Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Fractal Bitcoin Launched, Major Update on UniWorlds Fragment hosted by UniWorlds_io. The Twitter space unveiled exciting developments in the gaming ecosystem with the launch of Fractal Bitcoin and a major update on UniWorlds Fragment. The collaboration supported by @unisat_wallet showcases the evolving intersection of cryptocurrency and gaming, emphasizing innovative technologies like blockchain integration and DeFi applications. The space highlighted the importance of user experience, community engagement, and the potential growth opportunities in merging gaming platforms with cryptocurrency advancements.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: What is the significance of the Fractal Bitcoin launch for the Bitcoin ecosystem's gaming infrastructure?
A: Fractal Bitcoin's launch impacts the gaming infrastructure by introducing new opportunities and scenarios within the ecosystem.

Q: How does the major update on UniWorlds Fragment contribute to the gaming experience?
A: The update enhances features, gameplay, and overall user engagement within UniWorlds Fragment.

Q: How is @unisat_wallet contributing to the collaboration between Fractal Bitcoin and UniWorlds Fragment?
A: @unisat_wallet supports the collaboration by providing wallet solutions and facilitating transactions within the ecosystem.

Q: What are some emerging trends in the convergence of cryptocurrency and gaming?
A: Blockchain integration, DeFi applications, and enhanced user experiences are notable trends shaping the fusion of cryptocurrency and gaming.

Q: How does the collaboration between cryptocurrency projects and gaming platforms benefit users?
A: Collaborations enhance user experiences, expand utility, and introduce innovative solutions in both cryptocurrency and gaming realms.

Q: What potential growth opportunities exist at the intersection of gaming and cryptocurrency?
A: The intersection presents a fertile ground for innovation, community engagement, and the evolution of digital economies.

Q: How can blockchain technology improve security and transparency in gaming ecosystems?
A: Blockchain offers enhanced security measures, transparent transactions, and verifiable ownership rights in gaming environments.

Q: What role do wallets play in the seamless integration of cryptocurrencies into gaming ecosystems?
A: Wallets facilitate transactions, asset management, and user interaction within gaming platforms, streamlining the user experience.

Q: Why is it important for gaming platforms to adopt DeFi applications?
A: DeFi applications provide additional financial opportunities, liquidity pools, and decentralized solutions that enrich the gaming experience.

Q: In what ways can the collaboration between Fractal Bitcoin and UniWorlds Fragment pave the way for future developments?
A: The collaboration sets a precedent for future partnerships, innovations, and the evolution of the gaming ecosystem supported by blockchain technology.


Time: 00:14:27
Fractal Bitcoin Launch Announcement Exciting news as Fractal Bitcoin is officially launched, marking a significant milestone in the Bitcoin gaming ecosystem.

Time: 00:28:45
UniWorlds Fragment Update Revealed Discover the latest features and improvements in the updated version of UniWorlds Fragment, enhancing user experiences within the game.

Time: 00:35:59
@unisat_wallet Support for Collaboration Learn how @unisat_wallet plays a key role in supporting the collaboration between Fractal Bitcoin and UniWorlds Fragment, ensuring seamless transactions and interactions.

Time: 00:45:12
Blockchain Integration in Gaming Explore the benefits and implications of blockchain integration in gaming platforms, revolutionizing the industry.

Time: 00:52:20
DeFi Applications in Gaming Understand the potential of decentralized finance applications in gaming environments, opening new avenues for financial interactions.

Time: 01:05:33
Future of Cryptocurrency-Gaming Convergence Delve into the possibilities and future trends at the intersection of cryptocurrency and gaming, shaping next-generation gaming experiences.

Time: 01:20:10
Wallet Solutions for Enhanced Gaming Experiences Discover how wallets contribute to a seamless gaming experience by offering secure transactions and asset management services.

Time: 01:35:44
Community Engagement and Innovation in Gaming Learn about the importance of community engagement and innovation in driving growth and sustainability in gaming ecosystems.

Time: 01:45:59
Collaborative Partnerships for Industry Advancements Explore the benefits of collaborative efforts between cryptocurrency projects and gaming platforms, elevating user experiences and expanding opportunities.

Time: 02:02:17
Security Measures in Blockchain Gaming Understand the role of blockchain technology in providing secure transactions, transparency, and data integrity in gaming environments.

Key Takeaways

  • Fractal Bitcoin launch impacts the Bitcoin ecosystem's gaming infrastructure.
  • UniWorlds Fragment receives a major update, enhancing its features.
  • Collaboration between Fractal Bitcoin and UniWorlds Fragment supported by @unisat_wallet.
  • Innovative developments in gaming infrastructure align with cryptocurrency advancements.
  • Updates on blockchain integration in gaming platforms.
  • Importance of wallet support in enhancing blockchain gaming experiences.
  • Emerging trends in the convergence of cryptocurrency and gaming.
  • Enhancing user experience through blockchain technology in gaming ecosystems.
  • Exploration of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications in gaming.
  • Potential for growth and expansion in the intersection of gaming and cryptocurrency.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Panel

Of the panel.

