Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space FOMO HOUR: Markets pumping, TRON dead & BSC is back, NFTs, and more hosted by farokh. Explore the latest insights and discussions from the FOMO HOUR space, where industry experts dive into market trends, TRON's status, BSC resurgence, NFT innovations, and more. Discover how market volatility influences investments, the impact of community engagement on project success, and the importance of diversification in crypto portfolios. Stay informed about emerging technologies, risk management strategies, and the significance of monitoring market sentiments to navigate the evolving crypto landscape effectively.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How does market volatility influence investment strategies?
A: Volatility affects asset prices, risk assessments, and short-term trading decisions.

Q: Why is TRON's decline significant for the crypto community?
A: TRON's decline raises concerns about project sustainability, leadership changes, and ecosystem support.

Q: What factors contribute to the resurgence of BSC?
A: Enhancements in scalability, security, and user experience contribute to BSC's renewed interest and growth.

Q: Why are NFTs considered attractive for investors and creators?
A: NFTs offer unique ownership, digital asset monetization, and creative possibilities, attracting both investors and creators.

Q: How can community engagement impact project success?
A: Engaging with the community fosters support, feedback, and loyalty, driving project growth and sustainability.

Q: What are the benefits of diversifying crypto portfolios?
A: Diversification spreads risk, hedges against market fluctuations, and enhances overall portfolio resilience.

Q: What role do emerging technologies play in the industry's evolution?
A: New technologies drive innovation, efficiency, and competitiveness within the crypto and NFT ecosystem.

Q: How can individuals navigate risks in the crypto space?
A: Risk management strategies involve thorough research, due diligence, and a balanced approach to investment.

Q: Why is it essential to stay informed about market trends?
A: Monitoring trends enables informed decision-making, risk mitigation, and strategic positioning in the market.

Q: How does community feedback influence project development?
A: Community feedback guides project iterations, feature enhancements, and user-centric design decisions.


Time: 00:15:47
Market Volatility Impacts Exploring how market fluctuations influence investor sentiment and trading strategies.

Time: 00:25:12
TRON's Decline and Community Response Analyzing the implications of TRON's performance on investor trust and market dynamics.

Time: 00:35:30
BSC's Resurgence and Technical Upgrades Unpacking the reasons behind BSC's resurgence and the technological improvements driving growth.

Time: 00:45:19
NFT Trends and Investment Opportunities Discussing the latest trends in NFTs, market demands, and investment strategies.

Time: 00:55:08
Community Engagement and Project Success Emphasizing the impact of community engagement on project adoption, loyalty, and sustainability.

Time: 01:05:42
Portfolio Diversification Strategies Exploring the benefits of diversifying crypto portfolios to manage risks and optimize returns.

Time: 01:15:27
Innovation and Emerging Technologies Highlighting the role of innovation and emerging tech in shaping the future of the crypto and NFT landscape.

Time: 01:25:09
Risk Management in Crypto Investments Examining best practices for risk management in volatile crypto markets and investment ventures.

Time: 01:35:15
Market Trends Monitoring Importance of staying informed about market trends to make strategic decisions and navigate industry shifts.

Time: 01:45:20
Community Feedback and Development The significance of community feedback in driving project enhancements, user experience, and platform growth.

Key Takeaways

  • Market volatility impacts investment decisions and asset values.
  • TRON's decline raises questions about project sustainability and community support.
  • BSC's revival indicates the resilience and adaptability of decentralized platforms.
  • NFTs continue to be a significant focus for innovation and investment opportunities.
  • Engaging with industry leaders offers valuable insights and networking opportunities.
  • Monitoring market sentiments and trends is crucial for informed decision-making.
  • Balancing risk and reward is essential when navigating the crypto and NFT space.
  • Community engagement plays a pivotal role in the success and growth of projects.
  • Diversification of assets and portfolios can help mitigate risks in volatile markets.
  • Exploring new platforms and technologies is vital for staying competitive and relevant in the industry.

Behind the Mic

Discussion About Griffin

Griffin. Griffin, I see you. Griffin, I see you. Did you. Did you mendo you. You. I mean, Griffin's been working really closely to over lately, right? And, like, he's. He's. He's, like, fully team. Part of, like, the red guy team, right? Like, full time. Yeah. Did he tell you if he did it? Like, I'm pretty sure he did it, right. He hasn't said a word, but he. What do you think? Because you know him at this. You guys are really close. Like. Yeah. Gentlemen. A gentleman never tells. I think so. I know gentlemen never tells, but, like, what is yours? Like, you have a good, like, sense of things. Like, do you think he did it? I don't know. I just don't know. I honestly don't. I feel like. I feel like he probably did, but he would never say. Yeah, let's see that. See, that's why he's a gentleman, right? Like, he. He even looks the part, right? He's tall. His blonde, blue eyes. Six five, blue eyes in finance, you know? But, But I think he did it. See, he's throwing hundreds. Zanzibar. What up? What up? Having fun? What's up, guns? It's been a while. Guns. When you taking me golfing, dude? The fuck? What up, punishek? What's up, Harvey? What's up, bonsai t pan med x. What up, Art? Mommy. What up, jingle? What up, Murph? What up, Logan? What up, gravy boy? What up? What up? What up? What up?

Morning Conversation

To the usual suspects. All right, tops. Kick it, baby. Good morning. Good morning. GMG. No, no. Thursday. Fuck is it? This week is so long, dude. Oh, my God. I have a headache. We're not live on. On air. Tabs on video. Thursday, August. Maybe it's glitching. I don't know. It says scheduled. It doesn't say we're live. Let me try hitting the light. Oh, we're live. We're live. Reliable. what day is it? I've had it today. Thursday. August 22. Oh, my God. 2024. Four. Four. Look at that. Another beautiful day to have a beautiful day. Another busy as fuck day to have a busiest fuck day. Another day that f crammed up 17 meetings in my day where I don't even have time to go for a piss. I go. Sorry. I looked. I opened the calendar app to know what date it is and on my schedule today, and I won't throw up. Anyway, I got my co host in the house, Tyler Mandel. How you guys doing today? Doing good, man. How about you? I was doing good until I opened my schedule. Tyler, how you doing? I'm good, Ethan. Of teeth, green pudgies back over ten. Crypto showing some green. And I'm marked safe from. From tron. No, but are you marked safe? Man, those memes might be personal attacks at me. I am safe. I'm not the guy in the obstacle course beaten up. I marked safe as well. I'm curious to see if someone launched this coin we suggested yesterday, the Jackson or the sun protected thing or let's see where Capri sun is today.

