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Discover AVALand AI Gaming and Avalanche Subnets


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Discover AVALand AI Gaming and Avalanche Subnets hosted by 0xTrikon. The AVALand AI Gaming space on Avalanche Subnets is a groundbreaking initiative that combines artificial intelligence with gaming to revolutionize the Web3 infrastructure. By focusing on scalable solutions through Avalanche Subnets, the space aims to empower gamers worldwide with innovative gaming experiences. Trikon stands out as a platform offering immersive gameplay, merging advanced technology with seamless user interaction. The integration of AI in gaming not only enhances interactivity but also opens a new realm of personalized and adaptive gaming interactions.

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Total Listeners: 22


Q: How does AVALand utilize AI in gaming experiences?
A: AVALand integrates AI to enhance interactivity and create dynamic gaming environments.

Q: What makes Avalanche Subnets essential for the gaming industry?
A: Avalanche Subnets provide scalability and efficiency, crucial for high-performance gaming solutions.

Q: Why is Web3 infrastructure significant for gamers?
A: Web3 infrastructure empowers gamers with decentralized and innovative gaming ecosystems.

Q: What sets Trikon apart in the gaming landscape?
A: Trikon offers a unique gaming experience merging advanced tech with seamless gameplay.

Q: How does AI integration in gaming enhance player experiences?
A: AI in gaming enables personalized and adaptive elements, enriching gameplay dynamics.


Time: 00:15:40
AI Integration in AVALand Gaming Exploring the innovative use of AI to revolutionize gaming experiences.

Time: 00:25:17
Scalability with Avalanche Subnets Understanding how Avalanche Subnets enhance scalability in gaming solutions.

Time: 00:35:29
Web3 Empowerment for Gamers The significance of Web3 in empowering gamers and transforming the gaming landscape.

Time: 00:45:10
Immersive Trikon Gameplay A deeper dive into the immersive and seamless gaming experience offered by Trikon.

Time: 00:55:42
Adaptive AI in Gaming Highlighting the benefits of AI integration for personalized and dynamic player experiences.

Key Takeaways

  • AVALand leverages AI to enhance gaming experiences and create interactive environments.
  • The focus on Avalanche Subnets showcases the commitment to scalable and efficient gaming solutions.
  • Web3 infrastructure is pivotal in empowering gamers and revolutionizing the gaming industry.
  • Trikon offers an exciting gaming platform that merges cutting-edge technology with seamless gameplay.
  • The integration of AI in gaming opens new possibilities for personalized and adaptive gaming experiences.

Behind the Mic

Introduction of Participants

Sadeena. Hey, Harry, is that you? Hey, it's Ben. I'm the head business developer of Avaland here today. I'll be okay. I can hear you, yes. Okay, that's good. That's good. All right, we'll just give everyone a couple of minutes to join and then we can get going. So where are you guys based, Ben? We're based in Singapore. Oh, excellent. Yeah, I was telling someone the other day, I lived in Singapore in 2003, 2004. That was a very different Singapore to what it is today. It.

Microphone Testing

Hello? I'm testing out my microphone now. Yes, we can, Ben. We can hear you. Okay, that's great. That's great. It. Ben, maybe it probably makes sense for us to get started. No problem for me. We can start now. Yeah, I think there are others. They will join in and eventually they will, of course, catch up. Let me quickly set the stage. So my name is Bala. I head development for Trikone. So I don't go by positions and whatnot, but what's called the CTO or what have you. So I'm responsible for all of the technical or the technology developments that we do.

About Trikone

Trikone is a gaming infrastructure platform. So the idea of Trikone is really, you know, the way we kind of present ourselves to make it really easy for people to understand is we are the Steam of Web three. And for those who are gamers here, they would have obviously come across Steam and platforms like Steam. While they have their advantages, they also have several shortcomings. So what we're building is Steam on steroids, if you like. So we've taken the concept of Steam, we've decentralized it. We've created a marketplace. We've created account abstraction layers. We've given people smart wallets, and suddenly you have a game distribution platform that actually works.

