DOP Community Updates


Space Summary

The Twitter Space DOP Community Updates hosted by dop_org. DOP Community Updates delve into the realm of decentralized finance (DeFi) by leveraging zero-knowledge proofs to offer customizable transparency and privacy in Ethereum transactions. Users benefit from increased control over their financial activities, balancing privacy and accountability. The space emphasizes the significance of user-centered transparency, enhancing security and trust within DeFi platforms.

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Q: How does DOP leverage zero-knowledge proofs in Ethereum transactions?
A: DOP utilizes zero-knowledge proofs to allow users to selectively reveal transaction details while maintaining overall privacy.

Q: What is the main benefit of selective transparency in DeFi?
A: Selective transparency enables users to decide which financial activities are publicly visible, enhancing privacy and control.

Q: Why are zero-knowledge proofs crucial for privacy in DeFi?
A: Zero-knowledge proofs provide a way to validate information without revealing the actual data, ensuring confidentiality in transactions.

Q: What role does user-controlled transparency play in the DOP Community Updates?
A: User-controlled transparency gives users the autonomy to manage the visibility of their financial operations within Ethereum.

Q: How do zero-knowledge proofs influence security in DeFi transactions?
A: Zero-knowledge proofs enhance security by allowing users to share specific transaction details without compromising overall privacy.

Q: Why is customizable transparency significant for DeFi users?
A: Customizable transparency offers a middle ground between privacy and accountability, catering to different user preferences in financial interactions.

Q: What impact does zero-knowledge proofs have on trust within DeFi platforms?
A: Enhanced security through zero-knowledge proofs fosters trust among users, reassuring them of the confidentiality of their transactions.

Q: How does DOP contribute to user privacy in Ethereum transactions?
A: DOP's focus on user-controlled transparency enhances privacy by allowing users to customize the visibility of their crypto asset activities.

Q: In what way do zero-knowledge proofs differentiate DOP in DeFi?
A: DOP's integration of zero-knowledge proofs sets it apart by offering advanced privacy features to users within decentralized finance operations.

Q: What are the implications of user-controlled transparency for DeFi security?
A: User-controlled transparency promotes better security practices by enabling users to manage the exposure of their financial data according to their preferences.


Time: 00:15:47
Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Enhanced Privacy Exploring how DOP employs zero-knowledge proofs to provide users with customizable transaction visibility.

Time: 00:25:32
User-Empowered Financial Privacy Discussing the significance of empowering users to control the transparency of their Ethereum transactions through DOP.

Time: 00:35:19
Balancing Privacy and Accountability in DeFi Understanding how customizable transparency in DeFi transactions strikes a balance between privacy and accountability.

Time: 00:45:54
Security Benefits of Zero-Knowledge Proofs Highlighting the security advantages of leveraging zero-knowledge proofs for confidential transactions in DeFi operations.

Time: 00:55:27
Trust and Confidence in DeFi Platforms Examining how privacy-enhancing technologies like zero-knowledge proofs build trust among users in decentralized financial ecosystems.

Time: 01:05:13
User-Centric Privacy Features in DOP Exploring how DOP's focus on user-controlled transparency enhances privacy and security for Ethereum transactions.

Time: 01:15:48
Advanced Privacy Solutions in DeFi Delving into the advanced privacy solutions offered by DOP through the implementation of zero-knowledge proofs.

Time: 01:25:36
Evolving Privacy Standards in DeFi Considering the evolving privacy standards in DeFi and the role of user-controlled transparency in enhancing security.

Time: 01:35:21
DOP's Impact on DeFi Privacy Practices Examining how DOP's approach to privacy empowers users and elevates privacy standards within decentralized finance environments.

Time: 01:45:49
User Trust and Data Confidentiality Emphasizing the importance of user trust and data confidentiality in DeFi transactions facilitated by zero-knowledge proofs.

