Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space E. Smitty’s Birthday Bash 9-11!!! hosted by THEREALESMITTY. E. Smitty's Birthday Bash 9-11!!! was a lively and inclusive celebration filled with inspiring messages, engaging activities, and a sense of community. The event showcased a diverse range of talent, encouraged collaboration, and promoted connections among participants. With music, laughter, and interactive elements, the birthday bash created a vibrant atmosphere where guests shared heartfelt moments and cherished memories. The event exemplified values of inclusivity, creativity, and support, leaving a lasting impact on all attendees.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: What made E. Smitty's Birthday Bash unique?
A: The event stood out for its inclusive atmosphere, engaging activities, and diverse content.

Q: How did the guest speakers contribute to the celebration?
A: Guest speakers shared valuable insights, personal stories, and motivated the audience.

Q: What role did collaboration play in the event?
A: Collaboration among participants fostered a sense of community and support.

Q: What were some of the interactive elements at the birthday bash?
A: Interactive activities, games, and entertainment added fun and engagement to the celebration.

Q: How did the event promote networking and connections?
A: E. Smitty's Birthday Bash provided a platform for attendees to network, connect, and build relationships.

Q: What was the overall atmosphere at the birthday celebration?
A: The event atmosphere was vibrant, welcoming, and filled with music, laughter, and positivity.

Q: How did the audience contribute to the event?
A: Active audience engagement created a sense of community, connection, and shared joy.

Q: What were some key highlights of the celebration?
A: The event featured inspirational messages, talent showcases, and memorable interactions.

Q: What values were exemplified during the birthday bash?
A: Values of inclusivity, creativity, collaboration, and support were showcased throughout the celebration.

Q: How did the celebration leave a lasting impact on the participants?
A: Participants left with cherished memories, new connections, and a sense of being part of a special occasion.


Time: 00:15:30
Inspirational Messages and Motivational Talks Guests shared inspiring messages and motivational insights, setting a positive tone for the event.

Time: 00:30:45
Community Building and Networking Opportunities Participants engaged in networking activities, fostering connections and relationships.

Time: 00:45:20
Guest Speakers and Industry Insights Insightful talks by guest speakers offered industry knowledge and personal stories.

Time: 01:00:10
Collaboration and Supportive Environment Collaborative efforts and supportive interactions created a lively and inclusive atmosphere.

Time: 01:15:25
Music, Laughter, and Positive Vibes The birthday celebration was filled with music, laughter, and a positive ambiance.

Time: 01:30:40
Interactive Activities and Games Engaging activities and games added entertainment value to the event.

Time: 01:45:55
Creativity and Talent Showcases Participants demonstrated creativity and talent, enriching the celebration.

Time: 02:00:05
Memorable Moments and Heartfelt Messages Touching moments and sincere messages were exchanged, creating lasting memories.

Time: 02:15:10
Audience Engagement and Shared Celebration Active participation from the audience contributed to a sense of shared joy and community.

Time: 02:30:20
Diverse Perspectives and Inclusive Environment The event embraced diversity, welcoming all voices and viewpoints in a harmonious setting.

Key Takeaways

  • Inspirational messages and motivational talks were a highlight of the event.
  • Networking opportunities and community building were prominent during the celebration.
  • Guest speakers shared industry insights and personal anecdotes, enriching the experience.
  • Collaboration and support among participants showcased a spirit of camaraderie.
  • Interactive activities and games added a layer of entertainment and engagement to the event.
  • E. Smitty's Birthday Bash fostered an inclusive and welcoming environment for all attendees.
  • Participants enjoyed music, laughter, and positive vibes throughout the celebration.
  • The event showcased creativity, talent, and a diverse range of perspectives.
  • Memorable moments and heartfelt messages were shared during the birthday bash.
  • Engagement and participation from the audience created a sense of connection and shared celebration.

Behind the Mic

Celebrations and Greetings

It. Happy birthday. Check, check. What's going on, brother? Brother, how are you, man? I'm living large, man. We just doing everything. Yeah, it sounds like you had your birthday thing this morning. You're going to stretch it out to the evening? No, we had a pro meet, which was on the blockchain. We did that at 01:00 p.m. and now we're doing something here in a few, so. Yeah, man, stay tuned. Just waiting for everybody to fill in. It'll be a minute. All good. And then just to let you know, they gave me about 15 minutes because I stepped out. I had my guy cover me, but I just wanted to say what's up? No, you're awesome, man. How's everything going with trike? Good. Good. You know, I thought about you, and I know you were thinking the same. How we pray that thing that happened to Gwinnett, you know, the wilder Georgia. Yeah. You know, that's like literally ten minutes down the street from us. Unbelievable, man. It just pisses me off. I mean, come on. The guys, the kids, 14, all the signs were there.

Reflections on Issues in Society

Yeah. I think, you know, our, like, intelligence system is very flawed, man, right now. I miss you, my bro. No, I miss you, too, brother. I hope everything is good and, No. Dane, do you want to request to speak, be. How do I make you host? Dane? Dane, you there, brother? All right. There we go. Said the wicked said yes. I love it when he pops in. I'm playing a little music while we waiting. I'm listening to the youngsters verbal glock. That shit's fire. Hey, what's up, smitty? Happy birthday, my man. Brother. Thank you so much. How are you? Oh, you know what? I'm good, man. I had to work late today, and I just got home. Like, I was watching the clock really close, and so I hopped on, like 1 minute late, but here we are. So happy birthday, and, yeah, I think, I know. I'm honored that you asked me to co-host. I think if you're still open to that, I think all you gotta do is click my bubble and then it should pop up a menu invite to co-host. So, yeah, I'll just, I'll help moderate the room. It's your space, so I'm not gonna take it over or nothing, but I'm here to support you.

Sharing More About Trike

It's your birthday, and I love you and hope a lot of people show up tonight for you. No, no. We're gonna make them show up. All right, so click your bubble. Yes, sir. Like your profile picture or I. Yeah. So I don't know. Are you on. Are you on a mobile or a desktop? No, I'm on desktop because I got this fancy microphone set up here. Gotcha, gotcha. Yeah, I mean, on mobile, it's like if you. If I click the bubbles of people, like, it pops up a menu, and then if you scroll down it, you can like to invite to co-host. Okay. There, I just got it. Respond, accept. Okay, great. Thanks a lot. And, yeah, I'm here to support you, bro. So I don't know, first to the second, but sounds like a cool, cool guy. And. Yeah. Hey, that's cool. Thanks. Thank you, sir. That's very nice of you. My name is Jeff. Francisco. So, you know Francisco short is frisk. And I looked it up, man, in German, it says fresh. I mean, I guess I'll take some freshness out of it.

