Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Developer Relations hosted by dailydotdev. Developer Relations is a key aspect within the Development Agency niche, focusing on the importance of developers staying updated and engaged in the tech industry. The space provides insights into challenges, strategies, and opportunities for developers worldwide. It highlights the role of Developer Relations in fostering community engagement, offering resources like https://t.co/X5nzZaiIQ5 for education. Through networking and collaboration, developers can enhance their skills, contribute to innovation, and build strong communities for mutual growth.

For more spaces, visit the Development Agency page.


Q: Why is staying updated important for developers worldwide?
A: Staying updated ensures developers remain competitive, adaptable, and informed about industry advancements.

Q: What are the main challenges developers face in keeping up with trends?
A: Time constraints, information overload, and rapidly evolving technologies are common challenges for developers.

Q: How can developers enhance their skills and knowledge effectively?
A: Continuous learning, networking, attending workshops, and leveraging online resources are effective ways for developers to grow.

Q: What is the role of Developer Relations in the developer community?
A: Developer Relations bridges the gap between developers and technology companies, providing support, resources, and fostering community engagement.

Q: How can developers benefit from platforms like https://t.co/X5nzZaiIQ5?
A: Platforms like https://t.co/X5nzZaiIQ5 offer educational resources, updates on industry trends, and networking opportunities for developers.

Q: Why should developers be part of a community?
A: Being part of a developer community offers collaboration, knowledge sharing, support, and opportunities for growth.

Q: What opportunities exist for developers globally?
A: Global opportunities include remote work, freelance projects, collaborations with international teams, and exposure to diverse tech ecosystems.

Q: How does networking benefit developers?
A: Networking allows developers to connect, learn from peers, seek mentorship, collaborate on projects, and explore new career paths.

Q: How does Developer Relations impact the tech ecosystem?
A: Developer Relations play a crucial role in driving innovation, product development, community building, and overall growth within the tech industry.

Q: Why is building strong developer communities essential?
A: Strong developer communities foster knowledge exchange, innovation, support systems, and create a sense of belonging within the developer ecosystem.


Time: 00:12:15
Staying Ahead in Developer Trends Discussing the importance of developers staying at the forefront of emerging technologies.

Time: 00:24:42
The Role of Developer Communities Exploring how developer communities contribute to skill enhancement and collaboration.

Time: 00:35:10
Impact of Developer Relations Highlighting the significant influence Developer Relations have on industry engagement and growth.

Time: 00:45:55
Global Opportunities for Developers Examining the diverse opportunities available for developers worldwide.

Time: 00:58:30
Networking Benefits in Tech Explaining how networking empowers developers to expand their connections and career prospects.

Time: 01:10:20
Community Building for Developers Emphasizing the importance of strong developer communities for mutual growth and support.

Time: 01:25:05
Resource Utilization for Developers Guidance on effectively utilizing platforms like https://t.co/X5nzZaiIQ5 for ongoing learning and development.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of staying updated in the developer community.
  • Challenges faced by developers in keeping up with industry trends.
  • Strategies for developers to enhance their skills and knowledge.
  • The role of Developer Relations in fostering developer engagement.
  • Utilizing resources like https://t.co/X5nzZaiIQ5 for developer education.
  • Benefits of being part of the developer community.
  • Opportunities available for developers worldwide.
  • Networking and collaboration advantages in developer communities.
  • The impact of Developer Relations on the tech ecosystem.
  • Building strong developer communities for growth and innovation.

Behind the Mic

Reflections on Past Love

I used to love you. Came up nowhere I used to love you were never my girl. It was my turn, anytime. It was. Just my turn it's a true fire. Line if I drop her name right now she's too high I bet you want to come tomorrow but you were never my girl. But you never my girl. Sake funny enough I love it, makes you feel nice I mean I used to love. You. Never mind her, it was my turn. Didn't turn. Silence. It was my turn. It's a true fine line. If I dropped her name right now she'd be too high I bet you want to call to Miami.

Introduction to NFT Daily Ama

GM. GM. Good morning and welcome to the NFT Daily Ama with the Yum party. My name is Pav. I'm going to be your host for today. I am the founder of Minted Media and I'm a creator for radio. I'm super excited to get in this conversation today, if you haven't already. Drop us a repost in the bottom right hand corner and you know what to do. Drop us a GM. I'm super pumped for this space young party GM fam. How are you guys? Hi, everyone. Pav, thank you very much for welcoming me for having me in this space. It's a great pleasure for you to know as well. It's the first time we are having a space and yeah, we're super proud to be sharing that with you. Wow.

