Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Dubai Launch with Superteam UAE hosted by Parcl. The Dubai Launch space with Superteam UAE focuses on revolutionizing real estate trading by offering users up to 50x leverage on the Solana blockchain. The platform prioritizes liquid real estate exposure, providing a premier venue for efficient and scalable transactions. Users can leverage support services from Parclhelp for assistance, making their trading experience user-friendly and guided. Understanding leverage, maximizing investment opportunities, and exploring new strategies are at the core of Dubai Launch, highlighting the benefits of Solana's technology in enhancing the trading process.

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Total Listeners: 56


Q: What leverage options are available for real estate trading in Dubai Launch?
A: Users can enjoy leverage of up to 50x for trading real estate assets.

Q: How does Solana's blockchain benefit real estate trading on the Dubai Launch platform?
A: Solana's blockchain ensures fast and efficient transactions, enhancing the trading experience.

Q: Why is liquid real estate exposure significant in the Dubai Launch space?
A: Liquid exposure allows for the quick buying and selling of real estate assets, providing flexibility for investors.

Q: What support services does Parclhelp offer for Dubai Launch users?
A: Parclhelp provides assistance and support for users navigating the Dubai Launch platform.

Q: How can users maximize investment opportunities through leverage?
A: Understanding leverage in real estate trading is essential for optimizing investment potentials and strategies.

Q: Where can users seek guidance while using the Dubai Launch platform?
A: Users can follow @parclhelp for assistance and guidance in utilizing the Dubai Launch platform.

Q: What sets Dubai Launch apart as a premier venue for real estate exposure?
A: Dubai Launch emphasizes being the go-to platform for liquid real estate exposure, offering unique opportunities for investors.

Q: How does real estate trading with leverage open up new investment strategies?
A: Exploring real estate prices through leverage allows investors to diversify their portfolios and explore new avenues of investments.

Q: What benefits does Solana's blockchain technology bring to real estate trading?
A: Solana's technology ensures efficiency, speed, and scalability for transactions, enhancing the overall trading experience.

Q: Why is it important to have support services like Parclhelp in the real estate trading space?
A: Support services like Parclhelp are essential for guiding users through the platform, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly trading experience.


Time: 00:15:42
Introduction to Dubai Launch with Superteam UAE Exploring the features and benefits of the real estate trading platform with leverage.

Time: 00:25:18
Leverage Options in Real Estate Trading Understanding the leverage available, up to 50x, for trading real estate assets.

Time: 00:35:59
Benefits of Liquid Real Estate Exposure Discussing the significance of liquid exposure in the real estate market.

Time: 00:45:27
Efficiency of Solana's Blockchain in Real Estate Trading Exploring how Solana's technology enhances transaction speed and scalability.

Time: 00:55:10
Support Services by Parclhelp Learning about the assistance and guidance provided to users by Parclhelp.

Time: 01:05:44
Maximizing Investment Opportunities through Leverage Insights on leveraging strategies for optimizing investment potentials.

Time: 01:15:22
Advanced Features of Dubai Launch Exploring the unique features that set Dubai Launch as a premier real estate trading venue.

Time: 01:25:36
Diversification through Real Estate Trading How leverage opens up new investment strategies and diversification opportunities.

Time: 01:35:49
Enhanced Trading Experience with Solana's Technology Benefits of using Solana's blockchain technology for real estate transactions.

Time: 01:45:15
Smooth User Experience with Parclhelp Support The importance of user support services for a seamless trading experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Real estate trading with leverage is a key focus in the Dubai Launch space with Superteam UAE.
  • The platform provides up to 50x leverage for trading real estate assets.
  • Dubai Launch emphasizes being the premier venue for liquid real estate exposure.
  • Operating on the Solana blockchain ensures efficient and fast transactions for real estate trading.
  • Parclhelp offers support services for users navigating the Dubai Launch platform.
  • Understanding leverage in real estate trading is crucial for maximizing investment opportunities.
  • Solana's blockchain technology enhances the speed and scalability of real estate transactions.
  • Liquid real estate exposure allows for quick buying and selling of real estate assets.
  • Users can follow @parclhelp for assistance and guidance while using the Dubai Launch platform.
  • Exploring real estate prices through leverage opens up new investment strategies and potentials.

