Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space discussion delved into a poetic journey capturing the emotional complexities of a stormy winter. It painted a vivid picture of fading memories, shifting relationships, and the perpetual struggle with pain. Throughout the dialogue, themes of self-improvement, resilience, and the ebb and flow of life's challenges were intricately intertwined. The metaphorical references to a Louis bag as emotional burdens and the comparison of changing emotions to the moon's phases added layers to the narrative. The space culminated in reflections on seeking transient joy amidst the turmoil and the continuous search for balance and self-awareness in life.


Q: What does the stormy winter represent in the narrative?
A: It symbolizes a melancholic state and a city burn, portraying emotional turmoil.

Q: How is pain portrayed in the storyline?
A: Pain lingers, memories fade, and it becomes a constant companion.

Q: What does the Louis bag metaphor symbolize?
A: It represents the weight of emotions and struggles, acting as a symbol of burdens.

Q: How are changing relationships depicted in the narrative?
A: Relationships undergo shifts and separations, reflecting emotional turbulence.

Q: How is self-improvement portrayed in the discussion?
A: It is depicted through moments of introspection and a continuous quest for personal growth.

Q: What significance do seasons hold in the narrative?
A: Seasons symbolize growth, change, and challenging times in life's journey.

Q: How is new energy manifested in the dialogue?
A: New transformative energies impact personal and societal dynamics.

Q: What is the overarching theme related to feelings and the moon's phases?
A: The narrative draws parallels between changing emotions and the phases of the moon, highlighting unpredictability.

Q: How does the narrative conclude?
A: It concludes with finding fleeting moments of joy amidst the struggle for transient peace.

Q: What symbolizes the need for self-awareness and balance?
A: Regular life assessments and checks symbolize the quest for maintaining equilibrium and personal growth.

Q: What is the central essence of the discussion?
A: The narrative encapsulates a battle with emotional turmoil and the pursuit of fleeting moments of solace.


Time: 00:00:43
Symbolic Representation of a Stormy Winter and Emotional Turmoil

Time: 00:01:49
Exploration of Family Dynamics and Relationship Issues

Time: 00:02:07
Metaphorical Louis Bag Signifying Emotional Burdens

Time: 00:02:24
Emphasis on Regular Life Assessment and Introspection

Time: 00:02:15
Reflecting on Drifting Friendships and Unexplained Disconnects

Time: 00:02:11
Symbolic Representation of Moving Burnt In and Out

Time: 00:02:12
Inquiry Into the Desire for Shared Burdens

Time: 00:00:57
Journey through Pain and the Pursuit of Peace

Time: 00:00:50
Reflections on Fading Memories and Lingering Hurt

Time: 00:02:24
Themes of Personal Growth and Societal Shifts

Key Takeaways

  • The narrative embodies a stormy winter and melancholic sentiments.
  • Pain lingers
  • memories fade
  • and personal growth becomes paramount.
  • Complex relationships undergo shifts and separations.
  • Resilience is expressed through the burden of emotions like a Louis bag.
  • Seasons bring change and growth but also challenging times.
  • New energies impact personal dynamics and societal ties.
  • The need for self-improvement and introspection is highlighted.
  • Comparisons are drawn between changing feelings and the phases of the moon.
  • Finding fleeting moments of joy amidst wrestling with transient peace.
  • Regular life assessments and checks symbolize a quest for balance.
  • The narrative captures the essence of battling emotional turmoil and seeking solace.

