Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Episode 7: RWA Enterprise ️ hosted by GoRWAChain. Exploring the convergence of Decentralized AI and Real World Assets through SmartChain AI reveals a landscape rich with innovation, collaboration, and transformative potential. Partnerships with key industry leaders like Animoca Brands, 0xPolygon, and support from Alphabit Fund underscore the momentum behind this emerging sector. The integration of AI and blockchain technology not only enhances efficiency and transparency but also opens doors to new data-driven asset management strategies. With a focus on SmartChain AI, the future of Real World Asset tokenization promises smarter, more optimized practices that harness the power of advanced technologies for growth and innovation.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: How does Decentralized AI impact the Real World Asset sector?
A: Decentralized AI brings efficiency, transparency, and innovation to traditional asset management.

Q: What sets SmartChain AI apart in managing Real World Assets?
A: SmartChain AI introduces cutting-edge solutions for tracking, managing, and optimizing Real World Assets.

Q: What role do industry leaders like Animoca Brands and 0xPolygon play in shaping this space?
A: Partnerships with industry giants drive innovation, adoption, and credibility in the Real World Asset realm.

Q: Why is investment support from Alphabit Fund essential for the growth of this sector?
A: Investment backing from firms like Alphabit Fund accelerates development, research, and adoption of Real World Asset technologies.

Q: How does Linktree contribute to enhancing accessibility and information dissemination in this space?
A: Linktree serves as a centralized platform for users to access resources, news, and updates related to RWA Enterprise.

Q: What advantages does blockchain integration offer in combining AI with Real World Assets?
A: Blockchain technology enhances security, transparency, and automation in managing Real World Assets with AI.

Q: How does collaboration between tech and investment entities drive progress in Real World Asset tokenization?
A: Partnerships foster innovation, research, and the implementation of advanced technologies in managing Real World Assets.

Q: What does the focus on SmartChain AI signify for the future of asset management strategies?
A: Embracing SmartChain AI signals a shift towards smarter, data-driven approaches in managing and optimizing Real World Assets.

Q: Why is it important to understand the implications of AI integration in Real World Assets?
A: Comprehending these implications is crucial for leveraging the full potential of AI technologies in enhancing traditional asset management practices.

Q: How do AI, blockchain, and traditional assets intersect to create opportunities for innovation?
A: The convergence of AI, blockchain, and traditional assets opens doors to innovative solutions, efficiency gains, and new growth avenues in asset management.


Time: 00:15:49
Decentralized AI Revolutionizing Real World Asset Management Exploring the impact of Decentralized AI technology on traditional asset management practices.

Time: 00:29:12
Innovative Solutions with SmartChain AI Discovering the cutting-edge features and benefits of SmartChain AI in the Real World Asset sector.

Time: 00:45:03
Key Partnerships Driving Industry Growth Analyzing the role of key industry players like Animoca Brands and 0xPolygon in shaping the future of Real World Asset management.

Time: 00:58:21
Investment Catalyst: Alphabit Fund's Support Understanding the significance of investment from Alphabit Fund in accelerating advancements in Real World Asset technologies.

Time: 01:10:37
Centralized Information Hub with Linktree Exploring the convenience and accessibility of Linktree as a central platform for RWA Enterprise resources.

Time: 01:25:19
Blockchain Integration for Enhanced Asset Management Delving into the benefits of blockchain technology when combined with AI for Real World Asset optimization.

Time: 01:39:45
Tech and Investment Synergy for Innovation Highlighting the collaborative efforts of tech and investment entities in driving progress and innovation in Real World Asset tokenization.

Time: 01:45:51
Embracing Data-Driven Strategies with SmartChain AI Examining the shift towards more intelligent and data-centric approaches in managing Real World Assets through SmartChain AI.

Time: 02:00:02
Understanding AI's Role in Traditional Asset Management Exploring the implications of incorporating AI technologies in enhancing traditional asset management practices.

Time: 02:15:11
Intersection of AI, Blockchain, and Assets for Innovation Discussing the exciting opportunities and growth potential arising from the fusion of AI, blockchain, and traditional assets.

Time: 02:30:27
Future Growth Avenues in Real World Asset Utilization Speculating on the potential innovations and growth trajectories in managing Real World Assets with advanced technologies.

Key Takeaways

  • Decentralized AI plays a crucial role in revolutionizing the Real World Asset sector.
  • SmartChain AI introduces innovative solutions for managing Real World Assets.
  • Partnerships with industry giants like Animoca Brands and 0xPolygon showcase the potential for growth in the field.
  • The support of Alphabit Fund underscores the importance of investment in this emerging technology.
  • Linktree provides a centralized hub for accessing relevant information and resources about RWA Enterprise.
  • Blockchain technology facilitates the integration of AI into Real World Assets, enhancing efficiency and transparency.
  • Collaboration between tech and investment entities propels advancements in Real World Asset tokenization.
  • The focus on SmartChain AI indicates a movement towards smarter, more efficient asset management strategies.
  • Understanding the implications of incorporating AI into Real World Assets is key for future developments.
  • Exploring the intersection of AI, blockchain, and traditional assets offers exciting opportunities for innovation and growth.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Rewind and Forward

What means rewind? A gunshot means forward. Yeah. Way, way up.

Enemies and Energy Drain

Look, I got enemies. Got a lot of enemies. Got a lot of people trying to drain me on my energy. They're trying to take away from a. Nigga fucking with a kid and pray for your nigga. I got girls in real life trying to fuck up my day. Fuck going online. That is part of my day.

Continuing the Theme of Opposition

I got enemies. Got a lot of enemies. Got a lot of people trying to drain me in this energy, trying to take away from a nigga fucking with a kid and pray for you, nigga. I got people tucking down, man, like. I give a fuck. I bought this one a purse. I bought this one a truck. I bought this one a house. I bought this one a mall. I keep buying shit.

Online Aspects and Social Dynamics

Just make sure you keep track of. I got bitches asking me about the. Code for the wifi so they can talk about their timeline and show me. Pictures of their friends just to tell. Me they ain't really friends. Ex girl, she the female version of me. I got strippers in my life, but. They virgin to me.

Support and Realities of Life

I hear everybody talking about what they gon be. I got high hopes for you niggas. We gon see. I got money in the course of. Law, my niggas are free. About to call your ass over. I got somewhere to be. I hit fairy tales about how they gonna run up on me. But run up when you see me.

Investment and Industry Insights

See, I got enemies, got a lot of enemies. Got a lot of people trying to drain me of this energy. Trying to take away from a nigga fucking with the kid and pray for your nigga? Yeah. Nah, fuck all of you niggas. I ain't finished. Y'all wanna hear me say it's a go? Y'all wanna see where 50 or whoa.

Morning Challenges and Social Dynamics

I got real ones living past Kennedy Road. I got real ones with me everywhere that I go. I'm trying to tell you I got enemies. Got a lot of enemies. Every time I see them, something wrong. With their memory trying to take away. So tired of saving all these niggas, Mike. Yeah, I got enemies, got a lot of enemies.

Encouragement and Excitement for Projects

Got a lot of people trying to drain me. Trying to take away from a nigga fucking with a kid and pray for your nigga. I sent you an invite. A co host invite mute. Soul crew. Get it, get it. Let's go, let's go. Go get some money. Fuck, they playing. I'm told to take this plane.

Community and Engagement

Better playing cards, right? Let's go. Let's go have a business I'm sitting on the industry. God is my win. All right, all right. A little bit of a late start. I was literally looking at this space. I thought you guys had to start the space. And I'm like, wait a second. I'm the host, and I just started this shit up.

Social Media Insights

So sorry about the eight minute delay. That was totally my bad. Like, I don't know. I just woke up and I was like, oh, yeah, they're going to start it. And then like, no, I'm the host. What the fuck? So anyways, Gm. GM to everyone. NFts are fucking back. I'm telling you. I've seen this in the cycles before.

Now is the Time for NFTs

NFTs are coming back, and they're coming back harder than they ever have before. I swear to God. No hype, no bullshit. This is my true opinion. And I'm telling you right now, because in the next couple months, they're going to be ripping. And then they go, I wish I would have got in September.

Community Connections and Projects

So, guys like this project, I'm really bullish about auditor, the whole team, I've met them, I've heard about what they're doing. So, guys, if you haven't followed them, follow the co host. Follow everyone up here on stage that comes and talks to us here today, because NFTs are fucking back.

Diverse Communities and Future Plans

Like, I love meme coins. I love nfts a lot more. I'm gonna be fucking honest. People in meme coins are a lot different than people in nfTs. We've turned Brett gold and do an NFT community that is also a meme community. But now we're talking to mutant soul on crew or mutant crew on soul. And we're going to say hi to them.

Upcoming Projects and Minting

They're doing NFTs on Solana. They have a mint coming up this Saturday. It's going to be fucking huge. It's going to sell out. I'm saying it right now. I know I sound like a fucking hype man, but I've known these guys for a long time. Like, yeah, all these other people out here hyping stuff up nft kids.

Community Engagement and Twitter Spaces

Say the name one more time, bro. All right, let's say. I gotta say it like ten times. I gotta look at. I gotta look at it when I say it. But it's mutants on. So that is actually the tag. Mutants on soul. They're the co hosts up here. Guys, I'm not the best linguist, okay?

Morning Conversations and Company

I'm not the best talker, but me neither. Yo, yo, what's up, mad scientist? GMGM how's your morning brother bro? Fucking amazing. I just want to say truffles is fucking amazing. They put us up on their homepage, so we are on their homepage of the launch pad right now.

Exciting Collaborations

We are. No, you're fucking lying. Hold on, hold on. You're lying. Truffles. Yeah, you know, I get up. You know, I get up three, 4 hours before you, so I was working. Yeah, I know. I got truffles. Truffles has been amazing. Just for any project that wants to, you know, we're not holding any secrets.

Gratitude and Community Support

Truffles, completely amazing. They've helped us out a lot. Anything we've asked of them, they've done for us. They've been checking up on us. Like, we don't even have to, like, reach out to them. They've actually been reaching out to us. So truffles is freaking amazing.

Continual Support and Promotional Efforts

They're a cheaper launch pad than most launch pads, so let me go ahead and throw them some kudos out real quick. Yeah, for now, for sure. That's awesome. It's good for other NFT projects to know that I actually put out a tweet like, what's your favorite marketplace? And I should do a tweet like, what's your favorite launchpad?

