Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space FILLiquid X Space with Multiple Network hosted by FILLiquid. FILLiquid X Space is a revolutionary platform within the DeFi niche, offering decentralized liquidity pools on Filecoin. By leveraging Filecoin's network, users can stake assets, earn rewards, and contribute to the growth of storage networks while accessing innovative lending solutions. The platform stands out in the Filecoin ecosystem for its user-centric approach and sustainable model, attracting users seeking to engage actively in decentralized finance.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: How does FILLiquid X Space utilize Filecoin for liquidity pools?
A: The platform leverages Filecoin's network for decentralized liquidity pools.

Q: What benefits do users get from staking assets in FILLiquid X Space?
A: Users can earn rewards and empower storage while participating in the network's activities.

Q: What makes FILLiquid X Space stand out in the Filecoin ecosystem?
A: The platform's innovative lending solutions enhance Filecoin's utility and user engagement.

Q: How can stakers contribute to the sustainability of the storage network?
A: Stakers play an active role in supporting and strengthening the storage network on Filecoin.

Q: What are the key features of FILLiquid X Space that attract users?
A: The platform offers a decentralized liquidity pool and opportunities for staking and earning rewards.


Time: 00:15:20
Introduction to FILLiquid X Space Discover the concept and benefits of the premier decentralized liquidity pool on Filecoin.

Time: 00:25:45
Staking and Earning Rewards Learn how users can stake assets and earn rewards while supporting storage networks.

Time: 00:35:10
Innovative Lending Solutions Explore the unique lending solutions provided by FILLiquid X Space within the Filecoin ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • FILLiquid X Space leverages Filecoin for decentralized liquidity pools.
  • Users can stake assets and earn rewards while empowering storage networks.
  • The platform offers innovative lending solutions within the Filecoin ecosystem.
  • FILLiquid X Space enhances Filecoin's utility by providing a decentralized liquidity pool.
  • Stakers can actively participate in the growth and sustainability of the storage network.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Greetings

Our channel it. Hello? Hey, good evening everyone. Good morning from another part of war. If you could hear me, please raise up your hand. Anyone in our audience? I could hear you. That would be great. Arthur, how about. How about I can hear you as well. Yeah, perfect. Are you guys malaysian? I'm singaporean. Oh really? You're singaporean? We are neighborhood then. Hi. Hi Gios, are you there? I am here just trying to switch devices. Just give me 60 seconds. Sure. So while waiting for deals to switch on the devices. So thanks to everyone for joining us today.

Details of the AMA Session

And this will be our second AMA within this last week we have Wong with Swan chain. And this one, as we already shared with the community, right. We announced about our community strategy partnership with multiple networks. So for the fuel liquid experts today welcome everyone to our field liquid airspace space sessions. We are here once again, right, to celebrate another new community strategic partnerships between fuel liquids and multiple. Yeah, okay. Sure thing. Sure thing. Thanks. Wayne? Yeah, I think we're both on. My devices are good right now. Okay, Zeus, you can hear me? Zeus? Yeah, could you hear me? Okay, okay, I could hear you. Okay, okay, I could hear you. Lock and clear.

Connection Issues and Device Management

Yeah, just to make sure. The fact is, the reality is actually I'm just sitting right opposite Wayne in the hotel room, so I'm not sure whether am I hearing his voice or am I hearing directly from my Airpods. So yeah, I just want to make sure that everybody is here this. But yeah, once again, I mean this is, this AMA session seems to be on a weekly basis. First, as I'd like to thank everyone for taking your time or your precious time off for joining us. And just to really dive deep also to understand our very strategic partnership between filiquid as a multiple network. I have had the opportunity to meet some of the team members as I got multiple network sometime this week. Very young, very enthusiastic, very passionate.

Discussing the Partnership

And I think what they're building is right now is incredibly groundbreaking. It's something that's a real use case application that's really in the deep end, primitive. And the fact that they are providing data storage, data transmission are, you know, with a mission of serving single billion of users through their very cutting edges like DSD one technology engineering, if I got that right. Zeros, please correct me. DSD one. Yeah, yeah, and I think that's okay, cool. So, you know, I think that's really very interesting that we're incentivizing the users so you were able to, you know, earn and pay you know. You know, and one thing, of course, we share very similar narrative. It's really going through the decentralization.

Deep Diving into Decentralization

So, you know, we also want to dive deeper into giving you an understanding of like decentralization data storage, as probably some of yours might know or might not know that you know, the liquid, it's the only decentralized as a liquidity sticking protocols ago with the Falcon ecosystem. And hence, I think we are very excited and very stoked to be really sharing with all of you. And thanks, Zeus, as I go from multiple network, for spending your time doing this with us as well. I cannot wait to pluck your brain just to really dive deeper into multiple network at the same time. Yeah.

