Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space FOMO HOUR EP. 206: markets, news, memecoins, and more hosted by farokh. In FOMO HOUR EP. 206, industry experts delve into the dynamic world of crypto markets, emphasizing the importance of diversification, research, and community engagement for investors. Discussions revolve around managing market volatility, monitoring regulatory developments, and balancing short-term gains with long-term strategies. The space highlights the influence of social media trends on memecoin prices, the significance of building a strong network within the crypto community, and the role of expert insights in informed decision-making. Stay informed to navigate the ever-changing landscape of crypto investments.

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Total Listeners: 204


Q: How should investors approach the volatility of memecoins?
A: Diversification and risk management strategies are key to mitigating volatility risks.

Q: Why is staying informed about market news crucial for crypto investors?
A: Market updates help investors make well-informed decisions and react to market trends effectively.

Q: What role does community engagement play in the crypto space?
A: Engaging with the community provides valuable insights, support, and opportunities for collaboration.

Q: How can investors navigate regulatory uncertainties in the crypto market?
A: Staying updated on regulatory changes and compliance requirements is essential to navigate uncertainties.

Q: What are the benefits of building a network within the crypto community?
A: Networking allows for knowledge sharing, support, and access to valuable resources within the crypto space.

Q: How do social media trends influence the prices of memecoins?
A: Social media sentiment and trends can impact memecoin prices, highlighting the need for monitoring social platforms.

Q: How can investors balance short-term gains with long-term crypto investments?
A: A diversified portfolio and strategic allocation can help balance short-term gains with long-term investment objectives.

Q: Why is thorough research essential before investing in cryptocurrencies?
A: Research helps investors understand the fundamentals, risks, and potential of various cryptocurrencies before making investment decisions.

Q: What are the potential risks and opportunities associated with crypto market fluctuations?
A: Market fluctuations can pose risks such as sudden price drops but also offer opportunities for profits through strategic trading.

Q: How can industry experts and influencers contribute to informed decision-making in crypto investments?
A: Following experts provides valuable insights, analysis, and perspectives that can guide investment strategies.

Q: What are the considerations when balancing investments between memecoins and traditional cryptocurrencies?
A: Investors need to assess the risk tolerance, market conditions, and long-term prospects when diversifying between memecoins and traditional cryptos.


Time: 00:08:12
Market Volatility and Risk Management Discussing strategies to handle the volatile nature of memecoins and cryptocurrency investments.

Time: 00:14:27
Importance of Research in Cryptocurrency Investing Emphasizing the significance of thorough research before making investment decisions in the crypto market.

Time: 00:22:05
Regulatory Impact on Crypto Markets Analyzing the effects of regulatory changes on the crypto space and memecoin sector.

Time: 00:30:45
Community Engagement for Crypto Investors Exploring the benefits of engaging with the crypto community for knowledge sharing and support.

Key Takeaways

  • Memecoins are gaining popularity but come with high volatility and speculative nature.
  • Diversification is crucial in navigating the dynamic crypto markets to manage risk.
  • Staying informed about market news and trends is essential for making informed investment decisions.
  • Understanding the influence of social media and trends on memecoin prices.
  • The importance of conducting thorough research before investing in any cryptocurrency.
  • Community engagement and following industry experts for valuable insights.
  • Crypto market fluctuations can present both risks and opportunities for investors.
  • Building a strong network within the crypto community for support and knowledge sharing.
  • The impact of regulatory developments on the crypto market and memecoins.
  • Balancing short-term gains with long-term investment strategies in the crypto space.

Behind the Mic

Studio Discussion Overview

I should unmute for this part of the conversation in the studio right now. Sometimes I like to let people hear the studio Tyler and I are discussing right now. We're just talking about in the chat with Sims and company that we should do Robert spins once a day instead of two times Tuesday and two times Friday. We, we have four spins that roll a bit less is due per week. I was like, hey, fuck it. Like why don't we just do like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and then Friday we get a guess. Like Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. I don't know. I don't care what days they are, but I don't know. What do you guys think? Do you guys. Obviously we're not going to do one today because it's too last minute. So we'll keep two tomorrow. But from Monday on, like should we do like one a day? Four days a week, fam? Like, is it's not that much work. It's pretty easy to make happen, you know. But what do you think? What is it? What is the audience thing here? When I, y'all think what I'll think about that idea.

Morning Greetings and Studio Vibes

I think. I don't know. I like it. What up, Steve? What up, Mark? What up, k nine? What up? Opportunists be out late. What up, fair loco Diego? I see the hundreds going up. Al PI da. What up, high fu. What a bumps. Kong carbon j. So it won't be two per day though, y'all. You know that right? It's like one a day but for four days straight, right? So that way also it's smarter for us because we get to make you guys retweet four different posts a week. You know what I mean? Like from every angle is better for us and for y'all. Alright, Sims, kick it, baby. What up? What up? Good morning. Good morning.

Market Overview and Engagement

GMG Thursday. Thursday, baby. September. September 26, 2024. Whoa. Speaking of four, I mean down. It's like what, three or four days until he's out? Oh no, yesterday was four. I saw that post. A Marriott. Be a beautiful day to have a beautiful day. Another day in paradise. I got my co host in the house, Tyler. Tyler, Tyler. How you doing today? Good morning. I'm doing fantastic. The boards, they are green. Markets are pumping. Went to Kaido last night. Little concert, little midweek concert. It was, it was awesome. The Kyg, the DJ. Yeah. What, where was it? It was that like it's called the Northley island. So it's a little pavilion right by the lake. Nice. Chicago very cool. Nice scene. Great show.

