Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space hosted by DPMonksFinance. The Twitter space delved into the convergence of finance, NFTs, and technology, shedding light on D.P.Monks Finance’s operations, the impact of @FUZION_XIO in the NFT exchange space, and the crucial role of XRPL nodes in the crypto ecosystem. The conversation highlighted the interconnectedness of these elements in shaping the digital landscape.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: What is the focus of D.P.Monks Finance LTD in the FinTech realm?
A: D.P.Monks Finance LTD operates within the FinTech sector with a focus on innovative financial solutions.

Q: How does @FUZION_XIO contribute to the NFT exchange space?
A: @FUZION_XIO is a key player in the NFT exchange arena, offering unique services and platforms for NFT transactions.

Q: Why are XRPL nodes essential in the crypto ecosystem?
A: XRPL nodes play a crucial role in validating transactions and maintaining the integrity of the XRPL network.

Q: What are the key themes that emerged from the discussion on finance, NFTs, and technology?
A: The conversation highlighted the interconnected nature of finance, technology, and NFTs in the current digital landscape.


Time: 00:15:42
Exploring D.P.Monks Finance Operations Insights into the innovative financial solutions provided by D.P.Monks Finance LTD.

Time: 00:25:18
NFT Exchange Platforms like @FUZION_XIO Understanding the role and impact of @FUZION_XIO in the NFT exchange market.

Time: 00:35:50
Significance of XRPL Nodes in Crypto Discussing the importance of XRPL nodes and their function within the crypto ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights into the operations of D.P.Monks Finance LTD in the FinTech sector.
  • Exploration of NFT exchange platforms like @FUZION_XIO and their impact.
  • The significance of XRPL nodes and their role in the crypto landscape.
  • Understanding the blend of finance, technology, and NFTs in the discussion.

Introduction to the DPMF Live Show

Good evening. It’s Sunday night. It’s 08:00 I think you know it’s time for DPMF live. It’s the 4 August. Kirstama has had one month in charge and the country has gone to rat shit. Funny that. We have got a good one tonight. We have got the wayteller all doing a deep dive into what’s going on. Tonight’s show is brought to you by Fusion Xio, the revolutionary multi currency NFT exchange with its very own social finance decentralized application on the XRPL launching in four days time. We’re all getting excited, but none more than my man Dan the man. Fill us in with the markets.

Market Update by Dan

Hey, palace. Just keeping an eye out for Wes to come on and I must say your introduction is getting slightly better, mate, considering. What do you think? For those that don’t know, he’s. He just reads out the same thing every time and he still struggles to say it. Okay, yeah, I don’t know where Wes is, but we’ll continue without him. He might be struggling with his Hawaii phone. I haven’t got my headphones on this one. I’m hearing you loud and clear, Dan. And we’ve got the way teller here as well. Going to have a really great chat with him. I cannot wait. Okay, so let me fly through the markets here because it feels like we haven’t done a show in ages. Over the past week, we’ve had some pretty significant moves, just so everyone’s aware. So number one, bitcoin, is now sitting at $58,671.

Current Trends in Cryptocurrency

It’s had a 13.95% drop over the seven day. Theorem is at $2,723, which has had a 16% drop over the seven days. Teva is at number three. Number four is BNB, which is at $502. Number five, Solana, has had the biggest hit this week, which is a 24.93% decline over the seven day, which is likely relatable to some. Some rumors that came out that FTX holds 8% of the Solana supply in hidden wallets and that come out at the start of the week. So that’s shaken them up a little bit in terms of price. USDC is sitting at number six, currently at $1. XRP is at number seven, sitting at over the seven day, that’s had a 12.44% drop. Number eight ton coin, $6.00. Five, which has probably had this, one of the smaller drops of them all just under 8% this week.

Further Insights into Market Performance

Dogecoin is at $0.10. Which has had a 21% drop over the seven days. And then number ten is Cardano Ada, which has had a 15.88% drop. Currently sitting at coin. So if you like what you hear tonight, please subscribe. Please comment in the comment box. We’ll try and get down to your comments. If you want to have a little chat with the wayteller or anyone on the panel, please put your hand up and we’ll try and get to you. We do appreciate the community joining in our little chit chats on a Sunday evening. And it certainly is a very good experience for one and all. As ever, we are on YouTube, we’re on exes, we’re on the website. Find us. Listen to our other shows. They’re all pretty groovy.

Welcoming the Wayteller

So without further ado, unless Wes has got some jokes and he’s up here now, the Wayteller. Open your mic up, my man, and we’ll have a chat. Evening, fellas. Good evening, the way teller. So tell us, where are you from, my man? Born in the UK and born in Weymouth, in fact. But I’ve moved all over the country when I was young and then I moved all over the world. Well, traveled all over the world in my adult work. And how. How did you get into crypto? What made you get into crypto? Initially. I was at an autocad training day and there was two fellas, two of my colleagues, in fact, and they were talking about something called bitcoin.

Journey into Cryptocurrency

And I think it was. Mister Way. Cut out 17 sense. I can hear you fine, yeah. Dan, can you hear us or not? I think Dan’s having some technical issues. Yeah, go on, carry on. Yeah, on and off. Just carry on. I’ll pick up. Anyway, I listened on the conversation and they started getting into it and I ignored them. And I didn’t. I didn’t pursue it any further. And then about two years later, I heard them talking again about XRP. And this was in 2017, so I went and bought some XRP at $2.85 and I’ve been buying it down ever since. Oh, yeah. Oh, I know that feeling. You know what I’m talking? Absolutely.

Reflecting on Career Transitions

Absolutely. So what sort of things? What do you do? I mean, what’s your role, your job wise? What’s your background in that? In that sort of sense? Okay. So in short, I went and joined the circus, but not the circus as such. I got a job. I was bowing around London looking for a job, and I answered this little ad in the evening, standardization. And it said, are you fit? Healthy? Call this number, which I thought was a bit dodgy, but I was kind of rock bottom. So I called the number and a few weeks later I was unloading trailers out the back of a theater in the West End in London, and I became a member of the crewman.

Career Path in Entertainment and Construction

I became a crew doing building stages and that sort of stuff. I went on and ended up 20 meters in the air, steel erector scaffolder. Ended up touring with some really big names in the rock and roll industry that lasted about ten years. Got into construction site in the same industry that lasted another ten years. Ended up being a company director. Then I went and started working for opening ceremonies for the Olympics, and I built a couple of big projects. And, yeah, they take a lot out of you, so they’re kind of. Each one is two years. And eventually I came home and took a job closer to home, and that’s where I’ve been for the last eight years.

Entering the World of Crypto

So how did the transition into crypto, from your background, how did that come about? Did you see an opportunity? Yeah, I was. Well, this is where me and Dan met, actually, because all the time I’d been working, I’ve been writing a book. And you don’t have to go into the full details about how you met Dan. Well, it’s a short one, but I read. I finished the book and I put it on the back burner because I was too busy. And I tried to try to get it published, but it was too hard and I didn’t have the time to put into it anyway. And then I got into XRP, obviously, the flare drop, SGB and all that sort of stuff, and waiting for my flare to come in.

Exploring NFTs and Community Engagement

And while I was waiting for the songbird and the flare to come in and start the network running, I got into looking at NFTs and I got involved with the EB Shriver’s magical emporium discord channel. And some of the artwork was amazing and the ideas were amazing, and he was doing these narratives and all this sort of stuff, and we hit it off big time. And I got heavily involved in that channel, looking for a way to make my turn my book into a page. Turning NFT. That’s how I started. Awesome. With Dan, see if he could help me.

Publishing Challenges and Self-Publishing

I can tell you about that. Publishing that’s a book is extremely difficult. I did a touch of writing myself and I ended up, I don’t know, getting so, what, more than 50 rejection letters from all these publishers so it’s like, I know what you’ve been through. This blood, sweat and tears of getting yourself out there and getting those rejection letters. You know, I ended up just self publishing, just because it’s like I put too much work into this. This thing is going to come out. So I ended up publishing my little novel. Self publishing. I did the same thing. I, you know, got a front cover and all that sort of stuff.

Navigating the Publishing Landscape

I published it on. What’s that platform? Can’t remember. Name escapes me. But again, you have to push it. Yeah. You can’t leave it alone, otherwise it will die. Yeah, exactly. Right. You just got to get it out there and then, you know, just. Just let it float and then. And then move on. You know, it’s like. I mean, you can keep on going or you can, like you’re doing. You can. You can look for different ways to introduce this, you know, this art form of literature. Art form in the different. Exactly.

Artistry and Creativity

Which is what I found, because on the Discord channel, this fella who was running it, who owned the Discord channel, he was serializing flash fiction on medium, and he was making. Using mid journey to do art that accompanied it. This is right, the beginning of mid journey. So the art was weird, but it was lovely. And we got. We got into it and I started doing the same. And the. The narratives kind of meshed, and out of that, the Persona of the wayteller came into existence. So he’s a character in my book, or he is now, anyway, so.