Connection Testing

Can you guys hear me? If you guys can hear me, please give me some love, because I think the hotel where we are, the connection seems to be very unstable. Okay, could you just give me thumbs up? So, yeah, anyone else, if you could really hear me clearly. Okay. Okay, so you guys could hear me? Azaga? Okay, yeah. I mean, it's like a while win is against trying to fix a cigarette connection. Yeah. So how's it going? Is it got zeros? Okay, can everyone hear me? Could everyone hear me now?

Confirmation and Apologies

Yes, I can hear you now, Zeus. Yeah, cool. Yes, I. Mic test. Okay, now it's good. Mike test author. Yes, I can hear you. Let's try again. Could we leave? And you need. Yeah. Can you guys hear, if you can please give a thumbs up just to really check. Just talking you can, right? Okay, I'm not sure whether you guys can hear me, so you've. Hello, guys? Okay, can everyone hear me? Could everyone. Could everyone hear me? Could everyone hear me?

Speaker Drop and Request

Yes, yes, now it's good. Yeah, yeah, I think I was just dropped from being a speaker, so I had to request. Sorry about that. No problem, Zeus. Yeah, let's dig a bit deeper. Thank you for the very gracious introduction. Maybe I'll dig a bit deeper. So, multiple network. Yes, we use SD WAN in order to create a global network of nodes to enable faster data transmission, especially for AI companies. So apart from SD WAN, we also use UDP and UDP in order to enable the transmission to be much faster than regular TCP IP.

Technological Advancements

And the third kind of technology that we use is splitting the data into multiple parallel pathways. Hence I'll name multiple so that there's more ISP allocation per node. Everyone heard that, right? Absolutely. Super cool. Yeah, I think let's leave our mics on all the way. Okay. Respond. Yeah, let's just do that. Azeka. Yes. Yeah, yeah. So yeah. Thanks Osaka, for sharing that. So while considering that Zeus have given an introduction of multiple network, for those who are not very familiar with Filiquid.

Filiquid Overview

It's a lending and boring protocol that's implemented on the file coins like a virtual machine. Essentially it's like we are the only project where the only liquidity sticking is like a protocol that's completely decentralized open source where we allow the file coin token holders to deposit, to land and stake and earn passive income at the same time. We also allow our borrowers, which are known as the storage providers, to able to borrow the file coins from the liquidity pool to expand as I got storage provisioning and also for storage efficiency and capacity as well.

Liquidity Staking Provisions

The biggest differences between our liquidity staking protocols and the rest of other protocols out there in the market, number one is again we provide, we offer a very uniquely designed dynamic interest rate that whereas the interest rate is being determined based on utilization rate. And so hence it's like a high, the utilization rate, it's like a high demand enhancer, high demand, which means that will also generate, you know, higher APY. Two, our stickers analysis essentially is the ideas, the essence of our technology.

Enhancing Liquidity Ecosystem

It's allowing the storage providers also got to able to borrow. So you have the falcoins at any point of time without much financial burden and also over collateralization as how the previously used to experience. So this essentially is to really improve and increase the liquidity ecosystem. That's really cool. That's really expanding the use of power coin and decentralized storage in general. Yeah, I mean essentially I, you know, I think, you know, the filecoin, you know, being the largest decentralized.

Filecoin Discussion

So your storage primitive and. Are, you know, and of course this was even before DP Nisenga was ever being invented, right. So you know, before the narrative of DP NSG was being conveyed outside to the public essentially, you know, the way, how we see it. I think Zeus just within the decentralization and just talking about data storage, I think there's no other better times than now that where number one, I think we are living in an AI era and AI era which means requires even the stronger compute powers data storage demand that's needed from the industry and the sectors itself.

Demand for Decentralization

And that being said, I think more important than ever I think I mean just looking at from the macro web trees narrative, it's essential for everyone as you really decentralized data really comes in very naturally. And that's where we feel since the file coin virtual machine was established since early last year, that I think just open up a completely new horizon for us to be the decentralized finance player. Right?

Excitement about AI Revolution

Yeah, I think it's super exciting. So I just came off a panel right here in Xin. It was Ort, a fellow DPM project Ort president actually invited me on stage and conclusion really. Was this in order to enable the AI revolution, Arthur, that you were speaking about? There are a few kind of parts to it, right? There's of course the storage for ourselves. We do the transmission, of course, many other DPM projects doing the GPU processing layer, it coming all together really makes Dai happen.

