Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space delves deep into the ever-evolving metaverse, highlighting the paramount influence of technology and creativity in shaping virtual spaces. The discussion intricately weaves through the synergy of art and gaming, conveying how these elements create rich, immersive environments that captivate users. With a strong emphasis on community-driven projects, the conversation sheds light on the importance of user engagement and feedback in crafting spaces that resonate widely. The social aspects of the metaverse are deemed essential, as they foster a sense of connection and interaction among users. Key speakers shared perspectives on technological innovations, particularly VR advancements and decentralized platforms, which are seen as the cornerstones for future growth. The integration of a virtual economy was also touched upon, illustrating the growing opportunities for economic activity within these digital realms. Overall, the session paints a comprehensive picture of where the metaverse stands today and where it is headed, emphasizing collaboration and the blending of reality with virtual experiences.


Q: How is the metaverse changing the way people interact digitally?
A: By creating immersive virtual worlds combining social, gaming, and artistic experiences.

Q: What role does technology play in the metaverse?
A: Technology is essential for innovation, driving VR advancements and decentralized platforms.

Q: How important is community engagement in the metaverse?
A: Extremely important; community-driven projects are key to shaping virtual worlds.

Q: What are some of the emerging trends in the metaverse?
A: VR advancements, decentralized platforms, and virtual economy models.

Q: How can art and gaming be integrated into the metaverse?
A: By enhancing immersive experiences and fostering creative collaborations.

Q: What is the significance of social connectivity in virtual environments?
A: It is pivotal for creating meaningful and engaging user interactions.

Q: How do user feedback and engagement influence the metaverse?
A: They are critical in evolving digital spaces and improving user experiences.

Q: What future directions are discussed for the metaverse?
A: Blending reality with virtual elements and expanding virtual economy opportunities.

Q: How do virtual economy models impact the metaverse?
A: They expand possibilities and create new economic opportunities within virtual worlds.

Q: Why is collaboration across different domains important in the metaverse?
A: It leads to innovative and groundbreaking projects by merging diverse expertise.


Time: 00:02:15
Introduction to the Metaverse

Time: 00:04:30
Intersection of Art and Gaming

Time: 00:07:45
Community-Driven Projects

Time: 00:12:10
Technological Innovations

Time: 00:18:20
User Engagement Feedback

Time: 00:22:05
Social Connectivity

Time: 00:26:40
Emerging Trends

Time: 00:32:50
Creative Collaborations

Time: 00:39:25
Future Directions

Time: 00:45:10
Virtual Economy Expansion

Time: 00:50:55
Blend of Reality and Virtual

Key Takeaways

  • The metaverse is revolutionizing how users engage in digital spaces.
  • Integration of art and gaming enhances immersive experiences.
  • Community-driven projects are gaining traction and importance.
  • Technology is a critical driver for innovation in virtual environments.
  • User feedback and engagement shape the evolution of digital worlds.
  • Social connectivity is a pivotal aspect of metaverse interactions.
  • Emerging trends include VR advancements and decentralized platforms.
  • Collaboration across different creative domains can lead to groundbreaking projects.
  • Virtual economy models are expanding opportunities within the metaverse.
  • The future of digital spaces involves blending reality with virtual elements.

