Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Evolving the LP Experience on Mode ️ hosted by modenetwork. Explore the evolution of the LP experience on Mode, focusing on L2 scaling DeFi solutions and the development of the AIFi economy. The discussion delved into strategies for enhancing user experience, optimizing liquidity provision, and addressing scalability challenges in DeFi. Community engagement and security measures were highlighted as key elements for the sustainable growth of DeFi platforms. Technological advancements, including data analytics and AI, were emphasized for improving platform performance and user protections.

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Total Listeners: 28


Q: How does Mode plan to scale DeFi to billions of users?
A: Mode aims to achieve this through L2 scaling solutions that enhance efficiency and reduce costs for users.

Q: What is the significance of the AIFi economy for Mode's growth?
A: The AIFi economy serves as a foundational element driving Mode's development and user engagement.

Q: What are some innovative strategies for improving the LP experience on Mode?
A: Strategies include implementing user-friendly interfaces, optimizing yield farming opportunities, and enhancing risk management tools.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for the success of DeFi platforms?
A: Engaging the community fosters trust, feedback, and long-term sustainability in DeFi projects.

Q: How can DeFi platforms address scalability challenges for mass adoption?
A: Scalability can be addressed through L2 solutions, interoperability, and efficiency improvements.

Q: What role do technological advancements play in the evolution of DeFi ecosystems?
A: Technological advancements drive innovation, security enhancements, and user experience improvements across DeFi platforms.

Q: How can DeFi projects optimize liquidity provision for users?
A: Projects can optimize liquidity through incentivization mechanisms, strategic partnerships, and innovative pools.

Q: What are the main challenges in expanding accessibility to DeFi services?
A: Challenges include regulatory uncertainties, user education, and infrastructure limitations in DeFi markets.

Q: How can DeFi platforms enhance security measures to protect users' funds?
A: Enhancements include multi-factor authentication, smart contract audits, and continuous monitoring for potential threats.

Q: In what ways can data analytics and AI benefit DeFi platforms?
A: These technologies can optimize risk management, predict market trends, and enhance overall platform performance for users.


Time: 00:15:42
L2 Scaling Solutions for DeFi Exploring how Mode implements L2 scaling to improve transaction speeds and reduce fees.

Time: 00:25:19
AIFi Economy Development Discussing the key features and benefits of the AIFi economy in driving Mode's growth.

Time: 00:35:51
Enhancing User Experience in DeFi Strategies for creating user-friendly interfaces and improving overall experience on DeFi platforms.

Time: 00:45:08
Scalability Challenges in DeFi Addressing the hurdles of scalability and mass adoption in decentralized finance.

Time: 00:55:30
Technological Advancements in DeFi The role of technology in shaping the future of DeFi ecosystems and user interaction.

Time: 01:05:14
Optimizing Liquidity Provision Exploring ways to optimize liquidity pools and yield farming opportunities for users.

Time: 01:15:47
Community Engagement in DeFi Importance of community feedback, trust-building, and sustainability in DeFi projects.

Time: 01:25:22
Security Measures in DeFi Strategies for enhancing platform security, protecting user funds, and minimizing risks.

Time: 01:35:59
AI and Data Analytics in DeFi How data analytics and AI technologies can revolutionize risk management and platform performance.

Time: 01:45:18
Future Trends in DeFi Innovation Discussing upcoming trends and innovations shaping the DeFi landscape for users and developers.

Key Takeaways

  • Mode aims to bridge DeFi to billions of users through L2 scaling.
  • The AIFi economy is central to the growth and development of Mode.
  • Strategies for enhancing the LP experience through innovative approaches.
  • The importance of community engagement and user experience in DeFi platforms.
  • Building sustainable and scalable DeFi solutions for mass adoption.
  • The role of technology advancements in shaping the future of DeFi ecosystems.
  • Exploring ways to optimize liquidity provision and yield generation.
  • Understanding the challenges and opportunities in expanding DeFi accessibility.
  • Innovative approaches to enhancing DeFi security and user protections.
  • Leveraging data analytics and AI for improving DeFi platform performance.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks

Sadeena. Gm Gm Gm everybody, mic check. 1212 GM. We can hear you loud and clear. The king. Sounding good. Epic. We're just going to start the space off by me admitting once again, we're having headphone failure. And I'm going to go at this one with no headphones. We're just going to do it live on speakerphone and we're going to see how we roll this way. We can't. We can't accidentally mute ourselves if we don't have that little Jack plugged into the phone. Anyway, I diverge. Divulge. Anyway, I am DK community promote. And today, ladies and gentlemen, we are going to be diving deep into conversation with the teams from itchy Kim and ironclad. We got Charles up on stage here. Charles, I just threw you a follow. I just realized that you've probably been on. On the stage with me at least three or four times now, and I wasn't following you. I apologize, Charles. Unforgivable. Unforgivable. You know, you just. It's obvious that I'm really focused when I'm hosting space. I'm not, like, going through and clicking on everybody's pfe and making sure I give everybody a follow, but I'm going to do that today because, I mean, come on, why not?

