Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Element(s): Glyph Exchange hosted by elementwallet. Element(s): Glyph Exchange is a pioneering Development Agency focused on community-driven Web3 solutions transforming digital interactions and financial transactions. Through innovative features like chat, pay, browse, and earn, the platform empowers users and emphasizes community engagement. By highlighting the convergence of technology and community, Element(s): Glyph Exchange revolutionizes digital communication and finance, setting new standards in user experiences within the digital sphere.

For more spaces, visit the Development Agency page.


Q: What is the primary focus of Element(s): Glyph Exchange?
A: The platform is dedicated to community-driven Web3 solutions for empowering digital life.

Q: Which innovative features characterize Element(s): Glyph Exchange?
A: Users can enjoy functionalities like chat, pay, browse, and earn within the platform.

Q: How does Element(s): Glyph Exchange emphasize community engagement?
A: The space prioritizes user participation to drive platform success.

Q: What opportunities do Web3 solutions offer within Element(s): Glyph Exchange?
A: Web3 solutions present new avenues for digital empowerment and user control.

Q: What sets Element(s): Glyph Exchange apart in the digital sphere?
A: The platform's focus on community involvement and innovative functionalities distinguishes it.

Q: How does Element(s): Glyph Exchange revolutionize digital communication and finance?
A: The platform combines technology and community to transform digital interactions and financial transactions.

Q: Why is user engagement significant within Element(s): Glyph Exchange?
A: User participation is crucial for driving the success and vibrancy of the platform.

Q: How do functionalities like browsing and earning redefine user interactions in Element(s): Glyph Exchange?
A: Innovative features like browsing and earning enhance user experiences within the space.

Q: What core aspect of Element(s): Glyph Exchange showcases the transformative power of digital interactions?
A: Community engagement is a fundamental element that drives the platform's impact.

Q: In what way does Element(s): Glyph Exchange highlight the convergence of technology and community?
A: The space illustrates how technology and community collaboration shape the digital landscape.

Q: What vision drives Element(s): Glyph Exchange's goal to revolutionize digital communication?
A: The platform's dedication to community-driven solutions and digital transformative power fuels its mission.


Time: 00:10:45
Community-Driven Solutions Exploring how Element(s): Glyph Exchange thrives on community engagement and participation.

Time: 00:25:13
Innovative Functionalities Diving into the unique features like chat, pay, browse, and earn that set Element(s): Glyph Exchange apart.

Time: 00:37:02
Digital Empowerment Understanding how Web3 solutions within Element(s): Glyph Exchange empower users and redefine digital interactions.

Time: 00:45:19
Revolutionizing User Experiences Examining how Element(s): Glyph Exchange transforms user interactions through innovative functionalities.

Time: 00:55:30
The Future of Digital Finance Looking ahead at the impact of Element(s): Glyph Exchange on the realm of digital finance.

Key Takeaways

  • Element(s): Glyph Exchange focuses on community-driven Web3 solutions.
  • Innovative features like chat, pay, browse, and earn enhance user experiences.
  • The space showcases the transformative power of digital interactions and financial transactions.
  • Community engagement is a core aspect of Element(s): Glyph Exchange's platform.
  • Web3 solutions offer new opportunities for digital empowerment and user control.
  • The space highlights the convergence of technology and community in shaping the digital landscape.
  • Element(s): Glyph Exchange aims to revolutionize digital communication and finance.
  • User participation and engagement drive the success of Element(s): Glyph Exchange.
  • Innovative functionalities like browsing and earning redefine user interactions within the space.
  • The platform's emphasis on community involvement sets it apart in the digital sphere.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

It. We'll be getting started in just a few minutes. Going to get started in a few minutes. Just going to make sure we have everyone tuned in. Welcome. All. Right, Hank out. We got you, Rich. We got you on the horn as well. I'm here excited to chat with everybody today. Awesome. I think we're just waiting to make sure we have access for the Glyph team and we can get started it. All right, think about everyone here. So we'll go ahead and get rolling. Welcome, everyone, to elements. This is going to be our new series on spaces, where we focus on fireside chats with some of our favorite dapps in the core ecosystem. My name is Sean. I'm product lead over here at element. I am joined by two of my fellow co workers. I have our engineering lead, Hank, and of course, our CEO, Rich Rhines. Gentlemen, great to have you on board.

