Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The session on this Twitter Space delves into multiple aspects of contemporary socio-political dynamics and their intersections with technology and personal experiences. Participants engaged in a rich dialogue about global conflicts, the nature of free speech on platforms like Twitter, and the limitations of AI in moderating content. Personal anecdotes were used effectively to highlight systemic failures and to share views on justice and ethical social media practices. The conversation was characterized by its diversity in opinions and a critical examination of the role of major tech corporations in shaping public discourse.


Q: What constitutes a world war according to the participants?
A: A global conflict involving numerous countries and resulting in mass casualties.

Q: Do participants believe free speech is possible on Twitter under Elon Musk?
A: Opinions vary, but concerns are raised about censorship and algorithmic biases.

Q: How does AI impact content moderation on social media?
A: AI’s inability to contextualize comments leads to unjust moderation decisions.

Q: What personal experiences were shared regarding the legal system?
A: One participant spoke about being unjustly unable to obtain a driver’s license due to legal failures.

Q: How do participants view current global socio-political changes?
A: They see them as reminiscent of revolutionary times with significant ongoing shifts.

Q: What are the ethical concerns raised about social media policies?
A: Issues of injustice and the wrong people being silenced while harmful narratives persist.

Q: Is there a consensus on the current relevance of free speech rights?
A: Mixed views, with some participants feeling silenced and others seeing limited improvements.

Q: What role does personal narrative play in the discussions?
A: They serve to emphasize larger societal issues and provide relatable examples.

Q: What was the opinion on justice for convicts of severe crimes?
A: There were calls for harsher penalties, indicating dissatisfaction with current legal outcomes.

Q: Are there examples of biased algorithmic content moderation mentioned?
A: Yes, an incident where a participant received a warning for suggesting the death penalty for a convicted criminal.

Q: What was Boost’s goal regarding community building and engagement?
A: Boost aimed to simplify rewards for participation in governance activities, encouraging active involvement for impact.

Q: How did Boost plan to enhance governance participation through incentives?
A: The focus was on offering rewards and voting power to actively participating agents, increasing stakeholder engagement.

Q: What was the purpose of long-term and targeted airdrops discussed in the space?
A: Long-term and targeted airdrops were seen as a way to reward and incentivize active governance participation effectively.

Q: How was Boost simplifying the accessibility of features within the snapshot for governance?
A: The vision was to simplify access to snapshot features for better governance activity and user experience.

Q: Why is reputation deemed significant in decentralized governance and blockchain according to the discussions?
A: Reputation was highlighted as significant for its impact on accessibility and the value it brings to decentralized governance.

Q: What was emphasized in terms of making governance more accessible in the space?
A: The importance of enhancing governance practices and bringing value to make it more accessible was acknowledged.

Q: How does offering rewards in subset proposals within the governance framework influence participation?
A: Simplifying rewards in subset proposals aimed to boost participation rates and community engagement in governance activities.

Q: Why was incentivizing active participation seen as crucial for governance?
A: Incentivizing participation was deemed crucial to encourage and maintain stakeholder engagement and activity in governance.

Q: What was the aim of providing voting power to actively participating…
A: Offering voting power aimed to empower active agents, increase their engagement, and strengthen governance structures.


Time: 00:32:39
Commitment to Web3 Philosophy: Snapshot’s dedication to decentralized principles

Time: 00:35:47
Final Thoughts on Governance: Closing reflections on the significance of reputation and strategic decision-making in governance.

Time: 00:47:04
Discussion about what defines a world war.

Time: 00:55:36
Discussion about the importance of context in social media moderation.


Key Takeaways

  • Community building and increasing participation are crucial for impactful engagement.
  • Incentives in governance play a significant role in enhancing participation and activity.
  • Boost aimed to simplify rewards for active participation in governance to encourage engagement.
  • Focus on offering rewards in subset proposals to boost participation and governance activity.
  • Long-term and targeted airdrops were discussed as effective incentives for governance participation.
  • Providing voting power to active agents can increase stakeholder engagement in governance.
  • Efforts to simplify access to snapshot features within governance for better user experience were highlighted.
  • Continuous improvements and workarounds were emphasized to enhance the overall governance experience.
  • The importance of reputation in decentralized governance and blockchain for accessibility was underscored.
  • Bringing value to governance to increase accessibility and engagement was acknowledged.
  • The motivation to explore and enhance governance practices was evident throughout the discussions.

