Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Discover the Future of Gaming Experiences PGXP hosted by PentagonGamesXP. Immerse yourself in the world of gaming with insights into blockchain integration, NFTs, AI advancements, and innovative projects shaping the industry. Discover how Play-to-Earn models and SocialFi are redefining gaming experiences. Explore the future landscape of gaming with unique in-game assets and the transformative power of blockchain technology. Join the conversation on the evolution of gaming dynamics and the intersection of technology and entertainment.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: How does blockchain technology enhance gaming experiences?
A: Blockchain ensures secure asset ownership, transparent transactions, and verifiable scarcity in games.

Q: What benefits do NFTs bring to the gaming sector?
A: NFTs enable unique in-game assets, player-driven economies, and verifiable digital ownership.

Q: In what ways can AI improve gaming dynamics?
A: AI enhances game personalization, adaptive gameplay, and NPC interactions for immersive experiences.

Q: What defines innovative gaming projects?
A: Innovative projects push boundaries with creative gameplay, storytelling, and technological advancements.

Q: How are Play-to-Earn models reshaping the gaming landscape?
A: Play-to-Earn models allow players to monetize their skills, time, and in-game assets for real-world value.


Time: 02:10:15
Blockchain Integration in Gaming Exploring how blockchain technology transforms ownership and in-game economies.

Time: 02:25:40
NFTs Revolutionizing Gaming Assets Discussing the impact of NFTs on creating unique and tradable in-game items.

Time: 02:40:55
AI-driven Gameplay Enhancement Understanding how AI technology enhances game mechanics and player experiences.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of blockchain in revolutionizing gaming experiences.
  • NFT integration for in-game assets and ownership rights.
  • The role of AI in enhancing gameplay dynamics and user experiences.
  • Innovative projects driving the evolution of gaming.
  • Trends in the gaming industry like Play-to-Earn models and SocialFi integration.

Behind the Mic

Initial Greetings

Hey, Alvin. Hello? Hello? Alvin? Yeah. Yes, I can. Okay, fantastic. Great. Yeah. Let's wait for the other two guests. Yeah. And then we can start the space. Okay. See you later. Okay. Yep.

Checking In and Introductions

Hey. What? I hear you. How you doing today? Yeah, great. Great. How about you? Doing great. Thanks for having us on. No worries. Yep. So I think Hiroshi. Or are you Hiroshi? Yes, I'm Hiroshi. Here. Yep. And prince should be joining also. Okay, great. So let's wait for prince and then we can start space. Sounds great. Yeah.

Time Zones and Timing

What time zone are you in? North. So this is done. What do you call eastern time? USA. So it's 08:00 a.m. here. I'm up in Boston. I see. It's 08:00 p.m. here in my time zone. 08:00 p.m. oh, we're late. Yeah. Yeah. So I think we are 12 hours apart. Exactly. Yeah. Well, I appreciate all the listeners too, because I know a lot of, you know, a lot of listeners here, all different corners of the earth. So thank you guys for being here too. Yep. Thank you guys.

Starting the Session

It. Prince. Okay, just checking. Is the music on? No music on. I'm Lauren. No? Okay, great. Okay, so since everyone is here, and also thank you guys for your patience, for waiting so long. Okay, let's start our AMA space today. So welcome today's AMA with xD.com. I'm Edward, the social media manager at XD and I will be your host for this session. Since our founding in 2018, axie.com has grown to serve over 7.8 million registered users with more than 1 million active users each month, our ecosystem has expanded to include a total of 40 million users, offering over 800 tokens and more than 1000 trading pairs. Today, we are thrilled to have some very special guests with us.

Introducing Panelists

Albin, our CEO@xd.com. along with Hiroshi and Prince from Wattley, they will be joining us to dive deep into all things bitcoin. We have also got some exciting rewards lined up for today's participants and we have prepared 200 USD worth of reward for those who engage with us during the Q and A session. Let's start with a brief introduction of our panelists and their communities. Let's start with Albin. Good evening, everyone. Good morning for some of you. I heard the project is on the eastern time in the US and here we are rounded in Asia. So I feel that a lot of people around the world are listening actually tonight. Very happy to share a little bit more, especially about a hot topic, because it comes about bitcoin, but more generally speaking, about the dimension of the market currently.

Discussion on Projects

So, yeah, so we are very happy to host as XT was a brief introduction about us. We have been growing in the last few years building a full decentralized financial ecosystem, running the exchange as our main platform, but also a lot of other activities. We do investments, we incubate projects, we inspire people with our academy. We also offer different types of trading. So very happy to be here and looking forward to hear more about our guest project tonight. So, yeah, I pass the mic on. Thank you. Albin. Yeah. Hiroshi. Oh, nice. Nice to meet you, Alvin. It's great to be here with you.

Project Background

Yeah, we're here representing Wat, of course, and, you know, basically our project, we're about two months old now. Wat, for those who don't know about the narrative, is it's a Matt Fury theme token. And Matt Fury, of course, is the creator of Pepe the frog, which is, of course, the biggest meme token of this cycle. So you know what, Wat is actually a pet of Matt Fury is the inspiration for his very first book, the Knight Riders, which was a huge published works of his that, you know, a children's book that got a lot of traction. And so Watts, the character also in the book, so it not only is pet, it's a character in the book. And the contract code is, it predates Pepe. So it's very interesting. It's a unique narrative. It's a very strong narrative, as you know. And it's something that we're really proud of. And we've built this really tremendous community together.