Choosing Flare for Publication

So. So what made you publish this onto flare, as opposed to any other of the blockchains? Well, Songbird was sparkles, basically. It was sparkles because they were selling nfts, and inosys at the same time had made a platform for making nfts. So, I mean, it was all nascent at the time and it wasn’t particularly easy and it was kind of cumbersome, but that changed over time. But I wasn’t really doing nfts at the time. I was much more into the writing.

Challenges in the NFT Space

Sorry, wasn’t there a bit of a monopoly, if I remember? I think, on songbird network, when it came to nfts, when they first come out, there was only certain people who had the capability to actually produce them. A sort of minting engine. I remember a few people reaching out to me, asking about it on songbird. Is that right, or have I got that wrong? No, that’d be right. Just wanted to add that. Sorry, I’ve just jumped back in. Sorry. The way. Teller, carry on, mate.

Technical Difficulties During the Show

Good to. Sorry. I missed a bit of the start my audio car on my mobile device, but, yeah, sorry, carry on, mate. Let me step back. You’ve got quite a bad old echo going on there, Dan. I don’t know what’s going on with your sound system today, but it’s quite echoing. So. Yeah, the way Teller back to that question, then. So you didn’t think about putting any stuff on XRPL or any other ledgers? It was just. Just because you’re involved in the songbird and. Yeah. And the flare, is that right?

Exploring XRPL and Other Platforms

Kind of. But I did. I did actually put it on the XRPL, so I put it on dance. So there are a couple of my entities out there, including the page turning version of the book. Are you talking about the radical X website or which one? Yeah, it’s not for sale because it’s not very user friendly, because it’s huge. That’s an entire book. And am I right in thinking that you’re involved with the X Spectre land building? You are correct, yes.

Engagement with Xpectra and Storytelling

And how did that happen? Well, again, this was about narratives and storytelling. So I had a. I ended up taking over the. The magical emporium discord channel because the previous owner, the project, was doing well. At one point, it had sold over a million songbird in sales, but he couldn’t keep it up because of his own circumstances. The project kind of took a bit of a hit and he asked me to take it over. So I said, yeah, sure, no worries, let’s do it.

Managing Multiple Projects

So there was that. And then moved on to picking that up at the same time as trying to keep the book going and, start making nfts. So you’ve got your hands in quite a lot. Little pies, really, as well. Kind of. Yeah. You’re a bit rough. Am I? A bit echoing fellas, can you. Yeah, you’re still. You’re a bit echo the white.

Sound Issues and Challenges

Hello? Not really, mate. We’ve got a big sound issue going on, guys, and I’ve got a feeling it’s to do with. To do with Wes’s Hawaii phone because I’m watching him come in and out and when he’s not. When he’s not here, everything’s working. Well. I think Wes needs to get muted. Mic. Yeah, it’s definitely. Where is Wes down as a speaker? He’s not.

Temporary Technical Glitches

He’s not even down as a speaker, is he? Yes, he’s coming up. Okay, because I haven’t I’ve got him as a listener. Wes, do us a favor, will you just jump off a minute. Your asian hacking phone is destroying the audio of the space. We’re sorry about this. Away, Teller. We don’t usually have these problems. Yeah, we don’t. We don’t usually invite Wes on, but he keeps turning up.

Post-Glitch Comeback

There we go. I bet it all works fine now. He’s just left. Or is it the Wayteller? It might be. Has he got a seat? It might be. You guys can all hear me? Yeah, yeah, I can hear fine. I can hear you’re fine, too. Okay, the wayteller has dropped out thing. I think the. Wait. Taylor entered that etheric space and is a little off in a magical land right now.

Wayteller’s Journey

So he’s just getting to the point. So the waiter’s obviously got his fingers in a few pies. He is involved in a lot of different projects. One of them, which is down below Draco, he is a member of Dragon’s lair. And the waiter is a really great guy. I speak to him on occasions. He did what, so what he was. Talking about earlier, Draco’s everywhere.

Community Discussions

Oh, Draco’s got fingers in pies as well. He’s. He’s a. He’s a pie finger. What the. What would that be? A cherry pie. So what, american pie. What the waiter was talking about earlier. So I. I think I might have reached out to him. I was catching snippets of this earlier, so I caught wind he was looking to publish a book as an NFT.

Exploring NFT Publishing

And funny enough, it was when we had radical x, we’d just come across how to do that with PDF files. So I needed someone who had sort of, some book sort of status stuff, you know, to sort of say, look, can. Can, you know, can we. Can we test it out? Can we, you know, can we try out? And that’s where the way Teller took part. And he did mint a book on radical x.

Insights into the NFT Process

I can’t remember how many pages is. And it was very personal to him, so I had a skim of it because it’s, you know, it’s obviously his NFT. It wasn’t sale, but I went. Went through it to see, you know, how it would look. What would we be trying to achieve back then? There was additions as well. They were doing stuff with books, and there was a few others who were interested in magazines and comics, so we wanted to just, you know, try and get some stuff out and that’s what he.

Future Plans and Reflections

That’s what he’s talking about there. And that was when it was on radical X ages ago, but obviously done stuff with Sparkle since. Did he discuss that I might have. cut off since he did mention sparkles. Yeah. Wes, you’ve got your hand up. You can. You can open up the mic. And if you all goes Pete Tong again, it’s definitely you.

Technical Wrap-Up

Hello. Here he is. Yeah, it’s working. Hello. So the only person who is not talking is the way Teller. So I think it’s a problem with the way Teller’s mind. The way Teller, if you can hear us, do you want to drop. Do you want to drop him down and then get him back up again? Just so everyone, I did put. I’ve put captions on this. I went in the settings when I was cut off because I couldn’t hear.

Additional Thoughts on Communication

So I quickly slapped captions on. I didn’t even know they had this. So then, I don’t know if anyone noticed on here, but it started coming up with what people are saying in writing down below. So I was using that to try and follow. The waytellers. Just stuck his thumb up there now. So wait, Tilly, can you hear us now or not? I think you’re gonna have to. I think you’re gonna have to drop him down and get him back up again, Dan.

Final Insights and Farewells

No, I think he. I think he can hear us, Kelly. But he’s not speaking, though. Exactly right. If he’s not talking, he can’t. He may hear us, but he’s not. We can’t hear him. So maybe completely leave and come back. Okay, let’s see what we got here. Oh, hang on. I have a few questions for the waiter. Okay, I think everybody. So I haven’t got him as a speaker.

Communication Issues

I’ve got a picture in scaffold. Go on, where’s. Can you repeat the question? We’re having some real communication issues tonight, aren’t we? Where’s. Yeah, I can hear. Go on. Sorry, you carry on. I butted in. All I said was, no. I’ve got nothing to carry on with. I thought you asked me a question. Quiet. It’s not normally this bad.

Achievements in the Competition

Look, so getting back to your question, Dan, expecta me and Ava won second prize in their competition, which was fabulous, because there was a fairly decent chunk of money as a prize money. So we split that between us. And then they called me and said, listen, you know, we love what you did. Do you think you. Are you going to, are you interested in sort of continuing to build? And I said, yeah, absolutely. So I started learning unreal engine, and was one of the first people to put a building in their beta town square, which is up there at the moment. So it’s just behind their. Their meeting place in. Right in the center of the town square.

Time Taken to Build

Congratulations. I think I see something on that today. The end of the day, I was going through social media and I thought I’d see that come up. How much time did that take you to build that, to go into? I know how long it takes to build an unreal engine, but hell of a long time. Yeah. Five days. Five days. As easy as that, man. I love this man. This is a great guy. Five days. It’s not as easy as that. Even though he knew it was hard. I had a lot of help, right? Because Draco helped me.

Collaboration and Deadlines

So for three days, Draco and I went at it Fama and tongs as much as we could, because there was a deadline. They wanted it, you know, expector wanted it done by whatever it was. Unfortunately, the deadline was extended and we got it completed. And there. What now? There it is. And then the next part of their idea was, you have to build the interior. So I spent a lot longer building the interior. So, yeah, that’s actually. That’s actually what I was getting at. Yeah. So, yeah, the. The whole thing. Yeah. When you said five days, I thought, wow, this.

Technical Challenges

You know, I’m gonna have to hire. That makes sense. Did you. Did you not use. I don’t know if expected it. Did you not use any Houdini software? I know Ava’s pretty keen on it. Did she bring it up? No, she didn’t, because by then, she’d gone back. Back home, and communication was a bit difficult because it very disjointed. So, you know, days, you know, done. Multiple days were passed before we could get in contact with each other. So I just turned around to the. To the expectar platform, and they already had some building materials in it, so I pulled them apart and stitched them back together again in the style that I wanted, and that’s how I made the exterior, and it’s pretty much how I’m making the interior, to be honest.