Key Takeaways

  • DOP utilizes zero-knowledge proofs for customizable transaction transparency in Ethereum.
  • Selective transparency empowers users to control which crypto assets and transactions are made public.
  • Privacy in DeFi transactions is enhanced through the implementation of zero-knowledge proofs.
  • The DOP Community Updates focus on providing users with increased control and privacy over their financial activities.
  • Zero-knowledge proofs offer a valuable solution for privacy concerns within the DeFi space.
  • Users can benefit from improved security and confidentiality when utilizing zero-knowledge proofs in Ethereum transactions.
  • Customizable transparency provides a balance between privacy and accountability for DeFi users.
  • Understanding zero-knowledge proofs is essential for maximizing privacy in decentralized finance operations.
  • The DOP Community Updates highlight the significance of user-controlled transparency in Ethereum transactions.
  • Enhanced security measures through zero-knowledge proofs contribute to trust in DeFi platforms.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Hello everyone. Hello Dop community. Hello team members. Thank you for being here. My name is Andres. I'm community manager for Dub. I particularly manage the spanish community and it's a pleasure and an honor to be here with you. Today we are going to discuss some of the main topics that community has been asking us regarding the protocol, updates and developments, tokenomics, future plans, what we have been done in many events and all related topics to future plans and obviously roadmap. So thank you all for being here. We are waiting a couple of minutes for more people to join and we can start discussing such topics.

Engagement and Anticipation

Okay, so well, now that we have more people in these ex spaces, let me thank you again for your support. We know that some of you have been waiting for this space to talk about all topics related to Dub. And I'm here with Abidan Abital who is the project director of Dubb and he will be answering all of the questions that we have received from you from the Google forum that we share on community channels. Abidan has been in the space quite outwardly a long time. He's been working in business development and marketing for various crypto projects and we brought him to dub because of his deep experience in the sector. So Abidan, how are you? How are you feeling today?

Introduction to Abidan and Health Update

Hello. Hello Andres, thank you very much. I am a little bit sick, but everything about that is okay. Thank you for inviting me to talk about the updates of DOP development and for the project itself. I hope it will be very helpful for the community. I will also want to thank the community that spend the time to come and listen to us. Thank you for being here. Yeah, I think that this is just a way for us to reassure the commitment that we have long term with the community and obviously the protocol and to play a key role in the crypto space.

Main Topic Discussion

So let's begin Abidan with one of the main topics that I believe because I've seen it in the community channels, it's one of the biggest questions of the community and it is regarding dubs tokenomics. So what's your view? Because we're curious about what is the long term vision from DOP Tokenomics. Can you explain for us how we are structuring this please? I think we missed a little bit, Abidan, but let's wait for him to join us again. So just for the people who is just joining us, Abidan is the project director for DOP and he has been leading like long term value strategies for DOP for some months now.

Connection Issues and Community Questions

So for the session. Connection oh no. It'S all right it's all right yeah I can hear you now thank you again for joining us so for the people who used recently joined us today we are going to discuss the key points that we have noticed are the most asked community questions some of them will be regardless regarding the tokenomics of the latest developments and the next steps for dub in addition to the questions that we received from the community directly from the Google form that we shared on our community channels so Abhinav let's kick in and let's start with the one of the main topics that community is asking us in different community channels and it's regarding DOP tokenomics so we're curious about how the tokenomics are working and aligns with dub long term vision.

Tokenomics Discussion

I believe to start talking about the tokenomics it's coming from the subject of the price of the token and I'm trying to say it again and again I will continue to say it we all had some disappointment from the launch of DOP that didn't succeed as we want to no one can hide this parameter but I want everyone to know that we are aware of this difficult the community have we as a team, we as investors we as a community members we look on the chart and we understand if the community are with us want us to succeed want us to be able to execute our plan and our vision to the product we are building and the main thing that I think is not spread enough in its word it's that once the product will succeed the economic system of the project that's mean that the token it will help it we have the gas fee system that burning tokens it means if the product is good we are burning more and more tokens I want to add that moreover what I said right now we don't control the price we cannot control the price and we cannot act to increase or decrease the price it's not allowed, it's not legal and we don't want to we are focused on building the product and we believe that this is what will make DOP great again so if I'm moving to talk about the tokenomics that I believe everyone look on it in the white paper the emission schedule of the tokenomics is from two years to three years about the tokens that the team need to get a part of what is already in the circulating supply.

Team's Intentions and Strategy

I think it's almost 8 billion tokens and need to be said. The team is not rushed to sell it. We want to use it to incentive more developer teams that want to build on DOP, who want to use it for marketing budget to increase the working space of the DOP ecosystem. So when people are looking about the tokenomics, it's not oh, all of those tokens are going to be sold by the team and that's it, bye. This is not the case. This is not we are trying to do. But if we are looking to try to calculate the chart in front of the tokenomics, we have a lot of, let's say aspects as team and advisor, etcetera, that they have a cliff and the moment the cliff is ended they have a liner release that takes from two years to three years.