Diving Into the Subject

Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, we are here to talk about lP's, the future of LP's on mode. Let's just go for a quick round of introductions. Before that, housekeeping details. Two very quick and simple points to make. We'll be quick and respectful of everyone's time today. So the space will be somewhere between 30 minutes and an hour. And if we happen to rug, just hang tight and we'll restart it. So with that, ladies and gentlemen, I'm gonna toss it over to actually, let's leave. Let's leave ichiber last, because they're the. They're the noobs on this stage. They have never been on this stage before. So, Charles, you've spoken up already. Why don't you give us a little brief intro? Who are you? What's your journey like? Been like coming into web three? And how did you get involved with ironclad? Sure. Sure. So, hello, everyone. I'm Charles. I lead growth at ironclad. And, yeah, I guess my journey into web three, I was in university and my friend started telling me about nfts and I was like, all right, I. This is kind of cool, I guess, but from there, I started doing some research on Ethereum and I was like, I found Defi and I was like, oh, my God, this is way cooler than nfts.

Charles' Background in Web3

I guess nfts are a part of Defi, but the finance side of things attracted me a lot more. I was studying economics and finance and so Defi just captivated me. And then I spent several months spending several hundred dollars on gas on Eth Mainnet and found l two s and kind of, yeah, I was hooked from there. So how I found my way to ironclad, that's a bit of a long story. I mean, how I started working in web three is I basically found the team that I'm working for now. We are conclave. We're formerly known as the bite Masons. And so when it was the bite masons, I kind of found the products they were working on and I just started dming them all the time and being annoying in chats and just answering questions. I wrote some articles and I generally just annoyed them into giving me a job. And, yeah, we're building a lot of different stuff, and ironclad is an implementation on mode that we've been working on for some time now. So, yeah, happy to be here and happy to talk more about Mode and ironclad and why I'm bullish.

Roles and Experiences

Awesome. Bullish on Charles, being more bullish on Defi than nfTs. I also. I came into. Oh, I didn't come into the NFT. Right, but I came into nfts before Defi. Yeah, I will second that. Being annoying is probably one of the best ways to get a job in web three. And I would actually replace the word annoying with persistent. Yeah. Pick where you want to get a job and just. Just hammer down and get as active in that community as you can until. Until they have to hire you. Kim, who do we have here on the account today? Is that. Is it Andrew or is it Tayden? That's Andrew. How's it going, Andrew? Sir, good morning. Good morning. Hi, everyone. I'm Andrew, head of marketing at Kim. I guess I'll keep it short. Been here through a couple cycle. Started with a couple dinky projects, but I had background in centralized exchanges mostly, and couple VC's.

Andrew's Background and Vision

And then I came into defi a couple of years back. Well, weighing both some centralized exchange and Dexs. I felt more, I guess, convinced that Dexs would survive long term. So I'm. Yeah, I'm a Kim now with a lot of potential, I think, you know, find the good people to work with. Very nice. Very nice. Thank you, sir. And Ichi, welcome to the stage. This is the first time we're getting the pleasure of meeting each other's acquaintance. Who do we have behind the ichi account today? Yeah. Gm. Gm. Gm. Guys, this is Nick from Ichi. Glad to be my first mode spaces as the resident noob this morning. And I loved waking up to the tweet about the ideal mode. Chaddhenne. I guess I can check off at least three of those boxes, one of them not being benching 225, but. Yeah. How did I get into defi?

Nick's Journey into DeFi

I think it was really through the bitcoin route, learning about bitcoin and just the power of having a decentralized digital currency at a pretty young age by having strange interests as a early high school, late middle schooler on libertarian forums. And then from there just watching like, the space evolve with Defi and NFTs, kind of always being really active in communities and as a participant, but only recently, you know, stepping and making the big career move to make crypto my full time job about eight months ago. I've been with the Ichi team doing bd for the ALM and some strategy and operations as well. And freaking best decision I've made. Awesome. I just want to clarify for clarification because I called you guys itchy a few times and I have a feeling that might not be the right. Oh, yeah. So we are sometimes itchy, but then we scratch it and we become itchy.

Understanding Ichi

So, ichi. Yeah. Okay. There you go. There you go. Now we're making sense. Sorry, drop your name on me again so I don't end up Nick. Nick. There you go. Sir, can you tell us we're not itchy, we're Ichi. What exactly is Ichi? Yeah, definitely. So, ichi, if you classify us kind of from the category perspective, we fall under the ALM. So the automated liquidity manager. So we help people better manage their crypto assets in v three or concentrated liquidity style ranges. And what makes us different than other people in that category, I would say putting us in a category all to ourselves, is that we're the only single sided automated liquidity manager that's focused on inventory control rather than just keeping, you know, keeping the liquidity position in range.