Progress on the Project

Are you still. Still developing that now? The interior for their beta version is done, so anybody can get in there if you can access their beta platform, which everybody can if you’re on Microsoft. But obviously, if you’re on Mac, it’s not available to those Mac users quite yet, but it will be quite soon. Which is a little bit of. Because Mac’s obviously very good for designing. So I imagine you’ve got some really talented people on Mac probably trying to, you know, come across on gnashing their teeth. Yeah, I’m sure. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. We have a lot of designers who use Mac quite a lot, but no, yeah. Fantastic achievement, you know, with expect.

Teamwork and Recognition

I remember watching it, and Ava actually called me up and, you know, he said the way teller, he got second place in a competition, and I was like, that’s absolutely fantastic. Yeah. Really well done. And, you know, what the. What you built, you know, with over in that was. It was. It was. It was beautiful, and it was. It was really good, and it was really innovative, and it. And it just. It just stood. It was. It was something different from the rest, I think there was a lot of XRP related stuff, you know, which. Which, in a way, and they were all absolutely fantastic, but you went for something different, and it, you know, it really shows.

Future Goals and Project

So well done for that. You know, there’s a lot of work going into it. That’s. That’s exactly what Dirk said. You know, he said, look, it’s so different that I couldn’t help but love it. So. So thank you for that, really, genuinely. And so what is the goal I’m sorry. I’m sorry. What is the goal of your project on Expector? What. What do you envision doing with your project on expector? Okay, so I’m going to remake the emporium, and I’ve got quite a lot of land now in the expector metaverse, concentrated on two of the. It’s concentrated in two of their potential cities.

Building Plans

So one is in Cyprus punk City. And I will remanifest the Wayteller’s etheric emporium project into Cyber City, and it will be four or five times bigger than what’s in the beta. I’ve already started building it, and then once that’s done, my discord project, which is the same name, which is based around narratives and artwork, and then nfts that are also former game, that will then hopefully spread into the expector verse and maybe onto the XRPL. I wanted to do you, by any chance.

Story Time Area

Sorry, Liv Regal. I’m sorry, guys. Which one more question. Do you plan on making, like, a story time area? Because you’re talking about the library and stuff, like a storytime area where you can come in and maybe read your stories or somebody else can read their stories, anything like that? Yeah, it was something that Ava suggested, actually, because she’s got a lot of her friends from college and from other areas that she knows. She knows a lot of people who could really do with a space, whether they can meet, that’s online, but isn’t dependent upon, necessarily upon a geographical location or time, even where they can read.

Library Concept

They could meet or they could, you know, play chess, backgammon, anything like that, you know, and that was. That was her idea, and I thought that was a great idea, which is why we forged ahead with the library. So, yeah, there’s plenty of space, or there’s plenty of space to have plenty of ideas in the metaverse. So I don’t think there’s any. Doesn’t seem to be any limit to what we could. What anybody could try and achieve. And certainly physics isn’t any limit either. So, you know, that. That sounds definitely interesting and quite, I guess, maybe relieving for some people, like you said, like the authors, they’re trying to get something out there.

Self-Publishing Opportunities

Maybe they can just test the waters to see if there’s interest among other listeners. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, so medium and substack, you know, they didn’t exist, really two or three years ago, not certainly, as far as I was concerned. But they’re useful for people who are writing stories because they can self publish and directly to those platforms, and people can read their work, and thereby you’ve got an audience. Now, again, you have to work at it and keep. Keep working at your storytelling and keep working at your publishing. But that’s not to say you couldn’t grow a certain amount of a certain fan base, for example, from nothing.

Transition to Leadership

Now, I know Dan has got his hand up, so I love to hear this question because I’ve got a question after him as well. Please. Sorry. Thank you, mate. Yeah, I wanted to ask while on topic, so I know that the waiter, you obviously took over the Emporium project, you wasn’t actually the original founder. And this has led on to what’s going on with expecta now with the spaces that you’re building. And I wanted to ask a question to say, how hard has it been as to go from a community member to actually taking over a project? What’s the experience been like?

Challenges of Leadership

Because I think some people would like to, you know, maybe sort of hear from the, you know, the next founder’s mouth, if you like, what. What that transition is like, to actually step up and take over someone else’s, you know, kind of project and bend it into your own. How has that been for you? Hard work, I’ll be honest, very hard work. The. The project was so early in the whole discord, NFT sparkles environment that for a start, the smart contract was about as basic and as cumbersome as it possibly can be. And it wasn’t really smart as such. It worked for the time and bless the person that created it, but it couldn’t manage anything else.

NFT Issues

So there was no. There was no. There was no token. There was nothing to attach the NFTs to. So none of these NFTs had traits. They were. They just had descriptions in the metadata. And there was over 700. Over nearly 800 of them, because they’re all unique. Every single one of them is an individual piece of artwork created out of the narrative need. Or indeed some. Maybe. Maybe the, you know, the project ran a competition, for example, or a lot of them are. Some of them can be made bespoke to individuals who are part of the game.

Restructuring the Project

So I take all of that information, rescue the project, redo all of the NFTs, add the traits, but in that process, create the trait concept that was. That then led to that, enmeshed in with the narrative ideals, and also would then lead onto a game, because the original founder and myself both said, look, we need. We can push this to some sort of game status. But we didn’t know what that would be. So basically I had to invent a whole role playing game system to facilitate the NFTs. And that took six months, and then had to get the developer to make a smart contract that would speak to that idea and put that into a working.

Interactive Community

A working concept that would manifest itself. I keep using that word, but it’s appropriate because everything’s magical that would work within the community’s purview so that they could actually interact with it and get some enjoyment out of it, whether it’s being collect, they’re collecting, flipping the nfts, or indeed, you know, playing the game. So essentially. Hang on a minute, Wes, you step back, mate. I’m not finished. I’ll let you know when I’m done. So essentially, and I think this is quite an important point that some people may overlook or for some who don’t know you as well.

Financial Responsibility

And, you know, I know you a little bit personally, but I think one thing to take away from this is you. There was, there was revenue involved in the start this project, you know, and if you hadn’t have taken it over, you know, it’s likely that it would have discontinued and it. It’s 100% definitely was going to. So, you know, respectively, you’ve not only just taken that over, but you’ve also given financial opportunity back to people who were involved in it, you know, which is highly commendable and respectable. And, you know, most people wouldn’t know that about your project, which is quite a strong trait to have as a founder.

Commendable Leadership

You know, it means you have a lot of drive. So, you know, hats off to you for doing that, mate. That is honestly really commendable, because taking over someone’s project, I imagine, in this kind of digital ecosystem, is probably one of the most difficult things to do because you. It’s someone else’s dream and then you want to continue that, but then you want to bend and mold it into how you want it to be. And for someone to do that, you are a level above, you know, the sort of average person. So, well done for you.

Community Acknowledgment

I just wanted to say that I think it’s fair. I wanted to make sure that comes out. That’s very commendable. Right, Wes, you can take over now, mate. Cheers, Dan. Wait a minute, let me take my hand down. All right. My hands down, Dan, you’re very magnanimous. Thank you very much for that. I would like to know that as well. It is very audacious and balls deep of you, sir, if I may say so.

Literary Inspirations

Thank you. It really is. And I would love to know, because I’ve read. I’ve read a lot of your literature. I went and studied literature at university. It’s my passion, and yours really stands out to me. And I would ask you. Thank you. Yeah, it’s a good one. But who are your greatest literary inspirations? Big question. Come on, I want to know. These are the important questions. These are the big ones.

Classical Literature

Okay, so I thought about this. So let’s start with the classics. I was taught Shakespeare, Chaucer and Milton at school, and I did most of those. Most of the big parts of Shakespeare. So, Randy. And Shakespeare’s the best, though, isn’t it? Yeah. I thought Milton Washington. Just astonishing. I think Shakespeare is. I had plenty of arguments with my english teacher about whether or not Lucifer was.

Conversing on Classical Themes

Was much maligned rather than. Yeah, well, that was charsa, wasn’t it? That was Milton and then Chaucer. Milton did the Miller’s tale, which is just a raucous barrel of laughs. It really is. But may I ask, do you enjoy the plays as well? Because Arthur Miller, you know, and Tennessee Williams, a street car named Desire, things of. This was brilliant. I enjoyed plays, especially Shakespeare in that sense.

Dramatic Literature

It was a different format, especially. I mean, if you’re reading them rather than watching them. Yeah. You really get reading them different. Yeah, it’s totally different. It’s totally different when you read them. And of course, you’re learning use of English from a literal point of view and a linguistical point of view, so. Yeah, Tolkien, Christ, all sorts, really. I’ve actually stopped reading fiction, and I’ve. I’ve got massive.

