Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space DNC Debriefing and Trump Arizona Rally with Special Guest hosted by CryptoLawyerz. Delve into a unique political space discussing the DNC Debriefing, Trump Arizona Rally, and insightful perspectives from a Special Guest. The conversation intricately analyzes past events, current political dynamics, and the impact of personal reflections on political discourse. Explore diverse viewpoints, critical analyses, and the role of personal accounts in shaping political narratives. Witness how public opinion forms, the influence of political events on discourse, and the nuanced understanding of historical incidents.

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Q: What were the main highlights of the DNC Debriefing discussed?
A: The focus was on key moments, speeches, and reactions from the event.

Q: How did the Special Guest contribute to the discussion?
A: They provided a unique perspective on political events and shared personal insights.

Q: What key insights were shared regarding the Trump Arizona Rally?
A: The implications of the rally on political discourse and public opinion were highlighted.

Q: Why is personal reflection important in understanding politics?
A: It offers a subjective lens to interpret events and adds depth to political analysis.

Q: How do diverse viewpoints enhance political discussions?
A: They bring out contrasting opinions, fostering a comprehensive understanding of political matters.

Q: What role do personal accounts play in shaping political narratives?
A: They add a personal touch to political discourse and humanize complex issues.

Q: How do political events influence public discourse?
A: They trigger discussions, debates, and opinion formation among the public.

Q: Why is it crucial to analyze political events critically?
A: Critical analysis aids in forming informed opinions and understanding the broader implications of political actions.

Q: What was the atmosphere like during the discussion of past political incidents?
A: There were reflections, insights, and discussions leading to a nuanced understanding of events.

Q: How does personal opinion contribute to the diversity of political interpretations?
A: It adds individual perspectives that enrich discussions and bring out varied insights.


Time: 00:15:29
Analyzing the DNC Debriefing Exploring key moments and significant insights from the event.

Time: 00:25:17
Insights on the Trump Arizona Rally Discussing the impact and aftermath of the rally on the political landscape.

Time: 00:35:40
Special Guest Speaker's Perspective Gaining unique insights and personal reflections from the guest on political matters.

Time: 00:45:55
Role of Personal Accounts in Politics Understanding the significance of personal narratives in shaping political discourses.

Time: 00:55:12
Public Opinion Formation in Politics Exploring how political events influence public sentiments and discussions.

Time: 01:05:30
Critical Analysis of Political Discourse Delving into the importance of critical thinking in understanding political events.

Time: 01:15:48
Diverse Viewpoints in Political Discussions Embracing varied opinions and perspectives to enrich political discourse.

Time: 01:25:59
Interpretations of Past Political Incidents Reflecting on historical events and their impact on present-day political analyses.

Time: 01:35:20
Nuanced Understanding of Political Landscape Exploring the complexities and dynamics of the current political scenario.

Time: 01:45:42
Personal Perspectives in Political Narratives Highlighting the role of personal opinions in shaping diverse political narratives.

Key Takeaways

  • Analysis of the DNC Debriefing and key takeaways from the event.
  • Insights on the Trump Arizona Rally and its implications.
  • Discussion on political developments and their significance.
  • Special Guest speaker's unique perspective on political matters.
  • Importance of personal reflections in understanding political events.
  • In-depth examination of the political landscape and its dynamics.
  • Exploring diverse viewpoints on notable political incidents.
  • The role of personal accounts in shaping political narratives.
  • Impact of political events on public discourse and opinion formation.
  • Understanding the nuances of political analyses and interpretations.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Context

Well, hello. Good day, Carl. How's it going? Pretty good. The usual, you know. I sure can, yeah. And we've got Jay in here. The professor. Is it the right terminology here? I think you can call him professor, yes. Is it, should we be professor? Or is it ex professor or Professor X, maybe? What would be preferred? Are you talk, are you talking to me about me or Otto? With Otto? I think Otto is a former professor, right? Yes, he is. Just a second, I get my tea. Oh, look at that. What a refined space. We are going to have some tea. I need to get myself maybe some brandy or cognac. This is going to be a good one. And the feedback on this, Carl, has been remarkable. People have been very excited. I've been getting messages all day, even some yesterday, with people looking forward to this. So really excited to learn from you here. It's always good news, to be honest. I'll just briefly say something in that Otto here is very much, while I know my stuff, more generally, Otto is the real deal.

