Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Ecosystem Hour : Atlas Dao hosted by Eclipsefi. Discover the innovative approach of Atlas Dao, a development agency focused on reshaping the crypto landscape by prioritizing community involvement, transparency, and decentralization. By reducing reliance on predatory actors and emphasizing collaboration, Atlas Dao aims to create a more inclusive and secure environment for token launches. Through its community-driven initiatives and commitment to trust and innovation, Atlas Dao strives to build a sustainable ecosystem that empowers builders and participants in the crypto space.

For more spaces, visit the Development Agency page.


Q: What is the primary focus of Atlas Dao in the crypto space?
A: Atlas Dao is centered around community and builder-centric approaches for token launches.

Q: How does Atlas Dao aim to minimize reliance on predatory actors?
A: By fostering transparency and accountability, Atlas Dao reduces dependency on predatory actors in the ecosystem.

Q: Why is reducing centralized control crucial for Atlas Dao?
A: Decentralization is fundamental to Atlas Dao's mission as it promotes fairness and trust in the community.

Q: How can community-driven initiatives lead to a more inclusive crypto environment?
A: Community involvement ensures equitable opportunities and a more diverse ecosystem in crypto.

Q: What principles guide Atlas Dao's model for project launches?
A: Transparency, accountability, trust, and collaboration are core principles of Atlas Dao.

Q: In what way does Atlas Dao encourage innovation in the crypto space?
A: By involving the community, Atlas Dao stimulates creativity and fosters innovative solutions in crypto projects.

Q: How does Atlas Dao enhance security in token launches?
A: Atlas Dao implements robust security measures to safeguard participants in token launches.

Q: Why is fostering collaboration important for Atlas Dao?
A: Collaboration builds trust among participants and strengthens the community's resilience.

Q: What impact can Atlas Dao have on reshaping the crypto landscape?
A: Atlas Dao's decentralized approach can revolutionize the crypto industry by promoting fairness and inclusivity.

Q: How does Atlas Dao promote a sustainable environment in crypto?
A: By emphasizing community-driven initiatives, Atlas Dao aims to create a sustainable and thriving ecosystem in crypto.


Time: 08:15:42
Community-Centric Token Launches Exploring how Atlas Dao prioritizes community involvement in project launches.

Time: 10:30:19
Transparency and Trust in the Crypto Ecosystem Discussing the importance of transparency and trust for a sustainable crypto community.

Time: 12:45:59
Decentralization for Fairness How Atlas Dao's decentralized model aims to bring fairness and equity to the crypto space.

Time: 15:20:37
Innovative Solutions through Collaboration Examining the role of collaboration in driving innovation within the crypto industry.

Time: 18:05:14
Security Measures in Token Launches The focus on implementing robust security protocols for safe token launches.

Time: 20:40:22
Building a Sustainable Crypto Ecosystem Atlas Dao's efforts to foster sustainability and inclusivity in the crypto community.

Key Takeaways

  • Atlas Dao focuses on community and builder-centric approaches in token launches.
  • The platform aims to minimize reliance on predatory actors within the crypto ecosystem.
  • Reducing centralized control is a key ethos behind Atlas Dao's mission.
  • Emphasis on fostering a sustainable and inclusive environment in the crypto community.
  • Community-driven initiatives can lead to more equitable opportunities in the crypto space.
  • Atlas Dao's model promotes transparency and accountability for project launches.
  • Adopting decentralized principles can help in reshaping the crypto landscape.
  • Building trust and collaboration are central to Atlas Dao's philosophy.
  • Encouraging innovation and creativity through community involvement.
  • Enhancing security measures in token launches to safeguard participants.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

All right, good morning, or evening afternoon, wherever you are in the world. Obviously, depending on your location, it could be very early, it could be very late, but welcome to the space. We're very excited to have Atlas Dao with us. Let's just do a quick sound check. Can I hear you? I don't know, if you say anything, you're still muted. Oh, I didn't hear the last part. Oh, yep. I can hear you now. Fantastic. Awesome. So, yeah, just a big welcome to the space, obviously, let's dive in and get things kicked off. So I just wanted to, obviously, as the very start, just get an intro from you guys, just to tell you a little, tell us a little bit about, you know, who you are, who the project is. Give us a, just a general overview and a bit of a background about Atlas Dao.