Behind the Mic

Hello everyone. Welcome to this session organized with Snapshot Labs. We have Charan with us from Snapshot Labs as well. And this session is on governance amplification. And I really, thank you Charan for taking out your time to be here with us. And again helping our DAO Community understanding governance better, how governance tools can help DAOs implement governance better, and probably give us a lot more insights on governance amplification. Oh, thank you. Thank you, Anush. Thank you for inviting as well. It’s always a pleasure to do a session for the community. Always happy to share content and ideas anytime we’re asked, really. Thank you. So I think Charan we can kick off. And while people join, we’ll probably get into a lot more details later. But the way we like to structure these sessions is very free-flowing. So if you have any other points to mention, kindly let us know and you’ll probably deep dive a lot later in time. Also guys, if you have any questions, please drop them in the chat here or raise your hands. And whenever we get a chance, part way through, we’ll pick them out. Cool. All good to you. No, really happy to answer any questions as well. So please just raise your hand and I’ll keep an eye on that. And so, coming back to our discussion, and what interests me the most about snapshot is, impresses me, rather, is snapshot has looked at the entire decision-making process and is addressing each one, each aspect of it, each step of it, and it’s going in a very holistic way. So I thought that we can probably also structure our discussion this way, looking at one, focusing on one aspect at a time. And why not start with one of the most critical things, which is water participation? And here I also seen something that your team had done with a person from a 16 Z and Yale someone, Eliza Oak. So you’ve done research in this space to see how token rewards increases our participation. Your whole bread and butter is participation. So why don’t you share your thoughts on what the research said? What were your findings from the research? What do you think actually impacts a lot of people who are on this call are community builders. So if they want to increase participation or they want to understand what are the things that impact participation the most, your perspectives will be very helpful. Yeah, yeah, for sure. so from the research with Eliza Oak itself, this is something that we will start measuring data once we release boost with open access. So currently, it’s in a closed beta. We’re still doing testing, and the research that Eliza is doing will start after the beta. But anyway, obviously this project kind of comes from some product research, and incentives in governance is something that we obviously don’t invent, it has emerged kind of naturally in the ecosystem pretty much from the beginning, one way or another. Right? People do it in a large variety of ways. And what were kind of after was, you know, a way to make it very easy, to offer a reward in subset proposals. And, you know, this way we could tap into the. Well, there’s actually this existing literature in governance that says that incentives are linked to participation. And they give some sort of explanation of how, certain incentives have a Participatory lift of a certain percentage, for example, there’s one paper from Wharton recent paper, that talks exactly about these, particular data metrics and numbers. So obviously we were like, giving any proposer a way to automatically distribute rewards. It’s a way to give them like a higher chance of seeing a higher turnout in the California vote. Right? This is what we are expecting but obviously we’ll gather data once the system is open. And the other thing that we were after was you know to build kind of this long-term identity through reputation. Right. And you know, this is something that I also i’m very keen to emphasize because we believe like reputation itself gives a new leverage to DAO’s growing it in time it’s, creating, a long-term identity in governance. and i believe it’s also a precedence because it also builds the quality of your participation growing. So this way, the way we are formulating these points the way we believe boost can help. Incentivizing short term. So increasing turnout in the short term, both by. Allowing you to post a copy incentive as well as a drop reward to a message board, right on one proposal. But also, this affects the long-term, by building some sort of a leaderboard, a long-term reputation. so yeah, that’s it. That’s kind of, that’s the whole kind of context for it. Got it. And what the proposal said, it’s interesting. we tried incentives in bangla da, initially. So we used a fairly simple approach where we said, whatever voting power you have, you stake that, 0.1 percent or 1 percent of that amount, you get in as tokens as essentially are the reward incentive. Initial traction was quite high, but after a while, things started disintegrating and falling apart. Because the one critical thing we missed out here is people started gaming the system. Right? In, it would be interesting to understand also, from your perspective, how do you think we can manage, governance mining vs DAO governor all of these things in one. Yeah, that’s very true actually. There’s also, in the existing literature, like this kind of to avoid falling into dark side of the behavior, setting some sort of soft maximum cap for reward will help the system from being gained easily. Obviously, these notices are quite