Degen Hours w/ Rome ️ $POX to a BILLY


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Degen Hours w/ Rome ️ $POX to a BILLY hosted by RomeJayX. Dive into the world of marketing and community building with Rome as $POX embarks on a journey from humble beginnings to a billion-dollar market cap. Discover valuable insights on strategies, partnership opportunities, and the pivotal roles played by influencers like Barkmediax and DoginalDogsx in shaping the crypto landscape.

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Total Listeners: 19


Q: How has $POX's journey been towards a billion-dollar market cap?
A: $POX has followed a remarkable growth trajectory to reach its current market valuation.

Q: What are some key marketing strategies discussed in the space?
A: Various marketing approaches and community building tactics have been explored during the conversation.

Q: Are there partnership opportunities available for businesses in the crypto marketing sector?
A: The space highlighted potential partnerships and collaborations for businesses interested in marketing and community building.

Q: How do Barkmediax and DoginalDogsx contribute to community growth?
A: These influencers play a significant role in shaping the community and fostering partnerships within the space.


Time: 08:25:11
Journey to a Billion: $POX's Growth Story Exploring the milestones and strategies behind $POX's surge towards a billion-dollar market cap.

Time: 09:40:45
Community Influence: Barkmediax & DoginalDogsx Understanding the impact of Barkmediax and DoginalDogsx on community development and partnerships in the crypto space.

Key Takeaways

  • Discussion on the growth trajectory of $POX towards a billion-dollar market cap.
  • Insights on marketing strategies and community development in the crypto space.
  • Information on potential partnership opportunities in the marketing and community building sector.
  • The significance of Barkmediax and DoginalDogsx in influencing community growth and partnerships.

Behind the Mic

Initial Thoughts

Before I learned to read. Let's go. They say, gang put a yard off the coast. Let me see your best box. Memes in the bottom right corner, baby, let's go. Let me see that shit. I get love from the vultures. Yeah, suit came up with the roaches. Yeah, Dunnigan down like an o, more respect than a poke. She gave me top on her low. What you doing? Wipe her nash like a snide in o. Wiping nice straw like Snyder. No, you gonna do wiping nice girl like you got a cold. Yeah, traffic once before, crooked, who don't get you cook? My bitch and princess demon in the cup, you mean you moving wrong, we clutch line, we sharing, slut, my twin is only us. We trap, go platinum.

Bold Statements

Fuck a budget, my bitch, impressive demon in the clip, go raiding at the church. You moving wrong, we clutch line, we sharing, slut, my twin is only us. Say what? Let's go. Y'all better start shaking those booties right now. Get real comfortable. Get up off the couch, stretch them legs. Let me see what you working with. Monkeypox barks media dogs. No dogs. We coming through. We run the motherfucking yard. Shout out to everybody in the building. You could be anywhere. But you right here in gzen hours. Creeper, this one's for you, baby. If I even tell me, if I even tell me if I'll keep it good.

Flow of Conversation

See, the ride gets tricky, ladies and gentlemen. It definitely gets tricky. It gets wild. Man, I hope you guys like that one. I bring money to my nigga. I bring money to my homies. Nigga funnels and gobblers come out. Bushmaster honey shot drums will run out. They come out to hurt me, they call me big homies me, I make the register, I'm the cash cow, they make the hammers wet. Don't your ass now head trick a stair, nigga dead niggas a flip six to a semi stall, let it off here I is where the money is, I still get bids if these more about the beef, you gonna still get there.

The Challenges

It be a tough stone in your fucking brave, they dig had that ass in the try to talk to the pigs. I'm like Damien, nigga when I start getting loosening, close things looser. I make it hard to breathe. I come with your heart to air it out, make it hard to eat. How you looking both ways like you cross the street. Let's go. I bring money to my niggas that forget. Let that sink in real quick. Man, 50 cent was never with the gimmicks. 50 cent could spot weird ass puff daddy from a mile away. He saw it right when he entered the music industry. And that is one reason why I will always rock with and love the music and the sarcasm and the trolliness of 50 sent, ladies and gentlemen.

Memorable Artists

Plus, I grew up in high school and he was coming out, man, juju ji, g unit. That was like, bro, I get, yo, hey, everybody in the bottom, right? Let me know who your favorite g unit member was. Obviously 50 cent was a big one. Me, loy Banks. I love Lloyd Banks, man. Just, I love young buck, bro. You really? Yo, for real. Yo, I love the voice. You like young buck? Yeah, man. Well, I did. I did. Okay. Okay. I love you. Now, young buck was definitely more rowdy. Rowdy of the bunch. And he was just, how do I put you, unit? How did I do that? He was crazy after that. Back then.

Reflections on Current Events

I'm in. Sorry. Like, he was wild. Yeah. This is what overall, I remember this song, homie. What are we supposed to, and we popping them things like that song, man. Oh, that one. When that came out, they took the game by storm. They had merchandise that, sneakers, they had clothes, they had a video game. You name it, the unit was doing it. They were putting it on. Yo, creeper, just real quick, how's my mic sound? Are we good? Yeah. You Gucci? All right. Bet it took some trials and tribulations. Try to get this thing back on.

Technical Difficulties

And it was the most simple thing, man. I'm looking at this sound board and I'm like, yo, what did I press? What did I do? How is it not working? I couldn't hear myself for about, I don't know, a day. And, yo, everybody, just keep your eyes peeled. I know bark hinted and teased to an alpha space tonight, an unrecorded alpha space. So let's just keep our eyes peeled for that. I almost was eager to start this 15 minutes earlier just in case he started it at 10:00 like he did last night. He literally started it right when this space was supposed to start. So I was like, yo, we all mopping over there. Let's get it.

Community Engagement

So it's been two days without djing hours, man. And I was feeding. I've been jonesing for it. I've been missing you guys. So, yo, shout to everybody that's pulling up. Happy Friday night to you, creep. A happy Saturday afternoon, right? I think it's afternoon for you. It's like 04:00 p.m. or something like that. Yeah, 03:00 p.m. yeah, I do. I was right. Right around a cone. Right around the cone. But, man, monkeypox is live and, well leading the charge. And I just want to say it's getting a lot of attention from people because I know creepers.