Nostalgia for DJing

So if he comes to your town, I highly recommend that if you like Kyga. I love that. I absolutely love that. Yeah, Kago's good. I remember Kago. Can't believe this. He's still around. It's crazy. He's like. There's a point. Remember Kago was like massive. Like, at some point it's blowing up. Blowing up. He's mainstream. He's like mainstream. Super guys make so much money Djing. I saw Kygo once. Was it just like party in Hampton or something? Like, it's like festival. Big music festival we're invited to at some point. Anyways, was a lot of fun today on the show. Yeah. Oh, someone said Kai go Firestone was my wedding song. Look at that. Looks one of my favorite songs.

Discussion on Favorites

One of my absolute favorite songs. Look at that plate now. But we're gonna get DMCA on YouTube, so maybe let's avoid that. But yes, we do. We do love the Kai. What's your favorite kago song? Kago. I see a fire via beat for the fire remakes. Yeah, I was a good one. What. What's your favorite Kai go song? Right to us in a comment on YouTube and on stream. Because, of course, we are live on video for episode 206 of FoMO Hour. Let me just post broadcast real quick. But anyway, today on the show. Today on the show. I think Mendo should be joining us. Right? Anyways, market report, as usual. We'll go over everything. Everything is green. You absolutely love to see it.

Upcoming Topics and Readings

Tyler's top 100. I mean, at this stage, I mean, I may as well, you know, get to the top 100 right at the top of the show because Tyler's gonna have to stuff to talk about from here on out. I feel it. That's just how it is. Like from here for the next twelve months, Tyler, you and you know, it's just gonna be like. Like the minutes are gonna become essays every morning. And then. And then last but not least, this show is. Is powered by galaxies. Okay, hold on. I got a new. I got a new read for that one. Are you guys ready for it? With seamless built in monetization tools, galaxies enables development of sustainable, long term communities, fulfilling bitcoin's vision of decentralized freedom and independence from centralized control. So check them out. Galaxies.

News and Analysis

XYZ on X. Boom bang bada boom Bang Tylere, Tyler, Tyler. Let's start with you and then we'll talk. Marcus, Amanda, what do you have for us today for daily NFT and crypto? Analysis. Tyler think on FOMO. Our calls to kid can read it. Back to bears top story out of PayPal so PayPal announced that us business accounts can now buy, hold and sell crypto directly within their PayPal accounts. That is a big move from just having a consumer base. So now they're open to businesses. Athena is launching a new stablecoin USTB, backed by BlackRock's bill token and in partnership with Securitize, a 16 Z made its first investment in the d size after I actually haven't heard of this sector before.

Crypto and Market Developments

Decentralized science in a bio bank platform. So that was an interesting one. Infinix has finished a $65 million race for its Dex via its patron NFT sale. Then Mark Cuban. This is some big news out of yesterday. He said he is open to being the head of the SEC under a Commonwealth Harris administration in protocol blast announced that its new global deposit layer will allow deposits to any blast address or dapped from any sex or fiat on ramp. Fantasy Top has pulled in $200,000 this month as the app moves into sustainability. Layer zero activities jumped over 400% since their latest airdrop announcement, hamster Combat.

Market Performance and Predictions

They shared a pretty major upcoming roadmap update ahead of their token airdrop, including token buybacks, the integration of nfts in the launch of a progressive web app in memes. Folks, the meme coin majors are very green. Mid tier leaders are up even more. Up 30% to 40%. Mood a moon day reached 120 million after being featured in another beeple every day. And then it's beta pesto jumped 250% on 23 million after features from Walmart, the New York Post, and also featured in that beatbowl and nfts. Even runes are pumping meme coins. Pumping so hard that even runes are catching a bit.

NFT Collaborations and Surprises

Dog. Up 20% to 350 million pups. Up 40% on the day. Some NFT news as well here. So board a partner with the MLB and improbable for a major. I saw that. Like that experience. That was an interesting surprise. Pudgy penguins partnered with Hurrah Bob's club, CD Castile. Oh, Bob owns it. I didn't know he owned the CD Castillo because I saw. Okay, so that's Bob's. Damn, I love that. Indeed. And he's their final judas to soundtrack coming this Friday. Wait, Dudas owns Castillo's doodles? That was my last. Sorry. So I didn't. I heard Dudas. I was like, wait, dudas also owns this?

Reflections on the Environment

Oh my God, so dark here, man. It's so dark here. Look at this. It's fucking 10:00 a.m. it's too dark. For 10:00 a.m. look at this. Look at this. I'm like, it looks. Yeah. Mando, what's up, man? Good morning or good night? I don't fucking know what time it is anymore. How you doing? It's sunny than that here, I can tell you that. Oh, my God. Yeah, I woke up this morning, dude. Like, I get it. Like, that. We're officially in the fall. It doesn't mean that we can't, like, hello? Is there anyone out there? It's crazy, man. I think Montreal is broken this morning, lads.

Market Sentiments

I'm broken. But tell you, I'll tell you what's not broken. I'll tell you what's not broken is this market. I mean, damn. That's, that's definitely for sure. You know what? We're gonna, we're gonna go back to your. To the, to the. To the. Your topics in a minute here, Tyler. There's a bunch, and I really, my favorite, PayPal. I was, I was trying to write about yesterday. It was so big. It's crazy how many moves PayPal has done and is doing in the space. I mean, damn, we should work with PayPal. Look at that. But Mando, how you doing this morning?

