Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space DC NOTI Xspace voice AMA hosted by dens_club. Delve into the world of crypto with the DC Xspace voice AMA, where experts shared valuable insights on BNB, BTC, XSpaces, and Crypto promotions. The interactive voice sessions offered engaging discussions on cryptocurrency trends, making it a unique space for knowledge sharing within the crypto community. Learn about the significance of crypto promotions in driving market visibility and fostering interest in digital assets.

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Q: What were the main topics covered in the DC Xspace voice AMA?
A: BNB, BTC, XSpaces, and Crypto promotions were central themes.

Q: How did the voice AMA session enhance engagement?
A: Interactivity through voice sessions promoted engagement and participation.

Q: What insights were shared about current cryptocurrency trends?
A: Discussions included updates on BNB, BTC, and evolving trends in the crypto market.

Q: Why are Crypto promotions significant in this space?
A: Promotions play a crucial role in creating awareness and driving interest in cryptocurrencies.

Q: What sets XSpaces apart in the crypto realm?
A: XSpaces offer unique opportunities for interactive discussions and promotions.

Q: How do voice AMAs contribute to knowledge sharing in the crypto community?
A: Voice sessions allow for real-time discussions, expanding knowledge and networking.

Q: What benefits do voice AMAs bring to crypto enthusiasts?
A: Voice AMAs provide a more engaging and interactive platform for exchanging crypto insights.

Q: In what ways can Crypto promotions impact market visibility?
A: Strategic promotions can boost the visibility and reach of crypto projects and initiatives.

Q: How does the DC Xspace voice AMA stand out in the crypto landscape?
A: The DC Xspace voice AMA offers a unique space for engaging discussions and promotions in the crypto sphere.


Time: 00:15:42
Insights on BNB and BTC In-depth analysis of BNB and BTC performance and market trends.

Time: 00:25:18
XSpaces and Crypto Promotions Exploring the role of XSpaces in promoting cryptocurrencies.

Time: 00:32:55
Engaging Voice AMA Sessions Benefits of interactive voice sessions for crypto community engagement.

Time: 00:45:33
Trends in Crypto Assets Discussion on emerging trends in the crypto asset space.

Time: 00:52:11
AMA Content Insights Key takeaways from the AMA content shared during the session.

Key Takeaways

  • Detailed discussions on BNB and BTC in the cryptocurrency space.
  • Insights into XSpaces and Crypto promotions.
  • High engagement through voice AMA sessions.
  • Valuable information on crypto assets and trends.
  • Exploration of AMA content and promotional activities.

Behind the Mic

Channel Introduction

Our channel it.

Starting the Conversation

Hi. Can hear you. Yes, I can hear you perfectly fine. Awesome. All right, let's give it a minute and we can kick this off it. All right. Should we get going? Sure. How are you doing today? Awesome. Pretty good. How are you guys doing? I'm good.

Introducing Speakers

So I'm Anna from the marketing team. And I'm Victor, also from the marketing team. And we are nerdy. Thank you everyone, for tuning in. So, Victor, I'm excited to ask you a few questions. Shoot away.

Understanding Sniping

So, I know nutty is a sniping tool. Can you tell us a bit more about what sniping is actually? Sure. Great question and a great way to start. So token sniping is basically a way for people, investors, to buy tokens before anyone else. The essence of crypto trading is being first in making a higher profit than the late comers. You know, kind of early bird gets the worm type of scenario.

Significance of Timeliness

So getting the tokens first ahead of the crowd is usually kind of the surest way to get this done. Pretty much impossible to do it manually. Your transaction will very likely, if not definitely get a run by mailbots. You know, your chances of being scammed are way higher. And, you know, chances are you're just not going to be able to get out on time.

The Drawbacks of Manual Trading

By the time you manually do everything from a potential, let's say, 1015 20 x profit, you're probably going to be down to two x if you even make any money. It just takes too much time until we actually discover a new token. And this is where naughty really comes into the game.

Personal Experience in Trading

Yeah, I can relate. I'm a trader myself, so I've been in various situations where I tried to purchase the tokens or sell them and I was losing because of math bots and various rug pools. Whatever.

Addressing Market Issues

Does Noti solve all of those problems? Yes, you're completely right. These are massive issues on the market. And pretty much any trader or like retail investor faces theme Nautil will solve pretty much all those issues altogether. It acts like a launch pad in a sense, where tokens will have a spotlight and those tokens will be audited. And, you know, through AI, we're going to be able to sell users which token is potentially a scam. So users generally get protection from rug pools, you know, from front run attacks, all kinds of detection of potential malicious actions ahead of time. These are kind of the main strengths of the naughty platform, and it's another tool in the arsenal for traders to really position themselves better.

Discovering New Tokens

You mentioned that it will provide opportunity to discover new tokens. Because I know it's like the pain point of most traders. So what would it actually be? Yeah, so as you said, it's pretty much the main pain point. It's, you know, currently, if you don't know the token smart address, you're not able to snipe it. And how the hell are you going to know the address in advance? If you're either not part of the inner circle of the token creators, or if you just don't have like any inside data, or like an early investor of sorts, this generally means that you are going to be outrun by either people with automated tools or with bots, or just whales in general that already have purchased the tokens through various tools in their arsenal. We decided to make a one stop shop for any casual trader and crypto user in general, where they can find and discover new tokens and actually snipe them first.