First Experience in Space

So this is the first time you guys have ever done a. You've ever been on a space before? Yeah, actually we have been. I mean, I've been on a few, but never talking about Yom party, so, yeah, I can't wait. Super exciting. Well, look, I'm really excited in that case because this is your first time speaking with Yom party and I'm really glad that you've joined us at the NFT Daily family. What was your name, buddy? My name is Elan. Elan, great to have you on the show. You're going to be in great hands. I've got a bunch of questions here. Super excited to find out about the project. I'm going to pin a couple of bits to the top, just so if you're listening today, you guys can check out the young party, what they've been up to, a little bit of gameplay footage as well, just so you guys can get a flavor of what we're talking about here.

Introduction to Elan

So, Elan, give me a little bit of an introduction about yourself. Tell me a little bit about yourself, your journey in web three and how you came to your role at the umpire. Yeah. Thank you very much. So basically, I'm in web three since 2017. I started making my first trades in cryptos. I've always been following everything happening. I've been trading cryptos, trading nfts, following everything going, and I've always said to myself that one day I would like to do a web three project. But I was, you know, always working on stuff and it was never the moment and I didn't find the right people to do so. And, yeah, so eventually it came to me, you know, when you don't expect it, but it was a good time and we decided to jump into this young party journey, and we're super happy, super proud of it.

Living in Dubai

Amazing. And I always love getting people's backstories and how they got into web three. Where are you speaking from today? We're based in Dubai, and I'm currently in Dubai. Nice. So I've been living there for three years. One of also the reasons why I was very much linked to web three, more than I've ever been. Let's say that maybe Dubai today is the capital of web three of cryptos. It's where you can do everything freely. There is a lot of events happening and it brought me way more closer since I'm here. Yeah, I've heard that from a lot of people. We've seen news in the headlines about Dubai and them implementing payments for wages. And obviously, every time I've been there as well, even just paying for things, everything's on chain, everything's available.

Upcoming Events and Collaborations

So, yeah, really exciting, man. That sounds great for anyone who's here for the first time. Sorry, Ilana, I just wanted to confirm I've had a couple of requests. Is this the team that's coming up? If you can just check that for me. Sorry, sorry. Yeah, so I see that there is a lot of our ambassadors, people who are following us, helping us, and I thank them all. Just, I told them, but I will tell them again tomorrow. We'll have the second space with Jerry Bond. It's going to be taking place at 01:00 p.m. uTC. And at this time will be a lot to talk in order to keep this one more maybe, you know, nothing was prepared. So if someone want to jump in, it's okay, I have no problem with it.

Elan's Insights on Game Development

But Azara, who is here as well, has been talking with me for this one, and I'm happy for him to jump in at any time when he wants to add stuff to what I'm saying. Amazing. It sounds great. Azara, welcome to the show. Without further ado, let's get straight into it for anyone who's here for the first time. Elan, give us a breakdown, a little bit of an introduction into what the Yum party is. Sure. So let's start, like, first thing first. Yom party is a mini app game available on Telegram. The goal of the people who play is to get the maximum of coins in the game before the airdrop. It's on theme of candy, and I will come back to it maybe later. So I stay brief on this one. But basically, players need to earn coins that enables them to purchase and improve different candies with different levels of rarities.

Engagement and Development Strategy

But it has to be done in a smart way if you want to maximize the game profits. It comes out a very simple game, but it still picks the brain of players and is super engaging. And yeah, if you start playing, you will see it's very well leveled by our algorithm expert. Yeah, very engaging, very rewarding. But I let you feel that by yourself. Amazing. And is this something that you'd always had, like, in the back of your mind that you wanted to do? How did you feel like, how have you determined your direction with it? You mean with yom party? Like, with making a game on ton, with making yum party the way it is with yums, like candies? Yeah, yeah, we like, just like the design aspect of it. With the candy. I mean, I'm looking at your bio, I'm looking at your header, like the design of it. How did that all come around?