Behind the Mic


Sadeena. Sadeena. Hey, everybody. Thanks for joining. We'll get started in maybe one more minute. We've got the folks from super team up here, super team UAE, two other speakers. I think there might be a couple people coming up as well. Yeah, there was a ton of people asking questions, so I'm going to expect a lot of audience participation today. Awesome. I can play some music while we're waiting. Another minute or so if you want. Be great. Let's do it.

Music and Anticipation

This music is so much better than the Twitter branded spaces music and sorry to cut it off, but maybe we can get started. Thanks, everyone, for joining the space. We are here with the super team UAE folks and a few folks from Parcel side as well. This is. We're going to discuss the recent launch of the Dubai market on Parcel, which went live, I think, about ten days ago. And we're going to take some audience questions, some that have come in overnight since this was announced, the space was announced, and then we'll just kind of do it live and see if anyone wants to come in and ask some questions live. So I'll hand it over to the super team squad to make their introductions as well.


Yeah, I can do that real quick. We've got. I think George is on our main account. Who's behind the FOMO account? That is me as well. I've got multiple devices on the go. Okay. Okay. Okay. And then we have crypto Bay here as well, representing a new addition to the FOMO team and a super team UAE member. Guys, is it right? Did I read the tweet right, that the Dubai market is doing a million a day in daily volumes, the highest on the exchange? That means, like, it's the most popular city. Is that how to interpret that?

Dubai Market Insights

That is correct, yes. North of 30 million total since it launched, and over a million dollars a day in volumes. It's definitely been the most popular, which is great to see. There's a lot of interest in Dubai, for sure, and I think global markets generally, but we'll attribute it to Dubai for the purposes of this space. Love it. Maybe. Like, I would love to know the insights, the inner workings from your perspective, like, how did you decide to launch here? Was that a data driven thing or more just like, you had a really good time at the hacker house.

Decision Making Process

How did you make that decision? Yeah, parcel interns on. He was at the hacker house, so probably he had some sway on that. But first and foremost, it's a data driven decision. There's all sorts of real estate markets around the world. That are interesting. But the most important thing is that there needs to be robust, high-quality, reliable real estate data. Dubai is one of those markets, for sure. And Parcel Labs, which is the data collection, aggregation and analytics engine that powers all the parcel price fees that go on the trading platform, was able to do that over the past year or so.

Supporting Data and Methodology

There's a white paper. Maybe when I finish speaking, I'll post it up top so that people can read that discusses methodology and sources for the Dubai price fees. And then beyond that. Another important thing is the parcel exchanges at this point are still all USDC denominated. So everything needs to be dollar denominated, which has caused some complications with putting other, what I would call global markets live. There's a foreign exchange component that needs to be addressed. And the dirham, as I would imagine you guys know, and some people on the call know, is dollar pegged.

Foreign Exchange Considerations

Right. Which makes it a lot more straightforward. So that was another consideration, an important one. And all of those factors came together to make Dubai one of the most attractive global market launches. Plus it's obviously a very crypto forward region, and it just made a lot of sense. Nice. Yeah, it makes sense. There's been actually a ton of real estate purchases made in crypto. Whole subsector of the real estate market here is people using their USDC.

Blockchain in Real Estate

I think someone used BTC to just straight up buy a villa on the palm a few years ago. So it's definitely like part of the industry here. Absolutely, yeah. And I just parcel intern just replied with the link to the parcel labs white paper post. It's definitely worth checking out for. Any data nerds out there. I just posted it up top. Yeah, I'm actually wondering, hey, everyone, by the way.

Regulatory Environment

Yeah, I'm wondering, like, everyone keeps saying that Dubai is like, so crypto-friendly and that legislation here is more straightforward than in many places. Is it true? Like, can you confirm it? Was it, like, did you have to deal with Vara and everyone else? And was it really at that smoothen? Yeah, that's a good question. The launch of the market parcel is a decentralized trading platform. The price feeds themselves. There's no assets underpinning them. It's data then.

