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Exploring New Opportunities in Blockchain Games, RWA, DePin


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Exploring New Opportunities in Blockchain Games, RWA, DePin hosted by aiweb3dao. In the realm of AIWeb3's Blockchain Games, RWA, and DePin exploration, the focus lies on incentivizing content creators through the Create 2 Earn model for the production of educational materials. Supported by the Polkadot/Kusama Treasury, this decentralized Web3 educational space emphasizes community involvement, decentralization, and the importance of high-quality content in enhancing user experiences. Token rewards play a pivotal role in driving engagement, while blockchain technologies underpin secure and transparent solutions for educational content distribution within the Web3 environment.

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Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 36


Q: How does AIWeb3 support decentralized Web3 education?
A: AIWeb3 incentivizes content creators through the Create 2 Earn model, encouraging the production of educational materials.

Q: What role does the Polkadot/Kusama Treasury play in the space?
A: The treasury funds AIWeb3, supporting content creators with token rewards for their educational content.

Q: Why are token rewards important in Web3 content creation?
A: Token rewards incentivize content creators, enhancing the quality and quantity of educational materials.

Q: What are the key focus areas of the space's educational content?
A: Blockchain Games, RWA, and DePin are central themes, promoting knowledge sharing in the Web3 environment.

Q: How does community involvement benefit the Web3 education space?
A: Community engagement fosters collaboration, learning, and the creation of valuable educational resources.

Q: How do incentives drive user engagement in the platform?
A: Incentives motivate users to participate in educational activities, contributing to a vibrant Web3 ecosystem.

Q: Why is content quality crucial in Web3 educational platforms?
A: High-quality content enhances user experiences, educates the community, and increases platform credibility.

Q: What advantages do content creators gain from the platform's model?
A: Content creators receive token rewards for producing educational videos, articles, or translations, promoting continuous content creation.

Q: How does decentralization impact the Web3 educational space?
A: Decentralization ensures a fair and transparent environment for content creation, fostering innovation and knowledge sharing.

Q: What is the significance of blockchain technologies in education?
A: Blockchain technologies like those supported by Polkadot offer secure, decentralized solutions for educational content distribution and rewards.


Time: 00:15:42
Decentralized Web3 Education Initiatives AIWeb3's focus on incentivizing content creators for educational materials.

Time: 00:25:18
Polkadot/Kusama Treasury Sponsorship Supporting content creators in the space through token rewards.

Time: 00:35:05
Engagement through Incentivized Content Creation The Create 2 Earn model drives user engagement for educational content.

Time: 00:45:12
Blockchain Games and DePin Exploration Exploring the educational potential of blockchain games and DePin in the Web3 environment.

Time: 00:55:30
Community Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing The space encourages community involvement and educational activities to foster learning.

Time: 01:05:19
Token Rewards for Content Creators Content creators benefit from token-based rewards for producing quality educational materials.

Time: 01:15:48
Decentralization and Innovation in Education Decentralized models promote innovation and transparency in Web3 educational platforms.

Time: 01:25:55
Quality Content for Enhanced User Experiences Emphasizing the importance of high-quality content in improving user interactions and platform credibility.

Time: 01:35:22
Educational Impact of Blockchain Technologies The role of blockchain technologies in providing secure, decentralized solutions for educational content distribution.

Time: 01:45:30
Continuous Content Creation and Rewards The platform's model incentivizes content creators to produce ongoing educational materials, fueling knowledge sharing.

Time: 01:55:45
Web3 Community Growth and Learning Opportunities Promoting community growth and providing diverse educational resources in the Web3 space.

Key Takeaways

  • AIWeb3 promotes decentralized Web3 education through incentivizing content creators.
  • The Create 2 Earn model drives engagement by rewarding educational content production.
  • Polkadot/Kusama Treasury sponsorship supports content creators in the space.
  • Blockchain Games, RWA, and DePin are focal points in the Web3 education landscape.
  • Token rewards serve as a mechanism to encourage content creation and engagement.
  • Quality Web3 content creation is essential for enhancing user experiences.
  • The space emphasizes community involvement and educational activities.
  • Decentralization and incentives play crucial roles in Web3 content creation.
  • Polkadot's involvement highlights the significance of blockchain technologies in education.
  • Web3 content creators benefit from the platform's token-based reward system.

Behind the Mic

Initial Greetings

Close thorndye you. Hello. Teenage. Hello? Benny Bo, can you join in? UK 19 diamond okay. Tindao danjo beautiful. Uk hash Ting Zhongla Tamil Mikandama. Would you want more? Will again it. May. So is that the java? So is that. Yeah. Tamahami or Jajin and Jajima. Hello, uk gate hello? Yes, I can hear. Oh, great. Great. Hello, guys, I can hear you. Okay. Hear me? Yes. Okay. Awesome. That's great.