Awareness of Current Trends

DM's have been getting lit up with other projects, trying to come in and ask for assistance. They want kols. I know my DM's being blown up. I can only imagine what these look like. Orlando. Some of the other individuals within the space. Maybe not even just the space hosts, right? Not even just the people that run spaces actively. But I just wanted to give you guys a little heed warning. They're gonna. They're just trying to take advantage of you. Like, a lot of them are just trying to take advantage of you, trying to take advantage of the.

Warnings About Exploitation

The moment, because they're gonna try to make you feel like the special one, like, oh, you're. Oh, man, you're amazing. You're this da da. No, don't. Don't fall for it. There's something that comes with integrity in my eyes. There's something that comes with conflict of interest and just spreading yourself too thin. And I'm just not. I guess it's just my personal standpoint, I'm passing up money right and left. But that's one thing, you know, for me, it's about the network. It's not about the net worth at this moment in time.

Long-term Goals

I know it will come in due time, and I look forward to it, man. I want to get rich with all of you guys. I want to be able to change my life, my immediate family's life, and a lot of people around me irl. So, you know, there's a mission, and I'm staying the course. I'm staying the course. And, you know, for anybody, if you think that you're getting the best deal in your life and somebody's promised you a carrot at the, you know, a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, a carrot at the end of the string.

Cautions Against Quick Gains

Just be careful, right? One thing, when I've ever done propositions or this or that or been advisory work, or just offered a lending hand, I like to be paid in, not the token, because I would never want to sell the token, right? That's. It's just kind of a moral compass of my partner. But since I've came to bark media, if bark media is not representing it, I'm not pushing it. And that's just something for me on my own. I know it might be a controversial take for some people to be like, well, you're passing on money.

Navigating Opportunities

You're passing up this. Yeah, well, instant gratification is. Is a, you know, it's a killer. Ego is a killer. Pride is a killer. Money, hungriness is a killer. So just heed warning. Be careful for the people that are trying to hit you up. And not everybody that's hitting me up is a. Is a weird individual or shadowy figure, things like that. You know, I've known a lot of people in this space for a very long time, and I do wish the best for everybody on their game and what they got cooking.

Support and Human Connection

But I also watch who's clapping when we're being successful and who's coming around supporting as well. So for anybody that's not pulling up and supporting our cause and things of that nature and just coming and try to offer you, you know, a golden ticket and. And well wishes and things like that. Yeah. Just be careful, man. Action. Speak louder than words. Don't fall for. For the shenanigans and state, of course, ladies and gentlemen, because this is programmed to go to a billy and I have full confidence that we're.

Looking Forward

All. Our bags are gonna look a lot fatter in the. In the week over week, month over month. Six months, over six months, a year. This isn't going anywhere. So make sure that you pack your bags right. You double down on your conviction plays, because all that who wrong, that jibber jabbering, fucking promises in the wind, kitsaya nara. I'm not here for it. I'm not about that. And, yo, I'm just doubling down in you guys, really.

Commitment to the Community

That's. That's the conviction lies in me because I believe in all of you. Some of you guys I know Weller more well than others, but I see I got a list. Creepers got that Excel spreadsheet. I got my list of everybody that shows up in support. So keep doing, you guys. I see you guys out there grinding. You're doing a phenomenal job. And just keep it up, man. I really want to just say how grateful I am to be a part of this community, be involved with you all, and let's keep rocking.

End of Discussion

We got a long way to go. Job where the job is nowhere near finished. So Annie up put, you know, tying up them laces, baby. Let's run this shit. All right, enough about my monologue. Enough about me. Let's talk about you. Ladies first. Yo, v, what's going down? What's the vibes? Oh, I'm cozy and happy to be here. No place else I'd rather be. I freaking love the vibes all day. It's been amazing. And, yeah, so I took a nap.

Discussion on Religion and the Prophet

Mohammed, right? He's the. He's like the. The prophet. Is that right? Yeah, that's correct. Right. He's like one of the prophets in the Quran. Yes. He had eleven wives, right. That. I don't know. I have no idea. I think, yeah, he. Any killed, like, over 700 people. Any. He. He, like, killed over 700 people. He was a colonizer yeah, it's just.

Personal Reflections on Religion

Something I literally came across my feed because I have taught Cree, but, you know, I've like, been like, yo a this shit. Like, I'm really fascinated with religion. I can't, you know, I'm a Catholic via my family and certain beliefs. I really love the saints. Like, St. Christopher has always been close to my heart, the pagan saint of travelers. And just think of surfers and, you know, in California, a lot of people love that.

Growing Up with Religion

My father was, you know, forest service, and he flew helicopters, so he was always traveling. So he rocked that. So just from a young age, St. Christopher was like, and it's the pictures of him, like, helping kids cross the river. He's just been a cool dude. Saint Nick, obviously a saint, things of that nature. So it's always been around me. I did have, like, weird things. You know, I had a lot of people pass away when I was younger in my life and even in my teenage years to young adulthood.

Struggles with Loss and Understanding Life

And so it was kind of like, as younger, it was really hard for me to understand why. And then, you know, from fear, uncertainty, and doubt usually comes anger. So then I got, like, angry at a bunch of people. But then as life went on, understand the cycle of life. It's very basic, like the lion kingdom, the circle of life, right? And so couldn't really be mad at anybody, had to look within.

Living by Principles

And so that's why I've always just come up with the principle, you know, everybody's got a different religion, everybody's got a different belief system. The one thing that you need to do is just take care of yourself, nurture yourself mentally, spiritually, physically, and then take care of your neighbor, right? I actually have one of my neighbors today. We were coming in, we had a big load of groceries. We're doing something. And he actually helped. Like, he was the coolest thing.

Community and Connection

It's my dude Joe. He's an older cat, but he's still in the younger side. He wants to, like, live vicariously through the youngster. You could feel it, right? You know that old cat that like, nah, I'm young still. And it was cool. He came up and he came in. He, like, put his stuff on the table. It was like, it was really cool. And for me, it was like, it was that connection of community, and a lot of us don't have that in our day to day lives. And to me, it was like, I experienced that today, and it was that, like that unconditional love, right?

Importance of Mutual Support

Nothing. He could have been doing a whole bunch of other stuff he didn't have to help me with the groceries. He was chopping it up. And then I go into that space and I just hear a bunch of different passionate people. I'm like, yo, bro. And then the other thing I was going to say, because I didn't want to say the eleven and 700, I didn't really want to say that thing, but I was like, yo. Because I looked into it more and I'm like, all right.