Plans for Promotion and Engagement

But, yeah, no, that's good. Do you want to pin up anything up there to, like, show what they're doing or. Actually, we'll start our pins off with what you guys are doing first, but, yeah, later on, if you want to pin something up about them and talk about them, or if any of the crew wants to come up and talk to us today, that'd be cool.

Minting Excitement and Anticipation

But, guys, Mitt is on Saturday. Are you guys just fucking jazzed up right now? Are you guys pumped? You guys have adrenaline? Like, I know sometimes it's funny, like, you do these spaces, you do these NFT projects you're about to launch and, like, it gets you, like, hyped.

Community Engagement and Projects

You get all adrenaline. You get like, man, it's. It's exciting. So I'm excited for you guys. I think this weekend is gonna be amazing. No, I think it's gonna be great, too. My bad. I didn't realize. I didn't realize I was already unmuted, but was it called.

Community Development and Efforts

No, it's gonna be fucking. It's gonna be great. I'm so excited. We've been going crazy lately in this space, obviously, that we're on the front page of truffles, which is pretty cool. And we've been working crazy hard Keith and just, you know, obviously mean you go way back and stuff like that, but, you know, your support goes a long way.

Acknowledgment of Contributions

I love what you guys have been doing with Brett Gold. Brett Gold's been going crazy. I mean, I've been there when you guys started it too, as well. There was a giant pump and it was super fun and the fact that you guys, like, kept it going organically and stuff like that, which is pretty cool.

Community and Team Efforts

And the community is super organic as well. So what's it called? I just love, I love connecting with people that, like really, that really puts in the effort every day, you know, I mean, like, for people, I don't know, literally, Keith is in the space like damn near every single day.

Dedication and Teamwork

I feel like they bros literally in the trenches. in the morning, hella early in the morning, you know, waking the mutants up just so he could put us on, you know what I mean? I forgot when it was, but in the very beginning, Keith was actually the one to put the mutants on.

Remembering Early Connections

We were, I forgot it was probably like around 500 followers or something like that. But the first time we announced our first ever partnership, it was on Keith space. I don't know if you guys knew that and stuff like that, but weren't really around there. We weren't really out there around that time.

Acknowledgement of Efforts

So like, the fact that, you know, Keith has been, you know, literally put in the effort for us, like literally, goes a long way, you know, I mean, it shows a lot. And, and bro, we fucking appreciate the fuck out of you for that, bro. I mean, obviously me and you go way back, but hey, hey.

Personal Stories and Experiences

Hey, mister auditory, hold on, let me tell him a story real quick. So, so nft kid. So, you know, what? We had a space the other day and mister auditory was sleep so I had to come on and talk for him, right? So when went back in our team chat, I said, hey bro, I think they missed you.

Continuing Connections

And he was like, what do you mean? Like were on a call. So I was like, well, let's just say when I said it was me on the call, everybody's energy just went down just a little bit. He was like, what? I said, yeah.

Community and Engagement

They were like, hey, mister auditory, is that you behind the mutants on soul? I was like, no, it's Andrew. Everybody was like, oh, okay, well, hey, tell us, go ahead and tell us about the mutants on soul. So we know how much. And I said this too, when I was on the call.

Trust and Relationships in the Community

I said, you know, mister auditory, talks about you guys, in a very high favor. So, you know, to us, you guys have been kind of accepted as family, but I thought that was just a funny story. And that just goes to show how close you two are, because, you have been able, you have been one of the first people to support us.

Connection and Teamwork

And I see Martech up here, too. and we would be, you know, kind of remiss to not add him as one of those people that supported us in the beginning as well, because he did kind of the same thing right after we had the space with you guys, we had the space with Martech, and then we just kind of started to hit a different plateau at that point.

Continuing Collaborations and Community

So we appreciate you guys more than you know. We talk about y'all when y'all not around. It's always good. It's never been bad. So I just wanted to share that. That was funny. Ha. Let's go. Let's go now.

Community Spirit

I love it. You guys are amazing. It's good for good people to stay together, especially times like these. But guys, I'm not just staying together because you guys are the homies. I see so much potential in this project.

Building Confidence

I'm not over here fucking doing community service here today. You guys are my friends. I love it. But I have good, I have strong conviction in this project. I think it's gonna do well.

Future Planning

So I think, you know, I'm gonna swoop some up and make a bag in the future. You know, you always keep you with nfts, you buy five. You know, you keep three, maybe you sell two along the line, something like that, but I'm going to buy a lot more.

Support and Growth

I want to support you guys extra and kind of be there and be maybe a little bit of a whale in the project. That sounds fun, but no, for sure. Like, I'm down with this project. I have, like, I got a really good feeling about it.

Confidence in Community Efforts

Fucking, I don't say this about all projects either. I'm not over trying to overhype this, but I've just. I just got some feelings, man. I just think this is going to do so well. And you guys are doing great with the marketing.

Achieving Goals and Community Building

The page looks really good. All the partnerships and all the things as you guys are doing in the background, it's really important. It's. And you guys are doing the right thing. So I'm pumped for this staff Saturday.

Engaging with the Community

I don't know if we want to do a little giveaway for the room just for people that are active, that let. Maybe if. If you guys are adding mutants on soul and adding the homie, the mad scientist as well.

Creating Fun and Engagement

You have to add both of them up here and Martech. And then, I don't know, we'll do a little giveaway. Just put, like, in the comments, put why not us? And then tag mutants on Soul crew. So do that.

Giveaway Participation

Why not us? Tag mutants on Soul crew. We'll pick a little giveaway winner just for somebody active, throwing emojis and retweeting the space and just chilling here. So that's what's up.

Community Growth

That's our first little fun, little giveaway for the room. But the room's big now. We're building up. We're building up. So do you guys have, what? Do we have any alpha to kind of tell people?

Minting Plans and Excitement

I know you guys meant to is this Saturday. You guys are going to do a pre party tomorrow. This is a pre party to the pre party, but it's what's lit. We're doing great. We have a little bit we can share.

Engagement Strategies

Well, I'm a leg. I'm gonna let Mister auditory share because he's good at sharing too much information, so. But I will say that we do have something called missions lab experiments.

Alpha Sharing and Information

We haven't decided on what the name will be. That will be a gamified staking. We have a regular staking, but we also have a gamified version of staking as well, where you can win different prizes.

Requirements for Participation

You need to hold at least three mutants to be able to go on those missions. So you can still stake one mutant if you want. Just some sort of passive type of gains. But then if you want to do the missions, you need at least three.

Sharing Community Insight

So I think that is some alpha that not too many people know. Yeah, just let's talk about the experiments. Sorry, I'm over here. I'm making this tweet right now about the truffles.

Engagement in Community

Yeah, just. Just talk about it real quick. Just give me a second. Hold on. So, let's see. What do you want to tell them? Well, I already told them that, basically, they go on adventures and come up with some cool prizes.

Engagement and Insights

So if you want to give them a little bit more detail on what that actually means. So, let's think about it like, almost like space missions, with stone a crew or like, the famous fox missions with famous fox.

Adventures and Rewards

You'll send them on a, let's say a weekly mission. They'll come back with whatever the prize is. They can come back with no prize. They can come back with a board eight.

Anticipation for Projects

They can come back with soul. They can come back with, we have thousands of dollars worth of prizes already before mint, and we'll probably add a lot more after mint as well. So you, those prizes are our idle staking prizes.

Planning for Exciting Engagement

So you'll basically, and for instance, we'll say we'll have a mission. We'll have a couple missions. One might be medium, one might be hard, one might be easy.

Structure of Missions

The prizes will go with each mission and then we'll send them off. You'll send them off for a mission. They'll come back with a mutant. They'll come back with a board ape.

Expanding Connections and Community

They'll come back with a t shirt. They might come back with some brett gold. You never know what you'll come back with. And then we have implemented another feature, but we won't discuss that one today.

Insight on Features and Plans

We'll probably save that one that has a little bit more of Mister auditory's touch on it. It's a collaborative effort with a couple of different communities with the missions, but we'll save that one probably until, I don't know, we'll probably save it until after mid just to be sure that people aren't out here taking our ideas before we can put them out.

Planning for Success

I like that, though. Hold three. So you have to hold three to kind of earn these rewards. Yeah, we wanted to, you know, have a reason to have like, some sell, buy and sell pressure on the floor.

Diversity in Engagement

And, you know, some of the missions will also be trait based. So sometimes it'll be a specific trait that'll have a mission. It'll. They'll all be interchangeable.

Community and Engagement Plans

So every week it'll be a different mission, there'll be different prizes, and we'll keep it going as long as the community wants it to keep going. Yeah, we're excited for it. We've been preparing for it for a long time.

Collaborating and Partnerships

We've been like trying to think of like, cool ideas to tie into our missions or experiments. And, you know, obviously we've been gathering up a good amount of nfts that we've partnered with that we are super connected with and something that we really like as well.

Community Involvement

Like most of our community members are part of these community, part of these NFT projects that we're collecting and stuff like that. So we want to make sure, like, everything that we're gathering is something, you know, familiar to them.

Future Projects and Engagement

So, for example, it's not just like nfts that we're gathering up. Like, let's just say, hypothetically speaking, we want to add the Brett gold community into our mu, our missions and stuff like that.

Collaboration and Future Plans

Well, basically, you obviously know, we, our first ever mutants on soul space, we gave away half a million bread gold. And basically, instead of, like, you know, do a little Twitter giveaway, we can also buy another half a million bread gold and incorporated into our experiments and stuff like that.

Expanding Horizons in Collaboration

It doesn't have to be just nfts. It could be tokens as well. Obviously, we love the bread gold community, so we're probably going to do that and a little bit alpha there for you guys. But, yeah, we plan on incorporating a lot of fun stuff when it comes to experiments.

Sharing Insights and Future Planning

We plan on releasing it very soon. We want to release it as soon as possible to you guys, but we want to make sure that everything that we do is, like, I guess, sort of sent perfect.

Attention to Detail

We want to make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible. You know what I mean? There's a lot of things that could go wrong, and, we don't want to rush it and just drop it for you guys and, like, have it be, like, super bad, and, things go wrong and stuff like that.

Community Coordination

So I'm not too sure. I can't remember what we talked about. I literally just woke up, like, 20 minutes ago. But. But probably we'll probably, So let's just say this.