Introduction to the Event

Soy fishang Gao Xing daja Nang Twitter space game Rwa Hail diping the ishi shin the Jihui Namjai space casual Twitter Space Liu China hello, everyone. Welcome to our poker talk tonight. I'm the host, Zhiki. Today it's still the chinese national Day holidays in China, so I wish everyone a happy holiday and also happy weekend is very honored to be able to talk about new opportunities in blockchain games, Rwa and Dping with you here. This polkadot is sponsored by the Polkadot foundation and organized by the Ao three community. The Ao three community focuses on the Polkadot's ecosystem and is committed to supporting content creators to publish high quality Polkadot related content. The speakers are Filipo, who is a technical educator from Web Three foundation, and Yuki from Asia, lead paper Moon, founder of Air upstreet, and Doctor Chao and Kol Ding. So don't miss the chance to communicate with them.

Structure of the Event

Today, the Twitter space will be bilingual, mainly in English, and there will be a brief translation and summarization in Chinese after each speaker's speaking and answering. So before our space start, everyone can quote our pin tweet to win the token rewards. Wish you luck. The Twitter space will be in three sessions. The first, the speakers give us a brief self introduction and project introduction. Second, deep dive about new opportunities in blockchain games, RWA and JPing. Third will be the Q and A session. Okay, so let's begin. Let's start with Philip hall. Please highlight yourself.

Filippo Introduces Himself

Hello, Filippo. Hey, everyone. Thank you very much for inviting me to this space. I'm very glad to be here. I'm Filippo and I'm working at the web three foundation. And I'm a technical educator. So my main focus is about learning about web three and Polkadot, from general tools to like protocol level kind of architecture, and also learning how to code in rust and substrate. So, yeah, as an educator, I educate people and go around to conferences, give talks and workshops. So this is mainly. Yeah, maintaining also the documentation. The Polkadot wiki. Yeah, that's me.

Yuki's Introduction

Now AI web three the La Penola T shirt woman Yeshua poker Doshan High deed Jaguar defy gaming hi everyone, thanks for inviting me and thank you geeky for having us here. So I'm Yuki the Khan's community manager of Moonbeam. So here, like Moonbeam actually is like a gateway to cross chain connection. And for us live, Moonbeam is an EVM compatible platform we secured by Polkadot also as one of the like the OG's parachain on Polkadot which like experienced slot auction currently. But recently you can see here like Azure core time now become a new mechanism how to become an active parachain. So like hopefully in the future we can follow up the steps as well.

Opportunities in Blockchain

And currently on Mumbi, we have connected over like 100 chains which enhance one of our key advantage that is cross chain interoperability. So for example, we can by leveraging XCM or the bridge networks such as layer zero, XLR and wormhole. So we supported over 200 dapps across Defi, RWA, DP gaming and more segments. And after this year we have finished, we are ongoing a rebranding process. We have seen a 35% increase in developer over the past year. So hoping to share more of insight on Moonbin to here soon. Okay, thank you. This is Yuki.

Discussion on Blockchain Games and RWA

Okay, thanks for speakers. Excellent introduction. Okay, let's move to session two. Deep dive about new opportunities in blockchain games, RWA and deep. So can you talk about the opportunities in these three fields in the future? So let's start with feedback as well. Sure. Yeah. I think in the Polkadot ecosystem we have seen a lot of like, development when it comes to gaming. And this has been mostly related to mythical games. And this was essentially something that was long awaited. It took a lot to deploy and migrate everything into Polkadot, and we have seen now like a lot of transactions that are like pushed into Polkadot.

Evolution of Gaming on Polkadot

And very recently it has been also tweeted by the main account that we actually have a lot of activity coming from mythical games that is pushed into Polkadot. So definitely like mythical games. I think it will become something very important in the Polkadot ecosystem, providing also like a lot of opportunities for developers, I guess, to develop. Another thing is like we have here a representative from Moonbeam. I think Moonbeam is also like a very interesting platform to develop virtual games and leverage EVM contracts, everything that is very familiar with the Ethereum world. And there are a lot of developers out there that are developing still in solidity and solidity. It's here to stay, definitely.

Emerging Gaming Projects

So I think Moonbeam will be a very interesting platform for developing games. We also have seen more smaller kind of initiatives. I don't know if you're familiar, but we have also on Polkadot hydration. And hydration is like a Dex on Polkadot. And I would say it's kind of the go to Dex into the ecosystem providing exposure tokens that are related to parachains. And definitely like we have seen leveraging hydration also for small games, one is like Flappy wood, Lol, which is like this meme game that has the mission to onboard new user into the ecosystem. And this game is basically like submitting transactions to hydration. So we've seen like from small scale projects to really big kind of deployments when it comes to gaming and, you know, big infrastructure.

