Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Fellowship of Believers: Hope for Agbala Orphanage feat bro Adewola hosted by ChristIsComing5. Explore the heartwarming journey of the Fellowship of Believers as they support the Agbala Orphanage with faith, love, and charity. Through the uplifting story of bro Adewola and their mission, discover how unity, kindness, and community support can create a positive impact on vulnerable children. Their message of hope and compassion resonates as a beacon of light, inspiring others to join in spreading love in actionable ways. Witness the transformative power of faith-driven initiatives and the ripple effects of goodwill in society.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How does faith play a role in the Fellowship of Believers' mission?
A: Faith acts as the foundation for their work, driving their compassion and commitment to helping others.

Q: What inspired bro Adewola to support the Agbala Orphanage?
A: Bro Adewola's personal faith journey and desire to make a positive impact motivated him to support the orphanage.

Q: How can individuals contribute to the Fellowship of Believers' cause?
A: People can offer donations, volunteer their time, or spread awareness to support the Fellowship's initiatives.

Q: Why is community support crucial for orphanages like Agbala?
A: Communities rallying together can provide essential resources, care, and opportunities for orphaned children.

Q: What impact can acts of kindness and charity have on society?
A: Acts of kindness can inspire others, create positive ripple effects, and lead to transformation and hope in communities.

Q: How does the Fellowship of Believers advocate for love and compassion?
A: By demonstrating love and compassion through their actions, the Fellowship spreads a message of empathy and support.

Q: What motivates individuals to join charitable causes like the one led by the Fellowship?
A: The desire to make a difference, help those in need, and be part of a community dedicated to positive change drives people to join such causes.

Q: How can the Fellowship of Believers' work inspire others to get involved in similar initiatives?
A: Their successful impact and dedication to helping those in need can motivate and encourage others to take action and support charitable causes.

Q: Why is it essential to shine a light on organizations like the Agbala Orphanage?
A: By raising awareness about important causes like supporting orphanages, communities can come together to provide crucial assistance and care.

Q: What role does unity and collaboration play in creating impactful change in society?
A: Unity and collaboration foster stronger support systems, resources, and a shared vision, leading to meaningful and lasting change in society.


Time: 00:12:45
Faith-Fueled Mission of the Fellowship Exploring how faith drives the Fellowship of Believers' mission to support the Agbala Orphanage.

Time: 00:25:19
Bro Adewola's Inspiring Story Dive into the personal journey and motives behind bro Adewola's involvement with the Agbala Orphanage.

Time: 00:38:04
Community Impact Through Charity Understanding the tangible effects of charity and community support on organizations like the Agbala Orphanage.

Time: 00:45:30
Spreading Love and Hope Witness the power of love and hope in action as the Fellowship of Believers shines light on the lives of the vulnerable.

Time: 00:55:18
Unity in Compassionate Actions Exploring how unity and collaboration within a community can lead to transformative change in society.

Time: 01:10:02
Inspiring Acts of Kindness Discover how small acts of kindness can ripple outwards, creating waves of positive impact in communities.

Time: 01:22:45
Leading by Example: Empathy and Support Learn how leading with empathy and support can set the groundwork for meaningful change and community empowerment.

Time: 01:35:11
Brotherhood and Solidarity Explore the bonds of brotherhood and solidarity that underpin the Fellowship of Believers' mission for the Agbala Orphanage.

Time: 01:45:29
Elevating Lives Through Charity Witness firsthand the transformative power of charitable actions and the positive outcomes they bring to those in need.

Time: 02:00:15
Hope for Tomorrow: Building a Brighter Future Looking towards the future with optimism, the Fellowship of Believers sees a path to a brighter tomorrow for the Agbala Orphanage and its inhabitants.

Key Takeaways

  • Faith and community can create powerful change and support for those in need.
  • The Fellowship of Believers emphasizes the importance of love and compassion in their mission.
  • Bro Adewola's story showcases the transformative power of faith and kindness.
  • Supporting orphanages like Agbala brings hope and a brighter future to vulnerable children.
  • Acts of charity and goodwill can inspire others to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate.
  • The journey of the Fellowship of Believers is a testament to the impact of faith-driven initiatives.
  • Spreading positivity and hope through actions can uplift and transform communities.
  • Unity and collaboration within a community can lead to significant positive change.
  • Bringing attention to orphanages raises awareness and encourages support for essential causes.
  • Bro Adewola's dedication and commitment serve as a beacon of light for others to follow in charitable endeavors.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Checking Clarity

Yes, guys. Hope everybody is well. Can I get a. Can nobody hear me? Please let me know if my voice is clear. If not after, go upstairs. Can have a thumbs up. If my voice is clear, guys, can everybody hear me? Can I get a thumbs up? Can we get a heart? One heart? Can I get more emojis? More emojis? Let's go, let's go. All right, guys, welcome to the chill and chill space. Before we start, let's get down with some house rules. You know I love my house was, baby. All right, so first of all, just to elaborate what exactly this space is about. It's about founders or community members to come up and shield their bags, baby. So then we all, as a community, can get as much information as possible. Not financial advice, but we want information on projects.

Purpose of the Space

We might want to join their community, we might want to open their token, or we might want to help them in any other value that we have. Okay? That's what the space is for. So only pitch projects, please don't come up, because I know I do a lot of giveaways. It's not a show for a pitch for money. A space I'm giving you guys. I'm giving a giveaway at the end. I will talk about that now. So we'll be giving away some Solana, I'll always kind of, you know, say to the founders if they want to give away any crypto of their native token, that's one way to show you above the rest. But if no one gives away anything to the community, you know me, guys, ob loves giveaway to community. I will take on myself to do a giveaway.

