Filecoin x Storacha: Future of Decentralized Hot Storage


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Filecoin x Storacha: Future of Decentralized Hot Storage hosted by Filecoin. In the Twitter space focused on Filecoin x Storacha: Future of Decentralized Hot Storage, the discussion revolved around the transformative nature of their collaboration in advancing decentralized storage solutions. Key topics included the distinction between hot and cold storage, the advantages Filecoin offers to users, the significance of their partnership, and the role of cryptocurrency in incentivizing providers. The dialogue emphasized the importance of community-driven governance, marketplace dynamics, and the potential for blockchain integration in hot storage systems, all contributing to the evolution of decentralized data storage technology.

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Q: How does hot storage technology differ from cold storage in decentralized systems?
A: Hot storage provides immediate access to frequently accessed data, while cold storage is better suited for long-term archival purposes.

Q: What benefits does Filecoin offer to users seeking decentralized storage solutions?
A: Filecoin ensures data security, accessibility, and incentivizes storage providers through its decentralized protocol.

Q: Why is the collaboration between Filecoin and Storacha significant for the decentralized storage market?
A: The partnership introduces innovative hot storage solutions, improving data access speeds and user experiences.

Q: How does community-driven management reflect decentralization in Filecoin's operations?
A: Community-managed accounts demonstrate decentralized governance practices, aligning with Filecoin's principles of decentralization.

Q: What role does cryptocurrency play in incentivizing storage providers in decentralized systems?
A: Cryptocurrency rewards on Filecoin motivate storage providers to contribute resources, ensuring a robust decentralized storage network.


Time: 00:15:40
Advancements in Decentralized Storage Exploring the latest innovations in decentralized storage technology.

Time: 00:25:55
Partnerships Driving Storage Efficiency Discussing the impact of collaborations in enhancing storage solutions.

Time: 00:35:20
Decentralized Governance in Community Management Examining the role of community-led initiatives in decentralized operations.

Time: 00:45:10
Cryptocurrency Incentives for Data Storage Understanding how cryptocurrency rewards drive participation in decentralized storage networks.

Time: 00:55:30
Scalability and Security in Decentralized Data Management Highlighting the importance of scalable and secure decentralized storage protocols.

Key Takeaways

  • Filecoin and Storacha collaboration signals advancements in decentralized storage solutions.
  • Hot storage technology offers high-speed access to frequently used data, optimizing user experience.
  • Decentralized storage protocols like Filecoin enhance data security and accessibility.
  • Partnerships in the blockchain space drive innovation and efficiency in storage solutions.
  • The future of decentralized hot storage paves the way for scalable and secure data management.
  • Community-driven management of Filecoin's Twitter account exemplifies decentralized principles.
  • Understanding the role of cryptocurrency in supporting decentralized storage ecosystems.
  • The importance of marketplace dynamics in decentralized data storage evolution.
  • Advantages of hot storage solutions for businesses requiring real-time data access.
  • Exploring the potential integration of blockchain technology in hot storage systems.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Initial Thoughts

Okay? Hello? Yeah, I can hear you. Okay, great. Yeah, I don't know what's going on with Twitter. It seems really buggy. Thanks for joining, everyone. Yeah, excited to be chatting today with Hannah and Alex. Maybe I can give a quick intro of myself and then I'll pass it over to Hannah and Alex for you guys to introduce both yourselves and Sriracha to everyone on the call. Yeah, maybe a little bit of background about me. My name is John Victor. I run on to research with my co founder HQ. We spend a lot of time thinking about decentralized infrastructure. This goes from storage to retrieval to compute. And we've been spending a lot of time with teams building on top of the Falcon ecosystem to try to help give their stories a bit of a platform through spaces like this. Today we have Hannah and Alex. Hannah is the CTO of Sriracha. Alex is one of the co founders as well. They're here to tell us a little bit more about Sriracha as an l two and some of the innovations that they're bringing with hot storage to the Filecoin ecosystem.