Future Prospects for Polkadot

And I'm referring now again to mythical games. So there is really everything for, you know, from the developing really like a small product and proof of concept maybe, or like experiment to really like migrate a whole massive to say like gaming company into Polkadot. So definitely, really like we're seeing really good stuff. And for real world assets, I think like, well, centrifuge, it's quite a first parachain, quite old, I mean old in the sense that was launched very early and provides like tokenized assets. Even the web three foundation has been like using it. So you have different products.

Innovative Projects and Partnerships

And I think the most compelling one is tokenized treasury builds. So you can actually use centrifuge. And yeah, we have also like, I mean physical, decentralized physical infrastructure. We have origin trail that is closing a lot of partnership in the real world. And here from Switzerland and also working with people here from the railways, swiss railways. And they have like a bunch of, I mean, a lot of other like partnership. You can see the partnership in their official homepage. And I think they're doing like a lot of, you know, interesting work also with AI and also validating kind of AI data using blockchain technology.

The Future of Physical Infrastructure

So with these knowledge graphs. Right, I. So it's really good. Really good project. How to say, like we have peak that is also like another blockchain secured by Polkadot that is using decentralized physical infrastructures. I mean, there might be another one now on top of my head I have these ones, but definitely it's not related to anything that I'm close to is just like on top of my head, the stuff that I remember, there are 50 chains on Polkadot and there are definitely like multiple chains, like working probably in the same.

Opportunities in Blockchain Development

Can you say, like in the same category? But my message is that, I mean, there is really a lot to do and there are a lot of projects that provide a lot of opportunities. But if there are no opportunities, I mean, if there is like something new, a new use case, Polkadot provides really the possibility to deploy yourself. Right. So you can use the Polkadot SDK.

Support for Developers in the Polkadot Ecosystem

There is a lot of, like to say, support from the foundation and programs. You can reach out and there will be the community helping out to achieve your goals. There is also like soon ecosystem funds with Cytel and harbour industrial capital that will actually deploy into the Polkadot ecosystem. These are specifically Polkadot ecosystem development funds. So then there is like the grant program and then there is the treasury that you can always access the open golf. So there's really plenty of opportunity for developers to really take your project, your idea, to fruition. And last but not least, of course, like the Polkadot Blockchain Academy. This is definitely something that is interesting. If you have an idea you want to learn about how Polkadot works and how to deploy the tech and stuff like this, it's definitely something really cool that will also be available online very soon, not only in person.

Growth and Development of the Polkadot Wiki

Cool. Wow. Thank you. Thank you, Finnippo. Actually, a few things I would like to add on top of what Finnippo just mentioned, that Finnippo is in charge of the park dot wiki and the park dot wiki visitors have increased by 45% since June 1. I think Finnippo made a post. One of you should check his post and the final. It's definitely like a good sign. I think also because we are really making the Polkadot wiki the go to documentation. For example, the old Kusama guide has been kind of like abandoned because essentially was a copy of Polkadot pages just conditionally rendered with Kusama and Kusama values. So we want to make the Polkadot wiki really the go to documentation for people to learn about Polkadot, especially at the start and. Yeah, I mean, it's good. Yeah. Like a lot of increase in the past three months and I think, like, we will see a further increase in the next probably years by maturing the wiki.

Recent Activity and Potential in Gaming on Polkadot

Right. Because the wiki has been under huge reorganization of the content, keeping up to date. Archive old pages and also working on new graphics and the wiki branding, the logo. So yeah, we have done quite a. Quite a lot of stuff and we are seeing now, slowly, the results. Yeah, yeah. That's wonderful. Yeah, that's wonderful. And actually you mentioned about the missiles, right? Missiles. They had a. I heard they made 73 million transactions yesterday. Yesterday or today. So basically it's huge. Okay, I'm going to translate first. We have been talking for quite a lot. Okay, so now face on the Dana wow. Your face on dialogue bija number guany miso face under the who don't wait game quit.

Noticeable Engagement in the Polkadot Ecosystem

And so, yeah, so, yeah, see ya mubim so you can fade on your East Yahoo hajon wei moving on. Hydration Moshi Jose and you create that you got. Yeah. Don't see and just ego that. Yeah. Doki to make a tax nah tahai tao woman taj tanyu ku candy sanctuary took near her transfer San Fiji and the pincini ada Bok origin trailhead nishu ni doki SDK moving the UK Academy. Blue side out. Game the Huawei game Yale Network sami musical choices. So yeah, go on. Alexander Taman do as you can see as integrity grams, 10 grams of. Yeah, but why French is so you see the.

