FORM x Nucleus: Unlocking Yield in SocialFi


Space Summary

The Twitter Space FORM x Nucleus: Unlocking Yield in SocialFi hosted by 0xForm. FORM x Nucleus is reshaping the SocialFi landscape on Ethereum by pioneering innovative yield strategies and fostering strategic partnerships with industry leaders and top angels. Leveraging collaborations with IOSGVC, animocabrands, and others, along with alliances with Optimism and LayerZero Labs, FORM x Nucleus is at the forefront of unlocking unique DeFi opportunities within the SocialFi layer. Community engagement and partnership synergy are key drivers fueling the growth and success of FORM x Nucleus in the dynamic SocialFi space.

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Q: How is FORM x Nucleus transforming yield in SocialFi?
A: FORM x Nucleus is leveraging partnerships and collaborations to unlock innovative yield strategies within the SocialFi layer of Ethereum.

Q: Which key partners are contributing to FORM x Nucleus’ success?
A: Partners like IOSGVC, animocabrands, galaxyhq, and alchemyplatform, along with top angels, play a vital role in driving FORM x Nucleus forward.

Q: What collaborations are shaping FORM x Nucleus’ trajectory?
A: Collaborations with Optimism, LayerZero Labs, and CelestiaOrg are expanding FORM x Nucleus’ scope and impact within the SocialFi ecosystem.

Q: What is the focus of FORM x Nucleus within the DeFi space?
A: FORM x Nucleus is concentrating on unlocking unique DeFi opportunities specifically tailored for the SocialFi layer of Ethereum.

Q: Why are community engagement and alliances important for FORM x Nucleus?
A: Community involvement and strategic partnerships are essential for fostering the growth and success of FORM x Nucleus in the SocialFi domain.


Time: 16:45:22
Strategic Partnerships Driving Success Exploring how key partnerships with industry giants are propelling FORM x Nucleus forward.

Time: 25:12:18
Innovative Yield Strategies Unveiled Discovering the cutting-edge yield opportunities formulated by FORM x Nucleus within the SocialFi ecosystem.

Time: 40:05:09
Community-Centric Approach Understanding how community engagement and alliances are at the core of FORM x Nucleus’ growth in SocialFi.

Key Takeaways

  • FORM x Nucleus is enhancing yield opportunities within the SocialFi layer of Ethereum.
  • Partnerships with IOSGVC, animocabrands, galaxyhq, alchemyplatform, and prominent angels are driving FORM x Nucleus’ success.
  • Optimism, LayerZero Labs, and CelestiaOrg collaborations are expanding the reach and impact of FORM x Nucleus.
  • The project focuses on unlocking unique DeFi opportunities within the SocialFi ecosystem.
  • Community engagement and strategic alliances are crucial for the growth of FORM x Nucleus in the SocialFi space.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Hey, Ben boy. Thanks for coming. Hey, guys, let me retweet this. This is the first form Twitter space. 1 second. Hey, Mike, I went through a lot of clear. Absolutely. Yeah, let me retweet this here. No problem. It. Oh, wow. Okay, well, we could chill here and wait for a few. Oh, there’s Ben boy again. Yeah, we could chill here and chat for a little bit. Let me join this from my personal. Yeah, we could chill here and just kind of chat through everything and. Or wait for a few more folks to come in. This is our first Twitter space, though. Well, Chanda, what do you think? Do you want to wait or.

Getting Started

I’m good to get started whenever. I mean, we’re recording this, so this is good for posterity. We can just kind of go over the roadmap and vision, and then we can refer folks to this to learn more in the future. Awesome. Yeah, great point. Hey, guys, thanks for stopping by. This is the inaugural forum Twitter space. We’re a socialfi l two that’s launching mainnet super soon. We just launched our pre deposit campaign. The topic for today is unlocking socialfi yield as an l two. When we think about Socialfi, we think about a bonding curve that represents the layer of interaction between a user in their network.

Understanding Socialfi and DeFi

This was, of course, introduced in 2023 formally with Friendtech. And then the idea of adding yield onto this is really adding defi composability. And when you imagine a mainnet dedicated to social fi, especially in 2024, 2025, you imagine native yield. And some of the assets that are backing the defi strategies behind nucleus, as well as nucleus as a protocol, is allowing native yield bearing assets that we now know, like forme, to proliferate on the form mainnet when we launch. And so we’re really excited to have nucleus as our main partner here on the yield bearing side. I’ll pass it away to Chanda just to give a little background on nucleus, and then we’ll kind of brainstorm on the future of what this can look like.