Musical Connections

Right on, right on. Yeah. It's great to meet you. There's so many good people in the world. And frisk. I mean, the way Smitty and I connected, I think it was one of his posts, and it was something. I think it was about rap and forte, actually. And, you know, I, when I was 13 years old, rap and forte was the first rapper that I ever, like, the first cd that I ever bought from 1996. And so, of course, I commented on it. And then Smitty, like, we just connected from there. And we've had a couple spaces together, and we had a one one call a few months ago. And, yeah, he's a real one. So honored to be here. And, yeah, I. So, Smitty, have you been having a good birthday, man? It's been. It's been awesome. And I've been working through my birthday, and at the same time, like, just enjoying it, having a good time, opening up some gifts here and there. I got, you know, some cool stuff this year. I got, I got, like, a freaking ten pound beef brisket from one of my boys, plus, like, five pounds of wagyu beef burgers.

Gifts and Celebrations

And I got a free birthday cake from Publix. I know everybody gets that. Knowing my daughter, she surprised me with, like, a $50 gas card. And I thought that was really awesome, too, because you know how it is, man. I'm throwing like, 15 in the tank every day just to get from point a to point b. This shit crazy. You know what I mean? Like, this whole economy thing, this shit's retarded right now. But, yeah, man, other than that, I had a little bit of some top shelf whiskey, like top of the tippity top and smoking a cuban cigar. Right now I'm just waiting for more people to pour in here, you know, when they're gonna come through. We're just kind of waiting right now and listening to my favorite hip hop jams. Apparently YouTube has like created some kind of playlist for me. And yeah, I mean, I 80% agree with it. 20 don't. Some of these records is like, shit I would never listen to. But you know how it is, man. You know, they kind of like do their AI algorithms and they like, you know, make it seem like, you know, this is what.

Discussions on 9/11 and Truth

Yeah. What's up, man? A 911. For real though? That's, that's awesome. We definitely won't forget your birthday. We'll never forget. Well, never forget 911 because, it's a sham, it's a mockery. And until 911 truth comes out, I think that, you know, the rest of the truth of the world is not going to be revealed. And I think that it's time because, you know, anyone who has a brain and understands how, you know, controlled demolitions work, I mean, they blow out every column, you know, succeeding each other. Boom, boom, boom. And you can't crash a plane into any building, even a crappy building. And the building's not going to collapse. It might like the portion that got crashed into above, it might like topple over, but everything beneath it is built solid. And I mean, this is backed by the research of like over 2500 architects and engineers and scientists and research. So, yeah, man, until we get to the truth of 911, I don't think we'll ever know, truth in itself.

Philosophical Thoughts

Because, you know, there's only three things in life that really matter. truth, love and joy. Yeah. And it's going to be hard to, love. And then it's gonna, if you don't love, then you're not going to be able to feel joyous. But I mean, yeah, we're in our little mini spheres in our microcosms of the macrocosm, whatever you want to call it. And I think that, yeah, we can create, I think like from a ground level, I said ground level. That's like 911 shit. But like from a grassroots perspective, I think we can create our own amazing way to build. I'm surprised people haven't come in yet. I'm going to mute my mic for a minute or if anybody wants to jump in for a second. Dane, let's see what happens, man. I mean, like, I've done a few spaces, but they've been kind of sort of successful. But, you know, maybe two years ago, probably have about 100, 200 people in the room. I kind of got pulled out of that because I joined into a blockchain, and basically I was told to shut up.

The Challenges of the Past

I couldn't talk about other tokens and other protocols and things of that nature. So I'm just building everything back, and I felt like my birthday was a great time to bring people in here and, you know, get people to, like, you know, start working, I guess working towards, you know, getting that virality again, you know? Yeah, brother. I mean, it's. It's one person at a time, and from what I. Because, you know, I I've only been active on x for, like, seven, eight months, and then the spaces for about a month, and I'm learning, you know, people are just coming in one by one. So. Is this the same. Is this the same set that you did a record for? Which one? Yes. Yeah. So I think I heard. I think I heard that album. I think. Yeah, it is me. I appreciate it. Appreciate.

The Connection Between Artists

Right on, right on. Yeah. How did you guys get hooked up? You and Smitty said, Twitter. Oh, on Twitter. X, yeah, x. Oh, right on. Okay. You know, what's the same for me? That's the same for me. I wasn't, you know, said I wasn't. I'm not sure if you were up in the room, but how I got connected with somebody was, like, probably three, four months ago, and he, on my feed, it was just random. He popped up something about rap and forte, and I used to listen to rap and forte when I was young, and I still do off and on, but that was, like, the first hip hop album, rap album that I ever bought. And so, you know, I can recite some of his lyrics, like, in the back of my head.

The Journey of Music

And so I made a comment, and he, like, he shared it, and then we got connected. We had a, like a google. Like a google. We talked for, like, an hour on the phone or 2 hours, and. And then we've done a couple spaces together, and, yeah, we just got a lot in common. Great minds think alike, so. Oh, yeah. Pleasure to meet you. It's pleasure to meet you as well. Right on. Gentlemen, just to let smitty, as I mentioned earlier, they're flagging me for. I got to finish my demonstration, but I got five minutes, if you guys don't know. When I said demonstration, sounds like we're picketing. We do demonstrations, like demos.

Explaining Trike's Innovations

They test ride our vehicles. So I want to make sure no one hurts themselves. No, Jeff, I want you to jump in and just talk. Just tell these guys what you do, because I think what you do is fantastic. Like, in terms of. Yeah, yeah, jump in, tell them. Oh, yeah. When you all get a chance to type in trike. T r I k ke. So it's the quickest electric patrol vehicle in the world. We manufacture for military, police, law enforcement. It's global. I just love the product. Our inventor, he's brazilian, and he's genius. He's basically an Elon Musk that hasn't gotten to the bankroll yet. I love the fact that we customize our rides for, again, law enforcement. I'll name them off real quick from. I guess I'll try to remember. Atlanta PD has our rides. Bart police Norfolk, Virginia.

Growing Recognition

You know, there's a lot of land they got to cover at the Chesapeake Bay. I guess the point is, when you order these vehicles, you got to reach us. Not reaching Elon. You're not going to Amazon. We make them in the uS. Santa Barbara county, built in California. So pretty proud. And, you know, I also am involved with music. That's basically it. I hope you guys get to hear of it. And when your neighborhood. We're going to do a tour. I want you to see these vehicles. It's pretty sick. It's not a car vehicle. It's a patrol. So you patrol parades? People say, like a segue, but a segue. Washington, corny, that was a mall cop. You know, I mean. I mean, this stuff here is hitting 50, 60 miles per hour.

Safety and Functionality

Trust me, your heartbeat will be in your palm when you're. When you're hugging corners. It's. It's pretty nasty. But when I say nasty. Quick but safe. No deaths, no injuries under our watch. We train cops and all that stuff. So that's it? No, no. what I was gonna say is, the vehicle, man, I'm telling you, it's got more than just a military and police application. I feel like, you know, the pizza delivery man could be flying around on this thing, man. You know, he could, but remember that one pizza delivery guy? Could be a college dude. And then he's like, hey, that guy sold it to me. And he's the one that busted his neck. I mean, remember, zero death, zero injuries under our watch.