Overview of Recent Developments in Polkadot Games

So, yeah, so it's Sony. So ye night flappy miso say junior, your face on daughter. Don't you see the shamu? Okay, so I'm doctor Kyle, founder of AI Web three. So I think I already introduced AI web three a lot of times. So if you are still not familiar, just check our previous tweets or our previous recording. Basically I would like to mention. Yeah, so I totally agree with Finnippo. Actually in Polkadot we have a lot of games and mystical game recently. They also have air job to order token holders. I almost forgot to mention that. So if you are the active contributor in Polkadot, you probably get the air job from the missiles.

Engagement and Support for Active Contributors

And I made a tutorial how to claim the token. If you are not familiar, I would highly recommend I you use a sub wallet and to claim your token and you can send it to hydration for trading. So that's quite interesting. They already supported the Missouri and Misos game. They also made the largest NFT sale in the world. The name is in the world yesterday. So they also have a tweet. I have already send it below the, you know, our Twitter space tweets. And Finnipool had one last actually tutorial. I also sent it. So all of you should take a look. And in pop, actually not just mesos we do have a lot of gaming and they are all doing very well. Like Arjuna, they are also doing gaming web three.

Partnerships and Collaboration in the Gaming Space

And they are the parachain in Polkadot. And we collaborated with them before. Actually I even meet with founder in the web three submit I think and also decoded Azure. And Astar Network is also a parachain in Park Dot. And they had a lot of gaming projects. One of that is neural. And I think if you are in AI probably familiar with that project. Because we had been working with them from the very beginning. When they just started their project. They started with NFT. And our community still hold NFT and get the rewards.

Game Token Launches and Future Prospects

They are going to have their token very soon by this year. And I talked to the founder of new and launch in the Polkadot decoded Asia. We have a video as well. And Astar. They also recently worked with Sony. With Sony. Sony is a very giant web two company. But they also have a lot of gaming. A lot of you probably played the PlayStation. So the Sony chan, they are just started and they are going to have the gaming as well. So you can see that in Polkadot. We have a lot of gaming projects and a lot of opportunities.

Conclusion and Future Engagement in Gaming Projects

So I would be happy to share or answer any questions if you have. But more importantly, I think mubim they must have a lot of gaming. So I would like to give the opportunity to Yuki so we can continue this question. Okay, please talk about these opportunities in these three fields. Push like Shield woman who told woman ship so the fish on Xing Song Kwai sudden Yan kuda Rugo Shobi Hoj B Thai founder Zhuang how the Kia Wanja did kaga chamber Xin Shu yeah. Shi nigga Bog had Ibu Juan maybe the Zhao so shoulder Shujian Tao Liu Meow and Judah Yo Xi Tobias Zhao Yung the best pre compiled.

Technical Solutions and Community Support for Gaming

Ji should Ubi. Her attacker is tongue jiggle. Ubi should have. We want to dancing out gas feeder. Takana ji ben so tati putin the show chan she's two channel negative. Darren Hui woman three yo see yeah. Shooting hui ta jinya yao food. Should I go fish and draw on the back choir treaty. The chaos woman the batch pre compile matter fact. You should have gone to boundary matter facts. is now isang shang do e good.

Observations on Gaming Ecosystem and Interoperability

Yao bishop animal the yoshi gong su da chung animal the huana ta chi shuh yo boji nigga yoshi shinta shan nemos nimos najuana ta chi shukan shang shiku. Moving so kai father tayo jilli xinjo yo see the shona pintai down drone from bian woman Jack Fabuza telegram the mini box in the dance so hi everyone regarding the gaming segments on moonbeam. So the first question would be like why the game is willing to deploy moonbeam ecosystem. So from our observation and our questions and feedbacks from our ecosystem deployed projects, we have found first definitely is our guest list transaction because currently like a moonbeam, the transaction fee is very even like close to zero.

Low Transaction Costs and Cross-Chain Support

It's just around 0.6 cents per transaction which allows these gaming projects using a super low cost operation cost to test on moonbeam especially to verify their business modules and how the users feedback and then give some upgrades compared to deploy a relatively expensive ecosystem. And the second support would be our cross chain interoperability. So this makes these gaming businesses much easier to expand to other ecosystem once they have confirmed yet the timing is good enough to expand. So as I mentioned previously on Moonbeam, we can allow to connect with more than 100 chains including others Polkadot parachain for helping the projects connecting with more like liquidity utility of different tokens and to embed it and combine with different parts of use scenarios to make the gaming more like vividly.