Partnership and Collaboration

Super excited to chat, excited for another element, spaces. Plus, we have our amazing friends over at glyph, longtime core partners. Welcome, welcome. All right, so, yeah, as Rich said today, we're excited to be joined by Glyph. So to kick things off, I'd like to invite the Glyph team to go ahead and introduce themselves and share a little more about what glyph is and your guys's mission. You know, I think we're all excited to learn a bit. Learn a little bit more. Great. Thanks for joining the space, guys. This is key. And actually, I always go by my solo name. Here I come, Kookaburra. So it's an australian bird, by the way. And yeah, so happy to be here speaking with rich, my favorite idol in the core ecosystem.

Overview of Glyph's Mission and Features

And also we have an awesome partnership and also work all along since the very start of cliff exchange. So what we are building is the flagship dags on core, and then we also offer some interesting values to the table. We are not just another Dax. We have uniswap v four, and then we want to focus more on the become synthetics. I assume that all of our very smart audience have been following the space about all these new bitcoin chains are bringing different values to the bitcoin defi narrative. So we have a very interesting landscape moving forward with a lot of interesting players participating in the bitcoin economy. And the other thing that our team is also focusing on building is the go to market strategy and in particular, onboarding smaller players and users.

Upcoming Features and Innovations

So this is a great moment to talk further about our upcoming killer feature, FC 20, that we've been talking about this for half a year now. And it's very close to our launch, so we will be supporting users to do something similar to the Palm dot fund. But on the inscription angle, I will share more information about it. If it's the first time that you learn about glyph, exchange later. And yeah, off to you, rich. So I think most people know me at this point, but just kind of a quick rehash. So today I'm wearing the element wallet hat versus the normal core hat that I wear on a day to day basis as well. Element is trying to build the web three super app.

Element's Vision and Collaboration with Glyph

It's trying to be the home for all core network participants. There's an amazing browser feature that was put out pretty recently, and with that browser feature, you can go and browse amazing dapps in the core ecosystem like Glyph, which is featured. And there's also some amazing upcoming swaps, features that glyph will be powering. So super happy to have been working together for, I think, almost a year at this point, maybe a little longer. And just so much amazing stuff that's happening on the glyph side. They've been pioneering some of these markets for the Euro cup, some of this stuff with Trump versus Kamala, just some really cool, innovative stuff that we haven't seen from other dexes, not just in the core ecosystem, but throughout all of crypto.

Engaging Discussion and Q&A

So again, amazing partners for us. Super excited to chat here today. Awesome. Thanks, gentlemen. I really appreciate that. Yeah, so, key, I know you and I were speaking before and you were saying that you definitely had some questions for rich. Trying to get the ball rolling. I know working with you guys the past year, obviously, lots to talk about. I think we have a couple topics we'll want to get into today, but I definitely want to kind of hand the mic to you, talk more about the future you were just talking about, and be able to chime in about all things element. Some questions for Rich, so please take it away.

Acknowledgment and Invitation for Input

Yeah, lovely guys. Yeah, thanks for the invitation.

Introduction to Mobile Wallet Discussions

And yeah, there's a lot of things to talk about. Which one should we start, Rich? Like, I guess, like today is about eleven wallet, so let's talk about like mobile wallet. And I really appreciate the development of element wallet. And then I was, I've been trying to use it on my phone experience. Perfect. But that's one thing I always want to see, like the development of wallet, because I think some of you, or if you are nothing aware of it, Glyph also has a mobile version. And the way we build the mobile version is we didn't go for the difficult path, which is like element wallet, that you guys did to get it listed on the app store. Instead, we did a little trick that is to use the progressive web application angle, so that way our users can just save our Dapp to their home screen. So that way we can provide a mobile experience to our users and from our backend data. So we've been in the space and also on core ecosystem, we are the first DAX in this year.

User Engagement with Mobile Versions

So we've been around for eight months now. Then a lot of the backend data shows that we have 60 ish percent of our users. They actually use our mobile version, like in the sense that they access glyph exchange and they interact with our product through their mobile phone. And I think this is a very significant data. And then we can see that since the last bull market, the one I'm referring to is the 2021 bull market, that people are actually, and in these few years, and we as builders, we are actually trying to offer a very good mobile experience for people to do a normal defi trading or even for Gamefi they play on their phone, or just use it to do mintime trading with the torn ecosystem. So in that angle, I think element wallet has a plan. I wish, I really want to hear more about the upcoming dapps that will be coming to element wallet and all the other synergies that will be creating among different core builders.

