Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space FOMO HOUR: Are we about to pump or dump? + lootbox spins! hosted by farokh. FOMO HOUR brought together experts to discuss market sentiments, the impact of FOMO on trading, and strategies for navigating volatile market conditions. The space delved into the significance of risk management, technical analysis, and emotional control in making informed investment decisions. Lootbox spins were also explored as a way to introduce an element of entertainment in trading activities. Participants highlighted the importance of education in understanding market dynamics and staying updated with industry trends to avoid impulsive investment decisions driven by FOMO.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: How does market volatility impact investment decisions?
A: Volatility can create uncertainty, leading to cautious or impulsive investment choices.

Q: Why is understanding market sentiment important in trading?
A: Market sentiment provides insights into investor behavior and potential price movements.

Q: What role does FOMO play in influencing market behavior?
A: FOMO can drive individuals to make quick investment decisions based on fear of missing out.

Q: How can investors effectively manage risks in volatile markets?
A: Implementing risk management strategies like diversification and stop-loss orders can help mitigate potential losses.

Q: What are the benefits of technical analysis in trading?
A: Technical analysis aids in analyzing historical price data to forecast potential market movements.

Q: How does emotional trading impact financial outcomes?
A: Emotional trading can lead to impulsive decisions that may result in negative financial consequences.

Q: Why is having a clear investment strategy important?
A: A defined strategy helps investors stay focused on their financial goals and navigate market uncertainties.

Q: What is the significance of lootbox spins in investments?
A: Lootbox spins introduce an element of randomness and entertainment to investment activities.

Q: Why is education about market dynamics crucial for traders?
A: Understanding market fundamentals and trends is essential for making informed trading decisions.

Q: How can individuals avoid falling into FOMO-driven investment traps?
A: By conducting thorough research and sticking to pre-defined investment plans, individuals can avoid impulsive FOMO decisions.


Time: 00:15:43
Market Volatility and Investment Decisions Exploring how market fluctuations impact investor behavior and decision-making processes.

Time: 00:28:19
FOMO's Influence on Trading Analyzing how the Fear Of Missing Out drives market participants to make hasty investment choices.

Time: 00:40:55
Risk Management Strategies in Volatile Markets Discussing methods to protect investments and minimize potential losses during market uncertainties.

Time: 00:55:10
Technical Analysis for Price Predictions Understanding the use of technical analysis tools to forecast possible price movements in the market.

Time: 01:10:37
Navigating Emotional Trading Examining the impact of emotions on trading decisions and strategies to maintain rational investment practices.

Time: 01:25:45
Lootbox Spins: Adding Fun to Investments Exploring the concept of lootbox spins and their role in adding excitement to investment activities.

Time: 01:40:22
Educational Importance in Trading Highlighting the significance of market knowledge and continuous learning in successful trading endeavors.

Key Takeaways

  • Market volatility can lead to uncertainties in investment decisions.
  • Predicting price movements is a challenging task in the cryptocurrency space.
  • Emotional trading can often result in detrimental financial outcomes.
  • Understanding market sentiment is crucial for making informed investment choices.
  • The concept of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) influences market behavior.
  • Lootbox spins introduce an element of randomness and excitement to investments.
  • Having a clear investment strategy is essential for navigating market fluctuations.
  • Technical analysis can assist in predicting potential price trends.
  • Risk management is key to mitigating losses in volatile markets.
  • Educating oneself about the market dynamics is vital for successful trading.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Service Notification

Heads up, everyone. We got a notification on streamyard that their services are down. So we'll know in a minute here if we're gonna do audio only or audio and video, but we will tell you in a second. Let me get Fomoire up on stage and me co host invite. Y'all know what to do with the retweets.

Discussion on Twitter Picker

By the way, I did some deep Google research yesterday, and I found out how people are gaming the Twitter picker. Ha. Suckers. I finally googled it. I finally googled it. And I know. I know what you have to game the game. So you know what? I'm gonna game your game from here forward. I know exactly what y'all doing to game Twitter. Perk. I went deep. I went on Reddit. I went everywhere. I went on websites. I don't. I don't usually go into. And I figured it out. And you will not get the best of me today.

Excitement and Good Morning

You will not get the best of me today. All right, tabs, kick it. Let's see if this stream is working. Oh, it works. Let's go. Oh, yeah. The streamyard works. Let's go, baby. We don't have to cancel this biz. Mando's got a haircut. He's wearing a shirt. Good morning. Good morning. GMGM Friday. Whoa. August 23. Oh, man, I can't wait for this month to be over. Honestly, month of August sucks. Like, bring on September and then bring on Christmas.

Thoughts on August and Market Check

If we could get rid of three months out of the year for me, would be August, October, and November. Completely useless anyways. August 23, 2024. Four, actually. We got to check in on our four token. Look at it. Another beautiful day to have a beautiful day. I got my co hosts in the house. Mando, Tyler. How you guys doing today? Mano seems confused. Sorry. You're good. You're good. How are you? The shirt's on. The shirt's fully open. You're like, look at that.

Current Events and DNC Speech

Oh, my God. That's so Mando needs to go as Wolverine this Halloween. And if toxicated, saying as the first comment we're getting this morning, Tyler, how you doing today? I'm good. Maybe a little tired. Stayed up late watching Kamala's speech at the DNC. It was a big night. Big night for the dems. I'm sure we'll get into it. You actually. You're capable of sitting through it and watching it doesn't hurt your brain.

Reactions to Kamala's Speech

I watched it. All I thought was a good speech. She actually touched on real policy for the first time. I think we know what she stands for now and disregard what right wing Twitter is saying to you. Like, that was a good speech. Wow. Okay, well, I'm sure we'll talk about that. I, by the way, when I say it's insufferable, I mean on both ends, either DNC's. Well, let me tell you what she didn't say. She didn't say monkeypox.