Morning Responses and Scheduling

Oh. Busy morning, man. Busy morning. But good. I love that. It's true, because we said this morning, but, like, it's like, 04:00 p.m. for you every day for the show. So you really have this show right in the middle of the fight. This is that, man. For. Because we wake up to the show. You wake up. I mean, ty wakes up, like, four in the morning, but, you know, I wake up the show, you're just straight. You're, like, already on fire by the time. 04:00 p.m. hits. To be fair, I don't normally start work till, like, till ten ish, but nice.

Work Ethic and Lifestyle

Well, 930, but, yeah, it's, Well, I guess I wake up and I do stuff as well. I'm basically, yeah, working the whole time, but. I basically work every hour of the day. I can relate to that. I would say I'm more similar to us hours, though. For sure. Yeah, for sure. I mean, you guys in Europe have to work later, so the morning is so chill, though. You can go to the gym. You can wake up when you want. You could walk the dog, et cetera, et cetera. But anyways, melo, I want to talk about this market right now because we are, I am literally looking at green candles on green candles quickly and then we'll go back to Tyler's top 1000 site.

Market Movement and Predictions

It's officially top 1000 now, Tyler. But Meadow, tell us what you got. Who is the man? Macro daddy of the land. Can you dig it? Yeah, GM, everyone. So looks like another very strong day. Everything hitting all time highs. In general, macro gold stocks all hitting all time highs. You had China unveil even more stimulus measures this morning. Looks like they're going to be pumping into banks another $140 billion. So huge amount of global liquidity going in. You had oil coming lower. You had the jobless claims actually coming in slightly better than expected. So the US economy again looking stronger than was initially thought.

Bullish Trends in Various Sectors

And everyone is getting bullish over a ton of different things, even in tech as well. Like Tesla's hitting multi year highs at the moment. I think meta hit an all time high yesterday. They built some new. The glasses OpenAI moving to be for profit, but risk on, for sure. Risk on. At the moment, everything is just pumping higher. Bitcoin is approaching this 65k level. If we break on top of that would be the moment to look at and be like, well, we're now hit that higher high. We are very close to that at the moment. We're actually at 6400 800 at the moment. So very slightly below.

Price Predictions and Market Status

If we break through that, I would like to see us think we could push on here and go to maybe closer to 66. That would be a really nice little spot to be in. Yeah, definitely would. And that's moved to pretty much everything, right. So bitcoin is higher. All the major meme coins have gone higher. ETH is still underperforming, but Solana is doing okay.

Discussion on Altcoins

I would still say as an altcoin, the other l one s are still. Kind of, oh, come on. You really turn into a Solana hater, dude. There's no chance. You really keep saying that. No, I'm not letting my back catch another straight today. Every day you come on the show and you're like, Eth is great because now you flip bullish eth and like, yeah, but someone is not so good. I got out of my either way. I was like, why the do I own eat? I own that little bit where it went up to 60, 65, 50. Not today. Not today, sui. Okay, I should just move that into. So I was like, why? Why would I own Eth? Yeah. Pepe and Margaret, so good, right? I was actually looking at Pepe when you were talking about the market. I mean, look at this.

Market Analysis

It's incredible. Exactly. Like, why would you own Eth when you can own Pepe? I mean, Eth is a gas fee for mog and Pepe, right? It's gas. Token, I'm. I'm fucking with you. But it's true. You and Ob both keep telling me my Solana bags are not doing as good compared to the l one's not gonna hear anymore. Stand up for my bags. Have to listen to me. I'm kidding. I fucking love you, dude. Anyways, we're looking good. At least Sui doesn't look like it's going well. It's kind of hell, it's not looking as good. Tao and sui, which are the two really hot ones, they've both kind of stalled, and you've seen it move to everything else. Phantom was the big runner today, which has been. It's on a bit of a tear. It looks like it's heading towards $1. That's at $0.70 right now.

Memecoins and Investment Trends

Yeah, I would say that's probably the hottest l one. And then it was meme coins. So Pepe had a big move. Mog had a big move. Popcap. Like, all the top meme coins are all doing very well. And that's super good for everything else in the pyramid, let's say. So when the top meme coins run, the smaller ones can all absolutely soar. Wow. A strong period again. Yeah. For a lot of these defi coins as well, though, right? So roons have been on a bit of a run for a while here. Nier, I guess, is again, another l one that's been doing well. But AI coins still feel very hot. I still think Tao is a good buy. I'm thinking about buying some of that one.

Economic Insights

I do think. I'm not a huge believer in it, but I just think AI feels like it's going to keep on going and I'm looking for trades now. It's actually, what was the statistics? You see this tweet from Nick Tomato saying that most of the companies outside of Wycom this year. Companies hearing the. Latest wide combinator batch has 69 companies and no crypto companies. Great sign that. Now is the best time to be building consumer crypto apps. Popular sentiment, Silicon Valley. It's always dead wrong. So if you're in. If you're in crypto, actually pivot to AI this time, you know, cuz. Cuz it but. Or AI within crypto who know about that one.

Blockchain and AI Integration

But you know, the cross of tech, blockchain tech and AI is hot for sure right now. But. But saw that. Yeah. I mean, look, Tao is definitely not one. I saw world coin pump today like crazy. But like, didn't they have some news? Like, did they have more people leave the company again yesterday? No. That'S open AI, though, right? Like it's. It's just news about OpenAI. Sam Altman in the news means. Okay, got it. And he might be getting a 7% stake in OpenAI. So that would be really worth something like 15 billion or something like that. Nice. Maybe shy. That nice. Nice. I saw that.