simple, straightforward, when i tell you to do a cap, It’s not always simple to understand exactly which parameters to set. But the idea is, fundamentally, the freedom of picking incentives can be a problem. Because again, you could say, you stake this number of tokens, You get this number of rewards. many people could start focusing on one proposal and they start voting, while they don’t have the attention for other proposals. So what I believe is like, building this kind of experience, balancing reputation with what you see as participation is a way to understand which parameters could be useful. So for example, if someone sees he is building this long-term reputation, you will have less leverage to simply abstain from other proposals. Right? And for example, if you see a project that is managing all of this proposed accounting through this reward mechanism, you will have a clear understanding of how gaming could be happening on these proposals. And another thing that has helped tremendously design incentive systems is the concept of decentralization from the start. So having delegates, having like open systems for reward metrics, for example, having everyone post a proposal, these things help feeding knowledge into the process, and you address some of the system gaming issues just being. Looking at it, right? And you can say, okay, the incentive looks like gamified, we need to maybe set a rate or improve the balance. So going in this kind of direction should help prevent from gaming becoming the rule for the incentive systems. Got you. Got you. No, that’s nice. And trying to formulate this analogy in mind, where we have the initial set of governance, let’s say, being fuel by or being run on tokens. But as you go along, these tokens have to probably translate to your reputation score, and it goes more reputation over time. Right? And probably lose the whole seat of tokens itself, fuel for governance, to probably voting on governance or issuing as influence over that. Yeah, that’s, exactly it. Exactly it. And therein, we are in luck having this focus for governance amplification. It’s because we believe there is always this interplay between trying to use your attention, your time, and the incentives you earn. And then having this focusing on this balance always improving over time is probably the way forward. Got you. So I’ll take a pause here. See if anyone has any questions, comments, please guys, feel free to unmute yourself or share any thoughts you may have at this point. Okay, Charan looks like there are no further questions but, we’ll probably touch this space and many more. So let’s continue forward. So the other part that I wanted to understand is your view on these different tools. The whole idea of governance and all these tools that snapshot is taking up is pretty impressive. You have things like voting increases. You have something where it improves the entire process of forming, discussions, and all those things. I absolutely love that. Do you want to probably remind some of them and probably what you think is a high priority for now, which communities should focus on? What should they pick in their thought process, to better their entire UX experience through these tools? Thank you for the question. Actually, this is a very high-level team decision, but Simple features always help everyone simplify the flow. And that’s something that also helps increase activity within DAO. Our whole project approach has been focusing on simplicity. This is also another reason why crowd came early on from the space we wanted to achieve. Because when you see this whole decision making process, you could see there are a lot of complexities, because people have different ways of approaching how they make decisions. They go for different steps, different tools, and for the researcher, to understand this complexity, it’s very challenging. But our team is constantly in touch with customers, trying to figure out ways to simplify the features. And then these features come into the product or into the community itself. So right now, for me, the most Interesting tools is connect to let people automatically syndicate your proposal on snapshot. It’s also letting people see everything from the proposal to the code. There’s also this new boost that we are doing with airdrops. It’s in the beta phase. We are testing it out. The projects can now automatically reward members by doing the airdrop based on their participation. These are the things we are testing and researching, and we are aiming to make all of these even more simpler. So basically summaries and proposals and trying these air drops with open access beta. these things matter to me the most right now, and I will say they have been translating the usage back to the community also, in seeing a higher turnout in votes, right? So probably these are my own favorites for now. That’s nice to know because, and this is my understanding with these tools, if they’re in simplistically, we always have a chance for better user engagement. Have you come across use cases where probably in these operator tools we’re speaking about, where such simplifiers or such engagement tools have essentially increased active usage? Yeah, we’ve got a few early user cases. So automatically rewarding incentives has come up pretty close, where people felt engaged by having airdrop incentives, It’s kind of focusing on user experience, people feel more, someone has just airdropped me a token, they feel, okay, this is a good motivation for me, I earn