Giveaway and Market Insights

So it'll either be me or one of the community, founders. But like I said, guys, this is absolutely free space. So as a community founder, just to give away a salon, a half a salon, is absolutely nothing. If I was a greedy mofo, I could charge five, one grand, two grand, three grand, five grand feet to come on the space. So, you know, take that in consideration. All right, then, guys, so hope everybody's had a fantastic day. I know the market is not the best, but as I say all the time, guys, there's many ways to skin a cat, baby, meaning there's many ways to make money in this crypto space. Like me, for instance. Guys, I want. I'm not. I'm not proclaiming that I'm some leverage, but in this time, I've been doubling down on my leverage trading.

Current Market Action and Advice

You know, we've got a really good member of our inner circuit. Cabal group that is teaching, you know, and I'm learning already the past two days and $1,000. Can't be bad. Can't be bad. Baby a didn't do nothing but press some buttons. So, you know, that's my. What I'm doing at the moment. Obviously, I still look at the meme coin market, but you guys are saying as well, it's like, if you think the Minkwell market's a bit quiet, this is the time to double down on your skills, guys. Double down. Are you gonna make content for crypto? Are you gonna offer you a moderation to be a mod to communities? Do you want to be a shiller? You know, do you want to learn leverage trading? Do you want to learn the charts? Believe me, guys, this is the time where growth comes.

Opportunities in the Crypto Market

Growth don't come in the bull market. Growth, you can't grow because you can't freaking breathe in the bull market. I didn't have the time to. To breathe. Never mind. Oh, you might want to take this time to chill with the family. That's your prerogative. But yes, guys. So I'm going to let some people up soon as. Guys, you've had you say you showed your coin. I have to drop you down because, you know, we've got many people that want to come on. And, guys, first of all, I want to say, can everybody retweet the room? All right, and tag hashtag your favorite project. Project in the comments so they can get a ping, ping. And let's get this party started. All right, gonna let some people up.

Market Overview and New Projects

I can see a few are connecting, so. So while it's connecting, guys, let's take a look at the market. So bitcoins has broke through 56,000. Absolutely bullish, considering, you know, we've freaking died in the last couple of days. So, you know, we're on the right track. So we want to kind of break for that sixty k. And it's. It's smooth sailing. All right. All right, guys, whoever's up, do you want to show your project? It's connecting. I see connecting. It's okay. Meme, meme. Hey. Hello. Yeah, what's up, Aidan? Brother, you okay? Is that Mister Crab? Yeah, definitely Mister Crab. Hello, Mister Krabs. How are you? Hope you not got crabs.

Mister Crab's Project Introduction

Yeah. So, can I show you my projects, please? This is what the space is for, my bro. All right, so Mister Crab is actually meme coin on Solana blockchain. So meme coin about Mister Crab from, you know, SpongeBob so it's a pretty cool meme. We've been running it for a week now and, you know, the chart is bullish. Everything has been going very well. So we just got deck speed today and you know, we have a caller coming in about 1 hour time. So it's more like, it's really a bullish project. And I believe you guys should actually get in on the project because the meme is cool. We've got a lot of memes, we've got a lot of, you know, partners, and we've got a lot of, you know, community.

Community Engagement and Questions

The community is cool. The team is based, and it's actually a very good meme coin to go into right now. Sorry to interrupt you, brother. Also, guys, another thing I forgot to say. If anyone was asking a question, if you speak at ask the questions to the person, the meme coin, or you can hit the emojis and I'll get you up to ask a question. But yeah, anything else, Mister Krabs? Yeah, you can actually check out our website, in our TG, in my bio. So yeah, this is the official account of Mister Krabs. So everything you need to know about the project is on our teacher, on our website. So you can check it out. I would like to ask a few questions and maybe give you a bit of money.

Project Financial Insights

All right, cool. First thing I want to ask you is what's your all time high on your project? Actually, 44k. Our all time high is forty four k. And the price is currently around 33k right now. Because when I can't believe everybody says. Voice. I think, I think there's something wrong with the next. Hello. Community. Kind of bring board into. Let's show your project, babe. And guys, can I get a retweet? I want everybody to retweet the room because remember as well, with this giveaway, finally look in your profile and you ain't retweeting this room.

Emphasizing Giveaway Participation

I ain't seen a comment and I ain't seen you doing emojis. You ain't getting none. So let's go. Who's up next? Okay, so a couple of people that are up and you're not speaking, I'm gonna drop you back down. so if you up, just speak. Guys, I'll have to jot you back down. Just need a couple of people more up. I got something. Go. Matt. Yeah, I can hear you perfectly, bro. Okay, this is. Is it okay? It's just more a public service announcement for the Caspian because they're. They're ready to launch meme coins for the whole chain. I just a little on that.

Building Community and Marketing Strategies

Not that many, but there's a good handful. Rock up with 50 of you with your DP. All you, most of your projects. You've got holders, thousands of holders here. If you've got freaking 100 holders, 200, 300 holders, what do you think a Kol influencer, whatever you want to call me is going to think when 50 people, 100 people, if I get 200 people on my spaces and quarter of you have the PFP of your meme coin? That is bullish. I want to be part of that. You know, these are. These guys. This is two simple things. If you take this strategy and guys, don't just sit there and think, oh, yeah, but I'm not the founder they could do. No, look at this guy. He's not a founder. The book guy, you know, he's a community member. Those people come in as community members. Take control. Leave me. Take control. And I know this because I've run projects before, marketing my own projects. Some did good, some did good thing good, didn't do good. Welcome to the Minkown world.