Market Updates

And then the last thing, mando, I saw market wise, I saw you share that this morning. I think so China is printing even more money, more. More stimmies coming over there, right? Yeah. Yes. I said first thing. So that was what I kind of announced today. So originally it was other things. They dropped the lending rate and then they said they were going to allow banks to borrow against to buy stocks. Now it looks like there's going to put 140 billion into the banks, which is China's going big to try and save the stock market there and save the property and credit markets. So that's good for bitcoin. There was another stat today which came out, which is world debt.

Global Economic Concerns

Total debt hit something like 300 trillion today. All time high. 300 trillion. Wow. That is, that is insane. But anyways. All right, well, looks like it's up only season again, lads. I mean, hopefully we're not going to jinx it. So nobody say anything. Yeti Yada, though. We just spent 20 minutes saying a lot of some things. Tyler, you're laughing. Before we move, I know we don't talk like macro like stocks all that much. It's a crypto show. I feel like the meta Orion glasses is a really big deal. I think people are already their iPhone moment. I think there's a real chance that we're all wearing these glasses in a couple of years here.

Technological Advancements

They, they created a new type of, like, screen like that. They redefined, like the, like, physics like that. They had like, these nanoparticles that is inside the screen. Now they've got a neural connection. They look good, too. Glasses. They look good. They're lightweight. I mean, the big criticism of the, that the AR headset, right, was that it's just big and clunky and you have to plug it in. Like they've already got the next generation of it out and it looks pretty impressive, dude. Zuck is cooking, man. Zuck is actually like this, man. I mean, he's been, he's been on the tear.

Investment Strategies

Did you guys see his whole rebranding? You know, he got booked his shirt. What it means, it's. It's be. oh. Oh, oh, that's big. Big level. Big. Oh, oh, look at this. oh. Here we go, lads. Here, we just broke that last high up. Just down. There it is. There it is. Just broke that high. Are we. Where are we going, mando? Where are we going? Six. I mean, that's nice little level. 65, 200. Just broke it. So, I mean, here we go. Honestly, breaking that downtrend is the next real test for that would be the last high, which would be around 70k.

Future Market Predictions

It's 70 flat. Look at that. 70 on the. On the dot. So I think we've got a runner in our hands here. Let's go. All right. We're with Max Long is that we're doing. For a while here. I love that. I love that. I absolutely love that. I might. My thing was simple. I just never left the market. We've been all in since 2022 or three. I forget, what was it that we all just went on? I forget, but long and strong, baby. Long and strong. Absolutely love this level, dude. Guys, didn't we said that? I think there was a show where, like, were all talking about when we all think we're going to start turning to fun monogamy.

Crypto Trends and Cycles

My call was after Labor Day. I think you guys were more aligned on end of September, which technically speaking, Labor Day areas when it started, the update, the bottom. But like this word, like last week of September. And here we go. That we've been talking with this for a minute. It's starting to happen. It looks like we're gonna have fun on the this again. We're done talking about the chop. Hopefully every fucking day. It's playing out like people say, like, cycles are cycles and they are necessarily gonna repeat. But we've got you global liquidity pumping right now.

Final Thoughts

We've got the us elections. It's a ripe setup for Q four. Yeah, we're looking really good. Solana's at 155, but, you know, it's not doing as good as the other at once. And no, with is the leading major. Major meme coin with is on the top. Yeah, go for it. I mean, the AI stuff by the glasses are sick. I do it. They wanted to double down what you guys are saying. Super cool what they're doing. And it is the Future. So it's. I mean, it's not fusion more. It's the Present. So that's when it hits. Right? And then it's going to start getting crazy. Now, let's talk about these Meme Coins.

Market Insights and Observations

This Market, I mean, MAndo opened up pretty queued up. Queued it up pretty nicely for us this Morning. Tyler, man, look at this. It's up 50% off the bottom. Everyone wanted to victory lap its death. $1.50. It's the leader. It's up more than. It's up more than pepe. And the slow mean Point ecosystem is hot, and it's back of its leader, the Dog with Hat. Hat stays on. Huh? The big move. But the rest of the board is even more impressive. Like, the whole mid tier is up 30% to 40%. That's crazy.

Reflection on Past Trades

Doubled up. It's actually. It went all the way down to $1.2. Did it really? So I missed it. It's up 120%. Not looking at screens that day. That was a bad day. Yeah, that was a bad day. That was a really bad day. My God. I remember that day. It hit a 1.2 in August. August 5. Mando, so have you exited the whiff trade forever, or are you still. Is this on your radar? I was never really big. That was. Ovi was in the Midwest trade, and he's completely out.

Ovi's Trading Strategies

I think ov actually took a lot of money out of crypto because he bought a house. Right. So I don't think ov owns any majors, which is. No, he's not bitcoin. You guys have bitcoin? No. Wait, you. You both were telling me how you just Max beating bitcoin, like, 48 or whatever, or 50. I forget at the bottom, 52 when I was in London, ov, as far. As I'm aware, ov owns ETh and Mog for OsF R. He owns Mog, he owns epic and I. And he owns, like.

Investment Diversification

Like, a hodgepodge of, like, very random small coins. But, like, no, I was the one who's Max bidding. Max paying bigger. He may have moved a small amount. I forget, but I think he moved it to bitcoin, and then he moved it recently to mog. I love that. That's the most OSF looking so fucking good, boys. Lost all that money on RTR. Right? I know. Play around with that. He kept in, lost it all. Then he. Then he moved it to bitcoin and did. Okay. And then he moved it to morgue, and he's done a two x on that trade, so.