Community Development and Support

It is already built out right now. Like, literally, it is built out. The staking is built out. Our trait store is built out. But we do want to release things at the right time.

Strategic Release and Community Efforts

We don't want to release everything at the right time. And then as we've been going on this journey, we've noticed that other people have been doing kind of the same thing. So we want to make sure that we're different.

Unique Contributions and Community Relations

So we've really been sitting back trying to figure out how can we be different from the next project. Even if we both have the same projects, the same products, what makes us different than them? So we've really just been trying to sit down and fine tune that more than anything else.

Preparing for Launch and Execution

But everything is built out, and it's pretty much ready to go. Yeah, we've been building it for a while now. I mean, we, our team, like, Spitzen boss, like, all types of ideas, and once we have this idea, we just end up, you know, building it for you guys.

Structuring Changes Based on Feedback

Everything that we released to you guys is most likely already done, probably like a week ago, you know, I mean, like, we try to make sure that in case, like, we do finish something is there something that we need to tweak before release it to the community?

Incorporating Community Feedback

Is there something in the white paper that we need to tweak before release it to the white paper? You know what I mean? We really take you guys thoughts and into consideration too.

Community Considerations

So like we're like, oh, how's the community gonna feel about this? Should we release this? Won't do, won't do, won't. So that's basically how we go in that sort of aspect. And we're super excited to be dropping that.

Further Engagement Plans

Obviously we dropped that. We're gonna be having staking to the community. and we actually going to have a couple other things as well. Hey, let me ask you a question that I've heard from the community a million times.

Addressing Community Queries

I just want to hear how you're going to answer it real quick, bro. Oh shit. Why you gotta put me on the spot like that? Because I honestly not been able to answer that question because we haven't released anything.

Project Details and Community Focus

But really. Okay, the fact that we've released staking, what are they staking for? Oh, damn it, dude. Damn it, dude. Why this guy? You got me answering. Okay, well, I mean, we're in keep space.

Plans for Community Reward Systems

We might as well answer here, bro. Like if we're gonna answer it anywhere, we're gonna answer it here. So right now we plan on adding, incorporating, guess three things in a sort of sense to the muens.

Upcoming Features and Community Insights

Okay, basically we plan incorporating, obviously our engagement point system. Obviously you guys seen it. That was probably like one of the first utilities that we ever released.

Evolving Engagement Strategies

That not knowing it was a utility, but we turned it into a utility anyways. So basically we're going to start adding more engagement points to our system.

Future Growth and Community Participation

Then after that, our second mission is to start incorporating our MoSC token. So basically there's going to be, I guess, in a sort of sense, two tokens that we plan on releasing.

Tokenomics and Community Rewards

The first token is going to have to do with our experiments, is going to have to do with our trade store. This token, it's just gonna be like Gamifyers tour descends.

Token Planning and Future Directions

It's only gonna be in the experiments and trade store system and ecosystem and stuff like that. But unfortunately that one's gonna hold, isn't gonna hold much value. It's just only for the, you know, experiments.

Explaining Token Functions and Values

Exactly what I just said. Any anyways, so we'll get more in detail with the tokenomics with that once we release it and added to the white paper so you guys can actually get step by step on a more in depth.

Clarifying Token Details

But I'm really just generalizing it right now. But that would be our second token that we plan on releasing to you guys. But the third token is going to be our actual Mosc token that we plan on dropping for you guys after mint.

Planning for Community Interaction

We were talking about it yesterday. I don't know if you guys got it, but I brought up to jusky, hey, should we talk about that drop? Should we talk about that drop? Well, just know after mint, the muns that do mean are gonna have the opportunity to get the drop, basically the airdrop.

Clarifying Future Engagements

So we plan on. So we might not hold on, let's reword that one, because we might not be doing an airdrop. They might just have to stake for. We talked about staking, so I think they're gonna stake for that token, but it will hold value.

Clarifying Token Structure

we just don't have to stake other than that. I mean, just to kind of add to what he said. You know, that first token that were talking about is that's going to be, you know, the token that we use for like our trait store.

Reinforcing Token Value Within the Ecosystem

You'll, you'll see that in the missions, you'll be able to win that in emissions. Then the token that, you know, the token that holds value, you'll still be able to do all the same things.

Distinguishing Between Tokens

You'll still be able to purchase from the trade store, you'll still be able to, you know, win in, you know, the missions. You'll also be able to stake for it.

Clarifying Purpose and Value of Tokens

So the only difference between two tokens is one will hold value and one won't. But they'll all be used within our ecosystem of products.

Feature Outlines and Utility Planning

So we do have our raffle store. We do have our raffle site. We do have our peer to peer exchange. We do have our, did I say lottery?

Community Engagement and Future Plans

Lottery site as well. So we have a lot of products where we feel like they're useful, products that people will use. Not just a lot of casino games or things like that, but we do have products that we do think people will use on our platform.

Value Creation in Community Engagement

So we're going to tailor our products around that coin. That way we get, you know, a few more use cases for it and start to build value in the coin for the community in itself. Exactly.

Building Connections and Value in Community

Like, for example, we've been gathering up a lot of entities that we said earlier today, I think we released yesterday that we bought a Hermes for the community and.

Community Engagement and Value Creation

Timeout. Timeout. We talked about that already, bro. Stop bringing up that Herman's. That shit is in my wallet because.

Community Support and Ownership

It'S because I'm over here reminiscing about it this morning. I checked my wallet. That shit wasn't in there, bro. You got my wallet, my guy.

Community Reactions and Ownership Dynamics

Nobody in the community will be upset with me here. Nobody. Nobody in this call will be upset. What? Nobody on this call? This nobody.

Community Insight and Humor

Maybe you. Not one person. You can get over it. You can get over it. Listen. Oh, yeah.

Reactions and Recollections

This is what happened. So he was going to give it away, like, to the community, and it was all cool until I looked at it, and I was like, wait, that one, kind of sweet.

Community Connections and Dynamics

I would just buy him another one that he can give away. Send 50% of that Hermes to my wallet. Oh, yeah. See, these guys been plotting on my armies.

Community Support and Team Building

Both of these two right here. It's over. It's already owned by two people, bro. We don't have enough for third.

Ownership in Community and Humor

Oh, yeah, it's split up by two wallets, huh? You got a fucking multi signature on it, huh? Oh, my God.

Discovering Community Insights

No. Yeah. No, but let's just say. Let's just say with the Hermes, that we ended up grabbing, hypothetically speaking, if we do end up putting into our raffle system, we.

Implementing Raffle Systems

We might start. Obviously, our community knows that we've been using soul before the project, like, releasing some of our nfts we gave away.

Community Engagement and Raffle Strategies

Okay, bear. We gave away a couple of. The. One of ones we didn't want to give away, all of them, so we only give them a set amount.

Gathering Feedback from Community

And basically, these. These NFTs that we plan on putting into our raffle system, we're gonna start transitioning from soul to our token in order to bring value into our raffles.

Community Engagement and Growth

If all that stuff. We actually have some cool things that we plan on releasing down the line when it comes to our token ecosystem.

Building Strategies

And we have a lot of plans for it, so we want to build on it. You know, that's our main goal. We might probably use a piece of the mint funds to allocate to that token as a start, bring some.

Community Planning and Organization

A little bit of value. We've been talking with the team about it for a while now, and we think it's a good move moving forward, so we're going to release all that information, tokenomics.

Clarifying Directions for Future Planning

We want to make sure that everything is right before release that aspect, because it's definitely a complicated and fun aspect, too, as well.

Insights on Future Strategies

So we want to. We've been talking to a lot of people on the back end, a lot of cool people, just to make sure everything goes right.

Preparing for Release and Engagement

So once we release it to you guys will actually see it on paper, what it does and where it's going and how it's getting distributed to you guys. So we're definitely excited for it.

Planning for Experiments and Future Engagement

So when it comes to, you know, the experiments and stuff like that, some experiments are, you're gonna need the token, you know, I mean, some experiments, you might need the other token.

Determining Futures Through Experimentation

That house no value. It really just depends on what you guys are going out on. Adventures. It depends on what you guys are going into the lab to experiment on.

Collaborative Community Growth Plans

And I, what the team thinks, which you guys should do and stuff like that, basically. And when it comes to our experiments, we actually have a cool thing as well.

Building Connections

So obviously everybody knows that we ended up partnering up with a lot. No, no. We got a lead out now. I thought we released it yesterday.

Planning for Community Conversations

No, well, didn't we release it yesterday? So. No, we'll talk about it in the chat. I'll tell you, I'll tell you why no, when we talk in the chat.

Community Appreciation

All right. All right, guys. All right. Well, I can't. It's not me holding back the alpha now, guys. It's the freaking, is this freaking guy right here.

Community Dynamics and Planning

Okay, let me explain why. We just want to make sure that we remain different from. Oh, yeah, yeah. Just want to make sure that we remain different.

Unique Projects and Community Focus

So everything right now, we would rather release it at the same time we release everything else because then, you know, we don't get into that who did it first type deal.

Community Realities and Partnerships

Yeah, no. Was it called, we have a lot of partners, guys, and we wanted to do something more than just a mint partnership and stuff like that.

Long-Term Planning and Community Building

Like, we wanted to do something more than just say to everybody that we ended up partnering up with this cool community. Won't do.

Future Collaborations and Engagement

Won't do. Womb. And that was it. With nothing, like later on down the line. So obviously we've been with connecting with a lot of cool communities and founders and stuff like that.

Community Engagement and Future Directions

You're talking too much deal. I know, I know. But hold on, I got it. I'm working, I'm working my way around it. We got a plan.

Continuing Growth through Diversity

We have a plan. Partner projects, too. We have a plan. We want to make sure that we're long term projects and that's it.

Commitment to Growth

All right, that's it. I'm done talking on that aspect. But we have a lot of cool things. Okay, guys. Hey, I got another question for you, bro.

Community Queries and Insights

Oh, my fucking, I've been getting a. Lot of questions today. I just woke up. Questions. I didn't just wake up. I've been in the chat since, like, 06:00 this morning, and it's 01:00 now.

Clarifying Current Engagements

Okay, okay. All right. What about women? Like, women are like, damn, you don't have any women mutants? I was talking.