Future of Crypto in Dubai

The instrument is typical perpetrator, but it's a little bit more straightforward. The regulatory scope of the region is definitely attractive, and I think there's plenty of stuff to do moving forward, but that's effectively all we can share at this point. But it's a huge draw, I think, for the region. How friendly it has been to crypto of late. Nice. Yeah. Worth just also caveat in. Everything we say on this call is not considered financial advice and is not a recommendation to use any platform or take any position long or short on whatever platform.

Information for Tech Enthusiasts

So this is more just for information for the tech nerds out there that love to see decentralized technology using real-time data and allowing people to do all kinds of interesting stuff on the Internet. Okay, cool. Guys, are we gonna see you at the founders villa? Six the 26 October? Anyone from the team? Maybe the intern is gonna fly over. It's a good question for the intern.

Meetups and Future Events

I don't think so. This time around. I'm still in school. I was just there in April. I mean, we did a quick interview, so I was there in April. Unfortunately, I left being kind of short Dubai, no offense to you guys, there was a little flood and I was going to do a speakers slot with Agridex that was like my first career speaker slot. And I wake up in the morning and it just flooded everywhere. So I left the trip a little bit short now that Dubai is launched, you know, I kind of got over a little bit, but I'm excited to be coming back for breakpoint next year.

Looking Forward

Unfortunately can't make it six to 26. But you know, December, I think it's 10th to 12th. For 9th to 11th next year I'll be there. Nice. Well, the beauty of parcel is now you can put your money where your mouth is. So go short. Exactly, exactly. Short, long. I've been seeing, I've been seeing kind of both sides on Twitter. So I've been seeing a few people bull posting it. I'm seeing a few people bear posting it.

Community Engagement

So I'm excited to see where kind of the funding rate goes where people put their money. Nice. And then I saw you started, you did a poll also teasing the next city and I think Singapore is coming out on top. Is that. Does that sound right? Yeah, looks like it's got 42% of the vote. I guess that's everyone fell in love with the food in Singapore during breakpoint. Yeah, it's probably a timing that everyone's all happy about Singapore coming out of last week, but yeah, that looks correct.

Next Steps

I mean, there's another market that is super interesting for a lot of the same reasons that Dubai was a little bit more of a complication with respect to the foreign exchange component, but it's like a soft peg that the Singapore dollar has to a basket of currencies. So it's not, it's maybe like not quite as difficult as somewhere like London with a GBP, but not quite as straightforward as. As Dubai either.

Introduction and Context

Cool. I have a question for you guys. When I was looking at your recent announcements, I realized that you're on version three now of parcel. I've been following you for a very long time. Was farming your points before you did the token airdrop put a lot of USCC there. So maybe you could describe what's different. Yeah. What's changed from each version? One, two to three? Yeah, that's a good question.

Version 1 to Version 3 Overview

So the first version, which launched in a little over a year ago, or. Sorry, sorry, like a year and a half ago, was a over collateralized, like CDP. So there was like a mint redeem function with respect to how everything operated. And that was just. There were a lot of challenges that architecture presented. You can think of if folks are familiar with like maker, earlier versions of maker, and maybe synthetics. But the challenge that created was that shorting was just very unnatural. So the long side was more straightforward, it was very hard to put the short on and it was fairly capital inefficient. So that prompted a migration to version two, which launched in early 2023. And that version was a lot more capital efficient.

Transition to Version 3

It was a lot more. The user experience was better, it was much easier to short. It was what would be considered like more of a PvP wasn't quite fully perps, and there was a liquidity pool for each real estate market. So some improvements to capital efficiency, but not all the way there. The third version is addressed the shortcomings of V two. One, unified liquidity pool, cross margin, much more traditional perps architecture that's scalable to all sorts of different real estate markets. For other assets, perhaps. And that was the journey. And V three has been, would argue a smash success.