Welcoming Participants

Hey, welcome in, everybody. Give us just one moment. We're about to get started, so hang tight. Thanks for showing up. All right. All right. What's going on, everybody? Welcome to this Uniworld space. Today we're going to be talking about some major updates. So we got some fractal bitcoin launched. We have. We're going to be talking more specifically on the Uniworld's platform, a big update. And my name is Jay Clark and I will be your co-host. I am joined here with Jimmy. Go ahead and say hello, Jimmy.

Audio Issues and Introductions

Good evening, everyone. Thank you for joining us on Friday night. Looks like I'm not getting your audio, Jimmy, you might have to make a round trip real quick. Oh, wait, you're there now. I hear you. Can you go ahead and talk again? Yeah, for sure. Good evening, everyone. Thank you for joining us on Friday night. Glad to be here. Yeah, we got the Friday night party and Jimmy is the co-founder of Uniworld. So everybody knows. We also have a couple other guests here with us as well. Sham, why don't you say hello and introduce yourself?

Sham’s Introduction

Hey, Jim. Jim, Sham Saturday morning over here in Singapore. So I'm glad we're. Yeah, go ahead. Your audio. Go ahead. You cut out a little bit, but try again. Give us that. I'm not able to hear. Sham. I can hear you, Shim. Go ahead. Ben, why don't you say what's up? Hey, Ben, Shiller here, working on if. You guys, hey, if you guys want to go down, I'll invite you right back up. That might fix it. This is the beauty of Twitter spaces. Of course, when you go live, right, we get to deal with these lovely things. But yeah, if you guys want to go down and come back up, we can get you back in here.

Returning Guests and Technical Difficulties

But in the meantime, let me invite up some ambassadors to speak if they like, some other fellow ambassadors. If you guys have any questions in particular about Uniworlds that you have for Jimmy here, go ahead and post them in the comments and then we can even invite you up if you'd like to talk, to discuss. But we got. Let's get these guys back in here. All right. We got Ben Schiller. Isn't that the coolest name? All right, first things first. Yeah, yeah, you're good. Go ahead, introduce yourself and say hello.

Ben Schiller's Introduction

Perfect. Ben Schiller working on bitmap 420 here as a fan. Both of what Fractal Bitcoin has done and definitely of Uniworld. I'm all dedicated to building the Bitcoin metaverse and actually making that real. I think the metaverse has been a great idea that hasn't been well executed. I think Bitcoin makes it completely different. It looks like you're mixing up again, Ben. Let's. God damn it. You might have to watch it. I think his audio is final. Loud and clear. So.

Clarification and Collaboration

All right, sooner or later, this is going to work. You said you can hear him fine. Or is it my problem? Maybe I'm Rogan. Yeah, I can hear fine. I was about to say I was just going to throw Elon under the bus. One moment. It's got to be me. If you hear everybody else fine, it's got to be me. Right, cool. Well, I'll just finish that up. I'm a big fan of Uniworlds, and I want to see the Bitcoin metaverse come to life in whatever form that takes. And you guys are doing a great job of making that happen.

Looking Forward to Future Developments

And I'm looking forward to everything in Singapore. This is going to be a great week upcoming. So many events, period. But so many Bitcoin events specifically, and so many fractal and Bitcoin metaverse AI events as well. So this is just going to be like, it's like Christmas in September. I guess that's my cue. Hello from Singapore. I'm from Singapore. So gm for all the Asians out there. Well, I'm just a DJ. Like, a lot of people here, like, you guys call me fractal researcher, but, you know, fractal just came out.

Sham's Perspectives

So, yeah, I'm definitely researching and I'm happy to be here. And I'm quite interested to see what Universe has planned for us because we've been looking out for this since March or April. Back then, Fractals was like, pan out. So, yeah, I'm very interested to see what's going on. And, and the timing is good as well because the whole fractal thing, that happening like, the past two days has been quite crazy. So, yeah, so let's go.

Returning to Audio Issues

Let's go indeed. All right, so I am back in the audio, guys. Thanks for being patient with me there. It was on my side. So, yeah, let's circle into some of these topics that we got today because there's a bunch of good ones. I mean, Uniworlds has been on in the development. It's been going on. We've been patiently anticipating for the release of fractal mainnet. And now we're coming up on block 21,000 which will activate inscriptions and everything will start to become indexed.

Understanding Fragments in Uniworld

Now that's a big part of Uniworlds and fractal. But now, but today we're particularly talking more on about fragments. And Jimmy, I want to ask you just so we can get the definition of what a fragment is out of the way so every, all the listeners can understand what is a fragment in Uniworlds. I just want to add on that we will have in the silent next week like token in Singapore, I think Thursday. So if you're there and feel free to join us and let's meet up and yeah, the definition of fragment, actually the term of fragment is come from fractal.

Defining Fragments

You know, fractal have the meaning in the math and fragment has like some relationship at least under the like in the mathematical, like in Mandarin as well. That's how we use this name in the very beginning. And the definition of fragment is like the template of the game. So when the game creator create a game, they can decide how many addiction they want to issue the template. And each template, we will call it a fragment. And the fragment can be tray in the like Uniwa marketplace.

