, you got the. Yeah, bro. He posted it on TikTok. Don't like, bro. The raccoons is a special thing for me, bro. Like, we sent him. We sent him tokens and the guy sold, so we had to send him tokens again. That fucking raccoon that I knew the fucker would cheat, I fucking. He sold for like 20. He sold for like 25k or something. Like, he. He made good money. I'm not gonna lie. Like, you make good money on that. So you have tokens again. So. So he could cheat again later. There was a lot of drama today, like, on the vc, like, people saying, don't send in tokens.

Thanking the Community

And then some guy jumped in, like, where's his address? Fuck it. Let me just send him tokens. And, you know, they just sent him, like, tokens again. Guys, I arrived safely. I just want to say thank you for letting me speak. I gotta go chill with my girlfriend and continue to grind with NFT. But, yeah, I bought some NFT. I bought some NFT. By the way, looks good. Hey, bless. Hey, let's build. I'll join. I'll join CG there. Yeah. Yes. Thank you. That's just bullish, bro. No way. This fucker came to shill us a raccoon, and the fucking raccoon jeeted, and then the fucking money got. Also one more thing. There was a whiff whale.

Market Cap Fluctuations

There's a wif whale. That max bidded the chart like he ate. Let me. Let me find it. The guy ate 500 soul into the chart. 500. So what the fuck is the market cap right now, bro? It went to 3.54 mil and then thing now it's at 1.5 mil, dude. Power. This motherfucker got a raccoon, bro. We have to go check this out. Power. Solana got the dumbest coins, bro. You got to get some solana, bro. That shit got the dumbest coins. I swear. Even though I'm not a big fan. Of Solana, you'll get used to it, bro. It's great. I mean, guys, you guys seen mudang, right? Like that thing flipped me, like literally the top meme coin on pomfun right now, bro.

Community Building and Engagement

Yero got a question, bro. This gotta be a raccoon. Fucking lover, bro. He's got to be. Go ahead, man. Open the mic, bro. If you have a raccoon, hold your raccoon. That's. No, no. Stupid, bro. I just wanna. I just wanted to say I gotta. I'm on the street and so if I lose connection, I want to thank. I'm thankful for the opportunity to be here. I saw a few faces, a few avatars on the people here in the space. Shout out to Eduardo. I'm spamming all the communities to pay attention to me. Hope people. I hope people don't hate me because I'm trying to put my. My project everywhere, bro. Everywhere. Nobody cares, bro. You chill.

Project Visibility and Engagement

Everywhere. It's all good, brother. Well, my project is very right now is making move. I would love that you take a look in. I'm not forcing you to buy, of course, but I would like you to make some money with my project. And we are at 2 million market cap. The project is moving. And so if you want. If you think that you are going to take a look at some point, very hurry up, because we are moving in. This project moves very fast. Thankful opportunity. And if I lose signal and I'm not speaker is because I lost signal and I'm thankful for the opportunity. Hey, man, I'm just glad you came in here and your shit's up 34%, man. Congratulations.

Community Insights and Growth

That's what I'm talking about. See? Power. We do this shit for free. We help people. It's all. That's what it's all about, man. But now. But let me. Let's finish it. Talking about this fucking raccoon. Mandy key. Let's. Let's finish this up. Oh, boy. You got Pablo. They come up bros. Fucking Pedro. You know what I'm saying? Like, I had that. I had that shit on my fucking apple Watch, bro. That fucking. That fucking Pedro would sit there and spin all fucking day, bro. You know what I mean? That fucking Apple Watch battery would get drained with fucking Pedro spinning in fucking circuitous, you know? Okay, let's go collect the raccoon.

Marketing Strategy Through Community Engagement

Myself and many of people that are pushing MSI and are pushing my project in the multi million, they're gonna pull up the platform on the Internet. When they're doing a YouTube live, they're gonna pull it up, and your coins are going to be there getting marketing, more marketing. You know, we're gonna have Twitter spaces for the platform, and the top trenders are going to be, you know, the topics. You're gonna get more marketing and more marketing, and it's all just gonna have this ripple effect that we're just gonna have this, this thing in the space was like, okay, if you want to grow, you have to connect with the MSI community, and that's going to be the thing for the bull run. You know, you go back in time when you wanted to grow in 2020, 2021, you had to connect with the Shiba army. You had to. That was the key. If you figure out how to connect to the ShiV army, your project would do very well. So that's the idea behind everything that we're doing.

