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Event Horizon: L3 Perpetual DEX & Next-Gen Web3 financial ecosystem


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Event Horizon: L3 Perpetual DEX & Next-Gen Web3 financial ecosystem hosted by arbitrum. Event Horizon: L3 Perpetual DEX & Next-Gen Web3 financial ecosystem by the Arbitrum Foundation delves into the core pillars of decentralization, security, and growth within their technology landscape. The space offers invaluable insights into the future trajectory of Arbitrum One and Nova, emphasizing community involvement, innovative scalability solutions, and strategic partnerships for ecosystem development. With a user-centric approach and a relentless focus on security, Arbitrum sets a high standard in the DEX niche, aligning its roadmap with the evolving blockchain landscape.

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Q: What are the core principles driving the Arbitrum Foundation's initiatives?
A: Decentralization, security, and growth form the core pillars of the Arbitrum Foundation's endeavors.

Q: How do Arbitrum One and Nova contribute to the expansion of Arbitrum technologies?
A: Both Arbitrum One and Nova play crucial roles in advancing and enriching the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Q: Why is community involvement essential in the sustainable development of Arbitrum technologies?
A: Community engagement fosters trust, innovation, and broader adoption of Arbitrum technologies.

Q: What innovative solutions does the Arbitrum Foundation offer for scalability challenges?
A: The foundation provides cutting-edge solutions to address scalability issues, enhancing efficiency within the ecosystem.

Q: What sets the Arbitrum ecosystem apart in terms of functionalities and features?
A: Unique features and functionalities make the Arbitrum ecosystem a standout platform for users and developers alike.

Q: How does the foundation plan to improve user experience and drive adoption of their technologies?
A: Strategic initiatives are in place to enhance user experience and facilitate the widespread adoption of Arbitrum technologies.

Q: How does the future roadmap of Arbitrum technologies align with the evolving blockchain landscape?
A: The roadmap is designed to adapt to the changing landscape, ensuring relevance and innovation within the blockchain industry.

Q: What are the key takeaways from discussions on the future vision of Arbitrum One and Nova?
A: Insights include advancements in technology, user experience enhancements, and ecosystem expansion.

Q: How does the foundation prioritize security in the development of Arbitrum technologies?
A: Stringent security measures are integrated into the development processes, safeguarding user assets and data.

Q: What strategies does the Arbitrum Foundation employ to foster growth and sustainability of their ecosystem?
A: Strategic partnerships, community-driven initiatives, and continuous innovation fuel the growth and sustainability of the Arbitrum ecosystem.


Time: 00:15:47
Decentralization and Security in Arbitrum Technologies Emphasizing the importance of decentralized and secure solutions in the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Time: 00:25:32
Future of L3 Perpetual DEX and Web3 Ecosystem Exploring the future prospects and innovation within the Arbitrum Foundation's DEX and Web3 ecosystem.

Time: 00:35:19
Innovative Features of Arbitrum One and Nova Highlighting the unique features and functionalities that distinguish Arbitrum One and Nova in the market.

Time: 00:45:58
Community Engagement for Ecosystem Growth Discussing the vital role of community engagement in driving growth and sustainability in the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Time: 00:55:13
Scalability Solutions in Arbitrum Technologies Insights into the innovative scalability solutions offered by the Arbitrum Foundation.

Time: 01:05:21
Roadmap Alignment with Blockchain Evolution Aligning the future roadmap of Arbitrum technologies with the dynamic changes in the blockchain industry.

Time: 01:15:44
User-Centric Development Strategies Strategies focused on enhancing user experiences and fostering adoption within the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Time: 01:25:39
Partnerships and Innovation for Ecosystem Growth Exploring the role of strategic partnerships and innovation in the sustainable growth of the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Time: 01:35:57
Security Measures and Asset Protection Detailing the robust security measures implemented to ensure the protection of user assets in the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Time: 01:45:28
Future Prospects and Expansion Plans Insights into the future prospects and expansion strategies of Arbitrum technologies for continual growth.