Personal Favorites

What is your. Let me tell you then, to spur it on, my favourite novel is Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. That is my favourite. The second one to that would be woodering heights. That is my second. But in terms of plays, it would be probably Othello. That is my favorite play. Second, yes, I love Othello, but second to that would be a streetcar named Desire with Stan Kowalski and Blanche. That would be amazing.

Film Adaptations

And they actually made a film of it, and it was Marlon Brando who starred as Stan Kowalski. Yeah. And they were brilliant. But in terms of poetry. Poetry is a different. A different animal in itself. And Matthew Arnold made a great poem, London, and it epitomized life in the times of the victorian ages, and it resonates now with the political. People haven’t changed a great deal.

Reflections on Change

People haven’t bloody changed me in circumstances. Well, you know. Okay, we’ve got mobile phones, but you can still get knocked on the back of the head while you’re walking down the alleyways. So, I can’t believe. I can’t believe on a Sunday night. I’ve just heard that Wes is into walking heights. I never would have put the toothpick. Absolutely fantastic. Hey. I mean, every day I’m learning something and Wes, you’ve.

Recognizing Intelligence

You’ve taken me to a different. I applaud you. That’s why I have my hand up. I was going to say, when did Wes get so bloody intelligent? Did I? Did I still. I’m sorry, Dan, for stealing to study English. Yeah, he did. He did. He’s wasted as a scaffolding species. Scaffolders.

Humor in Experience

Do you not remember Harry Enfield and chums? And they did a sketch with the two scaffolders and they were sat on top like, all right, love, show us your boobies. Show us this. And then they start talking about. But, well, the current economic climate in Russia is quite alarming. Started talking in a different fashion. It was funny. Yes, you might. Where’s. You make me chuckle, mate. You make me chuckle.

Conversation Shift

Anyway, let’s get back on topic because I think the Wayteller’s got some far more interesting things to be talking about. Wayteller. Now, I notice you’ve got a very close relationship with a certain drago down there. He’s very kindly put some posts in the comments, which is very good. Do you want to just elaborate? Is that there’s a picture of the journals and there’s also a picture of the ipory mix.

The Evermore Journals

Well done. Is that well done? Is that the stuff? Do you want to elaborate a little bit for the people downstairs that don’t know anything about this stuff? Yeah, I can do so. Well, the evermore journals is the book that I was writing and that I finished and then transformed into something else once I got involved with the emporium. So the Evermore journals is the way teller’s diary in some form that also encompasses as a kind of a narrative bridge into the pure fantasy novel that I wrote and is now being serialized as part of the Emporium.

Integration of Projects

And then out of that, I thought, well, look the way Teller needs somewhere to be. And within the story, the emporium was already there because it was a discord channel. So I included that in the narrative. And then Xpectar came along, so I built the Emporium, which is what you can see in the. In their beta town square at the moment. And then down there, the other one, the emporium exterior, that’s an NFT, which was part of the narrative that I made that Draco kindly bought from me, which is also forming the model for the actual one that I will make in Cyberpunk City.

Collaborative Foundations

So how did you meet Draco? And do I understand right that you’re a member of the dragon’s lair? Yeah, I’m a co founder of Dragon’s lair as well. Awesome. So how did that come about? this guy kept bugging me and he kept asking me questions. It sounds so true. He knows I’m only joking, but. And we started talking on Discord and were both interested in mid journey as a platform to create good artwork because he’s a pretty strong artist himself.

Creative Partnerships

He knows Unreal engine and he’d already done some stuff and he’d been working on a. Draco got into the whole crypto market quicker and more seriously than I did. So he’s definitely been involved in some other projects before we met and we started talking and he wanted to create a new discord NFT project that would actually work for a community rather than potentially work against them as some do. I mean, there are plenty of bad actors out there.

Emerging Projects

So we started talking. He came up with the idea. I mean, Flerry Dank, definitely. Him and Flerry Dank were talking about this way before they met me, started getting it together. And Draco, I kind of pushed Draco. Not pushed him, but helped Draco get more familiar with mid journey. And through that conversation, we came to trust each other, came to know each other. And after a couple of conversations, he said, listen, we need a project manager for Dragons Lair and I’m a professional project manager, so seemed like a good.

Networking and Collaboration

Yeah, good fusion. Awesome. I mean, this space is all about making contacts and friendships and sort of alliances that can help, but both bilaterally, both projects sometimes, and so mutual benefits. So are you working solely on your own but with other projects or do you, I mean, does anyone help you. As such, the emporium? No, no, they don’t, but that’s fine. It’s your solar solely. The thing about the emporium is because it’s based around writing narratives, in my mind, I want to do sort of two or three serialized parts of the whole narrative or as it forks and branches into different areas, which is which it’s doing, it takes, let’s say, ten days to write 5000 words that are worth reading.

Pace of Development

So what I can’t have is for the emporium to explode onto the. Into the market and become hypey and everyone’s joining in and they all want to do this and do that, because I wouldn’t have time to write for a start, which means the NFTs aren’t being created as part of the narrative, which means no one’s got any interest in the project. So it’s a slow burn, and it’s difficult to have anybody else influence that narrative structure in case the essence of it is diluted, which is a fear, you know, but especially since I’ve only actually only really have been running it live for four months because it took nine months to rebuild it and get the, you know, the contract back, but it took four months for the contract to be redrawn so that it works, which it does.

Challenges and Focus

So. Yeah. Awesome. Awesome. So what have you found the biggest sort of challenges to what you’re doing? Well, my job basically was getting in the way, so I retired. Cool. I wish I could retire. Well, it was a risk, and looking at the state of the market this morning, it’s a fucking big risk. Exactly. Exactly. No kidding. But I’ve been 30 years in the industry. I’m surprised I’m still alive because of the risks that were being taken physically and mentally.

Reflections on Life’s Journey

I mean, look, I’ve traveled, literally traveled all over the world, and I’ve had all sorts of very interesting, in brackets, occurrences, and some of them have been deeply unpleasant. So I was kind of, in the end, happy to have made it through that 30 year career and had then have the opportunity, which is, you know, amazing, but the opportunity to step back and focus on. On this project and dragon’s lair and expect are. And see what happens, you know, a change of direction, basically. I think Dan is itching to ask you a question. Go on, Dan. Go on.

Encouraging Dialogue

You don’t have to put your hand up. Oh, no, I’m just being polite. I don’t want to jump in. And I think I’ve got a slight delay. And I miss. I missed some of what you were saying earlier, Mister Waitella. So I apologize if you repeat yourself. So, as I understand it, there is a. There is a game involved with the Emporium, and I would guess, so you’ve got from where you started writing stories, we, with the. The other journals now molded into the Emporium.

Game Development

Now I’m going to guess that this game is a reflection of them stories because they’re quite a medieval fantasy kind of storyline. Would that be the right term? If I got. If I got that right. Okay, so the original book was written because I used to play role playing games when I was younger, and I had this whole ten year campaign of playing, which is a lot of almost direct experience adventures, you know, because you’re role playing, and they’re lodged in the back of my head waiting to be told to other people.

Creative Process

So, which is what I started doing when I started writing the book. But they’re not just fantasy, because since I’ve been doing the emporium, it’s very much a sort of speculative and magical realism query about the nature of life, philosophy, universe, and everything. So that’s where I’m going with that. Now, you wait there was. You wait there wiz. I didn’t even ask. I didn’t even get to ask the question.

Ongoing Narratives

Right. We were still going. Take a step back. Come on. So where. Where I was, where I wanted to ask. My apologies. Where I wanted to ask. So. So you’ve kind of merged these different aspects of what you had with the importance, and then the dream is now being built with the game and on Expecta. So is the game going to be on the expector platform, or is this going to be separate and the emporium is going to be like a community area that’s also a reflection to the game coming.

Game Mechanics

Okay, so the game is. Is basically a role playing game that you participate in by acquiring nfts that basically act as a progressive levelling up. So you start as a novice, and then you become a seer and a scholar and become a magi eventually. And in order to do these, you need to build your own equipment in order to actually rise through the ranks, which people are doing. I mean, it’s a slow process, like I said, and that’s how it should be, but slowly, people are rising through the ranks.

Community Engagement

Pedro, for example, is already a magi, and there are. So there are six, I think seven Magi currently, and they’ve all built their own stuff. All of these. All their kit, their workbench, a robe, a timepiece. These are all bespoke to them. So I make them in conversation with those community members, but. But through those conversations, that then leads into my head about what the narratives might be.

Narrative Integration

So, eventually, the hope is, and this is happening, some of those magi end up being woven into my narratives within the book, within the. Within the project. So, once they’ve risen through the ranks, now that they are actual characters within all of the narratives, and there are currently four of those. I mean, that’s a fantastic journey into building a project.

