Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space ETH Toronto, ETH Mexico, and ETH Woman hosted by LBank_Exchange. ETH Toronto, ETH Mexico, and ETH Woman Twitter space delved into diverse discussions surrounding potential crypto gems, strategies for maximizing investments, and the evolving landscape of cryptocurrencies. Participants gained insights on market trends, the significance of community engagement, and the importance of due diligence in navigating the complexities of the crypto market. With a focus on high returns and innovative growth opportunities, the space provided valuable advice for investors seeking to thrive in the trading sector.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: How can one identify potential crypto gems for 100x returns?
A: Exploring platforms like LBank and conducting thorough research can uncover hidden opportunities.

Q: What insights were shared about ETH Toronto, ETH Mexico, and ETH Woman?
A: Discussions revolved around these entities, potentially revealing investment prospects.

Q: Why is community support crucial in the crypto market?
A: Community engagement provides valuable insights, support, and diverse perspectives for investors.

Q: Where can crypto enthusiasts find additional resources?
A: Platforms like Telegram offer communities and resources for staying informed on market trends.

Q: How important is due diligence in crypto investments?
A: Research and due diligence are paramount in identifying and evaluating viable investment opportunities.

Q: What tips were shared for making educated investment decisions in crypto?
A: Understanding market trends and seeking expert advice can guide investors in their decision-making process.

Q: What potential innovations are expected in the crypto industry?
A: Experts discussed the potential for growth and innovation within the dynamic crypto space.

Q: How can one navigate the complexities of the crypto market?
A: By staying informed, engaging with communities, and leveraging available resources, investors can navigate the crypto market effectively.

Q: What strategies can investors use to maximize returns in crypto?
A: Implementing sound investment strategies, research, and community support can enhance the potential for growth.

Q: What were the key highlights discussed during the space?
A: Various topics were covered, including potential gems, market trends, and community engagement in the crypto landscape.


Time: 00:15:43
Uncovering Crypto Gems on LBank Insights into identifying potential high return opportunities in the crypto space.

Time: 00:30:19
Community Engagement in Crypto Investing Exploring the importance of community support and insights in crypto investments.

Time: 00:45:57
Exploring ETH Toronto, ETH Mexico, and ETH Woman Insights and discussions on investment prospects related to these entities.

Time: 01:00:35
Market Trends and Investment Strategies Tips on understanding market trends and implementing effective investment strategies.

Time: 01:15:22
Future Innovations in Crypto Industry Discussions on potential growth and innovation within the dynamic crypto sector.

Key Takeaways

  • Opportunities for high returns in the crypto space with potential 100x gains.
  • Exploration of emerging crypto gems through platforms like LBank.
  • Insights on ETH Toronto, ETH Mexico, and ETH Woman.
  • Discussions on strategies for maximizing crypto investments.
  • Importance of research and due diligence in identifying promising crypto assets.
  • Community support and engagement in navigating the complex crypto market.
  • Various resources available such as Telegram for crypto enthusiasts.
  • Tips on understanding market trends and making informed investment decisions.
  • Diverse perspectives on the evolving landscape of cryptocurrencies.
  • Potential for growth and innovation within the crypto industry.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

What is up, guys? Loud and clear over here. Matthew, what about you, man? Hey, good morning. I just got my headphones figured out. They were. I couldn't hear a thing. So glad to be here. Thank you. Muha, everybody. Muha is our marketing expert at lbanken. He handles all sorts of things and manages a massive social following. So definitely give it up for Muha for hosting this space this morning and setting all this up for us. He does it so fast. Matthew, thank you so much for that. You make me blush, man. Here. You guys are great team members and. Yeah, I mean, I will let you guys handle these things like, you do know. And you guys are perfect at this. So thank you so much. I will be here for everyone. Yeah, thank you. Let's just give it a minute or so. I know we've got some speakers tuning in and coming in from all over the world. We've got people and Hong Kong. It's 01:00 a.m. there. We've got people everywhere. I'm in Mexico, man. Those are the real ogs listening to us at 01:00 a.m. we must have something interesting to talk about. We do.

Current Events and Future Engagements

There's lots of events coming up that I know everybody's still caught up in the whirlwind from bitcoin 2024 and Nashville, but it definitely reignited the industry on our side. And we barely had a moment to rest. And now we're going up to the blockchain Futurist conference in Toronto along with ETH Toronto and ETH women and a whole slew of side events. So I'm really excited to, you know, see people again, but also meet new people, Canadians this time. And we've got some fantastic events to host ourselves. And I want to know what everybody's doing right now, where they're going, where their projects are at. I know there's like a little divide right now between did we go to the Sanford events in New York or did we go to the blockchain Futurist conference in Toronto? And that really is two of the major events, minus there is an ETH, Mexico and Merida. That's. That's the north american big ones right there. So I know. And they put them all at the same time. Like, unless we can create an AI to make duplicates of ourselves, to be at all of these, it'd be great if they could not plan them all on the same day.

Discussion on AI and Future Trends

We total. They totally make those. I don't know if they're in the budget just yet, but, you know, I'm going to get one as soon as. Well, maybe Muhawk can talk to. Talk to the people he knows, the big guys, and see if we can get some twins, because imagine the. Efficiency, you know, I would say just enjoy it while you can and really, you know, live in this moment, because 2025 is going to be way different than 2024. There's so many projects working on, you know, AGI and outsourcing, a lot of the things that we love that create community. And that's why I think these spaces are so important, so that you can hear our voice, you can meet us, you can connect with us, you can know where you're going. And we also have the deep insights on the industry as far as how to get into the cool places, where to be, who to see.

Reflections on Recent Events

I know we had a fantastic event hosted by Space Blue in Nashville, sponsored by lbank Labs. And, man, that was such an incredible event. If you guys had an opportunity to come out to. There's this big 44 acre estate called Dark Horse recording. It's more like Taylor Swift recorded her first record or something. It was a beautiful space, and we had, you know, a night to remember. And so literally, and those. Those are the people that, you know, within our reach that we can. That we can connect with. And so we do. And so we want to extend our reach and reach more people and bring in more projects onto our radar because, you know, just. Just what's on the computer is not. Is not necessarily everything. That's what's happening and sometimes not even exactly what's happening at all.

In-Person Connection Importance

So I like to know what's happening and meet people in person and on spaces like these. Yeah, I agree. I agree. I think that in person touches just. It's. It's. You get to. You get to see so much more. You get to vibe with the person's energy. You get to laugh a little bit. It's. It's way different than a, you know, quick 30 minutes call that you have control your project. So it's definitely on a different level. Well, leading up to that, it looks like we've got quite a people, quite a few people listening in already, and I see a lot of our speakers. And so let's try this today when you are, just so we can keep everybody who’s speaking today and, you know, in a timely fashion and keep everybody on their schedules today, if you are ready to go, use the raise your hand feature on X spaces and raise your hand.