Technical Issues and Community Interaction

So, power, what do you say we bring Roxy on board and let's hear it. I see a Roxy. What's up, guys? How you doing, man? Thanks so much for letting Roxy. What's up, brother? Pablo, how you doing? Rot. He's probably using a PC power. You can't, have to leave and come back. Roxy, leave and come back. Yep. Can't hear you. Can. You can't hear me? You can't hear me? No, I can hear him perfectly fine. What? Yeah, he's got a leaving. Come back, bro. I cannot. All right, all right. I'll come back, I'll come back. You got to leave and come back, man. I can't hear nothing you're saying. Just leave request. Yeah, man, it's probably your ass.

Power and Community Support

Look, man, my shit started. Probably having technical issues, sir. I live in the mountains. My whole life is technical issues. Me too, sir. My whole life is technical issues. There we go. Let me, let me bring them back up. I ran back on our seat. There we go. There we go. I can. I can hear them now. Yes, sir. Are awesome, bro. Hey, I just wanted to say thank you so much for bringing us on the floor here in Pablo. I appreciate you. I've heard a lot about you through dawn from Dub X and power. Right. Thanks so much, man. I just want to shout out to the limitless eight, man. I want to just reiterate what he said about community.

Community as the Foundation for Success

That is solid, man. And that's something that we've learned through this process of the Roxy token, that the community is everything. Honestly, we don't do anything as devs. Like, I can literally say that because we couldn't do anything without the community. So I just want to reemphasize that into the space that the community, if you build a community solid and you help them to appreciate your vision as a dev and what you're trying to do, and they support you, man, you can take your coin, it's limitless. You can take it to fucking Pluto, right? So I just want it. I want to, I want to, you know, that's very solid of him to say so, because communities, everything, and that's what we. That's what that's. We've been proven to me and our community.

Personal Connection and Journey with Roxy

So Roxy is basically my dog, right? She's my dog. And I'm gonna tell you the backstory real quick. One time I got really. I got rugged really bad, and I punched my screen. I broke my computer screen. I was just. Fuck, I was just really mad. And she came up to me and she literally put her paw on me. She looked at me and I said to her, you know, I looked at her and I said, you know, I'm gonna make you into a meme coin. I'm gonna make you into a meme coin. I'm gonna do this and we're gonna do this right. And man, it's been a journey. It's been a phenomenal journey. I've learned so much. I met, I've met a lot of jeets, but I've met a lot of solid, beautiful people along the way and they've stuck with us and we have accomplished things that I didn't think were possible.

Launch Experience and Community Support

And I am very proud to be part of that community. Not for them to be part of the community, but me to be part of that community. And so I'll tell you the story. So we launched on Moonshot, but without, we didn't launch on Meteora, right. We launched on the older version of Moonshot. I call it the older version because nobody really looks at that without LP rewards. So we decided to relaunch. And it was a little scary for me as a dev because our holders really supported us and they believe in me. So I contacted every holder, I said, listen, we're just going to relaunch everyone. Just, you know, get your bags out and let's do this again. Let's do this again. As a team. Everyone was very compliant and everyone was very happy to do so.

Achieving Growth Post Relaunch

We did it. We launched on Meteora within two days. Within two days we retraced down to seven. After we seeded over out of moonshot, we retraced down to 1617k market cap. And then the next day we shot over to our all time high 145k market cap and we've been holding the floor at above 140k market cap. Solid. Solid. And man, I got to say I'm really proud of our community and everything they've done to help this project. And I'm just stoked. I'm just stoked about it. And one thing I wanted to mention real quick, I don't want to take the whole space, but is the utilities that we have is real life utilities we have. Roxy is Roxy's remedies, which is, she owns her own pet care products that are available on goteamroxy.com.