Future Possibilities

So we try to stick to the pro law enforcement. Unless a little side thing. I was gonna hit up Shaq and his team yeah, I know he'd want one custom made. You know, he's a sheriff and he'd be all about that. Yeah, that's funny, man. No, I. I love the technology. And my thing is, it would be crazy if we could like tokenize those vehicles and put them on distroman. Wow, dude, your mind, there's nothing. I mean, you can reach them all, you know. No, I was going to say Smitty. So this is the guy because frisk to the second. Smitty was telling me about this idea like a couple months ago.

A Vision for Innovation

He's like, you know, he's got, you got. Somebody's got so many irons on the fire, I don't know how you do it. But you were, he was telling me about this vehicle that he was partnering up with and it was going to revolutionize like the police force and it's like new era technology. And, so you're the guy. That's awesome. I hope it's us. Thank you. Yes, sir. He's been around since the year 2000. It was actually a fitness ride on wheels. You know, celebrities, Cam Newton. It was actually just fitness, no motor. So the inventor put all his eggs in one basket saying, why don't we protect the guys that protect us, legit cops, you know, not the crazies.

Community Focus

And let's make sure we protect them. And now with all this mass shooting happening, you know, a lot of colleges and are reaching us high schools, colleges like Duke University. Chief John Daley, he's one of our clients. Oh, the largest HBCU NCat N c a n t. So that's Chief Cuthbertson and all my name straight. Yep. Yeah. And cat. Happy birthday, bro. Thank you, my brother, man. Yo, if you guys don't know, this is Storm Rider from Sound alive records as well. Artist amazing McDezden and dude been through it all. Also back in the day. Connected to Tupac, like, I don't know, storm, do you want to tell your story a little bit, man? Tell everybody a little bit about your history, your background.

A Journey from the Underground

Well, I'm from Jersey for y'all know me, lords of the underground is kind of my family and shit now. I grew up with lords of underground. Red man, you know, treks from my neighborhood, rod diggers, he from the hood, you know, Shaq for my projects. If y'all didn't know, you know, who else? Whitney Houston. She from the hood, you know. So I mostly grow a lot of great artists in my time for me to be where I'm at right now, far as writing wise, you know, I was hard headed in my life, so I had faced a lot of things in the road wise for me to stop my career from going to where it needed to be at, you know, I finally woke up now, and this is the journey I had finally took all the way out.

The Struggles and Determination

Instead of just playing with it. Cause everybody, like, I just. You just playing with it. You got a skill, but you just playing with it. You just playing with it, you know, that's how I really came forward, more to the music side. And then what happens to pac then, you know, I get a chance to splurge because he's supposed to get that Defoe east, you know, and I would have made a home around that time. So it was like, that didn't happen. That didn't go for me. So I fell back, and I was gonna give up the music. I ain't gonna sit down live, because, like I said, the music business kind of hard to get around, man. It's like if you. If you. It's not what you know, it's who you know in a music game.

Overcoming Adversity

And if you really don't know nobody, you don't have the money to get into further places. It'd be hard for you to reach out as an individual, as an artist yourself, you know? So I was kind of struggling with that, you know, me, because I grew up with no parents, none of that type of stuff. So it was hard for me to basically. To get that kind of scrutiny that I need. You know what I mean? I was surrounded by good people that told me, yeah, your music is this. Your music is that you need to take it to a new place. You need to take it to another spot. And you know what? And I listen to everybody, you know? And one thing I said, you know, I ain't gonna give up.

Never Giving Up

I never gave up in my life. So when I was gonna give up, e kinda talked me back out of it, you feel me? Because I really didn't see my music going nowhere, because, like I said, everybody, music is different, and people have to be in tune to what they hear and what they like, you know? So it's kind of putting a strain on me at one point, you know, until he opened my eyes up, you know what I mean? And then I thought about my age to let me add that, too, you know, so that plays a part. Yo, storm, you know, my thing is, bro, like, you've been 100 since day one, and your music speaks for itself. I mean, you got, like, just energy and, like, just emotion and just everything that you put into your music, and it's real, too.

The Evolution of Hip Hop

It's like, it's that masculinity that we need back in hip hop. You know, we got a lot of, We got a whole lot of this. Like, you know, I don't know. I don't know what I want to call it. It's just. It's not hip hop, man. It's not. There's no storytelling. There's no energy. There's nothing, man. And, you know, I would love to hear you and said the wicked on the record, too, because said been through it all too, man. That's my bro right there. And, like, you know, man, like, sound alive records is a diverse, like, mega diverse community of artists. Yes, it is. I seen a roster. Yeah. Yes.

Looking Toward the Future

This. Is bigger than what we shown right now. Like, we literally, we got so many updates to make and so much to do. Like, man, we got world class, like guitarists and, like, instrumentalists and singers and things of that nature. Like, and I'm just looking at the whole mesh. I know that we're gonna eventually all going to connect, especially after this shit show is over, and. And we're gonna fucking. We're gonna make history. I'm sending everybody on tour. Listen, when these millions and billions of dollars come in, I'm sending everyone on tour. I'm putting a billboard on fucking Times Square and Heath, London, Heathrow airport, in fucking Singapore, in Dubai. You, you better expect to understand, like, you know, we started.

Understanding Opportunities

Ask your question. Yes, sir. What you, what you know about too. Hot radio to hop radio? Mm. I've never heard of it. I'm willing now. Too hot radio. They be, you know, I've been fucking with it for a nice minute. They fucking with a lot of people, you know, Rick Ross and all. They be up on the edge live with them and shit like that. You know what I mean? They got this show coming up on the fifth, and they want me to do a show out there, but I'm like this. I ain't getting paid for until it's like, why boost y'all up? And I can boost my own squad up? I could do that shit for free anytime. But, like, this would be doing.

Maintaining Integrity in Music

I did the booster entertainment up. Now I understand. I ain't getting no hits off that shit. You know what I mean? And then I know if I go perform the new shit off the album, they won't have to pay out their pockets, you know what I mean? So. And it's like, they don't understand what kind of position that I'm in right now because I'm not trying to get on nobody wave and make them look good than what the fuck they are. And I got a strong way behind me. You feel me?

Artists Collaborating

We got cool g rap. We got rapid Forte. We got a lot igeechee, l Geechee and all them. We got a lot of artists up here I can work with before I decide for some sideline piece. You feel me? Like, I don't like to blow people up and ain't part of the family or they ain't trying to become part of family. You understand?

Recording Experience

I'll say this, brother, just between me and you, I just mixed a record for and actually rapid Forte wanted me to actually reproduce it. It's burner Rick Ross and rapping Forte on the record. And it was another dude, I can't say his name because he got cut from the record. It was something between rap and forte or whatever. But, yeah, I mean, we all kind of connected. One. I want to tell a funny story, though.

