Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

This space “Fireside Chat – Founders AMA” is hosted by play_ember. The Twitter space delved into the intricate world of Web3 content creation, highlighting challenges, highs, and lows faced by creators while emphasizing collaboration, competition, and community support. Discussions underscored the importance of dedication and perseverance amidst market fluctuations. The session expressed gratitude towards individuals like Sansa and stressed the commitment to providing resources and guidance through creator programs. By recording sessions and organizing engaging events like Fireside chats and AMAs, the community fosters a positive work culture and ensures the sharing of valuable insights for creators in the Marketing Agency niche.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: What insights did the space offer regarding the Web3 industry?
A: The space provided insights into the challenges and realities of being a content creator in the Web3 space.

Q: Who was appreciated for their interest in the community?
A: Individuals like Sansa were praised for their genuine care and engagement in the space.

Q: How is support provided to content creators?
A: Support is extended through dedicated programs offering resources and guidance.

Q: What is the focus regarding bringing diverse perspectives?
A: The aim is to offer various insights and perspectives to enrich the community regularly.

Q: What drives growth according to the discussions?
A: Both collaborations and healthy competition are highlighted as essential for growth.

Q: How was the positive work culture emphasized?
A: Maintaining a positive work culture was discussed as crucial for success.

Q: What was mentioned about market fluctuations?
A: The need for dedication and perseverance during market fluctuations was highlighted.

Q: How are sessions made accessible for future reference?
A: Sessions are recorded for listeners to access valuable information later on.

Q: What kind of events are regularly conducted for engagement?
A: Fireside chats and AMAs are conducted monthly for community engagement.

Q: How was the community’s involvement appreciated?
A: The community’s participation and support were deeply valued.


Time: 00:00:34
Encouragement to Share the Discussion Link, Encouragement for listeners to retweet the space and share the discussion link.

Time: 00:04:53
Fireside Chat Introduction, Overview of the purpose and structure of the fireside chat during the Twitter Space discussion.

Time: 00:14:57
Game Development Updates, Detailed information provided about the current games featuring the MB character and future plans in game development.

Time: 00:27:34
Creator Program Resources, Explanation of the extensive resources available to content creators through Playmber’s creator program.

Time: 00:31:03
Authenticity in Content Creation, Advice given on the importance of authenticity in content creation and learning from others in the space.

Time: 00:38:16
Collaboration Over Competition in Web3, Discussion focusing on the significance of collaboration over competition within the Web3 space.

Time: 00:44:16
Community Engagement Emphasis, Emphasis on the importance of community feedback and participation in Playmber’s initiatives.

Time: 00:47:56
Team Acknowledgment, Recognition of the team’s hard work and dedication to maintaining a strong community presence within Playmber.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of understanding the realities and efforts required for success as a content creator.
  • Gratitude towards individuals like Sansa for their genuine interest in the space.
  • Emphasis on offering support and resources through programs for content creators.
  • Commitment to bringing diverse perspectives and insights to the community regularly.
  • Focus on collaboration and competition as driving forces for growth in the Web3 industry.
  • Discussion on maintaining a positive work culture and environment.
  • Highlighting the dedication and perseverance required during market fluctuations.
  • Recording sessions for future reference and valuable information sharing.
  • Encouragement to listen back to sessions for enriched understanding.
  • Regular schedule of Fireside chats and AMAs for community engagement.
  • Appreciation for the community’s participation and support.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to WhaleCoinTalk

Sure. I was just going to say that basically for the folks that don’t know about WhaleCoinTalk, we actually launched in March of 2021. And what’s interesting is, like, back then, everything was brand new, right? Everything was new. There was no playbook. There were no influencers like we have today. There were no massive VC firms that were backing projects left and right. And so we actually got started with a handful of people who were doing things that really no one else was paying attention to, which was security in the crypto space. And so it really organically grew from these internal conversations that we had. And then it started becoming very public, and we had these Twitter spaces, and it was a big time where we were just like, alright, you know, maybe we can get these guys more involved. Do AMAs every single week, and it really, it really grew. We have a handful of creators now that are, I mean, they’re fantastic. They’re some of the best in the space adding weekly calls, space, hosts to the community call as well. I think it was well received. We have built out our cohort quite a bit. The AMA guarantee is still the same, but I think we’ve just added more and more so that it gives that public insight into what we’re all about. That community call is growing.

