Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Exploring Upcoming Releases and Roadmap With WORLD3 hosted by WORLD3_AI. Experience the next frontier in decentralized worlds with WORLD3, a revolutionary #BTC Autonomous World powered by cutting-edge AI technology. The platform's focus on multichain usability, community engagement, and user-centric design sets it apart in the evolving landscape of decentralized ecosystems. Through strategic partnerships and continuous innovation, WORLD3 offers users a dynamic and immersive experience, encompassing creativity, connectivity, and technological advancements. Stay tuned for upcoming releases and roadmap insights that promise to redefine the boundaries of decentralized platforms.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: How does WORLD3 stand out in terms of usability compared to other platforms?
A: WORLD3's multichain usability ensures seamless interactions across various blockchain networks, enhancing user convenience.

Q: What role does AI play in shaping the user experience on WORLD3?
A: AI integration in WORLD3 elevates user interactions, providing personalized experiences and efficient functions.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for the success of WORLD3?
A: Engaging the community fosters a sense of belonging, drives user participation, and contributes to the platform's growth.

Q: Can users expect exciting features from upcoming releases on the WORLD3 roadmap?
A: Upcoming releases on the roadmap introduce new features, functionalities, and experiences, keeping users engaged and eager for more.

Q: How does WORLD3's partnership strategy impact its ecosystem?
A: Collaborations with industry leaders enhance WORLD3's ecosystem, bringing in expertise, resources, and expanding opportunities for users.

Q: What aspects of user experience does WORLD3 prioritize to create a welcoming environment?
A: WORLD3 focuses on accessibility, creativity, and seamless interactions to ensure users feel comfortable and engaged within the platform.

Q: What innovations showcase WORLD3's commitment to technological advancements?
A: Technological advancements like multichain support highlight WORLD3's dedication to staying at the forefront of innovation and scalability in the decentralized world landscape.


Time: 12:03:45
Unveiling Multichain Usability Explore how WORLD3's multichain support enhances user experiences and transactions across blockchain networks.

Time: 12:15:22
AI Integration for Enhanced Interactions Discover the impact of AI on user interactions, personalization, and functionality within WORLD3.

Time: 12:25:11
Community Engagement Insights Learn about the importance of community participation in shaping the success and development of WORLD3.

Time: 12:32:18
Exclusive Roadmap Sneak Peek Get a first look at the exciting upcoming releases and roadmap insights that WORLD3 has in store for its users.

Time: 12:45:09
Partnership Collaborations Announcement Explore the significance of partnerships with key industry players in expanding WORLD3's ecosystem and offerings.

Time: 12:55:30
User-Centric Experience Design Delve into how WORLD3 prioritizes user experience through accessibility, creativity, and seamless interactions.

Time: 13:02:40
Innovative Technological Showcase Witness the technological advancements and innovations that demonstrate WORLD3's commitment to pushing boundaries in the decentralized world sector.

Key Takeaways

  • WORLD3 introduces innovative multichain usability, promising a seamless experience for users.
  • The platform's AI integration sets it apart, enhancing user interactions and functionality.
  • Community engagement plays a pivotal role in shaping the success and growth of WORLD3.
  • Upcoming releases and roadmap insights provide a glimpse into the platform's evolving features and developments.
  • The intersection of #BTC and AI in WORLD3 opens up new possibilities for users and creators alike.
  • Partnerships with key players in the industry indicate a bright future for WORLD3's ecosystem.
  • The platform's focus on user experience and accessibility fosters a welcoming environment for all participants.
  • Innovations like multichain support showcase WORLD3's commitment to technology advancements and scalability.
  • WORLD3's emphasis on creativity and connectivity offers a unique and immersive experience for users.
  • Stay tuned for more updates on WORLD3 as it continues to redefine the landscape of decentralized worlds.