Drama with Cool G Rap

I know you talk about cool g rap. So me and G rap met and, you know, we had a little bit of drama in the beginning. It was crazy because, you know, I, I sent him a little bit of bread to do a feature for another artist. And he didn't get the money. It was going through Domingo. Who? Okay. Yeah, Domingo. And I guess it went through PayPal or some other shit, something like that. But the money didn't come through.


And G rappers calling say, yo, man, I ain't get the bread. I didn't get the bread. And I was like, yo, I was like, the money's there, bro. I was like, and the money was there. You know what I'm saying? But what it was is that, you know, you got people in between. You got, like, freaking gatekeepers and they're trying to do whatever they want to do. It's like the banks. The banks want to hold on the money so that they can flip it a few times.

Resolution and Support

You know, throw it in the stock market or whatever little pools that they put it in before they give it back to you. And I told we had all out, like, fight, like, all our fight, like deadass. And after that, we pieced it up. Everything was good. We did a few more records. And I told him, I said, look, brother, you know, like, either way, you know, I got your back. I love you just like I love anybody in hip hop.

Supporting Each Other

Anybody that's, like, made an impact, any legend any amazing artists that's been undiscovered, anybody that's been, like, working in this damn industry and understands how, like, crazy this industry is. And I think the craziest thing is, just, like, us all sticking together, we stick together, we support each other. You know, I had idea today. I was like, what if I came up with a platform where artists, they pay, like, a monthly, like, a monthly fee that's very minimal to, for everybody on the platform to buy their music, and so everybody's supporting each other because I think it's got to get back to that because we're at a point now, man, we're streaming,

Platform Ideas

and where everything is so saturated right now. There's so much crap in the marketplace, and they're polluting this shit. And it's like, the ones who are actually the best and the most talented and the most amazing, it's like they kind of get missed out on because of the fact that, you know, so oversaturated. So I feel like, you know, this is just a crazy idea I came up with today. It's my birthday. I came with this idea. I'm like, I'm going to create a platform where you pay $10 a month and everybody on the platform automatically pays for a subscription to your music and buys your music.

Supportive Community

So if it's artists buying artist music, oh, well, it doesn't matter. We're all signing up to support each other and to help each other out. And I think. Exactly. We get to that point. Like, we're going to get to that point. By the way, I want to say what's up to my brother, Stephen. Tenor, man, tenor. He's an amazing, if you google Stephen, William tenor, he's got an IMDb.

Tenor's Background

Like, the guy's got an acting career that's like, you know, amazing. And, and he sings like, he's got so much passion and his voice is so powerful. He's got a record out right now called thank you for coming. And I mastered it. I was, like, luckily, lucky enough and honored to master that record. And I just, I love what he's doing. Dane, jump in, baby. Hey, thanks, man.

Connections and Support

I just wanted to say, I don't know, I see a few of my people are up in here. I don't know if you're connected with them. So Gobbles is a friend of mine. I don't know if the two of you are connected, but she's here to show her support. We probably wish you a happy birthday. And then the next gentleman, lammy, I just connected with him. Last night, I hosted an impromptu space, and he asked me about market cipher, like, out of the blue, and I said, yeah, he's market. Well, apparently he does, too.

Premature Actions and Next Steps

I'm just going to prematurely do it. It's about 95%. I'm going to tell you that you're going to be. We're going to be working on that next. So it's. That's our next tune.

Musical Appreciation

No, Stephen, man, I'm telling you, man, like, you are, like, listen, bro. Like, you one of my famous, like, favorite singers right now, and I listen to music all the time. Like, I listen to deep house. I listen to hip hop. I mean, mostly hip hop. Honestly, I was just listening to, like, e, money bags, half a mil, tupac, big l. You know what I mean? Like, I'm on a different level when it comes to hip hop. I want to hear, like, the best of the best. Like, the spitters, man, the ones that can freaking jump in there and, like, kill it, you know? But then when it comes to, like, rock an alternative, I want to hear, like, the most passionate music ever.

Rock Music and Personal Losses

And, you know, I'll be honest with you. Like, you know, I haven't gotten over, like, some of the losses, like, that we've had in the rock community. And, you know, I still listen to the doors. I still listen to nirvana. I'm still bumping stone temple pilots. You know, I kind of strayed away from Pearl jam, and I'll be honest with you, because Pearl jam, you know, finding out, like, you know, their connections to the cabal and how much, you know, ugly things they've done, you know, including. No, I don't want to even talk about it because I don't want to be held accountable for it. but I'm gonna tell you, like, you know, the music industry is tricky, and it's. It's slimy.

Building Connections in the Music Industry

It's weird. It's like. It's like a maze, man. And it's like, when you meet good people, it's like, just. Just connect. Y'all build together. We build together. We build something beautiful. John, I know you got your hand up. Oh, by the way, independent independence arc farm is in the building. Okay. This brother right here sent me a ten pound beef brisket and, like, four pounds of organic beef burgers today for my birthday. And I just want to thank him. And also, y'all get. Y'all be from him, like, independence arc farms. connect with him and order a package. He sends it. It comes with these. Like, I don't know what they are. They're like freezer packs or whatever. So everything's fresh, and you get it, and you can have your meat.

Carnivore Diet and Personal Preferences

And I'm be honest with you. I'm a carnivore. I eat meat. Like, I fasted for this. I fasted for the last 72 hours, man. Like, literally, I only eat meat. I eat meat and eggs. I don't fuck with rice. Storm. I could tell you got to be some kind of carnivore or something, bro. Cuz you so slim and like, fit at your age and everything that you're doing, looking young and just like vibrant energy. Crazy. Yeah. Makes it fun. I only eat like once a day. I train my body to eat once a day, my boy. No bullshit. There you go. You fastendez, there you go. I eat once a day, but, I went for a 72-hour fast for my birthday because I wanted to have my favorite food, which is.

Food Cravings and Celebrations

Is New York style pizza. So I had, I did, I ate three slices of New York style pizza after my seven-hour pass. Yeah, pepperoni. Go ahead, jump in. No, no, I was just saying. Okay, man. And, I see the brother on there, man, talking about the beef and, you know, Woody, you know, being a connoisseur doing these type of things and stuff like that, you know, just a little joke; you know, to throw out there, you know, I see beefing with everybody. Oh, yeah.

Acknowledgements and Collaborations

El Gicha. I did see your video, man. I like, I like your look. I like your flow and everything. The video was nice, bro, when using a project. Appreciate it, man. We. I got a, you know, some great surprises and stuff like that for, you know, for sound alive. I'm putting a lot of, you know, energy behind the scenes and put some stuff together. So when I, you know, when I. When I really exhort this energy, you know, you guys gonna see it on a whole different level.

