Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Early Morning Gem Hunting hosted by JakeGagain. Early Morning Gem Hunting offers a unique blend of comedy, news, and creator content, providing an engaging and informative space for participants. With a continuous 24/7 stream of unbiased news and interactive discussions, the space creates a lively and welcoming atmosphere where like-minded individuals can connect and enjoy diverse content offerings. Whether seeking laughter, information, or community engagement, Early Morning Gem Hunting caters to a broad audience interested in a versatile range of topics and entertainment experiences.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: What can participants expect in Early Morning Gem Hunting?
A: Participants can expect a mix of comedy, news updates, and creator content, keeping them entertained and informed.

Q: How often is the news broadcasted in the space?
A: The space offers a continuous 24/7 stream of unbiased news, ensuring participants have access to up-to-the-minute updates.

Q: What sets the space apart from other platforms?
A: The space stands out for its blend of entertainment, information, and community engagement, providing a unique experience for participants.

Q: Who is the ideal audience for Early Morning Gem Hunting?
A: The space caters to individuals interested in diverse content, comedy, news, and interactive discussions.

Q: How does the host engage with the audience?
A: The host ensures audience engagement through interactive discussions, comedic elements, and informative segments.

Q: What is the atmosphere like in the space?
A: Participants can expect a lively and welcoming atmosphere where they can connect with like-minded individuals and enjoy diverse content offerings.


Time: 00:15:40
Comedic Moments and Entertainment Experience laughter and fun through comedic elements in Early Morning Gem Hunting.

Time: 01:25:17
Informative News Updates Stay informed with unbiased news updates delivered throughout the space.

Time: 02:35:29
Interactive Community Engagement Participate in engaging discussions and connect with other community members in real-time.

Time: 03:45:12
Creator Content Showcase Discover and enjoy content created by talented individuals within the space.

Time: 04:55:20
Diverse Topic Discussions Engage in versatile discussions ranging from comedy to news and beyond.

Time: 05:05:37
Continuous Live Broadcast Tune in anytime for a 24/7 stream of content, providing around-the-clock entertainment and information.

Time: 06:15:48
Welcoming Community Atmosphere Join a vibrant and welcoming community where participants share common interests and interact positively.

Key Takeaways

  • Engage with versatile topics from comedy to news in Early Morning Gem Hunting.
  • Discover a unique blend of entertainment and informative content on X.
  • Enjoy a 24/7 stream of unbiased news delivered by a knowledgeable host.
  • Witness engaging discussions and comedic moments in the space.
  • Find a community of like-minded individuals passionate about diverse content.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Personal Updates

Hey, hey, people. How is everyone doing? Gm. Gm. Gm. I have to say, it's actually afternoon for me and I'm a little bit tired today, and I'll tell you for why. I was up quite late last night listening to some very interesting conversations on x spaces. I did fall asleep, actually, halfway through, so I need to go back and listen to the recording. But wow, I mean, that was some crazy stuff going on with spaces. I mean, apparently there were. They had tested, the Elon team had tested for 8 million people to be able to access spaces. But I don't know about you guys, but I was just clicking on that button, trying to join that space, and it was not happening. So I did eventually get in and, yeah, I mean, it would be really interesting. I'm interested to hear JSP's take on the market because, of course, he was just such an amazing job. Thank you, Jake, for hosting us today. Interested to get the conversation going.

Early Matinal Energy

I do love this title, early morning gem hunting, because that is exactly what we are doing every single morning. 08:00 a.m. eSt so grab your coffee, guys. Grab your. Well, whatever you're drinking, probably coffee or tea at this time of the morning, I'm guessing, unless you've got a bit of a drink problem. But, you know, hey, I'm not going to judge you. I see that we have a few people in here I'm not sure. Is JSP here? Are you here, my friend? Hello. Hello. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. What is up, you guys? Good afternoon, I should say, wherever in the world you are, of course, crypto queen. Thank you for opening up the space. We are back on this Tuesday morning for another early morning gem hunting session. You know, I hope everyone's having a fantastic start to the week. I'm really looking forward today's space where, who knows, we might just be uncovering the next 600 x gem.

Recap on Previous Events

As always, guys, we're going to talk a little bit on the markets today and some of the latest news. And as I always say in every space, guys, if you do want to join in on the conversation and get on stage, also have the ability to shield your project nice and early, then please send your requests in. Of course, it's always great to hear from old friends, but also new ones, too. So, I mean, crypto queen, I was also trying to keep my eyes open for the much anticipated discussion between Donald Trump and Elon Musk yesterday. Of course, the spaces were glitching out. We had massive issues. That was to be. That was sort of anticipated, wasn't it, really, with over a million people listening. But I also did see that he said that they stress tested it for 8 million. Not sure how true that is because, you know, there were big issues with. It's crazy. It was crazy. Were you flapping about like me? I mean, I was on the timeline. Some people were in, some people were not. I was pulling out every single device that I had, desktop, iPad, multiple phones, you know, like it was all over the place, and I was flapping like a headless chicken, but everyone was running.

Chasing the Opportunity

Around, running around going, I need to get in. I was getting fomo, I was getting high levels and fo. Big time, big time. Yeah. It's like when you see, it's like when you see it's like when you see a meme coin, it's like when you see a meme coin just launched and it's pumping and you think the narrative is really strong and you're flapping about trying to get some spare funds together to aid as quickly as possible. Yeah, it was fun, though. It was fun. I mean, it's just great to have the hype and the excitement and, you know, whatever your political views are. I mean, we actually, Soca data actually hosted a really amazing space yesterday. It was a really interesting conversation. In fact, it was Jake's space, and Soka was talking and sort of guiding everyone along, and we had some really interesting people come up and talk about the anticipation and, you know, a lot of political views were aired. So I just feel like there's a lot, isn't there, going on?

Current Market Trends

I mean, obviously we've got our own issues over here in the UK, but there's just so much going on in the world and I think it's just like, you know, you. God, I mean, at this point, I'm just getting used to, like, having 3 hours sleep a day because, I mean, I'll have to have a nap after this space. You know, literally, the excitement is just too much at the moment. Yeah, it was. It was difficult to stay awake because obviously they started it a little bit late as well, didn't they? I think they started it at 08:30 p.m. eST, and it ran for around 2 hours. So, you know, it was two, three in the morning this side of the pond, and anyone in Europe, it would have been a little bit later as well. So I'm glad that happened because I set my. I fell asleep on my sofa and then I set my alarm to wake up at the, you know, the original time woke up, but then I went straight back to sleep again. So I then woke up an hour later. I'm like, oh, no, did I miss it? Did I miss it? And then, of course, it was still, like, looked at Donald Trump's PFP and it was like, the blue glow around it.

Introduction and Welcome

Yeah. Crypto mine. Firstly, welcome, welcome into the space. I'm very glad that you've managed to find your voice up on stage. We are going to listen to Mimi coin Shields a little bit later on in the space, so probably in about five to ten minutes. So just hold tight on Schilling, meme of Thrones, and we will absolutely be throwing the mic to you at some point to let us know what you guys have going on. But I was wondering, did you manage to catch this space yesterday between Elon and Donald Trump? And what were your thoughts on the conversation?

Missed Opportunity and Technical Issues

I have to go over it. I couldn't get on, and I tried a few times and I just gave up. I thought there was something wrong with my Twitter account and I had to update it. So, yeah, I missed it, but I'll check it out. I'm from the US crypto, mine. You're not djing enough, man. I was pulling out all sorts of devices. I was trying to double check, triple check, see if it was just me, see if it was everybody else. Did you give up? Did you go to sleep? I did.

Connectivity Issues and Bluetooth Devices

Well, so I have so many Bluetooth devices. It's like my laptop, my phone, my watch, and, I don't know, my earbuds. And it was just going crazy. So I finally figured out how to shut it all off and just keep my earbuds on. Hey, no doubt, man. Well, it was recorded, brother, so make sure that you check that out. Very, very interesting conversation. Unfortunately, no mention of crypto, but still a very interesting conversation nonetheless. Great to have you up here, crypto mind.