Preparing for Speakers

And that way we know, you're ready or you want to go next or you're, you know, you're trying to get your time in. I appreciate all of that. And that'll just help us, you know, not call on somebody who's not ready. Yeah. Agreed. Agreed. I think, look, this is our third time. I think each episode of our spaces gets smoother and smoother. I wouldn't, I wouldn't say better because we've got amazing guests. Every single time somebody show me how. To do that, I want to know. I have no idea what I just did. I don't know. Your phone's cooler than mine. Mine doesn't do that. Yeah, that was a great background noise there. Thank you for that.

Engagement and Networking Logistics

Yeah, I was just trying to give a thumbs up and it did something extra special. That's awesome. That was an extra special thumbs up for us then. That's right. When's the soundboard token for X spaces come out? Yeah, I'll give a clap. Let's see what that does. Wow. Round of applause. And we haven't even done anything yet. That's amazing. Thank you so much. Okay, so actually, we've got. I think that was John. John, are you on? Yeah, that was me. Are you ready to tell the world about John and outlier ventures? We're ready to hear it. I would love to hear more about what you guys have going on. I know outlier. Such a huge portfolio on web three, and, you know, the breadth of the reach goes very far.

Exploring Outlier Ventures

Like, you can't go very far without, you know, coming across one of the companies in your guys's portfolio. So I'm glad to know you personally and to have you on the space. I feel honored, and I really do want to give you the floor so you can tell us about what you guys are working on and what we can get, how we can get involved with that, you know, current projects, current events and things. I always see you in person, but I, you know, that's how I know outlier. So go ahead, tell the world. That's right. Awesome. Well, yeah, thanks so much, first of all, for hosting and for having me on and having all of us here together.

The Importance of In-Person Meetings

And, you know, to your point about those IRL events, I mean, there is something special about when you get to see somebody who, you know, in person and then they want to introduce to somebody else, you just walk across room and grab them and then have a nice little chat. That way, it's a lot different from, you know, getting a telegram chat. Right. So, you know, just that resonated on the things you were talking about earlier for me. But anyway, you know, outlier ventures for those who aren't familiar, we've been around since 2014 as an investor in web three. In 2019, we started running this accelerator program. And, you know, I think that makes us one of the oldest and certainly at this .1 of the most active, if not the most active accelerator in web three.

Showcasing Outlier Ventures' Accelerator Program

We have over 300 portfolio companies. So as you mentioned, if you go out and talk to founders, there's a good chance that the ones that have gone on, raised are familiar with or have been through an Ov program. So we have our basecamp program, which is an accelerator. One of the things that, there are a couple things that really differentiate us. I don't want to go into too much detail here, but we have over 70 staff. We have a token design team, we have engineering team, we have legal team, we have all these folks who are on staff and really come alongside founders.

Resources and Support Offered

I would say what differentiates us in our model is that we're not really just writing a check and giving some advice. And a lot of accelerators may be providing a lot of resources in the form of mentorship, but we actually have resources on staff that come alongside founders for the course of the program and thereafter, we also have a token design offering that we just relaunched. So helping founders to, you know, really, you know, nail down their offering and then go to market with their, you know, do their TGE. And so what about for existing projects? I'm so curious. I mean, I know it's going to be so polished and clean and look, you know, really on brand for web three.

Involvement of Existing Projects

But what about existing projects that are joining your accelerator? Because not necessarily everybody starts from, you know, the beginning, like the idea stage. So say there's existing companies joining. Oh, yeah. What do they do? I mean, that's really, you know, so as I think one thing that's really important to note is a lot of people kind of conflate or confuse an incubator with an accelerator. An incubator, totally. I'm one of those people. Yeah. Yeah. I think, you know, an incubator is like that idea stage and giving them those resources, giving teams resources to get something off the ground.

Defining Accelerator Functions

An accelerator is really once founder, there are a few founders together and they have something and they're looking to raise, or they've started to go out to raise their pre seed or seed. Let's say an accelerator comes in and really just helps them to do in twelve weeks what it would have taken twelve months to do, or even more. That's a good way to put it. There's definitely a lot of gray area. Even for me, someone who's considered an expert in the field, there's still a lot of gray area between. How do you know, as a crypto company there's, they're very segregated. There's like the Degens, right. And like they're not the ones that are knocking on the door asking for the VC dollar.

Navigating Relationships in Crypto

So how that relationship goes, what is, who's the middleman? For me that seems like outlier. It's like if you're going to take your crypto project and you're going to make it a, you know, a business that's official, that's going to, you know, go on to raise more money and scale, as they say. Yeah, that sounds like. But we're outliers. Exactly. And you know, look, we don't, we're not successful unless the teams coming through our programs are successful. We don't earn anything from, you know, running the program except for a little bit of token and equity from the teams, you know, in exchange for all these services.

Commitment to Founder Success

And so we really are, and we've been focusing a lot in recent months, you know, on bringing our, even our past pro, our past, you know, kind of portfolio company or portfolio companies who have been through programs in the past bringing, make sure, making sure that we continue to serve them and help them along. So you know, it really is a matter of just alignment and being a, for founders. I really think that outlier has, we really are a part of the ethos of just trying to elevate the ecosystem, trying to help teams to help bring web three to the world. And we're thought leaders there too, I might add.

Recognizing Industry Trends

We started just for example, back in 2017 talking about the convergence of AI and crypto and made some really good investments back then. Fetch AI is one of them super early because, yeah, we kind of saw that whole thing happening and we're doing more on publishing this kind of research as of late. So take a look at the things that are coming out. We have a great head of research who's working his tail off to be at the front of every theme, which seems impossible, but there's a lot going on. So what about this base camp you're telling me about? When does basecamp start?

Basecamp Information

Yeah, so we actually run three basecamps a quarter right now. The ones that, yeah, the one it's, yeah, the ones that we're recruiting for right now are one, focus on bitcoin. It'll be our second bitcoin base camp. We've opened up another application for real world assets. Focus basecamp. And you mean like real estate real world as well? You know, it's RWas. It means different. I guess it could mean different things, depending on your perspective. I think we think of. I think the first thing people think of, or at least maybe recently, has been more kind of institutional assets and taking.

Exploring Real World Assets

Providing liquidity and access to things like, you know, tokenized bonds and treasuries or whatever it is that, you know, but it's really kind of changing the ledger, so giving, you know, creates more access. But I think we'd all like to see more novel use cases. And like, to your point, real estate is one example of something that has never existed in an efficient way on a. On a digital, like, in the digital space. I don't want to say never, but obviously there's a great reason why web three and blockchain could be the home and could really be a great use case there. Just as an example, the third program I want to mention for this quarter is our LATAM program, and that's probably the most relevant for this conversation.

Focusing on LATAM Programs

We opened up an application, we have Morgan Creek Digital as a partner on that one, and we're looking very broadly across use cases in Latin America. I think this will be the first iteration, but we see a lot of. Definitely, we just saw so many great teams coming out of Latin America and so much product market fit for what they're building, that we thought it was time to focus on the region. I agree. Come down to Tulum. Do one in Tulum. So bullish on the next hacker house. Being down here, it's like gorgeous real estate.