Community Strength

Collectively, I mean, we're just one of the strongest communities you'll find. And it's just, we're really happy to be a part of this. And the best is yet to come. Yeah. Good morning. Good morning. XD Exchange good morning, Alvin. How's everyone doing this morning? Amazing. Thank you so much. Prince, how are you, my friend? Yes. Hiroshi said, you know, wad is a special token to us. It's a special token to our, to our community. You know, it is part one of Pepe. You know, it is very important when it comes to the illustration. It is Matt Fury's first book, first illustration. So it's his baby.

Historical Significance

In the back of the book, it says in memory of what it is part one of Pepe. I always say that when it comes to this type of narrative. So this watt is going to be doing very well when it comes to this bull run coming up. Thank you for all the introductions, Hiroshi, Prince and Albino. So from what I understand, the vetcoin was launched on the Ethereum network as a tribute to founder Matt Fury's love for Rex and aims to take over the meme universe, right? Yep. And so thank you, everyone, for this introduction. Now let's shift our focus today's topic, bitcoin.

Bitcoin Market Context

Yep. So bitcoin has been dominating the headlines lately, especially with its recent price drop, the steepest since the FTX collapse. And this downturn has sparked a lot of conversations across the crypto world. Today, we will exploring what's driving these changes and what it means for the future of bitcoin and how it impacts the broader market. So for the first question, what do you think? What are the factors that have contributed to bitcoin price movements, like, for example, Middle east tension, Japan interest rate and US election? And among those factors, which is the most significant one we can start with? Albin?

Geopolitical Factors Affecting Bitcoin

Yeah, I think actually we have started August as a real roller coaster with a lot of waves actually in the market that has been actually marked by the beginning of the month, as you mentioned, actually a lot of tension geopolitically speaking. There was the issue with the japanese interest rate and then followed also by a little bit of uncertainty when it comes to the America election. So we saw that most of the financial market, us stock market, primarily experienced very strong downturn. And of course, usually what happened is it triggered the other financial asset to follow. So actually the impact was quite big, almost $3 trillion of market loss, which caused actually most of the global market to have huge sell off.

Market Reactions

And a lot of fear actually started also to happen. So, of course, the crypto market took a hit. And what we saw is like the bitcoin falling very dramatically, almost reaching almost 25% down. So it's been actually quite huge. That was one of the first things. And then we also saw actually a little bit of sell off as a significant trigger. You probably, maybe some of you saw the case of jump trading, which actually was triggered also. There was a little bit of tease about this topic because there is a, I remember the founder of Bitmex Arce that was treated actually about a potential well, that could offload this crypto asset. And there was a lot of speculation, especially when it comes to that. And jump trading was actually kind of like potentially involved.

Analysis of Market Trends

What we saw actually in the following, it was that they converted actually almost more than, I think, 95% of their portfolio, which is like almost $600 million into stables. So there was major exit. That, of course, in this kind of time is like a waterfall, so the water keeps dropping. And in this case, it was for the crypto. So the set of calls like this kind of crash, and, yeah, this month has been actually quite a ride. I want to say that we are only half months, but hopefully the second half of the month, we see a little bit of recovery, as we also can foresee a little bit of amelioration when it comes to maybe some geopolitical contention.

Looking Ahead

Us election, we have a little bit more clear vision about potentially what can happen. So the market doesn't like uncertainty, and eventually now it's recovering a little. So potentially, this black swan event actually has caused also some new entrants to look at the market, some maybe big portfolio that we're waiting a little bit, an opportunity to enter, and it's been bounced back a little bit. I think today we are still, of course, at lows, but we might reach back up to go back on the ride pretty soon. So let's keep confident. It's the market. It's always like this, but we always hope for the best in the future.

Diverse Perspectives on Bitcoin

Thank you. Albin. That's a very interesting take on the bitcoin price fluctuations. And now onto Hiroshi, what do you think are the key factors driving the recent bitcoin price fluctuations? Sure. I mean, well, as Alvin said, I mean, there's so many factors. Of course, politics plays a role in the United States. Here we have an election coming up, a really important one. But this is the first time we've heard a politician, a former president, talk about bitcoin in the way that he has and even mentioned that at some point he thinks it'll surpass gold and market house cap. And, you know, it's the amount of traction that bitcoin is getting.

Market Traction and Adoption

It can't be overlooked. And the fact is, I mean, there's over, actually, there's nearly 500 million unique addresses right now for bitcoin. So I kind of, you know. Go. I'm sorry, my mic went out. Did you guys hear anything? No, keep going. Okay. I'm not sure where it cut off, but I was mentioning that there's almost 500 million unique wallets. And what we're seeing is despite all the noise around the world economy and just the changing the stock market volatility and all that, we're seeing a lot of strength in bitcoin is holding pretty strong. The biggest asset managers like Blackrock and Vanek and some of these others are accumulating.

Investor Confidence

And that tells you a lot, because ultimately they have so much power in the economy that the fact that they see the value there and that they want to accumulate bitcoin at the rate that they are tells you that there's a lot of strength in where it's headed. So I don't really pay too much attention to the politics aspect of things because politicians are going to come and go, but bitcoin is not going anywhere. It's going to outlast everything and everyone. So at the end of the day, I'm just very bullish on it. I think we're going to see some really good months ahead for bitcoin going into 2025, and I think that a lot of other assets are going to perform well, including Ethereum.

Industry Insights

Yeah, it's pretty much like my take. On, sorry, prince, you can go ahead. I mean, I mean, Hiroshi said it well. I mean, you got so many things going on right now with bitcoin in general. I mean, you have all the ETF inflows coming in. Ethereum pushing with bitcoin at that. At this moment in time, you're probably going to get a Solana ETF at some point. Right now, we're standing at, like a $2 trillion market cap. When it comes to crypto in general. Bitcoin's not going anywhere.