Ichi's Unique Approach

So all of our strategies are our single token deposit, which makes it super user friendly for the LP's. And instead of rebalancing based on relative price of the assets in the pool, we rebalance based on relative inventory. So we always try to remain long on the deposit asset while still providing sufficient exposure to the paired asset to generate some recurring fees to generate yield for that position. So basically it's more like a staking experience than a liquidity provision experience. But we're still able to provide the liquidity for the market, so why don't. You break it down, everybody that's not quite familiar with how normal liquidity pools work. So you said that what's different about Ichi is that you guys have single sided deposits. I think that'll make a lot more sense in the context of how normal LP's work.

Explaining Normal Liquidity Pools

Can you just describe to everybody how normal LP works and what makes your single sided deposit LP is different? Definitely. Definitely. Yeah, I'll do like a three minute kind of journey into the, you know, how decentralized exchanges came to be in kind of the original structures that were there. So I mean, first off, you know, it started where you just had to have any asset paired with Ethereum. And basically the way that price being discovered, Washington, that asset in relation to Ethereum, that was uniswap v one. Then there was uniswap v two, which basically allowed you to put any assets together in a pool, but it would spread those assets from zero to infinity. So you kind of would have constant liquidity through that entire trading range, which was an improvement, but still wasn't providing the optimal trading experience that people were used to.

The Evolution of Liquidity Pools

Slippage was high and the capital efficiency was low because you have a lot of assets far away from the price that weren't being used. So then concentrated liquidity came in with uni philosophy three, and that made it to where liquidity providers could choose exactly how and where they would deploy their assets. So no longer did they have to do a 50 mix, but they could do 100% of one asset, 80% of one asset, 20% of the other, or 50. This just gave a lot more customizability to l peers. However, in order to take advantage of a lot of this customizability, you know, you would have to do frequent rebalances and constantly be watching these positions to make sure that you are actually getting the benefits of this concentrated liquidity.

Automated Liquidity Management

That's kind of where automated liquidity managers like ourselves stepped into the picture. And so when I say single sided deposit, I actually mean 100% of the token is going into the liquidity pool. Unlike other platforms that you only have to on the UI, you're only interacting with one asset, but it's actually selling off half or more of that asset. To complete the pairing of the pool, we actually deposit 100% of the asset into the range and it's only when people start trading in that liquidity pool that the conversion to the paired asset makes sense. I mean, I'm sorry, doesn't make sense takes place.

Partnerships and Integration

Awesome. That's a very good high level overview. Now tell us why. Why is Charles from ironclad and ended from Kim? What are they doing up on stage here? What's the deal? So, Tim, the way that we bring this, the single sided deposit alm market is partnering with the Dex that we see as the leader in different ecosystems. And so Kim and Ichi have a partnership now to bring the power of these single sided LP's to Kim. And ironclad is one of our first partners that will be utilizing these vaults to help bring liquidity to the ironclad token and IUsP.

Technical Integration of LPs

So talk to me like I'm five now. There's already LP's on Kim and on ironclad. So how exactly, like, on a technical level are the Ichi LP is being integrated onto both of these platforms? Like, how does it actually work from like a technical perspective? I'm imagining on the UI perspective, people are just going to see different vaults and they're not going to see what's going on in the background. But are you guys, like, integrating just individual vaults? How does that actually work? Yeah, no, that's a great question. So the Ichi vault represents a position on top of a concentrated liquidity pool. So you basically have vault. I mean, not the vault, the pool smart contract and then you have the vault smart contract on top of the pool.

Vaults and Asset Management

So we can integrate vaults. You know, there can be two vaults for. For any pool to represent either side of the, you know, either. Either asset that's represented in that pool. And we can provide vaults for any asset type, you know, whether it be volatile, like governance, utility, meme stables, or lrts. We have different strategies for all of those. Awesome. Let's pass the mic over to Andrew there. So, Andrew, sir, thoughts on the he vaults, the eg vaults, not itchy et vaults. How do you guys see these single side deposit vaults enhancing the. Yeah. The user experience for the providers on Kim.

User Experience and Access

Yeah. Right. So we've integrated the Michi vaults recently and we already have a couple different alms that's live with their own strength on Kim. But I think what makes ichivauts stand out is the single asset deposit feature. So instead of requiring two assets like pair to provide LP's, I think it lets user deposit just one. So if you're holding, like Kim, I don't know, Eth mode or any other supported assets, you could get exposure to LP rewards without needing to go and like, swap for a second token. So, like, these LP's, I think that's a game changer. I believe it simplifies the process. It like, reduces a lot of friction and opens up for users who might not have both assets ready to go and don't just want to sell.