Reflections on Historical Figures

And then, like, Jesus, he's. He did his thug this, all right. He, he didn't kill nobody. He didn't like nothing like that. He. He didn't have a bunch of wives and shit and no harm, no foul. Like, yo, player, homie was a player. Eleven wives. Shades, bro. You fuck, you got energy. And so just being able, you know, take care of your neighbor, that's really what's about at the end of the day for me is like, you.

Valuing Community Cleanliness

You want to take care of your community. You want the. You want the vegetation to be nice, greenhouse produce quality oxygen. You want the floors, the sidewalks, the streets to be clean so, you know, kids can walk down and not be tripped out for all this disgustingness that happens. You know, there's a lot of beautiful parts of my city. There's a lot of nasty parts of my city. And so for me, it's just taking care of your neighbor.

Community Dynamics

And I think we do that extremely well here in our community. At times, we do have our opinions and we like to showcase them and, you know, I'm for it, bro. He's crazy. I like conspiracies. It was like, yo, religion. I was like, oh, my God. No, don't do it, Kura. I love Kura, bro. Shout out, bodhi qua. Because held it down as well.

Leadership and Emotions

I just love his. His approach from the military, like, from a veteran standpoint. And I love what he said, bro. I love what he said. Creeper. Because he was like, you. You motherfucker. Being all passionate, yum shit. And he was like, yo, creep up. Cool as a cucumber. He was like, bro, I've had bullets flying past my head, so I cannot be emotional. I need to make strategic moves to make sure that I am doing things successfully.

Handling Business

Respecting Community Voices

And I was just listening to him and I was like, yo, I love that. Like, it's so crazy because at work you can't be emotional, right? You're running a business and you're. You're in charge of people. You cannot lead with emotion because right when they see, you become emotional. Haha. They got you. They know what makes you tick. They know how to get to you. And you show it the. Maybe not the best side of yourself, but yeah, creep.

Reflecting on Emotion in Discussions

A long story short, I had no idea where I was going with that. But I just love our community and how different we are and how very similar we are. I appreciate the rundown, Rome, because I completely agree with Creepa. It's like CRG didn't get the memo. I have talked to him before about this a couple times. there's, there's, there's opportunity for growth. I've identified, message up to Ar or HR.

The Need for Change

I mean, whatever. I don't know. the thing is it drives me nuts. so I was. I actually am pretty proud of myself for not just leaving because that might have been like giving up. I was like, no, I'm gonna stick it out. I'm gonna stick it out. But yeah, Sergi, he does play the troll, you know, pretty well, almost imperceptibly, but that's, that. There's a lot of that going on there just to derail the space and kind of create controversy where is unnecessary.

Confronting Disruption

It's, it's in his nature. Yo, V. And then I want to say, what's up with bomb, real quick, what's going down, player? Because what the subject that I'm about to bring up, to v in the space might take. Yo, creep, it's regarding that post you sent me about that guy, Federali guy. bomb, what's going down, player? Good to see you. What's the vibes? You too, my dog. Hey, the vibe is high.

Support Within the Community

The vibe is high. The vibe is high. I just wanted to support. VV has been catching some strays and she's definitely been handling it extremely well. And also a shout out to creepa. Appreciate you hopping in there. It's a learning opportunity for everybody when discussions like that happen. And then it's also a learning opportunity when someone like you steps in and sets it right and says, let's get our shit together real quick.

Fostering Understanding

Because we're passionate, we love each other, but we also have, you know, we got a mission at hand. 100%. And you never know who's watching. You never know who's in other listeners. You never know who's on an alt account. So I think discussions, I think my favorite part. Yo, let me talk real quick. Real quick, real quick. And then, or no, who was it? Yo, Creepo is like. And we keep talking over.

Navigating Group Conversations

And then you got, like, Molly whopped by, like, five different people at the same time. And Green was like, this is what I'm talking about, man. This is what I'm talking. He's like, yo, why can't. I was just like, oh, this. Yo, you guys got creeper frustrated, bro. That's a hard thing to do. Well, not really. Creep is, he's like, got a short fuse. He's a very love lovable guy, but he's.

Community Dynamics and Reactions

He's ready to claw your face off like a honey badger, that's for sure. Don't get that fucking guy wound up, because once you crank that, he's got a pit bull as a right hand, he's got a Doberman pincher as a left. And once those bad boys come off, they getting them back on the leash. It's going to be really hard to get those boys back on the leash. But, yo, shout out bomb.

Everyday Experiences

Yeah, today was, like, the craziest day for me. I was out and about. I was going to different errands running and just, I got to get this, you know, hotspot thing taken care of because I couldn't hear bark forever. And then I heard Shebo would come out, like, once every 30 minutes and say something. I'm like, bro, I can't even hear anybody on this stage. Same thing that I was in King ad space.

Struggles with Communication

Couldn't hear anybody on the stage. I could only hear tall, and tall would always come in with a very, like, educational will guy. So what we're gonna do is the USDT, it's gonna fuck up the whole market. And I'm like, yo, get like, fuck. I waited this to get that alpha bomb. And so I was just crazy. So I was like, all right, man, we're gonna.

Community Engagement

I'm gonna log off. put out my post, engage it in some comments, and just try to farm here nor there. And, I'm just glad to be here right now. And, yo, so this post that we saw v and everybody on stage and in the crowd, this guy was calling Myron a CIA operative. And he. I didn't really look into the. The thread that he had, but he had this whole thing that he.

Controversial Conversations

Creeper, where is he from? It was like the Taliban. I can't remember the base of it, but I do remember that, like, he had actually admitted a couple times that he has worked with the feds before or something like that. So, yeah, it was pretty crazy. Myron Gaines, real name, amora floodle, is a saudius arab anchor baby who changed. Oh, my God. Yeah. That's crazy.

Reflections on Discussions

So crazy. But one thing I just want to bring up, and I can't fact check that. I haven't fact checked it, but I just bomb when you're saying catching strays here and there. I was just like, yo, I remember v held it down on stage, and Myron, we're having a little go back and forth, right? And to me, like, she handles herself very well in moments of pressure and spotlight, right?