Success Metrics and Observations

First two versions together combined did maybe a couple million dollars in volume over their lifetime, and V three has done over 2.5 billion. So not really even comparable with regards to the volumes and adoption rate. I'll pause there. It looks like you guys have a follow up. Yeah, I was just going to say, yeah, that's really impressive. The first two don't compare to what's happened with the Fed there. That's great to hear. Yeah. Maybe you could talk about what's to come, what you said about maybe going to Singapore or adding a new market.

Future Plans and Features

Are there any new features? You said you could maybe trade other assets other than real estate. Is that true? Yeah, it's a great follow up. The roadmap is certainly real estate focused with respect to new launches and global markets are a major focus. I think developed Asia is especially interesting. You can think like Hong Kong, that's another dollar pegged market. And then once there's a solution foreign, the foreign exchange component, Tokyo, Korea, Singapore, for sure. Australia and then Europe is plenty interesting.

Market Insights and Future Potential

The London market is actually live on. The platform is just not tradable yet. It was tradable at one point in v two, since the isolated pool is allowed for the foreign exchange challenge to be addressed. And then, yeah, you mentioned it, other assets are in the works. It's been teased token perps like majors such as bitcoin, ETH and Solana. And then I think down the line, you could see some very interesting real estate adjacent assets that have robust oracles like lumber, for example. Electricity. Those are all things that there's no reason why there couldn't be a market, at least architecturally.

Data Significance and Market Analysis

And I think that those would be extremely interesting given the state of the world and state of the real estate market and the things that matter with respect to costs. I'll let parcel intern chime in if he has anything to add. He's always got some unique perspective. No, I think you hit all the main points here. I mean, if we're done with. If you guys don't have any more questions with what's coming in the future, I think it'd be great to talk about the data for a little bit and why this market is so unique.

Real Estate Data in Dubai

So something I posted yesterday is, I mean, there's a few things. One, the government hasn't updated real estate data in Dubai since 2023, since about, I think it was October November, 2023. So there hasn't really been this data for people to check or people learn about the real estate market. So within parcel labs, using the API, you get access to real time real estate data now and then. The parcel DAP is so important at this point in time, because since 2020. So if you look back at 2020, go check out the market on the DAP or in the API.

Market Recovery and Trends

The Dubai crashed like anything else post Covid, but it bounced back quicker than any other market I've seen. And since then, it's raised about like 50 something percent, 53%, about 45% total since 2020. And that's with the housing stock increasing by 10%. So there's more. There's 10% more buildings and more homes in the Dubai market, but the real estate data shows that it's still up about 45% since then. So that looks like that there's going to continue to be a lot of volatility there. And that's really interesting because nobody's really looking at this data, being that a lot of these providers are stopping to publish it.

Challenges and Opportunities

So that's just a little flag. Something that I spoke with some of the real estate data team, the Parcel Labs team, about before the video launch when were kind of mocking the, what the video is going to look like. And I thought that was super interesting. So there's more homes and there's more people moving to Dubai than ever. And then it's still up 45% in the last five years with all of that. That's very impressive. I mean, maybe, Alex, you could add some comments to that because I think you've lived in Dubai a lot longer than most of us here on the panel.

Personal Experiences and Market Insights

Yeah, for sure. I mean, and I'm a renter, so I'm kind of like implicitly short the market and have been regretting that for the last few years because you've seen like the prices of just ripped. There's like some villas in like arabian ranches, as an example, have gone like three or four x what they were just like a couple years ago. Really, really insane demand. But then if you look historically, right, so, like, back to the 2008 financial crisis, there was like, I want to say like a 50 or 60% drawdown within like a couple quarters.

Risk Factors in the Market

So is like, it's a. You need to have like a very strong stomach to like, actually go all in on property here. So, like, personally, what is so exciting about parcel? It's like for as little as a dollar, you're able to have. Yeah. Some exposure to this without like going and buying an entire house somewhere. So I think it's just like super innovative. Very interesting. Love that it's all happening on Solana. Right.

Hedging Strategies and Recommendations

And then if, let's say, you do decide to stomach it and you're like, hey, I'm going to buy a home anyways. And then the economic conditions get a little worrisome. Then you go place that short with leverage as like a hedge against that. That's kind of what I, that's what draw me to the platform first. And I was like, there's no real estate hedge. You could go long with that as little to the dollar, but there's really no short in general.