Market Overview

We will bring the mic back over to you so that you can discuss all things meme of thrones. All right, guys, I think we've covered the entire panel right now. We do have a number of requests as well. Again, guys, if we do spin you round after your shield, please do not be offended if you're down there in the list and you do want to come up and talk to us about your project, the most recent developments, some bullish news or anything that you do just want to share. Send your request in, guys.

Market Sentiment and News Update

We'll happily have you up. Wait here. From each and every one of you. Right, guys, so let's take a little look at the market today. So taking a look at the wider crypto market, we've got BTC trading sideways actually at just sub 59k, down about 1.5% in the last 24 hours. With Ethereum trading sub 26 50 down 1% in the last 24 hours and the global total crypto market down around 1.4%. With the total market cap of just sub $2.1 trillion.

Volume and Trends

The 24 hours volume is still strong, guys, up nearly 10% in the last 24 hours. When next pump right? Taking a quick overview at some of the latest news in the markets. Of course, as we've been speaking on, there was huge anticipation for the Trump and Elon conversation that went live on XDev last night, particularly from us guys, the Defi space in the hopes that bitcoin and crypto would be mentioned. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Wah wah.

Bugs and Listener Count

The space initially was riddled with bugs and errors as people couldn't listen to it. Ultimately, thankfully this sorted itself out and I think at the peak of the space we had close to 1.4 million live listeners. So it's a shame that it wasn't discussed, right? The odds at one point by bettors was at 60% for actually for crypto to be mentioned. So actually an odds on shot for crypto to be mentioned there. So hopefully, you know, they do further discussions as it's in both parties interest, right?

Bullish Indicators

With the level of exposure that they got. So who knows, it may be mentioned in further conversation moving forward. In other news, guys, if ether beats cd 20 as ETH ETF's post positive inflows. So ether actually pulled ahead of bitcoin and the cd 20 during the Tuesday trading day in Asia as east ETF's reversed their outflow trends. Many Dex toaster tokens were also up as some of the largest protocols showed positive trends in fee generation.

Positive Market Indicators

So ether ETH is up 4%, beating coindesk cd 20 as inflow into the Ethereum exchange traded funds, ETF's right picks up many of the largest decentralized exchanges and shows a sign of growth. So some bullish news there for big for Ethereum, ETF's right and bitcoin's prospects strengthened as key stablecoin metric slides to lowest levels in 18 months. So the dwindling metric points to declining selling pressure in the bitcoin market.

Stablecoins and Market Movements

So dwindling exchange stable coins ratio points to declining sell pressure in the BTC market. Crypto quant said supply of the top two stable coins, USDT and USDC, continues to rise. BTC has quickly recovered to nearly 60k after a debacle last week which saw prices drop below fifty k at one point. The recovery may have legs as the exchange stable coins ratio, which measures the number of BTC held in wallets tied to centralized exchanges relative to stable coins, suggests reduced selling pressure.

Market Sentiment Reflection

So that's some of the news from today, guys, very bullish. You know, BTC, the BTC metric slid to its lowest level in months, effectively meaning that, you know, there's reduced selling pressure on BTC. And also Ethereum ETF's are also picking up in terms of their inflow. So very interesting. The market sentiment is looking a little bit more bullish. We have some of the major cryptocurrencies trading sideways, potentially looking at the next level up.

Price Alerts and Projections

I know that we had, I forget, is it max fine at BTC giving us the level to look at yesterday, I think it was 62.7k as the key level to be keeping our eyes on and for BTC in the markets to be turning into a bullish uptrend. So of course we have our eyes on that number. BTC is actually relatively close to all time highs at the moment, trading just close to 60k, you know, with all time highs just over 70k.

Future Market Dynamics

So very interesting to see how the markets are going to unfold over the coming days and weeks. I do think that we're in for a very volatile and fun journey. And, you know, this money is all going to trickle down into the meme coin sector, particularly into the strongest metas of this cycle, I believe the Matfiory meta, the politifi sector, and many of the other blue chip meme coins. And again, guys, what the space is all about is learning about new developments for new projects, you know, and potentially uncovering the next thousand x.

Opinions and Reactions

I mean, crypto queen. How are we feeling about some of this news? It's a very bullish outlook. When I was looking at some of the news headlines this morning, there's a very bullish outlook on the markets at the moment. So, you know, hopefully some positive sentiment from all of us here, but how are we feeling about all of that? No, I think you're absolutely right, Jesse. I mean, I think you did a really good, I always look forward to your analysis of the market some every day.

Market Analysis and Volatility

Because I think it's just really good to kind of. It's always interesting, isn't it? See how the market responds and it feels a little bit like a sort of a buy the news, buy the room and sell the news event. Because I think, you know, everybody was like, wow, we're gonna have this amazing speech from the guys. And it was, I mean, don't get wrong, it was incredible to hear. But then it's interesting that, you know, everyone was kind of thinking, yeah, we're gonna pump our bags in today's bit.

Community Sentiment

Yeah, a bit more sideways. But we know because we're here every day in the trenches. We know what's coming, and we're all very bullish. And, you know, it is coming. The volume is going to be coming in, the liquidity will flow in. And sometimes I think it's funny, I was having this conversation this morning with someone and I was just saying, you know, God, it's like, it is such a rollercoaster ride, right? This space is such a roller coaster ride.

The Rollercoaster of Crypto

And we see this every single day. If you're in any TG chats or if you're on the timeline, we just see that volatility. And one day you're like, absolutely punching the air and you're up and your bags are up and everyone's full of it, and then we're happy. And then the next moment, literally, you are crying into your cup of tea, you know, or into your cappuccino or whatever you're drinking. But, you know, it is just that the volatility.

The Importance of Patience

And I always think, you know, I absolutely love the volatility because the highs are so high. But, you know, we've just got to kind of keep going, guys, keep showing up, you know, support those people around you that, you know, support you, and we're all going to make it, guys. This is just at this stage, the train has already left the station. It's gathering up some speed as it leaves.

Looking Ahead

We're going to be getting up to full speed very soon. So just hang on tight, buckle in and enjoy the ride, guys. You know, more often than not, these things are priced in right already by the market. So to expect big pumps from these news events more often than not, doesn't happen immediately. Like, for example, when we're looking at the Ethereum ETF announcement, I believe last week or slightly over a week ago, expecting an immediate pump for Ethereum.

The Nature of the Market

In fact, this news was already priced in, right? And it's expected growth over a longer period of time. So if you remain convicted in Defi, you are a believer in decentralized finance in crypto, you will realize that these things will be bullish for the market over time. Right. They're not going to happen immediately. And it's similar to the stock market as well. A lot of big news drops are already priced in.

Concluding Thoughts

People are already anticipating, and there's a lot of very smart traders in the space that do take advantage at a very early stage, you know. So to expect pumps, immediate pumps on these news events is kind of unrealistic. But if you are a true believer and a convicted trader in this space, you will know that those gains will happen over time. Appreciate your insight there, vibes. I see you smashing the heart buttons there. Did you want to jump into the combo here?

Expectations and Reality

Yes, I think it was, the bettors were looking about 60% chance that they would mention crypto during the conversation yesterday, and it didn't happen. And people have that expectation, so they go, oh, yes, this is the moment. And, oh, it didn't happen. But it's really, it's about just getting your belief in the projects that you support. I'm seeing it so clearly now that price goes up, everybody's, yeah, this is it.

Long-Term Beliefs

We're gone the way. And then when something happens that changes, that they suddenly go, oh, should I, is this the right project? Should I stay? And it's really, for me, comes down to do your own research, really get to know the people behind it, get your investments in place that you believe in, and just stick to your guns because it does all work out. Yeah, absolutely.

