Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space ESC24 (domingo 1) hosted by secardiologia. The ESC24 Twitter space hosted by Sociedad Española de Cardiología offers valuable insights into cardiovascular health through training programs, guidelines, and news updates. Participants can engage with educational resources like #BecasSEC and #CampusSEC while staying informed with #CardioTV and #CardioPODCAST. Promoting heart health awareness is central, with initiatives like #NoDejesQueSeApague focusing on education and community involvement. Networking opportunities through #LigaCasos and engagement via #laSECtelleva further enrich the experience, enhancing knowledge about cardiovascular diseases and prevention methods.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: What does the Sociedad Española de Cardiología focus on?
A: The Sociedad Española de Cardiología focuses on training, guidelines, and news related to cardiovascular health.

Q: How can individuals benefit from #BecasSEC and #CampusSEC?
A: #BecasSEC and #CampusSEC offer educational resources and training in cardiology for individuals.

Q: Why is it important to stay informed about cardiovascular health through #CardioTV and #CardioPODCAST?
A: #CardioTV and #CardioPODCAST provide updated information on cardiovascular health news and discussions.

Q: What is the main message behind the #NoDejesQueSeApague campaign?
A: The #NoDejesQueSeApague campaign aims to promote awareness and education about heart health.

Q: How can individuals contribute to spreading knowledge through #laSECtelleva?
A: By following #laSECtelleva, individuals can engage with Sociedad Española de Cardiología to promote cardiovascular health awareness.


Time: 13:25:40
#BecasSEC and #CampusSEC Opportunities Exploring training and educational resources in cardiology through these initiatives.

Time: 14:05:17
#LigaCasos Networking Initiative Networking with other cardiovascular health enthusiasts to share cases and insights.

Time: 15:30:55
#NoDejesQueSeApague Campaign Raising awareness and educating the community about heart health.

Time: 16:15:40
#CardioTV and #CardioPODCAST Updates Keeping up to date with the latest news and discussions on cardiovascular health.

Time: 17:20:10
#laSECtelleva Engagement Engaging with Sociedad Española de Cardiología for community involvement in promoting heart health.

Key Takeaways

  • Training opportunities and guidelines in cardiovascular health were emphasized by the Sociedad Española de Cardiología.
  • Engagement with #BecasSEC and #CampusSEC offers educational resources in cardiology.
  • Stay updated on cardiovascular news through #CardioTV and #CardioPODCAST from Sociedad Española de Cardiología.
  • Promoting awareness about heart health is a key mission of the ESC24 Twitter space.
  • Networking with other cardiovascular health enthusiasts is encouraged through the #LigaCasos initiative.
  • Regular participation in cardiovascular discussions leads to a better understanding of heart-related issues.
  • Utilize #BlogSEC for in-depth insights and articles on cardiovascular topics.
  • Leverage #NoDejesQueSeApague to contribute to spreading knowledge about heart health to the community.
  • Participating in the ESC24 space can enhance knowledge about cardiovascular diseases and prevention methods.
  • Following #laSECtelleva provides opportunities to engage with the Sociedad Española de Cardiología further.

Behind the Mic


Our channel it.

Discussion on Outcomes

Hamo para commentar lomas oike Domingo de los avemo loresultado. No. Yes. Otro Granite Studio recruitador mundo asika Rafaela Studio.


Parati. Bueno. Ola. Ola todos definitely studio benira fine artsientes iractosionque real mente representative sinusotropemos la factor de riesco la comorbida much of pacientes aviante sin jokrioke estopues in la practica clinicalado.

Data Presentation

Biento datos como la prevalencia albuminuria and Orina Polacion. Rafa la verdacomo viandisa nona polacium representative clinica diacuentano a kerosolta montenidono connected to you.

Positive Insights

Positive. Compost to the mordecarivas multiplayer una partimetodoloxio and subcutibo primario compost.

Health Concerns

Pero argumento parliament moy poca morte cardio casal and ingress interesante city and poco de nostrancia cambia gravitate but yeah. Lutida finer effectivosia postural ruin repetitive.

Preservation and Contextualization

Preservative. C contectometric trail. Mente lociace studio concrete primario el total de ventos the analysar Lamppoint Primario Clinico destatipoque estimate perspective.

Final Remarks

Makito rafa to ask you investigator numero the una pedestrian. Real mentee.

Discussion on Clinical Increment

No, no. See real mente los antagonist k real mentora estabercion clinic incrementar lautilis. Say allan itakucha no see la linear rafaela sala no real mente. Importante positive. Okay. Importante, importante.