Overview of Atlas Dao

Yeah. So Atlas Dao, we started, let's say like couple months, like two, three months before the bull market ended, you could say. So officially we started on Stargaze, and that's where were. We are right now. So I'm the founder, me, Jacob Remy. So I'm below. So that's my profile. So the general idea I had when I started this project, I wanted to create something for the community where we could build, have fun and build cool. Stuff in general. With the people that I know, like finding new Dev, because I always wanted to ship something in web three. It took a while to get done, though. It took like two year and a half to finally build something that I really like, that I'm proud of. Like, due to like the market as well. Like, we didn't have any funding, you could say. So most of the thing that we build had to come out of my own pocket and stuff.

Challenges and Progress of Atlas Dao

But I'm still happy about that whole process from zero to kind of like building something where like, most project just deepen. And I've been here like for two year and a half, building and shipping. So, so at last, as a project, we're not, I won't call. Us like a dial, per se, because. Not everything is unchained. And I would say we are mostly a group of normal folks, Dev general people. We just want to ship and we're. Going to keep shipping no matter what. Either we don't have the funding, either if we have the funding, or we just want to show that it's possible to build something meaningful in cash, also in crypto, in general, transparently, everything we build, you can see all the funding on chain and everything is transparent. I don't think anybody has come to us be like, oh, Jacob or Atlas. You guys been doing shady stuff lately, so that's one thing I try to do, but, yeah, but there's more we can do.

Decentralization Challenges

We can dive more as we go, but that's, like, a little bit about the project. Yeah. Awesome. Something I always like to ask at this stage if I was just so everybody gets a good understanding of how we can use Atlas Dao. And I want to. I want to put a comment in, too, about just it being a dao generally, because I completely understand what you're saying is how do you make something that's completely decentralized? It's very hard thinking, right. It's very. Creating something where it's just all on chain decision is a lot harder than I think people believe that it is, because obviously somebody has to make decisions along the way somewhere. And if you just leave that up to anybody, like, it's very hard to make forward movement. Is that something you've found as well?

The Nature of Decentralization

Yeah, I would say it's impossible. It's like the whole aspect of being, like, fully decentralized. That's just a dream. It's not gonna happen. But one thing you can do, you can strive to be as decentralized as possible. I would say, like, in the early days of atlas, like, one of the mistakes I had to learn, it's like, I try my best, you know, I mean, to be. To make it as decentralized as possible, like, to have ten to 20 to 30 people interact with the project, like, all that, you know, I mean, like, having, like, a space every week for the past year and, like, in two months, you know, I mean, like, and do all that and, like, at the end of the day, people don't really care much about decentralized.

Community vs. Decentralization

That's what I came to find out. Mostly people just want to have, like, a community to be around, have fun, build, and just narrow up, you know, I mean, like, still being there and having, like, a vision, and you still need that one person, you know, like, to lead sometimes maybe two or three people to lead to build. Right? So that's what I learned, and that's why, like, in the next stage of Atlas Dao, I want to implement where, like, we just launch, or you could say LLC or, like, a company, you could say in the US and stuff on the Atlas style, and we're gonna, like, build on that kind of, like, set of foot and have, like, an actual concrete business model instead of, like, going fully decentralized at first, more like slowly get there.

Guiding the Vision

Yeah, for sure. Yeah, I completely agree. Like you said, somebody must be heading the ship, so to speak. Because, I mean, it's easy enough to say you can put a boat out in the ocean and it's going to go somewhere, but if you want to go somewhere where you actually want to go, somebody needs to set the heading right. I think that's a huge thing that is not necessarily understood about decentralized organizations is that there still needs to be structure where people are driving towards a certain goal that's rigorously set. Otherwise it's just, you know, everybody's paddling in different directions and it's, nobody goes anywhere. But I guess my question I usually ask at this stage of the ecosystem hour is if I'm a user, how do I plug in, how do I use atlas dow?

Interacting with Atlas Dao

Like, what are some of the, I suppose, core features and functions that I could use as a user and what does my journey look like as a participant? Yeah, definitely. So right now as a project, what we launched so far, it's a way to create on chain permissionless raffles. So you can go on a platform. Right now, if you have a stargazen empty, you can create a raffle, you can set the, setting, the parameter for it. So for example, can create a raffle. Where there's like a thousand ticket, 100,000 tickets, or you can even set a limit where there's, there need to be a threshold before the raffle start. And the next thing is like we have a loan feature where you can go on a platform, create a loan against your NFC's and we cross. Fun.

Features of Atlas Dao

So if you don't want to sell, I'm sorry, there's like some noise people on the lounge. If that's, if you're hearing that originally. Which is, you know, it's still pretty good. Okay, cool. So we have that on the platform and recently we just launched our way to trade stargaze name so you can trade stock is the normal platform. And we also are able to swap NFC for other nfts on our platform. So if you have bad kids, you can slap swap before, let's say, one of our collection geckies and do all that. And in the next one, we also have Atlas 2.0 coming up soon. So I can talk a little bit about that.