Missed Remarks in Speech

She did say abortion. She did not say Donald Trump five times. She did not say McDonald's, actually. What the, why? What the fuck did I bet that she'd say McDonald's? She didn't work at McDonald's. She did not say inflation. And she did not say Obama. Okay, let me tell you what she did not say. Okay, Obama. But she didn't. You'd figure that her acceptance speech would, you know, she'd say Obama because of the support from Michelle and Barack, it's my honor to succeed.

Discussion on Public Speaking and Popularity

Like go after my, you know, colleague Barack Obama. No, she said none of this shit. And I got cooked on absolutely everything, every single word. But besides one, I think I won one out of all of them yesterday, Tyler, I forget which one it was, but. Oh, ceasefire. That one was a good one because it was a, that was a surprise. Hithenne. Yeah, that was. We'll get into it. I've got, I've got some thoughts.

Market Report Introduction

Okay, perfect. We'll keep, we'll keep that for your thoughts. They're on the show today. Today. Market report as usual. I mean, we got Jackson's hole today. You know, whatever is going down in Jackson's hole, Mando, I need a tldr. I know it's in 52 minutes and everybody's shaking. Like my favorite traders on the timeline are shaking. You know, it's a cold world or not. We'll find out.

Economic Climate and Jackson's Hole

And in less than an hour, right. This thing's happening right now. I thought it was at 11:00 a.m. i talked to KBM and he said, I mean, it is now, but Jay Power is eleven. I've just seen a bunch of. Really? That may explain what we're pumping right now. But I was told by keyboard monkey, keyboard pianist, that. Pianist, I don't know that.

Rate Cuts and Market Response

Oh, no, Jay Powell is live. I guess he's live. And Mando has a shirt on. Oh. Time has come for rate cut. Purple tie. Purple tie. Purple tie. What does that mean? There you have it. What does it mean that Jay pal is wearing a purple tie? 25 bps or 50 bips? Question. There you go. Oh, yeah. Bitcoins, retesting, top of the range.

Trading Expectations

Anyways, we'll talk about that and then. And then we'll do Tyler's top 100 and followed by Robert Loot box. I got you guys. I know how you guys been gaming the system. I will game the gamers. So we'll do that at the end of the show. Remember to retweet and follow, all of us. Anyways, let's get right into this. The market is pumping. Let's get it. Can you dig it, GM?

Market Trends and Economic Forecasts

Good morning. Yeah, we're doing well. We're doing well. So everything's rallying on the back of a fairly predictable speech from Jerome Powell that we're going to start cutting rates. He doesn't seem overly bearish in the economy, which I think is a good sign. He's just basically, he's just saying that they're going to start cutting rates because inflation has come down. I don't know, seems to be taking.

Market Analysis Following the Speech

Well, yesterday stocks were a little bit lower. It feels like we're going to go higher on the back of this. There's some talk about like, oh, will we have a little bit of a sell off when the rate cuts start happening? We may. We may have like a small hiccup, but over the medium term it's almost always a pretty positive sign. I think one of the main things you normally see with rate cut cycles is they often coincide with quite a violent recession.

Expectations of a Soft Landing

And this is going to be one of the only potential soft landings we've seen in the last, I don't know, 40 years. So this is not like what you've seen with the other times. Like the last times you had very dramatic rate cut cycles were Covid and 2008. Right. So it was like these very violent recessions which suddenly led to extreme cuts. And this time it feels slightly different.

Bitcoin Positioning and Market Reactions

So I think in general, I'm saying this is positive. I do think that we've said bit here. Bitcoin positioning was pointing to it being squeezy. Cold world is not happening. It feels like today. But we have seen a bit of a rally in all the other l one s as well. This hasn't just been a bitcoin trade. So Avax is up 25% this week.

Details on Asset Performance

Now they got a grayscale trust yesterday about 25%. You've seen matic up about 25%. A bunch of l one l two s where some meme coin trade has been happening, but other activities have been happening. They all seem to rally. So you had a bit of a bounce there. You've seen a bounce a lot of the AI coins as well over the last 24 hours. So basically, the rallies in altcoins, which just used to be memes, has kind of spread to more things.

Observations on Market Trends

Particularly it's. It's not really meme coins, which have led a lot of these. So, oh, my God, look at those lines. Look at those lines, bro. Look, dude, listen. This is what you call a bullish pennant, okay? And we are breaking past it. You know, look, the lines don't lie. It's like hips is extra curious.

Bitcoin Performance Insights

Hips, you know, lines are nice. The lines are nice, you know, so you absolutely love to see it. Bitcoin's breaking past 62k, so it's. It's not. It's not bad. It's not bad. Now let's see if we can break through that. Right? Wasn't there big resistance to 62 mando? Yeah, I mean, I think the resistance is really slightly lower than that, but.

Continuing Market Sentiment

But, yeah, we've broken through. I don't know if it's going to like that much higher. Still feels choppy to me. Yeah. I'd be wary of buying into these sort of things, but I do think we could squeeze quite nicely. Like, funding is so low. Right. Yeah. What's the number where we're allowed to get excited again?

Threshold for Excitement

73. Honestly, I'm not getting excited past all time highs because you know what happened every time we hit 70k, brother. Well, 73 is like all time high, isn't it, roughly? Yeah, I think so. Right. I'm pretty sure 73 or 74 is the all time high. Let's hear. Let's pull up the daily bitcoin.

Daily Performance Check

There you go. Daily candle. It's. Yes. 73, 74. You know, something like that. So do we get excited? 74. On bitcoin? Yeah, brother. I think we get a little bit ahead of ourselves here. No, Tyler was asking where are we allowed to get excited? Oh. Not saying it's coming soon, but, like, you know, we want to.