Courage in Conversations

Because a lot of people don't feel comfortable enough just to come onto the stage when it's hunky dory and it's good vibes, and we're just here. Hey, how you doing, buddy? Welcome to the like. And then when it's stressful conversation, whether it's politics, whether it's human rights, war, crypto, and it's actually, you got to speak facts and. And speak with.

Navigating Difficult Topics

With, you know, from the heart or speak with just, you know, facts. Like what I said, it could become very difficult for certain people because certain people just can't, communicate in. In a certain way. And I gotta say v creeper as well, bro, you. You hold it down. I've seen you many times, over and over again on stages when it hasn't been the most pleasant, been able to carry yourself in the proper manner.

Celebrating Voices of Reason

And I just want to say kudos, really, to both of you guys, because, you know, we do need to have voices of reason in. In this space. And one thing that I do, I listen. It's funny for how loud I am and how energetic I am in times of. Of me having to come in, like, just. I watch what I say because I learned in the past when I had my first two accounts, I would, you know, I don't want to eat my words at the end of the day.

Caution in Expression

And I have a lot to say. I'm very opinionated, and I don't think that I need to. I like to keep my side of the street clean. And I do admire the way that v, you could handle yourself, conduct yourself while showcasing your opinions and what is your truth? And same thing with you, creepa, because you do it extremely well, and you do it from.

Communication Styles

I wouldn't say analytic standpoint, but you do come with. With facts. You're like, yo, on a factual basis, this is what I'm seeing. And I do love how you use imessages a lot. I was taught that as. As a young. Young man, to never be like, you do this, you do that, right? When you say you, it puts people on the defensive, right?

Effective Communication

And bipocs, by the way, baby, it's up in the top in the jumbotron. Like it, share it, book market, repost it. If you already did unreposted, repost it again, baby. Get that chart, honey. Mil, here we come. 200, 501, Billy. And so creepa, I just got to say, the way that use imessages is very powerful because it makes people, they're not on the defense.

Promoting Open Dialogue

When you're like, yo, I think this or I feel this way or I understood it in this manner, then they're kind of like, huh? Well, he didn't say me and yo, I think it's powerful. So anybody just take a little nugget from anything that I've said. Imessages are powerful. It makes it about you. It doesn't make it about the other person. Right. And they usually won't have an electric or an emotional reaction from what you're saying because you're only speaking from your truth.

Importance of Emotions in Conversations

Well, that's what I mean. Sometimes with a, with emotion, you know, before, sometimes it's hard, like what you're saying. Like, you know, it's, you're completely right, but it is sometimes hard to do. Like, you get so caught up and emotion gets involved, you know? So that's why sometimes it's just, it pays so much to take a deep breath, right?

Cultivating Calmness

Like before you go to say anything, just take a deep breath and then just think about what you're about to say and say it. Because there really is like a magic way of saying things. It's like a little code. Like if you can put these certain words in a certain way, you can almost make anything happen, you know, the power words are so amazing if you really say in the right way. And sometimes you can hit, and sometimes you're not going to hit, you know, with the way that you try to say things.

Navigating Conversations

But, you know, you really got to think about it sometimes because if you want something, if you want to get something out of someone, whether it's a reaction, a response or whatever, like, you got to think about it. Like, what am I going to do to evoke that reaction or that response to get what I want, you know? So, yeah, using imessages instead of, you know, you is a very good way because, you know, you can be very combative.

Good Communication Practices

But anything like that, you know, generally helps. Big facts. And I got to say this about you. My, my good friend, my buddy goes, my creeper my bomb, my bomb fuck it. Simple, stay in your place. I recommend no, say hello to my little friend. Yo, that's right there, man. It's just, you know, that's road dog. That's. That's road dog mentality.

Shoutout to Peers

My buddy, my buddy. Shout out Lloyd Banks as were speaking before. Good content though, man. You know, just. You're gonna have your truth. Make sure you stay true to your truth while being respectful of others. Yo, facts. High five, player. What's going down? Yo? What's good? Wrong, v? Creeper bomb. I see y'all. Shout out, Shaw.

Reflecting on Experiences

Y'all just got in from. Driving in from Dallas back into Austin. Yo, man, I did want to let v knows, you know, thank you for holding it down, you know what I'm saying? Because dude was wild and she held miss this, man. I was only in that space for like, maybe five minutes. Yeah, she held her own.

Handling Tensions Gracefully

And he. She lowkey put him in his place. Not gonna lie. She low key put him in his place. It kind of went on. It was extended, right? And it kind of got crazy. And then, you know, books were trying to keep it, you know, official and trying to give him a space to talk, and he lowkey capitulated out there.

Appreciating Strong Voices

I'm not gonna lie. V was like a fucking, like a pit boy. She was not letting go. Yeah, with Grace. Yeah, I missed it. Yeah, that shit was fire. Not gonna lie. Strong fox army, baby. Yeah. Cuz, like, I could have been more gracious, but, like, yo, that was nuts. Oh. And I actually talked about it the next day.

Personal Experiences and Conversations

I had to vent about it and in my space, and I basically told the guys, I want nothing to do with that human being. He's bad for business. And why the hell would you let him go on a diatribe for your show? Oh, with Myron? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I was in that space, so, yeah, I got that hole.

Insights on Group Dynamics

Yeah, that's. I think I came in like halfway when you guys were. We're exchanging. I just think v handled it well. Like, you know, I just put myself in her. In her inner feet and imagine being the only, you know, person of a certain gender in a space for the most part, like very under numbered.

Gender Dynamics in Conversations

And have someone tell you shouldn't be voting. So, you know, we don't have to go super deep into it. But again, I think the word is grace because I think she, you know, drew a line in the sand, but then also didn't take over and make it, you know, too drawn out, which I think that's where the grace comes in.

Support and Positive Vibes

Reasons and v, I salute you and support you. Thank you. This. It does make my night. I appreciate it.

Observations and Reactions

Yo, so I don't think these people are just playing. Should be, yo, one of the funniest clips. Talk about voting and bomb. I agree with everything that you said because I came in that space. I was like, what the hell is going on in here? Sure, shit's hot. Where's the popcorn at? Where the fuck is the bubbly at? Let's get real comfy and just annihilated. It was cool. You were like, you mother. I was like, yeah. And then you're like, yo, books, you really go let this shit happen in here. Let's chill. Let's chill. He's like, let's. You were like, and, yeah, cuz, imagine it, right? He's like, yo, what the. He's like, yo, this shit's fucking unhinged. That should have been like a 02:00 a.m. space for sure. But it wasn't. It was like 04:00 p.m. on the west coast.