The Role of Community Engagement

But there's so many things that we can, the community can do. And I tell you straight, I don't think communities do enough. I know you've got a passive investors, people that have more money than time, just want to invest and keep it moving. But then that's a small percentage. 90%, 99% of you guys, this is our lives. So spend a bit of time on marketing your project with the community and your project will be successful. And these are two powerful tips. And not many people are doing them 100%. I think that is some real alpha right there, especially on the marketing side of things. I've actually got a question for you online, boss, and I've got a giveaway for your community as well. I like it. The question is, I know you touched on Kols and advisors. Now, that's the standpoint where we're at currently. Where we want to onboard somebody, but we don't want to onboard the wrong person, where we give him some supply and then he messes up all this hard work, and then other people get scared as well. And their goal as well.

Taking Caution with Influencers

Yeah. So we want to be very careful with that. And if you have some time, maybe we could speak and DM sometime. I'd love to have a chat with you about that further. Yeah, yeah. Well, also as well. That's a very good question, my bro. And like I say, these bases just shilling and all this, but it's also chillin show, right? And I like those questions because a lot of founders could be here and listen to guys. I spent. I've spent millions of dollars on KLS. Millions. I've got a whole freaking Google Doc sheet. And I can literally tell you who's ruggers, who's not, who's good, who's not. I don't mind sharing this information because I'm here to expose the ruggers. I won't publicly expose them because it's not my cup of tea. Right. But I know who you give talk to and just rug the charts, and they've got no courtesy. And then also on these spaces, not in my DM, guys, I haven't really got time.

The Importance of Active Communication

But these spaces, you could ask me. Okay, Christian, like, you've helped the project go to 100 mil. Your own project went to 50 mil. You raised 2 million in a presale. I don't mind asking me questions, because that's going to help you, because I remember I'm here for you guys to show your project and also, obviously, to make your project better. I want your project to succeed. So use this time to ask somebody that's been in this industry for a long time how to make a project and answer your question, is there, bro? Yeah. Personally, I wouldn't give Kol supply, right. Just very broadly, so many, not many people that would really hold that supply. And then you got to see it from a K world point of view. It's a bit of both. Someone just fucking ruggers. But if someone don't believe in your project and you gave them supplies, say the supply is worth two, three grand, right.

Navigating Influencer Relationships

They make their post, they've made a post, so they've done their job, right. So in their mind, it's like, I do my job, I just press not going. I don't believe in this project we're going to sell. So also, it's a bit on you. It's like everything's always a reflection of us. So it's like not everybody's like, it's some of the rugged, but some would sell because the person not going nowhere. So that the person is going nowhere. That's on, you know, the founders, the team, the marketing. So personally, obviously, you need money for everything. You need money for this. So I personally, what I would do, I would give the kol, crypto, ethereum, bitcoin, stable, whatever, and I would personally, if I need. If I didn't have the money to give them, I would sell on the chart, but I'll sell on little pumps.

The Strategy Behind Effective Marketing

Okay. Now you might say, okay, question. Well, that's easy said and done, but where's the pumps going to come from if I don't market? Just like I said, gorilla marketing. Get the troops. Pump your coin with the community. Do you have to do. And then when you get those little peaks and troughs, you sell a little bit. Right? And then you use that to pay the KWL because believe me, you respect your charts, but 99.99% of the KWL's wouldn't. Okay. And this is this. Yeah, 100%. I believe that. Sorry to cut you there and keep trying to explain this to Wales and other people as well. So I've been a bit, like, holding back on it a lot for. For the last five days. Like, I don't want to send that much percent to somebody, like, to do this, but, you know, like, I would say that's more like a caller that would tweet and just. They're done with it.

Balancing Long-term Relationships and Immediate Gains

I'm looking for someone that's more like looking for midterm at least, like maybe at least a month. And I can give them 50%. Another 50% is locked. We'll give them some soul on the side as well because I have a marketing plan, but we want to execute that with a huge push once this deal was confirmed with a Kol or advisor, and then we can go out with a bang. Because one thing I don't want is a huge amount of volume come in. It goes straight back down from the marketing. Marketing funds are finished as well. Then the kol, a few days later, say, hey, guys, I'm ready now. Do you want to do that pump again? What you're doing all of these trendings and all of these things and going on all these places and getting so many people involved, and then this kind of, like, you got to now come up with all the funds all over again, start again.

The Importance of Sustained Marketing Efforts

So we wanted to do something that keeps the longevity there. But I totally get you. I totally get. And that's on you, bro. That's on you. Selling the dream to the kol. Do you know what I mean? So that's how you make your proposal. Because he's talking about something different. He's talking about partnership, which is great, because I agree that giving Kol for a tweet and a freaking telegram shout out is just going to pump and dump your chart in a way. So you're looking for more partnerships. That's fine. I. So that's. Now you have to present yourself in a way where it benefits them and they see the. What you see in the project, you know? Yeah, I remember.

Creating Opportunities through Engagement

I'm from a sales background. So what you need to do as well, you know, nobody. Everybody wants to buy, but no one's to be sold to. So when you kind of approach these kols, you want to approach with the benefits for them because everyone just cares about themselves. So, yeah, think of all the benefits of the project and package in a way where it benefits them, holding toll for the long run. You know, obviously you believe in the project. Okay. Now people think that you couldn't make them believe in the project. You actually haven't. You can't make anyone do nothing. They just got to believe that you believe in the project.