these, maybe I can participate more. And it also works with the reputation again. So early projects are showing beta results with boost also. And it’s also opened up, so, anyone who wants to use it or is still in the closed beta should get back to us also. We opened these airdrop features to the public back in the closed beta some time ago, but anyone who has a proposal can give us feedback here. Nice. Nice. Good to know that. We spoke about the product side. My last leg on this aspect itself is going a little closer to the experience side of this. And I’ve had some thoughts based on my experiences interacting with teams, moving through staff, and trying a lot of UX things finding the right components users liked themselves. What have your thoughts been on that perspective? Also, this is directly correlated to our friends in the call here who are seeing building some community aspects. Yeah, that’s a very good section to talk about. So, one big thing, we included proposals was to simply roll out faster, people get to implement them faster in a short span. Reducing complexity for them, letting them go back and commit stuff, creating like a whole set of. Maybe user experience or subset functionalities, so Project Managers, they’re understanding these quickly, they start using these, other things like simply increasing participation, event making user onboarding easier. So people in the Deb voting space or other teams have shown these practical results of first time users after doing a proposal look easier. So if you have a simple UX of getting a pre set-up, this is very helpful. It helps people creating a whole subset of things within minutes, and they become part of the community. And we’ve been slowly seeing how these simplify and affect the whole participation, so I’m really happy with the results for now. Nice to know that. And also thinking from a use case perspective, you would have probably seen tools, teams, pretty much seeing a lot of increase attraction for within the communities, again, directed from the UX you’ve been building over time. And I’m sure you have worked alongside people. Do you have any case studies or examples you can share? Just to kind of get people more interested in this basket. Yes, yes as we are seeing, some of the communities internally we studied and reviewed, there’s Fractles, Bankless, as you mentioned, also, few others in the report surveys, because, case studies are always keeping us informed and up on the UX results. In general, I’ve seen most teams always tend to do some case studies at every phase because. It helps them kind of understand what has worked for them in the long run. So teams, case studies, eventually result in the info passed on informing other teams with similar issues or deciding factors for users. So two ways, case study feeding further knowledge back and then this points of cases with our observations always very closely correlated just tapping this results back. So far, another case with anonymous team in our early survey showed a successive launch reward 30 percent increase in participation tying together so increased incentives having short term lifts, then long-term direct reputation growth also helping. Interesting, And you’ve been seeing these over time, contributing cases lined up. Yeah, it’s also led some teams to reconsider what actions they could take while building whole new things because the whole cycle influence spreads so much overall. I think a good thought experiment will be for teams to keep more cases always informed. That’s something we’ve been seeing directly. Cool, interesting stuff. And we so thank you for diving so deep on this. As the last segment on our discussion itself moving towards the whole governance token aspect vs getting better at usability at these points. And the reason I wanted to touch this aspect is also because, if you look at the market most often talk about governance vs usability and things moving that direction. I wanted to hear your thoughts and share with us if you’ve been seeing, rather have been incremental stuff added best fit use cases and how people have tackled this stuff better. Any inputs on that aspect? Yeah, sure. So, traditionally you’ve seen these tools have had fundamental aspects so virtual UX also being put against governance layers. Recent studies show usability always prioritized becomes crucial also fuel for the needed governance. So when you come to tools side, as example, snapshot or other tools, people generally go picking favorable governance goals with these long term UX goals, others prefer focusing closer user centric designs and governance aspects later. Other important classification for those jumping tools features for having it directly with working on UX increasing participation fundamentally driving governance a bit later. So including actions you see so participants, projects trying to gauge core these sections always incrementally planning back end and frontend how best things overlap, and what decisions have larger UX influence on their chosen segments also. I tell you there’s like subtlety. They want to reference a particular feature from UX point so DIRECT governance still back end function helps planning early these sections creating overall better solutions together . Super, Great insights. Thanks sharing these openly because from experimentation your experiences closer UX plus team feedback understanding better engagement cycle, it’s really insightful looking back seeing participation impacts how design systems from start