Incentives and Reward Mechanism

And I think this ichivault manage LP's with the automatic rebalancing and all the risk management, so users get the best benefit for yield optimized. Optimized yield without, you know, looking at it like 24/7. Awesome. So I'm going to go to Kim. Sorry. How many pools or vaults have been opened up on Kim and which assets can people actually use right now? I believe you could use mode wrapped ETH and I believe it's opening up to Kim token and a couple other major assets as well. Probably Moteco tokens as well as for vaults we do have, like, I do.

Current Pools on Kim

I believe there are like dozens that were live, but we, you could see those on our pool page on Kim and check them out and we'll have more added on very soon as well. Okay, so I'm coming to Kim. I've got a big bag of mode. The way it works with, you know, staking usually, like, my first experience with staking, I think actually was pancake swap. So I took my pancake swap and I staked it and I got like, I forgot like 150% APR, whatever it was, and I earned like pants pancakeswap tokens. Right. LP's are a little bit different in like, the tokens that you actually earn. So what, since this is single sided, which is very similar to staking, what are the rewards going to be in?

Rewards from Single-Sided Deposits

Like, if somebody is choosing to deposit mode, for example, or stables, what token are they being rewarded in? I believe the incentives are same. Stay depends on the pairs you put into. Because just because you put in one asset, I mean, you got to put which LP's, you got to pick the pairs. So I believe the incentives, I mean, we could also set different types of incentives. So I think it's a little, it's like limitless. We could add on X. Kim could. I don't. Kim. We could even add on ironclad or each. Right. So it will depend on how we incentivize it. Cool. Charles. Sir, talk to me. Talk to me about I USD.

Discussion on I USD

How's that going for you guys? Sure. Totally. And does that have anything to do? I'm just, I'm just guessing, does it have anything to do with the. I. With the ig? Man, I chi. Just can't get it. There you go. I USD. Ichi. Ichi. Itchy. It's all. Yeah. Yeah. So. And actually all kind of add on to something that Andrew was saying with the single side deposit feature being really attractive for users, the fact that ichi builds these vaults to be. Sorry, excuse me, I'm gonna clear my throat. To be long.

Long-Term Benefits of Single Deposit

The deposit asset. Typically when people LP, it's pretty rare that they are looking for exposure to both tokens. I mean, that's definitely a feature and maybe it's the case a lot of the time, but typically if someone is LP USDC pool, they want exposure to eth and they want trading fees and they want yield. But the downside is impermanent loss and managing, especially if it's a concentrated pool, managing that position, it takes a lot of work and there's a lot of. If you don't really know what you're doing, it's very easy to actually lose more than you're gaining on the yield and on the trading fees.

Simplifying LP Management

So, yeah, I just wanted to put an explanation point on that being you can single deposit eth, belong ETH and actually get the benefits of LP ing with yield and with trading fees and supporting liquidity for that token and just kind of without having to manage these two tokens to manage a range, and you can kind of leave it in Ichi's hands. So, yeah, I just kind of wanted to highlight that. And we're big fans of Ichi and we've been working with them for a while on other networks as well. So, yeah, so where IUSD comes in is we will be building some IUSD vaults.

Upcoming IUSD Vaults

I think there are two that we're going to start with that should be live very shortly. One is an IUSD mode pool, so depositing the deposit token will be IUSD and then mode on the other end and kind of deepening liquidity for IUSD. And it's another sort of yield opportunity for IUSD holders being able to just get sort of single exposure or managing a single deposit of a stable coin and earning trading fees and earning yields. The other vault, I believe, will be a mode ICL pool.

Additional Components of Vaults

So depositing mode and then ICL on the other side. And there's another kind of component to this that I want to mention, and maybe Nick can correct me or fill in any blanks that I leave here, but as he said, they're managing the inventory of the pool, not managing it around a certain price. And what he means by inventory is kind of the weights of the pool. They target a certain weight. Typically it's like 80% the deposit token, 20% the counter asset. And they're trying to keep it at that inventory level, at that weight.

Reputation Management in LPs

What happens when people single deposit these tokens, the deposit token, the weight is shifting more on the deposit token side, there's more of the deposit token happening. What they have to do is reweight, constantly reweighting the pool. And the result of this is actual somewhat of a buy pressure on the counter asset because you have to wait this pool, you're more deposits going in and you're supporting the asset on the other side. So on the protocol end, it deepens liquidity for whatever tokens they want, and it kind of improves trade efficiency and kind of deepens the amount of counter assets they have against their native tokens.

Final Thoughts on Vaults

So I hope that made sense and maybe Nick can kind of expand on that a little bit more. But the point is, we're getting some vaults out there. We're going to be, those are the two we're starting with. But I'd like to build some more and I'm excited for some iusd opportunities for holders. Nick, do you have anything to add there? Did I get anything wrong? No, you did a fantastic job. That was a very good overview. One thing I'll emphasize is that we are not buying or selling any tokens with the vaults.