Current State of Bitcoin

In the current state of things, I think a rally of $1,000 is, like, absolutely insane. Right? I mean. Oh, yeah. We're not getting. We can get excited and happy, but we just can't get euphoric. You know, that's the alpha, you know, we're not. We're not going to try not to get euphoric.

Analyzing Market Trends

Let's look at the top gainers losers on the last 24. I mean, it's nothing much going. It's just another day in chop city for now. Right. But we'll see if it happens to be true. So that's what you're talking about, right? You're talking about alts pumping. Looks like. Looks like alts are top gainers.

Current Altcoin Performance

Actually, guys, not even memes. Look at that. So alts are all. It's back. That's what I'm saying. Like going the weekly as well. Seven days. There you go, the top 300. But you see that this is a. Never mind. But like it's been a much more broad based rally, basically.

Analysis of Market Activity

Interesting. Interesting. Yeah, I mean, Avax pumped like crazy because of the grayscale news, right? I. So if you go top 300, I mean top 300, I guess that changes things because there's a lot of super rare. What's going on super rare. Super rare hard. DWF is the market maker.

Discussion on DWF Market Makers

Yeah, there was this, like, I saw this. Did you send that to someone? Sent that to us. Like the whole DWF thing where like they just like really good at like just like pumping on the volume. Like a token just goes crazy. Someone sent a thread that's, there's this guy that has been tailing the DWF, traded wallets, coins.

Market Strategies and Trading Insights

And so basically they do this thing where like they might. They pick up on a new coin. Like super is very low volume. They fucking send it. Right? And this guy actually has been only trading like that and been very successful. It's been pretty interesting. I read about this.

Thread on Trading Success

I'll find you the thread I'll send to you guys. But that guy was saying that he's been like actively just trading like that and he's been cooking because every time, like a DWF picks up a coin, like, he notices like a certain pattern and like, he didn't figure out. He didn't figure it was DWF until later.

Patterns and Market Makers

But it's been the same thing across multiple coins that he studied. And they all happened to have DWF as a market maker. And he was talking about that and I thought it was super interesting. But yeah. Anyways, thank you, Ali.

Coffee Expertise

I do, you know, aside from having best hand web three, I do make the meanest, you know, latte in web three, I'm quite barriers. Thank you. Thank you. I picked up on the coco and the foams ratio in Portugal. Actually, Portugal changed my life when it came to coffee. When it comes to coffee, these compliments.

Experiences on Coffee Differences

Are so hollow now. Four times and basically said, you're going to go to other countries. So. Mando took it personally.

Discussion about Switzerland

It's true, right? I only hear from the great vibe. Oh, no, I'm gonna move to Switzerland. Oh, no. I'm never going to Switzerland. That's. I am, too, brother. Paris. Oh, I see. Yeah. Okay. All right. Brother. Brother. I am too poor to live in Switzerland. Switzerland is for the rich and famous, like Danny seed phrase. Like, that is. That is different. Like, Switzerland is. Switzerland is for the rich and famous, like. Like Daniel seed phrase. And. And that's not for me, you know?

Opportunities in Milano

But there isn't. There's a good opportunities around Milano, you know? This is a good place to live. This is a good place to live. But don't worry. Portugal, Lisbon is still strong. Strong runner up here. Very, very strong. First tide or second here because it's nice and cheap. And we like that. We like that. You know, we'll. We like that. Anyways, so market wise, that's about it, right? Nothing else to pick up on. You know, sources are telling me this. Sources, Tommy keyboard monkeys. My sources. There's a fake breakout and that we're meant to short this. So let's see. We'll see by the time we close.

Market Updates and Predictions

But it is Friday, and you know what that day is? Shabbat candles day. So we'll see how. How the weekend treats us. So anyways, bitcoin 66 one six salon 145 ETH is 26, 80. A lot of means we're rallying, et cetera, et cetera. So you love to see that. And that's about it on the market, right? I think bitcoin sold off already. Yeah. Like 62, 250. It's over. Yeah. Yeah, it's finished. I mean, we may see $44,444 by. By Sunday. What? Cold. Should we talk about this for a second? Now, they're on the market because the market's been boring, and that's, like, a fun part of the market.

Crypto News and Insights

And then we'll get to Tyler's top 100 in a second. Like, there was a tweet, right, that. I saw that. Oh, he's tweeting down only dot exe. Look at that. 30 seconds ago. That's so funny. He's the only one. Yeah, he's the only one. Let's see, let's see. Let's see this. I. I mean, I'm. I've never. I can't. Short. I'm too scared to short. What's this tweet that's been getting, like, a lot of engagement last couple days? This one, right? No, there was one where he said that he was short, like, $60 million. Well, there was that woman.

The Buzz Around Market Movements

This one. It's this one. Yeah, it's this one. Right. I think he Jack XP deleted it. But that's the tweet. $44.4 million notional tp at 44,444. That's a lot of fours. What, what do we, what do we think? Thirty eight k and then took it off at 65. We had a short on from 60, lowers at 70k. Said he was, it was going to 38 and took it off at 65. And then got busted on the way up because then he longed, then he flipped long and he got busted for the whole, all the money he made out, which made was. This is where the $8 million meme with Onsen was born to.

Market Reactions and Twitter Rumors

Right. So. So I guess we'll see where the market takes us this weekend. Lower or higher? Let me know your thoughts in the comments. We're streaming live on YouTube and X. We've posted it all around. So let me know in the comments what you think. Lower. Higher. Higher. Lower. Let me know what you think. We're gonna, we're gonna be in the weekend. And Tyler, let's see what you got for us today. For daily NFT and crypto analysis. Tyler D on fomo hour calls. The kid can read a bastion. All right.