Hannah's Background and Vision

Hannah, Alex, excited to have you both. Maybe, Hannah, if you want to give a quick intro and background of yourself, and then Alex, if you want to go next. Yeah. Hi, everyone. So excited to be here. I am a longtime developer in the IPS and Filecoin ecosystems. I started in 2018. I've worked on things like Bitswap and IPFs, I've worked on Filecoin markets, I've worked all across the ecosystem. I'm a very big, basically, since I joined, I've always been a big believer in content addressing as like the primitive for the future of the Internet and got drawn towards Sriracha because I have always really wanted to take all of this amazing technology and turn it into something that can be brought to the masses. And I think that hot storage, really simple ways for people to put things on the Internet, is the way to get there.

Alex's Role and Introduction

So, yeah, Alex. Thank you, Hannah. I'm excited to be here as well. So my name is Alex. I'm CPO on storage. I've been previously on the decentralized CDN team with protocol labs before we spun out with storage to build the spiciest and hottest storage network on the planet. I hope today we can provide you a better overview of what Storacci is and where we had it. So much to myself. Thanks. Amazing. Well, actually, as you guys were giving that description, it gave me maybe an idea of where we could start. I think people who are more in the weeds on infrastructure, may know what CDNs are, they may know what hot storage is versus cold storage, but that may not be obvious to folks who aren't engineers.

Understanding Storage Types

So maybe if you guys could give like a lay of the land, not necessarily about Sriracha and Filecoin, but like these different categories, what do they mean for like an average listener? Do you want, do you want me to take that, Alex, or you want to take it? Go ahead. Yeah. So when we think about putting data onto the Internet, particularly data that other people are going to access, there's sort of different in the existing world of storage, and this includes all the major centralized providers. There's sort of three core tiers of storage that you can storage and or access the data you can purchase on the Internet. And I'll just go through them really quickly. People talk about archival storage is basically for storage. You want to rent storage on the Internet, you want to put data into it and you want to get it out very infrequently. These are the types of things you. This is the type of thing where a corporation would just want some piece of their data to have a backup somewhere so that if something goes wrong with their primary copy, they can get it back.

Types of Storage Explained

In the centralized world, if you're on AWS, this would be like glacier, the traditional type of storage. The most common type of storage that people rent on the Internet that I would call is what we would call hot storage. Hot storage basically means I have the ability to put some bytes on the Internet and have other people retrieve it and have it available for serving lots and lots of times with minimal latency. Latency is the key factor here distinguishing the types of storage. Storage latency meaning how long between when I request it and when it's served. So in the case of. So in hot storage, you're talking about data that you should be able to get within the, on the order of milliseconds. Right now. This can be all the way up to about a second, maybe 2 seconds at the high end of top end, but it's basically storage I'm going to put on the Internet, and it's going to be accessed frequently enough that it should be available at all times.

Caching and CDNs

The last tier of storage. And it's not really even really a storage tier. It's more of what you would call a caching tier, meaning like a temporary storage tier is CDN or content delivery network. What this concretely means is simply that even if you have data on the, let's say I have data on a server in the United States. Right. Even if my server responds immediately to a request for data, if I am requesting it in, say, Hong Kong, the mere time it takes to transport that data over the Internet, over the wires at the speed of light, adds milliseconds to our, to the response time. And it gets up to, you know, it can be, you can add a second, 2 seconds that way. And often for the most frequently accessed kinds of data on the Internet. When you go to most websites, you're actually expecting a latency on the order of sub 100 milliseconds. That's kind of the magic number to where, for humans, it feels sort of like it's available immediately.