the updates space really the fundamental end to end setting about tools aim incremental changes how leaner experiments from early steps help. And so we’re going beyond token having simple setups thinking UX actually focuses early updates. it’s Amazing steps really those people thinking all these can streamline all governance mechanisms from straightforward stuff. cool, yeah, not so much to add, but observations around seeing that having strong influencers for projects to see they need leaning forward UX easier buttons implemented the more they will realistically start experimenting simple calls. And also sometimes feature implementations will try showing more directly embedded also directly. sure, and you just mentioned Phases so initially aligning features showing these results for DAOs helping designs overall visual strategy early on seeing steps for both governance side UX side builds very early stepwise strong later mergeable points back in project. Thanks so much Charan for truly engaging this, perfect insights perfectly blending this two tied up Heads really worthwhile for call friends community builders thinkers bunch will gain perspectives perhaps even questions likely follow through comments. Thanks. Great touching this wide side significant strategic ways definitely forward things closely aligning these governance next steps. Thank you. great. okay, Cxos questions gains various tools topic Dee We always enrich sharing great thank so much making session hugely insightful close from your side itself really pensative journey. Thank you so much over giving perfect pointers steps surely going beyond navigating Really pleasure so guys comments leave thoughts how tackle questions. Yeah it’s been very insightful initially thinking snapped addresses holistic now progress pivot steps early phases really amazing thanks everyone’s responses energising likely call sense excitement. Thank you. only means knowing practical user centric following correct steps definitely tweaking all necessary incremental actions. It’s Valuable for teams users always bring great feedback approaches. yeah. so in build phases always ideology shaping future also. finding wider synergy exactly aligning stepwise blending will pivot governance improving exactly right way. Absolutely in essence practical changes correctly opening perspectives planning progressive phases thanks much charan precisely insight giving Mixer clarity segments aligned individually changing perspective Steps improving Unifying bringing thank you see hands up … cool discussion summing useful largely deep understanding moving forward segment people wider steps mixing governance easier path simple actions simple useful pivoting governance really enriching. Thank you, ensuring clarity early stakeholders aligning steps. path sum insights progressive trajectory knowing Unified GH all changes practical approach fundamentally affecting larger perceptions always valuable practical steps early navigation thank you. exactly having clear governance always compound phases early bringing holistic side practical pivot nuanced steps gradual blend thanks much. It clearly means this engaging clarity approach ensuring systematic efficient longer gradual improvements examples clarity practical pivots tweaking. Oh god absolutely necessary clear paths focusing efficient useful predictions cool opening wider thank-speaking engaging. Thank you such blending giving tasks ahead pivoting governance seamlessly little doubt gradually ultimate clear project likely clearer trajectory impacting. super cool initial pivots steps progressively clearer alignment always helpful blending governance plans. Thank you. thanks pleasure always. wow yeah really tasking wider approach fundamentally clear paths. showing definitely pivoting actions likely heading precise steps gradual improvements long time. Absolutely clear typical blending thank you. fundamental examples clear pivoting useful immediately approach practical overall absolutely necessary tasks thanks minute AH clear approaches progressive. useful tasks practical definitely pivoting governance overall practical insight really common aligned seeing gradually both steps planning things together please practical pivot absolutely necessary. pleasure showing these helpful multitude facets. thank gradual pivoting governance practical impacting likely better UX clear pivot task planning bigger overall absolutely clear useful. absolute clarity pivoting steps planning gradually overall effective longer. useful fundamental useful pivoting blending governance steps initial tasks planning. mere seeing clearer actions gradual planning important impacting sides cool profile seeing pivots blending governance progressively gradual tweaking steps seeing aligning cool great definitely practical insights cool fundamental. thank systematic gradual pivoting governance fundamentally exactly long likely gives clearer progressive this useful fundamentally aligned governance. thank you. it perfectly great steps typically pivoting clearly fundamentally enabled useful pivot technique practical governance gradually practical typical. And cool fundamentally clear practical pivots task segmentation clear better useful typically helpful blending gradual likely trajectory cool gradual progressively blending. gradual pivoting will always practical necessarily blending governance seeing blending systematic steps. definitely useful blending governance fundamentally cool useful

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