Discussion on Historical Context and Expertise

He's published at least three academic books published by academic publishers on the subject of Stalin's reign, and he knows his stuff. And we are very privileged to have him because he's been through a lot in his life, by all accounts. Well, anyone that. I mean, Carl, based on the last space that we had and your expertise in this subject, somebody that has expertise above and beyond yours, I'm very curious to learn from. Do you know, is Tim also going to be able to join? I know he was in the group message, just giving him a little bit of leeway here with timing. No, I don't know if he's going to be on. Just give him a nudge and see if he turns up. If he doesn't, that's. I think me and Otto can handle it. Well, that sounds like a plan. And for everybody that's listening in, if you did not join, I guess it was about a month and a half, maybe two months ago. It was actually the first space that we did on X, or at least the first one that I hosted, which was aimed at basically the JQ 101. We kind of loosely referred to it as. And that space, I mean, it had, I think, 30 or 40,000 people that ultimately came through and listened to the recording.

Setting the Stage for the Current Discussion

I think we had about 2000 live at one point. At the height of it, we also had Brian Cunningham. Which decent backup can tell you all about his ties to Israeli intelligence and other groups. They set up an entire space for the sole purpose of essentially mass reporting what we're doing, or at least that was an accusation made by somebody. So obviously we were really. We were on the mark there and upsetting a lot of folks. And one of the aspects of that was obviously the history of Zionism and of the Bolsheviks, which really serves as kind of the emergence of. From a political apparatus anyway, or a modern political apparatus, the Bolshevik and Zionist movement, and kind of Jewish supremacy. And so having done that, space historically thought that it would be really nice to kind of revisit some of those details and data points and to do it in a way that would provide an opportunity to essentially say with absolute definitiveness that the Bolsheviks themselves not only were disproportionately Jewish, but that there was primarily Jewish ideology at the top of that totem pole.

Introducing the Guests and Theme of Discussion

And so we're lucky enough to be able to schedule that with Carl and with Professor Otto. And for this, I was fortunate enough to get the kind of acceptance of truth teller to co-host the space. And if you haven't been in a room with him, he is an encyclopedia on everything related to the JQ. And so I think we should have a really phenomenal space here filled with a ton of history, a ton of rich depth in terms of irrefutable data points. And, folks, that's what I want to focus on. The point of this space is going to be for everyone leaving to be able to say, with no uncertainty, that the Bolshevik movement was disproportionately and predominantly led by Jewish intellectuals, Jewish ideology, and that it emerged from essentially the cult of Zionism in the early 19 hundreds. And so you're going to hear about Lenin, you're going to hear about Trotsky, probably Kaganovich, all the way up through Stalin, which, you know, Candace Owens recently, apparently, if Nick Fuentes is right, or at least if I.

Historical Discussion on Bolshevik Leaders

If I read or heard him correctly, he said that Candace Owens made the claim that Stalin was Jewish. So Nick Fuentes has said that's not the case. And in fact, Carl, on our JQ 101 space, said that was not true. So we're going to learn things like that, learn about those characters. Where did they come from? What was their ethnic background? What were their religious tendencies? And how did that influence what we now know of today as the genocidal Bolsheviks that were responsible for anywhere between maybe 30 and 50 million deaths in Russia? We're talking well over 10% of the United States population for a rough idea. So imagine if you snapped your fingers, just like Thanos in the Avengers, and one out of every ten Americans was just gone. That's the legacy of these people. They were vicious. And between the gulags, the death camps, the mass genocide quotas that were put in place by Stalin, where he literally would just give them a number, you know, lick his finger, put it up in the air.

Psychopathic Ideology and Historical Accountability

Oh, another 50,000. Let's get rid of that. That'll be good. Just where did. Where did this type of psychopathic ideology come from? What were they trying to accomplish? And what were their ties to either ethnically Jewish heritages or to Jewish religious ideologies, whether Judaism or Zionism? And so with that, I think maybe the best place to start will be, first and foremost, with truth teller. As the co-host of this space, he can give a little bit of background on himself as much as he feels comfortable and kind of his areas of focus. Then we'll go to our featured speakers here today between Carl and Professor Otto, and we'll take things from there. And then last little thing of housekeeping. We'll probably run this space about 90 to 120 minutes, primarily focused on allowing for these two individuals to provide this historical background. We'll then open the floor up, as we always do, for a Q and A, and we'll basically allow that to run as long as our guest speakers are able to.

Marx and Anti-Semitism

I don't see how you could make the claim, particularly because, you know, because there's. There is a subgroup of arguments. It's been. You come from people like Ezra Mendelsohn, that Marx was anti semitic. This is. Is not true in the sense that Marx wasn't angusty might. He didn't blame things. What he's probably thinking of is Marx's essay on the jewish question. I would further reference him to other things that Marx wrote, like, for example, on the loan mongers, the russian loan. Now, the people claim he didn't write the russian loan, but I'm pretty damn sure he did, given that it was a. It was part of three essays and his own daughter credited. Credited to him.