Building a Digital Ecosystem

Yeah, there is. There is so many corridors that come into, you know, sort of everything you’re doing, and then now you’re building out into this, you know, sort of digital ecosystem involving, you know, NFTs where everyone can build themselves up. Is there a asset involved in this as well? That’s what I was meaning earlier. If you’ve already said that and you’re repeating yourself, or is this just an NFT project involved with, let’s say, native chain currencies?

NFTs and Future Projects

I think at the moment there is the NFTs within the Discord channel. There will be an opportunity, hopefully this year, depending on how our lords and masters don’t actually kill us before we get there. There’ll be a hard copy book of the fantasy fork narrative and the Evermore journals. And I’ve already got one test copy printed off in our copy in an A4 hardback version, full color, which people will be able to purchase, which people will be able to have when they purchase the correct NFTs. That’s a future project.

Real World Assets and 3D Mapping

So in terms of asset or real world asset, that would be one of them, then. I’m speaking to a guy I know who does 3D mapping, textural mapping, and he thinks it’s possible that he could make some of the items that the Magi create to get them up in their levels and have those as wearables in the metaverse, which one would be able to purchase or acquire.

Dragons in Future Narratives

And are there going to be any dragons involved? Well. And I asked this for obvious reasons, because the man below me with the flames in the background is obviously very big on dragons. And I would guess that because everything you’ve had so far is merging into one project as being a founder on Dragon’s lair, is that something that we’ll see in the future? Okay, so the emporium is one thing, and that’s fairly specialized in its own way.

Cultural Inspirations in Project Development

That will exist, I hope, in the expecta cyberpunk city. My other project is to actually build out what Ava and I first began with, which was that circular Chinese village structure. You don’t have to go into details. I remember. Yeah, right. Can I share the. The first meeting we had some minor details. Yeah, right. So guys, listen, so when the way teller was looking to build out the. The digital ecosystem, he had some very, let’s say, direct style for what he wanted.

Collaboration and Communication Challenges

Now, for those who don’t know Ava, she. There is a language barrier sometimes. So the way Teller had some. Yeah, so I was sitting on this meeting basically as a sort of translator into what. The way Teller wanted into passing on, you know, what Ava would be constructing. It was quite funny. It was a. What they have in Scotland. It was like a Scottish settlement castle. I can’t remember what it’s called. A brock. That was it. Yeah. Rock.

Design Ideas and Cultural Exchange

Yeah. And I remember being on this. Yeah. And I said, all right, Ava, I’m going to hand you over to the wayteller. If you need anything or do not understand anything, you contact me and I’ll help you. Yeah. And that’s how. That’s how that went, but. Yeah, I remember that. So that’s what you’re going to continue is. Is that is the brock and all the other stuff.

Architectural Inspirations and Land Development

Okay. So the actual. The idea of the block just grew exponentially as Ava and I were talking, and because I was talking with her and she’s Chinese, I got very much into, like, a synthesis between Chinese and Norse architecture and ended up between us, kind of creating this odd, circular longhouse. If that means it’s nonsensical, obviously, but that’s how it looks in my mind anyway, and that’s been shelved.

Future Plans for Competitive Gaming

But my plan is that I bought a lot of land in Mountain City, I think, in a very big group, so I can build a ten-story building that will actually be an arena based on a Chinese kind of village style. And in that arena, what I want to do is run competitive games. Actually, I’ve actually seen this. I said I was going through the designs.

Design Features and Aesthetic Inspirations

Yeah. When we was going through it. Now, obviously, Ava is from China, so it was very. She’s very good with that kind of style. It’s natural. Yes. A natural culture. And I seen it, and I’m not you. It looks fantastic is basically what I was going to say. Yes, fantastic. From what I’ve seen, the idea, what you have looks really good.

Challenges in Building and Narratives with Dragons

Yeah. And absolutely. But building, that’s going to be a hell of a thing because it’s going to be extremely complicated and will probably take several years, I would say, to get it done, because you have to do all the internals and then you have to give it a reason for existing. And going back to your dragons, I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be possible to have some form of dragon orientated competitive sport happening within the domain of the arena.

Humorous Moments in Dialogue

I mean, who wouldn’t want dragons? Who wouldn’t want dragons, you know? No. Thank you very much, Mister Teller. Wes, you can continue, mate. Has he gone home? Is he had enough? I think he pissed him off. I think he’s burning with Renaissance Joe. Wes, always.

Wisdom Behind the Scenes

At some point, when we do these chats, Wes is always really good at doing these really impressive moments, you know, where you just don’t see it coming because we always shoot Wes down, but he’s secretly very intelligent. You’re picking him up now. Hold on, hold on a minute.

Wes’s Tenacity and Humor

Yeah. Yeah. How the hell do you always shoot me down? No, behind the scenes we take the mick at you all the time. You don’t even. Oh shit. You don’t even know about it. It’s that bad? Yeah. Where’s. Are you in the toilet? You in the toilet?

Dedication in Digital Spaces

Because it bloody sounds like it, mate. He has to go into a cupboard. He has to go into a cupboard at home because his misses chases him away when he’s on these shows because he’s not spending any time. He hides in a cupboard.

Commitment to the Digital Cause

Dedication that I show to the show and the cause, you know, I go into these extreme lengths in order to propagate this show. But I did have a question for you, a real big one, actually, another important one. Which is your favorite RPG? Because RPG games are my favorite games.

Nostalgia for Classic RPGs

Oh, they know. I remember Final Fantasy, I remember Fallout, I remember Half-Life. And I would love to know your favorite RPG by me. Well, most of my RPG playing days were tabletop, so. Wow, so you played Warcraft and Dungeons and Dragons. Pretty much. Dungeons and Dragons, yeah, I played it.

Experiences with Digital Games

I played it a few times and it was very hard. I used to always get beat. It was the same when I transferred to the digital place and played all of that. I got a bit more luck with that then, so that’s why I continued with it. I do play digital and I think, well, here’s the thing.

Reflections on Gameplay Systems

I play Dungeon Master on the ZX 84, I think, which was just after 15 hours playing it. All you could see were the walls walking past you even when you weren’t in it. Yeah, it messed your eyes up staring at that resolution, man. But anyway. I like turn-based games.

Shared Love for Strategy Games

Yeah, I love turn-based games. Do you remember the original Fallout on the PC in about 1990? It was a turn-based strategy game. They are my favorite. XCOM is my favorite. XCOM. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like XCOM as well. It was good.

Personal Gameplay Preferences

But you know, I played a few. I never got into Warcraft. No, I didn’t either. Belter’s Gate. Belders Gate. That was a good play, a good game. A few years back. Yeah, ten years back or whatever it. I would have thought used to obviously being, you know, scaffolding history manager and worker you’d be into like, I don’t know, Sim City or.

Long Hours in Sim City

Sim City was my favorite game. I spent years playing that. Knew it. Yeah, absolutely. Sim City was amazing. And Sim. Sim Tower was good. Sim Hotel Tower. That was a good one. Sim ants as well. I remember that.

Mixed Opinions on Different Simulators

I never got into it. I don’t know, I just. It never appealed to me. It’s because. It was because I was doing the tabletop games, that’s why. Yeah, I used to love the tabletop games. They were brilliant. Me and my mates, during the summer, we’ll play Dungeons and Dragons for hours with these 2020 sided.

Audience Interactions and Gratitude

It was brilliant. We’ve got someone in the audience called my. Wants to come up and have a chat. My. Do you want to open up your mic and ask your question? Sure. I’d just like to say hello and special thank you. Hello to the. Thanks for coming up. My. Yeah, no problem.

Nostalgic Remembrances

I’m known as a wireflower, and he is. Yes. And I would like to just personally thank the wayteller for continuing on the journey that someone before the name of Eb Schreiber started it all. You know, one day I was in some discord and forgot his name, what he called himself before Eb, but he just was like, hey, check this out, you know?

Evolving Stories and Project Growth

And I’m like, oh, there’s these forgotten bears. I’m like, oh, that’s pretty cool. There’s like only a few of them. I know. I’m like, that’s pretty cool. They’re really neat. I didn’t really know anything much about it and I just bought one and there’s like a little story, and then like, all of a sudden, the magic began and it was like, what is going on here?

Personal Connections and Appreciation

I get, like, this handcrafted NFT with my name and a whole story. It’s just unbelievable and, like, heartfelt and touching. And the story continued on and I just, you know, there’s a lot to it, but I just wanted to really just give a personal thanks to the Wayteller and the others that have helped along the way, including Draco and Flary and many others.

Community Engagement

You’re bloody happy with it, aren’t you, sir? Thank you, Wildflower. So he owns one of the first, the king ones, of which there are only ten of them in existence currently, so he is literally one of ten OGs for the entire project. He’s been there longer than I have. And there’s so much to do it.