Key Takeaways

  • The Arbitrum Foundation is committed to decentralization, security, and the advancement of their technologies.
  • L3 Perpetual DEX and Next-Gen Web3 financial ecosystem are key areas of focus for the Arbitrum Foundation.
  • Arbitrum One and Nova are integral components in the expansion of Arbitrum technologies.
  • The foundation's dedication to nurturing a secure and decentralized environment is paramount.
  • Deeper insights into the future vision and roadmap of Arbitrum technologies were discussed.
  • Exploration of the impact of Arbitrum technologies on the broader blockchain and cryptocurrency landscape.
  • Importance of community involvement and engagement for the sustainable growth of the Arbitrum ecosystem.
  • Discussions on the innovative solutions for scalability and efficiency within the Arbitrum ecosystem.
  • Insights into the unique features and functionalities offered by the Arbitrum Foundation.
  • The foundation's strategies for enhancing user experience and adoption of their technologies.

Behind the Mic

Introductory Remarks

Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Ramdez. Sadeena. Sadeena.

Introduction by Anna

Hello, GM everyone. I hope you're having a fantastic Friday already. And yeah, today we're super excited because we are having this AMA with event Horizont, a new layer three on arbitrum orbit. And yeah, today we have Javier that is joining us from Gelato Network and also Vlad as well, joining us from event horizon. So, yeah, let's maybe start with some intros. I want to hear more of them, like get to know more about their roles and yeah, a little bit more about their story as persons, as individuals. But yeah. My name is Anna, community manager at the Arbitrum foundation. And yeah, behind the event horizon account is Vlad. So Vladin, let us know more about you.

Introduction by Vlad

Yeah, thank you, Anna. Do you hear me well, yeah. Can you confirm it? Yeah, yeah, everything's clear. Yeah. Nice. So my name is Vlad. So I'm personally doing this. I'm basically a developer. I'm doing this for 20 years. I started as a regular developer, then we started to create some products, projects, and for now I am CTO in event Horizon. I think it's my way how we can do something good in this world. And previously we had some startups, some products, in my experience, I had also the exchange based on Malta with the VFA class one license. I have like security token issuance platform in Estonia. We made many of amazing things and for now we are building event horizon with the help of Gilata, with a robot from. Guys, let me tell you that you are amazing.

Javier's Introduction

Thank you, Vlad. Yeah, you are amazing too. To be honest, we are super excited too to have you building on Arbitrum and for sure Javier as well, supporting you. And yeah, Javier, we will love to also hear about you. Like can you share more about your role and more about just your story in web three? Yeah, absolutely. For first, thank you for having me here. Thanks, Vlad, for inviting me to join this amazing space with you and with Ritum all together. So, as you can see my profile picture, I'm already white here. So it means that I have a long history behind me. And probably it's not good that I start to talk about my past because if not, we're going to stay here until tomorrow. But focusing the last three years, that is when I jump into the web three I started, I thought it's an amazing opportunity to start something new and different and something that can change part of our society. And that's why I fully focus on getting bored on web three.

Javier's Journey into Web Three

So I started with hackathons as the classical path. So I learned the tech and then I started to work with gelato and gelato. We offer normally, like tools for protocols. We started offering like automation, BRF, or gasless opportunity for the protocols, but it was kind of playing a way for the protocols. Now we offer the protocols to have their own home, their own chain. And that's why I'm here, because we are helping even horizon to have the best configuration possible to meet their deadlines, going to market, and to integrate the amazing stack that is orvitrain stack. So that is a little bit of wrapper around me. I'm the head of developer of relations and I'm supporting the customers in this journey from the idea to the integration of, to the deployment of the roll up or the l two, l three.

Discussion About Event Horizon

Awesome. Thank you, Javier. Yeah, I love it, to be honest. And yeah, it's super cool to see you in support. A lot of teams building their own orbit chain. So yeah, now with event Horizon, it's super cool to see and yeah, well, Vlad, I would love to hear more about the beginnings of event horizont, like maybe if you can explain to the community what is event Horizon, what's your focus and as well, how the idea started, like more about the history of it and yeah, what are the, like, for example, the advanced features or incentives that you find or are implementing to attract more players to your platform. Yeah, thanks so much for that question. I think it's a basic question for the stars of any story about the event horizon. So we are traders. Our team have a really good team of traders and we traded on many major exchanges also.