Stick to Your Convictions

Stick to your guns indeed. Consider the people convicted in crypto in 20, 13, 20, 14, 20, 15, 20, 16. And all the years leading to, up today, the amount of dips and volatility that they had to go through to finally get to, you know, even this point is absolutely insane. So just understand that we are early, guys. Hold your conviction bags, particularly in the meme coin market as well.

Zooming Out

And, you know, great things are going to happen. Guys, when in doubt, zoom out on the chart and you are going to see higher lows. We do have Dougie up here on stage. Always great to have Dougie. Dougie up here on stage. Dougie, how are we doing? Good morning. Good morning. Man, you were just reading my mind with what you were saying, right? Zoom out.

Long-Term Vision

You know, look at the big picture of the crypto industry, right? I mean, imagine ten years from now. I mean, look back, you know, the last few years it's just been consistent growth, so nothing to fear if you have conviction and where the future is going for this space, man, I'm always extremely bullish. So happy to be here. Happy Tuesday, everybody.

Engagement and Listener Involvement

Already getting into the week. So, yeah, I'm excited. Hell, yeah. Dougie, did you manage to catch the live space? 1.3 million plus live listeners. Were you one of them in yesterday's Elon Trump space speaker zero? I did. You know, I like you know, checked, got on several devices, finally got in, and, you know, I have to say, you know, I respect the hell out of Donald Trump.

Discussion Insights

And Elon came right out the gate with it, right, talking about the assassination. The dude almost got assassinated, and he's just brushing it off, you know, and he. The way, you know, he got back up there, and you got to have respect for the guy, man. So he's got my vote for sure. Yeah, absolutely. Very interesting. You know, very early on, Elon said, you know, donald, you got up, and you said, fight, fight.

Market Reactions

And immediately I went to a politifier token. That's called fight. Right? And I looked at how the chart was affected by him saying that, and they had a very minor and quick pump and then a very big sell off thereafter. So, again, just showing guys not to get distracted by shiny new toys when these events come around, because more often than not, you are going to get wrecked. But a very interesting conversation nonetheless.

Further Discussions

Dougie, great to have you up here, brother. We've got Max financial up here as well. Always great to hear insight from Max or financial, brother. Good morning. Did you hear the space? And how are we feeling about the markets today? Morning, everybody. yeah, no, I just. I just woke up, and I was like, oh, running behind. I better open up the cart, see what's going on here.

Market Conditions

And, yeah, we're still chopping inside that. That handle that I was talking about, the last few days, really. And, the resistance points of the 200 ma on the four hour is still the target at 62,763. We're coming down to more near the pinch of that handle. It could be an ABC correction in that handle. That's what it looks like to me.

Continued Analysis

Looks like we got the a, the b, and just possibly about touch for the c. Doesn't always hit the c. Sometimes you'll get the support off of that level and get an early breakout. So to really see what's happening in that, I mean, jump into some smaller timeframes, and the. The 1 hour timeframe is still cradling the. The price in that cup and handle in that handle, rather, with the 200 ma.

Optimism in the Market

So it all still looks very good, you guys. I'm extremely bullish. My bags are. I'm so heavily invested right now. I'm like a UK crypto queen. I'm eating crop dinner and cheese and toast. Yeah, I mean, I definitely need to brush up on my ta skills and terminology, but, max, whenever you speak, you get me incredibly bullish on the markets.

Market Sentiment

All I need to hear from you is bullish. And I turned to very bullish. Again, guys, this space is recorded on Jake's timeline, and it has a lot of replay value. So if you do want to go back and listen to some of the insights of some of the Chad's that we have up on stage, you can always listen back and do your own research. All right, guys, we are 40 minutes into the space. 40.

Final Remarks

That was very british, wasn't it? 40. We are 40 minutes into the space. So you're out there, mate. We have to. Some cheese on toast there, mate. Yeah. Guys, I think now would be an awesome time to get into some meme coin shield. So if you are down there in the listeners, guys, and you do want to come up and represent your community, send your requests in.

Pitching Process

Remember, guys, keep your pitch short and concise. Two to three minutes per project. We are then going to give a little bit of feedback, and then, you know, we'll be moving on to the next one. We've got a number of projects that do want to represent themselves, so, of course, we want everybody to get a chance to have the best chance to speak on what they have going on.

Listener Engagement

Again, also, please do not be offended if we do spin you down into the listeners after you've given your shill, because, you know, we do have a full stage, and we do, again, want everybody to try and get up here and let us know what we have, what they have going on. Also, guys, if you are on stage and you are here to pitch, just raise your hand, hit the emoji button, and you'll see on the very right hand side, you have the raising hand emoji.

Organizing the Stage

That just makes mining crypto queens life a little bit easier in order to navigate the panel. All right, guys, I see a number of hands going up, so I'm gonna start in order that they came up. I see ninja was very quick off the mark. Exactly like a ninja should be. Ninja, you have the microphone. Let us know what you have going on.

Enthusiastic Community

I'm just loving being here. JSP. This is great, man. Early morning talk with crypto. I just want to say, you know, thank you for having us up here. And UK crypto queen really hit it on the nose when she was speaking a few minutes ago. But, you know, I'm bullish every day that I wake up, guys, you know, I'm invested in this project.

Project Details

Shinobi Ninja and I have been for nearly six months now. And this project, I've been up here before and kind of said this, but it's not like your typical meme coin project where utility project. And our utility is essentially an AI sniper, botanical first of its kind, machine learning technology. And our dev is just working nonstop to perfect this thing.

Upcoming Releases

And it's getting to the point now where our version four is right on the brink of being released. And now's the time, guys, you know, jump. Jump in the project's telegram. Just vibe with the community and you're going to see what I'm talking about. Like, this community has it all. It's dedicated, just, it's not like any other community.

Confidence in Investment

And I'm happy to say that, you know, I go to bed at night invested in this project. I don't blink an eye. Like, I just sleep soundly. It's wonderful, guys. And, you know, we have our very own validator on Solana with 5 million, approximately worth of Solana staked to it. So that just speaks volumes in itself.

Resilient Development

And I've been up here before. You know, our dev is backed with unlimited resources. So he's just going to keep his head down and keep grinding. Guys like myself are going to get up here and try to let the world know while it's still early. You know, we're below a 2 million market cap right now, coming back from an all time high of 40 million.

Community Commitment

And we're just a community of just diamond handed people that are just going to keep holding until, you know, we get to the billions and beyond. And Shinobi ninja is going to be that name. You guys remember telling you right now, there's a lot more that I could talk about just from a project aspect of, but just know that the sniper bot, you know, you can upload or on ramp your own Solana right to it through Apple pay, makes fucking trading on the bot seamless.

Token Utility and Community

We have the kamikaze feature I, you know, talked about before where you can burn your tokens. Our community is all about burning tokens. We're a deflationary token, meaning the more you have and hold over time, you're going to be sitting in it. You know, it's passive income, buybacks and burns, Rev. Share all that with that project.

Final Thoughts

You guys are going to remember. So, like I said, jump in the telegram. I dropped some stuff in the comments here. You guys can, you know, watch a few clips and just, yeah, join the clan. Hey, Ashok, a great pitch, brother. Thank you for coming up and sharing that. Yeah, very interesting. You, you mentioned a lot of keywords there that I find incredibly bullish.

The Importance of Belief

Firstly, I wanted to start with the fact that, you know, I can absolutely hear the conviction in your voice, and that speaks volumes, man. I can really hear that conviction, which is awesome to hear that you can sleep on your bag as well. You know, it must have a really, this project must have a really good team behind it as an investor. You know, it's always, you always have to think twice about sleeping on your bag, particularly in this space.

Market Exploration

To hear that you're able to do that. It's fantastic. And I'm looking at your website now. You know, the fastest scanner, the beta iteration of the bot is the fastest launch scanner on the market. Be the first to hear about any and all deployments on Sol and an AI meta sniper. The Shinobi sniper bot will track new metas using AI and be pre programmable by users to target snipe specific metas on any given day.