Latency and Data Access

In order to deliver on the order of sub 100 milliseconds, what you need to do is actually keep copies of that data all over the world so that when you request it can be accessed very quickly. So, yeah. Is that a good intro? Sorry, that might have been a whole information dump. Sorry. I am the technical person. No, no. I thought that was great. Maybe to recap, when we're talking about archival, we're talking about very large scale and slow access data. So maybe order of minutes of retrieval. And that's the sort of thing that you use for backups. When we're talking about hot storage, we're talking about basically your bread and butter of storage and retrieval. The thing that you probably just assume of throw data over the wall and can get it back.

Summary of Storage Concepts

And that's on the order of, like, milliseconds. Let's use to use your boundaries. Maybe like north of 100 milliseconds, but definitely faster than, like, maybe at worst a second. And then for cdns, we're talking about sub 100 milliseconds. This is like, I go to a website and maybe like, the first thing I get needs to show up immediately or my video ad plays immediately, even if the video is buffering in the background. Things like that.

Introduction to Sriracha

Exactly. Yeah. So then maybe with that as like a frame, where does Sriracha fit in? How do you guys sort of describe Sriracha to folks who are trying to understand the network? Yeah, I can take that one. So Sriracha is a decentralized hot storage network, as Hannah just categorized. Hot storage, but built on top of Filecoin. So the idea is that it's going to be an l two on top of Filecoin. That will back up and leverage Filecoin for durability. As an archival solution, storage is basically the evolution of web three storage that many people know and love and our team also are basically the developers of NFT storage when it grew pretty big. And I think what's important to know here is that storage previously with web three storage and NFT storage has been already serving over 200,000 of users, and it's been better tested. And so what Sriracha does for developers today, in very easy terms, is it's easy data onboarding onto Filecoin without having to be a large data provider organization or spinning up a bunch of complex code to deal with onboarding large data onto a blessing type solution like pipeline.

Key Features and Differentiators

And storage allows fast data retrieval. So that's the key that we're doing. One differentiating factor here is storage puts data ownership at the center, where the users truly own the data, through the decentralized authentication and permissioning mechanisms that Sriracha has built into the protocol. So how does Sriracha differentiate itself from the storage solutions? That's basically through the truly decentralized data ownership. Just to repeat myself, it's battle tested and production ready at scale, proven to previously support over 200,000 users. It puts the developer at the center of the product. And lastly, it has a spicy name and a very cool logo. So looking forward to all the Sriracha memes that are going to pop up. Hannah, anything you want to add? No, I think that's a great description. Yeah, I think that the thing, in a broad sense, we are the simple way to put data onto Filecoin. If you just have an image, a video, whatever you want, you can get it on Filecoin through Sriracha.

The Process of Data Onboarding

And in fact, we are the largest data onboarder on the Filecoin by an order of magnitude. So people put stuff into our pipeline and it gets to Filecoin, and that's just a set and forget type of operation. That's pretty cool. And it's available, it's quickly available and long term. Yeah. To Alex's point, we are very committed to data ownership for our users. Meaning when you put data into Sriracha, that does not mean that you are handing over control of that data to us. You are still the top authority we have. We use experimental technologies to get there. And honestly, for me, long term, this is why I'm in it. I'm still trying to solve that age-old problem of how can we get the cloud without giving up all the control, which is, yeah, important for me.

Understanding Control in Data Management

Could we double click on that? Because I think for folks who may be a little less technical may not fully grok some of the unique things that you guys are doing to put more control in the hands of users. So maybe if we could compare and contrast, like, how do people typically manage and, like, in a normal cloud system and application, what does it mean for users to be handing over control and then sort of like the way that you guys use UCans and some of the downstream implications? Could we maybe try to unpack that for folks in the audience who may not be aware? You know, I think I'm going to try a, really try to do this with an analogy if this would be helpful. If you think about, like, what does the current cloud look like today, right? If you think about, like, the real-world example of renting storage space, right? The way that the current cloud essentially functions is you would go to a storage space provider and you would put data on, you would say, all right, I got some stuff to store.