Crypto Market Sentiment

Our favorite tron coin that we don't own, but that we inspired. And I am. I'm Mark safe as well. The question is, are you marked safe from army? Oh, God. It's not me asking. It's someone in the show just literally said, Tyler is safe from Trump. But what about army? I'm never sawing my army. All right, perfect. You're, like, a great community member. You remind me of me yesterday, and then. Because I'm a community member, if anyone is. And then are you marked safe from BSC? Yes. Okay. That's another chain. I don't know how to bridge to. That. Well, today show today. Today. What do we got? What do you. Okay, we got the broadcast leg also. DJ market report. Remember, DJ market report. As usual, we'll talk macro. We'll talk this little, like, squiggly lines that Tyler sent into the group chat earlier to see if we're going up or down. I don't know where we're going, but you tell me where we're going, guys, because we've been chopping. It seems like we're gonna keep chopping for a minute. Tyler's top 100. Let's see what Tyler's got in store for us today. And that's about it. So without further ado. Without further ado, let's get right into it. Can you dig it, GM? So we're a little bit better. It feels like today went above sixty k, at least. And then we're so back around 61k.

Market Dynamics

Bitcoin's still been slightly outperforming everything else, but generally a slightly better sentiment. It felt like were breaking out of a recent, basically a trend, but, well, we still haven't broken out of 61k, but we're definitely at the upper end of that trend, which is traditionally just broken down again. But I think people are feeling a little bit more positive around this one. Just because funding was so negative and sentiment was so negative, we might be able to break out of it, but let's see over the next 12 hours if we see any more momentum. Stocks again were high yesterday. There was talk from the Fed minutes that we probably will see a rate cut in September. I think it looks more likely that it will be a 25 bpper. But let's see. You have drone Powell speaking tomorrow. So I think that'll be what most people are looking at. But macro is quiet and strong. That's basically how I would talk about it. Normally we see some volatility going into September. Traditionally, September is not actually that great a month for stocks. You often see quite a lot of volatility around that time. I would be unsurprised if we saw that again. So, yeah, that's where we're kind of at in terms of crypto specific stuff.

Political Influences on Crypto

We had the DNC, we had some talk from a Kamala aid. One of her economic advisors basically said she's going to be more pro crypto. So there are a few headlines around that, whether you will believe her or nothing. XYz, it looks increasingly like RFK is going to drop out. There were stories yesterday that he could become CIA director under Trump, but the expectation on testing drops out by tomorrow. Can you pause there 1 second? Yeah. So I don't mean to cut you out, but. So CIA director, is that for real? Yeah. What does that mean? The CIA reports directly to the president. Right. But is he like, was he like an ex CIA agent? Like, was he like, is he like, what's that? How does one become CIA? Like, you'd be surprised at the history of the CIA director. I don't know their history. It's often like a bureaucratic position or a bureaucrat that gets those sort of roles. But, yeah, the CIA is meant to report directly into the president, right. It's the executive branch of his power. So you can, like, the president does appoint the CIA director.

Historical Context

It's not like some independent unit. So there'll be some power there. Obviously, he doesn't have any experience in that. I. Did RFK even serve? I don't know if he did. Yeah, I don't know history. Hold on. He may have was 7th of nine children, he later recalled. And when you come from that far down, you have struggles. Right? He attended Milton Academy after wartime service in the Navy. Received his. I guess he did, sir. Yeah, he did serve from. For the naval reserve. Wait, hold on. No, sorry. That's. That can be him. Sorry. It's Kennedy. Ken. Robert Kennedy. It's the wrong one because I'm like, wait, what he didn't serve from 1944. This guy wasn't fucking. Okay, hold on. Wrong one. I don't know, dude. That's the answer. I really don't know. Okay. Well, I mean, he has a history of all of his family members facing allegations of being killed by the CIA, so who knows? It's kind of a hilarious role for him to get.

Implications for Future

Let's see. Let's see what happens. Yeah, I mean, it's probably a subject. Matter, actually very much changed the tone of the race, I think, or it will have a swing in the race, I'm sure. And Trump's odds have been rising as those rumors have. Have continued. Really? So his odds of winning have shot up. There's been a reflip of him versus Kamala, which has been relatively interesting to see. Yeah, I don't really know what to make of that, really. But it does feel as though crypto will take that positively. But it's good to see that Kamala is also seemingly a more pro crypto. That, though the difference is that you see Trump saying it directly. I think the Trump sons have actually announced another thing even today, whereas Kamala, you hear whispers of, like, an aide says she will do this rather than she. She's not gonna. She doesn't seem to be mentioning crypto at all directly.

Contrasting Crypto Policies

And I don't know, a plan or not. They're, like, on opposite ends of the extreme, like, the comma. Edmund and her campaign advisors, they don't even want to say the word crypto. Like, yeah, they're talking about it in the bucket of emerging tech. And the Trump family is actively launching new protocols, like decrypt launch. Just dropped the story this morning that Donald Trump, he promoted his son's products on truth social, the defiant ones. So, like, something is definitely coming. I don't know if you can pull up the link. Yeah. Yeah. So scroll down a little bit and then click the link in the social. The true social account. Yes. And then scroll down to the second post and you can actually see first. Time on truth social. Yeah, yeah, same for me too. For too long, the average american has been squeezed by big banks and financial elites. It's time to take a stand together, be defined.

Community Reactions

Should we go into that telegram and see what's going on? Okay. I'm too scared. The article says there's only 25,000 members in there. I also thought that was. There's 29,896 now. Okay, so it's up a bit to 29,000. I mean, I thought Ansem's channel had like, that many more. So I would have expected a few more for the. The Trump brothers. But, I mean, after, like, 17 rug pulls is tough, right? It's like, are they doing too much? Like, is this. I almost feel like they're going to delay the launch of this because if it's not a good project, does that muddy up his stance on crypto? This is that, like, real estate project, right. It's. I don't think we know exactly what it is. It seems like a way of, like, getting collateral of some kind via crypto.