White Glove Support for Gaming Projects

And the third part would be the white glove support. So this can be divided into the technical part and the community support. So batch precompile and others like gaming toolkits which can allow a gaming developer team much easier to embed some of web three functionalities.

Registering a Wallet Account

For example like how to register a wallet account and just searching on like indexer and others like build on data dashboard. So makes a gaming project more easier to engage with web three ecosystem and the third part finally will be the next. The final part will be the lifelong gamers on the Moonbeam foundation team. I would say like this year after we shipped our or upgraded brand.

Support for Gaming Projects

So the Moonbeam foundation have paid a lot of attention and energy for supporting qualified gaming projects who are interested in deploy on moonbeam. So I would say like we have launched an ongoing grant program and innovation funds and all covered gaming segments. So they are very welcome and open to any projects who might be interested to deploy moonbit. And some of the use cases you can find. First one animal which this is a project and this web three game and they will build up like a product. It's a gaming product called the Arena Omun Bing soon.

Targeted Growth in Web Three Gaming

So it's targeted to grow with the web three gaming market and they deploy on Moonbim because of the interoperability and evm compatible environment and also the shared security offered from the whole Polkadot ecosystem and then is some of evolution. Actually these gaming projects come from our community end so it fits well for a strategy and PvP type of the gaming. We have seen a tendency like currently on the Moonbeam ecosystem especially like a hot widely discussed within the telegram ecosystem like chemistry combat people like gradually fund yes they can launch a telegram mini app gaming project but on the back end they can use Moonbeam as an account to allow transaction and signature having a moonbeam ecosystem which is also like a new innovative way to link the EVM based ecosystem product and with user friendly social tools on Telegram.

Community Engagement and Future Sessions

So that's like I want to share to the guidance here. Ding Ding Lao jig. Hello sitting Dinghorn Doyle Shu, Tanjiang, Yao Jose now King demon Khan and goshen Juicy Ganjula, hawama, Sami and Yoshi the father how deep in the wall J the Hoya divang just Hu Xiang beat lens now Xiang Xing. In a gundy shall I go jabbing the ishi guandy shall I section now poker shark hail learn polka dot. Okay, thanks for everyone's insightful perspective. Then we move to session three. I know there are many experienced polkadot users in the audience. If you have question one, ask Filippo and Yuki.

Questions about Deploying Smart Contracts

You can request a to be speaker. Okay, let's move to session three. I have a question I want to ask Filippo. So everyone can deploy their smart contracts on the asset hub according to Plesa, right? So seems like pleasant becomes a competitors of Moon Bing and Astar. What do you think? This. Yeah, this has been a main concern since the post about plaza from Robert Habermaier. I would say that, yes, of course. Like if plaza is fully supporting EVM, there will be some competition with current parachains, I think.

Collaboration vs. Competition

But I don't want to, I mean, go much in detail also because I'm not part of the discussion, but there were some like talks between. Between the people that actually are developing the plaza solution and these parachains. So definitely like people are aware that there is some in house competition about this. But the message that I just want to say is that we want to make sure that both solutions can coexist and offer different experiences or different possibilities. At this stage, it's still too soon to draw a line to make distinction between these solutions.

Observing Future Collaborations

I feel like already by the end of the year or beginning of 2025 we will have some more information and that will be shared with the community and yeah, I wouldn't like be how to say freak out about this. Of course Moonbeam and a star are ogs on Polkadot and the community and they have also very strong communities. And in Polkadot we are all aware about this and of course we don't want to, you know, do damage or stuff like this. Ultimately I think it will be, you know decided the open golf the community will vote.

Community Governance in Polkadot

If there is anything that is threatening or people are not agree with it will not pass. So the nice thing of Polkadot is that we have Open gov and anything will pass through open golf. Yeah. I hope I answered in a very diplomatic way. Cool. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you finniful. Yeah, it is like a kind of concern from the community and I would like to also add something and then I'm going to translate just like Mubim Astar.

The Need for Unity

I'm not sure I think Mubim UK can go over that for the Astar network. Yeah they are still in Pogda. They support the back syncing, asynchronous backing and they have a team work on the call time and jam as well. I think at the same time as they are also working with like the Sony this kind of company. And one thing I would like to highlight is in the pocket decoded Asia conference and I actually attended the fund of Esther Sota his talk and I really like what he said actually he said the whole community or the projects we should stay together and work together more like the web three right now only 1% of population they are actually in web three and the main issue right now is to bring more users to the ecosystem.