Inquiries about Representation

I don't see any. Any boobies on the mutants, bro. So I was just wondering about the women. Are we. Are we sexist over here?

Engagement and Reflection

Like, these are questions I'm getting, bro. Don't. Don't. Don't messenger. I'm just asking, you know, these questions.

Team Insights and Engagements

I don't know. I don't know the team personally, so. Oh, okay. You're just a regular community member.

Plan of Action and Future Focus

Okay. I'm just asking questions while I'm up here, that's all. Yeah, yeah.

Developing Female Representation

So basically what we plan on doing, obviously, we've been talking to our artists, and we've been telling him that we want to incorporate some, you know, lady mutants.

Engagement with Female Representation

And he's like, it just wouldn't make sense with the traits that we are releasing right now. So, obviously, most of our, we did incorporate some girly type traits, but not too many into our first collection.

Plans for Inclusion

But what we plan on doing on that aspect. We set aside a set amount of mutants to our artists, and he's actually working on it right now as we speak.

Community Focus and Women's Engagement

The collections already done that he created and stuff like that for you guys on Saturday. But when it comes to the lady mutants, we wanted to do two things.

Planning for Diversity in the Community

Okay, guys, we want to give the Ladies the opportunity to hop into the mutants right now. So we're going to be doing two things.

Engagement Goals and Community Dynamics

We're going to be adding some traits into our trade store that's a little bit lady like. We want to make sure that our female division is.

Community Commitment and Representation

Those are. Those are for the. Those are for the. Never mind. I'm not even going to say what Ginsu said.

Community Dynamics and Engagement

Never mind. Go ahead, bro. We want to make sure that our female division, our female community is well taken care of as well.

Community Considerations

You know, I mean, we want. We don't want to make sure. We don't want to have this just be a sausage fest sort of sense, you know?

Clarifying Community Goals

I mean, guys, we don't want to be a sausage fest. Obviously, we have two lady mutants that are part of the actual team, and I, and we.

Community Representation Goals

That's. We want to make the mule community as diverse as possible. So. So we.

Integrating Female Elements into Community

What we plan on doing right now is adding a couple female traits into the trait store once we release it to the community.

Future Planning and Community Representation

But we didn't want to just add a couple traits into community trade store and that was, we thought to ourselves, and obviously our artists told us as well, it might look weird.

Strategic Planning for Female Representation

It's not gonna like, I guess, sort of sense could that it was gonna look like men dressed up like women.

Incorporating Female Elements

Yes. Yes. That is. That is exact words. I was. I wasn't trying to say that, but those were his exact words.

Building Unique Community Aspects

So we came up with the idea to. Instead of building on that when it comes to a trade store, obviously we're gonna have that just for right now.

Team Building and Future Plans

But what we plan on doing is adding a set amount of separate mutants into the collection, into the first collection to allocate to our female audience.

Working on Female Representation

So our artists is at the moment working on some female mutants right now. How about this mister plan since.

Engagement with Projects

I know, I know. You just woke up, bro. Have you looked in the chat with Sergey yet and seen the female one of one.

Community Insights and Discoveries

Oh, shit. No, I know you didn't. I knew you didn't. Oh, my God. I didn't.

Community and Project Dynamics

We had picked a list of ones that we wanted to pick from communities that we hold dear to us, and he's laughing at the photo. It's crazy.

Community Discoveries and Interests

I want him. I really want him to share it right now. But you should sneak peek. You guys.

Community Engagement and Dynamics

Why is the cleavage so much? Animated brotherhood. You should just use sneak peek.

Exploring Unique Elements

Just the cleavage, bro. Oh, my God, dude. This fucking goofball, bro.

Community and Insights

But yeah, we have a. One of one. A female one of one that I guess that'll be the queen of the mutants. Yeah, you know me.

Community Celebrations and Discussions

She is definitely an awesome piece of artwork. I think that the community is probably going to love this one the best out of all of them.

Future Connections

Oh, man, it's crazy. I think Brett Gove wants to talk. What's up, Keith?

Community Interactions

Hello? shit. Brett. What's up, dude? What's going on?

Community Engagement and Fun

Oh, the main page is in here. I didn't even notice this dribbling ass motherfucker. Don't let him talk, man.

Community Dynamics and Humor

He's. No, no dry cleaning, bro. From the launch. Brett, don't think I fucking forgot.

Reflecting on Community Connections

You dribbled all over my fucking t shirt, bro. My white one, my crispy v neck. You dribbling ass motherfucker.

Community Dynamics and Acknowledgement

All right, all right, Brett, what you got? What you drinking? Vodka.

Community Conversations and Engagement

Vodka and beer, motherfucker. What you drink? No, I just whiskey on my one hand and cigarette in the other.

Community and Team Dynamics

Listen. Tchaikovsky now, but I hear you talking about girls and women's. Here we go.

Community Conversations

Here we go. That's the whole thing. You heard of this conversation we're talking about? It's the only thing you heard of this whole conversation, we're talking about a dope NFT project that's about to mention.

Community Dynamics and Engagement

That's what you heard. That's your fault, Keith. You let him out the basement, bro. I did.

Community Humor and Persona

Oh, man. This guy, Brett gold, he's a billion dollar man, but he acts like he's a seven k man.

Community Engagement and Relationships

You know, like where we found him. But what can you do, guys? What can you do? But, hey, just real quick.

Community Spirit

You can't forget about where you come from. Oh, you're right. You're right.

Community Engagement and Value

But I love the banter with you guys. You guys are cracking me up. But I did do a fun little giveaway, so V. VKG.

Community Engagement and Giveaways

I didn't give away. He won. And I have him up here. I just want to say, what's up? He wins an NFT.

Community Dynamics and Giveaways

I'll send that over to send me your ETh address. So we're giving out nfts today. Nfts are fucking back. Let's go, babies.

Community Engagement

But, Van. VKG, what's going on? How you doing? Thanks for engaging and hanging out with us.

Community Engagement and Relationships

Yes, brother. Brother. Namaste.

Community Dynamics and Relationships

Namaste. Hey, VKG. Been on ten all morning, bro.

Community Connections

He hit me up this morning. It was like, hey, you want to hop in this space with game bulls, bro? I hopped in a space on a mutant page with game bulls.

Building Connections

We made some real good connections with game bulls. They were really excited about our mint.

Community Opportunities and Engagement

They were offering to help us with different products for our discord and all kind of shit. And that was all because of VKG.

Celebration of Community Achievements

So I'm happy as shit to see him win. That was just today. Just early this morning.

Intense Community Conversations

Yeah. VKG is a fucking legend, dude. But going off of that, bro, I want. The first thing I went to was Twitter, bro, and I saw that.

Community Involvement and Perspectives

What? The actual space was titled, and it was, like, talking about Trump and Kamala Harris. And I was like. I was like, oh, no.

Community Conversations

I'm like, what? Who fucking posted this on the main page? I was like, hilarious, space, bro. It was actually pretty fucking awesome.

Community Reflections

It wasn't. You would think that, like, a political fucking space would be, like, people arguing back and forth and all that shit, bro. None of that at all.

Community Conversations

It was all like, normal ass people, like us saying, what the fuck is the world coming to? Like, it was. It was really enjoyable.

Community Insights and Perspectives

I'm not gonna lie. It was really enjoyable. Oh, my God. VKG. Thank you so much, bro.

Community Acknowledgements

Yeah, brother. I'm, like, just doing a bit for the community. I mean, like, these guys are, like, legends.

Community Insights and Fundraising

Like, deraking a project is not a simple task. So I am, like, you know, just doing whatever I can, like, you know, connecting Mister a with some of the projects, and I just pulled in a drizzkey into that with the space with gambles.

Community Collaborations and Engagements

Unfortunately, Carlos was not there. If he was there, like, he would have, like, you know, had a lot more discussion within a dream school today because, you know, they also, like, derog the project, and.

Community Dynamics and Connections

And then, like, you know, they could, like, mint, like, 1200 pieces in a phase two that to, you know, for, like, $300 mint that was on it. So that was, like, you know, amazing.

Community Engagement and Planning

So it was, it was amazing, actually. Like, you know, to be honest. Like, you know, it was great.

Community Engagement and Collaboration

And I having Drewski or then, like, I have been, like, you know, talking with, on that particular space for, like, in a long time now.

Planning and Community Engagement

So I was always asking Mister a to, like, not join, but, you know. He was, you know, he. He sleeps so late, and I couldn't wake up, so that's it.

Plans for Future Engagement

So I'm, like, a pretty much, like, I'm, like, too much an exile and excited to be, like, you know, helping out, you know, this team and.

Mint Plans and Future Engagement

Yeah, like, yeah, we're just waiting for the mint, man. Like, let's go. Let's fucking go. Like, let's minute right now.

Community Insights and Humor

Mister motherfucker a always sleep. He sleep too late. You heard the community said that.

Community Relationship Dynamics

They said, you fucking lazy. What time did I go to sleep last night?

Late Night Reflections

Huh? What time did I go to sleep last night? You not allowed to sleep, sir? I don't know.

Community Reactions and Room Dynamics

I mean, like, you know, for me, it was like, you know, 02:30 p.m. for me. 02:30 p.m. ist.

Community Insights and Reflections

Let me. Let me convert that. Like, you know, what time it was? You want it in est?

Community Details and Engagement

Yeah. Don't feed into his. Right now estate. 05:00 a.m.

Reflections on Community Dynamics

est. Five est. Yeah. I was like, dude, like, I always ask him, like, you know, he comes onto VC, like, you know, he'll be like, you know, talking non stop there.

Community Reflections and Interactions

Like, there are two faces in this project, okay? One is, you know, mister A and one is the one who, like, you know, speaks a lot.

Community Dynamics and Relationships

One who, like, you know, doesn't like to speak at all. Trivsky doesn't like to speak at all. Like, he'll be like, nah, I know I talked less.

Community Dynamics and Interactions

But then I know mister a, like, you know, give him a mic. He can talk for, like, 24 hours.

Community Interactions and Engagement

That's why I'm like, wake up. Like, gets me stuck in the spaces, and then I got to go in there uncomfortable and talk.

Community Dynamics and Conversations

Like it's. It's not a fair deal at all. Keep. You see? You see what they saying? You can't go to sleep, sir.

Practice and Engagement

Practice, bro. Practice makes perfect. My guy. No, just kidding. I'm just kidding.