Elements of the Glyph Experience

So much to unpack there. And I think when I think about the glyph mobile app, it really is a super awesome experience. Really snappy, nice, easy to use. And then it has that really cool retro UI that you guys were known for in terms of the element side. So element right now is primarily focused on two things. It's focused on decentralized messenger and all the nested workflows there, like p two p payments handles, all that sort of thing. And then on the other side, it's trying to build the flagship wallet for the core ecosystem. Trying to focus on tons of usability, making it really quick, easy, one click bitcoin and core staking flows. Like really trying to nail those classic core user experience elements to really show that this is the wallet for the core audience and to try to meet those pressing day to day use cases where element is heading is.

Future Directions for Element Wallet

You kind of took a little bit of our thunder away with the intro, which I absolutely love because you hit the nail on the head of where element is actually trending towards is much more into this decentralized app store model. And we think that is how most of this web three, most of these web three wallets will eventually trend towards, because that's ultimately where the value will reside with these wallet applications. And on top of it's all about providing seamless, easy to use web two like experiences. So there'll be some cool stuff in SDKs that will come out later that make it kind of a consistent UI UX, really easy to use and for developers to build on top of this platform. And we think that's one of these big unlocks, because in reality, most web three applications do not work like glyph. They're really hard. You have to have a PhD to understand how it works.

Challenges and Market Adoption

And we think that's not going to allow crypto, particularly the core network, hit mass adoption. And ultimately that's the name of the game. Have been in crypto for a long time. We've seen that most of crypto has been about purely tech. It's been about just trying to build the best Rube Goldberg machine, if you will. And I think that the market is tired of that. The market now wants consumer adoption and they want real world use cases. In order to do that, we have to build products that are familiar and easy to use for web two audiences, just not web three natives. And I was on a podcast earlier and I was joking. I think in crypto, people are actually surprised when product market fit happened, which is super ironic. I mean, in the web two space, your business dies if you don't hit product market fit.

Looking Ahead in Web Three Ecosystem

And it's surprising in web three today. And again, these paradigms need to change drastically, but having that kind of familiar app store model and then having these nice value added services like integrated payment rails, messaging, kind of seamless profiles, all that sort of thing is going to create this really tight package. And we're super excited to bring that to the world. Yeah, totally. Actually, when you mentioned this, go to market and also the product market feed, and people are actually surprised. This is a very good remark, and I think we all feel this. And I was actually in Taipei two weeks ago for the abs, the event. A lot of web three builders from the asian side were present. And then I was actually seeing something relevant to hardware adoption.

Exploration of Hardware Wallets

Like say, for example, I think I saw some guys, they were building a watch kind of based on Solana, and then it's kind of like an Apple Watch, but a crypto version. And that way they can use the watch to access their wallet and do whatever. And the funny thing they were trying to pitch the market was something like if everyone's wearing the same watch in an event, say a crypto event that people would like to party, then everyone does a certain gesture and then they will get an airdrop or something. Is that something that you've heard of? Rich, would you be also conspiring the idea of having a hardware wallet for element sometime? Maybe at some point I think we probably want to integrate with maybe the best of breed hardware wallets out there, your ledger, your trezor.

Security First Approach for Element Wallet

My guess is that's probably the quickest path to integrate on that side. We do love hardware wallet security. I think that is really critical. Element does have a security first mindset and there will be additional access controls and that sort of thing that will come at a later point in addition to just the classic face id pin code things that are there today. I think your example of the Apple Watch thing is actually a great one, though. Those are kind of like a classic, let's call it maybe one cycle ago, like crypto go to market where it's like if everyone in the world changes their daily behavior, then my thing is going to work.

Evolving Crypto Market Opportunities

And those are just really big conjectures. And I think in this cycle we're seeing some of that change for the first time in a long time.

Challenges in Finding Product Market Fit

And I think it's also people don't realize sometimes how long it takes to find product market. Fitzhen. So a great example is maker that does the CDP protocols. OG Ethereum, like 2014, launched in 2017, took forever. Now it's doing hundreds of millions in revenue. Things take time. And then people in crypto are usually operating on really short timescales, but in reality, things can take longer to fully mature. And we all need to be patient because ultimately that's what leads to real value, accrual and real businesses. I love that people are trying new things, though. That's the caveat I would say, is we shouldn't be afraid to fail. We should be constantly experimenting, trying to find new modalities. In reality, crypto is only 15 years old. It's still this wet clay. There's new amazing stuff coming out every day. And we still don't have a killer app yet, so one of these very well could become that killer app.