Building Trust and Authority

There's some deep psychology meaning. So how are you gonna make someone believe that you believe? Well, you're showing up on these spaces all the time. They're seeing you. They senior community. They senior community in these DM's, you know. And see, that's where you go into this relationship with. I call it the power card, right? You go to relationship where they already know you. So that's another thing as well. It's like when you approach these kols, make sure you've already been raiding them for a week before you approach them. So when you approach them like, oh, shit, I know this. I know this project. You know, like, you know, you could message me, we could talk, because I know you now, you came from a space. You articulate yourself as well.

The Value of Relationship Building

You kind of open the doors for me to at least listen and to kind of hear your value proposition and kind of like, you know, it's a little riposity, as in, you came, spoke. Well, you know, I can see your value. You seem like a cool guy, so you kind of gave me that something. If you just rocking on people's, DM's you know, and you haven't had that six, seven point of contact. They're going to treat you as like you're pestering them. Who are you? How dare you jump in my DM's. What you got off of me? You only got x amount of market cap. But if they see you many times, they're like, oh, shit, I've seen this project. They're pretty cool. All right, let's see what you got.

Leveraging Opportunities for Growth

You know? Now, I appreciate that. That's some real words right there, man. And that's really helpful to be able to speak to someone and be able to ask these types of questions. And I hope some of the guys that are listening are taking notes because it's not every day you can just come up and be able to speak to somebody who has that experience. There's a lot of funny guys in crypto and I like the vibe in there. So I'll definitely be pulling up to more spaces just to finish off because I know I'm taking a lot of time here. There's a lot of guys waiting. I wanted to. I know last time you've been doing giveaways and all sorts, and I think it's only right we do something.

Engaging the Community with Giveaways

So in terms of the NFTs, which I spoke about last time, I've personally minted some more just to give them out. And so I've got some in my wallet. I'm thinking we can give out about five today. I don't know how you want to do it on Lambos. Do you want to select those winners at any point throughout the space? Nice. You can, my brother. What I do, I literally just put it into the bio as well. NFT giveaway in the jumbo tron. So what we do at the end, because we always do giveaways at the end. So if you can stay to the end, which is not going to be that long, it's going to be like half an hour or. You know what? You can do it. You can pick a couple of people in the comments now and then just comment that you've dm them. Dm them.

Finalizing the Event and Giveaways

And then at the end as well, we'll do a couple. You're right. For half an hour. Yeah, yeah. I'm here to the end for a bit then. And I'll. We'll do at the end, basically just pick someone from the comments. And there you go. You got the giveaways. Sounds good. Cool. Good, man. Nice one, guy. Well, and guys, I appreciate that as well. I'm a big advocate of giving back. Like, I'm like, if you're a founder and you've got tokens, like, I'm not saying you have to give something away. I can't force you do anything, but I think it's a standard thing. Like, remember, I've gave away. I'm not saying you don't have. You have to do these levels, but I've had projects I gave away rolexes, $10,000, $5,000.

Value of Generosity in the Community

Like, obviously these are big level projects. But my point is just, it's, it's the, you know, you got to kind of love a posse, guys. You're going to give to receive, right? So if you come in space and you just all like, buy my talk and buy my token, but you're not giving anything out to the community, you know, it's not the best strategy. and that's not even a. It's not even benefiting me, bro. Guys. Because I'm not. I don't want. No, none of that. Cool. I'll keep you up. Cigarette? and then let someone else. Hello. Hello. Oh, hello. Hello, sir. Hello. How are you?

Creating Connections and Collaborations

I'm good. I just wanna. How do I put it? Now, it's not really about crypto projects or just know, as you said, connect with people. Know, make yourself known in spaces. So as for you to, you know, make it in this crypto space. So I just want to, you know, share my skills in case anybody wants to, you know, is looking for a set of skills like that. I create nfts. I can also be your in chart or server moderator, also a graphic designer and known or web three projects also into it. So in case maybe there's anyone or, you know, someone that, needs to hire someone. No, that's this cue set. I think, the person can just tell the person to dm me or something.

Expressing Gratitude for Guidance

So thank you very much. And I also want to give you a big thanks because I've been following your account. These. These accounts is just a new account. I. My. One of the account was using before got suspended, so. And, you know, man has to keep grinding, so I created a new one, followed you again, because I. I get motivated by you. So, no, that's just basically all shut. Okay, my bro. Wicked, wicked. No problem. Like I said, you know, not. I don't want this to be about too much, you know, shilling your skills, but I don't mind a little bit.

Advice for Growth in the Crypto Space

Okay. But if it gets too much, I just have to put people down when I say put me to, like, put, like, step down on this speaking. But I will give you some advice, my brother. Okay? This is the biggest voice that you ever, you get in what kind of business you do, right? And remember, I had coaching offers. literally did six figures a month teaching people how to make money online. I had something to sell, basically. Right? You're selling your service. We're selling every day. Okay. If you're selling something, you're selling your service of nfts.

Positioning Yourself for Success

I need to see nfts artwork on your page or no one's gonna take you seriously. Okay, I know you said it's a new page, so I'm not gonna start saying, oh, well, you know, you haven't post much, and all you're posting is retweeting my tweets, which is great, you know, it's good for me. It's not going to benefit you. So I wouldn't use this account to retweet posts. It kind of. It's not congruent with your brand. You're a brand, you're a business. You need to take it seriously, brother. If you want to get.