Potential Developments

Oh, wow. Yeah. I mean, Defi is like, the way that they've been speaking about it is like a DeFi finance for all, like, microfinancing of people who can't get credit in other places, which is, to be fair, that is true about defi. You don't have a credit score when you go into hundred percent space. So maybe that's something they want to talk about. But. I know, but do we trust. No, man. I was gonna say, like, I definitely agree with the lack of, you know, the whole, like, problem in the USA. We're like, you can. You can't get shit for shit if you just have a bad credit score, let's say. But do we trust Trump junior? I don't think the Trumps are going to be the people. The Trump family at least is going to be the people, particularly given their history of crypto.

Market Insights

It seems like right now. Yeah. But at the same time, there is a stock difference between them and Kamala, who just doesn't even say anything about it. Yeah, 100%. That's definitely for sure on the market. Still, Mando Tyler this morning sent us a chart. And yes, he did. You know, it's been so boring that we should, on the market side, that we should talk about this chart. So, Tyler, do you want to tell me what this chart is? And then I'd like to hear Mendel's thoughts here. Yeah. Shout out to our friends over at Milk Road. I think they've been doing a good job with these visuals lately. So they have a chart here showing the DXY and the global m two money supply.

Economic Indicators

And what the data is showing here is DXY potentially starting to break down means a weaker dollar, and then the money into the money supply looks like it's breaking up. I'm curious for Mando's thoughts on this, but in general, and I'm newer to these economic indicators, but I feel like, aren't these the two most important metrics to watch? Couldn't you make a case that all that really matters is the m two money supply from a lens of risk assets and crypto majors, that if it's going to start breaking out, that. Yeah, so this is just us m two money supply. I guess this is both positive, but this is kind of what I guess a lot of people have been saying. This is really bullish for bitcoin, and bitcoin dominance keeps on going higher.

Market Performance

Like, bitcoin is up again today, and Ethan Solana are mixed. So just be cognizant of that money printing. The things that make gold go up are making bitcoin go up. Well, look at this beautiful staircase. It hasn't necessarily trend. Like, bitcoin dominance is up like 20% in the course of two years. That's insane. Yeah, I have it pulled up here. It's actually pretty impressive. So it may not be good for. It's not necessarily good for our tron, but it's good. That's funny. Damn. But that's an important point, right? I think. I don't know that a lot of folks track this.

Analytical Insights

Like, I'm speaking from. From my personal experience. Like, it wasn't really, you know, a set of factors that were really on my radar just a few years ago. It feels like it's pretty important. It's actually up 48%, Mando. No, it's in, like, the actual absolute. Oh, yeah, okay, got it. Yeah, yeah.

Bitcoin's Bullish Environment

Because it's a percentage figure, but yeah, I just think that this is the sort of environment where people feel pretty bullish, actually, on bitcoin. But let's go through all the others. They all the others are kind of dependent on the activity on those chains. Right at the moment, we've just seen everyone moving all their meme coin trading to other chains. So you're sitting there in Solana right now, you're going, oh, well, maybe this is a time that BNB source or this is a time that Tron saws or something like that, because people are maybe moving on to different Ponzi's. And for ETH, I think it's just a longer term cook because you're hoping for the l two infrastructure to build out a lot more, let's say. So I guess what I'm trying to say is just that this seems bullish for bitcoin and probably cryptos. Total market cap. But just beware of what you own right now.

Current Trends in Crypto

Yeah, it feels like a period of slowing down activity in crypto or like more people, like just the ogs sticking around again. But yeah, we could still see bitcoin go higher. So on this note, so you're talking about it's good for bitcoin. Let's look through the other assets. So interestingly, Franklin Templeton, their digital assets team dropped their latest white paper yesterday. They've been doing a series of what would have been two-page, very concise white papers on a variety of crypto topics. I think they're pretty well written. Yesterday they did eth restaking and Eigen layer and it's four pages and it's much more dense. And I think that's actually a reflection of one of the issues with the Ethereum that is its complexity. And you want to sit down and read this four-page white paper about a three-stick. I probably honestly, like, I actually advise the people to read the Franklin Templeton overviews. They're very good papers.

Insights on Market Sentiment and Future Trends

Yeah, I'm making a joke. They produce great content. But I know what you mean. I'm definitely not reading it on the show. And it's Bush. Look, it looks like every time, yeah, of course. I guess every time I hear bullish for crypto, bro, I got like a $1000 long, so like I'm a bitcoin investor. Right. But that's what I said yesterday in that post which you picked up on is like, we all, if you look at bitcoin itself, pretty strong. I mean, I agree with you. I loved your post yesterday. That's why I retweeted so fast. Like, here, let’s pull it up so people know what you’re referring to because in between all your memes, you know, you still, you are like, we got to stop through. Some of the memes after this.

Market Analysis and Financial Indicators

Yeah, after this one, we're going through men, those memes. You're right. So bitcoin price perspective, that was Mandel's post yesterday. February difference now is that sentiment is way down, funding is near all-time lows and stable coin TVL is up $30 billion. We can go so much higher. Samantha, you want to? Do you want to? I mean, you sum it up pretty well here, but I don't know if you want to. That's basically what it is. Like, how did you feel about in February? Like, you probably felt like, oh my God, we can just go, yeah, like we're going to. And actually, if you look at this right now, we can go a lot higher now than we could back then. Like this setup versus that setup.

Evaluations of Trajectories and Market Dynamics

That setup looks stretched. You know, RSI was like a ridiculous level. Bitcoin had rallied without really an increase in stablecoin. TVL or other money coming into crypto and you’d had a. And funding it, made new member funding back then. Like, we had wicks. Remember when used to post it every. Day in like a day? It was like, red. Yeah. So I think just be cognizant of that. Like, it might feel really bad over the six months, but actually the market's really just set itself up now. You know, it set itself up in quite a good foundation. I'm not saying we can't go lower, and there are a few. Like, I do think one of the main risks right now is that people are probably slightly drifting away from the more speculative stuff.