Desire for Deep In Integration

But I just want to touch on, you know, I mean since, you know, we are just talking about the narrative of deep in and just really going, you know, just sidetracked a bit. What is really your, the way how you see is like a DPness articles have already have a real use case. Do you really see deep in Sega generally we're able to onboard billions of users as what we always like to say? What's your take on that? Yeah, I think my take is that there are real users. Yes, deep in projects in general at a very nascent stage. It's the beginning and that's really exciting. It's the stage where users, investors who come in and really benefit from it.

Onboarding New Users

In terms of users, I think the best way to come on board, right, especially for us, is to be both a user and a node. So being a node allows you to earn points, tokens and could really offset your transmission costs. If you're sending a large file, you might have earned enough points by contributing your own bandwidth to other kind of users transmission. So with that we really see accelerated growth even within our current stage. One of Testnet, we have about 5000 users that we've chosen and whitelisted and we have about 20,000 more waiting.

Interest from AI Companies

So that just gives a little glimpse on the kind of hunger how people are excited both as a user in a node and especially with AI companies, right? We have signed quite a few LOIs, in terms of AI companies that are very interested in giving our service a trial and actually interested in creating the transmission channel for them. Something that's decentralized, something that's private. So on our side, from our perspective, we see a big need for it. And definitely very much encouraged by say, the conference that just stepped out from just 2 hours ago.

Conversations and Interest Post-Conference

And also for DPN, whether it's investors or even users. I've had a lot of conference attendees really just come up and inquire about how they could participate, how they could use. That's very impressive. That's very impressive. I want to touch on this like that, where policy around DP's projects have to really go from the angles of incentivizing users. And of course, I understand as much as I understand that multiple networks also incentivize users by earnings, again, as they, you know, as they could well, as they consume against the goal.

Incentivizing Users for Adoption

You know, do you see that there is a, that particular area plays a very huge role of really increasing adoption as a go of deep in. Besides then that's the whole decentralized, you know, are, you know, protecting the data. But it's also important for our projects to really be incorporating the incentive for users. Yeah. The imperative to incorporate deep in rather than say centralized physical infrastructure. I guess stepping from the web tool, a lot of people's intuition would be to go with centralized solutions.

Centralized Solutions vs. Decentralized Security

It's viewed as something that's more stable. But of course we can take a look at Cambridge Analytica, for example. Having a centralized kind of server or storage of user data is almost asking for attackers attention. So a lot of our Facebook profiles, especially in the US, compromise, and there are many other breaches of security like that as well, increasingly, especially if privacy is a concern. That's a very kind of strong use case for that. But I guess just as with any technological shift, right, even from web one, web two, where we have to interact with each other more.

Technology Shifts and User Adoption

From web two to web three, it requires a paradigmatic shift that always those that adopted first and then it goes on to mainstream before even the laggards, even those that are reluctant to use. But realize that this is indeed the mainstream or even past the mainstream stage, right, where it's omnipresent. So this is a trajectory that I really see going after. Yeah, yeah, I couldn't agree more. Yeah, well, Zio, you touched a bit on your testnet. Kudos to that.

Challenges During Testnet Development

I mean, I can share my sentiment, the testnet of what feels the greatest thing has gone through. But considering that today, as I got your guests would just really like to probably, maybe share with the viewers. I know there's a lot of exciting lineups for multiple network and I'm sure Testnet, you got to probably go through rigorous routes and go testnet, probably share a couple of the challenges that your team and yourself really face as you go throughout the entire development. Yeah, good gearing up towards the startup with some multiple network challenges.

Customer Journey in the Testnet

Yeah, our startup is small challenges. So the customer journey looks a bit like this. First you go onto a website and then you connect your wallet. Your address would have been whitelisted if you've been invited by one of our PR as well as team members and then you can create an account. So in terms of friction, just because of this stage where it's whitelist only, some of them with multiple addresses, they've asked us like, hey, I cannot seem to connect, but it's quite simple actually in terms of selecting the right address and then coming on board.

User Experience During Onboarding

And after that, they find that the entire kind of transfer process is smooth. For others, they're like, okay, I want to have my recipient, I couldn't find his username there. We have UIDs, unique identifiers, and they can actually find themselves from the current list, especially if both nodes are online. But I guess the friction, if I have to analyze it from a macro perspective or macro scale, is really about using a new technology. Let's say if we're using something as intuitive as Facebook for the first time or something like WeChat, we might be kind of tripping over ourselves a little.