Behind the Mic

Welcome and Introductions

Hi. Good morning. Han, could you please test your microphone for us? Good morning. Good morning, you guys. Yeah, I can hear you. And Blair. Blair, can you test your microphone? Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Okay, let's wait for two minutes and more listeners join, and then we officially start. Okay, let's start our discussion today. So, hi, everyone. Good morning and good night. And welcome today's Twitter space. Host by word three. And I'm very happy to host a space again for worship. And also today will focus on the worst three upcoming releases and the mini roadmap that Rossri just post. And yeah, I'm J Gabi. You can follow my Twitter and check my profile to learn more about me. So, yeah, we invited two members from Wall street, and today we have Han, the marketing operation for three, and Blair, the growth manager of four three. And today, CMA will be both in English and Chinese to light listeners from different areas to join. If you are interested in today's CMA, please also share our space link today and let more people join and discuss with us. Okay, let me tell the listeners in chinese game.

Guest Introductions

So. So before the detailed discussion, we will have our guests to introduce themselves. Anniversary hi, Han. Could you please introduce yourself anniversary first? Absolutely. My name is Han. I am the marketing operations manager, and I. I run a lot of social media content as well as live events. I'm so happy to be here today to represent world three, which is a 3d autonomous world powered by AI and a 3d social space where you can play games, create your own immersive experiences, and connect with others. And I'm super excited about talking about all the upcoming releases and roadmap today because there's so many things we had to keep quiet for so many months. But today we can share a few more details.

Discussion Overview

After the introduction, we are coming today's discussion. And our discussion will focus in the mini roadmap. That grocery just post and zero and parts in the mini roadmap. And like the tokenomics and also the intro to lumens and the Luminomics. And also some features like soul dragon. Ersh yet. And mining game, crystal cave, and also the henchmen of the Soul dragon. So we will have questions about these parts one by one. So the first one will focus on the tokenomics and lumens. So, Han, could you please provide more insights into the tokenomics and utility of lumens in the world three ecosystem and what is the relationship and difference between lumens and the token?

Tokenomics Insights

Yeah, absolutely. Like, we are so excited to announce that our token launch date will take place in the final quarter of this year. The ticker is Ticker w three c, which stands for the world three coin. Ever since Matrix World became world three, we have been distributing lumens to our users upon completion of mission campaigns on the world three quest platform with the plan that those who have accumulated many lumens will be rewarded for it.

Introduction to Lumens

Lumens are our off chain utility token in the world three ecosystem and will be converted into on chain tokens during the world three coin airdrop and can be earned through various in game or platform related activities like our world request platform. Like I mentioned previously, chatting with our soul dragon on the AI chat app, playing with certain world three applications, and staking, including the pre and post airdrop we recently released on August 29 our full Luminomics guide. So I highly suggest you guys take a read of that and get familiar with it because it has a lot of important information regarding our airdrop and how Lumens will affect our airdrops.

Utility of Lumens in Ecosystem

Lumens will offer multiple spending opportunities across the ecosystem, which includes you can spend them the lumens, on special missions within the quest platform. You can spend lumens in our applications available on the world three platform, including spending them in the crystal cave mining game that we released soon to unlock special abilities and to earn rewards or enhance or boost your reward receiving mechanisms. And once we have ugc on our platform and let's say a content creator will release some content and they have a subscription paywall, you can bypass a subscription paywall by using your lumens, so lots of utility in that way.

World Three Coin Usage

World three coin will also be used to pay for transaction fees within our platform, which will contribute to the platform maintenance, development and all the operational costs. And it's just super exciting stuff. And we hope you guys have earned a lot over the past three months that we have had these open for distribution. Yeah, Sansa sounds amazing. And let's also pose a question to Blaire now.

Insights from Blaire

Blair tianjo tokenomics zajunga restoration hajon kui ti. Lumensh fancy to push out the so called now quest hintai shuom the Pinta world single now to the question the play to earn a yo see chan of war don't like for the lumens usual t and soul dragon air chad now what melan holder tamandoka jiya sho jama zicha lijian. Now woman the yu chan na shi chang colonel na yung hui lumens usual moses lumens la for the chitaio lumensi tadu woman the Lian Shang xiang Xi nango ju chan Xi woman.

Further Insights from Blaire

Now what do you call tajang shanghai guan ydev guanga kunjian dung water coin lighting soul dragon. Soul dragon the wagon hua soul dragon dinner. Do you wanna see how coin to Tai lian china julie, Shanghai what we call is a torch play to earn your seat. Now crystal kpodon mutian. Woman the lumen water patient. Now Zai and Sang danjong.