Liquidity Control Mechanisms

So the way that we're encouraging, we're leading the market in a way, by either concentrating liquidity more for assets that we want to be more easily bought, or spreading out the liquidity so that it can be less readily bought. And that's basically how we're controlling the inventory in the vaults. But Charles. Yes. This does provide opportunities for outside players to then come in and take advantage of these differences in concentration. And that does lead to increased volume, for sure.

Trade Efficiency and Protocol Benefits

Nice. Yeah, that's a good distinction. Yeah, I was trying to dumb it down, but I think I was. Yeah, no, set it incorrectly. No, not incorrectly as just a little bit of a clarification, but no, fantastic overview. Yeah, but more. More volume, more trade efficiency, and just a better outcome for the protocol, for LP's and for traders. Yeah. And who doesn't like a single sided vault? I mean, not financial advice, but I will be aping in personally.

Accessibility and Benefits for Protocols

Love the not financial advice, but yeah, it's, you know, for the spaces, I think it's really great to focus on like the accessibility for l peers and kind of lowering the barrier to earn yield on assets that otherwise might be just sitting dormant doing nothing. But for protocols, this also provides tons of benefits and like Charles mentioned, like the ability to target the assets that protocols need to start LP's or to have a healthy liquidity pool with their asset on the other side, you know, we see a lot of pools in the space that are heavily weighted, the protocol asset, and they don't have enough of what we call internally blue chip assets.

Importance of Blue Chip Assets

So like whether that be eth, you know, ecos, like mode stable coins, you know, the other side that allow your tokens market to be healthy. And the crowd goes silent.

Clarification on Terminology

One clarification about all that. So the difference, can we use the word fault and LP interchangeably? Like what are we actually talking about here? And we did mention it's one sided. So it's kind of like staking. Like is there a way that you can clarify this a little bit? Yeah, definitely. So kind of like on the, you know, the definitions. So LP liquidity pool, that would be the pool on Kim, where these two token, where there's a token pair, the vault is a smart contract on top of that LP. So, and it allows the deposit of one of those tokens and manages the position within that liquidity pool. And then, you know, stake. When I, when I say staking like experience, it's because it is only one asset that is being used, but the yield being generated is actually being generated, you know, organically through trading fees, which can also be boosted by incentives. So it's not, you know, purely incentives, not purely an inflationary reward token that's being used to incentivize these pools. It's actually organic, real yield from traders.

Investment Strategy Discussion

Nice. A few minutes ago, Charles, you mentioned that you're going to be aping not financial advice at all, but can you just dive a little bit deeper into that? So why are you aping and what's your strategy? Yeah, so not financial advice. Of course, not financial advice at all. So my strategy is to accumulate more IUSD. So I, you know, I have a certain percentage, I'm not fully deployed in this market. I don't know what's going to happen. And I like some stable exposure. And IUSD historically and currently offers higher yield in a lot of places than like USDC or USDT. And generally I'm a decentralization maxi or proponents. And IUSD is an over collateralized, decentralized stable. And there's a lot of good yields across mode for IUSD and the EQ vaults are going to be one of them. And I really like how I'm going to be supporting the liquidity depth of IUSD while accumulating more IUSD. And here's some alpha. We will be adding some mode incentives on top of this IUSD vault as well. So I like that I can earn mode and I like that I can accumulate IUSD and also support the liquidity for the token. So, yeah, that's pretty much my strategy.

Market Position and Personal Investments

Yeah, I like yields and I like single staking. Awesome. I'm proud of you, Charles. I'm proud of you. I am, I will. I am fully deployed in this market. I have zero stable coins left and I'm just waiting for blast off here. Yeah, that's my current situation. Does the DM d king stand for degen? Is it Degen king? That's it. You guys. Somebody actually once asked me if it stood for decentralization and I said yes. And when people ask me if it stands for Degen, I say yes. Somebody actually asked me once if it standed for dicking, just digging around type of thing. I laughed, but I didn't say yes. anyway, Andrew, sir, since we're not giving financial advice, talk to us about your current strategy right now. what are you playing with? Oh, I mean, I'm playing with, Like, as you guys know, we have a bunch of tools we've integrated into Kim. I think these are the best djinn tools out there for, you know, non financial advice. But to form and make some profits, I guess so.

Tool Utilization in DeFi

Well, as you know, we have a lot of couple alms and also some intent tools. And I think it's about making Defi easier. Right. Because it's Defi doesn't mean it has to be complex. Right? So integration like steer, ichi and also, you know, router, single asset intent adapter we have think it's about simplifying LP to like one or two clicks to better, you know, user experience. And I think this tool is designed to meet all different needs. Like steer helps with, helps LP manage, I think multiple position off chain with off chain strategies and ichi with single asset deposit. Like, it makes it incredibly easy. Right? So no need to worry about pairing tokens and so. And as for router adapter, we have, you get to use single asset from any multiple chains, the option from. So no complex swapping or bridging required. So, like I said, the key here is simplicity. You have all the tools you need to farm away. Love it, love it.