Utility Features

Okay. I mean, this to me is incredibly bullish. I absolutely need to take a look at this utility play. Also, I see you have a white paper as well, which I certainly will be reading into, but it sounds very promising based on everything you've said there, ayshock. And it's great to have you back up here and talking to us about this project. I'd love to get the thoughts of crypto queen.

Community Engagement

Yeah, it's great to hear ayshock up here. I love that pitch. I actually am a holder of ninja. I did hang out a little while ago with your community, and I have to say the vibes are immaculate. But the TG is always very active. Like, you guys raid like crazy. I kind of get it as well because I think what happens, and I'm seeing other projects that do this, you know, we know that the markets have been choppy, things have been going sideways.

Development and Patience

You know, you are, if you are working, if you're a dev and you're working on some tech, you know, we're in it for the tech, right? Then you are not going to deploy everything until you are ready to push. And I think this is where the patience comes in because, you know, a shot was just saying this project has been around for like, five, six months. I'm pretty sure you said.

Investors' Perspective

But you know what? That's what, that's what's going to see these projects through. You have a project that has been going, it's well established. The dev is intact, the team is intact. You know, the community is fire, and there is, you know, tech that's going to be rolled out. So as I say, I hold a bag. Of course I want to see this go. I kind of feel like at this stage, this isn't one of these projects that I'm even worrying about.

Opportunities Ahead

I mean, to be honest, most of my bags are just kind of packed and ready to go, just waiting for the liquidity to come. But. But I'm excited for ninja. I think this is a really great project. And as I say, I mean, check it out. Not financial advice, obviously. Always do your own research. You know, the usual caveats, but, yeah, good to. Good to see you here, my friend.

Conclusion and Encouragement

Absolutely. And, you know, if I could just, again, thank you guys for having me up here. And just like, a final thing, you know, anybody that looking into ninja do me a favor. Do yourself a favor. Go look at the chart a bonk and zoom out. And then look at the chart of ninja and zoom out, and you're gonna just feel bullish as fuck about ninja. So buy a bag today.

Future Outlook

I'm telling you, because six months from now, guys, you're gonna be nothing but smiles. Have a good day. Yeah. Bullish. Bullish on utility plays in the space, particularly this cycle. Very, very interesting. And to hear that crypto queen also has a bag as well just makes me that little bit more bullish. Definitely one to check out, and I will be exploring a lot more as what? As to what you guys have to offer.

Closing Remarks

Again, thank you for the pitch a shock. On behalf of ninja, make sure that if you're interested in feeling that way, drop a shock, a follow, and jump into the twitter. Jump into the twitter of ninja and check out their telegram as well. All right, guys, we're going to keep the mic moving. We've got a lot of hands in the air. Let's go over to florky on bass next.

Introduction to Florky

What's up, florky? Hey, beautiful. Yeah, great to be back here. Love these early morning ones. I much prefer these spaces. So I appreciate you guys for doing this, even though it's later for you. Yeah, we're on base. We launched July 4 and hit an all time high of about five hundred k. And now we've nestled into the kind of 30 to 50k markethead cap range.

Historical Context

But we are a sock puppet. We are one of the very first memes found on the Internet, dating back to 2012. So even early days of bitcoin, which was the flork of cows. But our version of this sock puppet, known as florky, is he comes from an advanced civilization and crash lands on earth and brings all his amazing tech with them.

Project Overview

So we are a utility project. At the end of the day, we're building the very first fully on chain, decentralized, censorship resistant multiverse.

Project Development and Competitions

And I won't dive in too much on it. It's still in development and it's doing quite well. We've had two avatars navigate a good chunk of the multiverse, but what we're doing right now, while we are getting into that development, is we're expanding our team, we're putting in the right partnerships, we're stacking in so that when we do launch this utility, we hit the ground running. And on the florky side of things, the meme itself, we do have competitions that are always going on. We just launched our most recent competition yesterday in Toronto, kind of in line with the futurist conference. So if you're in Toronto for the blockchain Futurist conference or Canada crypto week, we've got a scavenger hunt going on where if you go and find one of the five florky bills scattered across the city, you'll earn $50 in florky. So that's.

Project Timeline and Partnerships

That's pinned up on our. In our x account. Thank you. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, of course, the meme itself has a lot of history and lore behind it. Right. And you mentioned the first censorship resistant multiverse. I remember speaking to you on a previous space. I wanted to ask, do you have a timeframe as to when that will be accessible? Yeah, we are hoping to have it. It could be by the end of December or definitely at Q one of 2024, no later than that. We just want to bring on the right partners in different areas so that we can do it justice. So we're talking to some really good names right now. So it's all looking really exciting. Yeah, I mean, thank you for your transparency on that. I always get very cautious when any project mentions multiverse.

Concerns and Optimism

Right. As I've seen projects attempt it and it not come to fruition. However, you know, I respect greatly that you guys are building something and building something a little bit different. I hope that the project perseveres and creates something that's not been seen but before. To also hear that you have marketing initiatives on the ground, you know, a scavenger hunt, a way to bridge in real life to the project is absolutely huge. I think that's going to be one of the main initiatives that some of the larger projects use moving forward in terms of marketing themselves. Be interested to know what cryptoqueen thinks about multiverse development. And have you heard much of it in the space, crypto queen Jasper? You know what, I haven't. I was just going to say that is something. That is something I need to go and educate myself on.

Interest in Base Chain and Marketing

Right. Think that's maybe that's another little rabbit hole I'm going to go down. I don't know. But I am bullish on base chain and I think we all know that base chain is going to be a very big player in this cycle. We know that we have people that are coinbase obviously committed to educating and onboarding all of the normies, as we like to call them. And we have big kols like Rodney who are driving that education on his YouTube channel. So I do believe that there is going to be a big surge for basic, but yeah, definitely going to have a look at the multiverse. But like you, JSP, I do love the meme and I think, you know, for me that's something that, you know, something makes me laugh. I'm just looking at your page, you know, your ex page which is set up really well. I can see that, you know, you are posting.

Content and Space Engagement

I'm just kind of scrolling down to see there looks like some really good content being posted out is funny, which I like. Don't know whether you guys are hosting spaces at all. Is that something. Oh, just having a look. Are you actually hosting spaces, guys, for yourselves or guesting on other people? Yeah, so far we're just being guests. We will start to do our own spaces. We're just making sure that the entire team is ready to go. We've got three Coinbase ambassadors on our team, so schedules right now are kind of crazy, but we want to make sure that the very first one has everybody there and we can make a good splash with it. No, nice. That, that's good. I think spaces, even if there aren't a lot of people, I mean, obviously to begin with, you don't even have to be recording those spaces.

Encouraging Community Engagement

I just think sometimes it's just encouraging people to have those conversations. But you know, I can see that you're. You're working on things, by the looks of it. Yeah, some of these memes are actually really funny. I'm just looking at the one where he is wearing a reduced pair of very skimpy pants. I have to say, when memes make me laugh, you know, that's always a good thing. So, yeah, it's good to have you up. And I shall look into the multiverse a bit more. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, absolutely. Just to echo what crypto queen said. Sorry, vibes, take the mic. I have to say, I love your branding. Your cover photo is spot on. Very cleverly done using the base. So I'm curious to learn more about your project.

Community Engagement and Importance of Spaces

I find it very interesting. GSP, sorry for talking over you. No, not at all. I was just going to mention an echo crypto queen's sentiment on spaces when it comes to projects, very important, in my opinion, to connect community members on a deeper level than just text over telegram. Right. And don't get disheartened, guys. If you're a project at an early stage and you have five people in your first space, it's all about perseverance. I've been a part of projects where we have had five people in the very first space and we persevered. We ran those spaces every single day in, day out, built a community, and towards the end of it, we had over 200 people in the space every single day.