Learning Curve with New Technology

And after that you realize that it's so intuitive, so easy to use. That's the main kind of friction. New tech. And how exactly this gearing up towards. So how many rounds of test net multiple networks incorporate? Yeah, three stages in total. So for the first stage right now only, second stage it's 20,000. And then third stage is open. Open in terms of having a testnet not just internally on our own network but actually launching it on the testnet of Ton as well as Solana.

Expansion to Larger Networks

So everyone could come board and we're looking at having that in six months time. Cool. Yeah, these are the very hot chains network with massive users that are really onboarded and I'm sure a lot of excitement just within these two networks itself. Yeah, yeah. I mean went through three rounds ago of Testnet as well. Two and a half to be exact, if that makes sense. Now, we had this ago, two rounds of Testnet and that was also while waiting for our code to be audited and approved by a security audit.

Challenges with Security Audits

Companies like certificates, like sellers. So there was a period of four months and essentially to build that narrative of decentralized and giving that confidence to our community, that was really one of the biggest challenges for us, you know, because oftentimes as you know, a lot of DeFi players out there, you know, are, yeah, proving themselves or trying to validate themselves as being decentralized by hands. You know, if we really go through the integrity part, they're not entirely decentralized in our hands.

Building Trust with the Community

Well for Earth as a go, you know, we already have as a good browsers are going to authentication to prove is it going to code so it cannot be deployed. And we show that if evidence, you know, it cannot be edited, it cannot be modified. So that really took some time to really build that trust from the community as essentially because we are communities are bloodline and without the community support, you know, feel the quit wouldn't have succeeded even the two rounds of testnet as well.

Communication and Transparency with Users

And I just generally think that you know, going back to the essence of what our project is, it's really about transparency, it's about being honest and being safe, you know, and that is again we have to really walk the talk and talk to walk with our actions, hence why so we give the latest updates on our social channels. Sometimes I just, you know, I mean I just have to applaud my social media team. And with the regular updates I was like, I mean if I don't check a single day I probably miss out.

Regular Updates for Community Engagement

So I got like tons of information, you know, and essentially, you know, like even some people came up to me and say, oh, don't you think it's against like you're flooding your Twitter, you know, postings, it's so difficult to track the information. But generally I think that's what people, our communities, our users want out there to really having that real life, as real life update as possible. So I think went through that whole four months of that whole testnet and we succeeded the cigar offer our last round of Testnet as we attracted about 15,000 of unique wallets and having a total cigar of TvL cigarette of 65 million.

Successful Testnet Outcomes

That really gave us the assurance that I think we're good to go for our main net. And after when once we got approved even from Citiq and sellers, yet we still want to make sure that all the codes, the entire codes are verified and just to make sure that it's not vulnerable. And yet we still went through another three more weeks and that's where our community got a little bit impatient. It's like, hey, you know, you guys already should be launching a main net, you know, when you guys do.

Managing Community Expectations

Because you know, essentially I think we are so much more financed towards finance. It's like a kind of project, it's like a, rather than infrastructure. So I think generally I like to always think of that, the financial community are a little bit more impatient those infrastructure. So yeah, really good interest. And you don't mind me asking a question, right? How did you build your community from scratch? How did it grow?

Community Building Philosophy

So, you know, I think it really goes back to really the ethos of Fili grid. You know, essentially the ethos of Fili grid as I got, was to really provide as adequate as updates as possible. And this information updates are regularly being updated to really share to our community. We show it to them that it's not how much we know, but it's how much we care for our community and having that engagement.

Engagement Strategies

If I want to just recall back time and it was really building from something from zeros to right now, a total of 70k in total, including Discord. And all we did is really just being true to ourselves and being true to ourselves. It's also sticking to our ethos guide that where we want to keep as real life update as possible. Truly just being honest and you know, and showing it, proving it as a, you know, of what we are saying at the same time.

Transparency and Overcoming Challenges

But more importantly, it's really engaging with them. Like, for instance, we have our fourth nightly community call, you know, just asking anything, you know, to the community growth. And I would jump in on like a CEO address, giving them, you know, like a monthly and quarterly kind of updates of where. Where were and also being transparent as like, what are the challenges that went through.

User-Centric Approach

It was devil's. It was a smooth journey and all. And I think by Earth's, you know, this revealing, what are the challenges and why sometimes there are obstacles and roadblocks ago that we couldn't really, you know, sort of like, you know, achieve that kind of, you know, like deadlines as what we initially said. Yeah. And I think that's where the community, the users really realized that, hey, you know, like, yeah, I think this project is like, it's really prioritizing the needs of the community rather than just the gains of the project.