Marketplace Dynamics

So anyone who want to operate this game can go to the marketplace and either inscribe or like for free, like freemen or like, or buy the fragment. Okay, yeah, that's great. So a fragment is a key fundamental building block of Uniworld's platform and it expands to creators and that trickles down to operators and to users. Yeah. Yes, yes. It's one of like foundation in like our mechanism. Yeah. And I know it's a bit complicated and that's the reason we have in the like AI or community code here to explain this in detail.

Template Mechanics

Yeah, yeah, sure. Let's jump into it. So do we want to, do you have anything to add to that sham or Ben Shiller or do we want to move on to the next topic? Yeah, I guess as a creator and just a quick background. So I minted my first, just to give you some context, my first BRC 420 almost a year ago. It's crazy. It seems like a hundred lifetimes ago, but I'm into 3D. Came as, worked as an artist for a long time.

The Evolution of Game Creation

So the idea of creating spaces for Bitcoin blows my mind how far we've come in such a short period of time. So as a creator, Jimmy, walk me through what I would need to do to make use of a fragment, whether as creating a game asset or a game itself. Just walk me through what my experience as a creator might be. So from the creator point of view, they are 100% the same. They just use our game engine and would be like a normal game editor.

Design and Functionality

The only difference between our uniworld studio game editor, with Unity or Unreal would be we have some default function which allow you to put the token, the asset to like unchain. Like imagine you are building Monopoly and you got some currency in the Monopoly game and you have some building like some in the game as well. So the building could be the NFT and the currency inside could be like on-chain token. I think that's the biggest difference.

Separate Responsibilities

Otherwise you just publish it again and license your game through this template, this fragment mechanism. I think the whole idea of having a fragment in between would be trying to separate the responsibility between creator like a game creator and game operator. Because not everyone wants to operate the game and you need to keep updating some like feature mechanism and et cetera to let the game still stay alive. And we just want to separate those two roles.

Leveraging Templates

Awesome. Yeah, that's super helpful. Especially just being able to use templates and not as a creator. Not having to reinvent the wheel every time you want to create something is super helpful. So thank you for that. No, I think that's a bit. I think I'm not described or explained this like 100% clear. Yes. The creator can always use the template and those templates called mod like, it's under like a module like design idea.

Clarification on Templates

They can reuse the mod. Let's find a greater part of point of view. But what the template I'm referring here is more like the entire game. The operator can buy this game template, they don't need to develop their own game and they can inject their own token as circulating token within the game. Excellent. Thank you for that clarification. Yeah. For me, I'm more of a user.

User Perspectives

I'm not really a developer or programmer or whatever. So for me it's more about how we can as users, we can inscribe all these fragments and use it for our own world. So I'm very interested to see how you guys can do that and make it very seamless and easy to use. Cool. I think this want to inscribe or acquire the fragment. We call it like operator because they need to operate again.

Community Engagement

And our ta, at least in our imagination, would be some like community kol, the one to want to, I don't know, put maximum utility for some like mint in the Bitcoin ecosystem. Because originally the mintoin is useless. It's only for like a pump and dump and you need to throw a lot of marketing resource and try to pump your token. And yeah, I think as an operator you can put your minko in adding some utility for your mint coin and some use case scenario for your community as well.

Moving to Community Interaction

Nice. So it's something like using, instead of using discord. We can use this kind of communities, these kind of platforms to interact with your base, your users, your members. Yes, that's what we think. That's good. J cloud, are you here? Hey, sorry guys, I'm still having some, a little bit of audio issue but. You want to say that again? I can hear you now.

Continuing with the Discussion

No, yeah, I heard you loud and clear. I think we can move to like the next one like if everybody's fine. Jay? Yeah, are you guys able to hear me okay, because. Okay, yes, long clear. Okay. Sorry. Because I am having a hell of a time over here getting the audio. No, yeah, yeah. It's okay.

Importance of Live Discussions

We'll push on, man. This is the beauty of live spaces. Right? So I suppose the next big thing that we want to talk about when it comes to fragments is obviously, you know, one of the big ones is like creating games and earning income from fragment cells. A lot of users are talking about this ecosystem that Uniworlds is going to be bringing, right. And it's sort of like this economy in itself.

Game Creation and Earnings Potential

So one thing that a lot of users have been wondering is, you know, how are they going to be creating games with these fragments? And like what's sort of the breakdown of like earning income when it comes to these different levels and these different, I want to say different, you know, different people that come in and whether you're a creator or an operator or user, you know, the earning potential. Why don't you speak on that a little bit, Jimmy?

Revenue Distribution

I not get the first one, but I can speak of like the revenue distribution part first. I remember the first one. So operator, when they acquired a fragment, all the templates they can set up which would be the token circulating in the game. And this like a distribution, revenue distribution like ratio. And so yeah, they have some range. So those revenue come from the player thought up. Imagine it's a good game like in the web, two in the traditional game, if the game is playable or it's fun, then player try top up some like token or some money or like anything and try to acquire more like rare equipment in the game or try to anything. That's the revenue. And revenue will be divided into four parts. One would go back to the game creator. Second would go back to the game operator. And I think 10% will go to the platform and another like 10% will just burn it and try to create this token deflation. As the operator, they can. They have some room to adjust this ratio but it's really depend on each gan operator.