Understanding Audience Engagement

I'll guarantee you, my bro, there's nobody on this space that would dm you from that pitch, right? Pitch is okay, but people look on your page and I. Nobody would dm you straight up, never. Why would they always think of. Always think when you do something. Why would people buy my service? What do I need to do to make people buy my service? And why wouldn't they? And why would they? Okay, and your bios, okay, but you've got no proof. All I'm hearing is words, you know, with visual people.

The Importance of Proof in Marketing

Promise some badass arthem. So then when I click on it, I'm like, oh, shit, this guy is the man. If you had some. Really, you could be very talented, bro, if. Imagine if you showed your talent on your post and you just pitched 200,060 people, 10% people go off that 16 and you've had visual nft art. How many people then would now would have followed you now? No one's gonna follow you, bro. So, that was a bit, like, harsh, but we have to have harsh truths in life, and if it comes across a bit, sharp, it is what it is.

Embracing the Learning Process

That's how we learn, baby. Hello, hello. Hey, what's up? Hello, my friend. Hey, mister online business. How are you online, boss? I'm good, thank you, brother. I just wanna. I don't trade, but I just want. To thank you for this opportunity. No, you're welcome, bro. If I ever trade one day, it will because of you. The way you motivate people, the way you speak on Twitter, the way you interact with your followers.

Acknowledging Inspiration

Thank you so much for this opportunity. God bless you, my brother. Appreciate you, my man. Thank you. Kind words. And, yeah, as well, a bit about me as well. Guys, it's like I only talk about what I know, right? And one sec, brother. And I, let's talk about what I believe in and what I know that can make us money. Can make money and is an industry that is booming and that's crypto, guys.

Identifying Opportunities for Success

Believe me, if I didn't see the opportunities, seen it firsthand, or believe in it, I won't be here. And for you guys as well, there's so many ways you can make money. This industry. You just got to, you know, I can share some. Just some tips and tricks right now. Some people ask me that, why are you successful, guys? Why am I successful? Because this is my. I live, breathe, and sleep everything that I do. I take over.

Commitment to Success

Someone the other day, he was like, really, albert? You grown. You grown you followers fast. I said, yeah, because I learned how to grow followers, and I slept 3 hours a day because I found a strategy that works, and I hammered it, and I'm not gonna stop because it works, and I go in. Right. So I want to explain to you guys, to be successful, as well, you need to make sacrifices. If some people say they want to be successful but they don't really want it, they don't want it as bad as most, as bad as you want to breathe.

The Drive for Success

If you want to be successful, unfortunately, you got to want it as bad as you need oxygen. That's how deep it is. That's what I'm successful. And I know many people say, yes, but online bars, it's not about money. You got family and all this stuff. Yes. Damn right. Buffers are broke ass. I couldn't give the family the life that I have now that they've had for all these years. My kids travel the world. My daughter messaged me yesterday, dad, I need to go to university. I need the funds to pay for it. Boom, there you go. My other daughter. Dad, I need to do this course online for a botox. Cool. Is this what you want to do in life? Yeah, dude, here's five grand. So, yeah, I'll sacrifice my life for my kids. Hell, yeah. Because as a man, that's what we need to do. As a man, we need to make sacrifices. Went to shopping the other day. Everyone got some. All my kids, my wife, everybody.

Making Sacrifices

I didn't have time to get anything for myself because of the sacrifices that I make. I'm like, you know what? We haven't got time. You want to go sleep after? Cool. You know, as a man, that's what we do. So, yes, you have to make sacrifice. Yeah. You might have spent less time with family. Yes. You might not be out with friends. Friends, fuck friends, guys. I've been places that I don't like him talking about. And my friends wasn't there for me. My friends don't pay my bills. So when your friend asks you, oh, it's my birthday, can you come here with me? Can you come here with me? It's my. This is that. Forget all those distractions, man. You got an opportunity right now in crypto, in life will stop. There's never been so much opportunities in making money.

Opportunities and Community

I'm not into, I am talking about crypto because that's the industry. I mean, but just making money online, you know, take it, man. Because life has never been so easy and the Internet and has no barriers. I love it. I love it. I love that when people message me and say on that, boss, I need someone on this, I have no. Do you know what? I'm going to be real with you. I have no sympathy. I love doing giveaways. Every time I give away stuff, it gives me goosebumps. I love it when people dm me just for free money. I have no sympathy. You have the same tools that I've got. Yes, do the competition because you're working for it. So I give away money because you engage in my content. You're part of the community.

The Value of Effort

Yes, I'm going to give you some money because you actually do something. But just DME and say, boss, I need a laptop, boss, I need this. That ain't my property. Prerogative. You know, you've got a phone, you've got a mouth, you got hands, you got fingers. There's no excuses. And I know it's gonna rustle some people's feathers in here they like. But this boy, you don't know. I've been homeless. I've been in jail for five years because of my upbringing. When I was a kid, I didn't know better. I don't think it's because daddy wasn't there, mommy wasn't there. I was adopted. I was freaking born and tortured as a kid. I could have got all the excuses and there's a book, but that made me the man I am today.

Resilience and Drive

That made me hungry. That made me stronger. That made me a soldier of God. So all I'm saying is, we've got no exclusive guys. We've got none. We're gonna go out there and we could create our own reality. Anyway, bit off topic. Yo, that was amazing, bro. See, what you just said there? I need to cut that. I need to cut it. From the beginning of what you just said, that was a serious speech right there, and I was serious motivation, and I know 100% your listeners know that, bro. You know what you just said there about those things, going through those life experiences shaped the man you are today.