Future of Ichi Vaults

Simplicity is definitely the way to go. So back to the Ichi vaults. Do you think that they can offer more sustainable yield opportunities for liquidity providers on Kim in comparison to the other opportunities that you got on the platform? I mean, I think they all have their own strength. Like I said, ig with the single asset and their strategy will work and I think would combine with IUSD pools vaults mode I USD. I think we could try to incentivize with co incentivize on top of high APR that's already giving out so. Nice. Charles. Sir? Yes, hello again. Sorry. No, I just muted myself. Okay. It happened. I just totally dropped the ball on that one. I forgot what I was going to ask you. That's all right. So why don't you just dive a little bit deeper into the relationship that you guys have with Ichi? Like, how long have you guys been working on getting these vaults set up on ironclad?

Collaboration with Ichi

Yeah. So like I said, we've sort of had a relationship with them for a while and they've always been really easy to work with and just generally great builders in the space. So, you know, when I can't remember what happened first, I think. I think Jeffrey reached out or someone mentioned that they were coming to mode and that made me very excited and I hopped on a call with Jeffrey and they always do a really good job with kind of laying out what their plans are and making sure that the protocols are very familiar with the tech and how they can be used and how they can be configured and the benefits of building up counter asset liquidity for your native tokens. So, yeah, I mean, we just hopped on a couple meetings, ideated about what kind of vaults we'd like. I'll throw this one to the audience and to our community members. If you would like to see a certain ichi vault on Kim somewhere on mode, please just tag us in the discord.

Community Engagement

Dm me. Annoy me to death, as is the tried and true way in Defi. And we can make it happen. We've got a couple ideas beyond the mode vaults and the IUSD vaults. So, yeah, feel free to ping me anytime and I want to know what kind of assets you're holding and how you want to make them work. But, yeah, I mean, that's kind of long and short of it and what else could I say about that? I don't know. Yeah, I'll pass it back to you. Absolutely. Yeah, we can pass it back over to Andrew for a second. Curious. Andrew. Sir, do you think that there's anything that each you can do in general to help projects that want to have a TGE event or start their own lp's in the mode ecosystem.

Opportunities for New Projects

How each it can help? Yes, sir. I mean, they could always create defaults like Charles mentioned. Come work with IUSD, create some pairs on Kim. We could definitely co incentivize with everything we have. And so can each be deployed on. Sorry, this is for you, Nick. Can itchy. Like, are each vault going to be basically going everywhere? Are you just working right now with Kim and I? Clad? Yeah. So currently we are on around 20 different chains and working with over 30 dexes. So we have, we're quite spread out across the crypto ecosystem, but we're super bullish on mode and on Kim.

Integration with Kim Ecosystem

And so we really made a point to make this not only a quick and I think pretty seamless integration, it's been awesome working with the Kim team. Also the moat, you know, you guys at mowed are amazing. And then ironclad, I mean, the ecosystem here, like, using just feel the energy. Super bullish. Super bullish. So we really want to make sure that we come into the moat ecosystem and make single LP the way to single sided LP the way to go. Awesome. Open question to everybody then, about. About the current partnerships that everybody has with ichi. What can we expect in the future? This is obviously the beginning. Is it also the end or I. And we expect like, more progress, more pools, more vaults, what's next?

Future Perspectives

All the above. All the above. And as you add more vaults, people spread out and get less concentrated into a few of them, so yields go up on all of them, and then you bring people over from other ecosystems. I would encourage everybody to, you know, as much as everyone hates getting diluted. Spread the word, spread the word about the vaults on mode, on Kim. Oftentimes, if you take an example like a network like base or something like this, where generally there's more activity, typically like usership and activity, at least when a network is in kind of its growth stage, as I believe mode is in, there's more opportunities out there because there are less eyes on the opportunities for you. So, yeah, there are defi, markets are pretty inefficient and there's going to be a lot of opportunity to take advantage of that.

Opportunities in DeFi Markets

That. And we'll be spreading the word. I mean, maybe you'll be keeping your cards close to your chest, but yeah, as we add more vaults, if you're on top of it, you can spot these opportunities right when they launch and front run other users. The other thing I wanted to mention was IUsD. If you are not familiar with it or you don't really know how to get your hands on it, you see this vault? You're like, I want to put Iusd in this vault. I don't really know how to get it. You can swap for it on Kim and also on velodrome. The liquidity on velodrome is a lot deeper than on Kim at the moment, but we're going to be working to deepen IUSD liquidity on Kim as well to make the process a little more easy and just deepen liquidity in general.