Creating a Fun Environment

And for all those serious spaces, we got these fun ones with music, breakdowns, interludes. I love this shit, man. Had to pull up. Oh, you know the vibes, man. We keep. We keep it litanous. The G unit vibes are impeccable. Yo, G unit vibes are fucking phenomenal. Yo, this one. Is that you, Myra? I smell pussy. Is that you, blame? I smell pussy. Is that you, ty? Y'all niggas pussy? I'm falling now, nigga, now watch me.

Emotional Connections

Ain't nothing you can do to stop. Me of my bitch. Yo, that. I love that song. That is my song, bro, you get so emotional. Yo, mandev do need to get hugged by his mother more. Shit. Yo, you ever tell my mom she can't vote? She'll, bro, she will go full honey badger. And my mom is proud. She calls herself a honey badger. And, yeah, that's not you. You stand behind my mom and try to talk over her shoulder like you're. You're superior. She'll check you right then and there. Just from that hard working woman pulled up her bootstraps at a very young age to get to work and has worked for hers.

Controversial Discussions

Now, kind of on the flip side, right? On a more controversial side, this. This meme, right, means rule the world. And, Doski, I want to see what you have to say about this meme. It was. It was a video, and it was like, these guys. And it was like saving Private Ryan. Matt Damon's going crazy. Oh, my God. And then there's Tom Hanks running, like, the whole scene. And here's, like, our men from the USA because they listened to Taylor Swift and Kamala Harris. Or, like, it was the funniest thing. They was like, yo, so not all women. I thought it was. I got a little chuckle out of it, and it was like, yeah, because the. The women are voting because there's a pop singer or this, like, rock Stars girl, Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala. And then, like, it. Then our guys are going over east.

Humor and Memes

I just thought it was pretty comical. Doski, have you seen any of the memes like that regarding Kamala Harris and. And things of that nature? You can't see nothing like that. You better go get your eyeballs checked, brother. I just played. I love that PFP. I can't get enough of that PFP. Yo, did you see V or anybody? Did you guys see that clip of Kamala Harris when her. Her projector went down with her words on it? Yeah, I saw that. She was like, 32 days. Oh, fuck. What do I say now? 32 days. It's away in 32 days. And she kind of looked around. I was like, oh, my God, there's a lot of people here.

Political Perceptions

This isn't one of the AI scenes. Like, yo, there's actually real people here. Like, what really trips me out, though, like, when you look at her and like, what's her. The other guy, what's his name? Tim. Tim. Whatever it is. Tampon. Timmy. Yeah. Like, I almost feel like Joe Biden. Like, I almost feel like it's an act. It's like, you, like, nah, man. Like, this can't be real. Like, it can't be real. Like, they run. They. Like, they are running for president. Like, you know, like, you can't tell me that these motherfuckers are actually like that. You know what I mean? Like, we're more normal than them and we. We are just normal. Like, people. Like, we don't know shit about politics.

Trust in Leadership

Like, how can. I don't know? I don't know. Trust me, it shows you they're not really in power to, like, come on. Like, to run the. The most, you know, to run whatever you view America as. These are the can, you know, that's the candidate. Like, come on. Clearly uncapable. So someone else is doing the work. Someone else is running the shit. Obama. Yeah.

Imagery and Presentation

My favorite is when, yo, Obama. When he, when Tim waltz comes out, he's, like, waving with the two hands. He's, like, super enthusiastic. He's like, yo, hey, guys. Fucking. Oh, bro. When he does that, he spazzes out, bro. Like, he spazzes when he's, like, speed walking. It's just like, it's not a good look for a pout. Like a powerful stance. We got bombs going off everywhere in the middle east right now. We got a lot of people that are literally saying, like, yo, us better watch out. And then this dude's looking like he's the male cheerleader in a homecoming pep rally. Coming out to the stage, like, it's like, yo, bro, like, walk with power. Be intentful, be impactful with your words.

Miscommunication and Speaking Patterns

Have tangible, evident. Like, what are you even talking like? It's just. He was like, why misspoke? I've said that before. I misspoke. I'm sorry. He went on, I was a young boy. I was like, bro, you didn't. I love how she came back. Was like, yo, bro, the question was, why did you say you were there when you weren't? He was like, I misspoke. And then they kind of all just waited, and he was like, fuck, they didn't keep going. And, yeah, so that was, that was a trip. 32. 32 days. 32 days. 32 days, man, lot could change and who knows which way, right? 32 days. A lot could happen. Hope, everybody, if you feel the need to register to vote.

Elections and Perspectives

But it's just like, I really like Vance. The way he carries himself. He's very confident with his words. And Bohica. When Bohica was talking today, it reminded me of what Vance said because Vance was, like, there, and he was, like, getting pressured from all three of them, right? And I. It wasn't what he said on the podium, but afterwards, when he got interviewed about it, he's like, man, I, you know, I was a marine. I'm around a lot of people that don't have the same beliefs as me. And, you know, I have people that are trying to attack me, but he's like, you got to stay calm under pressure. And then also, he's like, you know, I'm running for vice president.

Interpersonal Relations and Politics

Like, everybody, at the end of the day, whether you're a democrat, liberal, or this, or whatever suits you're a human at the end of the day, so I want to do right by you. And I was like, yo, that's, like, pretty, like, okay. That's pretty cool, man. It seems like the dude could actually speak. He doesn't need a teleprompter. Tell him what to say. Who knows? If he does, I can't really, you know, pick your poison. Right. But, yeah, I definitely like how he does it. He's, like, one of the first guys, I guess, in office in a very long time to have a beard. And they were trying to say that his beard was too masculine, and it was intimidating.

Behavioral Commentary

It intimidated the audience because he had a beard, and I was like, yo, they're running out of. They're running out of content now. They're running out of content. Like, he has a beard. I was. You took it out of my. You took the words out of my mouth. Now I got this mustache. Yo, my mustache is growing real good because I'm not shaving the top anymore. Like, lining up the top so it's gonna be thick. Yeah. Better watch out for the stash, baby. That's that flavor saver. Yeah. Hurt. Yeah, that got awkward real quick.