The Centralized Model of Data Storage

And they’d be like, okay, here's your storage space. When you put it in the storage space, we can go through it anytime we want. We might utilize it. We also are going to control completely your access to it. And probably I'm just trying to think about other things that would be going on here, especially from a user standpoint. If you're interacting with, putting data on the Internet the way that most users put data on the Internet, they don't even know they're doing it. They're like, I uploaded an image to Facebook or to Twitter or whatever, and they don't realize that they've now put it into a centralized system where I've handed over the ability to someone like, we are letting people walk into the storage space, look at all your stuff, and be like, okay, I'm going to go find advertisers who are going to want to sell to the person who has this stuff. It's kind of a bizarre model, right? And part of the reason that we obviously, there are economic factors that lead into that, right? I mean, that's the business model of a lot of companies.

Technological Constraints of Traditional Systems

There's also technological ones, right? When the Internet, in the early days of the Internet, we didn't have mechanisms. The Internet has all these fundamental protocols. It doesn't have an actual protocol for storage in a way where you can put data into the Internet and retain control of that data in the same way where it has protocols for other things. But it just wasn't available at the time when the Internet was coming into being, when all these protocols were open source, these sort of like open protocols that have been developed in universities. So we're using this technology called UCAN. I don't want to go too deep on it. But essentially what we UCAN is a tool for delegating authorization. And the thing that this enables is it enables the control of data to go all the way to the end user, not even just the developer, but the end user who doesn't, who's putting out data on the Internet just by saying, uploading to a social networking site.

Empowering Users with UCAN

You essentially say, if you use the example social networking site, the person using it says, I want to put this image onto it. I'm giving you the social networking site, the ability to have this image, but I can revoke that at any time. And then the social networking site would probably be using a platform like Sriracha to store that network rather than that social networking site, taking control of it, putting on their servers, and then moving it to Sriracha, at which point the chain of authority is completely lost. They would take the delegate, they would take the authorization the user had given them, and then they would create, they would essentially pass that authorization on as a sub-delegation, saying, I'm authorizing Sriracha to hold this data on behalf of this user because they authorized me to hold it. And so now I'm using you to do it. And the nice thing is that keeps the chain of authorization and the user ownership all the way back to the end user.

Importance of Ownership in Decentralization

And we might then put it on Filecoin, but then we create an additional sort of delegation where we say we're actually taking the user's authorization to us that says we can store it and we're going to say, you know, and we're going to say we are actually, and they've given us the ability to durably store it and we're delegating that durability to Filecoin, but it's still, Filecoin can still, it all still tracks back to the original user. And this is really important in a decentralized context where like all of these different, all the different people who are interacting are like independent people, potentially. They're not necessarily the same party. So you need to have a mechanism for delegating these bits of authority without losing the original ownership, which is the thing that gets lost in most of the Internet.

Clarifying User Control

Let me try to play that back just to make sure. If were to use a normal website like a social networking thing, the main difference here is when I upload my pictures or my data to these websites, I'm basically handing everything over to that website. And there may be terms of service and some sort of legal contract about what is that company able to do? But practically speaking, they can do whatever they want. Exactly. So long as they have possession of that data. And in technical terms, it's basically like, if I'm saying I want to block other people from seeing it, I'm asking that website to then make sure no one else can access that data. And I'm trusting that they're doing that correctly. And the main difference here is in Sriracha land, when you're using UCANs, everything originates with the user.

Concrete Examples of Data Handling

And instead of having one list that's maintained by Sriracha, instead, it's like the user is given written authorization or technically signed authorization, and then Sriracha is just able to operate within the bounds of what the user says. And maybe that user is allowing Sriracha on behalf of them to then restore that in other places and do certain things. But all of that is kind of encapsulated in what the user chose, not from what did Sriracha choose to do with the data. Yeah, and the one bit of color I would add about that is that, let's say I upload an image to Twitter. Twitter might be using AWS S3, which is the centralized hot storage to hold those images, but AWS S3. Their client is Twitter, and their sense of this data is who this data is owned by. From AWS standpoint, is just Twitter.