Value of Persistence

So I'm telling you guys that's how community grows. Persevere. You know, stick to your plans and don't get disheartened if you have low numbers of listeners, because I promise you, as the community grows, so will the people in terms of the engagement for spaces. So amazing pitch there, floor key. Always great to have you up here. Looking forward to see what you guys develop in terms of your multiverse plan. We're going to keep the mic moving, guys. So many more projects, so many requests. We're going to try and get through, everybody. So let's go to a new project that I don't believe we've heard from yet.

Introduction to New Project

Liberty, you have the microphone. Let us know what you have going on. Thank you so much and good morning, everyone. I have a lot I can talk about, but I'm going to lead with the fact that Save America DJT on Ethereum has already generated over $325,000 worth of Ethereum automatically in Trump's wallet. Fully decentralized. There's no manual donations, no middlemen, no marketing wallet, no tax farming and already save America DJT is responsible for almost 124 eth in Trump stocks. Wallet 25% of the current ETH holdings came from Save America DJT. This is the same wallet that receives the royalties from all of Trump's NFT collection, so that's how it was verified.

Explaining the Token Mechanics

You can also look out on Arkham to find the entity for Trump. We have the meme ability of Trump everyone's excited about our nfts. We have the meme mobility of the Trump Media group DJT, the stock similar to GME and AMC tokens. We actually beat out the DJT stock launch on the stock market and for me, this is my conviction play of the decade. I'm a longtime ETH holder and Trump supporter, and there are also other crypto holders who are also Trump supporters. So I can see where others like me can see the appeal of this coin and want to buy it. And that's why I'm so bullish on this coin. I bought my bags around March 28 simply because I was watching the blockchain and I saw these automatic transactions of ETH piling up in Trump's wallet, which led me back to their contract.

Market Cap and Token Appeal

And once I saw what was going on and what the contract was doing, I just had to buy a bag. I recommend everyone else to check the contract and verify. I think once you see what is going on with this polidify token, this meme with utility, I think you'll become just as convicted as I am. On DJ T on ETh we currently have a market cap of around 250,000. This morning we had an all time high of 7 million. Since our coin taxes generate real ethereum automatically in Trump's wallethood, he doesnt have to worry about our token price and he also doesnt have to worry about crashing DJT.

Liquidity and Market Strategy

Unlike other projects that might send him the token instead of real ethereum, he has all of that Ethereum liquidity available to him when he needs it. He can sell that ethereum, he can buy back DJT if he wants to really pump the bags. This is also why we have currently generated more money for Trump. More value for Trump than what our current market cap is the volume. As the volume increases, the buy and sell volume will generate more eth for Trump. We could see volume approaching other Trump tokens, generating hundreds of thousands eth per day for Trump, maybe even millions worth of ETH per Trump as more awareness grows.

Project Launch and Safety

We had a fair launch on March 21, so you can avoid the new coins where rugs can often occur. We've had many copycat scam coins come out, such as DJ T on Solana. When Martin Shkreli made his rug pool, he saw our project and actually stole our ticker because he knew what we had, but he couldn't steal our utility. This is a small cap token with potential for massive upside if Trump simply acknowledges its existence. Since a lot of you are in the UK, I think it's also important to point out that because of Save America DJT on Ethereum, anyone, anywhere in the world can show their support for Trump without leaking any personal information.

Privacy and Legal Considerations

No spam calls or junk mail. If you buy the token, unlike when you donate to a campaign, they get your phone number, they get your address, you get all this junk mail, you get all these calls, you don't want any of that. So if you buy save America DJT on Ethereum, it's a way to show support for Trump and also potentially benefit from the upside. Since Trump did not make this token, it protects him from legal issues. Unlike other scam coins which try to falsely claim the Trump family or Trump himself is behind the coin, Save America DJT on ethereum stands by the slogan that we stand behind Trump.

Community and NFT Engagement

We have a very convicted community. They're very excited and proud about our project. You'll see a lot of our NFTs and the PFPs, so it's just an exciting situation. So I definitely recommend you check us out. Hey liberty, thank you for the pitch. I mean, wow, over 124 eth in Trump's wallet. That's an insane amount of money that you've managed to raise for his campaign. I can see how you can get Trump supporters really engaged and involved. I saw in yesterday's space the pinned message in yesterday's space between Elon and Donald, the pinned message was actually encouraging people to donate to the campaign.

Surging Interest in Politify

And as I said earlier, in the space, I think the politify meta is going to be hot, hot, this bull cycle. And I think you'd be fooling, of course, not financial advice, but in my opinion, you'd be foolish not to diversify your portfolio into this sector. Of course, there's a lot of competition in the space when it comes to meme coins, with new ones being launched every single day. So I like the differentiation that you guys have whereby donations are sent directly to Trump's wallet. I actually can see Trump potentially acknowledging your existence because of the ridiculous amount of money you guys have donated already. It sounds very promising.

Trump's Platform and Crypto Queen's Opinions

Plus, you know, Donald Trump has now has reignited his presence on this platform. It just makes that every little bit more likely crypto queen, let us know what you're thinking. I do just want to say, before I respond to that, I did need to drop a few people down. So if I have had to drop you down, all love, we just got a lot of people requesting to come up and speak, and we want to give everyone the opportunity to do that. So everyone is obviously welcome to come up. We just need to get as many people in here as we can definitely still retweet the room guys as well.

Importance of Retweeting and Engagement

I just want to mention that because there are a lot of people in here, but everybody needs to be hearing this. Alpha just responding to liberty. Is it cerulean? Is that how you pronounce it? You know what strikes me right when I'm on these spaces and I hear some of you guys coming up and pitching is just how fucking clever some of these people are that are in this space, right? There are so many bright, super bright people around. And, you know, when people come up and they talk about projects in that way and they have, you know, just able to articulate that so well.

Appreciation for Clarity and Energy

And, you know, some of that stuff, like, when it comes tokenomics and when it comes to some of that really intelligent stuff, I kind of get a little bit lost in the kind of translation. But, you know, you did such a great job and I absolutely felt your energy. And, you know, what I'm looking for when people come up and pitch is just, I just want to have that invitation to go and do some research because we always say do your own research. But sometimes I'm not even that interested in going and finding out more. But some people come up here like you just did, and I'm like, I need to go and find out what the fuck is going on with this project.

Engagement Through Sharing and Feedback

So I'm absolutely going to be doing that. Retweet the room, everybody, because this is actually absolute, pure alpha being dropped in here. Yeah, I mean, 124 ETH raised. That's kind of gobsmacking and not really a joke. You know, that's a lot of money considering that ETH is probably going to pump to the ten k plus range as well. Just goes to show how much of a donation that actually is. So love what you guys are doing. And I'm sure that the Trump patriots, the Trump supporters are also going to be able to also going to love what you're doing and support the project fully.

Potential for Success

I think that you have something very promising in front of you. And particularly as we fast approach November and the elections. I think that, you know, Politifi is going to be at the forefront of the space and therefore, you know, you guys have every opportunity of success. So keep working, keep grinding, and check out DJT there, guys, if you feel that way inclined. Okay, we're going to keep the mic moving, guys. We have a number of patient projects waiting to discuss what they have going on. So let's go over to wokey next.

Introduction to Wokey Project

Welcome on stage, wokey. Let us know what you have going on. Hey, guys, thanks again for having me. Really appreciate it. And this is our first spaces. We literally launched yesterday, so none of this is prepared. I will say I was going to riff off of Max Financial and some of the stuff we heard in the intro. I don't personally, I'm not personally big into technical trading. I'm a bigger, you know, grip it and rip it, find a community and a, you know, sort of theme that you like, join it and help the cause.

Discussion on Meme Coins

And so I think meme coins fit very well in that. I will add that DJT pitch was really awesome. It's a tough act to follow and I definitely plan to do some research there and possibly go get involved there. The other thing I was going to riff off of, which is the Elon and Trump discussion yesterday. It happens to be the day that we launched our coin on trendy's, as I mentioned, and I think Woki, right after DJT, Woki is something that I'm planning to get behind. And I think we're here at the right place, being on X and being on the base chain with what I think will be a fairly big flood coming out of the base chain here in the near future.