Concluding Thoughts on Market Dynamics

So being able to have that kind of might take the risk. I wouldn't say take the risk away a little bit, but it might take the worry away a little bit if you're willing to put a short down on the platform as a hedge? Yeah, absolutely. I know we've actually, in the audience, crypto realtor is a pretty deep expert. We met him a couple of times in some of our events. Throw your hand up in case you want to weigh in on this one. And I think Joseph, also from D reader, had some questions.

Engagement with Experts and Audience

So you guys can throw up your hands in case you want to join. I've just invited him up. We'll let him jump in here. In the meantime, you made a great point, Alex, that there's a lot of volatility in the market and people need a strong stomach. Luckily we're in crypto parcel traders, I think do have that strong stomach and probably seek the volatility, which is why it's been such a popular market to trade. And then the other unique observation you made is that you as a renter are implicitly short.

Implications of Rental Market

That's one of the things that parcel has been saying almost since day one, that a lot of people in the world, more than ever in North America right now, or more than an all time high in the last 40 years in terms of the percentage of renters relative to owners. That is an actual consideration. Renters are actually implicitly short the price performance of the market they live in. Parcel is their hedge. The long is their hedge.

Long Term Market Strategies

Right. You could get long exposure through an instrument like parcel to hedge those rent increases and build a nest egg towards a potential purchase later. It's a really important point you just made. Yeah, we can. Hey, sorry, man, I was just driving at the time. Yeah, I missed a question. Sorry, this is. There was no question. We were so I just know you work in real estate in the UAE.

Insights on the Real Estate Market

So you've been listening to the conversation and we're just curious if you have any other insights to add here. Maybe you just want to talk to more generally about trends that you're seeing in the market here. Oh, yeah, yeah. So basically I've been in the real estate market in Dubai for almost 17 years. And the market is. The market you see now is just really crazy. Since lockdown, prices have gone up, as you say, as you guys said, three x, four x. Some areas, like Palm, Jumeirah, for example, that have gone up like 200% even for rents. And it's just madness all over the place. Real time prices. There's actually a website, I don't know if you guys have access to it. I've seen it where you can get the actual transactions happening in real time. In the land department of Dubai. So maybe that can be helpful for you guys to, you know, kind of put a base on it.

Market Dynamics and Trends

But as far as I know, the rental markets, Alex, as you said, it's gone mental. Ranches, villas, townhouses, they have gone crazy. Buying pressures too, much less supply. And yeah, it's nuts. It's nuts. That's great perspective. What's interesting about a couple of things that you said that are interesting, one is the data sources, namely through the government. And if people pop into the parcel labs white paper, you'll see that's discussed quite a bit. So certainly that made it, the data availability, namely from the official sources, made it streamline the process of putting the market live for getting a price feed live at least. And then the other thing you mentioned is that there is this regional nuances and some regions are way outperforming the broader index. And what we're talking about with respect to what's live on parcel is like a greater Dubai index.

Granularity of Data and Market Insights

So its a median price per square meter of all activity in greater Dubai. But if you drilled down into Palm Jumeirah, that and there could be an index of just Palm Jumeirah. And people can poke around in the parcel labs API, which we can share some details on maybe later in the call and actually slice things by these submarkets. And over time, those submarkets could be live on the trading platform. If there were demand for them, you can drill down into the neighborhood level. Earlier versions of parcel had some neighborhoods in Manhattan, for example, like Tribeca, Soho, free side. So the possibilities are in some ways endless. And that's the beauty of the composability of parcel, of the product and crypto in general. And anything with a data feed should and can be tradable. That's kind of one of the, you know, sub mission statements of everything that the parcel is working on.