Authorization and Data Storage Issues

And it's completely lost that the original person who authorized it is you. Right. And so. And that means that if you then decide, I want to revoke that authorization, there's no way to propagate that down to where the data is actually stored on AWS. Because, again, AWS has no ownership relationship to you. They only have a relationship in the terms of service with Twitter itself. I feel like that's actually a really key point.

AI Agents and Data Delegation

And maybe to motivate that a little bit of, if we're talking about AI agents as an example, and we want to have an AI agent that's like my personal assistant that maybe spins up its own AI agents in the way that the Internet works today, there isn't really a great mechanism to say, like, hey, I may give access to my AI agent, but then that AI agent may want to re-delegate access to other agents. That's not like a flow that really is possible because of this intermediation layer in the traditional web, but in a structured world, it's like I just delegate my you can to my agent that gets delegated down to the agents that it spins up. And, like, there's a chain of custody that's sort of respected through that. Yes. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah. I mean, like, hopefully that's clear for folks on the call as well.

Filecoin Ecosystem Enhancements

I guess maybe we've talked a little bit about how you guys are sort of like, upgrading the capabilities inside of the Filecoin ecosystem. One thing we haven't really talked about is for hot storage. The way that you guys are sort of going about this, do you want to. Maybe. I guess this is a question more for Hannah, but do you want to explain a little bit about what PDP is and proof of data possession? Oh, yeah, for sure. Right. So I want to talk just briefly about, like, what, how we use Filecoin today. Alex mentioned durability, and one of the things that Filecoin is already really well set up for is backup. Right. The core proof in the Filecoin network at the moment, proof of replication, is it is really the only decentralized proof in existence that is appropriate for a backup case because it ensures it proves that a unique copy of data is being held.

Importance of Unique Data Copies

And that's really important if your goal is not to lose the data. A lot of the other proofs, the problems with them is that, like, all they prove is you have access to data, not that you're actually holding your own unique copy. And usually when you're backing up, you need to store six different copies. And the only way to know that is with a proof of replication. Filecoin gives us that. So that gives us decentralized durability, and that's really important to our design. However, what we want to do is really get our own access to data that's available in real time. We want that to be fully decentralized as well. And so Filecoin is introducing this new proof called proof of data possession.

Understanding Proof of Data Possession

And what that shows, what that proof does is it proves that someone has data and they have it in a form that is, they have it in a form that's immediately retrievable. Right? As in, like, if I request this data, that data is ready to be served. Right? Like, that's essentially what it's saying, is that the proof of data possession says that someone has data, they have it ready to be served immediately to you. And it's the reasons. So this proof is a new proof that the core folks working on Filecoin, and particularly the public goods team and Filecoin Phil Oz, are working on developing as an additional proof on the network. And this is really unlocking the value of the Filecoin chain, not just for archive, but for hot data retrieval.

Simplifying Proof Requirements

So with proof of data possession, it's a much simpler proof because again, you're just proving that you have access to the data in retrievable form. And so that means that the requirements around it are much more relaxed. The amount of hardware you need to participate in PDP is much less. And what this is going to enable us to do is it's going to enable folks, for folks to participate in our network as independent storage providers and submit proofs of data possession to the Filecoin chain to prove that they still have data that we have stored with them in a retrievable form. And this essentially allows us to go from not just using decentralized Filecoin for durability, but also using it for hot retrieval, which is a critical part of what we do.

Comparing Different Storage Models

Is that helpful? Yeah, I think this actually gets to a question I wanted to ask later, but I guess also for how people might think about the differences between some of the pinning services that exist and sort of the direction that Sriracha is going in terms of like, when I say pinning, I mean IPFs pinning versus Sriracha as like a hot storage network and sort of like having these proofs that show up, that show that there are copies available is kind of like one of the key things. And I mean, I don't want to put words in your mouth. You tell me if this is the right way to frame this. Having the ability then to have like a supply side that's a market of operators versus like centrally managed IPFS nodes is like the only sort of like hot offering.