Marx and Judaism

So I think the point he's trying to make is that because Marx attacked Judaism, he attacked Judaism in the same way that other left hegelians were later did. So, for example, Bruno Bauer, that this makes some. Is a reaction to Judaism. No, what Marx was actually doing was taking a theory, which was David Ricardo's theory of value, and responding to it, and to create his own theory of value, which then he then built into this theory. But also the reason why Marxism wouldn't be as a response to Judaism is because a lot of Marxism doesn't actually come from Karl Marx. It's a common misconception that it does. What actually happened was that a lot of Marx, a lot of key marxist texts, particularly anti jewering, which is written by Engels, is the key text of Marxism.

Engels' Role in Marxism

It's not Das Kapital. And Das kapital is four volumes, one of which Marx wrote, which is the first one. But two and three were written by Engels and the fourth was written by Karl Kowski. So it's hard to accuse Engels of antisemitism. I don't think anyone's really managed to do that. And a lot of what we consider to be the key writing in Marxism is really. It's probably majority angles. I mean, there is a. It's a whole debate in academia. If you would like to look it up, I would strongly recommend Norman Levine's book Marx Contra Engels. It's a. It's this foundation and book of the argument, and there's quite a lot about it out there. It's what is definitely worth having a look at. But I would definitely say, no, it's got nothing to do.

Historical Context of Marxist Ideology

It's not a response to Judaism at all. It's a. If it is a response to Judaism, it would be a response to the jewish habit of essentially, as he wrote in the lone mongers of Europe, of them being in charge and basically being the court Jews of Europe and running things a certain way. But you have to remember that Bakunin's response to Marx was quite telling when he basically said, marx is trying to construct the same thing that the Rothschilds are constructing, just with a socialist, but with a socialist base. I could get the exact quote, but that's essentially what he's saying, is that they're the same. They're the same basic idea and just two things. It's also worth remembering that Marx himself was not a very good communist. He was a notorious bankrupt.

Marx's Personal Life

He. Probably impregnated his maid, who, and you probably don't know, he was dirt poor, living in the dirtiest streets in London, and he had a maid because his wife was an aristocrat, called lynching, as she was called. So we got that situation and just. I don't. Wasn't. Wasn't his wife. Wasn't his wife somehow linked to the Rothschild family as well? Or is it. No, no. It was the. The. It's not. The link to the Rothschild thing is possibly through Marx's. Marx himself. It's an argument that's been made, but it's. Yes, it's himself. His wife was Jeannie von Westphal, and. And she was an aristocrat that he grew up with, essentially.

Discussions on Anti-Semitism

And folks, I'd like to call out, you know, if this was because someone like the Alab podcast guy might suggest that, oh, this is just an opportunity to blame a whole lot of things on jews. But you just heard there from Carl, was saying, no, there's not a link between Marx's wife and the Rothschild family. This isn't an attempt to construct some endless web that all of the things linked together. It's an opportunity to unpack the truth of history so that we can also dispel common myths or lies that might exist in this movement. So, Carl, thank you for suggesting that, for correcting that. I'll be curious to understand the Rothschild link that Marx himself might have had. I've never heard that before.

Response to Historical Claims

Otto, did you want to respond to that? So you might know some marks as well? I don't know if you do. I'm not really a theory guy. I'm an empiricist. So, yeah, most of what I deal with as far as the communism is what was implemented on the ground from Lenin once they seized power in Moscow and Petrograd. Well, so maybe a good place to go, then. I mean, we've talked a little bit about Hungary. We then made some more modern comparisons. Professor Hado, if you could, do you want to give us kind of the 50,000 foot overview of what took place in between, let's say, that 20 year window and maybe give us kind of like the teaser trailer, and then we'll reverse engineer and bring it back and go through with a little bit more.

Formation of the Soviet Union

More detail. So the period of time where the Soviet Union is formed, it officially comes into existence at the end of 1922 with the union treaty between Ukraine, Belarus, transcaucuses and the RSFSR and the creation of the first soviet constitution. But I'll use the term Soviet Union to refer to October 1917 to 1922 as well, just for ease of purposes. From 1917 all the way up until 1939, there is a large, disproportionate role of people who are jewish by Natsanalnos. Natsanalnos is a soviet concept, but what it basically is a categorization of ethnos that is based upon ancestry. So it has a strong biological component, but it also refers to ethnonation.

Identity and Categorization of Jews

So Jews in the Soviet Union, and particularly Ashkenazis, were a separate nazional note and were marked on line five of identity documents. And it was done in the Soviet Union through the father, nothing through the mother, like Halato law. So Kamenev, who had a jewish father and a russian mother, is categorized as jewish in all the Soviet records. And likewise, since Lenin had it, line five, as russian, even though he had some jewish ancestry, about a quarter, I'm going to refer to him as russian. So if you want to consider him jewish, you're going to have to change some of the numbers on the Politburo here. I give you early on, but that's how the Soviets categorized those two individuals.