Growth and Innovation

So need to imagine it and understand what we're talking about in terms of numbers. Yeah, I believe that we're talking here about growth through innovation and obviously that will be directly related to the future direction of the project. Recently we have seen how Dub has announced some recent partnerships, technical process progress. So could you share for us please more about the DMC partnership and the development of selective transparency? Yes, of course. I will start with selected transparency and with that I'll explain what we are going to do with DMC and what I am focused to do with more companies.

Selective Transparency Overview

Selective transparency is the most I don't innovative feature that will be in the space in terms of trying to control data of on chain clients. It will bring the ability to users to control the data. In fact it will be bring the control also to companies, not only the end users. So they will choose how they want to manage the spread of salaries to employees, how they want to split festival tickets, nfTs, whatever is in your mind that is on chain. What we did until now, it's designed the UI of it. It means that people we didn't release it because I believe that every release needs to be when we end the process of the development. But I will explain what it did until now.

Current UI Developments

It's the UI and UX in Figma and we designed the architecture that is in the protocol to make it able so people could sign the state they want to show or hide in the same terms. And this is fascinating. This will be, this will bring the ability to companies to get payment in. In way of that, the company itself will see the payment and no one else will see it. In terms of DMC, it means I can buy a festival ticket without Andres and all the dop community see that I buy the ticket. Moreover, I will get the ticket from DMC without anyone else to understand I have a ticket for this festival.

Enhancing Data Control

So it takes all this control of data one step above to do it. And in case of DMC they already did the research about DOP and when we contacted they knew what they want to do. They are doing it in a platform of on chain data that is very transparency and they didn't like it. So they looked for another solution and when they came to us it was very directly to talk about the options to do it with selective transparency that give the ability to do it. So DMC is a big company that sell NFT tickets to music festival around the world with Big DJ's and they already come in a partnership progress with us to be the first that used selective transparency for B two C to be able to send their clients the NFT tickets and get the payment through the DOP protocol.

Impact of DMC Partnership

If I getting back to what I said before, this will increase all the transaction that is in the protocol. Once when they encrypt the NFTs and second when the clients will encrypt tokens to buy these NFT tickets. So just in DMC we are already double the people that used it. That's very good news because yeah, at the end of the day, creating utility for the community and real world use cases is what we're planning to approach for that sustainability in the long term.

Strategic Collaboration Insights

And partnerships and strategic collaborations are a key pillar for DOP. And because of that I would like to ask you about more partnerships and strategic collaborations, maybe that we have had from participating social events of big events like Token 2049 or Korean Blockchain Week. How has been our experience working on those events, what we can take home from them?

Events Participation and Development Progress

And what is your point of view of participating in those events and putting the brand out there? Yeah, I will answer it in a second. I just want to add to the last sentence that the development is already in progress. We believe that in two months it will be already in end of the test or maybe in production. I hope it will be in production. But this is what we are willing for and it connects to the subject you ask about. We are now very focused to bring companies and people to understand what is selected transparency, to be able to collaborate with them before it's ready. So once it's ready there are they can get in the system and be ready to use it. This is what we did in Seoul and Singapore and we are doing it all the time. We have BD guys that some of them internal, some of them external. From the team that always looking for companies and pro web three projects to understand that what they need to because a lot of companies are saying, okay, I don't want the transparency on chain, but I also don't want to get to the privacy section and DLP are giving them exactly the middle of the both of them.

Data Control and Compliance

The ability to control the data, to share data with whom I want to and with some compliance layers that help them to work with the regulatories people. So we met a lot of companies that want to collaborate, to want to understand better what they can do with that. We are in contact with them. Once it will be relevant, we will announce about them. But this is our main focus. We also talked with companies about the data marketplace that we're now building. This is also a very fascinating product that I didn't thought a lot of people will jump on the idea and want to collaborate around it. But also in cell, also in Singapore, many companies say oh, data marketplace on web three connected to web two with payments, with encryption. It's something that we want to be part of it. Medtech data, financial data, very we had also a sport application that want to bring the ability to the users to upload their own data. So those the two main focus that we did in the events.

Integration with Wallets and Partner Outreach

I can also say that weren't talked before, but we also met in the events few wallets that want to integrate DOP to be able to use it in mobile application. So this is also something that we are interested in. I am saying it in few words, but we have people in our team that are doing that all day long to find the best partners to work with. So they will bring a lot of traction to the protocol or the data marketplace. Thank you Abidan. I think it's very important to address one topic here because as we talk about growth, the EOP ecosystem and we talk about data, I think one of the main topics here of huge importance is security and user trust.