Data Custody and Storage Market

Yeah, that's totally true. And Alex, you can feel free to jump in on this, but like, I feel like, yeah, with a pinning service you're paying one person to take custody of your data and to basically make it available. Ultimately, a lot of the time the pinning service is just storing it in a centralized provider under the hood for their own infrastructure and you're dependent on that company. That's great. A lot of the pinning services in IPFS are amazing and they operate IPFS at incredible scale. It's wonderful. And we've operated our own bidding service in the sense that web three storage is itself a large IPFS provider. But in the long term, like the ability to participate in a storage market should be much simpler.

Network Distribution and Reliability

You shouldn't have to build your own pinning service and get to a giant scale and then try to recruit, go out and do a ton of marketing. It should be that if I have data on the Internet and someone has storage available, we should have a smart network that just knows how to distribute it. That's what we want. And also, it's also much more failure in the long term. It's much more resistant to failure. These proofs of data possession tell you in a verifiable way that data is either there or in a worst-case scenario, that it's been lost. And what that means is if a proof, if a PDP fails, we have a copy in Filecoin, and you can get that copy out of Filecoin, obviously it's a little bit slower and put it somewhere else, right, and then essentially have it up on a different provider.

Future Goals for Data Preservation

And the network can do that intelligently so that you're not. I mean, one of our little internal goals that we would love to see is that there's a future in which the Sriracha company, if, God forbid, something goes wrong and we cease to exist, that doesn't affect our users' data, that our users' data is just up because we have a network that's preserving it. Yeah, I mean. Two points that I wanted to add to the PDP, to the proof of data possession. So it has one major advantage for the supply side, for the node providers as well, because so far, let's say on file coin incentives were given out of, for sealed data. Without going too much into detail what sealed data is, maybe people understand it here, but basically what sealed data means, it's very hard to retrieve at the end of the day, because you would have to rehash and decrypt it.

Incentives for Unsealed Data

With the proof of data possession, you can now actually incentivize people for unsealed data. So it has basically a dual advantage even for node providers currently running SP's on Filecoin, if data is onboarded through storage, they could double dip and they could benefit actually from that PDP for unsealed data and be actually paid for storing and serving that data. So that's a big advantage for the supply side and for the demand side. What you can do with proof of data possession, as you will, it's basically like a, you will have a sampling proof at the end, someone will commit basically these proofs and go and randomly verify if the data is also still available.

Unlocking Future Data Availability Solutions

It's a predecessor to building very versatile data availability solutions. That's another area that gets really unlocked by that. You could build very flexible DA solutions in the future once this is implemented. Yeah, I mean, I think both on the additional revenue streams for SP's, given where the market is, I think that's probably really interesting for them as other ways of sort of like bringing in cash flows with the hardware investments they've made. Then also on the demand side, I think having these things as protocol native, sort of like offerings, means you can start building interesting primitives that kind of combine and sort of like add other permutations of these various services inside of the Filecoin ecosystem, which is pretty interesting.

Current Partnerships and Collaborations

Maybe Alex, Hannah had talked a little bit about the laws and the work that you guys are doing together there on PDP. Do you want to maybe touch on some of the other partnerships that you guys have with folks like Curio? So I would rather touch on a couple of other partnerships that we have. Unless Hannah wants to talk about curiosity. I can just briefly say that Curio is also part of the PDP endeavor and that, and they built this really awesome storage provider, general purpose storage provider software, and we're working closely with them on shipping PDP and so that your own curio node can actually operate as a node in the Sriracha network. So it's just pretty cool.