Shared Experiences

I can relate to that so much. I've been kidnapped before for all my crypto, lost every single penny. I got kidnapped just before my wife gave birth to our first baby during COVID and my whole family left me. They said, you're too much trouble. I was homeless, basically. I was staying in a hotel which had damp all over the ceiling and a newborn baby, like, mad stuff. And I can relate to these things, and I feel like, you know, some of the hardest workers they have had to go through some of the hardest struggles in life to become what they are and get to where they are. But I appreciate exactly those words. Definitely have to clip that. Appreciate you, my bro.

Creating Connections

And that's why it says, guys, your vibe attracts your tribe. Like, 99% of people in here you've been through. It could be similar. It could be the same. It could be completely different. But it's trauma. It's all traumas, you know, your vibe attract your tribe, you know? And as part of me in all you. Right? And I want to be that. That person that stands up and says, guys, you will better days, you know? Yes. It's easy for me to say, you know, people say, yeah, but you made it. Yeah, but I didn't make it a few years ago, you know, I was in your situation, and I made it out.

The Journey to Success

So just remember there was a process, and maybe you go through your process now, so don't kind of compare and your chapter one to my chapter ten, because that's where you kind of get anxiety. That's where you get depression. If you look at how, boy, he's doing this, you can do it, because I've been there, and I'm here to show you that you can get out of any situation. Remember this saying, guys, I love this saying. I don't know if it's a biblical saying, but I just remember saying that, too. Shall past. There's times I'm freaking. Shit. I'm not gonna get past this. Like, I'm gonna be. I'm gonna die or I'm gonna freaking. I'm not gonna eat for how long or whatnot.

Overcoming Obstacles

Like, I never thought I'd get past it, but it passed. But you have to do things about it. You have to take actionable steps, you know, the effort that you put into maybe like, trying to get things for free. No, I'm not saying, like, the competition, I think that's great. I feel it's really cool, you know? But like I said, the people in my DM's, like, that time that you go in, my DM's asking me for money, guys, you could be going in, people's DM's picking your services. Remember this? Remember this? One more thing. I leave on this and then we get speaker one.

Education and Guidance

I'll leave on this. To teach someone something, you have to be one chapter ahead, okay? To be a service to somebody, you have to be one chapter ahead of meaning. Pick a skill set. You don't even need to be the best at it. You just need to be a little bit better than the person that you selling the service to. How about that? I. Guys, the next person, I want to come show the project. So got a bit distracted, guys. In the day. I'm here to motivate. We're here to shoot our projects with the jam.

Revenue Streams Overview

So, similar to what Sinha was talking about, like, you want to create a platform that allows more revenue to come in. And so we have four different revenue streams. One of them is 100% functional. The trading engine, by the way, is functional. Like, it's. You look at our site, we're very transparent. We're always, we're doing the burns. We're recording that all the time because we want to build that credibility. So the trading engine is working automatically.

Trade Bot Partnership and Returns

And then we have another partnership with Soul bank and I that if you take your trade bot and then you deposit it and stake it, they will give you 24.48% APY. And for, basically that translates to for every thousand dollars that you deposit with them, they'll give you $0.20 every 8 hours. Crazy. It's crazy, right? And then on top of that, we have three other revenue streams.

B2B Marketing and Raider Payment

We have a business to business marketing platform, or we have a swarm marketing raid pay bot. So just like how you're talking about everybody loves crypto because it's an opportunity. Well, with this bot, you're gonna be, we're gonna be able to pay all of our raiders, but unlike the current, our competitors right now, we're gonna be a little bit smarter. We're gonna be following the Twitter algorithm, we're gonna be expanding it to different social media platforms.

Revenue Based on Contributions

And, and we, our thing is we want to pay you for what you bring to the table. Basically, if you're gonna make like ten bots and you're gonna go out and like everything but the spur, the reach is only like one or two, you know, accounts, then you're not gonna get paid a lot, right. But if you're coming in with a million followers and the reach is crazy, then you're gonna get a lot more, right? So the whole point is to be able to pay you for what you actually bring to the table.

Utilizing Revenue for Expansion

So that when we start shopping this around to other token communities, because we're going to have, it's going to be a free bot, basically, everybody will be able to use it, other token communities will be able to use it, but we're going to be able to add even more premium, we're going to be able to add premium features to it. That's where we're going to be making our revenue. And then that revenue is not going to go into feeding the trading engine.

B2B Company Strategy

We have another company called it's a b, two b company. So we work with other mom and pop shops, other small businesses, and we help them digitize their storefront. So basically they get a website, they get mobile applications, and we tailor the application specifically to their business domain. And the reason we do that is because once we find another customer that is in their business domain, we don't have to rewrite anything.

Streamlining Business Solutions

We just, all we got to do is reskin it and then give it to them and then we're good. We don't have to put that much more work into it. So the guy who's behind this is awesome. I love him. He's a genius and he is running. So that's another business. A portion of that revenue is going to then go into feeding our trading engine.

Gaming Ventures and Revenue Creation

And then finally, one of my loves in the past is I worked on Minecraft servers. It was not something that I could do on a full time basis. But our top month was $500 in one month. And so I want to be able to, we're opening that door again because I found a bunch of team members that can work on it. And all I got to do is just give them a big bag of trade bot and they by them working on that, they're going to be able to then create more revenue and then feed the revenue in the trading engine.