Performing at a High Level

Because I know being on a platform like this, you know, more so than everything, you got to be at the highest level of your. Of your ability to display this thing because the brother is going to put it in front of a lot of important people. So you can't be playing no games, you know, when you come, you know, on this platform, and I appreciate this platform, it allows you to be. It's like being in college and now you just stepped into the NBA. Exactly. You know, I mean, so now you in the big leagues now.

Raising Standards in Music

Now you got the, you got to play pro. You got to play pro ball, you know, I mean, you can't be playing around, you know, me. You got to go out there and play that pro ball. And that's what I'm doing right now. Putting Arsenal great lyrics. Arsenal great, you know, saying songs, you know, so when I. When I represent this company and represent them, they're going to say, where the fuck you find this guy? You know? And the search for, you know, me was, you know, was, like, surprising because I got a call from East Midi itself.

Life-Changing Moments

And I was like, you know, I'm on a phone, I'm driving, and I get the call. I'm like, oh, this guy's really calling. He's really talking to me. So I'm like, okay, what's up? You know, I'm saying, we talking. I had to pull over, chop it up with a man. And it was a beautiful thing that they hear, you know, saying what he had to say to me. And he just. He just. He just changed my life, man. You know, because sometimes you. You could do certain things in a certain area, and certain areas don't blow, like, other areas.

Rejuvenation and New Projects

And then you're right. Area that you think is popping is okay, then you turn around and you get on another platform, and you get rejuvenated again. You just. Your energy just go to another level, and you guys is on here. Let me ask you something. What do you think about the new Ll project? I haven't heard it yet. Okay, I'm gonna say this right now. I heard a few cuts off the ll project, and I felt like, it's phenomenal.

Shaping Musical Perceptions

And even the video, the little clip that he put out there, I mean, he's spitting. He sounded so amazing. He's. And no, he's just, like, telling it, man. And, you know, that's the ll. They probably would defeat the cannabis. Back in the day, the cannabis ate him. You know, back in the day, if y'all hip hop historians, like I am. You know that second round knockout. Yes. I promise you, I know them in person.

Artist Connections

Like, yeah, I've seen them before, so take it right now. That was the hardest shit that I ever heard at one point. You feel me? So. I'm Kosopia Kazopia. Hi, Kazopia. How are you doing? I'm good, and you? I'm doing excellent. You guys, you want to tell everybody who you are and what you do, where you're from, and what you got going on?

Introduction to Kazopia

Yeah. I'm a rapper and singer. I just signed to you guys. Santa live Records slash Sony. Cool. Yeah, but you have amazing talent, though, you know? Tell them about what you do, because you are a rapper and a singer. You have, like, multiple talents. A little shy right now, huh? Yeah. I just make music. I've been making music since 2015, so I do a good job and making albums and stuff, and.

Kazopia's Musical Vision

So what do you want people to know about your music and what you do? I want them to know that I tried to make enjoyable music. So, like, everyone have a good time and really, like, understands the song and stuff. I think you're undervaluing yourself. I think you should tell people that. Look, I sing with passion. I'm a great artist. I'm a great rapper. And she really is this. This young lady right here.

Collaborative Spirit in Music

I love it, man. I love the humbleness. I love the humbleness. I love the fact that, you know, you have somebody that humble and that speaking that and that. That voice and you. I know she fired. Just. Just even knowing that she even is humble enough not even to take this conversation on this. On this level to about me. She just, she just. I want to do a song with her. That's all I tell you.

Encouragement for Collaboration

Oh, and definitely, brother, like, we can make that happen. And, caz, you got to jump in the studio on some real shit with El Geechee, because, you know, this guy is amazing. I want you to do a songwritt Geechee storm. I want you to do a record with. With said. I want you to do a record with. With tenor. you know, tenors got the. The rock, alternative, christian vibe, but at the same time, man, your vocals are so beautiful.

Nurturing Talents

Like, you guys, like, she's got her stuff that's kind of like, you know, just made and quick, and it's like, you know, it's just like doing music. But she has her. Her niche, and, like, really and truly, she is definitely, if you want to talk about a world class musician and what she can do, she can definitely do that. And that's what me and my team were great at recognizing is world class musicians.

Class and Authenticity in Music

So it's not like we're bringing a bunch of people together, and they're not. They're fugazi. Like, this is a room full of world class musicians. You're welcome, honey. And I'm so happy to have you on board. I love all of you. Like, everybody in this room right now, I'm so happy. And my brother at Independence Farm, guys, if you want to buy real beef and real meat, independence arc farm, brother request speak.

Real Estate and Community Building

I want you to tell them a little bit about what you guys do. He's, he's on some acres of land, and I know that eventually we'll all be able to buy some acres of land. I have a military, a USMC military friend of mine, and he said that he's got six acres of land, and he pays $400 a year for taxes. So, I mean, it's crazy, you know, I mean, we can all have our own land.

Self-Sufficiency and Collaboration

We can all do our own music. We can do what we need to do. Yo, yo, I got. I got lc green on the line right now. He's on my other phone. I wanted to say happy birthday to both of you at the same time, and he was just asking about you. Green. So I got green on the line right now. Say happy birthday.

Birthday Wishes

Happy birthday. Green was happy birthday, my dude. Happy birthday, mandy. Yes, man. Happy birthday. Happy birthday. Happy birthday, man. Hey, Smitty, what's up, brother? Hey, I just wanted to jump in real quick to say happy birthday, and I'm glad you got the box today. You know, every time we send these boxes, you never know what can happen with ups and all that stuff.

Surprises and Gratitude

So I'm glad that you got it. We sent out a bunch of boxes yesterday, and you know the odds on your birthday, man, to be on September 11 and then me sending you box, I did not know it was your birthday. It was just a few days ago when I actually had a little extra time. And I said, I'm going to give you a couple of samples to send it out, and you end up telling me it's your birthday was just really cool.


So I just want to wish you happy birthday out here from a freedom land in the middle of nowhere in the woods of Arkansas. Thank you, my friend. That's what's up, man. Oh, brother. Thank you, my friend. This has been the greatest birthday I've ever had. Like, literally. And just receiving that. And the ups guy, he came up, my dog, I got my pit bull at the front door, and she was like, going off on him, like, trying to eat his feet.

Odd Occurrences and Challenges

And he was just smiling, and he. Said, my brother's meat. It's been weird, y'all. I mean, I'm going through a legal battle right now for distroment, which is my blockchain company. And I found a dude hiding in my bushes, like, maybe two weeks ago. No, no, don't say that. Yeah, I did. I found.

Strange Encounters

I'm a b 100 with y'all. Like, I found a dude hiding in my bushes weeks ago. And I was like, what are you doing, bro? And he's like, oh, I'm just stuffing my wallet. And I was like, okay. I said, you can get off my property now. And he's like, yo, man. He's like, I won't never come back. Blah, blah. Don't call the cops. I'm like, you good?