Forward-Looking Partnership Goals

But I think I'm guessing that Alex wants to talk about some of the partnerships upward facing out towards potential customers and new market segments.


So go ahead, Alex. Correct? Yes.

Sriracha's Partnerships in NFT Marketplaces

So yeah, I think without jumping into like specific names so far, basically Sriracha has been actually serving some of the large scale NFT marketplaces through some of the partnerships. I will not mention the names yet, so this will be announced in the future, but yeah, it involves basically some of the largest NFT marketplaces that are around on the market in terms of new verticals, new areas that we're developing a lot of interest in.

Exploring the Gaming Space

That's the gaming space. Why gaming? In gaming, I think we can play really naturally our competitive advantage, where typically most of the revenue in games come from, in assets trading between users. Web three gives this advantage that you can basically scale faster because you don't need to get all these money transmission lines, licenses you have like user to user transaction.

Advancements with UCAn Concept

The issue so far was though that the data is still stored with your game developer or centralized provider. Now with our UCAn concept and truly own your data, the user can actually really own that data and just delegate access to the game developer and then you have truly user to user interaction. And secondly, storage is still using the content addressing premise here and we have collaborated with, and I think I can mention that one three S game studio who built an Unreal plugin where you can do lazy installs of games so you can use structure for game distribution where your initial game package is really small and during runtime, because of content addressing, you can literally load a basically all the binaries and components that you need for further textures and gameplay, et cetera, which reduces the file size drastically.

Content Dressing and Efficient Updates

And the content dressing provides deduplication by its inherent design. So you don't really need to store the same bytes twice. So for example, if you release an upgrade, you can just re upload the whole file more or less, or the whole binary, which is split out into sids, into chunks. And what structure does automatically is it only saves and uploads the difference that has not been uploaded yet. So you have automatically a div there.

Streamlined Distribution to End Users

So it's great for upgrades, for uploading, but also for distributing to the end users because they don't have to really double download content. So that's an area that's growing naturally. And yeah, we have a partnership with three s game studio here who are actually working currently on a very large game that they're ready to launch in about two months. And same time we closed a partnership with Yom, which is a decentralized gaming deep end.

Innovations in Decentralized Gaming

They basically provide decentralized gaming rigs where game developers can actually deploy and run the games for the ecosystem. Those gaming rigs typically have limited capacity for storage to serve hundreds and thousands of games, and storage will be used for that game distribution, for that initial loading of game binaries, as I just described, leveraging basically the power of deduplication with content addressing.

Expanding Their Horizon

At the same time, since we're partnering with a couple of gaming defense here, we're getting also natural traction from the wider deep end market and also from the AI market, as JV just mentioned, you can really delegate access from, let's say one AI agent to another. Like a user or a data scientist can truly own their model. And when they train, for example, on a decentralized GPU network, they don't need to fully upload all the data to that network.

Data Ownership and AI Lifecycles

They could just delegate a pointer to their storage and say, hey, this is where my training data is and this is where I want you to store the snapshots when we run the training. And eventually, obviously the models, which are really valuable, but you could also use it, inferences and other contents that you store during your AI lifecycle.

Future Roadmap for Sriracha

Just to mention a little bit back to Jamie. Yeah, I mean, also just sort of like riffing off of that. I feel like this access control primitive is really interesting if we're thinking about like data monetization is another piece for people who maybe are thinking about data daos and other types of use cases that might feed into sort of like AI flows. Yeah, I mean, I guess maybe if we're looking forward a little bit, do you guys want to talk a little bit about what's coming up on the horizon?

Anticipations for the Next Quarter

What should people be expecting over the next quarter? Over the next maybe like nine months or so, what's on the short term roadmap and I guess the medium term roadmap for Sriracha? Sure, yeah, I'll give a short summary and then feel free to add more. So we've got a bigger release plan for Defcon where structure will become a federated network.