Historical Figures and Their Background

But just categorically, Lenin did have genetic lineage that was jewish, just. Yes, and he also had genetic lineage that was Volga German, but the soviet government considered him be russian in its official categorization. So I'm going to use that. If you want to consider him jewish, you can, like, alter the numbers that I give you to make it higher. But by the same token, Kamenev wouldn't be considered jewish by halaka law because his mother wasn't jewish. But the Soviets categorized him as jewish because his father was. He was a prominent Bolshevik in the 1917 to 1926 era of the Soviet Union.

Composition of the Politburo

So from 1970 to 1926, there were a large number of them in the politburo, which is the ruling day to day party apparatus that controls the soviet state. It's elected by the central Committee as a communist party. And then I'm going to deal with, from 1931 really, to 1939, the domination of the political police, the Ogepaeu, the United State political administration, the NKvde People's Commissar of internal affairs, where you had domination of the top ranks at 1.34 of the top hundred or so, almost 40% of the highest ranking officials were being jewish.

The NKVD and Its Influence

But even at the height of the terror under Yezhov, who was not jewish, with half russian, half lithuanian, some 20% of the top Nkvidei officers were still jewish. By nazional notes so I'm not using jewish as a religious category, obviously. Officially, Trotsky, Kaganovich, Yagoda, Belsky, whose original name was Levin, the Berman brothers, all three of them. None of these people were religiously jewish, but by Natsanalnost, they were jewish. And in the 26th soviet census, only Ashkenazis are counted as what we would consider jewish.

Genocide of the White Race

Is the genocide of the white race globally. The push for diversity across the global spectrum, where everyone looks like Derek Jeter, is the end of the white race. And the desire to have that come about is because the white Christian world as we know it is the one thing that can band together, it can stand in opposition to, and it can push back on global totalitarianism. That's just my thought. I'd be really curious what truth or Dominic or some of the other folks up here might think.

Discussion of Albert Pike's Letter

Ian, I love that you bring up Albert Pike's letter. It's so relevant. I hear you bring it up. But I just. I think it's important to be, like, specific, just because if we're going to. If we're going to understand this beast, we have to be specific. So there's just a few caveats that I think are important. I have the letter in front of me, I reference it regularly, but it's a little different from that. It's about fomenting a conflict where they pin the Muslim world against the political Zionism, where they both mutually destroy each other. So in this plan, it's not just a Muslim world that gets destroyed, it's also political Zionism, which is all these people calling for Israel directly.

Consequences of Global Conflict

And through this, it will be such a massive war that it will exhaust the rest of the world. And specifically that will destroy. This is where it gets even more interesting, that they will destroy both Christianity and atheism simultaneously. So they're also looking at destroying atheism. So they're not atheists. Right. When they say they're secular Jews, it just means that they're not practicing Jews, but they're not atheists and that after that they will reveal themselves. I mean, so what does that mean. Secular Judaism to you? What does that mean if they're not atheists? Because.

Definition of Secular Judaism

Not of a religion? Yes or no? Yeah, exactly. It means they're not. It means they're not Jewish. Right. So. But they're still Jewish. You're contradicting yourself. No, I'm saying if they're saying that, no, they're not Jewish. They're what Malcolm was pointing to. So the secular most of, I'm not going to say every, because I can't prove this, but most secular Jews, right. The one movement that panders in most of them is the Shabbat Lubovitch movement. But if they're not religious, what makes them Jews? As per your logic.

Theological Discussion

Exactly. So it depends which definition of Jew you want to use, but if you. Use how it's been a religious one, as. Perfect. Perfect. Yeah, perfect. So if we're going to use a religious definition of Jew, that would be a practitioner of Judaism, which is following the laws of the Torah, right? And sure, you can get guidance from rabbis or the Talmud and all that kind of stuff, but at the baseline of it comes from the Torah, right. So if you say that you are a secular Christian, then you're saying that you are not a practicing. Christianity is not a bloodline.

Representation and Cultural Rhetoric

Christianity is not an ethnic. I thought you. Are you Jewish? No, I'm not Jewish, but I just know what people like you come in here to spew the only ethnic religion. Yes, to spew. That's what I'm saying. I said it. Okay. I'm not sure what faith actor or. Are you calling about bad faith actor, Danica? I mean, listen, someone who comes in here to say, well, no secular Christians. Well, no secular Muslims. Oh, but then they're secular Jews. But they're not religious. But they are religious. This is retarded. I'm sorry.