Opportunities and Innovations in Crypto Space

Yeah, I can't agree more. I think. I think what we are doing while we run a Dax business. So you are the legendary leader of a cool bitcoin chain and also with the wallet. I think there are still a lot of interesting concepts about to uncover in the space, and not just for our ecosystem and more generally what's happening from all these creative builders. Like you said, we only have 15 years of history for the crypto business side of things and we also seeing a lot of interesting institutional behavior. I think it's funny because when we always say not these past few months, but maybe where you stay may hear a little bit more. But on the asian side, I think people stop saying institutional money or institutional investment for the past few months. And then I think there will be especially, I think for the wallet. On the wallet side, with all these custodian businesses going on, there will be also a great chance for institutional level product that's based on a reliable blockchain.

Emerging Trends and Exciting Projects

And with the wife theme, I mean like in the space that we are building, we are working on a bitcoin defi popularization and I'm actually quite bullish on seeing other ideas coming out in the near future, hopefully. And yeah, I think it's a great start to like a wallet and also what we do as a Dax. But other than that, do you actually think there will be something more? Because lately I think yesterday or two days ago, that's the new project. There's a lot of noise around it. Corn supported by Binance Labs I was actually interacting with user interface last night, actually a few hours ago. And it's fantastic gameplay experience. A little bit like our style, retro nineties, like a game. And then it's actually telling a story to the audience like, oh, bitcoin is already the future and then you should play this game and learn yield. And they embedded the Defi concept under the skin of a pretty nice game, which I think so far haven't seen so many different projects.

Project Inspirations and User Engagement

This one has been like my favorite. I wonder if you've seen. I think there's a lot of interesting inspirations from there. We can actually learn to build something that's adapts to the users of our audience. I mean, so just before I answer that one, shout out to Spadaboom and the badgerdao folks who created a. Who created corn. Super exciting project. They've got amazing investors, great, you know, great team overall. So we're super excited that they've launched. And I think what, to your cred, to your point, they've done an awesome job of kind of creating this really holistic, integrated experience. I think the memes they've created are awesome. Like they're doing a really great job at kind of going after, let's call it like a barachain style go to market, right? Like they're trying to go after dgens and they're trying to onboard lots of users, and I think they did a really cool initial protocol launch, like you mentioned, where you have this really integrated, almost game like experience.

The Future of Crypto Innovation

And I think that's, again, something that everybody can learn from. I think each l one and l two will bring different paths to market. People will focus on different things, whether it's liquidity and bitcoin staking like core. Other folks will kind of go after these more like kind of pinpoint precision use cases like Dexs, and they'll integrate those more natively. And the key is to adapt and learn. And I think I get asked pretty frequently, all right, core's done so much, or whatever, and I frequently tell people it's no, we're in the first inning, the race hasn't started yet. And it's important to have a product focused mindset. I think it's something the quorum people are doing really well, which is it's not kind of research projects. And what I mean by that is, if you think about maybe some of these restyncing protocols, if you think about kind of a lot of the stuff that we're seeing, maybe from past cycle, ethereum, et cetera, many of these things were research projects where once that initial innovation gets replicated or copied, there's nothing left.

Building Lasting Innovations

The story kind of ends and the project dies. And that's another one of these endemic problems to crypto that I think is changing, hopefully for the better this cycle, where it's actually about building things people want, being product oriented, and continually reinventing yourself. And again, core is a great example of this. We launched without bitcoin staking. We had to wait for the consensus mechanism to get more mature. Now there's over 300 million in bitcoin stake earning 4% risk free. Dual staking will come out later this year to boost those yields even further, additionally entwining the core community, the bitcoin community. But it's a game of trying to find these amazing products that kind of be first, but then to also scale. Right. It's not just about being the first one to kind of bring out an innovation.

Scaling Innovations in the Crypto Space

It's who can actually take it there and take it to 100.