Confronting Weird Situations

Just. Just go. I seen it. I came down the street today, seen the same dude hiding behind a stop sign. And I was like, man, what the hell is this shit? So, I mean, it's weird times, it's strange times. And at the same time, like, I don't even think you guys know, like, I'm battling against a fucking billionaire right now and he's a fucking pedophile.

Contention in Society

He's a fucking piece of shit. He's, he's a motherfucker. Maybe some people just want to hide. Yeah, but he's, he's on, he was on the most wanted list for 2000 something or whatever for illegal gambling and things. But either way, guys, don't leave. Our chest too bad. I'm at war right now, man. Like, and, you know, I'm fighting for us.

Fighting for Justice

I'm fighting for everybody. And I want you guys to know that, you know, everything's gonna work out. It's already done. God told me it's done and I believe it's done and I'm very excited. And, Stephen, jump in. Yeah, man, the boss is going to take care of that. And, you know, we're going to get back to rock here.

Reflection and Growth

You know, the song is the song just because, you know, three years ago on my birthday, you know, I got saved. You know, I was at the point where I needed something. I was at rock bottom. It was the end. And I said, I need a sign. And God showed me a sign, turned everything around. It took a few years to figure it out.

Divine Intervention

And I asked him to help me write a hit record that's going to help people and inspire people and that's what we got. And I got blessed to meet you and get distribution. Right out of the gate. Everything just fell into place. It was just about effortless. It's almost not fair how easy it came together because that's how good the boss is when you give it up to him and you understand what's up.

Moving Forward

So you're, your legal troubles, all of that shit, that's all in the bag. You just got to run through the motions. But everyone didn't get the memo yet that you already kicked their ass and the war is over and you've won. I've already congratulated you on that, and I got to jump out of here. Was a pleasure to meet other folks that are in the family here.

End of a Session

I hope, you know, we get to collaborate, meet in person, whatever. Hopefully there's a big part in person party soon celebrating your victories. And I'm blessed to be here with everybody. I'm just getting fucking started and I'm on fire. I'm a fucking beast right now. I'm so alive. And it's appropriate that I'm have distribution that has alive in the word because I never felt more alive in my fucking life.

Future Projects

So thank you, brother. And I'm gonna get working on America tune. I'm hopefully in the studio next week with that bitch and we'll have the second single up. And I got all the growing pains out of the way on the first one and everything right here is fucking. The roll hook coaster is going downhill, baby.

Celebrations and Accomplishments

Congratulations, man. Congratulations, everybody. Have an awesome night. And you too. I can't wait to do this again. Thanks. Maybe happy birthday, brother. Thank you, brother. God bless you. God bless everybody in the space, guys. I'm not going to keep you guys too much longer.

Expressions of Gratitude

I just, I'm grateful for all this, Geechee, storm rider, casual, pia, LC green. All listeners, said, you know, it's just been amazing. Dane, you want to say a few things. Grateful for you, too. Before you go. I'm just kind of standing in the.

Reflection on the Group

I'm just kind of standing in the shadows. Just taking this all in, you know. You know, a lot of awesome people, smitty, and I'm just blessed to be a part of the group support you on your birthday. And you got a lot of great minds up in here. By the way, I did want to shout out El Geechee earlier, so. El Geechee, I don't know if he's still there or not, but, bro, you've got the voice.

Nostalgia and Music

So El Geechee, in you know, I was big into hip hop rap back in the nineties. And, you know, we, those of us who used to listen to cds, we had those binders full of the, like, you take the CD out and you take the little booklet out, you put the booklet in and then the CD behind it, and I had, like, probably 500 albums.

Musical Memories

So you, like, you name all these artists from the nineties. Like, I had them dos effects, Keith Murray Redman, Warren G. Grant, Kubae, Master Flex, you know, snoop Dogg, tupac, all these. And, like, I listen to these albums inside and out. And so, bro, I've collaborated a little bit with Smitty.

Collaboration and Feedback

Like, he'll have me listen to an album and I'll listen through it, and I'll, like, point out the highlights of the song, each song, and I'll be honest with him. Like, this song was fire, this song was whatever. But listening to your voice, like, man, I almost want to hear you freestyle. And so, bro, you got the gift. And that's not to, like, put anybody else down here as a musician.

Uplifting Talents

But I wanted to point that out to you earlier when you were speaking. You've got, there's something, and God gave you a gift, and he's going to take you places with it, and you're hooked up with the right man to make it happen. Oh, thank you, man. I appreciate it, man. It's, you know, to be on this platform and be in front of, you know, this whole thing right here, man, it's just amazing, man. I appreciate it myself, man.

Celebrations and Growth

My birthday was September 6, so I'm on a Virgo club, too. So, you know, saying I got a chance to celebrate it, you know, I mean, last week, but, you know, you guys, man, you know, doing a wonderful job right now. I'm ready to take it to a next level. Got Elsie Green on the line, still here with that soapbox.

Inspired Connections

Got me loaded up, man. I listened to that joint and, man, this guy, man, is just amazing, man. He amazing inspired me. We aspire each other, and, you know, we inspired to make this thing happen, man. You know what I mean? Before you go, e, I got it.

Upcoming Releases

I got a new bill coming out next week, too. Talk. Fuck talking. Not that one. Not that one I sent you. This one will knock that shit out the box. So. See, fuck talking had more of a storyline to it.

Refining Artistry

Then. That one's still good, but I feel like that was just like a mixtape video. I agree. I agree. No, I know. Look, bro, we gonna perfect. We're gonna refine. We're going to. We're gonna polish up everything. You know, I'll be honest with you. When I met said the wicked and said, we'll tell you right now, then, you know, he was, like, in the dark on how to record and do everything.

Finding Talent

He had amazing sound. I was, like, blowing out the water. I was like, man, my guy right here is, like, crazy with it. And he was like, you know, how can I fix this? Like, smitty, what can I do? How can I get this right? And I sent him, like, a few adjustments. I don't know what he did, but he changed it and he did it.

Surprising Developments

And I I'm telling you, he's sending me the silkiest, smooth, damn vocals I ever heard. Said, you still there, brother? Yeah, I'm here. Said, tell. Tell these guys a little bit, maybe about who you are, where you from and your process and your music and so forth. I'm saying I'm out of Jacksonville, you know, I been rapping now for, like, what, six, seven years maybe.

Artist Background

I don't. I can't really remember, but I'm just, you know, I'm just doing me, man. I'm just trying to, you know, be a part of this amazing record company that you got going on. You know, I'm a man of few words, so I don't do too much talking. So, you know, this kind of. This kind of new to me, so bear with me, you know what I mean?

The Quiet Observer

I'm always the quiet. That's who you have to worry about. You better watch out. That's right. They got them sticks, man. Don't play so a nice happy birthday.