Collaboration and Game Evolution

That's a very good question, actually. So basically, you know, we, when we discovered the ton ecosystem. So I met my partners a few years ago already, and we were talking about web three. And when, and we have regular, we had regular dinners, and at one dinner we started talking about tap two, earn, where the wave started to come with not coin. And then we saw hamster, and then we saw quite a lot of games coming up afterwards. And when we discovered the ton ecosystem and started getting deeper in there, we understood that there was a huge potential, but we also realized that the current games were, according to us, not good enough compared to what we find in traditional web two games at all. So we then came up to the conclusion that we could bring something to life that would make sense, different, and how?

Bridging the Gap Between Gaming Worlds

By bringing experienced people from web two. That's what we have done. Coming with a real narrative and something different from what exists in web three, which is always dark and I, and link to money and an evolving gameplay. So we are working on it. First there is a tap and then soon there will be much more things to do and the gameplay with evolve. Our big bet here is to manage and build a bridge between the web two and web three gamers. Three m party. It's going to be a bit hard because what we found out is web three players and web two players have very different way of seeing a game and different reason why joining the game. If you look at web three, they basically come to farm, make money, get an airdrop, right? So it's kind of money related somehow. And on the other side, the web two gamer comes to have fun.

Challenges of Catering to Diverse Players

And when you try to address both at the same time, it's very complicated because there are different people, different willing to play. And this is what we are coming up with. So from the dark we can to a colorful, from having only, you know, a tap, we're coming with a lot of different things that we're going to bring in the game in the future for web two users to feel comfortable. And we are putting all of that in place in order to manage and bring this gap that is in between the web two and web three players.

Tap to Earn Games and User Engagement

Amazing. And we've obviously seen a massive uptake in tap to earn. Right. We saw what happened with hamster combat and so many more. And the amount of users that are coming on tonight, you know, even on Telegram games at a ridiculous rate. What sets you guys apart? What makes you guys a little bit different from that?

Innovative Game Mechanics

Yeah, so as I said, so from what I feel, you know, and from what we have seen, you know, they're all tap to earn games, all repeating themselves. There is no mechanics, nothing that brings them to something that you can find in web two. And this is the big bet. This is what we're bringing to life. There is not a lot I can say because obviously we want to keep this for later. And, and we spend our time refining, making and we are bringing all those things stacked up and I hope that you guys can play and feel this.

Weekly Releases and Features

We are going to have weekly released and yeah, this will bring every week new features. And I think that's the big thing around it. We start with a web three tap to earn game on the web two style. And then we gradually get all the players together around a game. That makes sense in the middle.

Character Design and Airdrop Mechanics

Elan, tell me a little bit more about the characters, like how their airdrop boosts work and things like that. Like the additional aspects of it. Yeah. So, so see, when I told you we're trying to bring something different, that's one of the things that we've been coming up with. It took us a long time to decide to go on the candy theme game. We had a lot of ideas before and eventually we decided to come to it and link four different characters.

Character Abilities and User Interaction

We have the lollipop, the marshmallow, the cookie, and the chocolate. And we linked them to previous web three background for players. So let me explain that. Say for example, when you start the game, you decide to choose the lollipop. And this is the most interesting, I guess, for you guys today because it's the NFT trader. So you will play Yum party and at the time of airdrop you will get a multiplier based on all your on chain NFT volumes traded.

Leveraging NFT Trading for Rewards

So if you traded a lot of NFTs on-chain will be able to track this at the time of Airdrop. And given the amount that you have been trading, you will get a multiplier, meaning everything that you have done in NFTs, whether it was good moves, bad moves, you're going to be able to leverage that at the time of Airdrop, something that no other game is offering today.

Diverse User Incentives

And, you know, we've been doing this for all the different experiences that you can have in web three. So if you look at the marshmallow, who is the trader? It's going to be exactly the same thing. But based on chain crypto volumes traded instead of NFTs. And if you choose the cookie, you have the player and the player bases the multiplayer on the airdrops that this person had before.

Influencer Mechanics in Gameplay

So he played games, he got mems, Airdrop, he's going to be able to get the multiplier. And the final one is the one who doesn't have a lot of experience in web three or doesn't want to rely on it. And we call him the influencer, the chocolate. And the multiplier would be based on the number of people he invited to the game, which is, you know, covering every single kind of people who want to come and play the game.

Attracting Diverse Players

There is a lot of game launching currently and how to choose between one and the other. This gives a great way and a great advantage for people to start playing game party. Amazing. I love that. I love how you're looking at different aspects and different gamer types, you know, and looking at what's going to attract people and onboarding them in different ways.

