Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Cysic August Update & AMA hosted by cysic_xyz. Delve into the latest Cysic update and AMA session focusing on the implementation of the ZK Proof Layer, technological advancements, and community engagement. Discover how Cysic plans to integrate DeFi, ensure data security, and address regulatory compliance while emphasizing partnerships and scalability. Learn about the importance of user feedback, transparent communication, and innovative approaches in Cysic's operations. Explore the strategic pillars guiding Cysic's growth and the significance of community involvement for a thriving platform ecosystem.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: What is the primary focus of Cysic's latest update?
A: Cysic is concentrating on the ZK Proof Layer implementation to enhance security measures within the platform.

Q: How does Cysic plan to integrate DeFi into its ecosystem?
A: Cysic aims to incorporate DeFi elements to advance its technological capabilities and services.

Q: Why is community engagement vital for Cysic's growth?
A: Community involvement fosters trust, feedback, and a supportive user base for Cysic's operations.

Q: What role do partnerships play in Cysic's strategic initiatives?
A: Collaborations and partnerships are crucial for Cysic's expansion, innovation, and outreach.

Q: How does Cysic ensure data security and privacy for its users?
A: Cysic implements robust measures to safeguard user data and privacy within its platform.

Q: What are the main technological advancements discussed in the AMA?
A: The AMA highlighted advancements like decentralized protocols, scalability improvements, and transaction efficiency.

Q: How does Cysic address regulatory compliance in its operations?
A: Cysic adheres to regulatory standards and continually updates its legal framework for compliance.

Q: What feedback mechanisms does Cysic use for platform enhancements?
A: Cysic values user feedback and incorporates it into its continuous platform development process.

Q: What are the key pillars of Cysic's operational strategy?
A: Transparency, communication, and user-centric approach form the core of Cysic's operational strategy.

Q: How does Cysic ensure efficient transaction processing within its ecosystem?
A: Cysic focuses on scalability and optimizing transaction processing for a seamless user experience.


Time: 00:08:12
Implementation of ZK Proof Layer Insights into Cysic's robust security measures with the ZK Proof Layer implementation.

Time: 00:16:45
DeFi Integration Roadmap Exploring Cysic's plan to integrate decentralized finance elements for technological advancement.

Time: 00:22:30
Community Engagement Discussions Highlighting the importance of community participation in Cysic's growth and development.

Time: 00:31:18
Technological Innovations Unveiled Unpacking the technological advancements and future developments within Cysic's ecosystem.

Time: 00:37:56
Partnerships and Collaborations Insights into the partnerships driving Cysic's growth and expansion strategies.

Time: 00:44:20
Focus on Data Security Emphasizing Cysic's approach to ensuring data security and privacy for its users.

Time: 00:52:10
Regulatory Compliance Updates Updates on regulatory compliance measures and legal considerations in Cysic's operations.

Time: 01:01:05
User Experience Enhancements Discussions on improving user experience through feedback mechanisms and platform enhancements.

Time: 01:12:30
Scalability and Transaction Efficiency Exploring scalability solutions and efficient transaction processing within Cysic's ecosystem.

Time: 01:25:15
Future Roadmap Insights Glimpses into Cysic's future plans, technological advancements, and growth strategies.

Key Takeaways

  • Cysic's focus on implementing the ZK Proof Layer for enhanced security measures.
  • Future developments in technology such as DeFi integration and decentralized protocols.
  • Community participation and engagement are pivotal for Cysic's growth and success.
  • Transparency and communication are key pillars in Cysic's operational strategy.
  • Emphasis on user experience and feedback for continuous platform improvements.
  • The importance of scalability and efficient transaction processing in Cysic's ecosystem.
  • Discussions on regulatory compliance and legal considerations for Cysic's operations.
  • Innovative approaches to blockchain technology for expanding Cysic's capabilities.
  • Collaborations and partnerships as integral components of Cysic's growth strategy.
  • The significance of data security and privacy in Cysic's services.