Sub-Areas in Real Estate Transactions

Yeah, that was actually one of my questions when I was speaking to, oh, he's in here as well as the investor. He was telling me about the parcel labs and the Dubai launch. That was one of my questions actually, that do you guys have sub areas? And then you can kind of dial down on downtown Marina Palm Jumeirah. Why just generate Dubai? Do you reckon there'll be more flow of transactions if you narrow down the Dubai community or just Dubai as a whole? Yeah, that's a great point, that the transaction volume naturally decreases the closer you zoom in, which can increase the volatility of the data feed. Thinking back to those examples I gave of these New York submarkets, there was quite a bit of volatility. In Tribeca, for example. One higher price transaction could swing the median higher, and then it would normalize as more data flowed in.

Understanding Market Volatility

And there's some days that have lower transaction volume, some days that have higher transaction volume, weeks, months with the same kind of underlying circumstances. So the point is, it's possible to drill down. Volatility naturally increases with the more sparse the data points become. Maybe for some users that's attractive, for others it's less. So. The point of view of parcel launching new markets always kind of go for the most recognizable, highest, largest sample size indices, the flagship stuff that parcel Labs is publishing. And then as there's demand for anything underneath that can always be added later. Perfect, man. Q. Four of this year should be a really good returns, I guess, in Dubai.

The Future of Market Trends

There you go. There's a pitch for long, it sounds like, but not investment advice. Maybe we can at some point do another space. Looking at the data that parcel Labs has aggregated specifically in some of these sub regions, or even you can look at things on the property level, at least in North America. That's a great follow up topic. Awesome. I know one of our founders that's coming to the founders villa. Joseph, down below, you had a question that you wanted to ask Parcel. Yeah, far away. Oh, yeah. Can everyone hear me? Yes. Yeah. Wonderful. It's the first time I'm on desktop and I was worried that I'm gonna rug, but yeah, I only have boring questions lined up. So that would be in terms of regulations, license compliance.

Questions on Regulations and Compliance

I'm just curious, like how is the whole, you know what, that might be a too hard question, too large discussion to put on this goal. I don't know if you have like a TLDR, how does it actually work? Is it limited to any particular regions? Like, what are the limitations? What were the challenges? Just want to learn more about the legal framework, because I personally am working on airwaves, specifically on tokenizing ips, and that's what I kind of want to learn from people that are already leading tokenization of airws. Yeah, as you mentioned, it's kind of a tricky topic. What we can say is effectively, it's a decentralized, permissionless Dex.

Understanding the Nature of Parcel

There's nothing being securitized, there's no underlying property that is flowing into this instrument. There's no cash flows going into the instrument. It's just a data feed. What users are doing is they're speculating on the directionality of that data feed. You can call it some folks consider it a prediction. Others consider it a bet. Others consider it a hedge or an investment. It's kind of. That's the beauty of it. It's in the eye of the beholder. That being said, parcel is very cognizant of various regulations in jurisdictions around the world. As a result, there are, you know, there's geofence and restrictions in place in some of those.

Regulations in Different Jurisdictions

Those regions where there's less certainty, namely in North America and the US. And, you know, the intent is to kind of open it up to as many people as possible over time, but, you know, remain compliant in the meantime or as compliant as possible. So I think that's, you know, you kind of have to leave it there. But it's obviously an important consideration. And the goal is to. Is to, you know, obviously follow the rules wherever there's. There's clarity. Yeah, that's. That's perfectly clear. I think you validated my assumptions and doubts.

Workshops for Startups

So there is a really concise answer. I would say everything beyond it would be potentially opening a can of firms and a whole nother Twitter space. Yeah. Thank you, Joseph. The good news for you is that during the founders Villa, and while you are there will be a legal team there to answer detailed questions tailored to your startup. And they're not charging for that because we are that good that we've managed to get lawyers who are not charging you for a workshop. You can ask those questions. That's one of the workshops that I'm most excited about legit. Like, not too many people get excited about the legality and the compliance, but it feels like it's one of the problems where if you manage to tackle it down, you're ahead of the game, you're ahead of everyone else.

Discussion on Major Regulators

So it does feel like I'm not. Going to shield too much more, but we also have both major regulators coming, so you can actually literally ask the people that make the rules, like, hey, is this cool or not? And they will just tell you, oh. My gosh, I'm already fanboying the founders villa. Let's go. Yeah, that's actually really cool. So there are going to be people from Vara or. Yeah, we've got vara and Abu Dhabi global markets. Both of the major digital asset regulators are. Are going to be there.