Current Market Trends

You know, when we had that dump the other day, like two weeks ago, you know, everyone was panic selling, and you had, you know, blackrock panic buying. They bought about $13 billion in bitcoin. You had some other institutions buying. I mean, bitcoin is the best performing asset class right now at this point. And just to do a little example here, you know, bitcoin right now owns 0.15% of all asset classes in the world. So there's still so much room to grow if we just take 1% of that asset class when it comes to bitcoin, that's including every asset class internationally, we'll reach a bitcoin.

Potential for Growth

So that just gives you a little perspective on where we're at when it comes to bitcoin. There's so many things happening in this market. Like I said, $2 trillion market cap is absolutely nothing.

Future Projections for Cryptocurrency

I could see this pushing in about two to five years. I could see crypto as a whole being at around $12 trillion market cap, just right around the corner of gold. I think we'll be at half the market cap of gold. Gold's at about $14 trillion market cap at the moment. I could see us being at a six $7 trillion market cap by 20, 27, 28. Somewhere around there, everyone's bullish. That in one year we're going to surpass gold and flip it. Absolutely not. But I'm very bullish on bitcoin. I'm holding my bitcoin strong. You're not going to shake that out of me, I'll tell you that much. At this point. We're still really early when it comes to this type of market. And as Alvin said, you know, it's a little shaky here and there. You're going to get that until everything just settles in and you shake out some of these people who have been in the space for a long time and for a while, you know, with that japanese stock market crash that we had a couple weeks ago, that was nothing.

Community Resilience and Early Adoption

I mean, we could get through that as a community. And we're a very small community when it comes to crypto. You know, I'm here with my mother and father in law, and she's, and my mother in law is like, hey, can you teach me about crypto? I said, absolutely. It's going to take me a little time to explain how these transactions work, how you can make money. It's basically like the stock market. But imagine you're making a lot more gains at the moment in time, not just because it's a little more volatile, but also because it's still new to everyone. So until you start getting the Wall street guys, you start getting the other markets in the EU and China, then you'll start seeing more of stability in the market, and you'll start seeing it more being pushed as like a New York stock exchange. So at this moment in time, we're still in that transition period. Once everything gets settled, people have their whole big institutions are holding their bags.

Market Stabilization and Future Predictions

You'll see a more steady inflow when it comes to bitcoin. Thank you. Thank you. Prince, Hiroshi and Albin on the informative and interesting take on bitcoin price. And I think it's especially informative. And Prince mentioned about the data that bitcoin is only 0.15% of all the asset class. And I think you have already touched base on the short term and the long term forecast on bitcoin. But I just want to ask again, like, what are the key predictions and forecasts of bitcoin, like, in your opinion, in both short term and long term? Okay. And I'm taking this one, Hiroshi, for my short term view for, for bitcoin at this point. So bitcoin's at a what? One point is a $1.2 trillion mark cap at the moment.

Bull Market Expectations and Long-Term Views

I could easily see it doing at least like a two, three x from here. So I could see it trading at around three point five to four trillion dollars market cap before this bull cycle ends. And it'll probably drift back down to about 2.5 somewhere around there. But again, you know, I'm not Nostradamus over here. You know, we have the ETF inflows coming in at a record pace. So I could still see it maybe stabilizing somewhere around 3 trillion. That's my, that's my optimistic, a pessimistic 2.5 trillion somewhere around there for the future. If we're talking about, you know, 2040, you know, or 2030, let's say I could see a price prediction for bitcoin somewhere roughly around the $400,000 to $500,000 mark. You know, a lot of people, Michael Saylor, you'll come out and say, oh, you know, if you're a bitcoin max and you purchase this much, you know, bitcoin will be at a 2.9, I think, $2.9 million per bitcoin.

Perspectives on Value and Market Forces

I think it's a little far fetched. But again, I'm not the market. It all depends on everything, especially with the world at the moment, with the war in the Middle east, the war in Ukraine and Russia. So you got to put that into perspective. But for me personally, we've been through so much when it comes to bitcoin. A lot of our community here in the crypto market who have been here since the beginning have held strong and they kind of just brush off all the fud that you see around in the world. So, yeah, definitely. For me, I think this bull run, you could see easily 100, 7180k bitcoin and in the future somewhere around four hundred fifty k to five hundred k in 2030, somewhere around there.

Conservative Insights on Market Predictions

Thank you. I'm probably a little more conservative. I think in this run, we could see this cycle, rather, 2025 or so. I think we could see it peak around 120, maybe 130. That's my opinion. I think looking into the future around 2027 to 2030, I think we'll see it above 300. So maybe like in the 330 range, maybe slightly above that, it could reach 400. I mean, I'm not betting on that. I think it'll probably level off around 300, which, of course, that's a great return and in such a short amount of time. So that's kind of where I stand with it. I mean, I think we'll see a lot.

Anticipated Price Levels and Market Confidence

It's also possible that in this cycle, it does touch a little higher. Maybe it does touch 150. I don't know if it'll hold there, though. That's. That's the only thing. So I think it'll level off in the. In the. In maybe 110 to 120 range. I look at it. I look at it like this. I look at it that there's about six to 7 million bitcoin that have been. That have been lost forever, and no one's ever going to get out. So we're never going to be able to inflate this blockchain. So you have roughly 16 million in circulation that are able to be used. We're never going to be able to add it like a stock or do a one four stock split or any of that stuff.

Bitcoin's Scarcity and Market Position

So it's very scarce. So I definitely could see it. Roche's prediction is great. You know, 120 bitcoin is really good for this bull cycle. I'm going to be a little more optimistic. I'm going to say about 180. So let's. Let's put a bet on it. Hiroshi. Sounds good. We'll split the difference. I mean, look, it's. It is. That is a good point that, you know, you do have a good amount that will never be traded at this point. So what that means it could cause a little bit of a supply shock, which, you know, will push. To push the price up, in turn.