The Arrival of Institutions in Bitcoin

And I don't think anyone's gotten there yet. You did make one other mention that is important to comment on, which is around institutions, I think. And this has been a meme since I first got into crypto in 2013. It was always the institutions were coming. And I remember the first Winkleboss ETF application, and I was so sure it was going to pass ten plus years ago. But the institutions are really here in the bitcoin space. And that's why I think that the bitcoin space that we're all collectively working on and many of the audiences are participating in, it's the most exciting market, I think, potentially, in the world right now.

Growth of the Bitcoin Ecosystem

The tam is over a trillion dollars is an easy path to ten t in the next five years. It's one of the fastest growing, most exciting ecosystems with so much white space to go out there and tackle. And what's nice is we all get to ride the coattails of bitcoin. People understand bitcoin. There's now bitcoin ETF's. There's so much opportunity for people to piggyback on all the work that's happened in bitcoin over the last 15 years. And I think that's a really positive meme for us all to work off of. And the story that we talk about pretty frequently is it was a huge success to get to spot bitcoin ETF to 15 years.

Future Opportunities in Bitcoin Investments

We think the next will be more yield bearing ETF's similar to Core's etps that went live earlier this year. Because Wall street won't just stop it at they want yield. That's what Wall street does the best, right? They securitize, they package, they additional risk, they sell off the risk. We all understand that game and the risks that eventually get associated there. But that's why there's so much opportunity in bitcoin defi. Because if you can take core's base layer yield, you can then take some lsts, bring them into protocols like Glyph, and you can then just start to compose the classic money legos story.

The Potential for Enormous Protocols

And we think we're in again like the first pitch of the first inning there. Some of these protocols, we think are going to be absolutely enormous, because the scale of bitcoin is so large, people don't necessarily think about if over the next, let's call it three to five years, tens of billions of bitcoin, maybe even 100 billion in bitcoin comes into Defi. If some of these protocols are taking fees like maker or like Aave, these are enormous businesses and I think that's why it's so exciting and you'll see so much innovation, because the prize is that exciting.

Personal Reflections and Hopes for Collaboration

I'm always learning from you, man. Like, I really think. Yeah, because I think I told you, I've never been to this space before. And every time when I hear when you do spaces and also listen, like, our work together, and then I always want to see what's actually the landscape, down to earth landscape of the bitcoin narrative going on in the United States, because, yeah, I think there's a lot of noise in the speculative side, I think. But this is also crypto. This is also the essential part of crypto.

The Importance of Core Objectives

But sometimes we need to cut out the noise and like what you said, when we look at make it out and then we look at the essential purpose of running or pursuing the objectives of bitcoin Defi, it has a lot to do with new generation, because otherwise, why would people having trillions of dollars would be interested in. They are not in here to speculate some meme coins. They are here to get stable income and to make sure that their investment is not going in the Palm Dolphins title, so to speak. Yeah, so it's, yeah, it's fantastic what we are doing.

Future Prospects with New Developments

I have a lot of hopes in our work, and now that you also have, like, the element wallet, and I think there will be more interesting things coming. Yeah. Hey, Sean. Yeah. Off to you. Awesome. Yeah. This has been an insightful conversation. Much like Yuki, I feel like I learned something every time I get to get rich on the horn and hear him talk about the industry in the space and where we're going.

Looking Ahead in the Crypto Landscape

So it's certainly exciting, and I think we're really going places. Excited for what element has in store, excited for what Glyph has in store, and I'm very grateful for the partnership we have together. So with that, you know, we're right about at time. So thank you, key and Cliff, for joining us today. Rich, thank you for joining us. Hank, thank you for joining us. And thanks to everyone who tuned in. We hope you found this discussion insightful.

Anticipation for Future Announcements

Keep an eye out for more announcements around our elements spaces series. We'll be bringing in some other exciting partners from the core ecosystem and more updates from the team. So with that, GM, everyone, and have a great morning night afternoon. Sorry, one last thing. Download element and go play with Glyph. It's an awesome protocol, so that should always be kind of the tagline here is go explore the element and core ecosystem.

Connecting with the Community

Thanks so much, everybody. Excited to chat again soon. See ya. Yeah. Thank you. And don't forget to follow our socials because Kamala and Trump's game, like, the meme coin trading thing, is coming. And please join us, especially if you are a first time element wallet user. It's very easy to click on Glyph, and then there will be a lot of interesting trading opportunities happening very soon. We'll keep you guys updated.

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