Introducing Nucleus

Yeah, 100%. Appreciate the handoff. So, yeah, my name is Trunda. I’m one of the co founders of Nucleus. Nucleus is a protocol focusing on really achieving the ubiquity of what we call yield by default or default yield for roll ups and app chains across the crypto ecosystem. The core premise is based off the fact that you as a user, when you go and you use a network, whether it be a roll up or app chain or really whatever, folks may define these new ecosystems as. Our goal is to allow users to actually build equity and ownership in these ecosystems because at the end of the day users are kind of that one basic unit and especially their capital are that kind of basic fundamental unit that drive value to ecosystems.

User Compensation and Default Yield

And so the goal is really at the end of the day to be able to compensate and reward users for providing that value to ecosystems. And the idea of default yield is basically at first just to bring, to minimize the user opportunity cost of bringing assets over to a new ecosystem. So instead of forgoing mainnet yield you get to bring that with you. And then the second part of it is to really enable the yield from or the activity from the roll up or that kind of new ecosystem you’re a part of to actually contribute to that yield as well. So the core premise is now that you’re a part of the form ecosystem, the infrastructure that form depends on and the apps that form depends on and then you, the users that make up that basic unit form success will be able to earn on the basis of the revenue of the apps and the infrastructure that form implements into the roll up itself to be able to benefit the user experience for everyone.

Excitement for Jamming

Wonderful. Yeah, we’re super excited to just keep on jamming even the idea of sort of like a gas token for apps being for me or just as you mentioned, the default yield flowing into Socialfi is something that yeah, we’re super proud of. We are just launching the pre deposit for four Meath and our general staking campaign as well. Yeah, really quickly. Just going to open it up to the audience here. If anyone has any questions feel free to raise your hand or we’ll just keep on going with some more details on the roadmap form.

Types of Applications in Social Fi

Yeah, I think one of the big things, while we wait for folks to raise their hand, one of the big things I think would be interesting for everyone to hear is just to talk a little bit more about kind of what are the types of applications that you’re excited to kind of see pop up in the social fi ecosystem and what are the new types of applications that people can expect to really leverage in the form ecosystem coming up after you guys launch mainnet? Yeah, that’s an amazing question. So you guys maybe read our exclusive and the defiant which really highlighted two things besides from the launch, but one, the idea of thesis chains.

Concept of Thesis Chains

So a chain that’s dedicated to an ecosystem and then within that having a social fi chain that represents the category of social fi plus defi composability. So this is of course an evolution of things like Pentech where your tokens are bias and centralized onto that platform. So we saw the outcome there. In our reality, our bonding curve tokens exist on the application, but could also be converted to eRc twenty s to integrate into the wider defi and crypto ecosystem like Dex is and sort of other app. So initially, as we’re creating like a new, you can almost think about it as land or a city.

Building the City of Social Fi

So initially the city of social Fi is really going to exist in terms of what you guys have seen in the past. So we want things to feel super familiar. So you guys are very familiar with apps like Friendtech, where you connect with Twitter, you have a token, you’re trading it. You guys are very familiar with apps like Pump Fun on Solana, where you launch people trade it, gets programmatically listed on DeX and converts to an ERC 20 token. That whole thesis of having a token and then having that token be propelled from fairly fun productized trading environment to a more deFi centric environment is the initial goal of form.

Long-term Vision and Market Making

What’s different for us, in addition to having a chain? It’s just the vision that we’re really excited about moving forward. So we just got off a call with a few market makers. They’re all really interested in addition to the form tokens on form. So social fi tokens on form. So what this means is we’re incubating essentially a social fi liquidity alliance. So you could imagine an app where, let’s call it a podcast app and it’s on form. Every podcast has a bonding curve, and maybe one of those podcasts hits it really big and they have a chance to work with this liquidity alliance and basically have their socialfly token, have a market maker behind it and liquidity, and have that serve not only a robust defi ecosystem on form, but also get listed on exchanges that you guys are very familiar with in the centralized exchange environment.

Changing the Narrative for Communities

That as a thought concept for communities doesn’t really exist. So if you talk to sort of a youtuber or someone on Twitter or a podcaster, they’re not really thinking about like FDB and native yield and these sorts of things. And so we’re very excited to just change the narrative for what it means to be to have a community on the Internet by introducing not only speculation, of course, which you guys have seen over the past couple years, but yeah, literally the idea of market cap and native yield. And so this is thesis.

Understanding Markets

And so it’s going to revolve around what you guys have seen, but sort of the big secret of form is that we view everything as a market. So some of you may turn on the tv today and saw a game show, say Wheel of Fortune or jeopardy or something in our lens, we see these as potential markets that people can play around in, though. We’ll start with things you have seen and then we’ll evolve into things that are completely new. You could imagine a game show with a bonding curve or sort of different things moving forward.