Market Dynamics and Future Outlook

So that's a possibility. I think we'll see that to some degree, but, yes, ultimately, you know, we'll. We'll see. I mean, right now, it's a. It's. It's going to be an exploration pretty soon. once it does surpass that all time high, and, when it goes into price exploration, we, you know, really, the sky's the limit. We don't really know where it's going to go, but we all have our own kind of guesstimates, so we, you know, I'll take you on that bet, princess. All right, my man. All right, Alvin, what do you think, man? What do you think bitcoin prediction price will be this bull cycle?

Optimism and Revolutionary Change

Yeah, I think you guys said a lot. So I would like also to add a little bit of perspective to everything, which is actually, again, very optimistic. I think number one is like, clearly we're talking about a clear revolution. If you look at the history of the world, every revolution always been through three phases. Number one was like, it considered as ridiculous. Number two is considered as dangerous and number three is considered as evidence. So if you look at every technological revolution, financial revolution, social revolution, it's always been the same. And we've seen bitcoin in the last year as being through ridiculous, as something that basically was used to buy pizza and then dangerous because it was actually potentially used by hacker or criminal, etcetera.

Institutional Adoption and Evolving Perceptions

And be careful, watch out. And now it's just becoming evident because we have potentially a us presidential candidate that brings this asset on the table. And we have also today government and big financial institution that enter in the game, especially when you look at the recent ETF that has been done. So number one is like, this is clear, it's a revolution that is made. And here to last second is like, I'm very optimistic because we see that the market cycle are changing. We used to have this alving, and every four years, every few years there was alving. And now we enter in what we call the super cycle, meaning like potentially there will be less down, but they be more like potential growth, more stable, more steady, but on the longer run.

Bitcoin's Role as a Financial Asset

So it's actually a very good sign potentially, because it will reinforce the place of bitcoin as a strong and secure and potentially also safe financial asset where investors can put actually money in. So all of this, when you look at the market perspective, when you look at the way that it starts to be more and more on the global scene, I'm bullish as well. It's hard to surprise. Have you say, guy, you just mentioned guys, few hundred thousand dollars. Some of them, like you said, sellers predict million dollars. To be honest, it's hard to say. But I believe in the growth and I believe that as bitcoin is the driver of the crypto market, it will build and it will help to push this industry as a secure and safe financial industry for the world.

Community Efforts in Cryptocurrency Adoption

And this is the most important because this is what we are fighting for every day. That's all I want to say. Beautiful. Well said, Alan. I just want to add one thing to what you said. I mean, that kind of touched me a little bit. You know, there's a saying that is they first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. And we're sort of at that phase right now, right? You know, where that, then they fight you phase where, you know, you're getting that resistance, you're getting they can't ignore us anymore.

Persistence Against Resistance

And, you know, so they tried to laugh us off last cycle. They couldn't do that. That didn't work. So now they're. They're fighting with us. They're trying to stall progress, and that the next thing around the corner is, of course, that we win, which is that they can't. They can't defeat bitcoin. It's bigger than anything that we've seen in terms of the international movement. There's never been a store of value that crosses borders like this before in the way that it does, is equitable. That's decentralized, and that's something that is bigger than any government, is bigger than any politician.

The Future of Bitcoin and Historical Comparisons

And I think that the fact that the asset managers recognize it is a big tell that this isn't going anywhere. Well, just to add to that, guys, we had the Internet in the eighties and nineties where everyone said, oh, it's for the cartels. Don't go on the Internet. It's the black market. There's bad things happening there. And now what do we see? 30, 40 years later? Everyone's using the Internet. It's just the same thing. Whenever I hear from a government saying, don't use it or don't buy it, I buy it and I use it.

Generational Shifts in Attitudes Toward Cryptocurrency

That's what I learned throughout my years, being that I am a millennial. And I definitely think that Gen X and millennials and Gen Z's want crypto. And, you know, we're up next. You know, when it comes to the baby boomers that have come to this generation, maybe they're not so into crypto, but they're getting older right now. So it's almost our time to take over. And I truly believe at some point, you know, crypto will stand right next to. Right next to Wall street and all the indexes in the other countries.

The Path Forward for Bitcoin

So I think we're in good hands. Guys. I think I can visualize both your. What you said just now. Hiroshi and Prince with a meme where at a booth where bitcoin is at $29 to $29, $2900 and nobody want to wants to buy. And at the other booth, bitcoins is at $6,900. And everyone is rushing. So I think people are still nothing seeing what bitcoin is worth yet. And so if once they see how bitcoin is treasured, as, you know, digital gold and something like that, and then they will all rush in and buy and cause a supply shot, and then the next bull market will be running again.

Collective Optimism for Bitcoin's Future

Yeah. So I think all of us here can agree that we are all bullish on bitcoin and we are all working to make the community, to bridge the community from web two into web three, and, you know, to learn more about bitcoin, to learn more about those new digital and tech stuff, things like that. Yep. So I think what we are doing is great. And let's make bitcoin great again. Yeah, definitely. Definitely. So to the next question. Thank you, Prince.

Bitcoin's Yearly Performance and Institutional Engagement

What do you guys think the bitcoin price performance so far in 2024 compared to the previous years? We're seeing more traction. Sure. Yeah, we're seeing more traction. We're seeing more attention on bitcoin this cycle. And so we're seeing a lot of volume. I mean, we may not be the last cycle was a little more volatile, so we saw these really sharp spikes upward. This time we're seeing, because there's more people onboard and it's more available. The price movements aren't as sharp, but the trajectory actually looks a lot healthier and a lot better.