Humorous Observations

Yeah. Thank you, fax. I was like, yo, what are you motherfuckers say? So serious? Nah, men know. Yeah, I'm a freak, bro. But anyways, we're gonna zoom past that just real quick. We don't need fucking glorifying that shit. I'm dead. Dead. I'm done cooked. But, yo, eleven wives? That's a trip, bro. That's crazy. I honestly like, yo, yo. Apologetics is a real thing, but I don't really want to do that on this platform.

Conspiratorial Discussions

But if that kind of thing goes down because it was kura space after. After a kind of hectic. Hectic ant space filling in for books, he did a fantastic job. Bring in some of the conspiracy and everything. It's. It's a hard thing to do, but I, like, I'm less and less inclined to go down any conspiracy road. I just want to stay on mission. Oh, I had the perfect conspiracy lined up for uv. Oh, for me? I'm just playing. Oh, I did have one that I wasn't I had, like, ten things I wanted to say on that stage, but I didn't feel like I was gonna. It was like a mob, and it was. It was a mob, bro.

Debating Christianity

And it was. That's what I told Stone before. He was asking me to, like, do a debate about Christianity. I was like, man, I can't debate you. You don't debate. You just interrupt people and you monologue and you tell them to find God. And, like, there were a few times where I was saying something about whatever. My personal life in Stone's like, you need to find God. I was like, so, Stone, I've got that under control. Like, you go back to your thing over there. Let me get back to what I was talking about. It's.

Expressing Opinions

It is a. Whatever, whatever. I've got. I've got opinions that I probably won't say out loud, but. Yeah, no, yeah, we all kind of. I'm always down for entertainment, you know. What about the Statue of Liberty? Have you heard any conspiracies around the Statue of Liberty? You mean the one in the pictures? You mean that it's Eva? Oh, no, not from the pit. No, no. The actual Statue of Liberty.

Symbolism Discussion

That it's. It's a french statue is Lucifer statue. It's actually a guy Lucifer. Oh, that's a rap, bro. I'm telling you, go down that rabbit hole. That is a. Because that light bear. The light bear. Yep. And he's got the seven. Seven crowns on his horn. And if you go back and look at certain pictures of him. Look at. Down. Look at his feet. It could be a transgender reptile. Who knows? He was fitted straight up, though.

Transformation of Materials

It turned from copper to green. Yo, I'm telling you, go. Just look into it. I'm not saying it's my opinion, but it's definitely something that's crossed my table before multiple times. And once you start looking at it, I even heard the craziest conspiracy that what they call them, the light bearer. Right? Or there's something in the Bible that makes people think, like, whoever read it and interpreted in their. Their truth was like, yo, Jesus is lucifer.

The Nature of Truth

I was like, yo, that's great. Like, I can't make the truth. Yo, I. Whatever somebody's truth is, you can't tell them what it is because then you'd just be a dog chasing its tail. You never catch its tail. And that's why some of these conversations, I feel, go that way on certain topics. It's just like a car chasing a dog. A dog chasing a car wouldn't know what to do if it caught it, because then you're gonna be there. You'd be like, oh, well, I was right.

Cyclical Nature of Conversations

That's the thing. Like, the biggest thing is, like, nobody knows, right? So nobody knows anything when it comes to that stuff. And everybody's just talking off of speculation. So when it comes down to subjects like that, you never get to the bottom of it. So, like, you said it would just keep going round and round. It's like, yo, or Boris, until. That's why you just got your neighbor. Yeah.

Community Perspectives

Oh, yeah, man. That's it. All right? And that's why you got to take the best from, especially everyone in your community and not point figures at the worst. You know, examples of everything. And buy pox. Let's buy box, let's buy, and just. Just stack that bag of pox. I think that's the common denominator. The common denominator that we all have in common is, you know, we're on this road, this journey to get to a billion dollar market cap, and we're gonna be able to do that.

Conversations Ahead

And along the way, we're gonna have some conversations. We're gonna talk about it. So. Spades, what's going down? My good sir? Welcome to the stage. What's up, man? How's it going? Beautiful and blessed, my brother. Beautiful and blessed. Good. Yeah, I was laughing when you're talking about the Vance thing, because they. They came after him for the way he was sitting down one time, too.

Observations on Behavior

Oh, he didn't have his legs crossed or what? Yeah, bro. Yeah. That's crazy, huh? He did. Across his legs. He was being too alpha, I was gonna say. I was super impressed with, like, how well spoken he was, because I haven't really seen much of them, but, like, even, like, when they first, like, opened that debate the other night of, like, his opening statement, like, he did not. He did not engage in attack. He's like, you know what, America? Let me introduce myself.

Community and Masculinity

This is what I'm about. This is what we're about, you know? So I was just gonna speak on that, but that's it. Yeah. The whole them attacking the masculinity thing is weird as hell to me. Like, I have no idea how that can be even something that people would question, like, for real.

Political Agendas

The government has been, like, you know, psyop and that shit for a while, and now they just do it out in the open all. All the way up until, like, the head of politics now where they're attacking like, a male's masculinity. As far as, like, him being second in command in our far country. No, straight up. I mean, both, you know, at this point, it seems like the extremes are being promoted and we find ourselves in the middle somewhere.

Finding Your Voice

And that's what community can help you do, too, is develop your own voice and, you know, talk. Talk it through with your community members and figure out where your own voice is, not where these extreme, you know, propagandas are being pushed. It's crazy because I feel like JD Vance is getting, like, criticism for, like, the masculinity thing, right. But then on the other hand, you have Kamala, who was the vice president, who's now running for president, and she's getting, like, kudos for her femininity.

The Extremes in Society

And, like, that's what I'm saying. The extremes are being promoted. We gotta find. That is so crazy. But, yeah, you're right. So, like, okay, so everything boils over in, you know, 32 days, right? But then, like, after, like, what do we see for, like, the near future? Like, after the dust settles from the election? Cause there's a lot of shit going on in the world, too. Like, you know what I'm saying? What does everybody feel about that? Everything that's going on right now. Where's the temperature?

Political Disconnect

Well, the. See, I'm not following politics. That. That crazy with, like, policy wise, right? I know Trump is pro crypto. I know he wants to protect the border. That's, like, the two main things that I know that he's. He's spoken about. And obviously, you know, inflation. He wants to address that. He wants to bring prices back down. He wants to make it more suitable for the middle-class American. Now, how he plans to do that, I have no idea. I haven't heard him say anything of that nature.