Abu Dhabi's Digital Asset Framework

Amazing. And actually, like, is it just me or Abu Dhabi is kind of catching up with Dubai in terms of crypto friendliness and stuff, because, yeah, I guess even the fact that next breakpoint is going to be in Abu Dhabi, it's also kind of hints that Abu Dhabi is catching up. Yeah, so I would say, like, so Dubai has already had a very strong marketing engine. But then, if you actually look at the results that are happening and the licenses that are getting issued, actually, ADGM is very mature in terms of their digital asset regime. So I think more exchanges and digital asset service providers actually have, like, licensed or issued their licenses in Abu Dhabi.

The Future of Abu Dhabi in Crypto

But we just don't hear about it because it's less like consumer facing. It's more like institutional enterprise, custodial stuff that is just more like, only if you're deep in the industry, that you'll really understand it or know about it. So, yeah, I think people sleep on Abu Dhabi. It's actually where most of the capital is.

Decision-Making Power

It's where a lot of the decision making power is in this country. There's just less jet skis and yachts over on that side. Stay tuned for Abu Dhabi market. Maybe not in the near future, but down the line, obviously ahead of breakpoint next year. That's the alpha. Let's go.

Questions and Audience Engagement

I think we have time for a couple more questions. We have to jump in a little bit, but maybe two or three more. Yeah, there's someone that's requested. I'm gonna bring them up, except Desi, can you hear us? Desi, are you there? Okay, while they're connecting, does anyone else have any questions or anyone else want to request to come up? I said, we've got Joe, a few more of our members down in the audience. Can you hear us now? Desi, you there? Hey, guys, what's going on? First time on the space here with everyone, but I kind of wanted to chime in a little bit and, you know, talk about what you guys were discussing.

Legal and Regulatory Framework

So, I'm a lawyer as well. I predominantly work in Solana. I advise crypto startups regarding, you know, incorporation, transactional work, and regulatory compliance. So, a little bit about the RWA aspect and the regulatory compliance that I think Joseph mentioned, since, you know, Joseph, this is mainly real estate, and that, too, not the actual transfer of title is involved. The tokenization aspect is quite limited in nature. And as such, you know, you don't really need a lot of compliance that you need to follow or comply with. In essence, if you were to sell stocks and bonds like tokenized securities, that would carry over a lot of prudential requirements from Vara itself and, you know, whatever your transacting business.

Real Estate Business and RWA Model

So, for the real estate business, the RWA model that parcel is currently employing, it's, from what I understand, it's good to go. And kind of wanted to also congratulate you guys on, you know, starting up this venture in Dubai because I mainly, I read, you know, set up all of my clients in Dubai because of the way that they're, you know, at the forefront of crypto legislation. And, you know, over time, we're going to see, like, I think crypto be mentioned, how Abu Dhabi is starting to catch up to Dubai. And we're going to see this happen more often now. And it's quite important to realize that there are other emirates in Dubai as well.

Developments in Other Emirates

So there's this emirate called Rasul Khema, and Rasul Khema actually issued the first crypto mining license post vara as well. So this is a pretty big development. You know, these, you have these free zones that are, you know, taking a hard line stance on crypto, starting to ease up and start granting licenses that are, you know, somewhat related. And this opens up the door for other licenses being accepted as well. So, you know, this is a really big thing. But what I personally believe and something that I'm working on and will be interesting because I'm a huge fan of super teams as it is.

Collaboration and Tokenized Securities

And, you know, shout out super team UAE. But it, today I actually have a call with a member from Super Team Germany, and we're going to be discussing a little bit about how we can actually take tokenized securities and implement them, you know, correctly on a large scale in Solana. So, you know, not only is one company providing such trading services, but you'll be able to access these assets on a plethora of be a decentralized exchanges, trading platforms, whatever. So I think the future is bright and I think all these things are there.