Importance of Human Connection

And I think that it's very important. Yeah. That humanity. Yeah. Human psychology part of it. Yeah, that's super exciting. Do you see any particular geographies in terms of where your users are from? Absolutely. So, you know, we applaud our current community. So really huge for Filecoin, for the liquidity. So, yeah, I mean, also we have a very passionate head of BD Courier.

International Community Engagement

So super passionate into the decentralized data storage. Yeah. So if Billy, you're hearing that, kudos to that. It's taking a lot of leadership. We just a couple days ago with the Filecoin foundation as well. And yeah, just empowering the leaders of tomorrow at a university and essentially talking about how decentralized our data network really places against such a pivotal role in two days as a technology advancement era.

Growth in Diverse Regions

So, yeah, so it's really the Far East region site against Koreans to Japanese. Our African communities is growing at the same time. And I think that's very, it's a huge movement that's really going on there. And again, it's like really going back to our mission of ascertaining global adoption of decentralized finance.

Community Well-Being

To improve the well being of the community. And I think that's something that really, I can say is that's a testament that what we're doing, it's just going beyond this monetary and transactional. But, you know, the fact that we're, you know, today, if we could actually just improve the well being of our community and empowering them, you know, by just improving their livelihood of sticking their file coins against the liquidity pool and making that difference in their life, I think that goes a long way. Zeus.

Financial Impact and Community Rewards

Yeah, yeah, thank you very much for sharing. Yeah, I think the financial component as your highlight is important as well. Right. It really helps ground things. The community is excited. They get rewarded financially as well, resources and mobilize it. What sort of impact is that? Zeus? Okay, cool. Yeah. So what sort of impact do you envision to transform the network, the community through multiple network.

Transformative Elements of Technology

So I think the transformative element is a pretty previously, right, we just have idle resources, that's broadband. Most of our ISP's have no real cap in terms of how much broadband we can as long as it's not really over the top. So this is when they can really monetize on it. Previously Deepin was a concept and AI was a concept where, okay, for example, I wish I bought Nvidia stock, I wish I had the GPU's in order to share and make money through this deep pin. And hey becomes multiple that I have something real, I have something we have extra capacity to spend with. I can now actually help and participate in the AI revolution while also getting rewarded for it. I think that's the main thing that gets many users excited.

Concerns Regarding Data Security

And the second thing that excites AI companies is that, hey, previously it was like AWS. But what if AWS on top of security that privacy concerns, right? Like what if AWS is really training on my data and taking away the little edge that I have as a little AI company. So that's some of the factors I've heard from both users bracket AI companies as well as our notes. Right. Everyday kind of mom and pops. Decentralized, it's always, yeah, it's. Security is always a big issue when it comes to decentralized. And the fact that multiple networks has the decentralized privacy through decentralization part of it.

Building Trust and Understanding

Could you just dive in a little bit of talking about how the security is for the users and the community? And how do you plan to also build that trust with the community too? So the first thing is that the data is actually split into multiple packets and it's encrypted, it's only decrypted once it's received by the recipient's software. So encryption all the way split into multiple packets, no one person has your data. And that's really where decentralization in terms of security privacy takes place. Cool, cool. Yeah. All right. Yeah, yeah. How about yourselves? Are there privacy and security kind of areas that you're taking care of or have completely kind of resolved?

Decentralization and Transparency

Yeah, so I mean, the fact that we are, you know, as I mentioned earlier, the fact that we are fully decentralized, our quotes are also open source again, at the same time where allows us to go the users to really be checking our codes to ensure it's verified and there's no duplication or being modified as well. So we have also recently posted up our browser verification to show that where this deploy contract matches with the public code simply means that there's really no cheating in the deployment. And that is something sharing out there and that we're allowing our users to able to trust in using our contracts with utmost confidence. And we just have the balls and the guts to be showing that pre screening that I think again, that really goes back because the fact that we are very decentralized, you only decentralized.

Security Audits and Community Engagement

We talk so much as I got decentralized and ensuring that where the smart contract, it's also verified, the codes are verified. So we have to prove that evidence. So we could, you know, when we decided on our security audit, you know, the fact that where we took one step ahead, you know, going beyond the circumstances and partly the reason why we decided to work with zealous, because zealous is also very asian, appealing at the same time. And considering that we do have a huge movement, largely our communities, it's also from Asia as well. So we just wanted to take additional measurement and steps to just verify our codes.