Mass Adoption in Web Three

So it's a mass adoption. That's a big concept. That's why esta they are trying to have the same of GM. It means go mainstream. So they really want to bring more users. That is why they work with Sony, why they build the Sony chain with Sony and to bring more users and I think that's a scenic in the park dot. No matter the plaza later on will come and I hope the solution would be one that can bring all the projects in park Dot together so all of us can work together.

Plaza as a Unifying Solution

Plaza is one kind of a solution that will bring more utility for thought. But Plaza can also support other parachutes. I think that there should be a solution and I agree with Finnippo said like yeah we do have open governor I'm sure there will be open governor votes and all the community you should just go and vote, share your voice. That's quite important. which is Tokyo. So guanzu is plaza to San Xiana.

Current Developments in the Community

So this year Tokyo Uk so that in Gayan and so it had website. So he said that down with your mass adoption website Kanye holder Tiam has number two that JD sonium J Tao niya yes uk kiki. Shamyan shah. But how is the chi one jiggle? Just the one teacher. Nigga Plaza Shangchi and Juho Emay Tayaku tada assess happy Chi General IBM the ego and Asta.

Exploring New Technologies

Woman yeah showdown the sho shu cho dancing woman hola kano the job to gutai Yang but in way Mu Tian Chong Mong shu woman she shows itai found Xian Jiang Huang Jing nama tashi male t shuba in the war Huj Phantom Zhang Hua now Shanghai to the Jung Ho Chi mina wang shu chio dot esta manta hoja nigga waba the USDC jiggle don't see and t shirt when I draw yeah, but banjo eating tin language put honey put on the Juan Jing tasha jai Yujang who jai shujuana darashu do you woman the Kaibaju Pink l one l two chai Jerry the bushai bushu ego Jun jinnah sudha wang should I wanna kwa chica taiyo xi ji who you saw yo so chai nati shi mumbin ji mo pino tongo precompiled function namjukai yield gongju su jian nam taju kui shi jian bazuji the Tokyo Chitali and Shangwe Tada Champion Network fashion based on dreaming the negative EVM the general had a will token Rugo slogan bachelor built here grow everywhere now polkadot tamaya shujenda kaifaju mo Ping langley and yoshina so in song jao duari to the huibi mung jada shen ruizang shu to be shali and jago gong chan shu tada shu si chambamba direction that Yin Shi the hua yan joho tao kanda parity joho shu for huyo continue nay faith polka dotsona so hi.

Collaboration over Competition

I think like, this is just a. This is not like just a very simple competitive situation. I would say, like more is a collaboration than competition. Because like we have a different target between the moonbeams EVM compatible execution environment and the plazas. So here, like within the moonbeam ecosystem. Actually, like our primary target is for developers and end users. So for the developer end. So we aims to lower the entry barrier for them to just integrate a smart contract.

Expanding Business Boundaries

Then they can deploy Polkadot ecosystem starting from mumbin easily. So for example, we have a DeFi lending and borrowing protocol called Moonwell which native deployed on Moonbeam bye by like constructing all of their like smart contract and even launch their native token whale token. But after then like they realized that it's also possible to deploy to other like ecosystem looking for a wider like a business boundary. So then like Moonwell they explore their business to like four different EVM based chain including base.

The Role of Moonbeam in Bridging Chains

So Moonbeam for these parts is not just like Moonwale leave the Moonbeam ecosystem, it's for moonbing helped Moonwill to expand their boundary for helping like for example allowing their native token to explore their governance mechanism to other EVM chains and besides to allowing the liquidity easily and seamlessly across different chains. So another like use cases recently I have seen within the mumbi ecosystem is Stella swap. This is because like on the Mumbi network you can find the top inflow in the last seven days is mainly from Ethereum is over like 1 million inflows from Ethereum part to moonbeam and the more than like 500,000 from base to Moonbin network.

Incentive Programs at Stella Swap

So people may ask maybe curious about why it happens to come to the moonbeam ecosystem. And so Stella swap, they contributed a lot recently. There is an incentive program for some of the LP trading pairs so people can enjoy higher like APy yield on moving ecosystem of Stella swap other than like other ecosystem chains. And so moving on this part we build like a seamlessly bridging protocols for allowing our end users to move their liquidity from one chain to other chain like without some of extra burning learning costs and the extra transaction costs you just have like an EVM just have an EBM based account such as by using metamask, Phantom or even like Talisman.

Facilitating Liquidity with Ease

So you can easily shift your liquidity from a source chain to target chain to Mumbai ecosystem. So that's very easy to understand. And on Polkadot and I would say like currently even it's still under the researching stage. But I've seen this is more like fundamental to the engineering for how to construct a chainst is not just only for the application developer and for the end user. So it will be like more like fundamental and essential to the key to how to find out for example a unified account for the whole web three industry and how to unify the user experience to let the user experience more easier even same as their web two developing experience.