Community Engagement and Dynamics

No, freaking. This guy drew ski this morning. This guy was over here blowing up my line, talking about we got space with Keith.

Community Engagement and Connections

Guy. Space of Keith. I'm like, fuck bright. I can't even read what he's saying right now.

Community Engagement and Planning

I'm over here. Ripen the crust out of my eyes and stuff like that. Nah. But now, what's it called?

Excitement for Community Engagement

I definitely woke up early for this space because I love Keith, and I love what he's doing, and we're super excited to be hanging out with him and Brett gold and Martech and trapper and obviously VKG.

Celebrating Community Engagement

So shout out to you, bro, for winning today's giveaway. We have a lot more giveaways coming through.

Engagement with Upcoming Projects

Okay, guys, obviously, people know that we are gonna be dropping angry ape to you guys, and we're gonna be dropping a lot more alpha.

Community Engagement and Future Directions

But before we get to that alpha, we have a lot of cool people on the space. Obviously. We got my boy Martech.

Celebrating Community Connections

My guy, coming through.

Introducing Friends and Community

Oh, man, it's so cool to have my guy come through. We got Trapper, got Brett gold, obviously, the great Brett gold millionaire. This guy got fucking him and trump right there on the front page. I think it was. Oh, no, he changed it. He changed. Why you. Why you unpin it, my guy? That was probably the hardest fucking post ever. But anyways, we got Brett gold and stuff like that up in here. We got limited list ape. And we got k Rp music. I definitely want to get to you. I see your hand up. I just want to shout out, everybody, we got bami in the building, but we have a lot of cool people in the building. And obviously, we have. It's immune on soul space, but we want to give everybody some light as well. Obviously, like I said earlier, we're gonna be dropping a little bit alpha. So let's just pass it to my boy KRP before we continue on with the Mu and Alpha and. And, you know, the mutant news and stuff like that. What's going on?

Excitement for Upcoming Events

I guess we could give it a. Little bit intermission, but I just have to mention it. This Saturday is the fucking mint, and I'm hyped, so, guys, give them a follow. Put noties on. This Saturday is gonna be a huge mint. Nfts are fucking back. This is the one you want to get into. So look, I'm putting. I put my rep on the line for them. These guys are fucking legit. Check it out. Check out their mint. And it's golden. It's gold. It's going down this Saturday. This Saturday. We got this Saturday on lock. Good vibe. Saturday. The premise is gonna be in the house. Truffle is gonna be in the house. They are the launch pad for Mutant sunso. Luna motherfucking dolls is gonna be in the house. Like, yo, it's about to go down on Saturday. And if you guys don't know, like, yo, mister a, you know Keith is my dog, right? We fight back to back in these spaces. It's tag team. Normally it's like Keith and Doodle, but I'm that dude that hides in the bushes. So, like, when the going gets too tough, I jump out the bushes and I bitch slap motherfuckers for them.

Supporting Friendships and Artists

So, like, yo, this my dog up here, Keith. Anywhere he's at, I got. I gotta pull up and support, man. And like, you know, it's just ironic that, like, you know, he pulled up for the mutants. I didn't even know. And then, like, you know, I met you guys, I'm like, yo, I like the energy. So we probably smelling the same thing that's cooking in the kitchen. Keith, we probably smelling the same stuff, man. It smell kind of good. And mister a love the energy that you bring into the space. Yo, this is the kind of energy drew ski. Like, yo, these are the kind of individuals that we need. Like, do you know what I'm saying? That are behind some solid projects. So that's why I'm here supporting, man. But, yeah, KRP, have you heard this guy sing? Yo, have you heard KRP Singh? That's all I'm saying. Another solid individual. So, like, you got some generals out here.

The Importance of Music and Artistry

You got some great people out here that's like, you know, coming up, you know, backing up support in, like, bringing the value to the table. So I'm hype, man. Much love to everyone in the space. Hey, I know y'all see Nessie down there. Yeah. Speaking of singing, like, was it called. I don't know if you guys knew, but the person on the Brett on the muens on soul, like, pin tweet the actual mu in detail. I don't know if you guys knew this. We released this community plenty of times, but they ain't no regular mewing, singing on the mu and page. That's only the one, the only the best. Nessie Rilla, you already know. Definitely go check him out. He's in the space right now. He got a lot of amazing, amazing freaking content. Amazing freaking art. I'm not gonna even say it's songs because it's fucking art that he's creating for you guys. And. And he's an amazing artist.

Dedication and Journey in Music

He's been here since day one. I don't even know. He's literally a og when it comes to the freaking web three space. So definitely go check him out. Definitely go show him love. Definitely go fault. Have him follow. Because he's been taking over the space with his music. He's been in multiple, multiple projects. Theme songs. And he had to be the only one to be on the mutants on soul theme song and create the mutants on soul heartbeat. I don't care what he says. That is the mutants on soul heartbeat for you guys. When you guys hear that heartbeat, you guys hear the mutants on soul and we're going to go fucking crazy. That is exactly why I say that. But I want to pass it over to my boy KRP. Thank you so much for coming through. I know you had your hand up for a while now and I'm so excited to finally get to know you and hear a little bit of your music. So what you got for me today, my guy?

Sharing Music and Connections

Thank you so much, mutants. First of all, thank you so much for letting me speak and best of luck for the upcoming mint. And also I wanted to say Martek, dude, for the years I've known you and what you've just been through, obviously I don't want to get into it. Your energy is simply boundless, man. Like, I'm sitting here listening to you and I realized that all these years have known you. Your energy hasn't dipped one bit. Brother. Seriously, hats off to you. I would love to share my music, but I want to ask Keith actually one thing. Keith, brother, how are you? How's it going for the fight, man? Next week for you. How is the preparation going on for you? I'm training really hard. I'm using my lungs for the lung capacity. Really try to make sure I get some deep breaths here on these bong rips.

Preparing for the Upcoming Fight

I'm concentrating, thinking about the fight while I take these bong rips. And I'm just doing good. I'm feeling like the best shape of my life. No one could stop me. That's the kind of vibes I got. So thank you. Thank you for asking. Yeah, I fight. I fight a week from today. So a week from today, I'll be in Singapore, be repping Brett gold, be Reppin squid Grove, you're weapon, all my sponsors and going out there and knocking a guy out and having fun. Yo, that's what's up, man. Keith, also, I don't know if you. If you heard, I actually, you. I'm sure you remember the. The anthem I made for. It's a small song I made for the bread gold community. I actually ended up producing it and maybe anytime during the space or if you have a minute, I'd love to share the song with you, brother.

Sharing and Celebrating Music

And mutants on soul, of course. I just finished producing it and I'd love to share it with you guys if. Fuck yeah. Yeah. Let's hear it. Let's hear it. Fuck yeah. You know what? We're going to do it like this, guys. We're going to do it like this. I don't know if anybody saw it right now, but we have angry eight, basically our first ever partnership that we, you know, exposed to the Brett gold community. Because I don't know if you guys knew, but the angry Ape society was the first ever partnership that we ever released to the mutants on soul community. And it was on key space. Okay, guys, it was literally on key space. I remember it. I forgot it was super late in the day and. And I said, fuck it. I'm gonna do it for.

Partnership and Collectibles

I couldn't do it for nobody else but the Brad gold community. I couldn't do it for nobody else but Keith. So we're gonna be giving away angry ape. And you know what? Why not? This is like, basically the perfect time. So while we have the awesome KRp music playing his masterpiece for the Brett gold community in. In the background, I'll be choosing that. So definitely go like and retweet the space. We got a lot of cool people in the space right now. We got a lot of cool people in the angry ape society and we want to integrate you guys into that. So definitely just as exactly like Keith was saving, we're giving out nfts. Might be giving out some other cool nfts that the muse on solar is partnered up with. We don't know. All you know is that you gotta like and retweet and you might win something cool.

Spinning Music and Community Interaction

So, KRP, do me a favor. Spin that shit. I'm so excited to hear what you got for us. And I'm sure the brag community is excited. What you got so definitely drop that shit right now. Let's see some hearts right now for my boy KRP. My guy ain't gonna start that shit. My guy ain't gonna spin that shit until we see some hearts. We need to see some hearts. This shit need to be looking like a fucking rainbow up in here, guys. This shit gotta look like a fucking firework. Show up in here. KRP's coming out with some fucking heat and spin that shit. My guy. Thank you so much for coming through to the muons on soul and Keith Berry space, yo, thank you.

Appreciating Connections and Talents

I'm honored, man. Just wanted to give a little shout out to Keith for, you know, the amazing person he is. He's always been warm to me and most of all, my friend trapper. He actually encouraged me to make this song in the first place. He's a good friend of mine and he's a really good guy. So this one goes out to Keith and Trapper. Thank you. Hey, with red gold, yo, I need see some heart. My heart is turning. Carry gold my back ready to stay pumping golden red gold. Jumping I am breathing gold I just feel my life. Run through my soul everything I told you red and gold even how dust and go sky is living top of it we go and go we're going road. Gold.

Reflections on Music and Inspiration

Thank you, bro. Bro, hey, look, hey, think about this real quick. Put this in perspective, bro. That song is like, that's one of them songs that you like play. Hey, think about all the fight movies you watch and they like training for the big ass fight. I could just hear that shit train. I could hear that shit playing in the background and watching nft kid getting ready for the fight. That was pretty special, bro. That's awesome, man. I actually, by the way, nice to meet you, mad scientist. I was listening to your complete vibe. Thank you so much. I wanted to say when I made the song, I totally had Keith because he's a fighter, right? And I had that fighting kind of the vibe within me and I just came because it was not supposed to be an electric guitar kind of a song.

Creative Processes and Music Production

But then I thought of Keith, I thought of the fighting he does, and I was like, alright, let's punch in an electric guitar. I added that in because initially was just an acoustic. I actually developed the song on a space when Keith was there and Trapper was there. And because I write my songs on the space, I feed off the community. And when I produced it, the electric guitar came out. I'm really glad you liked it. Thank you so much, brother. Yo, yo. Usually sometimes you play music, the listeners go down. KRP, you played music. We gained ten listeners. We're over 100, baby. Solid, organic spaces, guys. I never bought my spaces. And if my spaces have ever been bought it's because someone on my space came on and bought it themselves. But I don't bought spaces.