Experiences and Challenges in Tulum

You know, we just gotta bring your own Wi Fi connection, basically. Yeah, yeah. Amazing. Yeah, that's. Yeah, exactly. I was there just a couple years ago and I do remember that, you know, it's. It can be spotty sometimes, but, yeah. Those are my mandated breaks that I have to take is when the power goes out. It's like it's raining powers out. Go do something else. Web three will be there when I get back. I feel like everywhere needs that. That should just be a thing everywhere, or like sometimes in it just. Just shut up. That could be crazy.

Balancing Work and Breaks

Not right now, though. Not on. Not on x spaces right now. We're doing. After this, they can do whatever they want, but for now, please keep the electricity on. Yeah, I'm relying on this Wi Fi at the moment. Well, thank you, John. I appreciate all the insights. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the next one. And it's always a pleasure to get to talk with you and I hope that, you know, it was very insightful for our guests as far as outlier and your boot camps coming up and three cohorts.

Opportunities in LATAM

I mean, that sounds like a lot of opportunity, especially in LATAm at the moment, for people to be able to get involved. And hopefully this will reach the audience in Canada and they'll get to hear a little bit more about that. And this will give a segue for people from futurist and upcoming Toronto events to have access to the largest web three accelerator, outlier. Amazing. Thank you so much for having me. Just only other thing I'll add here is go to our website if you want to apply. If you're a founder, I want to just check things out.

Final Thoughts and Networking

Good plug. Why don't you drop the link in the comments? Yes, sir. Yeah, be sure to follow him as well. That way you can be up to date on any new outlier ventures, products or projects that they're working on. I know I've got a couple of friends over there. We love you guys at Outlier. So you guys are doing great things in the space. Amazing. Thank you. Thank you. Always happy to talk. Send me a DM and I'll drop a link in that. Amazing, Sean, thank you. I think I saw boy network with their hands up, so maybe we can let boy intro.

Welcoming New Speakers

They've got some really cool things they're doing too for devs, so. Sounds good. Put your hands up. Void network, you're up next. Are you out there?

Introduction and Greetings

Can you hear us? I can hear you just fine. Thank you so much. You can hear me all right too, right? Yes. Yes, Crystal. So my name is Chris. I'm one of the co-founders of Voi. Actually met Sheena out at Nashville, had a great conversation. And I also think it's super important to be in person, have real-life conversations. So I really like what you guys are doing. Keep pushing that.

Overview of Voi and Its Purpose

No problem. So a little bit about volume. Network volume was actually originally started because we were frustrated about the issues when it comes to distribution among tokens, way too much was in the hands of the early investors, early stakeholders. And those early investors and early stakeholders weren't actually adding value to the network. And the true value of blockchain is the actual ecosystem itself. And yet they didn't actually own the majority of the network like they should. So Voi was created as a layer one blockchain that's set out to actually fix the economics to make sure that the ecosystem, which is the builders as Sheena mentioned, but it's also the rest of the community, the actual, the marketers, the shillers, the people that are actually putting value into the network should be the majority owners of the network.

Governance and Network Achievements

So we developed a really elegant and complex governance system to make sure that the people that hold the token are actually in control of the treasury. And then we also made sure that the ecosystem bucket was 75%. We started two years ago, about to hit main nets in a couple months here. So yay for us. But we now have on our testnet, we have over 4000 nodes running all over the world, run by our community. We have over 20 projects that are launched ready for us to be mainnet so they can hit the ground running. And we have over 15,000 wallets that are active doing quests and doing everything on our testnet.

Challenges in the Current Blockchain System

But like I said, at the end of the day, blockchain is currently broken. The wrong people hold the tokens. You all are here listening, hold a fraction of what you should and voice mission in life is to actually fix the overall paradigm of what blockchain is. Thank you very much for that intro when token. Yeah, I'm bullish. Drop the link in the. I love a testnet. Drop the link in the comments so we can check out more above. I honestly, I'm glad Sheena got to meet you because it sounds awesome. I love purple. It's my favorite color.

Community Engagement and Philosophy

Yeah, we'd love to actually have you in there. If you are somebody that likes to rope your sleeves, the whole like our whole like narrative that we're putting, I've done them all. I've done everybody's quest. We, we love the idea that we are like the blue collar blockchain. We are the every man's blockchain. The people that, you know, if you truly actually believe that, if you truly believe in blockchain, you truly believe that you can add value, we're the only place for you. Well, that's awesome. I'm definitely a quester. I've been taking quests for years and testnets turn out to be pretty awesome. Especially testnets that we introduced to the world.

Testnet Importance and Community Connection

They go pretty far. So I would definitely say check out void network. If they're not on your radar, put them on your roadmap. Get involved with their testnet early. That's how this, the lifestyle goes. You know, if we were early, John was early in 2017, AI and crypto, and that turned out really well for them. So get in early with the testnets. This is what they look like when they're growing. They're doing it right. They're doing a testnet. Yep. I mean, sometimes. Sometimes I don't even do test now. I'm like, nah, mainnet only. But, you know, Testnet has its place, definitely.

Building Community and Expectations

That's where companies are built. Tesna is where you grow your missionaries, the people that come in, understand it, feel it, and that's where that's, you know, that's where you grow your base. There's always gonna be the mercenaries that pop in and out. But at the end of the day, we're a very active community of. Large community that is, you know, fed up with the existing state of blockchain and believe that it should be different. Yes. That's awesome. Are you guys planning on being in Toronto at all? Is that on your roadmap?

Toronto Event Discussion

We probably could if that's, you know, you should. It's the 12th of the futurist conference in Toronto. Slash eth. Toronto slash eth. Women. It's like the 12th through the 14th, unofficially through the 17th in Toronto. So, you know, I don't, you know, I don't know if you can make it. It's pretty soon here, but it seems like it wasn't really on my roadmap in Nashville either. But everybody is going to be there, so. So will we. Yep. If you can, we'd love to see you.

Events and Community Engagement Planning

Yeah, if we. I'll see what I can make it. I mean, being out, like, you know, main net coming at the end of September, early October. Boy, the number of places that we're spending right now talking to the market makers and the exchanges and making sure that all of the staking programs are all in line. Does a lot of work. So I'll see if I can squeak something in. I'm pretty sure we can hit. We can handle some of that for you. No problem there.

Encouragement and Community Invitations

So, you know, jump in, take the picture, you know, be in person if you can. That way we can, you know, really pump you in person. We'd love to have you. I think we have an event in Toronto as well. Yeah, already talking to me now. So, you know, big fan of lbank. Awesome. Very good. Who do we have next? Polycarp. I see you're active there. Oh, polycarp. Nakamoto Kovaltz raised their hand like five times. I think they might be mad if you don't call on them.