Outlook for Bitcoin and Market Drivers

But bitcoin itself, bitcoin here, with a little bit of positive news could really go. And it could go. And if it starts going, it could also go to, like, 100K. But what’s the start going at this level? Like, all those metrics are quite low. Like, you can really pick up. So I want to ask you about this, like, what more positive news can we get? Like, all the positive news we’ve already gotten. Like, we have so many positive news already. Like, like, people say that it was like, yesterday we had the news about, like, BlackRock and how much volume is going through bitcoin ETF. Like, it was $758 million in one day. Like, I feel like we have so many good headlines, right? Like, even Trump is ahead by, like, five points now, which is technically positive for bitcoin.

Market Movement and Economic Indicators

What sort of positive news do you think it takes to actually move this market? I've said it so many times, but I do think it's the election that gets us above that level. But I also think that's the only thing that causes that jolt. But until then, the Fed going to start lowering rates, potentially some weakness, ongoing weakness in the dollar and money printing. M two, money supply picking up globally. Those are more tailwinds, maybe undercurrents that push things, but they are things that will become very relevant if it starts to build up momentum into the election. Yeah, you're right. I mean, that bitcoin chart looks good to me. So I definitely think that higher is a heavy possibility here.

Technical Analysis and Market Sentiment

I mean, we've been ranging nicely, and you used to talk about lower higher lows and all this stuff, remember? So that's all I'm seeing. You know, my Mando metrics, they're doing good. Speaking of Mando, Tyler, let's go through these memes. So you seem to really be enjoying you. See you. I love that how much? I mean, I got Mando's notifications on, so I see all his fucking memes, like, say, so let's. Let's have a look at your. Let's. Let's have a segment during this boring market where we go through Mando's daily meme. So I met the criteria to be selected, but I wasn't. I don't know when everybody in the group has made money.

Exploring Memes and Market Reactions

Me, of course. Oh, my God. Enough. Definitely a personal attack. This is a classic, epic one. Yeah, you have to slide the epic meme coin trace. Bridging to listen again. Meme coin trailer is braising two minutes. Long, but it is incredible. What’s the tagline? The tagline is meme coin traders bridging to Tron, BNB, and FTM and losing money on all three. So this one, I guess that’s the BNB one. Oh, and he’s back down now. He’s going to. Hold on. He’s going FTM. Oh no, he’s going FTm. He’s going to FTM. He’s going FTM.

Trading Strategies and Market Behavior

Oh, he actually makes money on this one. Okay. Okay. He makes money on this one. Oh no, he's struggling. He's not looking good, though, by the end of it. Oh, my God. This is so crypto traders making $10 on the $100 you lost yesterday. That. That's me. That's me. That's me. That's literally me. I love that one time. I bullpose a lot of memes. Up 20% after the 90%. This is Tyler posting like a 10% pump on pups after being down like half a million dollars.

Navigating the Crypto Landscape

Oh yeah, 100%. Everyone has. Everyone has the same thing. It’s like, this is me and Tyler on pups. Like, literally, like, oh, it’s up to $40 million, but, like, we. We missed a pump to a billion dollars, like six months ago. It’s the only way to get through the pain. I agree. I agree with you. I agree with you. Speaking of pain, I mean, probably not pain because things seems to be doing pretty good. Let's see what tally's got in store for us for daily NFT and crypto analysis. Tyler D on FOMO hour calls.

Daily Crypto Analysis and Market Movements

The kid can read a bash. All right. Yeah. For starters, crypto majors rebounded up two to 3% on the day. Bitcoin was leading right around 61k this morning, as Mando mentioned Kamala Harris. Their campaign did pledge support for crypto in a roundtable yesterday at the DNC, though, to mostly negative reactions from. From crypto, Twitter. No shocker there. We talked about Franklin Templeton. They published their latest crypto white paper on ethnic restaking an Eigen layer four pages long versus their standard two. And then we saw Ripple. Former Ripple execs have raised $8 million for AI agent crypto payments, a crypto payments network called Skyfire.

Innovations and Developments in the Crypto World

So what could go wrong with an AI agents payment network called Skyfire? In protocol news, we saw EnS partner with dentity to bring real world identities on chain so EnS holders could connect their personal information to their ENS domain if they so choose. A lot of competition is going on during this kind of boring summer. So Monad, their Monad madness pitch competition with $1 million in prizes. There's just one week left to apply for that optimism is hosting the Sunnies, a super chain award ceremony with $770,000 in prizes for anyone who has been building on any of the super chain blockchains.

Opportunities and Trends in NFT and Crypto

And then magic in their wallet went live on iOS android yesterday, along with a $100,000 mint fest prize pool. So if you're eligible for any of those, go check out those contests here. Perhaps some money up for grabs. And memes meme majors were green on the day, I think, up five to 10%. McDonald's. Oh, no. Oh, yeah. And a meme coin grimace lost briefly running, I think the 20 million at peak before a brutal rug. So I'm sure we’ll get into that a little bit.

Trends in Market Sentiment and Activity

We saw Tron memes cool off both Sundog, the leader. That Sundog is still sunny. $211 million market cap here this morning. And sun pump, their version of pump fund. They flipped pump on and daily revenue yesterday, so we'll see how long that lasts. But meantime, while the attention is off, Solana memes are heating up a little bit. Mid tiers up 20% to 30%. Then, somewhat surprisingly, the Trump coin on ETH, up 50%. Actually, one of the. One of the defiant thing right on the day.

NFT Market Dynamics and Current Performances

yeah, that. That could very well be part of the driver and nfts. A few quick headlines here. Ethan's continue to rally punches up to 10.4. EtH punks fell a bit, down to 27.6 doodles. This is a cool partnership with Zora. You can. Now they're launching, minting and trading of social shorts, so you can tokenize some of those shorts that go viral, and trade them. And then board apes. They're playing poker in the Metaverse.

Community Engagement in the NFT Space

There is a. I think it was a high-stakes poker tournament in the other side yesterday, I think our friend Obi played in turn. Yeah, he got knocked out by Machi. The irony. Seemingly good reviews. I saw Mike McDonald mocking the tournament a little bit, but mostly good reviews. That’s actually wasn't was a fun one. Mike McDonald was also calling for punks to go lower. The data started pumping.

Analyzing Trends in Market and Trading

So, yeah, I want to. So first of all, let's. We'll go back to the Trump thing. But it’s funny that Trump example of the token is the exact example of Mandel's me. Like, it’s up like 10%, 50% after being down like 85%. So, like, because like, when you pull up the chart, it’s actually so funny. It’s like, that’s the pump. Right? But before we go there, I want to go to magic Eden because during the show, Tyler, so obviously you couldn’t have caught on that they announced a token launch.