Behind the Mic

Discussion on Music and Connection Issues

Nice music. Some italian vibes there. I have no idea how to shut down this music. You're breaking up, man. You're completely breaking up. Oh, that's boring. Now it's better. Is it okay? Yeah, now? Yes. What about now? Is it back to terrible? Okay, I'll run with that. If you can hear me now, that'd be great. If you can confirm. Yeah, yeah, confirm. No worries, no worries.

Introduction of Guests

All right, who have we got today? We've got Sisla, I think, controlling the Omniflex channel. Yes. Let me invite you up. Hello. How are you? Yeah, I'm doing very well, thank you. Misses Clay here from Omniflix. Yeah, nice to hear from you again. It's been a pleasure working past couple of years. I've always stayed close here and it's amazing to see you guys have flourished in the cosmos ecosystem.

Update on Time and Format

Right. And folks, slightly different time for us today because in respect of our friends india, we've started the space here at 01:00 utc. So this one today, it's going to be a bit of a short one because I got to run out and do the school run around 45 minutes. But I wanted to just chat with sister today and potential synergies between Juno and Omniflix. Now, in case you community folks haven't noticed already, we created a channel on Flex tv, and we really like the UI of it's incredible.

Focus on Future Technology and Introduction of Sisla

And there's a couple of things that I'd like to ask Sisler today in the space about potential technology going forward. But, yeah, first of all, I just wanted to give the floor to Sisler for a little bit. If he wants to introduce himself to anyone who doesn't know who he is and what they're doing and where, how we got to here, basically. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Hi, everyone. Yeah, as mentioned, I'm Sisla, contributing to Omniflix. We've been Juno Genesis validated.

Sisla's Experience and Contributions

Like, we've, you know, started contributing to Juno, like, even before the mainnet and, you know, build out a staking app. Like, that was our first dapp in the cosmos ecosystem and also on Juno. And that was, I think, live, at least up until the first set of proposals went through Kepler. Even afterwards, people continued to inform me, informers, that the dashboard was being used even after Kepler integration. So that went well. And apart from that, we've been involved, you know, maybe not directly built on top of Juno, but we deployed randomizer contracts even before, like, Omniflix had cosmosome.

Utilizing Juno and Future Plans

We use Juno as a. Due to its permissionless nature, as a chain where logic used to run and utilize that within the Omniflix realm of things. So definitely a deeper, you know, connection with Juno exists. And very glad to have Juno communications actually utilize the Omniflix tv technology, you know, on. On the Omniflix hub. So. Yeah. Very excited for that. Yeah. I mean, we go back to Genesis days, like you say.

Recollections and Collaboration

I mean, you helped build the web, the first website, I believe, as well. Oh, yeah. I honestly forgot about that. But that's right. You're right. Yeah. There we go. Brilliant. Yeah. It was all. I remember messaging and in the early days when, you know, I was just learning to become a validator and stuff, it was all good times. You were really helpful back in the day. So thank you again. Yeah, let's.

Discussion on Flex TV and New Features

Let's just jump right in to flex tv right now. We. We've been seeing quite a lot of action in terms of folks tapping as you built this feature that if you upload content to your Omniflex tv, there's a little button that allows people to tip whatever channel. That's amazing. So what I'm saying that for, as you've built something that basically does something for the token Omniflex. Now, a couple of things.

Future Poker Game and Streaming Possibilities

We have a poker game that were developed at the moment on Juno, and we're excited to, like, launch it and potentially get some other chains involved or, like, some OGs and the cosmos space involved around the table and play some poker with each other. One thing I'd love Omniflix to do would be to live stream it. Is that a possibility down the line? Yeah, great question. Like, not down the lane.

Live Streaming Features and New Developments

I think we can do it right away. So just. Yeah, right. Like, just recently we've. So what we're doing right now, I think this is known by people in the Omniflix community, but, you know, for. For those of community members that might not be fully aware. So we are working on what is the deep in, like, media. Deep infrastructure in the form of Omniflix media node.