Transition to Guest Speaker

So sorry, Polycarp, we will get to you. I know you're actually in a meeting. Anyway. You have the floor. Hello. Hello. This is glassy from cobalt, and I just want to start off by saying thank you so much for inviting us up here. It's great to be able to talk about our project, especially to a super well respected brand. Like, I don't really go, like fanboy over, like. Like rock stars or whatever, but I do over solid projects, like really great builders and really great brands.

Building Community and Connections

I really do feel that. So I really wanted to say thank you. Start off there. Also, I see some familiar faces. We have different people that we met in Nashville, so it really does start to feel like that community, isn't it? It's just a small. It's a small world out there and we're just part of it. So it's definitely a lot of people here that we got to meet in person. You know, who do you invite onto the show? You invite people that get to meet in person.

Project Discussion and Brand Identity

You know what they're going to say. I like that cobalt is black and yellow. That makes it really easy for co-branding and marketing and getting you on the space. It's just like a whole nother level. I mean, you guys have upped our Kol today, so for that, we thank you for being our guest and we're glad to have you and we definitely want to see you again in Toronto, if possible. But tell me more about the bitcoin layer one framework for intelligent custody.

Discussion on Intelligent Custody Framework

Modular framework for intelligent custody. I'm always looking for better ways to manage bitcoin, 100%, but I'll leave it up to the experts to tell us more. I would love to hear more about what you guys are doing. Actually, we talked yesterday, I do recall. Yeah, you have a little bit of the. Yeah, you got a little bit of the background.

Further Explanation of the Framework

So, yeah, this intelligent framework, like, what is an intelligent custody framework, is almost always people's first question. And so I describe it in terms of the primitives, of the kind of the key products that we're building, and this all falls within different vaults that have different purposes. The most simple is the multisig. And for, I think, a lot of native users, they'll tell you that it's been difficult to find a great solution for not just a multisig and for people that might not know what that is, a multi signature, probably most people know, people from the east side and Solana side and whatnot.

Understanding Multi-Sig Security

We're used to multi signatures that it's kind of like having a cosigner on your bank and where you might not want your co-founder to just draw the funds out and disappear to the Bahamas. You might set rules that like things over a certain amount. You need to have a cosigner in order for those funds to leave the account. Well, a multisig essentially is the way to accomplish that for blockchains. And although there are very robust solutions on EVM chains, not really the case for bitcoin.

Custody Solutions for Bitcoin and Beyond

There's a few custody solutions like that for bitcoin itself, but not necessarily any, that hold all these wonderful meta assets, like ordinals, runes, and so many other meta protocol assets that exist within the bitcoin ecosystem. So that's the first thing we built, is a multisig that can store these assets and then building off of that, starting to get a little bit more complex. Our second product is a syndicate vault that essentially operates on a similar principle. But instead of assigning your wallet addresses for the signers, we're able to accomplish this by etching a rune.

Complex Vaults and Token Management

And again, I'm falling into lingo, but a rune essentially is like the equivalent of an ERC 20. So something of a fungible standard on bitcoin, we're using these specifically, these tokens, these rune tokens, as a way to grant rights and privileges over the multisig or over more advanced vaults. And then we're going right down the line to build things like airdrop vaults that allow people to pre-buy future rewards or pre-buy future token baskets, as well as be able to do calculations of claims and moving right down the line into things like non custodial staking vaults and opening up these series of primitives that can essentially interact with each other to build even more complex vaults that can do far more advanced things like actually bridge and tap into yield opportunities across different l two s as well as into other blockchains.

Exploration of Token Ecosystems

And there's a lot more, but I think I'll leave it at that. That's kind of our core native set of tools. And yeah, as we kind of move deeper into the conversation, maybe I'll have a chance to talk about some of the RWA side of things that we're touching towards. So if I get this right, it is a. It's a vault. It's a multisig vault for different applications and bitcoin based fungible standard or non fungible standards like runes ordinals or BRC twenties, any bitcoin token, I guess.

Integration and Use Cases

Exactly. Exactly that. And then looking at how do we actually help move these things forward. So if we had to, say, do batch sending, or if we had to look for specific assets and specific places and be able to calculate how long have they been there in order to give someone a reward like these, like our non custodial staking, we're seeing a lot of communities have a big need for that, especially to do that in an efficient way or in a way that can do these kind of batch sending and calculations, both for community rewards as well as ways of actually opening up exposure to whole ecosystems, where like an accelerator, for example, could set up an airdrop vault and then give people an opportunity to buy exposure not just to one project that they're going to launch, but perhaps a small percentage of that season's worth of projects that they would launch.

The Role of Token Economies in Community Growth

Oh, wow. So I'm really into this idea of token economies, and also how do we bridge these kind of token economies? So instead of, like, every single community is like one token, how do we actually start encouraging token exchanges between communities or certainly between larger ecosystems? There's definitely still a lot of bullish action going on with the bitcoin post bitcoin 2024. And regardless of what chain your token is on or your project is on, it usually always comes back to bitcoin.

Conclusion and Emphasis on Bitcoin Security

So definitely keep in mind these asset vaults, these hardware companies that are finding ways for you to own more of what you're building, which I think is really spot on. I mean, you can participate in as many ecosystems as possible or that strike your interest or appeal to your senses, but when it comes down to it's all about bitcoin. Bitcoin is the oldest asset. It's the most secure, as far as we know. And if you really are growing in this space and are keeping true to the mantra there, then you'll want to find a way to secure that with a vault.

Thanks and Invitation to Future Engagements

Secure your bitcoin with a vault. So it's very nice to hear about it. I appreciate it. Co vault. Thank you for coming on today and sharing your insights. And will you be in Toronto? Can we get you to come? Possibly, yeah. After our conversation yesterday, I immediately went, started looking at tickets, so right on the fence. And, yeah, very possibly shoot out there. It's not actually too far.

Final Thoughts and Anticipation for Events

I'm up in the northeast, so, see, it's very appealing. I'm glad to hear it. Come on up. You know, you don't want to suffer from fomo. That's the worst. Yeah, there's no. There's really no bitterness. Worse than the bitterness of regret, right. No regrets in this life. Oh, no. Regurgit. Who else do we have on here today? Sheena, do you have a guest that you would like to introduce?

Moving On to the Next Guest

Let's. Let's bring on Ezo. Ezo app. They will be joining us, I believe, in Toronto, so people will be able to meet with them there if they are available. Holly carp, I will see you. You will be up right next, right after Ezo. Thank you for the high five and the thumbs up. So hi, everybody. I'm Charles, the founder of Ezo. Thank you, Sheena, for inviting us here.

Ezo's Mission and Market Reach

So we're a canon company. We're based in Quebec. That's why the accent. So we're french speaking before we speak English. The frog for my western Canadian friend. So as always, for easy operations. So we basically built a super app that covers both crypto and traditional assets together. Our goal is to build just one place where you manage everything in your financial life.

Challenges in Finance Management

Me, as a founder, I got very tired. I've been in crypto and finance forever. I have a big bitcoin tattoo on my forearm and I have, I think right now on my phone, I have like twelve apps for all my finance stuff. So crypto, investment, payment, money transfer, banking, everything and everybody here, we all live the same pain every time. We need to move money from A to B. It's always slow, always bad experience.