Recent Developments in NFT Platforms

Oh, shit. So Liddy just happened. Bail us out. This just happened. Yeah. So this is breaking news here. Oh, I never get to play my button. Hold on, hold on. I never get to play my muse button. This just in. Hell yeah. Rogue radio, breaking news. Well, on the back of what Tyler did, it was talking about for magic Eden launching this thingy here. Announcing me ticker sign. Powering the number ground, a number one cross-chain DApps ecosystem.

Launching New Initiatives in the Crypto Ecosystem

People should be able to trade fungible NFTs on any major chain anytime, all in one place. First, me will be adopted by Magic Eden, the largest BTC Dapp NFT platform, and Rune dex. The ticker sign me claim will be in magic eating wallets available on iOS android. After claim, Emmy incentives will live in the wallet users and our x chain and mobile. So crossing mobile, most dapps are not dapps on board users. Infra alone does not. The future of on-chain will be limitless and seamless for everyone.

Speculation on Market Performance and Innovations

So, Tyler, I mean, so we don't. Have a date, but we have more details on the token. Looks like they’re following the blast model, so they’re going to make you download the wallet instead of like, the blast app. Fair to claim, but I mean, this is a nice potential NFT bailout, right? I think a lot of traders across chain have a decent amount of tokens. Like, I think I’ve got like, you know, 300,000 or so. So. And I didn’t really farm this at all.

Evaluating Potential Market Caps

And so let's take a look at. Let's start projecting market caps for this. What's blur at? What is blur trading at? Seeing 320 million market cap. 530 million FDV blur. Yeah. Yeah. Fully diluted. 528. So I'm pulling up the NFT marketplace stats. So TXo, I think is a great source for this. Oh, wow. Opensea's back on top. In the monthly volume they have 104 million. That's magic.

Comparing NFT Marketplaces

Eden is number two. I can send you the link here. I forgot. Oh, txo. My bad. Yeah. Magic keys number two. Blur is number three. Men's keys. Basically neck and neck with blur. How is on top from. From which this weird polygon volume. They're doing a ton of volume of polygon. So what's this? Yeah, let's. There’s quite a lot about this.

Addressing Market Trends and Challenges

Like it’s a lot of wash volume happening right now on Polygon and blast actually. Where do you. Which is driving all the volumes, all chains. Polygon. What is being traded so much? That's like this. It's court number and that's. You know what's the best website for is crypto slam. Yeah. They're pretty good for that too.

Final Thoughts on Market Fluctuations

Open. I don't know about open sea specifically. Yeah. So this black myth. Wukong. Yeah. I don't know. Yeah. Polygons got 1.9 million on the day. Higher than bitcoin. Oh, Wukong. But isn't that the Tron shit? Yeah. I'm not familiar with these specific projects. Yeah. Anyways, it’s big news. Open season.

Discussion on BNB and Its Potential

Yeah. We need another bone. Ideally one that. That I get into BNB. What do you think about that, though, as a chain, like, versus the others? BnB seems like, because BNB was last cycle, and, you know, there's obviously a lot of money on Binance. You know, I can. Tron feels like no one wants to be on drone, right? And everyone's just hoping that. That Justin sun bids you. Bids you up in your coins. But I feel like BNB. BNB is $100 billion chain, right? And these are the guys that run up all the Solana meme coins this cycle, right? Like, those are the guys who ran up with. I think they ran up a ton of the other mid tier coins as well, probably boem included, and a few others. Right, and then they get the listing, and then it's. I don't know. I could see a cycle happening on BNB is basically what I'm saying. Much more than Tron. Much, much more than drawn.

Evaluation of BNB vs Tron

Yeah, I'm not going to argue with that. Your thesis makes sense. I think I missed the BNB cycle from last go around. I've been reading a lot of. It's spilled over to Ethereum right away, though. CBB, the number one blur farmer, he's been posting all this origin story wins, and apparently a lot of his wins came from the early BSC days. Sniping tokens. So clearly there was a cohort over there. I still feel like I've got exposure to it. I actually do think that BNB will stick better than Tron Mando for the reason that the normies from last cycle already know how pancakeswap and all those things work. So they have already been on BSC, right? Is BSC right? Well, they launched. They launched their own version of pump fun, so. I. I know. I saw it. It's kind of shit, though. Like, you showed it to me yesterday, right?

Concerns About Pump Fund Derivatives

Let me pull it up. It's called four dot. Mean. Yeah, so what? I actually want to expand the conversation too, because that's something I told you, man, yesterday. Like, what do you think about all these pump fun derivatives? Like, I genuinely think that none of them is going to succeed over time, and that pump fund is probably going to stick around for the reason that, like, even on Solana, like, when Dexcreener launched moonshot, have you guys ever heard, you heard of one person using moonshot? I've never heard one person use moonshot. And like all the others, copycats have gone to zero. And also, like, as tough as pump fun. Like, ui is. This is really just not good. Like, this is not. Is this compelling to you guys? It doesn't look amazing to me. I think this is going to be a theme, though.

Trends in Meme Coins and Binance

I think there's one which is launched for Avax and Phantom. Of course. This one which is launched for BNB, is one which is going to launch for Cardano. This is going to be a theme. And like, for example, the number one traded coin in meme coins yesterday was something called binance dog, which traded 75 million. And it was the first coin on this four dot. Wow. Just type in binance so it'll be number one on deck. There's also Simon, sister. Binance Grok. Oh, binance dog. There it is. Wow. 78 million. No, that may not. Here's Simon's cat, too. Okay. Wow. Simon's cat's already done 40 million. The volumes are big is basically what I'm saying. Like, it's. It's. There's definitely more BNB whales.

Comparing Transaction Fees and User Experience

Finance dog here. Finance here. I got it. Boom. It's here. Yes. So 11 million and traded 77 and a half million yesterday. Like, that's. That's not small compared to Solana meme coins now. So I think this. There may be a little bit to this. Like, the fact that we could. This could be done on multiple chains. I agree that majority will be on Solana, but people haven't been making money on Solana. I definitely would do moving to Tron or Phantom or even Avax is where you make money. But I can see it happening on B and B. Like, that's why all the other shit corning was happening, right? Yeah. How hard is it for pump to launch on different chains? I think that's. So I think you're either going to have, like, one pump competitor, one on each chain, or you're going to have someone go, multi chain and you can just do it all in a one stop shop.