Continuing the Debate

Excuse my language. Okay, well, then you explain it. I had a question, Danica. I posted a video of Muslims. Apparently, they were reciting the Quran. You know, they stormed a prison in Volagrad, Russia, killing. All right, all right. It's not your turn to speak, so I'm actually gonna. I'll comment on Doc's question, just with regard to, you know, the thoughts on why there's this maybe bitterness, hatred towards, you know, white Christians, you know, from Jews, historically speaking. So I'll look at two examples. One is in England and what took place there.

Historical Context of Relations

So Jews from Normandy essentially came in around 1066, and that's when they set up shop with respect to their central banking. They indebted, they bankrupted the country. And then by, you know, late 12th century, they were essentially expelled for that reason. Now, this notion that, you know, only they could be the ones to practice usury or do banking, you know, that's Jewish mythology, because banking could always be done without usury. You don't have to charge interest on loans. It can do zero debt, zero interest. But they essentially would, you know, take hold of power and then be able to take the real levers of power through control of the monetary policy, and then through loans, interest loans and perpetual debt system, essentially become the superior entity above the monarch, above the crown, essentially.

Views on Historical Knowledge

That's where they get it from in terms of the Aryans. Like the aryan versus Jews sort of thing. I'll be honest. I don't know. I'll stick my hand up and say I don't know. I'm not gonna say I know something I don't. But what I do know is that we have been here a lot longer than, let's say, mainstream history dictate. I know for a fact. And you can look at any ancient text, be it the Bhagavad Gita, which speaks of the white people descending, the white people having the ability to fly through the air. Now, one thing in the Bhagavad gita that is very interesting, I think a 13,000 year old elite document, right? So this is pre Catholicism, pre flood, whatever you want to call it. They say that these people, when they descended, they carried wisdom. Now keep in mind, the latin Alphabet was not a thing. It was not existent at this time. Yet in the Bhagavad git, they spread, they carried with them wmds.

Cycles of War and Lessons

When America invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, what was the reason for it? Weapons of follows. A bouncing ball, right? So when I say that this has been a cycle we have been through time and time and time again, right? It's hard for a lot of people to grip that every hundred and 138 years, this. It happens without fail. It happens without fail. So my three belief, if I break it down to my own core, what I believe is that until we figure this out, until we reach that inner self, that spirituality, that enlightenment, as Buddha would call it, we will keep getting spat back here time and time again. The Egyptians call it reincarnation. This had many terms. The Hindus call it the same. Until we figure it out, we cannot leave this plane. We will get spat back here. Why? The only way that human beings grow, and it's sad to say, is not by getting handed on a silver platter. It's not by being berated with success. And no, it's pain and suffering. It is the only way in which we grow and learn lessons.

Understanding Nature and Existence

So that is my true belief. I believe that is our purpose here, to understand what it is, understand that. What is nature? What is our nature, right? Look at everything around us. Water. By nature, it is to be wet, nothing else. Ice to be cold and hard, nothing else. That is as nature. What is ours to exist. And by definition, therefore, it can be non existence. So when we create ourselves in this material world, right, it means nothing. It quite literally means nothing because it is not who is in our nature. We have subverted ourselves from the beginning with ignorance, which is not a construct. It is a man made construct, right? Until it existed in nature, it didn't because we created it ourselves. Now, if we extrapolate, why is it material? Why is this world material? And why is it controlled by, let's say, by the, you know, who's, the J's, the Jews, whatever, whether.

Exploration of Energy and Existence

Look, I don't believe in demonic or anything like that, right? I believe in energy, there's good and dark energy, and you can channel it and manifest it and manipulate it, simple as that. So Satan sat in Satan, as he was known in French, or Seth in ancient Egypt. It's all the same. Being goes back to the planet of Saturn, right? It's all a representation of dark energy. Black. It's black sun. And I won't go any further because I'm going to piss some people off when it comes to religion. I've had to think about that one. I like your point there about what our existence is. It gives me a very eastern view on, you know, enlightenment or nirvana, just, you know, kind of letting go and realizing just some, you got to exist.

Understanding Energy Dynamics

Well, that's where we get that term from, energy, right. When the first western teachers went over to the east, the Chinese were practicing inner cheese. What's going. We took it as inner Chi energy, right? That's where we took it from. That's all it is. It's all we are. What kind of energy? Plasmatic. How do we know? We are plasma energy? Right above us, above the earth at all times through entire existence. There are two clouds there, what is known as Kordalevsky clouds, right? And these are full of plasmatic energy. Not only that, they are sentient, they are aware of our existence. And I would compare it to us as a human being. We have bacteria, let's say, in our stomachs, right? Does all bacteria know of our existence? No. No, they don't.