Rewards and Transparency Initiatives

And of course, we have also launched the bug bounty program where we reward up to 500,000, half a million of our governance token, which is known as f I g tokens. And if any users were able to detect any of our codes that are vulnerable, they will be rewarded accordingly as well. So, you know, after, when we completed two rounds of the testnet, we decided to have additional timeframes of like three weeks. Three additional weeks. And just to really make sure that all this are really verified and very transparent to our users and community. I like that there's always a trilemma, right. Speed security.

Building a Change in User Experience

I can really see how you take care of the security. I like that. I like the bounty part especially. Yeah, it is. I mean, you know, the way, how it sees also going back to that whole understanding of honesty, transparency, I always see how when we build a project, right, it's like how we go back to the understanding of the Maslow law of needs and just really feed things and use this. The master law of needs has guided how human beings need their physiological needs, you know, safety, love, and so on and on, right? And that was the part where we needed to guide the users to understand about what is the essence of our product and why we built that.

Improving Liquidity in Ecosystem

There was a lot of education and that comes as the fact that we want to improve, to create a battle. Stronger, healthy liquidity is good for the falcon ecosystem because we are just bunch of passion folks that believe the decentralized data storage will be ruling the world. And that's just the whole ideology of what web three is. So really going beyond that, I think that's just something that's so essential. Then the next thing is, was to really engage with them, wanting to give them easier and better user experience. Like right now, that's where, you know, I think I can just unveil this and I, this is where the cat is going to be out the back.

Anticipation for Improved User Interface

That where we're going to have like 2.0 of our website. And that's just really to give us a much more comfortable, a more user friendly experiences for our users and for our storage providers. And so hence the signal, you know, it's easier to get to really onboard them using our protocol. Yeah, yeah. Super exciting. Good to know that web two point kind of website 2.0 for field liquid is coming up. The current website is really looking really good. I think the current website is like right now, I think a lot of people say, hey, you know, if I'm not a file, if I'm not a filecoin back holder, if I go to feel liquid, you know, I would rather get lost as I got in between.

Efforts to Explain and Engage Users

Like, how do I go about? Yeah, so I think we just want to make it easier. Yeah, I mean, it's very nice of you saying that. It's. It's super cool. Probably. Maybe it's like you understand these spaces again very much, but, yeah, I think, you know, we. We definitely, you know, are very excited. That's like to really make it like the moment. Once even my mom goes to the. To fill liquid IO, she will instantaneously know what to do. Yeah. And that's. And then I think that's going to be a great achievement.

Future Expectations for Website Functionality

Yeah. What can we expect? Sorry, I didn't get to hear you. I think the line was a bit choppy. Yeah, no worries. I didn't. Shut up. Sorry about that. I was saying that it's really cool, right. Especially if we're coming from the mass adoption angle for anyone, even without a web three background or even a web 2.0 background, to be able to navigate it smoothly. What are some of the things that we can look forward to for 2.0 version of your website? Is there like a brand theme, other icons, motifs that we can look forward to?

Enhanced User Guides and Interactivity

Well, I think first and foremost it's to really like when any of the users, web two or web two and a half users are come to a site, they will able to be equipped with a lot of videos, interactions, you know, the guide, the user's guide are more comprehensive and details like FAQ and slightly a bit more inclined towards users rather than the storage providers. I generally think that right now is our site, it's also catering very much for storage providers. So hence, you know, when they come to our sites again, they don't really get much complication and then of course, you know, on the aesthetic part of it.

Psychological Aspects of Design

So that's where we will also be having a little bit more interactive and engaging kind of aesthetics, like a few and look. So hence our data were also able to influence the psychologies of the users in terms of the colors, the typography and the navigation of it. It's really making them really easy as you relay. Depositing is again, a few. What I generally think is not so much of that depositing part because it's really quite straightforward.

Incorporation of New Features

So, yeah, really just giving them a bit more information. We incorporate the blog, we have the brand team as well, we have the team profile. So I think all this is against some excitement and then as there are a couple of other features as which we're also launching. So you know, we do have a sega or governance token as I was sharing that. So one of the biggest advantages of luliquid is where, you know, upon depositing Filecoin, you'll be receiving liquidity sticking derivative token, our LSD token, which is fit.

User Benefits and Governance Tokens

So we're actually working zero. So we are actually working on as a, like a multi token as a kind of system just to really make it easier for users, you know, to navigate everything. And then after that they were able to go to farm feed in order to get fi g, which is our governance token. And that's where the governance token, they were able to go to a trade once when we go listings by q four this year. So even the f I g tokens, that's where very soon that where our users were able to stake the f I g tokens as well.