Future Developments

But that's like the next stage of a project. I'll call it like the evolution of a project. So that's this. I'm like this. I'm the most excited about that because that's like the most building we'll ever done. We'll do. And this will actually bring value to not either to a project, but like to every other blockchain or ecosystem that we work with. I can't wait to share it. Also have like a interest meeting tomorrow to talk, like to dive, deeper into it on a Zoom meeting on tomorrow at I think, 03:00 p.m. eST. So I'm excited for the next stage. And for me, I won't stop shipping, won't stop building. yeah, so that's one thing.

Onboarding and User Experience

And we also, you can also onboard from everyone from Solana, we have like that ad fund but thing on the platform. So if you come in from a different ecosystem, you can onboard quickly and use it. But the next stage of platform will be even more friendly, user friendly with better Ux. So can't wait to share that this week with everybody and kind of like partner with a bunch of other blockchain, not just targets, archery. We can talk with them, neutron and hopefully inject even and maybe see. So that, so those are the things we're working on for now. But like I said, I'm always excited every time I'm talking about Atlas Dao.

Concluding Thoughts

Oh, yeah. Sounds like there's a little bit of sneaky alpha in there. And I heard you mention neutron, which I obviously, everybody generally on these bases gets quite excited about where a bit on the heavy on the neutron side, I suppose you would say that's us being where we're based. But I guess really going into that journey you talked about, sort of that's the next steps. But if we go back just a step and just start on like, what are some of the key achievements that you guys have already achieved? Like you said, you've been building, you've been shipping for the last couple of years. And I say this for any project that's been around for a few years in this last market, like, you've got to have some chops about you, I suppose is that's the best way. That's probably a very australian statement. I don't know if people understand what the hell I'm talking about. You know, you've got to have a bit of tenacity to still be here after a couple of years in those circumstances.

Achievements and Objectives

So give us an overview of some of the key objectives that you've already hit as a project and then even we can dive into the future. As well. I know we've got that planned out for sort of later in the call, but if it flows through, let's just roll with it. Yeah, definitely. I would say for, like, all sides of project. One thing that I. That I'm. I'm pretty proud of what we've done, right. So I would say, like, we've done well with what we have in terms of a project. Right. So, like I mentioned before, as a project, we kind of, like, stay away from, like, asking people for fun and all that.

Internal Growth and Collaboration

So we kind of, like, as a project, build everything internal. So reach out to other people and collaborate with other people. So why not? If you go on Atlas app, right. You can see some of the things we ship. We're not there where we want to be yet. So that's where Atlas 2.0 comes in. And again, if you're listening, you want to learn more about Atlas dial 2.0. Make sure to join us tomorrow for Zoom interest meeting so we can, like, share a little bit more so you can get feedback from. From everybody. But so far, what we've done, we also like the launch the Gekki collection on Stargate.

Latest Developments and Future Prospects

So that was, like, pretty cool. A free met that we did. And why now we're launching Atlas NFt, which will be lacra. Kind of, like, you see, like, a goal to go multi chain. So even though I don't like the mate is not good, it's not going, like, we're not minting out yet, but as we release all the thing we're building, I know a lot of excitement will come there, so I can't wait to share all that. So when people finally see the next stage of Atlas at last. At last doubt 2.0, things should get pretty excited over there. But, yeah, so that's. I feel like that's kind of, like, in general, everything we build, we've done so far.

Migrating and Reflecting

But also, there's also one part of us that we used to be in Juno, we also had a collection in Juno that didn't do well. So we also like migrating and kind of do something over there to, like, when that.

Community Beginnings

When that community to start is as well, in a sense. but, yeah, so we're still building shipping, like I mentioned, like, if in this market for that. For that. For around, like, surviving this bear market, I'm like, yeah, it's. It's been a tough time, but we're still here. and I'm still. I'm seeing, like, some family face, like, sweet swiss Benzema crypto tech. This is like the og of Atlas crypto tech. Been here like since the beginning. He knows, he knows all the messy things, but yeah.

Valuable Community Members

Yeah, I think every good community has that community member that's sort of like being here the whole time. It's like, oh, you've seen us when were a mess, or, you know, you've seen us at the best. You've seen us at the worst and they're still here. I think that, you know, their contribution is always so valuable because we get a real sense of what it is for somebody that's from the outside but kind of on the inside. So they get the full spectrum analysis of where we're going. And I find those people to be excellent sounding boards for everything, for new product releases, for new advancements forward, because at the end of the day, they've got projects best view at heart because they've seen where you are and then where you can go as well from a user perspective, because sometimes it's hard from it.