Security Protocols and Achievements

And one of the aspects that DOP has prioritized is the security of the protocol. And we even saw how DOP won't. The hacking Security award, what does this award represent for DOP and how it has its advance and stretch the protocol security. So sorry. The protocol security is an interesting subject that we are working aside the protocol development from before I came to the project. So the hacking process started months ago and when I came in we met also other groups and companies that offer cybersecurity protection. But we found that Hacken all in one solution, that today they're providing us an extractor, the bug bounty audit that they made. And they are still every time looking at it again and again, because we are also changing our versions and all of that are. I want to say that the white road, but are completed all the sides of the security the protocol can have.

Partnerships and Future Security Enhancements

We are always looking for more, because as everyone knows, security is the most important thing when we want a big TVL and when we have our money in those protocols. But that for itself standing very strong. Our partnership is very close, as everyone saw in our posts and socials. Hacken gave us the reward of the mass security project in their company for 2024. I can say that the next version will have also few new features with exagate that help us also in the security. And. And this is something with we are always looking and expecting to enhance. So our clients will be very silent when they are thinking about the security of the protocol. So. So for today, hacking provide a big package that helping us to do it.

Community Involvement and Grant Initiatives

I said it's the extractor, the bug bounty and the audit they already made. And we are in contact every day to be able to know what is going on the protocol, which transaction are not transaction, but interaction from outside. To be able to understand better where is where we can bring more security to the protocol. Thank you Avidan for your answer. Yeah, I think that's a huge part of DoP since the beginning of the project. And it's highly important for us to let the community know what we are doing and how we can manifest this into reality towards these partnerships with such hacking partnerships and the ones that are here and more to come. So thank you for that. And before asking you the community questions that we have received, I would like to ask you about the DOP grants program and innovation.

Introduction to DOP Grants Program

Can you tell us a little bit about it and how developers and innovators can get involved? Sure, sure. I want to say our first phase of grant proposal was not as I expected. I looked for more technology stuff to be built around DOP and we get interesting project, but not too much beneficial with DOP. And we are always looking for more ideas and people to create around it. They can contact me or the team or community managers like you to bring their ideas. But what we made after phase one, we asked the community to give ideas. And then with those ideas we will go to software companies and ask them if they want to be part of a DaO vote, where they can claim a part of the grant to make sure they can build the idea that the community bring to us.

Innovative Projects Emerging from DOP Grants

One of them is an NFT marketplace. Under DOP, it means that all the buying, selling and transaction will be around the DOP protocol. So it will be encrypted, but it will be in UI of a regular web to UI. And this is something that came from the community. In Singapore I met a company that also talked about an NFT marketplace that they did on chain. Very transparency. And when I saw the idea from the community, I said, okay, let's ask them if they want to do it for DOP. So our next step is to bring it to the Dao so they vote if they want to really to do it and give them the grant. But it's open for everyone.

Open Opportunities and Community Engagement

The grant, it's not.

Community Responsibility

It's under the community responsibility. Not Avidan and not DoP team and not foundation or company, no matter what word I can say. And this is something I want everyone to understand. If you have a good idea, if you want a project that can benefit with the community of DOP, tell them, tell us about it. Tell the community, tell the Dow and we will bring our your idea to be voted on the Dow so you can be able to get a grant for that. We understand that people want to get rewarded for their work and in the other side, we as a project want to benefit from those products. So every side won their reward.

Future Products and Features

And this is how I see, this is how we see it will go more and more in this aspect to bring new products to be built around DOP. If it's features of product, but you that use dope and it will be rewarded from the grant wallet, what we call it in treasury wallet for the moment. Yeah. As a member of the community, I find this very valuable because it's giving power for us, for the users to shape the future of the protocol with our own ideas and skills. So for all the developers there that align with dubs visions of selective transparency, we highly encourage you to participate in the Dubs Dao program and also DALP grants program.

Community Questions and Roadmap

And let's start with the community questions that we received. Abidan and I think the biggest one here is what is the roadmap for dubs future? What do we have in our plans for this coming next feature? So for our roadmap, we didn't change it too much. As I said before, we are not very focused on the selective transparency and in the meantime, we're giving space to fix bugs that are to make the user experience very smoothly. It means bugs around the server and few little things that we want to fix and add documentation to the technology part so everyone from outside will be able to integrate it very easily to understand.