Policy Transparency

And looking into Kamala, she actually has not really spoken about any policy or anything that she plans to do. There was actually a leaked video of one of her campaign managers at dinner, and they were recording him, and he was like, yeah, we're not disclosing anything because we don't want to kill our momentum. And when I heard that, I was like, oh, bro, whoa, your policy is shady, bro. Your policies are going to kill your momentum. Like, yeah, so that's. And I know she's actively loves migrants, right? FEMA's already spent all the money on housing migrants.

FEMA Funding and Migrants

A very amazing journalist is in Maine. Right? In Maine, currently going from these different apartment buildings that were built very new, very recent. And they have these Haitian migrants and other migrants from the Congo and different places that are living there for two years free. They literally get two years free. All utilities paid for and every single apartment is furnished. It's. Elon Musk commented on it. That's how I saw the post. And so, like, just being able to see that and FEMA's lost. Like, it's just, you know, it's.

Contention Over Resources

Bro, it's a lot to unpack, bro. Okay, so you bringing up that's like, that. You nailed it, bro. Like, the point that I was trying to make, bro. Like the question, you nailed it. Because it's like, it's a lot going on and like, these little snippets that we get from like, the head of the politics right now based off the campaigns are such a, like a distraction in themselves from like, what's really going on and like the FEMA thing and like, people are getting arrested and like, and shit like that for trying to help people in North Carolina.

Civil Unrest and America's Priorities

And then American, like, the head of America is not really even doing anything about it. And they're more focused on different countries and then a little bit more into that too. It's like then you have that same coast in that, you know, that region where, you know, all the way from Maine, like you said. Maine, right. It's funny that you use the word Maine and brought the people coming over from Congo and the Haitians. Right. And getting that nice little stimulus package for their life in our country.

Discrepancies in Support

And then you've got the longshoremen who can, like, who holds like a vice grip. Oh, look at that. Bark just posted his shit. Do your thing wrong. Let's do it. What's the temperature like? Y'all, y'all ready? Pox going up? What's going on? Let's fucking go. Pin it up to the top. Let's all migrate. I knew he was gonna put at least we got an hour. Is it a space, though? I think he just posted. I don't think it's the space.

Shifts in Focus

Yeah, no, it's not a space. It's bam. Space. That's been going for a while. Okay. Bet in a row. Surprise. Yeah, we're good. Oh, he's got some cool little. Alright, Betty, look. He's got some fucking. Some headshots. I love it. Now I keep going snippets what we've been getting. Yeah. So the longshoremen shit, I, so I have been reading into it a little bit because actually that shit kind of runs my family.

Understanding Heritage

But on the west coast, yeah, I'm from the west coast. But I had moved to Austin from Vegas in 2022. But before 2019, I was, you know, Cali and shit. Kylie born, Kelly raised. So I got that. Some of that shit runs in my family, but on that side. And they were definitely like, you know, hiring and looking for people because of shit like this, right? So I understand, like, the plight and why they would want to get paid more, especially their short staff, right?

Significance of Labor

And then they're a vital part of our fucking country in general. And them asking for more money actually aligns with what Trump. If Trump was in office already, it would already been done. And now it's like they just so happen to have, you know, pull this thing and, you know, and at this time, you know what I mean? And. But I was reading into it anyways. I was reading into it and I seen the clip, dude was explaining the facts that maritime laws and how they're, like, switching from us married us maritime law, like corporate maritime law, which is like more international, right, and un based.

The Complexity of Law

And I back to American maritime law under. For the longshoremen themselves. And the military is actively responsible for this. And, like, it's like a known fact, low key right now. So, like, it's kind of playing into the whole, you know, Trump back in office and he, I think this is something that he was actually had on the table before he got out office in the first place. And this, they're already moving in action right now. So it's like, almost like there's like civil unrest at the core of our country and corporation, the USA as a whole, it's kind of like a split.

Foreboding Signs

And it's like it's about to get freaky. Well, that just has all the makings for civil war, right? When literally people would be like, no, this person won and they're like, oh, well, we don't care. This person won and then that. Oh, man. It's just. Have you ever guys been to it like a baseball game or a football game or a basketball game, and you try to get out of the parking lot? You know how crazy that parking lot is?

Imagining a Future

Hectic, bro. So imagine that on a. On a much grander scale that it's just. I just wish the best for all of us, you know, I mean, but you definitely see the divide that's occurring at this current moment. I'm. A lot of people in the Middle east feel that it's biblical what's going on and. Yeah, I can't. It's just hard to call, man. I know Trump, he speaks a lot about.

War and Diplomacy

He would. He would want to end the war, and there wouldn't be a war if it was for him. If he was in there, he would make everybody just, like, saying Kumbaya and be done with it. But, yeah, it's here. Look, I'm pinning this. I finally found it. Sorry, I was a little distracted, but, yo, I just pinned this up top. First look inside furnished main apartments where migrants get up to two years free rent and utilities.

Economic Burdens

The apartment is the same county which received 6.1 million in funding from FEMA program and spent 1 billion on housing migrants. That's pretty. That's a trip, man. And you know what's crazy is, like, a lot of the migrants that are coming over aren't from Mexico. They're not. They're not from Mexico. Because if you're from Mexico, you actually have to go through.

The Citizenship Struggle

If you want citizenship. It takes anywhere from, like, five to ten years to be able to gain citizenship. You got to jump through a lot of different hoops. You might even need sponsors. There's just a lot going on for. For Mexico to be able to. From people from Mexico to get citizenship here in the USA, it's actually extremely hard. If you come from El Salvador, Venezuela, Nicaragua, places like that is. It's much easier.

Comparative Ease

Congo, super easy. You know, say you're gonna get two years free, baby, with a 30k on your EBT, Cardinal. It's so nuts, man. It's so nuts. And just being, you know, I would say I'm middle class, if that. And, like, for me, I do. I do well for my family, right? I'm the breadwinner. My wife, she's the. The home manager.

Household Dynamics

She runs the establishment. And we make you do. Right. We have a lot of fun with. With the kiddos. We do things. but it's just the. The housing, the prices, it's just. It's a lot to unpack. So, and the. The Middle east, us, like, even stepping in and helping blow up some of the missiles from Iran that we're trying to impact Israel, to me, that's like a straight.

