Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space featured authentic and engaging conversations on various topics, maintaining a dynamic and entertaining atmosphere with real-time interaction and diverse audience participation. The space seamlessly integrated personal reflections, environmental observations, and real-world events, striking a balance between humor and serious discussions. This interactive platform provided listeners a lively and relatable experience in a natural conversational flow.


Q: What makes the conversations in this space engaging?
A: The authenticity and spontaneity of casual conversations.

Q: What range of topics is discussed?
A: Topics range from daily activities to environmental observations.

Q: How does the conversational style impact the audience?
A: The spontaneous, relatable style keeps the audience engaged and entertained.

Q: What type of interaction is promoted?
A: Real-time, immediate interaction and connection.

Q: How does the space balance humor and serious discussions?
A: By maintaining a fluid transition between different types of topics.

Q: What role does audience participation play?
A: It enriches the experience by adding diverse perspectives.

Q: Why is the quick exchange of dialogues important?
A: It keeps the audience continuously engaged and attentive.

Q: How do personal reflections contribute to the conversation?
A: They add authenticity and relatability to the dialogue.

Q: What is a unique feature of this Twitter space?
A: The natural flow and dynamic range of topics.

Q: How are real-world events integrated?
A: They are seamlessly woven into personal experiences and discussions.


Time: 00:00:28
Energetic greeting to start the space.

Time: 00:00:34
Casual remark about the day.

Time: 00:00:43
Observations on the weather.

Time: 00:00:50
Moment of forgetfulness shared.

Time: 00:01:10
Transition to discussing future plans.

Time: 00:01:18
Revisiting previous ideas.

Time: 00:01:28
Inviting audience to suggest topics.

Time: 00:01:33
Exploring experiences of city life.

Time: 00:01:40
Concluding the space on a reflective note.

Time: 00:01:03
Honest reflection on mood.

Key Takeaways

  • Authentic
  • casual conversations create an engaging atmosphere.
  • Topics range from personal reflections to environmental observations.
  • Spontaneous conversational style keeps audience entertained and engaged.
  • Real-time dialogue promotes immediate interaction and connection.
  • Variety of topics maintains a dynamic and entertaining conversation.
  • Quick exchanges keep the audience engaged and attentive.
  • Balance between humor and serious discussions enhances the experience.
  • Natural flow of conversation contributes to a lively atmosphere.
  • Audience participation enriches with diverse perspectives and insights.
  • Seamless integration of real-world events and personal experiences into dialogues.