Minting and Liquidity Information

And if you want to mint IUSD and pay no interest on your loan, please join our discord.

Introduction to Tutorial Series

I have a couple tutorials in the wing for everybody, so I'm gonna be putting together like, a tutorial series and making it a lot easier for everybody. So anyways, if you're kind of stuck with how to access some of these assets, please join our discord. It can be not even ironclad related. Like, if you just have questions about mode, we are always happy to help and, yeah, just, you know, if you don't know something, ask questions. That is probably one of the most important things in Defi. Don't be afraid to just be a noob for a bit if need be. Yeah, that's kind of all I had to add.

Discussion on AI and DeFi

So you mentioned a minute ago, Charles, about everyone being afraid of being diluted. So, as everybody probably knows, mode a few weeks ago announced essentially taking hold of the AI fi narrative and how we're pushing towards the next evolution of Defi, which we think is an AI integrated version of defi that we're calling AI fi. Open question to the three. You guys on stage. How do you guys think that itchy vaults can be maximized using AI agents? And what do you guys think? Think about the. The problem of dilution. If we have a whole bunch of AI agents running around and, like, one pool is, like, the best place to get, like, maximum, you know, rewards or yield, and all the AI agents, you know, picked it up right away. Is it. What's that gonna look like in the future? Like, regarding dilution?

AI Agents and Market Efficiency

Yeah, so, I mean, the thing about agents is that they represent users. So when people think about agents, maybe they're like their first thought is kind. Of bots agents myth. Yeah, which is not a good comparison. Agents are acting on behalf of users. Whatever, you know, whatever sort of funds are being strategically managed by an agent are coming from users. I mean, the point is users do less and automation kind of takes over. So I think AI and blockchain is a really nice marriage. The security that blockchain offers allows you to set parameters for, like, autonomous agents, to do things in a secure, in a really secure way. And what I was talking about earlier, with the markets being inefficient, I think agents just make this market more efficient.

Impact on Market Dynamics

So on the topic of dilution, let's say there's like one certain position that's to yielding a ton more than others. Obviously there are going to be agents that flock to that position and then that will get diluted, and then all of a sudden it does not become the most yielding position ever. So essentially there's going to be some sort of parity in the market between lp positions, between lending markets, things like this, where market rates, or rate parity, meaning like a common rate across. Across lending markets, across Dexs, is going to be found a lot quicker because everybody's got these essentially a lot more efficient users in agents acting on their behalf and entering and exiting these positions a lot faster and a lot more efficiently than they could on their own.

Automating DeFi for Accessibility

So, yeah, I just think it's a win for the space in terms of efficiency, and it's a win for users in terms of being able to actually have open positions in DeFi and be able to live your life and not spend 6 hours a day with 100 tabs open managing 1000 different positions if that's not your job. So, I mean, yeah, what we're all trying to strive towards is accessibility, and I think just more automation. And introducing more automation into DeFi is a really, really big step towards that. And AI can do a lot for us in that regard. Yeah, I think, Charles, that's a fantastic summary, and I think it is going to make the market a lot more efficient, which one side, I think some of these DeFi opportunities that we find kind of crawling around pools that have high aprs that maybe users don't find as quickly, will be found a little bit quicker by these AI agents, and therefore more funds will flow in accordingly.

Potential Challenges of AI in DeFi

But it is definitely going to give us a lot more time in the real world back and specifically how ichi vaults could play a role in this super speculative. Actually, I haven't even really looked into this yet. Just, just a thought that came to my mind is, you know, set up different single sided vaults. If you want exposure to one asset, let's say eth, compare it with a lot of different project tokens in the mode ecosystem, and then you can tell an AI agent, hey, I want target return of 15% and funds can kind of be allocated within the vaults or even other LP's to hit that target return without constantly having to go back to the Excel spreadsheet and every two months whipping out the pen and paper to find different positions to hit that.

Future of AI in DeFi

So I think AI Fi is going to be kind of the next step in market efficiency and user friendliness for the common man in the defi markets. So let's just one more question about AI. I just came up while you guys were talking, so I feel like AI agents are going to give a huge edge to make this, to make Defi basically go mainstream. It's going to make it easy for a lot of people. Is it gonna, could it potentially take away the edge of some of the people that are like super, like balls deep, like involved in Defi? Like, I'm thinking like that it could be that it could to some degree ruin like the alpha and the aspect of like being early, you know, when you find like a new LP that's like got like ridiculous apy just because nobody else knows about it.