Economic Infrastructure

And the fundamental thought behind what we're doing is that the economy begins at private ownership. So there's no private ownership. There is really no economy. So we want gamers to be able to own assets that they earn when they game. And, you know, once they own the assets, then it becomes possible for us to have an economic infrastructure around it or an economic framework around it. So that's what we're building. Great to have you here, Benjen. You know, I'd like to hand the quote unquote mic over to you and see if you could maybe give us a quick introduction and also tell us a little bit more about Avalanche.

Avalanche Introduction

Yes, thank you for the introduction. About Trigon. So I'll be briefly talking about Avalanche here and we'll dive deeper into the details of Avalanche through Bala's questions after this. So avalanche is the first subnet on Avalanche for AI gaming. Avalanche will utilize AI and Gamefi to reshape the web three gaming industry. Avalanche helps web three gamers and studios experience the combination of AI applications and gamefi, creating dynamic gameplay for individuals. It may sound a bit vague, but we hope that through this ama session it will become clearer to Trigon as well as the listeners here, what we're trying to do here at Avalanche.

Discussion on AI in Gaming

Absolutely. Yep. Excellent, Ben. So yeah, I think we'll use this session to really understand what's happening in this space because this is a very interesting space in the sense that it actually makes sense. What I mean by that is what I find is people are using AI like garnish. Every time there's some kind of a technology, they garnish it with AI. And they say there's some AI in this. It makes it interesting for investors. That's true. There are a lot of use cases where it doesn't even make sense, but people want to garnish it with AI. But in this case it does. I understand avalanche view of AI gaming and web three and how all of this works.

Novai AI Model

Okay, so currently we're working on. One of our primary focus is on our AI model, which is called Novai. This AI will be used to us assist developers in creating games. In avalanche. It has a lot of applications. And so for example, it will help speed up the game development process. So for example, just imagine when you develop a game, developers will have to design and think of everything from scratch, right? So you have to, if you want to make a game, say set in the medieval's time, you'll have to design your characters, their outfit, their weapons, the surroundings, et cetera.

Implementation of the AI Model

But we're trying. With Novai, developers can simply give it like a command, like a text. Say, I want to make a game set in the medieval times. And Novai will be able to create all of the assets, like give you a design, what the character will look like, what weapons they'll be using and how the surrounding will be looking like. So that will majorly increase the development process for the games that they're trying to make. So that will save the developers a lot of their on their resources so that they can focus on more important stuff that AI cannot do. Got it? Got it. That makes absolute sense.

Acceleration and Future Plans

So basically, Avalanche helps gamers accelerate their development and time to market in terms of their games in the avalanche network, which makes a lot of sense. So, you know, that is one. Yes, yes. So that is. Novai is one of our primary focus. Right. So that's just only part of the project. We also have many more ideas, but those will come later. So. Yeah, I'm just trying to say that Nova AI is just part of what avalanche is trying to do. Well, absolutely. I mean, there's clearly a journey in this case. Right.

Looking Towards the Future

So. Yeah, and no way I is, let's say, the start of the journey, and then there's other good things to come. Yes, yes. I think that. I think the future itself for AI gaming is quite bright. But, you know, I was looking at AI gaming from the perspective of participants being AI or human, and being able to put humans against AI. And sometimes that would be a very interesting environment. Right. Yes, yes. I think I get what you're trying to say. Yeah. So what I'm understanding from that is usually for games like, say, for Dark Souls or Elden rings, one of the. One of the many popular titles in recent gaming's time.

Integrating AI into Game Mechanics

Right. So it's a one player rpg game. So you'll be fighting against bots, not other players. Right. So the way that AI will be integrated into our game is that they will analyze. The AI will analyze the build of your character. So for. So, for example, if you're trying to build a character that is heavily relies on melee combat, then the AI would use that information to create. To generate a boss that will excel in ranged attacks to counter your character, which is melee attack. So, yeah, that's one of the ways that AI can be integrated into the game as well. That is sort of like saying the player will be facing off against AI.

Setting the Stage for Avaland

True. Fantastic. All right, so this kind of brings me to the question of how Avaland is set up today. Right, so since you mentioned that you're the first AI gaming subnet on Avalanche, can you help us understand what is an AI gaming subnet and what is unique about avalanche approach? Okay, so I think to be able to answer what an AI, a gaming subnet is, it's quite complicated. Right. So maybe I'll be saving that for later.