Behind the Mic

Hello, guys. I want to get started. I'm your host, Heat Engine, with my co-host. Thanks for tuning in to this AMA. I'm going to kick things off with a brief introduction of myself, and then we can jump into a few questions and topics. So we're really excited for today's AMA with the guys over at Send Network to cover some very interesting topics about what Send is building. I'm very passionate about blockchain and cryptocurrencies, having been part of the scene for a few years now, working on several projects and contributing to the community. Now, let's get to our guest. Hi, my name is Gary, as some of you may or may not know. So I'm the community leader over at Send Network and, you know, I will be representing the team today on that side of things. I have roughly about eight years experience in crypto. So I'm, let's say, somewhat of an OG, got in early, very early into the likes of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and from there kind of ventured into, let's say, the DeFi space. As the years went on, off the back of that, then I kind of got into a bit of everything within projects from marketing to running communities. And yeah, that's been full-time crypto for about the past four years now. So yeah, that's a brief introduction on me. And then yeah, like you said, for Send Network, we are building a decentralized communication layer for Web3. What that looks like is, I suppose some of it's not just the communication layer, we are building the entire network and Send Network itself, but how it looks for the communication layer is like unbreakable encryption on every single message sent. Zero data retention. That's a brief, I suppose, on what we're doing, in short. So we are going down the route of using nodes. With the use of nodes, it's enhanced security, privacy, and scalability, and the reliability of the network as a whole is a lot stronger on that front. Yeah, I was going to ask because the first thing on your website is obviously the Watchdog node sale, and we've seen a few successful node sales in this cycle actually. So it seems to be quite a theme that seems to be working well when it comes to rewarding participants. What's the use of your nodes, and what are the benefits behind them? Yeah, so the use of our nodes. So currently, we have three nodes that will be supporting our, that will be supporting us, basically. The first one of those is an edge node, which is in turn it's a relay node. So if you're not aware of what a relay node does, it is pretty much tasked with forwarding, let's say, data from one point to from point A to point B, or in our particular network. It's basically the core of our peer-to-peer messaging protocol that we are using. So to make sure that we get, let's say, fast and secure transmission of messages, relay nodes will be used for that. We then have a validator node, which pretty much does what it says on the tin. It validates every transaction, every message that goes through our network on that front. And then we have a watchdog node, which again, it's a security protocol for our network. That node is tasked with, from a high level, it's tasked with making sure that the network operates safely and securely at all times and making sure that, let's say, any discrepancies that do get found are flagged and rectified immediately on that front as well. So that is the use of those three nodes. From a benefit perspective, running those nodes obviously, it is, let's say, pretty low resource-intensive. The node runners will be rewarded for basically making sure that we keep the resilience and reliability of the network as high as possible basically and, you know, rewards will be on offer for that. That's, briefly, what the use and the benefits of those nodes are. Interesting. Thanks for sharing that! Moving on, we've seen a lot of discussions around privacy and encryption recently, especially in the Web3 environment. Could you delve a bit deeper into how Send Network is addressing these aspects? Yes, of course. So, I suppose the first and major thing that we look at when it comes to security, especially within the Web3 space, is, you know, unbreakable encryption. It's common knowledge now that everybody is aware, you know, centralized bodies or let's say centralized messaging bodies, they're all susceptible to, you know, hacks, leaks etcetera. So how we've addressed this is again, going back to the edge node, you know, every single message sent on our network is unbreakably encrypted. So uncrackable encryption, they will not be hacked, they will not be backdoored, nothing on that front. The second layer, let's say, of security then is, you know, we store data in a fraudulent resistant manner so again, you know, it's securely stored on our protocol as a whole with no back doors, making sure that we deliver on that front. And then finally, we don't retain data, you know, so every single message sent you know, nodes can, let's say, the end user gets data. Once it's received, it is gone; we are not keeping it, it is not stored anywhere else. Again, making sure that, you know, we're adding that layer of enhanced protection and privacy when it comes to every single person that will be using our network on that front as well. That's great. It's good to see projects taking user privacy and security seriously. So for everybody in the community listening, make sure to keep an eye out for updates. Our next question is about the user's experience on Send Network. Can you tell us about any partnerships or notable integrations you've secured or are pursuing? Sure, so we have currently, you know, we have a few under NDA where we can't. We can't name the actual projects themselves just because, let's say, we're at a sensitive stage within those. But we're currently working with quite a few projects within, let's say, the decentralized finance space. The reason being is, you know, let's get out there, our goal is to be the primary communication tool for all Web3 projects. And how we're looking at it right now, you know, we are setting up to be, you know, the world's first cross-chain Dapp application itself, you know? So it's exciting times for us. We have a lot going on. We've signed a few new ones under NDA as well. Just keep an eye out on our socials and we'll be, let's say, making a few announcements over the coming weeks at some stage on that front. Awesome, it sounds like you've got some interesting developments lined up. Before we wrap this up, is there anything else you'd like to share about upcoming events or initiatives our audience should be aware of? Yeah, so I suppose the next big thing that we do have again is the node sale, which I touched upon earlier in the conversation. So for everybody to keep their eye on that, it is going to be something where, you know, I think we're going to be pushing quite a bit in the coming weeks. And then, you know, after that, I suppose our TGE is where it's at, which, you know, we're looking at Q3, which, you know, we are going for a Tier One, let's say top Tier One exchanges on that front, which, you know, unfortunately I can't actually name because I'm pretty sure you guys are aware of how exchanges work these days and, you know, where we have to keep all that quiet until they feel like it's the right time to push that out and announce it. Okay, so when is that? Can you announce, are there dates for like, the node sale and everything? So the node sale, the best thing to do would be to keep an eye on our socials and, you know, we can obviously update that and get an actual fixed date for it. You know, currently, we're speaking with a lot of partners when it comes to, like, launchpads and KOLs and stuff like that and getting dates locked in for this, so. Okay. Well, that's—it looks like you guys got a bunch of cool stuff. I mean, the deep insight has been, like, popping the community and taking part in everything that you guys are doing. Any closing statements from your end? First off, I just want to say thank you for having me on here today. You know, it's great to obviously get the word out. So thanks very much for having me on here, really appreciate it. And then yeah, just, you know, keep an eye on our socials for any updates coming from our end. We're doing something pretty radical. Decentralized and unbreakable communication for Web3. So keep an eye on us and join our community too; we'd love to have more people on board. Absolutely, thank you for joining, and I appreciate the time. For everyone listening, make sure to follow Send Network on their social channels, keep up with all their updates, and participate in their community! Thanks again, Gary! Thanks for tuning in, everyone!

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