Role of Operators

So the operator creates a programmability that is decided what percentage of all that the total share goes to who. Right. So the operator dictates that. Yeah. Operator having the like power to decide that. What's going on? Sham, you got your hand up. Yeah. But a question when it comes to the operator and the game created and stuff, so is the owner of the universe the operator or the creator? I mean, who is the operator? Is it the owner of the universe asset? The general idea would be the creator create a game and they issue their game via the fragment. The one who buy the fragment or min the fragment, it could be the free window. So who own the fragment through zooming or byte, they can link this fragment layer domain name and it would like initiate the Gan space and they will become a Gan operator and they will have, I think, majority of the revenue.

Fragment Ownership and Revenue

If these like game space operate like. Well. So in essence, does the owner of the domain name get a certain share of the. Certain amount of the revenue, so to speak, like a landowner or something? Yeah. The owner of the fragment would be the operator. Gotcha. In short. So, so the owner of the fragment, the creator, is not the same as the owner. Right. So you can be a creator. Correct. And you can create the fragments and you can have multiple owners. Yeah, yeah, of course. Yeah. So that makes it interesting. So if you are some sort of like 3d designer or a developer out there and let's say, you know, you got a knack for creating games, you can create these fragments and you can sell these fragments to multiple people and called the operators and you get a share from all of those cells, you know, from all these worlds that are going on.

Incentives for Developers

Whatever's happening within those ecosystems, you know, it comes, it flows back up to you. So this is like a great incentive for new developers or new people who are thinking, you know, like, hey, I got some 3d development skills, you know, and in unity or whatever, I know that Uniworlds is the engine's sort of based off of unity from previous conversations we had. So this leaves a lot of opportunity for early adopters to get in to uniworlds and start creating these things. And these operators, people will purchase these up, become operators, and then they'll invite people to become users. And so you have this big economy happening here where the revenue share flows up through everybody. It's quite amazing.

Evolving Ecosystem

Well, go ahead, Ben, what's up? Yeah, Jimmy, you use the example of a meme coin and that's a great one because for the most part, although sometimes communities build around meme coins, for the most part, it's a very player versus player game if you're talking about things that get born, get traded, and then die relatively quickly in the first few minutes. But it sounds like you're describing something that's a lot more cooperative and has the potential to have a lot more stakeholders. Is that accurate? Yeah, yeah. That's the issue we like understand from this ecosystem. And this like a mechanism, the whole mechanism or like a fragment protocol is trying to help. Yeah, it's quite unique in this system because you're having all participants that are going to benefit from it all together. And that's what makes it in my mind quite unique. Whereas I've had experience in metaverse plays on other blockchains. And I love this model because it gets everybody involved.

Tokenization and Economics

Jimmy, let's talk a little bit about. So went over like revenue distribution and you can at any time, if you want to go into more detail on this and as well as the other speakers up here, Sham and Ben, and if you guys want to ask more questions, feel free to just, you know, jump in and interrupt me. It's fine. But what about like for example, tokenization, like specifically because, and I don't know if, when my audio cut out, if you guys already talked about this a little bit, but it's quite interesting because in the past we knew that BRC twenties that live on fractal would have some sort of relationship with tokenization within the uniworlds, right? So you can create your own economy with your own token. But starting out there's going to be I guess three tokens that you can choose from, correct.

Initial Token Offerings

I think would be like, yeah, we say we'll have like a three like BRC 20 as the very beginning and the negative FB token as well. But it would like, I think they have to like request. The first is the like bridge is stable. You can bring like your BRC token from manage to factor. That's, that's the first and the second will be looked. I think it will always depend on the community. Yeah. We only do that if community agree. Yeah. Yeah. So from what I gathered when reading over the documents and everything, the most recent article that was posted about fragments, and by the way, for the listeners down there, go to the uniworld's twitter account and if you just scroll down, you'll find the article real quick. And it talks more in depth and gives some visuals as well, image visuals that you can look at.

Understanding Token Usage

You can see how everything's broken down. It's very helpful. But Jimmy, on the topic of the tokenization, from what I understand is the three main ones, obviously you said there's going to be fractal bitcoin will play a role, but also there's pizza and Ordi and SAts. Now will those be like you can choose for one from one of those things, or is it you can use multiple within your uniworld? So like in each game the operator needs to determine like one coin, like one token. We do not support multiple, like token within the single game space or single fragment or single game yet. Yeah, that's for now. But we wouldn't not like a restrict our, like for only those four, token would be like operator can determine like whatever, like a fractal bitcoin chain, like support.

Support for Future Tokens

Okay. Okay, interesting. So yeah, that's amazing because eventually, like you say, you can open it up to all these other BRC twenties. So for example, if like degentralize down there in the listenership wants to create a puppets world, they could essentially bring in pups BRC 20, right. If they wanted to. And this could be something that would be done on the creator or the operator side, correct? Yeah, correct. That's for sure. For sure. Yeah, yeah. Okay. That's pretty cool. No, I love that idea. And what about like, so now like, as you've seen in recent days, there's a new protocol Cat 20 that's like everybody's going crazy over, right? Everybody's trying to get this Cat 20.

