Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space session revolved around NFT, digital identity, and community-building within the metaverse. Participants shared insights on owning high-value NFTs, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and positive contributions over mere asset possessions. Discussions highlighted the dynamic nature of personal identities, the importance of understanding the NFT market, and the significance of balancing real and digital personas. The social implications of owning NFTs varied, with diverse perspectives on ‘flexing’ digital assets, showcasing the multifaceted aspects of identity in the expanding digital landscape.


Q: What is the importance of being accepted in NFT communities?
A: Being accepted allows individuals to contribute positively and feel empowered.

Q: How does owning expensive NFTs affect social status?
A: It adds social proof but can be perceived differently across communities.

Q: What role does individuality play in the metaverse?
A: It allows unique self-expression and digital identity building.

Q: How important is it to show off your NFTs?
A: It’s a personal choice with potential for respect or unwanted attention.

Q: What advantage does the NFT space offer?
A: It provides a dynamic platform for creativity and self-expression.

Q: Why is genuineness significant in digital communities?
A: Genuineness fosters trust and long-term acceptance among peers.

Q: How do NFTs impact psychological aspects in the metaverse?
A: They influence self-worth, social dynamics, and personal satisfaction.

Q: How can one navigate the NFT market prudently?
A: By understanding market nuances and maintaining authenticity.

Q: What makes digital identity in the metaverse unique?
A: Its complexity and the merger of various personality facets.

Q: Why is it vital to balance real-world and digital identities?
A: To maintain essence and relatability in both real and digital spaces.


Time: 01:13:04
Acceptance and Individuality in NFT Communities

Time: 01:13:12
Empowerment through Community Participation

Time: 01:13:19
Positive Contributions and Self-Authenticity

Time: 01:13:31
Acceptance of Genuine Individuals in Communities

Time: 01:13:36
Implications of Owning Valuable Digital Assets

Time: 01:14:01
Aligning Personal Values with Profile Pictures

Time: 01:14:09
Community Building around Shared Values

Time: 01:14:20
Contributing Positively to Communities

Time: 01:24:53
Social Reception of ‘Flexing’ NFTs

Time: 01:25:40
Psychological Impact of NFTs Beyond Web3 Context

Key Takeaways

  • NFTs enable unique self-expression and asset collection.
  • Community acceptance is vital and tied to positivity and authenticity.
  • Ownership of expensive NFTs has social implications
  • both positive and negative.
  • Metaverse allows for fluid yet static personal identities.
  • Building communities around shared interests is crucial in the digital space.
  • Different interpretations exist for ‘flexing’ NFTs.
  • NFT value is subjective and evolves outside the Web3 context.
  • Maintaining self-authenticity is key for long-term community integration.
  • Navigating the NFT market requires understanding its nuances.
  • Digital identities in the metaverse are complex and multifaceted.