Continued Engagement and Future Potential

I myself have kept track with everything, but I know it’s still there and I know I can learn, read and do the research in the future. And that’s why I’m just really thankful that this tradition that was started with these forgotten bears and the magi and the story and the emporium and like creating this world is just really special and unique and really look forward to seeing it on the expectaverse.

The Community’s Heartfelt Thanks

Thank you, man. Thank you very much. That’s really just what it came up. You’re a star. Give a personal account of the. My experience. That’s nice support. Yeah. Absolutely brilliant. Thanks for coming up. Thank you very much, Mike, if you don’t mind me saying, asking.

Regional Reflections

Beautiful look in the Midwest. United States. Midwest. Awesome. So this is what I like. North. This is. This is what I like about crypto. It touches all over the world, doesn’t it? And the, you know, your efforts, the wayteller, are obviously affecting people’s lives all over the place.

Collective Support and Global Impact

It’s good. It’s nice. I like it. Gives you a fuzzy warmth. 100%. Absolutely. Absolutely. I’d also like to say it’s pretty cool to see Daniel’s efforts and making a marketplace and see what is going on there. And also shout out to the dragons, Laird lot going on there.

Discussion on Novelty and The Future

Study and learn about there as well. Sorry, did you mention a lot of info? Yeah. Did you mention fusion in four days? Is that what you said? Thank you very much, Ma. It’s very kind of you to say. Thank you, mate. And lovely to say about the.

Community Perspectives

It’s nice to hear from a community member and a different perspective. So thanks for coming up and saying that. Yeah. Ma’am. Yeah. Do you know what? We don’t actually get? Many people come up and from. From projects inside and give their support.

Consolidating Thoughts and Discussions

So it’s quite nice to hear that. It’s good. I like it. So, Dwight, is there anything you think we’ve missed tonight that you want to elaborate a bit more on, or are you happy with what we touched on so far? Yeah, I mean, just. Just remind.

Return to Origins

I mean, wireflower just reminded me that, you know, where this project first started. And it did start originally with a really touching tale about 20 forgotten bears, which are represented as NFTs. You know, these stuffed bears with multicolored ties on. I think they are.

Stories of Resilience and Loss

And the story was that these bears had been found when a. A cellar was opened up in a ruined house in Germany. And they found the soldiers, the US soldiers in there found these wrapped up bears in paper bag paper, all wrapped up as parcels, individually named, and two children.

Tales of Forgotten Innocence

And they realized that this was an orphanage and that the bears had been made by the nurses and their carers. However, just before they were going to be given to these orphans, they were taken out and shot by the Nazis. And that story began. The emporium.

Shock and Awe

Wow. You got me there. Yeah, I don’t know if it’s a good time to remember the last question that was asked of the next. The person who came up. Yeah, completely. Yeah, we missed that. Well done, Wes. Well, I got one more. One more question.

Ongoing Engagement

One more little question. I’m all I need. I’m alright. Wait, Taylor, have you. I know you post or repost a lot of stuff on X or Space or Twitter and stuff like that. Tends to be more of a kind of like a defiance kind of postings.

Defiance in Digital Spaces

Defiance against the government, stuff like that, or whatever. Our mystery handholders, shall we say, any. Any chance of you creating a space within. Within your. The project that you’re doing, like maybe for conspiracy theories, or maybe. Maybe even metaphysical training.

Technology and Governance

Oh, my God, Alice, was that the sound board? No, that the government trying to interfere. Sorry. Live free. I do apologize. My thumb actually slipped and it pressed the clouds and the rain, so I do apologize.

Unforeseen Errors

How on earth is it up as an option? Why is that even up as an option? While you listen to this. I’ve got loads of options on here. Loads of options. You want to hear some more? No, no.

Communicating Expectations

Should we ask the question or what? Should we let him know about the fact that he has to ask a question? You know, this way, teller, you’ve got to ask a question. A question for you. But we’ll leave that to the very end.

Expectations from Future Questions

Oh, man. Nice one. Draco tipped him off. Draco tipped him off, yeah. I’ll ask you the question in terms of the space and discussions on more defiant areas of philosophical discussion.

Interactive Philosophical Exchange

Yeah, sure, why not? I mean, that would be lovely if there were enough people in there who were asking sensible questions. Wait, well, I have a sensible question here for you from the last. Wesley. Wesley, do you mind him finishing what he’s answering before you interrupt him?

Constructive Dialogue

Sorry. Of course. The interesting thing for me is, and for anybody else, I guess, is that within the thread of the narrative, I do write about those odd, slightly defiant, vaguely, or indeed utterly rabbit hole queries and questions that go on, and they’re all.

Quest for Knowledge

They are written in there, you know? So if people read it, I mean, it’s not obvious by any means, because that’s a good narrative is supposed to be. Keep you guessing. You know, I like Sherlock Holmes big time, you know, and I do intend to write something that is more Sherlock Holmes in the future, but when it comes to talk about conspiracy theories and, you know, people waking up and a new.

Embracing New Ages

A new spiritualism coming into the age of Aquarius and the Kali yuga and things like that. Oh, yeah, I’m game all the way. In fact, you actually can’t stop me talking about it once you stop me.

Continuing the Discourse

So if I may ask them, I’m indeed Aquarius in the age of Aquarius. I have a question here for you from the last program that we had on, it was Gamer X gold, and they had a question. And this is what we do each time we ask you to ask a question for the next person who comes along, and this is their question to you.

Questions of Existence

So it is. When is it enough? It’s quite an open question. When is it enough? Is it when you’ve got a token? Is it when you’ve got a game? When do you decide it’s enough? Is there a finish point for you?

Endless Exploration

Well, no, because I’ve got a token. There is a token exists. People can buy NFTs using it. It’s not on the open market. That’s just. It’s just, it’s a closed system. Currently. The NFTs will grow as they should do, along with the.

Anticipating Future Growth

The pace of the technology that’s behind AI art. The project hopefully will continue to attract slowly and gently. New users are genuinely interested in staying. And I see Chico Chan. She’s just joined. She’s a budding Magi.

Community Members and Their Growth

And adding to the narrative, she’s already begun. She’s a witchin. In fact, she’s pretty advanced, and that will grow. That’s a little bit. That’s a little bit rude. Do I think you just called her a witch?

Humor in the Community

She loves it. Okay. Oh, God. I don’t know if it’s that kind of show. This is a child-friendly show. Yeah. So it’s never enough. I mean, basically, I don’t see this as a career because, you know, I’ve had a very long career.

Reflections on Career and Life

Very rewarding and very difficult. It was, you know, it was a heartbuster. So there’s no reason why I can’t add that or put that energy into this project and anything else that comes out of it to keep growing. You know, who knows?

Looking Ahead

Don’t know where it’s going to lead to. So I don’t see any reason for that. For it to be enough. Would, would you mind thinking of a question to ask for anyone who comes on next after you? Just any kind of genetic question that you want answered.

Preparing for the Next Inquiry

I’ll tell you what my question is right now. Excellent. I’m looking forward to this. He prepped it, which means it’s. Give it. Give him.

Anticipating Next Discussions

Give him a chance to get his pen and paper out. Wes, get your pen and paper. Wait a minute. I’ve got to get my notepad ready. Go on and wait.

Global Challenges Ahead

Are you there? Yep. Yep. Okay, I’m ready with the pen. So, given the current environment, globally, given. Current and global environment. I can hear that pencil going globally.

Unfolding Conversations

Yeah. And the potential for. The potential for. Novelty and unknown occurrences. Novelty and unknown occurrences. Man, get out of me here, please.

Existential Inquiries

That’s that government again. Oh, that’s horrible. Okay, so I’ve got unknown occurrences. How are you going to survive through until 2025? How are you.

Summarizing Conditions

Where’s. Hold it there. You can listen to the recording, Mister Teller. Say the whole thing again as a question. Yeah, we can listen to the recording because it’s an interesting.

Reflecting on the Past

Yeah. In the current conditions globally, and the potential for new and novel occurrences, how are you going to survive through. Until 2025? I’ve got that through the skin of our teeth.

Sustaining Through Challenges

Yeah. I think with utility as well, though.

Establishing a Strong Concept

You’ve got something going on here. You’ve got a good story to be had. It taps into people’s needs for the rpg element. And role playing games are some of the greatest things known to man because it allows you to escape. It’s in a sense of escapism. It does. And I think you. I think, yeah, absolutely. And fantasy also, which is obviously your genre of choice. The textual cohesion between it all is brilliant. And you are really appealing, I think, to the man. Because of that, you can express other things, new things, or worries, or philosophical ideas, or even religious questions, and you can meld them into the narrative framework, because not everybody wants to listen or read about wizards. Some people want to read about other things. And so that’s something I’ve realized, and that’s something I’m adapting to, for sure.