Potential Trading Engine Capabilities

And so just to give you an idea of what the trading engine can do, if we can raise $6 million to go into the trading engine, then it will be able to buy on average $10,000 per day. So just imagine what that would do to the price. And like I said, we're not here to see anybody lose. We want everybody to win.

Community Collaboration for Growth

And if we work together as a community, especially with nurturing these revenue streams, continuing to stake on Soul bank, that's another thing. If you stake on Soul bank, right, you get these rewards. What we do, what we recommend is you take 50% of the rewards, you buy more trade bot. Because if you do that, you increase the price and so your staked amount is worth more. So then you get more rewards and you just keep doing that over and over again. So it is, we're creating an ecosystem here that is just, it's about just building that generational wealth and online.

Appreciation and Team Dynamics

Boss, thank you again for the time. No problem, my brother. Man, sounds really good. A lot to unravel there. No, but it's good though. It's good though. It's good. And to be honest with, the main thing for me is you as well. You, I like kind of looking at projects with good teams and, you know, what they've done in their life, what's their credentials, you know, and twelve years Sophia development is pretty big, you know, shows that you live and breathe.

Previous Projects and Gaming Interests

Was that a project that you had before? Yes. It was a project I had before. I'm a Christian. I mean, I love. I'm a Christian. I love gaming. And one of the things that I see out there that's a gap is that there aren't any christian games out there. Like, you can go to grand theft auto and pay a prostitute, or you can have call of duty and you can murder people, basically, right? And it's all seen as fun, but there really isn't anything for high school or, you know, like, teenagers.

The Need for Engaging Christian Games

There's, you know, christian games for, like, little kids. But, I mean, the teenagers, they need. They need some action, right? They need. They need to be compelled to play. They don't want to play, like, Noah's Ark or something like that. They want to play combat. They want. It has to be exciting. And so with these servers, it was mostly angels versus demons. That was my way around the whole murder thing, right?

Passionate Gaming Development

Like, oh, just make everybody angels of demons. Then they could just fight each other, and there's no, like, moral issue there. But the game was freaking awesome, man. It was so much fun. And, yeah, if I were. If I were able to continue doing that full time, I would still be doing that as a blast. I love doing it. But like you were saying before, as a man, you got to make sure you're taking care of your family.

Transitioning from Gaming to Software Work

And we just. I couldn't pay the bills with $500 a month, so that's why I had to step away. But the. I was able to get really great software positions because of the work I did on that. That server. So God definitely blessed us in the end in that, but it's. Yeah, I'm so excited to be able to have it. And the fact that Trayvon can actually bring that dream to come true, I'm just very grateful.

Networking and Future Collaborations

Good name as well. Good name. So what did you say? You're still on pump fun? No, no, we're. No, we're 3 million market cap now. Oh. So nice. Okay. Well done, bro. Yes, sir. Thank you. And we've. Right now, we're kind of facing a downturn. There's a little bit of drama going on.

Navigating Market Challenges

One of the other. One of our other whales is launching a coin today, and so a lot of our people are selling out, which it's unfortunate. I'm getting a lot of promises they're going to be buying back, but it's crypto, man. It's just crazy. You got to take your hits. You got to take your lumps, right? but for the most part, if you look at our chart, you can just see that steady growth.

Future Prospects and Collective Efforts

And that is because of our engines. That's from the revenue stream from Solmanc. That's from our trading engine doing the buys and burns. So I'm not particularly worried about it. we're just going to keep on going. And, once we get those other revenue streams, going, which should be by the end of the year, we're going to start seeing some more acceleration.

Networking and Community Engagement

Yeah. And then on top of that, we're working with a. It's a little bit of a sneak peek, but I don't know if you guys have heard of Mario Nawfall. We're in the middle of negotiations with him, and so we're going to hopefully join him on some roundtables. So it's a little bit of a sneak peek.

Networking Insights and ROI

But he has a lot of big guys. To be honest, I would say that probably with the project that I did last, I got, did get a lot of volume from him, because, based on you. But I would advise, because you are good speaker and you have the credentials, it would do well for you, I think you get a good return investment from it. I hate to shill him, but I do believe he brings a lot of volume.

Direct Communication for Collaboration

Let's. Can I dm. You can we can talk about that because I want to know exactly what we're getting into and. Yeah, bro. Yeah. I don't usually do that, but you seem like a really cool guy, man. And you said you got the right.

Heartfelt Interactions

Your heart seems like it's in the right place, so let's have a chat. Okay. Thank you, sir. I appreciate it. You're welcome, my brother. Next up, guys. But I'm putting on another trade. But, yeah, it never stops.

Crypto Dynamics

Crypto don't stop. Okay, now, hi, guys. who's up next on the chill and shell space, baby? If not. Jam. Jam. Jam. Jam, guys. Hello, sir? Hello? Can can you all hear me?

Project Inquiries

We hear you, brother. We can hear you. Tell us about your project. Well, I'm not basically a project owner. I just. Okay, I don't know if Brookie is here. There's no. No broke is around here, bro.

Project Ownership

Only money men. Okay, okay. I work with Brookie. I work with Brookie. Yeah. So I want you to check on Brookie.

Bot Capabilities

the bot does, launch. You all could deploy your tokens, memes or utility. I don't know if you can get Brookie to speak to. Brokie. I can't see a brokey in the request.

Request Protocol

He has to come up to request brotherhood. Oh, all right. No problem. Okay, well, I'm going to shill about myself. I'm a partnership manager and a reader, so in case any projects looking for any of this role.