Investment Perspectives

But he. He. Yeah, he owns. He owns, like, no majors, whereas I'm, like, big in majors. And then. Oh, there it is. We got a no Sf update. After summer of losing money, I finally did a good trade, and all I had to do is buy mog. There you go. This confirms that bats is in the audience. Muggers. Mog. Exactly. Bats. You already know the vibe, dude. Honestly, I have to say, like, someone asked me yesterday, like, what's your favorite coins? I'm like, aside from the majors, because, like, obviously bitches eat souls.

Experiencing Fun with Mog

Like, there is no, like, I have to say, mog is, like, the most fun. I've had this cycle in terms of, like, us, other than, like, what we're doing ourselves, right? Like, in terms, like, corn. Like, last time was, like, nfts, right? That was, like, my fun and whatever. But, like, this cycle, like, owning mog and being part of that community has been the most fun I've had. I don't know, but, like, it was. You know, they're just. It's just fun is. I mean, I k monies in the. Oh, shit, look at it. Of course. Of course. K money's away. It's 07:30 a.m. in Laden. Or did he not sleep? Is this the first time he's been in the. He's suddenly in the audience? I'm not kidding. Look at. He's throwing hearts. He fucking. He got k body up in this bitch. Look at this. He's right there.

Discussing Attendance and Engagement

Someone, anyone? Hey, hold on. We gotta. It feels like we got. We are so back. Like, we're actually getting such back feelings right now. I sent him a boy a request. Let's see if he. I'm curious to know, is K money. Is K money awake still or is. Did he just wake up? Bro, I'm not gonna lie. I never even knew you guys did spaces this fucking early, dude. I was like. I was like, yo, like, froaks awake. And I was like, oh, shit. Yeah, this is, like, when normal people are awake. Makes sense. Oh, my God. Well, this is that way. I'm not gonna hold you back much longer. But were just. We're just laughing at the fact that you, as we're talking about mog right now. I mean, what a ride it's been for you, huh?

The Journey of Holding Mog

Yeah, man. You know, it's only been 13 months. Of holding, so, you know, just nothing much, just normal 13 months of holding something. Yeah. I mean, hey, sometimes that's all it takes, right? Sometimes it's, you know, the right one and you hold it long enough and you're set. Do you know anyone else that has hit two meme coin? Long term capital gain holds like Pepe and Mog? I don't know. No, I don't actually. Not long term capital gains. Fucking crazy. Oh, my God. Well, hey, Kevin. Congratulations. Have fun. Oh, my God. This is too funny. Of course, as you're talking about mug. You got. You got k buddy on this page. Just like, slamming.

The Economics of Meme Coins

That's a good question. Like, how many people have actually ever hit a long term capital gains trade in meme coins? Sub 1%. Yeah, sub 1%. Right. Because, like, even long term cap gains, I mean, Obi doesn't categorize as long term cap gains. Even though omega cooked on with and mog. Like. Yeah, I mean, even those trades he. He was. Didn't hurt. I mean, mog probably had. No, no, definitely with. With short term. It was a huge multiplier. With was short term pepe. I had long term, I guess in pepe, I think ov was out by that stage. Yeah. Yeah. Morgue did. I'm pretty sure mark, he would have. Yeah. Well, I mean, him and I were buying mog, like, August last year, so that was a.

The Evolution of Cryptocurrency Conversations

That's definitely a good one. Yeah. I mean, I've been holding mog, like, between, like always, like at least 3400 billion to like 2 trillion mog since, like, I don't know, a million market captain something. That's. It's always. It's always fun to be, but, you know, they're not. They don't come in often. Anyways, Tyler, back into epic. We're about to lose a hint. We're about to. No way. Oh, let's look at that. Let's look at it. Let's look at it. Oh, I was looking. Oh, I already have a line drawn on it. I was looking at how long it's been consulting for earlier today, literally today, 97 days, by the way.

Investments and the Crypto Community

But anyways, there you go, Mando. Love to see that. Looks good there. You know what, though? Like, I like when this happens on the coin and it's still alive, you know? Yeah. Six coming up to six months old now. Wow. How crazy is that, bro, you've been. A meme coin that for six months. You know, it's crazy. You launched a meme coin, became a dev at the beginning of the chop because we've been chopping that range like six months now on bitcoin. I launched a and when Solana was 190. Oh, my God. That's how, that's how long ago it was. Wow. And you're still memeing strong. You absolutely love to see. You've built quite the community, huh? So here's six months later, 20,000 followers.

Monitoring Social Dynamics

I think in this, your time is just so insane, bro. It's like there's, dude, every time I check, like 10,000 unread messages, 5000 members, when you think about it, not a bad, like, you know, following racial, like, engagement. I see it all the time over my timeline. It's pretty good. It's good shit. We'll see how it does. Yeah, it does. Isn't this the best video on the Internet? Those are good. I think ov. So we need to remake that video. Imagine just us three, just like we make it the video. Anyways, I do want to talk, Tyler, the PayPal news.

PayPal's Cryptocurrency Introductions

I mean, man, people again, like, it's not new that PayPal makes the headlines. I want the crypt. The other day, just out of curiosity, and I searched PayPal and I was like, damn. These people have a history of, like, news in crypto. And PayPal also happens to own Venmo, for those of you not familiar with that. They're both massive. We don't have anymore in Canada, but in the USA, it's like, you can have memo you this. Can I move that? Like, for everything, Tyler? I mean, talk to us. Talk to us about the latest PayPal news, because I feel like it's catalyst. On catalyst. On Catalyst season.