Concerns Regarding the Transition

I don't know, the complexity of that. Yeah, I think they're just going to move quickly because it's clear, like, if any of these people start making million dollars a day, they're going to have a decent moat. Yeah, I. I guess. I think. I think. I think the BNB thing has way more legs than, like, a tron thing, though. I do agree with that. The reason being that people already were trading on BNB last cycle. Like, literally, Nermeen, that's all I thought, as well. It was just like, okay, well, maybe they go back. Yeah. Like, normies were trading, and, like, a signal for normal came in. Oh, look like this crypto thing is popping again on binance.

Brand Recognition and User Trust

But, I mean, like, they don't. Every Normie knows about finance, right? As a name, like, the word binance, it's like, when you talk about nfts, people go, oh, like those apes, right? Like, when you talk about crypto, like, binance, like the. And Coinbase, right? Like, the two biggest brands in crypto, right? I think. Or a theorem is a brand. Bitcoin as a brand, like, finance as a. I mean, like, they're the most known things. I think there's likes to BNB stuff. I would actually bridge to BNB to trade chickens there, personally speaking. What do you think? It feels like it's got more legs. Right? Like, you're not. You can keep your money over there and not get worried about it.

Transaction Fees and Volume Comparison

I didn't realize the fees on Tron, but I was looking at this morning. So Tron dominated in 24 hours fees at 3.84 million. But that's more than three x. What a theorem did. But they only did it on 183 million in volume. The volume, and got one third of the fees. And similar story for BSc. So BSc only did 390k in feast. They did 10% of Tron on five x volume. This is why, like, if you're handing handling money laundering, then you can charge a lot of fees for it. It's pancakeswap finance. The right website. Is that what it was back then? I think it's just pancake swap.

User Experience with PancakeSwap

No? Okay. Pancakeswap to finance. Yeah, I think that is it. Right? See, the good thing about pancakeswap, you can use it directly on your metamask, and you don't have to go through another wallet like Tron. You don't have to go through all their hurdles. Normies, even though metamask is, like, so pass a Ui wise and ux, they use metamask. Normies use Phantom now, because of soul. You can use pancake swap on Phantom. And, like, I think you're right, man. I think there's way more legs on BSc BNB than there is on. On. And also, the Dexs work well. Like, pancakeswap is a good Dex. Well, it's a Dex.

Comparison of Trading Experiences

It's nothing. I think Solano is easily the best experience when you're trying to buy anything, like. No, that's a given. People have been complaining that the fees are really high on Tron. So, like, if you were to buy 100 tron or something, these sometimes, like, 10%. Unbelievable. Some of the fees that people are paying. So it feels like that's a dangerous place to, like, shit going on. Load cap stuff. But there's a lot of money on BNB, a lot of users. And there's also, like, the classic, you know, because people have been doing this on base a little bit. Right? There's been some shit going on base.

Market Dynamics and Investment Opportunities

And they had, like, a base season, right? But the thing is, they suck, those memes on base, whereas BNB, they're actually good memes. Like 1.5 billion. No, or 2 billion. Right? Like, could you see a. I'm not saying you have a Solana type season, but could you see a base star season happen on BNB? Yes, I think so. I'm jumping. I'm jumping quite a lot. I'm just saying. Wouldn't be surprised. Like, look how easy it is to use, right? More likely to try. Yeah.

Ease of Use and User Adoption

So look at. But look at this, right? I'm here, I'm connected, right? I'm on, I'm on. I'm packing swap boom here. Switch network. Done. I'm now trading on BNB, right? I mean, this is the. This is how easy it is to use, right? Like, I got a metamask pop up because they didn't see. On screen, switch network time, right? Like, it's. You still have money there. I know, but, like, the bridges, like, takes 2 seconds, right? You can go on, like, slingshot, probably, or on the orbiter or may.

Addressing Bridge Reliability and Safety

And finance, or, I don't know, like, any. Any proper bridge, right? See? Yeah, there you go. Main finance, right? And so, for, like, man is the bridge. I use for. For. For my solana, right? And it uses wormhole. I just go here, look, you pick, boom. BnB bSc at him. Done. Like, so. That's actually not a bad shout, man, though, actually. No, I'm. I'm gonna do it. I'll let you guys know how it goes in the bic trenches.

Investment Strategies and Market Reflections

What are you gonna buy? I don't know. I'm gonna take some, like. All right, we'll pull up the board. Let's take a look at some of these. So you've got Simon's cat, finance dog. I'll give it a shot. I'll put ten. Here's. I'll. I'll move ten grand. And we can keep. Keep track here. But. Okay, so on binance here on deck, screener. Right? This is going to actually kill the Tron season if it hasn't already? I don't know, but I think there's a good chance.

Assessments of Current Trends and Meme Coins

But yeah, by its cat, Banner's dog. Banner's cat. And Simon's cat. What else? Simon. Cz, Pepe. That's dead, though. Don't buy that. Instead of counter cake hooking. Oh, I like this one because that's like, you know, four. Oh, God. For your corn. That's. That's. That was eight for me. Oh, my God. We're gonna be in trouble for this. Oh, it's new. And it just launched on the 11th.

Observations on Recently Launched Coins

Yeah, because this just launched and it's like. It's not, so. I know. That's also the. That's also the name of their pump. Do we. Is the name of the platform? I think it was only been live for a week. Do we. There's levels to this one. Do we think that the old cycles BSc coins, like the top ones, come back with. There was some talk about the fact that. What was that infamous rug ass.

Recollections of Previous Coins and Market Dynamics

No, no. Wasn't asked coin on BSC back then. That's. Maybe that's. That's not the one. What's the moon one? What's the moon? Safemoon. Safe moon. That one was rallying a little bit, apparently. Yes. No, we're not doing that. Someone said that in the chat, like, safe moon is rally. This is where my last cycles bsc coins. But I think you could probably play some of these. I'm being told ferocious should use D bridge so much faster.