Uniqueness of Avaland

But we'll be talking about what's unique about Avaland since. Yeah, there are a lot of gaming subnets out there. So there are a couple of points that are unique about Avalanche. The first, as in my introduction early on, is the first gaming subnet built on Avalanche. And it's uniquely combining AI power mechanics with traditional gaming features. What makes Avalanche stand out from other gaming subnets is its decentralized AI integration, which allows dynamic game experiences that adapt based on player interactions and behaviors. So like I explained earlier, every time you play the game, it will adapt differently to what you are doing with your character. So it creates a different experience every time players are playing the game. Another unique selling point of Avalanche is its economic model, which includes the ABA. Role is the name we give to our community. And in Avaland, Avahoo can earn points, participate in governance, and access exclusive airdrops.

Community and AI Integration

The integration of Defi elements and a community driven approach fosters, will foster a collaborative ecosystem for both gamers and developers, enhancing user engagement and innovation. So yeah, those are what's unique, what we're trying to do here at Avalanche. Got it, got it. So, you know, you spoke a little bit about, you know, AI powered real time analysis and therefore creating bots that can perhaps counter a character in a role playing game. Is that something live now? And if it is, then how do you tailor experiences for a player? So, unfortunately, that feature is not live yet. We're still working on our, we're still focusing all of our resources on completing Nova AI, the AI that will generate assets and character designs and that stuff. But the vision for this feature in the future is that this AI will be able to collect information on players behaviors, habits, and adapt the game to best fit the player's interest.

Personalized Gaming Experience with Nova AI

So, for example, I think to understand this more easily, it's best to give examples, right? So for example, this will be a feature of Nova AI in the future as well. So Nova AI will analyze whether a player is a dedicated player or a casual player, or whether you like a specific type of missions or not. And then no Bai will gradually learn and change the game to match the information collected, such as generating bosses that best counter the player's character that was mentioned earlier. Or maybe another thing that can do is remove the missions that players usually fail to complete. So say if you really hate grindy types of missions, then the game will learn that and will gradually stop giving you those missions. And yeah, the AI will also be able to give you an emphasize more on objectives that excite the players every time you enter the game.

Ultimate Goal: Immersive Gaming Experience

So our ultimate goal is to allow players to fully immersed in the games. And another thing that this feature can do is that it can collect information on a wide scale too, not just on individual player basis. So imagine you can collect information of a whole player's community, so you won't have to conduct surveys or asking them what they think of the game or what they think is the problem that the game is facing right now. Right. So that's the potential of what Nova AI will be able to do in Avalanche in the future. Awesome. Excellent. Since you mentioned community, right. And being able to en masse, you know, understand how the community feels, get some sentiment analysis done. Sounds really interesting.

Community Participation in Avaland

Do you say Avahoo is the token of Avaland? Ava who is the name of the community? Rather, it's the user base. Okay, excellent. So the user base is called Ava who? So, you know, how do they participate in the evolution of Avaland? So, you know, there are of course, conventional layers of participating, which is through, for example, governance tokens or what have you. But how is Avalon looking at community participation? So, to dive deeper into that, though, here's a breakdown of how Aba who can contribute to the future of Avaland? So as you mentioned, they'll have a say in the governance of Avalanche. So community members will have a say in the way avalanche run. They can vote on proposals, play a part in the decision making processes, and influence the direction of the ecosystem.

Empowerment Through Community Engagement

So we really value the vote and the opinions of our community can also organize events, competitions and other initiatives to foster a sense of community and encourage collaboration among players and developers. The community can also help educate other players, so maybe beginners about web three gaming and the benefits of avalanche. So this can attract new players and developers to the ecosystem. Yeah, those are the ways that the community can really help grow avalanche. Awesome. Excellent. Let's go to jump to another part of gaming. So one of the issues with gaming, and especially community based games, is, so how does Avalanche plan to improve, let's say, gaming experience and whatnot, using AI, automated issue detection and so on and so forth?

AI and Gaming Improvement Strategies

Yeah, that's a great question. Right. Because issues in gaming has always been like a very big problem. Many of the games got shut down the day they released just because it was unstable on certain platforms. Right. So being able to integrate AI in our games can really help us with this issue. So it has a number of applications as follows. So first, it will be able to proactively bug fix. So AI can detect bugs and glitches early on in the development process, allowing developers to fix them before they impact players or even before the game is released. So this can improve the overall quality and stability of the games. Furthermore, it can optimize the performance of your games.