Innovative Solutions for Financial Transactions

It's always hard. The software sucks, the UI sucks, and the crypto on rainbow frame in Canada are super costly for the people since I can have a bit more Canadian talk today. And so we basically fuse all of these things into one place. We do it both on chain and off chain. So our product is ready for the everyday consumer, but it's also for the businesses. So again, we cover on ramp of ramp.

Payments and Global Market Focus

So fiat to crypto to crypto to fiat, and fiat to crypto. Of course, we also cover payments. So local and international remittance market. We work exclusively in Canada and Africa at the moment because we realized that what we developed for the Canadian market, which is basically a super app, well, it's super cool, but there are a lot of people who have only a phone, which at the end of the day, that's the goal.

Real-World Examples and Market Interest

Manage everything from one place on your phone that also need this in Africa. To give you an example, guys, I just came back from a trip in Africa and the people in that country cannot say the name at the moment, but it's a 20 million people countries and they're using one big system to move money and they pay between ten and 15% fees, which is. It's insanity. Like, we're Canadian. A lot of Canadians.

Comparative Fees and Market Opportunities

Imagine using interac with 15% fee. Like, that would be insane. And there's very. There's a huge interest in crypto all over the developing nation. For some reason, these guys, they have not been affected by what we live in 2022 with Luna, UST, or every 101 crash that we have, every, like Monday that we have here and there. They're super open. Like we're going to be as though it's going to be the first on Reva frame in two major countries in Africa at the moment.

Future Plans and Regulatory Challenges

We were. For people who are interested in the Canadian market, we're launching the Alpha register in about two to three weeks. We may. We plan to also do a TG, technically, before the end of the year, Q one next year, depending on the regulatory side of things. Also looking at lbank as, of course, a potential partner. So I think you guys would be surprised if you try to dig into our system for all the crypto project here.

Engagement Opportunities and Solutions

We also have something for you specifically that we've been approached by a lot of crypto companies, which, like you guys are offering whatever services, and you do have a consumer base. You want to be paid in token. But for a lot of crypto companies that want maybe to build traditional clients from web two, they're saying, hey, my client wants to pay me in credit card, it wants to pay me with fiat, but there's no bridge between my token and fiat.

Bridging Gaps Between Traditional and Crypto Markets

And this is something we offered, and we've been approached by a lot of crypto companies to do that. So we can bridge, let's say, your liquidity pool with traditional gateway, which is super interesting for a lot of projects. So we're Canadian company again. We're a team of 19 based in Quebec City. We do have an office in Montreal also.

Market Presence and Future Vision

We've been to the Toronto Futures conference last year, so we're not going there this year, but we may go to eat. Toronto, it wasn't on the radar, but it may happen next week, depending on the stuff. A lot of guys are on holiday right now, but looking forward to how we can improve the Canadian space in blockchain. Because at the end of the day, for our opinion is that people should be using blockchain without necessarily knowing it.

User Interaction with Technology

They need to click a button and it happened. If we need to have our grandma signed transactions, never going to work. If we need people to remember twelve words is never going to work. Blockchain has a lot of use cases. A lot of very cool things you can do with it. Definitely not the answer for a lot of other things, though, which people are trying to make for some reason. But if we can take out the friction and build something very cool on top of it, like very simple UI, very easy to access.

Industry Interest and Partnerships

Surprisingly, by the way, even the banks are interested with that. We're in talk with a lot of the big connected, the name again, but we're at least two of the big five right now in Canada, and you may be surprised to see our logo and a lot of your things close to you soon. So again, we offer payment, investment, money transfer for both consumers and businesses, also for banks. So I don't think there's a single bank in that chat right now. And for crypto companies, we can be your on-ramp for your own token.

Regulatory Compliance

And by the way, all we do is super, super g regulated, so we don't do stuff without drag approval or regulator. That's now how we scale up a business. Like John was talking, if you're building a real business that you aim to scale and really exit in five to five to six years, then you definitely need to play by the book, especially when you work with government and banks, and that's what we're doing. So thank you, Sheena, for inviting us today.

Growing Crypto Community in Canada

I think the Canadian space is quite loaded with crypto people. I think there's a lot of, like, I was really surprised, I say, when I went to the futurist conference, there was a lot more people than I anticipated, a lot of cool projects. We got invited by Kraken also. I think there's any. It was a very cool event. I will recommend anybody to go there at least once in your time. I don't know if this year it's. Is it posted at the same place, like Matthew?

Location and Networking Events

Yeah, it's at the same space. Yeah. Cool. Cool. It's a very cool. I think it's a beach club, if I remember correctly, and it's quite cool. I would definitely go party there one time in my life and I would recommend everybody to go there. It's not that expensive. Also, it's very easy to get to and a lot of good connections they make there. And this year we may not be there, but next year we should be presenting over there.

Building Community Connections

So that's it. Well, thank you so much for joining us and giving us a short little rundown of what Ezo is working on. And you are at least in Canada, so if the FOMO gets too bad, you can just hop on over to Toronto and meet with us all there. Yeah. Yeah. I may come with one of my team members at Toronto futures. I don't think I'm going to be able to make it, but eat Toronto should be.

Conferences and Networking Opportunities

Is it Toronto at the futurist, or are they both separate? They're all similar, like, happening simultaneously as kind of like three conferences at once, I guess. Okay. So I remember last conventions. Most of them are at rebel entertainment in Toronto. Okay. Okay, cool. Well, maybe we see each other this year, if not next year. 100%. Yeah, definitely. I think we have a booth there at Toronto.

Participation in Future Events

So if you do come and you get into the conference, we have a booth and you can come see us. We will all be there intermittently, all of us from our bank. We also have a VIP side event that's happening. It's on Luma right now. There's details that I do not know yet. I'm still pending. It's that VIP. Funny story, actually. And it's totally out of the blue, by the way, one of my team members this morning texted me.

Unexpected Weather and Product Swag

It's super heavy rain today in Quebec. And he said, look at this parapri, which is in English, the thing for the rain. And you guys were going to tell us you got an L Bank umbrella? And it's. Yeah, exactly. No, I saw you. Yeah, exactly. And he pulled up there. I think we got it last year. I guess you guys were there last year. I don't know where we would have gotten that otherwise.

Unique Branding and Merchandise

And he was with me. And, yes, we do have. He was wearing the umbrella this morning. Low key, no joke. One of my favorite parts about L Bank is that they throw the most extravagant events. They have the best swag every time. Like, there were these chargers from consensus. People still ask me about these chargers, they're like, you have those chargers? Like, they were the best chargers ever. And now there's an umbrella saving the day.

Swag as a Business Strategy

Very strategic swag on L Bank's part. I would say, yeah, one of my guys is wearing it today in Montreal. So I'd love a picture of that. I would. That would change my day. I'd be like, look at that. It rains here all the time. I wish I had my L bank. Let me. I'll send it to you in your dm. Check that out. Amazing. I'm sending it to you if you want to see it. I'm just.