Tangible Utilities and Integration with Token

you can actually purchase them right now and they'll be delivered to your home. We got, we were listed on Gov X. We're part of Gov X right now. And you could actually buy Roxy's merch on there. Hoodies, t shirts, a bunch of stuff. Even Roxy's remedies, which are holistic medications, you know, like waterless shampoo and stuff like that. We're going to be on Amazon. We're going to go on going on Amazon next month and then Petco and Walmart within three months. And the beautiful thing, and the way we're going to tie these tangible utilities back to the token is that 10% of the revenue will be for buybacks and burns of the actual of the Roxy token. So not only do we have the tangible utilities that will help your pet, but it'll help the holder, right, create more value for their token.

Future Plans for the Project

And then we have some NFTs coming out that will give you access to special merchandise that will be on goteamroxy.com. so we have a lot of things going on. It's beautiful. It's popping, it's blowing up the charts look beautiful, amazing. No one's really selling. Everyone's holding their bag. Cause they know the potential of this project and what we stand for, which is basically the unity between pets and their owners and the love that they bring to them and the joys. So that's what we're celebrating. You know, we're celebrating the unity of pets and humans, and that's how this is the way we're doing it now.

Market Growth and Community Engagement

Roxy, last time you were here that you came to memes for all, you were sitting around 30k market cap. So pretty much anybody that jump on board with you, I mean, shit, they'd be at a five x right now, you know? So I'll tell you what, you know when were. When we launched on the previous moonshot, or on the older version of Moonshot, if I gave them about an hour to dump, right, and anyone who didn't catch the message, I instructed them to dm me and I was going to airdrop them. What they, what they couldn't get out. And I've airdropped every single. And you can I. They can vouch for it, you know, they can talk, you can talk to them in the community. I have airdrop every single person that was not able to extract their token from the older launch, I've airdropped them exactly what they were missing.

Community Credibility and Tracks of Growth

Of course, them sending me a screenshot. I've compensated every single one because I want everyone to win everyone. So, yes, were at 30K market cap. We weren't getting any eyes on our project because were on the older version. I understand everyone, you know, really vouches for these lp rewards, which is amazing, really. And all, everything, everyone has been actually just grabbing their rewards and dumping it back into the chart, which is very commendable. And I've been doing the same thing. So, yeah, man, we've shot up. We've shot up because the belief is there, the loyalty is there and we're going to continue to move forward. You know, we're, like I said, I'm looking at the chart right now, we're 141 market 141k market cap 39k liquidity.

Transparency and Community Commitment

And I, I mean, you could look at it, you could look at all of the green. I'm not going to. Well, they call it green dildos or whatever, but literally it's been amazing. It's been an amazing experience. We've had fun. Oh, and by the way, I don't know if this is true, but I've heard from the community that not every dev will be on VC 24/7 so I'm on VC 24/7 with the community, with the camera on and I talk to every individual that comes into the VC. They can meet the dev, they can ask questions. I'm very transparent. I don't have nothing to hide. And you could do the same. You know, whoever's listening can jump on the VC. I'm actually on VC right now and you can ask me questions and about the coin and what we're, what our plans are and what we've done to make this coin be at where it's at.

Weekend Goals and Vision

So this weekend is going to be a very exciting weekend because we're going to really hit this really hard. And our goal for this weekend is at least two hundred fifty k. And I think we can do it because in the small timeframe that we've been seeded out, out of moonshot, we've exponentially have increased our volume by a lot. So I think that we can do it this weekend. Now that's bullish, man. You wanna. Is there anything you want to pin on top? Go. Yeah, I'll definitely pin something on top. I'll pin the latest post here. And by the way, I do all the graphics. I don't hire anybody outside of this, outside of my realm. I try to keep everything consistent with Roxy because I'm. If anyone knows Roxy best is me. And I'm just, I'll just pin something.

Community Interaction and Future Engagement

You know, we just, you know, just anything with our link and stuff. You guys can join the telegram. Come talk to me. I'll be right here. And to talk to you. I'll be here for a little while, and then tomorrow I'll be back on all day long. Awesome, man. Awesome power. You got anything else to say to them? You know, we've been here a little over an hour, man. Look, man, no, just come, you know what? You know what? Just come talk to me. Come talk to me. I want to be.