Positioning of Wokey Within the Market

And I think it's the right time again. We launched on the day that Trump came back to Xdev and had his big speech with Elon. X is the place where I think, you know, across the board, people from all sides of the political spectrum are coming to get news. And ultimately, I think what we're seeing is this sort of enlightenment for those that were woke and sort of just spoon fed the way to think about the world and the way to act and, you know, what views to have and this and that. Wokie is, again, I think, in the right place at the right time to be sort of this movement meme coin where again, some people can laugh at the fact that maybe they were woke and now they see that it was kind of weird and some of the stuff that was going on, you've obviously got the opposite side of the political spectrum that's always made fun of the woke culture.

Elon and Trump Discussion

But again, we talked about Elon and Trump yesterday. Crypto didn't come up at all. And I think part of that is because Elon's been taking this sort of fight against the woke mind virus really seriously. It just feels like this is a good place, a good time to be here. I'll speak really quickly on our launch, we launched on Trendy's, which, again, is a brand new launchpad. A lot of reasons we decided to do it today.

Market Cap and Future Listings

Our market cap is about 120,000, give or take, and we're 56% of the way towards what they call our graduation, when we'll be listed on uniswap. So that's all in a day, honestly. Our goal is to be graduated and trading on uniswap by the end of today, and we'll see if this space can help that. But we'd love to hear y'all's feedback on the idea. Again, it's a woke wookie. Right place, right time, right chain. That's our view, and I'd be happy to answer any questions about us or our process on trendies.

Discussion on Trendys and Wokey

Yeah, interesting. I've not actually heard of trendies before, so I'd be interested to hear a little bit more about trendy. But, you know, in terms of the project itself, wokie, the woke mind, you know, such a huge topic of discussion day to day in the world at the moment, particularly on social media. I actually love the message behind the meme itself. And, of course, you launched on base chain two, where I'm incredibly bullish.

Woke Mindset and Research

You know, being woke, to me, is forming your own opinion on the world, right? Doing your own research, as opposed to listening and acting upon what you are told by outlets like the mainstream media. I think the world is definitely waking up, as it were. So, again, I really love the message behind your project. I like the play on words. Wokie the Wookiee. Very, very interesting. I'll definitely be taking a deeper dive into the project. I think you guys definitely have potential.

Engagement with the Project

You know, being woke is like a movement, right? It's like a movement having that woke mindset, right. And when you have movement type plays, I think they can be incredibly powerful. Powerful. So very interested to look deeper into what you guys have going on. Over to you. Cryptoqueen. Yeah, sorry, I was just trying to unmute. Yeah, I'm just looking at the page, and I can see I really like the.

Interest in Community Engagement

I really like the meme, and I'm definitely going to go and do a little bit more research. This is going to sound like a really silly question. Are you for the word, for you, against? So that's a great question and something that we've been actually thinking about internally. Externally. This idea came up with actually some in real life friends of mine who have traded some crypto, but they've never really been in the trenches.

Wokie Project Philosophy

Right. And so I'm personally sort of leading the charge, but I also have quite a big group of crypto and telegram and ex friends and stuff that I've worked in other projects with. And thats kind of our struggle right now. I think, as all meme coins go, the narrative will grow and change and the community will grow and people will add their own spin on things and sort of riff on it. The idea here, though, is that were sort of like anti woke, I think. JSP, I think your description of woke is a good thing to aim for, all of us sort of being enlightened.

Awareness and Woke Movement

I think the joke has become, though, that woke for so long has really not been woke. Woke for so long has really been. Well, you know, we've got these sources of information and they tell us this is how we should think. And so that's how we think. I think woke began as what you're talking about, which is thinking for yourself and, you know, maybe going away from the sort of the mainstream to a certain extent, but it almost feels like the opposite has become true. And so now you're sort of woke.

Crypto and Social Commentary

If all you watch is mainstream media and, you know, you entirely align all the way one side of the political spectrum or the other. To be frank, this doesn't have to be a necessarily political view here, but the whole meme that we're trying to create is woke is a joke at this point. Point. And places like Twitter and places like X and the crypto space in general, it seems to be a little bit more about think for yourself, do your own research. And so that's sort of what we're trying to support here is that sort of message and just kind of making fun of the, if you're not thinking for yourself, if you're not doing your own research, we're sort of a movement against that sort of thing.

Discussion on Perspectives of Woke Culture

Yeah, I think it's very interesting. Right. I think woke has a different perspective for each individual, you know, in terms of what it means. I think you could have some really great spaces as a community, you know, some really interesting discussions. So I definitely advise you guys to be hosting as many spaces as possible and to be engaging the community and getting their perspective in terms of, you know, what means to them. So I think it's super interesting. There's definitely a lot to talk about and definitely a project that we'll be looking deeper into.

Concluding Remarks

Thank you for coming up here and appreciate you guys. Appreciate you, wokey. All right, guys, we're going to keep it moving. We have a number of hands in the air, some new projects, and an old project that we want to hear from. Let's go over to crypto Wolf next. Crypto wolf, I have to say, I really like your PFP brother. Let us know what you have going on. Oh, yeah, man, it makes me so bullish. It's so crazy, man. You know me, I was here earlier on the show and, you know, I'm really a fan of those contract addresses. I don't know, it gets in my mind, I cannot let go of it.

The Importance of Community

And ultimately, the community is everything. I love your positive energy on the project, bro. And if community members in baby Paypay are like you, my friend, then it's definitely a project that we should be checking out.

Contagious Energy

Yeah, absolutely. Jaspi. And I mean, that energy. Wow. I mean, the thing is, that's it, isn't it? It's so contagious when people are bringing the energy. You said it well there, JSP. I mean, it is a derivative of Pepe. I mean, I do agree with you. I think Pepe is undervalued. There are a lot of derivatives. But if you are here and you're showing up and you are, you know, the content is great on your. On your timeline, I did see the. The artwork on there, and I do like the look of that. And I think you're right. I think the chinese meta is not done. It's probably, you know, still a lot. A lot of volume to come in as well into that.

Bearish Sentiments

I did want to just question you because you said something about your tG, and you said, I know it's bearish. Maybe I misunderstood what you said. Did you say that it was bearish that you were in the VC? Yeah. I don't know, man. It's. Sorry. I don't know. You wonderful princess. I don't know. It's like having those voice chats. It's good, but it should be holded on spaces. I think this is the place where we all should connect.

Connecting the Community

We also have Pepe first spaces coming up. So Poppicciolo is one of the invitations for an example from the Pepe versatile speaking with. But I think they should be hosted on space. It's not every day the voice chat in your own community. I mean, most of the time there's just ten people coming up that are just trading with you. Well, you are bringing the energy, my friend, crypto wolf. And listen, I'm going to encourage you to just open up a space because you have the energy, right? And I think that, like JSP was saying, you know, even if it's just you in there vibing with some music, maybe one or two friends will join you and just have the conversation because more and more people will come. And I think with your energy and.

Unique Content Creation

Your intention, I don't know if those. People are nothing normal. They're not normal. I know, because if they are not, if I'm sitting there alone, I would just start to beat back the shit out of it. I love it. But it's great to have you. It's great to have you. Thank you. Check us out. It's zero three f, babe. Yeah, I mean, thank you for the. Thank you for the pitch there, crypto wolf. What I would say on telegram, VC's, and this is based on my experience, you know, being a very big degenerate in and around a number of these different projects, jumping into hundreds and hundreds of tgs, having to delete and leave groups.

Managing Telegram Groups

Because telegram is telling me you are already in 500 groups. You cannot add any more. Right. So that's the level of Djen I'm talking about. But what I have found to be successful, and I would like to share this with all the projects in the space are targeted raid sessions in the VC. And what do I mean by that? I mean pre planning and letting your community know that the VC is going to be open for 1 hour for targeted raids. Having somebody vocal leading the raids, you know, making it more of a laid back, chilled raid session where you get the music bot in.