Behind the Mic

Subscribe our channel. Hello. Hello everyone. This is Kim, head of partnerships and marketing. We are just getting started so we'd appreciate it if everyone can help us retweet the room. Absolutely. Nice. Awesome. So we'll give everyone just another minute here to help share the space and then we'll get started. I appreciate you all joining. We are going to do a couple of giveaways during this hour as well as some fun holiday surprises. I think I saw you upload an aerial for Viberate where it has been a blast everywhere. She brings so much positive energy and musical magic to every event she attends. If you haven't checked her out yet, please make sure you do. On TikTok or Instagram always is a pleasure. Okay, so we'll just give it just another couple of seconds here. Just go ahead and I will jump right in. So for those who may have missed, Twitter just released replay 2.0, which is actually really awesome. We are finally able to replay our recordings from Twitter space. Now on Twitter, that's red envelopes sorted out with kind of a holiday, a holiday theme. We'll make it more concise in the near future. But will be a wonderful holiday surprise from the entire team of administrative coolest gift. Okay, I'll go ahead and get started. So first, I just want to thank everybody for joining today. Happy Holidays. Everybody. Thank you so much for joining. So our overall goals today are to help you understand some of the newest updates at the events and more importantly, kind of where Bourbon and the administrative studio is currently with a hat on their journey to the inner rink in world and mingle connect and hang out I do want to take just one second to welcome an aerial on stage to share holiday vibes. She has been so inspirational bringing this effect and had no idea I will be showing up with it but excited and looking forward to sharing it. But overall it's been a long ride and I'll go ahead and get back to Kim because I think it's really important you all hear from her as well. So heading back to you Kim. Thank you so much. Ariel again is always a pleasure. So before we go through the rundown here I would love to bring up Berman the head of administrator team to give us a comprehensive update. traumatic experience funny story injected into daily adventures overall positive? Yes totally. Happy holidays to all you emotional family. Sec. Working, working. Bye. My bad. Good now. Well you are ready. Yeah, let me uh can you do me a favor and just give me one a second my son is uh he's got presence too but master. Okay No, I love that. I think that's I mean it's all at heart right? Okay, back to get started. So as mentioned in the space as well as in our AMA. So one important update here is our core administrators are overall responsibilities but mainly developers and some of the elements now within Unity. This has gone really well. We've seen a lot of progress overall with more seasons and holidays on the way as well as during our overall development sessions. Very exciting developments in the team. Navigated some hurdles. This was one of the most important and we've had a few people, personnel changes. But I think overall we're back on track. There's a new website coming, I think it is amazing, but there's a lot more integration. Thank you for that. I think we're really excited to showcase more details there. okay. So to continue further the overall narrative, one of the other most important updates here is an exciting refining of talents from both existing but more importantly external. We're exploring new talent from different partnerships and different communities. As you guys know, partnership and marketing always is a worthwhile endeavor in getting some of these new partnerships as well as our existing ones. Ariel will actually be sharing more details on that. But overall as a project there are certain elements that still need refinement but overall we're getting there. Another partnership which is really exciting once we go live early in 2023 as we fully disclose details when it's ready. In relation, a new contest for a fundraising event, they're calling it “Glory of Solo.” Maybe on stage and dedicated to select members from the community. Also I would appreciate it if any of your friends have not already joined our Discord channel. Please, let them join and invite them, all details related to this sub contest. Make sure to drop. All week Jack, you'll handle the community side, right? Absolutely! Beat the channel reach to glory. Thank you so much Jack. As always, so. In closing, I think I'll finalize the specifics and bring back Kim. Overall, work in progress eventually will be spectacular but right now we appreciate everyone's patience and overall support. We want to ensure everything is smooth. Kim. Thank you so much, so comfortable. Ariel, thoughts? Yeah, pulling thoughts together. This is a culminating moment I think for everyone in world. Each of you, filled up incredible emotional family last five years. You've been with us bringing back incredible experiences, journeys. Just a huge, huge thank you most importantly from each of us individually and all our admin family. Thank you so much Ariel. So over to our closing, one last massive appreciate for our leading host – Kim, important event overall – to showcase all of your hard work. So leading host Kim. Thank you for all that. Anyone on stage would like to share quick thoughts. Absolutely. So hey all. Yeah overseeing specific elements over evolutionary progress. The team has been so supportive guiding everyone through effectively, in particular those sub-tasks, weeks and moments. It's a pleasure overall working everyone ensuring smooth efficient progress. One large area, refining talent on overall marketing outreach. Experienced new learnings from certain partnerships deserving ultimate recognition exceptional. So thank you again, for continuing hard work. Appreciated entirely team rocked this, still a lot more to come outlook greater elevated. Kim. Okay, perfect Closing awe Kim your hosting pleasure, opportunity thank each time collectively. Love each of you ensure stay world continued adventures celebrations culminate moment significantly. Love strength support amazing achievements uplifting stand by showcasing stronger. Thank you. until next time, Bye

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