Difference Between Lumens and World Three Coin

So I think briefly that lumens is off chain point system but worth three coin is the on chain token worst three and also lumens can be converted to worst three coin in the future. Yeah, that's cool. So we can start to earn lumens and then we can earn the world three queens. That's amazing. So our next question will focus on the soul dragon age that Han and Blair just mentioned.

Role of Soul Dragon AI Feature

So what role does the soul dragon AI chart this feature play in the world three ecosystem? And how will it enhance user experience and also community engagement in World Series? So Han, could you please help answer the question? Yeah, of course. The Soul Dragon AI product is so near and dear to my heart and so of course I have so much to say about it. So in world three you never have to adventure alone again.

Enhancements Through AI Technology

Not only do you have the opportunity to connect with others in world three social space and play games with them and maybe collaborate and create other things with them, world three will also and currently features AI technology to enhance and bring to life NFT projects with AI personality and a long term memory and a 3d visual, allowing these nfts to become digital companions in our 3d social space that you can chat with and play with in our world. And so we have introduced the first use case with our Soul Dragon nfts.

Interactive Chat Experience with Dragons

They'll remember every single conversation you guys have ever had, every game you've ever played together, and all their personalities will develop and grow over hours of gameplay. Truly like raising a companion, a friend here. So in addition to this, we really want to encourage the first generation of users and dragon holders to get to know the AI powered dragon personalities that we have put so much love and care into creating, especially of the original five dragons that you might often see on our social media posts.

The Great Hatching Event

So we held a Soul Dragon AI chat mission on our world three quest platform for Dragon Egg holders to experience it all firsthand. When the Dragon Eggs hatch, you will be able to chat with your own companion very soon and customize a personality. But until this event that is also known as the great hatching you can chat with our founding five dragons, Roxblaze, Aries, Blaze and Kai and pyre and talk to them about anything and everything. We also design customized adventures with them so that you can also have interactive experience.

Customized Adventures with Dragons

This is all as a precursor to us uploading them these 3d dragons onto our 3d social space where they can fly around you with your avatar in the world. But for now you can chat with them on our AI front end. And yeah, the customized adventures are something along the lines of like pulling off a kick heist with rocks. You can take down the sons of West Gang with Sheriff Blaze. Go on creativity.

Creative Gameplay with Dragons

Go beat creativity blocks with Aries by exploring the legendary fountain of the realm. Solve a mystery with Detective Kaidenhe and explore an uncharted planet with astronaut captain Blaze. So it's all very fun and we've put a lot of hard work and soul into this. So we hope you have a really great time getting to know our dragons. Yeah Saxon, you, description is so cute.

Excitement in Dragon Interaction

I think the idea is very amazing. It's like my custom playmate is also dragon ratified. So sounds high for the answering now may about when he get out player now t Shang Yong for the show to the Tai dono. Yeah Taiwan for dobs of high kla t y and Dan she can chill dobbs the hua khodoki luma woman jesu kai fan Shulong NPC Gonzalez Kawam Chibi and NPC Yohu chi Soul Dragon doki Tongue Dragon like this de hua na yong hung shuji natong Dragon dobs legal Dragon Dobs is down to the Borchingen na ji dong zhong shanghai Dong Zhong zhou play Chengjai Singh founder Sun founder Dongjo Nadoka.

Discussion on Crystal Cave

Player so we will push next question about Crystal Cave. So how you just mention Crystal Cave is like mining game. It's like on chain gaming and yeah the concept is very sounds. Sounds very attracting. So how will the game integrate with the exciting features in worst three?