Potential of Cat 20

Now is this something else that uniworlds will be able to bring on possibly at a future date? The tokenization of like the Cat 20 protocol tokens? I think we'll try to like support the cat 20 since it's already on the fractal bitcoin. But I as much I understood like cat 20 token cannot breach back to the mainnet yet. But yeah, like since we are the project currently on fractal bitcoin or like supposedly like ASAP. Yeah, we already saw that on the explorer. They have a little cat 20 tab up there category. Now you can click on. So it's pretty amazing. I think it just sort of caught everybody's by surprise. But it just goes to show you how fast things are moving on fractal right now and with the uniworld.

Future Innovations

So I love that. So anything you guys want to add sham or Ben to that. To the tokenization? Not to the. To the tokenization specifically. But I do have a question about the economics. Jimmy, if that's. If that's okay. Yeah, for sure. The DJ and me has to ask. Talk a little bit more about the deflation mechanism that you have built into. Built into the fragment protocol. I think the idea is really simple. We do not want to over complex, late slow. So when player top on some min token or any token, 10%. 10% of this, like, consumption, 10% of this tada.

Deflation Mechanism

10% of this revenue, we just brand it and. And that's it. Yeah, to be honest. Excellent, excellent. Yeah, I'm looking at this like from, like what Ben said from a dj, in my mind is thinking myself, there's a lot of game theory involved. It's like, whether it's this token or that token or what will go up or go down. So, like. And when you said you can use any tokens in your world, that's blowing my mind, man. So I hope this works and it really looks promising, man. Yeah, we're more like the platform. We not like, try to support one singular specific token.

Open Token Ecosystem

Yeah, yeah. And that's one of the things I think that's. That's interesting. And obviously with my name, Bitmap 420, you can tell I'm into Bitmap. I think that's one of the things that maybe gets messed and sham. I think you hit on it, which is it sounds like you'll be able to insert any token. So if you think of Bitmap as a token, then uniworlds can be a great engine for bitmap growth. At least that's the way that I'm thinking about it. So any type of cooperative kind of way of approaching this, and I think, Jimmy, you said it correctly, is that, you know, thinking of uniworld as a platform that any token can build on to add more utility to their token, including Bitmap.

Empowerment of the Ecosystem

Yep, you're correct. That's why we say we trying to, like, empower this, like, ecosystem. We're here to help. Yep. All right. Yeah. If you guys want to add anything more to that, we can move on to some. Some questions or. Jimmy, if you have anything else you'd like to add to fragments, maybe something that we missed or. No, I've seen like. Yeah, we go through like everything. Yeah.

Questions and Participation

Let me, let me check down here, see if we got, if anybody has a question, feel free to please leave it down in the comments. And I'm going to scan through some of these right now. Someone asked how do us citizens participate? That's Bernard Makarius asked that, how do us citizens participate? Moved to Dubai, which is what I did. Yeah. Move to a foreign country, though. Yeah. Because. Yeah, every, like a crypto project has this like an issue. This like a comparison is like a regulating, like, issue.

Regulatory Challenges

We are the same and we try to avoid a low suic, like a CC, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, yeah. We. I think a lot of people are very familiar with the VPN space, you know, so we understand that in the crypto space, quite a bit of. But Jimmy, I want to ask you, because this has been something that I've discussed in prior discussions about uniworlds and how structure is going to work and how are specifically creators, builders who are doing 3d design. I myself, I'm an amateur 3d artist. I work in blender. You know, I'm not incredibly good, but I'm good enough to be able to, you know, create an asset and export it.

3D Assets in Uniworlds

Right. And the GLB assets and Uni worlds in particular is going to be supported through GLB assets. Correct. It's going to be GLB. Are there going to be other assets that will be supported, 3d assets or will be primarily GLB? Primarily Glbden. Okay, so if you are, if you're like a creator and you have a bunch of assets you've already created. And this is, you know, the fragments are obviously like the space, like the world. Right. When you create a fragment, you're essentially creating like a. An entire space that somebody can use and work within. Correct. And so, and so.

Asset Creation and Fragment Usage

But there's going to be another level to this, right. There's going to be an asset level, like individual assets.

Fragment Integration in Uniworlds

And how will that work? Like, how will that play out in contrast to these fragments? How will, like, 3d craze, let's say you don't know how to build like an entire, you know, environment, but you know how to build, you know, like designs and assets and figures and things like that may be able to be used. How will they, how will this relate and work within these uniworlds?

Game Developer Experience

Yeah, I think from the game developer or game creator point of view, their experience or their process are 100% the same. We don't want to change that. We don't want to let those people to learn a new programming language or learn a new rule. That's first, their developing experience will stay the same. The second is we have some tech people to help like for game studio if they want to enter like this system.

Marketplace for Creators

So there'll be a studio. So you, so we have the editor, right? The tool that users will be able to use to create does that also is that connected to a central marketplace that these creators, these 3d artists will be able to list their fragments and their assets for sale? We have an idea. I think what you talking about is called mod, like the module component when you trying to develop in the game and you can reuse those mod and we did not. We are thinking about, I try to make this more like open marketplace, but that's the next step. We won't do that at this stage.

Role of AI in Creation

And how does the AI fit into the creation process? Because we hear a lot about AI being integrated with uniworlds. How does AI specifically tie into the creation process or to fragments? If there's a connection it has, like. It did not connect to fragment at all. Fragment is more like a template in the form of like ordinal, NFT, in NFT format. But for the AI part is super familiar, like super familiar to like the adobe, let's say illustrator or Photoshop, like in the panel in there, like editor.