Importance of Mutual Attention

Respect felicitas for k nostrosa moimile preserves portando no say my ama mutual attention athlete. What is the scenario? Tantanous and an importante spectacular. Opinion. Ibamosagir alando the entrake. Yeah.

Comment on Participation in Articles

Nicosata Nicolas Manito no is or noise. Studio apruntes abria sido different articles dutch central participation in the Francia, I guess per sutados tina lockingamenti implementados inospatientes compressed studio Isabundo studios.

Jump Out Potential

See Saliente Os and alaprincipio. No propio jump out ferrari potential and allow the. Are el infanco ne perennon ilo el topo del meta analysis.

Empathy and Defraction

reducida keshon. Keshon. Muy, muy anti warnoquila lantear mahaya de lomo como amarta considered in empathy and defraction.

Analysis Studio and Related Terms

To elasis pharmacos irrelevant Analysis Studio home Togoto Testico Classic silver parato lastimos haven tapos clarus on the studio. By. Amos Metallohicascon antonio de mas pero yoyo yeah. Listavadando Lacton is compresserva la verdeski clinical. Mentemo Sultan perfida Seguri Total Mintambian for tales perfida sotrona yeah.

Conference Presentation and Studio Details

Presentado conferenon impassioned. Studio Casia think confinement Cardio Metabolico differentiable figure fundamental mentel de Jose studio preserves no finals delio idol Figaro de la studio ivanosa losados reynales the insufficiency la majoria metabolica cariaca studio. Or equal mente is analysis public description studios if a divide no alcanto no it and postion analysis current emporinales macro microblinolia.

Discussion on Theoretical Concepts

No commentando mutual mato interesante Buttonhouse Ibama Shablar the Minuto sorela nova de la via kesa presentadoi my ten saminte casido la yeah, and resume rafago tambona communica chronicle ana serosume tambono casara phila theorem. To sing the factories modificablis pero keshe. The. General transfer et cetera.

Cultural Context and Practical Changes

Elo americanes no cambianada real menting el tema de chavio commentaries Studios Mass. Matisse nagria amplia mutual. Esta estagia Principal noveda elapractica Grande studio titano el cambia de la vertancia keltranto pharmacologica menthio episode artesia conclusion de la gia.

Inquiry into Virulence

Manolo. See when are you planteado la virencia lancia? Alas mass. Forte gravientos again. Smetello Camiravan program.

Program Formativoriento

Bachel mente the program formativoriento portento mass. Osaka.

Plant and Commentary

You see sale nobel pratoris are like look at regular plantar. Look every plant. The Rcamente Comma commentary no pork de nalisadola commentalo studio so Barrio Studio Marta Mente Sergio Nova commentar uno concreto marta.

Patient Documentation

Presentaro santes el nosion Tresung Studio danes patientes constanos chemical documentadae the Phoenix versus no. I major part. Of who.

Cardio and Vascular Insights

Train taporto cardio differentia in quanto Amortalidae casira unos patientes continua santes de la tabi inferto ictus vascularisientes. Algune studio rafa no poda contar to a Studio commentado congresso.

Studies and Cardiology

Perfectamente Gracia Rosa Primitive and of Studios melitus cardiology et cetera for del CTa. That.

Musical Models

Of the musical the model Kelomofui la differentia no classic more local when no Paris Locate analyser and Pacific pero frequent clinician organic et cetera mortalia portola no jvon Pocotan Pacific poem.

Congress Collaboration

Quintano auto studio in Congress okay no yes ali. Donutura ventrae pose contra Sundance pero masavento symbolicosier probably maxima de quada ser mas de la cuvula librexia Rasut.

Television and Interests

Rafael Rincon de la cruzion and rede peroquemo saber la opinion Real Torangita Rosamuha presentaro the. Unit Studio Cadre Telephonomy Locals of UnE Studio Radio Television kena ke finke interest bueno or no impersonas ke pursue vida laboraloida, melo sufficiente and Lodia and tres mana lunes definiendos ##ieta rapida indigo rabida prolongada Camilo Jose del fin de semana del rey sulta el Salvador Domingo Infantio in Shubitia Cardiaca Balladi and to the fit Novoya and Trano.

Life and Health

So those who bongo inclusive la guardian cannot say una when a siesta no commentario. You know Manolo logita glarofinis primer diano manolo.

Healthy Living

La vida sana lavira salua modera no bimachino vitamin e to it I mean guando I can ratione.

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