User Perspective and Input

Suppose a team perspective because we think it's a good idea, but does everybody else think it's a good idea? You know. Definitely. yeah, we have a couple people that's been with us for. Since the beginning and I'm super happy to have them around. There's also some people who left. It's gonna have some people. We also have people that will come around on the project pickups again. Right. So that's what I do believe, that, like, the vision I have, what last 2.0 will be really, is really good. And I can't wait to share with. I'm really good. Like, when I say I'm not like, kind of like over exaggerating and so I'm excited.

Unique Features and Governance

Yeah, absolutely. I suppose just moving on, some of the more unique features that you guys have as well with, you know, what you've built out there and talking about, you know, you're talking about the geki holders, we're talking about the governance and community driven incentives, all that sort of stuff. Let's just talk about specifically some of the key features, I suppose, that we can use atlas Dao. Like you said, you're looking to go into different chains and everything like that. What are some of the things we can plug in and actually use on the platform as a user? With. With nfts?

NFT Functionality

Yeah. So with NFT, one thing you can do, we have like gated raffle you can create for example, if you have, if you want to do raffle just for your community, you can do that on a platform. So for example, bad kids, you want to do a bad kids raffle just for Gekkis, you could do that. And also like for the loan collection, right. Like if you want to do create a loan for your collection, you can make it private or public. You can also make a collection offer for your old collection. So if you know, on a platform for bad kids, you know, the bad kids flaws, let's say for example, 1000 or something like that, you can create a collection for, let's say 500 or 400, you could see in value installs, leave it there.

NFT Ecosystem and Future Prospects

Anybody can claim that stars and if they don't pay you back, you get to run free for discounted bad keys or something like that. What I would say, like for now, like even though we don't have much traffic in the loan and raffle in the loan section yet, but like as the NFT stage in Cosmos, keep going, keep getting better. That's like one of the best, one of the useful tool that you see on every other ecosystem in it in Solana. So like raffling on all like major aspect of the NFT ecosystem and that's what we're trying to do. Trying to like fun one the Cosmos NFC season because I know like that's gonna come.

Future Goals and Developments

It's gonna be there and we're gonna be ready to be that power app for any general NFT user or NFT creator to use to engage and grow their community. And why not? We're only on Stargate, right? So when we launch our contract on neutron, on all three, on injective, on say we're able to kind of gauge which in as like the most user and kind of like use to do use those metric to kind of like ship new product and all that. And also some other thing you can do on a platform. Like I mentioned before, we have the Stargaze name.

Platform Capabilities and Features

You can do the only platform you can trade stargaze name and also we can swap, like I mentioned, can swap nfts for nfts. So it's a full platform for any project to enjoy. But as we go, like the best part is the Atlas 2.0 that people should be excited about when we announce all the feature. I know, like people ahead will turn around and be like, wow, what's going on there? Let me, let me check out that style. Let me check out that style. But yeah, I feel like I should.

User Engagement and Future Insights

The community probably wants me to pry into this a little bit like the sneaky alpha, but we can leave that for the future bit. But around your bones, right? Because I think this is, it's something I think I've seen people try previous and, you know, it's, I've seen it be tried to build on different chains and haven't necessarily pulled it off very well or anything like that. So I suppose there's a few questions around like NFT lending, right? And I know this dante's summed up a brilliant summation of questions as well, which I'd be remiss to not ask because that's classic Dante.

NFT Lending Systems

But in terms of how the loan itself works from the NFT lending system, like what's the maximum value you can take out against it? Is there a liquidation point? Like, you know, what happens if the loan isn't repaid? How do these things, like how does that work from perspective of once again, I suppose the user, like if I plug my NFT in or on the opposite, can it be liquidated, so to speak, and somebody be the liquidator of that? Like a standard lending market? I hope that makes sense.

Lending Mechanics and User Process

Yeah, I didn't even open them back in. My bad. So right now it's peer to peer lending, you could say. So the way you work is you go on a platform, you have your say, mad scientist, you can create a loan offer, right? So you create that long requests, I would say you request. How much does you want and why? Now we have a bunch of token available. You can do it with neutron, you can do it with Astro, Autore, Atom, USDC, whatever you like. In a sense, any request it, you create the term and anybody in the public can either accept your fund your loan or they can send you a collection or offer, right?