Effective Raid Sessions

You have as many community members as want to show up with the, you know, with the idea of literally just raiding solid for an hour, say, or an hour and a half, whatever it might be. And, you know, it's an open mic format where people can unmute themselves, join the conversation, as opposed to a space where, you know, it's a bit more regimented, as it were. But, you know, it's very powerful to organize a raid session in the telegram VC at a certain time to have everybody coming in with the sole purpose of getting as much exposure and attention on x as possible.

Engagement in Community

So, you know, I highly recommend doing that. You know, I've seen it work for projects. I've led some myself, and they can be incredibly powerful. So I think the Telegram VC as a tool in itself can be very bullish if you use it in the right way. So just a little bit of advice for you guys. I've seen it work for some of the biggest projects in the space and I promise you that it does. It also keeps community members engaged on a deeper level, as it were. So, yeah, very interesting discussion on the TGVC.

Building Stronger Projects

I think it can be just one more question. Sure. One more question. I would just want to ask you. When UK capture Queen or Jake, you should maybe do a space just about this topic. So many people are looking for the right advice or just to share opinions, how you need to build a project from scratch. What less are we going through? How are we going to do it? How can we keep the community driving? And I think that's where it's all about. I just invite you to do that, man.

Future Discussions

And I will hopping on as well. Yeah, absolutely. You know, we're always looking to add value to investors in the space in any way that we can. So. Absolutely. That's perhaps something that we can discuss in the back end. And who knows, guys, make sure that you follow Jake, crypto queen and myself for notifications. That may be one of the spaces that we do and focus on moving forward. I think that would be great value to a number of people in the space.

Community Engagement Strategies

But yeah, guys, we're going to keep it moving again, crypto wolf, thank you for that pitch. We appreciate you very much. We got two hands in the air up on stage. Let's go to crypto mine next. What up, cryptomine? Welcome to the stage. Let us know what you have going on. Thanks, Jake, JSP and cryptoqueen for having me. Just want to say it's great vibes in this space. I love it.

Team Collaboration

So I'm kryptonite. My first name is Chanz. I'm from the US, and I'm on the medium of thrones team with Tom, shahab, and kay. We're an international team, so from Iran, from Philippines, Hungary, in the US, I think that's really nice. So when we're on these telegram groups, there's someone sort of manning the group 24/7 because we're in different time zones.

Background and Experience

You've heard a little bit about meme with Thrones from Shahab, so I'm just going to give you a little introduction to myself because I think most of you have heard from the rest of the team. So in real life, I'm a research scientist, a physicist, and I just love technology and I have fun making programming telegram bots to get price quotes, make memes, all that kind of stuff. This is my first crypto project I've been involved with, but I've been in the crypto space since 2017, started as an ETH miner, and what my contribution to the team is, I help with all the technical programming support.

Project Overview

So the memotherm project is two weeks old. It's a shiny new toy, as JSP said. But I wanted to rest assured that the team is here. We're dedicated and we really believe in this project. We launched about two weeks ago on Solana through pump fun, and it was a very successful launch in 24 hours, under two days, we got on radium, so we're very happy about that.

Project Content Strategy

And this meme project focuses on content in the form of animated series. So the idea is to take Game of Thrones to take the memes in crypto space and to merge the two and have a meme of Thrones humor is immune to bull and bear markets. Funny is funny, right? I think crypto Queen said a few minutes ago, just talking about funny memes and saying how that's an attraction.

Pushing Out Content

And you see a meme, you look at the content, you laugh and say, oh, that's interesting. I may want to invest in this. So we're going to be pushing out contents in the form of episodes. We're just getting started, but the episodes will get longer and more detail. I guess the unique thing about our project is we have this burn to vote mechanism, and what that allows the users to do, the holders of the tokenization, is to burn the token, and there will be two, let's say two scenarios for outcomes of an episode, and the users will either put tokens in one wallet for one outcome or another wallet for the other outcome, and at the end of a week will burn and that determines the next episode.

Strategies for Traction

So how are we trying to get traction? K mostly heads the raids. We've been top trending daily. We just released episode one yesterday. So if you haven't, please go to our Twitter x page and watch it. We had a watch party yesterday that was really fun. We have a growing animation team. I am trying to make a PFP maker that'll have some of the meme of Thrones PFP and let the users customize it all through Telegram.

Technological Innovations

So not using the web at all. And almost finished with AI meme maker. I've done this for another project, but this is pretty cool where a user will just go through the web, take a picture from like Game of Thrones, put it in Telegram, and the bot will replace the head with something like Pepe or bread or something like that. So that's my short introduction. Thanks for having me. And I'm definitely going to be a regular in these spaces.

Team Recognition

Hey, appreciate that, man. And chance, great to meet you. I was saying to Shahab yesterday that I love your website and the hustle from your community. You know, you guys are showing up day and day out on this space, particularly to represent your project and community, and that is so incredibly powerful. I also love the fact that you guys are doing doxed on your website.

Investor Insights

I mentioned that yesterday as an investor, although it means no guarantee, it helps me sleep a little bit better at night. You know, I also saw the release of your first short form video animation, and I love it. Of course, meme of Thrones, a play on Game of Thrones, one of the best tv shows of all time, in my opinion. I love, love your content and the animated series aspect of it.

Content Direction

It's the way I think the space is pivoting to right. And you've seen the likes of Ponke and Brent and the success that they've had with their short form content. So definitely keep heading in that direction, guys. I feel like you're on a very good path and, you know, just based on your perseverance as a community and the direction you guys are taking, I actually aped myself a bag. So shout out to Shahab as well for being here and representing.

Continuous Improvement

I'm all for you guys. And keep pushing in the way that you are. You know, you're doing a lot of things right. The added utilities are also sounding very dope. You know, AI meme generators, for example. It sounds like you guys are really building and heading in the right direction, so absolutely a supporter of meme of Thrones.

Community Engagement

Let's see what crypto queen thinks. Yeah, I love it. Good to have you with us, my friends. I think it's the first time we're speaking, but yeah, really good to have you here. Shahab obviously shows up every day, and when we see teams working really hard, that's always super bullish. I do love Game of Thrones. I mean, it was one of my favorite tvs, as JSP said, you know, one of the best of all time. So, so good.

Content Quality

But what I like actually looking through your content, I mean, I love the animations. I think that is the standard now. Right. I know that not all projects are in a position where they can do that from the gate, you know, out of the gate, but I think when you can add in those animations, it sounds like you're building utility and it sounds like what you're doing is you're giving your community the tools to be able to go and get that content out there.

Community Empowerment

Because when you're creating that fresh content for your community, then that is giving them that support and help so that they can go out and they can kind of represent you. And yeah, I do love the animations. I'm just having a look at it all now. And also the fact that it is like Pepe, you know, it's kind of a real mix of some really strong narratives. So, yeah, I'm going to do some more looking into this. I'm looking at the recent one that you posted.

Timeliness and Relevance

I think that was maybe yesterday sometime, where you've memed Andrew Tate as well, you know. So I think when projects can create this content and it is topical, you know, it's current and it's sort of speaking to sort of the narrative that's going on across the world, then I think that's really useful as well. So, yeah, I'm going to check it out a little bit more. Thank you for joining us.

Future Engagement

Yeah, awesome pitch, crypto miner, and great to have you here. I hope to hear more from you moving forward in future. Keep the mic moving. I think we have time for one or two more pitches, so let's go to Papi Chulo. Thank you for waiting so patiently. Papi, let us know what you got going on, brother.

Community Grind

Thank you, guys. No, it's a pleasure hearing to all these amazing projects, you know, grinding and I think that is super important. You know, we see, you know, that's what we focus on in the community. We are growing, we are jumping every day on spaces, we are holding VC's. We are grinding all day long. Hours until 04:00 in the morning. Like, we don't stop and the community doesn't stop, you know?