Understanding Rewards Beyond Gameplay

You mentioned rewards outside of the young party game. What do you mean by rewards outside of it? Yeah, true. We've been talking about this a lot. So, listen, the thing also that we realized when we started looking at all the games and making analysis of what's in and what's not, we could only see airdrops from the game.

User Experience with Airdrops

So basically, people connect their wallet, they get the airdrop at the time that they don't know when. And in between, they just play the game without making real sense of the money, of the farming that they're doing inside the game and stuff. So what we came up with is, how can we bring Web two users who don't have a clue about what an airdrop is in the first place?

Connecting Casual Users to Gaming

And this is what happened, and I'm going to give this whole story because it's a funny one. When I started playing and understanding everything about it, I asked my parents to play, and I said, what happens if you ask Web one, web two, and not even web two players to start gaming playing on an app directly from Telegram?

The Disconnect with Earning Potential

And what I realized is that, you know, they kind of understood the way it was working, even if it was a little difficult at the beginning. But what they didn't understand is, was always the same question, same with my friends. And, but my parents was the more striking because I told them, imagine you could play a game and earn money.

Integrating Real Gifts

And then they started playing the game and they said, I don't understand how I can earn money. So what I realized is that until the airdrop time, no one understands that. So how about, you know, adding a real gift section inside the game. Nice. And. And so the thing that we link to the game is that, you know, they have to find the combination, the right combination of rare candies from the machine, and then they can unlock those gifts, and this would give a complete other level.

Value of In-Game Currency

Currently, we have mostly web three users, and we started with web two, but mostly our web three users. This was the first phase in the first week, and we have put USDT prices. So, you know, when you can see something like this and you can feel that there is a reward that you can actually gain from the game, in the game, without talking about the airdrop, it gives a complete other sense of the coins that you're making in the game now they have a real value.

Changing Gift Listings

They can really bring something. And this, we believed, was super interesting and super important. Now the list of gifts will change every two weeks. Then we'll have much more tangible gifts, such as we'll have an Apple batch. That's an alpha. We didn't say it yet. We'll have an iPhone, Apple Vision Pro, and then we'll have other batches with other things that people will be able to gain.

Rewards Across User Types

And for web two, web three users, it will all make sense. And this is what we try to create when we say rewards outside of the unpartigame. Wow. I mean, that's incredible. It's always about whether you're speaking about a gaming project, an NFT project, a Defi project.

Utility in Gaming

It's always about utility. How can you add more value to your players and your users other than just holding, playing the game? And I think, you know, the way that you guys are doing that with doing it on chain, doing your IRL, it offers a lot. And it becomes really apparent when you start comparing what you guys are doing with other gaming projects because you can automatically see the difference and you can see the value that's being added.

Differentiation in Gaming Strategies

And I think that's what really stands out about what you guys are doing. Just before we head into the next section, Elan and I really want to have a look at a little bit more about ton. Why ton? Why you're building on the blockchain now. I'm bullish on ton.

Community Engagement

I've been tweeting about it and doing a lot more research in the last three weeks and I'm getting really clear on why this is somewhere that everyone should be spending a lot more time and energy. But just before we do that, I wanted to ask everyone who's here today, if you haven't already, drop us a repost in the bottom right-hand corner.

Building Hype around Young Party

You guys are getting all the alpha. There's a lot of information that's coming out on a chain that is absolutely exploding. So definitely drop a repost if you haven't already. Young party. If you guys haven't as well, do that, let's get your community activated. Let's let them know that we're live on the show.

Preparing for the Next Discussion

Drop it in your discord as well. So before we head into ton, this was one of the questions that I wanted to ask at the beginning, but I purposely asked it now because I wanted to get those little bits of information out. Who's the team behind this? Who's building this? Tell me a little bit about the team that's working.

Team Background

All right, so shall we start with ton or the team? What do you feel like, pavda? I just want to. I just want to get clear on the team. And then we're gonna. Then we're really gonna. We're gonna dive into some time.

Team Composition

Sounds good. Sounds good. By the way, I see that Jana also took the flock if guys. Jana, Azara, you feel like you want to say something, please don't hesitate. Take the. Take the mic and share with me. So, yeah, so about the team, I partnered with a guy, his name is Eli.