Enhancing User Earnings

And to even go extra miles ago, you know, with their earnings, you know, so they were able to choose either they want to stick 30 days, 90 days, 180 days, 360 days and yeah, you know, and that's something that you're really going to be very exciting. So that is really open up for the storage providers and for the users as well. Every time when the storage providers repay back their loan, they will be rewarded as we have IG tokens. So yeah, so this part all will be modified to be further improved.

Revenue Sharing and Mechanisms

So under staking then as a good. There's also revenue sharing as well. And last but not least, as the burning mechanism going towards the approach of deflationary. And with that approach, of course, that's where we also expecting the, you know, once, you know, when our token is going to listen on exchange the idea behind it is again, of course it's also to, with the whole burning mechanism to ensure that where the price will also be stable at the same time. Yeah, so, yeah, so I think this, you know, it's really just, well, as this projectile liquid belongs to community and the team and myself, it's like, it's always constantly just thinking how we could go extra miles again for our community and users.

Brand Story and Future Announcements

I like that. I like the brand story. And also looking forward to your announcements in Q four in terms of which exchanges the field liquid will be on. Yeah, I also want, I understand as in series that you have. Yeah, yeah, I know that some exciting, I know there's some exciting, you know, like technology that you're building on and I know I don't want to spill the beans myself, so probably maybe you could, you know, share you know, the community that I know, that's like phase two right now of new innovation that you're building multiple network.

Community Participation and Innovation

And how can a community participate in on multiple network as well? Yeah, yeah, definitely.

User Participation and Testnet Overview

So kind of as mentioned a little right now it's 5000 users, right? That's on my list. You still have left on the list, especially if anyone in this call, right, decided definitely send a tweet out or just private message us, dm us on acts actually. And we would be happy to consider you can include a little blurb in terms of why we should pick you as a note. Maybe you have a really healthy broadband connection, or maybe you're just really passionate in terms of the vision that you share with us. If not the second stage of Testnet, it should be out of and two months. And we definitely welcome more users to come join. And you can also mention that you have participated in this call as well, especially the screenshot of your attendance here. So that's one way that's more catered to people on this call.

Website Presentation and Brand Theme

I really echo your thinking about the website as well, so myself, right. As a co founder, I've thought a lot about how we present both our product as well as our vision to everyone, both the notes as well as the users as you were going to detail on. So right now you can see that our website is very product focused, right? Some of the pages would be more user focused as well. We do have a brand theme that we will be expanding further on. And it's a little biased because I was in the navy. So the brand theme is about ships, about naval ships. And the reason why we pick chips as a motive. A recurring image is that chips really are representatives of our notes. Our notes that would be carrying the data, especially transcontinental data.

Data Transfer and User Experience

That's where most of the data bottlenecks really take place. If you look at it from a networking perspective, a lot of the data has limited allocation. Let's say I'm here in Hong Kong wanting to send something over to San Francisco, right? Let's say my wedding video, for example, something that I like to keep private, but I don't want the transfer speed to be too fast. So using our mvp, it can be more than ten times faster than, say, using Dropbox, right? And that really conveys that, hey, we're resilient, trustworthy, we do it fast and trust our notes ships to really navigate the sea of data transfer. So that's a little brain story behind and really hope could really convey the message to our users specifically beyond people that are in tech, beyond people that are web three that might really like the tech view a little more.

Website Feedback and User-Centric Design

Well, generally serious. I have to say that I generally love your current site. I think it's just very futuristic. It's one of those sites that actually, I have to say, it's one of those sites that web three doesn't have that loading. You have that loading, you know, and that keep people in suspense. Right? Especially, yes. And it's always longer. 99%. That's right. And it's like, okay, so, yeah, give me those info. Yeah, spill the beans to me and say, what is this? Yeah, I want it now. So, you know, I think keeping that, like users in that suspense. But I think it's really interesting. And I can just, you know, imagine how much time so your painstakingly, you actually investing your time and creating that site. But I think more importantly, it's just to echo, like, what they say is like, I think it's really for people.

User Prioritization and Community Engagement

I'll go to the site and really fully understand. And at the end of the day, it's really about not how we want it to be. Right. It's how, you know, our users want and how we prioritize our users and community wants and needs are, and of course, essentially is, you know, they just want to prioritize us again. You know, what they are, they need. So we have to put ourselves in the shoes. I can save time, but, yeah, I'm super excited looking forward as I go through the transformation, as you know this site as well. Yeah. And I think that's where, you know, we share the same ethos. I'm just really improving. Keep building, keep scaling, keep growing. And I, and I think that's the excitement. That's a good part of it.