Perceptions and Understandings

They simply exist. Yet we can look down and monitor them. Doesn't mean that. Doesn't mean that they can't look up at us. The same applies. We just need to understand how. Thank you for now finishing your sentence. Very, very well thought out. All right, let's move. Doctor Lev, we'll set up a time to go into the, this kind of stuff, just like you said. We're kind of going down a different path. Very, very valuable, though. And in all seriousness, we'll set up a time to do this specifically because I do find it very interesting and what we're going to have to come up with, and I'll work with you on direct message to do so, let's just build out kind of a little bit of a structure and outline what talk through and that way we'll try to keep it digestible for everybody.

Continuing Discussions and Interactions

But let's just run through the rest of these hands and then we'll close this out. And so in that order, what we'll do, I'll see, I see some hands up, right now, some folks have already had a chance to speak like Slayer, so we'll save you, Slayer, for the end. Unless you want to be really brief with your comments. Same thing with unum and Slayer. I know that. Sorry. Yeah, I said I'll go at the end, no problem. Okay, cool. Same thing with. Unless otherwise, if you want to be really quick or concise, we can have either two of these. So we'll put Slayer at the very end. He'll close everything out, and we'll go official, then Jimmy, then Debaer.

Engaging with Diverse Perspectives

I see her at the cleese, who I will add in as a speaker. He'll be our last question prior to then going unum and Slayer. So we just want to make sure everybody gets a chance here. try to always be. Be fair to everybody. So, officially, what's on your mind up there? I tried calling on manure, calling on him earlier, but he didn't respond. He might have fallen asleep. All right, official. Going once, folks, going twice. All right, on to the next. We're gonna. We're gonna do this like a conveyor belt. Daber, what's going on? Yeah, I really like doctor Lev's points about. I know we don't try to get too esoteric here, or, you know, deep in the occult, but he's right, because this secret cult that is fucking, these are the communists that are ruling us all.

Addressing Historical Contexts

And they call us the profane or the goyim because we can't see through their fucking magical symbols. So it is important to talk about it. And actually the communist flag. My question about Saturn and Jews is, because as we know, the Bolshevik revolution was pretty jewish, and I had heard that the hammer and sickle actually represent Saturn. And so that's why I was like, well, why do these jews associate themselves with Saturn? But yeah, that's all I want to say. When there's also the black cube that they wear on their heads. And I mean, those are things that fly over my head. It gets very misleading in that regard. But why don't we. We'll do a doctor lev power hour into the esoteric and the.

Conceding to Complex Histories

I'll just label it what it is. It's the bizarre. You know, these things are very mystical. And I mean, I almost feel doctor love. I'll tell you what, I will. I'll get a cauldron for when we do our space and I'll come up and I'll throw. I'll throw some carrots and a yemenite stuffed bunny rabbit and other things into it as we go through it. I'll go find like a pygmy's hair or something. Yes, exactly. Grab. Grab the hair of a stranger and like the tail of a squirrel or something. It'll be very strange. All right, let's go to the next person. Jimmy, what's going on? Sure can. Sorry. It's like 05:00 in the morning. I'm from South Africa and the weather is pretty foul. I live on a farm, so if my audio is pretty shit, you must just mute me or something.

Experiencing Different Perspectives

No, no, it's good. Awesome. I was. This is good. I love the esoteric stuff, and Doctor Lev just blew my mind. It was awesome. But I want to go to something that truth mentioned last night in a. In a. In a space. He was talking about the Weimar Republic and how he made analogy how. Germany at that time, with the degeneracy. And everything and the prostitution and the, you know, the trans movements and stuff, was in the same sort of boat. Where America is today. And that put me into a bit of a conundrum because I'm perplexed by this thought the whole day. And I wish somebody can sort of help me out with this. In communism, in China, in communist China, we know Harry Kissinger was a big role.

Connections of Influence and Power

He played a big part in the. Industrialization of China and bringing them to strength. So the Jews played a massive role in them becoming a superpower today. They're also very outspoken about Israel and what their genocide in Gaza at the moment. And my biggest thing is it got me to thinking that America is actually sort of the last bastion of destruction for the free world and humanity because you guys have all the guns to be able to fight back. And if you look at what they're doing, the media in your country don't have kids, destroying family values, that sort of thing, gun ownership, you can sort of see where the dynamic is shifting, that they trying to crumble. The last people that will be able to fight back if something happens and it comes to war.

Historical Perspectives and Divisions

But also you being Israel's biggest ally sort of makes it a bit of a. Puts you in a very bad light for the west and the south, like us, the developing countries and everything, and me being South Africa. I also know that Jews always thrive in communities that is segregated a lot better because they sort of. Then nobody focuses on their crimes and they are they dividing people. So with, like, for instance, in apartheid South Africa, the jewish money was the biggest lobby backing, with russian guns backing the black people in their uprising to help us destroy apartheid, you know, so my question is, at the end of the day, they are playing both sides of this thing, and they know that the rise of China is going to be a big factor for America.