Vlad on Event Horizon

We are like one of the top kols, also Bybit buildgates and many other exchanges. So we know how to trade and we know how to work with auditory, who is trading. And it was like a couple of months ago, so we started IDE was really a couple of years maybe in our heads, but we started our developing from April this year. And in one year we have built a new type of exchange. We call it hybrid exchange, which gives you a solution to trade with. It's like Burp futures, like on rail success. We don't want to make a rocket science here. We tried to copy the user interface and user experience from Bybit and binance or other exchanges and we decided to create the same solution but with some kind of additional layer of security here. And that's why we decided to create a dexde. That's why we are building on arbitrum that's why we are building the hybrid exchange.

The Core Idea of Event Horizon

Let me explain the core idea. Our solution has to be really fast because we have all many transactions per second. Also, I think nobody wants the next FTX. Our solution has to be really secure. That's why we created off chain matching solution, which allows you to trade in less than ten milliseconds. So the matching is doing off chain and not in blockchain. And that's how it can be really fast. And then when your trade is done, for example, you want to close position or liquidate the order or anything. This order will reflect on the blockchain. And if you want to withdraw your money, you have this money directly on the contract. And everything here about the blockchain security and even the layer three, even the algorithm, even the whole network will be turned off. You can get your money back without any permission. That's, I think, the core idea that this product started from.

Objective of Event Horizon

I think marketing, it's very unusual, but it is. We know how it works, we know how to trade, we know what the outage wants, and that's why we created this kind of product. That's exciting, like to be honest, as you already know how to trade and you are bringing the experience that you had in the past to bring a new and better product for the community. So yeah, that's super cool. That's a nice story. Thank you for sharing that. And also I would like to know more about the details of event horizon from you, Javier. Like, do you know if does the event Horizon project plan to stay within the arbitrum layer three framework? Arbitrum orbit for a long time or this is just the beginning?

Further Inquiries About Event Horizon

Maybe will we be able to see it on Testnet? Yeah. Before, let me say some words about what Jasplatt was saying, because I remember when we had our first meeting, when he was explaining us his hebrew model. And one of the things that is important by us in gelato is that our customers have a clear value proposition that can make their change sustainable. Because at the end of the day, if we all invest time and money and effort to have something which has not a clear path and a clear road to success, we are all unhappy afterwards. So if you think about in the last years in this space, we always have talk about decentralization and what has to be on chain and what has to be off chain. And at the beginning, always the idea was all has to be on chain.

Value Proposition of Event Horizon

And that's why I think the proposition, the value proposition for Nven Horizon is really good because they are offering this solution to the traders, to the players. They are offering the security of the on chain assets and the best possible ux off chain. So now coming to your question. So I think we are all hands down working so that we can have in the next month already all available that it can be launched in Mainnet. We are already doing the test. I think it has a brilliant feature and I foresee that it's going to be on airstream for a very long time. Even horizon.

Testnets and Marketing Campaigns

Let me jump in here regarding the testnets. And we have built a, first of all, we have built everything on optimum ecosystem. And then thank you for gelati, guys. We had a really fast transition to the arbitrum and the Testnet will be available for everybody in a couple of weeks. And then of October we will open our next step of our marketing campaign. And those people who have some badges which you can mint from the season one of our marketing campaign, you have to enter the testnet to trade to check everything. I hope that our mobile app will also be available on their Apple app store because it's very complicated to publish the new app there right now. But I think for Android platform it also be available and you can trade on the web and on the mobile phone.

Community Engagement and Growth

Wow, that's exciting. That's super cool. And well, I guess for people to know where to start interacting more with it. Should they follow the event Arizona account or what do you recommend to them? Yeah, we have a pretty good community. We have done a lot of job. Thank you for our marketing team to build a really nice, really strong community. We have like 1.4 million users in our Telegram channel, 300,000. Also we have a tap game on Telegram with 2.5 million users and it's really amazing. And that's all done from the June. I think it's pretty good right now. You just need to subscribe our social networks. We will post everything there.