AI Tool Features

There was some like a little feature you can use the AI tools, for example, just add some prompt and it will generate some like really image for you, like more prototype image for you. So, so, oh, sorry. Go ahead. Sorry I cut you off. Go ahead, Jimmy. No, no, please. Yeah, so I just wanted to get clarification on that. So, so you get like a 3d prototype image and this is all within the editor, right. And then you could continue to fine tweak that image and then turn that into an asset that's a workable asset within your uniworlds, correct? No, I don't think our AI small tool can create a whole prototype of the 3d asset yet, but it can help to refine your prototype or more small component within your 3d asset.

Potential Use Cases

Okay. Yeah, but in general, like those AI tools are more like really like similar just to your like additive, like some adobe additive from that sense. So avatars, so like characters within your space, right? Within the uniworlds? Yeah, that's the one use case. Yeah, we actually have some, we've seen some screenshots and some sneak peeks of, like, of course, you know, there's the Goosenells community, right? And we know that goosenls have been working alongside uniworlds to build out a uniworld space, you know, like a zoo space where there's animals and you can go in and interact.

Creating 3D from 2D Assets

And I. One of the things that I saw was like a generated goosenol, and I thought it was pretty interesting. It looked like it was like a 3d version of the goosenail. So a lot of people out there that may be listening now, you might have a 2d collection of some 2d art that you did, and you want to bring that into a 3d environment like uniworlds. This is where, like, a fine example, right, Jimmy, where you'll be able to use this AI assisted editor, which could give you some ideas or help you propel in a faster way to get your 2d assets into a 3d environment. Would that be correct?

Limitations of AI in Asset Creation

To be honest, I don't think we can support these perfectly. One of the idea, trying to use AI tools turn you like a 2d asset into 3d, but it will be really sloppy, I would say, at least in the very beginning, you need many, like, fine tune, for sure. Yeah, yeah. Fine tuning. So that's the idea is, you know, you want to have. You're going to want to have to go in there, you're going to have to make some edits. You know, there's going to be some work involved in creating these things out. It's not just going to make everything for you. Yeah, yeah.

Engaging Experiences and Multiplayer Options

Okay. Thanks for clarifying that. Go ahead, Shyam, what's up? Yeah, it's good you brought up about the zoo thing, because I was thinking in my head, like, I don't. I'm trying to curb my imagination, not to go too wild, but I'm not thinking, like, maybe a simple gallery just to show off your ordinals and stuff and just run around like my monkeys and all the monkeys, like, in the clays going around. But my question is, like, is it possible for multi play multiplayer? I guess like multiple people in the same place or is that single. Single player for multiplayer?

Multiplayer Capability

We'll suppose like 50 player in the very beginning for each game space. So, yeah, like, you can create your own, like, gallery and invite other to, like, take a look. So you're saying, like, I can be there and then someone else can come in and multiple people looking at the same painting, for example? Yes. Like, simultaneously. Oh, sure. Yeah. That's awesome. I think a lot of people are wondering about that because. And something to go on top of that.

Discussion on Domain Names

Jimmy, a question on that. So you say there's a limit to 50, right? Per fragment. Now, can you stack multiple fragments? I thought I read somewhere in the documentation about having multiple fragments and then allowing more people to be able to come into the fold. Now, will that be separate or will you be able to stack fragments to allow for more users? They'll be separate. Like you can have a multiple fragment and each fragment can have 50 people at top, and you can have multiple one to link to the same domain name, which will be linked. We will understand it as the same.

Resource Management and Dynamic Distribution

Space, but they'll still be limited to like 50 people per fragment then. So like, only those 50 people be aware of each other, right within a fragment. Okay, just want to clarify, is there plans to expand that number to more people in the future? I think we plan to let it more like a dynamic since trying to support, like, a larger amount of player of people within the same space simultaneously would have some server cost. And we have in the system tried to dynamic distribute our server resource, server service dynamically, which means if you have fewer players within your game space, we will put fewer resources into that space as well.

Searchability and Domain Names

Okay, thanks for that. We have a question from down in the comments from BVM, ETh asks, will the domain names serve as a keyword? So, for example, if you own lucrative domains, you will get more eyes on the project. So will there be like a searchable repository for domain names? Like, will people be able to search? And then it'll come up. Yes, that's the idea of domain name. It's like a web two domain.

Functionality of Domain Search

You know, like when you type google.com, you go to the google.com and you can search your domain name within the uniworld as well. So that's pretty cool. And so if you have like, an active uniworlds, it'll be indexed and people will be able to search for that particular name. So, like, you know, maybe goose and olds or maybe it's something, you know, whatever somebody's interested in, right? Maybe they want to find worlds that they're interested in.

Token Allocation Discussions

A certain keyword, right? Centered around something like bitcoin or whatever. Yes, exactly. If I. If I can jump in. Jay, Clark. How are you guys? Jimmy. Hey, what's up, Steve? Go for it, man. Good, good. Jimmy. Yeah, I heard you guys were already talking about the marketplace. And I guess it's one of the most important keys is going to be to attract the people because this is because as long as if there is a gamification that, you know, this is the way that people gonna go and try to, you know, win something or earn something right for the time they're going to spend.