Introducing Sansa

Speaking of today’s call actually, we are very, very happy to introduce our speaker for today’s community call. Sansa, thank you again for joining us today! We are so honored to have you here. I’m excited for everyone to hear what you have in store for us today. Oh, thank you so much for having me. And I didn’t even realize that because of how quickly things go. I had to remind any of, I was like, no I just joined this space like a couple months ago. No, I’ve been on here for like probably about a year now. Wow. It’s honestly rare to find people that really kind of, you know, last in this space, because this space can burn people out, it can kind of dishearten them, and you know, only the strong survive, and people who, they really want this to work, they stay and are committed. You know, and as you said, I think, I think it’s really great to see who who have been here for a while and who have gone through, you know, the highs and lows of the market, the highs and lows of, you know, content creation and being full time web three, it just gives you a lot of insight as to what it really takes to be a content creator because as silly and funny and, you know, magic Internet that crypto is, you know, this is our lives, right? We do this for a living. And, you know, it’s, it’s really cool to see people like Sansa who genuinely care about this space come in and chat with our creators. I think it was supposed to be like 45 minutes, and it was like an hour and 20 minutes that he stayed. And so really, you know, grateful to have him as a close friend of mine and really appreciate him coming on. And, you know, we’re going to start doing more of that every single week, right? We want to, we want to get different sectors of people, you know, video content creators, spaces, hosts, gaming content creators, whatever it may be. We want to offer as many, as much insight as possible to our creator program as possible, because we want to make sure that, you know, they have, you know, they’re in the right hands, and then they have all the resources necessary to become one of those greats one day.

Collaboration Over Competition

And last thing I do want to kind of go back on what you said, you know, kind of reiterating on that collaboration of a competition is like, one thing I talk to all these potential partnerships and projects about is like, hey, I. So like, why don’t you just come do it with us, right? Like, we’re in the same space. We can offer our services. You offer your services. We build partnerships with these projects that are in adjacent services to what we do. And then we’re able to connect them with the brands we work with. That’s huge, because not only are we adding value to our own services, but we’re also helping these other projects grow and bring awareness and see more of the public eye from a different perspective that they would have otherwise not have had. Yeah, Sansa, I just wanted to reiterate what you were saying about gaming content creators as well. I really think that that’s going to be an interesting wave in the future for us. You know, I know we have a lot of things planned today, but we can also talk about them a little bit more later. But yeah, I think that between games and the projects we’re doing, we’re really set for success on that one. And, Sansa, I wanted to pass it over to you because I know we have like a million questions today. So I’m going to let you take it away.

Sansa’s Journey

Uh, yeah, great. so first off. Thank you all for being so gracious and allowing me to speak. It’s truly an honor and a privilege to be here. I just wanted to say first, if anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask them. I know that there’s going to be a few questions. Yeah. Our first question actually came from the audience. What initially got you into the space and what’s kept you here, Sansa? That is a great question. What initially got me into the space? Hold on, though. The biggest thing for me is the technology. I mean, that’s what fueled my interest and kept me being interested in crypto. It was really that. And then it was an interesting situation. Something just kind of changed, and in that moment, I realized that there was so much opportunity here, and I told myself I’m going to go all-in. And since then, I’ve just been head over heels for this space, even in the down times. Yeah, that’s amazing. And what has kept you here? Because I know there’s been so many ups and downs. Oh, totally. Yeah, I think what has kept me here, honestly, is It’s all about the connections. The people that you talk to every day who share your passion and drive, it becomes a support system. They uplift you when you’re down, and that’s something unique to this space. That’s honestly a huge thing that keeps me here. I mean, it’s almost even like more of that now than ever before, because crypto doesn’t, like it doesn’t even put its foot on the break. And as soon as you let up a little bit, next thing you know you’re, like you’ve lost connection with those people that you’ve been speaking with and that you’ve formed a sense of camaraderie with. So for me, it’s very much about making sure that those connections stay strong.