Acceptance and Terms

Introduction to Stargaze and NFTs

If you have one night, it's only possible on stargaze. You will need to have NFT on stargaze. But I. When we ship or contra condone, you'll be able to do that with NFC on Neutron. Right. So we are working with what's the NFT platform coming up on Neutron? Yes. Super bolt. Right. So working with them so fully one day live, we can have our platform live there as well. So we can like I have like one push together wherever on the neutron use, neutron community can use a platform in the platform combined. So that would be cool to do. So I'm excited for that. Yeah, that's awesome. And I know that, you know, we're looking forward to having them on the show here. Too soon, obviously they're in the depths of getting some stuff built, so really good to hear you guys are collaborating with them as well.

Current Partnerships and Collaborations

I suppose that's another good point because you guys are very much a cosmos sort of wide type project. Whether any other partnerships or any other things that you're shipping right now where people can be involved or people can. Because I know just diving before you've got a few things going on, is there anything you want to just throw out there where you're like, this is what's currently happening in Atlas Dao where you've made some partnerships or you've made some other things that are, like I said, shipping at the moment. So as for partnership, we have a few, but we're finalizing it. Finalizing them before we announce them. But there's a few coming that will announce soon, but one of them I can say is we're gonna do like some kind of fun dynamic with factual on osmosis. So the, the fractal fund platform, I don't know if you heard of them.

Fractal Fund and DeFi Innovations

They are like a platform where you can take your entities and fractionalize them into a token and use it in DeFi on osmosis, add liquidity to them. That's one thing we want to do for Atlas entities is kind of like make it fun. I'd like the DeFi aspect. We are defi platform anyway, so why not? And the fun thing is we not create technically we're not quit any new token. It's just like you literally turn in the NFCs into a token and we can take that token and redeem it back for the NFCs. So that opened the door for us as a project as we generate revenue from a platform kind of like buy over time in the sense so we don't have to like buy NFT. You can just buy the token and like add liquidity to the token and all that in the sense.

Future Plans and Community Engagement

So we'll announce that shortly when that's live on the fractal side of things. And the goal is to push it when we reach at least 30% minting. So we can add liquidity there for people to trade a on osmosis. But that's like just one of, one part of it. We have other things working on. We constantly, the goal is that constantly working to find ways to build value for a project and kind of collaborate with other project, other people. But one thing I want to do going forward is like we did launch an ambassador program for project. We haven't really utilized that as much because we've been focused on like the Atlas dial 2.0 and all that.

The Value of Ambassador Programs

So we finally got time. So we're gonna like do something there. I still need to announce it with our current ambassador. Like the, we're gonna end all that, but I'm super stoked about that too. Kind of like we want them. Like so if you're an ambassador for a project, reward you with like merge, token, nfts and other thing because you're a valuable part of a project. Yeah, so that's one also one part of a project. And like I mentioned, as of right now, at last, we are LLC in the US. So we still have to kind of like follow stuff there and kind of like make sure we're doing everything right too.

Community Dynamics and Support

So that's one layer of choice that people can see. But yeah, as you said, ambassador program, I think, and I can speak from our own ambassador program as well, how valuable it is having just a group of people obviously driving towards the same thing and mostly community members as well. Like, I know I can see a few of ours obviously in the audience and it's great to have you all here as well to be a, a part of this journey pushing forward. I'm sure that there's plenty in Atlas Dao as well. Like, and I find a lot of the time it's made up of these base community members like we talked about, you know, the guy that's been hanging around or the whole time that's been here. So it's so good to have those base community members that are in so much support of the project.

Building an Ecosystem of NFT and DeFi

And I'm excited for you guys to kick off that program as well. It looks like to me you guys have created this entire suite of NFT things that maybe three or four years ago it was sort of the dream, right? People were talking about fractionalizing things. People were talking about having lending, people were talking about raffles. Like, it seems like you've created this entire ecosystem of stuff where all these ideas came from, and like, because these were all separate ideas from all over the place and you've gone, you know what, let's put them all in one place and let's make it a spectacular platform for it. What was the pain point, I suppose, for the creation of that?

Experiences Leading to Project Development

Because every time I speak to something like this, whenever there's a project developed, it's like, what was the experience you had where you went, oh, this is garbage, this needs fixing. And then therefore, you know, you create a project around it. And I find sometimes they're the best. Was there something that, you know, you saw this gap where you could address that? Like what? How did we get to here? I know that's a pretty broad question. Yeah, I would say for us. Right. So when went, I kind of like start talking about this maybe like year and a half ago, wanting like to do a raffle and empty lending.