Community Values and Authenticity

I want real people listening. I want to connect with real motherfuckers. I don't want to act like I have thousands of people in here when I got fucking 20 people, okay? I'm trying to be real. And that's what this space should be about. People should be more genuine, more real, more transparent. Not all this fugazi shit. So today, we're rocking over a hundred people. Love nfts. NFTs are fucking back minting Saturday. KRP, drop me your fucking eth address. You win, too. Let's fucking go. I'm pumped. That song was lit, bro. That song was so fucking litanous.

Collaboration and Future Projects

Go ahead, go ahead. God. No, I mean, KRP, like I tell you, I met this guy, like, a couple of years ago. I remember when he was on, man. I got so much mad love. There's so many people in web three that are fucking amazing and great. Like, you know, small account. Met him a couple years ago, and I remember it was in the digital renaissance with. Right. Do you remember Klpen, you know, came in real polite, same polite, humble guy and everything like that. And he's like, hey, I just like to sing you guys a song. Now, the music quality wasn't as good as what you're hearing today. So much, much respect on the progression and all that.

Reflections on Growth and Personal Experiences

But when I heard this guy's voice, I was blown out of the water. I was just blown out of the water. Like, yo, I mean, whoever you are, your shit is great. Your shit is magnificent. And, like, you know, I mean, it wasn't even about how many followers he's got, who he knows, or whatever. Whatever. And that's a beautiful thing about with web three, we get to discover some amazing individuals. And if you've got a platform, if you've got a voice, lift those motherfuckers up. Lift them up. Even if they are small account. Lift them up. Show them support. Show up for them, all that kind of stuff. Because as I always say, the small guy in web three today can be the giant of tomorrow.

Supporting Emerging Artists

Do you know what I'm saying? Support these guys. It's like discovering, like, undiscovered talent. That's what we're here to do, man. And when we get the opportunity, lift them up and support them. Yo, lift them up and support them. If they're about that bullshit. Time will reveal itself. Do you know what I mean? Time will reveal itself. But proof of work is the alpha. Listen to the quality on that shit my man just dropped on us. Yo, come on, man. Much love, KRP. That shit was so fucking hard. That shit was so hard. KRP. I'm so excited for you to be dropping that here.

Gratitude and Community Impact

And we had a lot of amazing people in the. On the stage talk about it, but I want to get. I see a lot of hands up. I want to get the maintain person, the main guy, the. The only person I heard shouting out on that stage. I want to hear what he got to say to that amazing song. Brett gold, what you got to say to my boy, KRP? Yo, I just put my glass of wine to the other side and just turn up to Tchaikovsky because you're better than Tchaikovsky. I fucking love it. I fucking love it. Mandy. Sorry, go ahead. I cut you off. No, no. You can talk whatever you want.

Sharing Experiences and Gratitude

I just want to listen, you know? Oh, thank you so much, dude. Thank you so much. I'm really glad. I actually wanted to say this. First of all, thank you so much, mutant, for the amazing. Like, you really gave me a lot of love and respect. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that. And Brett gold, thank you so much, brother. I wanted to say this one thing. I was literally born on the blockchain. Like, I used to live in a monastery and I never thought about taking up music, and I never thought about. Keith knows this because I've known Keith for, like two years now almost.

A Journey of Self-Discovery

And we used to meet on spaces and I was in a monastery and I never really thought about becoming, taking up music full time and touring and stuff like that. But I came on spaces and discovered Twitter and I started singing, you know, like this. And Martech and Keith and all these people, they actually invited me to come up and sing, and that's when I got encouraged by the web three space, and I was literally born on the blockchain. I wanted to say that I was born on the blockchain, and this is what I love to do. And really, and thank you so much, Petkohl. Thank you for everyone. I don't know if you guys have a minute later on, I'd love to sing this, like, acoustic version of it, like live.

Artistry in Personal Connections

Obviously not now. It'll be back to back. Too much music. But in a bit. I'm here. I'm here for a minute. It's kind of late for me, anyway, india. I'm from India. So thank you so much for all the love, everyone. Thank you. And shout out to trapper. Your trapper hasn't said a word. He's my g man. He's shout out to you, my guy. So much love. This guy came from the monastery and. Now he's bumping out tunes. That shit makes me want to get up on stage on American Idol and. Backhand Hasselhoff right out of his chair.

Energy and Music's Transformative Power

I love that shit. I'm jacked up. I got my second coffee. Love you, brother. That was amazing. You got a great voice, great talent. Yo, by the way, can you send me the song? I want to edit the kate's videos. How can I send it to you? Like Google Drive, soundcloud. How right? We got to pay the guy for this song? Jesus Price, Brett. Oh, you paid. I just found. I don't want any payment. No, please, guys, trapper already gifted me something. I don't want payment. Please.

Community Values of Kindness

I don't want this to turn into that. Please. It's just I love doing this. You're lucky. Kara P's a sweet hand or sweet man? Sweet hand. He's not a sweet hand. He's a sweet man. I can't even talk. Holy shit. Hands. When he's. When he's playing the guitar. Yo, these bone rips are great for my lungs, but, I don't know, sometimes my brain gets a little crisscrossed. But anyway, he's a great man. He's not a hand. Maybe I saw a hand go up. I don't know.

Insights on Collective Intentions

Who knows what time. He will forever be known as a sweet ham now. I mean, I'm sorry. It's just disingrained in us now. Thank you. Thank you for coming, sweet ham. We definitely appreciate you coming out with the amazing music. And you know what? I know you say you don't want nothing, bro, but I really think that there's not a lot of people in the web three space that take artists seriously. Their art is very contagious. And I feel like that you guys don't get enough for it, you know what I mean?

Appreciating the Creative Process

Because you guys, let's just. Everybody knows that it takes a lot of work to create something special. It takes a lot of work to create something great. And we want to give back to those that do create something great. We want to give back to those that come in this space, have the courage to even announce and, you know, show that greatness to their community and stuff like that. So, bro, even though you don't want nothing. I don't care. Definitely. Let's tap in. I want to get you a mu in. Just so you know that you could be a part of our community.

Building Connections in the Community

You know, obviously the bread cold community is part of ours. And we really love the bread Cole community. So we want to give back to you for putting in the time and effort because you didn't have to do it, my guy, but you did it anyways. And I'll take it out of my own personal treasury, don't worry. I saw you fucking on YouTube. You. You. Technically, you don't have to do that. Why technically? Don't. Okay, I don't. But I'm going to my guy.

Growth and Support Within the Community

No, I'm saying. I'm saying you don't have to take it out of yours because we have a supply set aside. He just has to wait. Thank God. No leftover if you keep. No, but we will definitely get you one KRP. Just make sure that, you open a ticket in our discord and the day we met, we'll just airdrop it to your wallet. It'll be a lot easier. And I was going to say that to you as well. Don't get crazy, mister auditor, but we can start giving away a few more. No, it's only for a KB. It's only for Kop. Nobody don't come up here looking engaged by.

Casual Discussion Among Friends

And it's going to be mutants in the engage. I know. Can I say something real quick? What's up, family? Yeah, I want to say mutants on soul. Dude, thank you so much, man. I'm really honored. I'm really honored. I'm looking forward to your mint, by the way, I just hit you on follow. I want to be on your space when you guys are mint. And I want to say like, yeah, man, thank you so much. And for me, I mean, I wanted to say that I know it takes a lot for artists to make the art, but actually for me it's not so difficult because I actually, I produce everything myself.

Production Process and Personal Experience

I mix master my own stuff. And it's very, like, for me it's very simple. It's not really a big deal. I just do everything myself. So I have fun doing it. But like, for me as a musician, I can't even speak. I'm sorry. I'm so excited. For me as a musician, the biggest thing is people to actually listen to my music. That's actually literally what we want. It's like something I'm saying, like for musicians, it's not a lot of money and all that. I mean, obviously, we want to be, like, enough, capable enough to run our family and all that shit.

Seeking Connection Through Art

But the biggest thing as musicians and artists that we want is reach. You know, people, like, we want our art touch people's lives. And that's the most important thing. Like, for me, I saw Ed Sheeran and his videos. Dude, Ed Sheeran used to sing in metro stations, bro. He used to sing in front of. Shops and used to just gather people around, take his acoustic guitar, and that's it. Mandy. That was the kind of guy he was. And I want to be. I was even thinking today that I'll go because I live in a small village.

Personal Growth and Music Engagement

I don't live in a city. I live in a small village close to, like, it's in south India. I am in the middle of nowhere. It's close in mountains. So, like, my wife and I, we chose to move to a place which is close to the monastery, not far away, so we can meet our parents because they moved into the monastery. So point I'm making is that I'm planning to go to cities close by and bust, you know, because I've already started online busking and twitch and stuff. So for me, the biggest thing is people listening to me. That's all.

Clarifying Intentions and Aspirations

That's all. That's all. And making music is not a big deal for me because, like I said, I do everything myself. But I really appreciate you mutants. I want to be, know you more as a person and be more involved in the project as well. I know. I'd love to. Can I ask you a question? Yeah, absolutely, man. Go ahead, man. I have a question for you. So how many artists are you? Do you know other artists in this space? Are there a lot of artists that are in the crypto space as well that are, you know, like you that want to be able to have their music heard?

The Artist Community Dynamics

Oh, absolutely. I do know a few people. A lot of them have dropped out because, I don't know, it wasn't like they didn't. I don't know, it didn't fix that for them. Like, I think there was an artist in the listeners panel right now. His name is Louie. Louie. Louis C. Rhimes. Martek knows Louis C. Rhimes. He's actually a rapper from New York. He's a web three artist. Louie the Goat. Oh, yeah. Louie, right.

Collaborative Efforts in Music

And in fact, like, fun fact, I. My first song I ever dropped ever was actually a collaboration with Louie. So I do know a few people. Yes. I'm sorry. Made the answer very long. Okay. No, no. I love that answer, and I just wanted to get your real feelings behind it. Are you inside of our discord yet? Oh, not yet, brother. Not yet. I'm gonna get in now, so do me a favor. Join the discord and tag me in the discord. I want to talk to you about something.

Cultivating Connections

We want to try to change that narrative as much as we can. So if we can help you in that, I'm definitely going to be your big cheerleader to help you in that, for sure. Absolutely, brother. Thank you so much. I'll do that. Where can I find a discord? Is it on mutants? Yep, it's right in the profile, in the bio. Just click on it. Once you join, just open a ticket and tag me. We'll get you all squared away again.