Scalability and User Experience

Wow. Yeah, that's a great answer, to be honest. And yeah, as well, we love to see you here in the ecosystem and as well for sure, I love arbitrum. It's a very important scaling solution for the ethereum ecosystem and for web three in general. Also the home of a lot of projects, communities, and for sure is the at the moment is the most advanced and secure and decentralized layer two, according to layer two bit, it has a huge TBL is number one in TBL or market share as well. Something important that you mentioned is that you saw a lot of a big change in terms of user experience, in terms of velocity. And this is as well, I believe, because that arbitrum has the fastest block speed, which is like 250 milliseconds. So this is so fast.

Transition from Optimism to Arbitrum

Yeah. Let me start first from the transition, why we made a transition from the optimism network. So we built an op stack first, and then we move to the arbitrum. At the start, when we started to talk with the optimism guys, we wanted to be part of the super chain. Super chain. It's some kind of special group of networks which trust everybody in this network and in the future, not right now, in 2025, somewhere you can move the messages. Also, you can move your tokens between the op stack networks without confirmation for seven days. Confirmation to withdraw your money to any other network. That's how the optimistic roll up works. You have to wait like seven days. That was really amazing.

Performance Improvements

But we was on track with optimism from the start, from May, we was in talks there, and then we met arbitramguys on Token 2049 Singapore. And I think it was like some kind of really good match here. And we decided to move from the optimism network to the arbitram because of, first of all, because of really good support from the team, because of really good, like, ecosystem, a lot of products building on the arbitrary rate now, and also regarding the technical sides, it's faster. So when we're talking about optimism, it's like 2 seconds. When we're talking about arbitrum, it's like it can be 100 milliseconds to banice.

User Experience in Trading

For now it's like 250. But okay, just when we moved from optimism to the arbitram, it takes us like eight times faster user experience. When you are trading, it's really good, because all the orders that was mentioned by our order engine have to be reflected to the blockchain. It's better to wait 250 milliseconds rather than 2 seconds, or five or ten. And how it works regarding the user experience, it's really complex way depends on how the whole blockchain works, how the wallet works. Why do you need to have some native tokens on your wallet? To trade. And it's everything about understanding the customer journey map and how it goes somewhere to trade.

Innovations for Improved User Experience

That's why we created, first of all, our own rollout, because we try to deploy to the optimism, to the orbits from one network. But the settlement costs was really big for us because every cost will reflect on the fees. So if it's cheaper it's better. And we decided to use some modern things like account abstraction, like account recovery, like a second layer of authentication when you are trying to withdraw the money and when you are, when we are holding these things together, that is about user experience, that's about how users will use your network, will use your product and arbitrary. It's a very big piece of that.

Future Collaborations and Enhancements

You have to be first, you need to be popular regarding the marketing campaign partnership and everything, even infrastructure side. So I think that's the main answer that. So that is how I see the event horizon moving forward. Super exciting. And, yeah, devs are building. You can, you can see it. It's here.

Collaboration with Gelato and Event Horizon

Yes, yes, sure. Actually we talk in general, Arbitram is an excellent stack for building roll ups. Event Horizon is an amazing group of people, protocol with a clear vision, with different tools that enhance the user experience. Actually, I'm already whitelisted because I want to try. So far it's not yet open to everyone, but I want to try the first day when it's on the testnet. So. And as we are actually, our role here is to put the glue between the stack and the protocols and to give our best advice how to do, how to configure the best way to roll up, how to create the best possible experience for the users.

Importance of Security in Web Three

Thank you, Javier. And also, like, something super important for everyone as well. For every job like this, security first mindset is one of the most important values that we have on arbitram, and also, I believe, the whole web three community in general. I would like to ask you more about security. What are the security measures that horizon exchange has put in place? Like, for example, how the cryptocurrencies that will be offered is going to look like how they are going to be stored if they will be able to take a study of their crypto. So yeah, what are your thoughts on that or the vision you have for that?