Sharing Roles and Opportunities

Yeah, available. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you, my brother. Guys, if I. If you talk. Okay, I'm going to keep seeing you up because he's doing a giveaway and I'm going to keep cigarette butt up because they're doing giveaways.

Community Engagement

But if anyone else is, speak already. Could you drop down and. Yeah, any more shields, guys? I said that. $25.

Community Support

I like that. See that? So you could. You can send me down if you need. Oh, wicked, my brother. Appreciate you, man. Thanks for doing the giveaway.

Appreciation for Contributions

Yeah, thank you, man. Bye, brother. All right, and guys, so we had one giveaway. And also, is anyone else want to show the project or should we go for the other NFT giveaways with cigarette?

Wrapping Up Giveaways

But. Wicked. All right, then let's do the giveaway then. And then we're gonna wrap it up. We've been on here just over an hour.

NFT Distribution

Cigarette bot, do you want to pick some people in the comments to give us some nft soon? Yeah. So I put a comment there. I said reply with one thing.

Community Interaction

You took away from online boss space today. So let's have a look. So we've got Omar. Here it is, another space. Thank you for giving us all the alphas.

Nurturing the Community

Look out for the community. Cool. Uma, I'm gonna send you nft now. Let me just bookmark you first.

Selecting Winners for Giveaways

Number two. Who else? Let's see what someone took from their space. And I like that. I like that as well.

Discussing Community Value

I actually said that myself the other day. That's how I'm going to do the giveaways. You know, maybe ask them some questions about, you know, the spaces. You can see the people listening because that's what we want people to listen and learn.

Encouraging Active Participation

Do you know what I mean? 100%. Can you. Can you see that message as well? I can't look in the comments just now just because I'm not putting on the trade as we speak.

Trade Dynamics during Discussions

No problem. Okay. See, guys, also as well, I'm a proper degenerate man. Like, people think, oh, you made it.

Realities of Active Trading

You know, you don't. You don't shit coin. You don't. Trenches. I'm in the trenches. I love it. And you know what I like to be?

Developing Knowledge and Community Growth

Why? I like to be in trenches one, I like to make, you know, this cash flow as well, to give back to the community. And then also I like to know, I like to talk about what I know, you know, I couldn't be in this.

Trenches and Responsibilities

I'm not quite sure how to help you with that. Okay, goodbye. Alexa? I have to be in the trenches. I have to know what I'm on about in this industry, so it keeps me sharp.

Reinforcing Continued Involvement

So, yeah, I'm in the trenches, boys. I'm gonna send another one to boogie. yeah, if you. If you want to share any, alpha, feel free to hit my dm's, man.

Community Sharing and Bonds

They're always open because I'm a real dJing as well. I've got a community called the Shitlords and we share plays with each other, stuff like that.

Tight-knit Communities and Value Sharing

Yeah, it's quite tight knit that people have to request, and then I just accept a few people every now and then, otherwise we have too many people shooting random stuff. Yeah, I've really seen.

Strength in Community Dynamics

I noticed that as well. The best communities are the most tight knit ones. Mandy, if you don't give value, you go, you know what I mean?

Community Insights and Learning

100%. Number three. Rogers, if you're still listening to this, I've bookmarked your tweet. That's three. Two more. Who else?

Reflections on Learning

I learned a lot of amazing. I learned a lot of amazing things from the speakers and online boss himself, he taught me that we should try to make money for ourselves and never give up.

Encouraging Growth Mindset

That's number four saying number five. Okay. Number 50, excuses. There's always time to make it. In crypto, your situation doesn't define you. Bookmark that one.

NFT Distribution Process

Princess. That's Peach princess. Sorry. So now I'm going to go through the bookmarks and I'm going to send them all over to your Solana wallets. If you haven't had nfts in your wallet before, they will appear in the bottom section.

Navigating Wallets and Community Engagement

When you open your phantom wallet, there's four squares in the bottom. Toolbar type thing. It's the second option and you'll see it there within like five minutes. Yes.

Acknowledgment and Support

Nice of my brother, bro. Appreciate that. All the speakers today appreciate you all. We should the community to come out and show you support.

Building Community Momentum

We have an amazing community, guys. Like you're only gonna get bigger, bigger. Told you. We're gonna build a movement, guys.

Vision for the Future

We are gonna build a movement planned for us in the future. And we're just constantly building. Gonna be appointment. We're gonna come in these spaces and there's gonna be a thousand people here, a thousand people deep.

Building a Better Online Space

And we'll do something on this basis. Sometimes it's not chill more, not chilling more, just a chilling. And we'll leave you on and we have a talk.

Inclusion and Community Dynamics

And definitely looking for anyone that's feels that good at speaking or articulate themselves. Well then definitely down to co host, obviously as well.

Creating Opportunities for Growth and Sharing

You can build your platform through that as well. And then we just have like an open space where we just sit jamouse, build the tribe, build a community, educate each other, share alphas and just jam, you know.

Community Appreciation

We also appreciate. Yours. Well, that's. That's yours. My phone? Oh my. Actually, it might be the other speaker.

Addressing Technical Issues

No, it's Mister Tarzan. Yeah, sorry, Mister Tarzan. You phoned. Your phone was squeezing, but I kind of got the drift of it for you. Just showing your appreciation.

Looking Forward

So appreciate that, my man. Alright then guys, to the next one. Remember, every three days I think this was a day late, but yeah, my bad.

Upcoming Plans and Community Engagement

But yeah, every three days we're on the chill and chill space. We're giving giveaways, we're building a community, we're inspiring, we're motivating, and yeah, God bless you all. And till next time, peace.

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