Behind the Mic

So, like, you can get somebody to, like, you can wrench attack somebody’s bank card, too. You can just be like, you know, send me this bank transfer instead of, like, tell me your seed phrase. I guess it’s just like, the perception that, like, if crypto people have, like, the former perception that crypto people have money, that would. That would drive people do that. Yeah. The jurisdiction of tracking down, like, fiat currency, like, in a, like, I don’t know, domestic setting versus, like, international, like, it gets a little hairy. There’s only so much that, like, the law is going to do on behalf of your bitcoin. Sorry, they’re not saving your coins, but the bank, they’ve got, you know, money set aside for losses. They’ve got billions of dollars, you know, to deal with that sort of thing. So, yeah, I actually have a separate identity question about how, like, PFPs often are collections and whether or not you guys get the sense that, like, putting on a certain PFP allows you to wear the kind of identity of the collection and sort of become part of the hive. Because I think, you know, we can also track certain behaviors, like, I don’t know. Like, maybe there’s certain behaviors you affiliate with a bored ape. Maybe there’s certain behaviors you affiliate with malady, like, that are kind of, like, built over time, culturally, any takes on that? There are. I feel like this is something I should probably consider more because I just realized, wait, I actually created a PFP collection, right? Because I’m a photographer. I’m shooting real people. Sometimes I don’t think of it as such, but it certainly was intended to be a PFP project from the start. So I think it’ll be interesting, like, once the inscriptions are out released to the wild and people start actually, like, claiming ownership of them and using them as pfps, like, how that will manifest because they are photographs of people. But I deliberately created characters and created them to be, like, the most cartoony representations of humans so that. Authentic. Yeah. And the traits also, like, someone immediately just did going to it. The traits are going to be, I want to combine, like, just combinations that I find compelling and different sorts of adapt more than, like, any sort of immediate recognizable traits to create another type of archetype catalog of, like, differently emotionally compelling types of people. But I guess that would definitely lend itself to the collective identity. That takes it a step further, though, because, you know, if it’s not like the traits are randomized and you’re trying to, like, make different sets, it literally is saying, like, these people are all existing in the same dimension, and this is what they look like and how they behave and how they are perceived by the general public at large. And that’s powerful. I haven’t seen a lot of collections do that. Usually it’s like, oh, you have the rare, you know, yellow trait, whatever it is. And this, I think, has a strong opportunity to shape a narrative, shape stories that we all become part of to I mean, when we think about collections, one of the big things that I think about is, like, bodogos to touch on, like, a current meme that’s happening right now, like how quick was it to put a pitbull in a life jacket and say he’s swimming in Miami, and all of a sudden everyone is like, that’s a life jacket in pitbulls. Like, that’s it. That’s everything. It didn’t take much to develop meme that. And now I feel like when I watch bodogos, I kind of lean into, like, OK, like it is blodo, it is all about memes. And that transitions me into kind of something broader, which actually you all touch on with SCA. Like, how important is versatility in artistry and in understanding the process and psychology of creating the collections anyone want to touch on that? Well, and by the way, I love this. I want to hear more from SCA, but it is even in like, because I came out of, like, the West African experience. If you look back at, like, the early days of SCA, it was just joking. Like, he didn’t really feel like it kind of hit him early and necessary to the east with a kind of joking of your own narrative. Then I’m sure, like you referenced, it would have been completely disastrous, but with great insight, the knowledge that he was more of that kind of right angle and made sure couldn’t to like square, move wrong. You know, the level of versat by SCA, is super critical. I’m so glad SCA was able to provide insight. And don’t let me forget Calvin, about you can now rely on the space space, FOC like, especially across different dimensions as well. So we are able to help bridge the likes of Nick more space time, play and tease. I think you know some people jokingly get married to their positions and they just want one and you see like parity, like yielding or reflecting community, right? They might just like be literally on a brace back ride or something more niche, you know, I appreciate you a lot. Pass the loot on next time with you bro. Yeah, everything Calvin said, so true, but putting on a certain property protocol, different ident agreed, stressing, really important, also reduce square if all exist, more adapting community. I like when you find yourself, you know, adding the right good line doesn’t matter if all exist, you’ll still surprise folks. And yeah, you know, I think it’s like, bro I just like love the shit you’re doing and want you to get more of varying and credibility, upload levels, man! Just reliving all this, just epic storytelling, man. I realize this is like the most restrictive artists. So it’s very fun and happy, man, this is an ultimate experience, community. Yeah, I completely agree with Calvin about getting married to some positions or narratives. Yes, that’s real like, some folks are literally in the same position, some adapting entirely new conversion. Exactly right. Absolutely, man and you know just thinking about how to get from the crazy, anything is possible. It is literally just through this making mechanism and that I have always been curious myself. What’s your unit like exactly for better experience events. Totally brother, and also man just thinking about adaptation mechanisms, a whole universe one, you know, touching every base from art to music. Let everyone get into traction its thought by you too. Nick’s such a inspiring commentary man, like how do ya make everyone work but also love. Haah you guys are amazing man, love it. Man like remember mentioning what exactly we excited all curated experience as a whole. Man this community stands together. Yeah, appreciate you, Gabe same here, putting on different timelines, but same goals man, love you all. Least man, if you mention specifically metaverse, and solos like going different dimensions very soon, let’s start bringing value to more gods! However man absolutely, space rocks it now specially together, may I say harmony man and yaa!! Community, WAGMI, yaa literally the end because calmer bro, leads think for more conversion cycles. Ya different Avenue’s communities for virtual timelines crazy NFT spaces upcoming. That hits exactly bro true because its your story now field growing. Art moves missions too multi-layers. Ya man. Like always anywhere you wanna direct future man. For sure. It all intuitive ways. And ya bro focus experiencing live vibes. Yo just before letting up, How like feeling more value dimensions supporting creative growth, more like let’s sense next exhibition? Literally ya thriving right. Absolutely man field supporting kids, whoever feels inspired ya grows next. Supporting exactly. Man like actually mentoring timelines helping with upcoming future goals cool but also clarifying missions feel more. Ya bro love ya man and bro Gabe next time Tunisian art, saw mad last mentioned, bringing excitement viewers more like. Ya properly till then bro taking more. I mean long existing ya absolutely just path, staying tuned community timelines growing level to space too and ya for sure longer like whatever you digging differently, bringing all exact same vibes for top Asia art vibes. For sure bro! Yeah like what you saying mostly feeling like turned forthcoming across like ya thriving excited. Like man thanks Gabe for space, really happened like and clearing exactly missions, thrived field man, so looking up, but end like. Ya virtually rock man, love ya all like enjoying. Ahh Gabe thing finally shiny, legend end outcome ya man exactly Tim Tang exactly missions. So world all ya bro hear absolutely, thank bro love ya, enjoy till next, nowie mentioned next inline upcoming revolutionized. To each mention man and saying till. Thanks exactly for sure ya, take care every bro Gabe. Virtually community coming space next line ya, for sure. For sure Gabe, till moving next share. Thank ya great. Born exit Web3 And forget means nothing. Really. These are my assets, don’t you. Cuz like out, rest next man, watch shining. Thank ya for everyone really Gabe bro, community man more next early story next mentions pool totally mention for ya broader cool stories curated. Man ending so compelling next community, spaces lot absolutely growth. Sharing vibes next hoping Exactly and ya like equally absolutely appreciating more timelines watching great cool missions future man love ya specifically each. Auulooll Tony really man bro, but man rocking space exactly shout Gabe. Thanks bro. All really cool mention storytelling hey mentioning leading next. More each great love together. Man, like till becomes really end tightening space commonly early opening everything timelines mentioning care all Gabe. Future and thank each great Paula and like exiting. Love ya moving virtually take care more very till all really man next. Mention Gabe cool vibe mentioned in detail collections, throes more upcoming exactly. Sharing till bro. Exactly everyone more leading timelines early excited more upcoming next in space NFT, bringing similar cool future joy and space thriving cool! Shout love ya Gabe ya man next till thanks exactly all cool similarly timelines cool how much thrive love ya ending. Like really more exactly Gabe space finally wrapping thank ya bro. Finally spaces wrapping community together Gabe taking miss thank ya future. As next thank you Gabe community great upcoming finally man vibe more till next middle ends early future more cool chat and tune thank ya bro. As next take care cool man incredibly wrapping more exactly.

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