The Complexity of Global Relationships

We're inserting ourselves into a war. Right? Okay. You know, we're just intersecting missiles from. I'm like, yeah, bro, that's like, if your homies getting beat up, and then you jump in to sock out the other guy because your homies getting beat up, then his homies gonna come and cole cock you inside, blind you, and it's just gonna be a fight fest. Like, it's gonna be a five fest.

Reflections on History

And so, I don't know, man. Back in the day when, like, the Black Panther movement was coming up and, like, the hippie movement, they were like, yo, we're not fighting for anybody. We'll see. I preach it so many times, man. If you're. You're a man or a woman, you got to be able to run a mile in a pretty good time. You got to be able to know some form of hand to hand combat, and you got to be able to shoot a firearm like this just at this point in time.

Personal Readiness

Unless you're in Australia and it's illegal to walk down the street with a butter knife. They will let you have a butter. Knife in Australia, yo, people walk around with whatever the fuck they want over here. Don't trip. Are you packing? You packing? Creepy. Yo, we had, Amber ham shine burger in the building the whole time. Yeah, he was chilling.

Cultural Exploration

He was chilling. Wait, is that really a thing? You can't. You can't walk down the street and I'll show you what a butter knife. Or you say. I was like, how the fuck are you gonna spread your vegemite on the. On the thing? Yeah, I just don't eat that shit. Yeah. Yeah. How you gonna spread your veggie?

Opinions on Food

Might. Yeah. That's crazy. Yeah. That shit tastes like, bro. Sweet mercy. Sean loved vegemite, bro. He stood by vegemite. yeah, the Aussie, like, real Aussie people. They. Yeah, they love that shit. Was it just like a salty spread or what? Yeah, it's kind of. Yeah, it's kind of got a bit of. A. Bit of. Kind of a salty.

Culinary Differences

Yeah, it's just gross. Gross. Yeah. Strange. That's so strange. Yo, what's the market cap at right now? Where are we sitting? Right under 60. Nice. You're not doing a couple clips in that lower fifties? Yeah, like 52. So I'm talking about, man, I'm telling you, I said in one of the videos, people are gonna be fomoing in and buying sol at $500.

Market Predictions

I'm telling you that there you people are gonna be buying five sold for $500 in this cycle. If I could encourage anybody, you know, dyo are do. Do what you do, but if you're not stacking soul right now with the. The anticipation of an NFT collection as well from monkeypox and just sol being able to rip parabolically, even. Even bark, put it out.

Future Growth

Souls gonna go to $800 this cycle. It's like, yo, if a caller in web three. Yeah. Yo, if we're not reading the writing on the wall, ladies and gents, just imagine what your bag is going to be worth when souls at 800, monkey pox is at 500 million. It's just gonna be a victorious day to be a part of this ecosystem. It really is. It really is.

Community Engagement

Well said. I can't wait. I can wait. I got, we got the time. yo, facts, where are you from in California? I was born in Daley City, bro, in the Bay area. But, I moved down to southern California when I was like, four and lived in the valley, in, like, the valley area my whole life and, like, part of the valley.

Personal Background

So I moved to, like, North Hollywood or whatever. Nah, I moved to Palmdale, bro. You know, I'm from the dirt, bro. Yes, sir. Dirt, baby. Yeah, I'm from the dirt, for real. but, yeah, from the dirt, bro. But, you know, I was like, you know, kind of well connected, you know, well networked in dirt and, you know, had a nice little audience and network in the city and then pushed my way out to Vegas and connected with a lot of good homies out there.

Networking in the Community

Shout out, my homie. Just incredible. I plan onboarding him really soon, actually, so. But, yeah, man, Rome, I know you a bro. I might have to link you, bro. You're. You good at this shit, bro. You get at this mc and shit. I know you got some tracks, too. I know used to, you know, lay some tracks and some rhymes on wax a little bit, but yeah, man, homie, just incredible over there at power 106, bro.

Opportunities in Media

I know they'd be looking for talent, bro. So I might have to irl plug you in if. I mean, if that's something that you're into. I know you build it over in this space, so. Oh, man, I'm looking some way, somehow, to be able to utilize my skillset in the proper manner, that's for sure. Let's go.

Legacy of Power 106

That's 100% facts and power 106 is. Is a legacy, man. That's an empire out here in Socal. Sure on, God. Yeah, I'm. I'm definitely. That's something I've been thinking about, like, since I've, like, attended your first, like, one of my first spaces that I attended of yours, bro, not go to cat.

Continuing the Conversation

Yeah. I was like, oh, yeah, he's from LA. I could tell, like, he sounds like he should be linked up with Justin, and Justin's really good about, like, making sure, like, good people are getting looked out for, bro. So. Good, man. Yeah. Let's chop it up. Let's definitely chop it up. That's big facts.

Shared Experiences

Big facts right there. Yo, when you said you was from the Bay area, this song came to mind. Yay, area. I know. What the fuck? Who the fuck? Okay. Yeah. Yo, creeper, what you know about this shit? When I put the cry face, it's really the this face. So don't forget to confuse.

Cultural References

Hell, yeah. Yo, you know what a dizzle is? Creeper, I'm out of this world not your run of the millennium my name is furrow I'm the owner of the villain I'm a stoner and I'm chilling with you bitches like jacks I pimps and I mag drive up benz and I lack, man I bend in the back with the groupies and the stars I been out front with the thugs and the guards I've been on the yard with the Mexican mafia and I only run with niggas that are killing.

Street Knowledge

Them die for you I'm popular I'm. A rap store but I live like a rock star running from the cop car I drop bars from slaps that knock hard and I charge for this dick extra large say what? I'm in the building and I'm feeling myself I'm in the building and I'm feeling myself.

Appreciation for the Community

Yeah this is crazy. Hey, I appreciate everybody pulling up. I think we want to go see if barks got some uncensored alpha in bam space. What you guys thinking? What's the vibe? Should we go send somebody to go check it out first or what? Yeah, let's go. Yeah, let's run it up. Let's just migrate.

Next Steps

Well, just fucking mom and just hit the request button on them. Let's do it, cheese. Let's go. Appreciate you guys. You already know the vibes. Dj and hours 10:00 p.m. pst daily. Let's talk about it.

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