Preparing for Future Collaborations

So that's still like very different from understanding. But we are also keen to looking forward to future collaboration between Moonbeam and parity. That's pretty much thanks Yuki's patient explanation. I see Billy hands up for a long time. So Billy, do you have some questions for moon binge? Hello. I'm audible. Yes, you are available. Okay, my question is what are the.

Engaging with the Community

Best plan for people to learn more about your project and join your community? Thank you. Also you. Okay, so Binny, are you asking Mubeam what's the best, what's the best one for people to participate? The best opportunity you said? Is that what you are asking? You are asking about the best opportunity for people to participate, participating in the project? Are you asking moving? No.

Clarifying the Question

Can I repeat my question? Okay, could you please repeat your question and who you are? Are you hearing me now? Yeah, I can hear you. Okay. My question is what are the best plan for people to learn more about. Your project and join your community? Thank you. Okay, what's your best plan for people to know about your project and the community? Right? Yeah, yeah.

Conclusions on Community Engagement

Both. Okay.

Introduction to Moonbeam's Communication Strategies

Okay. Definitely. Like for Mumbi, we have different types of way for letting our audience and clients to understand more about mumbi. So it depends which part you want to learn. So for the regular users I'm interested for the latest updates the moonbeam and I was also interested in learning. So what type of projects I can engage at early stage. So I would highly recommend you to follow Moonbeam network or official Twitter x account. So every day like we will post some of like qualified projects updates to let our users know any interesting stuff on Moonbeam.

Community Engagement Through Campaigns

And meanwhile we will randomly launch some of the community campaign. For example, we just finished a moonrise campaign which is like a points campaign. You just participate that it's super easy, like every day you spend maybe ten minutes. It's more like an educational quizzes. You click the quizzes. Once you have finished all you can win a chance to have a ticket for winning the Raffles campaign in the final round. So this also attract like many our Moonbeam community users participate in question because for one time it's a good way for them to learn about what happens on Moonbeam recently. And secondly, in case some of incentive programs within our ecosystem projects launched, they will use this moonrise campaign to promote the latest incentivized projects.

Resources for Developers

And secondly, if you are a developer who might be interested in learning more about what is the advantage of EVM compatible on Moonbeam and how I can deploy my smart contracts on Moonbeam, I would recommend you to search our moonbeam network. It's our official site. So here we will open a builder session which can allow the user it's very similar what Filip contribute to Polkadot v key. So we also have our own Moonbeam developer library which allows you just three steps. You can deploy moonbeam by using your existing smart contractor code. So it's super fast and easy to understand.

Developer Support and Community

And at the same time, if you want to have some dev token and not just want to wait the faucet like claim one dev every day so you can just ask ping to find out our dev real engineers at the Moonbeam discord. So every day we will reach out to you and answer your question, help you debug the issue that you faced. So overall, we are a user friendly and developed developer friendly platform. Hopes to help you achieve your dream from zero to hero.

Open Floor for Q&A

So that's pretty much the huawei don't go jig Shantai Sham the sin yo qi shi jin kern yo yi fire Yoshiya Saho Bandoki shoulders are dod now Gansaw tidal Nake Stella swap Tati Shih Mung bing Shanghai Shangzai fishang Defy lama Ingai Don and jida Jigger Jiggle Pinha Yoda galda Sui Ruan Shira Granddaddez Sancha will be the Shinjuki shu tada gon and Xinhui sample discord one chia danda doki liu Yanzanali woman shawsho yeah. Archmage Shani movie and Nai Tawi Siddi and yeah, who is.

Guidelines for Question Submission

Yeah, I see a lot of people required to be speakers. I think we do have such, so much time. So could you please leave your question in the common area? Then we can pick some questions. Got that. Shanghai fish nabi show nigga abolute and hey. Fungi fungus Animal Faishan Kaidohami fashion Zamona Rugoni and Mumbin jao nimas the hua chuga ju ji chung do the mumbin Shanghai xiao yo shi ta chi rong zhou yo boot on the labyrinthian Yoshi campaign dad campaign Dan Jonathan Shanghai Xin Wei Chojang Xinwaya.

Encouragement for Further Questions

So everyone, if you have question, please leave your question in the comment area. Then we will pick the questions and then give you the mic. Okay. Think you can ask a question? Okay, thank you so much. AI web three. My question is. So because in the blockchain gaming industry, play to earn games are becoming increasingly popular. In my perspective, earning systems are the backbone of every NFT game. So what are the income methods used by most gaming projects to help its users?