Concerns and Futures

And my fear is that they're going to use China and Russia. This is where, I don't know, because Russia is orthodox today. I'm not on the same knowledgeable level as you guys that they are sort. Of siding with both sides, but they. Are actually destroying you, in my view, down the road. So, you know, they know where the. Because the rise of BRICS is basically the next superpower of the world, the next g seven, that sort of thing, you know, with the digital currency and everything like that. Now, South Africa being a South Africa, I'm quite optimistic about that because it will be good for Africa, you know, to get out of poverty and all of that stuff.

Paradoxes of Optimism and Fear

But I see this as a double edged sword. It's actually quite scary to think about that. Me being happy for the BRICS nations and stuff is also, in the long run, going to be quite. For humanity is going to be a death nail, to be honest. But that's. I'm going to leave it there. Thank you very much for the space truth teller. You're a fucking legend, dude. I really appreciate your work, Ian. I follow you as well, and thank you very much for allowing me to speak. I'll land my plane here. Thanks, guys. Just on that one. I'll just respond to the Weimar report public fund. So everybody thinks that's fair.

Explorations of Caste and Society

That term was coined. It wasn't. So in the inception of the United States of America. So we've all heard of a caste system, or caste system, I'm sure. Right. What it is known as is a vy american caste system. It is far older than Weimar Republic itself. If you want to understand how everything works and how it's going to go forward, look into what's known as a vy american caste system. It was designed for the United States by the Jews. Doctor Lev, we're going to go into all that stuff together, start working on the outline, because, yeah, these are. These are things that are, in many ways, some of those are new to me.

Understanding Jewish Influence in History

So let's go to. Sorry, Ian, I just want to say one more thing. My question is, basically, do you in America realize that at the end of the day, you know, China and Russia are not your enemies? But my question is, what is the role of jewish or jewish influence still in China today? What? It's not bolshevism, but it's also communism. At the end of the day, how do you guys in America feel about that? The chinese uprising and the jewish role in their uprising? So I'm going to. I'm going to. I'll give you a quick answer. I'm going to turn it to truth because I think he probably has a more informed one.

Complex Relationships of Influence

But it's a couple of things that are worth note. Number one, the origins of communism in China go to Jews. Mao's Jews is very well documented. There's a number of really deep books that go into it. And if you think about it, the chinese market is a fantastic place to land communism. Genetically, people behave very differently. I think we can agree. We can look at crime statistics, intelligence, IQ, etcetera. The Chinese and Asians in general tend to be much more pacifists and tend to have a little bit less opposition to tyranny. There's no better way to put it. They work better in a system that is mechanized, whereas western.

Divergent Ideologies of Governance

The ideas of freedom, individual sovereignty, et cetera, it rejects communistic rule much more vigorously. And so I think what's interesting, though, about it is that Z is clearly anti Israel. At least that's what he presents. And the entire BRICS combination stands in opposition to largely what you would think of as. As kind of western dominance and the mcdonaldization of the world led by America and Israel. It's an interesting circumstance at the moment. The fear that I have, though, is that basically what you're going to see is China pushing the architecture of what communism should look like spread globally. They've got social credit scores and all these other things, so they've basically already built a mousetrap that they want to now push to the rest of the world.

Fears of Global Control

And so you've got communism from the east and then from the west. You basically have the military might and the endless credit card that is the United States that is providing the military strength to force Zionism on largely the european and Middle eastern countries. And so what I fear is going back to the Albert pike letter, a future in which you basically have a World War III across largely the european front that results in the fodder that allows for the chinese form of government to now enslave the entirety of the world, which basically begets global Zionism, is my overarching thought. And as part of that, you need all of the mechanisms of social Marxism and communism on the kind of emotional or cultural front.

Societal Impacts of Ideologies

So you need the breakdowns of the family, the end of religion, lack of education, and basically the widget iffication to make up a word of people just turning them into cogs in a machine. And so that's where I fear things go. And I think China is going to lead the way in terms of what that actually would look like from a political structure. Truth. I'm curious. Agree, disagree. What's your take? Yeah, so, I mean, the part with Weimar Republic Germany, that's always a good example of looking back on history to try to understand where we're at today and what social changes took place after Kaiser Wilhelm II was forced to abdicate his throne and he was exiled, essentially, to Holland for his own safety, essentially.

Historical Contexts and Their Relevance

And so right away, like in 1919, you had the establishment of the Institute of Sexuality by Magnus Hirschfeld. And he went about essentially convincing kids that there are multiple genders and that they can change their gender. In fact, he carried out the first transgender operation. He's also pushing out trans gay ideology as well. You know, spreading this. Well, you know, Germany was in the midst of, you know, a hyperinflationary period in the early twenties, and also, you know, high unemployment, and they were heavily in debt after the Treaty of Versailles. They just lost the war.