Overall Market Trends and Predictions

We're seeing a lot of these. Like I said, there's a lot of asset managers now involved. You have the ETF's and everything. So the availability has made this more widespread. And I think we'll see a healthier movement on the chart from here out. We'll see. But in terms of price, yeah, like were saying, I think it's going to be more gradual versus these sharp spikes. So, I mean, it's a little different. We're entering into different territory with there being institutional adoption, for sure.

Bitcoin's Market Performance and Value Recognition

Yeah, I think people don't take a look at the fact that bitcoin has been the number one asset class in volume and percentage going up for the last five to seven years. I mean, it's the best performing asset at this point. So there's not really much to say. The difference between the bull cycle from 2021 till now is that now, obviously, we have more eyes on us. We have more institutions looking at us. We have more people looking at us. Like I said, I have older people coming up to me and saying, hey, man, that bitcoin, you told me to buy it, you know, 15k right now is, you know, trending above 60k.

Institutional Influence and Market Growth

What's going on? Well, what's going on is that your institutions that you put your money in, that you've been putting your money in since you were younger, are now buying bitcoin. So bitcoin before was still doing pretty well. Even the small community that we had, you know, bitcoin, Hiroshi says this all the time. Bitcoin is an international asset, so it's going to be very difficult to, you know, put it down at any point because you have other countries that are instituting it as their, as their payment system.

Cryptocurrency Use in Turkey

You know, in Turkey, you could go into a shop and you could buy. You could purchase things with bitcoin. You got moon pay. You have all these different ways of buying. And what people always typically explain about crypto is, hey, can you sell it? How do you make it money? I said, let me tell you something. I always tell this to older people that talk to me. I say, I could exchange my bitcoin to money faster than you can on the weekends. I could trade my bitcoin and put it in my debit card and use it. You can't. You can't trade a stock that quick. You're going to have to wait from 09:00 a.m. to 330 to 04:00 p.m. for you to. You have to trade in between that time so you can make that money, and then you have to transfer to your bank. So it's going to take you to three, four days. For me, I could have my money right away. There's no problems. So they're like, oh, wow. And, you know, they listen to you and they're starting to understand.

Educating Others About Cryptocurrency

That's why I always tell people, educate people about crypto. You know, the only thing they hear on the news, because the news, the mainstream media, will always put down things that they're not early in. They'll say, oh, it's a scam. It's this. It's that, you know, educate people, guys, even when it comes to meme coins, even when it comes to narratives, as we have here with Watt, you know, always explain to people, I say it, in all the spaces that we're in. Don't just tell them to buy it. Explain why it's so bullish, why. Why it has something to do that is tremendously good in this world. You know, keep it, you know, keep it simple, but explain the narrative of everything that has to do with crypto. We need everyone's eyes on crypto right now. It's a very important time in our life, especially with these elections coming up. So make a smart choice. If you're in crypto, make that smart choice, guys. Thank you.

Market Comparisons and Trends

Yeah, I mean, because you mentioned about 2024, I think if you look back at the previous bull in terms of comparison, actually, we saw that indeed, in the last bull in 2021, the increase was actually somehow stronger. When it comes at the beginning of the market, actually were more ranging below ten k, more between five and ten, and then it reached almost like 70, like 69. So basically we saw, like the times the x was more important. But what we look at this 2024 increase is basically after the decline of 2022 and a lot of uncertainty also in 2023 that we saw the recovery coming. And we see that is actually more steady. If you look at the chart more, even on like a monthly basis. It's been actually since the end of the year, in the last eight months, mostly more ranging. And this range has been actually one of the longest when you compare to the previous year. So it's quite interesting to see because it shows that there is a little bit less fluctuation and strong drops when you compare to before. So I will say that in general, when you look at 24, even if it's still like second half of the year, a lot of caution, but still a lot of optimism because the price moving has a broader range as the market is actually still in complex environment.

The Importance of Bitcoin

So, yeah, very still bullish. And what we see actually is that the traction and the volume of bitcoin is still the most important one. When you look, we are an exchange, and when you look at our volume, actually, bitcoin is still like the main crypto asset to be traded out of. If you look at the daily volume, we might be around almost, maybe 800, 900 million a day. And bitcoin is two thirds of that. So it's still the major asset in the market. So much more volume, much more traction to come. Hiroshi, do you have anything to add? No, I agree with, both Prince and Albin in terms of, you know, where we're at right now with bitcoin and what the future prospects are. As I mentioned before, it's just we're seeing institutional interest, the likes of which we've never seen before for any crypto asset. And of course, bitcoin is the leader, so that's not going to change. We're just getting started. In terms of the mass adoption.

Future Prospects of Bitcoin

A lot of countries are already using bitcoin, of course, as one of their majority means of making payments in South America and other parts of the world. And we're going to see more of that. I mean, lightning network makes that possible for easy and quick and cheap transactions. And there's just so much progress has been made in the bitcoin ecosystem since its inception. So it's come a long way. The technology, of course, even though fundamentally it's the same, the layers around it have evolved and we're seeing it basically become more than we could have ever imagined. And there's going to be a place for bitcoin now and in the future, even as mining operations become a bit more centralized, there's going to be, I believe there's going to be incentive type programs to mine because right now, of course, if you're just a retail miner, there's not much profit margin, but it's not a bad thing because when you have these big companies coming in and taking over mining operations, it's sort of a good thing because it secures bitcoin's future. You want them to be able to maintain operations because you need that for bitcoin, right, being proof of work.

