Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space session covered a wide range of topics important to the audience. The discussion started with greetings and acknowledging participants from various time zones. The main focus of the session was on diverse audience perspectives and the importance of community engagement. Several challenges faced by different sectors were highlighted, accompanied by personal anecdotes to make the conversation relatable. The participants explored future trends and shared their expectations while emphasizing the necessity of continuous learning. Interactive Q&A sessions engaged the audience and various new tools and strategies were introduced. The session concluded with encouragements for collaborative efforts and effective networking among participants.


Q: What was the main focus of the discussion?
A: Diverse audience perspectives and community engagement.

Q: What challenges were discussed?
A: Challenges faced in specific sectors and overcoming common obstacles.

Q: Were any personal experiences shared?
A: Yes, personal anecdotes were shared for relatability.

Q: What future trends were explored?
A: Future trends and expectations in various fields were discussed.

Q: How was the audience engaged?
A: Through interactive Q&A sessions.

Q: What was emphasized for personal growth?
A: The importance of continuous learning.

Q: Were any new tools introduced?
A: Yes, new tools and strategies were introduced.

Q: What was encouraged among the participants?
A: Collaborative efforts and networking were encouraged.

Q: What kind of sector-specific insights were provided?
A: Insights into overcoming common sector-specific obstacles.

Q: Was there a focus on practical advice?
A: Yes, practical advice and strategies were provided.


Time: 00:01:09
Introduction and greetings

Time: 00:01:11
Acknowledging diverse time zones

Time: 00:00:43
Kickoff of main discussion

Time: 00:00:50
Remembering past challenges

Time: 00:05:30
Insights into community engagement

Time: 00:10:15
Personal anecdotes shared

Time: 00:15:45
Future trends exploration

Time: 00:20:20
Interactive Q&A session

Time: 00:25:00
Introduction of new tools

Time: 00:30:50
Encouraging collaboration and networking

Key Takeaways

  • Focused on diverse audience perspectives.
  • Highlighted importance of community engagement.
  • Discussed challenges faced in specific sectors.
  • Provided insights into overcoming common obstacles.
  • Shared personal anecdotes for relatability.
  • Explored future trends and expectations.
  • Engaged audience through interactive Q&A.
  • Emphasized importance of continuous learning.
  • Introduced new tools and strategies.
  • Encouraged collaborative efforts and networking.

Behind the Mic

ta and reputation that aren't encapsulated in a traditional blockchain stack where it's really meant for bitcoin or each bitcoin is sort of swappable trash discourse. Go for it. Your hands been up for a second? Yeah. We've kind of varied away from a point that I was going to make, and this is something that I led the space off with when I said this, and this is something that I'm very interested in. Remove, listen, remove the political view of the people I'm about to name, because I would like to point out what I feel like is a gaping hole, which is why I believe in Deci myself as a political guy, as a commentator. Is that okay? Again, this is not politics. Remove the political points of view from the people I'm about to name. But I would like to point out specifically why we know about James Lindsay to begin with. Right. Because they wrote these fake troll academic papers that went through peer review, and it made it to the broader discussion in academia, and it was all fake and dumb. It was a troll. And that was. And it was actually approved and peer reviewed because they hit hot button item words and buzzwords that the academic circles of where they were getting funding from was paying for those type of studies. And it was all fake and dumb. They trolled. It was Peter Boghossian, James Lindsay and one other person, and they submitted fake academic papers that were then reviewed and lauded. Another person that did this to an extreme degree, actually put a costume on was Stephen Crowder. Again, removed politics for a minute. Stephen Crowder dressed up in a wig and put on a fat suit, so to speak, and was talking about and had a peer reviewed and approved paper on why we should have fat acceptance. And this made it through, like, medical and academic circles and was actually spoken upon as if it was, like, an expert take. And this is why I think that this is much needed, because, again, like, I lit up a space with just, like, we're at today we have these confirmation biases. We have money and grants and where should we put these grants? Should we put it on hot button click baiting topics or do we put this on the issues that really matter to society? So I think like from the beginning of this space to now, we've finally come full circle. And I think that's the gap that we need to fill. And I'm really bullish on Decentralized Science in general. Tarun looks like you want to chime in. No, I think this stuff really segues incredibly well into our last section. I don't want to cut off the discussion too early even if DSI is decentralized and open, you still have somewhat of an authoritarian system employed by the universities that are dictating the direction of research. I do think that it's minuscule or maybe even unnecessary for other people. Like when I think about when I think about making anonymity more available and more accessible to people. Like if you make it if you make anonymous networks and payments intuitive and easy for people and if you make it usable, people are going to use those things. But they have to be there, ready to use and it's seamless and it's got good ux and it's solving problems, even if it's just, like, viewed as minuscule or maybe unnecessary by other people, I'm fully on board for it. I'm here for it. I'll use it every day. Yeah, absolutely. Thanks again, everyone. It's been a great discussion. We had a great panel day. We were able to pretty much, I think, get hot takes from everybody. And with a little bit of stage management, I think we got some diverse perspectives. So again, thank you to Wolf, Web three. Can't do these without you, of course. Thank you, Patrick. Thank you to all our speakers, and special thanks to everyone listening. Make sure you do follow all the speakers. Make sure that you follow Wolf, Web three. Set a reminder, they have so many awesome spaces in Web three. Definitely the leader in that space. Patrick. Next week we got a. We're putting together a killer show. Should we give a little preview of what the topic is, or do we want to keep that a secret and drip that out in the next few days? No, spill it all. Spill it all right now. Spill it all. Let's just do it. Let's we got. We got time, right? Another hour, everyone. Let's do it now. Yeah. I think we're gonna do a space on addiction, correct? Yes. Okay. All right. Addiction. And that could be anything. That could be addiction to booze, sex, power, you name it. And we're gonna talk about what role decentralized science can play in healing addiction. So super looking forward to that. Thanks, Wolf. Web three, do you have any music to cue us out with, or you cut the space? I don't have music. I do just want to say one thing, and I feel like you probably can speak to the average person who's in this space. I learned so much in every one of these spaces. I really enjoy this, so keep doing this, guys, I thoroughly have enjoyed this conversation on the speakers. Really appreciate making the time, maybe the time to be here. And. Yeah. Have an amazing Thursday, guys. Thanks, everyone. Thanks, guys. Thank you. Thank you, guys.

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