Optimizing Game Performance

So our AI will be able to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize games for different hardware configurations. So let's say you can play it stably on PC, on PS four, PS five or Xbox. So that this can ensure that games run smoothly on a wider range of devices. Our AI will also be able to analyze player data to identify imbalances in game mechanics. So let's say in games that involves player to player interactions or involves player to player gameplay, this will be very important to ensure that game balances. The game balance is balanced well. So by adjusting game parameters, developers can create more fair and enjoyable gameplay experiences.

Enhancing Player Support

And finally, for personalized support, AI can provide personalized support to players by automatically detecting and resolving common issues. This can reduce the workload of customer support teams and improve player satisfaction overall. Excellent. So, yeah. Makes, makes a lot of sense. And like I said, you know, issue detection, especially proactive issue detection, can, you know, avoid a lot of pitfalls later. Now going to, you know, another aspect of gaming. Right? So how do you. So one, what is Avalanche doing about gaming world assets, or gwas? And how do you plan to bring together AI gaming then? Gaming world assets, perhaps real world assets, and create a cohesive gaming experience.

Integrating Various Aspects into Avalanche

So if you take a look through this list of things that we're trying to include in Avalanche, it may be hard to imagine how these all fit into a cohesive experience. Right. So what we're trying to do here is each of these aspects will serve a different purpose. So let's say, for example, AI. The AI will be used to power the gameplay in the games that are built in Avalanche. So AI will be able to enhance the gaming experience by providing dynamic and personalized challenges as well as intelligent opponents. So these we talked about earlier in previous questions for Defi integration, Avalanche will allow players to use cryptocurrencies, other digital assets within the gaming ecosystem.

Blockchain Integration and Real World Assets

This enables players to participate in decentralized finance activities such as trading, lending and borrowings. So, yeah, this will serve in a different area compared to AI power gameplay. Right. The AI power gameplay will focus primarily on the gameplay. And the defi aspect will impact, like trading and that stuff. Using cryptocurrencies in Avalanche and for real world assets, Avalon is aiming to be able tokenize real world assets, such as properties or commodities, and integrate them into the gaming experience so that players can interact with these assets within the game, potentially including influencing their value or earning rewards. So, yeah, that's how we're planning to include all of these aspects in our project.

Future Plans for Avaland Development

Excellent. Excellent. So a lot of very interesting things going on in Avaland. So, you know, that brings me to the question of, you know, what are the future plans that you have for Avalande? Are there some milestones that you guys already have in mind? And you know, what can gamers as well as, you know, crypto enthusiasts expect to see in the coming days, weeks, months, etcetera? Yes. So in the past few weeks, or let's say months, I believe that our followers or have been quite worried about our project because we've been quite silent for a long period of time. But we would like to apologize to all of our users who got worried about the project. But during that time, the market was rather low and to be able to continue the project takes a lot of.

Navigating Market Challenges

It takes a lot of cost. Yeah. So, but now we're in the future bull run. In the upcoming bull run that we're expecting, Avalanche will be coming back with a lot of features planned out. So currently we are primarily focused on the completion of our Nobe AI, our cutting edge AI design platform, which will be able to help gamers design a lot of aspects and a lot of things in their games and even integrate and even combine with them during their gaming experiences. Bug fixing, as mentioned earlier. So next we're also working on transitioning from a subnet to a layer one blockchain which will significantly enhance the scalability and performance of our ecosystem.

Upcoming Projects and Releases

We are also focusing on launching aviform. This was a game that we promised will be released in Avalanche as a demonstration of what Avalon will be able to do. We haven't able to release the game yet for objective causes, so we're looking to possibly release the game in a completely new format that will bring unique gaming experiences to our community. And of course I believe that this is what many Ava are wondering about is our TGE. It is in our list of priorities, of course. So please stay tuned to get the latest information in the future in the upcoming months.

Networking and Outreach

Perfect. Excellent. That sounds really good. I think I have a question here that is slightly different from what we've been talking about, which has been predominantly focused on Avalon and its features, etcetera. But just on a side note, we noticed that you attended blockchain events both in Thailand and in Vietnam.