Horizon Exchange's Security Measures

Yep. So the main answer here will be we are exchanged without any cold or hot wallets. So I think it's the main answer here. We don't want to hold the client funds. Everything has to be covered by the blockchain security itself. That's why we are using audited contracts for account abstraction. And let's explain the money flow here you have some money, for example BNB token on BC chain. You want to trade in our exchange, you have to go to our exchange connect your wallet. It can be metamask and can be rabi wallet, rainbow wallet. So we supporting many of major wallets. And then you need to click the deposit button. And here you can exchange your token in BC network to the USDT token on arbitram network. When we are working with the lead Fi which allows you to exchange your token from VC and gave us the equivalent in USDC on our bitstone network, then we will bridge the token from the arbitram to our layer three solution.

User Fund Security and Money Transfer

And like in 30 seconds or 1 minute something like that, you will have your money directly on our layer three on your personal account abstraction wallet. In this case we have some temporary contracts which allows you not to sign like two or three times. But these contracts only allow to transfer your money to the bridge and transfer this money to the right account abstraction vault. In any cases we are not holding, we are not doing the custody for the money. We are just transferring this money from the contract to another contract. And that's the basic thing how we can provide really good level of secure of user funds. When you have your money on the account substruction on your layer three, in any time you can withdraw your money directly from the permissionless breach provided by arbitrum back to the arbitrum and then you can top up your balance on any times bias exchange. Because I think I don't know any exchange rates in which arbitrum is not supported right now.

Challenges of Using DEXs vs. CEXs

And with the fast withdrawal feature it will be like 15 minutes, the way you need to wait like 15 minutes to withdraw your money from l three to the layer two called arbitrum one. And we can't do anything with that from outside. So everything here based on contracts on arbitram orbits, infrastructure and that's all and creative thing here, even the layer three will be turned off if, okay, the whole data center will be turned off. We don't have any backups, everything. So gat infrastructure is turned off. So everything like going to the black hole. Even in this case, you have a solution to take your money from the layer three back to layer two. This is the basic principles for us and that's how we are doing it. Talking about what is the difference between taxes and dexs, because we have like off chain matching solution and everything.

User Experience Expectations

And in some cases, we are similar to the taxes. To be honest, in taxes you can prove that this transaction was somewhere in the past. You can't prove that the exchange don't give a credit to this wallet, and you can't prove that on this wallet was $1 million, $1 billion. It's just numbers on the internal tax and you can do anything with it. Nobody will tell you how much money on each wallet you have. In our case, you don't need, first of all, you don't need any KYC, but we will do the AML. Of course, in our case, you can trade only those money which reflected on the blockchain. So for example, you have top up 1000 USDT in our network and transfers to our exchange. And then you can trade rather than some numbers in the database. We working side by side with blockchain port and doing the matching solution which allows you to communicate with exchange like on regular taxes.

Growth Potential of the DEX

And that's about the speed and security. These are the core, the two core basic things, how we built this product. Great, thank you. Thank you, Vlad. Like, yeah, I really like that measurements that you're taking. And I guess as well, the community will be excited for that, to also own their own assets at the end and be able to take full custody of them. So, yeah, that's super cool. And, yeah, like, what do you also expect about this integration with arbitrum? Like, how you think your Dex is going to grow or how it's going to impact because of this? And also, if you see that there is any potential challenge that with this transition, are you anticipating some of these or maybe. And, yeah, also how you are planning to address them?

Community Transition to DEXs

Yep. So, first of all, as I told before, we have a really big community of traders which already trading on taxes. And I think many of these people are not using the Dex right now. Any kind of Dexs, any kind of decentralized wallets here. And I think for now, it's a big challenge to move them from the taxes to the Dexes. But to be honest, it's not so hard because taxes are pushing them out because of legal problems. For example, I'm based in Spain. I can't trade any futures, even in bybit and binance. I can't trade any futures on any major exchange. If you are using the DAX, I can do it. That's how it works. That's how the taxes will lose in couple of years, months, etcetera. But the big challenge here, how to explain users how they can trade with the right level of security on DEXs, with the right level of efficiency, with the right level of.