Next Steps and Selective Transparency

Very good. This is what we're going to do in the next month, maybe two and then we are, we want to continue the rule number that was writing before. We will not change it. But the idea is to bring this selective transparency to shape the product to be as much as we can, good as much as we can to add few EVM networks. Now that we have two good big networks and a small one with Oklahoma Ethereum and Polygon. One is the business, the biggest traction, one is very low cost fee and one is very focused to bring new clients in the future with a lot of partnership and to be continuous is to bring a the protocol into mobile application to be integrated into mobile wallet application.

Integration and Future Partnerships

So you will not need to do enter the app and to finalize this process is to make it into make an SDK for people to use it and to get the transition from centralized protocol to decentralized project where the DAO will decide everything and from this point to expand the partnerships and collaboration with other companies and projects. Thank you very much for your answer. And I noticed that you mentioned a lot of that we plan to do in the mid and long term. And what about that first next step for the protocol? Can you tell us like for example, what's the big next feature that we can expect from DOP?

Innovative Features of DOP

As I see it, I think I said before, the most fascinating and passionate feature will be the selective transparency. It will change our mind how to control data and it will change the state that DOP are in right now to a better vision, to a better system to use. That means it will be very innovative because no one is using, no one build before selective transparency feature to his I don't know, I don't want to take the word privacy, but when trying to do privacy, what we can see in the market with l one or l two s or Dapps that trying to do privacy, it's sorry, it's all you are.

Privacy versus Transparency

You want privacy or you want transparency? You don't have the middle and selected transparency will create a a new world that people literally can't control their data on chain. So when we are talking about the next feature that will bring, will do some noise and will bring very traction to the project. It's the selected transparency and this is what we are focusing now as a team and this is what you will hear in the next few weeks because I really think that is something that will take dub to another stage. That is good news.

Expanding Protocol and Blockchain Integration

That is good news. Thank you for sharing. And we have talked about multiple topics regarding the technology of DOP, right. Like partnerships and integrations. And one side of that, it's expanding the protocol to the blockchain and crypto industry. Will dope expand to more blockchain networks? Yes, but not for the moment. Let's focus on build a product to be shaped very carefully and very good. And when we all decided that the product is ready across the world, let's make it on other networks to bring more utility from other chain.

Selective Transparency Feature Development

But for the moment I decided that we need to stop do those integration because we want to be focused on the selective transparency. We have other blockchain that we can very easily do the integration. Evm's one. Some of them are very similar to Polygon where some of them are very similar to Ethereum. We check the opportunity of arbitrum and phantom and another one in base. But no matter if we will run to do the integration to other layers without having the product we all wanted to, I don't think it will made the noise and effect we want to.

Goals of DOP Protocol

So for the moment we stop new integrations and in the future we'll do some more. Of course. Yeah. I think it's very important to properly develop the selective transparency feature that we have at DOP. And other questions that we receive from the community were regarding the difference between DOP and other focus privacy focused blockchain projects. So what would you say are the main difference from DOP from those other privacy focused projects? That is very easy because I just talked with someone about it yesterday.

Comparing DOP with Other Blockchain Projects

You need to understand that if we're talking about blockchains, blockchain have less wide effect on users. It means when I'm using few blockchains and in each blockchain my protocol is being used, I am getting more clients, more traction. Of course I'm saying it if people are using it. But when you have an l two, I need to go to your l two to do the path together and then do the encryption and the transaction I want and get back. We all know how it's work.

User Experience Goals

It's very difficult to utilize something like that. And some of the goals of DOP as a protocol is to make things very easy. I'm not saying we are there, but we want to make things very easy. When you're getting into your wallethood on your mobile, do few clicks and get done with the process. You wanted to move your assets from the evm wallet to the DoP encrypt sand. No need to be very difficult to do. This is where we are willing to get. This is what the people in the industry of the crypto space want.

Blockchain Expansion

And this is what we are looking for to be very widely spread in blockchains, but in the same time very easy to use. Those parts one they are connected are giving us what you ask. It will be able to, will give us the ability to use morph in faceted way the protocol than other blockchains where I need a specific wallet and specific chain and specific token. And this is what makes us different from there.

User Benefits and Staking Rewards

Thank you for your answer. Yeah, at the end of the day, it's all about benefits for the users, right? We know that here at DoP we have some extra benefits that the holders can access and use. So can you tell us please more about the upcoming staking rewards and how long term holders can benefit from them? About the staking rewards? I think it's all mentioned over there. What is the amount of rewards that will being the reward pool that you can get from staking? I think that the idea to hold DOP is when the protocol is being used with very high traction and being made a lot of transaction. But because this is the moment when euros and DOP token holder will benefit from it, of course, that you have a lot of activities to benefit as well as the relayers that need to be go outside soon. And the staking pool, we have those.