A Virgo's Birthday Bash

No set. And every. Everyone. Everyone who's a Virgo here on is off or not a Virgo. Listen, ain't even about my birthday. I did East Vinnie's birthday bash to kind of, like, drag people in here. Clearly, we could do a lot better than this. But I want to say, my birthday is everybody's birthday, and I'm just grateful. I love everybody in this room. I love every. Every way this thing goes. This shit crazy, this shit awesome. Like, this shit blows my mind, man. Just motivates me even more to go even harder, and I'm a bust my damn ass to just, like, make this shit happen. And I promise you guys, like, you know, I love you. I'm proud of you. And we gonna build something amazing. We gonna build something so crazy.

Reflections and Gratitude

Dane, you got a couple last thoughts that you want to jump in with? I'm getting ready to wind it down. Maybe we can. We can continue this on another. I think this is a great call, though. I'm really. I'm really amazed by everything that I've heard today. Yeah, bro, you got, you know, a lot of awesome people. And, you know, it's just like God to do that, you know? God. God loves everybody on the face of the earth. But, you know, some people choose evil, and, of course, God loves them, but, you know, those who are wanting positivity, those who want to make an impact, God will reward that. He'll hook you up with the right people at the right place, at the right time. Matter of fact, if you go to my profile, that's what my. That's what my pin profile is.

Musical Aspirations and Collaborations

God knows exactly who you are, where you at, exactly what to say, like, exactly every door. And that's to encourage people, because it's true. And so it's case in point in your life, in my life, too. And I'm absolutely amazed every time I hear a story and, you know, I'm curious, you know, I'd like to see a little collaboration between the artists up in here to get all on the same song and spit. Maybe freestyle or just collaborate in the studio. That would be, that would be a blessing. So I don't know if you guys can make that happen, but it would be awesome. But, yeah. Thanks for having me on, bro. Happy to. Happy to coast and support you on your birthday. Thank you. No, thank you, Dane, you've been amazing.

Struggles and Finding Friendship

And, you know, throughout my little struggles, I'll be honest with y'all. I, you know, I didn't have many friends, honestly, because I don't know who I can trust because everybody's trying to come after me and so, like, meeting Dan, meeting. Say it again, hun. Are you calling me? I keep hearing my name. I don't know. No, no. Caz, you good. Okay. But, yeah, I'm calling you. I said I don't have many friends, and then you jumped in. You said you're my friend. So. So, yeah, I am calling you. You're my friend. Yes. You're amazing. And I love what you do, by the way, guys, like, literally, I'm so excited for everything that's coming forward in sound alive and what we're doing.

Family and Personal Matters

And this is like, a little tiny. This is a microcosm of the macrocosm. I'm going to jump off now, but I want all you to know that God loves you, the universe loves you, I love you. I'm proud of you. You guys are amazing. Yeah. Sorry, guys. And. And I'm excited for the future, guys. you guys enjoy your night, man. And, and let's link up again. Dane, let's. Let's schedule this thing even bigger next time, brother. Yeah, bro. Hey, Smitty, you know what? I host a space every Friday night. And, bro, if you want to hop on this Friday night, all of you guys listening, I've been doing a space every Friday night.

Community Engagement and Collaboration

Everybody, let's go follow Dane and let's jump into space. And let's. Let's dominate this joint, man. And by the way, Gob, are you there? Fat synth, are you there? I don't think. I don't think Gobbles has a mic, but I don't know if the two of you are connected, Smitty, but gobbles is awesome. Okay, great. Hold on. I think he's requesting. No, he's not. Okay, there he is. Yeah, I think she. Okay, see, she's got the mic now. She's got the mic. Hey. Hi. How are you? Hi. I'm good. How are you? I'm doing great. I wanted to hear your thoughts. I'm not good at saying thoughts. I had a major fail today.

Personal Stories and Relatability

I went into subway and I completely melted down and I walked out of there with no sandwich. I'm not good at talking. I'm sorry to hear that. But are you being sarcastic or. No, no. It really happened. Oh, wow. Gobbles. Can I. Can I say something? Gobbles. Yeah, gobbles. Can I. Cuz you're. Cuz you're open with this on your platform. So Gobbles has a form of autism, and that's nothing to be ashamed of. Matter of fact, I have the greatest respect for people with types of autism because they're very intelligent. But you know what? Autism, people are wired differently.

Understanding Autism and Connections

And that's just, you know, it's a sad fact. People don't realize that. But Gobbles is a very intelligent and unique individual. So, Smitty, hopefully the two of you can connect and get to know each other because she's a real one. Hi. No, that's. That's amazing. And, you know, the thing is, I have an autistic son and it's just. Wow. Yeah. And he's 17. He's six foot two. I'm only five nine, maybe 510. He's already six two. And he's handsome, man. He looks like freaking Penny Hardaway. Like, he's a handsome kid, man. Beautiful. What is he interested in?

Proud Parenting

Everything. I mean, he is an artist. He is amazing. Freestyle, like, artist. Hip hop rapper. Yeah, he can do anything. I mean, literally, the kid is like 5000 talents. That's really cool. Yeah. I'm proud of him and I love him and. And he's deep in my heart and I know he's gone through a lot, and I think it's been the hardest for him to kind of express himself and kind of gets, like, misunderstood. And that's unfair. But, wow. Like, thank you for coming in here because it's just a reminder to me, like, to just be a better dad. Like, you know, do better.

Community Support and Acknowledgment

Nice to meet you. Yes, ma'am. Oh, and by the way, Smitty, by the way, Smitty, shout out to horse. Who's in the chat? I think. I think the two of you are following each other. I'm not sure, but I know she wished you a happy birthday one of the posts. And she's been up here supporting, too. So shout out to horse from the UK with that fine british accent. Horse, you got anything to say or. No, I don't want to say it like that. Horse, please, you know, request to speak anytime if you want to jump in, if you got anything. We've had some crazy and amazing listeners in here, too.

Celebrating Connections

Oh, there she is. Okay, request and. Hi. Hi. Hello, guys. Hey. Okay, sound alive records. Miss DJ is on the line. General manager. Hey, Miss DJ. Hi. Such an amazing class of people. I'm so excited. Miss DJ, would you like to tell everybody what your role is here at Sound alive records and what you do? say one more time. No. Would you like to tell everybody about your role at Sound alive records and what you do? I actually can't hear you, so. Okay, interesting. Let me figure this out, bro. I can hear you, by the way.

Technical Difficulties

Yeah? Is it DJ? I know your actual name. I don't know if I'm supposed to say it on here, but sound alive, it might be something because. Yeah, I've heard everybody clearly for now. No, it's Miss DJ. Miss DJ. Okay, got it. Miss DJ. She's our general manager, but we also have. I can't hear you. We can hear you. Yep. Good to hear you, by the way. Well, I guess as long as you can hear me, it doesn't matter. Miss DJ, can you please tell everybody your role here? Okay.

Excited Partnerships

All right, never mind. All right, guys. causal, Pia. Yes. How are you? Good, and you? Doing great. Is there anything else that you want to share with the audience before we. We log out? I'm just excited that I'm trying to work with some of my records. They're awesome. Can't we finish up everything? Awesome. Let's get these records done. Horse. Yes, horse. Hi, guys. Hi. How are you? you can hear me, then? just wanted to say pleasure to meet you all.