Crypto Major Updates

Yeah. Just in. We've got crypto majors rallying here, up about 2% across the board on the back of palace. Comments at Jackson Hole saying the time has come for rate cuts. Now it's just a matter of how big the cuts will be. In other crypto news, we saw the Tron stablecoin USD is no longer backed by bitcoin reserves. After the trondao removed, $750 million worth of bitcoin is now mostly backed by Tron TRX, interestingly, up quite a bit on the week. So that's something to watch. We saw finance founder CZ. He's released from prison to a halfway house free cz release, full release slave for September.

Institutional Developments in Crypto

So that might be one of our next upcoming catalysts we've been talking about. Avax, they had a big day. Two things. So Grayscale announced their trust and then also Franklin Templeton announced their us government money fund. Fob Xx is available on Avalanche. So more institutions going to avalanche Bantam, they're expanding their onboarding options, allowing users to utilize Apple pay credit cards and more. So it's getting easier and easier to get onto Phantom and then Sony. The news from overnight. Early this morning, Sony is launching an Ethel two.

New Blockchain Initiatives

It's called so Neum. And they're planning to deliver web three apps across entertainment, gaming and finance. So a big headline there in memes Sol mid tiers had a good day given SCF popcap outperformed on the day. Pump fun. Their big news, they're launching spaces. So within Pump fund you're going to have a spaces product. It's going to be absolute pandemonium. Let's go. We broke the news yesterday, but to relay a magic Eden foundation they teased their me token airdrop. We saw the bitcoin and soul leaders mostly green on the back of that news.

Wagering on Celebrity Events

Ethan teas chopped. Then it was a big night on poly market. We teed it up at the beginning of the show. Comilla speech saw over $2 million on which words she would say, though excerpts of her speech did leak ahead of time. We saw some wild action on the will Beyonce perform line. Over a million dollars bet on that. Sadly, no. Taylor Swift. Oh, my God. Tyler. Dude, I didn't hammer that one as hard as the Elon Mando. Have you been following airplane GCR? Tyler?

Tracking Celebrity Movements

So Tyler, remember when he was tracking the Elon jet over the. So he was doing this all day yesterday with Taylor Swift. I did DNC. So airplane GCR was back. I was a little lighter on Taylor. There was, there were less indications. Love you, dude. Actually going. I mean, Elon, like, his plane was actually like, it looked like it was flying to Nashville. Taylor. We never really saw any of that movement, but they announced the special guest and then all of the market makers, like, took their sell orders off and her line briefly popped to $0.50.

Celebrity Betting Speculations

So I thought when that happened that someone must have known something. I mean, it opened the day at $0.05. So it moved ten x. Like, you had a chance to sell ten x there on the day, but then it drops back to 20. It kind of held it 15 to 20 for most of the night. The big one was Beyonce. So I was watching both the CNN and NBC television coverage, and they were all actively spreading the rumor that Beyonce was there. Like, they wouldn't shut up about it.

Disappointment in Celebrity Appearances

They were talking about every 15 minutes. You saw it going around Twitter as well, until Beyonce's manager came out and said they had no plans to be there. The line had gotten to like 97%, I think. Like, it was like a confirmed, almost a confirmed yes. And then it dropped all the way to zero because she did not, in fact, perform here. I'll go to Nick. Nick Tomino. I can send you the NT money. He posted the chart. It's one of the more brutal. Oh, my God. Yeah.

Public Sentiment on Music Events

This is how much of a lock it seemed. And that. That jived with what the anchors were saying live. And then. Yeah, she did not. Now people are saying, okay, it was a conspiracy to get more. More viewers to turn it. Maybe it was. I don't know, but it worked. There was like 20 million. Someone. Yes. Someone just said Tyler did it. Here's a threat about the online rumor starting to. So it looks like.

Viral Rumors and Reactions

Okay, someone started a rumor yesterday on Twitter. This is. I mean, people were saying that, like, the anchors were saying that she was live in the building. So, like, yeah, I mean, if this is where it started, it was a wild game of telephone down, and it seemed realistic because Commonwealth has been coming out to the Beyonce song freedom. Beyonce gave her the rights to play it at rallies, so it was logical. And then the speech, yet over $2 million bet on. On that one.

Reflections on High-Stakes Betting

I know. I end up staying away. I didn't like the lines. There were so many heavy favorites. None of the underdogs hit ceasefire hit. Yeah, I know. I got rinse, bro. But now I think there's kind of a problem. Like. Like, are you going to keep betting these markets if you know that the speeches are getting leaked? Apparently one of the Trump speeches got leaked. Like, so basically, if you don't get a copy of the speech, you're. You're a massive dog.

Concerns Over Market Integrity

And how do you trust that? Like, the people who get the copy of the speech aren't bidding this, and. Then there could be, like, fake speeches leaked now. Like, there's a lot of permutations with this. So I think we might be moving on from some of the word betting. Yeah, I mean, we still. The debates. The debates will be, I think, less. We are definitely taking this word betting too far, that's for sure.

Future of Betting Markets

But you know what? We love it. There's nothing else to do. There's nothing. What else are we gonna do long. And try to try dog coins on BNB? Exactly. I mean, we'll get to that in a second. Right. I'm curious to get our BNB and Tron update of the day to see where. What the trenches are. And I got my thoughts. I got. I got. I got.

Market Analysis and Predictions

I got my own thoughts on that one. But anyway, so you seem to have liked this. The speech. This speech seemed to have, I mean, on the market, seem to have gotten a little closer, to Trump. There was a large gap of, like, what, five, six points? oh. You know who we're betting on next for words RFK today. Yeah. Well, the big one. Is he going to endorse Trump?

Reflections on Political Betting

That's at 70%. It feels like he will. Like, I mean, if he comes out at the Trump rally, it seems like he's going to endorse him. What are some typical words that are our boy RFK likes to use? Like, what do we. Okay. I mean, you want to talk about Wildcard? What are we talk. CIA, yo. CIA at $0.29 with all the rumors. You like that? It's interesting. I don't know.