Opportunity for Traditional Users

Like, and so if there's an AI, if there are, everybody has an AI agent that are out there looking for like, you know, these new epic, awesome opportunities, right? Maybe as soon as they're launched, these AI agents are going to find the opportunities and kind of dilute these epic yield that like the super, like OG Defi online all the time, guys maybe would have picked up other work in any other world like before everybody else, you know what I mean? Yeah, I mean, I think if we assume that just everybody is going to immediately go to these AI agents and that is the case, but I think it will probably be more like a gradual migration and like these asymmetrical opportunities are going to exist for, I'm suspecting, longer than we think.

Broader Implications of AI in DeFi

But still, if we look at the Internet and what it did to academics or when information wasn't as easily able to be found, and it was kind of more guarded by a few people, wasn't democratized as much, it didn't benefit the society as much, and we didn't say, oh, we're not going to bring in the Internet because then everybody can have access to this information more easily. Of course we want more people to be getting involved in the ecosystem, even if it means for those early users that it could mean a little bit of dilution. But I think the goal of this space really is bringing decentralization and disintermediation to all.

The Future of Decentralization

Yeah, I'll second that. Yeah, I think over time, yes. But we're talking about pretty long time horizons, I guess, in DeFi time, we're just at the precipice of introducing this tech to defi. So it's going to take some time to optimize. So all you alpha seekers, don't fret not, you still have probably quite a lot of iteration and building and optimization to kind of live through before every opportunity is just kind of taken from you. That's kind of a bearish sentiment, but, yeah, I mean, that's the goal, right? The goal is to make it really efficient and give everybody equal opportunity.

Final Thoughts on AI and Opportunity

So I just think it's good. Yeah, I'll second what Nick said in that it's gonna take a lot of time for this tech to actually be at a place where that's reality. Yeah, absolutely. And I mean, there is definitely gonna be, I believe, an edge in the beginning that might get whittled down over time. But just like if you bought bitcoin when it was like dollar 100, being early does matter. So the first people they start utilizing, AI agents, are going to be the ones that, you know, have the edge over everybody else until everybody else starts using them. And then honestly, there's probably going to be some new edge. There's always some new edge, right?

Continuous Evolution in DeFi

Like humanity is always inventing some sort of new technology or new way of optimizing everything. So this is just the next step in the natural evolution of defi and, yeah, the free market will take care of it. Right? Exactly. Exactly. That, that's the goal. And I think, yeah, I love what Charles said. Fret not, alpha seekers. This, it will be slow and won't happen overnight. So these opportunities are going to be around for, you know, I think quite a while. But, you know, going to back to each of. I could just to kind of reemphasize, you know, the, who the vaults can be made for and what types of tokens.

Building for the Ecosystem

It's really any project looking to bring liquidity to your token in the mean, in the Kim ecosystem. Feel free to reach out to us on telegram or Twitter and we can talk to you about what your liquidity goals are and what it would look like making an ichi vault for you guys and for any lP's as well. Feel free to reach out. We are super open and like Charles said, ask questions, be annoying. We will answer them. Awesome. I said the beginning of the space. We're going to keep this between half an hour and an hour. We've got three minutes. Final thoughts, everybody.

Wrap-Up and Future Directions

You've got 1 minute of mic time each. Andrew, kick it off. Any final thoughts? Well, yeah, I mean, I hope everyone check out these cool tools we have, you know, single as with the puzzle and all. And also wanted to give a little alpha before we leave. Kim is gonna be dropping a new big thing governance. It's a new big chapter for Kim. So the x cam holder will have more x cam utility on top of current art plugin and old booster features. So I think people should tune in for the big surprise that's gonna come out soon.

Closing Remarks

Charles, take it away. We'll. We'll give. Man, I almost did again, not we'll give ichi the final mic. Damn. Well, hard to compete with Kim there, but yeah. Thanks. Thanks for coming. Thanks for listening. And join. Join our community and follow ironclad and follow. I guess I could say follow codex, but I didn't mention codex at all. But just hop on our discord and ask some questions. Questions. And we'll get you familiar with. With all the stuff that we're building. Awesome.

Community Engagement and Follow-Up

And everybody follow Charles while you're. While you're on it too. Yes. Follow me. Follow Charles. Give Kim and Eta a follow as well. Don't forget me. Don't forget me. Nick. Sir. Ichi, final thoughts and then we'll close it down here. All right. All right. Yeah. So, final thoughts. First off, Kim and ironclad, thank you guys so much for being such fantastic partners and mode for providing such an amazing ecosystem for us to build in. We're super excited to get kicked off here and check out the ichi single sided token deposit vaults on Kim on the liquidity provision page.

Acknowledgments and Future Collaboration

Any questions you have, or if you see any vaults that you really want that are missing, just reach out to us and we'll. We'll work on those. And yeah, we're. This won't be the last time we're in a spaces here and next time I won't be a new. Awesome. Nick, Andrew, Charles, thank you very much, sir, for your time. Thank you. Everybody in the audience that came up to listen to this new big update here. And everybody, enjoy the rest of your day and you know your mode. Thank you, King.

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