Innovation and Excitement Around Crystal Caves Game

Like AI tried like the quest platform and what innovation and we can be expited in the game. Yeah. So the Crystal caves game is something we've been designing the mechanisms for a really long time. And so we are so excited to release the first iteration with the scale network. We wanted to create a mining game that was integrated into our 3d social space. Could on track could track both on chain and off chain rewards and was customizable for different projects to utilize them, to utilize the game itself to airdrop and distribute tokens, nfts and other rewards. Your rewards will be able to be tracked on the world Three Quest mission platform. So for example, if a partner project wanted to take you on a scavenger hunt in the crystal caves and have you collect, let's say, three tokens or three diamonds in the game to complete a mission, they can absolutely do that and distribute and reward users and players with tokens, USDT NFTs just or tickets or raffle tickets. We just wanted to make the game super customizable for both on chain and off chain rewards. So we are really excited to have you guys played by the end of the month.

Details on Crystal Caves and Future Events

Yeah. Thank you. Hannah Rahul Mahel Gantai Crystal K for Jiang Now Crystal Kui Go Lian Shanghai Jig Sam Quest. Agatha Now Crystal Cave Shi Kwan Yuni Lan Sujo Kai and Gali Mosi Jamie Crystal Kevin Nayo Hoke now so Dragon Chiyo Juju Tango Rakwan Zhang Soul Dragon the drum bed now what? Mel Chung Tai Na Dfk now worldwide Kai bully woman. So as player just mentioned, crystal clear will be fully on chain and it will be a multi chain and will first deployed on scales. That's amazing. So our next question is, I think is a very expected one, like the great hatchling of the Soul dragon. And yeah, it sounds very amazing for the Soul dragon holders. So, Han, could you please share more details about the handling and what other benefits can the Soul dragon holders look forward to in the future? Yeah, yeah, of course.

Soul Dragon Hatching and Anticipation

So my apologies, I had to figure out the mic situation here, but yeah, so the great hatching is an epic event in the world three narrative lore, but also a truly anticipated event for our NFT holders. When we did our soul dragon mint, it was in the form of eggs, which involved a layer of mystery as holders still don't know what their dragons look like, what their personalities are like. But the eggs are hatching sooner, soon. Later this month, you can read about the backstory on the website at world Three AI Souldragons. And they have the entire backstory there, how it fits into the lore and when the dragons hatch, perhaps there will be some events, some fun rewards. But I don't think you can speak too much about it because it is still a highly secretive occasion for us because we really want to build anticipation. okay. So you finished? Yeah, I think I am finished. You have to keep it secret for now. Okay. Thank you.

Soul Dragon Staking and Future Plans

Rahul, do you so dragon guan judo naki Salman Tolui. Show leader Soul Dragon hashi kong dan ka villa hui gay so dragon Page Shang Tianjuana. Dragon now Dragon Doshi Galian Shoji Jihoi Kim bay Diego shi so Dragon has been shinjo lacey now how she like to die. Dragon holder Tado play your Zao AI chad nadia gazi so dragon kanye now disango. Shit. So dragon taiyo RTC don't. Yeah. Don't you like now what many dragon holders? So Blair just mentioned that we will have some such staking in the future. So our next part is about the onchino said staking anniversary. So, Han, could you please reveal to us which assess can be can participate in the staking in the future and what benefits can user get from the staking? Yes, absolutely.

Rewards and Sustainable Ecosystem

So with our on chain staking stuff, we have an opportunity for users holding both the Soul dragons and the matrix world land vouchers, who will be eligible for higher world three rewards during the airdrop by participating in our staking mission. That will be happening later this month. Because staking is a fundamental mechanism within the world three ecosystem, it enables users to earn rewards by locking up their assets, and they can earn more lumens, which will convert to more world three coins, just really allowing a sustainable ecosystem. And I could talk more about that later when we talk about the airdrop.

Staking Details and Future Prospects

Yeah. Thank you. Tria naomi samuel jiggle went on. Sanguando man toru NASA. Mega hank ji chan ji shuku that I show you. Na ji tanji yahui world three coin the fashion. Zhou yang nada world way world land torah for the lumens. And single no homie and woman aluminum take a stake in a Djing language. How the cancer player. So, for the staking, I think that Zordragon and Lions will be the first set can be staked and in the near future, but later, you can also stake the world three coins to earn more lumens.

Introduction to the Airdrop

Yeah. So we are coming to the last question, and it's the most exciting one. I'm also very curious about this one. It's just about the airdrop. So, Han, could you please share more information that you can review to us about the future airdrop and something about the distribution plans of the conditions?