Conjectures on Future Political Scenarios

Debate, you know, that's a good 150 50 with them not letting him debate. You could say it. You could be like, hey, here, I'll put my bets on. I'll put. I'll put my bets on the show. Yeah, fuck it. Let's have fun. Him dropping out is clearly why polymarket has moved to Trump. But I don't know.

Anticipations in Political Dynamics

I think that when the polls come out next week, I think when Silver has this model, Kamala is going to be in the lead. As long as I have time next. Week, she'll be in the lead. As long as I have money left in this account, I will bet. And then the day goes to zero. Then I will stop. So I say myself.

Concluding Remarks on Market Speculations

So I tell myself. But anyways, that was. Apparently. That was a good one. So. So we'll see where that takes us. But anyways, DNC, all this stuff, that's. That's over with now, right? You can go back to Chicago. You're safe. Yeah, it's over. Yeah, we're going back. All right. The really weren't that bad.

End of an Era in Political Events

Yeah, the Tyler D. Household can go back home. You know, that.

What's Important

That's what matters. That's what. That's. That's what. That's what matters. Anyways, how are we looking? How. How are. Let's. Let's talk about our BSc and Tron coins, because yesterday's show was literally all about BNB and stuff. Mando, have you dabbled into BNB yesterday after the show? You seem like you were excited to do so. I did. I bought the binance dog, which is. Down 75%, hence the memes. I have to say, you were cracking me up yesterday because it was right after the show that you were tweeting all the memes on of BNC. Did I? They were funny. So the binance dogs, you tried. You tried. At least I figured that would be. The one down 75%.

Memos and Prices

Yeah. Fours up. Let's take a look at. Let's take a look at our daily memes. This one is so funny, cz. Getting out of prison to pump BNB coins. Well, Simon's cat is up at 275 million. What? Wild. Yeah. Yeah. Go pull up the BSC. Let's pull up the BSc board over here, boys. Let's pull it up. So Simon's cat. Let's pull it up. I got it. Here. Oh, my. wait, what? Oh, because it's a daily candle. Hold on. Yeah, I'm seeing 190. Wait. Oh, I'm seeing 222. Topped out at, like, 250 or something. Or 220. Yeah, no, this morning was definitely super high. oh, it did go. It went super high. Yeah, it's in, honey. Yeah, it was definitely. You're right. It was definitely hit, like, 250 overnight.

Market Observations

how's that four coin door? I didn't end up bridging. I did end up selling my x copy, but I ended up, like, keeping it in cash, so I can't do anything with it. Yeah, it felt good to get a sale. I feel like an oh, and it's up. Look at that. We pull up. We had the right court. We. I got Obi. We had the right one. The ones you don't buy are, of course, gonna go, oh, my God. That's so funny. I got a text over about it because I was talking to OV. Yes. I was, like, sharing my BNB thoughts, and I was like, I think this is gonna pump. And I didn't buy it. And we actually agreed to that one pumping, and we didn't get into it. That's 31 mil.

Updates on Four Coin

So four is down 68%. Four is up. How's. You know what? I want to know how Capri sun is doing. Let's check back in on Capri sun on Tron. Hey, it's not great, boys. I don't think we missed much. It is back down to a million. Hey, dad. How'S the rest of the board? I'm taking a look at 190. I mean, that's still. I mean, Sundar got a binance listing with Popcat. Right. So Tron board. What's the Tron logo again? It's this one, the Tron board market. I think it's just Sundog. His sun cat. Right. That are. That are. That are up. I think that's about it. The sun token.

Bitcoin Backing Insights

I don't know if that's a meme coin or whatever that is. So can you talk to me about the importance of that bitcoin backing being gone now? Like, it's like, 12,000 bitcoin? Cause that was a big headline yesterday in one of yours. Yeah, I saw the news, I haven't really dug in, but the Trondao, they moved $750 million worth of bitcoin, which had been back in USDD. This is an algorithmic stablecoin. They launched it in 2022 as a competitor to Terrace, a UST token. And now it's primarily backed by their own TRX. So I don't know. We've seen setups like this before, right? Like, I think it is a red flag, right? I'm trying to just scroll through the article now, see what else jumps out.

Reflections on Company Movements

You know, I think folks have questioned, you know, some of Justin Sun's movements in the past. They're backed by meme coins now. All right, they're saying it has $1.7 billion worth of TRX and USDT and reserves, giving it a collateralized ratio of over 230%. So it's backed by more than double. But, yeah, I guess someone else is disagreeing with that, saying it's only 53% backed. So it looks like it's still fairly unknown. Interesting. But perhaps be careful. Dabbling in USD. Okay. Okay. Be careful there. Be careful. Traumas. I mean, we've been saying be careful on Tron for a minute. The other headline is Sony. I mean, sony made the headlines not long ago for acquiring a.

Sony's Move into Blockchain

A. An exchange. Right? And so now you're telling me that Sony is launching an l two. What's that all about? They are, yes. Sony is launching an Eth l two. It's called Sony the quick TLDR. So their vision is to realize the open Internet that transcends boundaries. They describe it as a general purpose blockchain that aims to evoke emotion, empower creativity, and meet diverse needs to go mainstream. It is an open network. It leverages the op stack and the super chain. The focus areas are entertainment, gaming, and finance. And as for, like, what's coming next, they are gearing up to launch the testnet, making their developer tools and SDKs available soon, and then introducing new partners.

Industry Collaboration

And they've got some big partners in there, so they have. Chainlink. Circle s network was one of the big ones. And I think there was an interesting quote from the rollout that I'm quoting here. We think the development of a comprehensive web three solution based on blockchain is very significant to the Sony group, which has developed a wide variety of businesses. So that's the story. I think there's been just like, some early, some people are happy. I think the. I feel like crypto Twitter is just leans so negative and pessimistic of course, you know, the common response is, oh, great, another l two. I saw like Beanie comparing it to their NFT projects and where that went.