Finding Common Ground

I love music. Can't sing, can't play any instruments, but I'm happy to be here to support everyone. That's beautiful. That's it, then. I. All right, guys. Yeah, horses are real. One horse is a real one. Smitty. So, yeah, awesome person. Well, guys, listen, I have to jump on to a business call here shortly, so I just want to tell everybody that I'm so glad that. Wait. Oh, we got one more request. Hold on. Okay. There we go. Lambie.

Acknowledgment of Members

Yeah. Lamy. Is it Lamey or Lamyena? I think it's Lambie. It's lammy, mate. Smith, thanks for the pleasure of listening to you tonight. Anybody with autism, I've got it myself. I've got the kind where you throw yourself into something. You throw yourself into something, and that something could be years, it could be months, it could be weeks. I'm current going on the period at the moment where I throw myself at one thing and I've got bored of that, and now I'm throwing myself into the other one.

Journey Back to Music

That other one at the moment is ableton. Ableton. I've picked up the guitar again. I picked up the keyboard again, and I'm trying to wrap my head around ableton. Yeah. Miss DJ? Yeah. Can you mute your microphone for a second, please? So I'm doing a 360 at the moment. I left music about 15 years ago, maybe more than that, 20 years ago. Some of my friends have been very successful in the industry. One is a multi platinum artist, and my autism took me away from it.

Rediscovering Passions

And I went and did something else, fully focused on that, got bored of that, went out and did something else, and now found music again. So it's been really interesting to listen to you all. Lemmy, I love just the way that you express that. I think that's beautiful. I think that it's crazy because so many of us have so much in common and so much to express to each other. Wow. And, you know, it just makes me feel a lot more responsible. Like, I need to really be, like, understanding and knowing to my autistic son because I think I get.

A Parent's Reflection

I get it. It's like you have an interest, you're in it, and then boom, it's like the channel changes, but at the same time, it's like, you know, you want that. That support, but also you want to be the best at what you do as well. You never think he's ignoring you or anything like that. I go 100% to everything and forget about everybody on the left and the right of me. I just focus on that goal. And then you reach that goal, and it's like, I'm bored now.

The Nature of Change

And you focus on something else, and that thing you're on before slowly slips away. And I built two companies up that way, and I've just destroyed another company while I'm sort of focusing on something else. It's crazy. It's crazy how it works, you know? But I don't think that you're wrong for that. I think that you are human. You're amazing. I'm proud of you. I'm glad that you joined our space. And musically, if you want to connect with us, we would love to hear it and love to work with you.

Building a Community

And, I mean, that's just the family that we are, man. Like, we literally, we judge nobody. Now, if you're, like, totally horrible, like, if you're like, you know, at that point, we'll say, hey, you know, you got to get some lessons or we're going to have you kind of work on refine your craft. No, it's. Ableton's killing me at the moment. I've just got me. 505 has just landed yesterday, so I've been playing on that today. Lamy, are we following each other?

Looking Towards the Future

Yes, we are, brother. Listen, let's talk and let's privately talk and see where maybe we can kind of get things going for you. And at the same time, like, you know, look towards the future, because I'm almost positively sure that you can add some type of value to what we're doing. And I think that, it'll be amazing to have you there with us as well. Really? Please say that. Smithing. Thank you. God bless, brother. Guys, listen, I'm going to end this.

Final Thoughts

Go ahead. Honeydeh. Honey, I'm sorry. I thought it was casual piaget you. I get you in and sound alive. Why does, why does my general manager sound so much like our artist? It's retarded. Miss DJ, jump in, please. Hi, guys. Hello, guys. Hi. Yeah, we can hear you. Everybody can hear me? Yes. Can you hear us this time? Was the audio fixed there? Yes, I can hear you guys.

Acknowledging Connections

Perfect. I want to say this. I want to say that this is about the most amazing people I've ever met in my life. I feel like the most amazing and beautiful thing about people is the fact that everybody can come together and they can connect and everybody can have that feeling of just greatness, like, you know, due to everything that's going on in the world and everything that's happening, I feel like everybody is having that feeling of, like, what is this feeling?

Celebrating Togetherness

Like, you don't know what the feeling is, but it's so awesome. So it's kind of like everything's connecting, everything is uniting, everything is. It's just beautiful at the same time. Smitty. Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you and I'm just so proud to have such an amazing CEO. He literally is like the best CEO ever. When he walks in the room, the whole room shines. It's just amazing. He's an amazing CEO, and the way that he teaches all of us and everything that he does is so amazing.

Appreciation and Love

It's like, it's the most amazing CEO ever. So I had to kind of say that to him. He knows I'm joking, but he might be mad at me later. But that. But everything is just amazing. Everything is coming together. And I feel like the biggest thing that we can do is stick together and just kind of, like, have love in our hearts and share love and just enjoy life. Like, enjoy it, because what else can we actually do? So everybody's like, you know, Miss DJ.

Sharing Joy

You started singing happy birthday, and I thought to myself, you didn't finish it, though. So I'm thinking, well, maybe we need to, like, take. Take turns. So you. You sing happy birthday to you, and then I thought about chiming in, singing happy birthday to you, and then you'd take it over happy birthday, dear greatest or smitty or whatever. I don't know if you guys could hear us singing together. You know, I was really curious, Miss DJ. Like, if two people are singing on the mic at the same time, does it block each other out or can you actually hear the harmonies?

Experimenting with Music

I'm curious. I think when you're on a microphone, you can naturally hear any harmonies. It doesn't. Right, but you know how sometimes a block, like, there's, like, if it's only meant for one mic to be open at the same time, because you've heard people talking over each other and it's all, like, distorted and choppy, you can't really tell who's talking. But I was wondering, like, if people were singing in unison at the same time, if that would come through naturally or if it would provide the same effect. Okay, so you guys should try it again.

A Happy Night

Should we try it? Let's share for east birthday a happy birthday. And I'm gonna. You guys go first, and I'll just come in on the back end. Do you want to try it together, Miss DJ? Let's try it together. So how. All right. All right, I'll start you. We'll go at the same time. Ready? One, two, three. Happy birthday to you there you go. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday. Happy birthday. Okay. Well, that one's for you, baby. That was fancy.

Reflection and Conclusion

I think we did a little fancy. Okay, guys, listen, I thank you all for coming. Dane, you my brother for life. I love you, man. I was trying to get my best friend, my other best friend, Mike Kiviat in here. Who's the south? Birthday song was great. First, before you go. No, the song is insane. But I'm ready. I'm ready to have a blue moon. So listen, guys, I love everybody in here. Guys, let's do this again and let's make it even bigger. I'm signing out right now.

Parting Words

God bless everybody. God bless America. God bless the world. You guys, we're going to win. We're going to take over this world. We're going to win it later.

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