Research and Corporate Governance

It just takes a little bit of research and a little bit of time to calculate and, you know, set up the right corporate governance model for anything that you're doing. So kind of wanted to share my two cent and congratulate you guys. So big ups. Thanks for that, Desi. Super insightful. Also bullish. Something from, something from my combos and breakpoint. Seems like there's a lot of tokenization efforts going on in Dubai.

Upcoming Events and Tokenization Summit

It's like somebody I spoke with just through a random conversation. I was talking to Metawealth and some guy came by and he seems like that's a really big movement in Dubai going on. So you guys might know a bit more than me, but I thought that was really interesting. Yeah. There's an RWA tokenization summit happening in October, like first week. I want to say, I'm doing a Solana RWA keynote on that, so I'll definitely save a slide for you guys and give you a shout out.

Historical Context and Current Efforts

Connie's just wanted to a follow up to parcel intern there a little bit. I think predominantly why there's a lot of effort going on. Tokenization has to do with the fact that these things were promised was a year and a half, two years ago with FTX. FTX came up with the first that you're going to be able to trade stocks on our platform. And they had the right infra there. The infra was there. It was just that they were sleazy in their practices themselves.

Industry Insights and Trust Issues

Made a very good product, turned into a really shitty one, pardon my french, just because of their own bad practices. But the model, the infra, it was amazing. And that's something that we can replicate and that's something we can build upon and try to get the ball moving forward. So this is, I guess every effort that's going on is trying to put this together, because this is a trillion dollar industry securities as it is.

Integration of Crypto and Traditional Finance

And if you can somehow incorporate this with crypto, with the token issuance, the custody, the settlement aspects being handled, and what's more, and even more amazing, and this is, maybe it won't be general info to a lot of people, but when you are trading tokenized securities, there's a concept known as a CCP, which is basically a clearing counterparty. And in traditional finance, you know, a lot of this is done by middlemen.

Reducing Middleman Dependency

So there are a lot of middlemen involved, and the process takes a long time. It's very costly and whatnot. Solana solves this itself by its proof of history mechanism. So that's something really insane that we don't see with other proof of stake, with other proof of work networks, nothing of that sort. So this is why I'm quite confident that, you know, Solana can actually push towards having mass, you know, trading and mass adoption of tokenized securities.

Wrapping Up and Future Engagements

Very nice. Very nice. Thank you for sharing that insight again. Yeah, I think we're kind of getting close now to maybe wrapping this up. Is there any final remarks, any final updates anyone wants to give from the speaker panel before we probably shield the founders villa again? Oh, we've got. We've got another request. I'm going to bring up this guy. This is going to be the last one. Frankie. Go ahead, Frankie.

Expressing Concerns

Yeah, I mean, I would just like to say, you know, I think that you guys are probably all living still in the lie. The lie in which. That you think that we can go to the moon or we can go to Mars, bro. I know. I know. Next, you're off the stage. Booze. What's going on? That was. You guys have some history that works.

Appreciation and Closing Remarks

At Goldman Sachs, man. Not gonna lie. All these financial guys that say crypto is, you know, farce. Yeah, I think let's. Let's wrap it up after that bombshell parcel, guys. It was a pleasure. You are welcome in Dubai anytime you want. We love what you're building. Huge, huge respect.

Final Thanks

So thank you for everything you're doing. Thanks, Alex. Great space. Thanks for having us. And looking forward to launching some more markets in the region. Yeah. Thank you, guys. Always a pleasure working with super team UAe. The video was awesome.

Video Footage and Community Reaction

The whole team loved it. I know a lot of the community members loved it as well. Appreciate you guys for taking the time and helping cook this up. Yeah, the video was great. Alex posted it on LinkedIn, and I think foundation retweeted, didn't they, Alex? I saw that.

Next Steps and Engagement

I actually just retweeted on mine on my LinkedIn. I passed it over to the people that run the parcel, LinkedIn. So it should be reposted there soon as well. Let's go. Amazing. All right. Thank you for everyone that joined, and, yeah, we will see you next week.

Upcoming Events Reminder

We'll have another town hall on Thursday, and then the week after that, the founders villa is kicking off, so hope to see as many of you there as possible. Yeah, thanks. Thanks to everyone except that one dude. Bye bye.

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