Foundation for Decentralization

And so what this means is that we will invite the first trusted storage providers to run nodes on our network so they will closely collaborate with us and lay the foundation for the future decentralized network as planned for next year. We plan to fully decentralize the network and open it up to permissionless participation so anyone can join in.

Enhancements and Features

And yeah, I think another plan next year is to launch an own l two, as I mentioned previously, and really make file command really user friendly through storage for any small data onboarding. Enhancing it with features that are currently they are a hygiene factor, requires some of access control, privacy, mutability, and some of these features that are currently very hard to realize on Filecoin because it fulfills a great role in durability and storing long term data.

Call to Join the Community

But to be agile with the data, get it fast mutated, that's where structure comes in. So that's the plan basically for the next twelve months that we've got and for everyone who is interested in participating. So I would really like to call out to join our discord. That's where the developers are really active. We work in the open, so most of our code is open source and you can actually follow the discussions of the developers and also contribute and help with ideas or also co development.

Updates and Onboarding Users

And also follow us on Twitter for any updates and news. Once we actually start onboarding people to the federated network, but later also the permissionless network to be one of the early participants, but as well as from the demand side, if you want to have truly user owned data with a chain of delegation proofs that is super flexible, then come and talk to us.

Clarifying the Testnet

And I would just add, yeah, so I know a lot of people are like what's Testnet? Well, Testnet needs a lot of things. So I just want to be clear what we mean by when we talk about Devcon, that's in November, and that would be where we would be onboarding a few independent storage providers, but that's not an open join network.

Making Sure of Proper Implementation

That would be more probably next year. We got to make sure we do this correctly. We're developing a decentralized storage network in a really interesting way where we have two petabytes of real customer data that we are custodying, that we have custody of, and we are serving and we are making providing a really good service for our users.

User-Centric Approach

And we are building this decentralized network underneath without breaking user guarantees. And that's something that I really love about our endeavor, is that we can't just work in a lab in a vacuum and then release some sort of decentralized chain, something to the world and hope it works. We actually are all the way making sure that we are providing a really service.

Encouraging Community Engagement

So that's. That's really exciting. I'm excited about it. Yeah. Come join us on Discord. Join us. Join our. Join either, you know, put data on storage. We try to be really responsive to user questions because, you know, we care about the user experience. This is a, you know, Filecoin is an amazing infrastructural resource.

Final Thoughts

We are trying to make that a really wonderful resource for end users and developers to use. So, yeah, that's amazing and, yeah, strong plus one. Also, if folks haven't, I would encourage you to follow Hannah and Alex on Twitter as well. Yeah, I mean, I think for Filecoin as an ecosystem, I mean, as Hannah mentioned, they're already uploading large amounts of data and I think bringing these new feature sets of basically opening the aperture of what Filecoin as an ecosystem can solve for end developers, I think is so important.

Looking Ahead

So I'm super excited about the growth that stratra already has and very excited for what's coming in the next year. Maybe before we close everything out, I can open the floor up. Is there any questions in the audience? Maybe we can try to pull people up if there's any direct questions you all have for Hannah and Alex.

Closing Remarks

All right, well, other than that, I guess maybe one last time. Plug, please follow Hannah and Alex on Twitter and the sriracha handle. Do you guys have the link for your guys discord handy? Maybe we can tweet it out as sort of a follow up to this space. Also plug for the Filecoin discord.

Community Participation

If you go to discord GG Filecoin. We do sort of like pre announcements for these AMA's follow up discussions after there's sometimes content giveaways and things like that. So definitely encourage people to join that as well. And then, yeah, for the Sriracha discord, if you guys have a link and can plug it. Otherwise, we'll tweet it out after.

Ensuring Discord Accessibility

I think we are. Our discord is yet to reach the, like, we get the vanity link level, so we will absolutely tweet it out. Yeah, I'm on it already. Awesome. Cool. Well, then, thanks to everyone for joining, and thank you, Hannah and Alex, for making the time.

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