The Idea of Content Curves

You could imagine a multi curve world where it’s not just a one creator, one curve framework, it’s a one creator, multi curve framework. So you may have someone that is a very popular youtuber or writer, and their community not only warrants curves for them as an individual, but it also warrants curves for their content. So the idea of content curves are interesting as well. So a wide thesis, but you know, the next couple quarters is just getting the foundation of the steady down.

Building Fundamental Rails

Yeah, and that makes a lot of sense. I mean, you need to build out those fundamental rails before you can scale up and solve things. Building things that are different require time and a lot of energy, and I know we can definitely attest to how that feels. Yeah. I think the exciting thing about bringing things like default yield into the equation here is a lot of people have a very constrained kind of, I’d say like imagination on what default yield can enable, which is just, hey, I’m just going to earn the staking yield while I participate on this chain.

Reimagining Default Yield

I think the beautiful, and it makes sense, right? Because when you look at around the ecosystem about kind of how this idea has been implemented to date, it’s been pretty constrained on the type of use cases that you really see kind of crop up really just to be that kind of like set up, forget it type solution. But what really gets interesting is when we see people start to experiment and when they realize that default yield is kind of present throughout an ecosystem, especially when it comes to application and kind of I think specifically social five business models.

Game Show Dynamics

In playing in that game show, you just put up your default yield assets to play in the game show and then the game show basically guarantees the redemption of all your assets as long as you stay, keep it in the pool for some minimum amount of time. Or you can imagine that same thing with a prediction market itself, magic prediction market, where it just requires you to provide the capital for some fixed amount of time, but doesn’t actually charge you fees on trading in and out of positions. Things like this could really change the dynamics of how protocols are really able to, one, monetize and two, kind of diminish costs for users as well, and to be a bit more kind of creative on being able to retain value. So I think things like that are really exciting, especially from a social fi context because you just have a lot of flexibility, right.

Flexibility and Creativity

When it comes to a lot of the pre existing primitives and defi and things of that nature. You’re kind of constrained on the amount of flexibility that you have to implement these novel kind of monetization structures and things of that nature, just because there’s not too many primitives and business models to go around. But when you start building consumer facing applications, you can start getting really creative there. And I think that’s super exciting. Yeah, we’ve seen this interesting narrative recently of folks kind of staking and forgoing yield and that yield either going to the protocol and the protocol giving out their governance token, or that yield being distributed in new ways. And yeah, that’s a really fascinating point of just combining that with a social fly aesthetic.

Innovative Ideas in Media

So just having a bonding curve for specific pieces of content. I’d love to see this in like reality tv or something in the future. I know, right. Hopefully like a judge Judy bond curve. That would be hilarious. But yeah, so you know, it’s not too far fetched, it’s just getting a la producer involved. But yeah, exciting to think through that. Yeah, 100%. And it’s just really like, you know, I think the thing that’s most important is getting boots on the ground with the teams that are building these types of implementations and kind of evangelizing the use cases, which is we’re very excited to do actually, we have folks, especially upcoming these next few months, got a lot of folks going all over the place, especially in Thailand, to kind of chat with a lot of the builders who are working a lot of those builder houses to really try to find new use cases for default yield in these application ecosystems.

Decentralization and User Engagement

So yeah, things like this are just very exciting. Yeah, I’m sorry, I don’t know, 100%. One thing I was going to ask you was you mentioned the form pre deposit coming up recently. What is that? How do users get involved? How do users interact? What’s the story behind that, why you’re doing it. The user would love to hear kind of a lowdown of what’s going on there. Yeah. You know, so a little bit of the background of forms. So we’re also the founders of role, which introduced social tokens, you know, back in the day in 2019, had a bunch of success there, but mainly the fees went to uniswap.

Learning from Experience

And then. So as we evolve in this new world of social fi, you know, we’re learning from other protocols as well as kind of like, you know, low key grandfathering the category. But, you know, we really learned from the lack of decentralization with other projects. So, you know, things like fintech and other projects kind of work their code and contracts as well. And so this is the beginning, you know, the staking campaigns we’re doing right now, they’re the very beginning of the decentralization. And so had an early start with Renzo and Pendle.

Engagement Mechanics

So currently, you guys can deposit Eze and lots of other Renzo, sorry, and one other Pendle Renzo based asset into our Satan contract, and you guys will receive form points, which is the sort of like, coupon claim on form tokens, which, of course, represent the decentralization of form, which is the decentralization of social buying. So some of the crazy things trund and I were talking about, like a reality show bonding curve network, you could recreate a Fox News channel or CNN or have a bunch of crazy ideas that are all kind of like, bonding curve based. These are all things that you could imagine get deployed through an ecosystem fund.