Supporting and Uplifting Community Members

Like mister a said, we can't forget. Oh, shit. My bad. We can't forget Nessie. Like, you know, my man's been pioneering from day Dot. Like, do you know what I'm saying? Doing, like, you know, tracks for projects and all that. Dropping fire. Listen, the foot. All right, prediction. Not even prediction, but what destiny. Probably going to be the first web free fucking artist to get the Grammy, man. Like, do you know what I mean? To be on them.

Building Future Collaborations

I mean, I would love to have Nessie join. Well, he's already in our discord, but open a ticket, and me and Mister auditor can talk to him about kind of what were going to talk to KRP about. And it might be something that, you know, he might want to help spearhead with us as well. So, listen, man, we've learned in, like, gaining our notoriety that we got it from other projects supporting us. And so in the community supporting us as well. And so we're gonna do anything we can to kind of highlight everybody.

Unity and Collective Growth

Like, we have another space today with another new project Panda association. There's no hate over here with us. Anybody that knows us will tell you that, like, it takes too much energy to hate the next project. You already probably have a lot of shit that needs to be done anyway, so we want to highlight anybody that we can highlight. Like, we. We get notoriety by highlighting other people anyway, so it's a win for everybody.

From Humble Beginnings to Success

And just to go off of what my boy Drew ski just said, like, we. We literally started from nothing. Okay, guys, we literally started from zero. It was literally from zero followers on Twitter page and zero followers or zero people inside the discord. And. And a lot of people, like Keith and Martech, what Drew ski was saying earlier, help us become the project that we are today. Yeah. Be honest. Everybody didn't, everybody wasn't helpful.

Recognizing Support and Gratitude

That's why it's so special that they did. And that's why I rock. That's why you hear me talk about Martek even when he's not around. You'll hear me talking about the Brett gold team. And I don't hold any Brett gold. And I never met them before. But the people who looked out for us outweigh the people who didn't. And so we. We have to highlight that. Like we. Exactly.

Memoirs of Resilience

Mister auditory wasn't going to say that shit, but I'm going to say it. We were getting the door slammed on us. Literally slammed in our face. Yeah. Unfortunately, they were very disrespectful to us. More than one time. And we kept smiling by multiple people. By multiple people building. We kept doing everything, like, and that's why I said earlier, like, everything we have is built. Like, we don't really give a shit if we min out.

Commitment to Community Growth

We know we're gonna men out, but we don't really give a shit if we min out. Everything that we've built, everything that we've promised to the community, it's done. We don't have to worry about all shit. This project promised us this, and it never happened. Not like we're adding sprinkles on top at this point. So I have to highlight you guys. Even Nessie, he didn't have to do that fucking song for us.

Facing Challenges with Grace

Like, people were really spitting on us, spitting in our face. No matter how much shit that I've put in work with the board, a community, no matter how much stuff that I've done personally for Solana, before all of this, were still getting pissed on. And so everybody who helped us out, we want to make sure that they go up with this. It's not just one person. Literally everyone that helped us out, we've never forgot.

Reflections on Community Engagement

We don't forget. We've. We've on more than one occasion, have tried to come up with different ideas to bring us all up together. And that's what we're going to continue to do. Because the reason why Solana doesn't move forward is because you have. And to be. I don't even care if you don't like my language, but you have punk ass communities that are really gatekeepers.

Addressing Community Dynamics

100% gatekeepers. They're too good to talk to you. They're too good to post a post. Like, man, that shit's lame, bro. Like, I. That right there is the reason why I go so hard for the mutants. I've never said anything bad about anything bad that has ever came out, ever. And I, and I won't let the community either. I won't let the other founders, I tell them off, ripped let it go because we're going to sell out.

Future Aspirations and Commitment

And then we can give them our ass to kiss. But right now, it's not worth it. It's not worth the back and forth. A lot of this shit is engagement farming. A lot of people want to ride coattails. It's a lot of that what Martech say, that sexy shit going on. And we really don't play that. So we try to keep it flowing. We try to keep it. We treat people how we want to be treated.

Maintaining Integrity and Growth

We're not going to take any disrespect, but we're going to treat everyone how we want to be treated. And, and it just goes back from how we started, you know, I mean, and we just, we want to pay it forward, basically. That's our main goal, to pay it forward. And that's our main mission. That's exactly why we move the way we move.

Meaningful Connections in the Community

That's exactly why we stay in the circle with the people that added us to their circle, you know, I mean, they didn't have to add it to our circle, but they did it anyways out of love, out of support. So we're gonna do whatever we possibly can to support those that support them, you know. I mean, we have a main slogan in the muns on soul, community. The muns on soul team.

Community Values and Collaboration

And that main soul. That main slogan is, we support those that support us. You know, I mean, that is our main slogan. That's why we ended up creating the Avengers. And that's why we ended up partnering with all these amazing communities. That's why we ended up linking up with Keith. That's why we ended up linking up with Martech. That's why we ended up got getting trapper our whale part of the community and stuff like that.

Celebrating Relationships Within the Community

And that. That's exactly why we ended up supporting Brett Gold and whole, you know, I mean, because the Brett gold community were literally with us since the beginning. I don't know if you guys knew this, but the Brett gold community were literally with us when were only 500 followers, guys. 500 followers. That was a. I mean, obviously it wasn't too long ago, thank God. We've been going like, you know, rocket mode for a while now.

Growth and Support from the Community

It's been super amazing and awesome, and I. And we're very thankful. But you guys don't understand how much settlement that goes towards the team, that goes towards the community. The fact that these guys been with us since literally the beginning, when were nothing, when people were literally gatekeeping us, when there was launch pads, projects spitting on us, bro, because they called us a derivative.

Building and Nurturing Community Relationships

Like, they were just shitting on us. And. And we just, you know, we took it up the chin. We didn't want to tell you guys about it because, like, it was unnecessary energy. And that isn't the energy that we're trying to bring back to community, because, like, exactly what Drew ski said. Everything we do, everything we say is keeping with you guys in mind. You know, we can't do nothing.

Intentions and Responsibilities in Community Building

Nothing that jeopardizes not only our community, but our community's pockets, our community's investment, because that's exactly what you guys are doing. Every time you guys go into a community, you guys are investing into that team, into the idea, into that team. So we can't do anything to jeopardize you guys's investment. You know, I mean, and that is our main goal. And I'm hundred cent sure Brett Gold feels the same way.

Showing Appreciation and Connection

And Brett Gold, Keith, Martech, you guys don't even know. We hold you guys dear to our heart. And I don't get. You know what? I don't even care. Was it called I'm doing this anyways? Jusky. Probably a mad at me, but you better not. You better not. You better your fucking idea. You better not say what the fuck you mean. It wasn't my idea?

Engagement and Community Reference

You. You talking about the one one? No, that's exactly what I'm fucking talking about. Okay, all right. That's exactly what I'm fucking talking about. It's already too late. It's already too late. It's too late. We're bringing up the brat gold one one. It's gonna be the motherfuckers gonna be looking. She was about to do. I thought she was about to tell Marte we was about to make a one one of him.

In-Depth Collaborative Discussions

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I can't fucking believe you just fucking. I can't fucking believe I was talking about Brett gold, my guy. So what? That's two. I love what you. I can just fill them too now. Oh, my God. Yes. That works. I did anything wrong because all I did was ask questions. It's 2024, you know, I mean, guys, yo, that's it. That's all I can say. That's all the alpha just.

Easter Eggs and Creative Insights

Just know. Detail is everything. And yeah, it's pregnant. And I wonder what it's gonna create. Okay, that's. That's all I could say. That's all I can say. I wonder what's gonna come out of that Pearl Hollow. But no. Yeah, we do have a one for Martech, and we do have a one for Brett gold coming out soon for those. You know what? I might as well drop this now. I. It is what it is.

Upcoming Minting Events

If we're over here fucking dropping shit. Was it called for? Those that don't know, we plan on doing. We plan on minting. Okay, guys, we plan on minting this Saturday. Once we do mint this Saturday, let's just say, hypothetically speaking, we meant the whole entire. What? You know, never mind. Sorry. When we do mint out the whole entire collection, there's gonna be some people. Mutants and people's wallets.

Anticipation for Future Releases

And they're gonna be asking the team, what the fuck, man?

Unrevealed Mutants

What the fuck? I got a. I got a unrevealed mutin. Well, when you guys get that unrevealed mutin, then if you know, you know. I mean, there ain't gonna be many. There ain't gonna be many unrevealed mutants. Only five. Yes, lack, few. But when you guys know, you guys will know. So we got. We gotta be dropping a lot of cool stuff to you guys. We're so excited. And, you know what? Zell wanted me to drop a one one to you guys. So at the end of the space, I'll be dropping a one, the next one of one just for. Oh, you gonna drop that one? Yeah, he wanted me to drop it, so you. Right, I might as well drop it. But we got a couple hands up. Drop the other one tomorrow. Yeah. Oh, the. The cloud one. You talk about the woman. Oh, oh, no, I totally. For tomorrow, just drop it tomorrow. It's cool. No, were talking about it earlier. Brett Gold wanted to see the cleavage.

Communication and Events

Send it to him in the DM. In the DM. So. Yeah, send it to him in the DM. And then we'll post it tomorrow because we need a. We got an. Do we have another one to show tomorrow? We have. We have actually four. So we could do two each before man. Oh, yeah, that'll work. Yeah. Okay. We'll do it. That. So we'll drop the. We'll drop the. I'll make a post right now about the woman. We. For those that missed it, were going to be dropping a separate women MU and community collection and adding it to the OG very soon. We want to do our best to incorporate everybody into our community. We don't want to make it just guys, but obviously the girly traits are going to be looking weird with the men mutants. So we took it upon ourselves to create a separate section just for you guys. It's going to be amazing. It's going to be whole new traits. And we're so excited. But I'm gonna be dropping that soon. Before we pass it over, we have a lot of hands up a lot of cool communities. Before I drop. Before I pass it over, we're gonna go Brett gold first, then we're gonna go with our partners.