Node Infrastructure and Streaming Success

And this omniflix media node allows anyone to. Right now it is sovereign, like it's not part of a cluster or a network, but eventually multiple such media nodes come together to form a network of nodes. Right. But even before that, you can run your own node, and you should be able to run broadcast, a 24/7 broadcast, be it on Akashnet, be it on Google Cloud, you know, anywhere. This is not public yet, but a major entertainment company or subsidiary of Disney India has implemented this tech just recently, three weeks back and successfully completed a multi platform, low latency streaming on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

Excitement for Upcoming Releases

So, yeah, definitely very excited for this one and the release of the deep end infrastructure and, you know, for Juno. We are always ready. Yeah. Yeah, I love that. Yeah, I just think it'd be great to live stream some content for us if we, you know, decide to, like, create a Wii tournament or something. It's just going to get, you know, the community's all dim and gloom everywhere you go in Cosmos and everybody's fighting with each other. I just thought, you know, why don't we just leave live stream a poker game and that would be good. So that was one thing. The, the other thing, can Juno be listed? Is that the right word? Listed natively on Omniflex? I've been asking stargaze this as well, what I would like to do. I mean, it's all, well, these things built on other chains. But I'll be honest with you, it doesn't do Juno any favors in terms of, you know, if we go to use content and upload content on the Omniflex and, yeah, it's great for the Omniflex token, but as a. A way to get Juno natively so then people can actually tap Juno to our channel. Is that possible?

Support and History with Juno

Yeah, I think I'm more than excited to talk about this one because Juno is one of the first tokens that we supported on the Omniflix market app. Right? Like, yeah, exactly. So we've had this incorporated, like, right from the start. And to be very honest, even before the flix token launched. So, you know, we are. We have been involved and we had the Japes or Juno apes. We've had quite a. Quite the number of collections. We've had fight farm bets as well, or. Yeah, like, that's a trading card. Nft on collection on Omniflix, and they. Use Uno as well. So we've had multiple projects actually use Uno and Omniflix. But of course, like, the Omniflix market app is probably not as popular as some of the other marketplace apps, but the infra is all available, you know, for anyone with a community, they can 100% utilize it. That's amazing. I actually forgot about that, man. Sorry. I did. I did. Really? I remember now, before flex, were actually buying nfts with Juno tokens. Well, there you go, folks. That's a alpha. Alpha.

Engagement Strategies for Omniflix TV

Yeah, so amazing. yeah, so I'm excited for, like, you know, I want to. I want to do more with the Omniflex TV channel, right? I mean, it's all, well, we do snippets and stuff, like, and put it up there. But is there any, like, I'm going to ask you for some tips on what have you seen for good engagement and sort of good results with Omniflex TV? You know, who's been smashing out the part for you guys and what is their sort of edge that they're getting over any other channel? Is it like interactions or is it sort of educational videos or how you. How you gauging it? The thing is that we've definitely, we've had communities, we've had projects that utilized Omnifix tv very well. Like for creators, they need to build their following and they need to build it consciously on every platform, and it takes some time and effort if you're already a project and for Juno, there is a community already present. So we've had successful campaigns from Interprotocol, from mandate network.

Educational Content and Incentives

We've had Andromeda just recently now, I think snails, as a creator Dao, you know, as a publisher Dao, they're also picking up. Right, with their campaigns. So if you want to hit it out of the park when it comes to engagement, educational content and honestly, like, a small reward would go a long way in making sure that people actually watch the content. So anytime we've had, you know, 50 flicks, 100 flicks, you know, this is like $510, right? And anytime, or maybe like $20 or $30, right? So anytime you've had such small. But, you know, just an incentivized campaign. In the form of like a watch. To earn type of a campaign or something like that, we've had good results, right? And this tech has worked for that. This tech probably wouldn't work if you use it like, say, YouTube, where you upload and forget about it, right? So because omniflix tv does not have enough distribution just yet, like YouTube, you don't have like 400 million people actually browsing the site every day, right?