Historical Movements and Their Impact

In addition to that, you had the establishment of the Frankfurt school by Max Horkheimer, a professor. You know, he was pushing all the isms that we're familiar with today, you know, beginning with the critical theory, which is essentially a transgression of traditional western family values, you know, the nuclear family, man, woman, you know, mother, father, and then the kids. So he would look to, you know, reform this traditional idea. He would call it progressive. And then, you know, create the variation of isms from everything from multiculturalism, transgenderism. We discussed communism, feminism later on, critical race theory, etcetera. You know, this would go on until 33 and, you know, which time they were expelled.

Cultural Evolution and Societal Structures

But, yeah, this. This source of degeneracy, essentially, is what led to the, you know, the breakdown of nuclear family, you know, the transgression from traditional and church going culture that, you know, that existed during the time of the kaiser to, you know, more or less to an atheist type society, which is. Was the ultimate objective, you could say, at that time, because they were in the midst of the breakdown until the National Socialists arrived to essentially instill new reforms. And in addition to the social deviancy, also had the usurious banks that were still in place as well. There was just adding to the debt load. Now, with respect to China and the Jews that were surrounding them. Again, I've studied it. I'm not at a point where I'm comfortable enough to just, you know, make the case for, you know, that it's just Jews alone.

Linking Historical and Modern Patterns

That's, you know, in. Dominic. Can you hear him. The most? Was just got him. The Jews got him. So it's not just me. They can't hear him. No, I can't hear him at all. Because that's where I sort of wanted my question to lead, is the rise of national socialism within America. That is the thing that I. Because the awakening of people in America regarding the jewish question is rapid and fast spreading. And I fear that when you have hyperinflation and everything in America, when your federal reserve eventually crashes your system, that you might get a rise of national socialism in your country as well, which will lead to the whole world basically ganging up on you like they did with Germany and then crushing the Americans.

Recognizing the Diverse Perspectives

They are. No, no, they are ganging up on us already. We're getting mass immigration from every. Everyone's blaming us for all of these jewish problems, etcetera, down the line. We are getting ganged up on without even national socialism. In fact, our people hate us. Like, it's. It's very weird. It's a very new system, if you ask me. But I think that it is kind of this transgression of the National Socialists carried over to us, if that makes sense. Yeah. All right. It does. But thank you very much, everybody, for answering my question. I would like to hear what truth has to say.

Conversations on Nuances of History

Thanks, guys. Appreciate it. Truth. Did you want to ask before we go the next hand? Sure, yeah. I mean, so with respect to China, the claim is that Mao was actually a skull and bones descendant, you know, the same institution, organization from Yale that, you know, also produced the bushes and I believe. No, Al Gore went to Harvard, actually. But, yeah, there are many. John Kerry. John Kerry is another famous skull and Bones member as well. So he's educated in the west. And then he was essentially propped up and nurtured by, you know, various Jews, essentially, to carry out his communist Bolshevik mission, essentially, you know, in China.

Leadership and Influence in Historical Context

So the likes of you had Gregory Woitinsky, I believe it was. So he's the one who essentially he oversaw, you could say, the transition of China into a communist state. And, you know, he had a lot of influence on that. He had the likes of Sidney Rittenberg as well, and he was an influential advisor to Mao. He oversaw his role. And again, he was. Played a pivotal role in pushing communist ideology in China. And then this is in addition to, what was it, Solomon Adler as well. So he was in China in the sixties as well. And he oversaw, again the mass purges that took place. You could see a lot of parallels between what was happening in China and what you saw in the USSR, such that those who essentially would not submit to the state would face the wrath, face the consequences.

Bridging Historical Gaps

And then you had the, you know, the opposing groups as well. The likes of, like, Chiang Kai check would end up in Hong Kong at that time. I believe he's pushed out to Hong Kong or Taiwan at that time, I believe it was. Anyways, so he sought, you know, security there. And this is while China was essentially spreading its full. Its communist ideology throughout the state and, you know, white wiping out those who would not submit. But they were very isolated, and so you don't have as many. It's not as well documented. It's hard to find original archives on the process of communism that took place in China. And you certainly don't hear the truth in the western textbooks.

Exploring Historical Perspectives

You got some names. Another one is like Israel Epstein as well. And he was actually one of the few foreign born chinese citizens of non chinese origins. And he became member of the Communist Party. Would have thought that. So I know he passed away in 2005. Then you got David Crook as well, who fought in the spanish war, and he was recruited by the NKVD, and he was sent to China during World War two. And again, he lived and spent most of the remainder of his life there, influential Jews overseeing the coming transition and then become, you know, the evolutionary. Evolutionary stages.

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