Website Experience and Brand Engagement

I agree. So for the users on this call that haven't been on our website yet, the kind of image that Arthur is referring to, you can try it out. Even right now, it's multiple cc. Even as you're listening to this call, you can see it load and going deeper into the brand story. Right. We're looking at our logo. So what is it actually? Is it, is it waves? Is it a flag? It's both. So waves would be us transmitting data. Right. Us working on your data transfer. And also it's a flag. It's a flag representing the ships, the notes that are part of multiple network. So hoping that the brand kind of actually grows on you as you grow together with us.

Community Interaction and Future Collaboration

And give it, give it a download. Connect your wallet, register for an account, try to apply for a whitelist, and we're definitely open up to you next two stages of our testing. Let's grow together. Cool, cool. So, yeah, so, yeah, you guys heard it very loud and clear. Go check out CC and how to monetize your Internet connection. Connect your wallet and go get. Hopefully everyone here will be getting whitelisted. As you hear from the man of ours again himself, there's a lot of exciting things and I'm sure if you do have any queries, please do not hesitate as I got to also be reaching out to Zeus. You can click on his profile right now, a multiple network.

Innovative Technology and Monetization

And I believe that you could just reach out to Zeus and reach out to the teams. They have a lot of stuff, cool stuff that's really happening. They are true builders out there and I think that's really the shaping, reshaping and rebuilding the entire of a decentralized storage. And more importantly, you were able to be monetized and rewarded at the same time for using a connection. So, yeah, this whole entire session became completely raw, unfiltered even, like it was, everything is just, it wasn't really scripted at all because I think Wayne's connection is like a just really haywire.

Session Structure and Future Endeavors

I think, you know, I think it's almost come. It was so impromptu. It was so impromptu and I think this really could go on, you know, for a while more, but we're just gonna stick to second winter time, you know. Yeah. So Zeus, before, you know, we call for this session, are there any last things, last message you want to share? So you have the community are the listeners right now, and those listeners who are unable to join and who have been listening to the replay. Right, last note. I guess I've spoken enough about myself and multiple networks.

Partnership and Collaborative Growth

Just wanted to give real quick, proper shout out to Bill Liquid. I personally stick on it so that I can grow together with you. And also looking at just partnering, right. We are the transmission channel for people that do want to store. For example, if they want to store in Valecoin, they can build a transmission channel on top of our global network layer. And we really look forward to working together, growing together, and also being a user after space.

Future Events and Community Engagement

Cool. Fantastic. Yeah, I mean, it's same as likewise as I go spell, you know, we will be attending our coinfest Bali. If any of you guys who have been Bali or any of the Indonesians, or you have Indonesian friends, you know, bring them over to get to coinfest Bali, and then we are so going to be I know we are going to be involved some things during the Korea blockchain week. So to Corinth out there who are listening right now, go to Lumar and search for Fuso. And multiple networks also will be participating as well, I believe so. And then of course, then we'll be at Webex.

Events and Updates in the Technology Space

If any of you guys heading tokyo, check us out there. That will before Korea blockchain week, which is next week. And of course, I think we're going to do some things during token 2049 in Singapore. So that is definitely not to be missed as well. And I think that will be something very exciting for us to be partnering and that's to really engage the community and yeah, you know, guys, stay tuned as we go with all the happenings, updates as we go for our multiple network, you know, really big shout outs again to multiple networks for really buildings, you know, such an amazing innovation and technology out there and just incentivizing the users at the same time.

Following and Staying Updated

So if you haven't followed them, they're gonna go click on it, they're gonna go follow their account and also get yourself updated. Not only follow, make sure you get yourself notified too. So make sure click on getting notification on all the posts. And yeah, I mean, you're definitely going to see us doing more stuff together. So till then, just want to thanks again, once again, everyone, for this being here. I hope you get us a thing or two. Today is about Fili grid is going to add multimedia network primarily more on multiple network.

Session Closure and Acknowledgments

And also, we would like to apologize for any of the technical inconveniences due to our connections over here. That being said, I would just like to, say goodbye. So good to everyone, you know. Good morning, good afternoon, and good night. So, yeah. To every one of you, depending where, which part of the world. Guys, exactly on the note of going to Indonesia as well as Korea, salama malam for indonesian kind of listeners as well as korean listeners. Thank you so much. Trima kasi. So that's what we say.

Final Remarks and Goodbyes

Yeah, yeah. Amazing. Looking forward to see you again. Presence yours. Yeah, see you after looking touch then. Yep. See ya. Goodbye, guys.

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