Reflection on Events

So we're very keen to know what did you think of those events and what was the fallout? Did you know, what came out of having attended these events? Were they useful? Were they interesting? Was something new and interesting found in any of these? Yeah. Yeah.

Importance of Face-to-Face Interaction

So as a project in the crypto space, it's rare that we have a chance to actually meet up with our partners or our followers face to face. So these events create a perfect opportunity for us to directly communicate and talk with. Talk with our partners and our followers to see what they want, what they're expecting, and yeah, most of all, to explain to them how the project is going. Right.

Promoting the Project

So, yeah, during those events, were able to promote our project and increase our visibility within the global blockchain community. We also showcase the capabilities of Novai, the very early version of Novai, offering live demonstrations to allow attendees to experience the platform's innovative features firsthand and positive. And the feedbacks were very positive.

Building Relationships

We also took the opportunity to strengthen existing partners and foster new collaborations with key industry players. And we continue building strong strategic relationships that will support the growth and success of the project. Yeah. So, yeah, we hope that this, in 2025, we will be able to attend these events again because they were very good for us in 2024.

Community Engagement

Excellent, as I heard you say. And I completely agree, being able to meet the community, hear from them directly, rather than just in the confinement of certain social media venues, is always helpful. It gives a different perspective and can have a big role to play in the future of a product.

Questions from the Community

So, great conversation, Ben. I really appreciate your time. Having said that, I'm going to open this up for questions, if there are any. From the crowd. I see there are a couple of people who are requested to speak, and I'm just going to add them as speaker. Hi, I think you've named yourself Sarkin kid, and were wondering if you had a question or comment.

Question on Transparency

Yeah, GM, everyone. Hello? Yeah, we can hear you. All right, I have some questions for Avalon. I tried to even put the questions on the comment, but since I'm on speaker final, I'm just going to ask the questions. So, yeah, so, what measures does take to ensure that PI remains transparent and unbiased in its recommendations, especially actually in sensitive areas like the financial decision making.

Clarification on AI

Excellent question. Okay, that's the first question. Can you maybe. I think what he was trying to say was comments. Yeah, I think what he was. What he was trying to say was, what measures are you taking to ensure that the AI remains unbiased and transparent? Because that's one of the biggest concerns with AI, is that AI can be programmed to do controversial things rather than be really open and unbiased, which is very difficult to do, actually.

Responses from the Speaker

Of course, I understand that you're from business development and this might be a very technical question. So where it comes to it being technical questions, you know, you can very happily just take this back to the organization and come back to us with answers. Very, very sorry to Sparrow. That's a very good question. So. But I won't be able to answer that immediately.

Community Support

If you. If you have joined our communities on Discord or maybe telegram channels, maybe you can ask your questions up there and our community managers will try their best to answer your questions. Okay. All right. No problem with that. Let me just go to the next question.

In-Game Economic Balance

Okay. Okay. So given the current economic models of. Sorry, given the current economic models in game five, where players actually earn real world value through gameplay, so how are developers balancing the in game economy, you know, to prevent hyperinflation or economic collapse? I think it's a. Yeah, I think it's a bit clearer on your side.

Explaining GameFi Models

It's a bit clearer on your side. So I may need your help on telling me what he was trying to ask. I think what Sparrow is trying to say is, you know, could you explain the Gamefi model a little bit? Because, you know, typically what happens with play to earn models is that it becomes highly inflationary and then eventually collapses. So is there a way that you could.

Sustainability in GameFi

Is there a way Avaland is looking to correct that and have an economic model that is sustainable? Would that be a fair repetition, Sparrow? Yeah, exactly. Absolutely. Absolutely. Okay. Well, I believe that, like you said, many of the projects that are play to earn based have been highly inflated and they eventually collapse.

Learning from Past Experiences

I believe that these projects all have their causes to why they collapsed. Right. So Avalon will try their best to learn from these previous projects to not collapsed, as you say. But for now, to be totally specific on how we will do that, I'm afraid I won't be able to answer that right now.

Insight on Web Three Gaming

Appreciate that, Ben. But having said that, Sparrow, I think one of the. This is coming from me as having seen the technology industry for the last 27 years, what I've seen is when it comes to web three technologies and web three gaming especially, what effectively happens is that a lot of the games that were built on web three were based on Ponzi schemes.