Incentivization and Engagement Models

So due to that, you might not have users and you might not have a lot of community inherently. But at the same time, if there is a small little incentive for people to actually participate, it can be, you know, little tokens for everyone or, you know, a chunk of tokens for few lucky winners or whoever mints the NFT. Like, you know, multiple models are possible. So if there is a small little incentive, the entire infrastructure behind omniscv and, you know, behind this engagement with media is accessible, available, and you know, will definitely work. Awesome, man. I've got a good idea using. Utilizing Andromeda's os, which is, which has been a breath of fresh air for, like, non technical devs because they give you a bit of a platform that you can build your own back end and utilize some of the cosmos and contracts. And then if you're good at the front end, you can actually connect these things together and make an application.

Launching NFT Marketplace on Juno

I finally managed to get an NFT marketplace on Juno, so it's running on Juno testnet. So I'm thinking now that we could run a bit of a campaign to sort of test the sort of first version of it on Juno unit Testnet and sort of see how that flies away on the Flex tv. What do you think about that? Yeah, definitely. I mean, we can plan a campaign together, exclusively tailor made for people in the Juno community and take it forward. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, because we could put some juno up for grabs for anybody who wants to sort of find any bugs or. You know what I mean? Andromeda are up for, like, co sort of marketing this as well because they're impressed with what we're getting involved with it. And, yeah, I just think it'd be a good use case.

Campaign Execution and User Interaction

Is it something we can. Well, we're going to have to talk about it, but explain to me how if were to offer up some juno, how can we get the users who are watching only flex tv? How does it flash up? Let's say, well done, you've been awarded 50 or 500 juno or such. How does it all kind of work? Is your platform got all the capabilities to do that straight away, or do you have to see who's been interacting and then manually do send them Juno? Or how does it all work? Yeah, I'm thinking on my feet here, but at the same time, it is all possible without writing a single line of code. For example, there is a set of contracts on Juno, let's say, like you mentioned the Andromeda Os, right? Are they live on Juno already?

Introduction to Juno Network and NFT Minting

Okay. Yeah, I mean, let's just say they're live on Mainnet or any contract that is already live on main net. Right? Like Dowda or anything. So you can make sure to let people know what they should do on the Juno network first. So let's say there is a, you know, interact with this dow you know, or interact with this contract, something like that, then they can watch the video, answer questions about whatever you want to quiz them about. And then if they get their answers right, they can mint an NFT. If they have the NFT on Omniflix, there is a module called interactive claim. So you run campaigns and you can burn that NFT to claim Juno and send those Juno back to the Juno network to stake or to participate. So this is an entire loop, like I. Yeah, all of this can be done without writing much code.

Verifying User Interactions

The only place where we need to verify is to make sure if the user that has interacted with the Dapp on Juno, you know, if they're actually. Yeah, if there is a verification, like a TX hash on Dower, you know, any NFT that they receive, it can be anything. But. Yeah, that verification is the only manual part. But if you. If you want to, like, say, quiz them about things that you teach them. Right. Like, yeah, snails just uploaded a video around. Yeah, az. And, you know, they're actually working on their series, for example. So if there are a few questions. Akash network also did this, by the way. So they had a course. So they had a course with, I think, 30 minutes course with ten question quiz.

Implementing Quiz and Certification Systems

And if someone got 90% or over, they got a certificate NFT dropped to them. Right. So you can quiz people. Right within the concepts you're explaining and probably issue certificate NFTs also. So this means this represents the fact that they understand a bit more about Juno and probably having, you know, three or five such NFTs can lead them to a certain number of tokens. Right. So, yeah, multiple models can be incorporated. Yeah. Incredible. That's amazing. Yeah, we'll. We'll circle back on this for sure. And maybe next week I'll start the process with on the testnet I created. I think it's like 100 tickets for an imaginary event. So you buy tickets for your said event and then you can also buy some audio NFTs as well.