Clarification on Gaming Questions

Yeah, I got a question. Hello. Yeah, yeah, you can mute your mic. Yeah, please mute your mic. Yeah, abortion tire. Because in the blockchain gaming industry play to earn games are becoming increasingly popular. In my perspective, earning systems are the backbone of every NFT game. What are the income methods used by gaming projects to help its users. Play tune? Hello space chat. Yeah, can you clarify like you mentioned about play to earn for the gaming industry, right. And are you asking about how the project they are going to earn the profit or are you asking about the users who can earn from the gaming?

Seeking Clarity on Questions

What is our question? Could you please reframe that again? Yeah. And asking about how the project could help the users earn properly while playing the games. How the project can help the user earn, right? Yes. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Nice hang you go to the power work and you know Jose play to earn the shama deva taman yo so you time you hold on j o c the gate this year hold on you who Kanye. But our uk need Jada to go and tea.

Discussion on Earning Systems

So actually from our visual it's my personal opinion so I'm still keep learning on it and we're not guarantee my answer will be correct. So please feel free to have any suggestion if you have others opinion. So actually I would say the earning systems in the past I've seen is more like an inflation mechanism. So the projects construct the community, we build up the community first, then attract the users, play with into it, get incentives like usually, normally it's their own native token and spread it to the community users.

Token Value and Ecosystem Growth

So once the project gets listed on exchanges or listed on Dex, the token will be transferred into a real money and then benefit to the users. So this is at the beginning what they can attract the user, but how for the longer term, how to continuously growing the ecosystem to the users? I would say this is more like related to how these gaming projects want to improve their user experience. I would say that's still the key.

Sustainability of Gaming Ecosystems

And also how they can sufficiently arrange each of the earnings and benefits back to the ecosystem, including so currently what we have seen within the market. Some of the projects did good, well, did good. It's like buying back from the spot, from the spot market to enhance the value, the financial value of token and give a solid reason to let the existing users to hold the token. And also like they will leverage the token within different use cases.

Utilizing Tokens Beyond Trading

For example like buying can allow the users to use the tokenization to exchange some of the real stuff in your real world or like to give it as a passkey in order to unlock more and more gaming scenarios within that gaming ecosystem. So I would say like these are also, these are all like very valuable way we can explore more for the longer development and others. I would say it's transparent from a gaming. It's not just for gaming project.

Transparency in Blockchain Projects

It's for all the blockchain projects. We need to respect our community users to let them know how we will leverage our existed influence and the earnings we have got from that. So be transparent, be honest and always open to the community. That's also one of the key methods to helping out booming the gaming projects. So on moonbing. Yes, this is one of our methods. It's kind of like advisory services from Moonbeam foundation.

Guidance for Projects

If you apply for the Moonbeam grants. And once you got approved. So were also as a monitor to helping the projects, finding out the way how to like growing up healthy, how to growing up your own ecosystem like for the longer term is not just like for pump up a business.

Further Engagement and Resources

Dao sho dado shouldn't jiang Song should have shin gut j buff and liramba na j tony ping jiho chila yong ho bijao yoli yo sho I will not find yeah. Tao zhang jig token toru dao guandjo my sin be so sinda chang danda. You go to xinxing. Yeah. Pink now pimp woman jazz put on the jalanda now mum should kai found for her woman pijan biaojan muna omiya hui chongzhong so ye go I jian dojo the j so can down trigger yo si the fish and draw tweets.

Sharing Game Links

Kan jega shamu found a fajao woman should be tashu to. Sija song raho woman sindhu Filippo has sent the link of flappy ood which is a game with ood token airdrop. Everyone, if you are interested in, you can check the link and play to earn. So it's been a long time. If you still have some questions, you can leave your question in the comment area.

Closing Remarks and Acknowledgments

Every time we will pick the questions from the common area and then decided who to be on the mic. Okay, so doctor Chow, do you have some additions? Do you want? Yeah, maybe you can also put the link. You mentioned several like gaming and how they can check those, right? Maybe you can put the link as well so others can check. Okay, yeah, thank you.

Invitation to Follow and Learn More

Yeah. Thank you. It had been a long time. Network Twitter hail Philippo okay, it's been a long time. So everyone, if you want to know more about Polkadot and Moonbin network, please follow our speakers Twitter account. So I'm so lucky to be the host today and we've learned a lot today. Thanks for our speaker's patient and insightful perspective.

Conclusion and Gratitude

And the patient answering. So you're always welcome to join again. Okay. Thanks for your patience. And Yuki, Doctor Sao. And Ding. And also everyone's participation. We are down here. Have a nice weekend and a nice holiday. Bye bye. Thank you.

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