Collaboration and Project Efficiency

And another time we didn't have the full team to get it done. Right. So I was there reaching out to folks and stuff like that. So there used to be that project on Terraco, infinity lab, right? illiquid lab actually, I would say, so they built something similar to us, but like, they don't work on the project anymore. So we kind of like collaborate with the team and our team together, kind of like then to build on top of it, add new feature and build on it. So, and we got the dev on board, so were able to kind of like synchronize our effort. So kind of. So that, that was, that helped us make the process of launching this faster because we didn't have to redo everything from scratch.

Building on Existing Projects

All we had to do were like to have new smart contract, we had to modify the UI a lot, like add new UI and work on the new smart contract feature. So the year to get it done, but we're able to get it done in like two, three months. So that was like the one good aspect of like try to build on top of another, you know, I mean, that's the good thing I love about crypto. You always can build on top another project or on top of another existence project and partnering and building, which I really love. Like the early days of Cosmos, but now it's all fighting. But I hope we can get back to that spirit of working together in the cosmos.

Vision for the Cosmos Ecosystem

but, yeah, so I don't know, does that answer the question or like, or am I going too far? I don't know. It was a pretty broad question. Like, I was like, oh, 30 questions at once. But, you know, I think you sort of encompass what I was, where I was trying to go with that. But you're absolutely right. I think, you know, it's something I say all the time. If we, if we want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together. And I think we need to bring that back a little bit. For the cosmos ecosystem, I think there is a bit of, you know, there's a bit of building going on between cross chains or between groups.

Future Directions for Atlas DAO

And I think the environment is there to foster something really good. It's just now we need to make those partnerships, we need to make those connections and it's really good to see even like you said yourself, you know, you've got stuff connected on osmosis. You've got stuff that you're connecting yourself with on neutron, you guys have a home on stargaze. Obviously things like this help us to create that environment where it's like, hey, it's, we're all here together even though like we have different aspects of things on different chains, obviously pushing towards different stuff.

Community Growth and Ecosystem Benefits

But I think it's good to see people coming together and pushing towards the same stuff for the benefit of the entire community because that's realistically where we need to be as an ecosystem across the board, I think in order to, what do they say? Rising tide brings up all ships. So I think perfect time for us to dive into the future of know, like you said, 2.0, we mentioned a couple of times is, can we pry there a little bit more like. And so this is generally the part of the ecosystem our, where it's sort of like, okay, we've got the next couple of weeks or months sorted out.

Strategic Planning for the Future

What is the next half a year? What is the next year? What does the next two years look like for Atlas, dow. For us? Right. Like the, some of the things we're working on for Atlas Dao 2.0 it's a community aspect, right. We build in a place where either your creator, your NFT project, your blockchain, or any kind of web two or two project you can go and plug in your community there to engage, create campaign rewards, actively reward you of your community. That's one aspect we want to add on the platform and also kind of like NFT aggregator to trade NFT everywhere.

Enhancing User Experience and Tools

and there's like two other things that I'm, I will share in due time that will be adding, but for the most part, just like a simpler UI that we are right now for you to engage your community on, for you to where you don't have to leave a platform to engage, build your community in a sense and also trade nfts in this as well and keep on shipping where we're gonna provide a tool for you, one place for all your tool, like a discord, bad telegram and all that everything else need in just one place where you don't have to worry about it. Make sure you have the tool to succeed as a project and as the bull market come in.

Designing a Robust Atlas DAO 2.0

So you can just like go there. Yeah, I mean at last that's all I need for the day, for my project. And we'll try and like set you for a good future. And that's one thing I've been working on the design side of Atlas 2.0. And we also reaching out to other project to see because the thing is. I might have a good idea of. Thing and I think it's good, but the way to know if it's a good idea is by reaching out to other project and see would you be using this, right. Is this, will this bring value to a project? And that's like the next step we are in right now.

Market Research and User Needs

And also the interest meeting tomorrow, we'll be sharing more on there and also reaching out to my project and see if this product we are working on would be valuable to you. That's such a huge thing. Let's call it market research. And I know that we're really big on it in terms of what do people actually want to use for us, specifically what sort of launch mechanisms, how do you want to plug in, what sort of stuff do you want to see on the platform. So I imagine it's very similar for you guys because dev time is very important and very specific.

Lessons on Development Efficiency

Obviously, if you build out something and it's very complex and it's 60,000 lines of code and then nobody wants to use it, that's a colossal waste. Of time. Right. So it's really important to have this market research, these community partnerships and understanding. Hey, would you use this product if we built it? And I think that there is a market for a lot of things, but at the same time, that might not be your market. Right. So as an example, if eclipse goes right ahead and we build something that's completely irrelevant to what we do, like, that's not why our audience is here.