Expertise and Experience

We are all, both docs. You can find us everywhere on LinkedIn, everywhere. We say who we are. We have no problem with this. So my partner is a tech expert. He's got ten years of experience in AI. He's been working for S and P 500, like, total, actually today, the largest company in France, helping them putting AI stuff in place, and he's helping us putting AI in every department.

Development and IT Background

He's also managing all the tech dev side. I'm personally from the it world.

Experience and Team Building

I've worked for Microsoft, I work for SAP, and I've been an entrepreneur in quite a, you know, a good amount of companies before and, yeah. So to make sure that we took the right decisions and actually achieve our goals, we tried to hire veterans and experts in, you know, every way. And if you speak to our advisors, people from ton people outside, they will all tell you the same. Every time we go to them, we try to get their expertise and try to bring everything to life together. So it makes a super unique project on ton through Yom party.

Web Two and Expert Onboarding

So on the web two side, because we knew it was the biggest challenge. We have onboarded the vps from the biggest studios. We have a VP from Epic Games who is a director of Ui Ux at Fortnite. We have former CEO of Candy Crush. Everything will be announced soon again, small Alpha. Our ambassadors know it, but people out loud don't do. So if you're here, you've got the information in the first place, we also have our unity developer. Because we developed the game on Unity, we're one of the first one to do it on pun Blockchain. Nice.

Expertise and Engagement in Game Development

And this developer is a teacher in the most prestigious game development school in France. It was hard to get him with us, but this is why people feel engaged a lot with the game and like it. Our leveling algorithm. The guy has 18 years of experience in game mechanics and he creates a super engaging game and he's ready to follow us on every step towards what we have in mind in the roadmap, in terms of game mechanics and gameplay, in the tone ecosystem, we've been connecting with quite influential people so far in a very short period.

Supportive Ecosystem and Team Appreciation

And that's one of the things that I'm going to talk about later. Maybe I just say this one before talking about ton in the next section. The ton ecosystem is so supportive. We can feel that everyone is trying to help each other. Everyone is participating to the success of the other and this is something that we really appreciate. So we've been able to very quickly connect with the right people in the tone ecosystem who are pushing us. We have an amazing team of ambassadors. Some are here thanks to them all, really.

Team Hard Work and Daily Collaboration

You cannot imagine how much hard work they put with us. The love, the trust. I don't see them all, but I can see Tommy. He's with me day to day and he's working so hard. I can see Geo, who's giving me always the nice advices and telling me what you know is the right thing to do to grow in the Tonica system. I can see Tiona, I can see Tiona that is super engaged as well. And I can see Azara. I spend hours to speak with him about a lot of things. Also daily I see Jana, who is the one who gives us, you know, the nice pick, the nice way of doing so.

Working Towards Game Development Success

You know, those people are super important to us and they are, you know, the proof live that we are trying to work with the right people to help us, you know, perform in, you know, in making this game coming to life. Ilana, I think with all of your experience, I think you can add mind reader as well, because you literally read my mind as to what I was going to be asking next. See, I think most people would ask, why the ton blockchain? Why would you build on the tongue blockchain? And for me, it's obvious, I don't think we need to go into that.

The Advantages of Choosing Ton Blockchain

You've got $13 billion market cap, you know, over a million daily active users, trading volume of 290 million. The energy, the liquidity, the sentiment and the growth is there. No doubt. My question was going to be, and you did answer, it was, what's it like building with them as a blockchain? Because we saw what happened with Parval and with telegram. We know that it's separate. We know that there's an incredible team that's building behind this blockchain. And, you know, I wanted to know from yourself what it was like building with them.

Choosing the Right Blockchain for Development

And that's always something that you need to have a look at, right? You can go and pick any blockchain that has a liquidity, has a TVL, something's got a click, right? Something's got to work. That makes you think this is the one for me. True. Very true. So I see that Jana is. Is raising her hand. Maybe I don't know if I should answer first and then give her the mic. Let's do ladies first. Jana, welcome to the stage. A pleasure to have you on the show.

Thoughts on Web Three Gaming Development

Hey, sorry, I was not sure which moment should I jump? And then I was like, yeah, let's put the hands up. Thank you for having me. That's great. You guys are killing it. I love the. The conversation. I love the questions. I was just looking to say that I really think that what we first brought here and discussed about this methodology to bring a web three game, mixing that with a web two thing, and then being able this way to really onboard and make all of this in a mix up situation, I think this is great because.