Evolution of the Creator Economy

That’s fantastic! We’re really honored to have you. There’s another question that’s pulled from our community that says, seeing the rise of the creator economy, how do you think it has evolved and what have you learned through that process? Well, I think the most interesting thing about the creator economy, especially in this space, is that it’s truly given everyone a platform to voice their opinions. And it’s actually a really cool environment to be in because it encourages people to come out of their shell. You know, people that otherwise would have never had a voice in this space now do. But I do think that the creator economy has evolved significantly, and what I’ve learned is to always be adapting. There are so many things changing constantly. This is a really fast space. You have to be on top of everything, and you have to be willing to learn and adapt as things change. That’s probably the biggest thing I’ve learned. And, you know, we talked about that a lot here internally. It’s all about keeping up with the trends and making sure that you have, you know, the most recent data available to you. And then on the other side, it’s leveraging that data to make better decisions about the content that you put out.

Future Goals and Mass Adoption

That’s awesome insight, man. I absolutely love that. Uh, I see there was another question here. What do you think the goal is? Like, what do you want to see done in the next year or so? Well, for me personally, and I think a lot of people that I’ve spoken to about this share the same sentiment, it’s really about mass adoption. We want more people to get involved. We want these technologies to be as widespread as possible. And not just crypto, but decentralization as a whole. You know, we want people to have the power and control over their own finances. And beyond that, it’s about educating the next generation. Making sure that they understand how these technologies work and how they can benefit from them. And we’re trying to build that through our community calls and various other initiatives we have in place. But yeah, that’s my goal. Just getting as many people educated and involved as possible.

Educational Resources

Absolutely. I think we’re all on the same page here. Mass adoption is the key. And, you know, I see a lot of projects that are doing really cool things to push that forward. So it’s definitely within reach. For sure. Uh, another question from our audience. What kind of courses do you recommend for someone who is new to the space? Yeah, man. I think education is key. And there are so many resources out there now, you just have to know where to look. I would recommend starting with some of the basics, like setting up a wallet, understanding what blockchain is, and how it works. There are a ton of great courses online. Binance Academy is a great resource. They have a ton of articles and videos that explain everything in a very digestible way. Coin Bureau is another excellent resource. The guy who runs it, his name is Guy, he’s an excellent educator, and makes very complex topics easy to understand. There are also some great books out there, if you prefer to read. “Mastering Bitcoin” by Andreas Antonopoulos is a fantastic resource. It goes very in-depth, but it’s a great way to start.

Getting Involved in Crypto

Those are great recommendations. Thank you. Another question from the community. What advice would you give to someone who’s hesitant about getting involved in crypto? Yeah, that’s a great question. I think the best piece of advice I could give is: don’t be afraid to start small. You don’t have to go all-in right away. Just start small. Maybe put a little bit of money in, see how it goes. And also, educate yourself. The more you know, the less scary it becomes. And always remember to do your own research. Never invest more than you can afford to lose, and be aware of the risks involved. But don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back. It’s an amazing space with so much potential, and it’s worth getting involved in, even if it takes some time to get comfortable with it.

Closing Remarks

That’s fantastic advice, thank you. Well, I think we’ve covered quite a bit here today. Sansa, is there anything else you’d like to add before we wrap up? I just want to say thank you to everyone who tuned in today. This has been an amazing experience and I’m very humbled to be here. And just remember, guys, the most important thing is to stay curious. Keep learning, keep growing, and stay connected with the community. That’s what’s going to drive this space forward. Thank you for those words of wisdom. And thank you again to everyone who joined today. This has been a fantastic community call and we can’t wait for the next one. Be sure to stay connected with us on our social channels and keep an eye out for the next call. Until then, take care everyone. Thank you. Bye for now!

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