Hope for the Future

It didn't really go anywhere, but I lean a little bit more optimistic. I think we have to at least be happy and want to give these folks a shot to see what they can, you know, what they can roll out, what kind of apps they're gonna have. I mean, I, I mean, yes, the narrative could be, yeah, just another l two. Sure. But you know what? You tell me. Sony's buying exchange. Sony's building an l two. Sony's clearly in spending money and investing in the cryptocurrency like, business ecosystem, this industry. I take this as a positive, surely, right? I mean, what do we think here? Like, I know people want to dunk on this, dunk on that, but like they're not here trying to extract.

Considerations on Future Developments

I mean, yeah, but I don't think they will. Like, because they also, it's like, you know, like what do we think, right? Like surely this is a positive. I think launching l two is less extractive, right. Of an entrance rather than launching like an NFT or something along those lines. So I think it's positive. Right? I mean, we have, it's just a headline right now. So we have to see like what, you know, what they put behind it, what kind of resources. Yeah. And who chooses to build and it's going to be competitive. Right. But it's certainly better than coming out and saying crypto is a scam and.

Sony's NFT Perspective

We'Re exiting Sony NFTs. I'm keeping this candid once a day, y'all. Don't worry, I won't let you down. I mean, Coinbase bombed with their NFT marketplace and then they're doing all right with their l two, right? Like Coinbase NfT marketplace with complete washout and then the base is fucking killing it. So, so I guess we'll see what's gonna be built on Sony zl two. But dude, fuck it. We'll take it. Like, I, I don't know. Like I think we've become a little too cynical on this industry in the space. I'll see, I'll say CT. I'll just say Ct specifically. Like we've become, like I, I believe we've become overly bearish and cynical in this period of chop.

Chop and Perspective

I think chop has really gone to everybody's heads. Yes. And I think a lot of people need to rinse your head. You. I think people need to like shut their brains off again. You know how we say, like, shut your brain off in this space? I feel like we've all shut our brains on during the truck because we're overthinking. I mean that. What do you think? You, you smirked here. Like, you think people need to shut their brains off a bit and just let the pump be within them? I think increasingly, it seems as though a lot of the pump stuff is just, like, related to the majors and that's what gets people more depressed.

Industry Trends and Reactions

It's like, oh, Sony's going to come in and, yeah, maybe they don't just create, you know, like an unregulated gambling space for everyone, which is what everyone kind of wants, but maybe they just do some of their payments on there, maybe they do some move some ip on there, and that probably is bullish for eth, bullish for bitcoin, bullish for Solana. But I don't think this is crazy. I would agree with both sides that you can't really. Sony have had quite a few different parades into this space and some of them have worked, some of them haven't. I feel as though this is an l two.

Market Analysis

We don't need another l two. But it probably at the same time shows marginally that more and more companies can go and do this. I think the thing that stood out for me here is Sony's one of the biggest companies in Japan. Japan's been making quite like a big push into blockchain from being very far behind. As technical as a country that tries to be very technically ahead of many others, it's been surprising to me that they've been so slow at this. So to see some of the big conglomerates come in and do stuff, maybe that's just another avenue for Japan getting bigger into blockchain.

Community and Market Behavior

Yes, absolutely. By the way, Daniel, in the comments, genius. Who's, who's sending ticker sign? Oh, and why get it Sony anyways? You can launch it on pump fun on a new spaces. Speaking of which, perfect segue to where I wanted to go quickly, before I go to you, Tyler, for you to explain, mando, you know, since we started this show together, how do you feel about FOMO hours streaming live on pumped up fun? Are we streaming live on pumped up fun? Not today. But there is a new streaming. They have just like discord stage, just like clubhouse and spaces.

New Streaming Features

There's pump fun stages now, Tyler, talk to us about that. Yeah, I mean, it's. They basically have launched a Twitter clone, so they're, they introduced stages. Multiple people can live stream at the same time. Anyone on the stage can screen share, they've got voice chat and more. So basically it works just like a spaces. So you have to have the dev launch the stream and then to get people onto the stage, anyone can request to join and the dev can invite them up onto the stage and from there you're just joint streaming just like any other streaming app.

Dev Functions and Management

And if the dev leaves the stream ends. Dev still has control just like they do on the spaces. So it very much is just a spaces stream clone. And to answer your question for yes, 100%, we should do a pump fun spaces. If we can find a way, if we can find a way to stream this into. I'll ask Sims when he's back. He's going to be back on Monday. Like, I'll ask him to figure it out. But if we can stream live on pump phone while we're streaming live here. Hey dude, it's just another avenue. What do you think about that, Mando? You, you, I mean you're pumped on Dev yourself?

Considerations for Streaming

I don't know. I think it's quite a lot for them to become like their own streaming platform at the same time. But they seem to be keen to do it. But it makes sense though, right? It makes sense for their niche. Right? So I think we saw the meta where the late night, you know, demon hour spaces were just people launching pump funds and like CTO in them, right? So now I could see some of that segment move from Twitter onto pump fun. It seems like some of these streams are going kind off the deep end.

Community Response to Streaming

They are of, I didn't partake in the whole like crackhead dev stream because. Yeah, that's the only stream you want to watch. I guess that's what I'm trying to say. It's like I'm not going, it's not going to replace kick or twitch or any other thing. The only thing you're going to on to pumped off fun is hear about some crackhead dev. I mean, yeah, I mean I would have watched, I mean people watched 7000 people watching Tyler and I stream that Elon Musk and Trump debate live and betting on words.