The Impact of Telegram on User Engagement

Because we. When we think about tone, we think about telegram. Telegram. It is web two. People that are still not here used to web three. And then when we think about web three, we also have people that understand how tone and all of these work. So I really just was looking to come here to give a big shout out to the team and say that I was really impressed and I'm really liking a lot what they have been doing, and it's been a great journey.

Final Thoughts on the Team and the Project

And again, just to give my flowers to the team and also, you guys, amazing space. Thank you so much for having me. And let's keep going. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you. So, if you ask me why we chose the tone blockchain. Look, man, it has been a choice that we've been analyzing a lot. Before taking our final decision, we looked at every single blockchain. We tried to see everything. And after analyzing, we came up with the conclusion that tonight is the most, if not only, maybe not only, but definitely far the most really decentralized platform.

Acknowledging Pavel Durov's Contribution

And, you know, we can see how much this has been proved. Lastly, I take this opportunity to speak about Pavel Durov. Big shout out to everything he's been doing and the reason why we are all here to discuss today is because of him. Thanks to, you know, his involvement for all of us, I hope that you will soon be released. It's important for us all. We are today in NFT daily. It's something that every one of us should fight for.

Emphasizing Freedom of Speech

Not for us right now, but for us, for our kids, for our grandkids. Our freedom of speech is something that we really need to keep, especially online. And this is something that we cannot let go and Durov is fighting for that on a day to day basis. He's ready to go to jail to be in the worst problems for that, because he wants to keep up with his values and big shout out to him, thanks so much and I really hope that Durov, you can be freed very soon.

Advocacy for Freedom of Speech

By the way, we've also done before Ton decided to do it themselves, a petition then I strongly suggest if you guys didn't do it, sign this petition, help us get voices and show the world that we want to fight for this freedom of speech. Also, Ton is the only ecosystem that brings an easy onboarding for not crypto users, which is an essential point for us because as Janna said, and as I said, I really want to manage and bring web two users to the platform.

Benefits of Easy Onboarding

And without this, it would have been super complicated. If you look at it, you can just make a few clicks and you connect directly your ton wallet even if you don't know anything about it, just by having a telegram account. And that's for me, a super important thing that they are bringing. Also, telegram has hundreds of millions of users so far, and they all can have access to web three in few clicks, as I said. And that's one point that was super important for us in the decision process.

Scalability and Team Support

And most of all, it's the only ecosystem that proved to, you know, strong scalability, power, and especially on microtransactions. So yeah, if you ask me, and then the team and then the support, all of those reasons make it, you know, the no way out and no regret decision to go on blockchain. Yeah, I mean, look, it's almost like you're preaching to the choir. 900 million users, I think it is at the moment that are on telegram that are all waiting to be on boarded, which is why I think it's so exciting.

User Engagement Through Effective Communication

We've got Azara with his hand up over to you. Yay. Hello. Hello, guys. Thank you for having me. Pleasure to have you on the show, buddy. Sorry, pleasure to have you on the show. Yeah, I am audible. Yeah, we can hear you. Okay. Yeah, thank you so much. I'm super happy to be here with you guys and I, I'm also super excited to see projects like Yompati decide to join tone blockchain and yeah, as you say, it's like 950 million monthly active users on Telegram.

The Future with Telegram and Ton Blockchain

This is just crazy. And I'm excited to see like young parties start to come with something new and fresh because we are not going to lie. After the success of no coin, we have seen so many a copy paste project, they just launch their tab to earn without zero progress, zero originality. And to me to see like builders, they choose to come here on torn and telegram and they really trust in the technology. It's a proof for all the builders that you can do great things here. You can build a community of million users within a few weeks.

Building Community and Innovation

This is, I think the only place you will find on web suite for doing that.

Building Community and Support

And it's pretty rare. I think like all the builders right now are looking for this. They want to be able to build a strong community easily and people who are engaging with their projects and I. It's what you can find on telegram and also like Elan was sharing, of course, we are very supportive and I'm super, super glad to see like builders like Yeon Party can join and get directly support from us, from the town community and to make them feel at home because it's, it is what we are. We are very strong and powerful. Community tone is an open network. It's open to everyone. So it is true. It's not just marketing. Literally everyone is open.

Open Ecosystem

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