Updates from PayPal's Business Operations

Yeah, you mentioned it. So it's been a big evolution. So PayPal is actually the first place where I ever bought crypto in 2020. No way. At that point in time, it was a closed garden, so you couldn't send it off. And then I think in the last year and a half, they opened that up so you could actually do sins out. And now they are expanding into business accounts. That is the new. So yesterday, PayPal announced us business accounts can now buy, hold, and sell crypto directly within their PayPal accounts. Additionally, they are enabling merchants to transfer their supported crypto to and from wallets. And then in the announcement, I think it was also interesting what they also touched on.

Future of Cryptocurrency with PayPal

So they touched on their stable coin Py USD and no transaction fees for anyone who is sending that their own stable coin. And they also mentioned their move to Solana and how it's enabled them to go multi chain and offer up more flexibility. Their SVP of blockchain, Jose Fernandez, de Ponte, he commented, business owners have increasingly expressed a desire for the same crypto capabilities available to consumers. We're excited to meet that demand by delivering this new offering. I mean, I think it's just, it's one of those headlines where, like, it might not be an immediate impact, but it's just unlocking, like, the next level of infrastructure. There hasn't been, we haven't seen crypto in e commerce and businesses because I think partially the infrastructure just hasn't been there, and that's starting to change.

The Broader Impact of Crypto Infrastructure

We've got stripe. Stripe is working to make crypto available for all its merchants and businesses now. PayPal throwing his hat in the ring. It's easier than ever. Crypto holders, we're moving towards that path where crypto holders will be able to actually spend it on, spend crypto real life goods and not have to cash out to fiat. And I think that's a. It's going to be a massive unlock when we get there. We're not quite there yet, but it feels like we're getting close. It's unlocking the other way around too, right? Like, it's easier to buy, easier to access, easier to do things like, whether it's memes or majors or whatever, and then it's easier to spend as well, which is the other side of things.

Normalizing Cryptocurrency Transactions

But it's just becoming, I think it's. The normalization of crypto is something that's coming. It's a great clip, by the way. Just 40 seconds. I may as well just play it for you all. It's this one from this morning on national television. Right? So PayPal, for the first time ever, is enabling business accounts to buy, hold, and sell cryptocurrency. Walk me through the launch and what it means for merchants using your platform. Well, Mackenzie, as you know, we have been involved in digital currencies now for the best part of the last four years. We have been active on stable coins for about a year or so, but until now, only our consumer accounts were able to hold and interact with our stablecoin on our platform.

Advancements in PayPal's Offerings

What we are enabling now for the first time is for merchants to be able to interact with it as well. It's been one of the features that has been the most demanded by our merchants over the last year, and we take it to be a very good sign that the appetite of business is to interact with these new payment instruments. So. Well, there you have it. There you have it. Another big news normalization. The other normalization that's happening. I don't know if this is where you're going to go for oak, let's. See how well you know me at this stage. The dibs, Democrat leaders. Crazy. That's crazy. You do? I was, I literally had Barcubits page ready for.

Democratic Views on Cryptocurrency

All right, go ahead. Go. Just go there. A lot has happened in the past week. I think the biggest news from yesterday, well, one, we've got cuban thorns, his hat in the ring to lead the SEC. But I think what's bigger than that is Maxine Waters, who is a Democrat. She's the head, she's the House financial services chair. So a pretty important position for banking in traditional finance. She's saying crypto is the future committed to a stable coin bill. Maxine Waters. Yes. And wants to start from scratch on other crypto.

Shifts in Political Rhetoric

No, Max Speedwater said that and then. Like, so Jake Jerzynski, he's commenting on this. It was his tweets where I found this. He's commenting like that a year ago that the Democratic Party line was crypto is only good for money laundering and terrorists. And now the rhetoric is changing. And I think we see folks on the, I think folks on the timeline are still, like fighting it and like, not believing it. I don't know. Like, I don't believe Maxine Waters one bit. I don't believe it one bit. But, but guess what? I don't care. You know, that's did. Maxine Waters is like the biggest hater.

Perspectives on Political Shifts

Like her and center Sherman, you know, the guy that was a moon something coin. Remember, like moon, the old deal is talking about crypto like he doesn't get. Wow, Tyler, Maxine Waters, so funny. I guess there's a chance they're just totally lying about it, but that would be a pretty, and be a pretty big reversal at this point. They continue to say more positive things and Kamala is increasing it in her talking points. I think she said something along the lines of she wants the US to lead in blockchain. I will recommit the nation to global leadership in the sectors that will define the next century.

Future Investments and Innovations

We will invest in biomanufacturing and aerospace, remain dominant in AI and quantum computing. Blockchain and other emerging technologies expand our lead in clean energy, innovation and manufacturing. You know what I say to that? What has been on bird, it will what can be. Amanda, what do you think? What do you do we think? Do we say, is this a bluff for votes or is this real? Like, is it full flip and it's good for us either way. Now we got both. Now we, now we have both parties openly saying, let's fucking go. Yeah, for me, I think this is good.

Analyzing Political Impacts

I don't know how you can spin. This is not good. This becomes a question of, like, whether you believe or how strong you can believe her. Gensler's got to go. Yeah, Gensler's got to go. I think you've got to pass regulation for. So the SEC doesn't continue to do this. So in all scenarios, I would hope that's the kind of path she's going to take as well. She's definitely coming more towards the center on this sort of stuff, and that's good for us. So, yeah, I think a lot of people, like then try and make it overly political. Obviously, I think Trump is going to be the most positive for crypto.