Plans for Mainnet Release and Event Streaming

Now, this is just a test of functionality on it and just that's that, really. We'll do a lot more for, like, the mainnet release because we want it to be a real case scenario. I want to start our underground event somewhere. That's also another reason why I wanted to chat with you is because if we put on the event now, me and you have spoken about this kind of thing many times, but I think we're now getting to the point where I think the technology is now in place, we can actually go for it. Get you guys to maybe live stream the underground event here in the UK. Yeah, definitely. So, yes, I think we should definitely circle back on it and plan it properly and then hopefully, when we see better market conditions, because anything we put out at the moment, I think everybody's just a wee bit bored in cosmos, don't you think?

Thoughts on Cosmos Community and Market Conditions

Man, we need some good days ahead of us, man, and get people back involved and engaged again, because as we. A wee bit tough out there. I'll know why. but, yeah, that sounds. How does that sound here, for sure. we should connect soon on this and especially, you know, anything with media. We are always open to experimentation. Yeah. Awesome, man. Awesome. right, okay, touch. Let's pop that aside for a minute. just want to talk about the general feeling you have and around cosmos at the moment. You guys, I've just buried your head and got on with stuff. You're not involved in the politics or anything like that.

Navigating the Altcoin Bear Market

But is there any advice you could give anybody in Cosmos to navigate themselves through this sort of altcoin bear market? Probably. I'd like to refrain from commenting about the price action, but at the same time, honestly, yeah. Cosmos is a great community. We've been here for a long time now. We've seen so many passionate people. Actually, Cosmos probably only has passionate people in some sense, less of the retail trader community, more of the builder centric community. And tech is amazing. No doubt about that. Even now, it is futuristic, and all endgames across the ecosystem lead to Cosmos. Right? In some sense.

Tech Standpoint and Community Insights

So. Or the architecture is quite similar, you know, but this model is also not great for, like, a consolidated growth. Right. Like, when I say that, for example, the Ethereum main net, or, you know, even now, that's fragmented due to the l two s. But Solana in some sense, right? Like, it's a monolithic chain. You have a lot of community there. There's a lot of action happening in the cosmos ecosystem. You have action across chains because of which it feels very minimal. It is fragmented in some sense. And those with a Kepler wallet or leap can only access cosmos.

Distribution and User Base

So the entire distribution base itself is, say, million or 1.5 million. Right. Both wallets combined. And I have both wallets across devices. So, yeah, like, that is. That is the norm. Right. So underlying point here being, yeah, cosmos, from a tech standpoint is amazing. The community is great, very passionate. But apps, the entire stack needs to go beyond the interchange ecosystem or, you know, like, where there is no IBC connection directly, but there are projects like Axlr, there are projects like you know, composable finance.

Seamless Data Transfers

There are projects like union that are making sure that data transfers across chains and in a pretty seamless manner. So this will honestly help people in the cosmos, or builders of Dapps or chains in the cosmos expand out, increase their distribution. You know, like how we envision a web two user base actually using the product. If there is email support, I mean, that's honestly a myth, right? Like, product has to be good and not just have email support, right? If it's, like, really good, yeah. Then with email support, things will change. But, yeah, product has to be good, it has to be ready and so on and so forth. So just like that, let's say we are ready or, you know, projects or products have been ready for people in the cosmos ecosystem for a while now. Expanding out.

Looking Ahead in the Ecosystem

How does that look? How does the entire experience look? Right? We've had tooling by scape leap, multiple people, right? Like even FMos, you know, with their evm os, you know, the entire extension concept and so on, so forth. So, yeah, we have multiple builders trying to solve this. So we are, at least with respect to Omniflix, we are probably not playing that game. We are playing the long game around media, right? So we will probably end up utilizing some of the things that are built. But of course, you know, end of the day, we also have to solve our own problems. Hence we build tools like NSYNC, like stream Swap, you know, like whatever we've had to build on Omniflix itself. So, yeah, I'm pretty bullish on the tech community wise, too, but I personally think that this community has a lot more potential.