Understanding Audience Needs

So it's about knowing how that plugs in. Do people actually want the things we're building? Do people want these mechanisms that we've got in there? And the only way to do that is obviously making these partnerships and communicating with each other. So, but it's really good to hear that you guys are so forward thinking with that to be able to address the community. Like I said, you've got an ambassador program coming up. You're making partnerships with projects all across the cosmos as well, by the sound of it too.

Conclusion and Future Considerations

So that's such a cool thing to see you guys building in that fashion that you're actually providing something that people want because there's been, I think, plenty of projects that provide something where you go, well, who's going to use this? Right? But I mean, like, you from the suite of project products that you guys have shipping, like, I can think of multiple things that you could plug in and go, yeah, I could put that in here. This is how I could use that. This is how you could leverage that and just plug that into the defi space generally. So very cool. Very cool. I guess moving forward into the last little bits of the questions, two left, two to go.

Uniqueness of Atlas Dow

What are some of the things you find that make you guys completely unique as a platform inside cosmos but also outside cosmos, too, because I know there's so many things being built around, but is there stuff where you go, yeah, that is uniquely atlas Dow. What are some of the things that make you guys that, what are the, what are the set apart factors? Let's say.

Team and Culture

I would say for me, for us, I'm pretty proud of the team that we have, like, and the thing we're able to ship with limited resources, but also in the sense that set us apart. And in Cosmos, for energy wise, I think we're the only platform. Providing what? Providing this tool for photocosmos in general. And our goal is just to make it better. Right. And as we go, we will do our best to make the Ui even better and the UX even better. Right. We're not there where we want to be yet, but we know we're going to get there, like, one step at a time. And if you're listening, you want to get involved. We're trying our best to keep, like, having an engaged community. It's hard to do in this bear market.

Community and Transparency

So I know you know that eclipse fire, when you project in this space to find, like, the nice balance of being active and having, like, real life as well, in a sense. But, like, in general, I'll say the one thing that's set us apart, it's just like, the culture of transparency and doing everything in the open, even, like, the fun we had to build this. You can go into a t multi seat. You can see how we spend everything. Right? So everything isn't open. Right. and I'll say that also, like, make things go slower in a sense, but it was worth it at the end of day. but, yeah, so that's one thing I bought. I bought also at last hour. Awesome.

Community Engagement

And then that's, that brings me to the last questions before we do wrap ups. And that's how you sort of touched on this. I was like, you had to steal my thunder. How can the community be involved in shaping what the future looks like? How can they be actively involved in your platform? Like, I know we've talked about the ambassador thing that you guys have coming out. Do you just want to retouch on that? Like, is there a discord? Is there a telegram? How can, how can people be a part of it?

Communication Channels

So the way what I would say, follow us on. On eggs, we also have a discord. We have a telegram, be into, be involved us. I'm always, I'm also, I'm always there on eggs and Jacob Remy, that. That's me right there. you can always, like, reach out to one of our ambassador, and I try to be. To answer people as fast as I can on discord and telegram. So if you have any inquiry, any partnership, anything you think we should be improving on a platform, I'm there, and I'll be there to answer you as much as I can.

Looking Forward

Excellent. And then this is, like I said, this is the generally the phase of the show, because, obviously, I'm conscious of everybody's time. If we just keep, we go off on tangents, like my brain does sometimes, we're going to end up here for another six or 7 hours. So I like to try to keep this, you know, within that ecosystem hour. So let's look for a closing out statement. So if you want to give us just a quick rundown just, just to close the show out as a wrap up, let's say. So give us your wrap up.

Future Goals

So at first, it's a community on project and with our goal of shipping and building tool that's gonna better our community and also create a business, right. We want to like create a business on that lifestyle that not only provide value to the people working with us, but also general community. Not, we don't want to just be a web three project. We want to go larger than this. We want to be, want to build something that gonna last, not just for us, like in, like making money. That's part of it, but also that can last the test of time.

Continuous Engagement

And I know, like right now we into NFT five and like building community and thinking things can change over time. But one thing we might for Atlas, we're never going to leave our community. No matter what. We're going to always find ways as we can to build value. So as we being in the past two and a half, you saw what we've done. We saw we never left. I've been here to the ToF and I could say to the worst and all that and never left. And that's, I'm not resting. I don't know how to quit. And when I keep shipping and in one way or the other, we're gonna, we're gonna make it right.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

I mean, we're gonna get something. Learning a day, you can like fail and just stay down. As long as you keep going back up and keep pushing. You see the light. I like all this, the whole thing about being an entrepreneur, rights, you got. It's not to give up. Just keep pushing forward. We're gonna have that one thing, that one. You just need that. We just need one momentum, just one good idea to kind of like change everything, right? And that's what I'm chasing.