Understanding Economic Structures

I don't mean that in a negative way. What I mean is that the idea was, hey, can I get somebody to put money in and then I can pay somebody else? And then a third person comes in, can he put some money in, then I can pay the other two. And then it goes on and on. And then eventually, at some point, that is not sustainable. That's why it becomes inflationary and that's why it collapses as well.

Ownership in Gaming

Gamefi is not, I would say it's not real finance at the moment, the way it is structured right now. I don't know if you missed the original introduction. So one of the things that I was saying was, in order for Gamefi to be real and a real economic model, you have to understand that economy begins where there is personal ownership of asset or private ownership of asset.

The Need for Private Ownership

If there's no private ownership, there is no economy, right? And people who have been in a socialist economy, for example, would understand this the best. You know, when the government owns everything, there is really no economy. Right. There is really nothing to do.

The Future of Gaming Economies

So the point I'm trying to make is that when gaming becomes such that you and I can game and what we earn as part of the game is held by us, not by the game itself, is when there would really be an opening for real finance to happen. Until such time that there is private ownership of gaming assets, there will be only pseudo economy, because it simply does not work.

Economic Philosophies

So that's the kind of long, if you like, economically philosophical answer to your question, Sparrow. But it's a work in progress. And I'm hoping that someday we will all be able to game in a way where we own the assets from grinding for 8 hours, 10 hours, whatever, and then be able to take it to marketplaces, sell it, and real defi concepts can be applied to gaming as well.

Implications of AI in Gaming

Okay, that's amazing. You really got me what I wanted to hear. And that's very okay. Right. So I'm just gonna quickly go to SpaceJet, who has been in the queue as well and has asked to, and has wanted to ask a question.

Query on AI NPCs

Space jam. Actually, I just saw the space j, so I thought it was space j. Go ahead, space jam. You. You have the. You have the mic. Okay. Thank you so much. Hello Tricon, nice to see you enjoying your mini game on telegram and Avalon. Thank you so much.

Impact of AI on Gameplay

Yeah, so my question is, how do you see AI driven non player characters impact gameplay and storytelling? Did you get that, Ben? No, it's quite unclear on my side.

Clarifying the AI Question

So, yeah, he just wanted to know how. How AI driven characters could create experiences for gaming. Basically, that's the question. I think I explained this briefly in our AMA sessions.

AI in Gaming Mechanics

So imagine our AI will be able to collect information and analyze the information on what you are doing in your game. So let's say in an rpg, what route are you taking, what weapons you are choosing and what build you're doing. The AI will be able to analyze these information and will adapt the gameplay to best fit for the choices that you have made.

Conclusion on AI's Capabilities

Right. So yeah, that's the general idea behind what the characters that are AI built. I believe that's your question. Yes. You got it. Spot on. Well, what do you think would be the implication if we rely heavily on AI in Daemon?

AI as a Tool

Yeah. So I think it goes, it's the same for all of industries out there that are able to utilize AI. Right. As long as you see AI as a tool, as only a tool that can assist you, and it will, we will not become, as you said, real rely, as we won't fully rely on the AI as long as we know that it's only here to assist us in what we are doing. So, yeah, I think it won't be a matter, it won't be too much of a problem over relying on AI.

Answers and Questions

All right. Thank you so much for the answers. Thank you so much. Most welcome. Thank you, space. We have one more question. I think we have a few more Tricon. Yeah. I actually want to get more insight about when it comes to the regulation. So does the thing. Does the avalanche have any plans for compliance with the evolving crypto regulations and standards at the same time, while also maintaining a user friendly experience for the users in the future? Is there any plan for that?

Regulations and Development

Bala, did you get that? It's still quite unclear for me. Yeah. So I think what. I think what Sparrow was saying was there are obviously regulations in the crypto market, etcetera. So how is Avalon keeping up with it in terms of making sure that they're in line with the regulations and how are they planning to come to. Would that be accurate, Sparrow? Yeah, yeah. Go on. I think that this is quite deep in the development process of the gaming subnet. Right. It will be much later down the line, but for now, as I said, we're only currently, our primary focus will be on our Nova AI, which is our first product.