Value of Personal Data

Higher ups will be very happy about that. You sure did. No kidding. Yeah, I'm not kidding. Wow, that's a good umbrella. Solid. Well, thank you for coming on. I look forward to hopefully seeing you in Toronto. If not, we'll definitely stay in touch as we scale. And I'm interested to see what banks you pop up on. I'm rooting for you. Yeah.

Data Ownership and Monetization

I can't, I can't say too much about that right now, though, but, yeah, I understand. We'll stay tuned. Everybody drop. Drop a link in the messages for the host or for this event specifically, and that way everybody can click the right links. Because I'm, you know, I looked up Glasshouse ventures yesterday. Like, it's Glasshouse IO, not glasshouse ventures. Right. So ventures studio is like, you know, there's always.

Finding the Right Resources

There's always. You got to be careful. There's all sorts. Make sure you go to the source. Find that, find that. Look at the docs. Find the right answer before you go clicking on things. You said you were. You wanted to introduce us to something, I think polycarp. Polycarp Nakamoto. I got to meet web five. That's the first time I heard it.

Innovative Hardware for the Future

I'm not kidding. I was like, man, we're moving fast. I was like, it's like, I'm like, web 2.5 and coming out with web five, and I'm like, oh, man, that's. How we see yourself with 2.5. What are the kids going to be doing next year? Is like, yeah, this is the Web station 64. And I'm like, oh, man, I got to learn how to play. But Polycarp, introduce us to web five.

Significance of Web Five

I know you guys are building some hardware that is just incredible stuff. I mean, these are the innovative hardware that the industry needs. And there's all sorts of useful applications on things like Adrenos and Raspberry PI's and all of these, you know, small computers. But now you can host nodes, you can do all sorts of things. And so I'd love to hear about what you guys are working on, and hopefully you guys are coming up toronto as well, I believe.

Presentation of Web Five

Yeah, we've got. One of our guys will be there representing us and representing web five. And thank you to the hosts and the co-hosts for bringing me on to the stage today. And I'm excited. Tell you all a little bit about web five. Essentially, the idea is that bitcoin needs its own Internet. And the reason I say that is because if we look at CrowdStrike, if we look at and t spectrum Internet, all of the outages that took place this year, the Internet itself is very centralized.

Challenges of Centralization

And so the Achilles heel, bitcoin is actually Internet service providers. And so what we do is we build the Internet of bitcoin. It's literally bitcoin nodes connected peer to peer over deep in decentralized personal infrastructure that you own, and you get to connect to whichever nodes you trust. And through this method, we can rebuild the web where security, privacy and decentralization are built into. I'm not the one that came up with Web five.

The Emergence of Web Five

It's actually Jack Dorsey's term. He came up with it in 2022. And I first heard about Web five. I thought it was a joke, and I ignored it for about a year. And once I understood what Web five was, I couldn't look at the Internet the same way again. And so, as you said, we have hardware, we're building software as well. Everything that exists in web two and web three needs to be rebuilt to be able to.

Creating a New Internet

On top of five, hub five really is a whole new ocean of the Internet with very few people fishing and that one of the first. And we want to bring attention to this new Internet and we want to build bridges to the web two and web use cases that we have today. It's definitely one of those things that shook me hearing about it and just comprehending what it is you're talking about. And it's like I keep getting one layer deeper, learn more things.

Building Infrastructure

Get one. It's like all about infrastructure. And then like, you know, I've even hosted, you know, LoraWan nodes for helium and, you know, Bobcat 5G miners, you name it. But this was a whole nother layer. And like, it's the type of thing that does not exist. It's the type of thing you have to build yourself. Like something like the hardware you guys are building, it's like, yeah, you really do have to assemble it yourself.

The Demand for Custom Hardware

Like, there's no, like, available big market for, you know, custom hardware. I mean, sure there are a lot of independent software companies that will build your custom hardware, but for this application, like hosting Internet. So it makes so much sense. Like, what's really amazing is you can use hardware that's ten years, right? And so we actually have everything we need to build this new Internet together.

Incentivization of Data Ownership

And what we're missing is the incentivization. And so here it is. Your data is valuable. And right now all of us are getting robbed every time we sign a user agreement with Google, Apple, Microsoft, or they get all of our data and we don't get anything for it, right? And in this new Internet web five, your data is gold. And that's why you want to be stack of open source software on your phone, your laptop, your bitcoin node, and even your Internet router needs to be an open source router.

Monetizing Personal Data

And if you achieve that, you then have a closed loop system where all of your data can be monetized on bitcoin, the Internet. You can actually package, edit, and then sell your data. So. Yeah, that's so true. That's what I mean. Really true. So true. Tesla is not a car company. It's a data company. Netflix, not a movie company, it's a data company. So that I definitely would call you a maxi, but I would definitely say you're not wrong.

The Importance of Data Ownership

The more of your infrastructure that you own, the less of the data that you have is leaked or that you create, especially if it's the most valuable thing that you own, is your first-party data. And so that goes back to the roots of why we really all care about this in the first place, you know, that we want to own our future. We want to have the access to, you know, monetize our own data in some way.

Future Developments

And a lot of that is done through your own infrastructure. Yeah, Polycarp. What do you guys have as far as this? I was so interested in Astral. I still want to know, what kind of things are you building? You know, like tangible things, like, say, people could build themselves. Yeah. So it all starts with your bitcoin node, and you can use me hardware for that.

Product Recommendations

For phones, we recommend graphene, pixel phones. And you can buy, can put the software on it yourself. And we actually have nine products that replace every data point that big tech has on you. So we have a smart home, AI that manages your smart home, that stays on even if the Internet goes off. And all of the data from you coming home, turning on your lights, you going to bed, all of that data stays on your bitcoin node in your home.

Data Storage and Local Control

So no one else has that data. And we also have a laptop, cell phone, router, bitcoin server package. And we also have peer to peer communication devices that are off grid. They don't use satellite, they don't use cell service, they don't use Internet. They communicate directly from your phone to your friend's phone, up to about 25 miles. And it's a mesh network.

Technology Capabilities

So theoretically, it could go on forever. The fastest or the furthest that I've sent a signal is from Austin to Houston. Yeah, Polycarp. That's sorry to interrupt. Let's chat after this about that. Yeah, I have something to dig with you about that. It's very cool, by the way. See, that's why these spaces are done, so that these people can meet each other.

Collaboration Opportunities

See these amazing things that everybody's working on. Definitely a lot of room for collaborations. I know I'm just a simple boy from Michigan, but I know what I'm doing. So on that, if we can pivot to stable, they've got some really cool things they're getting ready to launch too. So if you guys want to take the floor stable, feel free.

Introduction to Stable Finance

Hey, yeah, thanks for having us. I'm Ryan from stable finance. That's s t a b u l l. Yeah, thank you, Sheena, for having us. Stable is a Dex optimized for ethics stablecoins and rwas basically on the premise that currently there is no core piece of infrastructure dedicated to serving non-USD stablecoins specifically. And stable hopes to solve that.