Holding and Staking Mechanics

Our activities are in the ecosystem. But the main thing is to get to benefit from stake and hold. This is why projects have the staking, because you are gaining the ability to get more, let's say more DOP tokens and to increase the value of it in one action. So I'm not sure if I answered about the time or the rewards because I know we published a blog about that and I don't remember exactly the dates and the amount, but we can publish it again if the community want to. Yeah.

Community and Feedback Engagement

And this is a good opportunity to remind the community that you all guys have a lot of resources regarding DOP in our website and our community channels, and also directly interacting with the protocol, with the mainnet. So feel free to go to our website, to our community channel. We have a huge amount of community moderators who are always there, twenty four seven to answer your questions and address any feedback that you have for us because we can. We take feedback from the community very seriously. So we believe job is for everyone. And Abidan, let me ask you this.

Community's Role in Shaping DOP

How can the community shape the future of DOP? So I really believe that the community is the one who will shape this project, because me or the team or other people that are trying to out the project are very small. Our effect on the project is not much as the community can change the sentiment and where it's going to and how much people are using it. We want to provide a good product and the community need to do the next step and how I can see it. We already, as you as community manager, know that we're always listening to your feedbacks and ideas and comments, the bad ones and the good ones, to be able to shape it as a community wants, and not as someone else want, but as one, as were.

Transitioning Towards Decentralization

We will start a transition to decentralized. The community will have more power to shape it directly for the moments we have someone, a community member, saying to Andres that the application is very slow. Andres is saying to Avidan that it's very slow. I am trying to understand what is, why it's very slow and the connection is very slow also to fix it and what we wanted to be able to listen and to give the community more space to change it, to make it faster, to make it better. If everyone will try the application, the protocol itself, use it and understand what we need to change what we as a community, we as DoP product, not me as a title, someone else.

Building a Better Protocol

We want to make DoP a better protocol, to bring a lot of people to use it. This will do the change? Yeah, absolutely. At the end of the day, if you are a member of the community and you're a holder of DOP, you have Dao participation, right? And you have the power of vote and shape what's going to be the next steps for the protocol and how the protocol will look in the future with taking into account events, collaborations, integrations and many more opportunities to come. So that's a mention that I wanted to highlight, reaffirming the commitment that DOP is having with the community and also the transparency that we're having, because, you know, we are doing this MAa, in order to keep the community updated of our latest work and the latest development that we have done for the protocol.

Future Vision of DOP

So I think that's a huge part of what DOP is and, well, Abidan has where you grow up, what's your vision for DoP's future? What do you see the protocol in the coming days, months and years? So you mentioned it in your question. The collaboration partnership is what will make DRP great in the next weeks, months or years because those will affect the ability to bring more users to use the protocol and application and this will bring more companies to do it. I believe that there is something that needs to be made more fast, more aggressive in the near future to bring more TVL, more companies once selective transparency is outside.

Partnerships and Future Goals

But then the partnerships and collaboration need to come more easily. Like everything in our life, the first one is hard to bring, the next one is more easy and on. My dream is to see 1020 more companies that using it for their own needs. And this will bring a lot of traction in the protocol and this will affect also individuals clients to use it as well. And this will be very beneficial for the project itself. That's it. That's it.

Closing Remarks

Thank you for your answer. I think it is perfect because it shows our long term vision and the dedication that we're having to innovation. We also want to encourage the community to participate through our Dao and keep an eye on us because we have future projects, future collaborations, future Dao boarding that we value you take part in. So Avidan, thank you for joining us and thank you all the community for joining us. This is, this has been a great space. Expect more of these ones for us because as we work in our way, we want to keep you all updated.

Staying Connected with the Community

But if you have a rush of knowing the latest news and developments of DOP, feel free to reach out to us towards our community channels and participate in the community activities and engagement activities that we have there. Any final words? Abid? All? Yeah, yeah. Maybe to add to the words you just said. We will gonna publish schedule mas updates spaces from all the team that is working on DOP. So the community will hear all the people that are working on the product and the development, on the marketing side, on the product side, on the bd side, to bring the voices to make the big picture together.

Looking Forward

And not just me. Every time it will be also more. I don't know what to expect every two weeks or months or how we will do it, but we will publish the schedule table for it. Thank you Abidan again and thank you all the community members to be here. Hope to see you in the next one. Have a wonderful week ahead.

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