Chasing Opportunities

I'm chasing, I'm chasing the winning, the winning side. You know, I keep pushing, keep building and. Yeah, and if you want to be involved. We're on discord on telegram one x. And stay tuned for Atlas dial 2.0. I found one last question. The, the Atlas NFT. I see, you know, that's live. You guys sort of put up a post about that sort of an hour ago. Does that, does that plug in as well?

Overview of Atlas NFT

I see, like you, obviously, artist is from women of Cosmos. As well, who have had on the show before and like, it's excellent. Do you want to give us a quick sort of overview of that? Yeah. So why now we have two main collection where we have the Gekkis, which was launched couple months ago. That was a freemate. And we keep building on that. And that last NFt, it's all the collection. So now we have two main collection.

Art Styles and Attributes

That last NSC. The art is a little bit different from the Gekkis, right. So the goal is to have a blend of different art style, different culture and embedded into the collection. Right. So we have two ds. We have the collection also include pixelated nfcs. They also come with music soundtrack included as well, you know, release with the NFC.

Future Plans for Atlas NFTs

Right. So that's where we go. That and also the Atlas NFC. Kind of like blend in with the name Atlas Dao Atlas NFCs. We're gonna use it to provide value over time to it. But I can like really go deep into it. We'll share more on that in a call tomorrow. So if you're there, if you're gonna be there tomorrow, makes you to jump in a zoom at 02:00 p.m. eST for there.

Continuing the Conversation

Like it's pin, it's not pin in the profile. You scroll down on a profile, you'll see it. But yeah, I, so we're going to work around a platform and one thing I want to like kind of like strive away like we've been doing is kind of like use the NFC, just that NFT as a dial like with the Gekkis and that last NFT more bring those two coming together to build value on it. Because if you have a business model where venues being generated, you can always built around that, right? And that's the vision, right. Keep shipping, keep building.

Proactive Engagement

And when we announce at last our 2.0, if you believe our team can ship what we are about to announce, you'll be more involved, right, in. Even if we don't mental, like I must still be there. You know, it's not like a matter of like, oh my gosh, we have to mental to be able to ship. It might become a slow mate, but that's fine with me, right. I'm here to stay, so I'm there, but yeah.

Final Thoughts on NFT Discussions

So I don't know if you had any other question for the mate for the Atlas NFTs. Not me specifically, but I think like I said, if we go off on tangents, we'll get way down the rabbit hole and this will turn into a six hour. We can always open this up for another show later on. But no, huge thanks for me to you guys for obviously jumping on taking the time to be a part of our ecosystem hour.

Importance of Ecosystem Collaboration

I'm really enjoying having these with everybody and really diving in and exploring the projects and how you guys plug in and what that looks like for your involvement with each different ecosystem, what you're building. It's so much fun to have you on the show, to be able to express where the next journey is and how people can plug in and use it because. Cause I think one of the big things that we have inside, just like the cosmos ecosystem in general, is we have these projects, we have these amazing people that are building stuff that we need, that we want, but we don't necessarily know how we can use it.

Testing the Ecosystem

Like how even as a project, we can plug in and go, yeah, here's features that we can use on a regular basis. So it's really good having these as an eye opener for, okay, what does each specific part of your project do? How can we leverage it for each other and for each other's benefits so that we can, like I said, we go far together. Everybody, everybody goes far together. So once again, huge thanks for jumping on the show.

Community Acknowledgement

Huge thanks to the community for being here. I'll look to wrap this up because otherwise I'll, like I said, we'll go on for hours. But we do have, obviously, the ecosystem hours is that has a very minimum once a week, but sometimes twice a week, depending on who we've got on the show to jump on. So if you're a part of a project and you want to be on the show as well, by all means, just reach out or reach out to one of our ambassadors and myself.

Closing Remarks

I'm Jory Fish. I know I'm behind the standard banner, so I'm just, I'm eclipse fire at the moment. He's the voice. You didn't realize that eclipse fire was just one single australian man? No, I'm just kidding. But once again, thanks, everybody, for jumping on. We'll have another one coming up shortly. I'll wrap this up now and have an amazing morning, afternoon, night, wherever you are in the world. Once again, huge thanks to Atlas, Dao and Jacob for jumping on. We'll catch you all on the next one.

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