Security and Long-Term Value of Bitcoin

And I think over time we're going to see incentive programs and vouchers and things like that for mining operations. And it's something that I think gets overlooked. But that's the benefit of proof of work is also proof of work, being it's the most secure type of blockchain, despite, you know, you have proof of stake, which is just not as secure. So proof of work is still king in terms of security. And people want to know that. Just like if you're holding gold, right, it's a tangible thing, you know, it's a. It's an asset that you can feel, you can touch. You don't have to worry about it just vanishing. Right. Well, bitcoin is very similar. You know, it's. You have your keys, it's. It's secure. It's not going to. It's not likely to be compromised because the way the proof of work, the way the validations work, it's secure and safe. So I think that's something that gives it this long term value, you know, and we're going to. It's going to just continue to stand the test of time.

Community Engagement

I just did a quick Google track and I just know that the global adoption rate for crypto is around 15%. So I think that's a long way to go to let the masses to know about bitcoin and the crypto. And I somehow agree with Prince that people need to be educated to know about the bitcoin and the crypto. And once we reach the mass adoption, I think that should be the future. Like, we can just use bitcoin or we can just use, you know, USDT to trade and to send money across abroad the world instantly without any, you know, waiting time. So I think bitcoin is. Has still a long way to go, and we are making. We are striving our way onto that. So for next is our Q and A session, which I think our audience is excited for. So let's get our first audience up. Don't be shy, guys. Come on up. Hello, Jojo. Good morning, Jojo. Can you unmute your mic? Hey.

Impact of 'Watt' on the Crypto World

Okay, so my question is, what potential impact could the launch of what when on the ether network have on Matthews Legacy and the broader crypto world? Well, yeah, so, you know, what was launched on the Ethereum network, given that Ethereum is sort of the king of smart contract networks, we've seen the success that many tokens have had on Ethereum, including Shiba Inu. It's sort of the place you want to be if you're trying to. To build a billion dollar plus meme token. But more than that, you need to have the narrative, and we talk about it a lot in our spaces. For a token to be successful, you need the team, the narrative, and the community, most importantly. So we have a lot of emphasis on community, given that is the driving factor behind any project.

The Importance of a Strong Narrative

Of course, like I said, the narrative makes it that much easier because we have this strong narrative about Matt Fury being its pet, being the only character named in the Knight Riders, which is a picture book. You know, it's an excerpt from the book that says in memory of what? So we have it right there. He speaks about interviews that Watt is the inspiration behind the rat in Knight Rider. So it's. It's a concrete thing that you don't even have that for Pepe. I mean, Pepe is, you know, it's not a knock on Pepe. Pepe's great, but he, you know, he's not a sentimental character to Matt Fury in the same way as Wat, which, of course, you know, he's a book he wrote when his daughter was young for his daughter and in memory of Watt. So it has a lot of attachments to Matt Fury himself.

Community Development and Engagement

And, you know, so all these things together, like I said, the community has been just excellent. You know, they created the Rat Pack, which is another telegram group that they just started up in the last couple of days to support the project. And we're seeing a lot of traction with this narrative. So we just expect it to continue with there being more and more eyes on Pepe. There will sort of be that trickle down factor of like, well what else has Matt fury done? And then they'll discover Wal. And like we spoke about with bitcoin, education is really important. So, you know, right now we're at that building phase where we're trying to educate people around the narrative so they understand exactly what Wat is so they can make that informed decision to enter this community and be a part of this movement because we do expect it to really gain a lot of traction in the coming months and years to come.

Community Feedback and Suggestions

Absolutely. Great. Yeah, I mean great decision making. That's the biggest thing we push here. You know, we always say, well I always say a token is only as good as its community. So if a community doesn't have a say in a project, the project's going to fail. You know, in the beginning a team pushes it enough, you know, gets it on ether scan, gets it on Coinmarketcap, gets it on Coingecko, gets it on this beautiful exchange xt. You know were, this was our first exchange and it brought a lot of eyes to us. Thank you for that album. Thank you to thank you. Text the exchange for that. So yeah, absolutely my man. Suggestions are always welcome.

Importance of Community Involvement

You can always dm us, you can always dm the team, go through the telegram chat, look at our pinned messages, look at the admin list and see who you can. If you have any great suggestions, we always bring it up. There's an example that I can give you. When were first on our first or second space someone suggested doing a safeguard marketing and the team listened. The team heard it, they did it. And we actually gained like 3400 holders at that moment in time. So absolutely, we're all students of the game when it comes to crypto. I don't care how long you've been in crypto. Crypto changes every day. Every day. There's always something extra you can do as a community member, as a team member to make a token better.

Community in Today's Crypto Landscape

There is a lot of competition out there. There's about two, 3000 tokens launching every day in this sphere. You know, it wasn't like the 2021 bull run where you had BNB being the king at that time. You had a handful of tokens coming out every day, a handful of devs launching them. And, you know, a lot of them would end up reaching, you know, 100 mil, $1 billion market caps. We've seen it with Safemoon, we've seen it with fag, we've seen it with safemars, all those good baby doge, all those. But now you have Solana and now you have pump fun. That has kind of changed the game a little bit where anyone can dev a project. So you definitely have to have community involved.

Success Through Community Engagement

That's why we have the Wattpac. You know, we have two great community members in here that created this page on X. And it's very important. It's intricate part of our success right now. I believe it's going to be a part of our success because you need community to take over at a certain point. Not to say the team isn't working, the team is always working. But if you have to build a community around that team, when we get to that point, we'll reach back to our all time high, which was 33 million. I could definitely see it happening Gray so let's just keep pump, let's just keep pushing this project. And it's got such a great narrative. I mean, you have a triple Crown narrative there.