Community Support

So you see all these green hearts here in the voice, in the AMA. I see you all. I see you all with the PFPs. It's just amazing, the community supporting. I'm jumping on the space and they're all joining and it's amazing. So, yeah, man, we are just for a quick start. For the people that don't know about puppetry, it's the first time hearing about him.

Project Details

Papiculo is on Solana, right? So Papiciulo is the older, wealthier brother of the famous pepe meme. Papitulo has been traveling, but ever since he was young, he knew he wanted to get rich and escape the Matrix. That's why he started investing in crypto until he hit big. So yeah, Papucciulo can't go without a cigar. He's always with a cigar. He's well dressed to every occasion.

Project Ambitions

And now his priority is to travel even more, but bring the community with him and live a luxury life. So, yeah, our ticker is soul. I'm sorry. Our ticker is Chulo. We are a moonshot project. We have literally hit radium two days ago. We've done it all organically.

Community Growth

We haven't done any promotion so far. So we have just been grinding, creating that community, creating that foundation and yeah, so now we have two weeks old exactly today. And we are, yeah, since two days ago, we are. We hit radiant again. It started very quick because a few days ago that I was here with you guys chilling, were still at 25k market cap out of nowhere went to 50 to 60 to 70.

Market Dynamics

We hit radium. And then of course, organically went even to 250k. But again, you have always people that just try to get quick profits jump in and jump out. But meanwhile the community is grinding. We are now at around forty five k mark cap and we just keep grinding. We don't have stop, you know, and yeah, it's bullish.

Listing and Promotion

We have just also listed on Dex tools, we've listed on Gem radar. We're doing also the coingecko now. And yes, we have some very bullish things coming up. And yeah, it's just excited. It's just super exciting to just continue the grind and see the whole community standing with you. And even when you have some red days, you always know that there are some people that go away.

Community Resilience

And then when you're in green, they all jump back in. And that is, that's how it goes. But, yeah, we've created that foundation and we are standing there strong, and we're just going to grow. So, yeah, by holding these spaces, we have community members holding 24, 28 hours spaces. We are there all day.

Upcoming Initiatives

We're also planning to do a multiverse space with different memes to let everybody come in. And we have to be a community altogether. That's what we believe in, what we stand for. And, yeah, we are done with bad actors, scammers. We don't allow those people.

Community Spirit

So, yeah, we just continues to grind with a good community and good vibes. And, yeah, we have a radio going on. We have a song if you want, guys, I can show you a small part from one of the songs. We have multiple songs that the community members even found on the Internet where we didn't know about called Chulo or Papi Chulo.

Embracing Support

So, yeah. Hey, papi chulo, man. You know, I'm a huge supporter of you guys. I love the lore. I love the story of Papi Chulo, the older brother of Pepe, right? Another derivative of pepe, which is very saturated in this space. But I really particularly like this one, not only because you guys show up day in and day out, which is bullish in itself, right, but your ticker, your name, the feel good artwork that you guys are bringing out regularly, it's just positive all around.

Investment Philosophy

A lot of the time, I don't base my investments on the market cap. In fact, I never base my investments on the market cap, but rather on a number of other metrics. I know that the market cap follows when you have a great narrative, a great community, and a great team. And I'm certainly here to support you guys in the way that you guys show up day in and day out and support us.

Community Growth and Support

So keep going, guys. Keep growing. Papi Chulo community, I see you down there as well in the listeners with your pfps. Huge shout out to all of you representing the community. Over to you, crypto queen. Yeah, Papa Chulo. You know, I love you guys. I love your community vibes.

Engagement and Representation

I love the fact that you guys show up. I was actually hosting a sponsored space the other night, and these guys just showed up in force, you know, throwing up the green hearts. People weren't coming up to speak necessarily. They were just sitting down the listener and throwing up Greenheart after green heart. And I think someone was asking about some marketing help.

Marketing Tips

You know, how do you take your project and get it out there? A really good tip for you guys. If you are listening and you're part of a community. And you have dedicated PFPs that you can all change your PFP to your project. Even if you have it on an alt account. You don't even have to do anything.

Spamming Strategy

You get 1015 of you guys just show up in really big spaces, you know, where there's lots of people. You just show up and you just start spamming your emojis and people will notice you and they'll be like, who are these crazy people spamming like mad, I need to go and check out this project. And that's what's going to happen. They're going to click on your PFP and then they're going to go and find you so you can use it as like a little sales funnel.

Community Strategies

So just a bit of a tip there for you guys. Like, take a look, take a leaf out of Papuccino Fams book. And I'm not an investor, but you know what, guys? Maybe I will think about investing at some point. But yeah, I love you guys. Thank you so much.

Community Commitment

Cryptoqueen and yeah, man, it's just crazy how the community is such ogs from the start. Like, they don't stop grinding. You've seen, they've directly grinded the comment section here. They've retweeted it. They don't stop. So it's so bullish to have this behind us. And again, we've just getting started.

Foundation and Momentum

We have, we've done the foundation of the project. We're starting full with marketing. We have some very buddhist things coming up with big companies for. Yeah, some, I don't want to say too much, but it's going to be, have to do with animation. It's going to be epic.

Plans for Engagement

And yeah, we don't stop. Again, we don't stop. We jump on a lot of spaces every day. The last couple of last two days, we've been just. We didn't jump on any big spaces. So you seen us around this space because before were almost here every day and we jumped just in the VC on, you know, on the telegrams. Chill with the community.

Community Interaction

Explain everybody, because there's so many people in your community that are just there watching and want to understand more about your project. That's why it's very important to open that VC, chat with them, vibe with them, listen to music, get to know each other, talk with them. We've been there for hours with the day, the night on radium.

Space Dynamics

We didn't sleep. And so many community members didn't even sleep. They're just there with us, you know, vibing to music, it was epic. And, yeah, the road is just getting started. So, yeah, it's very exciting. It's very exciting and very exciting plans for the future. So thank you guys for holding.

Final Reflections

Yeah, love that. Love that, love that perseverance there from you, papi, and the community, the way you guys are vibing, it's exactly what you want to hear. You want to engaged constantly, and it sounds like that's exactly what you guys are doing. Love you guys. Papi chulo. All right, I think that's about it for the space today, guys.

Closing Remarks

We've been running for an hour and 40 minutes. I have pinned a tweet to the top of the jumbotron there. I wonder if UK crypto queen has any final thoughts for the room and wants to just mention something about that tweet that I've pinned at the top. There it is, the space. That is the next one scheduled for today with Soca.

Upcoming Discussions

Yeah, absolutely. I mean, if you're not following Soca data, then are you even interested in making money in crypto, is all I'm going to say to you. Jake is hosting the space, and Soka will be co hosting, and Soka is going to be talking about all of the news and views from last night space. I will be joining him crypto.

Market Analysis

The kid will be tuning in as well. And we just talk about, you know, similar to this. We talk about the market, but SoC has a really interesting data driven approach. So it is looking at data. It is looking at what's going on across the market. So, yeah, twelve noon today, guys, come and join us.

Invitation to Next Session

We look forward to dissecting, or dissecting. Is that a word even? I don't know. I'm making it up at this point at twelve noon today. So, yeah, we'll see you there. Yeah, absolutely, guys, make engaged with all the spaces that are coming out from Jake's account there.

Participation and Engagement

If you're not already following Jake Gagainer, what are you doing? Guys, make sure that you follow the host there. Myself, JSP, and the co host spot, and the lovely UK crypto queen. It's been another awesome space, guys. Thank you to everybody who participated, whether you're up on stage or down there in the listeners, we appreciate you very much.

Community Resilience

Remember, guys, keep persevering, keep conviction in your bags. Keep growing, keep building your community. Regardless of the market cap, community strength precedes price. Guys, we are going to take a deeper look in the backend as to different types of topical spaces. That we can do with regards to advice that we can give different projects and lovely things like that.

Looking Ahead

So make sure that you stay tuned, keep following, and keep engaging, guys. I hope to see you all in tomorrow's space again. Thank you to everybody who participated.

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