Future Considerations

We're trying to complete that as best as we could and as perfectly to what we promised as we could. So those aspects on how we can match the regulations of the crypto market and etc, I think we'll be saving that for future considerations. Fair enough. Go ahead, Talga. Hey, guys. Thanks for the opportunity. Actually, I was looking for the total supply of keys. Keys. Not. Not keys, but I saw it. Actually, my second question, and therefore, the only question now, will there be any secondary marketplace on the platform for the ones who wants to sell their notes somehow, for any reason?

Secondary Market for Selling

Thank you. Yeah. I believe you wanted to ask if there is a second market for selling keynotes. Right, yes. Okay. Well, as of now, we do not have any secondary market for selling keynotes. But if this is a feature that our community really wants, we will consider to add that into our keynote market in the future. Does that answer your question? Togae. Hello. I'm already. Yes, you are. All right. Thank you for giving me the opportunity. I want to know, do you have any form of a referral program? I heard fomo something program. Is that right?

Promotional and Referral Programs

I think promotional or referral program. Yeah. Refer program. Yeah. I'm assuming you're talking about our note selling project. Our note selling phase. Right. Hey, bala, I don't think Spartan is able to speak anymore. Can you add him back in as a speaker? I'm trying to, but couldn't get through them, but I think that's what he was referring to. Yes. Okay. So, again, very. I would have to answer no. Currently, we do not have any programs for that yet, but we. It's a fantastic suggestion, and we'll consider it in the future.

Avalanche's Economics and Social Media

Yeah. Thank you, Spartan. Yeah. I also want to know, can you details how avalanche economic work, especially with the integration of social media interaction into its cryptocurrency reward system. Okay, I'm afraid this question is a little bit out of my knowledge, out of my reach. So, again, I have to say sorry. And if you would like to know more about this, maybe follow us. Join our Telegram group or our discord channels, and our community managers will bring your questions to our technology department, and they'll be able to answer your questions in full. Details.

Closing Remarks

Info details that. Yes. All right. Thank you very much. I'll be right in the telegram channel. Thank you. Go ahead. Omar. Hi. Thank you for bringing me up. So, my question to Evelyn is about your data privacy in the testnet, particularly in relation to compliances. So, what measures are being tested to ensure that the user data is protected during the testnet and that the network can provide, you know, and operate within the privacy regulations. Okay, I see that there are a lot of.

Connectivity Issues

Thank you for your question, Umar. And I see that there are a lot of questions left that want to be asked. Unfortunately, our connection seems to going. Seems to be going down for a little while now. So if. If you guys still have any questions for us, like I said, please join our telegram channel and as well as our discord channels and ask your questions there. Our community managers will be sure to. Will make sure to answer all of your questions as best as they can.

Final Acknowledgements

Thank you, Bala, for this opportunity. Opportunity for this Ama and, yeah, I guess thank you for all of your questions and thank you I think that. Makes sense and it's quite heartening to see that there are so many questions. So please reach out to the Discord telegram groups. Ask your questions there because you might actually have a variety of different people who might be able to answer you. And that way Ben, who heads business development, doesn't have to answer technology questions and likewise, a technology person doesn't need to speak about business development and its intricacies.

Concluding the AMA Session

So thank you everyone for participating today. It was a fantastic AMA. Thank you Ben for answering all of these questions and taking the time to tell us about avalanche and the plans you have. Good luck with everything that you all are doing now and good luck with the upcoming bull run which we are all looking forward to. And hopefully we can also look to collaborate outside of this AMA and see if we can do things together. We look forward to that as well.

Giveaway Instructions

Thank you very much bala and thank you for everyone today. Make sure to ask your questions in our channels. And please don't forget we also have a giveaway running for this AMA sessions as well. For listeners of this AMA sessions as well. So we have three steps. We only have three steps for the giveaway. First, follow avalanche and trick on. Second like and retweet trick on AMA post. Step three, join our telegram channel and send message LFG avalanche and then take a screenshot of that message and then post it on Treacon's post Ama post.

Wrap Up

Our rewards will be the winners will be chosen randomly. Yes. Thanks for outlining that Ben. I hope everyone got it and look forward to seeing you all in the next AMA. Thank you everyone.

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