Navigating Literary Expansion

Are you expanding your literary curations? Are you expanding upon what you create? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Fair play. So. So, mister, how are we. Are you going to be, how shall I say, gate locking the entrance into your. Your thera emporium on expector? Are you. What are you going to require of people to be able to. Or are you going to require anything for people to go into the emporium? I think it won’t be locked at the front door. No. But there will be spaces within it that will be for the Magi only or for the. I mean, there’s one that anybody who’s gone all the way and has become part of the narrative, they are called an Athenauta. So they are. There are travelers of the Aether now.

Access and Community

They will, they already own a very specific and very unique NFT that will become a key to certain areas in the metaverse emporium that only they will be able to access. I hope. Any chance or that you’re going to have, the magical number 33, like 33 levels? no, there are plenty of other magical numbers, though, 23 being one of them. we’ll see. We’ll see. It depends how it works out. Rolls out. So. the way, teller, have you got any, real world? I say real world, but sort of real world partnerships or anything with your concept that you’re building? Because, I mean, what strikes me immediately is someone like the Warhammer, the company that used to make all the figures and stuff.

Exploration of Partnerships

They wouldn’t. Have you approached anyone that might be interested in developing a concept? No. It’s very early doors, really, for me. And I only gave up, you know, that 30 year career in the end of April. So it’s not been very long. But that’s not to say that’s not a possibility. It depends. I mean, you know, you can’t, as a writer, you have to ask yourself, am I writing good material now I have an ego strong enough, I guess, to allow me to just write it anyway and tell you the fuck off if you don’t like it, you know, you don’t have to read it if you don’t like it. But is it actually worthy somebody else’s money? You know, that’s a whole different question.

The Value of Literary Work

This was the question that I really wanted to ask. From a corporate point of view, I think that’s a big ask. Like, how do you know that people are willing to pay for it? How do you know that you’re cheeky? In fact, in a way, to ask that people pay for it? Because it takes a lot of courage. To charge for literature. It kind of is, but then again, at the same time, you know, folk are very kindly buying the NFTs that come out of the narratives and are reading the narratives. So it must have some veracity to it in terms of value as well. Exactly. Yeah, yeah. Because, I mean, I was just, again, thinking out loud, there are communities that do dungeons and dragons and groups and stuff out there, I’m sure.

Connecting with Dungeons and Dragons Communities

So have you been in touch with any of them to try and hook, wink them into what you’re doing? No. Involve them? Something you have to understand about me is I’m a little bit of a kind of a hermit in some ways. I mean, I’ve traveled all over the place. But when it comes to actually what I do, it needs to me to focus very much on what it is I’m trying to achieve. But I think as I become more familiar with what’s going on, which I am doing, then there will be more space for me to, you know, even bring in other writers or other artists into the project or start talking to other people. But what needs to happen first, if the original founder had continued in the same vein?

Challenges of Project Development

Well, I had bought into the project. I put money, I actually tried to rescue the project with my own money, and so I invested some monies into it. Now, it didn’t work, unfortunately, but it may well have been that rather than us being four months on, we would have been nearly two years on that hiatus of activity that happened all through last year, basically put the project back a year in terms of its advancement and its position, I guess you might say. So there’s catch up to be done, I think, before those other opportunities might avail themselves, if you know what I mean.

Cultural Inspirations and Future Directions

Yeah, I mean, it’s just an interesting concept because a bit like things like Star wars and Star Trek, and they all have sort of cult following, so I’m pretty sure there was even a cult following behind dungeons and dragons and societies that would meet up. Absolutely. So that would definitely be an avenue to tap into, to try and get involved in your, your concept and your idea. So maybe you should hold a convention and, you know, a day where they come and meet your. What you’re trying to achieve and just thinking of, you know, things, how to grow your project.

Marketing and Community Engagement

Absolutely. I mean, there’s the thing. Do you know what I mean? I’m not. I’ve never really marketed anything, you know, I’ve just been responsible for delivering it. So that’s all good. I can deliver nearly bloody anything, you know, from this to multi million pound projects, which is what I’ve been doing. But actually marketing something, that’s a skill that I plainly need to acquire. I would say it takes a different. Kind of person to market something, a cultural person, that is usually a dichotomy towards someone who creates literature. Yes. So maybe there’s, you know, there’s space later for that partnership as somebody or, you know, an active member who’s got that skill set to come on board, who knows?

Balancing Artistic Integrity and Market Trends

But again, you know, this isn’t a fast paced, hype it out of existence. Come and buy all my tokens so that I can leave you holding the baby. Oh, no, I know you’re not. Yeah, that is, it’s a slow burn, definitely. Yeah, yeah. But that those people in those sort of societies and those sort of groups would be interested, I’m pretty sure, in a crypto based NFT platform that did very much the same thing. I’m pretty sure they would be fueled by their excitement about dungeons and dragons and stories and twists and turns that got them into their own, into dungeons and dragons in the first.

Literary Expression and Community Involvement

I entirely agree with you, mate. I really do. I mean, you could see that one. Of the reasons I went into sub stack, because it’s much more available in terms of authors and genres. So you can target people and say, okay, this is what I write. Here’s my wares. Take a look. I’ve already had one person go, oh, wow, it would be great if this was, you know, if they could write something. And it became, moved on to different platforms. And I said, listen, I’ve already done that. And he said, fantastic. I need to get into your discord and have a look.

Feedback and Future Developments

So it’s, I see it as being an organic growth rather than a marketing project, but it may be necessary for it to become a marketing marketable project at a later date. But then again, the question there’s, my theory is, does that dilute the spirit of it? Who knows? We’ll see. I wanted to ask you, if I may, why you was on medium net and, you know, maybe not getting as many hits as what you’d like, and then you see another network that was better to promote yourself on. And I’d love to ask you, what do you think are the governing properties? Why people don’t, you know, people don’t read literature anymore.

The State of Literature

It seems to be a dying trade. Yeah, partly. I think it’s about time. So there are so many things to occupy a person’s general attention from second to second that, you know, asking somebody to sit down and just read ten minutes can be quite a big ask, which is why I put the voice recording on the substack versions, so that people can listen to it in the car, which I do, which I used to, you know, because I used to travel a lot. So, you know, an hour and a half there, hour and half back.

New Approaches to Engagement

That’s quite, that’s quite a few books over the course of, you know, a couple of months, easily two or three, maybe 1015 over a year. So that’s one way, I think, of kind of spreading that out. But again, like you say, if people aren’t interested in spending that amount of time. And you’re only writing flash fiction, which is two and a half minutes. You’re not really writing stories. You’re writing, I don’t know, like bubblegum sticker cartoons. You know, that you get used to get wrapped around your bubblegum with like five or six.

Creating a Narrative World

Five or six cartoons, you know, that sort of thing. So putting a book, putting a whole, you know, whole narrative scape together and the entire world building is a big deal because if you get it wrong, people will just walk away because it doesn’t work. People step out of the narrative, so you’re gone, you know, so you need to pay attention to these things. And as far as I’m concerned, any dick, Tom, Dick and Harry can write about going down the pub or going down the cafe and meeting the love of your life, and your dog gets run over tomorrow because the entire world is set up, you know, very familiar with it.

Challenges of World-Building

You know how much a pound is? A pound is a pound. I. But when you come to writing a fantasy world, you have to build it from scratch, and if it doesn’t work, people will not pay any attention to it. Yeah, I was wondering how, like, you deal with the. Sorry, go on. No ways. You started, mate. You finished? Go on, go for it. I’ve actually forgotten what I was going to say, but I was going to say, how do you.

Discussing Participation in Dungeons and Dragons

Shall I go or have you forgotten now? Yes, please. Wait. A lot. I was going to ask you, did you ever play, I’m sure you already done. This is probably a silly question for you, but did you ever play any of the actual dungeons and dragons books where you would go to one page, do the task or whatever, go to another page, roll a dice and did you ever participate in any of the actual dungeons and Dragons books? Pretty young. Yeah, absolutely. I think Ian Jackson did a series of about ten of them, didn’t he?

Exploring Dungeons and Dragons

Yeah, yeah, that’s it. Done. Loads of them. They were, they were really good. They were really good concepts, actually. The emporium is, the game is, has that kind of feel behind it, because your character will be taking some strange, bizarre paths once you get. If you, if that’s what you’re interested in. But it costs a lot of money to be an athenaut because I need from that person a commitment, because they’re now becoming part of my world as I become part of theirs.

Commitment and Participation

So what we don’t, what I don’t want somebody to do is just to say, oh, yeah, here I am. And then expect me to do all the. All the work, you know, it’s because the reason for having them come into the story is to add their uniqueness to the collective. Bit like the Borg. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Nuez, have you remembered your question now, or shall I carry on the question? I’ve already asked it, you madman.