Pumped Up Fun Experience

So could you pump the fun? We weren't betting on pump. I was buying pump funds at the same time, getting reactive course. And then I was bidding polymarket. Like, I feel like there's, and obviously I don't want to push that too far, but I feel like some creators can like push this the extent for like they're buying, like, soul Jakey. Right. He kind of been doing that like he was on pump. Fine. At the same time, I'm not saying. That their content doesn't work, but it's like me saying, should opensea have become a streaming platform?

OpenSea Streaming Concepts

Well, you know what? Maybe that would have saved them. I'm just saying. I just don't think it's. I know it's. I know it's core business. Making $2 million a day launching. I don't think it's the core business, but I do think it accelerates that core business to get the attention sucked into the platform. Right. Like, at the casino, right. You're in there. There's no clock. There's alcohol, there's restaurants. They don't make money from the fucking restaurants. And the Jack Daniels are serving you on TAPd.

Casino Analogy

Right. But I think this is in line with what they. Where they want to go. Like, they. They want to be one stop shop with respect to, like, social media and communications around their coin launches. So, like, they're not going to display suck your standard Twitter space over in the pump fund, but spaces that are talking about pump funds and meme coins going over there, I think could. Could. They could displace those. But whether or not it moves the needle for pump fun and, like, daily volume, like, I don't. I don't really know that it does.

Final Thoughts and Future Potential

Yeah, we'll see, we'll see. We'll see that. And that was some news. What else, Tyler? What else you got in store for us today? Before, those were the big ones trying to think we had anything else. Yeah, that was really it. Phantom just makes it. I mean, Phantom just continues to dominate with wallets. Dude, they have apple pay credit cards. It's just getting easier and easier. What's with the legacy crypto brands not giving a fuck about UI and ux?

Love for MetaMask and Legacy Teams

Like, I. I love metamask. I love the metamask team. Okay, don't get me wrong here. Like, this is not personal. What is with these legacy crypto teams? Not caring about improving? Or maybe they care, but, like, if Phantom is doing it, surely it's not that hard to replicate, right? Like, I don't want to assume that's easy to do an Ux UI change when everybody's using your platform, but, like, if someone else is doing it, why is it so hard? Like, that's something that frustrates me in crypto. Do you guys know why? Like, for example, the UI update, that metamask, that is arguably the worst update I've ever seen, you know the thing with the activity, you have to click again. You have to pop it up just to get to a block explorer. You have to click like 17 buttons. Like, do you guys know why? Like, why do we keep doing that to ourselves? In the space open c, same.

Reflections on the Complexity of Change

Maybe they feel like they have more to lose. You know, they had, you know, they had like a. Don't. If it's broke, don't fix it, I guess. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know either. It is consistent, though. It's a consistent theme. I don't know. Winners. Yeah, you're right. You're absolutely right. I don't know either. Anyways, I just realized I actually didn't prepare the loot box pen, so I need five minutes. So please figure out a topic to talk about for five minutes. I got carried away in this conversation in this show today. A lot of interesting stuff. So I need you, I can riff a little bit. So one, we talked about magic yesterday and the token launch, but what I missed was that they rebranded it. So originally that was their token was gonna be ticker in that case, and now it is ticker in the.

Token Rebranding and Future Directions

And it seems like there is actual meaning to that. Like they are looking like they don't want to be pigeonholed as an NFT token. Smart. There's a direct quote here from their foundation director Matt Sinek's in conversation with decrypt and a quoting here. We want this to represent something greater than just nfts, especially if down the line, we adopt protocols that represent fungible token standards. That doesn't mean we're not bullish on nfTs. So I think that was an interesting twist to all of this. We broke down the news mostly yesterday. Again, you're going to have the magic Eden wallet. It's available on iOS android. Seems like they're running out the blast playbook. So you're going to have that. You're going to want to link all your wallets so they have the option to link across what, Unicet X verse, I think Metamask, Phantom. So you'll want to connect, you know, bitcoin, Solana and all that.

Discussion on Market Trends and Activity

To have all your diamonds in one spot or perhaps keep them separate. I guess that's up to everyone. But now we're just waiting on the win. When is this thing going to come? And I was looking back at their six month numbers. I mean, they had a massive lead on the six month. I mean, they had 10%. That was mostly ordinals. Volume or mostly ordinals. Ordinals and Solana. So they basically. They've been winning Solana. They're pretty much neck and neck with tensor, I think, slightly ahead and then dominating bitcoin. Dominating bitcoin. I don't think anybody shops bitcoin enough ordinals on any other platform than magic Eden. Right. So I think part of that success continuing is likely dependent on ordinal success.

Market Activity Observations

So how do you feel about ordinals here? I've seen a couple of big note monkey sales over the last couple of days. Puppets are up today. Again. How do you feel about that in general? Well, here's the thing. We might see a bit of the farmer pump, right. So now we think that the Me token launch is closer. It's easy to forget about farming or trading nfts when it's not top of mind. But you know, everyone who got those diamonds. You have the ability to unlock 200% to 500% more by. By bidding, by trading nfts on magic Eden. So I could see a spike in activity, primarily on bitcoin, perhaps on Solana. And we started seeing that it's a small sample size, so I'm too excited. But ordinals are up three to 10% across the board.

Emerging Trends in the NFT Space

Solana Nfts. We saw a lot of greenhouse on the Solana board, so it was a lot of smaller, like, lower cap projects. Yeah. So, like, the Catalina whale mixers up 47%. I saw cornea. I don't even know these projects. No, I minted the shit out of that. I actually sold a Catalina well, for $55,000. Peak Solana nfts, you know, to who I think was toli. Actually, I had listed it for 500 sol back then for the longest time. And one day I see on the timeline, like, it going viral, the tweet, and I'm like, what? That's mine. And I list, like, six months prior. That's why. That was like, og nfts on Soldo.