Winners and Congratulations

Monkeys. After that, we're gonna go with KRP. Then after that, we're gonna go with Lemon, is then a few bad newbies. Okay, guys, before I pass it over to my boy, Brett gold, I want to say that. Oh, let's see. Did he leave? Did he leave? No, he didn't. All right, so our first winner, art. No, I think the second winner, because VKG won that one. The second winner of today's space, the second round of mutants on. So Keith Barry hopping in the ring. You know, I mean, the second winner is creative cat, you just won yourself angry eight. Thank you so much for chilling in the space. Thank you so much for can't come in and supporting. We definitely appreciate you. I'm gonna be dropping that in the comment section right now. Hold on. Let me drop it. Share, copy and paste. Bam. Comment. And it is official. So everybody in the mama could see. I'm not bullshitting. I just. I didn't pick no random ass person. Was it called? You are the winner. Thank you so much for coming.

Community and Networking

Thank you so much for liking a retweet. If you guys want to win some new prizes, definitely go like and retweet, guys. Okay, so now we're gonna spin it right back. We got my boy, Brett. Brett, golden community. What's up, my guy? I know you got something today. Wait, real quick. I want to say something about creative cat pajama. She is so active in our community with Doodlegenix and with Brett Gold. She's an artist, and she's just nonstop, always active, always supportive. And even in some of these group chats, people get catty. People get, you know, rude to other people. She's always just so sweet, and she tries to tell people, and she's. She's just awesome. So shout out to creative cat. I'm glad she won the giveaway, bro. The right people are winning the giveaways today. I'm loving it. People that are just super supportive of both of our communities, man, though. And mister auditor and fucking drew ski. You guys are hilarious. You're dynamic. You guys got to keep this up forever.

Real-life Connections

I mean, this. This gives me early spaces vibes when I just, like, had two badass co hosts and like, oh, dude, you guys are giving me such good vibes. The bull run is back for fucking nfts. You guys are going to lead the way. Fucking love this shit. Yeah, no, we're excited. But you said she's a artist, right? Yeah, she's an artist. She creates art and memes for me all the time. Really out of her work. She's just. She's amazing. She puts in a ton of work. I know she has an in real life job. I know she has family. I know she has a lot of obligations. But she's always on the spaces. And then if she misses one space, she'll be like, oh, I'm sorry. I miss. I'm like, don't worry about it. You're so. She's a loyal, amazing community member, and she's someone that's going to follow you guys and mint with you guys. If she doesn't have soul, I'll send her soul so she can mint some. So I'm excited.

Supporting Artists

Okay, cool. We definitely want people like that in the community and definitely creative cat hit us up in the DM's. For those that don't know, we are gathering as many artists, not just musical artists, but we want to invite a lot of artists to our community because we got a lot of cool things going on. For those that don't know, we are dropping 20. Fuck. I think it was 21 muons already made, but we're gonna be dropping 59 separate muns that are gonna be customizable. So we're doing our best to gather up as many artists as we possibly can to incorporate different types of art into the one one collection. So if creative, Cat, if you guys want, if any artists that's in the space, if you guys want to hop in our discord, definitely talk to the team, show us your art. We would love to receive it and do what we possibly can to incorporate you guys's art into our collection, into our community and into our ecosystem.

Reflections and Future Plans

Oh, man. You know, I stepped back for a little bit. You know, I had to take care of some Irwa in real life issues and stuff. I've been following you, Keith, and what you're doing with Brent gold. I got a bag, man. When you first started talking about it, I don't even know what Wallace is in. I ain't looked at it, I ain't traded it. I gotta probably go look for it. I don't even know, man. I just know when you said it, you know, keep. Go back to Pa YC. And there's. There's a bunch of people still following you from that, man. A great following. That's just awesome. My boy Martech. Marte is just blowing up, man. Bro, no telling what's gonna come out of your mouth, bro. You liable to say anything, bro. I'll be like, what's he gonna say now? So when I get time, bro, I pop into a space, even at work, right? My headphones in my ear, right? And I be like, what is Martech gonna say? No? And I just pop it.

Community Engagement and Excitement

I just listen, bro. You'll be like, oh, yeah, balls in your mouth, or, oh, you dropped something. Oops, you caught it in the rear. And I was like, really? Come on, bro, you liable to say anything, Marte. Hey, but that's why everybody loves you, bro, because, you know, hose bars with it, man. And that's just awesome. The guy that was just talking about the project for Pablo Crow, I'm about to look into that. I'm friends with a spaceship crypto, so she's close with Pablo. So I'm about to find out a lot about that, man. That's. That's really awesome. The mutants on soul. I think you kind of like what I'm doing right now. I'm not gonna do it all hard shiller or anything. I don't want to do that because this is not my space. Not my. Fuck that. All right, man, I, like I said, I want a new, harsher, but mutants also, bro. You'll like what we're doing. We're doing the GPK, the garbage pail kids, nostalgic.

Nostalgia and Community Building

The, you know, the Gen Z and. Not Gen Z, the gen X. Oh, that's hard. I see it on your page. That shit is hard, bro, with the early millennials, right? So look, we had launched this on pumpkin, my boy, me and my boy, Beard, the citizen, he's in here. He's trusted dude, man. You know? You know, I roll with the trusted dude. I'm, you know, with the Baron boy NFT community. Like, if it can't be trusted, I don't want to mess with them. You know what I mean? We've been in this space long enough to know who we can trust. And who we can't. So when we all blow up together, we all know each other. So it's going to be awesome. It's just going to be awesome, man. And nft kid, bro, keep, man, you've been working your butt off, bro, in these spaces, man. Straight up, bro. I my hats off to you, homie. I hope you go and knock that do smooth out, bro. Straight up, man. No, you are gonna go knock that dude out. What am I talking about? You don't put him on his ass.

The GPK Project and Organic Community Growth

So we're doing a GPK thing, right? And we lost on pump on, and we really weren't shilling it because were putting things together, you know, buying decks and whatever, and we wanted to build an organic community, right? We don't. I don't want to do no fake volume bots. I don't want to do any of that stuff, right? Because it's so nostalgic. And people that remember GPK and they just love it, you know what I mean? They trade the cards. My boy, beard of citizen, has almost all the cards, and he made a banner, right, of all his cards and put it on the decks. And we just been building with it. We have so many ideas that we're working on right now. NFTs come in their own GPK type nfTs, but not something to be trademarked. Our own thing, you know what I mean? And we're building that and we're working hard on it, and we're building a community. Of course, when we hit radium off of pump, everybody knows all the jeeps are out.

Revival of GPK and Community Interaction

So all the jeeps are out. Now we got a good reversal right now. Coming in, buying up the floor supply, getting supply control guys are coming in saying, hey, I love GPK. If you're here in your 40 years old, early thirties, mid forties, you love GPK because you were in school with the cars and the teachers used to take them from you and they wouldn't allow them to come in. And I just think that just goes along right there with what you're doing. Mutants on soul, you know, because it's like the same vibe, man. So I definitely want to hook up with you and see what you got going on. Networking is what I do. I love it, man. It's just. I just do it like. Like, it's just my lifestyle, you know what I mean? And like I said, man, I don't want to just go into no great big hard shit or nothing. You'll see the GPK stuff all over Twitter.

Collaborations and Community Support

Could be raiding. We're doing some stuff we want to do collaborations with people and man. Yeah. Thank you, bro, for letting me get up here. Say a shaman. I'm gonna find out about what Pablo crows got going on. Mutant on. So about to give you a following, Keith, man, as always, I always following everything you're doing, man. Everything you say. Like I said, you dropped brick gold. I bought a bag. I don't even know where it's at when I find it out. I hit you in the DM and show you the screenshot because I don't even remember what wallet is in, you know, because that's how Solana is. You got a bunch of different wallets. But anyway, you know, check us out, see what we're doing at GPK, man. I'll put some information and you put. It on the jumbotron.

Jumbotron and Community Interaction

Keep it on the jumbotron. How do I put it on the jumbotron, bro? Here, hold on. Here. I'm gonna follow you right now. And then dm me. Oh, you. I just followed you right now. Dm me. And I'll put in the Jomo Tron. Yeah. Okay, I got you. Thank you so much. Coming through. Supporting. We definitely want to get to know you guys community. Maybe we can even hop in a space, the next space after mint and see what we got, what you guys got going on. We definitely want to have the opportunity. Thank you so much. We're gonna be doing a little intermission, guys. We're gonna be playing the muons on soul heartbeat for you guys. Nessie a Rilla, he's amazing artist, and we definitely want to do our best to put him out there. Right after we play the song, we're gonna get to my boy Bami.

Upcoming Plans and Guest Introductions

If I say your name. I'm sorry. I'm really bad at names, but we're gonna get to Bami then or after. We're gonna get to the. You know what? We're gonna save the best for last. We're gonna get to my boy flex, and then we're after, you know, our next partnership that we said to you guys a little bit earlier in the space. We're gonna get to Bami, then. We're gonna get to flex, then we're gonna get to. Oh, my gosh, we have so many people coming up now. You know what? I want to. I want to get to Jin sue very soon. So we're gonna get to Bami, Flex Jin Su, and then we're gonna go to Brett gold, and then clear collectibles. Okay, guys, for those that don't know, Brett gold is an amazing person.

Space Dynamics and Highlights

Into the Brett gold community space. Brett gold raw. I am sorry. I ended up getting an opportunity to talk to him not too long ago with the main page. Well, with my personal page. And he does a lot of amazing stuff for the Brett gold community. So I definitely want to give get to him as soon as possible as well. And for those that don't know, clear collectibles is part of our partnership, but we're going to be doing a little intermission, like I said earlier, like, and retweet the space we're going to be giving out. Well, one of our partners, enchanted minors. These guys are awesome. We love those guys. But while we. I run that little giveaway while we do the intermission, we're going to be dropping this amazing mandeh art.

Appreciation and Acknowledgments

We appreciate you guys. We're probably, I don't even know now. We're probably like 2 hours and a half. You guys are fucking amazing. There's 96 people in here going strong. And we appreciate everybody. Everybody that is coming through, supporting and thank you guys so much. We're gonna spin it back. Love you guys. And this is the muons on soul heartbeat. Enjoy, guys. I want to see some hearts. I want to have this shit look like a fucking fireworks show. Hey, mister editor. Oh, shit. I just played it. What's up? We have a space with Panda association. In hour, an hour and a half. Okay, then we'll bring up one more person. Limitless ape. Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to drop you because I want to bring up some people.

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