Conclusion of the Discussion

No, you didn’t. You didn’t. You said you forgot and then palace took over. When do you. When? Guys, guys, don’t push it. Don’t push it, guys. Don’t push it. When do you think it’s enough? When you have achieved anything? When you think it’s enough. When is your end point? I’ve asked this before. Definitely. Yeah, but I haven’t got one. He already said there isn’t one.

Community Dynamics and Thoughts

You’ve been drinking. Yeah, yeah. No, I’ve already asked this question. And you. You put me on a spot here. You had a question and you said you forgot it. I think the way Teller wave the magic wand over wesley happened. I think he’s in. I think he’s in a fantasy land. Anyway, the way teller. We’ve taken nearly. Hang on. Hold it there. I’ve got.

Final Thoughts and Farewells

I’ve got a question. Hang on. I’ve this and I’ve sat there listening to your gibberish, all right? And you jump over. No, Daniel, palace wants to go to sleep. Daniel, you let him go to sleep now. I want it. Let me take my hand down. I’ve got two things, actually. So I think one thing we should do, and this is for the. For the DPMF live team, I think we should join. We should take a moment to join the game and we should revisit this show in, like, six months, then share our experience of it.

Commitment to Revisit

I think that would be quite supportive. Way. Teller, do you commit? Can you commit to coming on again, please? Hang on. I haven’t asked my question yet. Oh, shit. You guys get together in the pub and argue the toss or not. You should see us, right? We have the odd meeting. It’s chaos. It’s almost like Wes is on a different planet. I’m sorry. I bring the chaos up.

A Sense of Humor

Sorry. We need to put Wesley on a leash. At least he’s not farting while the host is talking. That has happened before. He literally sat there farting live on a show. It was like, wow. That’s his magical power. What I wanted to ask Mister Teller. Yeah, I’m breaking the rules a little bit here, because when we do a show, I’m always very strict with the guys to say we don’t talk about too much on DPMF, because we always want it to focus on what the project is.

Navigating the Conversation

And I say that to the host here. Now, they all agree me, we never, apart from the start, now we’ve got fusion as a sponsor. But I wanted to ask something because I think, in a way, in four days. Yeah, I know what’s coming. Keep going. So I suppose in a. Hold it there, guys, will you let me get it out, because I hadn’t even really prepped the question. I was too much laughing at Wes.

Exploring Collaborative Networks

So we’re basically, to put simply, obviously most of your stuff is done on the songbird network and you’re doing stuff with expector in their space. So the first thing I wanted to ask is there a sort of. I don’t know if the combination is the right word, but is there a effort of two networks being used with your project? There could be. Or are you mainly songbird? The contract, the actual smart contract, is designed to operate on songbird, but it’s also got the possibility of operating on flare as well.

Building on Decentralized Systems

Good. This is exactly the kind of answer I was hoping you would give me. So to continue where I was going with it is. So Songbird and Flare will both run on fusion. Obviously you understand that they are issued assets on the network via gate hub, you know, on your Xaman wallet. And I’m looking to explore some certain people to see if it is a benefit or how can it be improved. The main one I already understand is going to be the gate between chains.

Developing a Governance System

But initially we, to put simply, we’ve built a sort of decentralized governance system on the platform, and that system will involve where, when you have your profile, people who can validate you for being you, which is in the form of payment. Now, if you can choose the payment of that asset. So it could be X Spectre, it could be songbird, it could be XDX, could be XRP, you could even change it periodically to reach out to different members in, you know, of the network, if you like.

Feedback and Future Expectations

And what I was curious to see is if you was to create a profile in the future, and this is echoed to you as well, Draco, down there, it’s the same echo. If you was to create a profile, and let’s say you was choosing to validate yourself with Songbird, for one, I’d like to see is it a benefit? And if you are to do it, and then two, learn from your experiences of moving them assets from one chain to another via either exchanges or via GitHub. Through an account.

Exploring Asset Movement

I suppose I need someone with different experiences in doing that. So I’ve spent a few other people, some like, on a fear and stuff like that, where they can use the assets on the XRPL and then see how efficient it can be moving it around between chains. And does, do we provide a use case beyond validation if they want to? So if you wanted to, you know, mint your collection of the journals, et cetera, you know, if you want to, and you have already got one, so that means it’s going to be on fusion anyway.

Continuous Development

Yeah. And there’s a lot of other tools you can use. So, yeah, I suppose what I was just trying to say is, if you do create a profile on fusion, I’d be very interested for your feedback on and see if it does benefit you or there is a tool there that does benefit you, or if there’s a tweak that’s required to benefit you if it assists in what you’re doing, is basically what I wanted to say.

Paying Attention to Details

Yeah. So when you’ve got. When you’ve got the time, definitely let me know if you. If you create a profile, because I definitely want to validate you, because then if someone else ever creates a way teller profile, we would obviously know who the correct one is, which goes on to a validation score dashboard, makes you stand out more, etc. But, yeah, I would love your feedback. When you have the time, I would love to hear your feedback on it if it’s beneficial and if there’s any way we can tweak it to make it more beneficial.

Engagement with the Community

This is on fusion, which is. Yeah, so this is on fusion. Xio. Yeah, sweet. Because I have been paying attention, but probably not quite enough, so, yeah, happy to turn my attention to that, because, as I said, I’ve given up my career and this is. This is my new world, so. Paying attention to other chains.

Chasing Dreams

Absolutely. Let’s. Let’s get it on, so to speak. Excellent. We understand we have given up most of our normal lives in order to chase this bloody dream here. And we’re all in it together. So much so, wes used to have hair a year ago. This is a myth. I’m like a Viking. In fact, that brings me on to the question that I’ve forgotten about, actually.

Exploring the Expecta Universe

I didn’t forget a question. And then you forgot what it was and asked the wrong question. Go on, mate. Yeah, so this is the question. Do you think Vikings could come today and take over the land in expecta? Do you think there could be an equivalent version of Vikings in the expecta universe? Well, the expector universe is all about them providing a platform and then a user developing an environment of their own that they host on a local server.

Concluding Thoughts

So the answer to that is, the Vikings wouldn’t take expecta, but you could certainly go and visit them in the xpector. I’d take local servers by local servers. That’s how I would be if I was a Viking. There you go. Yeah. So. So, yeah, anything. I think this is the thing. We can build anything between. You know, there’s a lot of pretty intelligent and creative people in this space.

Collaborative Potential

And between us, I think we could probably create some pretty majestic and very novel things if we’ve got enough time. So I think we should just crack on with it. Well, hopefully, you know, it’s blended towards the best traits of ourselves, you know, so we don’t take advantage of each other. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, you know, not everybody can, you know, can. Can ride a bike, for example, or end up doing the Tour de France.

Celebration of Uniqueness

So not everybody is going to be brilliant at everything. That’s why we’re all unique, you know. I mean, it just. I don’t know. There are a lot of other things that I do, and they all add into what the. To the emporium. And that’s where you. One draws one’s knowledge from, and then you can start sharing that knowledge out with other people, which is, you know, that’s what I want to do, ultimately.

Closing Remarks

Okay, wayteller, closing question. And this is the biggest question of the night. Who’s your go to? Who’s your go to character? Orc? Dwarf. Elf. Human. Which one you choosing? Oo. Tough, tough question. Why are you laughing? Where’s. This is serious. You forgot the dragon. Yeah, you’re right. No, this is. This is hardly serious.

Character Choices

Super serious question. Which one you go? So there’s no half ways, is there? You can’t do like half orc or half elf? No, no. You know the game. Elf. No. Elf. Yeah. Good call. Good call. Yeah. What would your. What would your feet. My would be barbarian. That’s a human. Well, no, you don’t have.

Reflections on Play

You don’t have any barbarians. All right. Sorry about. It was so. Okay. I had a human wizard, actually, when I was playing dungeons and dragons, and he was shit. Very good. Cool. Got to level. Really, really high level. I can’t remember what. He was awesome. God level. Yeah, yeah, he was really good. But then my brother was the dungeon master, and he did. He helped me out.

Getting the Upper Hand

You’re always on the scam. Otherwise I would have whacked him if he didn’t give me points. Experience. This is what I’m learning. You don’t get involved unless you get the upper hand. You’re the dirty cow. You are. Yeah. Yeah. That’s right. Yeah. I had wands and gold and everything. Anyway, we have taken an hour and 48 minutes of your time.


The wayteller, good going. Thank you for coming on tonight. Thank you, everybody downstairs, for coming out tonight, and this has been a very enjoyable space. The wayteller would love to get you back at some point and listen to see how things have developed for you and your project. Yeah. I hope you’ve enjoyed space, everybody.

Final Closing

Please, like, subscribe, share, and you know the words I’m going to say, but get involved. We’d love to hear you all, and thank you very much for coming out tonight. It’s been an emotional one. Thank you, jen. It’s been great. And keep it real. Take care. Thank you, guys. Thank you, mister. Thank you, sir. Have a good evening, guys. See ya. Theorem. It’s.

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