Trading Activities and Market Sentiments

That was like 2021 sol nfts when I. Okay, yeah, now I remember those. Yeah. D guys are chopping at 35 mad lads. SMBs are up slightly, so could give them a little bit of life. And then, I mean, ethan of teas that they kind of chopped yesterday, but gonna close a pretty nice week. Everything's up seven to 15%. That's kind of holding at 27.5. How. That's good. I've seen. Not expecting a whole lot of action this weekend. Mando, how's our drink? I'm 1 minute away from finishing this thing. How's our drink points going? What do you mean? How's it going? How you guys.

Event Wrap-Up and Audience Engagement

How are you guys doing on that front? Looks like it's going well. We've hit an all time high for people on it. We was. It became the official sponsor of rec radio this week. Let's go on the back of that. Yeah, I think it's going well. I think it's going well. Absolutely love to see this. And then last, question, for the both of you as we head into the weekend, like I asked, every Friday, higher or lower on Monday? Ooh. You guys always stress out of that question. Yeah, I'm going higher this week. I'm going higher. Higher this week. All right. What do you think, Mando? I'll go with lower. Oh. What? Damn it.

Market Predictions and Personal Insights

Only in the short term, I'm not bearish if we're going to bet what I think this could be higher or lower. I think it's going to because it's just one of these things where people will start freaking out over the weekend because somehow rates are going to go lower than people say, oh, 2008. This is just like Covid, and it's nothing like those sort of times. And then on Monday, we'll probably rally back. Okay. Just don't buy into us getting out of this tight range. That's basically what I'm saying. I like that. Listen, I like that. No, I must sit on my hands. I'll decide. I'm betting on football this weekend. So Manchester City or Brighton Albion anyways.

Engagement and Participation in the Show

All right. I. Whoa. I've become a professional. This shit. All right, well, we're going to pick one winner. That's retweet the stream, the actual broadcast from my tweet. And we're going to pick one winner directly from the audience. So here you go. So you have to follow robot. And you know why I did that? Because it's only 52 retweets on this. And you guys couldn't have gamed it, but only the real ones. Retweet that one. So you have to follow Robert Fomo hour, Mando, Tyler and myself. We'll do it like that. Boom.

Live Interaction with Audience and Announcements

And then one winner you guys will pick. Make me stop. And we're picking from the audience directly. There you go. All right, let's pick one winner that retweeted the broadcast. See, you got to stay on your toes. You got to stay on your toes. You got to stay on your toes at all times, you know, you got to be retweeting shit. You got to be supporting us. You got to be, you know, sharing, watching live. So there it is. And the winner is Metal Panther X. Out of 52 entries.

Winner Announcement and Gratitude

Metal Panther X, congratulations. Request to speak and come on stage. Metal Panther X, you won one of the two spinners fans today on the show. Congratulations. So, Metal Panther X, if you are here listening, please come up. And if you're not, then, you know, we'll pick somebody else after. The other thing is, I think we do the stop thing. What do you guys think? Should we do the stop thing? That's always. That's always a fun. That's always a fun way to get it going.

Engagement Game and Audience Interaction

So, Tyler, why don't you tell me when to stop? I'll go up and all the way down one bit. All the way here. Two, four, seven. Well, I can't even tell if he's. Two, four, seven. Swoosh. There you go. Two, four, seven. Swoosh. Two, four, seven. Dot. Swoosh. Jet. Get. And Luta. So get loot. Get loot. Get in, get in. Loot. Ge t n l u t e g e t n l u t e.

Winner Celebration and Closing

Congratulations. Please request to speak and come up on stage with us. Metal Panther. I'm not seeing them, so they may be a. They may have been a robot, and I may. I may redraw if he doesn't request to speak in the next 30 seconds. Yeah, he's here. Never mind. Don't stress it, brother. I'm bringing you a. And, you know, as bio says, his bio says, never give up until I make it. What's up, brother? 1 second. We have a lot of feedback here. We have a lot of congratulations.

Community Engagement and Gratitude

You made it up. I mean, you know what he did. This guy, he's smart. He retweeted Mandel's tweet, Tyler's tweet, my tweet, and the Fomo hours basis. This m heifer, this MFR retweeted absolutely everything. 247 sewers, how you doing? All right, let's get, let's get. Yeah. Yeah, I can hear you. All right, all right. Are you ready for your spin? Yeah. Let's go. All right, all right.

Final Celebrations and Future Plans

All right. Let's go. Metal Panthers first. Swoosh is second. There you go. So there's the box. It's right there. Let's go. Let's spin, baby. When you win a red guy. Red guy. 6317. Congratulations, Metal Panther. We will send you this. Send us your wallet. Address. 247 swoosh. Are you ready? Can't hear them. Yeah, we're ready. We ready.

Audience Interaction and Closing Remarks

Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Where you tuning? Where are you tuning in from? I'm actually at work right now, but I appreciate the selection, man. Oh, shit. You at work right now? I love that. I hope this guy. All right, let's see if this gets. In a big form. Are you gonna quit your job if you win? A punk? I'm just kidding. Please don't. Please don't.

Concluding the Show on a High Note

All right, let's paint for your brother. Well, it's another reg. Oh, I love that one. Nice one. Congratulation. Two, four, seven. So she made $1300. Much appreciated. Thank you, guys. I brother. Have a good one. Well, Panthers wish congratulations on your red guy wins. You absolutely love to see that. And, boys, I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Personal Updates and Farewell

I will not see you on Monday because I'll be in Japan. I'm gonna go to Japan. I'm gonna make sure that they max bet our bitcoin and everything. I got you guys. I'm gonna go to the Sony headquarters. I'm gonna tell them they might have to buy $10 billion worth of our meme coins. So I got you guys anyways. With that. With that. With that.

Looking Ahead to the Next Week

We'll see you Monday, 10:00 a.m.

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