Innovation in Liquidity Solutions

Technically, what our innovation is against, like uniswap or curve or other generalized AMMs, is that stable is a proactive AMM. It dynamically recenters liquidity around an off chain FX oracle or an off chain commodities oracle. This is like recognizing that at least at present, most of the price discovery for stablecoins in RWAs because off chain and FX markets, for example.

Market Strategy and Trends

So by injecting an off chain oracle, our AMM can offer basically price improvement over other AMMs. Low slippage around the pegged asset, also improving capital efficiency for LP's liquidity providers, as it doesn't leak as much arbitrage profit when prices move off chain, and also helps for issuers to keep assets pegged. So yeah, our kind of market we're hoping to access is that 40% of global trade and FX trade is non-USD denominated.

Potential Market Changes

But on chain, as a lot of you probably know, that's largely dominated by USD stablecoins. And we think that's going to change. For example, in the recent weeks when crypto markets go down, the price of bitcoin goes down and investors move to a safe haven asset like USDT or other USD stablecoins, that USD isn't always the safest place to go.

Adapting to Market Conditions

In fact, over the last few weeks, like diversifying into a euro stablecoin or a Japanese yen stablecoin, or even tokenized gold would have been like a lot better place to land. We're also hoping to hit the big wave of web three apps offering products like remittance and P to P and crypto cards, payroll point of sale.

Future Opportunities

Eventually a lot of those are targeted towards U.S. customers or US denominated products at the moment, but eventually those are going to need access to efficient and low slippage FX swap facilities to access, like, a bigger customer segment. So, yeah, we're just hoping that with the growth of the RWA space and the non-USD stablecoin space, that stable can be the central liquidity source for these assets.

Closing Remarks on Stable Finance

Yeah, that's pretty much us. Well, thank you so much for giving us a quick intro to stable all of our listeners out there. If you guys are interested in learning more about stable, please make sure to follow them and you can put a link to your socials or website in the chat for the xbase if you would like, so that everybody knows where to find you guys.

Ecosystem Participation

Yeah, we're currently employed on Ethereum and Polygon with multiple pools. If anyone has stable coins they want to swap or provide liquidity to. We've just launched a liquidity mining program, so to get early access to our stable token before our TGE in September, that's the place to do it. But yeah, thanks again for having us.

Invitation for Collaboration

And also, if you're an issuer, a neo bank or anyone that could benefit from efficient, permissionless FX swaps on-chain, then please get in touch. Fabulous. Thank you.

Introduction of Speakers

I've got two more speakers here today, Sheena. Then I've got this stage, Doflamingo. And then Doflamingo has the. Let's have. Yeah, he's had his hand up so patiently all this time. Okay, Doflamingo, are you there? You out there? How you doing? Hello, hello. Welcome. Thank you for having me. Yes, I am Doflamingo. Or as others know me, as Apollo president of Blunt Dow. And I didn't know that was a you, Apollo. I'm sorry, I didn't recognize your. Your Twitter space. I thought it was the other picture. My bad. No, yeah, see, I was like. I didn't recognize either. I just have the same picture on telegram and I didn't know. I would have picked on you way sooner. How are you, man? Wow. My bad. You're good? I'm just learning a lot being on the space, so no problem at all.

Discussion on Upcoming Events

Being able to soak up knowledge from people who are experts in their particular fields. Are you coming Toronto? Are you coming up to join us in Toronto? Probably not. We actually just had chats with East Mexico. You did, Karen, all them. Yeah. Yeah, I'm one of our blunt ogs, is actually has a couple of side events that they want us to be at. Bet you know who started. You know who started Mexico. I don't. Low key. It was me. I went down to Maria and we, I went to, like, this, the biggest, the little meetup that they had. And I was like, you guys need to do a convention. You bring the conventions down here. So I, you know, went to the, this was before consensus, and that's why I was like, go look at my Twitter. There's an early tweet from a couple months ago. I was like, here's some alpha eth. Mexico is going to be emeritus. Like, and there's like, there's no East Mexico.

The Journey in Mexico

I was like, now there is. Yes, it absolutely is. Put them on map. That's amazing. That's amazing. Yeah, no, there's a lot of good folks down there and I love it. No, it's a beautiful place. You definitely have to come. And, like, they're like these huge colonial houses, you know, that are like old estates, basically. It's like, it's. Merida is a beautiful place. Yeah, I love that part of the, part of Mexico. I've been there a couple times. I'm in Tulum right now. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Actually, one of our hacker houses just ended in Tulum a couple weeks ago for blunt down. One of our members owns a house. There went your debut hacker house in Tulum. Looks like Apollo already got you to it. That's fine. Come back. Let's do it again. I'm here right now.

Travel Plans and Future Events

I'm going to come back after Toronto. I, there's an airport in Toronto or in Tulum. You can fly directly to Tulum now. You can fly right into Tulum. Yeah, they just finished building it. My parents were excited. Oh, it's perfect. It's not exactly in Tulum. Like, it's still out there away. So 45 minutes, but it's closer than Cancun. For sure. For sure. But, yeah, we, I have a couple of events that we're planning out with them, kind of finalizing details out with them, basically springboarding ourselves up for Devcon. In Thailand, we're having the blunt Olympics. And in Thailand right now, I'm in New York. People don't know that Thailand has, like, dispensaries and, like, legal weed. And so that's what we're kind of trying to take advantage of and, like, the cannabis industry.

Current Projects and Data Science Initiatives

And right now I'm in New York focusing on a D sci project. Sci project where we're working with the health and fitness part of our dao where everyone's talking about self custody of data. We have what's called proof of sesh. Whenever you smoke a blunt, or whatever it is that you smoke or ingest, via edible, whatever that may be, you're able to do some tracking around your anxiety, sleep and hunger levels. And then we're building a profile around that to build one. You can be informed around that. But overall, we talked about your data is valuable and being able to sell it to researchers or other third party grants out there that are trying to buy your data. And so working around that right now and then, of course, blockchain and healthcare and health data, that's so smart. Bluntdao is like one of the gateways for web three, really.

Community and Projects in Web3

You guys have been in the space for so long and just always turning out amazing projects that hit, there's so much community around Blendau and really is one of those communities that show up and are part of web three and are always there. So become something that you can, you know, be a part of that will always be there. It's not a fly by project by any means. Blender is across multiple chains. They launch projects on so many, like, are really doing a polished job and catering to an entire industry that speaks to a lot of dj's. So I'm glad to have you on and definitely have to recognize your I. I mean, I'm fortunate enough to get to know, you know, have got to know you and just to follow you online is like, you're a total wizard. So it's just glad. I'm glad to have you on the space and definitely I'll be at ETH, Mexico and I'm glad to know you guys are coming down too.