Marketplace and Gamification

Because if it is, there is no marketplace, if there's no gamification or, you know, something that to be rewarded for spending time there, it will be very hard. The reason is that I'm. Because I remember about four years ago, there was this decentraland and then, you know, sandbox. So I said the central and was pretty much the same similar thing that is in a metaverse that we are talking here. But they didn't have any gamification other than, you know, the developers could build a those artifacts that we're talking about or land and they could sell it.

User Incentives in Marketplace Design

But there was no incentive for a user to go in and do something and then, and then I, you know, get rewarded. Is that the marketplace, because you talked in this case, let's say, starting from the names that we just spoke, that, like, you know, world's names, keys, everything which the user owns, there's. Is there going to be a marketplace that, you know, we go in if we build something, any kind of artifact or you call it, in this case, some different name.

Plans for the Marketplace

I'm sorry, I could, I didn't go through the website yet. We would be able to trade it for something that, you know, or for a token, let's say FB token or anything. Is this the idea of marketplace? Yeah, but, yeah, to be 100% honest, our current marketplace was supposed buy and sell for the fragment in our first stage. And for those like, gamification or the reward part, we will put this responsibility to the game operator so their own game space, they can define the reward to the participant, to the player, and that's the two, like different things.

Operator Control in Game Spaces

So operators can create their rules in this case. Is that right? Yeah. Like, for example, they can design a bounty. I'll decide a lottery prize for last week for the player who joined, like last week and who win the highest score. And they can have some, like, I don't know, like some price. Gotcha. And you were talking about the 50 people, you know, participating at one.

Options for Communication

At one time. So are those. Can people can talk to each other at the same time? Like, let's say we're doing a spaces right now. Right. A similar situation could happen. I certainly only support the text communication for now. Yeah. Okay. Messaging. Okay. Because I know, because it's not easy to have the 50 people on the same time the server is gonna get heated up.

Token Allocation and Community Engagement

What about another thing is I wanted to know is that, you know, we have the, let's say, keys. We have the names, but, you know, a lot of people still don't have any tokens. Is there any plan, if it is not a secret that will there be any allocation of the FB tokens? Let's just maybe cut to the chase that for the. For the people who owns the uniworld's keys or Uniworld's names, will we get something that. To be able to, you know, to kick start cutting?

Future Plans for Token Allocation

Yeah, we get this like a feedback a lot and we have the plan, so stay tuned. Yeah. Okay. You have a plan. Okay, cool. The little teaser there for you, Steve. Yeah, you know, it's. It's important, I guess. You know, like, not only me, I have some worry from it, but, you know, there's a lot of people, they do have, let's say two uniworlds, right? But they didn't allocate any FB token. They don't have anything.

User Interest in Token Allocation

But for them to kind of go in to do something if they. If they're. If they're receiving something FB token, they would be very interested, you know, because the whole goal is to bring more people, though, right, to universals. True, true. Yeah. So that's what I was gonna. So what's the. When is the launch is going to be? If I'm missing, I apologize if you. Guys mentioned already, we haven't like a hundred percent sure yet, but, yeah, soon we are more closer than ever.

Anticipated Launch Timeline

This month. Yeah, this month for sure. Okay. Okay, that's good. So it's half of the month left. That's good. Thanks, Jimmy. Yeah, you're welcome. Hey, we got a block up on the stage who just arrived, and then I want to get to Satoshi's as well. But block, why don't you say what's up, man? And tell us a little bit about this goose and olds uniworld that everybody's going to want to go to.

Excitement for Uniworlds

Hey, guys, thanks for having me up. Sorry I'm a little late. I've been driving all day. But anyway, yeah, happy I made it. And like, you know, I got in here. I don't know where you guys are in the conversation, but, yeah, I'd love to just talk about everything uniworlds, whatever time we have left. And obviously the Goosenell partnership is like I was really early on Uniworlds, and I can just like, see the vision and, yeah, I wanted to secure that for the.

Community Engagement and Development

For the community. So, yeah, I'm just. I'm super excited about working with Uniworlds and the editor and really trying to be at the forefront for our community of engaging on here because I'm a big believer in fractal, the Unisat team, the Uniworlds team, and just everything I see going on in the background in regards to just products that they're shipping and then also documentation and stuff, you can tell that they're legit.

Optimism for Uniworlds' Future

So that's really all I got to say on that. I guess you guys are shipping soon. I guess, really in the next two weeks, if it's by the end of the month, roughly, maybe two and a half. So, yeah, I'm just super excited to play with that. The key airdrops have been amazing for people that were, like, early to the namespace, and I feel like the rewards will just keep coming for holders and people that are engaging on the platform and, like, loyal and stuff.

Positive Outlook on Rewards

So, yeah, I'm bullish. That's my rant.

Introduction and Excitement

Thanks for having me. Awesome. And I'll just echo what. What block is saying. I'm super excited about what. What Goosenells and Uniworld is doing. I'm obviously a big Goosenells fan. The first one of the first BRC four hundred twenty s I made was literally an egg, which is inspired by Goosenell and Dimitri's work. So to see that evolution and what comes out of that, I'm like, as you said, super bullish for you guys to make as much as you possibly can from it. It sounds like an amazing tool with an amazing community and just amazing visuals to start with. So putting those all together in the blender and seeing what comes out as an observer in a fan and just the support, I'm absolutely excited about what you guys are doing.