Future Plans and Expectations

So someone just having a crazy idea and it gets funneled through, and this is the future of social fi wherever I going to start as the brains behind it, and then decentralize this over time. So putting in ETH or any other assets right now are the beginning of that decentralization. And so you could expect many more assets being added quite soon, and those assets can be deposited into our Satan campaign as well as for me. And we’ll have a lot of news on other partnerships and how this interacts with mainnet in the coming weeks.

Introduction to Form ETH

Yeah. For those of you don’t know, form ETH is the default yield ETh asset for the form ecosystem. So when you mint form ETH, you’ll be able to easily bridge it into form and earn yield while you do it. It also is including, I think, some of the most boosted incentives out of all of the assets in the pool. So definitely check it out if you’re interested in social fine hearing and interacting with a lot of these applications that are going to be coming on the form ecosystem. It’s a great place to start to build and grow equity in the future city.

Introduction to Form Network

That will be the form network, I think, before, I don’t know how long you want to stay on this broadly, but I think if we want to go for the half hour, any bits of alpha things that we can share with the folks in the crowd that they might not know, but just by looking at the docs and all the public announcements.

Inspiration from Other Projects

Yeah, so we are following in the footsteps of some incredible projects like Blast, and I’ll include Manta in there as well, which did incredible incentivized mainnet campaigns.

Evolving Incentives for Users

And so you could imagine that will evolve from this pre deposit to an incentivized Mainnet campaign where you guys will get deeply incentivized for creating tokens on the form mainnet and trading tokens on the form mainnet.

Expanding Community Rewards

Among many other things. Some pre alpha would be that to gather a larger community into these activities, we will also reward users retroactively of similar protocols that have existed in the past.

User Engagement and Rewards

So if you guys were playing around interesting, or we’re users of our previous iteration role at a certain time, you could expect to be rewarded in a way that would be very fun for you. And those rewards will just keep on happening all the way up to the release of the token.

Market Maker Partnerships

And so we’re very excited about that and talking with some of the top market makers behind lots of the tokens you guys love as well to make sure the launch goes well, too.

Building for Ecosystem Contributors

It sounds to me that if you’re a builder, if you’re a contributor in the ecosystem, and if you’ve been a participant in a lot of things and other ecosystems, you’ll be greatly rewarded for exploring form and trying out all the new things there. And to me, that’s music to my ears.

Nucleus Points and Community Engagement

I know it’s music to a lot of folks years who have been invested into the crypto ecosystem as a whole for the past few years, I’ll share a little bit alpha on our side as well. I know right now, for folks who are interacting with nucleus, you’ll be able to see a little thing pop up around this idea, this concept of nucleus points coming out.

Upcoming Announcements on Nucleus Points

I will say that soon, within the next few weeks, we will have live, we’ll post announcement of what exactly those will be used for, and you’ll be able to track all of those that we have been tracking retroactively since the moment that went live with our first network.

Encouraging User Participation

So if you are not deposited and exposed to nucleus faults yet, I highly recommend you check those out because we have been listening and we have been watching to all of our users and we will be showcasing an update on what exactly those will accrue to how you can track them in a few weeks. So definitely keep on the lookout for that.

Final Thoughts and Updates

Anything we want to close out with Bradley? Where can they check out all the new updates on form? Where can they check out you and everything you’re working on before we close things out?

Form Network Resources

Yeah, yeah. Quick shout out to Asuarti for your comment on the post. Love that. Highly anticipating the form relief. I see you’re friends with Satya. That’s very cool as an incredible discord lead.

Keeping the Community Informed

Yeah, just go to work. We have a nice banner up there to link directly to formeath and meditations. You guys are all following our twitter, but if not, go ahead and give it a follow, and we’ll have a lot of announcements this quarter.

Looking Ahead

This quarter is going to be the road to Mainnet, if not Mainnet. So we’re going to be working with just a whole sea of projects that will really enhance the network and get it a lot bigger. But yeah, if you guys have any questions, feel free to drop them as comments just in the space.

Engagement with the Community

But if not, we’ll close out in a minute. And yeah, expect this more often. This was super cool. We recorded this. We’ll post it at some point and we’ll keep on doing this with partners.

Future Collaborations

We’re doing another one with Renzo and Turtle club later in the week, so we’ll keep you posted there.

Further Information on Yield Provision

If you want to learn more about formeath depositing or checking it out, you can check us nucleus, the default yield provider out at nucleus earn on Twitter. And if you want to check out any updates on what we’re doing, check out nucleasern IO and our blog for all the big announcements.

Social Media and Community Connection

Or just follow us on the Twitter to learn more. And of course, you can check out me here at my little icon. Fantastic.

Closing Statements

Bradley, as usual, it’s always fantastic catching up. Fantastic seeing everyone here and looking forward to seeing what you guys are cooking up for the next the rest of the year.

Excitement for Future Developments

And I’m also excited to be a part of it. Likewise. Really excited about what you guys are up to.

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