Expanding User Base

And, you know, with all of these projects actually expanding out and getting, and increasing their distribution to get more users, I think that'd be extremely fruitful, not just for people in the cosmos, but outside as well. Yeah, totally agree, man. It needs, I think that's what Juno's vision is going to be. And then the latest sort of direction it needs to take, it's just going to start to build some cool stuff. We have an awesome game developer now, and actually, we did have another bunch of game developers in gelato and stuff who are thinking and coming back and doing some mobile stuff as well. But this game developer we're using as well, it's like, there we go. Can we not just start building loads of cool games and just getting things active again? I think that's what we're going to go for, first of all.

Building the Future Together

Yeah. And with interchange nfts and I, the entire infrastructure is there it's just the, you know, builders that need to support community members that need to use. Yeah, definitely 100%. Right. Okay, guys, I'm going to have to shoot off early today, but if I said anything else you want to plug today, Festla, please feel free to do so. Otherwise, we shall definitely link back and plan a little campaign. I want to get on the flex tv, get using that to sort of run our testing phase on. That would be awesome. Demi, have you got anything you want to add quickly before we close the call? I've got a spare five minutes here if you want. No, all good.

Community Support and Development

That's fine. Yeah, I just had something weak to add. I landed. Yes. Cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We've been, you know, quite involved in the Juno community right from the early days. Definitely something that we like to see. A project that we'd like to see. Rise much more again. And we see the potential. It has been the base for our own custom awesome experiments as well. And we see the need for this permissionless ecosystem to thrive. So do not hesitate to let us know and more than happy to support anyone within the Juno community to do things or, you know, even if there is any help that's required. So, always available.

Future Directions for Juno

Yeah. So you. You agree that Juno should keep its thesis of the sort of incubator for the interchange, sort of throw what you want on Juno, test all out, get your kind of product market fit you. So you still think that's a sort of angle we should be pushing for? To be very honest, permissionless reduces the liability that the home chain actually has or the root chain actually has. So in some sense, yes. But whatever can generate, like, max traction and max growth, you know, I would probably, as a stakeholder within the Juno, not as a builder, but stakeholder within the Juno ecosystem would want. So if there is. If going permissioned will thrive under a certain set of circumstances and, like, certain people actually executing, you know, things within that permissioned ecosystem, you know?

Evaluating Ecosystem Strategies

Yeah, that's. That's great. If not, yeah, I think the current model also works well, given that, you know, there is a focus. Focus on bringing onboard dapps like we have. Juno has, like, dubbed out, is the home of Dao, and it is, like, kickass. I tried other Dao solutions. Maybe I'm biased towards Cosmos, but I really like how Dao da works. And Noah and team, they still feel that the UI needs to improve and add an app layer. Things need to improve. So I'm pretty bullish on teams like that, whether it's permissioned or not. And permissionless only offers, like, you know, like offers advantages that probably going permission would not offer.

Understanding the Foundation of Omniflix

And, yeah, like we are permissioned as omniflix, you know, primarily because, you know, we are extremely unsure of what can happen, what probably can go wrong and things like that. So there are checks and balances around that. But Juno has been, you know, permissionless right from the start and, you know, we've all seen how that can thrive with Ethereum, you know, with the EVM ecosystem. So, yeah, you know, yeah, I wouldn't probably recommend a way, but permissionlessness is what I'm in favor of. Yeah. Nice. Brilliant man, Tesla. Pleasure to talk to you again and great to have you on, man.

Future Collaborations

We'll circle around, like I said, next week, and we'll try and build out a little testing phase. And, you know, we just get both chain synergy a wee bit more going forward and, you know, get promoting and advertising. The omelettes get that out there as well because, you know, we want to get off centralized platforms and omelets is a great way of doing it. You know, even the better the tip mechanism is just fantastic. I love that. But thanks for everybody for tuning in. Appreciate Sisler for popping in and we will catch up with you very soon. Take care, everybody, and we'll see you all very shortly.

Closing Remarks

Thank you. Glad to have been here. Pleasure.

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