Invitation to Events and Final Thoughts

And I'm hoping I can pull you guys up to eat Toronto as well. I mean, come on up. It wasn't on my map in Nashville at all, but it is now. So you guys should definitely come on up Toronto. I know Toronto is a great place. A great place for bondao, for sure. Definitely. I'll definitely, you know, mention it, I've heard a couple of times and I'll give it some consideration and try to head out there. All right, that sounds like a yes to me. Thank you for coming onto the space. Thank you for joining us, little homie. Thank you for having us. And next up, we've got audio pump. Are you there? I know it's a new yes, I'm here.

Personal Journey and Career Path

Yeah, I couldn't get into our business account today, so I'm representing D Cube, which is a decentralized AI computing network. And I've had a bizarre career path how I got into tech, but I started out when I was ten years old, working on film sets and starring in McDonald's commercials. And I was a professional musician for 20 years here in Nashville, you know, as a touring musician. And during that time, I was always a closet coder. And I saw a gap in the market with music and advertising, which I can't really get too deep into. But I was starting to code that app about 2018. Had a bunch of investors lined up, and then, of course, 2020 happened, and, you know, everyone stopped touring.

Adapting to Change and New Opportunities

Well, anyway, that's kind of when I. Know theory one productions, they do like, you know, Drake and Madonna and, like, are the really the crew that's out there touring. And they even started a foundation, sort of my, you know, one of my company's early partners. But basically, like, for the crew, there was no communications for them, there was no connections, you know, for people who live on the road. And that was, I definitely recall. And so I know you're filling a much needed gap in the industry. Yeah. Working on the cube. Yeah. So I was about to go on three world tours on 2020, and then they all got canceled. But as most things in life, one door closes, another one opens.

Founding D Cube and Innovation in AI

And so then I was like, well, this is the perfect time to pursue more of my tech projects. And so my co founder, Andrew, who was trying to join the call, but he just landed in LA to. We have a meeting with someone in LA. And anyway, him and I told me that, yeah, we started working together at Nervos Network, and then we ended up about six months ago, starting D Cube for a number of reasons, but I kind of bring more of an artist's perspective to things. And just like, how music has been democratized by home record, the advancements in home recording equipment. I mean, you can produce amazing music at home because you have access to the same tools that anyone in a major studio would have access to.

Technological Advancements in AI and GPU Utilization

And so we kind of. I kind of brought that same idea, Andrew and I, to AI. The entry level for AI is just so high. I mean, the computing power you need, the access to the chips you need. Well, one of the things that hadn't been tapped into is there's over 500 million GPU's available for AI training. We just needed to create a network for people to connect to it. So if you go to our site, Deque, I posted our Twitter in there, our official Twitter account. You can immediately connect to the network and start lending your GPU power to the network. And then people can train their LLMs on our network, and it's infinitely scalable, and you can run multiple nodes at the same time.

Collaboration and Future Plans

So it's basically parallel computing on tasks. We have some brilliant engineers working for us, much more brilliant than I am at engineering. But, yeah, that's kind of the basic. Sorry, I'm speaking pretty fast, but that's. Kind of the basis of it. Awesome. Kind of stunned. So what's the difference between you guys and Limewire? I mean. I mean, Limewire is a tokenized system. They're doing AI generation and image generation, but you guys are using it more, like, infrastructure wise to train AI. Yeah. And so we're tokenizing your GPU power so that you get rewarded for lending it out. Essentially. Everybody wants to know when tokens, and.

The Future of D Cube and Tokenization

That'S still coming. So, super alpha. I'm bullish on the queue. I mean, you guys have grown super fast, and you're tapping into a really relevant market. And I think people have seen the tokenized streaming apps with audius and decentralized Spotify type of thing. But then now they're getting into, we want to create our own beats with Aihdem, you know, the licensing of that. But if you can train an AI and tokenize an AI, I mean, that's really smart. You're right. It's like in blockchain. Centralization of cloud services is huge and. Also stemming from kind of my experience in the music industry with songwriting and whatnot, too.

Royalty Structure and User Incentives

We want to make it so that when people are training their LLM on our system, like, if their. If their product, you know, starts getting utilized by a bunch of other companies or whatnot, basically, we want them to be able to have royalties off their LLMs, too. Kind of like a songs. Definitely. I want to live in that world. Yeah. And you can. You can start earning points on our site if you download the app. And then we're going to have an upcoming airdrop. So, like, you know, basically lending out your. Your gpu now that. That, you know, where's that applause? That's whatever I should be. I need a full applause right now.

New Music Release and Community Engagement

That's so mine doesn't make the sound, but, wow, I love an airdrop. Yeah. So it's gonna be pretty cool. I mean, we're pretty pumped about it. And then on a side note, too, I actually did drop a song today called Bitcoin. So drop it in the chat. And I want to see that. McDonald's. Hey, congratulations. Yeah, pretty pumped about it. I need McDonald's commercial. I need the new song. And, oh, man, I'll have to find the McDonald's commercial that was, like, probably in the eighties before. Maybe. Maybe we can. We need to do a compilation of start to now so that we can show it whenever, you know, you get real big and famous.

Closing Remarks and Gratitude

We can be like, hey, remember us? We need the playback. We need the montage video. So make sure you check out the new song you just dropped today. It is fabulous. A little bit of music and airdrop training, your LLMs, amazing things. Thanks for hopping on here, class. I really appreciate it. Oh, thanks for having me. There's so many brilliant people on here today. Thank you. One more guest who's super brilliant, and I'm Sean GPT. Are you there? I got to meet Sean in Nashville, and he's just hyper connected. Guy knows everybody, gets into every room. I heard he was at the Trump roundtable.

Final Guest and Interaction

Sean, are you out there? Can you join us and introduce yourself and tell us where you are? And I know you're at the Stanford events in New York. No, no, we're still on mute. That's okay. Sheena, do you have any more guests today? We'll move right along. Oh. I do not. I didn't hear any of that. I think we're crashing. Well, if that's all it for today, I want to make sure we got through all of our speakers. If you were supposed to step up on stage today, make sure you raise your hand and we'll give you just another moment to hop on if you're out there, that way we make sure we have some stage time for you.

Event Wrap-Up

But if other than that, make sure you guys come. Oh, we got. Void network wants to happen. What's up, Boyden? Yeah, I just wanted to say thank you before. Actually, I jump off and just remind everybody because we talked early. If you want to be part of the void network and get your incentive incentivized testnet airdrops, we dropped the link in the replies here for this event. So thank you so much for everything and look forward to seeing at the next event. Hey, thank you so much. We're glad to have you guys. Thanks to all of our guests for coming on and joining us today. We really appreciate your insights and your alpha about what's happening here in the industry.

Closing and Future Engagement

Again, my name is Matthew American Monks on Twitter. Feel free to give us a follow. Please do. And reach us in the DM's if you want to talk about L Bank. We're always here we have one of the strongest exchanges out there in the market right now. And we're active in the industry, super active all over the globe. So come to us with your projects about centralized listings. We're here for you. You can reach us in the DM's. You can reach us on Twitter, on telegram at purplesquirrel Media. And thank you to my co host Sheena.

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