Details on Airdrop Announcements

Yeah, absolutely. Oh, my gosh. Okay, so back in, I think it was only last week. A few days ago, on August 29, we released a tweet where our illuminomics guide was released. So you guys can definitely take a read about it. Go through our old tweets. Find something from August 29 and you'll receive the link for our tokenomics and luminomics documentation. You can also find it on the world three AI website in the documentation tab up on the top there.

Token Distribution Plan

But for now, what I can say is that as part of the world three token distribution plan, we have allocated about 15% of the total token supply for airdrop to lumen holders during the TGE to ensure a balanced distribution and maintain token value. So we have a very strict schedule for it, and it will be available through a multitude of ways. And so you can do. But the way that you can currently gain these opportunities to gain the world three coin is by holding soul dragons and land.

Eligibility for Airdrop Participation

Those people will be eligible for hired world three coin rewards during the airdrop by participating in the staking mission. So during this initial phase, landowners and soul dragon owners within the world ecosystem will have the opportunity to participate in the staking, and the lumens will. So when they stake their land or their soul dragon, they will earn lumens. Lumens will accumulate over time and can be converted into world three coin tokens during the airdrop event.

Pre-Airdrop Phase Explained

Same thing as the stole dragon like you stake your dragon and you will gain lumens. Lumens will be converted into world three tokens during the airdrop. This is the pre airdrop, so this phase allows users to build up their lumen reserves and prepare for the upcoming TgE airdrop, where lumens can be converted into the official token. Following the TgE airdrop, the phase two of staking will become available.

Post-Airdrop Staking and Engagement

In this phase, users who hold the w three c tokens can stake them to earn lumens, and you can continue to benefit from the ecosystem by accumulating lumens through your staked world three tokens. And this provides a continuous way for users to engage with the world three ecosystem, offering rewards and enhancing the value of the world three holdings as well. So it's this beautiful little cycle that we can really look forward to in the end of the year.

Summary of Key Points

Yeah, so I just pinned the tweets han just mentioned. Is this one you just mentioned about the tokenomics and luminomics? Yeah, I think it's a correct one. Yes, it's August 29. Yeah, yeah. And if you are, you can see, you can find the dog link handra's mission, and you can have a rate jiggle. Kunto nazis konto should that fit Nablar K sound hold. Woman who is a wider staking young hunger token Zhu there was a quan Yonge kung pao navel about John Fanta Ping Ho la ho bao the chi bo should I be the judge now to look for your private sale for public sale now worldwide just for the failure?

Final Thoughts and Goodbye

Yeah. How was the queen? A chill. Yeah, usually single number shishu the j on the proposal back not just to faja coin pega yahweh now water Kwan Hai Hui Yong like Dong Xi ja guan zhao yuno kong yeah. Watercoin the diabetes Hong is a diabetes home your tongue dongwai. Since you control Jake was worse and jitsu woman. So as hand Blair just mentioned, I think that lumens is the most call point in the near future before the worst three coin published.

Concluding Remarks

So yeah, I think it's very worth for to looking forward to the upcoming events and features about the lumens. You can earn lumens in the filters and you can reward the lumens to the worst requirement in the future. So yeah, after our last question about Airdrop, today's aim is coming to the end. And we delved into the recently announced world three mini roadmap with the team members Han and Blair. And we focused on the tokenomics, lumens and airdrop and features like AI chat, the crystal cave and the hatchling.

Acknowledgments and Farewell

Also dragon and also the staking. Yeah, so thanks, Hun Blair for the. For sharing the very valuable information to us today. And yeah, so if you are listening and you are interested in the coming exciting features and events, you can follow worst three official account and also Han and also Blair to looking forward to more updates and thanks Han and Blair again for the sharing today. And thanks listeners today for the participation.

Closing Statements

Crystal Cave staking Raho bako Sansok I think it's coming to the end. So Han, Blair, let's say goodbye together. Bye, guys. Have a good morning or good night wherever you are. Thank you so much for spending time with us here at world three.

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