Cautions Regarding Bridging Options and Safety

And airdrop coming. I don't want to endorse it because I've never used it, so I know how safe it is. But I guess. Do your research if you're into these bridges and stuff. I use my end because I've used my end for a lot of money and it's never failed me. Also, be careful, everyone, when we talk about these things. If you Google things, sometimes a first sponsored post on Google is a scam, and it will take over your computer and you will lose everything.

Warnings About Scams and Best Practices

So also, be careful when you google the tools that we're talking about, please, just as a heads up, what are we thinking, lads? I mean, baby doge, 150 mil. Four is your coin. I don't know why you're talking. I. Dude, I bought the jebus for scam this cycle on Ethereum, bro, and that didn't work out well for me. Like, I already bought a four coin. You should filter. So the age is like seven days.

Insights on the Cryptocurrency Landscape

Like, the max is like seven days. Yeah. A thousand hours. Yeah, but I. Now you're. You're making me super bullish because this was the cycle this summer, like last year, we're like, ass coin, titty coin. All the celebrities like, come rocket safe, moon, like, he's getting out of jail, dude. He's easy's about to get out of jail, dude. I forgot, dude. And he's getting out of jail. We need to front row.

Excitement Around New Opportunities

Oh, my God, dude, we. Yo, I am for sure bridging. I am bridging for fucking. I am selling. I just got an 18th bid on my fucking. But how's it is, I'll take the 18 eth on my doomed and I'll bridge all of it. It is such a different trade. You lose all of your money. But, yeah, I did. I literally just got 19. Yeah, I just said, I'll take 19 e. So he bid 18, I'll take the 19 eth.

Strategies for Trading and Market Transactions

I'll put 19th in the bank, right. I'm trying to keep some liquidity for when we get big flushes to long those. And I'll put ten eth on binance and we'll all do a ten eth challenge. How's it, what do you buy? What's your coin? I don't know, bro. Plus, I'm not going to go down that route because, you know, this cycle, I have played my cycle route, right?

Navigating the Current Trading Cycle

I'm not going to tell anyone what I'm buying, nor am I going to promote the coins and buying binance cat. 1 million, finance dog at 10 million or binance hatred at 300k. You know, you take a blue chip. I'm going to enter every single pre sale. I like finance dog. Yeah. All right, I guess we're sharing our screen.

Final Thoughts on Investment Strategies

All right, you get the dog versus dog, tron versus.

Market Cap Discussion

So how do we look? We go by market cap on the right hand side, right? I like to put it by market cap. Right? Finance cat, you're competing with Simon's cat. You don't want to be competing with Simon's cat today. I mean, honestly, a good large bet. The cake coin itself, pancakeswap is saying. That BNB could be along. Well, BNB is already, like, really high, though, right? Like, cuz because keep in mind CZ has not been able to dump his things because he's away. I would be wary of BNB as he's getting out. But, like, what about cake itself? If you believe that, like, it's like, cake is like the jupe of BNB, right? Yeah. I don't know what the mock cap is, but, yeah, I have it on screen. I have it on screen 466. Market cap. 719. FDV. Yeah, maybe, like, look at. Wow. Look at this mean reversal here. Right there. Right? Like, if you believe I'm not on. There to play a defi coin, though, you know, I'm on there to make a ten x.

Market Analysis

Can this not be a ten x? Jupiter is trading at 7 billion, brother. No way. No way. I mean it for just a season, you know? I mean it for. Not long term belief. No. But I have a question for you. Like, if Jupiter is trading at, like, seven to 10 billion, why can't cake trade it, here? Let's say it goes to 3.2 billion, and that's already, like, two x here on side. You're being too smart about it. That's just my issue. You say this to me? Holy shit. You know, like, don't talk to me about discounted cash flows, all right? Like, let's just fucking. Or is it cash? Yeah, this is crypto. Okay. 2024. Okay. The binance dog is wearing a hat with the bias. Let's put our brainlet hats on. All right. I'm putting the pudgy on my head. All right. Okay. Let me go full brainlet mode. All right, done. Cool.

Personal Investment Choices

So what are you buying? A hat person, a cat person, or a dog person? I'm definitely not a cat person. I've only lost money on cats except for the joy cat. But I, What are we looking at? Other dogs that they have, then? Baby doge is, like, ten, you know, I mean, that could do us. That could do a. Yeah, it's up. 50% in 6 hours. Yeah, exactly. Like, I'll be wary, but, like, which of the other dogs? I don't know. Whatever Wiz is going to show on the timeline next, he would need Wiz back. He's in Mykonos. He's gonna need some. I was gonna say we need him to get the fuck back from Mykonos so he can start taking the. These, like, Kol deals. And, like, post timeline, we can start buying into them. You know, I mean, the four one is not that bad as a meme, but it seems like it already went to, like, it's already.

Market Expectations and Concerns

It's already pumped a lot. It's finance, dog. You gotta bet winners. Like, this thing is already down. It's down 40% from highs. I mean, for, like, I. Like. Yeah, I look at this one. When did it launch? And it has history, I guess. Like, it's launched when? A lot of history. Ten days. Ten days. Years in this meta. Is that a coin of the protocol? Or is that a meme coin? I don't even know. We should figure that out. Let's see the website. Here you go. It's this. There's a website? No, it's definitely not. Oh, by for. No, it's not. It's not the. It's not the protocol. No, it's not. It's just a random shit coin. Feels, like, full. Could probably do well.

Potential Trading Insights

I like four. Okay, you guys are, like, minus talking for. This is so funny. Are they even ready? Are they? Wait, they're tweeting for me. Hold on. They could be tied to it. Or maybe not. No, they're not. They're playing a dangerous dance. Like, we don't. We don't want them to be tied to. They're not. They're not. They're just part of a points program with them. Okay, everybody, front run. Mando, quick. Whales are coming. Oh, look, all the usual guys are pumping it. Of course, Eric, crypto man is on top of this one. He's pumping four and sundog courses. What's he bought? What do you mean he bought four? Oh, he actually bought four? Yes, bro, this is the official four page retweeting him. I thought he was pumping one of the, like, the platform. No, he's pumping for.