Educational Measures for Users

I don't know how to spell it. So, like, it has to be simple, fast, and everything. So it's a big challenge. That's why we have our own education center, and also we are doing, like, really nice things with the customer journey map. For example, when you're trying top up your balance on the exchange or many other protocol, other DeFi protocol, we have a special way, it's like an instruction for the taxes, how top up your balance from the tax. So you have to choose. You have some crypto, you want to move this crypto to the exchange. The second tab is like, top up your buy some crypto from the card we are using on ramp for that. And the third tab is about top up from the tax. And we have, like, major exchanges there, and you just need to press, like, a binance, and that there will be step by step instructions how you have top up your balance.

The Challenge of Mass Adoption

And nobody thinking about even thinking about this, how to simplify this process for the mass adoption. Everybody's talking mass adoption, other 1 million users, but nobody, truly, nobody thinking about this, how to simplify the whole process. That will be, I think, the big challenge for us and the biggest profit for the arbitram community, for the Arab, Israel itself, and for the whole crypt, if we will have a success here. Yeah, 100%. And, yeah, it's really nice that you are also thinking on how to improve this to onboard the next users and the next billion of users. So cool. And also, Javier, I have another question for you more, maybe technical.

Efficiency and Migration Reasons

I know that one of the reasons that even Orison, or as at least Vlad mentioned, it was because of speed in terms of how fast the transactions were executed. So do you know why, if there is another reason, why did Evan Horizon have to migrate to another chain and that now is the arbitrum chain? Yes, more or less, in what Platt has already said, is already all the technical questions answered. But yes, indeed, one of the very specific characteristics of the orbit chains is that we can lower the block time to default value is 200 milliseconds. But we are going down with some customers 200 milliseconds and it works perfectly. So here you have the ability if you compare with office type that it has 2 seconds or other change you have if you use block times every hundred milliseconds, then you have twelve times blocks compared to other stacks.

Enhancements in User Experience

So it means that the volume of transactions that you can accommodate in a block are multiplied by ten by twelve. It means that all of the user experience from what the technical perspective is multiplied by twelve. So this is one part of the cake. The other part is the gas fees, as we have seen before is extremely low. When we are setting in arbitrary one and we are using any trust you can probably for similar context you could have 0.001 fee compared to a normal fee on Ethereum. So these are the two parts of the technology that brings the user experience after on the other side of the game is what event Horizon is building for the users. All of this account attraction, the ability to onboard from different dexs and have instant money on your chain for being able to play.

Final Thoughts on Migration to Arbitrum

So if you coming back to your question why event Horizon has moved to orbit from Orbitz Stack? I think because it's offering the most, it fits for purpose for trading, it fits for speed, it feeds for lower gas fees. Actually it's what the users coming from the web tool that they don't actually care about blockchains or block space or they only want to have the same experience as they are used to have. So, and this is the take that event horizon is doing and I think is a good one. So arbitrary, morbid represents is the fit for purpose chain for the use case of event horizon. Yeah, that's great to hear at the end as well. It's very good to hear as well that at the end the users, they are feeling kind of the same, like it's not that they saw or they are going to see any other change when they are using event horizon.

Learning About Event Horizon and Gelato

And yeah, well in general, where can people learn more about event Horizon and also about gelato or how can they also keep in touch with the latest announcements for sure? X, I know that you mentioned that you have a telegram chat. Do you know where can they find it? Like where can they be part of the community? First of all you can just google it event and you will find our website eventhennesse. On that website you can participate in our early broad activities. You can mean some pages. By the way, for now we are meeting the basis on optimism. But right now we are moving these badges to the arbitrary network. And I think in the beginning next week we will finalize our fully transition to the arbitrary network and all the pages will be transferred from the optimism to arbitrum.