Behind the Mic

I’d like to fit in one or two more questions please in the room. Yes. Go ahead. Who was that? Nathan. I’m a partnership manager here. How are you doing? I’m good. I think this is targeted towards Brandon, when you were talking about the consumer space and looking for another one or two more projects. This is my interest to hear from you if there is certain verticals that you guys are looking after, or is it more of a reactive approach to what you’re seeing in inbound? That’s a good question. I think the short answer to your question is we’re interested in DeFi obviously, but there’s certain subsectors that we’ve identified that we think would be a good fit, like NFT and gaming infrastructure. So working with tooling and infrastructure that help bring players, NFTs and games on chain, is something we’re really excited to support. I think the reason being is, NFTs tied to games is one of, if not the largest, touchpoint that traditional Internet consumers are going to interface with. So we think it’s great that we’re pushing adoption and making sure we have the right infrastructure for game developers to bring their NFTs on chain or for players to be able to have a frictionless experience with those assets. So NFTs and gaming infrastructure and then the creator economy space. The last thing is going to be fintech or neo-credit type applications and part of that from a blockchain perspective comes down to, just what can we bring into the ecosystem that’s going to leverage the low-cost stable transactions on chain at scale. I think there’s a really big opportunity there while still being somewhat traditional. So Fintech creating economy gaming and NFTs and gaming infrastructure are specific areas of focus for us. Did that help answer the question, Nathan? It did. I think you may get a thank you from Autonomy Network later. That’s a perfect answer and covered everything I was looking for. Thank you so much. Good to hear that. Can I ask you another question for either Elaine or Hania? Go ahead. Knowing what you know now, is there anything the foundation Hedera or anyone involved, what would they do differently? I mean I can take a first run at this from our perspective. You know, when we started the foundation, there was not a lot of advertising around what Hedera was building towards. We on the network had four or five actual projects, two or three enterprise and the rest where people working on blockchain tooling and things like that. I think there is a lot of information we can offer to our partners and our investors. My thought is honestly nothing different for Hedera but more just advice for projects and builders. At the very beginning research will actually help you understand the landscape a little bit better. I would almost encourage folks to not be afraid and really reach out to the people who are involved in our ecosystems and ask questions. Feel free to reach out to partnerships foundations but then also reach out to some of the larger partners and find out how they interface with it and get that feedback from within the ecosystem. We really do an exceptional job of sharing our knowledge and information. With that, if you can leverage the folks who are already building it just gets a lot easier. That’s the only thing I would say is make sure you use all the resources that are available to you and do that earlier rather than later. Great advice. Thank you so much for that. Well, maybe it’s better to interact more closely. I would just close by saying, look, no start-up is going to be perfect, so I think the beauty of a decentralized network like Hedera and bringing new projects to our ecosystem. I think a lot of what we’ve done really well is enabling people to shape their own journey within Hedera. We try our best to show them all the right things, but at the end of the day, whatever they’re asking us for, whatever they want to achieve for their own projects. That’s all we can do and I think we’ve done a great job at that. But again, I don’t think there’s any real big thing we would do differently. I love what was said earlier around just asking questions. Thank you. That’s the most important thing. Nathan what else have you got? I mean, I think Hania means a top ten or something like that. Yeah, I will share a little bit about that. I think marketing has a really symbiotic relationship or should have a very symbiotic relationship with the development within the ecosystem. And I think because of how you market really flows with what it looks like in that given moment, if you look at it positively, more mature and balanced. Right. The marketing was geared towards Dell or Hitachi or others. And these companies are very particular about the branding and the general perception and tone of the network. As the network has expanded to the governing council, as the applications that use the Hedera ecosystem and the network have evolved, I think naturally, the persona and the identity of the ecosystem changes as well. And so, like I mentioned earlier, the inclusion and advent of retail DeFi on Hedera really has added this additional color to our ecosystem. So naturally, the marketing needs to reflect that both in terms of branding but also in terms of tactical campaigns. So what we’ve started to do to promote the growing identity and the ecosystem in Hedera is to do things like our most recent DeFi incentive program where we are supporting 100 million HBAR to be used for Defi incentives in the ecosystem. We have partners in that area like SaucerSwap, PowerSwap, and other teams. So in general the expansion of these projects needs to be reflected in marketing. Thank you everyone for joining and listening. Thank you, Hania, Elaine, and Brandon. It was very great talking to you. And at the end, maybe you would like to give final advice to our community. Do you like it? Well, thanks for having us and try out karate combat. Great. I would like Jujitsu. Yeah. Thanks so much for having us. We’re excited to chat with you today. And I think the best place to find us is our foundation’s Twitter handle. Which is what? Hbar_Foundation. But please follow along. We’re excited to update you on all our work. Thank you. Thank you everyone. Have a great day. Bye."

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