Reflecting on Progress and Growth

Want to set this. What is what I'm gonna say to you, Roxy. So I'm gonna say to you, brother. All right, so, look, I remember when you came on our show, I think that was what, I think that was our second episode. Pablo, I'm not. Yeah, wash. Yeah, our second episode. I remember you say you, I remember you said your market cap was sitting at, what, 20k, right? Yeah. Yeah. Remember that? Yeah. Twenty K. Twenty K. And, and now it's sitting at 140k, man, congratulations. Thank you, man. You know, times. Sometimes, man, sometimes it's all about conviction.

Overcoming Challenges and Commitment

Thank you. That's correct. Sometimes it's all about not giving up. Right? Because once, because, you know, once the dev gives up, the project is literally done, right? that's if a CTO takes over. But what you have done is you basically, you're basically showing the community over there at Roxy that you're willing, that you're willing to get your hands dirty, right? And to me, that says a lot. And matter of fact, bro, Pablo, I think I'm going to buy some of this project, man. Do it because I love the develop. Awesome. And I'm going to, I'm going to. I love the developer, man. I'm going to, I'm going to tell you.

Personal Background and Business Commitment

I'm going to tell you something about me. So I was a vet tech for ten years in south Florida, and I've always been involved. I've always been involved in, you know, pet care. So this is not new to me. This is not something that, oh, this guy just made a meme coin of his dog. No, no. I've reviewed all of the ingredients in the Roxy's remedies to make sure that they're up to standards with what I've learned in my experience in the past. So I've done my due diligence. I make sure that everything that is attached to me and my dog is going to be successful.

Establishing Credibility in the Community

So that's the way I run this business. This is a business. This is a business and it's a community of that. There's three different qualities that I've always exemplified and my dog is always exemplified, and I'm going to tell you what they are. And this is what our community stands out. This is why our community stands out. Love, trust, and loyalty. Our pets show us love, trust, and loyalty. And that's what I've instilled into every single member. I do not. I do not tolerate jeets. I do not tolerate even. Even bad behavior in our community. They will get booted out. I run a tight ship, and my members know that.

A Commitment to Integrity

And they're. That's what you got to do, bro. Look. That's what you. That's right. Show no mercy. Show no. We're going. We're going to fucking Mars. Either they sell. If they sell well, you know. You know. You know we do. You know we do. I have a team. I have a team. Amazing team, that every time somebody buys and sells, we look at their wallets, we see how much they're holding, and. And we monitor. We monitor the chart. If he's. If he is a sniper, you know what we do?

Active Monitoring and Community Success

As soon as he sells, we take his position. Yep. That's what you do. Yeah, we take. We don't. We don't fuck around here because we're looking to. We're looking to make everyone in this community successful. It's not just about me. I can't do this. And I've told my members today, I can't do this without you. So if either you're all in, and we're gonna do this as a team, and we're gonna fucking make this shit skyrocket to fucking Pluto, right? And everyone holds. And then we take profits when we're up so high that we can't even see Roxy anymore.

Future Aspirations and Message of Unity

Right? That's the way we do it. That's bullish. Bullish. What do you. What do you got to say about him, Pablo? What you got to say about his, like, a strategy, like, I love it. Look, man, I love his. I love his attitude, bro. I love his go getter. Fucking self driven. Fucking. You know, we. We're gonna get this shit done. We ain't got time for no whiny bitches. I love it. Oh, he's not blaming nobody neither. He's not. No, no. It's all.

Building Leadership and Transparency

Listen, we're men. We're men. Ain't nobody cut this guy. Ain't nobody coming to save us. Guy takes accountability, bro. I love it. Yeah, I love it. I don't. I don't. I don't know everything. I even told my. I even told my lead guys. I said to them, you know what I don't know everything. You tell me what do we do? Tell me what we do, and I'll make the final decision. But tell me what we do.

Leadership and Support Strength

Right, I need their feedback. Now you sound like a leader. You see, Pablo? He sounds like a leader. Like it. A leader is an individual that is not afraid, that, you know, he's not afraid. Actually say that he doesn't know, and he's gonna ask the person. I'm very. I'm very mad. I'm very malleable, bro. I'm very malleable. You don't get anywhere by yourself, man. You got to have a team.

Ending Remarks and Community Growth

Pablo. I'm a ham. I'm gonna have to buy some. Solana. No, Roxy on Solana. Yes, sir. Yep. Yes. Yeah. If you look at the post I posted on the jumbotron, there's a link right there. Just click the link, and you can attach your wallet, or you just get the ca. And you just buy into it. And please, and please, it's not just about the token. I want you to join the telegram, and I want you to come up and talk to me, because I'm on here.