Community Engagement and Future Plans

Yep, the answer is like just find our website amethyst and you will be part of our community. And also, by the way, I'm preparing the new article about our way, how we choose like layer two, layer three, arbitram, optimism, ZK and everything. It will be published also on hacker Non. I think I can tell about this, I hope on Hackernon and we will post a link right after this article will be published. If you are interested in our way, we choose the arbitrary. Yeah. So on our end you can visit our webpage is Gelato network and there you will be able to see our communities, this community, our Twitter handler. My name, my twitter handler is donoso eth. And if you have any questions about arbitrumorbid or how can we help other protocols, creating their own, deploying their own chain so reach to us.

Networking and Community Quality

We have, we always are eager to know new protocols and to work with new people. I started this space talking about my previous experience and it's already like 25 years. And I can say that the quality of people, the engagement of people in the web three space is above, in greater extent more of the communities I've been working in the past and it was also greater community. But the web three community is an incredible source of energy and creativity. Yeah, I totally agree with that. And yeah, there are as well some events that are coming for these upcoming months, like Defcon maybe. Are we going to see you there? Personally, I don't have any plans to go to the Devcon. Maybe some part of our team will go.

Future Events and Product Focus

I know that we are attending some activities on Dubai right now, but I don't know anything about Defcon. We was on token 2049 several weeks ago. It was really hard. We had like 400 contacts after this event. We had like crazy week with a formal one with a lot of people there. And I think we have to be focused on product and we have a testnet and we have to work on that. Yeah, totally. That's a great decision for sure. Like going to focus now in your product to be ready to launch very soon. So yeah, super cool. And we all going to. We're looking forward to meet you in person as well, for sure. And yeah, we'll stay tuned for your upcoming activations as well.

Event Attendance and Personal Engagement

And Javier, you know that you're going to Defcon, right? Yeah. Not personally, because customers prefer that I stay hands on deck to work with them. But the BD team and probably some of the marketing team will be on Defcon. Now, our founder is in permissionless and will we go to San Francisco for the Pragma? So quite a lot of events and traveling to know in person. This space is always online, but it's also good some time to meet people in person. So that's why we are doing all of this investment in going to different events. And we met, I was not there, but Vlad met our founder Hilma in Singapore, Tolkien. So I think these are good opportunities to connect.

Networking Opportunities and Future Plans

Xavier, you remember my note, if you will be in Spain in Valencia, we just need to have some coffee and a good talk. Yeah, actually I'm living one and a half hour with car driving away from Plato. Yeah, it's crazy, but it's true. Nice. Wow. Maybe I'm heading to Spain too. In November, I believe. Yeah, in November, but to Barcelona or Madrid. So let's see if we can catch up there. Yeah, sounds nice. Super. Well, thank you very much for joining us today. It was a super cool ama. I saw that the community got excited and also they are sharing a lot of comments in the.

Community Feedback and Closing Remarks

In the chat, for sure. Sharing good vibes for the heavens Horizon team and gelato. And yeah. Wondering if there's something else that you would like to share with the community that we haven't shared before or. Yeah, it's your time to shine. Yeah. Thank you, guys. I want to thank you like every day because you are amazing. Gelato team. Like one of the top it guys that I haven't met. And arbitram, thank you for your support. Stay tuned on our social networks if you are interested in our product.

Looking Ahead and Community Collaboration

And I think we'll be the first one who will use the core features. Core new features from our vitro, like fast withdrawal. Like Interop. We just had a meeting like one year over 1 hour before with your team about Interop. I hope we will be the first one who will use it and when it will be ready. Wow. What an alpha. Great. Yeah. Let's go. Fantastic. What about you, Javier? There's something else you would like to share? No. Yes. Thank you for inviting us here and thank you, plaid, for having choose as a partner for your chain. And no more to say.

Closing Thoughts and Future Building

Actually, all has been said, and hopefully we help build this community and this space together. Yeah, totally. Thank you very much, Vlad and Javier, for your time. Like, time is super precious. I know. So thank you for sharing that with us. And, yeah, let's keep building the ecosystem together. Let's keep building arbitram together. Even horizon and gelato. Let's go. We are. I'm super excited. We are excited. Yep. Thank you very much.

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