Engagement with Satoshi

Heck, yeah. That's a great words, Ben. I want to go to Satoshi's because she's been very patient waiting down there for us. What's up, Satoshi? Got a question for Jimmy. Yeah. Well, first I want to say honk. There you Goosenells. And then I want to say, okay. I want to frame it in a. In a. In a question. Okay, two questions. One question. If I had 100 innocent, pure developers, why would I have them learn your whole stack, like, all the different parts? Why? Number two, like, high level overview of, like, not a. Not a developer, like a speculator. Just someone who just cares about money. Like, why do they care about all of your stuff in five years.

Satisfactory Responses from Jake

Okay so the first one is a developer for again develop point view again. They don't need to return anything. All the tools are familiar with them. And we talked to many like game creator or game developer before finalize this like you know, mechanism. Their pinpoint is first they need to invest like a lot before to launch the game and the revenue is unpredictable. They need to have some really mature prototype to try to attract some investors for them to put in the money and continue to finish the game. And the mechanism here help them to get some money and from not really mature game prototype and they can have the revenue from the sale of the fragment. That's first thing first. The second is for the traditional game developer they need to have license to easily a game or they need to like having the legal entity and having the license and they can publish their game. And we try to avoid this.

Navigating Future Uncertainties

I think that's the second motivation for the game developer to join our space and for the second question, I mean what would be the value of how to keep people within our space in five years? Honestly, I don't know. Things were changed like a lot especially in the crypto space. And I think our motivations just create a platform which is more fair and make sense to us and let's see. Yeah. Okay, well thank you and I hope to see you in Thailand, Defcon. And I hope you join an event. You make one and I'll see you there. Maybe, maybe not. But good job. You're lovely. Keep going. Yay Hong Kong. And all the things I expect to see some fragments from you Satoshi's. So we're looking forward to that. It'll be awesome.

Block’s Contribution

Block, do you want to add anything? I know you kind of came late. If you want to jump in and talk a little bit I'm going to scan the questions real quick down in the comments and we'll wrap this up in a little bit. Actually I was just really curious what I missed in regards to fragments. Is there any alpha kicking around? Go ahead, Jimmy. What's the alpha? What are we going to get blocked? Let's give him, let's feed him some alpha here. I think we have a free main campaign and when we launch our app and we have a span set as well, we have try to because FB token is really rare currently. Not every user can bite it and you know, on chain like Operation Nissan gas fee and we're trying to solve this problem as well.

Utility of Keys

So yeah, stay tuned. Is that related to keys? I'm guessing so I know we alluded to that a little bit but yeah, I don't want to put words in your mouth but we do love keys around here and we appreciate the keys and that's actually an interesting thing. Let me, let me segue into that because one of the things that a lot of people have asked, and this is actually a question down in the comments too, and you know, maybe answer this to the best of your ability, but a lot of people ask about Aries keys and Titan keys and how those keys relate to the average user. Let's say you're a user and you're not necessarily a creator, but you're a user and you have a key and you want to be active in the unit world. How is that going to benefit the user?

Attributes for Key Holders

We have multiple approach to put some attribute holder but I think what I can say in the very beginning would be we have those key holder could be like on the white disk of our app, but that's only the first step. Or gradually put more activity for the key user for sure. Yeah. Okay, so interesting. So there's going to be some sort of utilities, multiple utilities involved with keys, but we can't yet speak on those. Can you give us a little bit more on that? Or is that, I don't want to push you too much here, Jimmy. Yeah, as I say, like so those utility won't like you know come out like all in once or like one utility today and another utility like next month or something like that. So yeah.

Building Long-term Relationships

Try to hold your key like as long as possible. Like we want to build a long term relationship to the key holder and. Yeah, and for like what people got the key because they have like dominant in our like Genesis collection and I think that's the idea of key like to incentivize our like long time like a supporter. Your guys substack or medium article on the keys. I can't remember which one it was, but is like, is really well written and if anybody's curious I encourage them to go read that because it really does cover like the many layers of benefits to the gold key anyway. It's worth the read. Yeah, we move into the substance.

Clarifying Key Levels

By the way, median just sucks. Yeah. So for those people who don't really read that well. So maybe give us a short summary of maybe the difference in the levels like those high level Titan keys versus the, maybe those hundred level versus the number like ten level. No, the level and the tier of the key is all just depend on how many domain names you hold like when we do the snapshot and we try to. Yeah, we try to add some, like a differentity between the, like, different tier of the key and different level of the key.

Different Key Utilities

Now, will the keys. Sorry, sham. If I can just jump in on that. To add to that, will the keys, Aries keys and Titan keys have different utilities or will they have the same utility? Just different, I guess based off of the number, it’s going to be different. Right. But will they essentially give the user same access to everything? As far as Aries and Titan keys. You don't need to have in the key to asset like anything. But we'll try to, as I said, we try to like, you know, reward the people who hold the key or who hold like, the higher level of the key.

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