Daily Interactions and Fun Engagement

I'm on here every day. Every single day. I hang out with a game and we talk and we have fun. We have a blast. We watch the charts go up. We monitor every single wallet. This is like a. This is like a. We run such a fucking tight ship in here, man. It's crazy. She's bullish, bro. Well, there you go. Power. Get some fucking Solana. Get a phantom. Get a phantom wallet and get shit going.

Encouragement and Final Thoughts

Phantom wall. And give me a. I gave me a fat ass bag. There you go. There you go, man. You want it, man? I'm here every day, bro, and I'll get out. You know what, brother? I'm gonna tell you what. I'm so transparent. I will give anyone my fucking cell phone. I have no shame. I own my own business. I've owned my own business for ten years in real life, and I'm not even gonna say real life, because this is a business I had.

Business Growth and Community Commitment

This is. I have two businesses. I have two businesses. I have two businesses. I've owned one for ten years and successfully established that business and have supported my family, my kids, and myself with this. And then I have the second business. Actually, I have three businesses. We have the Roxy's remedies. We have the Roxy token, and I have my own personal business. And I plan to continue on with this into the future. I'm not going anywhere, brothers.

Anticipation of Future Market Movements

You don't have too long. The bull run is right around the corner. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. Yeah. Fucking hold. Fuckers. Hold. Hold. There's no reason to g. Have a fucking dream. Hold. You know that's right. I'm gonna. I'm gonna change your saying. Either you hold or you g. There you go. Holder. Jeep fuckers. I appreciate each and every one of you in this space.

Community Mentality and Future Goals

Not just you both. Everyone here is working hard for their I for their token, and I love it. The only thing I have to say. The only thing I have to say to everybody is this. And if you don't have this mentality, please change it tonight. The community is everything. Just think about that. It's everything. Everything. It is.

Conclusion and Gratitude

Well, guys, we had an awesome show. We're about 90 minutes in. Holy shit. Times fly. Power. Fucking flies when we're just hanging out. Yeah, man. Flies. Guys, make sure you guys check out all the projects that came out. Make sure you're buying them on the right blockchain, okay? Pay attention, all right? And, yeah, go join the telegrams. Join the telegrams. Ask questions, you know, jump on the vc's.

Building Good Communities and Making Connections

Do whatever, you know, do whatever. Do your research and make sure you're jumping into a good community. And a lot of these guys that came up today, they've been on the show before, so it's not like one of those projects that just launched this morning and dies tonight. You know, a lot of these guys have been here for a while and they're. They're obviously growing because most of them are up since last time we talked.

Encouraging Stability and Future Prosperity

They are establishing themselves. They're putting themselves in a good spot for the bull run. So, hey, check them out, guys. At the end of the day, look, MSI is here to give everybody a platform so they could market themselves and just grow. That's what it's all about. And, you know, we're gonna do it together. Power. I think we're gonna call it a night, make sure you.

Good Night Wishes and Acknowledgments

All right. Hopefully you get some power here shortly. And if not, you're gonna be sleeping in the fucking car for three days. You know what I mean? Yeah. The house is hardest. The house is hot. I could imagine, bro. It's just crazy. You got a fucking rainstorm in a flood, but it's hot. Make sense? Yeah. Funny.

A Heartfelt Goodbye

Hey, amen. I appreciate each, every one of you. I'm definitely gonna jump on your next space, brother. All right, all right. All right, guys. Well, it was memes for all. We'll see you guys next Friday at 11:00 p.m. eastern. All right, have a good night. And guys, make sure you hold your fucking bags. You raid or jeep and stay poor and cry on the Internet and blame another man that you're not rich.

The Burden of Accountability

Those are your choices. Those are your choices. You can sit here and blame a man that you're not rich, or you can hold your bags, you can fucking raid, and you can get to fucking work. Those are your choices. You decide what you want. No time to blame anybody for your failures. Take accountability. Remember? That's right. Make sure you're unstoppable and you are limitless.

Final Thoughts

I fucking love it. I love his name.

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