Conclusion on the Future of the Project

You have the Ox 63 contract, the pet of Matt Fury, and you also have the first publication in the book. So it's very important part of the Pepe verse. And if you believe the Matt Fury verse, Pepe verse, whatever you want to call it, is going to be this cycles meme token run. You have to believe in Watt because Watt is part one. So thank you for the question. Gray absolutely. If you have any suggestions, any community member who has suggestions, let us know. We're always in the DM's. Thank you. Just to add to that, Prince, we also, we've been doing daily spaces, so we're always open to people hopping on there, coming up on the stage and sharing your thoughts and suggestions.

The Role of Memes in Cryptocurrency Marketing

My question is, memes have become an influential tool in the marketing of cryptocurrency projects. So could you discuss how you see the role of memes evolving in promoting crypto projects and what strategies you use to create impactful and engaging meme content? Thank you.

Memes as a Cultural Phenomenon

Hi, blueberry. Well, look, I mean, memes are definitely important in the space. They play an integral role, as we've seen with doge really kicking things off in terms of memes and getting the attention on memes, it's really part of the crypto culture. It's become, like, deeply ingrained in what crypto is all about, in a sense that we are unified. I mean, by some of these characters, by some of these memes is international, has international appeal. It's something that is fun. And at the end of the day, yes, it's a serious space, but there is an element of having fun and just enjoying that. We're all pioneers in this space, just as users of this technology. We're all early users, early adopters of crypto in general. If we're going to be leaders in this space, it may as well be fun. We're seeing that with memes.

The Impact of Memes in the Crypto Community

They sort of bring that. They bridge the things together. They bridge culture with financial freedom and just this technology that's sort of growing. And memes are definitely important, and we're trying to lead the way in that respect. I mean, given that we have the strong narrative, given that we have the sort of ability to bring the Matt Fury theme together, you know, what, being the important character that it is sort of encompasses a lot of the other projects in. In the Matt Fury verse, you know, because Watt was the very first character of any of his creations that he published. So it's sort of the. I look at, Watt is like the pioneer of the Matt Fury theme. But, yeah, I mean, memes aren't going. Are important. They're not going to go anywhere just because it is so deeply embedded in the culture of crypto.

The Future of Memes in Crypto

And there's always going to be a place for them, I believe. And we're always going to see meme tokens in the top 20 or so. You see the doge and the CB news, and I think Pepe will eventually break through that, even the top ten, possibly in this cycle. So we're just seeing that there's a demand, and at the end of the day, the market is driven by supply and demand. So if there's a demand for them, it's going to be there. And also, another thing is, just in terms of, like, generations, the younger generation is all about memes. They're all about social media, and it plays a big role in their lives. And remember, they're the ones that are coming up. So as the market grows and the market ages and becomes more established, we're going to see the younger people sort of be really prominent in the space they already are, but we'll see them even more.

Memes and Their Cultural Significance

So. And then I think we might even see a surge in memes just because for them, it is part of their lifestyle, it's part of the culture. So, you know, memes aren't going anywhere, and if anything, you're just getting started. Thank you, blueberry. It's a great question. Yeah, absolutely. Thank you so much. Yeah, blueberry. Let me just add one more thing to that. So when we talk about memes, we got to look at the chart, right? I mean, you have your l one's, you have your l two s, and then you have memes. That's the, that's the three. That's the top three. Right now in this cycle, you know, utility kind of fell off a little bit at four. I think they'll come back, and I definitely think utility is important.

Community and Marketing Strategies

But memes do play, as Hiroshi said, intricate part of this community, especially being, because we have Gen Z in this, in crypto at the moment, who plays a very important role and a vital role in this. Just be careful out there. I always tell people, you know, memes are fun. We could all have fun with memes. Just always look at the narrative. It's very important. A narrative plays a part because there's so many launching, as I mentioned before, back in the day, and I say back in the day, three, four years ago, there was a handful of memes that came out, and they really, some of them didn't even have a strong narrative.

Community and Due Diligence

But because it launched, because the community grew, and because we had such a large community, when it came to a certain blockchain, you know, people bought it, and it did fairly well. But now we have so much competition out there. Just be careful what you trade, guys. If you're new to this space, you know, don't. Just don't buy anything that just pops up. Take a look at the narrative. Take a look at the team that's running it. It's very important. And a community that's building it, that's very important. So thank you, blueberry. Yeah. Thank you so much.

Liquidity Strategies

Thank you, blueberries. And thank you Hiroshi and prince for the explanation. Now let's bring our next guest up the stage. Are you there? Liquidity on any dexs to gain more user trust and ensure seamless trading? For what token? As far as liquidity, yeah, our liquidity has been burned, so we don't have that issue, you know, exchanges, they have some of the more allocated tokens, so there's a decent amount that's with them of course trading on their platforms like XT of course. And we're seeing, I mean, it's safe. That's an important thing too, is that making sure that any project you're on, you either want liquidity to be locked for a long period of time or burned.

Shifts in Liquidity Practices

This cycle is very interesting for meme tokens because we're seeing projects burn liquidity. Before it used to be they would do lp locks. That was the primary way that people would secure liquidity. A lot of times it was three months and then they expanded to six months and beyond depending on the performance of the project. But with this cycle we're seeing a lot of liquidity being burned, which is actually really positive for a project. So that's pretty much the route that this team back in the day used. To see liquidity locked for 1000 years.

Understanding Liquidity Locks

Yeah. Which is you made a couple tokens, I can name you a couple tokens that I've liquidity locked forever. You know, bonfire is one of them. You go in that, you go and take out, take a look at their liquidity, that's never going to unlock. Yeah, I remember being in a call with, it was at the time the project was, I want to say $150 million, market cap 200 million, and they launched the secondary token and I was in the room with the founder and he's, you know, he's talking to the founder of the Dexde and he's like, well I want to lock liquidity for 150 years.