Quick Trading Updates

I wonder. All our listeners right now are bridging before us. We're about to get front run like never before. osf on it. Well, enough to come on and give us the. You don't want OSF on it. I'm not going after Obi because Obi's just going run the charts, like, $2 million, like, and just fucking, like, it's gonna be a cascade of dumps on that. Like, I'm good. Osf's in a different coin. I'm not gonna put it, because I think it's, like, a hundred k market cap, but it does feel as though. Yeah, chick coining is going multi chain on BSC. I don't know. I have all the ones I've seen. The one I'm like, this might actually happen is this one I'd never bridge to Tron.

Discussion on Future Moves

Oh, my God. I don't think Tron's just fun to joke about. I'm not sure I'm going to do the Tron thing, but I'm definitely going to play the, the BSC game, assault, just for the weekend, and then I'm traveling to the other side of the world, so probably don't have time for that. anyways, it was just, like, bridging this. Hell, I'm not. My hands are here. I gotta sell my ex copy first. I'm not taking liquidity out of Solana to go to BSC, though. Like, that's not, I I gotta sell. Something to go to be Simon's cat. You think that can go to a bill? Is that a build coin? Why not? Someone just dm me saying they made a bunch of money on it.

User Experiences with Investments

Really? They said, thank you for cheers to the cat pre sale alpha yesterday. I'm up hella right now. No way. Let's go. Awesome. Great to hear. And he said, I called the pre sale in the group chat yesterday. A lot of us are up hella. I'd love to provide. Oh, shit. I see. He said provide me a tip. Don't worry about it, man. I don't need a tip. See? Why not enter this pre sale? We talked about it. Gotta get back. So you did mention it. You did mention the presale on the show, so I'm ga. I'm glad, I'm glad people are making money. All right, well, I guess we didn't get to go through all the topics because we got deep into the BSc weeds, but I guess that's what people want to hear.

Analysis and Market Trends

Anyways. move the bull back over 100 million. That's a. Let's go. I. This is my favorite coin that I don't own. I like it. It still got a ten x wick to fill. You know, every day we don't talk about salon means they grind higher, so let's just. I'm good. I'm I'm comfy, dude. I. My son, I mean, like, usually tends to be up every a little bit, day to day. Like, it's good. I like it. I'm not, you know, I'm comfy. Not trying to sell stoner coins either, for, like, BSc coins, you know? I mean, if anything, like a, with some ethereum on there, but. But that's just also so easy to bridge from east to BSE.

Final Thoughts and Conclusions

So anyways, I guess that's about it. We can eat. You know, why on eth when you can own Simon's cat, you know? Okay, you must have a lot of money in this thing. Now, hold on. Described. It was so funny. I could just bridge it from eth, you know? Why would you own eth if you can own a BSC? Shitter? Stop bridging right now for rockets. I haven't bridged yet. I'm trying to sell this piece, and I'm texting the guy. I got an 18 e OTC, and I want. I'm being greedy, and I want 19, you know? Shit. This guy's up 35k on this fucking Simon's cat.

Investment Outcomes and Reactions

Oh, damn. Let's go. Yo, you see what happens when you listen to fomo hour? This guy's up 35k. You know, when memes on camp, we're definitely not described itself as a meme. Yeah, canto became a meme. You either, literally, they go into the counter count. I've been following. I have been following. I have been following Scott Lewis's shenanigans on Kanto, so. So. So that's that. All right, well, look, I'm gonna end this show to talk and bridge my money and start, you know, throwing a couple eth at some coins here on.

Looking Ahead

On BNB. I'm looking forward to seeing you all in binance trenches and getting rugged with you all. Yes. When we all make money, we all bring it back to salon, and you buy a little bit of epic as a tip, you know? Okay, we'll do that. We'll buy it. What's. Yo, why don't you build bridge epic to Binance? Do you know how many people have asked me to bridge Epic? Because I was thinking like, it was originally. I was asked to Bridget to blast, then cook, though. You're asking for a BSc. Epic blast is a cooked meme.

Market Considerations

The thing is, the duck is yellow, and binance's colors are yellow. You know, it could happen, you know, so I think. I think. I think you should do that. All right. I am in a DM chat with the guy who wants to buy my. My. My doom. Am I really gonna sell a text copy for 50 grand? Ape fucking finance coins? This can about the generational trade of finance dog going to a bill, and then you're. And you've made your whole cycle. I'm so confused. Simon's dog, binance dog. What are we fucking doing here? Oh, my God.

Navigating Market Risks

We're saying. We're not saying which. Which coin we're gonna buy. But I I think tat. I agree with what Tyler said. I think. I think the t ones. What are we buying? Tyler finance dog. What is the. What is. What is a Tyler D household buying? Told you. I'm a buy a finance dog. And I'll take a look at four. Oh, my God. That's so funny. People are going to think now I'm just. I'm coping with missing a Simon's cat. Pre. So I'm going to have to shake myself out of it.

Final Remarks

I'm kind of coping, too, because back. Over from Tron and start again. I've got some b and b from my social fi days. I was in the turnip app, which is a tick tock version of you on TikTok. TikTok of Printech. It's called turn up. So I've got some b and b sitting over there. I'll fire up today. That's. Oh, I had some BNB from last cycle. I just don't know what wallet. So I guess that's lost and I'm gonna have to start fresh. Nice. So. All right, well, that's about it. That's about it. Why not Simon himself?

Speculations Around Simon's Coin

Hey. Yeah. What someone said, is there a Simon coin? Is Simon. It's like. It's like Simon this time in that nobody's. Nobody's asking how Simon launch it. Okay, watch out for the Simon coin to launch here. Oh, God. It's already launched. It's already up, like, 451%. I'm not even going to share it. These market caps are way too low to share. This is not good. I am not endorsing any of these coins. I'm busy with shit of my own. If you want to blame someone, attack someone on a timeline in the month. Once you get rogged, blame Mando.

Closing Statements

Just come after him. And just spare me with the blames, you know? See you guys in a week. See you guys in a week. Let's see where we are. This show really just took a turn like crazy, bro. That's what people are doing each day. Like, people don't want to fucking hear about bitcoin hanging out at 61k again. I agree. All right, you know what? Tomorrow, we'll give you guys an update on where we're at, all right? Let's all bridge after the show and then do that. All right, with that.

Final Show Wrap-Up

With that. With that. With that. We'll see out tomorrow morning, 10:00 a.m. eastern standard time for the episode Fomoire on rock radio. Let's go.

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