Functionality of the Platform

It's very simple. You're going to be able to enter the platform, load up your wallet and start trading ahead of the crowd. We're going to have a leaderboard of tokens that are most liked at the moment so people can really easily discover new ways to invest and make money super easy. Yeah, that sounds pretty groundbreaking and easing on all the traders out there. What is the roadmap like? What to expect next? What are the next steps? Sorry, you cut off a little bit. Sorry. Yeah, I'm seeing a roadmap. What are the next steps? So kind of a light version of the product will be launched in September, early October at the very latest, so people can start sniping.

User-Centric Design Approach

Users will then get access to a very sleek, very easy to use platform which we're super excited about. We're really no banking on ease of use and, you know, really making sure that it's accessible to retail traders. It's not like overly complicated at the moment. If you look at any of the competitors out there, we're not going to names because, you know, they don't deserve getting the time of day from us, but it's super complicated. You have to have technical knowledge or, you know, it's very much a trial and error thing. Naughty solves all those issues, making it very easily accessible for people to invest and really be ahead of the crowd.

Future Developments and Utility

We'll also be growing the product in the upcoming months after the lite version goes out in the next month or so, along with the nerdy token launch in December. Awesome. And if we can touch on the utility, what is the utility of the. Token on the platform, sure, as every crypto investor utility of the tokens like pretty important.

Utilities Behind the Token

Otherwise, would you have a meme token or like a useless coin out there? Three main utilities behind the token. First, it's pretty much the main one, how we let people kind of get ahead of the crowd. You will be able to boost your transaction on the platform. We're calling it a tip. The tip goes directly to the processor of the transaction, so to speak. So it will be used to boost user transactions on the blockchain. And it pretty much guarantees that you're the first one to get the token in. You know, in the crucial situations where you're gonna get profit quicker, it makes it more efficient for you to, you know, actually take out your tokens once you've purchased them and sell them on the blockchain. So, you know, just makes the process a lot quicker and a lot more effective for everyone.

Fee Structure and User Incentives

The second utility is instead of us charging a fee for people to snipe, we'll be taking a 1% transaction and we're gonna be returning it as a nerdy tokens back to the users. So it technically is a free service, so to speak. By trading and by paying that 1% transaction, you automatically become a nadi nautical holder and you grow your, you know, your holding. Basically, the user again becomes a holder of the token, transaction is free. And last, but really not least, we will be providing premium features down the line that people are going to be able to access with their naughty tokens. So in a nutshell, you're paying a fee that goes back to nordic tokens, you're going to be able to use those naughty tokens for premium features, and you're going to be able to tip a higher amount to get even further ahead of the crowd.

Token Availability and Pre-Sale Information

That sounds good. I would hold diamond hands for the win. Yeah. Is there actually an option to purchase the tokens at the moment to the listing? Yes, there is. It's not going to last for long, but at the moment, if you visit our website, which is naughty dot IO, it's n o t I o, you will have the option to enter a pre sale. It is the last stage of the pre sale, I'd like to warn people. And then we will be launching on several launchpads. Visit naughty ir. You can see all the details over there. Again, we're offering people an early adoption kind of, you know, scenario where you guys are going to be able to get ahead of the crowd once again and be an early holder of the token.

Community Engagement and Giveaways

Awesome. I also know we have a giveaway going on. Tell us about it at the moment as a way to give back to the community. Because, you know, any project, any business, any, you know, movement, so to speak. Because, you know, it's not just a project, it's a whole movement. You're nothing without your community. For us to be able to give back, you know, we're doing various giveaways. We're doing a ton of things to engage the community. Contests, you name it. At the moment, we have an early bird contest where people are able to win a share of one ethereum from naughty. Again, I want to highlight, you know, you go out on Twitter and, you know, you go out on social media and see all those giveaways, it's like, oh, giving out $100 to, like, ten members.

Naughty ETH Giveaway Announcement

Nonsense. We're giving out one eth from naughty it. You know, our sniping to. As it's launching in September, we've decided to kind of, you know, give our early birds. As I said, early bird gets the worm. We're giving you all a chance to win. Very easy to join. Follow us on Twitter. It's naughty, underscore official. I keep calling it Twitter. I will never get used to calling this thing x, I swear.

Changing Names and Generational Differences

Same. Do we have to change the name? I don't understand why people do it. I sorry for everyone. I will continue calling it Twitter. I am from the older generation. I apologize. So, yeah, follow us on Twitter naughty, underscore official, like and retweet the tweet itself. Tag three friends in the comments under the tweet. You know, very standard.

Details of the Contest

It's going to last for ten days. It go lounge yesterday, I believe so. Prizes are ten winners. Everyone's going to receive no point one eth each. Windows will be announced in our etram community channel. Again, link is in the description of our Twitter page. Albel is using our Twitter. So you guys can just click on it. It's going to be right there.

Post-Contest Announcements

Shortly after the contest ends, we're going to announce it and everyone's going to get their ETH redistributed very quickly. Yes, sounds exciting. So, everyone, please join in. Thank you, Victor, for your time and enjoy the rest of your day.

Conclusion and Farewell

Thank you very much, everyone. Thank you, Anna. I'll see you guys in the next one. Bye.

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