Comparing Political Figures and Crypto

Like, the guy's doing critical projects right now. But, yeah, you can't paint this as not good, in my opinion. What are your thoughts here, Tyler? I'm assuming similar. I don't buy the line that Trump is more bullish crypto than Kama. I don't really see, I don't understand the logic behind that necessarily. I think they're likely going to be equally good. And I think were starting to see the policy shift right now. So I think either candidates is going to be positive for crypto in 2025 is going to be huge regardless. I think theres actually, you could make an argument that theres more negative risks, like with WLF going off the rails or something in the opposite way.

Potential Futures in Crypto Regulation

So those are my thoughts. What do we think of Mark Cuban as chair of the SEC? I mean, I don't know why he wants that gig. Do you think he's serious or think he's playing? I mean, he volunteered to play the club. It's a short club. Let's play it. You want me to play that? You would entertain being a treasury secretary, commerce secretary, in a Harrison head of the SEC? That's the job I would take. Donald Trump, being the socialist that he is, had to beat Bernie.

Cuban's Political Engagement

So Donald Trump went out and recommended that interest rate caps be set to 10%. That, I mean, the fact that Mark Cuban is actually out there. Do we think Mark Cuban is getting really into politics right now, boys? He clearly is. I mean, he's been like the spokes, the, like, de facto spokesperson for Kamala. Yeah. On Twitter. I don't know if he just, like, saw a void and no major people were speaking up and we saw a lot of the, a lot of VC's were speaking up on the right, of course, in Elon, it seemed like it's just kind of Cuban on the left.

Discussion of SEC and Elon Musk

He offered to buy X. I don't think Elon selling, but I don't know why he'd want the SEC gig necessarily. But I mean, it's interesting. I think we. I don't know if I have a strong opinion on how he would do as the SEC lead. It's just interesting to see that he's kind of even talking about it. Yeah, his cost plus drugs thing is really cool, by the way. But, But yeah, it would be a. It's, it's, you know what it is, though. It's definitely going to be an interesting election. I mean, it has been. And it's now getting really, dude, it's really getting crazy. You have Donald Trump and Elon one side. You got Kamala Harrison and Mark Cuban on the other side of the ring. It's like a crypto AI blockchain. All this stuff is right in the middle, like right, the front, left, right and center of the conversation. So it's like we're really, like, we're really all over this thing and it's really starting to.

Entertainment in Politics

I don't know. I don't know. As your cousin of the North, Tyler, I have to say it's entertaining, man. It's, it's entertaining. That's, that's for sure. We need to get, you know, now we need to get either Kamala Harris or, you know, what, Mark Cuban on an interview and, you know, see what's good. How's that? You know, and see what's good with that. Anyways, what else, Tyler? What else? What did we go over? I mean, I know the Mudang pesto stuff is going crazy after this, people. I mean, damn, boys. Runners, this is. I'm back. I'm so back. I wasn't able to talk about the show. My. I try not to talk about coins under 10 million, but I got in on Pesto sub a million. So nice little 25 x. No way. The boys in the trenches brought it up. So we saw mudang. A lot of us missed the mudang run and then Pesto launched and Mudang was kind of chopping around 20 million.

Investments and Market Movements

Like, this is the beta kind of being far out on the wrist curve like I am. Went straight to the beta. Like, mudang is up six x, I think, since then. And Pesto is up a bit more. And now we've got this battle. So people formally started the battle between these two, which I think is good for both. I keep trying to measure. I don't want to be euphoric. Like, is attention topping on these memes, but, like, Walmart shared a post yesterday of pesto and moodang in their store, and then, like, the New York Post did an article about pesto. So I don't the. I think attention is still growing. You know, I don't know necessarily what it means for. I like that they're, like, together. Yeah, I'm pretty firm. Both. I own none. I have never owned any of either. And I want them both to go to quadrillions. Like, I don't care. It's so good.

Hype and Animal Themes

All it took was a cute little hippo to revive the trenches. I mean, you know, I've been hearing tron this, tron that. I mean, we have too many dogs and cats. We needed new cute animals, and we got them. That is so good. That is so good. I can't wait to ape all the rest of my soul into that. Not the beta, but the beta of the beta, and then lose it all after missing these two. But this is incredible. I mean, what do. You. Couldn't talk about Pesto for a bit, but now you can. I mean, that's a nice trade, Tyler. It's. It's following the. The mudang price action pretty closely. I was actually chatting with the boys, so Moodang went five to 15 million in a single day before it took off last week. We did that yesterday. Landed the beeple.

Trading and Speculation

Look at this. It's endlessly up. The moon dang chart is wild. So, like, we talked about this. We thought it would kind of pull back when it got to 120. It did for like 4 hours. Yeah, were right for 4 hours. It's already high. 127,000,000. It's all time high right now. Yeah. It's literally testing it for a third time. So I'm assuming it's about to break it. It's like, what are our targets like? I mean, I think this thing could hit it. Look at this. It's Lydia all time high right now. It's gonna hit it. I mean, I don't know about the targets, Thomas. There's an overhang. So I tweeted this morning. Someone bought in for $800, and it's worth three and a half million. They haven't sold any. Wait, if that person sells, is probably going to make it dent.

Market Trends and Trading Volume

Well, how do you see all top traders here? Wow. Someone made. Wow. Look at the money that's been made on this coin. Like a lot of people were early. This person, this person sold seven k for Millie and they still have 500,000 tokens. Wow, the trenches are back. I'm curious, like if majors pump into this weekend, like, are we going to see some new runners? Oh, new runners are just running, right? So many people missed Mudang and they see the profits and they want the next one. And then now I think it's right. That $400, 100 grand on Pesto here. That's why, that's why the casino is not closing. So which one of this is Tyler Mandel? Do we think it's the 600k? Plus.