Perceptions of Liquidity Practices

And the guy's like, he's like scratching his head, he's like why don't you just burn it? He's like well, cause I want to lock it. It's like you're not, it's almost like, you know, you're better off just burning it. There's no sense in locking liquidity for that amount of time. It's just, it's nonsensical. People didn't understand it then. I think it was a lack of understanding and it was something that was considered to be really positive. When you see it locked for a thousand years, you know, it's like well. Generational wealth, you know, ten generations in, you'll be able to unlock the liquidity.

Looking Ahead

Yeah. It's good that people are looking out for their great, great grandkids, right? Absolutely. Thank you for that question. Thank you. I think that's how time changes, right? Like from prior, the liquidity lock until now, the liquidity burn. I think, I think there's an interesting change. It really is. Yeah. And thank you for the question, Duke. Now let's have our last audience on stage.

Marketing and User Trust

Walker, how are you doing? Mandy. Walker, how are you doing, my friend? Yeah, good. Okay, my question is, as you know, that market is currently not stable right now. So what marketing strategy have you implement to get more user trust and what revenue, what is your revenue generate? Sure. Yeah. So marketing strategies, of course, you know, community is the biggest part, you know, exchanges, of course, as you guys know, and just in general getting reached is they like to see Twitter, a lot of Twitter activity, for one, that's really important.

Creating Successful Community Environments

So creating an environment where people can actually be set up for success. So we want to set community members up for success. That means creating content that they can share out, kind of give them a little direction in terms of where to upload us, where to like us, and share comments about what, you know, that type of stuff. It really makes an impact. As far as, the second part of your question, as far in terms of help me out here, was it was revenue. Revenue, yes.

Financing the Project

So actually the team has paid for a lot of things out of pocket, including the initial listings of Coingecko and Coinmarketcap, expediting those. They've been handling a lot of things just out of their own pocket because they believe so much in this project and we've seen them make those sacrifices for the long term gains that they really believe that this project will provide. At the end of the day. Yeah, I mean, we saw, last cycle, we saw a lot of tokens that would do taxes and that was where they would create revenue to fund the project.

Community-Based Efforts

But this team is experienced, they have good resources and good connections. So a lot of the stuff that you can do actually doesn't cost money. It just takes a community effort and time, which is just the things, like I said, just getting on, being active on X, being active on the telegram, participating in raids, things like that. The things that this cycle is making a big difference because X is crypto. Twitter is huge. It's the biggest platform for crypto in terms of reach.

Utilizing Social Media

I mean, being an international social media platform, it's so important to the space. So we utilize that and we'll continue to. And, of course, the rat pack is doing a great job in helping with that. So, yeah, there's always a plan in place, but it comes down to just community and numbers. But that's a great question. I'll add one more thing to that, Hiroshi. Our revenue is our community. That's what our revenue is right there.

Importance of Community Engagement

Our community is very important, and they're the ones who are pushing this project. You know, when I say, you know, tell a friend, explain the narrative. You know, don't just send a contract out and say, buy this. You know, it's absolutely intricate. Part of our. Of our token is to go out there, you know, show our project, explain the narrative, and you'll get people to buy. People love great narratives, but, you know, just like anything else, like when an exchange lists a project, you may just see a little.

Building Strong Narratives

A little rat on a logo, and someone's like, well, my airdrop, I'm just going to sell it. I don't know what this is about. Definitely explain it to people. Explain why this is such a strong narrative. I think that's where our revenue comes in, is our community. Walker, especially being a great meme that we are and being listed on a great exchange like XT and a couple others. So it definitely means a lot to get the word out and explain our strong narrative.

Looking Ahead: Future Narratives

And I definitely believe that the Matt Fury verse is going to be this crypto cycle's number one narrative. So that's where I believe our revenue comes from. Walker. Thank you. Thank you. Well, anything to add, Hiroshi? Prince? No. Some great questions. Thank you, guys. Go ahead, Hiroshi, go ahead. Go ahead, buddy. No, I just wanted to thank community.

Community Engagement and Feedback

You guys. You guys came up here, asked some really brilliant questions, and I, you know, we hope that we provided all the answers for you. And if we. And if there's anything that, you know, you'd like to know more about the project, by all means, you know, you can hop on our spaces that we host daily. Of course, we're always available on the telegram, or you can even dm us on here on X.

Future Prospects

So it's really much appreciated, guys. You know, we love the enthusiasm, and we hope you, if you haven't checked us out already, we'd love to have you as part of our community as we kick off this movement, because we're just getting. This is just the beginning, guys. Thank you again.

Farewell and Gratitude

Thank you. It was a pleasure meeting you guys. Album. Thank you very much, my friend. Very nice guy. Thank you for having us up here. XD exchange. Thank you for having us up here. Community. Thank you for coming up. I see you guys, you know, Cush, just Joe, Uncle Ed, Mars, the Watt explosion. All you guys. Ox 2030. You guys have been killing it, man, with the raids.

Community Achievements

You know, it's very important we get the word out of Watt. We're not going anywhere, guys. I still believe in my heart that we're going to be a top ten meme in this cycle, especially with an exchange that is backing us like XT. Appreciate you guys. Thank you so much for everything.

Concluding Thoughts

Thank you, Hiroshi and Prince, for coming up to this space today. I think you guys have shared some very informative and interesting points and ideas, bitcoins and also the web projects. And I believe that the web projects will be the next top meme coin in the crypto industry. And. Yeah, so thank you guys for coming over and thank you for all our beloved audience and XT supporters for this ame sessions.

Final Farewell

Yeah, so thank you guys again, and we'll see you all. Thank you very much. Thank you, Alvin. Thank you very much. Thank you, audience. Have a great day. Yeah, thank you. Sure. Thank you. Bye bye. Take care, guys.

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