Trading Insights and Decisions

I wish. Tyler was funny. He was like the other day after the show is like, fuck. I can't talk about this one because like under a million. But I think it's gonna run. And two days later it's like 25 mil. Got lucky. Good shit, dude. Good shit. You know, I gotta got it. Gotta keep shooting. I mean, this is if anything, you know, it's. It's time. It's. Is it that time, boys? The way you don't leave your home. Is it that time again? I mean, it's starting to get cold here anyways. Kind of. It's doing a little bit more like that then. Man. Pull up the runes board.

Market Analysis

Even our runes pops. I will gladly do that. Hold on, hold on. Let me, let me dance to my way there. Let's go. RSic I mean, RSiC if you were maybe that maybe they're soft rugging. I don't know what they're doing. I still have a tiny, tiny, tiny weedy bag. But pups is up 200% this week. No way. Huge rebound off the bottom. Dude, my puppets are flying right now. I still have like 15 of those bad boys. Ordinals cooled off a little bit yesterday, but they're still up nicely on the week. But it's. The runes is actually the bigger moves dogs up to 350 million. Oh, my God. And that's a. It's a big number.

Navigating Market Strategies

How do you see, how do. You go to just filter my volume? How do you do that? Yeah. Okay. Because it's a lot of noise now. There you go. Yeah. So there you see like the who, the big movers. 77.9 mil on pups. Wow. It's up 20% the last seven days. Damn, it's really moving. Dude, we're seeing the light. It was down to 20, I think. So it's up like four x off the bottom. We're seeing the light. Tyler, receive the light. It's a big move. I didn't. I didn't buy the dip at all, but I'm still holding. I did not buy the dip. I didn't sell a single token since I got my airdrop.

Long-term Holding and Strategy

So. True believer. I lazy. I did not. I don't. I don't teach. I don't touch. I did not touch it at all. At all. You was funny. I sold my dog to the moon stimuli at, like, 890 mil. That was like, what, ten kimmy, but pups I didn't touch. Yeah. Yeah. I would say if folks don't, folks overcall up, said 900 million. So you should have sold. Yeah. By the way, you should. Yeah, we. We. I should have sold. But you know what? I'm trenches. Rumor has that Arthur Hayes and onset are aping stuff together. Get on the timeline.

Market Announcements and Collaborations

So, mother, I saw that. What? There's 140 into breakpoint. Like, this isn't. I think Greenie is, like, this is an interesting trade ahead of breakpoint stuff. Like. Whoa. Yeah, just like a week ago. Wow, look at that chart. Oh, my God. Holy shit. This is why I would say, you know, be careful. Like, gotten. People have gotten burned chasing Arthur Hayes and Anson pumps in the past. Yeah, it's, It's absolutely insane. I mean, what. What? So what are the charts on? Solana, we're, like, here and are about to go, like, crazy, right? You figured there's a lot.

Chart Analysis and Observations

There you go. Okay. Here you go. Okay. I have to look. I haven't done, like, the deep digging, but I think there's a lot of. This is the pattern you want to look for, right? Yes. Like, build a base over a long time. That's what we want to look for. That's what we'll get. It's good. It's gonna, like, straight up, you know, that's. That's the goal. There's many charts like that, which is really awesome to see. Anyways, what else did I miss? How you think, Tyler, from your stuff. Or, I mean, you did kind of.

Market Engagement and Feedback

Caught me off guard. I feel like they didn't really even announce that much. No, but, I mean, partnership with the major league baseball and improbable for, like, this metaverse experience. I don't know. This is kind of. Kind of a big deal. I saw it yesterday. I thought it was super cool, by the way. I guess you could, like, see the holders could, like, be as their ape in, like, this virtual ballpark. I think, like, actually, like, watch the game. I haven't had a chance to really dig on, like, what the experience actually was like, so, yeah, like, it looks like you're on the field and you, like, see a yemenite, a stream of the game.

Experiential Marketing in NFTs

This is super cool, by the way. They didn't really announce anything. They just put it out there. I thought that was really cool. Here we're running last minute test with improbable IO and MLB to see what. So it looks like they, you know, they were not working with improbable anymore under the last CEO. And then it seems like the whole improbable board API Club collaboration started again, I think. Was it Garga and Korea tweet about, like, ending up in, like, a bowling alley with Herman the ruler? Like, I don't know what time. In Korea? In Seoul. And so that's when I was like, oh, it looks like, you know, they're working together again.

Collaborative Ventures and Partnerships

And then probable is killing it, man. So. Cause it's an improbable partnership, right? And then improbable got the MLB. Is that what it is? Yeah, it looks like that. No, maybe they weren't confident in, like that it would work. Like, I feel like NFT products are notorious for over announcing things that, like, lack substance. Like, this is actually a huge announcement. They barely, like, they barely had any lead up to it at all. So, like, maybe I would say maybe spend more time actually announcing this one and marketing it. Yeah, it's really cool. Love to see it and love to see them, you know, run tests like that.

Conclusion and Future Plans

But anyways, all right, so it looks like we've got around the horn pretty well. So stuff going on. And with that, I guess tomorrow, Robert loot Box pin day, and then we'll go to doing them once a day. But, you know, two winners tomorrow. Let's see this. Hopefully, may your coins run, ladies and gentlemen. And with that, we'll see tomorrow morning, 10:00 a.m.

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